HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1898-03-11, Page 1.77P7714717,771fTwwwirrforf wArmy. v. r11,77. -7t 75 7 7 Look at the date oin your Label. IIs your Subscription o paid for 1898? xxxv Wlitmx No. NV GODERICH, ONTI FRIDAY, ItAlt 18t48 -460i—ARRIVING DAILY, -000. in Dress Stuffs, Silks, Prints. Mus1in, Gingham. The latest &signs lor -the Spring. itisPact OUR STOOK. c. ago with the intention of " ur bust," returned teat week, evidently thinktng that a lob on the bieakweter is Utter ,then- working 0, claim in the Yukon. The- limier WA.T.-Our local merch- ants should take a hint front the de• pertmentel ileareein advertising. Keep 4gAidtlisviSietwilmiliti°tWbO4hlItOIM°111 jasr, distribute ;menhirs, post bend us. and otherwise mob things. Let the bike know they need not send away for good" you deal in. Fon Bunntany.,-On trueedny con- stable Gill Arrived in town with Nelson Peterson and Henry Ifelther. both 44 Exeter., committed on e charge of burglary by Che. Snell, 3.P. About 4 o'clock on Monday mending. the vUage nightweteliman SAW a light III one of the *tares, and on inveetigetiou found the two prieonere. , Taken red. handed, they can not deny anYlblOgi but doim tiler did it. While under the intinence of liquor. frhey were brought before .1talga MgeolOU ot1 Thursday and pleading guilty of burg/err and thett were remanded to Tommie?, gilt inst.. for sentence. 000 Fregitarkse-The blue book of the Deportment of Marine end Fish - *ries for the year,lendlog Jun 30, UV* Le to bend and showsthat in 00,13Ada 15,000 men are esoplOyeod, using 0.844,- 450 'fathom* of net* red st /000.000 and vessels. worth %)0,000, Ftorn Cape Third to Point ward there were engaged in this indeetry 10 tugs with 04 men, et mil boats wttit 170 men. .fathoms of Arill nets. 4 loe honeee and 2plers, The fiat taken off thliteltore were valued at $158,080. of which g10,000 canto from, the Bruce Peninsula, abover$Ottneteen, and $85,500 troin Ooderich diettlet Pea Orttttetg RETURNS. Tho lowing Mega are compiled trent he Postniitteter4eneral's report for the year entling.lene80,1807.and.showethe reyerine deemed from the post °Mos f 'it i ft' y, th post salary,corn- rniSaic)n and ellowance ; et-vete/K. • nutter: Barfield, 617.29' =do Birth, 1.40.66 636,18 BricaseVf'.::::: I... 2,20.88 408148 olintork 4,733.04 1.724,61 'Gad . if 863.37 1965.11 Lucknow.Altp'ekligh ... 2,473.86 l.13.% .. . . 4,945.71 1.848.21 Mies O'Brien, head milliner for S eiler Bros.,,,has arrived in town, and nu bregnto; her deties „AbeiP eetablish" New Pr nts New Colorings in Sateens-would beeheap at 12* for 10e. Lovely wide New Dress Goods.. • xn the Latest Vattern:I of Orepens, Covert Suiting,, Tweeds, Fancy Sateen Clothes, ate. A. range light - colors Dress Goods -13 Patterns, reguler 1$0e, for 2170 Fancy* Black Lustros New Dress Trimmings In Ribbon*, ,Plairt en& Fancy Chiffons. Braids, .CROICE Srlg.wigedWii), Regular 7 , N. e'W Clothing- • In on the hoelit 'Wore for and Children'S. New Gent's Furnishings: 't Ties. -Shirts and flat9. See our line FUR FELT STIFF HOB. Regular $1,6o to p.00, for 400, NEW FLOOR OIL CLOTHS- AND. CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS. CURTAIN XUBLINO, RTO. 0 all; tiereti,, Berl ?EW TntaLt LINENS Our ptires are bound to be onthe bottom, as all our goods are bought itt first hands).- Bought for Cash, to • be -Sol& for Paell:"anci One Price ()nly. SMITH .EIROS. 