HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1896-03-20, Page 4. -
•-• _
, •, .
teeilg4 so teatuensos Lao areutmit,uta a
/41kg 6.diCtith *tat* : nateriv4744:( culatinsvu(srusttisiao:attubri,igruZiniv
. • - *gm no eherieterizeo tho "Mani-
FRIDA.y. mAiteit.wwia. , feats" of the committee As * joke ..
,.... .
.-- ---4--. pla,adi on Tits:. MU% althoogh be
- ,Uatalrli that if appeared with pro-'
Jl /Alta , at Last : mineece in the colunnai of so ballot.
_ tent e. paper's* the New 'Ytrel.'. limes.
, . Tire Piro. dear Rigusi, la ma the Aloha •
' A. vote wino At last witched Ini the Anil rattle brains Wil() Ilfcre spent_
noose attic remedial itill.ontlits re!. money on the iniethig sea dissemiee.,-, ,
day Morning. ail te; another; All night. ',tiara et thew drama% thhikeig there
$6000, Iowa mr. uturteiffi amenti,,,, *iliv, rail for their services. . 7
twat for the ant montli's 'hoist Wl
as fle. itiiro"i...„.,g1filviNikonele rensens whir,
Peed by 24, and the second reading, ,sel PriTeintt.41.04,1:aliatels'sriaeliutoobit- •:1-
riett by.K The IPitsendjontined at on tido continent; for two republics,'i.t- '
0 o'clock. o , • : and winds up by saying; 4'These are' .
Tiler° wm tow to _ „„,,,,,,,leinerice *0.111 the.oentiments a thil calor of the,
R vu", ' : ,. , 'Weed. and these have been We
.„, ... thentaiter. Mr, Oreert*e$ .11!iivint44.-" ,rniacts *lymph," Let,..soi. Lees, then
teepted an iiivittaluri from 1116,0,0in.. teer years si4e, tim editor. of .the signal
..... • ton ,Oeverninent ., for. that- Durpese.: declared almoskweekli that theleiVen '0
The ninitotaa Legislature LOS 11.4•: W,,latilleXiitioneailP•!rireblitTnenii. -**"=*': ' :• '''' '- '. ---- 4
. tO, Ai I OW tb e tat Unfelt then -Was. permeating the •
.,.. toutereoee,..wheot will.rocetagt4.tO ad* &ha -thatrere• It*iSt 'this DODAII-1.°11 ' '
. joiword. until 4twil frith whole inuto of piddle' °Pinion in Orr.'
ii .4 iti-the Pt tier 8,10 would realize Its manifest: destiny of
, hoer- the roue-- • --, ---- - ' - -. .. .._ 4, ...: .:. 4.4,', .0.... ...........
• tons:der tiny- proposids whieltinay its Polon Wan WO unnevt Alit4ies.. 4nat,
orivo at tv the 13.4409; . - . • . . 0 id moan Ng ,t nubile in North ,
. .. Anterien, wouldii't it,
: Mill Work. ,,Agri
:•*4 • •
• NM* • ' .•
Or. Seinston's_.40,
CAtarrh Cure Powder I
IIIIML,11,1 o 1 111•••••••1 he •1/11•011••••• MI • •••••• •• !Mild le I PI IMRE.. 41 4,,,••_,•.
'WITII SLOW.E4 ilk. 1 Angi Says ion* Conservative* , I
4. win:Warfel thing, '--Try It , 25c, .. .:.., .i ,14,17.ertatairsIikr.:11::gaitaoreleiwomotanklawrilltooloilier;i0ssi:14.40410:01.11. .
inttriodista relief and ' permanent !Hirer * riesiltermisa,T. _Thu 14",!Ii
" cora of colds iiii_abe. bead. ohiartht *to. 1
wens lest et sae seettlfor.,.*ietietatt
I-1,.enders. teetestes. ist alas Irtarata-litire. 614 "raw ;1 .
. . ' Plant Fookl 1:'-' t.:trut.zT,..a.„,—..r-..a,:Jko::eik::Hllr:::14a.,g*:. Trvi .
. ,
. ,
. thie itif you would have flourishing pliant* 0.ttikw*, Xi:vb. 1.7."speatito....wizen
• ,
:•and lovelY flower' L wiuter. NO bfl31IL.the Souse Opened this afternoon it lima
ak and Nervous
()leen, Chesty. observable that most of' the 2/1e131be1'i'';
were wearing siitrareeke in their but,. Viewer the body bas boon whilt.
