HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1889-01-11, Page 2•
III-il III 111 .111 II
AT 1,,tb, unotdago of itiv 1472,04 tintat;3;:o 411)ater,1,0, ezat-4n,c.34.iht seceivo his 'oat- I, leo* if they 'Wet° t3 1470 L'iltVle41
73Y litneY iitgeteincerOie wok, Sow oyes. buoy; turd the 'only elt..c4:411 age); onir,k: .19.091 herdly inure then .a !Wholuoight..iitake the very Ptiditeiteo of
WM of this rap:test, clothed my chlires
itt.:oc that oi.gly induced my father ,to
, to hut enjoyment* ants, my corm %dui and ;volt. wilosehmb wera 00440310 „, Prourteta ;elk Attn. at '
depetecl mica. X trial to 0004,041 thigibeaten. upon, hi this witvW.,4 TIM soil mak terx)14°. awl 1 sr right, for my notet
410.141 as possible, that. I might- ..'toartiie;* eqUO01,1i..04044g0; paatoro lor Aisht inatql 014 Cale Open everhtetit ft
debar blua from the pleasures oUturo.1, :totetizeiderVato Coen,„ ip.a.oitweat for IrtOtWir6041 /hut berot0,4g04 Mervitti
reeelicetkin. !I often refitted to aeeoce-:, tekeike,,nf inlierable fare. t' threetfitt het eovis. !ter: tho 104'
•pany biro. alleging anollier migagetikent, yogicoulpu*. ;ad , "w1;04, they ill, 11,14 ..**0-4001g..itt vromte.6
tho inighkregivia olOoo, now,-ol4o AulgO t#143. ,14040,Y00 tomb hor441Pearito:;.1-.01n34004 *kink
nompiy. After so Ion? 3 period .0 au •b.'"4°° to 66116° tb6 131/-*t°i*b o'Te24sur.V._Wang.; weft 40- proctired-Xrein the thin 14terotlgel'eal-ght *nrao !
aboybing welmeheiy. ant reejuweti fee iny new.-erettion; -end &hit Waa twine' Anolithied, itheet *Ave ataell 4'94 -wh°1° 6°14'441°4 44 l°4 4St4t°4
„,d/r,„„ i„ intengity, and Offestur, be like Alai It/titre Of angle drops. Of tvitur 'fltratant. , ;, „ tO3t4tt3t oWri peaec' at the Price,
vas !stud to ouu that ana capable ot coatitrally OH 'be 104 Every : On -the Wintle 1404 thetet:;tieri`'hut 9.1 tho oxiAllit000 'ha whoi4
tsicium picasurs in the idea ei onvh thetaratt that: waudevatcd to it wee three iniserehie hutoilakkonn of: fhp.14 •-•.• - - -
iourcey, oral ho hoped -that change of "IN" an -g°411/ and OrrIv; word tkat oral) rOoart., nheli. X, 04104*. ,Thia, I - I tr;04170,14 4441 air heartleiled
mono autfyar..--hutinnuteMent ivould. spoke alhadon to it Caused my lipe to - hired. 14. te.04 witSti, on locildag api I sem, 147
kro return, liritib restordd mo entire- (181"ri "1:1'115Y bqaFt i9 ROPitate• _ ifid tb080 oxhibito4 04, ,i,44-10:Vito, y„titar:hcht.of themoon, the demon at the':
Ey to inyself. After palming eonniinotitha' in tendon, of the most nueorable psnury. : 41.414'0'1k:: A $4.°44-0;r1;6*-4441°Ae 114
The duration a my absence was left WO received a !otter front a perton,..in ,14141'4144 -tOnn lbe vint4 were•tut- hoo`ot 0,,igtiotort ate, -where I Jitt.1414;
tia my eon choice ; a few monthe,,, ,or at Scotland, who had formerly been OUT lOtqedAp4014:d40 'woo off it114h3gaik '441!,g.illi$ ki0.04(411.0: 444'-.:4110,04: (0'
Inon ayear, was the pried aontoopgju: yisitocat 00000. lier. mentioned like; , or,der04. 414 he repai*-04(tiibtigiongis .teti' -',Yee', he had PrliFierXd Mt fiii:nis.,
441,' -00# Dateruit 1;1;ld".•4#0ioitiow. lo: lieentioi of hitt thitiVe" eniinfrii: .,., - - ° ited 'to,rril t,otr.!4 : end 'tank Pettesiiek; an In. _ r*Vvliffli0 lied ,lettered loi,::fiiihbi.,,,. blit ,
lied taken to 4i.ecere :ini.,hotHi.°A. opti.- AO ti',0"lose. wo6..tot :: *4044 '004 '', IvItiPti: 'iteomlett.-,"-doixiitioi,-. - ' bens : hh°105.4eItieeitir;tikkewiefite*iit-wild •
aging ale wej ha had, 14 concert iiithcAtey as far.partik 00 P07Ftho WhereAlft 44;), .°t'a • 41""stii'',0t.'th4i!.'. Ottegertt heeo 1101- (n.:* Or-r4eite.,„ ehtl 'dam the 'NM-
1111100bitk atTe_Rged that plerlia.eheuittlitted. Pierce!: eagerly dolma to,:acoiii° ieithed *lout"- a° • arooklin poiarty mbot•-•-oilAIT:Pootistri.