84 00.---MLANB BLOCK.— , vs!, 4tJV 411,1141lattn8 3.3astatis; iletla*Or, Wet taa-itonasso Co. ; 8 'Farm for Sate.-=Draesb licatoo., Opring '1,1eTia-,Dat tral BuSiaoss'Doilage., ., auetiab%iie ot Dierolos-,tmemoa,,,',2......".,,', Werrtloaas-'.8raith Dros. 6,t New Toile,t;Artielea--Gifocie'spOe :Store... 4 , Irousc tor.-$00-LllissDark. 8 Notice b;'Croiltora-0, 8. ,‘ Ailotoria;Dpore.ileiroot. Patrioli4e Concert .krelear Imarra Weak -%V. r4oart Spam -Dr. 5 Nspcpsia Cure -Sabah ;A.tnericall Xersriae.:. 4 ain sinsopie Veil 44 eikele. D'aneales.--We have Plat received into amok Several bargain Iota ot bill heads, note heads- and envelopes. 'which will be printed at rates that no business. wan can afford to let prise. Come and see the stock and get our quotations -this Mt will not one' can't be renewed at prone figures, , • By,A;R. SAtAitW4.,-s'The AttditOsGerteral's report. -hist Issued,' gives thefollowing ft$ the salaried at the tinsteins Collec- t.ors in this Coontyr-LA. irrirrew.' $1000; Dancey, Brucionths salary, $356; W. T. Whi ;-,'S Fte. usiness • pay. Toronto Etna other pedlara ISO% to 1,90% more than i8 ileotasarst dor Blailii'llooks, Letter Books, Memorandum Books and other office supplies. These are Our Prices: 1000 Page Letter Book; bait calf, heiit copying paper .regularly, sold $2.50 and $3.00 each, our price $1.50, or $18.00 a doz., SPECIAL -1600 Page Day -Books and Journals, half -roan, fiat opening, reg. sold $8.00, Our price $1.50. " e00 Page Ledger, flat opening, full sheep, patent index, regularly sold , $4.50, (air price $2.00.. urnotoi tote o ettelliLlan Alen- erreeTrottettie DEsgliv,itripitommoN—Axecontibsue Zocal Atm% CroLisTs;, ArrmOzON ineetieg of theloCal bicycle riders will be held , in the rooms of the Base Ball SOCial Club. WeSt-st., on Friday evening at 11 o'clock. 'liveokYone entereSteit 111 wheeling is OcrdiaJIV invited,' - GoonSideg PAYS. --Mr. Chas. Wells, of town, .recently .eoid a rails: et 14 game fOWIS Metvyan, of redWired, therefeike the neai sunl of $15. ICpitys-trt- raise ,good Stock. and this proves V. ruE Enttaikon, wbo was reeently Molted from Clinton to his father's residence on the Iluroni , Road, is in a very 'critical sem ing froto kjdney ti treble, ' with little hepo.fep his reedvetp t seeeessrMSP.eatoleeet teetieg the broker eleh wee lieid el) Reodity.: evening, wben repotfe showed the sea.. son of 180,74 tobitve been' It‘ MOSt Vile. I 0:;t41 one, Leeight matelies the boys ' were defeated only once (itt Seeforth), and both sides of the !edger are even. 13t: L Lonatt 01,41L3.'rtObai.sskssi311e1183lauft & Rhynas htwe recertied erdero for the factory wotk a storey and bait 'frame house fey /tent, Lyons, Londes/ Imre, and that on It storey and half , frame house for John Slovene, near Benmiiier. Mrs. -(('apt) :Edwards ts improving hop residence hy 5. pretty,' on•to-dateporticoand verandah. Thos. Olchardson, Port Albert. is 'erecting 'a Vermidah. ; 1).kstmaEri VV111&1*.