HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-03-11, Page 15-outdo to look foranythini hu kind thit of your St your foot promises little time. It coats et tbe Slater That's why the sppearauce, • on thatiola $3. ilATA1.0111sS raga • pp- od* .40 ten 6 .66.6.64 se Of stoat tsts a Sten re, 9. .1() reast they 'The that that fore. few he. is a %rtit lose. tres .aers !otr, hat his tth yes of t at we. , of of ers Ile, 1, WM. SHAFiMA AUOTION Bicycle and Music Satiirdall M The following wheel$ will bo o peeled autFies to neatly doll wheele are all ,in geed, repair, inverts will find it profitable to RUDGE, S 1 DUKE. 3 DUCHESS. 2 PERFECTS 1 BEN MLR LEADER 1 SPEED. KIN 1 STAR 94 NI 8 CLeVELAN 6 - " 1 GRIFFITH iii30.31Eto 0 Is ?re , ed ?st. he. an !b. to 3 0 ie le Or xi s, .7e is 1, ' .• 1-i .• • • • •‘•:, NVe have teeoived two shii)ment • • . The Clean „ • • The P Sweep Sale I ' We haVe decided ilace ;frfl Will teat aUow its to gi ttt'46 etotk. 'Here are a few* am bustnese _80 afr/114d" hitttelled boot 70 st i•L•t 40 /0 u is 25 is sr ss Ars 33 • " Mistime bottonedand Dais" SUPPLEMENT. TO THE STAR. .0, GODERICHI OUT: MARCH idth. •1.081••• 4.14••••••••••1.0.0•0•0111•• ' The Event of the Sense* V I TO R I A OPERA HOUSE. • Montlaut Marti' 21, '98. Belot sassarr Isistollt Onus Tanostod Sontasitte Actor f MR. DONALD ROBERTSON And Ow 1-01114E EatOdonal Adroit lviISS BRANDON DOUGLAS P*13041TINO tiostinion'ti owe • AnATTATIOR OF , THE MAN IN...0 THF. 1 RON MASK irimut tealtAT StottAWrio PLAT. IltIAGNIFIOEINTLX 1%01)1)0E01 OORUEOTLY .00STITMEDI POIVIIN•Ftl L CO, ,Adrith4lon# Z.,00, 35 and750e, , Reserved; .'esit,fi at Porter* Mow to Oso Fertilisers WARNOCK GIVICid BONI 0001) ADVIOIC ON VIM NC PONMANT OULOBOT. wwwwww466 suite .folkewed rtit rliettion to tier RIM TOJtV11111. :Ager "frtlt = wet:4711;3411V I wank' auestion foe the benefit of 4 Vit owe oratriatta IOW OM MMus re.-wrert. thaw' who have tauckey soil that mita '.' is very Hee le labut ttit,rogett, and if 1 somas Is TM es.loe,.- 1ttO4tUPe is attfati it *Would he bone . and ealiee rat thau barnyard t sock eou toatedia, taidaway is given men flos- we wrisseia, ersyrithe Dolly Cositiose Tbefollowing valuebbs end intermit. productive ettelOttert; 7AS-we owe seta INNI" No* Noma ok 1"." 18 *Or boos , log piper on portubion won tend by nth of the eseth, eafi hy ite good win • wiaila Ohara hors bead lc/attain la VW ase••••••. /MAL ii• Thi bents% ot time' Nile illethodiet (introit hest weak arraissiiiiel the Ser. J. W. 'ring otitis over 00 tousioses ot oats bermatt tkora by Me -0 % 1:01Sir and Currey, seakilla over 70 1110101,Wal* . Zeit the IRIPPOrttlid pont i'43 1141" pow.* 1 . fall. • r Iforoter hats ate Icoosso.t 44k 1 mr. welhooh ht the 144 moothis ot ars enriched. lot vs cultivatriour mind* **Sr... �s natamPelkieet eat ilove411 the Oodeeleh Ifortioulturel•Seerety. It presented to tha sight so new or be the who IMPARlalf *tot *kr bbluttArillYiweeetlaating things NW* 114418 exPedel**001, 1.3 the will repay pernettli 14111412e to our undeatandhig. with re. Alai,* h**100t• It bits been oedema that destructive *Peet Oulu rompoettiont andel:err Mae Yoi80111141117 M. baste 14 uteideatt pests and dowse, more readily atter* newt rorl'ireisearetinet Istotecre'slipsh'irii:ougm'st intes; teessexi* 334441.s hotess"whist 11"010.011"1"11110012""4$ nflooe* ellint 111 the on*. anumg oten, end eoheitimprivev,a,,e queue sod vole, treble" le thssialdre west, Iforgeotte outer% It it 01.004 ,ii e*,e't Help I* in trotting a gond theito t'1,.