00DE t_on boles, in honor of Eitt ratrick's sod, xiiieitet it ithogid be. bolt. ,n*
• , I Pay. great bunch of the Irialt em. by, Boo Santaparilia. Road We;
• bleto 'rested upon the de* O I.Ufl. nAbent two vises sgs1 suffered with*
Albion Bicelc, 30114 COritlirah• to wheal It had 1)Q011 ,aorye,yaereittlAelcot5AlsounikaOri et that.
seht friend. ° 'bowel*. Wheal begs* to mover 1",witi
haw been *,, fighilitm day- In tha--init.T.r)ri_afseklih,anitilf,„
:House, and it was. characterized hY 13010707:41141t4egglUaloTelniitedriztli
rZome..c,ble, not to itay bitter,sPeeches. baylni, Appititeur
-• Mr C. XL Tupper resumed the aft.O0Lt0 vo.y ThIn ,
theItetnedial bill, eiptr4tuletty -oot- 'od wedc. Fortuntt.,ft,s /deo who .
After Clarke Wfilli4eQ and Dalton Me- nod aeogre gersapsrWa with swot bens,
"InrtilrY. Ile said that Mr. Wallace otkindlY reeomMended. __00 to Or it. ,
erataa a member of the Oeveroment., did so and *perfect cline 7,aletther stfactrt.,
344 tr'14:toPm tIlue t1r4'1° 1;11etRoiit.IVrofi'lAVIttrtilit
;he se_n der_laritten-tfe-,. . my. boo,* for anythins, Ifisc Ck, .
.Th0441)044 that toe, doyen:M.00f AK..vaskus Manning- A04,110;40(4, 010f
dealloa with this flizeStiOn, would oa - ,
-•' '• think now there in r vont .for any More
'VAT, Ilel0111"31 than mm2 you tilita thiit
mitteest '.gettitigSralla free. aAvedis., hae kthottaincluite thle hhhutry: with
lug, not of et)iaPit°tf°('Y'F4"VAle",.r,! 'OW U. S4 Pita Viet ttir inferOuge
- though none of the DOTI SOW' 'w hut )1004 t,h4 soperloyal speech,
know_Who the 4:44tt40 ft,ttl" :.,40"41.1" thil viglInteer celebration theother
tion ht net do nuPelOr tkeme raoll.4 day iicated a radical change of heart
,ve.ea to t hulk • ha the auneution question,' but the,
labored ezplatiatioos: in- this Weak%
Tnu 8)004 does net like,"rur Smarts Sigttal, which are tiorlared to have
' vvit'Yft' (I°11 t Iltul.,11,1Dnilz° wit 'ti.lat try 411d Pt°4$ " . al ace ropreoented 204
Tea& too bad if wo hare Infringed int speech 31.k. wt. w Q Inert of Vial liclodas cazweafre,0040 woo,
terdled utteraneea
rioterenees to the Thwu Council, Xs ' (0
bi-en the etifin 5 the S" •
' or ,continentiffg on •gsti Di jAmt,,n1,1 .111 -
Ger era!' Jobbing
• Itepair.ino or kin*& PromotlY
and Carofulig attended to. •
cultural. '
'Work Don.ct
.4-ctn CzStitigs, 8te.
Pe s "esti' sistent pact weriE• Giv".the new feete),:y, ev:11 0,11a no tn
duenee or outspoken opinion in•the "
tour roteroporAry's. opeetal privilege . - - TRE fiENDtitsoti _
GYGIt Ltd 00,44try, lie"04trid neVer be tile repro:
• -t
Hood's Sarsapar Ila
guided by the deeiaron or the :Pilo .
•...04*011„ whether that decision. was tor •
celoiktunercruzsneiviiaangielnent4a,ont4t4hryeiO.Nri, •
•. eaul Wallaee 'dared '41 remni''. 110116Ptirif tor
taint tite rklits' of. the Pa.thoile'
l• e the 0
Ti noti ittt hoetr zie to v .1.41orr, eIrsri,tewnht eutrottitel trh: pru. smi.alueaeutir ki i•
he pubilo 00 today.,
'signed, eou/d. any •ininortance . be at.,
FI sentettre 41..sehtiment In this Coon- "ditoaVe. ynu paid 3iour tfOsOlptteit'„;
. •
try thatwati entitled to great consul. 1...B.E isw.aiasolsou
rOfiletran e r -S-1-6pre 1011
. • „.,.. . • . . .° .The:sther 0111'1;1=17,11o, yi•Ato - . do so at once. and get free a ropy.
; the tako:. oghneo.• 'Ithel• • Eat Mara la Show. Test Inc 11"s‘*et . , .
' t h " „, • allot,: , •-•11. pitmettelltoe er..010;40o.gogli‘butt . , .
