HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1896-03-20, Page 5THE
)10 Amiuml Iur Amtiil Inman mum
•4=12 aka._ _hatemee at
aeastrimea us las
*CS 11.1id eabbipmbvis bay t..
sled wigla,
sred aid Slhiems,
sehody emu Ow
it. It*13 sheet
et its olaket
Wag. It is isi.
Times saltiest
member wsesest
have bete
(Id to Sowers
r,nd rightl . Set
what of er
*hese physical
condition cones -
ponds with, the
pleat? WSW of
weakness hal
made not wholIy
and wheitromely
&woman? Moly
things lead to da-
rtaitgement of at
woman's dentate
etpnlate. It may be due to cereteseness.
It may be due to .ignorente fostered by
mistaken parentil on the p1a t(fpreatrrhig
It =ay result fOut itnproper treatment of
some swum- apuble. wawever sackalt5s a
Wonsan ha*, it seem* always_ to greet the
wow which make her * women and these
In turn work upon all the rest. Thereie
muck insanity Among women. It •Is.really
Iurpr'uing that there is not note.
The troubles/ peculiar to their sex work
rossalt- cites 01* -0, won
nlirst/2 111:( t; in it
e. 6 t 1:e e and
the aitiasismation always preitent Causes
debi1tathig draua tbat Will enervate MO
meat 10.1/.118t, °
Dr, rierges, Itavatite PresoriptiOri -
brought.comfon and healthio thousands
etinire woraen. Vor many years, Dr.
' Pierce lios been Chief Consulting Physician
at the aval1.40* Uotel atiii Surgical hint.
tute at Buffalo, N. Y., He Ins used the
oPavotite Prescription" all the thitet with
=MUM anemia, With ft, there la...nOr
need of the commonly insiste,d,ineni 'obi-
tressing ,exaMinatione -aria t • local treat".
*ea," Ten vents pent to Worid,s Dispeto
. sexy Ideated Association, wilL bring a book
of 168 pages, sealed in a plain envelope,
Isere *was os. arra. Ir* 11,41.L1L.4
earutyrt 0,4141.0414.0414114.4r _awatiog&tiow.v.u.*-n.,:tt.„., ..., eartsz,_ sparoortajabrof
&ad whew *.(1046 use by Luc .-.
allii0.0ed it. jaF:airo," 04,11,
„It lied twirl isomer AL... to do emote Wept
a of ite _Haase
Aga 1:04 tasiosi. pt le eloeses bes,s. Wage Jae a V.VI lire a. etessiders.tion. sad
the latiose en matters la *wort be ssr. throlestoieo the holt- rellther tO with"
coneorseu ..$ oasseri. treceadi ag. lie w not $6244133641t.
Wee took aseeption so Sir C. 11.. 'Pap- ;of Alii),issrfisetlY correot.
it laVne that time I have
issess attack oh N. Clarks Oar-%
and citaged hire th defending -Mr.' 11111 Wit* ft snake stay un- -
Wallace hula nomil•r(t. wkewen tttgife 1"telniult
I a*
heid by that minus -44n Nava Mr. friegikr--1 141 10 st point et or -
the as MO& . 410r gad Jar. Spesker, who-
castudder that the leader of retarest. awe' sworn tor Winos wee into tee poseeeeion (4 nem; to grow irraperfectly;
alk• ttssItoba
sea,.,01e sere
atettasas &ad easoo.s. **inlet aroorma31
4.D4 you cal that Ottiotatity letvg:
ifeentrhig that Ile dethet
se proof the honorable
Ittaurt. klowles. Mr.
Ow sere b4rfag son-
e tor that Wu& & altse-
taviltsetlan. The school census
up as to. give the Mahan -
Imbook. double the
were entitled to.
Stroare vim
' ess she lasiatessia tiaareet 4wrissiee-
gergraftwiers ws4 go 006,41.41,1* Sr
ilmt 'Wog st golMemerritr east Juir
ilersla *Sow 16.•
Yhorie 1141104 It the lissesee• ()Wawa. Karat( 111.--(Speallkill-Itifor- tet Ihre.`" the edge ef sick"'
Poor.byt Your pity goo*
out to It and rightly. To be
for a baby, Is to be de-
ixived of Its natural ease; to
suffer and not be able to feel
It ;,to wear a sad pinched face; !