--W. 11. Perriit. of Clinton. Mill tOWII MIS Week; super4 barn/ling the •Iiiipment of the last five eerloads of %Olt bushels of tiani. d wheat he littreltasett tit the time ..or the elevator flee and stored in .the rehouse?. next the Hi Mill, gttl enewlieait is`Ver7 SOMA, brie lost none of ite smoky twee. Some is in• fouled for the Britiodi auttketee and newt tile Lower Canada. of the, Manitoba Free Preeshaethe fol. towing regarding a former welt known, Goderich ltriy ".Mr.. Thigerie Carey leaves on Monday for Mordent where he will occupy tile position of district vegiettar, in place of Mr. MeLeod, who reeentt resiened. Mr. Cater has been a faith land eilleient member of the land titlee offiee here since the estah- beam:Mut Of the Torrens, system of registration. and his promotion .to a district registrarship is certainly de. iserved:" - • elereteerteteme- Willitun Virilloeglt.', hy. formerly of toWniand :who married Miss Lilo' Orialani at 'Cleveland about two months ago, bast faceived word of appointmetit as pilot, on the magnill- gent side.wheeler City of Erie, recently latinehed at Dettoite She helotigsto the Cleveland and Buffalo and bee dimensione aro as follows Leangth, 821 feet, been) twee guards 18 feet, is expccted to he tittetti, 18 fet. Rty runs 21 mites pee hour Auk P.X, COMer.-The i'lightwatchnrim is 'having considerable trouble with young nein tbe worse of liquor. One night this week Wheu. he at,. tennited to atrost' one of themhe had to use his baton three or four flinee„, (indicting several bad settle woun(ls) before he coul(1 take the fel. low to the loeltenc. -Several young men were enraged with hevieg in their possession 0. vreteh etolen from Levi Caters house lett Deeeniber. They eleim to have bought the watch, se the ease Woe adjourned for a week. - • TitS 13411AXWA.T1fli. --There are orilV ilve Mare etairses to he laid over the &set° feet -marl* one-third of the total leagth of 2,401) feet when e OM* ORM. .ikst there Was no filoghing, tbo teams bad to stop balding stone on Monday ; one Want returned to Mount Forest last week, and tie et neer will probably go the; week. Several parties are tsiking *bout haulier their vow,. front the haibor to the river, atal mincing to gather ;one. Joe Me• Millen. tt ho left town %bout month 0 St,ratford, tite furiii- tnre tnatufaeturing-' firm, of Geo. . Mc - Logan is employing 75 Men, who are ,working labours a .day. In $eaforth the Oroadfeop k. Box Furniture 'cone OaeY .le working on .orders ansounting to $a,00kwiflotk it bas received from Great Britain.. Abont. ,150 Olen are Wefkint Altet._4':clay to 0133p..m.v The Bel/ firm at ',wmghani, alto..manufae. titters Of furniture, aro employing 1,50 men, are vitlisking, 'late, and, had to - to. fuse orders. ' ',The piano : factory at Listowet was, able to . give its - ern,- Ployees only two holidays daring the whole of 1897, end thou only. on Lie- -donne. of • the Machinery needing tel paire." Goderien Organ: , taetoey 16 very busy, and within the past year elniet 20 hands have been added to the leWr011eerhile the Furniture ' factory nrsin.%9°11:..4telig4 -itn- e x ce l le n t . ' 8Prit4 b n , Batiettint,daY; March 2/th and -25th, at Itobireekeee , Wie WILT, . ay Or LINZ. ,4.- ,Parry .nild 104:110vo:IO:Nrolfogla_Aloxatot* and ASA result three bOatetir smo tons capacity Will run regularly from Ohl - cage during - the corningteeason, two Similar ports froMDtihitit-alao lerline front Fort Willieni. Besides grebe4 it is expeeted large quantities offlour and way freight will be bandied, and it ie quite passible that, front 1 Ito 800 men will find steedy employ ent at elevator and freight sh • . . At Owen Sound lett ,season the (3. P. R. heats gave erriplopment to altont 800, to Windt meet be added the unloading bt large quantities of toal Used opt the steamers. The str. Ida Stafford