HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-03-11, Page 11•
at the date on
your Label.
.7*-7771WFT1 0,27.7erelevelerenteeve.
tarIs your
. paid for i898 ?
finery Opening
Thursday, March 24th and follOWin days.
e latest designs for the Spring.
ew Prints
New Colorings in Sittaini—would, be cheap a,t 12i for 10o.
Loyely wide .. .
ew Dress Goods
In the Latest Patterns of °reports; Covert Suitinge,
Tweeds, Fancy Sateen Clothes, eto, A range light
eolors Dreu Goode --8 Patterns, regular 4003, for Ski
Fancy 'Black Lustres ,
ew Dress Trimmings In
,Aibuons, Plata and Fanny Chiffon!, Brag, ,440$
Buttone, eta.
CHOICE SOVA,PILLOWS, Regular 75 to $1.00 for 5,00..
ew Clothing
In all the latest 0Olors for Spring Suits,. 'Men's, 0
and children's.
Tie, Shirts and flats. flee our line 'VCR 'FSVP
Evrz,vr HA.TB, Regular $1,60 to $2, 00, for ."$$o.
• 0 flees are bound to been, the botto1r4,ao Ott
p ,
r go�da
are bought at -first hods, Bought f3r Ca h, to
be'Sold.for Cah and One Price Only.
If0Stetee'ntillAte Teo .
ieeweeretentoceneentete r ,
!,rtioworia?suc0t4i,sucierter,:ptcoispe • ••
T3011000 tai*44.s.' •
• Bc.40,04.4',IloejF ,cle tor-S;(164*i 'QinCt.,
ninettetine,; Inns, eeinerinte.,
• teentbee OnriksTo pert
, II those
base bali are-eardiall*, ittirited to et.;
, tend the re -organization Meeting be be
held in ther'club*4001#0,..V4,8fret4',1101ft
TuesdayTherele no reason
,wIty4loderich should Ade have a local'
league this season. composed ..of one
:Senior and*OveratintuOr dubs.
jlknO,41.$04-417:0 have just ,recei*ea
into 'Stock seve*" 'bargain, et bill
. ,
heads,. note :heads: ,-•Autt
whieh will be prottedat :rates' that no
bltelness man can , afford 't
toorte, Imaudictlilse stoO.k.:,, And, getout.,
Societe.- elonsidering the disagree-
able welkurg, there was large are
tendaesee at the entertainment held in
North -ie. Methodiet churela laet Friday
evening,aud I very social time *as
spent. Beifreshinents were Served dur-
ing the eveuing. and the prevent in.
eluded ; Recitatious, Mise R. neekeld
and Miss Wetherold Inetremontsas
M1141 Millie Campbell and Mies Clo..4.
Sherman; eolos, Mum A.uribrooke, MIA*
Whitney and Ifietwarcls; addrosebt.
Bev. Wm. Godwin And Rev. Joseph
Edo, the latter gentleman being
0; H. USTsloterantemer. -- A: very
Pleireant time was .pant by those pres-
ent at theeentertainntent held In Knox
church last lifoodey evening under the
auspices of the Y.P.S.Bitg. Rev. ;fait.
A. Anderson, as chairman,
the following program t Instrumentals*
Miss Mitchell and The Stewart ; string
and Dr. Meybeer Mins strong
hand. E. Oatupaigqi,s. Tholopeon
Mise, Whitney'. Ifitie wed° fabsOri. and
Will Stoddart; trecitations. Miss Losise
Masson and Miss• Lena Adams; Miss
acetopanist. Refreshments
were serve4 during the evening.
Remember Bargain 'Bays, .2t&25
Robinseene • •
A Inerrrietre ifore
onto& to. the Minister' et Joetico
Ottawa • leet-week Mr.,Prott.dfoot pre.
