HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1891-07-24, Page 1•
vet, is3. No It1.
WH02.)£ No. kgs
HtTrt:.ev,-in Ooderieh, en Friday. Joly
17, John Hurley, aced 67 leave.
ADAMsoN.- In Aoderioh, on Thursdey. July
16, Peter &damson, County Clerk of Huron.
aged 66 years', 2 months. and 16 deed.
&rr.ay. -Atrandon. Mao. on July W,
Elisabeth B. Miller. wife of John T. Story,
formerly of Gope}'leb, &ted 37 }'ears, 7 mos.
VISITING CARDS. -We have a quantity of
tadlea' vieltloe cards whtab we are offering at
thelow price Or Mistime per case, wits name
and address orinted,Yltty cards in each ease.
Thera goods are the very best thin Ivory
Adjustable window screene at 40 cents.
Careping outfits, just what is wanted,
at SlaInl's Bazar and Furniture Store.
The declining powers of old'ege may be
wonderfully recuperated and suetaitted
by the daily use of $pod's Sarsaparilla,
A monster exeurslon ou the I,pndcn,
Huron &Bruce Railway, from Wingham
to Hyde Park is arraaged for August t3th,
1891, to Sarnia and return. Exeter, Clin
ton, Repeal' and several other places
along the route have consented to have
tbteirclvfo holiday then.
The excursion to Loudon was p;o.
nsunced by all a veru enjoyable one.
Aleck, Saunders topir the opportunity of
buying a lot of preserrvtng kettles at very
low pricm call; xid eta them, and a int of
seasonable geode. Ste his adtertlsement
on pap two fps ilrmp of his pates.
THE Crew F,t,OLIDAY.—~here wag a
veritable exodus from town last Tuesday,
the excursion to London taking about
700 pleasure seekers, wba reported a very
pleasant day spent in the Forest city.
Numbers went to surrounding pleasure
resorts and the town was generally as
quiet se on a Sunday. The leo-Tease
matched the Agricultural Park between
the Steatford and Godericb Juniors wss
well attended and proved to been exalt --
big ansa well contested game altbongh
resulting two goals to none in favor of
our boys. The fact that but two innings
could he played in the two hours indi-
cates how closely matched the teams
See our complete bedroom suite at
leI0, all hard wood, well $niched, bed 5
feet. 4 inches high,. Elegant antique
carved oak Sed recto suits for $37, worth
#40. • Steten'e; Baxar,anti Farm .uric Store„
The subject'bt= the riiaconrse nextSab-
bath evening In the North Sc. Methodist
ehu cb;! y . „ Rev« ? . o%.*ellr.h:e..noww
of • , �� ri ry : .
D fi
or a � yb$ 1`144*.!'
+o;,N{?'1# `��, ..ft.i't'ot>) the;.
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Furniture of, every Peseriptlon at prices BO (';untrjf C1erkabi»'
s0 that all ear. buy. SMITH'S Bazar and �^"°^
Furuitiise Srnre. To the Editor 01 the Glodvrleh hiOr.
A REVOLVER MATcn.-The Forest and D» SM.- c'i'?hereas),Ifir. 'chin tiililkl
Stream, of New York, announCea gt, eon, tote late ctc?aty alewe of 1 41folt, quo oi' "
revolver ehooting contest for the ewateur the coun y, hee.be nici sed away olein Olt
the county, ri�ali}i been celled t5'iitlly�ttatiafld
championship of America. The prize le cares.sand lebore elf tM ,
N naudsome trophy of silver be Walter and the office has t.bet'A by he.,
Winans, the subject being a. typical come vacant. I trust i.k Will not be
Western cowboy mounted on a typical conpidered presumptuous on lily' part th
plains horse. The match ie open to any ,referring to the vacant office, a04 it WM
resident of the Coked Statee, and the not be necessary,.'or me to refer'to:.tb
conditions allow any revolver. Distance estimable qualities of the deoerpt rl #tr£ipjjl
2J yards. Position standing, off Band. and official. Myreason for writinr; ,iii-
Preliminarily to the final shoots for the
championship, which wilt be held several thatt my came having been Inentiotlet{ h�:.
awl:ai a front date, and In order to de• a large umber of frlends•in the comity aft
velop shooting ability, "Forest and a probable applicant for the .nOaiteent,Z
Stream" will open a season of trial shoot- consider it would be only just for. 94, tta
1rd. The ter:01, (t toe this test may be place those memhers of the countycor;in,
had tree of asst on akp1tc tion ro the who have been Ind enough to eller their
office of Forest and Stream, 318 Bread• assistaaoe, in w roper position, blp inform
.way, New York,. Ail expenses will be ing them through your valuable Pape
borne by the forest and Stream. For that I am not an applicant for the vacant
fuller details address that paper. office.