j04.0 nth et Strasburg. This interfered rt aithQuittt 't14 " A3 - Xt"i*4' 1111 114 .gatniteil4nc
with the Slituda/ coveted for the aociety, wished to. vieveattalti Moan- .4).' Ottail430- *-1Pretteed the titmast extent of malice
. t I My journey the preeeeee works'. With which Nature Adorns be dem, eufferieg' 'blunt the.coarteit-'acnce- 9C:404one en my Premise of ereat-
010•Sion of my task ; yet at the cont. kilo tout Streams,
truly trainioad that thus We accordingly determined to eeitt., reAla/etreati devoted. the, townie PettelotOtcra to -pieces -the thin
Nigkg tethatork, Na g the expiratkm of another mouth. in weather nerelittedt walked en the tle'etroy t.lie creature on whaee future
y. eury
ht atarsad between me and 'the in tru- this2 expedition we gild iiog intend to straw beagh of the. aea, to Ratan to tho lgtee'he eeilereled,for.ltappinerie, and
iliatiy haiku of lonely mance 0.1411,,nritey towarde the °nCrtit at b7ntlik the oVenice, when the '',eiOliefottgect- wrCtch ;saw
r sTRAirrivi
00111 -,AT THIt 00011( VIPS we
WV *No
-and thoitiologYs
calpunea action, airts it woo,
- Boone wh lame the Wahl 40
these treat ergottInbegome
4fitel ritemr
.00111Ttr.41004'11:13Mnr. one
Trait 311100AT.Illte...
so,rovit $01010).
!Irby ostorttiltssastioutAiosst.
304041 Amid*. Prim $gott:
0414.$41CHAIIPS.14 4P04040,1%;'.'
Atm pAtto' coups.'
y foo4 . 31 i ware alone, would follow the greets ;road to Edinburgh, but wavni ai:°1e,7 rn*"4 Old '12004 A.t 'L'iLY' ' -EXHAUS ii. -
itotoittilisotlii:a..;te: :itainit4ianiafiltvlifortireyd tottorke- ttb°0vi'latu:1,10nr4!6;:d;'47$itark184: 44. reil-t!Riv9illn -;' "31. f•o• : :•ti.4l;tileitt)gt Evt:04nel:•in;146th9i014,eti,hUtrie'rYtiLief '4z ee -: :;•, ft' '' '''';''' '''11: i:4'.4r11:-: '''''.4 1-641° `I' d° - '''''
i .
with floe
lobo, 74-infrnunilised .from cur .of apPointinent with .out ,Seotutt',
:V0.1.a1S.aud.appaying landscape. Ite hills se, veir te.‘teelpne Mriaboorkgfank thee,* -011714111°07,,°. tea"'
s. PelPate toe gloom arid re- 'aiiehttlietcou, 30 paces
141) derjhe eye ,of the quittteineen•
e ridakireV, 1might friend apprneehed, and we left -.itte. in'', to ey'.ttr;odsalOnid9ve• to, 0;r1b,le ztrd irktome to vosde alolleil000ked, the watei, , . a .
that I el.ain quitted my native country. might remain in Switzer/and, and wreak toiled dor.apil eight' itt 9 t-•••-_-_q_0..*0--• +A its exiteme pronittifilb mail my ear . _
4t. the leoa ol my etifferfoe.' awa$ from Kee snatched repose -attd peace.- 4 -I siattea‘f,re,
lie inroads of misery and grief., . It •-elet-teklu'icrartatterwowtrtorrere c .... r '4' 6t enthu- 1 . iitY:1;j;:itg4notota tkli. X14'11;004 t111,4' 1
,nirint. .. 0 2 ADM° otio, en..