ran all SetiSOU on the Owen Sound•Chieago tante, mat every ttip she had as much freight as she 'Could carry, proving that a good trade is to be had from Chicago -through to the Atlantic. Godenclis hearer trattli Chicago and Lake .Superior than either of the- (3eorgian. EfaY Ports, rind what we need now isenemetic wen to push our torn to the front. fiteadtpuirtere for the noted: Coltunbla, , Oenclrort and Rambler Illeycles. C. A. aninher daSon, /ostlers', .Gode.. rich, 'A. Datntelloott vrfe2`.."lin1er this heading it DettOit4Paper had the fob - lowing item lastweek r ,lairies Alkett. head, of GoderielieOnte is 4 venerable !oolong gentleman .0.814 hut his snow. *bite wavy hair es itt striking contrast to his ruddy cheeks. and he might readily pass.for,I0e Ite canna briekly intoZtito 0110 Of the marriage Iteense Seek. end netted for 4 permit to Marry. Ife WAS accompanied by tt 'Ming milli O 2 1115301. 004 811(1 Foster supposed the old gentlemen was guarding ,the mod. esty and blosheS of his grandson, Anil irrentra' it lieense for the yew* ;nate The old gentleman, however. assured tgroom, old eftetethe permit had been he elerk that lie Wys to be the bride- niAe.,olitcripiteed,thii 'river mink" 0.1p upoii*Nelmnerrible head. and Os he buttoned iiis overeint Above the eov, 'tell lieenge. a smile Smoothed evetv wrinkle out of Ins liappr oil fa(T. Thie ie Mr. A3kenbeath4 third Veuturo to tile field of IllatrittlintV, tittt li - ! bride, lileey Mellow:hi, a, Detroit lady 'of :77. bits !levet bre efowain a IsredtlitiL: ring." ItrYtit !CLL. 1-1." nitsti Lit al 4. rtAit. IN ADTANM4 TosNa11401. -Remember the social to be glees am Noel's street Methodist church ek# (Friday) evening. under the imerpfisea of the Ladiel.' Aid. An bus:asap a of tempting refreshments sad e, Ittorary sn,,d nmeical pro- gram all who ettend. Every- body Tneautg.eeThe -fentily of the late Catbeekee McLean, whom dwelt in Toros*o recorded bud week, and the brought home for Inter. mint, to tepees" their *invite tamalesm kind friends and citi. semi vkn sted them in their sor- rowful here. Tie L4 Miereu.-About 400 Pao' Plat 'or( the Amoy drese hockey mMe s gelidity firming, which woeld hese been very exciting had the ice been geed condition. litany doubted. seven "Old VOW could he Mond own; hold enough to Pier that biZik ii:Irpfitarceaavtealere 41.11 lined up first, ding of the referes'a 00W deling the pftetteetitbfW hod.tbe t up at geed in% but Its was owing to the respect • Ilatd that the boys allowed them to whit y the niodest score of 4 to& Your Opportunity arenteitd With Balt. Immo O1I,Cs, eeoured at tbe Bat - moral kleneXtbot • OrA PrretT Tarte& The &towing/ 004tee received by" the editor expiator ftatelf The Deportment of 4gri:0440r* of Ontario have decided thenxceehrientai *preying of fru* thLs y Your ,locality has. int where the w an• d ttuctd. 1 will nthol5thinit2at2p. in.. leveed to ,meet you and tad'. In 'fruit culture to ents for carrying on the,stOrlen invite fruit growers, corPoPither*arrange 1,1*ce of meeting. notify me at ruiMan 80011 as possible. I will have with Me ePecIMeris of wood infeeted with San Joe firdole. W. M. Qtati. Superinteud- eut. • , Barain day, ,ltfareh 24th and 251h. tollow- 11 lf..tetteni a recent issue of the Nevi York World, and our rceog- nize lecterer; to he Dr, 'Orinipbell,. late of Seaforth. 