very lamely Igoe& petItiou from the
resident* of Sairitatl. and 'vicinity for
the commutation or at leaett. the $burt-
enin theaentence imposed upon
F Ruiott,ettbat who was
con owl of.sheeting his brother lest
Deoeniber and sentenoed to five years
in lonstoreleinitentiarnre.711e. Proud -
foot reeeked every - enconeagemon
from the minister of ',Tuttle% toff 'woe
'neryelleetly, , r
no Other, 'Ater' to metarare the valueof
14fied than 1.)3" the velue,'„ th!t-er.P•Pit:,
;004 ''qopf:.„ehnpir. nerini6t,noine ,trota
Isnot :need., Second -tato eeedn' ;Wig
rento gookientl, good. fertiliser. and
good labor, .and the crap' Wela'pkwif 0*-
ePI:notest.:,.0:011ovv;‘,tata tileleLiterac., :unite:, ft eie gni nett
seeds le find out whether "..theyv, are
true to 'tante. "sotind And elertee it
st.auds totem that the only safe
Iva,' to hen Peens ,tel • stoic them*
tneteenof nain$:thitt has 'steed, for
reliabilttg in o past, Iriter great 044
Om of D., M. orry
• e sia Owe Ont.. bee sold Seeds aii eve:Oh:et ti
TA4 PAttertse OFJ
: Across:the Snli.Aretice of. Catuula;by 3. W. ,Tyrreil,. 0..Aot,11.:
.-Patis; by En1116 Zola, Papoit,1,64.,'Cloth,$1.25
-i3itnon-Doe,,by Anthony froP0,; raiset.7V., .0kit 25.
The Tragedy of The Eoroeko, bi,'00111rteDoyiei: Paper 7&.; Cloth
Shrewsbury, by, Stelae,' V04410,0,, PAP& 7504 crot441,44.,
Quo Vaditily fleuryk Sicnkiewiez, Papt.r •74o,
• , The Beth Book; by Sarah Grand, Auther'of the'lleaYeoly Twiru;
, Mktg Behtianieri Past; by Coker,
, Beyond the rate ,v ,
Davidtyairs Love Story, Paper 75e..
In His Steps, by Sheldon, ,pefer. 25e.,
New Music Edition of Presbyterian 'IPiref Preise,'410th'
.14 ,
ICT•401010 No. 10<
ter •
States Otideninitrianvor the pasttertV,
e iiiirrOteVestre4UttligiAl
leerry, Seeds have given satisfactIon.
fiterres, SeedAnnual. for 1898,:, a stank
,..._ _rlitin Tan, a XIS1.1.-.Abv4t two
("Iwo fArmiliell' AO trItit growers met
Mr. W. M. Ors. efe-lereitland, Out.,
who Is sect oat be the Iliteteter of Ag-
riculture. in tke Town Hall loot Tues.
day, to hear hie suggestions on the ad-
vantages of_ spraying. Mr, Orr; with
a Liege colteoi of eourplesi ;thawing
Innen of the ere ate- vthich etteck fruit
trees, includbio the dreaded nen Joie
w ale, gave full inforreation on
the methods nil benedelet at the
Agricultural ge and. Repernuente
el terms. Ms prepared to give six
,experinumtal demonstrations In this
treighborhood tne .comilog spring. IVA
the nix . , at Ur. Henry- °Owen,
the nteetaataireir 4.1iscueeion, seieot,e4
leurim , .'. the moot convenient
and euttable, 'dr tens detemistre.tnons.
Due notice vien,be given of each spray.
ing, and erect one, holing even it few
:feint trees will 11144 it profitable, to at-
tend and take 'notes ete the "'Apar",
wenn". The vent who Will conduct
the experimettft wilt, hAve for distrieue
two co ins of A handy.bolletirt giving
full in et , as to the Intrionn In"
secticides and ow to. trent. them.
Two or three ,t4 utentioned.,1mArf
Der eir ow the 1 Ort4;100 Of thiA WO r
and Uwe 'reed 411noesible, inform*.
Clan. , it ter" :by tl,-.. S. *Metall
that fro ' one-haltof the
fruit strop ,country is list each
eite by 0314 peet% ' at"''
ng . about .900 . barrel's' O
There • AVre no *tont .liguree to . ,
tbeloso in Vaostia, but we tin ottht,
iy stiffetin proportiol, ..There are:
,000 soros of :orchard in. cirttetrio,•
and14 willies% opple,trein,erver ,A" .m11-,
Ilona *bide ,Itie bearing. -- The value
Ottilte tel ofieingletrsek Ott vOliieb
rail - Oriented 44st.:'year, in
' ex ° °*,as lettud14.1,(4*
•,3. .41e,,,e,:pot,t,inee,', the
i ineinee ,,Oso only: .. thlik--,,would
mean- an, aa . tion wealth Of Me,
_rOince"frons. 4".teill.toiliton elonikre.'"