TUE DOMINION ILLUSTRATED, - The • I take this early opportunity of infertn
arrival of,exiled Russian Jews in Canada ing my friends in the county council in
recently, and the sad stories of cruelty order that there will be no ndisnnder
and hardship they related have directed standing about the matter, so that those
attention anew to this subject, In this of them who have been kind enough toe
week's issue of the Domiuton Illustrated offer me their assistance will he able t
tbere is, reproduced from that London use their inSenee . and good judgment iIx
I11ust'rated News, a typical scene at a selecting a good, responsible and zenith' railtgay staticn, There is also in man to fill the vacancy, Thanking,you
title number es portrait and biographical Mr, Editor, for the space in your ealuabl
sketch of George Kennan, the famous
Siberian explorer, whose travels in Paper, I remain;
Russia have made the world eo much 'Yours respectfully,
Letter acquainted with Russian metbode Ilesua Emmet goverutnent, A game of Polo at Ha11- - 4
fax. the Southern Cresa,Grand Manan«N. ,
B., the Price monument atChlcoutimi,P. Get Your Name on the Linin'
Q.. a Review at Barrlefield, Scenes on the
of 31r John A. Macdonald.
e of sir John A. Macdonald is
ettokeeiikaed unique in Cahada that many
degta ilex of him are sure to be pub -
Bili( ",:;�'or the most part these will .be
whitlt;.'pee vulgarly called " fakes," in-
l?tiXltlk(,ehey as catchpennies, and necee-
egialleecleiective because their in ithors have
it .Y:S
at3''4�cceess to the original sources of
o "1;000 cn. It is known,' that Sir John
fekeeveg.1 years before his death, collab-
6 oreteddettb his nephew, Col. J. Penning-
, lt:oki ; iiciherson, in the writing of an
e tt31t'hhot native Life, The work was ap.
pfp}iltitg completion when the distin•
gu shell, statesman died, and Col. Moo-
fibt*I`eert, is now at work upon the final
'slut' }tt iii This will, of 'course, be rule
bfogeeop yy, and the only one having the
direct ttb'roval of the family. It is to be
in two handsomely bound
the Earle Publishing House,
4i7i}.11, B., being printed on superior
purge, *Sid profusely and artistically
illb a'1@fl. The sole agency for the pro-
: viefeeeit Ontario has been placed in the
ha»dlr') theGrip Printing and Publishing
• Cpiii y, of Toronto, as a reco;,*nition,
tv6 ;a p Lose, of the great work Gripl has
dontr the spreading abroad of Bir John's
tat;:' the world. No Canadian, of
whatke pol.tical party, euould consider
bis •Iii#tory complete without [hie work,
wh'itlt •:ptinnot fail to be an interesting
synooeis of the recent history of the Do-
i)t3�i of County Ulark Adamson.
�.' 4 iers .expressed in. these columns
tetekelkt'that the death of County Clerk
Adtiii#eQ%Y was but a question of hours,
yli'.e 'ealized smelter than was expected,
aped to:Elto great beyond jnat at
d'tif TlettSt ay l n as ir4F ktarcll
istfi ,C1ik a i;uil'4 a -;t a �itt.t
r> sx��eK,I .0rlydit0t+a
,�:%;s 3te't�+`�lea., t`�A4Y�:Lt�52'"+'�,t�
Rideau, Victoria Square, Montreal. St. There cannot be a doubt that ovule i
Helen's Island in the St. Lawrence op- the Conservative losses in the last election
polite Monsreal. Scenes at f3ardwar, were due to defective voters' lists, and it
Iadta, a portrait of the late Major Foster is the duty of every friend of good govern
o! the Q. O. R.. scenes on the St. Clair mentte see that his name ie. put .onti the
river, and other interesting and varied list now being revised. If when the time
subjects of illustration are treated In this comes to use it a man finds himself With.
charming number. out a vote he will be the vidtinh only of .his
PRIZE WINNERS. -At the beginning of own heinous carelessness. A suprenne
the recent school term, Principal Park, effort will be made by the Opposition to
of the Model School, promised each pupil make these lists as full as possible. No
in hia form who made over 50 marks in means, however unscrupulous, will be
Arithmetic at the Entrance Examination neglected to attain their end, and vigilance
a good library book. The candidate ink- and an elector's duty to himself and the
Ing the highest marks was to hs ve two Let country doubtful needed seeto thadeft
their these aims,
books. The following result ahowe the Let refiledones Julyyt 31st,
it will cost him something to keep hb dons areewhjbefore areo1 the laded.