«,,,Ilotim y ..,Ott twordia% wait foe plot ee. *Olt _„ 000144114 You may wear a t... o 1 kinni. ...ler ergots. The point iii, K' 114 littA.4141e1i4 all! Art Studio and hitTe 4111., , Ls,* "140 Worts' * that *re unequelled in any st:, ., ..d. 4 i fruit tome retrial' Uwe not 1timl IWO*. talk to the lot -';01' soy other 4011 otelts ottb of " 10030100611 *WI pphhater,oric ste'..*alki*tainutbaofinglitilthee traisandvampl:take. wbblinottig.o,t,tthwetborgrt4Ste.bovsottlitt:ginteti4entt bookin liylksorP:latourieeti:t.i.belmepotteeterrarailLeetwslIt estoonlelei 44, wore vigorous growth and of nature constatitlyopenbefore theirs. tothose attack*. the x4010 'principle is It 1* tAlte tb4v**11' "MY 0, few hit Nt't' an sat/labia .00151 lawaaSsa* T614** obeervabie case of tostot d igent students au agriculturist% and bet brights rosy, tehiLlt Wes one wee will etre hioxycho him the /cot vt,. it easy to point riot their forme soot soPPetis. that bar Ibis bow- brio onset per* tallier ;reel: has bean wini"thriablieetureI fu ren d coPtenetryftrarnd . eilkirroeW6, irits tfielwrnetilt.gitIhtet7 kP"ielawl, tialtiiimthisittehealidsinthhis4pp4 itosioNi° 1141aNtiliol suffering mote for want of popish than Are the stare itroftt they nuke at the would for so hunter' autism* that th anything else, se by adding potash to exPerise of the inda101oti, hut there le some girl had for *lead/ *WO yrerebean the seri yonenable the tree* to reeist 110 rettsc'b why tl't" sb"Id ,"'' iknktlifitt°1•01"rorbir ngsn*h.": hEt"r'er r00494341.1 seek atteeki, dientniong fertilize,* more diligent. workers .who would You should. form an iliewmintanco with make the World richer from the hett,er Rot lift present* motet shoo* mai* whe three thiole elements egged nitenneo, returna of the issrol, besides giving present *moodiness* fall to give ao Mood phospohorie acid and potash, tyNiren comfort and "'emery to a greatr Into Pest exPeriellosa. NC Pettvirsts, . nod her mire Ostre. for itiesslat'sw. tots NIWKWIette• to Which Witilieti • west. of Toronto. id subject then linen. beauties* imst,iteste .IR smOtairostsjects thetr, they .44 **trio et, prom . The atomise** and there a leottittOtt, awl 14essilig elfert tar free the Stour reit front no which ha been undstle eeevel 111Pre. . altentliVet and tiersttlitailig be Partattlegni'Vethlwill' *in.,114.4spet.dy effeetit of the introdher i0 relieve the Premiere on O. Item. EN wit eh Cathie t tot headache. Try the,. are found in all fertile soils. Of theee number. ri wee daring en antortsinmant' iss the•"o*'"""""""W"*' elooge. °mew in which *ha took Wit 4 64 - three elements altrWen th0 111°64' lb" " "It**1 Wh" .41" 'then bartaue ana Fool Go p Lcapofrom. 014- tar- Boat 01 St1"12411'' unstrung end the whole bode given Of it et flea, old taw young lade retwittlt; exPenolve 4140 most, t'b es" Bleplessicess-;When the nerveS are Ninhol * *light 4‘1' U1(' '1'1"U" went atici alp 'cation it occurs in nri wrecsksdeknis *he io eo eel se i ho • • 4, .'