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The Blyth Standard, 1955-02-09, Page 1
THE VOLUME 61 - NO, 12 Authorized as second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Annual Meeting Discloses Church Mortgage Paid Off The annual meeting of St, Androw's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, was held In the basement of the church on Bats urdny, February 5th, at 2,30 p.m., Witlh the Rev, R, G. McMillan, minister, tis chairman. Mr. McMillan, in his message to the members, said In part; "It is fitting that, ns we come to file close of ons ye.'r, and enter upon another, , we should review the 'Work of our hands' Yet reports 'tell but part of the story of the church's life and work. We tans not record in writing the true devotion of our hearts, ns we worship Clod fl'om Sunday to' Sunday, Nor can we fully record all the way that God has 1:d us in our private and family lives throughout the year, Let us with thankful hearts for that which is past, go forward looking unto Jesus, the King and Head of the Church, in the full knowledge of our faith; that under, neath are the everlasting ai•nts," The reports of .the different Scci'e• taries was most gratifying, as not only, was the budget and W.M,S, allocations met, but the mortgage on the Church property was paid off during the year. William Morritt, William Dalrymple, 'and Miss A, M. Toll were elected to the ` Board of Managers for three years. The treasurer, Miss A. M. Toll, re- ported the congregation is starting the new year with a bank balance of $218,50, A sumptuous dinner was served by the ladles at the close of the business session and a social time enjoyed. New District Canadians Rece'.ve Their Citizenship Among 20 new Canadians receiving their citizenship status at a special ses- sion of Huron County Court ut Coder - loll on Wednesday, February 2nd, were several from this district, Judge Frank Fhnglnnd administered the oaths. IIe also recommended five • others whohad filed petitions who will await final approval from Ottawa. Citizenship certificates signed by the Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, Minister of Immigration,'and Laval Fortier; deputy minister, were given to Anthony, and Natalia Welekowski, Blyth; Kazmierz Kiezik, Clinton; Marin Abraham Blois: Goderich, Klaas Van Wieren, Hensall; Johannes and Paternella van Ninhuys, Clinton: iBoliden Antoni Zablocki, Lon- desboro; Richard Wojkowski, Exeter; Helena Kalichuk, Walton; Anna Kuwa. Clinton; Knzlmierz Kuchmistrz, Aub- urn; Lea Lechner, Seaforth; Franciszek Kloskowicz, Clinton; Cornelius A. and Goverdina M. Flikweert, Kirkton; Bay- zar A. Anderson, Dungannon; Andrew Blonmpert, Hay township*;- Wybrig and Cornelius de Hhan, Blyth; Hubert and Pleuntje Duizer, Londesboro, An-' thony and Johanna de Ruyter, Londes- boro; Markus and Esther Feingold, Clinton; Brant and Antje 'Bylsma,' Bel - grave. Recommended for citizenship papers were. EdWard and Albertha WeesJes, 11, R. 1, Kirkton; Helen Woszczynslci, Clihton; Mary. Podolan,, Kirkton; Jac- obie Greydenus, RR. 4, Clinton; Lam- bertus and Josephine vim Middegaal, RR, 1, Blyth; Hiske and Gatze Brom- mer, RR. 5, Clinton; ' Marlin and Zorn 'Schwartzwald, RR, 3, Brussels; Harm Van Weiren, RR, 1, Hensall. Londesboro W, I. Members MUM I BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB, 9, 1955 OBITUARY MILS, JAMES'DAVI,S A funeral service for Mrs, James Davis was held 'Thursday, February 3rd, 1955, from the, Testees memorial chap- el, with the Rev. A. W. Watson, min- ister of Blyth United Church, in charge. Mr. Watson brought words of And Fam1u03 (.let Together comfort to. the deceased's relatives. .. • The hordesboro Women's Iuslitu(e I Mrs, Herold Phillips sang "Shadows," ladies entertained their husbands im,l whit Mrs, Harvey Brown at the W - families on Friday evening when about IMO, Interment was made In Olden come- ; 125 people sat down to a bountiful pot i luck supper. , After supper, progressive euchre was played, The winners were; Ladies' high score, Mrs, Percy Carter; Men's high, AMONG TIIE CHURCHES ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School -3 p.m. Church Service=3.30 p,m, Rev. R. G. MacMillan; Minister, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Myth, Ontario. Rev. A. W. Watson, Minister. Sunday, February 13, 1'55 • 10.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:15 n.tn, - Morning Worship -- "The Great Challenge,", 7.30 p.m. -=-Evening• Worship -"Dives and Lazarus." ANGLICAN CIIURCH ' Sunday, 1 ebruny 13th. . TRINITY, BLYTH: 10;15 a,m,-Matins, ST, MARK'S, AUBURN; 11:30 a.m.-Sunday School, 12 nooh-Evensong. ' TRINITY, IBELGRAVg: ,. 2 p.m. --Sunday School, 2;30 p.m, -Evensong, CHU1tCH Olr GOD • McCon,'iell Street;, Blyth, Rev, G. L Beach, Pastor, - 10 a.m.-Sunday School. , 11 a,m.-Morning . Worship, • 7.30 p.m;, Evening; Worship. Wednesday, 8 ,p.m. -Prayer Meeting: - Friday;: S, p.m- Youth .Fellowship, tory, Blyth, The late Mrs, Davis passed away In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, Februrry 1st. hiving been a patient in that hospital from October 11th, Bill Manning; Ladies law, Mrs. H. Dur` 1051. min; Men's low, Emerson Husk; Ladies'I Born in Wroxeter December Ota, lone hands, Mrs, Earl Gaunt; Men's 11872, a daughter •of the late Thomas lone hands, Ronnie McDougall, and Bestn Ballantyne, she came to IStI ' of it solo b A program, cons , i g Jackie Powell, accompanied by his sis- ter, Arlyn; a solo by Myrtle Knox, ac- companied_ by Margaret Jackson; a piano trio by Donna and Glenda Mc- Dougall and Marjorie flunking; a solo by Phyllis McCool accompanied by Mrs, Blyth sOsth her parents when quite young and was employed as.a weaver in the Purvis '& Henderson Woollen Mills, • She was a faithful member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, After Metho- Tom Allen; piano solo, by Arlyn Pow. i her marriage she attended the dist church and 'after church union, ell; quartette number by Kay Carter,' went back to the old • church again, Karen Allen, Agnes and Thehria RI1- I taking a keen interest in the various ey; mouth organ selection by David I organizations of the church, Those Ball; dance by Myrtle Knox; recitation wh? knew her best, know what a kind by Mrs. Donald Sprung; a Steven Fos. I neighbour and true friend she was, ter melody by a number of W, h menu•; On July 12th, 1006, she was united bers, and a duet by Myrtle and Melvin In marriage to James Davis at the Knox. In 'parsonage, Blyth, by the Dancing was enjoyed the remainder Rev, J. Anderson, of the evening, to the music by Mr. They had one son, Harvey, who died .and Mrs, Elgin Nutt and boys, - in Sept., 1037. Her husband prcdeceas, ed her. in October, 1950, She leaves to mourn, one sister, Re- BLYTH W.I MEETING one Mrs. R. Graves, London, and ere brother, Andrew 03allaytync, To - The Blyth Women's Institute met in Tonto, II t f t tild' the o,e from eu o own a cn reg the Memorial Hell, Thursday afternoon funeral were, Mrs. R. Graves, Miss B. Mr's, Clayton Ladd, one of the local ` Graves, Mrs. W. Wyatt, Mrs. J, Con - leaders of the Spring project, "The i nor, Mr, and Mrs. H, Ballantyne, Mr, Milky Way," for club girls, reported' E. Graves, and Mr, Gordon Mason, all that she and her associate leader, Mrs, i of London; Mr. Andrew Ballantyne, C. Higgins, had attended the training l Mrs, V. Conklin, Toronto, and Mrs. Z. school in Wingham. Mrs. Ladd gave' Clarkson, Weston, a very fine outline of the new course.; Pallbearers were Messrs, Russell Wil - The responses to the roll call, "One son, Stanley Chellew, . William Morritt, community activity I. Save taken pact Richard Scott, George Sloan and Gor- in during ithe year, included exhibit- I.don Elliott. Flowerbearers were Mes- ing at the fall fair,. visiting and writ. srs, James Hirons and Hubert Hirons, ing to the sick and shut-ins, also tak- ing them treats, •assisting with the. ..an. . :ROIIERT JAMES, ASQUITII!e nual rummage sale, working in Hort'. In faIling health for some time, Ito - cultural park, and on the street inter -bent James Asquith passed away at the sestets, planking flowers, being mens• home of This son-in-law and daughter, bers of the School Board. Rev, and Mrs. W. J. Maines, of Embro, The March meeting will be an even- on Wednesday evening in his 92nd ing meeting when Auburn Institute will year.. be guests. A son of the late Mr. aid Mrs, The program was in charge of Mrs. George Asquith, he was born in Hul- lett township in July 1864. He lilted most of his life in Auburn, later inn Snittord and for the past few years w?lh his daughter. He was a member of Auburn Baptist .Church and the Canadian Order of Foresters. Ile was an outstanding singer and in his early days, accompanied by his sister the late Mrs. (Dr.) C. A. Howson, .enter - touted many 'audiences. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. W. J, (Verde) Maines, Embro• and two grandchildren, Ronald and Shirley. His wife, the former Henrietta Hill- yer, pred�eccased him in 1918, A service was held at‘ the,R. W. Johnston funeral home, EmbroTptirs- day evening, conducted by Rev, Robert Sinclair. The remains were brought by motor .to the J. K. Arthur funeral home, Auburn, where funeral service was. held Friday afternoon with Rev, John Ostrom of the Baptist Church in charge. Tre pallbearers were, Thomas Morris, Harry McCreath, Charles McLean, Ars chibald Hamilton, all of Saltford, Edgar Lawson, Frank Ratthby, of Auburn, The fiowerbearers were Ernest Hick- ingbottom and Charles Scott, of Aub- urn. Burial was made in Ball's ceme- tery, Those attending the funeral from a distance were, Osmond Murray, Burns McCorquodnle, Bruce McDonald, Nor. man McLeod, James McDonald, George Ross and Mr, and Mrs. T. Smith of -Embro,'also friends from Clinton, God- erich, Brucefield, Blyth, ,;and Auburn. F. Bainton, convenor of Public Rela- tions and Community Activities, who in her opening remarks stated; "Women's Institute members can create good pub- lIc relations, Ench member should' he. a publicity agent 'and publicize what the W. L. really db, Such as the fund they huvc set up to assist in redecorat- ing the auditorium of Memorial Hall," Mrs. J. McDougall entertained music- ally by playing a Hungarian Concert Polka, Mrs, Bainton introduced Mrs. A. W; Watson, the special speaker,' who chose for her theme, "The responsibility of Citizenship" stating in part, it has been said, "The Women's Institute are the back -bone of any community. "They instill a feeling of friendliness by in- viting other groups to visit with there, but should not leave guests to stand in groups around the door." The speaker went on to say, "Go to some- one Who doesn't make friends easily," "If you are a stranger, In town, -get into the town's activities and so be. some one of the -town." "Business thrives on 'competition but rivalry kills it," "Organa ations' must be free from dissension within the group, It doesn't help friendship: • "Going in cliques doesn't help friendship either" Mrs. Watson stated, "We have a lovely vil- lage, we must be justly •proud of it." "We should tell others about it, and about the community activities sponsor- ed in.the village,': Mrs, Watson closed by saying "There are two kinds of people in the world, "The Lifters" and "The Leaners" so to be good citizens we should be found among the "lifters" not the "leaners."• Mrs. Mary Taylor closed the meeting with harmonica selections accompanied at the piano by Mrs. McDougall. Visits Hospital Patients .As Reported In The Standard A nice gesture Was brought to our attention by Mrs. Norman ,Sanderson of London, when she wrote last week to renew her subscription to The 'Sltaidard, In the letter she remarks; "Whenever we see in The Standard of one's from up that why being in the hospital down. here, Norman tries 'to' go and:visit them if at 'all possible. "We do enjoy the home town paper," • It is quite possible that others could follow Mr. Sanderson's lend, and thus make life :that much' more cheery for those who aro 111 ped (Way from hone, • Belgrave District Credit Un- ion Has Successful Year At the arousal, meeting 'of the Bel - grave District Credit Union, held re- cently, a three 'percent dividend was declared on the members' shares for ,the past year. _j The officers for the new year are as follows. Directors -Henry Pattison, Albert I: Coulter, (Herrman Nethery, Leslie Bolt, Charlie Smith, Mel, Bradburn, Ken Wheeler. ' Credit Committee - Charlie'Coultes, Mason Robinson, Martin Granby. • Supervising. Committee - Clarence Wade, Abner Nethery, Simon Hallahans ' Treasurer -George Michie, If you live within a radius of fiiKee:t miles of Belgrave, see one of the above officers and find out what the 'Credit Union can do for you, Friday Night is Carnival Night At The Arena The big night approaches -and for once the 'rv's of the community will be silent. At least that is what those in charge of Friday night's monster carnival are hoping, You and your family have a date to help out a worthy community cause by attending the Carnival on Friday nights tit the Blyth Community Centre Aruna, You will be well rewarded for your mi tend:nee with a brilliant skat- ing exhibition, featuring Miss Isabel Hugo, professional, of Toronto. Miss Hugo will have with her members of the Wingham and Goderich Skating Clubs, which by 1110 way, includes several of our own Blyth girls, who will be performing, The skaters take to the ice first promptly at 8;15 p.m, Following their exhibition, a lull list of 26 events wi;l be run off for valuable prizes amount- ing to $250.00. It is hoped that every- one possible will entcl' into the carnival spirit and put the event over with a real bang. The home of Mr, and Mrs. William The local Lions Club are sponsoring Hamilton, Hullett Township, was the the event with all proceeds going to setting for the wedding of their second daughter, Helen Jean, and Milton El- wood Dale, which took place on Satur- day, February 5th, The Rev. J. T. White, Londesboro, officiated. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of navy net over pink taffeta and a corsage of yellow mums, The bride's sister, Miss Lenora Ham. Ilton, as bridesmaid, wore a sky blue suit of ticatina and a pink corsage, Lloyd Dale, Clinton, was his broth- er's best man. Following the wedding a dinner was served by Mrs. Harold Storey and Shirley 'Hamilton, assisted by Mrs. Moody Holland. The couple will Subscription Rates $2.00 in Advance; $3.00 in the U'S.A4 Second Ontario Farmers` Union Meeting Held In Blyth $25.00 Damage To Car A car -truck accident occurred on No. 4 Highway, just north of the Blyth creek bridge, when a car driven by Howard Clark, RR. 4, Brussels, ran into a Campbell Transport truck from Blyth, as the truck was making a right hand turn into Campbell's garage. Both vehicles were travelling south, No damage was done to the truck apd the front fender on the car was dans• aged to the estimated, amount of $25.00, Ted Quinn was driving the transport Town Constable John Bailey was cal- led. ' WEDDINGS DALE - HAMILTON help support the ,'arena, See you there! V DEFEAT GORRIE 9 TO 8 The '13th of Hullett Intermediates appear to have found a winning com- bination, and it couldn't happen at a better time -just as 1110 teams are head- ing for the playoffs. Fresh from their victory last week over the visiting Ripley intermediates, the 13th took on Gerrie in the Belmo•e arena on Monday night, and the pat- tern of both games were much the same with the 13th putting on a 'drive in the final period to clinch the victory. Gorrie led 3 to 2 at the end of the first period, and 7 to 5 when the bell ended) the second period, The 13th notched four goals in the final frame while holdings Gorrie to 1. Scorers for the 13th were, Don Me, Clure and Jack Lee with 2 apiece; Glenn McClure, Barrie Lovett, Carman Mc- Donald, Ed Watson and Jack Tamblyn scored singles. ,,Corrie plays back here Monday night. ARRANGING PLAYOFFS Arrangements for the playoffs are toi'be completed at- a meeting. tobe held at Wingham on Sunday, All three teams are a round-robin series, There will very likely be a playoff game here next week, Local OES. Chapter Plan New Lodge Quarters The decision was reached at a 'recent meeting of Regal Chapter No. 275, Order of The Easters. Star, to rent lodge meeting quarters from Doherty Bros„ with possession being effective April 1st of this year. The new location will be on the second floor of Doherty Bros, build- ing on Dinsley street which is presently used for apartments. The building will be renovated and made suitable for the new tenants, and swhen convicted it should present a splendid lodge room for the large membership of the local Chapter. ' The officers and members of Regul Chapter desire to publicly express their sincere apilreciation;for many generous gifts that have been forthcoming from various sources to help in the furnish- ing of their new, quarters. Principle among these gifts is that of a piano presented to the Chapter by Mrs, Mar- garet Wood of Blyth, . Bride -To -Be Showered shower was held at the home of Marjorie Knox, for Helen' Hamilton bride-to-be, With 27 school mates and friends attending. An enjoyable evening was spent singing . and playing games, and as the evening sped on, a mock wedding was performed. Mrs. Moody Holland gave Helen a few lhelriful hints about the rolling pin, followed by a suitable address by Glenyce Bainton' Dear Helen; Agnin we bow in custom old A habit we've admired, To gather here this happy gang No coaxing was required. Our purpose tonight is most sincere Be it plainly understood, To say "Good Luck", my dear, As to a "Bride -To -Be", we should. May clouds be small and silver lined And through your life you'll win, May health 'with happiness and cheer Fill life's cup. to the brim. And now that your wedding's up. preaching In a different 'dwelling you'll live To you and Milt go our blessings And the most happiness life can give, The gifts were ],resented to Helot in at umbrella, After the gifts were un• wrapped, Helen thanked the ,hbstess, and her friends, for the lovely gifts, . Lunch was served before the evening .G -Ino to a close, reside in Seaforth. W.M.S. TO MEET The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the Blyth United Church will be held in the school room of the church on Monday evening, Feb. 14th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Mrs. M. Holland, Mrs. Frank Elliott will have charge of the program. The ladies are all invited to attend this meeting, RECEIVES MANAGERSIHIP While in Toronto last Wednesday on a business trip, Mrs, George Haines received the appointment for Ronald Parties of Montreal, as manager for a large section of Western Ontario. IMPROVING AFTER ILLNESS We are glad to report on the improv- ed condition of Mrs. Walter Butte'], who for the past couple of weeks has been confined to her bed through ill- ness, She is now improving nicely and definitely on the road to complete re- covery. HOME FROM IIOSI'ITAL Mr, Bruce Smith, who has been n patient in Westminster Hospital, Lon- don, for the past several weeks, where he underwent treatment for a back ailment, has returned to his home, and we trust that his condition will con- tinue to improve, v-- - ERROR IN CARNIVAL PRIZE LIST In class 7 of the Carnival Prize List as announced in last week's issue of The Standard, and also on the bills that circulated through the dstrict, a Mistake appears. Third prize in the event; as donated by Wm. Knox, Blyth, should read $2,00, not $200. Blyth Kids Still Top Dogs Walter Butell's Pee Woes are still top clogs in the local Pee Wee hockey circuit, although by this remark Walter doesn't wish to convey the impression that either he as manager; or the team, have the idea that they are invinsible. But they're getting pretty good. A couple of week -end games saw the Blyth kids chalk up two more victories. Last Friday night they scored a shut- out over their rivals from Belgrave when they won 8 to 0, High scorer for Blyth was Billy Howson with four goals. David Armstrong and David Chalmers rounded out the Blyth score with two goals each, Blyth line -up -Goal, Lorne Hoggart; Defence, Larry Walsh, Dave Chal- mers; Centre, Billy Howson; Wings, David Armstrong, Dwight Campbell; Subs, Wayne Johnston, Charlie Knox, John Lawrie, Sam Dougherty, Wayne Jackson, On Saturday morning the Blyth boys had a tougher go when they took on the kids from two of the' Hullett town- ship schools, coming otjt on the long end of -n 4-3 score. On this coming Saturday morning Blyth plays a return game with Bel- gr'ave,'at the Belgrave arena. The line-up •will be the same with the addijion of Lyle Taman as sub - goalie, { Arthur V. Cormack, of Arthur, press ident of Ontario Local Unions. held a second meeting in Blyth Memorial 'Hall on Monday, February 'ith, with a much increased attendance over the previous ineeting ht.ld here. In welcoming those present, Mr, pormack said he admired a farmer who is willing to look into all sides of things and it is only ignorance that makes us afraid of things, "The Union," he stated "is a family ,organization, started by two young teen who met in Feversham, One had worked in a carpenter's union." "They had purchased farms through the Veterans' Land Act, but In 1032 prices began- to slide backwards and the same payments had to be met; su they called a meeting to try to organ- ize a Farmers' Union and 17 young men signed, up and that was the birth of the Farmers' Union In 1952. In February 1954 there were only 50 local unions in Ontario there are now 140 ' wi'th a membership exceeding 5,000 producing farmers, Mr, Cormack went on to say he hop• cd to be able to•discuss things intelli- gently, The Federation of Agriculture put him in the Union because of their inactivity. Farmers must be educated to their position compared to other people.' Everybody but farmers had an increase in 1053, and the farmers went back again in 1054, and that is reflected In a business depression, for take the fanners "spending" out of any town or village and note the drop in sales. Mr. Cormack went to Ottawa two weeks ago to discuss parity prices for farmers with every political party there. He went on to say "The fann- ers' prices are back six years. Today long loans are suggested on farms but we don't make it possible by fair prices for then' to pay these loans, The Union is not taking away from the Federation of Agriculture but we have no national farm yoice. You cannot split what you have never had. The heads of industry say sales of machin- ery were down one half in 1954 to what they were in 1952, and laid the decrease in sales to, bad wheat crop in the West, but we buy implements in Ontario too. We have to admit the Income of the farmer is down." "The reason industry does not pay any attention to Ontario farmers," con- tinued Mr. Cormack, "is that we are disorganized, The Farmers' Union is the only organization asking for Parity Prices." In a brief submitted by Mr. Cormack to the Government of Ontario at To- ronto on January 17th, 1055, we copy these submissions; "Parity prices means to establish a parity relationship between what the farmer has to sell and the commodities which they must of necessity buy." A second submission reads. "We ask the Government to give favourable consideration to having actual produc- ing farmers named to all boards or commissions set up to deal with agri• culltural problems because no one un- derstands the farmers problems as well as the actual producing farmer, and many commissions' and boards' discus- sions, quite often affect the farhihcr ei- ther directly or indirectly," Submission 3. "There is a feeling a- mong the people of this province that the spread is too great between butter and margarine and it is common know- ledge the farmers cannot produce any - cheaper than they do now. so we sug- gest the only alternative is to place a provincial tax on margarine sufficient to make its price more competitive to butter." In stmnming up Mr,_Corinack stated, "No farmer can get along on a 40 hour eek, they couldn't even get their cows milked often enough." In Ontario we often have good mar- keting plans, but because we have no organization to work through they are lost, A lively constructive question and answer period Was most educational, such as "What caused strikes such as Ford and Massey Harris?" "What per- centage of farm machinery is Govern- ment taxed?" "If labor sees union is going to benefit the farmer are they willing to co-operate?" ' These were ably answered, by Mr. Cormack wino• said in part, "We cannot upset normal trade, England is our potential market, there is a market there, but there have been no ship- ments," "80 million dollars have been given in subsidies in one year," "Low prices cause surpluses." • At the close of the meeting, almost every one present joined • the local, union, and an organization meeting will be held very shortly, MANAGER AT PCRGUS Mr, Gordon R. Augustine, formerly of Blyth, is now manager df- the Fer- gus Branch of United Farmers .Co -Op. eratives of Ontario, ; .., . Mrs, Augustine and 'family. are con• Witting to reside at Burlington,; ANNE 141RST -4,/ouhr-amilif Cou414,144.- "Dear Anne Hirst! Ever since my brother married his wife six years ago, she has behaved abominably. Since the first year, she has had affairs with other men, they come to,the house during the day, and se has even met them in town, She thinks she is fooling everyone. "We have been careful to treat her as though we knew nothing of all this, but we are getting fed up, I am sure Dad knows something, and we are really- terrified that Mother, who is not well, will find out. It is no use talking to my brother, He believes everything she says, and we all know she lies consistently. "All our friends are nice to her, but I expect it is because they respect our family, We were all raised to despise di- vorce, and to lead upright lives, We don't drink at all; she and my brother do, and they leave the children with anybody at any time; we are so afraid they will be taunted later on with their mother's misconduct! She has even told my sister that my brother likes other women; may- be he is no better than she is, I don't know, ''My sister and I wonder whether trying to talk to her, or to him, would help? We just don't know what to do, but we are worried sick. DESPARATE" • Under the shadow of scant, • dal and grief, you and your • family have behaved admir- • ably and with fine discretion. o Even when your sister-in-law • tried to cause trouble among • you, you held your peace, I • hope you will continue to. • It is your brother's affair, • arid anyone who tells him • about his wife (or attempts to • talk to her) will get little • thanks. Perhaps your brother • knows the truth and appears • to condone it for the chil- • dren's sake. If he should • learn it flrst from you, it be- • comes a family scandal in. • stead of his personal respon- • sibility. He is mature, and a • father. Let. him handle it in • his own way. You and your • family take your cue from o him, and be silent. • Continue to treat his wife • as though you knew nothing. • For his sake visit her, enter- • tain them all when they will • come, and be especially kind • to the children: Whatever • your brother knows or does • not know, or whatever hap- • pens, that will comfort him. • $ ° "Dear Anne Hirst: I am 10, and haven't been out witih a boy yet, About seven months ago I met this boy, and we art madly in love with each other. He has asked me to go out with him, but my parents just won't allow it. "I would love to go, of course, but I wouldn't like to hurt my parents. Can you tell me what to do? WORRIED" * Letters come to me_ from * coast to coast about this prob- lem, In most parts of .the country girls of your age are permitted to entertain boys at home, or doubly: -date them. Parents recognize that a girl needs a proper s •cial life for her normal development and pleasure, and if she has proven to be responsible in other ways they welcome boys to • the house and try to make her ' • home a meeting -place for all • her friends. • Obviously, you and this boy • could not be madly in love • unless you had been seeing • each other often. A girl who • meets a lad away from her • home is not only deceiving • her family but heading for • more trouble than she can • guess. Is that being respon- * sible? In other ways, too, per- * haps you have been so care- • less about keeping your word • that your parents realize you • are not to be trusted, - * I may be all wrong, but 1 * do urge you not to cheapen • yourself by clandestine meet- * ings, or in any other way. You • cannot openly date a boy • an irat your parents' wishes • and be playing fair — and no • matter what he tells you, he - • cannot respect you for it. It • is a frail and dangerous basis • for any healthy friendship. * Think this over. Obey your * parents, but try to win their • consent to entertaining your * friends at home, and include • this boy, If he is worth know- • ing, they may relax their rule • and help you enjoy a wider • social life. * 0 * If trouble comes to your fam- ily, stand by, and silently, with- out criticism of those involved. Loyalty and discretion make anything easier to bear. In time of indecision, ask Anne fi'irst's opinion. Address her at 'Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Te-•a»fo, fcHOcOLAtE CREAM PIE 34 cup granulated sugar 4 tablespoons BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch %a teaspoon salt 2%s cups milk 1 square unsweetened chocolate 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 egg whites 6 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 9 -inch baked ple shell MIX sugar, BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch and salt In top of double boiler, - ADD milk gradually, mixing until smooth. ADDunsweetened chocolate; place over boiling water. COOK, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. COVER and continue cooking 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Do not remove from heat. STIR a small amount of hot mixture into egg yolks. RETURN to double boiler immediately, blending mixture thoroughly. COOK 2minutes longer, stirring constantly. ADD vanilla, cool; pour into baked pie shell BEAT egg whites until stiff but not dry; gradually beat . in sugar, continue to beat until "meringue stands in firm peaks. SPREAD meringue lightly over filling, BAKE In moderate oven (325°F,) 15 minutes or until delicately brown. For free folder of other delicious recipes, write cos Jane Ashley, Home Service Department, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMITED, P.O. box 129, Montreal, P.Q. a Fashion Blossoms Out in Lace Collarand cuffs of wool coat for spring, left, are adorned with, Alenconlace. First made in Alencon, France, in the 17th Cen- tury, Alencon is delicate, yet durable. Hooded English import of white cotton lace over black worsted, right, makes rainy day walking something to look forward to. Water-repellent rain boots are of the same design. •r F. •.wAar RONICLES i1NGERFARM �,�,n.