Ili #3?0,0 .11s .*4.00-..i0011, ''ilt.40 .0.1r*
' ln '0%.....cleP4tMitstititatoto ,. 4,
r ofshoevfni..Silti, iend-:,',SoMe.,, linen,
collars for 10e,',040h.1:'....,44.14ivx 4404.:.410'.
'ooyeic,n4 that thet'eai 0 make, style anti
quality of 1116-00 can be , ltreluteettfient
andel!! ideisleoler St: ,and the Collar*
.i411.1110 a., 0$0,,..,.Whar is theptinisliment
'for aper;Merishti..itteceptld:' a....'bribe at
the httepretIneird. election? ''.'.i._ Pi. .Togi',*,.
tion that 'hilte4„ttehtly,,, .9,03tetl,,,:. .._,,Ttell
046ilbiehttehOhhb ItOPPOSOtt-, Proven
guilty. of receiving' tooney;sfor).:voting
;ninst pay:tt firte,ofaattudgete. prig4.,
*knout tbenTnnot iataitt•;TiOartneek:
• 'tititri.'whO bits' been An inmate of the
• floWienf Refitt,S,,hm bean allowed to
n'ennefenedleke-lOrr- it4,- has
'hit. Wife rel:Ofithlt an hittfiate,
notincedlhatittlisre,..is only 723.oOOI'eflk r�
ard gimefor fermate 'endleederieTte
centaittingnutob valuable:in orreation.
is 804 vee 14, ,PC;Mlns writing for
Tent ptiroV4044.0004,if0440(014,
atitat'*AlCh-*eitt tOOttatviyiOtirge
.r,Oher.,4rettgint'oe,•An bartior,:re,;
*OS ,eyin-Ahglast, and
iiettiOtt pre -Wee: ,thab,;• the
.werit,:•wronid go On nu ring ..theedinitif
settooneeOnitn Plenen Of Vete
for anYVOSele. Which ono-. come in
with grain the elevator is ready.
me'..-Mooere. 'accompanied by A.
01.-740,. MOM.- 41140.' teneetteood Eitteriltratte
nient inthe wayof enbectintions to
the stock .of :the company. They. will
eontionnthat,:yrork „and as:soon as
• nkterit 120 bOeiftitketif tb.0'&031Pliti*
will be oganized;the plena sotiontted
ick 0 and; the work of : 0040000n
ceeded . • It • desired by the
:Proineters' that a Many towel ,miilees
as Postehte:throughoutfthie district be
linon the stockhnolte, yen if far, ereoll,
'itmentitiertnet tintneuege that :owlet' co-
"etjilreliSLL s VULI.111,11i
1(61Ajt. A.DvAN • it
Our Spring Stock of
..T.W0.00S "
0.10dri 61%11111(1
U1010-13014 allTerrivea, which for quentity, quality and
yilue is the best in the. country, eua we eoraielly invite
every nian, *Man and child to WYE VS A oyrz and
investigatat the -truth of thia statement. o
t Stooks, , ne bargain ihrIA oo bean guaaing
oompetition to get your aollere,, but anything you buy
ere you may return ma get your Monty book if the
e are not ea repreeentea, to you.
. •
We Will
use' you right, atd won't urge yo
4 r
please arta , etusfy you, .
boob& Of wheat tn7 the elevators at
'Port Affihnr: and.Foet Wilharn, while
at thlidatelatt yettr•thee0 Wore .orer
t000,00El. This Wntedeeptit, toindtcate
teat,Wheat•.MON,` AP:WOO
liermitorznprontotioneXams: will be
held in the'puntle eeiteois On Thursdav;
and 0144' **ter -Peter lsteuwan.,rin
oar of Wok Coal- from Toledo
on MpOday,-,-There.V0.9,'liat'''4 triorlft
at the lniblie:nehleer boned, .ineeting
, _for Thursday . evening of,,leet
Ineeke-ePlanle has 'grinned for 4 new
floor .'ort ths. railroad bridge int the
Saltford hill. -Steve Andrews 'shipped
avar of hogs. to Dellinger-0°dt% Tues.
. day.-Wm.lifiteltirn is binne.Tnheidinle
• the ;dredge,' Arnoldt.e.T.he elver , has.