promise._ Those foamed have won books Cate It which they are to be identseof
and may, choose from the lot selected in Conerllt with one of the vice-presidents of
Fraser at Porter's boots store : Lucy your municipality, or with any of the efii,-
Gor'don:105 nuirlca.:,2 boobs ; B, Guest, cerg of the riding associat:ow, and they'
102; J. McPherson, 101: . McKenzie, will assist you. Following 1s a summary
100; L. Parsons, 100; T. Craigfe, 96; F. of the qualifications entitling a man to
B. litanies, 0,„,14. Toes 94; H'. -Stns- vote : Elvery male,.being q British ambient
de. t 90; 1's''.' ltleCregthg►$B- B. Farrow, and 21 ye -01400e. whoefeettynero Cott
g+3 C. - Sbe.'ppard.' . , ; U. RCM.. 87 ; B. a b
.. p III. rid% ``f) xt• �L 't v`
of , , 15 aloe of
�`. stab L.. � .: , .,�„ , �'
.t03• 3 r: o
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T o+. 'fat Yv:a . b It t
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heel 0�j ;=utith '`0 2: h o prt 0 116ls a tlalided by art
• "1): Ficheo w, 4% p y -far,
OS ; T, 1�neesha(v � rents property when auffictan
Pothers 1� Py p t Itria6t,
1), McKay. 62 ; F. Even., 58; M. Craigle, the franchise is broad enough to include
H. Johnston, 57 ; F. Reid, 55; 11. almostevery man in the community. It
Bates, 53. IBeneon Guest, the highest in will be found that nearly every citizen
grammar, 95 per cent., wine Miss Skim- comes under one or other of these classes,
nga' special prize for Engllth, a beautl• and Conservatives should remeticher, that
u] volume of macre. the issue of the political contest of the ay
is practically now beim: decided in the
completion of the voters' List. It is au
open secret that some Conservative losses
in Ontario during the late election were
due to defective voters' lists. Let this
mistake be avoided this time.
Public School Promotions.
The following promotions i n forms
have been made by Principal Park :
From Miss I. Sharmates junier to
senior class -G. Strap N. Lee, M. Me
Ivor, L. Farrow', M. Sharman, M. Dol-
man, M. McDonald, A. Dnfi, E. Guest, F.
Prom Mies A. Sharman's junior to
senior class -A, Kneeshaw, A. Healey, 13.
Spence, T. McSween, E. Vilee,M. Dick
son, .1. Dickson, G. Reed, J. elclntcsh. C.
Swanson. E. Bates.
From MIRO Campbell's junior to senior
cease.- 0. Buchanan' M. McDonald, W.
McSween, S. Acheson, F. Bailey, T.
Stokes, L. McLean, E. Acheson, C.
From Miss Cook's junior to senior class
-T. Morgan, N. Buchanan, P. Aiken -
head, L. Green, A. Craigie, H. Wilson, J.
A. McDonald, B. McLean, I). Campbell,
I). Healey, W. Edward, F. Haley.
0 1 lis? e,
it7Ydieitht iht tit ;t:" left qo a trip'to
Stott'• a Bay and the North. She had on 57
boa 1 Master in Chancery Malcolmson,
wh ' has cbar,re of the cut sine, 1l. Tl.
L. wis as commodore, S, MeV. Lloyd, i
J 'no Kayiot town, G.'Kay and Dr.Cerroll, f
o: Stratford, E. L. eeicktnson, of Wing•
ham, and C 0. Roy•', of Toronto, Capt.
Alex. McKenzie filling the past of sail-
ing master. The *Norma has excelled all
anticipations as to her speed and "onve-
nience, reaching Saugeen In 12 hours. d
and Stokes Bay the next eventne. The
Bove report having a huge time and
everybody more than delighted with the °
--This is the title of one of the handsom-
est books on travel yet i ued by the Cana-
dian Pacific 'Railway '' '. Its pages are
of nearly quarto size. "nfuvely illustra.
ted, and mechanically rem throughout
It 4B pages. The ' • cry tone is of
codrae exceptional for •ka of thli, class,
and one lean read 1 ,rn first to last
with tbe interest at easure that at-
taches to a well wr , description of
travel across a cot, qt where every
hour of the trip brtn.•• ,ew and delight-
ful surprieee. fhe bo . one well worth
preserving in a lihrar Ind would make
a handsome addition , a parlor table.