Wats &were thet
On being Interrupted by Sir C. 413.7r "tt as zn be ober- Mr. liteesittby-l'se, X snippet* so 744111 esellsigerldult svilthig 14' and to lose the ,iliweer of re.
tralsPer. he retorse 1 that Erie C. IL 13111114/4°...,...1.-W
TuPPer had been 4.1p/stet- 0* Justite, tritTer,
list *Of the evirestalw Bat dthttlt UM make* the nifitr 374. ttint
and a Met ter only. kis aunt on to say 4010.0.11 istatter. What was a subject sisting disease. n at baby
osoabut atir,ole..t000rothe tor chute" iruppet,,_The statoreoht thittraittewe taxon:tent t
!&ace hetwesm riot and wivng ' enene 'MOW *SO; t•Iunt. the hOnotuble *moot oat the *weer th, t ohs o the of eonlidence then maY be- mode Pub" I i3 thin It needs mare fat thart
tiradsaric.74-144Turtsen4rn..4.100:Peeltitrnetth osistun. .sesormIthAttannieuilliumaka4 44tterbetaltlatiell- 1"i. grill thee! („Nstbotist° the attissi°t4teb. „ fIrsif-thaGliritanthred irttrusillsttitsibigliktil.eowativt:Yyeda It gets from Its fbod; it is
. _ tuns bY **Islita" to petitiOns. religious to Premier Greenway, through( Lieut.- staved fat -starved. Scott*/
**a vidt the Datennion a eonferebee U Is the easiest fat
• • tely ergurnent. WIriat Volt the pool- hes ,betri• olniged ta withdraw anti.
alwatinee ,414-WitYr1 IA the citirithatials Severe: Patterson. altinvitatioa to iBni won
teat of the matter befere the House? iwhot„1 04444414 ,w04 tu4,4 by eta. •
, it cculd pas* this partiamar It "Mr. lepeulte$4 ant afraid Ole 110110r* se= ; , thts troubiosoras , questitm trirm ilia -
I There wag quelitialv of the Power . eiseetsvtir.. **`.... Jar:• lgeriterere-COuld t I
' ite lioture .to pees the Xteets4ifd poet .1t, aoti roe -users, v" .24,ave bootorprooevoe4,43:ayoowt-112intils. melon" oomprom;sa and yetqaohilg u_y_D
03111, though he did not by that mean tbte mouse. *a 0610:101 question. with it vier. t° it can have; the fat It needs.
t be rernembell.rbet pert:wily ttuito io -mr Leahhere4,-DefOrit he deoe,thott, 11"" roderti PccA3'
irtneen. amrparitameat should not in—Coition to Ws, point or order -0- Mr. bave taken the, **4 probably mr- cbe,ries -Tupper.
terfere unless Mire Was Positive evi- etattineat age. 444(0 ot atittemeatte- Mt, Wa110.4 'para. Is taken by babtes. Mothers
the duty -and ream Witty -with -re- wing theword, ,*-butts,rfuire,,,orii
" Will the heoareble gentleman glVe his therefor*, Se the Lethedihi 131n had
terente to education nee with the pro- Mr. roster -I went to call • yoltr.-gt-• authorrytoce4he tormee* statement, palmed it* seonni polftica As reading. Mr. Dickeli
enee that a province Mad not'sier.-Order4
Salted them. hir. Poster, who, luta bee proposes to raise anolditr 'point writing it by the 2,14imitelta gOvera,"
Iru4..auk o&
Made the only good Meech delivered order he is glrlte nt ordor doing etr* Ines& 7 gotni"anwero taTrtetn.wwil'`'prtteil dimPlle back.
the Casa at all, that they were' bound owe. (Liberal (leas.) it power but berore did 4hodd•Mr. Oreenwity Would corieed certain grosve„ „
Proceding. he showed that no sating '
the rook bed •of the constitution; Mr, rostor.The 4.(sint Oriler I inlvestigate the otimplalatis the oetl; bOuris viltett -religious lEllitt'"U°n 414"t4114.1*444
clauses with respeot eclair -Olen Were
pat Inne the CoofeaeratIon resolutions v.'hat were the grounds upon which
timers and be himself bad shown ailed fie taught by any (Pnorritnittion tevelitplitIt.., cot ,Theemenehe
4-re,W0 OP at the. (7414ete0 _cceirerehei), th‘i .4.1)(1,14thed fieco,tute- in the schools, end that the 4.110,1fTirle•ri wry b. wousi`to curries(' crinkly yor LAy.
or Iiassea theI,Toiuses of rarliameat, ache**. it 'We! atmply a question or text hOottar woola he 301 ilaltr hpiettt OOHS 3tstlit,e, outs
dlisclitirged Iti deties orAlisre- Mr, Speal'er,;- Xr the ithAt7 LaXtiviere,..Who, sisO paw tot tor with Mr. Greenwity. , ' like It because it brills the
Bart, will kayo 'for Winnipeg to Wu- •
ion the Conservative Me of the Reuse Din the honorable nicurtjia er must eitlia Mr•MoChtrthy replied by asking What t i the W4*.rr tit rilittil$14/14 U.*** 4166*
VI the question, Mid said that Se- accept the rollasr of the chair on the bcuritt this HOMO& to interfere with I" t* the Pruttrels of eventi a issoissisadriasesioa for terstfloati. (dirk
Perate sehaeda,had nettling te de with rat already rnaSe,1 or appeal to the Manitoba l` There vrais no doUbt is,bOut
Prairie Provinee. said to-nlight t 1 t Amor2oiwsp.itvb,orottotria* y4oepordos•Awoolt
1 a . lIgitio it ir "tor iir,.-rt,.