••• 4 tarn yr? itble*aon 1,:tro aitoi ooecomup:risintitiott 0(ti thetut:et:lit 404 ',10 4"1114nlgtv, mreopoithatir; losi "In yavonotii d non sit • " 4C14 Wit" .M4441440. aiuj oininai rose. weeksin.il tett spots appeared on My fit ILLINE rgtOk:TC44 aaldniirtgUenl t6091f441C011et%14trtiA74;tho diireetive organs sleeplessness one be ono. -Their reOthers. hotting von WO Willi $01130044130t, 'nit An heatkicnti, t tu, ,103 bed • tostleistAr° add trVthe dttives. .Lf only 416ion did not Went ;bum, t303 4,10020 1011 • f .4.a was enable to dispose,Of my business satifactorily, bave deeided to contiotte at the old stand, and now have My • Spring Stock. •••••,,•+•66...66444664•••664646664.444.6••••••4 • of Millin4y embracing •Mel '444)10 novelties and Verything h he toorest colors and shapes thiv, the i'lest ciiy markets en offer. extent in the bonee of atuMair.rdild as the tiojeetwootott siotip thore wood IA* took Witilline. h: nervOustlaOking' tanig a nameral fel tilizer it la Ofigreet trail*. oblivion //twowhit* sid teiikpoilkyy re„ rat/00(13M. lif Sleep and appette. and eso Potash., the least expensive* .of the ne,ft,onpatlin)ette,Hivepnothie ri i,,Intaczotti of tour difierett phyraolane who were -call three. Is found largely in wood - ashes. 0 1 i a ef3 .- hut w 1 8 in love* ginertalt °ninon 4$ to sOit 01 Cultivating tbe sell hay a stimulating effeet i e growt 0 p WAS an 1 ,,,,bsttl.1,C.aally;,tahLit. t.liltsAii,,,,htetttiiwAke trout owes. Oexelltoo blond potoontog, lun trees, and it is this stimulating effect '''''`'''''"'''* ''''''" ''" n'''''" '''"' happiness. t Atm iett eeoite t ni it, a ig 000 . 6...4 14* We 0 OU le r •Q e 1 n trouble anti a 001110110at1011 of chord* that is the Cantle ot notue farther* get- , ,, • , . , my buffoon , ...,_ ._,_ so ind L. book tow better crops than their neighbors ' • • 40g0Priletrill'ittrow . • " , . e Wa. tilleu Who haVe touch whet, land' r that' is, ,, •., ^ ' -- .N'tt'll't *NAY tb 4 /1"3"4""W" preitttin r-,., land with a larger 'portico of...plant ' . . site solicitude elorsiympattiy which I will foods/0101in it, and i wleh to *topless Mr*, A. Ttrerte, et Toronto. is *Wing In "Prodottletr4tatado 0;4;11mo; tacitortdiontgo3littyst (11.4 upon -all hintieniturists, and the sable tal4n' - ' ' thrUitlei„ w4POilltnieusStt°stauldlytilltiher4 fquestionttIe3° ioli c*Ceuarnta'Dc1711_, ..1' 5- Pil` ntd;12° llas week' in 14in' 4‘tptIi13::::FOIni:dt:nt°14111rInIalinwPill:Yt tdili444i411:.t174itlyeditibr want to get the beet retUtts Volts the " proper- stinotiatingel plant life if we ottllitossoMilaann610,1rrirke,,,,t110..ttlieelint4aenfteLdways....lon. neyo in tool/177a coorigizatr tailictyr toragnmismay ,e, W4 4 4r t irariOli$ fettlhOTS we Apply to the mete. • ''''' ' " 1 i • Stift and OnA L 3. Oetit.dsgivsridativ tit‘ 8 t wood rie **tenth:elevn tag% tA split w • ililnesisioolloollttkotofe f4rooial istrin&: 4 14400 cot* .toy. 4 °I* , .• • • ' fir KIDS1111(100d Wood 00 Hand* I • vraistiOdlellAfigAlltvrol to and from trains *no sLitoisi 0 MC: Y ' Plassioe, Oran* end hoir,si I " trO t,sliddoll wsji. ati f3laoketnirhirlg ,1,.340„.kat . Noria-The affrailMent "Attu en Mr. I). C. -13, Stritehan and Ito slim or of Pis ve. 1, ' r bite expired,. Air et a Mei nes no • 1, Y * • r oonnotuou wit. itaCo . • Comae anti f4,1 Go • ‘„ . , ,ngbt , Z. 41* Proneet. tlimaaor, soil. Now sortie may think it is of "r. Eale. who nadneen Ylidting town, v%iltItlhnel4;:plaiss°gInwge4rhal‘aliv1:lbri°e444-htibil Iiffle importanee RS long as they' have hal return(htelereelf?" scats notr Oleo And hotw11011 111, imindilialt given their land the amount of' frti. Ara no front Toronto to atte attune t