Write D. MacNictll, ' 'neral Passenger
Agent, Montreal, for copy, nr enquire
of rh'e local agent her,
A USEFUL HANr seox.-The edition
for 1`[91 of that useful handbook, ''The
Canadian Parliamentary Com pauion,"
has jolt heen teemed by tine publishers,
Meagre. Dune & Son, booksellers, Sparks
street, Ottawa. The work has lost none
of its old time interceding character -on
the contrary it contains several new and
useful features. In addition to short
biographical Sketches of past and present
Canadian Privy Councillors, Senators
Members of the House of Commons, and
of the several Legislatures from the At-
lantic to the Pacific,and the chief Officers
of the Civil Serftce, several very useful
reference tables are furnished The In-
formation is brought down to 22d June
last and ,particulars are given of the divi
Bion which,took place in- the Commons
on that dao. The [fat of the conatltu
encfes in whten petitions and cross pets•
bone of protest have been filed In the
courts wilt prove highly useful during
the next few months. Contests have
been emoted to the seats oft 1 Liberals and
and 45Coneervatives -while the'crosa peti-
tions are about evenly divided To re•
peat the words of the late Sir John A.
Macdonald at the banquet of the McGiil
University last fx11, the "Companion" fa
a "comwindium to all that- Is great in
Caneda. We commend it to everybody
interested 1s the politics of the country.
The price. Is fel, and the book can he pro-
cured direct from the publishers.
The pont office at Embro was bur-
glarised Friday night, but only a few
dollars were secured. They attempted
to blow open the vault, bot did not sun.
teed. The force of the oxploaiore blew
the windows of the office out of their
casings. They are believed to bo the
same crowd who have operated in Paris,
81. Marys, Strathroy and other places.
A. Maybes, Merchant, Warkworth,
writes :--" I have *old some hundreds of
bottle* of Dr.'Thomes' kolsetrio Oil, and
it is pronounced by the public " ono of
the beat medicines they hare over ratted;"
ft has done wowlers in healing snd re-
lieving pain, sore threats, &o., and re
Worthy of the greatest confideoce.
People We Knoa •
Frank Crabb spent a fow days in Lon -
on this week.
Mr, Wm. Seymour returned to Detroit
n Saturday last.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Horton have gone
to Brandon. Men., on a visit.
Mise'St:ralton will spend this summer
in Toronto, "exiting relatives in that city.
Mrs. Clucas spent• a couple of days in
London this week.
Mrs. Perkins, of Gorrie, is visiting at
her home, Elgtn 'Sc,
Mrs. Jesse Hockin, of Wnodetnek, la
the guest of her father, Mr. Fulford. '
Postmaster Campbell hese been enjoy-
ing a few days visit to Detroit the past
Mrs. Jae. Vivian left on the City of
Windsor for a visit to relatives In
Wm. Craig, of the Huron Hotel. and
two children. have gone to Port Huron
for a visit.
Miss Dunbar and Miss Booth, of Lon-
rho, are spending their 17$1 C0'1 Ion In town
at Mrs. W. Campbell's, Stanley St.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Johnston, and Mrs•
Hugh Johnston, of Texas, are spending a
few weeks in town.
Mr. William and the Mistime Grahame,
of Montreal St., left [hie week for British
Miss Mary Dunlop is the guest of her
grandmother, We. Luttrell, of Kincar-
41118 Pet Green, of Caseelton, Dakota,
1a the guest of her Meter, Mra, Wattle
Watson, Toronto.
Mra. .1. McFarlane. 13ritan la road,
ham returned from a visit ye heaughter,
Mrs. Fraser, Detroit..
Mier, Simmons. of Toronto, is at her
home, Elgin St. She will return to To
ront.o in a couple of weeks.
Mr. Milliken, commercial editor of the
Memphis A"alanch, , visited friends in
Goderich and Bayfiel.l last week.
Mr. De Peudry returned last week
from ifayti. Mrs. De Pendry and chi!
dren have been in town some time.
Mr. and etre Tye have taken possRA'
5100 of theirreeideire, Elgin and Stan ley
Mr. and Mra. Way, of Toronto, who
are making a round trip an the takdr, on
the emptily boat were. while in town, the
Rupees of Mr. and Wire. Humber.
Mr. L. ISllllott., of the pont office de•
partment, t;oderlch, la visiting( hie
dauahler. Mr. .1. G. Siokdea, Arthur St. -
"Aire". Strathroy. ,
Mrs. Alex. Metraw and children Stave
returned to their home at Winnipeg, site
having received a telegram containing
tbe unwelcome news of the Naness of Mr.