ireattiernan.werik .(in. :to sti:40. that it hi
Ot 'true. that . are. 'members. ii
telionS0 whi,,,voie for a cerifirell-*
therosuee eoiao virailtroeldh ittteeodpgtiogot tit oatt hire
0 cia, he lit • r*:blt .gez Wether fiertei•atc schools Vic( •la 111010ate anYthing t rerc ro
't a ge le in OAAT 0.ettet Or. Wt. "'We latiy hulk ni Weald be objectionable to Catliolica.,,
h• • y, t too because vi.a." e able to tl? awe.y 0Ir Charles Istipp,r, reteeiltvedin0
On Urne Wee not f01,1114 •IA, the ox-;-- os Or- t L,Oo wrax za_e nbt telegram . from, v0.11
t out reforenee to his ry. there, are eeseez;e4 „mite ere , .itteptp fit,tx to woe te sahool.k e
see was willing- to he hound by the rm.' ty de • v: • 4, ets,,,the: roviii,to Manitoba„.** , Legislature was held thigt afternoon,
Stitiltion- Just as Much as theentbitsto 413-41eS Xrf 1114's f t, In conelusion e held thato,,h,phols litialeit it 'was iii;cided Co' Place SO Oir*
e tf,n1, 'at ' h
Matter la 1 ri
ginal resolutions, or even thottobt . state the Point or. It'isaer t.ttui mt;,k We had gentierien from prrinete tiMating that a private nieeting ot
arcXleweyer, he thOught it . ,The laciabor for ../linc,re v.-ea[t. on to soherat they batti no 3 „ .34. nvozt /6 supporters the
,. 11;rtiru -better [ to interiporet atate, further:, "it is *'0,t true that t
tie -3rOung man Who ispeice 7000 after,,, not trlt0." N W ~1
Out What had the Aet to do: ttatell aealleettea .14-Vlitti•Pr" • • t I I"
It Wthe rovatiected That Damon
Ibis Thee.
luttn. WIte. had been a Aftoncheri"
'died, at , South Bide hospitai a few
, ,• don. -*t vrIrarte„. (01111 4„her it was Jof}011 let :Or 'wisa te0 feretpee., Oil the contrary tlit 344nrukedgand pained to hear Or his death,
, • • • • • • .e naineo a.„Tf.z Q=rtloo OLL0 • , t*RIS: thi:s bill..1711Ptiee;" ...V044 109 ner*. tote .-145t,tosd or pror0104,na• to-morro.tv,„ Although niore:tben ono remarked that•
et intereforine with the -aparate (zeiver 41° g )4' iiitfeatien, for dieorgitil, 71001101,e aetiozt a o(l.e‘i, nary-. • The mari.liail.be_en4yell-liked. abd-bla
a s elli-na el wile* Staircase la the Way. of tile Pro 0E41 $ a o.. Ills new:lab:dal-lee* Vero
anitoba The courtso h a a 841)20 gentleznal slat t 'row a erro V 'these tile semi ar
OFIATEPAL-ColviskowriNo. 01004 it laid bottling ..A. Ileeni • • ' • eT " *
or 1 alerai terrre and the -I -hie. Is' toe result Of thec, conference anti take biro frOmithe decea0ed borrower. '
PPS'S .00,00
By a thorough hooiledge or thenatur01
laws which .goveril tho operations and digestion
and tintraupn, t 114 by careful. tioplication_,of
, the ilneprop(*rties ef weil,s,ele5ed C0e0a.mr,
. to haa•provided for our 0(0,1w:send supper
gelleataiyilavoreci oeverrn;O Marton Mar' Val%
•40(ivir. deetonV bdiN rtie
adlotouti nee of snob articles of diet tbat a,
-900ustitlitioii ;nay b(11U.'uh" until
4 strong enough to resist ev tendency 0
geese- riau reds .of „sob( e
boating•strautot_lis ready -to attaels, wherever
140 thereis si-irenit point. VV,:(..11)(13t e5C1404 nutay•-;
0,•••• 14t.stal Sikat't 4.30tArAOOraelves era-
ist fled witli num Mood-- and • arrobpilly
frame."-OlvilgorvicoGasstre: ,
Albinl.y 'with boiling *Ater milk • i
Sold ouiy iiplt-uouna tins. by Grocers, 40,
belied the's:
,TAMPIS dc" 14ttt,, noticeo
patlan'ChontistO London, -England,
30 days
The C re,
r,‘,144et end S n
fankro tirolucOdell OX
n- • s to,tne,. tontlitur,00lteet tau of the eleity reserve,the Wril, JOrrril until .4 -tail th to reCaN-: he Would. to nave *that *Its dun
'°.r.tiigAeetecaciipc -1.44fiten,z,fltrizw 4':ir*04z.c1T.Ot te gir *
t .wl 0 the • - • failure to 110•1" what lie Owed wet Char.