11 .seerna betsahle to raise en neirisin even in. rester NOW' York, Ily viten ho Ims a pelt* imat - )o.nwkab1e dsionatra.- time • Abe Meg tiebeCeitie held . Scjuar hall, iast nigilt. '.Dr. John M. Cawpbell was lecturing On, $,IlieSofig04 of Borne," arldWriaetplaining that for Many , yorits4.. after the :death ot, ,the Scottish poet," his :famous poem, ‘, ,14011'01,.tv.tiasin.ter 'a" that," wits ,not al - towed to be 'translated and published. oa,;-'-ltitly,,.."Anstria and ,4otilit rotten Spain," and, other ilespotie nations ef Europe. .. "Whet it.11,1_0 cOMpirmenV'' seathe speaker, to the greatest song writer' the %verld: had ',yet produced. TO the evident surprise Of the speaker at the mentiorr ,a,".$,initni" the Sigh- landereboiluded to their fee arid cheered like mad. :;• They continued to applaud tbe sentiment for eetne time. the. -epeekee being unable to proceed. After the' Meeting, 'the Highlanders, 4teenesed tight 'and sKiteed:' he itb to the trent of the . regiments that 'Might mar*, to :46 .hettte. against • ' ' , , shxoolitioiniaavoSeett Itriorea,01,Oiabenitero eb,vShi:ainie vipnk, your order at the Balinotal 'Cafe, 0Anitti'Dririr-TO- 0,41---Metvort.--,!.- On Monday evening' number of DauMe.; . , ivo.etifriends gathered at the Balmoral , . (..)afeeto-.e, euppet given tilt the eVe, of his departure ter Detroit; Atter ample 'justice had been done te, the bolintifid spread, B: 1). Grant was called to .the chair, awl inticiduced, the Oast list by propelling the health eit the, Queen; following -Caine that of 'utile two litleaL.partiee," replied to by Will Pets. more and fluty Butemat lute; fessions0"- • Peed Holmes' and 'Lionel Peraoes; ,;*niedieel prefeselone,";3 eines *4;04 and. Beee'fitartini *ocivil ser- sire,"Yted Shannon mid. Will 'Mc* CarthY: "hOgkey•,," Alex. Metter and Jack W111141118: "sister sports," Messrs* Breeden and Thempserit tontine leo .tvrst," 13. ft Itobilisorit."our gireat of the everinigi" Percy Walton itrid BOK McOlyinorit: ".the Pee. . Shan- non, Prod Slieppatd; James Chas, Ball and 00. McVitie, the lat- ter of Whom eang *lett I were 8ingltr again. "The Plate he is outlet°, was replied to by Dan liteivor, who heartily. thanked the Wye for their, demonstra. tion Of regret at hitt departure. B. H. itobtrison sang "We were sweethearts. Nell libd 1, the company joining in eberee:„ John Nairn wae, present and, spoke on tho reoeganistition of the base ball club, and B. D. Grant intro: deceit a eglietne for the fermation yacht cluhs.'.After eipressing 'very many wishes for natl.' Et suceess, the. boys &Spelled. As • • bicycliet, and hockey pUyer. Mr. 5,fetvor bas alWays. taken great interest..lit pushing these Pipette to the.. front, mad both etubs, deeply regret his remoyal from town., Bargain dty, Match 21th, and 25th,, 'at Bobinsotee. - • if you are looking for eilmloyment, 'reed the advertiseoreet of the Itenovo Conically, on page S. The tompany ',kip they metin bueinese, and if.th Me right all applies' they Can gitte 11101r. good thing. '." • ASlif• YOUR DEAI.ER FOR Rot JANUARY 1 Oth to the ena of the month Wit win. offer it oest MI our . Dre Goods, Flannelettes, Shirtin s, Flannels, 1 nkets, Tweeds Ladies and Mena Gloves au to W6ar •6lothin On the wena AGO at shout half prico to clear before Btock-talting. Look for' Prices in this •spaoe next week. STATE. ID, Mater* • Twitno,ittie;:,4oet. week las. Itielt4 4„ifiloott, !Lk •sen,oelevator at • .Sidney, 140.4 ',00rwitotitos:.:10iopo- .bushels