� rl rl i r p f� i l + A. ,� Well, we have been "con- verted" -.-as of last Friday, and it was certainly quite an experi- ence. Maybg those of you who still have conversion to 60 cycle ahead of you would like to know what happened. Shortly before 8 a.m., hydro trucks started rolling along the highway—I had already counted 28 before one of them turned in at our- gate. The driver came in, checked the equipment to be changed over and went away again. A little later' he came back and got to work, first on the water -pressure system, then the washing machine and finally the milker and cream separator, When he came to the milk cooler he found he had been given the wrong motor so he had to send to Toronto for the right one, About 3 o'clock another .fellow came in to change the refrigera- tor, To give him more working space I had taken out every- , thing that as movable in my pantry—or kitchenette if you prefer to call it that. The man went to work, took out all the mysterious works that make a refrigerator refrig, brought in all the new parts and then, after working for awhile, he shut up his tool box, announces, he had to get another part and would be back after awhile. That was the last we saw of him, and he had left the dis- mantled refrigerator and equip- ment,still in the middle of the floor, I should say that 'by this time we were on 60 cycle, At 9.30 the power was shut off three-quarters of an hour. When it came on again it was 60 cycle, • During the afternoon the man came back and' finished the milk cooler, so, except for the 'frig' we were all through. At 5,30 the fun began! The lights suddenly went dim. Not - out but so dim one could hardly ' see to walk around. Partner came up from the barn, "How do you like 80 cycle?" I asked. His answer is better left un- recorded. From what I could gather afterwards the hydro office was besieged with calls, ours among them, "Something had gone wrong with the temporary transformer, causing low vol- tage, It would be adjusted as soon as possible." But, while we had low voltage people to the east of us had too much—lights were blindingly bright, furnaces racing like mad and fuses blow- ing out all over the place. How- ever, about nine o'clock the trouble was adjusted, lights were normal and Partner was able to finish his milking with the aid of the milking, machine. But still the refigerator man had not returned. I wasn't too worried, thinking he would be back in the morning, After all one might expect a little incon- venience. But then a neighbor informed me the men didn't work on Saturday. I should have known it! I phoned the hydro office' and a • weary voice answered --"Let me know in the morning if he doesn't -come and we will send an emergency man out to finish the job," I was satisfied to let it :go at that, riieanwhile stepping around the refrigerator and its, cumber- some parts as 'best .I. gould, try- ing to get a little law and order into' the • place, Altogether it had been a try- ing day so : by 11 o'clock I ,was IUB' fi — 1855 dead to the world. Partner, ap- parently, was half undressed when there came a pounding at the door, and furious barking on the part of the dogs, I awoke with a start, wondering what on earth had happened. It was another hydro man ... to fin- ish the refrigerator job! Part- ner was in the middle of telling him he would have to come back in themorning when, with a hastily donned housecoat, I came out and suggested that since he was already here he might as, well stay. After that I persuaded Partner to go to bed and I stayed up. It was nearly one o'clock before the job• was done, helped along by a cup of 'hot coffee. So—that was our experience with the actual conversion job, And the results? Well, the lights are brighter; there is a differ- ent hum to the refrigerator and it ices'up less quickly—which is all to the good, All the various motors run much faster which seems to be an improvement in- sofar as the milking machine is concerned. One thing Partner ,doesn't• like is - the fact that the motors do not fit as well as the old ones. There is a shaft stick- ing out from the motor on the milking machine which gets in. ;his way. New holes had to be bored to accommodate the ,motor on the cream separator, 'which we don't think is .going .to be 'too satisfactory, One rather funny thing happened. I forgot to disconnect the kit- chen clock. When 60 cycle came on the clock started up as usual but gained 30 minutes every hour) On the whole we are very well satisfied—just so long as our bill doesn't jump 50 percent, One thing I would like to add: all the men who have come in have been as courteous and ob- liging as one could wish. Cer- tainly we have no complaints on that score, It was not the mechanic's fault he had been sent out with the wrong motor. Eager to see a big business executive, a salesman finally got past a series of secretaries, "A saleman, eh?" snorted the big exec. "Do you know that my secertaries have thrown out fif- teen salemen all ready today?" "Yes, sir," replied the sales- man. "I'm them." `fake +Ifs hasty Confessed Killing In 1027, Aparlcio Vilela, thea a minor, received an eight years and two months' sentence for the murder of his uncle, In Cam- po Belo, Brazil, Four years later, having serv- ed half of his sentence, Aparlcio was pardoned. To -day the ex - convict is a real estate broker in his home town. Now twenty seven years after his trial, the real criminal, Jose PosIdonlo, stricken by re- morse, has confessed on his deathbed to a priest that he was the murderer. The priest would not grant absolution be- fore he had confessed his crime to a judge. The judge of Campo Belo was called to the bedside of the dying man. He revealed the whole truth in the presence of several witnesses. CHEESEBREAD easily, speedily with new Active Dry Yeast! - • New bread and buns treats are a treat to make witlitlie new form of Flelschmann's Yeast! Never a worry about yeast cakes that stale and lose strength ... new Fleischmann's Dry Yeast keeps full strength and fast -acting right in your cupboard, Get a month's supply. CHEESEBREAD • Scald 3 c. milk, / c. granulated sugar, 1/ tbs, salt and 4 tbs. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Meanwhile, measure into a large bowl / c. lukewarm water,1 tsp. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en- velope Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 mins., THEN stir well. Stir in cooled milk mixture. Stir in 4 c, once -sifted bread flour; beat with a rotary beater until the batter is smooth. Cover and set in a warm place, free from draught. Let rise until doubled in hulk. Work in 2 c. lightly - packed finely -shredded old cheese and 5 c. (about) once - sifted bread flour. Knead on lightly -floured board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough; turn out on lightly -floured board and divide into 4 equal portions. Cover lightly with a cloth and let rest for 15 mins. Divide each portion of dough into 3 parts; knead and shape into smooth balls. Place 3 balls in each of 4 greased loaf pans (4/" x 8/").' Grease tops and sprinkle each loaf with / c. shredded .cheese, Cover and let rise until doubled In bulk. Bake in moderately hot oven, 375°, 45- 50 mins, ...and the emergency services of the fire, automobile and casualty insurance business go into•action within minutes. In the past insurance_companies have helped speed recovery of many disaster -stricken communities by making ' ori=the-spot settlement of thousands of claims; within a matter of hours. In Canada, the insurance business and its thousands of adjusters and agents stand ready to lend their aid whenever disaster strikes, femmorA G ERAJIl1N . i ~�r -ALL •CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION on behalf of more Man 900 coopering companies wiling 17n; Aulomobjh end Casualty lnruiance. • e iNECalVett SPORTS COLUMN 4 Eemeit erfame • When hockey's greatest scoring ma- chine, Maurice "Rocket" Richard of the Montreal Canadians whipped home his 400th League goal, 11e set a record that may never be equalled. A little chap named Guy Rousseau, who plays junior hockey for Quebec Frontenacs, came up to Canadiens on a three -game trial. A mere 19 -year-old kid who, playing his 'first game with Can- adiens on foreign ice, and his second in the National Hockey League, it was Rousseau who slipped RIchard the workman- like pass off which he scored the big goal with 'a lightning sweep of his stick in the third period of a game at Chicago on December 18 last, When the team left Montreal, Chicago -bound Coach Dick Irvin said to Richard: "I want you to look after this little fellow Rousseau. I'm going to put him in to room with you. He's fast and ambitious, but he's shy, and it will help his complexes if he's. with you," Richard put an arm around the little fellow's shoulder and said: "You're with me kid," Rousseau's eyes fairly popped out at this sudden intimacy with a hockey great. A broad grin of 'sheer joy split his features. He and Richard palled around together, an oddly - assorted pair of buddies, from that time on. Irvin started Rousseau on the Richard-Mosdel line and kept him there much of the game. And In the third period, he flipped a smooth pass to Richard, who was skatingbehind him, and like a flash, Richard blasted the puck deep into the Chicago nets. After the goal was scored,, Canadien players hoisted Richard high on their shoulders. They planned to carry him on a complete circuit of the rink. But Richard didn't want that at all, and the players let him down. "If I had scored that goal in.Detroit or Toronto'or Mon- treal, I wbuldn't mind the boys carrying me around," said Richard later. "But it didn't mean much, scoring it against the tail -end team and I didn't like the parade idea at all. It seemed like rubbing it in." This, we thought, was nice sporting sentiment. But Richard, noted as a fierce and fiery competitor, has made similar gestures before and since. Not long ago, Richard and other Canadiens went to Ste. Anne's Hospital near Montreal to play in a softball game ,for wounded war veterans. They visited the wards afterwards; Many of the patients asked for Rocket's autograph, One who had his legs in a cast was particularly insistent, Hehad been badly wounded and his broken leg hadn't healed, Richard'obliged, then asked for his. "I should be asking you, who have done so much more than . I," said Richard, quietly. The sporting circle of the 400 -goals feat was completed when, after the Canadien club presented Richard with $2,000, he promptly turned the complete amount over to. two Mon- treal hospitals. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. CaLvet DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHIRSTBURO, ONTARIO .. PLAIN HORSE SENSE.. By F. (BO Following up on a New Tear's resolution to bring order Into our filing system, we found this story taken from The Week, May 17, 1933; Unprecedented and .widely significant is a case, just com- ing before the. Austrian courts, ariliin'g out of the alarm of the Austrian National Bank over the 'financial revolution which has brought prosperity to the little Austrian town of Worgl, and which the bank fears is going to compete with its own monopoly powers. Worgl had been moving rap- idly to bankruptcy since the be- ginning of the crisis, Its .factor - {m closed down one after -an- other and unemployment rose daily. Nobody did any business and scarcely anybody paid any fauces. When Unterguggenberger, Burgomaster of Worgl, propos-. ed the following plan which was adopted, The town authorities issued. to the value of 30,000 Austrian Schilling notes in denomina- tions of . one, five .and tcrii Schil- ling which were called tickets for services rendered, The spec- ' lam feat J re of these notes ' was thefact that they decreased in value by one per cent every month. , , Anyone holding one of these notes at the end of the month - had to buy fromthe local au- thorities a stamp of sufficient value to bring the note up to face value. This he affixed to the back of the note, . and the LOOK A -HEAD'— Thls intriguing hairdo was 'featured in a West Berlin, Germany, coiffure . con- test. The tall sone of Imitation hair 1s trimmed with rhinestones and tetltd'op.pea•rts. B) VON PILIS proceeds of the stamp went ,to . the poor relief fund. ' ' The result was that the notes circulated'' with unheard of. rapidity. They were first, used for the payment of wages , for the building of streets, drainage and other public works by•men who would otherwise been; un- employed. 