could not bOr heorAhot they telked litter that experitoental fiirm hulletios her sister's wedd for. ebou my hopeless condition and diefignt.,-1 hve' preserilled, bat yt)u have to do Mrs; rtutelainson lust $wo chtldre.), et Ethel (00,, , Litdie, , • . • , your ,part. in plating and keeping land were visiting her treas M. Mik.anols Beanies the horrible akin diseitan, shell Everbodg, LS. Dona •• W. nli the skink' 'vry 001n- in it payingand, plant stimulating con- peckenrhise Barfield noed,ethis week. consioliption, and its oing. to lull her 0.61 omit •411.,ritta an fly bettntiful . damn e way of proper drainage f rioies I,1..ry Cloud, 1 itivitki 31 ocill at • my show rooms. •ail oe 'alma you •a •peasatit Visil . . iSS OANI CRON LIAMINVON 1412.. NEAR TRU SQUARE ••••‘•••••• • Golden .17.-4rtOrlow • '41 - • The Moge Productive on this • Continent •• •' We have proeured our steak from tfio originaor,ethere• they 4ave been. grown front their infancy, • • W. BURROWS, The Soodaman amtiLT.0*-ST. .00bkatiaa IS lug nitet. A i3t ALL CANADIAN LWE 6 4 : • TO TiKE 004 144.11124)5A, rtat sowtowast, Mirriatitkoi.trin114 AN Tun KLONDIKE AND YUKON • L itbd etlitiVatiOn, Ver. all ilittstration ou this ,questioir know its import,. ttnee in the anima. kingdoini 'Cake for example' the ',roan Who has attained to the higtiest eminerice its an edrieit; timial. lecturer. nee:owes beforehis - audienee with Miters -as feed for .dif, feretit points of the, subject,,he:js to - discourse on. Prepared and meinor 'Zed, he delivers the lecturyi-- it an& taloa' bus part arid ' pleasiaft, tO thu audimite. Now' that lecture conld be. riyert . in, the same words. by another' man 444 net be appreciated in ttieleaSt, all from .a want of: proper animation. se, prOper4toiniatiott. The admired lectorer was notgross and holiterous„ but normal, and made a ettid. of im- pressing. 80 the etiretriating of vege- table life must be normal anti cilia- duinve of 'the . ingliest degree of. frni t, fulness. So this -shows that lee ,nu use the most- effective fertilizer for different plants. Por example, the tomato requires *a quick fertilszer to bring it tot the highest degree of frait- fulness. We know th t stable Manure applied to the land the same- yeini of planting :retards ripeninv ,of fruit, causes the plants to rUri toe to Attire and the cituse of tomato.' leighe and the black rot. There is no trouble growing tomatoeslin the colder part Of Ontario if the:following directions are 3closely 3fuilu Wed, 1100.no etable:, maultre unless It is thiironghlv. owed.. and in this case I wouldit ulieAt, Milos iti waS•plongbd.undeet he autiurt before setting the plants; fertilizers with some' complete ntimee. it good handful) to a plante spread top. of the ground after the plants ;are set out and 't hot- oughly rajted in: nitrate ot soda used lu the snide slay is very .go0d tontirou- late plants. toeisiik toutfoineflo. Orape, itlaq and trees mottles; is • feteizee. cent arid 8 cent -hut there will only reeerd, ettd eheerfully eonsent to it* ptib„ hot is stow to give op its subiltance;• 0110 Sne, that of the present No. 2, -or lioation as token of gratitude to Dr. liztere of fine bone end mutotk of larger Pnvelope, ' The :cost of the new PlOrde end wonderful "'Diseovery,° Potash in the proportion of three parts envelopes Inurbeeri redueed. to 10 cents' end in order that other womn. May be f bone tOOtie of potash useti quite per hundred in : each denomination rescued fro agonizing muttering arid Dn. and further tent:esing Oanied the timely des . have romilned giving public by supplying, without extra, music lesOrsa, ss you cars see With cost, and Vvhenever preferred, these , your Oint,oyes, added' the ”youni4 lady te envelopeobeering 'blank for 01 of re. the reporter, my skits is smooth and eer. Wiest for the return or the letter, eau) tnY health! 