t " Pt ' t Carelessness 'In
tIORt..1151cthat' °c"Pti'4!'rt-to tho Mr Pak71'-I U(14er* ,refa*,-1-t-tne°11,1324eeeltutEle,":"171"'hrefe:8-holel'Aireo[7014tikt-r,,,„, Ottawa AhrriZI:11;141----*The iieir%edia, lam lAustriesuott.cra'reralti._thoitus.,o
h04 been, comrAeta bY h 1441112.t.,.44. vrt". * "*'* "1' A
beeause W\ -/e put 1n no tholigleth 2;" ' ;cid With the tt 11 there eorrie tint 11 terrain te Oa° eau foie et away from. tint immediatelY„
Pe*It °fled for, 1)14 Put tem '- P1 r rvle he -e4 d 1 f 'he Con- tett t .tut t sit! a: 4.1Rt t
hro tbioligh t1,0 iotkteneeents• th. re-; t 1,1xaltit tx ..dreatazi ing rvfin, 0 rt a 0 our e Iv lig:---------gWee coati:tell to borrow` r
Parat aeheets _tvet.i) guarwitoeci erri,„..004 ,T4fTeer olt, Ar,0 h a : ightite ternainete tti.ddy s c,,t- to defraud. • • 1115 ' any nL1
tat, Peonle of tho ;tea River; altti h ri/oembera .1; proves of it ,l'he lianas nag t ep.ax
ttlet a elan 0. t e linderetansi linen It that Ale Orate woe tinUfl tg igki ktoulle„4.- Ilij but When .to-daY's: when. lie earned, money it netraeasta
has oert reit in Otherlegialation of, . '• • '4' e • OS committee, end dida tint. fter v on • e .oth cartetho. eteneLeee.•... rrow..
this _Parliament, The cony- 04 had does 'ttt'he . it would 13+0- Partial -heat . ore so man,' Yet. to speak unit divOn e zeet;*a*.,,erted yearx
ed the limiting clause -3.11 the AMA:, ,-0311%tr:::10-100- ; ol would bo- found that half, the bill wa8. will not likely be catied litdore 10 or 11 ing.**1 `elt..***17: _he. -** aweitatatr _
1fl0 . ,,end therefore the Prat' irene--eirriflislorn "" AA Ake to know lutit-:,-aistriority this - dt lied. of it is .iiIi144-4F6ier Rent any ace t C. the
"1-4r practites4' /ira$ tt mean.. ' 'iZ"t,-07" „, „„.,6 _stolen frem ti,m„,:otien Mrs 1.(aiirlees.,...amond!„..,At nOne:..0r,:toolt or: Ss sumu. vier-,;•:--
-vinee had Absolute pOwer to (teal -with • • ' Parilarnerrt dilvt ted the tartlitg -4*-t
ili01 .15004,tinn..wvit.......t . .41,•t? 0he 1) . vergdone„, the House, go into tbe avwzottge • members at., ii, duty endlett nenoily hi small sums but
thl 1 41 101 1, II' • hut% tti ' hO'
earreation; enbJeeti. hOte• rer.. ,to • 441411,(3.1t1-:. or In, Writnitbku • the ;80parato'
view br..):fartlainent •• VitrItament, bay- era, ruling-. • - not • ...'''
bag power, how,Shoula It abnroae ,11 the itr..Spealter-Th- -4.C,11.., li,I1111.qer of'.
tinontion to ex*roble 1V,Ift the Manittioa Pirtane is entireti,-".ri
$ehoor ease 1, should it be assunle-,1 hir: Foster -1 dill not undnrstal 4
that the province had acted wanton/Y4 the -Speaker to liaN 4 tfuled deinSively
or ":that 'it had acted with: a view tb-upon, the pont 0-,.. 0 „ .,r x yo,isold, .ard
It to h..e. said that the itrovhire,waa not tut, in a ,( 0 .1 I inn eer.,
0 use e wo.." 41 thl r
doing Its dutYhy- theditizeno in, the- mat / oppeai /um to In. ti0n.o ?able frie
ter or edotatine their children? 'wilt, th
, my lin .3110.* Of witat be
bogy theee tue Most or/butt itocOUrit of all Of his lit*
• ftlwi had managed tir, keen Up the
dolor; its duty in passing the lawe 0t said, and vrhether (1‘• Ilia not :slay, -**% the
1890 -I Would it he said„ withbut evi- could. give t7.-14 )1.,..(rr,i- ot those boncr.,
donee, that Jkfanitobtl. in 1800 shoula no!. able gentlemen ; 1,0( -
have ravievired the legislation - Of 187.' tilererere, i am .11,t to stye i bi ".b.cre'. but
Prote taut 'minority in Qua-, dire...*artitobst, but Jir hltoiv Bruusweq. t.:- y nhil., I .
now. wt en the rights ot the ,.....,,, eubtaitted to the law. iit(..,,I., an ol* Pagnient$ on hie life inentrance Pol (V.