'On the day when the new notes were used eighteen. hundred schilling 'worth were paid 'out. The recipients immediately hurried with them to the shops, and the shopkeepers and mer- chants hastened, to use•them for the payment of their tax to the. municipality. The municipality immediately used them to •pay, the bills. Within 24 hours of be- ing issued the greater part of this money had already been passed on its way again, During the first month, the money had made the complete circuit no less than 20 times, There was no possibility of • anyone avoiding the one per cent stamp tax on any note he happened to hold at the end of the month, since without a stamp to bring it up to face value, the note lost its entire value. Within the first four months after the issue of' the new mon- ey, the town had accomplished public works to the ,value of, 100,000 schillings, A large . pro- portion of ' tax .arrears had al- ready been paid off and there were even cases of people pay- ing taxes in advance. Receipts of back taxes were eight times greater than in the past before the introduction of new money; Unemployment is now reduced enormously, the shopkeepers are prosperous, The fame of the' Worgl mir- acle ' spread, Irving Fisher, American economist, sent a commission of enquiry to Wor- gl, and the system has been in- troduced in a score or more of ' American townships. The Austrian National Bank however was -highly disturbed by the whole proceeding, Now Unterguggenberger is being brought before the courts to ex- plain himself and `HS plan. This is . the press report. Noth- ing' could be found about the outcome of the court proceed Ings or the results of the' Amer- . • ican experiments with the Wor- gl system. This column . welcomes critic- ism, constructive or destruc- tive, and suggestions, wise or otherwise, 'it will endeavour to answer any questions. Address m^°1 to .Bob Von Millis, Whitby, Ont. ONE SHOE OFF, ONE SHOE ON—Unlike "my son, John," of the nursery rhyme, Swedish ski jumper Toiro Lauren wasn't caught in' bed in this predicament. He lost one ski "shoe" at take -off point _ of the ski jump' at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, landed on one ski and finished the run on his stomach, unhurt. Long -lens movie camera caught *this high point of lump. How Can By ROBERTA . LEE Q. How can 1 keep a child. from biting his fingernails? A. Apply the , following nail varnish: 11/4 ounce alcohol; 1/e ounce chincidin; 114 ounce gutn mastic; 11/4 ounce gum myrrh, Mix and allow to stand forty- eight hours, shaking the bottle occasionally. Brush' on the nails. •It can be removed with alcohol or hot water. * * * Q. How Can I clean leather? A. Add a little ' vinegar to warm water (not hot), rub over the leather with a clean cloth, then wipe dry, Grease stains can be removed with' benzine or pure turpentine, * ** Q. How can I soften brown sugar and make It easier to measure? A, By placing it in a fiat bak- ing can and placing it in the oven for a few minutes, How- ever, it should be watched close- ly to prevent burning. * * * Q. What Is •the proper way to care for meat? , A. Uncooked meat should not be allowed to lie in Its -.own juice or it may become tainted, Place the meat on a platter with a hollow centre that will hold the, juice 'without the meat touching it. * * * Q. How can I make shoes waterproof? A. Apply a dressing made by melting together two parts. of beeswax' to one part of mutton •fat, Apply at . night and remove the next morning by wiping with a :piece of flannel, - * * * Q. How can I• make a good hand lotion? • A. By mixing ,equal parts of glycerine and camphor; or equal parts of glycerine, ,rose water, and bay rum, - • - One Goal "The .,Rocket", Always Seems To'.Miss — Maurice (Rocket) .Richard, greatest goal -scorer in the his- tory of. the National Hockey League—yet he has never won the league's individualscoring championship. Further than that, This man who has outdistanced all others in the most vital - of departments in any sport - scoring --alas had to settle for second place, on the NHL all-star team ,the past four seasons, It has been recorded that Toe. Blake, . Richard's teammate on the Montreal Canadiens' famous "Punch ' Line" of Blake-Lach- Richard, • once said 'of The Rocket: "Maurice lives to score goals!" Truly the ' explosive Richard is an intense, fiery athlete whose pride of performance drives him to, keep up his tremendous scor- ing pace, Hockey players are normally slow to unwind from tithe speed and excitement of a game. It helps' explain in part the more than $1,000 The Rocket has had to pay in flines over the years, But back to the scoring. In -his 12 -plus seasons in the National Hockey League, The Rocket has poured more than 400 goals past rival netminders. The almost unbelievable No, 400 came last Dec, 18 in a game at Chicago. You get an idea of ' the stature of Richard's feats from time fact • that only one other player in hockey history has passed the 300 -goal mark;' Nems Stewart of the old Mon- treal and Boston teams had 324. 'Yet because the scoring title is based on goals and assists — one point each — Richard has never w o n that individual honor. During the years he has been in the league that honor has gone to Doug Bentley of Chi- cago, Montreal linemate Elmer ,Lesch (twice), Herbie Cain of Boston, Max, Bentley of• Chicago (twice), Roy Conacher of Chi- cago, Ted LIndsay of Detroit and Gordle Howe of Detroit, Howe has won the title the 1st four years and also the Hart Trophy as the league's mos t valuable player in 1952 and 1953, This goes a long way to- ward explaining why Richard has not been on the NHL all - stat team since 1950 Both Howe and Richard are right wingers. Now Comes Boom Boom A further look at the right wing situation unveils one Boom Boom Geoffrion — teammate of Richard's at Montreal who this year has been setting a goals - scored and total points pace well ahead of both Richard and Howe. The way the youthful Boomer is playing he may push both Richard and Howe off the all-star team. • Over the last few years Howe has been setting a more blis- tering goals -scored 'pace against rival goalies than the veteran Rocket — with Geoffrion not far behind. There may even come a time when they, along with a player such as Detroit's Ted Lindsay, also will join the ex- clusive 300 -goal circle. Perhaps: Howe and Geoffrion will some day even challenge Rocket's "400" pinnacle. But such an eventuality is still a lot of ice. away, Richard is there and he made it in specta- cular, explosive fashion. With or . without an official league "scoring" title he is still The Rocket — unchallenged "home run hitter" of 'hockey, It , costs Tess than you think. to .enjoy dustless- , clean heat ' SAVE WITH (0RONA OIL HEATERS 566.50 Priced from • 'ECONOMICAL You save money on the low Purchase price and you continue to save because n Corona uses a 'minimum of nil, • 4 MODELS For. cottages and small homes, there's a Corona model for heat - leg 2 to '7 rooms. • MODERN CONTROLS Enslly regulated heat that's sim- ple to set and maintain. Cem• pleteiy tool•proot operation, • SMART DESIGN All - steel construction . combines modern design with• deb walnut tone finish — a handsome addition toyour home. Wo hare parte for all Feel spade heaters and Fees - made etaee heaters. See your Otaco eteeler or , write today ' The OTACO Limited ORHLIA,' ONT, A Real Service To All Motorists In the next few weeks, from a little upstairs workshop in Toronto, will go 1,320,700 minia- ture car license key tags to the car owners of Ontario, Nineteen war amps, all of them minus at least one limb, have made the key tags. In the past nine years 10,500,000 minia- ture key tags have' been made for Canadian car owners by War Amps, All the profit from the sale of the miniature key tags goes to 'the War Amputations DIstribu- tion and Benevolent Committee. In nine years the net earnings of the War Amps Key Tag Serv- ice has been $207,844. Nearly 200,000 man hours' employment has been given to an average of 19 war amps, full-time. Every 36 minutes In the nine years the War Amps office has returned one set of lost car keys to its owner. That's the whole idea of the Key Tag Service. The owner fastens the miniature key tag to his car keys, If he loses them, they are mailed to the War Amps Office, There a record is kept of every car owner's name and address and car license number. - In addition to restoring lost car keys to their owners, the key tag service also keeps war amps usefully employed, and all the profits aid war amps groups across Canada, In 1953, the Key Tag Service transferred to the Benevolent Committee, $15,996, In 1954, $38,104, This year over two million key tags will be distributed, SOLOMON'S WA1 A couple applying for a div- orce 'in Dallas had their request granted, and division of prop- erty went along quite smoothly until one item came up — a bookcase. Both parties wanted it. The judge listened to their pleas and then made up his mind, The bookcase was, by or- der of the court, to be sawn in half, ccEg SALLY'S SALLIES DE AaTMiFIffl "rt) III Ii low 11.416.• Y,..rw--w, hey "It the engine is missing, what do you call that thing there?" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IIADY CHICKS "OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results of twenty eight years of careful eolection and breeding,' They have to be good, be. cause we want the very best kind of chleke for our own flocks, — big, vigor. ous, and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Columbia Rocks, White Leghorn% Sussex, Barred Rocks, Hamp X Rock Croeebroda, New Hemp X Susses Crosebreda, Write for tree folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co• Operative Produce Company Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, Ontario, YOU dairymen know It you wore offered Angus or Herefords for maximum pro- duction It would never pay you to buy them. The name thing applies to chickens. You will see advertisements offering meat and dual purpose pullets as tow as loo per pullet, but 1f you got them for nothing they are dear compared with genuine egg breeds. We have 3 special egg breeds which will outlay and make you more profit than any other breeds wo offer, They are Shaver R.O.P. Sired White Leghorne, Shaver 11.0.P. White Leghorn cockerels crossed on Parmenter Rhode Island Reda, R.O.P. Sired Parmenter Rhode Island Rede. Buy them once, we know that you and your friends will, be back for more. Also special broiler chicks, tur- key poulte. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PULLETS 'or cockerels? br both? We ' can supply the breed that best suits your purpose. Canadian Approved. Plan for a good '66, Get new illustrated oatalog•to-day. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. - FOR SALE POT Holder /darnels, 8 for 11.00. As- sorted Magnets, 6 for 11,00. Free book- let and Instructions Ivtth order. Park Magnets, Highland Park, Illinois, U.S.A, BELLEVILLE • Trenton • Plcton area— Residential, Farm, Buelneea and Summer properties, All types, sizes and prices. Write J, D. MacKenzie, Realtor, 178 Church Street, Belleville, Ontario. Phone 3532. DELAND'S automatic deck containing 18,000 regret marks, Instructions . for many tricks, 51,60 poet paid. Free catalogue Included. Send money order to Wllea Magle, 31 Edith Avenue, Toronto, SCOTCH. Gin, Rum and Liqueur flavors. Send $1 tor 1 bottles. Postpaid, Flavor Products, 61 Albert Street, Winnipeg, 'Man ' Printed Labels PERSONALIZED gummed labels, print• ed In two colours, with name, address .to, 400 In pleatlo dispenser 81.60. Don Thompson, Box 88, Lucknow, Ontario. MEDICAL HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUO STORE, 333 Elgin, Ottawa, $1.23 Express Prepaid. NAMELESS Cold Remedy, an Ointment that roll/men 81nue, llayfever, lieadcolde, to 10 days, or money back. Convincing Trial 11.10. Addroea: Purity Co., Exeter, Ontario. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment .of ' dry ' eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Poet's Eczema Salvo will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, and burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the etalnleee, odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICn sv.so rue JA7t POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free on 'Receipt of Price 683. Queen St. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO SINUSITIS AND CATARRII RELIEVED with Rybaallvol, the Eng- lish remedy now available in Canada, 81.00: obtainable from Owen, Pharma• ceuticnl Chemist, 2141 King St. Eget, Hamilton, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES 1'Olt MEN AND WOMEN FARMERS, le your maple bush a money • maker? Write for full particulars en modern evaporators and'acteeeorles sold on credit, Gordon W. Olive, R.R. No. 1, Gananoque, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES F(ht MEN AND WOMEN YOU could receive 100 lettere per day, each containing 26e, Start Immediately. •Edith Ferrle, Goodwin, Alta. • SELL I4UOES • DIRECT to consumer, Big commission.. 'fake a steady income In lolling our popular line of quality shoes, Style• shoes and work oboes for the whole. family. Selling catalogue and outfit free. No experience needed. Concordia: Shoe, Dept. 0.81, 226 Bay St„ Toronto 1, Ont. GOOSE Milk Case Manufacturers and Repairs, Midland Avenue, Agincourt, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCiiOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Iialydreeaing Pleasant, dignified profession, good waxes. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates. • America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloor Bt, IV., Toronto, Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau • St., Ottawa JOBS OVERSEAS CANADIAN engineers, draftsmen, trades- men, equipment and office men are being paid high wages overseas. Our listings offer opportunities In 40 foreign cnun- trles and U.S.A. Mall only 52.00 or pay postman C.O.D. Donald Dickson and Associates, 228 Bay Street, Tnrnnto. EMplre 4-7411. PATENTS FETHERSTONH A UGH & CompenY, Patent Attorneys I:etabllehed 1850. 600 Univerelty Ave, Tnrnntn ['Monte al) countries. - AN OFFER to every Inventor—Lief of • Inventions end full Information sent free, The Ramsay Co,. Regintered Patent At- torneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottnwa. PERSONAL 11.00 TRIAL otter. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue Included The Medico Agency Roe 124. • Terminal A, Toronto. Ontario • PUPS REGISTERED Trigg Foxhound pups from champion • stock. E Stanabury. Brenta, Ontario, WANTED JOB LOTH RANTER AI) types of surplus merchandise, for Dash. SURPLUS JOBBERS. 167 McCaul Street. Toronto. THRESHING Machine, Steam Engine, 'tractor and Implement catalogues, books,. Pictures. Give descriptions, state price. Willard Twles, Olanford Station, Ontario. JT MAY BE YOUR LIVER it life's not worth living it may be your liver! Lt's a !sett It takes up to two pints of km We a day to keep your digestive tract In top shape! It your liver bile Is not flowing freely your food may cot digest . . gas bloats op your stomach ... you feel constipated and ell when tun need and gentlele Carter'sout of That's the laver 1'ilia. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your dl tion starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here again! Don't our stay sunk. Always keep Carter's TARO* Uver PUL on hand. 27f at your druga1L SAFES Protect your 1800115 and CASH from FIRE and TIiIEVES. We have a sale and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any Purpose. Vlelt us or write for price, etc. to Dent. W. J.6cJ,TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 146 Front St. E., Toronto Established 1866 ISSUE 6 — 1955 MAC DONALD'S C��,s �trl P�azg Enir r 1 PAGE 4 9 ` THE STANDARD NeedIecrat Shoppe ''''M"�' Dr, B. C. Weir Heads ( Youth Week Services OUR SALE IS CONTINUED of COATS, COAT SETS, SNOWSUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, JUMPERS, PYJAMAS LINED JEANS, SOCKS AND T-SHIRTS, Clinton Monument Shop Open Every Friday and by Appointment Representative: J. J, Zapfe, Phone 103, Clinton, T. PRYDE and SON Clinton -- Exeter -- Seaforth. Phones: 103 41 363J Auburn Library Board . Observed Dr. 13, C. Weir was re-elected presi- dent of the Auburn Public Library at the annual meeting held In the Library on Tuesday, February 1st, Other of. ficcrs elected were; vice-pres'dents, Mrs. W. T, Robison, Mrs, Alf Nesbit; sccret..ry-trensrrcr, Mrs, Fred Ross; librarian, Miss M, King; program corn- • mitten, Miss M, R, Jackson, Mrs, F, Lawson, Mrs, F, Ross; book committee, Mrs, A, Nesbit, Miss M. R. Jackson, Arthur Yungblut; committee to pick books from library truck,,Miss M. R. Jackson, Mrs. A, Nesbit, Mrs, Oliver Andersen, Mrs, D. A. MacKay, Mrs, Norman McDowell, Arthur Yungblut; delegate to Huron County convention, Miss M. R. Jackson, , ' The _treasurer in her report stated that recelpts for the year were $401,64; • expenditures, $305,64; balance $185,60, ▪ The librarian, Miss M. King, repoil.ed - that 2,366 books were borrowed during 1054-1,162 fiction, 364 clasp, and 462 juvenile, The retiring directors, Miss M. R, Jackson, Arthur Yungblut, and 0, F, Erratt, were re-elected for a three-year term. Other members of the board in- • elude Mrs, C. M. Straughan and Mrs, E. Lawson. During the past year more than $152 tyas spent to buy books; in ad- dition, 150 books were exchanged' ev- ery three months with Huron County Library, The board intends to buy more books soon. New venetian blinds were bought for the Library, and oth- er decorating done, There is a mem- bership of 40; and 38 public school children receive free reading, SWEET PICKLE ROLLS PER LB. 49c SMOKED FILLET PER LB. 39c WEEK -END FREEZER SEECIALS: Zero Pack Strawberries ..... , , , , , , , per pkg. 39c Old South Orange Juice 2 tins 29c Arnold Berthot MEAT SWOP FISH Free Delivery: 10 a.m. and After 4 p.m. Telephone 10 -- Blyth. 