. Signal need, ..00t Ivorey.. .Y.Aelzdetti March 17. -Th.. *)0iainIxts,tion . .• „
.. mental in stirring ttl) the agitation 'tlegg' 'of The Omiadian Atinnali a. liQak wordu ::'
° • ° .. ' , , : r. . . , i : the vAttl. :elliiiser. (;t the -3/anitnhii ger, 'en •
orlont . tv rAr . . nt wiz( ii xr, toy eer..ite tihe..:1000ktiirs..,
, tOrro:vitancsell..opamida ilolutpt blan7c4.4. 0,43iiiaIrae,irabydotwAlz't.,:. ..,,:).0,1[1: -.N•, -4:)N- ..1-48.11'' -Eirt:i-E.-4 ..: • • " '
, 004.1111,7 tAlact Advaneedlited;heenpaid• •-• '- • , - ., .4.:- :•., \.00*- \ . , , .
' , . . • ' ' ' : . .
.. .
apers: an,,,,,
. , ., ,. .,.. • . °A the „counter ; not an arsiinieti'had- _
... .,
• Vat er .041)Invve C°11 ' Utter trattud.on the
• or Dr. Jameson and his- foliow oiricors _
TIM Mr, M. C. 0=00% thnVrsnevaat raid Was reSihned ITt
altIrlOg the )Dotter'S 000We at Ottawa, BeWhoStreet mero-
, „t, Ang4 At at the previous lioi.rings, the
.1t00Plt, UP ntaPrors u"Oltu P -9.A.43 outttosyn wee /Imo with me,mbors, 0 a
4gaitid •rehtedia,., arlittheraey't ft ends end, admirers
1 IA • 1 44 Whit*. 1.
• niltftett Ur. WeisMiller Signed. Tak of the defendants. Sir fiobert Iteidi
STAR IttlOWit notbingot any.sUen C. watched. the. proceedings Iv
Ment, but it Will otter 110 'XibjeetiarVi 14°4.4; • th0 Wrauwani--00Yern,-- ,yv
_ he givou but 'with the golil ot Mal -
0, I,
tette, hi his pocket, (Hear, r ) A •
'441v0eate of'this kind Was not worthy: ..."APLoy 70,000 MEN ANO ARE TiriE,.
• ot 'el'eftnce, '(Hear. hear,)
•Pv0eading, Sir CharIes'remioded th Ni°81. EXT4NSIV !tg THE WORLD, .
• . went.' •Associttted with
Si Poxinetionif the Mgt* 0-tt 0 George, Lewis,- who preit,4itir4t:
time' produce 'the pletige sigla . et- Mr. Palltell,ettact-Ahe-trileh rSy;
auo against The liondini„Thries berM-re too'
,4)r 4714.•,Itf3141,11.411,tZerrinli. atte....00)1,the'hp-ed,41.-•
..ttirma'a.0400:,10-0toxtbe hooiee 10431104th ond Tit44.3'A4lar(i, rnP.'144-17
tlititoo Nevve,IteTiiiiirtra- 0,44:9140444t 4x-• •
, , • .
ayeatilee, Tristioan to the latteria toe oirot with the 1.3oereut Irugerigitirp
• T1tt OL twrespectr°1trott Ztonr*o°fIttl:filltirl •ArttakFailealeiproze of the r v71;-). par lu the
tti the witness stand
• Boer countr.
ItMettit basalt:ilia gets hdly*even with tr.e6pers wixt took part In
einteresitary And *bust** reference to lvaetr:Ptig %41)1.0%%rter troxiatte21,:i
bis defence arrather zatombe, so -e, voilloa-hase elreadY been intblished.
Ocive 14,1.41200. lett lictee toot eeem ea The tailtVaris for fiteprosecit= laid
hades . er•the Ontario'hOnudary disp_ut -
or tome -Years ego. in, witieli -
.„ (Bothwell) had taken part AS"' '
,,....' , ' r . '. .. r , ' /H : . . ' '' ,1111 ' OVVII the dectrine.that-' it ..Q.t1-11..sct.' 1.(1:1:6:01.0"4:::::::,1.:7;.;0°:,t1::::::: ' • - ' .
. .....-1 . . . . • . • for Oritti,tio whett-'10 IVIeOft' t , , •• opot poet, , of , Wietteriee4 Over 159)-: . •
.: : ‘1.. . . ' k ' ' ' . . . ' .. ':ther , ' settetion in the ..1 -louse.. iSorelY • ''7e4'..`' - ' - • -. A• • '••• - r ' '
-7" -.. -:,-1.0.4.,...,«Noli;i0;..... . ' • ' 4...... ' ' . . .. . -
1 ‘,. ent for him 1:4) ',talte•azir`part . ' .
