HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-03-11, Page 20Acute Rheumatism
Ikarso In thew Foot Arid Ldrrtb A
Gotrtplute Curet Aseorripliahott by.
Hood'!" torilo porn la.
44 1tor a number tot.yearki le** *filleted
wt*'t rhettralatlent lu my lett side
and *9 the way down my Molt into r.Ay
foot. 1 live iive bloke trona ray work awl
1110.1 to etr_fp anal w..,7.ictvthr.csitt phis
and m1.X cotti,1 g;' -b rOlot fs'Ono
my trouble and wait pa the polnt ot
lag up Ely job Walt 1 happened to hear ot
-Rood's F.areaParalat Iperelmed. a bottle
„ et thlwrnedleine and a vial ot good's Pille
arid Le3411 teiting them. .11eterat 1 had
hat finished them 1 yea relieved and it
ival 'not long betoro1 wee 'Sout,pletely
1 never loie rot opportunity to
praise 11o0d'a. Bilvea/latillar MtMY MO'
Vona a great
de to met tor 1 have fent-
Liyu1must *Imo be et nil post.“
' .7,0tir,tiatt OneW,VIZ. Orand
Trunk Railroad depot,BrantfordiOntarbin
'Hood's Sorsa-0.'01'111a
tithe beat:An tact the One W00131004 rurolora
&id by all drontal. titttla for
- Roo
psi Aro purr:Imago:a:14v
it repined, 23 twits
h1104fest day for eolmelle ot oittee..
Warne and townabips tapes* Waive
limitfee number of shop ligeneee there,
In tor.ensuiritr.year.
Aprill..,,,Oicrits of townies. Ottlee. andforms
eeParate .trOnt•tounties. to Make return*
ot population tie Eilimathinal
ment, • . • '
• toot day for Imo lihritry boardi to rea
.110rt estimates to the ouiicU.•
" test key torl'vonovalt et snow; fences,
• orosteilitynninitiotalitiee., • '
• fatet flay for petitione for tavern and
shoo lieeronsto nresented.
-Vroot this -der no person t compollod
-tore:mita on mar:kale to toill afterira.re,
TAO 44for hoards of nark nuoitieo
'meat report theli-estmiates 'to the
. , , .
test day; for frees' tow ot niunlebeintias
to furnish eon* treibildor with state.
?Mfattlttallnitpetd taxe., ' *
tint gnITPSPOn
i1NT011,"-- •
. •
petty' :menet* Of Clinton de«,
cid b ,n vote of 457 to 10 that .they
Wou d Jrnicl lito.'-aohertY'Ati,000
out, oitereSt 'tor 20 yeate, £he. new
fitetorY wiii.eninloy at iCaSt .100'1ienda.
'en& turn out j$00 ' Organs per month,
an the fOlitIlVitlfk letittifOge,#in be Pa
t Brick, .fire..prOA two 'stOrietir. 276
004 two ettb1.,204 x.40; 0110'100nm,
'It at Whit resatt.'43.,* WI; dry kilo,'
1,001. two -story.,.• $75,00K),iusuronOe
rattled on tile, buigings.- • ,
'f7B4raWs:.7,,, $147,ilgria;
tures has oven presented -to Om town
totineit praying for the ,esteldislinierit
rof a cutteW._ 1/01.,The, ://k.."4 ,bkia
• has been ,gtrittied ; *24, sta
• tionlifirt they.give an open eir concert,
onS*'Weeki •
•, Remember: :Bargain iv.)00
itt Rollineofes. •
• •
Patistotits.—Mr.- Andrew Shields, of
alum ste,ayte, is „,4t, present ylaittog
,the topk It. thisvicinity:before lea"-
;tug PC, Britielf igoltititni_a,--We are
ittd.: .report that, Allan McLean is
rtcproving in health. 804 we hope to
-twee itinnoit again
Sarah McLennan, of .1.,?etikeiti le at
aftent , Whit Tor, it few
Sarah Pergoson„ we are
storey -to tepOrt., is at present . Vory. 111.