1 Don't Borrow Yn',]r oped with the hired man, the dog Neighbour, Paper broke up 11 setting hens and the cal- ves p ves got out and chewed the tails oaf four A man too stingy to subscribe for the shirts on the clothes line. home town paper, sent his little boy to Moral—It's too blamed risky to bor. borrow the next door neighbor's. In haste, the boy ran over a stand of bees, and In 10 minutes he looked like a wart summer squash. His father ran to his TV WRESTLING assistance, and failing to notice the barbed wire fence, tore and ruined a .9 Local and district television viewers, pair of pants. The cld cow took advan- who are becoming increasingly more loge of the gap in the fence, got info numerous may now catch an extra the field and killed herself eating hour of wrestling each week over Sta- green corn. Hearing the commotion,. tion CKCO-TV, Kitchener, providing his wife ran out, upsetting a four -gallon they wish to remain up until 11;20 p.m, churn of cream into a basket of little each Friday evening. CKCO is now chickens, drowning the entire batch, bringing its viewers one hour of wrest - The baby, being left alone, crawled ling, direct from Hollywood, each Fri - through the cream into the parlor, ruin- day evening with top wrestlers from ing a brand-new $150 carpet. During Canada and the United States. The the excitement the oldest daughter el- program is "live," • row your neighbor's paper,—Mllvertun Sun. EAST WAW.ANOSU The euchre parity 'was held at the school on Friday evening, Those in charge were, Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Wards Mr, and Mrs. Carl Govier, Mr. and Mrs, E. Cartwright, High score was taken by Joan Govier and Earl Noble; low, Jimmie Carter and Agnes Carter, Lunch was served, followed by n dance, The next party will be. held In two weeks, .Mrs. Wm. McCrostle, Ronald and Carol, of St. Helens, visited with Mr, end Mrs. Aubrey Toll and family on Sunday. The same evening 'when Mrs, McCrostic returned home and was get - i ting ready for bed, she fell and.frac- tured and dislocated her left wrist, and is a pa!tient in the Wingitam hospital, Mrs, Gomersall is still a patient in the Clinton. hospital and is Improving. Frank 1-111lahan, 14 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Hallahnn, was talc• en to the Wingham hospital on Sun- day where he was operated on for the e removal of his appendix. Mrs, Bernice Talbot, President of the Youth Fellowship cf the Church,of Geri along with her youth group, had the planning of the services for Nationrl Youth Week at the local church. Tho first service was last Sunday morning, January 301h, of which the young pee• ple had .charge. Bernice T,.lbol net :d as chairman, !Rhea Beach, song leader, Joy Montgomery led in prayer, and Donald Haines song a solo, Donald Talbot and Ilcrbie Fnngrad played a trumpet duet, after which Mrs, Glenn Beach brought a message on the sub- ject, "Divine Guidance," In the even. Ing service Joy Monigolnery acted as song leader and also brought a solo, Bernice Talbot was chnirman, and Rev, Beach spoke on the subject, "Christ for Youth," The Wednesday night prayer meet. Ing was also youth -centred, Each per- son was given a sheet of paper on which each one listed two problems of young people today, Then these were gathered up and redistributed, and each person read the problems on the paper they received, and presented their own idea of the solution, after which there was open discussion on the subject by the group, Everybody enjoyed this service so much It lasted until 10.30 p,rn. Friday evening the local Youth Fels lowship entertained the Grand Bend Youth Fellowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Talbot wlkh a cro- kinole party, Lunch was served after- ward, followed by a short devotional Service with Rev, Gordon Schlock of Camrose, Alberta, as speaker. Rev. Schlock is President of-Camrose Bible Inti.itute, and spoke on the need of Christian youth trained' for service, and how they need Christ to stend up and face the problems of life, Rev, Ed- win Wattam, pastor of the Church of God at Grand Bend, led in prayer, A different type of service was planned by the young people for the morning service, February 6, It wes well attended and immensely enjoyed by all, Bernice Talbert, again acted as Chairman, Joy Montgomery, song lead- er, Prayer •was offered by Mrs, Clar- ence Montgomery, Bernice Talbot sang a solo entitled, :'Are You Faith- ful?" which introduced the theme of the messages by the following people, Rhea Beach spoke on "A Christian in High School"; Ted' Dunn, a student at Guelph 0,A,C. on "A Christian In Col - ego"; Ola Fangrad on "A Christian in the Office";. Donald Talbot on "A Christian on the Farm'; and Marian Cook spoke on "A Christian Mother," The evening service was shortened sc hat they could attend the youth gath. ring at the United Church, Rhea Bench was chairman, Joy Montgomery song leader, and Russel Cook spoke on "How a Christian Meets the Tempta- tions of Today." CONGRATITLATIONS Congratulations to Mrs. M. Holtzhauct who celebrates her birthday on Feb. 11. Congratulations to Mr, Lloyd Tasker; who celebrated his birthday on Feb, 9, Congratulations /to IsIr. Harold Phil. lips who celebrated his birthday Feb, 6 W. A. Group Meeting Mrs, Inez MacDonald was hostess for the February meeting of Group 2 of the United Church W. ,A, on Tuesday afternoon, February 1st, with the lead- er, Mrs, Scrimgeour in charge, Mrs, Scotit Falrservice and Mre. Scrimgeour took charge of the Devo• tional period. Roll call was answered • by 17 members, 2 visitors, A very touching reading was given by Mrs, Scrimgeour entitled, "Be A Good For- , getter," Business tuns discussed'. It was de. tided to hold a bake sale early in March, Mrs, Albert Walsh invited. the group to her home for the March meet- ing to be held Tuesday, March 1st, at 2 pm. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. I, Pelts and Mrs, E. Noble. SALE ENDS SAT., FEB. 12 WE HAVE ADDED A FEW EXTRA SPECIALS For The Final Days Of Our Record Breaking Mid•Winter Sale 54 -Inch WOOL PLAID Reg. $2.98 Spec. Yd. , , , ..1• �'9 +-+-+4e-.---W-�-s $$•44 ++i. -++++++a Girl's Flannelette Pyjamas, sizes 3 to 6, Reg, $1.98. Special $1.29 Women's & Children's Gabardine Ski Pants, Reg. $6.95. , , , ,Special $1.93 Boys' & Girl's Lined Jeans, pre- shrunk, double knees, sizes 3 to 6X, Reg. $2.98 ,,,,,.,,,,,, Special $1.98 4-•$--$-•$ 4, •.*+H-,, .14.•14 BOYS' LINED JEANS Pre-shrunk, sizes 8 to 16, Reg. $3.95. Spec..... 2.98 +++.-N4•.4•.y Women's Full -Fashioned Nylon Hose (subs) sizes 81/2 to 11 , .. ,Special 59c Boys' Fleece -Lined Sweat Shirts, sizes small, med., large Reg. $2.29. Special ,,.,.,1.00 .-e4•$ Boys' Broadcloth Stripe, also Doeskin Shirts, sizes 11 to 131/2. Reg. $1.98 Special $1.00 13 Men's Fleece -lined Combinations, (sizes 36 and 38 only). Special $1.00 .44.4 44-•-•••-•41 WOMEN'S PRINT APRONS /; Reg. 89c each. Special, 2 FOR I ■ 00 14-r.+N. Boys' All- Wool Tweed Breeches. Some with leather knees. Sizes 26 to 32. Reg. $5.95.. , , . ,Special $2.98 The Arcade Stores- Pjione Blyth 211 STORES IN BLYTH & BRUSSELS Phone Brussels 61, Died In Florida Miss Norma Daer has received word of the death at St. Petersburg, Florida, of a former Blyth native, Robert G. Landnt, ,Miss Daer root Mr. Lamont year ago while on vacation in Flor- ida, Mr. Lamont died on January 15, A native of Blyth, Mr. Lamont was a son of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph La- mont, He was born on August 26th, 1878, The family resided in thehome now occupied by Mrs. Lena Crawford, and moved to the United States more than 30 years ego: A funeral service was held at the We,(tmrnster Presbyterian Church, its St, Petersburg on Friday, January 21, at 2 p.m., conducted by the Rev, Donald F. Lomas, with Interment being made in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Dr. Moser Buried_ At Toronto. A funeral service for Dr. John Moser, whose death was recorded in last week's Standard, was held on Wednes- day, February 2nd, at the McDougall' and Brown chapel, Toronto, at 3 p.m, = Interment was made in Prospect come• cry; It will be remembered that Dr. Mos. er who was 49, died suddenly while on a holiday trip In, the southern United States. He was a native of Blyth, CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Mr. Lorne Burling of Toronto who celebrates his birthday on Sunday, February 20th, Congratulations to Mrs, Lena Craw. ford who celebrates her birthday on Monday, February 28th, Wednesday, 1 9.1955 MEN! BE WELL DRESSED WITH A MADE TO MEASURE SUIT FROM OUR STORE. This is the time to prepare for Spring, while prices are at their lowest NOW .$39.95 R. W. MADILL'S SHOES -- MEN'S Sc BOYS' WEAR "The Moine of Good Quality Merc:;andise" N,,,,MN NN..N4NM1I..,,..N. • 14+4•14++-+.444-4+-+++++++H♦*4+4+++0. 4+1.++4-X4-4++4++-+4+ • Huron County Junior Farmers' Drama FestIval Blyth Memorial I-l.all - 8:15 p.m. sharp, Thursday, Feb. 17 3 ONE- - ACT PLAYS By North Huron, Colwanosh and Howick Junior Farmers' Clubs. , Drama, Comedy, and Musical Entertainment... • Admission 50c, Support the Junioryarmers By Attending. �•+-�++-+-++++�•+-�•+-+�+�-1414+-�-+�+++-�-�++�-�-+-�++ LOGS WANTED!! HARD MAPLE AND BASSWOOD No. 1- 15" and over, straight, clear, sound, $110.00 per M, No, 2. 14" to 15", straig!at, clear, sound, $85,00 per M, No. 3- straight logs, under No. 1 and No. 2 grqde, $75.00 per M, Above prices cover Maple and Basswood logs delivered our -plant. GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED GODER•ICH, Ontario 1 Phone 62 �rNN Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" TIIE USE OF OUR BULLS WILL ASSURE YOU THAT; YOUR YOUNG STOCK WILL HAVE THE INHERENT ABILITY TO PRODUCE be they beet -or dairy. The good producers make more dollars. YOUR YOUNG 'STOCK WILL NOT HAVE INHERENT UNDESIR- ABLE CHARACTERISTICS, Special attention is paid to this In the'. bull selection for Unit use, FREEDOM FROM THE DANGER OF HANDLING A BULL, Several people are killed or, hurt each year on Ontario farms by bulls, In- seminators ere not dangerous, FREEDOM OF TIIE DANGER OF SPREADING DISEASE, Unit bulls are tested for many diseases and are under very strict health rules, A ,good way to spread infection is the neighbourhood use of a bull, In- seminators are trained to disinfect boots between farms and use a new disposable breeding tube for each cow, YOUR TOTAL BREEDING COSTS WILL 13E LOWER. No capital in- vestment in u bull is required and there is no risk of death loss of sires. The estimated cost to keep a bull on the, farm Is $200,00 to $300.00 per year, 1 YOU WILL HAVE ACCURATE 13JtEEDING RECORDS, During January 1955, we had a 16,6/ Increase over January 1954, or 470 cows. For information or service, PHONE CLINTON 242 between 7.30 and 10;00 a.rn, weeks days, or 7,30 to 0.30 a,m, on Sundays, If you are interested In artificial Inseminati'on, send the coupon below to the Waterloo Cattle Breeding 'Association, Clinton, Ont,, and one of our men will call at your farm to give further information, PLEASE CALL AT MY FARM TO GIVE FURTHER INFORMA- TION ON YOUR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE, NAME ADDRESS Location of Farm: Concession...................-.......•,......................... •............,., Lot 1 1 .'WedneEday, Feb, 9 1955 DO YOU HAVE A HEATING PROBLEM? 1.0.0_11.8.46. If your heating equipment is not satisfactory, prepare now for next year's heating season. Call us to -day and let us quote on a new heat- ing system for next year. No obligation. We can completely install a heating system of any of the following makes: E,F,M. GOOD CHEER BEACH GAR - WOOD TIMKEN A. MANNING & SONS Phone 207, Blyth, Ont. Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH — ONTA1tI0. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Sickness, Accident, Windstorm, Farm Liability. WE SPECIALIZE IN GIVING SERVICE. Office Phone 104. Residence Phone 140 44+•• •++l*. +f+++•N 4'1•4-•-•-• 44-1-4•••••••••-•-•-•-•-• FULL COURSE MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Excellent Service -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. HURON GRILL BLYTH - ONTARIO FRANK GONG, Proprietor. :1 LYCEUM THEATRE WIN©HAM•—ONTARIO, rwo Show. Each Night starting A.t 7:13 - ' FEB, 10-11.12 Junes Mason, Robert IVagnr.r, Janet Lc'gh "PRINCE VALIANT" Colour Clnemascope_� FE13, 14.15.16 Elizabeth 'Taylor, Van Johnson, Donny Reed "THE LAST TIME + I SAW PARIS Colour FEB, 17-16.19 Jane Powell, Vie Damone, i)e'b'e Reynolds "ATHENA" Colour LITTLE GIRL RECORDS 109 DEG. TEMPERATURE Shielu Blake, nine -month-old daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Blake, Blyth, is recovering from bronchial pneumon- ia after a fight for her life, staged by local Dr, R, W, Street, The little girl was admitted to Clinton hospital last week -end whore ►ho re i slercd a tem- ;)eraIure of 109 Degrees and Dr. Street worked frantically trying to reduce the fever, applying cool spongings and administering oxygen and antibiotics, She Is now believed to be out of dnnger and on the road to recovery. The 109 Degree temperature is be• lleved to be a record, Londesboro W.A. To Meet The Londesboro W. A. will hold their regular meeting in the church on Thursday, February .17th, at 2,30 p.m. Hostesses twill be Mrs. T. Knok, Mrs, a H. Durnin, Mrs. J. Nott, and ' Mrs, i) Throop, ,1 PAGE e BOXY THEATRE, PARK TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL ;I LEhrlftoNE CLINTON, 1150 THE 47 -- Top Screen Fare In Alr•Condltloned Adventure Stories al Their Dost. NOW PLAYING (February 10-12) Comfort_ (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) MEN" NOW (Thursday, -Friday, Saturdiy). — NOW (TI "HER TWELVE Rod Cameron, Joan Leslie and Gary Cooper, Susan Hayward, and Greer Gerson tries to teach the 3 R's Richard. Widmark John Russell to twelve boys in an exclusive boy's Their adventures help to rescue a man A Korean war veteran wins n mine by school — with the happiest results you trapped in an Afrlean gold mine by nut• trickery— then runs into real crooks hove seen in n long time, lues, Only one man can survive, who are after both his mine and his GREER CARSON • ROBERT RYAN —Thrilling outdoor drama— girl. ``HELL'S OUTPOST" , Mon,, Tues., Wed,—February 14-1G "YANKEE PASHA" The story of a reekjess Yankee trader who ruled forb'.dden Morocco, Based on a widely -read novel, EFF CHANDLER-IMONDA FLi:MING "THE GARDEN OF EVII In Technicolor Cincmasoope Monday, Tuesday, Wcdnasday Monday, Tuebday,, Wednesday Hugo Haas - Beverly Michaels Adult Entertainment A young girl marries a widower to Ronald Regan, Dewey Martin and escape from a dull life, Steve Forrest then attempts to murder hhn. Korean war prisoners suffer in Com- munist hands—A. true-to-life picture J '1 taken from official files, "PICKUP" ' MING (Febru.uy' 17-19) -- "THREE ( "PRISONER OF WAR" COMING—"THE LAW Vs. BILLY TP YOUNG TEXANS"•— Mitzi Gaynor, IN TECHNICOLOR—w►llr Scott Brady and Beit e d:ff Hunter, rvU11I[NG AIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO'� Si?,tJohn, In Technicolor, with Susan Cabot, 14.4•N4 -4444-#•r+ ++�1.