*. is not true, al MACittholle ini-(ntity .to - Manitoba .iteoratiOtt with Pr.- NVeld•Or4 Ur. C.t,•,.1- And while on his diiatit bed had *iron/
, tblYsiwecilytchT,StIoena4traeotroisicyoch-00010trieerelittalteithe-i iruttoceshioral.4$11,!1; 1*,....s Irt,01,14.0ett:,yzirodntervit _hrto, atbirfraopt potiftttr.7::anetitleer:Itpel‘ittl.robarroratireerff;•
the11441440100011;rStetoialanen4. rilZPV0iicslartgthr 41411142:1.1i1 ifireolitobsilif7lr:IttrievitPotablrlyromgoriotleoFhPloilS:olotryd,deerthhE'ii
committee did not conitiel the Oovero.. .S.
Ittlqut igt_actoAs clEam.04, hilt rgy to`, 4ortrar.41..,-Wreinlith4tritsitir `;., .!....„tti.-.;,..rdi.d put la showed by eat- at-ta rediri, ftiat gentle- -eit 3 It•hin 33t- -Edlifard* Wes ityluteelt: "'ariee to gO t° 11°P.'
11' ea,* the ineorsistent pOisition Infirtke 1-10***, -.. •' : '''''''A
w011101 to *Ware *howl:It/V(4 *AO, 1:0**4 nibitltbloaell'etvientIttt. erval:irg°g7Dert
tees. would va.e for the six *oaths' Constituents. That M.- ,tloverxmienti .4.; t,,, ex,;,h1„,, writ
q&amse, .e wanted00 entriiiriti tie sustained by a, good. malorily 0.11. , " *
,.. but was siatisded the bill should, not divisions is corceeded„ to 1114ttle up. .
'become law. (bit oral cheers.) • ••• Coen/fan, writ/011104r the debate, Therefore, , Whew her died IA the .b0S-
lar. liaggart. tOiltiVrecl'With groat OW hitd often heard of ptaez.t .auti I Pital it West- coriStaereti that tho,.hoOlits
Conservative itiltiaiteez,.1-feasitedittnee lunioa existing in htew Drunswieks , Were
'When had Mr. MitCarthY: gat tlit hie< (desired tor say.howevers that the riii*;01-4.t, Irriage 'their surmise to learn that .
IMO. his head 'that minoritio0 '01loold ttlie Itoinan. 04,t)10104 12their itripeaunious friend bail Rent' the ,
Xesinitse Instates , agitation, he Argued (Wick had been takea away se I (-tit-
not be protect(a. In 1889 during thc
deckle,that the minority had the right, -
to., appeal and the orrerument to dee/ t#Z5,,oritlrttlitrej--If . ------arable null* tsrticri. be eer.uphd to-dsty.,His ettion . "lint followed. . She earriet1 out the dirsothms. One
IAA 4.26 a.m. the debate volw .1* rum& irkts tr ed money reerivel the
ll'Iret Sh.(44Ye'tlllis*nt • lith -wr(yearthY-7- -201;4 Udine! tegisla ion altogether. (Cheers.) 4,_wtele that ever 7i 1'e 'II „ 4
rrPovilfriacee.° Toticrotligtoutir raitttitreeattbg trMattytthulArtkug! 1111::ertarjellidiset,171,1-ratt. „oonntrr,hast (re 7t "Id north bY 'watt, Sisrettshart 141ittriktlere,s171,-",,, itra04-11
41- 4-1-w"*"." — It appears that wry Ote epeol itY
„with the arheei. Ire,,,,_414 aet agtee,with tolotttation th:trtto 0 .;.' _ti?trt:1411111% tubi: fir Meirtet thlt ' IX MOrItAft 'Whit, MIA , A. ' *elect -at him suni of VA The others
:qr. Laurier's Oleita ix t0 the neeeSsaY =busy *nt y, n•••- • ' • th ,* Utter •*ra tnfett t 1 '• p inot,)* of Soarate - onempies , ----I ,-- -- n •tb be b tba
a declasittiors r; is part that ,,h,, 41*-, igrogrewr` ' • — - . reeeived Mims arta ,t_hoy,_bolevi‘11 wimp- -
rrazigebtostlitleen,rear4ra,t1,00 to zfletv, that otthve-tri:taberrttfoof 0.tht, ! .,Utte 10)3 sot Pbol 3% Ms triet!re471:egr,°o°unit:314 nsf gothigrlolin. oWf IITtt-ft.. 4 ,AitrAritrttalsrpegageirlithrtaliresh 33---(8Peoisti--,. ...rs..... '11,1r V.Akkitcl. 1....;sa....Nkil.s.rtst ..‘v.e-.' ti,1 !nit
Vaeli t brttnent lied eve before been (Lod rattotet) X;n''''n't thOrrl'Ort' hfeChrlilY *71111 frlehde I "el` PI/. Ortrater Oreehw`O '1146 "sP*ken* awl ` 7;t1;40.;74"iiro7;177 'Wit: reir 11.1; .iire
WI' other. _. - _ • •,,._ Wised, I .• inert% or tht, Cotti il:e chllt`hwrretirb.„ , eed in the Lag .autro this op. - - *--- trjc--masso ilii'msry.