1:th, -11tefionnan, ot Knitall, I in
t(fl(bLt)Ct. :1114 at. • OLA tune of welting
8I i! 'Satre bettor:, •,• • a)
Oilliltetri.t4tet*, M.iontetui„.
pastor of the.itfothodist -church ' bete,.
bas been ,tontineting A Selittoi of re"
vivid weetings for the pastkfew weeks:
atitt qinto a ounilier have shown. *
lIit-i' to,talte cross.and folimithe
Master.. Rev. ltIcOntelidon* of
it. Minna's; • has hood 1h1r ahaidthig:
hho and a good work Is being done.
:Council' Piet at Ortatiort.' ith of
March. Alf Plowboys present. Anal-
tot,S report was areepted* Mr. Sher -
tett attend •. to the transfer of
original -road to ' J. Brenner*, 3. If,:
--Antos will' he engineer instead of 'Mr.'
Exeter .Timea t he
riniinit, Council to inept again nest
ouilmy afternoon in April. The
fallowing milord WOr0 grallted .J.
.: Talbert'. tip, brikt04-19th
Raker met others. removing gamy., $3;Mennial1 unit afflicts. Watt oittg ,4110W,
goer r• D. MeWhinney and
oltr...fvs, tem wilt; snow. tirlitt itoest,
t1.twt'4.ntrk 1 polling boiliS,
t+reti,t, Atotttish tAX.,
W. !loft: cliiog i)iqfiliton toad, $8;
laft'fa. $19t the K.11.,110,4.
emit eafg.. *I I Wendel,
rep, pill driviaf.,*3.35 Munitipal
World. and INN* stoop. *I t Winer*.
vitoz,:k4ii hall it., I2t O'RintrItO tit91
, for 93, K. kr), Pentad keepera, fence
victver;f, inastet s. app 1n14l next
V. Munroe, (Teti.
irst Enl.i.„
• Take “Movesit'y $even."
I an. Ilrippe is a 'cold,
'take,'" fvent 8..'t "
influenza sal,
.r4 ‘veat y Men."
Sf Ire throat is a t'111(14
%At* Se% PM'
lt1 1St )1,1t i* 14 ;1 v,w1i1„
TAkit "84‘1:1 Att;tr Seven.
1.1.slah d raid, `
'rake &torpid "i* Sot 1•21."
Laryngitis la
Take •S.* venty So.#11„ "
Plettr44y k • cold.
l'App Morent y Nevem "
A droorglet s sent gor-pald on rit-
teriat sit to ire, iv. SW. IlLen.
A sk for De. 11. mph rs:re. MroPtifi: MA n •
sal of ail di etaa-tta tlt your el
or malts, 's.. Humphreys' reljinrPN
it :
AVMs Nt4-4* York.
't •
The following funri the Scottish
Att.ettean. of Now York, will lbs read
with iiiterist by many 11 JA. in this
county of the gentleman namedt
'tile !many Weeds to whom 11i.:(*tairAlt
UntAcA 4014 APprCeiAtOtt Aif
Got av arAtor,--, will be Owl to learn that
ite1,1 occ•UPIC 110 loci;'h. .1113‘-'e.
Theinbi,rek-,9,,was delivered by urgent l,,d,lualion
Celtie :Society of Now York
et 4110 III. l{.41 414 others wiiti.144,14t
arl the floorti Wont Viroleitt Oven to (2.1. friends
f.cAr tho of rho hand of "rinLlano,' 1.ir.
t'alotteb, ddre
aes tlie ogs of Baru;
tollocred and was a treat Bidet Bur116`,,per
onality, Ids life, lila poems and 6,0hai, Britt tift
Ofeet Way had upon ills countryruco mai tho
maple of other laudo; waiii;tioo itito most Cx.
hattstiv* 1v. lie recited, with Ono Oft ct„ortily
at Burns' rambler roams anti song,A,sti the
caarki of his popular address.. Ile was fro.
OtleettielaPlaititati during Its delivery. „1.'t Stu
conclusion the, doctor was teridered lenirtY
vote ,of thettka b?,:• tho 'gaiety, to irldeli be
briefly responded. •
Many of the old .time residents ot
Ooderich remember with Pletieuro Mr,
4:jha9# J4j Robertson, though.. for '0
ptistnearly 20 year he h.as 'been a resi-
dent of Port,Augusta. Anstralla.