40 trerieet.---It bid not should it not be deliyoreclyeithin a heard these two • Young *omen disousaing specified. • - my boors in the earl, 'I would not be here Goort Tittner.-p. Forrester, you of my wonderful "C"" erygm XI hearing that converiatiOn ?retied representing theStemPer Pire pxtin. 1014,oue guisiter Co., -,of Toronto,. Andersen The above case, reported by shaflommer. mfrs., was in torin this week dal, is by wassail 413*.'000Ptioltal 'Many thetwando have given their Man. tory, written, testimony in support Of tbe wonderful °unitive and new life giving powers of Dr... parcel" Golden Iiftdicad Discovery. Many of those -hive asked that their erperience0 be made public foe the • • • Peecoeit, a fortooriesident of town, but poor thing. ainfoot killed my *lister, re now 4 Michigan, ie in -town tblq Week, ' rcArit4 lady, io ars &edible tne, to he Perer Walton wasoiti.Toronto snd London etoinpanion s0,0AS the aisle. the past week. Lahuiidered -AS I heard my doom Pro' ante oll s tour Mrs. Colin OaMpbell is in London this week nottneed by arreleas hps, and did* s have • *a ..teote.00 to tee 000veotiou 0 oie ciunidien enough hope left to pay inore. than prowin Miss Sorthe earmw has returned frin Abe ittOy said. hadsaved sister e ..4.13P.II!..T • • . D 1, I hg tIre,4 towthor car load, front I.' best aratMsnIrobts now un 111 a tis a`l rhn vr dope -Lake( t woOds sind t envois rent Hotaiajoiatte.Mpilltionwl tt front4.e.Iberd who At g EIEST.SA AN Dc ; PNTA 14 10- FLOOR tilocitour • ' on D .w244 the 'nett al bolt. rt. and • • he wilt te rOts how to blend the Manitoba. with Ontario to‘make at beautiful femilf, maw itt. a nitasotVantat .Ploo* Diderot ileineOiroles. • ' 3 notice te tile IMMO of thar he aisoovery w o visit to the millinell-eliehiniiiNntike bad met with -so' many disappointment Anin /colon:10010i roise*.0411.40,,,,'ior that almost courted ,deatb, and lt. was 0,xeiirboing,344,41. _pica> the leethl,,ot.A. relief to get within the sheltering will& 0 oiloote. . the Sanitarium, and bear the oneourOldn Mr 1141610 lett (.niNt&hie;414.;' iorShio home • words of tile proprietor andhis attendance 131 mfiroti.oakor;,. ,Thcivomor, mra. 6.47tirretw:i,v101. inotty mhoyperevisitsiviseheedatiwahternie, 0. tof:4, smitii;e0compoited.htiiiiii, sot au..Londom ekingeh: 70eisenittetht::::hineb"nt:00wtoirigai: 0010:41.1: at4f,g,WIlekiiitcli;5;Vittenrditilb'as,b13tr7tce (Alek' 41* inv 0550 bopeieu. The v(1'1064°0.1 ' zejr)eott tn,4,15;4411 117i:11: Mrs. Mania is progressinirfaretably &rte r' I endured brought my joarneY • onMr. Eflitts14,, Of -the *21.1r.u; distinctness, ii,ta suddenly the nettle of the had his band verYbildlY on1811.0 °T1 Ette0dai .),16043VOCY which tile talkative passenger wbilecenollns oura The .0,ZU, aOrSeo • at. mentionea having elaVed her QUOton tv: s Milked to amputate' part of three biokti. tinging in my ears. Somehow of hlidegers., • . • could not, drivelt