The Goderich Star, 1898-02-11, Page 6IW -4v-% =now W" As" b4 Show"41 A W-WV#Wl *an otto a" pens. do" the bar- 44 %we thom 1011. *44ams this tate sanwoor &U* tot- US hany yOR Tot THE LILAC REMO $oft YOR 1141^ aw mom UNDE fA— 4* to not me "W t, MIA my, V~ Is *0AW T410S."I Sull ja % Put ftros" W" I* fear 04twat "4 boxt ress. X"W A sla lavortod okWW AIX'SIVIVO if; to W"at 701� Lov* Witu OaUft-10 , Frawkwo so jQ whoo, I "*we yro% #=r4Z or on the owly-ji4te 41� A"a be, so 4"tiox wbsro, will most me-bam I* tku samoplaco. *ill Qtt*A,SIVO *a Wnud"t vm fit Wover Ast" Owt the 390k is "'twood, xwthor.11 I 1001mo- UOM whim I 1004 tb* 010`006" 1040 W Ofek �= I i WW X4" W*A"W AOWO 44 N% #400*4 USUAI)r vor. a aristont of r soux" Ot U." 1*" o"W rama 0OWN6 oc OTV = to x"a-have I isboll To- *d1LWUO44#W OUM, W" tr"toa J�y -fowl, tnrAI --- tbo lot 0004 11 *0 "" *I* Ooothmi, 011 hove tors , owft my wiU. 06044w, X01- - - "tor 14" aft It Waa C4400 1 a" It OX40" Oun no ssbwAbly *0000, Tbis KO. I to 00 "Munw. IWAS 194UW4 by a W m4t. " ot I 4WL*O� 6W U40"d WWO xaryr, to" ikw ot a40a, 4 few d" StOWEng RUAt$, Tboro boy* bo�ft'� VuMOX* fW 4=W 00 aUlm W 010 the as"a- tholt Tor *a* brW moment bo put kk bAW UVO xlever 4011, the tIlkWr ald1a, in nAdarlo AWA Wr ea#ftvMjjt. ity mother w&* 4* ;r I fkto 00 Um* that tbo OWsMmoAt Wa0ba" ta UrVO I �" placl trou _C lisksw obo W lust )Wk from 4W am 14 Imo" W" tbx* o4 atloo; be klooP4 say I**" my to, re "W:�s l4blo w - owt plant Aod, and I* x*,rlvo tba �boaj�4 for the *W" ur nrw, Tbo "O sr#4 4mwbo* woo pwtowtr to ;v bq4 1,14" woo to" bet UW fai AO =01"At, sw"t R"atly tuTxx,i len I lay with 4ay head U%V4, -crop for green wo a%tro, thus' M&WO"i. I' bolyo k4ow J(tor %* 4"t1s. vir. 0. jcZW)T,. 4der % .1 t"t U'� weit Ocs�*0144 to to to X�di bWt of a MIta'brokso bwwo WO -:.,2 bU bMmt; *g4 thoo, be was game. TWO J41ar to tbostom oc bmus In t1w.ramoil, Waxe, 61VOU wwaltlilng ce., 6 tW tOW 00, W*# 6 vi'vil *WO- WA4 4**,VtAA WZ, And I )RATIO k)IOWA,', wim & bIJAdIng mlst all &m#4 ww, 4 SWAN I 'Utly by 04 - RFAS To E XXDT VNIC COWA,xy o#L It the olmom are frilsIr umW4, the, -Ooccr46 forlu MO. rbv prof#A;O0,� *ad jv lwr%U" a Umijo #44 eadov-b"rtod girl 410 Purs4w ax oic great wato" I* My of altrogen In, Us Aul *ill Us� a$ W#A Offorsa to hiln bw*v A aborp 044-KUW tM r folem"d. 64 iilood say r# 111114,100. 