Mr..W. Meyer, Wright, P. Q., had
Dyspepsia for 20 years. Tried many
remedies and doctors, bot got 00 relief
His appetite was very poor, had s dis-
tressing pain In his side and stomach, and
gradual wasting away of Ilesh, when he
heard of, and Immedfatety .commenced
taking, Northrop & Lyrnan's Vegetable
Discovery; the pains have left and he re-
joices fu 'the enjoyment of excellent
health, in feet Ise is quite a new man,'
nundrees of harvest Hands wanted in
SIanlloi,a and the Northwest.
To enable laborers to reach the bounti-
ful haryeats of Manitoba and the North-
west, the (;rand Tr,1nk Railway will
make the following low one-way rates
from any station in telt ado and:Quebec.
Deforaine, Meth,ren, 1lar,ney, Mooaon,Ir,
Bitscarth, $15, going Jely 'Ltith and An
gust 4th.
Purcuiaaera of these tickets to receive
certificate to enable them to return no to
November:10th, 1831, for thirteen dollars
each, providing they have been worklna
as farm laborers for one month prevtnu'+
to their return.
Get your through Hoke:s and k 1 fuer,
mation from 11. Armnrrongr, t;. T. Is
town ticket agent, G. N. W. 'I`ele.rreph
office, Godertch, Oro. ; agent Alien. fin
minion, Anchor and Cunard )Irres (mean
steamers: railway torkets to all pninti ,n
Canada and ['need States.
Look out for Harvest Errurainna to
Manitoba August. 11th, lath. and Sep
tember let. See Wile giving full partirn
tars _ __ _
The Early Britlah Church ; or, when vran
your Church before Henry VIII i With
an Appendix. By a Clergyman of the
Ch'arch of England.
This le a neatly printed and compre-
hensive presentation of this quentlon
which will entertain and instruct all who
have any interest In church history. I t
was first delivered se n lecture which
was so warmly coma ended by Hiehop
Baldwin, Dean Richardson, Canon Innen
and other well knowo eceleaiaatlea that
its publication was decided on, and it in
now for rale in a convenient form and at
ii; IOW price, it may he seen and coolers
had et Tris STArt offide.
Thr"at, Sabin, of Eglineton, oa's '; I
have rem'.yed ten coma from my feet -
with Holloway's Corn Cure. Reader, i
go thou and do likewise.
rgli ,:.weeks ado it heetrine
'tide` hat•hf3,reeovereWas beyond hope.
Deceased had for so long been a prominent
resident and public official of this county,
that but little can be said of him lure that
is not already ?ell known. A native of
Scotland, he came to Candia when but a ,
young man, and on the hr.tkinuout of the
gold fever iii California ir,'•-.un nc of
forty.niners. Retxr:,ln; to Canada and
settlin; in Stanley town -hip as a farina:-
arms-he' soon entered rtnict,a11olitics and ef-
ticieatly served hie township both at its
own and the comity hoards. On the rc•
tiretnent from the clerkship of the late
I). 11. Bitable, Mr. Adamson'; ability Re-
cur -6d him the appointment, and until the
day of his death he was by com-
mon cansint ttitlxmt a :ui perior in
the Province as a comity clerk. Ile
wrs an almost infallible authority on
mume:t,aI law, and there were few, if
any, members of the County body who
did not go to him for counsel on questions
in dnubt. :Possessed of a well -stored
mind and rarely balanor'd judgment, Mr.
Adamson could always be trusted for ani.
vice, and his courteous and kindly manner
and tom -roue nature ted him to contribute
his services to the humblest citizen and
the highest official alike. In brief, in all
those qualities which are admirable in
either the citizen, neighbor or public of-
ficial, Mr. Adamson was an exceptional
man, and his loss will long he felt by all
who were in any degree associated with
The emend took place on Monday af•
ternonn. and by its extent and character
testified to the respect and esteem in which
the dee-eased was hold. A large propor
tion of the present County Council, and
several ex -members, besides public of.
ficialoe and membere of the professions, at-
tended in a body, and the stores about the
Square were closed during the passing of
the lone cortege. The pall bearers were
Registrar Dickson, Mestere. M. Hutchison,
Horace Horton, William Young and the
two n.,phews of deceased, the Messrs.
Maned. Rev. Mr. Anderson conducting
the fnie•ral service.
Itr Ifolmea, county treasurer, will ri
tinne to perform the duties of suably
clerk until the apprintment of a perms
ncnt nit cer.