.. '.,1`. bay' e a' largo. rt. air 4404 at. 41.61.0k.voteip. , 4i;.eet, frow,',.the. factory, ..,„. Atr.'11/COart4' should' have regard nov,-; 511 ' tinx,......1., rpoit, ..ht - ,the,..p9Oart.':':.
'Bode)* to suit. wiede*. siiadee tod-to foL,ati eaeil. Sbade :eteth,t. ala.4042 Ittitati :It le :4,1torr.le laPe:td ni- •
' Ptine$ lOw at 4, '7'• g; 0014 10 eeeteverteil Airid -aoskAtai3.,„, ,polix,440, "a, , tor.- hit. pal' opittioU • dligete) , - , ".'''
,...i.sehes tilde,. hi the yardi. Also • Virindow Paper; 34 inolt zDting rollers ' ' tA, co 4... n • 41.- i - . . ' Iii . 'Tleut 4it 1181zert3'.'114s 1)'ell PreAt-eci. r' .
great Antes UPon. adMissions bY
twin,* to the, Signals,* it 1140a tie, *ben 'the witoor
; see t 61 StOreik horse*, attne
relying elinplynKupon IttilGeOntrisupristeeeeda;nha,outfiri3h0,0
, y,
speoia low prioie 8tiple Stationery' Irhiee alhume moka,rinor tentRence ill* Onttntritinerl eanie te •
ectob. ',.A, mate ' • George Xtrown without t oUgth2 in
„,. ward but azoi deals 'e'%tertsivel With the
tri . Mit; • • - Sir Charleathen erte' di • - I
•. ,• -arouse religiotielgeltititoSior irutheit.ottt;'.Th Loal ,2xpellwture for 1.1
. • • • .
Goods Inenecti *i d
4uritadagairisti.stimeons Oise... . 1104 sannuitiltipn,e at O.,Efwaited:thedatne. .
son expedit Oh varlotts points on Next to Jas. Nololheenss
rOathi converging ARM
IT was brought out in the Ontario
14291:11ra ftriertlfebrognaS: OR.A.
Utica the
ittlteS lett I 1,1**140at Wki$ A .., 111,,,U3r4P3.41:
attte:cting the ere
th.Trie who ars looking. for e4te,
irtrettMents inland, and effetl
bead of ,tok wex Ott
'arna the amount p1d for ebop feed ant
. heY vow $1,000. Cob; illathe*en thotight-
..-. 'Vitt*** prettY'llghnp:,01.4 the fano
0:10tto netYnort that *wither, of
• triffit. -Tinaperter .0intstianudittaltior
that the thnonotWati reaionahle. PhIa !:
:for thehifiebffsiL, MO they • *III *Orem
metith potlfotheioei
. 0.000-00**0001:004....1***,
(MEI of the etrougetit • arguments
-neetl'agaitist the bfanitolia sehoortirr.
of 1.8Wwias.that .uscd. by Its outmbor,
itartin, Who Opposed its religtz.ui
claws tett the ground that they were
"rank tyranny" to to the itiatholicit. si
letter to the Iniee-Sfr 'Martin) 'wrote*.
IIj ***At&
ion• one of those Who 'achy, the .
'right of the. titte ,ttipterfefeIrni
. way with o
then. and still thin that the elate*
Of the X800 Act, which provides for
.religionsettereisee,iti. most un- -
lust i.i neaten Catholics Itthe iitate
Non, shelf a m000310011 mos au.
the Government that
• had aoted in the oapaolty or
ilnellientirent When they found that
oattpalso. in -antig0111011 '"loSt 'year, - •
• - oda tishing• serv ig • e year wzL;
*hen mr•Orover. told the people of that ctbout $426.000. Canada boats more "(a „
county that Mr, Laurier. •would do .345!• herlisheries, probably, . than any if
ttee to the . Cathelici minority of- litanV 'her other Oftensive • resoureei, The. .
teha. bear.> , , *told fisheries of the nonlinicin 'are, the Ine,qt..-
'greet Itatitusertt°rn 1°ThaaeP° '•*t i the world On the" Paettin J.
hint eleoted„.. to support retnediat 000-0t they noVer. nnest iitic of 7.1St.
iesixdatiert, god the Governut'ont rci:ites and on the • Atlattle coast thcir
aaw Tim .roirows optirjahoxiaz _440,11,hed ,4done_ vont:. iliterhat t.ohnectio4Y lvti.e,r:b•eh000nnixid. •;:sttle:red 0.vite:es• 4°1:et 1'3151.1: •
to do in. introducing remedial- legleist. ilesideo there lc the_seit_lratet-- ,
ry ,00o4. IfouSet. •
ectl: drool, whteit pledged 0„ ono n
,t; hoard of t ltzdt antheiltY equate tulle* and abo' dirlg' •with
. Dotryngloit !or s/Ore sig.**. • lies,* well known to he ...political gym.