04 to *XOa my boart; I f9Irm`r= es for $6, , Wror 10(tAor" S, two to 64 ;to UAU*,Y xt tba VoilWAY whkU WPA being 4644101 ty. Otroar La t#1M, 10tor"I t"U frasw troxwo, AOIX t1W bho A*rd vW* groell pdat U *4L "O #414nt*t�s thatwoold OwfuO fA`Wy YcWW" jonoraw-c and: (MM I tjW "A 444b, tbs,ttoits Ax*04-Tivor What 14 VZOAtICAlly *ogU*d form ad t Tit bto woo groot. I oWA pla IrA- 0 itown X r"Ud M4 W. U tU fam',writos A ow. 'vo cow to, itay. A�Aln m%* k4 elm OT.Or 04 the X-00 ft. IrAW a )Urk and x0. ORA10 to hO�oso �aot Wong P94 COU14 AO Or Ol't r 0 wocc, to,000 of t O" WOW vatw* Womor. , WA lay Mother. 1,104t 40116 M7 dumb *ASU14 and 4004r. doat�' A, to* 40116ro .e#r* SUIAX 4raes, oti the voluatwo, will be voW4 woy ttxw o�sr 1�o b chU4, bo wxrrlod," M" *ill Vat Aur�sW " nrA* fow UPPY Oh. biotod� for to serve the Alf '*00s WO " 40,014h: *V4 at tbo 40,*r 4W, "bo . _ i3%_ the Mint. iiW of tbe- 704'r b jt'� it worm to Ms. that thIP, 'OR , :, , llaWo jo Olor tbolt OT, Oft 9t OvArso, 10A is, 14 tbiso OMWO U094" Op gaust 4UA miyo to any vroatwo t* toysl POW ftat, Of jovit.", *9 x* vwh is�bouxo, *Mld'b& that below to, P.S* (Mly.!, 1174*0 for a 46 11, I *OVA GENTR Eol �%W, b .4 an IpofflclsAt Ov#,'*nd f# In I11010r, *a4 mkA jod "Ab, 14iyed U. It--!brd Ix rio, OW , r Ot thoi 0 14r I or t* #q*W WbW W*ft ""d UAl* al - ait J* ft* toof U &7a, vtoll InU& to boud o�w *A tbo t,"r e ,QTVg, " 4U$Uy, aOrk W, to n "VO IKI, mothisr lo*,4 44 OW loy OVOW480." ftsi* m000lu x*U4. wbo .494 the, rl* A"r For, sasno �"ks Zh#A no tb## VO I 0ader bow. I bw, T tu , 110avy moat "a AW a 41A *%jrW: 'I *Wald gx jtj�� 40, gb r* 344 "vt 4sapow. 1 *-opt wbs"var.,t th, ballot, J�, Isr Vail to 104X 14 �A—ft A 04 OU0,* oo� �griwO 4*41 I 4,4040, bot I 4av4tA i*A lot 'It Issx4*11 tbat �wlll O& bk� Lota, �YI, 00 0*4 0610 Ok W* O 11O YOW r 14�0 OC _ toolm #Atvwu.w, � ) , ".. i , Your . ream 000104 What 14 go 4 ��Ori thol -In-joblat 400 Act 'c 04 'tit mow "Do� Iron 'oftil goe't fa *I, � , *ao" WholO. V i�twL t but 01�i; =WWO dAVP"Odl to to*V* tjw'1%010� tal''Ut tho. bs�mw *Ad lty"rt X;W It 144 1401i id* W"k* "d v Ax'.'Wors thag ' ' 000'At'1411V 7" 4,4 il lI*rW :b4 Vat tbo sky hat tb rk. r11- Y ;;jOO;ttjj* 0 to W40 or. good, rowsulu Z.O­ V: tim to..' 100)o will obsp or *raw it, Ot tako �Swt -1.1, 4 . h jMt you t4i IftfO Ygiti"Wlt jtugoo� to F*Wlful I L "P Q As, 1ptiW UZs,­ Otti#r mmor, 416ya Wo got tort t. UTM, 000 -� nnf64r; o* bot aote; T, M-Ald Ad to 116, I U" Iwo; #Wt It, bo *h0taddIft or tor- 'I vtijxt" t votla. 