•011.0W0 0ne friendlY crvilis 4 001,1otrrr IV ,lirr. lklgax.--Tih, oint Of orde • X notate tht: y believed that the teAttla- 'the 404,4tobit-01091 "%Almon has treed -
looted On princirat t".r Senarate sohoolv euother nilleattme in the Mr" 9‘ insurance 'paid S#*- 41714.(q
Ana noW tneruevernment przosesto 17y yea te h irang 0011 .6/6 1
fOr InVeSti• gMtiOn; °it 4°1111""" medlat .tsr•hoots,,-_tha° opciiietr, _to fl- -•
due t tom tt ita, ore- 111;61.Ver0. IV*
,carry out ita- Course and get second ,nut visg 114Vt, 2101-; Ire 11Z1 lert
h *il'faVe In6r'lltY* Itnd 14:noon, rdr.OreenWaY gave notice that. - 16 to 114 71(1
Loud c 0 "Oiler order41t4131° the'3)711PN dOo's nOt's• Catholies rrOtefEttlak (01100110' 1,116 expie40.3,,,,„,. furnished by . ,
- • • atibmit to the" r chair :hat Arta- rpokr. favo,,,c,r trw ••••• —
,- " ,;‘,.07 hon rati r -0. p'vr•"4, AA .1, .tke're00/1t. eventss here and at Ottaua ebt,„. the moat anelent, lineage; known.
'rherze things tire in the -Paperri so, i .° -I • '4,1 ' UM, r-iotiar ltdloorila Irou .thi*: The maottoha,tioverntnont zhnt°7-t1144 25°°. Ve4"4 le Inwnivtir°
d t tho 'rogra. of the line The '
(1(1') of the bill- through.. It crol„?0:4,,, or ret.,;.r.ot. twin 0 . ,,,,,,e.i,.: mr:c or 1., .,,,Ie.,, i tint Inef tartt!,,,Fe gowthet,t.otiotintrig:up:020164* 44d,imou.orpor n ,Isrlin'tne rporttiLaurai.o,isotre. the OctUtai..' .1414.1111C446 IS t " 8. 1 ' - r. - ..:
...c4a toy force iletme foliviloot.lfl_uwat:sftrO;r.c_tcy'dx4144,;;!,.),,,.,:mitte.o.Lit4,11,,,Itlit,...,%p*fix:[, .,..,,,,;,...•.,irril,-,,v,) :0.•..;:t-isr,,, „o•er.,_,• -,tas(4i.oitirtyti,47,41,0o,;1`,5._170.-dtaiithttlit t'atzia101‘ ecsthoaelai.y, -,.an.."'s lua,r,t-riliTtire-ff.?,..1.-_.,-,.., ,,,,11.,,e'worixoenffiir:rbil -. fled11ll: 'U3130.bPeylineaSollt:1:11iiriThrY°01,:ii. ttuantssittolbt:mtillitiv. itdork ..„ ,...
is skitts of the- Government? . X 0001(1... ,
u, are; a great .ntant :' banging; on.- theieee .e.--rld,;,-,,• altr_r*.atti"tatitioe-61 r ,,w. ha
toil that *0 tOrget:•tbek• arc tett line- ,libli ?.,, , •, . - - . • ' .:, ''
. (criee, ,arcier i.„."1,,, xt,ie, no true Ahern. ..,..„„ . .... ..,,- . *.„ • ' , . , .'..'.'...... ....... '. ' ' • .:L.....4.,,. *..
. ' WI 1)g% 1 0 ' 'WO . sab.e, uob .„In . , - • ' ,eoleerrtect to a. , corifekento, 'With ' th.O. ,e VI 44 .q .tt - `' - . - * • .
cr r -Clitirrec -..ro--ver, . tutor a pause . . Federal Government .witli 0, .vievr to .•founder of it, whose hope of pooteretY
iiseentaining if there Is tio posialbilitY - lit his wildest .dretttnav could .not have
- •., :'• - tame- them hat 'it Is netArite. (Cries. ..strio0y in; order In callin6- attention:to
. ,......,............;...,..-,...--° ' ' 4,order I it), • . • ,.•• .-. . .. - . • • . •
' ' . ' t - • • • • • . ' the feet -a.htott your subsequent riding
ban. eStablillea '------------------------- or . the VedeS-I, .'ulte,Viettellrn , . -, , • ; ,- - - ,,,,-T 1'4 ., ,
tot arriving at•Ac Peaceable•settlement equaled 'the result; Vas eentemporary ,
og 'the, school- iliked1V.; Vibe delegates' - witii,•11ebiehrolnessar;„., ,,.!..!...1. .
erial Restaurant
•_ charl• es Tupper, ttart-wir. Speak- roOtriber, by putting, h7. 1,...,,- io betted here tli-a lew days, The.. - Learn
, et. is Iv conutetent ,for an hon. member
that hypothoticai way Wan OOntirittinfr
who has, uttered' a atOgs' WI 111-•-- to impute the charge, lie made et fir.t, Luit,:t60t the tegisde ibelaratutriTyt.willenbou rtenjtratot. 1•,,cord Nvele_ ,ereyk.