1 been very hicbe Wee Saturday,- :the ice
above Benno I breaking u on that
day -.John Morris is building a stable
fen ineergellifteMillere Baylinicl lioadee.
oleeeeriminege begetting *Atoka:0o
the ground for theerectionn,f a storeY
mid half '44100 tt0t490_, 00ther of .13r001t
atttl/A1bOrt13,400111.4-Wfiesday WAS ''pay
day 101' the Enell oh: the ,breattwateri,
nAid. the noxious 'were once:More went
therounds, 44 Diu yez tee llgdiganr
eiket. wind4ttive it aerate te,' the -other
shore. ! OV0P hall the harbor: is dear,
oat the "100 Oki the other half ein :Oaten
thet it wilt hardly hear alitaWs weight.
.--.Capt. ,titelthil1011 .hite gone to , Sarnia
to llt,011b the 'salt. Setibie,- LAAO 80A"
4013: 1.41i0 Made better time than Any
other sehooner on Lake tinron, and as
Malay tripe en reoet etettrem, May' she
halte 49 -good 4104son this year.--Arm-
throng Bros, have tecelved4,,,,„000 feet of
tantrack end A Mee Inge Irmo SOMA
IttitEn ANH
ItCr441 114%000
Saturday even-
ing filente of ootie h township°
the residents r p
had at; noweloorne surprise in the form
of It, tlnitd blunt, /fridge% enn "-anyone
were washed away -on the concessions
ad side lines, and in many places the
Water covereo the Toad. -
Tau LAM' 10.00S(4. - The regular
Irieeting of the Liteinry Society Will
llOt be lend titie evening, hut on Fri*
eon. n ent the lot meeting of the term,
ift be bald, when the students of the
collegiate, esgisted nv outside talent,
wihl nive tine alt he best entertaintneuts ,
ever held in town. -
To ReoueettelZe.-There was slim
nttendance at the tneettng tailed lest
eeiday evening for the purpose of Iv;
organlzhig tire bleyele eittn, so tho .
teeeting wee' ieljouyned to tins (FritlaV)
evening, When all Interested in, wheel. ,
:lee are invited to be present et the
of the Bitee Bei' 800141
,,,,,tterierover To SeTertnen..--The two
Exeter, charged With break. I
fug into Spitelonanni *tote, came beeorp
judge Masson ott Titesdity, and were"
1W111114431(11i1g!Itv8laWtItiftill?iCtittitzt: '1.i.iilig,teeet(!;
nay and brought up Norman entir,who
ig detainat to give evidence 4fr4.1113t
'11Aither and Petereon. t)
Ourreente-Died in Ooderich, At the
residence, of her daughter, Mrs. &oily ,
fetsinere, Thuredey evening. March '
10te, Titylor, rellet of the tete
Ine-Harrieseliersessen lute eetiabov,
-Jo -
/and, England. The decant -A had been .
ening for eon* month*, at. 1 Although "
sIie nail reecho(' a ripe t Id age her
death will be none the now felt by
ber faftely And meow frieeds. The oh.
epenieg Monday Weenie" coneuctee
by Rev. Joseph Efte, And the two eons
of the derreeed and font soneen.law
&treed the lam sod rites ptd1
ear60, AMMO!! 'bow wirt) *noel
from it dieronee were 3 feeirbere fin i
doe, Torontei_J. T. Harries, Siren* t
lir, nod itii•oe. *4144dish Looktmin
rge. tine Mrs. Jobn Renenean. wrox.
eter; Mr. and Ilse. Z. I. Harries and
Me. sod Mee
eese Wilerms.
3. *M. Deett
ern, Ant Motnietee-The ofeyote
Vatter,- is ehiniting quite A quantity ot
Wheeloi theen dam . Thinge'are on the
hum,and truly' there tappears big
change. • The cornintnir is offering rare.
harititis in the. _balance of the '07
Tax 'xoittitotas IOnt.g.-ou
day and gender. evenings. there was
ILIl ttnusually display of. the;
northere lights, 4 rare , fleeurvenen "tt5
fee eouth 4$ this. ,'Front the ettrerile
itorbhowst tleinb almost due ettee:
ever•cbatenng eitafts of li I
ehotie forth in tolotg of ••fiery red,
brigitt green, and yellow, • The "! nee;
notennon tette made the subject of
emett tat by many who 130N and no*
$oFect 'Ate
Heinen -thee' Barealu Days
at unvineon'e.
riot •OffOltilt AM-40104XE gl40/
LAD. --Tho Benevelent Somety
held, lutsket social On Titers&
ing last which wee a deeded suteess,
It was atteuded by- a geodly number
of friends, Incliteing After tin`,
tables were ',cleared intpromptu
nrogrentnae Was rendered as follows:
Mr. Enterson, with graphophooe 1
gone by Messre. A. DV:1)100C, Wm,
Lestiatre CZ; Flienber, Ie Platt. ft.