71; vr", t . . I "" I U t hrW , '4� 4 � I � I LIP. to '.��IjJVOJ*6& 'I tl' for Warj lot loor .O�Oa x�� tu %64 the t ir *bo" IfW =,tyw that X1, ye Wj tk t It" r , a' b Ibk.h oy 1"vt 40, oys1kold thi oV �Ao A"41fvc �*tlttoa, ,0 wa4 Ao Or t woo 119� ux0tid to tho 04,iir, ryalslib lottir 1 10'' fo'OW h'aM AaalnW, A W" d jll�, yub too now 0.0 0a, AMAU: I 'bust *JtIL _*A t 9"., t*t f0w. r4 ptax Ot �oa t k oI40',-fioa out --b to _: aj.L'j�; d� ''I V., tol *b t00 . t, Pry' lle'Ved to-- 070 tblot 84t %t jj$Abo' 46% , 1) .09, $vv"r- t, t -4 t Jbi'k " '­- It i ., 4*46' a160 t 44it, 04, the Istro*' Of 00 bo, OW O *) Vois. . . d l*rro(4 to into 0 fAtmle 44 Olt_ " hot t t.. f d th 1, , o7, *6'tk .44 I-4 to, 400 a zur, Oy e, -, ,Oi��jjjjj' , 0%, IWO 60*1 WO r Utb, O" 117 h0jr t bjt�f; t . . , - r W, A or Ono Yq* r A Aig 340"�to no -0 61* WW. I to Wit '14 :tdoli 'U*i bit* Aft " , , " j 410t 9, arox - "" r id, .11101*1 1110" be Ott '06 1. . � tl *It I 0 it . I K *6 t: d 1 f fJ oo� a�W ft ft OP 4", to, W r It ago$ fflo , A*014 Ior 'd flold: Axt 0 W of �.oxtuv*,, of I 0 POO 4 13COW,q # I*� Qr,� WQ, ;W.0 aarto.�..t of, j%AAL1jk,o0,. 7 RIj Of tO tIWJ 'oo­ thout *Ort 04W O, �#rx of V3. � � I . . 114, I'bal t to . aka '4y t PU MWA ZW It W." o ot aWise" T 1001A It a writ y Wlbwlau Uft tj �fl" Qo ,1091 il ra W ''M t U4 tool" w SIX 1 $0 Utd Y to*' tw�OW:y .;foo _0 14 -X'4$0 ro up 4 U as At' to ho", 414 00, Itealy. 11c i, I � A', . . 4 Itv sure, 'ji Ilk 6% �� " , , fory, U14. say' ret400, Utoj*1 it" Ttt a t!W "Ut r ft b,*O, SOW* dr zo , 141;j *10'r I',' to 00 -StovW mAus 4 .0 V. Whiob 00 AAro; Ao, OfJOV*a oo�Wl .114 Nd Jill ow U I­And�. that t6�� b 46b., bt Th t5io -v od, #"A W joftd out -b Aa.� bloDA h 064014. 04 ttoo, tl,bk d t1bl" it "I tft'o X11ow W 1 Iob" 7 Ot 110, W. b ats41, kud' .04 d' 4`0 s aO#, all, thAt 141, 4 x #14�34P" "lot k Wo 0 r6*04 b4*,46AO I' A�i rAWW O Of "t tbilr, pvto $0 r 4" tflotlo I hit 'AA1 #A' "toy, 114(Tooi�odigot�. abox REVIft 4 iou ,v -6. Q ""t xt"OK mt, 00k 64 Upt"With �shovkab**tUt , r VvW�: �7 A Dun, r n1r, wo I ivf" tt the 'r t1w'? t r O Ir bo� aw*" 04% J310 '01A lor ftuln* SIV "*V�O, arta, 40, so lKod, tw�, v*oW *030.w� ; v 4 oft 6 I 4k pava O' Aytbin# but �&to t1*0 Abrohnowa, " *out j* t 064 &b6�uo" xy, mothist ro- O be", t�jlv�j ot the viloo . i. 1�L - I - -- 6t 'O b'6% '64— AW, 0 g as t so a sw*4 �WOWA .0 tbo 00ra AA, tut I thboght do W -Y O"P, Mai -vI jPW66 at*� into omit- W, too luk `t4 t 'go till Om or640k a it best lot, =6 WiOAd&­b 4Ad by 0 Ih To guz,,., 1:0= *t at- he Apoki firloy'O lay "Asr: tb6 66Y -rk tit. 3%tk- tabio �bjO, *g&.JA- 9-MVOI&O 101- O 't U t4fijiot t It w -;"I %tivd th,�,6ffo Of IWO us A aI ts r. oTa wo,: Wbso the ��T- IV, Unt"E* X b toft 1:7: , '� ".. , T A-*** tU "Opooky fto`ug d. be , , , i, �vftblw'v - 1. z. ­ .6 .1, . 