London, 3,0triet steamer .niast„ Hirt x*ecord on trade rifles ion h:;.• :me great. Inifte. Well .stocked '
L6.3.60 square miles of Iresit water ;
• Irinance Captain . Daley, frOot 'Sew showed that, but ourthie question Jot • • -
fr solime toe lootoloor kaoseo* in the rfllg ealm.. (Cheers.) Mr. Laurier -ate., ;melt thoro 1. ikitioutod ,to
'Tizt'Fe' to van znatie avitit • t
Utt" Wire* 'had then cut bemtk4 alnducements g ,
aatty *04 that they could not b* 4 ' Atelt On March It during ,tt, hurricane. he ShOuld be every inch or hint. a man, the great lakes there are smaller one 3,
661411*21;nalu- te4 with!tne Were. 31106116 wliu visa nerome Jrraelttre, Ate vnui digetkverect the awne4 pott 4,. catholic and Canadian. (Olicera,) OPecially Manitoba ata, tile North -
obliged to PurSUe the Pert3r, 00 bOrrte- dent in *UM $eare at balding. :IOW store itOom forward.: The firellourned XI* tilted from an affidavit made hy. west Territoriee Which have an excel"
book, They OirtrtOOk ,Z.arneiiall,_,•0,12,11, lathe time to secure cheap; land. until 6 o'clock in the morning and 'de. the _taglor and leading cititens _or lent suPplY.- of fifth. The fresh water., -
tried Ift ,afart to intittee RIM' avI34.4s; Nelitr, pamphlets, tickets *Wallin. strayed the halitheads and a large Grand River. Gasps County*, that nta. _AitogotheltAz put 4t-about-lig,,e00
Ttle hearing Waal adioUrneiii for a we
e * formation Chilleird franl 1.0.0.isek itr the ,mx)rniii sated in • quantity of stores, blocks. oto. Laurier, August- ‘'• /000- n
et reports that at Add- Justice to the Catholics, of -Manitoba. h all kinds of lisheitei In add tiOn -
At the es ha.d • itL. thew. hotting square nate*. No lea* than 71/0
' I ..............* -, '-• ;''' '•' ' '....ett°44ti-T2tIvx°,... i,„„.° .....„-t: 4,g,..ezi, .VEt..'fi-,' tillht-i:lesta rettalr w4tIcht"ImiiOwVederetPhgroutiiiItt,tilbYe' tmehadthtillientrirf Ulsucititelvt6tedte byt°rfll Ira Mae' Ike: auftlahttiota'ailYtert°0,11%14)11evUlb.°00dan-014:11iam4sP.10"itne'gul"liZer . .
- lEffitrltp/S-°1V-1"78-11114.' "1r 1)°4" ' W 1; St. Otiderich Agent Canada
ioai Oa Thrsettilik n/rese vaq. gs. rt. ri . .4elegrall" ‘'"" Manholes, but they Wei* rekindled at, hens% 13oweiVe Government. -XIA (Sir rtlittt 1)11rP0/00 about 1200 ,vaiteels and 64,-
A. pputrit Of the world. , ,, • , . board the 11.41p, lasa thrown overboiteti to kr., Laturiei to loin forces itith the "r:1('),: 1)5112;faTtahltteenfits at trrts,ot-,t"ftriel, etiutilie-
iktetw torg. literolv 11.-Thotinta ' , ...et_ ,. ,,,,... t )0 —, . And the life boats were launched, 'rho Government andput the bill through0I, '' °°.`"'
coolness add bravery. No live* were Ids pottition _was nowadesperate one. 0ther"itOttOX latplenteata-rearel5e1Cli°4
WIC** Wit *11114 144 Thick. ete. ona ‘..N$ t The Weer, 'Willett Witit.e 0.; tivvekt
Wood MAI gokoatik • *" .