Robertson in that t11110,has 01110$'0a
the honors -that city could (I've
and in Deceinber last,. on the eve of
Ins departure for 0# BOW field, Ins dvas
the recipient of 'two demonstrations of
the respeet in which he WAS hold bar
1113.fe1ltive Citizen. One' With21 public
nifteto# conducted by the p)ayor .tuld
council and nue nleetinirby the Roe-
heara of the SUN,' Aft, itoberbion
having" for year beeii 11 IrObtad MOM.'
her °flank Lmdie. The newspaper re-
port- cieciipies two 'columns,- alld tha
variousspeeches and two handstnne
addressesaro ttil et liand1,y testing:nit
that. Wonlil do honor to any luau.
Mrs.°411$44' Auhurii,.whOc had,
overtis,Ko h,att 'decided, to poste.
One the same
. ' • •
, , , •
porty-ortwontrfive, composed nt:
tarn:tem their wives. and chikiren Jett
on the '0. P. Ow 144t alleSdaY 101! , 1910 21F
tory, :Ifoottelatr lganiton.' The'
party sunset frotti the 'vicinity af
sall. tlrediton. and ,Exeter,end it bib*
charge of .tiir; Roliettlihtna, of, Ciredik.
on* Who -Spoilt la,it iiiiinmec in Maui -
ton, end. ;oi. returning with Mre.-ldinia
anti family to) 1,1p.,.&110Vtrksoulet
, , , .
•siiloatiou as domestic bra Yowl( WY. }lir
unbar pa rticulars apply et
That loweUlint Rowe ea et. 'd Cm -
coat. wit tinsour occupied by the
your Wdroenite with Wow*, Attlee lag
roomF, parlor, and ell coorealineee ; wiuter
midsummerkitchens, whit cistern, &ado good
kult trea4 all beati , ew. u
Thogarden Si couiplete wit &elected
v 3 tikle 1st. art payment la cook god ••
any rime desired tot holm* Adds..*
1'. vrt.i.st, ou tau peobugota.
lenders will lie received, up to /friday, Verdi
V...J.si.tor putting a now Not ea the'rem
porance tiodcrich, No, irlietiar shingles,
tour mal a halt Inches to the mother, wither
without 'mortar. Tenders to include rithro•
boards with roll, also galvanised iron galleys,
tor chimney. etc, The lowest or anY
tendf.r not, neeersitrilY tiooelgodiorEr order ot
the Board ot Trustees. a'er tort particulars
pay the highest cash. price for one mr
rAch of butter. green Atied oria% appleend
• eggs. tor town °madmen,— toy butter end
•eggs tire the et that can boned.
tfouRow, guoitutuoti.
ASTITRE To it,or,c,
The river tiatit:hotlem se theflIg-146101,
to rent for the Corning ***Mato 0 1=
Poate, APP17 to .ttolgtor YOUNGi
tildasweoe rem
°t'a ItitA,TON
Barrister. 004etten
Fermate, thonektwo atoiy Welt cottage kif
tho voila of Wattsr140 St, ariBritertnits road.
k'or.turtirer natthallata Voir 0 Rot.•Boowell
ea tun proinieev
zelitm nAna, at:ta:tal,pr .10
s- itiOntill•trott
ist Apnly Eltairde-irvI9odus,0040
41 term for ilk cheap tw1 zuoiat greet
b' AP.Pligiotainza„
' Seafortk last 'Week volkeehOcked hy 0,Alt FOR SEIWICE.
tho maiden, tfostwist maypt, Uobv.ttv
Scott,: iusbiabs4o: toltterinst'fronra'
'Mayor Scott we. okiknatiire
ship •of NieKihor4, *here he was born
fortY-000 .7411.,*;o0« —!fte WOO 44 :214
OOPetli :businepittnian,and :took an110-
tive -interest in everything .thet pert,
tamed to the welfare, of tne-,enintirun.,
Before NB election an $44,),or
served f0', wood ter ',the rtOWit;
001101C11.. 'ttinkeleoted Moiot iste4
gianlation14 1801. :and ..egain.larat „la*:
conilillStitioll of dieesielifor some ;004
navy; and WilAtt dile of the niost•co
mayors, Senfortilever had; 1: 1.40
an* ,put AO' XAVItY4C
. _ .