eetrthies 0. Month hence. 'gene of Guarani, Strongly reeonlme
berm or the lIourie tO lan$014 whieh charge, I repeat `th ,grossest
It it- learned thait-the Invitation ter every soldier tO, learn ben' to box, Ther- ,,
• _subterfuge ? 41bet • that an bottrablis te gen Ionian 111 •
tur. Spettker-The lion. meiaber for
-trorth sitrinne,von,reaihtit that that is T,oel,i51.4:40itinsori,actreotuitytottl, toroaYer4, Attirt44,4$3,prkKg.
not a _proer • expers(404 • Greenway mrly thia MOrning troto more phteit, And nothing no likely-, to
the tonferenee was reeeiVed by Mr. was nothing, be said, that. required -
MA, si,octirt1y-4 bow to the. Speaks, tritthe juaginent or the cbair and or the
Ileuite* When • say that the lallguag,e ...Lillito.a*OotiouVaernootrtoPae,ttearovitiooron.rItt out the 4.0,atttio,.. of ark atb,;,, •
.41**0 ruhrig. no ay that the followers. ,,, UflO
-or•-thg-GoVerotnent- will Acit---eat dirt - ot tho---nonorahio-- -astAle
orters-wstr held et noon. hu 4 e•• lift% '
grossest libel,tilirt`One blenitbee of trim' course outlined above... was taealaea on„,
Mouse eon titter,larrainst:onatner ;- t ha t •thOtIgh all arrangements had btim
into charge litin:•with belriergifinerided- Made for :prorogation to-me/MOW. /r-
irt ,his ,voto by ;the* prordhic. Of Ofiloti. Would appear •from,- tire development4
3'0AtIne.it oh that 'ground, Your Stibse... , of to-dav---tba% • the • rcenthers . of ' the
'ilizentrtilingi Idr.'Speaker), entirely. jus- ' Legislature Aro not In tbe -:sitioe(/' to
htfied MO in caliing, attention to -it; -.. - . make any material oontessione. to the
the flieniter; sold be thOlight -Aht.l.. ; minority at the dintation,of.-the-Ot-
iota, ‘..“ ehhtergueev shOuld. be •wittir l' taWa".antlibrities„ They reinetantlit
74ritierii, Whereinion ,Sir Charide Tapper, cOhtentea to a conference Its the belior
that i'llt. Orecovray•. coilld be • truetea
Arts withdrew it , arid ingistitiited the not • to, . "kAiriettatoV” but insiatest.0-oit
Mr. pea eit,.; rarer to the boo. gett.
toulOriataert: resirectfully:'lnyani. Dealt/tea statement that the follOWerg,
yoar attention. to tbe .fact that he has of the, OOVeraineat Weald. a10-bertaitt
rearmed,/ the Above Iplace and , things for a. *onside:114ton, That. X
once -and comfort et t public, Y.n(1*111 boti.; member ought to Wititdoty
, "cur sanialutsnee. `onioryourseiti and
tral t unlit every IsoK ./br -the osivant4 • Oink, is riot rtanintootory. Ara tho.
beldessed to heve You eall'esct fend MeCarthir-A.e. to .the it
etahe YOurselt at home; . Once inside Vi'et Of the statement, it seem* X am
nutan comcir see that yre. carry way aux oes ,ots4tetar.' aridd,/ bee youvothr padolon,
Mr. et; ett OnOO r&W.
OxPrO101Onl. The ruenoni; vre thee;
0100WoufrkirOCT/oNgitY, ere, all notion. We read the 110Witpa,
mzfreqUelitlY that NtAlif ,g*et„ irttbuod.
/(1011i*•• 'With . the Statements they
a . , a mos. i apologize for that sta.tement.'
- ' dittoed %nib, bt /t, it not true, sir; r 00. quite *attain, -
-, , . • tini.,_ t there are 'a great number of, mom!
texts AsanToticco .-' • bar& novr banging on to the. SitIttat Or
.. the Government dente/IOW toltiPetiase,
(Ion tor their Vote in the shape of of- ,
, nee. (Dodd triet of "Order, ordor.")
' -7'44 04tirit OS :,.31r. bt*CUtrthy,..4t is not trato.I. say
• ia not trtte. t could give you the
lk re loved fit our parlors any Way you
Aimee; but It IN not tr1104.-shd-X ash-,
not bound to (.10 It( • -
An hon.titember-4What• two rtot* talk;
kt* about. then? -
air. MeCarthy-Airilitt talking
• , f eviewhii.; arlY arratigintieht made, , • - .
hitr., Laurier Challenged ilia itibstitu•-
tiOn 'but ;Vit.:Speaker did tiot, sustain nenco the Atijontrithent of the tag:sass ' [
. tart 1:1$0#1,4 of lor0rOgetfort . , NvEsir.sTitiva iminropsultl
The hultairVis
Sultan -aka abont, horitis. 4n-
itatics,:f03,44utong thcari ate.epeet.i.