Horton, iiitinte: Chtworth 'ftnil Wen.
ritigton. rothen A. Dyninek gave
address oil the Daughters end nitride
of England Scielety, which tlice-eueitt-
berg are trying to organize.
The need of It good timing medicine
Almoet &totem! and Roods Sam.
prWnexaetly meets the' ueed. Be
sureto get Inoodn.
Great removal eheem irf hoots
end shoes. W. Broderick hexing
'emu ed the nane And commodious
store in the Horton Bloek. the
Stelare, known Ae the Yetesi beek.
more, which *tore the enheeribe
onettpy on or about the firer. of April
npgt, ene before removing we will
heee two week* cheep sale of t*onte
id shoes. &Ming hemline may lie
expected. Olt. the cheap 4410 a rota.
beeett ten be::mntuallv
Ronlat 401.hintion,s,_ .• • "
ember,' Bargain ,Daya'
, . . .
week,..aftes tite'drand4Mt-ho4,"!-fitt-
isheti their .AntittS" her:4i* nninher of
theitOisited.theBottko"of 1,ieftigeatn
Foreman. of Blyth, iiiade
the' report ; „rouinanY.
With :Mr. . fleats.. the Inepecter,,.tin
vis -
it'd the ndoose„ Of, Befitge.% eere noid
Prenell/teedlitett tie nOtdibilY
!ana took Vs throjigh blindtogA,,
'9Ve found ,everittninX.rorderly and
tieat,rand,Mr. aittl,Mrs.-Frettelt are' Vibe
highly:•complitnented flpi)atbeitAnten
Agee:tent themstitu len., There tkee
IIOtV 8.i bit mere titan Can he cote-
fortably occoiontoddtql. t one, an, in-
ane 001%0;4 Otigtot 101:110Ved, 11.9
Iio, is, roali*, tiangorous, 'The 40mates
'express themselves as- reeeiVineg the.
Init. of care., aria ere well natisfied,-,
:1,1to groutida 'are well kept, , end the
'tnetbeilditnee. in good Order.. On flte
Nvlo c,,,te As 1110(10" .111St1 tr,ttott,mad
en liptierto t.he county of tteon," •
,011ten, Heeette.,-..er yott'
st the Work of Bevel g- Oanatliatt
eltildtereetted, Witt' would not be ,so? ---
Tett mitt belly tbe-good ettoek by become
fug contectett with the helve et
Beetton. Ontario. Under the -charge
of. Bev. CT. W.' Ain" - Waiter, A
copy of ihoseeend aenuel report has
reaeht4 los and it. Aosta the folltittirig:
faces- triton whieli are epnetti mede
fen "mien'
It. Our work is entirelreio the ine
teresenf thinedlen -
nu& ,- We *re -ptepared ttesist
children who ate really in need in elite
itart, of Carlene. p,
rd. We placed ntore ehildren in
homes leseyeer. then othy other egen.
e 'arm* in the interest of ealutillitri
e ildren.
4th. here' at Preeeitt qIiit
ritimbee of very :111re litt10 boys end
girls ^welt higheiffee.
5th. tele work bi voluntery one
and 'dependent entirely teem the free
will oneritign ehlietiout people foe
thir helping of t!nriedien chikiten. nVe
are tv., present irety „ leniently in n
of fu ,de ert the work pnkolng
•44011 Sunday and MOnday ere was
ice on the lake aeler as eye, eine: Atte
Wit on:',Ttiesdati and Arednetttlay the
*hoe trede;..T.
Finding ins
sod in
btope as*
A Brederick will, about
April Irk remove, to the large store at
.presentineonjed• by: Jas. Yate as a,
ItOek (tOttet's AVW he,
efitt.0.4P,r0 0'1%14.: heO0000P
0,1*•0404:th9 , 0
huestore. . .
,cittehe. 0)4640 says:
gationsOP'TrinleV and Centrai',:lvfeth
tatist'.'ohniChes, ;were:, *00000
Iighted with tinginAint,miseltette:-
..chute;',WhOeetigsolos in hothelturohes.
years! Seitiern :Oinc°4°'
recently,' rettirned,, front 4.° two
Mite '03ntoi wsis..-4. :000 bane, 4,
pupil theMerento'Ciellege, of Music,
has 'whete she
was.* 'pupil :Of Mr. 'L. G. Iottchftlk.