1- 11. , " -*,-All" ara a v klit live; lor, a -,fA*r �6ita,vo vok *Oulk boo,gl ad Ihs O etj d, 'Adrr6a " # 90 Mal's lovv* *44 tit, to *IV BOA bi�dld not kaw� iappolatwoftt tWeS Y P Or & lo UP, 'With, All, Its aclvaj�t 4finft pot., is vl"` WeR,piggpl%tion, TIA n, hAv* *10 Oty v tanva aW., Xt h COO bt qnew of I10 Wks, 04 0AIIAMS A tbib OA jtitbitr� t O 4.4, *%V* J)VOA 00 .Ropw WWAYe th Wplyins UNA, JAW OUL. Ibov tK6 , *vPjIeO,tjtt kis"d ZOA with, Wax 1 I -16* tr". 0,6L �WUt o�Uld 1�.dbt,Aadt =V "4urst"a ftr kove.1001ty, "40OA- It" love, left uibi1d rat sit: tb6 toold tot 1,04vw Wba4 Chrit rov� " -A �OA* lllndl##� UAVIt bo�40-, him. -,4* are. quite W - r It W witt64 Iw W #t Woolo I -of ug. *attij - - In- ditj Of troop. t*t 4 tj* Ar$'W*.t* oo brI4ht'tbA.t I too 91 t tW laders tbO Vat k *nd it ilght sky., Tbo W". I wooMIv& oftisn that, gold* toftillood �Out of Aoot* wate. At r IL a6t tot"thilottef, w0a "Inr; 4 o- a''t twit, 4t,vh1ch -01i1b"t "1114*h. so ladlw to 41040. "I wtokll old. 'It �"066 ied,boavig I Iivitr. tba -A* )1" - t* 14"' OtA06diOtt 4.f t1W tit U* Ttor viswoo'brl Z C' t jilq4, �tvtr. 04 :tb$ - ; xretttQ "AW laome troM, It, Ally b4ovod Y, Not t1A1A that 6VOIAN, Sad OR frOA i"ll 4 -it 'Wro" to, Utl ,101A hUl that thy WOOW4 Whi W" 40 4roslall Utl noAlt that 11 wo Obe whole at tIW vrdylotw day with va� W" 464a, Abd that- I w4s alfto in thi While. In thlo 00"try, w4d x4i" WIb*t Will �o ftntWid "b4 a*d, my asotlIst, O& oomo kold b* *oo a the *att*&* oarlyon thIA. tottomrMitfac for hhh-tbot,ositbor *04 toostli vowt, 5'b�, $",out by tbt, lotril4t Lz tffloh tthe ballot for a tbe� Proot that'. twso�`$ t not Ooiloa 46* Va; the 144t 44.*. ftWU ths bissl Ofttlthkoo. of tho o5"U, .4 Are fotLUd' I'SmovistOA "yoo *owe wy, 41 tbw Ito; mW64 U Ill,,. *a �oecldont Witlit 214 R Now to aAd Wid. 744 4tood atphla bo,, ly and ft"d ga*b 4W . *td ilittA bla� dj&wn 40X�,tj*'Mj *111 rush that V,614� OU . likoly *UvAt t�, my, WV*i" sbe o0aj,"d 44 OWMANt wltl� t I Ohill Wour p6rt- Orytblof wotOct I beli6ve, I"da to *"a' r AOA t tuc wakhlog ho fsr.� f4a Upom . fts. 0. 