Or at nettrir *Vert breed In tbe
Ula finest horseit ..aro or Aro--
Mari 14* favorite mount IS;
beautiful 4.1*lett hays .
him`, • • • •
lifcCarthy,." continuing, said• . .
arr. Swart could. vont .
rAmorts, -
,eue obio6tioo to tile- eurrioulunt VII,E EN
-Moly thousands or utololieitell Ia.
wee a lilstolLy.ealle.(i
• he' in use Ift ,the convent sehools lt3ro ha.ve reaehed tuallufacturvra *IA" te.„onoov,,efo tb., nubile tliat hal
History. Oa' that wen found
nines. In the Xottliwest, where, Seott's 11271511470» floutose thmired beegl,t tun sho besineelt (1154. Symohe nds, an(
ditipatate 5c110018 are' established .by, -thr)ughif Ui(' ofreougninption and •115 prepire4 to 40 tite.Ohnia *ark kt,raoosontknin- •
kW, the teaching In ail the $('11110L R1tOSV S ' w• • setointoosAisgases 1 None can gp,ta,i;
MOW the sortie arid When the Itortrait -For Ootigns and Grp, eorttldelftly‘ of ItS tilerIts 0,s tuotn kytio, •
Otthollo Wane. Protested, the Oev- k " so who haVe testeil it. .
attinient here ttttaia mocthwro retommetto *Pe gook,. D mist t .te erw
aSOUL Y 1. am . Why, thesh interfere with, Manitoba?, . .10t0OOr VC apatite rtiatiori-
o you .--your nieval re •••*,
Ohio's,* %Invert -I -into; it to tot; - 41341' -- m .$ wiLsogis
Or* • r,
Aellocilfr wProk,.*11 right lot Int • .• •• E ••• . •
Mr. Speaker, whether It is/ oonloP era 0mayok-Ittink %4yratolY.
for OA bon, itentfenot nto, shelter him- Not noticing thig frOM Ur( ' oak Vrigiriptiort Wog fitoro,
Sistif by R. subterfuge and a. side *wind, tuft Mr. locums,. proonmed
Said at the nine tinie to inter74
- ,100,1 natio tho Or.thhi, rienY. that he uou instigated the natl. Vephnno If, . •
Otte schoolearaan in ManIto-
irrottti (--1-1(74(--1-1(74"Orelot' They wPro ahousr
iturnftit Justioos
Itl; iiiitue Of Prose utor.
i James Loogwortti-
Win. 13ol1outyno
nen N. Duff
4 Each. B. Durnin ,
5 • PAM. Johnston
6 Alex. Bird
7 Basal Beattie, ir
0. O'Connor
Pa Metal;
10 Iiir. Kodd
beentlso they
f the Po
me of Defendant.
John 01c1,anab1ut
W. R. Uodgins
1fugh Glenn
Bann Beattie, jr
Robt. Iohnston
• Thos. Stewart, jr
Henry Bern
/ hereby certify Girt:Move' to be * o.
iihrilssiolarlikareb ISIK
• sh06, indeedf Why, x haveityeen yrs (1.to, (rnrraly a croetolty cf abarefoling•
argning cheeks With It. . 'i ,, tt$' orrt mid hams- godsfaellonamirtsatted.`
E, .1". CURRAN.
, "And now," satd th6shisipingeIerk, ' ' Preiviator.
'AS he picked up the bill of tares. "hav-
ing been filtinir 1§01110 orders, I shall
, novrorder some tilling."
in arta tor tbe County of Ilium tor tho Qusrtor coding'
Xetto of Charge.
, Assault runt atlet7.
Gambling in lieenardprent'e
Co' tunion *seal*
a aney
1 bate of
Boo, pttailausut thotiloyigo4 Stitutoa f. On
IAm oun
ine or
: .20 05
' 1000
Mtge of Convieting IustSe Penaltt
• Justices, •
qoam Beattie,. J.1).
Mat rilk2
Sept. 26 W. P. 1roeicens1ire4.
G. Ward, 3, P.
1 Jan. 10 , Kere,Bunter* MeItste,(1.0.'s
Jan. 11 Ili 0
to 14
Aug. 24 Jahn Atevenook, 37.1).
Jam 11 (Thaa. ?boll
arch 2 Chtialitteil kl.P. Clark
amid ttkze' copr terth!, beat se my knintriedge,antl lsollefr
. .
12 00
• 200 ,
Time when 1Tfts, iihors
to kjitk1to"
said ustiee, raid* -
Flreerith „1
ir; •
rto, Clikiter 70, Stfn 1.
I j)._iinsadidvirlhirnie. et 1. I stob witv not. anti
• Octisealt)hsetirat'oni. (at,
horn. Paid over t
131')(717 --;on
nallantYliP, L.I., . South mon. °
Sep% dIfe.oznattoray c •
WiSt C'It,rt pia* Ptift
not: Cro
Wit *a
Coro 04 to jail fol 3diny(4.
Sent_ ',risk:,
Coln IO jetil fo ° .,-*•••••4•°'
44011)glts County' o.? axon,