:She bas n. x00'40•0011.tralt,0 Veleta . of
1000 00innesin very f on, net, eleh and
under excellent eenteolne' - •
PoWnurri;,,,, CoUnArir...Present
Int Ale*::',Ibueest ,)reetib, roinantiO,
044 :44,1esited,.h3r Ur. Donald
goi', theattrictioO the Vice
toirin'Honera .1-IonSe, Months* evening._
:Matent The tWo.staranfe..L,DOintld;
Itonetenee 4114'14,114A BrAildOtt. .1)00,10iW'
:ar0 We" kt10%11.14V0Vt011. Witt AO 40114
,they Wilkbas,gr41004 y 4 large pp*
.They have' a •itettlit excellent ompany,,,
mageineeen. wardrobe. uud beautiful ,
'effects, end itleettfe to tAte Met no
epee epleYable potri;41114000wihl be
rot), :thee. that- of"TheMan in the
, tent Meek., • . , , •• •
Ter0iiie .11010 •TsiVer.tee Thefollow-
parttes have heee ticketen by. R.
Raaehire,•0,P.4. "agent, vin that rant
tbe 'pasb week,t „3ae„ retter (3). to Shaii,
hotlAke. D. Meihieni1dv. Ottawa ;
Alesseedlerriewheel to Bev. • ete. 010. Ale* Mathison, lirontteal; . 0; Stowe
inette felle,--Navinatiott opened at Tp.. itrt. "nriudgote M. S. Stwouie and T. G.
.rOuto and B,tffejo on Xuesday-rover '1:4 Cory. ALoga. Waltet
month caviler tlulai, feet year. If this. Moore, e'en.: Alarm* titotie tieketed
beide oute the flisbinit tent% beta town lee F. r.'retweenee,
• liable' commence ruon g agent. were Mr. Stswart, Bunion.
siren .iwo WeekteeeDurite,e* theepast to Hunter. trLD.; an Fred Motgare
ed Bros seld 50 new Ooderieh townehip, to Domittion City,
walt°1 Ilrot sec' einehand °nee. Men., tr'aOlelentreiMre. S. It. Shannon.
It N 45 si .seaSOtt. titeV have Afro' Itiutson, Iniginette_1 rough- end
..eseer. nod ettr`buten largely to Edgerton Armstrong, TOrOlito ;
1110 geail erow ai4 'no Shave, Chicago. .
of •typhold foyer. ie doing nicely. vening• tho weathers, of the Social
town. le. nem, is down, with 4r; atttiek Irluttavuu.,.-90
N. 1)V43ellt' ‘Irta9 t°11" th eve otuitif their hunt.
this week, -with the einieseb of Bemiring nso,„„
the tentraet for the lombee needed. ,on her. I. W. itattigan, it ectionne hi tine
ties oievator.,-The niarintelland is ex. form of 4t1 OySter tolype1. prior o
peeted to be ite KA, hayracks, a do:Arturo for Buffalos, to which reeve
week from fiatnrday, Those who were he Vas been tooved by endere front
preeent At And so enjoyed the lest en. beeelquatters. Afteesupper lerec,zilent
tertainment. will not 01184 the, Otte Griot, tvito occulited tile, than. ititio.
week from Satuitlay.-The boys have diteed a short toast 'Hsi. which Art1S
already begatt the entitle" siangliter of epoirden,to by inenthere of the 01,min
robing nen bluelerelg. mightbe Well visitors. 51.e., Bennett!' rendeted it
foe oil to :understand that tito owe 8($flig, in the eleitug of tvitieli one,
"nide eitie-',ieen legally shoot "tow Are joilied.--Inirplyingto theguedwishes-
crow% bla4kbirds, hawks and nitwits& 'Showered upon him, Mr. liattigan ettel
etirows ; ell fitlIrTS are ptoteeted by be deeply re vetted his departure from.