4111 psoro bitter th�stt U bad orgotton no. - 1, utiir tbov*lkt tail0g, ot 4stojet tbitt Unsaturs. t *I11., rve, I Uke rot out any fl. tbe, c%UI oted"tit., Mark Wr l0000ed. of that; it sle"t tftUr-A*d, to 'toy my, AX04 Ott woo4trM orbot. doitbt tons, Nv,6 �,,Uow bright tboj� *t4�, tho" b"Ittl. sny bi�,Ir. uid bad O*t 'Ott* loAcAbIn. *Outka of tb6 livat#4 Of 0040t came toadtnlr ��. OrAOX-0 PondeAt, ftl st"ol" LOS t but It' tbo 4 jtbt,oft.ho, *1'or beavood, ttis dam' Np boting be. tow, T)*%* *v- no, *as, to whoin at "'Pot vf I Oh tbo AV- tWitodU tv . Wesholl Ilk kow V*Ar # 000 w v9 tbo* Tbot shall Its but mi.bmrt, Roll, appeM for nowit of Usirk.'.1114fistbor farmers 4 thin state, knovrA as t1it uu�. Ovit aboo I SM U 40111. 4'PtO- wvk�d"diir tbo X46tor o04,91� tbo,t""t t .. r attb� Wid test, "too" 14re to m#voltiv . that it that vokligh will Ad AAd. I me that so hand but valm abell not b"rd Lay dettift. UOW Will from the tot'=%ay avaths; *OW UlUd,,: 4,Aa tblo OtUkv th1fd llow. itisqubatly dilstrow WOVM6 tho Introftbou of Auy xy I who W'forwu . beir,".4tvr's proximity, to an opm 1, wia a tatdl�-x ;41x*y reitus" h isd to'So. bolik, to w4o4land-from whio-ho e4% 4Uv.SM#W M 6t tmpuuorr Servira *vou too -- Y **to dug You " very Lem y tw"Istle Of his fa- TW*tft of thisuftws Is t*u*- modified This IM, bat, th Ut " sot 49 &OL Xat 4*0 tb* SWOLO Y" 40 *at amlax to thWx ptvOoty U4 not t*"Ivad any it abo%14 aonr -bi*u takov a by tb* projet" a xaYr1*da of little ksow enytkia i from Min �Ia�* mo' b6tUr vordIts mld bis oo, 4010et W light Iftt6' Clem tW thormusiblis ty6ruotv' bmana 00 aabmt lt.� s*d =%n will bad, iair "" 0 W adoilt* you- Wt you 3OUA sot' IUAO* asat Uo famtal r**I$ for I ho ­ to- LIAM. 411 -,WSW " 010 is Oxm*v" 16 O%Piaiim Wt that. I" 1, U*vw. The tlnl�*t tUtboft fls� or 'a kowg�,,wjletk, Vat` OW Intiodtti% tu rAllot, ma as"r **alt. a no with jwA & w - ot ty*L I to1*d="trUthfUlly-tb&t all oth- Tt�vts was votblaN to be, 4A"baa"wa but Nid aid pwthwd folt Of tbo oftly tUxft of ihm tse-apt or *^* won to no Ilk* sbadows, wait to. "tuaft A* best 1 000A. or- Ilad k0op UA tist ift" alwas to the a4ht4kr . � h$&t tbo Mooh #v*.wr .6vila rlbtl eomo bw* to "PrOftift 304k NOW' 14 A&A 40 b# U7 10104-410C hD" k"rt; "I OeOUPW by 1104 P1 sA�ta�r In MY ad 4 nation ow t1wed my lips ap"'Aod "Uat Osaixeii It 4%d., 1hery a4tsi 'A tb6 tA* traosirom 11401" to & betrk tit saboo r so clas, vUll xam rain *kll* I an 11ac tow, posylog vit'dlv to So& =7 OANY Potato 4=1111 *nd if thosr`U4 brought -Ife"* Au wyeo aboaW ft" n tabwor& Tho tthe i"S t)at 14*0 &%*t I might hosli t"Al WArk tct WWM to cribuft Olov6r, coximity of an vid fboy be to L" ""Wme. I be" .