sorry. I bad now neglected mypronnee . ewe 'wetted the mound de/mote, ce the &nor -
for some titae and I feared the ;effects myself
w 11144 calla to one another. I felt the -
la or 0 d
` '21P-1114 ;dance al4ough I tras hardly conscious DR. DOR' ENWEND s
HAV AVTENDE:1) Trig use 9y
lournvy had habil my own Beggs!: hie oongeo'rice on my relatives. Thie idea p.ebe Work. It ofiet le ':-.1.#1,11Y Was ituici;nly arreatia hy.the paddling of
...Alen and • Bliraboth4 therefore, texinf'" posiniid ine, and tormented me at eitery proCeskiit'whieh Waki', mengii$t)d•' utin‘g 30r0 ne0r the shore, audit person lan,ded
tod .0 uehnd Mintite efreete- fears : and when they arrivede arid 1
bulges, which call forth a woman'S . _
am? the superscription of Elizabeth or . et 0404 woe, awl wish'ed to rouse 004-,
-, eedulons attention. She longed to bid arr father, 1 hardly dared :to road and O'gliiiii,eartatit,ti tithe dwelt ,in ii cettage
. sae hasten my retUrn ; a thousand non- ascertain my fate. Sometimes X thought tot fartnin wine 1.but I Was . overcome'
fluting emotions rendered her mute, sliy tittieifiration. 0 helpiessnets se Often '
she bane me a tearful ailent farewell. aa 'that the fiend followed' me; and might
expedite my remissness by murdering
I throw myself into the carriage that my companion. When them thoughte
•. -was -to convey me away, kardlY knowing possessed me, I would not quit Henry
ithither 1 was going, andoureletis of what for a moment, lite followed him as his
Imo passing around. 1 remembered only. shadow, to protect him from the fancied
and it was with bftter aquish that 1 re- rage of his destroyer. I telt as if 1 bad
Seated on it, to oraftiot my ohougical emanated some great crime, the con-
. liastruntents,alteuld be packed te Ignwith soimumess of which haunted me. i was
los. $11104 with dreary imaginations; 1
:sed .tlpzeugh many- . beautiful anti
`Ostia atones I. bet mieyes, Were '11;44
• ,, :Wootkuwol4- ;I could ouly tido of
::..41,0,1toi Ortioof tali- travola, Mid the work
'' which ttlth to ocetia ra0 AIL* they en*
n1 00' tsottifinninatiOti':,
(7,41youo,...if!ek31 shut to
;ant to cold,bloOdjaird reY heart.'
often ale',aened at the 'work Of hind&
Thais situated, employed in the Molt
ogoisit XIX.
ode» iikaour potent point Of rest ;
Sot .-..tveridettul. and • celebrated city.
Vlervtit detired ,the intercourse of the
*ea -of geriids and talent who flourished
' st,t4h, 'llule; but Alt was with -rue
pied witlithe meant ot obtaining the
ertnation necessary tor tlie completion
'Waal)* wIthwik tillOsted to the,
bed *One 'Over nit *hit!
Ad only vialted the* people to'
*itiotilte of. this hitorpuition
Me, 00 subjeet . in rhiteli ink
0-34 WM ISO terribly profound..
Viz 'aim:tete the *beil4106#4
-,ne'til&hlIttik mind with, the eigloa
solitude where nothing cottld for an enawkiout•40 14 Oval au iiii.pendinji.,
abed mrattention from _the actpal d4ngot;::vod,,i7a0:•,.aottycrto the spot,
With my eyes fixed en '..th?.gregrOd,,,feet iter.4titid;eitid!;, ',hi **Mothered tibiae
St.' Paul, "Min ri-eapollt
.,86 anitoba
::00.41E DAY
guiltless, but I had indeed drawn down **toter -tiM•e.ithieet.--WhirtfrA 'Ste7ootot: 4 qu 6.fig4O "; Whet is -it :that yon intend l•• • 17;10 be tko• tinsai prtbartition for the
n horrible. dilute upon Milieu}, as mortal, Altikadettle,!Inehaltt. X fetred tii:::Werfide,r ' ''11.40:tt dare' to. hreak'lenV,' 'Prentice 't 1 :".14""vtdfcc'vey'?°*.
ai that of orinke; : -' •. , ,....: ' , ' ..frekit .abe,i,t.ght of .MY: felleir,Creaturei,,, ' here :lend:rued 'toil:and:Misery i '1,1 lett :°' ;lac .'"c4iiiivi* ^rcetrAZ:,
(Norval did not like It to well.at tlaterd ; labour Wai, already- -eotitiderehly I hiiVe tivrelt tosnyinerithi itt•the.heethit: Wrficie. the :VeAltit'itiori
for the anti4uity of the hitter city was ranged. . I looked towards itacorepletion of Eok.att...L,• ,altiong oeterto end eaitcygroWth!
morepletisingtchim. Bat the beauty Mid -With a trenenleuSintd,olmerot.libiier: there endtiged
regiklarlty of the Xew ,Town ofEdinburgh X dared not truil4lithilf,t,4.4tiestionibut •-fitiigne, and-, reid Ana 40 you' . -I Ids Ben4i'n g46 016 'idten
its commiefilind castle, and its environs. which was ..:°:/h ,Obacitire date destroy rikr hopes ti" . „vItti.Ofittt).1f reglike 4°00 %It'd
the griestdelighttul in the world, Arthur's forabodinds tfigi in* Itiorit„ , ,,•-vtligkone de breotk Orchinse.; not do bettor Man fry ,*-
Soat, St. Bernard's Well, and the. Pent. sicken my *lieut.