• '."The.roudOn'Vtee. Press
following reportof:a CasL()UtlLlllS 1120
e tried at the
1Vadd1esex'aeelaes Windt line e
feeturetsi of St,..ThOunus,-ttgeiniih It., D.
Morrie, a !farmer residingio Voibottie
townahip.:, county oh Ifttron, Wastried,
and atidgment 'rendered for the plain-.
tiffa' or •,•aiitiesi; Was
brong t to recoyer the *able of old.
horse power threshing our; Aolato
the defendant .on /$04.,.:for
Tho Plaiotiffeetaiedthetlforris
g.LVe.':'hie:-prornissory -,-- notes an, the
inachitie 'anti that IOW of :' thein,
iimoileting to 4890, 'Were still, -unpaid,.
The ootke..boreluroe.t V.per Sent.
, .
es eriberbas on his Premises And will
Itee service on Lot 12,t eon. Goderiok
wito- privilege ot returning St netmeektrY.'
4440 number of well ItredIfTentrldo f01:' 040*
• • • • , AWN, tiONVEltit ,VrOprictot.,
(coins:Ito sr To aoox or Illusaa4r.)
*Price' remain prectically unchanged trom
la#t work, except butter which is very hicarce
and wonted; and hogs, live and dreaced. are
trifle higher. Veliverleo ot hied* NOM*,
Wiciiirta "Pr%-7':1'8'VS Q-ae
whatt teoadors):,... Is i
pit lbw., Pawn 2 I OiDr t
tie to 40
20 tO 2'20
....artutii4Per ton.,... 44441 *IWO. 00 11 OAA... to la to
..avor per tea VoIR to 12 00
taorepelege.dier 10 00 to 10 Ou
OW, •. 26 to 34
Bar_ ler 444. .30 tr/t35
*A/„.(yir r, • ,44 / • 0..•• 5410 55
RI, 40 to 15
Buckwheat. istg ta 32
Per to_n .. • 41,44, HOT* 13 00 to 5 2,5
per , 00 tO a,14
ibetter. per lb 4 Oat 04/44•11 AO 17 till 10
rOrd,Per1044 too 4. ..4* a-00 to a 23
Per datum. . - 10 to 12
Cattle, Der lb. ordiairv,... a to
TAII01.14 Vealdet1414144wmos o!t4 • * ttl • 8Ir
Intim AND vitarrelmits, •
j:Leatjultsinikoire"1:0, '1 40 to
'..tottit_---011:, 6
Bentusite tnto);,..
O. 44+ at 414/144,/ 411 ta
Poor " -............21 to
•11 44 44 4.441 440, _7 10
to 13
to 00
x!°"na"otatoeg,P:otrdgxsen"":;..-..,.,„ 10 320 .5
.413Oleo, . „iftio . 70
Ib• ave decided "t011econtinne, on
and aftor May let the givingotliiiver.
Were kg•Prelniumson*h urchases
" 1 wilt continue to genall goods at
the.low,get, pogaihIe margin of profit.
We boyfor cash; lte((ip our; efoCk trial
and pure; and will gore, you the beet
possible valuator your money.
itriaolt* °tier eouviiice you, of
comtOr bOuse, convenient to
Sqoata. per month. Apply to
late Akan
OoldthorpOconldeting:oTabont,ttiaoree.itt ft
-aocatstateptettitj.irettottfL eltttatea. an the hrow
Of ' above .baltteirdi..conunanding
heautitm'vlovret Santora,' ooderitk'ilielatre,•
Oat pea, briok hoitatt :and transit., taro
about Ave ttepoit ornhard.ofte ore ,of sp.