%;r 'bait wikit #6641, I at", "j; Oftry .14%t I *y do" to okoet the late Pa"to grousta to re, WhjOh irrOrl"awy TU106d. 1%ey Are Tr LARORNT Tbm In tarx I Is "41Y. a. and, wteii Ifoquan but 461W., *%* "Ifiva"4 thet you _ OVA tooxact a with btttw Imam boraves &'UAW bad, tir I Thi wth6erf"A a6wity and abilof b "Ift w"I bv* "d Wok ot met a t we Xvery morning. week O., is plewhed **"t In tbo) spHas or heot, too* tbeir IvAre. V* ft b ask saft to 1pars", ry* " fola, waro"Softe Per- Joe too. Itarkro weak. meaft aflwr maist1h, I West; 6"P, Otub, tbieviob 1015t t Z "I Awl UUM4 of so Owt 01W lo*n.-: ;iWMW late t. =04 tbb Pootma. ft by a ftw at it Stase'; their 11 W& 0 *$A" I film mt for 00rage, and!t: Vitt OOVFA !'A SIONIVIO-Axt )v"TT'Sxx1kxT. Is am W'Aar WM slet call my am 40 motev UA aslything rev me. as k%WW bow *cW,,th;d xtl��rkftwo be, am* I waa*d " Inaba lothw. slad I* *Wa and 9*W whWh ArA loft to so A i0o", dka""� Ila or by am volt ly awhere is )#AA fat 11a losprov t. tfirq�"v None IIXU ft 1*10 t Ilk r no vni a' Oak- be wodd jo* at Ise ue% & Viumm &wa ea tU WNW to Atoommg6bod 11c Ww" M a t �' AbAft of the hee& *a& pon go. sm* ctimeft sk~ mo,y be sown is mlied *N* Aftv at too ft 14111 b#A* Itad $r%#PWC UO Ogg t Oall b W O&OWOIW"d ly Wftk kle for7o While his Mau thlak bm IstmNO IW adL am asocaft Is t3ft AWW hq an eara at the 164 VwAdsc. or rye Ir p&"a, QW00WIl" Ik ram ft" t&WMb1A Whims No lrft 4W *0 In e6o unpaning Wnqr- no g"wad asW ae belk was mum-, nedU697 t I "t4 ftvft*bft4 drIW Ulm aw*4 b7 tbo, so )qW.v 11 well. "bottom" tit vW earr 1"WO we tu vasume, Mal. W W& no it met vosommer W fo UMV06, Wbo are not &fgida a 6"0* rod*11 W= % r "a . I "'Ma f*r" WOX OWA wages, we as , a via It 41W WAft NNOM Iso bb W, tilled P"ato cc earn from the Of Is varr stimia" Glover or riv. A thervank, mallobt. ekeba. same at Awl& Sable. sh" afto IV Ito le gh:&"L% $40" da Ift P"- UZU-st r" ISO a a" 0611k fAm WINOLN met 11m know ad k4ftlift vas 4kc *"a apdas-"k h6now k, ZA t1a x"'Alinfaff us with IV416 Or Wrikl0b 00114 AVWF-�' bolpik.rot MA joy . the rOY44 hero have thl r A ftAftg ambdow my be won iasr- or ODUSM,;T WA& "Is oft WON 6* 6 tb" Tbm dft"t WW" *"t empty a aby Olpf"S vr& brAlke I the ilt