Tlti New Eal•REQs Co. IiIArrr An
important jodetnent was rendered at
Alootr»al on Wednesday by .ruditu Wur•
tele, r f the Superior Court, in the ensu
of th.' Onttrin Express arid Tranepnrta
lion Company vs, the (iraed Trunk
Railway. rhe Ontarin Company. which
c,-mn.ended nperatinoa In May, made
demand on the Grand Trunk for similar
treeepnrtation faei)tttea to those granted
to the t)ansdian Express Company The
Grand Trunk declined to grant the rte
mond. and the l xxrese Company then
tont, out a mandamus, asking that the
Railway Company ho ordered to gran'
the transportation fac'litiea. .Judge
Wnrt.ile bas quaahe3 the writ and ruled
tbat the proprPtribunal to adjudicate
open the matter was the Parliamentary
Railway Committee. The etas wait there-
fore dinmtased.
Men who are suffering from nervous'
debl 1 i t r, oven work, early I nd lecretleen or
any of the numerous eaysen that break
down the system, sliovin tree Dr. Wil
Ilam ' I'tnk Pills. A ceataIn blond bulld.•r
and nerve reetoror. They never fell
Tort them. Sold by alt dealers or Pent
post t aid on teeelpt of prloe tete. a hoe)
Addreeo De. K'itlaam'a Wei. Co , ldro.'s
vele, Ont. '
�,ittlf, ottnwctlsp lt101144didites to BIgh
Scheel Entrance Exami33aations.
Nemo of candidate VYhero Educated.
Brawn, burtyy. .. 564 Pp
Huston, 'Evelyn.. 5001
Johns, Ida. , 5$01
Myers, Eut•ith.... 4701
Russell, Louie..,. 457'
Verity, Gertio ,, , , 6001
Westcott, $ell+;.. 626
LnPickardtz,''ra, ar
nk....d. .. t409447 13rjw
Russell, Ezra., . ,138ti:
Sanders, Harry.. (406'
Consitt; 602 No.
Turner, Sarah.... 1459!
Cook, Ida . ,4801No.
Madge, Helena... ;636 No.
Madge, Mand.... ;479
Rankin, Lawr'noe&648
Monteith, Don'Id.14811
Duncan, Thos.... 506
Shaptol; Ella ..... 546, No.
Maggie... 672 No.
Smillie, Jennie... 452 No.
Turnbull, Genie .. 406 No.
Cndmore, Caleb .. 489 No.
Jeckell, Boden.,.. 477
Gunning, George. 415 No.
Hicks, Nelson .,..1430 No.
Hicks, Byron.,.. 527
Hunter, Alfred., . !470 No.
Howard, George ,.'5O5 No.
Ratty, Horace...1435 No.
Northcott, Nelson475 No.
Smith, David... i444
Russell, John.... 476 No.
b. Soho'1,Heater
Baldrow, Ida.. . . '608 No.
Sanderson, Fred..i,478.
Wh yard, Nath'f..1499i
Whyard, Herbert+594'
Young, Hattie....+616;
Sinclair, Kate.... ;540
McLean, Frankie1518'
Draisey, May ..1541 No.
I-tutllbrford, Mary14141
Forster, Jennie. .14401
Miller, Isaac..... 1464!
Clark, John..... -4461
Stafford, Nel lie.. X427 Sep.
Alexander, A. E..1'S47 No.
Lougheed, David.l$hli No.
Somerville, Johnd4f8 -
7, Stanley
8, Hay
2, Ueborne
8, 'Stephen
10, Ueborne
1, Tuokersm'th'_
6, Hay
1, Ueborne
12, Usborne
1, Stephen
4, Ueborne
1, Hay
7, Hey
2, Hay
6, Usborne
4W Wawanosh
S, W Waw'osh
3, W Wawan'sb
13, Ashfield,...
........ r.�..�t.__....-.
JAMBS .VITeliELL PElul[� tent/ _,.
04. 4Ylr,414 1.',` 4.3s1'A. U
Fresl)ytery Of 104444. .
Tutt Presbytery of Maitland mot lib
Winehano en July 14th. Rev. R. B, G4:•
Anderson presiding. Roe. W. G, lErm�1-�-
eth•IrE', of Uawltq*r!!},ltty, 'awl Itgv. , acv.-.
Ballantyne. M. 4....l ' ;iecrtrdlno. hemp ,.