of sititosit.w We'pwm houtiebeing !Mired,: - This is the ictoos:- ton Limn Wite, Ownedthe wheat m 'the Oloderielr elevator when it Was Mimed, and thelltem Stanitoha was then:thud Joss inside of 4 year, --At the. amnia' Meeting of the Atorro4 Veterinary- 'Kedicel'A§800lati9oitogaio. wthith4ou .tbefoltowing officers were .elected for the, . ensiling:year President, 0. F. ,MCOregOr, *distance; Vice, 3: :Hamil- ton,'. tteci;,_ Ifehn Winghavailreeti', E; Blacken. PIM - ton ---74. social under, the auspices. of the Ladies' Aid Soeletv_will.be held lir the leettire room 1 of' .ssr.Orth-lit. , Meth- odist 'clterch .this (Friday) evening, - The Se.gfortli Sim made its appearance lastweek in a handsome' new dress, which greatly ',ipoptovesttAappeartinee. 'e -The Winglesin Advance booehanged beef* John.,Ceret n. )laving:old 'nut. to 7h00. 1014' or • am: Mr. gertiY0 *Unmake a tour of the losrett;', • and if he flnds a geoid opening he Will hikely go bite hiteineas again. -Some inquiries have been reader Kate 'Whether' tottoto addressed to members of Parimment ottaWa-.reqUire postage. - While Parliantetit is in Ses$100 all Mall mat- ter is carried free of charge. -E. W. Itutwitean Is repairing "a, planer, and matcher recent)* purchased lor dames Doneicb$0it, of Bayfield, at Luck/tow. ,,;--Those Interested in 'the mialleal tat- $ * 1 s eat of our town. Will 'be pleased toknow that, Miss tour& Acheson hoe been en- gaged to play ist ylotin in the Bailin OrPheatr0 at the coining Sriengerfest to be held in that town in August; the orchestra is tinder the cotdectore ehip of Prof. Theo; ZoollneneeGeorge Held** Of Smith's Hill, has purchased, a veryllueniartescased Organ from Bin - e11400'$ Bleyele :and Weide Mouse. -Levers of good dieting Will liepleaSed ar that One of the best atteactioue in Toronto ' title tell -Sell has been ured fee March 21s1'-. , Vire refer to "The Man in the lion Mesk,"'which Will be given by Mr. Donald itttherts 8011;and alisS Brandon Mingles. eon. Petted. by 11 strong companyee-Bailiff En Thai dui* up 011 Vadny 01 escort Roland Smith to toe Central, there- to serve the clinaining 13 nionths of a IA /noodle, sentence for forgery. -.4 'car of liorees were shipped this week to Onshen. Ind.- Dan McLaren 4109 re. ceived a carload Of very fine brick, what are known es ideel-peessed, wit 0. CO brick. They should make u very neat btilitling.-Owing to a scatity of eats local grain deelere only shipped, Seven or eight ears' of wheat and petve --The St. Pattlekts entertainment is under the ,MIspirea Of lit. Petee's church, --The anneal literary rind MUS teal entertainment of the MaeGillivray Mission Band will 153 held in Knox eitureh on 1.41-1(lay. Apritist-. ' • A 111.11tVOISS WOMAN. 4‘iwas emnpleWly ettit down and bad a, bad cough dna to bronehitie. I WAS very nervous. but since taking Mood's Sarsaparilla 1,11ave more appetite and feet is great deal better. , I 'have rasa used lima's Pills and find them very excellent? Mrs. U. Garland, , 073 Crawford Street, Toronto, Ont. ifood's Pills are cagy to take, easy to operate. Cute indigestion, headache. Bargain dale. Match 2Ith and With. at The deletion IIILISr hand wilfrender 001710(7f tbeir best eelectione at the St. Pattiek's meet t element LicaiTturr o.4,LaN ''tltalee * AklEilZEti. treszet The .snring. aSelzes Were e,poneil- Mt blonditY test before Ur. .inetive ' ltose,' - only trio civil -cases beteg on,the mien:, der. and rivarbrunal bnainess, . :W. N. . C. Washington , appeared. :'for . troven ,bueitiess, but his,labore, Were,. Xilerely fOrnaal* ' The. following were:Sworn in . , ss grandieeeeettlhasellainiltoll. Myth forernan t.', ThOintiaAbrabatn; Waita*," nosh;. Mae, Blackstone, Ootlerich; Robert 'Bell. - IfaV1 Tkotrias Eider. Tnekeretnitht,Tosephitartn14.1ishortiet. • • Patrick Rooting. 