eq, at in deforMity. spa attekodo.oss.
ohangel anti dited him with clicerfulneik • CHAPTER' $leve, I before tossotiod ,,ivith 'you,
land Hills, compensated kink for the
preatis **Shot like yoOreelt, Vas fct .t.
to arrive at the termination of my knit, the sun htlo siX"'intlf,the Moon Win''',:ittliC,:'
vialla With ,the :toed., Immo • 'Oporto& liwili; to. eninitdet titii• 0ftcett et what,1 °.' YeeY. 0014 4a*P,t. 04 °O",.* rO*::#1'. 44: *it'
BetneMbei that
,heie power „, yen hOieveyourtieg Miser.
he limit of MY trreieletket it patt
A, PoronWpnitta.S810
(iris 'nab; -.37trovirio,
et Scotland alone, ',Do soil," told 11, blot tregetiu mout _ wit04.0 orouneutts. eompanion viao,,, Shalt 'tn. told ,
or two it tint do net fetertere with wer mom. - X WO he* tibettt to tom anotlite • 1**4**411 ei$1.064te 4$'1180•;.
peaeOntelnolltittle tot* ithort time and ,littiorot might. boogie tou tho+us , roof and gritathet, teeth4ii !the
trn nu/re "4 '1W*14 Pried her fix44 wire folk his hOiono
fall, Mar actedes.
0:°'4'41060 n11 ether valualAciiata
Ole onary-
rls,4TY96:4,0c;10, tycl. t,
Alt in Ono gook,
It 1112104120
the II. I: litt roan. ' It is reeoguartatc.tt
hr the Stitt* *16 otStbools in SaStstel.api
6' aria* roniblt
Mote, oktt, glits, tor its own sake, 'non mach bioit toe Itti mato, intl. X Iltrdtirigt !Nu nit allif
temy heart. I, taw an Inane. -jun • .nitirdat • eha.. WtetCheaftele., boa:, thole I bed 1001100 Of ArsOliont Mila 0*, * swat
*timetable barrier plieed *tato
bint '00 ilit4 :144t; :pistettbitu,Vgitert; III* 11: tota ytt,rte year hours Wilt pus in- and
• *OM KM yen may hate 1061 ber.
and my tolloymottit'¶-*...---,—. ex' low ' tittrai • to *kit. 160 , pip b ; mhos's, and 0600 tfte holt *Hit!
w! with ffiloilk Imo** _hutrt dom. blind te *yen bete 4ilier ; the eiligalirif tr 0:1"*" 1411r 44001T!
;014 Clotigt Ow Wilt* at aair return '1111I ay again' /eel ovoeif *Irma'? Ihnol,loothed mesitleforesity, fortk dieter than fOod 1 fluty
The diiferthe&O tlAtiieth which_ &riot parted from fuy itioud, Jtio *yea In the retools tetra 81ort 4100 ;41,64847.Fitiltitilt4 B"11415 ; ter I len
"Mtn (4 frit Cho neijatbnthOna Men th07 **xi b7 ditoefatioot end
nettea with those natioa, And ,,,y mi., c a Yo * .+0_ tart rinnhlak. then might rehire to *amply irith * tompact =Lint:1%r ?I:t.t.,1 „bit. Apik...PP7*,LEhiLto I
h • with th***aiotth lYeelge *um raf) wo motto hirrott ur *whoa, Thoi blight y y I. iii:e " '''''' vt`"°•!'"'4'
et r:oth; tie' *is, itgitilittio, ink eatintwitit itilieme, •sthith 1 rootit4 doll' 401a ifight hi ,,b0i 00analva altrifistay = _do t_bit,Irst Yok lir tIaot And ir".
tlit-;6 rL-1,Ve-ed %at In WM an trittbat*ible: Aoteretined to 'Mt, woo tomtit arid ,411.**„,,111 tulL,t1/44tithil"st tta4 46114 4141 ; ! * I 3i*I*11441S1' I *ill
,poortiO of , lottitictiett avn$ tmetettionfw , et,$elttatitl, at102 ilnoilitthilltirt0:; ate -7..7 —"tv:s ":::::;b661.4414ttill'i . ifb14114 1114)hiti:141:tWheillia jet: ire kint; ileh.t.,,t
so weksilopritaning aw thice .kib. betrielitnie, 3 ea i d b ir 1A 14"4"4 141'4:"iiitmwIt' al*risP"4.44weerttadL' 11"14164,:ittit _its 1'7' 141'44 yaw
!_&ii Ali vie*. Ilia de*o trite 1:3 tdonater followed *6 and *mild dkbeeveri
1111I I II I I 111111 111 Ili
la highly
el b farm; tt. markt
the. *teats