•+-r.+-••i-4+4•«•+i "44+4--a4'"+"."4".j' +' -s ++•+' 77Zj STEWART JOHNSTON MASSEY•IIARRiS SALES & SERVICE, BEA'I'TI' BARN EQUIPMENT. • Phone 13 tslyt(1. F. C. PREST LONDESBORO, ONT. Interior & Exterior Decorator Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Brush & Spray Painting Telephone 371126, Blyth. 44_00 ♦IWN INNIN` ,N+IN NNrN t114'VW.P.1.0<ht0 Nh T CARD OF THANKS ;CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who eft- We would like to express our thanks membered irs with cards and treats to all friends and neighbours dur.ng during our recent 11Ine:s. Special the death of Bessie Davis, also the thanks to Dr. R, W. Street and all Euchre Club for their kind expression those who helped in. any way, of sympathy shown us In our recent. 12-1. Leo and Aileen Cronyn. bereavement in the passing of my s's- -- — ler, Mrs. James Davis (Bessie Ballon - CARD OF T'IIANKS tyne). I wish to thank myfriends most sin- —Mrs, R. A. Graves, London, Ont. crely for visits, cards, treats, and phone and Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Ballantyne, notaries, during my recent illness, Toronto, Ont, 12-1. Mrs, Edythe Sturgeon, ,, 12-1p, OTICEe FOR RENT NOTICEti- Pianos and organs tuned, repaired, um cleaner;cl)ceme ters; omixorler;lswheeler;vacbar- nd dernothed, J. C. Blackstone, row, Sparling's Hardware, phone 24, hone Mrs, Frank Tyreman, Blyth, Blyth, 10, 10-3p. CROP REPORT. CEMENT WORK & CARPENTRY Heavy snowfalls coupled with high winds completely blocked most coun- ry roads on Januury 27th, Agricul• ural activities were consequently cur- etted for the remainder of the week, However, roads are now open as In• cheated by the attendance of two hug- dred, at the Annual County Hog Pro- ducers Meeting on, February 3rd, Seed cleaning plants report increas- ed activity and numerous inquiries are being received regarding sources of seed supplies, A record number' of H4-9 «+ -•-• • ♦ •4-.••-• •-•-$ BERNARD HALL Insurance Agency LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, WIND AND ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE. PHONE 122 - BLYTH, ONT. +v+wvvt 1 Now is the time to plan, your Spring convent work and carpentry tvork -- basements, walls, floors, stabling, brick and block laying, sidewalk, flagstone in all 'sizes, All material supplied if desired. All jobs guaranteed, CHRISTENSEN BROS, Phones, Blyth, 11-7; Seaforth, 75, (after 7 p.m,) ' 12-tf, 4-H Club memberships have been ceived for this season of the year. Wingham Memorial •Shop Your Guarantee for Over 35 Years of QUALITY, SERV, ICE,,, CRAFTSMANSHIP, Opell Every Week Day. CEMETERY LETTERING. 'Phone 256, Wingham R. A. SPOTTON. A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich. Ontario - Telephoos V 2 Eyes Examined and Glasse. Fitted, With 25 Year. Experience re- FARMS FOR SALE East half and west half farm lot 28, in the Township of East -Wawanosh, comprising 200 acres, Apply, Howard Carnpbell, phone 10R7, Blyth, or128.1e11): RR. No. 1, 12-1p, 1VATERL00 CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls are Used, Ar- tificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or infor- mation Phone Clinton 242 collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10;00 a.m, on week dnyF and 7;30 and 9;30 a,rn, on Sundays, 61-12 1 Compare for size .:.style .:. features! See why the big, beautiful PLVMOU'FHis the Big Buy of all three! • ttr.. c7z;�3 kx This year, of all yearn, it pays to look at all three) For this brilliant '65 Plymouth is all-new from the tires upl Plymouth is the longest car of tho Big Three— over Dight inches longer than ono, over five inches longer than the other! And Plymouth's advanced Motion -Design styling gives a feeling of forward movement, even when standing still, • Plymouth's Now Horizon swept -back wind- shield is the first to wrap fully (round at top as well as at the bottom—to give you extra vision where you need it most! Beat of all, Plymouth's new Hy -Piro V-8, and the stepped-up PowerFlow Six engines, all give top performance from regular grade fuel l Get the exciting story firsthand. Visit your Chrysler -Plymouth -Fargo dealer now I it d.�i• ... ,• f.:474,<••4 •S. ,.+>.•:.-...3au v::::.4:;:,:.,•::;:r:;;�•?.,: x;%2 Manufactured in ,Canada by Chrysler Corporation ofS'anada, Limited IT'S THE LONGEST OF THE LOW.PRICEO THREE I From bumper to bumper s It's 204 Inches long—and that's actually as Iongas motorcars costing hundreds of dollars morel So why accept less) Gel the site you want, tho beauty you, want in a low-cost Plymouth) / 1' A NEW FIRST IN CONVENIENCE 1'. Plymouth's new Flite Control for the Power• fllleautomatictransmission mounts airplane chyle on the Instrument panel. See and drive the longest . , . lowest. , , liveliest PLYMOUTH ever -. at your CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO dealer's /t-,• DOHERTY BROS. PHONE 25 al" BLYTU ONTARIO CUNNINGHAM'S POOL ROOM. Billiards & Snack Bar Ice Cream - Hot Dogs Homburgs and Sandwiches, ISmokers' Sundries HURON FARM SUPPLIES OLIVER SALES & SERVICE Telephone 4 and 93, Blyth, r WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING MACiHINES --PRICED TO CLEAR — 1- Gehl Forage harvester, new. 1- Oliver 6 -fl, Combine, with straw spreader, plck.up atachment, scou cleaner; also a Grain Throws Combine, only slightly used. 1- Dobbin Sprayer, with field boom and Spot Spraying nozzle; Also about 5100.00 of Weed Spray, 1- 88 Tractor, in good shape, and not using any oil, I- 3-furrow-Oilver plow, with 1_ inch raydex bottoms; almost new, 1- 8 ft. Tandem disc, almost new. 1. 7 • ft. Fleury -Bisset Tandem disc, new, 1- 10 ft. Paoker, In good condition, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have your septic tanks and cesspools pumped the sanitary_ way. Blocked drains opened without costly digging. For prompt service call Irvin Coxon, phone 254, Mllvcrton, Ont, 43.13p. .WANTED Old horses, 3c per pound. Dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night, GIL- 13ERT BROS. MINK RANCH, Goderlch, Phone cillect 936R32 or 936821. •4411, RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Office; Royal Bank Building Residence; Rattenhury Street, { Phones 561 and 455, CLINTON — ONTARIO, DR. R. W. STREET Blyth, Ont. OFFICE HOURS: 1;30 p.m. - 4:00 p,m. (except Sundays). 7 p.m. - 9 p.m, (Tues., Thurs, Set,); Closed Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings, JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted, Phone 791 MAIN STREET - SEAFORTH, HOURS; • SEAFORTH-(daily except Monday) --a 0 a,m, to 5;30 p,m, Wednesday -9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. CLINTON-Monday, 9 am, to 5:30 p.m, (McLaren's Shift, Albert Street). G. ALAN WILLIAMS, • OPTOMETRIST PATRICK ST. - WTNGHAM, ONT, EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. I Professional Eye Examination. ' Optical Services. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: President—J. H. • McEwing, Blyth: Vice -Pres., R. Archibald, Senforth; Manager and Secy-Treas,, M. A, Reid, Seaforth, DIRECTORS: J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H, McEw- ing, Blyth; W, S. Alexander, Walton; E. J.' Trewartha, Clinton; J. 11, Pepper, Brucefield; C, W. Leonhardt, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderlch; R. Archibald, Sea- -forth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth, AGENTS: , William Leiper, Jr,, Londesboro; 'J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. TABLE TALKS clam Andrews The proper way to fry chicken is it point that our cousins south of the border have been argu- ing about for untold years — an argument that will never be settled. I'm not going to take sides or express a personal pref- erence — but just pass along recipes for "Southern Fried," "Maryland Style' and a couple of others. • • • Southern style is the fried chicken most people below the Mason-Dixon Line prefer, Other methods call for an egg -and - crumb coating, cheese coating, batter coating, dipping in cream Or milk before coating, to name a few. Perhaps the most frequently used spice for seasoning fried or sauteed chicken is blacka er p Pp . because it gives a flavor boost to the bland chicken which is not lessened by the cooking pro- cess, Pepper should be added to the flout before coating, and gravy, also, is improved by the addition of this spice. If you like unusual spices with your chicken, try curry, thyme, rose- mary, or basil—just a pinch, re- member—or add minced onion, chives, shallots, or garlic. Al- ways add these taste additions with a light touch, testing to see when you have exactly the right amount. 0 • • If you like, serve your fried or sauteed chicken with fluffy white rice, with Spanish rice, or with your own variation of the rice that goes best with chicken. Southern Fried Chicken 234 pound frying chicken, cut into serving pieces s/4 cup flour 2 teaspoons salt '% teaspoon ground black pepper t/ cup (or more) shortening Wash chicken and, while damp, dredge each piece in the flour to which salt and pepper have been added, Heat shorten- ing in heavy skillet (some people WALKING NEST - This French Moroccan actor wears a.bird In his turban while. palying a part In the movie called "Oasis," The film/ is the first made as a joint project of °French and .German companies. e NO CAT "NIP" FOR HIM—"Monty," the lion, spikes all reports that he's a beer drinker. The only stuff he would drink for the photographer is water,whichit being given to him by Clara Croninger. prefer half lard and half butter for this shortening), Put in the flour -dredged chicken — hot fat should come up about half way — and fry slowly, turning to brown on both sides, until gold- en brown and tender. • • • A regional fried chicken, sug- gested by the American Spice Trade Association, is this Mary- land recipe that calls for eggs and bread crumbs for a'coating, This is a favorite with many fried chicken fanciers, • • • Maryland Fried Chicken 2q pound frying chicken, cut ' into serving pieces 3/4 cup flour 2 teaspoons salt %teaspoon ground b 1 a c k pepper 2 eggs, slightly beaten Y4 cup water 1%s cups fine dry bread crumbs Y4 cul butter Y4 cup vegetable shortening 3 tablespoons water Wash chicken and ' dredge each piece in the flour to which salt and pepper have been add- ed, Dip each piece into egg mixed with the 3/4 cup water, and roll in bread crumbs, Heat butter and shortening in heavy skillet. Put in a few pieces of. the dredged chicken at a time, Fry slowly, turning to brown on both sides until gold- en (be sure to cook slowly). Place browned chicken' in bak- ing pan, Pour over it the fat from skillet and. 3 tablespoons water. Bake uncovered in pre- heated oven, 350°F. for 40 min- utes, Serve hot with cream gravy made from drippings left in pan, * ' • Fricassee of Chicken 1 chicken, cut up 1 cup milk or cream Flour Salt and pepper 1 to 2 egg yolks, beaten Stew chicken until tender; re- move from liquid. Boil liquid until reduced to 2 cups, add cream and thicken to medium white sauce (use 2 tablespoons flour for each cup liquid). Pour sauce gradually over egg yolks, beating while adding. Season to taste, Place chicken in center of platter; surround with steamed rice or biscuit halves; cover with sauce, Drive With Care H1YA, STRANGER—Three year-old Raleigh Dorrough 'III takes time out to get acquainted with a •snow man, ,a stranger in Columbus, Ga. It was 'a real treat for 'him; since snow enough to build a snow man rarely falls ihis far south. Feed .,Them Magnets! When a Cornish fartner's wife, Mrs. W. Goudge, went , to take her washing from the line, she found that two sheets, 'a dress, an apron, tea towels and four large dusters, had provided an appetiser. for Daisy, a cow. Cows are ostrich -like in the articles they will eat, In the American Veterinary Medical Association Journal, Dr, Harold Cooper advises farmers to feed two-inch magnets to their cows. These will prevent the rusty wire, nails and , metal scraps which cows swallow as they graze from penetrating the stomach wall. Er Useful Hints On Paper -Hanging A good wallpaper is spoiled and so is the room where it is used when they don't belong to- gether; and wallpaper in a sam- ple book looks quite different from wallpaper on the wall, Dealers and decorators, realiz- Ing this, are usually willing for a customer to take home a roll of paper, since it is Impossible to, get the desired effect with a smaller amount. However, if this is not feasible, you can get a pretty good idea of how a paper will look like by laying two strips together in the studio, For example, on a small sam- ple an uplifted branch may be quite inoffensive, but rising branches repeated all over the. room may be anything but rest - full And again, in a small piece, the size of the pattern may ap- pear to be what it isn't; for, in general, 'a small sample will ap- pear much more positive than the completely papered wall. A large pattern isn't neces- sarily . overwhelming, if the color contrast isn't . too strong or the outline too sharp. Often a ..large' pattern recedes, on the wall to a surprising extent. I saw a perfect example of this not long ago, A landscape paper with a rather large motif was used in a smallish hall in an old house; but the colors were so soft and blended so well with the neutral background, and the perspective was so good that one didn't, think of it . as a large' pattern at all, writes Ethel M, Eaton in The Christian Science Monitor, It is well to remember when choosing wallpaper that any pattern that covers the back- Lai•Afns, kg w °Awe4,114, h .$0++4 , Mix and sift into a bowl, 1M c. once -sifted pastry flour (or 1; c. once -sifted all-purpose flour), 3 tsps. Magic Baking Powder, 3 tsp. salt. Cut in finely 2 tbs. chilled shortening. Make a well in dry ingre- dients and add 3 c. finely -chopped mustard pickle in sauce and 3 c. milk; mix lightly with a fork, adding milk if necessary, to make a drop dough. Drop in 6 portions, over hot cooked stew. Cover closely and simmer (never lifting the cover) for 15 mins. Yield -6 servings. f�{S,.R: �.