barrlea. Vaitahardea, bleakbettleail,41 ae
rimpto grove of *beat foar across so*
stormge au the plane., .altotrothera,Vere
aIo pato° tor a trarne_ner; 'dairyman or ali
!al'illgte> 41, '3":•„0,02tIttio
• PrivOt 0 51;0105. 5'ive sent rest;
straight loan. ' „tow 'F'4004, rates' n'
propertiee for *de Mad to rent ,
$.1413Wifi. '
Per ao auto Anita ue,. and. 12,taa. cent.,
annuin'after they Were' Oa itittn
paid. The inieretth to Decewher 24
last was 000,73; and plaintilfs asked'.
for judgment for $990i7a,-.With interest
at. 12 per 'cent. on it490 tint* Dec. 4,
1808;and interatib at 7 yer eein. nilAtaiX)
UL defence MOrrisiait forth that he litris
tor *shorter peiiocl.. .Ii hi1lsitterIieuL
44 forn)er 113 14411%i701)4,. ItOt, tittriitt
vtolotVt Argl, ile Wee 121 Ontario. Only
tciiilioritrily. The contract and notes:
in ipiestioni he also Chinned, were
wade .and were therefore payable in
mutat:4A, and he held that the :spittle
Of Ontario btifi 210 ,Ifiriedietlen.,. The
dotes sood• on, he further allegeO, were.
tintwo Altb 10141 dated on Sunda,: and
,Were nnlI #iiitl oitl, according 14) the
laWe of Manitoba and .0ittarib. Morris
4440.10,1anneitthat the engine was not
What:the, cOinpany's agelda reiveaeot*
ed it to be, and noW 012 th eland
formerly mrloa hymn) ill Mc:0461)4;i.
• If yotit„,:. children at troubled *Vith
%Wine tglit4 them AtothOr, Orti,VOS'
W01`171° Axtet initiator t safe, sure And
drebttita. Try it; and mark the lin.
proventent tit vont
Remember Bargein, !Jaye,'
at. Robinson's.
Too, . Mtert. Gateau, —Vile nutter
4114 oheese dissociation. of Montreal,
has adopted a resolotion
farmers finites there is All OVAT-,1111)4110.
tiOtAstt ghtesothev,shoultt devote,' their
attention 10 butter. for which there
a good itint.kla in Validans „the United
fitititi awl Britain, and urging then;
not to 10.1 '1*') depraf;ii
•122:U!i't. thin iltrittr hy, oinking. fiiddei
..1)P hAV” elleCAN ' '
Alia now enttleg atintht tt,Rit#, Iltnst
iirople thought that, with it'A oue
Arca awl twents*.eiglat eoinetha 'every '
,iyevic of tho iit ti't' world
it, great P.(1K'L nliglit It,. tooti'41t,- but
the, ntof:t stIcee. ,paper Oi VInaita
tostd ant' fit 22111' p21- It
keeps stt:AriiiK ;tat( fittly,:ttiittAc n1111%101-
iput iltristentitAA,, 1,c(' 01 cluo,8,... toter
fo • The Faultily 1tera.:(1 21111 Weukly
Strir elf Slonite,d, tvineli 1,4 Witt* uniti•
mooring tat lay la ,roie,ite readers a
Ataffeln how', to start 44. or 1112
t Ast)i in tlio hest way. mid •Irata
lleelo theta in the iintldle of the rood to,
n.dieress., NVP! ingritt 111;0_ t Fisin
Antt,Weektr mtor :or mt,ot tea.
ft truly marvel of ISAIXT,
To purify your I•lood with Ilorats
psi ilk., March. Altrit. May Ant
the trying ututithIc of the voity. At
t hie eenteon .4'WI* 1.1440(1 with
importtlee which bare eatnenolated
tlitrtrig the winter. and these import-
ntiont trontadiately ex pelleal.
01.4rimporitht la the one true
blued pritilkr. It la the naafi telt*
whirls hos neertsmollachcal nosey Ikon
rere.:rhattale titres 00' *II hem;
4fercloask ft Is what *ha miliket* take
le the aprkeir latallt tip )senitit sad
w Aid dokrieva
ing rwrit.A ratit wrek..