teen]. ond•by Miss Matti' McArthur:et ,Windsor. is the an almost soperlitulnan Imphise I was in1-3 guet, iier cousbui. out AtikAos ,soenco tritenrettY iettd-.A,e ttioef 10t14,84 • • , it, which X -took reeording ireetiOns, mr.alkenhead and 'hada have token lhe drat .few days it bad no apparent effoct their restd:•nce at their handsome rettage, . on nly -ogee ezeept _to relieve my dough Barfield load,, Ira. alkenhend 1340 been sorneWhat and the 'soreness on my. lungs. spending Some niontha wil1i her nephew, Tiot ,woonct bottle. gave int more istrengtho ,t isetrolt. • , • • and the eruptionmy /skin beganto dis, , • Or, Chilton bVeti Vatiki4 veryfwothie appear. sent out for three more bottle*, ItioveMent, the past Jrif.i weeks,' lusd his and by the time I bed taken them felt freed*.lione Ro,,nto goebibotsogs. alo:1st well. I knew it Wan spinet the • ,„ • roles irthe,institnt,tois for patient* to take any medicines exee those prisioribad there, and called $ chief pliyotoirin to my mem, showed hint that I ilea bit bia own medicate untouohed for **eat; Solt hint that k bid broken the rtilist and taken Pieroe's Golden -Ifedie.ot Disootery, which • owed my •lite after Ifre different dace tors hid failed. Mycureis a matter of mgrMu:tlgvkLOPEEt -.rhe PoStoffice,Department is about, issuing th tit itisbal use n t of the new stamped envelopea There witless hithert, be three denorairoitions Or envelopes in the forthcoming seres-.4hts 1 cent 2 larg.ely and has proved Vert', effectiVe and. prolltetble, manure Air general farriong," for slow growing crops in oichards, meadows and such other crops Where a grildttai increase ,in general fertility in regarded MO hilpore- ant. Speaking of s.slow• end effective fertilizer it fil tr4 the power bf every one to secure one of the best of all feed. liners for the average crop of this pro* vince by Means or & mixture Of (WO parte to We of Salt, thetot materials befog plootitut, and cheap everywhee; thistimxture ishould Stood unmolested for three .or four mouthe that the ehemitail combination:may be 'complete, before applying to tho soil; it ehould be kept a ishady place and well covered with dirt or so&• by this 1`00613$ th h P eoto inat on tttkes place ACCOUSIODATIOX UNBURPASS100. IRMO and soda are formd, and tbe 140:weiteti RATIO rawrItST wig is slowly and gradually the rouriatee of dernottsteating the virtues of that noschine.'2 A frame 10x10x10 was ereeted on *the vaeant lot on Kingston street- sa,tureted with told.' oil and preparedthroughout in a mare: net* to tempt the lieettiable appetiteof *the fire fiend." When thW was going in good "shape the extinguisher* wee applied and did its work most effect*, Pere 'Warden- Seleher stmi benefit of other 'offerers. rt• OR it innietitnes tnippsits long negletted and eerienelyThomplideted reew, the relief end cure *feldd by this groat 3 t.OURIT OARS SAOH WEEK • who intiallorkeedity becomes encrusted others of the Ore depattutent wit* otrugtoyery," doetuet promptly follow. Dr. TO THE PACIFIC COAST. with alkali. There hat e been ft hunt. 