. I.-n*1%e
t Ratag, levees until
Mae the Iron el
Dome, forget the auct
des at- Enterson't
own Mantel will nt
Montreal. Town
peperelinve given The an in the
Iron iiiaek"'eonie a the best notice'
which nave *mewed Wei tietteete T1)16
toW.a and t leavitia belund 1'6
ir( Ji 21.- ninny kiwi ft iende. Wheti lie received
• e of le. intlets nine Months ago to leatve for t
rtorrow.--The, Oodetielehe underetood be wascoming
t thig evening. to A wilderoese where none but Indictee
• an London dieelt (the popeittenilen among Muer-
-rir s t ni
The lionieef sarth, ***me wise. ,
Throb o'er teentetelotie, 'newton'
:Totem elle eathlavneepene'
Theninaer Wit leeks down. -
„ ,
The softietletlit .0f, eenesettee,
• Tho budding iii the tress.; ,
Antierroet enough. yet .eedren, is ru
Of Sweetie' alines:thee Wool
The aniiwer teetie ninttenin. •
Our sorrow's leaden Atititftri
WO aro it, ahlatui Love intense
itrran out the taeoleoks down.
• nettled our Of WO
Anew of Darden pottut;
etneotinietof One belayed'
Onour eoneetteitneeics;
Oniteirehueh of deirotnelight.
01111;11114 br etoottlog wine
0 chitst of nod. like elite weite.
lIijr Vetoed leenter bring! .
.0erollee D. natio.
• '10tOm-411Ifolletf, thl Sitilltaki,Ilfttrell 0, to
Mr. and Ilfre. Albert Hetet, RM. ,
, Ociderleb, tOtvpiiihtp, Ott lifitteh.6.
the, wife 000. lif44141, 14 it dAitg414r.,
DOW$4,411110.-44. fletsfOrth. Vorelt 9.
by Seri $.134n41, Hobert A. DOwns, to Afttry
Yolleflest danithter of John ll, entith.,eath o
neturneo-Wasog,-At, the restaiteceefthe
bride'$ Mother. B410e14 ifoOdt on. %Irv...110,00X
March tab, Ms, by Rev. 0,t9,„ A. Atutereell. 11.
A., unite° ecexiste_of .,0eilbrice, to tioveott,
01;01ghtrr of the latowithato Wilson,
tlawittoreedit teetlernlitoWnshie ,'"ortti;
6, John Al bept, son of Peter (antolon, haed
attd 1444YA.
11X01)01‘tAtts.-111 doareicli„ townsiete. ou
Mort% 6. MO. ablue Idol)oloolu, aged 74
scerr.-Th etetforth, on Wednesday. Zforeh.
9, Reit, Stott, Mayor of neatorue
iltweete,enn (exterior. on Soifer etcwegl,
Marell 3;i, '•h Ann, wife of Abrent ti.V."' CY.
LightlX011S6,8t4 ilea 49 yeard, t zeolite one, 2S,
Tentenene Oigericte on Thornier, motet;
re, eaten toylor,toliet of the htteJohniforrit$
or Ce.tt+trT TELL.
Yon, dent know %vixen that cougli
will mop; Tlici cough of conetteaptitte
luit; ttet spelt a leer i ning. Titke Seatt's,
Elystlbion now Willie tee cough is (-tw-
ee 'managed.
001t8 64%1.4
A. Walton toot: 04474 and a ems let 81 Xok
tau IR 1401 thry:w111 110 gob"
qtuly dolmit. A rtuttleA for rcculigg
131.84. Get MttICtIlettlf. at evert melee.
Acapliou, 'IP io itiltuiVregg kr1.4111C314 are
_Ur fitioutsitenCiluteit, _
'netts regatdingAmincda), but .bo W114
very glad to ilnd lie had made ft great
mistake. fit closing. he- said 110
rOtOlatly Will bri one of the. beet oleen *levity* have piteeaut VOI'allicetiong of
in elotlerich.--inght bulk tender* Yore b1A litts.y in Ooderieh. After sleeting,
received .)for the new!grin ford city inekuld IAtig Syne? anil wishing t seir
ball, the blehest, being WOO. E. A. !tritest int kuole ttf goodw 'k. lite boys
leftIfsey. of Fit mford. 'sea avrarded' dit.4per6e4.i Mr. Rattinan left (44
the, colittwet AA , Vey for Matto*
Crtzw4.104 ANO vonavav ataTx,rstits.•
Ch-VADIAS Ibex Jetneete...• 641 4 • 4.4•111 .11 4111.
CAMAX4A•N PrOlag. (JIVE efItST • • • 4 00, 1,• • • I 4 4. $11
, A ,