Itidi*Oh Use trr:900"01004 ,$0 INIth ' B ddicers-autVerevr-bolittVed with great no Invi no tope of hitn, howeVe'1^; a* Oat° value °tv ueetlar
$2,000,0 • 00
x ray apartment* that he lupe min- • 1.0 vtru noet
tle) ROW 000 rad
tikatilY StandOnea 0.1100graPhir and ; lost. •. and lib. McCarthy Wee his leader. Ads; In n11 *Xt 40,3reetolgot,* $00400•000,, Tit6
Zak- vetting to *Otte of the decisioniof lehater Plant alone, consioting of 731
tgeAtee t° be Itbl° 4° rrox triletV004' • ' • *WM,* lie*S• the rrivY.• Moue% he *As Otnnigned Canneries, is Valtied itt 0,2000, and
'ele th$1116r" 161)1 It" " CHANGED -.HAND
it 18_4% xi that Dr Welder'hs4 aPproved / 6 t 400o muds
.41114: otinViZik deolaree
that it it %IMP,/ ; , .GoVreAbonVt,Dt!Obilis... Ofn°-tt"-alkraz—' for the 'utlacm.-.1t4tetthe deOlelen date ttliram°* aaa over - pr00:41.5, year, right. along 01, the judicht procedure p..
InorfjoNfolut Vire- tlesttoY
a voitio,h or pottier.. evethe ztitief.146. • •, • • • "• moderatOr'lian:. :Glettint:tetralt:41.fba:nsei;d: 43, lattl•h°451; 1111"14- 1.417 th-te• • P;..214:41'' 1111'4°' 11."11:71.7':14"'"''' -11145:161'.a.:$1,24fon! •
the tuna* Mit% 14.111yi ''otitttett-tetr.11
Inge MI, Aro * 011 - ves emu Orrt tit 0 over
ere heeit/le to see ;MAItTIN tha uie
Inets4 br/41,011" 1111,r lettbeettereed he has L'as velrehtsiert,hge u.;''''''wesre ITin.a0141Tt" oittbuildingsewith their obtitenta ;..1;11f.. Preto tog; 'Sir diaries then quoted divido4 among itt6 proyint.es as
r •
• •••••••••0•••••••-• •40•0+0 d
Alave tnem, „WWQ hot -well ed-„---ithow, • ' artraidi Ate.0,01,1. Nova Scotia .4.444
cams ma* not 1°O4t • . .1ty c,4:,,11,t itPrto blr*A".44 "2: tg,!...iF Ittier4eir h,11:1#?t°411fhhl!stritd40*
thivt-1,lient-lit 00 *410* * Iteart ja of Nova, sootia, and New. 13runswiow, row litathradok 44.4 v.** s „
tal* alitnia'brst°ern:a3tPer°'411444>t"Pfii.tleP'Pszttlw-11.T.•„„E's"Ile nas 014"1",-'• to matlitobs, hY. reason 0 1115'0110ft- '1"Inn't MINENIiihrestrt.‘1440i4t;'....' .'Vsf,iW
' beeonie Vehted right' Tel, in regard ar
_tea-•a..nnolL Ala eraht SireAeititir Avaitialhaa • • tion with Ihe tuf be attn. ” 9 *,
daY-Aindthe th641-844' *11- & WORAOI(E144 13,...n_r I • .• 4...4 ; • i• 4.0 • 6*. 0.4 0 7 ,
beeit to do
tit* 04M WIWA -17110.X. iWut.i'7: ••
• ' inthtrietylt:aftwelVirent ton.-41enetta bit;titayit:.dAr.M3.. atodrielitorztatyivrittrt coilite,h•tticaleinlikibsottroire dotio,„ in.0,14a-00011,0,71,104,51.7age
ext a•Ifkiply oa.sd ytdisou, "*. HtVatill rennte*te Orah 7 rig to the *roe s,
teen cattle were removed. in tiwere ffigto :root thait 111 • yr*, „,
* to recognize :religion in its sOilol,
leeidoble to Proteetttote Atka in
fact, only to *majority of Protestant*,
fs, to wiy111111dt t/fahOrtr
' The Dante of oVightios. $oe't eboult1
, 0,Ittoged. to 41witittog Ioeittlor...„0-
vittio the change** be It% &dear
ate o! of righbahout .
• lift:. fonthinte to preacIthi
tuuttlairsoine mVid objectionableMll for
'Prielficing the untidier of etiutitY Nun.
icitior4, its operation in thiarounty
vt.'ould reduce the Connell to 13 toeht.,
bets. who would pc selected by ballot
atter nomination in iarionsmitrikiipall:.
ties. *py 23„or liaere'riertora haring
the privilege of notnieuti:lig one of
mere means for the tomtit in their
zunitipalltr. vrilo act comprises ed
ake. tions. bat the reduction of the pre*
t too large Wiles ran be more eiteilly
attained without additional cost blr
Such %bill as Itingwood has intro-
nred. pro% Ming that. in townii riot
separate& 'from lite -county, and in =
• township* mut vilisget, a &Indy rreve :
shati riected for everv tes1 v‘tores
instead of SA prettafit), titre's' MO.