.present, were invited to ,sit tut corsair -
r,ondiug toembers,
The reaiknattun Qi :[torr. -D; ItividsOtlri.,
-of L 1404 44 weelard' illi' the WOO HZ
neat aneetfug, And the comkniesionertt
representing the congregation acre itil-
etguotrd to 'furnish the PM -13001'g *i'
next meeting wltb a complete dr)t!ailtttfl",'
statement of the financial cond Qfl afC'
the oougreEtatiun and it fait eahac 4ptiola.
list 4irowing the annluot of stlpaAld .t3 "
scribed. Mr. Davidson was granted barna•
of abseuee, and Mr. MoNabh was *p.
pointed with Ilio araaion to arrange
about supply.
Tho petfdou of Messrs. John Monkeys
and Malcolm Thompson, asking - the
Presk ,tory to suppress ,tho trite of ars
organ in the Sabbath school 'of . Knox
ohuroh Kincardine. was diamiuo,. ,
Standing committees for the Xleatitilf'w'
Appointed, the convenors of which, are
as follows ; State of religion, Rev. Z.
Mcl)uusidr; Sabbath schools, Res. W.
R. Geddes; Temperance, Rev. -A, Ir.
Hartley ; Home Mtesion, Rev. d« foie
B. A.; It1nanee, Rov, k', A« l.N1C111ittt'i,
Sabbath observance, Rev. AG; 9001ieda
B, A.; Statistics, [iev... ens" n«
Rev Jas. D. Edgar �deolitied the'10,$11
from Knox church, Brussels. Peroits.
ak.11 was given to Rev, I:E; Pallet, 440,
rn,•darnte in a' cull un' I1,t,tix Waite*,
Tire next tneetit,g will bo held at
tl''titillate on the second Tuesday in
September at 11 15 a,ni.
infix McNatns.°Prep Clerk.
Eant Wawanosil.
Mr. William Venoatup had a large ad-
dttt„u'%^aietrl to the aced of hie barn last
week- He has now splendid stabling for
cattle and will go into that hranch '.f
farnriug more extenarvely than before.
The Misses. Cnulrrs, of IBJuevale, are
vtaittig 81 211i. John Cottbus,
The Messrs. Whitfield, of Hawick,
spent a onnpfe of days, with Mr. and
11frs, (Iso. Vanoatup, Ise[ week.
ncSart}eid b
h r
eart '.,�elijba ;
` aF ei�fta11
d' erqda•
t. ttoeu4r1t nI .rOf
tig6'.r:,fi". •
.The usual semi--monthlypeatingTovn Council. tihree eltkt,i
a~t'.M1it1Messrs, E. ltgbtgan and John Bell ;tte
- i
5vsttULfCk43c Gl` �R0 I)i falJoy: .1voi en saf1ekdtiUrdIefze' ' .
li rotlksAxT 4t
From- the etrdet' inspector; twdjlorffnl7'A+sail &cif d'tipt'rpbotiiiiitbst'whil oL..itirr.
,it1 iufringeu,ent of the fire Inuit bylaw a Ilew.ltopt' 100 the oar of a horse hal
by E. Watson. The inspector was in- tork on Monday by which Chas. Wigbt-
rtricied to interview Mr. Watson on roan had the mlafurtene to fall and bort
' he inat:er an 3 report to the council, himself very severely. Tito ladder: oar..which he was atandtng broke, protripitc--
•ing him to the floor, a distance of 26•
feet, tallttog 011a int Of scanrfing sleighs,
breakiuv his thigh, n.el'rcet ti; hick wrist
and otherwise. severely Ierjurine heal -
I) r.
im_Dr. Pentagon, of Blythele iu attendance
no him, end &hole he t't very low cane
d eht hoped are entertained of his re-
cr very.
Frani C. H. Mortimer, to reference to
the formation of a Canadian Electrical
Attie:m tor,. Referred to Water and
Ln ht Committee.
h'rrm the Mintstar of Education, rolat;ve, tr the new Treat.cy Aut. Itet,ried
to Special Committee.
A01.0Uh 1's
Wore rand as follows arid referred to
F fiance Committee : National Carbon
Co„ $23 ; C. Crabb, 815.07, aid $36 42;
Toronto Rubber. Co,, 820.
The Finance Committee recommended
paymeut of the followiut accounts
Fraser & Porter. e6. 50 ; G. C. RThera
eon, 81.15 ; D. K. Strachan, 836, and
$6.60 ; Vacuum Oil Co., 816 ; St.
Thomas Pipe Co., $456.37 ; Estate (leo.
Mynas, 82.30. Also recommended tee
acceptance of an offer from R. Wilson
Smyth of 104 for Righ School deben-
tures. The report was adopted.
fhe olerk was granted one weeks
holidays, and the street inepnctor in-
structed to reprove the vacant shanty
from the park in front of the jail.