'tease the experiments and are wel• l Plerite "nil, tiliOn being edrieed by etter, b na Y°kt/n 614 36tbi r1"` Allat° 11' thing but the treet termite. it seems won* constructed and woni be quite firog front timilir 4bOve dateribefir RA,I)OLIIPPE Canadian Patifie ilwaS • Antifit, Giodetieb, no gate idos* ro lot peenuarry appliceble to "tat. corn. ornamental in •env apartruent or to cure themselves at bow% •pleasantly, •sfibrilar* points neW en oolO. i clover, *baba% trets,'thoug beet re. Mike. • peitlemsly mid permanently. ber of experiments with tins form: of satisird With the usefultiees of the lend, free 0 1400 such straightforward* kidlinformatiOn and pamphlet *" Klondike fertilizer, arid no One has repotted auy mach ne, which, by the way.ais -Imo& profeselowil retriedisesce s se will enable any *01- • I , Lady's Oxford ties. " 'ovt I," 1 0*40 ' " hV '''' ' t tit ati31.*sriiti7siar titlit C;;;; A i pairs Misses 0ford bee aila buttoqed hoots for 50 , z A, line of Irletes felt lined bal, were 51.25 for 76 back, wonted by IMI.O. for Mr. Our. other, and' with svere' strokes on the Call snit see these gob and if you tend them you will find it to rovemus objeeted tO Olt the ground that your advantage to buy now. - smelt marks might identify voter. in that the mark resembled en IX made WM SHARNAAN JR oyer the cross and the Mark ou bock voz orx,te Atm mititousz itz.TUE COUNTY. a J. *An intended for an if. The lines are I12; Mt al., mitt COlffittra MOM as good ballots, 13.0.Lots UMW FOB Osir. (Won. DATE• AND A PRINT Olt IMPRESSION OP SECS MARK MADE OPPOSITE • NAME or &roan (AD)ATE. • Qttite few caws weiv, discovered whercs front the softness of this certainly more ininferoul thall itted Or LEON th 1 Ad bet the eXtra lines on face, but to my eye printed a mote or lees distittet mark Identification, being *imp% a tomboy ith one exception all had been tor. ss e Ofr Wet Wore am% mid the mark on haek resembles using the fohlfoit 1 the Nina had mow at erratic attache out of w ich a ct they reveal nothing that would lend to ovnesite the other .candidate's nam. on, yeettlited hy the deputy returning in fee -- prollikt sar* dimes wt, several rroseet. can be awning officent end were Ir- talker& In No. 3, Went %%warms!** without Protegl Ireed awl =VOUS talater•alwra roonnoonoilty Is sae shoon., *ballot marked with number of . ster rejected rry deputy rettirning .the 4410 "fert" 1111 M I rows ilifiniTny irsletder lintschad been emoted Ivy D. (Meer at No. 2, (leiderieh town* ' NUN g vng, 11 4) for Mr. Seek st.) olds. t marked toe both candidates ingli at , 8Se 5�ft Sitotir. ill 11 .1 33, *,, fist stght, swit %vette 1,10,1•1Abe sifl • - 99Lim tlito 44 • • Orders be, prentetly offended to tn PUFF PASTRY, .11S , • WifST.60 Or enynther thing in the Cake ne, soo., wialetyoing cake** with 'stained Pow s , 1 MX 313•31Ililra 30 --........, . ,• . THE OLD' RELIABLE - A141,, RINDS OP ' . . t ii.r.wels ON Lhi. _. ..... . The best Scranton Ha 3 . Coal, in ibis rarket, for Claiklea All 04 weighed on the market *oils where yottgels MOO lbri, fora tau. • • wivis. LEE. orders tett at Lee * tiheoparesSere will receive prompt attention. • 61.66.46•4666646a66.4666666,66666. The letifill0 tic ' SUSINES8 AND SICIRTHRO' COLLICE, Car,,,Tenose Onfleollegasts Toronto, t Dian Ishisointaly flodAelasti Ilisolnewiticheet divideat loll by experienced Welters boater highest QAWIIMMIS. .G004 molts, Prospectustutiled free., ,Enter now. It D. Naos% 11AnxteoN, Undergraduate of Toronto Imorerityand. a, of PM. Principals. SAMPLiS Will SE *EAY IN A OW RATS • Whatikleft tho"00311fON SKNEIE " anti "tutu •hikes we are offPring for Milo money. They are excellent floodorson 1316061G (AUMIIIb )" ir40!)RICUlo