'ffewickst.-Witt, Pot - lard,_. Meliillep; 40.01611 Snell,. fltiltettt' O. W. Sloan, far000- W. I.,l'rele-,avitoi • Ashilt314 ; . liebeetIrebeter. Ashfield; • ' Win. Whi.t;ely; lion 00b0rOt ...--..-_,. . • - The duties Of the grand ' pity nreris'-' confined to making the iieuel present. menk.which they 'did as follows' ; • - • . . . - To ilis Lordolde At% drartanaBose,., pre whin% Moths eentmeat 'a.4 fat- '- lstriTxttioneese Your TOtatlitip :—TI' firalia ;art : laWer, 0 recital:Mate your Lordship's coo. gratuletiariaAn the soarolizet mime -fa tilt county. . We have Vitsited the county' gaol eit we Ilnd SSMS clean, Onlerirt and well knot &UId. the thatioreadotacore Itte to be eotranotrac4 . for tl4eir Ore and Attention 1.1 tiwOit titttliose We rottea. tee Tale:mem .in the „gaol. an . vagoorte.anetione are kept at work In repair. •. Jag the beadieg Mal Ina itilliovitur it "rod • the . groriedir,- we' specie ,' 'sewer° or t,tie ouolOr'eactioninficserung too menet Work. The only atherprisoaer Is an tweeiv01660. il.Weiting retitavta to, the Astiorri.- Silt. tut . frki.Vta:Prirong*t,ignIttIATiorTALt: factits in toe; gad ' llillag.• It•ivett the. dealrfr • ot lbeitirr to vialt the 11000 of Iteftlail 40., ' Dittiten, but °Wags to the probable shairtness at ' the sittings Of the court, sod tte rut that a committee or the county council ere carefully looking atter the noose, Of Itehlge. Ws tan- . cludeatbetrifibliniaterotswoulo act statibrbir oar notioaking tial visit AI, this titre, Ali at . Whictria rellicettullyeabillatea; • ...; c's ' , II•11,43,0Drtgr. s Morao8th,1898;,_,. . . .; 'I:arcuate. :The. 'Chaos tried . were its rellonee , Common vs. Iklepir. an lietiOrt fee tie.; .., eeuet, plif. being in p r ershipp With tft etio Drown 49 ir,gents , .'agriroilturid irliplernents Supplied b drift; ' \tsIeely.. The transaCtions Were 'Very', ectuipli- , rated,. nrid tire ease lasted till tine oselock' the a-econd day, Viten ilia . .Lfl1'(b411i1)gtwejudgment for deft.. dis. , itissliig tire action with e0*§t9. Messils. Gorttiw rind 14. E. Dancey for litir.; Wallace. Nesbit t. of Toronto,for tirft. - . Gordon vs. Clegg Was ati action Itir, slai74et4ithe parties both being resider; ts . of Winghani, Pitt bad ini arrange.' !tient by :which )w WAS to sell bicycle1. for deft.. and Iwo., dispiate.over xr. sate deft, railed 11101. 04 thief. awl a crook. • Pilli, believed this iieineed Idol pi Iresiiieks arid reputation anti tbeeefere ,bronght %lite A, pry WaSitaVolla itt arel with , ablest ten . iiiiimtee con- eidekation they awarded plaint& .$23 damages, ', ills Lori:140p. added ouato. W. D., MePhemem, . of Tororito, lots niff.; 1. J, Dlekention for deft* COUtt Was then deceit. . natgein daY. 'Mardi 2Ith and 251. at Rota-1501es, CIIEAP READING., IlarellpflOrig totifa1'otvtrgPcrto2ae fav 1713 as agcatfa ratra. A Ircgs Price. CVLSIVAIrets ALSO Covairrat CaStanvol noare $011111Ali... C4le015311101tritetirefirrr , . 111 SeverorteMdtinees • Apply at Stile OVVICe • 0 .s. •