The reeve and councillor Vetoed moved
that the chief engineer of the wa•or
works department have control if the
pumping station and electric light sys-
tem, including control of the other
engineer and employee. An amendment
by the depusy•reeve and councillor Nat -
tel to refer Ibe matter to the Water and
Light Committee for report was tarried,
the reeve and councillor Yate° voting
The matter of devieiig some means to
get mors parties to take electric liebta
was referred to the [Vater and Light
Committee, cnunc.11ore Reid and Naftei
voting nay.
The Market Committee was instructed
u' have the hat' scales at the market re-
paired, after which the er undtl ad
Mr. Ulu'ton, sr., from neat Stratford,
was up toying avntt to hie relatives and
!,,ends last week.
Mtas Lizzie Horton, who hen been
spending a week's vacation id Stratford,
the ♦'neat of her roster, Mrn. G. H.
Clutton, returned home on Saturday
Mr. 'Jae Macenanns bad a valuable
calf die from 'he disease known as the
Mask eluerter.
Leat Sabbath mot -nice Mr. McConnel,
from near Sarnia. occupied the pulpit
here in the piece of Mr. Nettle,. Ho ie a
powerful speaker.;
The 1.0.G -T., No. 213, intend holding
troanel tnmporanee nteetinea in their hall
•.n Sunday oveninga, to commence tho
tire[ Sowell? in Auguat, at 7 p.m.
{r. Neils, wren him been away to
Sornto ler I ho prod week nr t wn, will
b0 to hos uaoal place here on Soundpy
" Ooree CARE •r -.SAT." --It Is with the
greatest confidence that Hood's -Sarsap-
arilla is recommended for loes of appe-
tite, todesestirn, kick ifeadache, and stmt
lar troubles. 'Phis medicine gently toners
thestonMoch, agelata digestion, and ntakota 5
one " real hungry." Persons In delicate,'
health. after taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
a few days, find thomselveg longing for
and eating the plainest food with unex-
petted relish.
The great strike of railway employee at
Paris, France, has collapsed.
At Springhill, Ky., Mrs. T. i oehridgeshott
ber throe children and herself.
Sarah Davis, said to be 1333 years of agar,
was bttrlod at Indianapolis yesterday.
Five youths were drowned off Done.T +al,
Ireland, yesterday by the capsizing of a Ocoee
ure boat. -,, were -
Advices from Samoa tell of trouble tree
tween King Maltotoa and Chief Mataafa, brat
at last account: all was quiet
In tho Argentine Republic a bill has
read a first time reducing the duties onriYtit
sugar, petroleum, toad rice a»ii" to7Ti;d. " `
The excitement at Eastport, Mo., over tea
seizure of seven iJnited States fishing beitip
by the Canadian 14teatner Dream has not yea
Anxiety la felt in New Fork at tin: nou.*
arrival of the atcatner Fndvrninn. She were
sighted Juiy 18 with fuer crank hroken, bre
declined asaiatauce
Jamea H. Hodges aa,. yn,.terriac ieeto
reeveof Welland The post•il,u we rvrrl.[�
ad vacant by tho appointment of 11 1, !loin
Ron to the (Aloe of ,v,uuty trcanurer
John }turns, Talbot 'rule, vital yeeterdrsv
of hlorxl ;esteeming Ilo ,•ut his toe, nI ,a2
poisonin�ey set he r.u,l h. .list after rue lay's'
Illness .1P leaves a erne mod tis ehtldrPn.
uenpatrbea from t'oquimbn, 1'h11, g,v.. tbo
information that the rusrtrre'•t,•Ii rmcin• 11.
Four vessek o( th,• insurgent (9'..r cv,r111hOOS
to attack Coquimbo ut the time 'Ire'r'l,' '
was WV r.
Till v.Sv l', i'. i. 11re:.1raF
Qdeerreu Iealmila of 8pa11t pacrnnrl ber
jewels to raise money to 0, en! the ea
pwdltio» that diacerered the new world.
Her saerifien was not greater than 1R
made by many women of America, vide
deny themselves many things in order
to have money to buy Dr. Pierce e
Discovery for thole. aic,c husbands „r
children. This " Diro.ivery" is ,nort-
Impnrtant to t')otr tban the ono mads -
•n 1462, (or all l)•aeasee 01 the Lunges
Liver, Throat, or Stomach, the disaov
try fa s sovereie n remedy. A trial eon
v'not a, lel c•,ntinued nae cores h purr
ties the blood. inviaeratee the fuer and
etraneltiena and builds up the whole ave
'em Guarani ',ad to hgnefit nr mei", in
sooty ease, ormoney paid for it rat urn•.