Mr. Itardy's hill has many objection-
aithic feat ures And should defeated.
Tun jorular paragraph in this
rounin last 'reek asking "the sa-
w/4ton editor Of the Rignid," to ea*
ciunpose the sooallod "Canadian
Amp*, tioweadtteer" bronght
asearty totem* 461r4t6 *OM 0611.
taupe AMT. ta witty* Me idler**
althea *a twaillay to the dietta=-Aip..
419 imaestioatit." sa It be had
stantea and to Perfort • -, bY on hermit of the &Menial*
Phc""14111Y Pen*ti*ttlii '"nrkt41.0. eiXTOSITE COL/3001f HOTEL« tetato, C. ,litadord and X. Witiongh.
work ot tint PhetokraPlue Platte. ,
so that the huntati-• eye. can ,,tio the , • $.40 waft wood, width will tat_ foravirt4q0 . . expressed iseimaettett utitioh ooloalialk d tile
a f,ti gta tup t fatid. fir ttanohnlitieh. vin to previous to tins he nu,
it-71aellietti% Gtiettethre, 'quautty of nth consinned, by the:00,41,0'.n
fundi. aaatly2 gn,uledira,thisatirtbm.46 etaarlaix
etteetton et ye inning the alVatatlik the stable' in brit thus ityle, saa aka , - APPOilite vte*rts. (meets.) „ NOrthWest Territories; 'estimated at.
Te that tood 10.M !surging. Itoeti • .
reunite 'demonstrate cOnichotively that -Sae plIbto r ote e t oolitako
t eh ea' 'P°uSer"ttivelt wOr* eltatireALI:verth to- 'about $,M00400Alutiria the'leati6 yeare
,e'F-01031cyroxi..... fixturierotaionee•Tot viva *4r.tigoer,..tait* orieintie ',Cdiifetteratiort2. th& V&I fuel
%then the Ltherale hiod , worse Pt.. Obtroneretek• htte-.-••;:tp,ided.
tit we Only oitzt ***tire the Droner Ooti-r_ patrripiegte,
detton theta is no tilteStut :WILY the, MI-
saan, *Pk With' the hid Of the Z rair. • '
1 IU J1 U
. . .-"reco than the Oonsertativek I:Wring ail follotere,"
*alma ,p‘iitettate will* titait en, *Willy' ' -Attioe roloOhoble, " II,. . ' :, .- , .•'
ph**. ".rbin -0401 it* tOr ,trtitlelt Whitt • ' •- • . . Vionisti, atialitair Mgt ;been, dilia_ licetveq, ,nzuegetez," 426,1,26,42,7., ;The -tete -• 1004.0. .
aril Chit, do trey with oonditiOne " ' ;; . " per year.' While during the ***nal'i4 the'. Ut itil klada Of dill 1Intlit -the myna ''• '
*at *re toi no Me00114 otaitric414 . , Or
- the reifirde an average of . 'Cod, *90.1./ktult: betring, 646,616418gr.
111 it now penetrates -the open sttmos• . , • • •tow. a,net a, hair per rent.. 9f, the pro. tobstera, $44,t49;002: siltoort, $38 .0,074
gaittietvvittilititillgarPregestlreelre period skgregatea rt*orlY $40.000,0000
er*ht hs.d acted withottt commissions ....The liSheriett )3ritith .0:aerobia. are
OAltitalMt ticrilZolft041:414. rtini
.enquiry or hiVestigation. (Cheers.) -the rieheet In the world. touring recent
Your 0niottimItu
II there asitietair la Ma CIO* thichottet
etre Di' Werlohise '
Gmaahatat, timed% Iv...(apeeisti...4rhete We cillaterry trier the bowie nr
likitre bee& eq. idnetveleraents in the of ,otir • ' of Vardar Goode,
comma rear. erei nainr he4 and n
by * rumors. t public win *Met make &
- - 4 „: At al‘ 11Pri 6 1 616,10h6 itere'lltitala-
Itotralititatth 'the.
tte miotitutt-t- ^
aserew. Wands,'" ii.•,-vantle, J. -r. am rpreb.
our hait,e aaaorlatOd with 111211 four other TWO :WEEK'S SALE
siostaiti,es. The IqtiIry .
*nett Abythihjt nett*. A dettotiVes la. LOW. ,
ever, ar "him k onle true whieti.„re.uhe;to
the theory that itatoMerri letMalEti t!o,-
erteho, 1s4 have loon trirtied_ eat in ha vt_
itro'y i'Sfforrlit year. in v4h^:oh be xv(mq
balm tic,lireli ROL jaa the ett,•4,,y.r_61.111, but aa
mut- a%hy t4,xtiltibt !i 'w la. IT Modal` :oh t)
„atm.. vt. 1.,-
thy, t.4
,th ;11,4 trinight •Klyza "
dies fur Gana
ent's fur flats
When 110.40KcOirtity was an liideliend., Year* they halite deenitmed vanidltr0 to
:-• era Member .or. the' -Meuse, end not •IffIC, the value of the ea -telt was grevitt, • .