�:'f:,.:.l ii4�}� M'AV \'A4..1',. ::h4.� V •Ay NN,�'�� :1�i�ld'A'. ...:.�.,.,'t2w^nvr:,ntinw�v.'n'v"i:•:lw •'<2iw'tSS:{N^n5r'+%i'w`+ t•:• k' •>y� R�c>. 11 lways Dependable ground closely will sink into the wall, appearing quite unobtru- sive. If you are counting on wallpaper to give your room character and interest, It would be well to choose a clearly de- fined , pattern which stands out either. through color contrast with the background or by large open spaces surrounding it — no shadowy outlines here! And there are color pitfalls to be guarded against when se- lecting wallpaper; the same col- or will look different in dif- ferent surroundings, A soft yel- low, for instance, will look washed-out under a cold light; the same color in a sunny room will gain intensity. • The 'accentuation of color is also true of the cold shades, Blues and grays will be cooled by nbrth or tree -shaded light,. while a warm light will streng- then them, For sunny rooms, choose cool backgrounds — green, blue or gray — with the design in the paper supplying touches of a warmer color — yellow, pink, peach, etc. In rooms on the cold side of the house,use papers with warm backgrounds, such as deep yellow, tan, peach, or ivory, to get effect of warmth. A delightful room in a little country inn comes to mind. The walls are plain soft beige, while the ceiling is papered with the gayest of gay chintz patterns — rioting red roses on a beige background, The effect is one of welcome, warmth, and cheer. After flying from Pods to open )he exhlblllon the Commander•in•Chlef of Allied Land Forth in Europe takes the. honour guard ,aWie, q(bnpAe elf FOR THE CANADIAN ARMY OVERSEAS This sketch shows the ceremony which attended the visit of the Seagram Collection of Paintings,"Cities of Canada," to our Armed Forces stationedin Europe. This visit to Canada's First Infantry Brigade stationed in Soest, West Germany, was the 16th exhibition on the Collection's year-long 30,000 -mile international tour. Everywhere it was shown, throughout' Latin America and Europe, the Seagram Collection received an enthusiastic welcome. But the reception it was given by our troops was among the warmest of all, for here were more than paintings: here were familiar and well -beloved scenes, here were native cities that awakened . cherished memories ... here was a glimpse of home for those away from home. the 74ouse o f Seagram INTERNACIONAL TOUR! OTTAWA, 'SAN JUAN, HAVANA, MEXICO CiTY, CARACAS, RIO DE JANEIRO, SAO PAUIO,'BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO, ROME„LONDON, PARIS, GENEVA, STOCKHOLM, THE HAGUE, MADRID; AND A VISIT TO THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES IN SOEST, WEST GERMANY, CURRENT CANADIAN TOUR! MONTREAL, CHARLOTTETOWN,tHALlFAX, SL JOHN'S, SAINT JOHN, SHERBROOKE, TR01S•RIVitRES, TORONTO, QUEBEC, LONDON, WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CALGARY, PORT ARTHUR—FORT WILLIAM, SUDBURY, SARNIA, WINDSOR, HAMILTON, KINGSTON, REGINA, SASKATOON, SHAWINIGAN FALLS, HULL TlliFMM FONT 69=4 Due to the unprecedented wet weather during late summer and at harvest time last year, there will be a drastic shortage of good quality seed oats, red clo- ver and alfalfa in most Cana- dian provinces this year, says a well-known. expert, • • • Weather conditions were par- ticularly bad in Quebec and it is estimated that close to one- third of the province's require- ments or nearly 1,000,000 bushels of seed oats may have to come from outside the province to Srovlde for normal planting. upplies of registeredseed will be much below normal in the Maritimes, Ontario and western Canada with Alberta being par- ticularly hard hit. • • SInce this year's harvest will depend in no small measure on the quality of seed grown this spring, farmers with good qual- ity oats are urged to clean their supplies early and avoid feeding of any oats of good commercial seed grade, • • • Production of alfalfa and red clover seeed in Canada in 1954 fell much below the 1953 level, Alfalfa seed production was re- duced by 70 per cent and red clover by 65 per cent. • • • To ensure the best possible results from this year's seed, more widespread treatment of both grain and clover seed with proper seed disinfectants Is re- commended, also giving more attention to the fertility needs Of' existing meadows and pas- tures next fall to compensate for the pending reduction in new seedings resulting from short- age of clover seed, • • • E g g quality is affected by heredity as well as the feeding and environment during produc- tion even though the major pause of poor quality eggs on e consumer table is poor han- dling practices after the egg is , produced, • • • The breeding behind a flock is an important factor in deter- mining the quality of eggs at the time they are laid, For- tunately both the shell and in- terior egg quality can be im- IT SHOE IS BIG — This young Parisienne seems fascinated by the size of this boot, used by 18th Century mounted mail car- riers, It's part of a postal ex• habit in Paris, • proved by selective breeding, and by elimination from the flock of birds producing poor quality eggs, • • • Feed is the most important factor affecting egg quality dur- ing production, Variations in the quality of feed results in varia- tions in egg quality, Work con- ducted at Nappan has shown that feeds high in oils are par- ticularly objectionable since the oily taste of the feed is fre- quently imparted to the egg, Ex- cess feeding of flsh liver oil may result in eggs with a fishy taste, Other quality factors such as albumen height, yolk colour, and blood and meat spots, are also affected by the feed, The colour of the yolk can be varied from light to dark, depending on the amount of pigment in the ration. A large quantity of corn or cereal grass In the ration will result in dark coloured yolks, An excess of highly col- oured feed such as grass, may result in yolks of such dark col- our as to be unacceptable to the consumer. ' • • • The environment of the lay- - ing hen is invariably reflected in egg quality, Hens kept in clean surroundings with lots of fresh air, water, and good feed, will produce eggs of better. qual- ity than hens kept in a dirty environment, lacking clean wa- ter and forced to forage for their food, The consumption of dirty, decaying food is reflected in poor quality a n d off -flavour eggs. • • • Most poor quality eggs pro- duced as a result of poor breed- ing and feeding are removed In the grading and candling pro- cess. Poor quality eggs reach- ing the consumer's table are generally the result of poor han- dling after the eggs are pro- duced, Failure to cool eggs pro- perly and keep them under re- frigeration, is the major cause of loss of quality from the nest to the table, Eggs held in an unfavourable environment tend to become watery, with sof t spreading albumen, flat yolks and stale odours. World Convention Churches Of Christ Plans for the flfth World Con-, vention of Churches of Christ, to be held in Toronto from Aug, 16th to 21st and which will be attended by representatives of 30 nations, were discussed re- cently at a dinner meeting in the hall of Hillcrest Church of Christ in Toronto, Dr, Jesse M. Bader, General Secretary, New York, told the gathering it was anticipated more than 12,000 delegates would be registered, Prime objectiveof the con- vention is to bring about a greater unity of the church and to enlarge and enhance a fra- ternity of World Brotherhood, All general sessions of the con- vention will be held at Maple Leaf Gardens. Features will in- clude a mixed choir of 500 voices, a pageant of flags as a tribute to the various nations represented, addresses and dis- cussions by world leaders and a world communion service. A good team of Arctic sled dogs, pushed by an expert driv- er, can cover 100 miles a day with a light load, "DREAM" TRUCK WITH. MANY USIS—This 1s a drawing of a new experimental truck created by General "Motors. The all-purpose delivery truck, .with a 180 -horsepower engine, • will be called "L'Unlverselle." According to company officials 11. can easily be .eenverted info a bus taxi, station wagon er sportsman's, car. It is'ten inches lower and ten Inches shorter than current panel delivery trucks, yet has greater capacity. A panoramic wildshteld h enc of the many passenger features of the unit. Part of truck's. elk b eiaekyravnd, can be epnod Ow Icahn j. How Repulsive a Driver. Are You? REPULSIVE DRIVER NO. 1 s The egotist thinks the world re- volves around him. Cartoons are from AAA's "Sportsman- like Driving." Rate your own "accident proneness" by scoring your- self zero to five on the following habits: ( ) I boast of breaking traffic laws, ( •) I race with drivers on the highway. ( ) I'II break a traffic law on a dare. ( ) I demand the right-of-way whether I need it or not, ( ) I beat everyone away from the stop -light. ( ) 1 show my dust to smaller and older cars. If you score yourself zero you're a good driver. Up to six points makes you a repulsive driver. Six to 12 points makes you a repulsive driver who'll be dead within six months. Over 12 points means you should have been a dead repulsive driver six months ago and are just living on borrowed time, TEMPERI TEMPERI Over -emotional drivers who lose their tem• pers lack presence of mind in emergencies, are accident prone. Are YOU in This Contest? 'The Prize Is Highway Death! By DOUGLAS LARSEN NEA Staff Correspondent Will you be "Mister Repulsive of the Road for 1955?" It's ridiculously easy to get in on this great contest which was so popular in 1954, Just . observe the following simply rules, and if your men- tality is warped in this direction improvise from there: 1, Be the complete egotist. Cut in close after passing. Never signal when stopping, Park double, Use "pull" to fix a traf- fic ticket. 2. Be the show-off. Prove to everyone on the road how much horsepower your car has. Pass. all possible cars on hills to prove how lucky you are, Go through red lights with a gay air of bravado. 3. Be over -emotional, Lack presence of mind in emergen- cies. Lose your temper with any driver who challenges your right to the middle of the road? Cuss out traffic officers. 4, Be a rationalizer. Figure out how every other driver is wrong but you. Explain why all traf- fic signs are wrong, Tell your- self that speed limits are for the other guy, not you, 5, Never be thwarted. Get even with drivers who pass you. Make pedestrians jump for safe- ty, Beat a guy into a parking place which he found before you. *4. * * Beauty of this contest is that every conscientious entrant can be a winner. The prize, natural- ly, is glorious death on the road, Your family and any number of innocent by-standers might be prize -winners along with you. As a bonus you'll be immor- tally enshrined as a traffic sta- tistic for 1955. Last year there were 36,000 winners. Will we beat it this year? These charming' personality characteristics which give a person a head -start toward hav- ing an automobile accident have been isolated by the American Automobile Association and are revealed in a brand new edition of the book "Sportsmianlike Driving." It explains: "The psychologist, the physi- cian, the judge, the. traffic en- gineer, and the enforcement offi- cial have all been studying what it is in a person's make-up that gets him into traffic troubles, It is found that some drivers are much mote likely than others to , have accidents. They are called 'accident-prone.' Their wrong at- titudes and their emotional weaknesses make them bad risks as drivers." The book makes these recom- mendations on how to handle such people: "1. Sort , obi accident-prone drivers and revoke their driving privileges until their weaknesses are corrected. "2. Test drivers for certain mental and emotional weakness- es before they have accidents, "3, Show individuals how to recognize and correct traits in themselves that cause accidents," ,On the other hand, AAA claims, if you're not the type to qualify for the "repulsive driv- er" contest, you probably possess the qualities usually found in top-notch drivers, In that case you accept re- sponsibility. You have self-control. You show good sportsmanship. You display forethought. You control your attention. You show good judgment. You have a good sense of hu- mor. "He was expecting you—he just left!" He Believed In Miracles The Story Of 0 Famous Author Lloyd C. Douglas died on February 13th, 1951, in a Los Angeles hospital, and almost the last thing he did was to tell a funny story to the hospital or- derly who wheeled a tank of oxygen to his bedside. He was a story -teller to the last, and the world lost a great novelist when heart trouble took him off at the age of seventy-three, Yet it wasn't until he was fifty-two that he wrote his first novel. He had been a clergyman up till that time. Swift fame came to him as a novelist, and it is rather ironical that, since his death, his fame has spread even farther. The sheer chance that his book, "The Robe," should be chosen as the first film to be made in Cinema - Scope brought his name into focus, Now filmgoers can see an- other of his books on the screen, with the general release of "Magnificent Obsession." It is the second time this story has been filmed. It was produced for the first time in 1937, with Irene Dunne as the feminine star, and it turned Robert Tay- lor into a leading dramatic act. or. Jane Wyman and Rock Hud- son play these roles in the new production. Lloyd Douglas wrote roman- tic stories about miracles. This, no doubt, was because he was a man who believed in miracles. But his own story was as ro- mantic as ,anything he ever wrote, It was extraordinary from start to flnish, and "Mag- nificent Obsession" was the most dramatic chapter in it. He had written articles and texts before this, but he had never thought of writing fic- tion. He had two reasons for writing "Magnificent Obses- sion;' One was to amuse him- self while taking a holiday. The other was the hope that it . might earn him a little money. He needed the money badly enough, As a clergyman, he had always found it difficult to make both ends meet, especially with a wife and two children, His daughters recollect his once re- marking: "If you are ever cur- ious to know what kind of a place hell is, accumulate a mis- cellaneous assortment of un- pald bills!" ' His hope was more than ful- filled. "Magnificent Obsession" darned him a fortune and turn- ed him into one of America's highest-paid writers, How the novel came to be written is a story in itself. It began when he read a news- paper report of a doctor who died from a heart attack when the machine which he always kept handy in case of such at- tacke was being used to revive a drunken playboy who had fal- len into a lake. Douglas based a sermon on this report. He then wrote up the sermon as an essay under the cumber- some title of "Personality Ex- pansion Through Self -Invest- ment in Philantropic Rehabili- tation of Other People's Lives." Which was not exactly a best- selling title! When he wrote his novel, using the theme as a . plot, he first of all called it "Salvage," and It was not until it was' accepted for publication that it became "Magnificent Obses- sion" It was rejected by publisher after published, One top pub- lisher sent it back with the comment that it possessed a great message, but that its fic- tional value was negligible. An- other equally eminent publish= er turned it down because he didn't like the message, al - thought he though the story value was good, Eventually, in desperation, Douglas sent the book to. a small firm, Willet, Clark and Colby, which specialized In pub - lisping Sunday - school texts. And it was accepted. Neither Douglas nor the publishers ex- pected large sales, and they didn't even bother to sign a contract, No one even expected the initial edition of 2,500 cop- ies to be sold out, and no at- tempt was made to'interest the general fiction -reading public in it. The first edition sold more rapidly than had been antici- pated. So a second edition of 1,500 was printed. It went in no - time. So did a third edition of 5,000. The sales snowballed at an astonishing rate. Orders began to flood in. The small publishing firm couldn't cope. There was one period when every member of the firm, from managing - director down to the office boy, working right into the early hours of the night, struggling to the books out, In the end the task proved too much, and the printing rights had to be farm- ed out. Sales went up and up and up, until they topped the two -mil- lion mark, and at no time was there any from of advertising or publicity, Readers discovered the book for themselves. The middle-aged clergyman became famous. Other novels flowed from his pen, many of which were filmed. "The Robe" provided one of the oddest quirks of all to the Lloyd Douglas story. He was paid $75,000 for the film rights on it before he had even com- pleted the story, and when the picture was first visualized, Douglas and the producers agreed on the form its treat- ment should take. "We have agreed," Douglas announced, "that 'The Robe' shall be made as an intimate picture." If only he could have seen how it fi- nally reached the screen! As with the publication of "Magnificent Obsession," it looked for a long time as though "The Robe" might never reach the screen. Production was orig- inally planned for 1944, but it was postponed. at least a d9ieB times, Three different directors were signed for it. The purchas- ing studio eventually sold the rights to 20th Century -Fox, and the film was not made until after Douglas' death, Douglas was so disgusted with the way Hollywood treated him over this picture that he stipu- lated that his next novel, "The Big Fisherman," was never to. be filmed, broadcast or serial- ized. Which, in some ways, L a pity, because many .people consider it to be the best of his novels, PIN PAL—Craig Steen, 7, has ne bowling pins to spare as he strikes It rich in a give-away� program at a local bowling al- ley. So many takers showed up for souvenir used pins that three moving vans were needed to move in more replacements for the 50,000 -pin give-away. . WINTIR'S4OY—looking like a age"one would expect to see by the;etth;of ;a boy's model railroad layout, this is actually a v homes and an auto storage lot in:Eocott, Kan., buried under 25 inches of snow.. National Guard troops. were called out to dip 'out• fort Scott in the wake of what weathermen call the most vicious storm to hk'the amain years. PA A CASEY'S 1 EIaI' SERVE FOOD MARKET FRESH FRUITS - FRESH VEGETABLES • GROCERIES • COOKED MEATS BISSET'S ICE CREAM. PHONE 156 .WE DELIVER, P• 1,• • • 9 WALLACE'S FOR YOUR DRYGOODS- WOOLLENS - LINGERIE WORK CLOTriES. OVERSHOES - BOOTS • RUBBER BOOTS Phone 73. NINTH ANNIVERSARY SALE THE 13LY1II STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST Mrs, Robert Haugh and Carrie of Exeter sent Thursday with Mr, and ' Mrs, Albert Walsh. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Pepper and Albert, of l:lmcall, were guests with Mr, and Mrs, Walsh, Mr, and 14Irs, 1VIlliam Morritt, and Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Bean, attended . the At -Home at Stratford Teachers' College, on Friday evening, Miss Jan- ' is ilzorrltt is attending the college, and _ took part in the program, Janis iv teaching this week at the Belgrave public school, - I Mrs. Edythe Sturgeon h's sufficlent- ly recovered from n severe heart at- tack, suffered last week, to be able to leave the Clinton Public hospitnl, n •d is now convalescing at here home here, ' • Mrs, Whytock has been a guest at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs, Geo, Haines • for the past two weeks, Mrs. (Rev.) F.' Clysdale, of London, spent the week-enl with her niece, Mrs. Walter Buttell, and Mr, Buttcll, Misses Donna Richmnond and Ruth Deer; both students at S'.ratford Teach; ers College. are teaching this week at, • , Mrs. Yungblut's school on the Auburn Road Mrs, R, Vincent of Blyth, accompan- ied Mr, and Mrs. Ray Vincent of Clin- ton on a week -end visit with Mr. and Mrs, H, McCallum of Niagara Falls, Sgt, Glenn Kechnie left for his home airforce bake at Portage la Prairie on Saturday morning. Glenn nad been on special 'two-week duty at Trenton air base. lie ,.visited with his father on Friday, and also with his mother, who has been a patient in the Clinton hos- pital since May, 1951. iromogr A ONCE AGAIN WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE YEAR, AND __ HOPE TO BE OF SERVICE TO YOU IN THE COMING YEAR. 27c LB, 26c LB. GROCERIES -- FRUITS. VEGETABLES - COOKED MEATS SEE OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS NE%AND DEM EN Stewart's Grocery Blyth • Phone 9 • -FREE DELIVERY "The Best For Less" Valentine Special Give the Sweetheart in your life a lovely CEDAR CHEST FOR VALENTINE'S DAY. With the purchase of each Chest we will give A LOVELY CHENILLE BEDSPREAD. This year give your Valentine the 'gift of a lifetime, Lloyd E. Tasker Furniture - , Coach Ambulance - Funeral Service, Phone 7 Blyth • WESTFIELD Mr. Ronald Taylor and Franklin Campbell were Niagara Falls visitors on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs.Bcrt Vincent and Mrs. LONDESIIORO UNITED CHURCH Josie Cameron, of Belgrave, visited ' OFFICERS NAMED AT ANNUAL Nrs, J L, McDowell on Friday, KNOX I'IGEHDYTERiAN CHURCH, , AUBPEN, HELD ANNUAL MEETING The annual congregational meeting of Knox Presbyterian Churchi Auburn, was held In the Sunday School roma of the church on Wednesday, February 3rd, with the Rev, R, 0, McMillen, in- terium moderator, presiding, and Don Haines, ns secretary, film Edgar Lawsjm, 'reporting for the Ladles' Aid, said there w,:s a bal- ance of $102 on hand. The Ida White Mission Band report, submitted by the lender, Mrs, Don Haines, showed a contribution of 127 for mis_icnnry work, Reporting for the W. M. S., Mrs• Jack lhatl an sager n bole of clothing had baht sent to headquarters and the allocations had been over -subscribed, Mrs. W, Good, church treasurer, distributed copies of the financial statement, which showed a balance of $1,042. Whim Watson, clerk of session, presented the allocation for the general budget of the church, John Houston gave the San - day School report, which showed a substnrVr1 balrnc° on hand, Edgar Lawson and Kenneth Scott were elected managers fcr a three-year term; other managers are W, Good, Al• vin Lethcrland, Don • Haines, Arthur Yungblut and Major Yungblut; church treasurer, Mrs, W. Good; auditors, Ar thur and Victor Yungblut; budget treas- urer, Victor Yungblutr ushers, Don Haines, Gordon Dobie, Ken Scott, Wes Bradnocic; church nrgan'st, Arthus Yungblut, LONDESr3ORO Mrs, Wesley Vodden is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, George Cowan and Bill on Sunday were Mr, and Mrs, Roy Finch, and Mr, Dave Douglas; of Stratford. Mr, Wm. McDowell spent a few days with Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse of Bruce- fiedl, We are sorry to report that Gordon dcDowcll had to return to Winghant hospital for further treatment. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, John Freeman of Brantford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Howard Camp- bell, and Mr. Campbell, Gerald McDowell and John White of Ridgetown, spent the week -end with i the formers parents, Mr, and Mrs, Nor- man McDowell, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey .McDowell were London visitors on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell. and Gwen, were Ridgetown visitors on Sun- day. At the annual meeting of the Lon• desboro United Church the following officers were named for• 1955; Sunday School Superintendent, Her- ry Snell; Representative to Presbytery, Norman Alexander; re-elected as secre- tory -treasurer, Robert Townsend; Stew- ards, Berl Shobbrook, chairman; Lorne Hunking, Joseph Lyon, Clifford Shot). brook, George Wright, Lloyd Pipe, Henry •H{unking, George Cowan, John Lee, Wilfred Penfound, Grant Snell, Arthur Clark, Earl Gaunt, Norman Alexander, William Manning, Allen Shaddlck, Joseph Shaddick, John Arm- strong, John Snell, Neville Forbes Eiders, Clair Vincent, William Hun - king, Robert ,Townsend, Clarence Ball, Frank Tnmblyn, William Govier, Fred Mrs. Garner Nicholson, of Belgrave. Shobbrook, Edwin Wood, Harry Snell, was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Leonard McNall. 111 &Dowell on Wednesday, Mr, Cecil Campbell of Exeter was a Sunday visitor with Ills parents, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Campbell, The crokinole party which was can- celled twice on account of the inclem- ent weather, was held In the church on Friday night, Feb. 4th, with a goad attendance. Most games were won by Murray McDowell and Roy Buchanan' Lowest games, Cecil re Haan and Wm. ,Buchanan, Lunch was served and a nice sum was realized, The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook with 16 present. The topic was "A Public Re- lations Program." After a lively dis- cussion Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDow- ell had charge of,the games and a con- ' - test, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Me- - Dowell. BELGRAVE The regular weekly euchre was held in the Community Centre on Wednes- . day night when ten tables were In play, The high scores were won by Mrs, Chris Nethery and J, E. McCallum, and low scores by Miss E, Procter, A nov- elty prize, given when eight tables or more are In play, was also won by Mrs, Nethery, The members of the Belgrave Wo- men's Institute are busy, preparing for their annual concert which tv111 be held on Friday, Feb, 18th, Watch for further advertisement later, Mrs. Millie Rogers of Vancouver is visiting relatives in the community. . The members of the East Wawano;h School Arca Board and their wives en- joyed asocial evening on Friday night at the home of one of the niembers Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Chamney, Court Whist was enjoyed during the evening, Mrs, Herb Wheeler Is spending Q few days with her daughter, Mrs. W. DEATHS Wednesday, Feb, 9,14155 N+1+r+-v...4.1+4-.-1,;1-t1 N••+•+•$- +0••H• •- HEARTS ARE TRUMP ON VALENTIN,E'S DAY Remember HER on this special occasion, Smiles'n Chuckles Chocolates . , , , , , , , , 65c to $2,50 Perfume and Cologne 65c , to $5,00 Fancy Toilet Soaps $1,00 to $1,50 Writing Paper - 50c to $2.50 Cup and Saucer $1,10 to $4.75 Ear Rings or Brooches $1.00 to $2,00 Necklace$1.09 to $6,00 Compacts .... ,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $1,00 to $5.00 Flaying Cards 75c to $2.60 Corn Flower Glass .4••••••• $1.00 to. $6115 R. D. PHILP, Fhm, B I)IIUGS. SiMIDRIlS9." WALLi'ANE i;—PHON. 7P. 11+1.14 *4-.44-4 •-••••-•-•-•-•-• 44 441•-•-•-•-••••-• 444 4-N • • • s• -N t, 4 '-1+1•N a4 -0t1-41440•- • t t • • N41 *-4-rt4+4-it 4- •-•-• +-t+t•N•i-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•• • VODDEN ELECTRIC SHOP 1 YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER READY TO SERVE YOU WITH THE VERY BLEST LINES OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND TELEVISION, MOTOROLA, WESTINGHOUSE, EMERSON, PHONE 71R2 --- BLYDLI, ONT. ANI) PHILCO TELEVISION, •-•-•441-4 • •4-+++ 4-4'4+19-.4•$-N•114.1-N44*4- t ••4-$ • i • SEVENTH McGOWAN— At her late residence, Dinsley Street, Blyth, on Wednesday,' February 91h, 1955, Mrs. Daniel Mc-' -= , Gowan, In her 89th year. The funeral service will be held from her late residence, Dinsley - Street, Blyth, on Friday, February 11th, at 2 p.m. Interment in Blyth Union Cemetery, Pickell and family, at St, Thomas, also with Mr, and Mrs. G. Wheeler and family, London, Bodmin Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Bolt with a good attendance, Discussion follow• ed the radio broadcast and it was de• tided that not enough farmers took an interest in their ,own organlzat`,on, and the urban people were disinterested. The local farm forums were not re• ported in most of the papers. Radio Station CKNX gave summaries of for• ums and reports of Federation meet - Ings, The forum thought enough funds were provided now. The chairman George Bacon, conducted a short buss• ncss period, A committee was named to inter- view Morris township council in re- gard to repairing Beth.el cemetery The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ted Fear, Pro, gressive euchre was played with six tables In play and high scores were won by Mrs, Ray Crawford and George Bacon, low by Mrs. W. Brewer . and Clarence Yuill. Lunch was served, Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of coupl;s aro weak, worn-out, ex- hausted solely because body locks iron, For now vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonto Tablets, Supplies iron you, loo may need for pep; supplemen- tary doses Vitamin III, Introductory or "got- • cquainted" size only OQ . At all druggists, Card Party Li Dance Sponsored by the Huron Holstein Club IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Card Party Starts at 8:30 p.m. - Dance at 10:30. Admission 75c, Lunch will be served. Everybody Welcome, 1 Anniversary Sale On the occasion of . our 7th Anniversary of continued happy business relations in Blyth, we take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks for your loyal patronage, at the same time expres- sing the hope that we may be of continued service to you. WE INVITE YOUR, INSPECTION OF THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS WHICH WE OFFER ON THIS OCCASION: Blue and Gold Peas ................... 2 for 29c Pineapple Slices 120 oz., 29c Orange. and Grapefruit Marmalade . , , . 24 oz., 25c Culverhouse Tomato Juice 48 oz., 29c TULIP MARGARINE REG., 4 FOR 99c , TASTYCRISP SWEET MIMED PICKLES YORK PICKLES 16 OZ., 29c. • SOea �; F. Fab (2, Large) Bacon, hf. lb. pkg. 29c REAL ECONOMY Tilly's Peanut Butter , , , .. ; 29c Salmon (Paramount), Sockeye. , 37c Lipton's Tea Bags (60's) ...... , 69c *.:•• .4. 59c • HoIiand's Food AND LOCKER SERVICE. Telephone 39 ... .16 WE D LIVER