''Zteltister and ,
Vonifilitable ,hotilles.. modern linproventente.`
tomato, intade water Oloset. Urge verendatt;
stabling for 5 horses, a box -stalls. 1 blocks
fromiiciaare.' • Et CIOZ'
11'111-14S, SALE.L
. ,
tyjave taro thotne pipets" of fatal Una ter.
- tt. ,(I 1
clay len "in o Vie:other is,30 041104..0
Mkt elat Wok, letiou tialyt two Miles trOnt uotte.
rich, - 47.,N,14e1VVIS, ,
-•Satrister:tioderich. s„sa•
T7ALAM.E Tovm Ppotsaux
'Last briok redielted overt king the tiro
and lakes. toriticrly Oocapied by the lett 11.
Y.neDernSe1 1.Re4,0Wo,t11in iten4eris
the innerVenzne;e44uPdirebte 111Parafett
2. h t o II frtMo ho
Atmtli_street, ituntogately ititiOining tlie Fitt.
tisa titchialle,„.bottil at present oconpied ,OY
' 3: 1:* Ito dwellilla halle.eand aithilling grounds figiundors()1(1
ocar tin) G. "1"., ft. station', torattar occupied by .
thilillectAaatinddhltetT)onnisaailtrtnent rouoxiuttbiu, ,:, ' and you know ant *404 takeo n .05
Apply to ils.upour ,t,, PliOLTDI'OOT, ona place. ,Oall end eve
duStrietts neranks ot fair ildridatiort. 07 ithOin
IvANTEtit Partaere A0113 Ot tathar le-
, aolicitotas.Oaderich , *
• Ji t)C4011 /)1) ) .
Vie A AtietAth wealti 133 att Indueoinont. X could • # •
1101th Iblidt of Montreal
al ,so end7.0g3 A feW1I,,.% lize,,,sliatt$tsbc„cale olt.mTloitorles, •
re oi io.
sews thelifollo
istinetivej Meri.
esombok4ovaAtathiN100 „ohlifouPie 4140Oncio.11.1:tito:- England.
siyit the ;Inimble 1410 'keep
:respeetablr,:efaiii'ls :Well: as . the :1041,
..-rs,p4a.444 ••'L 7 '','01$
We make it 'so:eta*: for, you to 'get
watiair, icoo :tatting aud. decent
.IaOking• itartnents4 that you YOlkiattYtl,'"no
enottinflot aottikathetwisti v•
For mews .,osst-isto.sti.Asi you 'can
*lilt for, And our atociriti. large you
-can't make ti ;poor choice.' • •
AGENTS"40O11:dike obut Adds"
itt;,02t WIrirlwind..,, Esperieneed° cairratsere
roaring the rittezlt „ltarreit al their 111.04; new
no:ri2)0014 (IONIA NV(41(1.0V• AMOY' 0,C1111.44,1Y
.40)Re1'ibeg.'' 41245 r'Ontigttliotr. on a ttrat
pionib is maldn V& A, Italy tpew ri ter nt
week is eicarinx ell. A, Mee:mule who
rtml P4110 41 0.30 ft, .dol;' 1.3 (ICull). Vi 14 g3x.
,Ve want Mara aqatit4,,,,,!-„Xv,;t55
l4o14A:, Oat t ii
,•ett IA, Ivottli ,
et), 1,151/111l.
#,A,GE,I4 S. 2 olVomati" Is the title Of
e,r,ikt, now Sr ir'siMs.4%-4241)Wrl• of tho •
subject, Contains Thef,ifearal Work, .of
most w42utit1t41: amoral 11.4- thO,
emattry. Met' ')41.1n4ret2,1102iti1it1 111m2 rnits
„A the great
to tbe m of .T.S. riot ror tilt Village
aft th,rrie. to the coenKy Qt. ffsten, met.
hutetkr given that the Seta 3. Ft.