, drawing fees frost intermitted nertiet. tif tug 01 imit Inst 1 h d
• • 'rights. or minorities- and OW duty.- or. 1%1# $4Apc000. Paring; ...tmelye, • veore.,
,11htoe teettuidittgA7tmheedm,,etz:ollootttitt: s-tn-a_;lir'uo':;-;bui;b::::eatilt:t1.ccrLin°
t4hlodudIgheaseout tehhtir°tworge, GielovileYrritiatucant illeal ;412A114trinn43ntortatit chanter of tho riutilic6, •
i afforded Manitoba aliundOtrit• olnlui4 flew Is that which Or devoted to the. -
- tonities- teopreient all the froth 'in its& 'tiering S. question ilrY lir. It. Vennitio
, be/thhinn, and hid uslid evcry ondea.- vel.,4, 1a,41 2y01.0,0 a. al,,„ame.itstuay of , tie,
"*-'--"- -7var to get the province to folio..v.o. c‘of..': -
• :, cillatory morie. it wits uroVitra* to tit,'Ivill.°Ittlyt,taitirro" 'rillyhg,ti. ir et.al.,'°41Th'iltile,l/tt gtIo'vAllt
- v,aY, atit Mr. lidettin end otItoro had, t i.i '
,- .... ',the Prstestants of 44nebee: "You. head' •VAAPIC ektelt in rioted at Ir.,?;Sil skint. -
not be afraid; Veit rights 9V.‘.gliar,Nit- „.t."*.4.0.4...fftefi..#00,,afi•A.4#0.fite - ' . i- ..:ift
tc.ed by Ante -union compact ; tho .
' IfunitObe minority has not tbe .eunid -: . . . .,
-.....i. .. .
puoiection. and w#!.. provito0.(!t"tiVYY Won't ,
get..the pra!tection of this rarliarnent." ; • *
boa; ‘I`r.: F. rt. Jelthataa fir Ati1Olita. 1i minded by urging the wit(Viitiii
1.10060110.ty POIMMettee at tem encieety ot the Mil on the igoad WI of tok'rd.
• AND MX ore
UK' :ki-4srvarataatir441114401:4WrCritt,, 01: d Just etrd
lue *eh Mr, a Nit. Joilhiat4 undtrla num. fig tea iris ail Ithet Adam wore way: twaw- rototo:(11
644 to arseteridge to ittfer.1,,wHUUIVIL We've samosa a litiP or tW4iibC8th4flWas one ot the mune* whieh built til1
ts.is well he asa hatiotrititOtt
-et remise the &bide wits confirm.
reovn taa'The tire. ie short for the swank sad you ste *toot tired of thellog with And rinnt*In4V1, thl, Y.:n*1re. (Louti
*hint! • Orldialte* b** teie* Atettaxt , Ot610064 1.0i the Zia*iii*liar totters why do act JUNO* *ha Ma 1141106 "(2-44143
Mel Se& , *eat bete Met
et the fiettadiett Annual for *feag goeae. iemet a SO* 110tT*66 *MR it &hi 60 60- rti°11 tn° thio 14ta°44‘4r;314% Rlr -
btOd Witt rowed
1 - *book mit it ir 603, sops , goes ormt, It dotal 406 A bit 660t* to ei1 IV Sr. lerteariblr. ue neet took ex*: ,
ihreivAa womb* trifle** that Itok lilt.' C. R. Telmer. Trio idea referred to'
for"le. sotraite yaw ' at c
' ft yoa blare paid yaw,
te rise. 111, 1411111. Nil or '
Kiemoll•imp411awas, era pew eaatittlitek. iltnia•4 en's" tho effttr°
ti low up" sit wet si le „awe, tat firiptrtotztee_vtalea the Nouse 1164
Asa* yea es* aiy *wassail 11140radag to vaoall; W -
NEW BLOM forantsinmskm awhortiori•••.,,„
**I fill"
toe iti it reit ihittrt, road tip. lt lal •ate0ertav) far 1" tallg"
mortflirmovato.oro• 04,4,
Mts. Ciet tto Tee
1111. IORTALlett
roahoirms, oaaortad, /Mo.
R .bkamalog,110o.
Belbs.aeii, for
peony.. 555.attd.,***4...