. a the VinegA ot (Sortie has made
112 roesignment to tho linden -401M sekolgrate at
all 3124 a-oak:41,nd effects for the Arne:AI brhent
,at MA condi:on% muter )I1l pro*i*i,n f t'hep.
i fl. 11-$.1.11, 147. and silt:alms artl,'
A reeettille Of his creditors 'wilt be hoIrt gt rho
Ft. Seam os.v.igurs,, No. M. JAM*" Mt..
.4nu iv; Hinninner, l'hUrMAY., Mb dor of
uareh. Itin at 3 ra'rtock n.ro , troth* n
,teronsent o *Maim Ca nOpollnt treapeOtork, and
la tooth, retnanierkil•n. and tor the ordering ot
the olercrs el Cho Watectenerariy.
AU per claiming to rank moon Cho !Mate
tb. * skI waitron: most ik t r chain* will'
/Ito oadaracti. wtth that,. a avastot*re
choreal! mvg. t A tutor *dm*
11ProtArst oft*
TIM Iliootttt r,r4s, -ed "o th•
eao•to : and Vitetardwor
Ammons* meths
daz et A P..
• s trEr. Loriact rotor* to the
mo aorta, aorta • *cm hoe, Woe
ter. 420 will pot tar hakes tor the
emus or core mart thereof se eletribstal ittaja
=or p**I whim. cliemor Owe
moo hall ',Mew
(7 K. WW1% •
Dated 141* PM dee et *area
fulcra!' Notice..
Vie Prober famishing' aild O�nduct'
lug of Yongits.vt at a coat which does .
-ilet Make it 'a an art
She Itlaling l7oolertitkert4 atiCi inflators'
tODEltiolt. orst.•
Order to
In 1340inees Me, ever*" Porootl should Mei'
thorough business -education.
teen ral Etustness Collage
sTnAlwoRti, ONT.
Rereeniard thrt- nrhint tn.. Italitalon Ali the
lending roamer, :al Khoel In Ontario. WrIta
for Pprelod cireslam
W. J. ntLIOTT, Prreelpal
,, ,
Cheap +... !far ware
don't have to advertise a Sacrifice ,5,a1e
Of Hardware, My Goods are so Well pur-
chased In can sell' at a profit 1 at other's
sacrifie prices.
I have no' surplus or damaged stock to
give away. No tan can continue in, busi-
ness and:. sell goods for ress than he: pays
, „,..
for them.
I 'don't propose deceiving you in that,
way: I carry an • up-to-datO Stock of , Hard-
ware, My prices ,are,°right. I am 'here to
:stay ''-and to please you every' • tiqie you
purchase from
till in a .Chinn -h0P Breoka*Thingd in SMI23
But we are _areakint Prices with "tt rob -that will leave little- of ou
preeett Oa* for In-4-hinelop ay with should h oftt in ther,e4
Piece Set Of'Handsome .DishP
appreciate this when. you gee the qualitY of the goo+101. and i
u look through. the !dote you,. will understand t
hinge in alI• iitt ar6-'61v0,0Ping
ry .,therat
8, TEAB, the world :-heetere in their line,
T. 0
1. Ribbe
Int.11.entei Inoth'S hug Volt' truatrrivaist Misigter:tiott-,Childroefs
!reit& long and sleeve', °Teel:910nel veined ' All leading 011*1 fully
'Will be pleased to show goods, and customers. and oilier' !ill' net be
oportoned parolislle.
A. MUNft0, Deaner.
VooJ Ilose
:STEAM: :'.11TIE:R$::::
You'H Get It....0mima,
7'14(DV S
,Is now a lawsottold terns. k wham anything is wanted in file
• We has* * reputation for odtuplatnese of„fitook, Quality and Pry, that
hag been iron by prompt attention, long experisimat and mu& oapital got
the beet at or own VW*. We want you to tey our TErcts atti*da
•*pe�tsfly4 tboeigh we have others.
moo at* throe turtotred Burma. W. WM tits blot to be lurA, soil when 'at want at gOat
slit Aratrilastirr ii -
I you have *sly to try
• 4:',46.46aLibi 116,0 . ?
*1 tit
in the
year, 1
• pAth.
fore .
• Norma
with 3
ate. 51,
•K. She;
111 Pow
of *