HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1889-01-11, Page 1... .... ,x�.••-••••+per'-1.+ris4.. ..._ ) yt........_..4 ,,:..__ - V .. , .. -- - _._.-.....__......._.,..- .........-._., .a«,._.....-.• VIR-RCT 4'H,QE4.'1�UIGX DIS ATCH. f r � Connectin ; wttb all Linea and ' ; ' ' Cabled es, Canada, the Uwted Sta,te(t .. and Iiauro,e. L,rect through wired V aa „. t al o[nr - rti 0 1 p » iu 3iaultabl, Aor,h^, I bif . ft$ c i3r Bit L' bfu ails t31�ru i': c _ =r e,a T: CIQae i' ret d (dt)froj 84jut re. tiff ea6: �,,,�( , - ,,„ �. *�• ' ro ax. t,.•. �r ....;-�• tresut, 3rd scar PccrRl tat+urate, .'.,.-••'',' - V tt•il)OLII I P4. Agent. ._ i:} s , •_ Val x:B !� n. yq ,e, ,' s; -..,c 6V ILO G 'i a q 'Q y R. - # _.�� ww- - - ,rte-•. 'M rw� =7 � � r , t F - . _. _ - �- - - �t . ...._.,e•..m�o.. at ' "7,•: _ SarllUlt"" 14. _. - - _ _._ _. _ w. t S t r- -• ----t s; f . -� -- 9 t T 1 _ ,' ) 4„ _ .. �f_ �' , g<- r•�, §�`Kaf �� g •.11'.441-t.ty' 4 i'� _____. ___ - __ �. _ _ _ . D A 11. 1 . �.-if A 1L N � i y • ' S • •v a[,.-,,�M1.ra.. K_ lY f'� 1 t . I t -- - 1, ,.•.)• --.r_ i- .-...• N U'C1t),it. ^, Dr. MCI)tatli',tr"I<t t1 � � Il� ^ i t tl s """t ' o Ii+atl4iF} -its. Pfatkltki�lt:t•$"•ITAi'f:7eh•�(�G�l�t I (� lir.:� A 141: r Ira n i. ui:,� ID tT rtuidtsrlli ills t> TTjl tab 'L i' L'I,1;'1k,RI G,S, lli� 8at.utc'P. otlevt,ry rixol+th: M \ g p T 1V I? )' r' A a tai i l a B e } ;' CUst . I,1 51 . F4,A I . s t b "thii tE3 f(i tt to �+ , NLL�, asl:< <,t„Datr rlalDn • CliQttou . attTik•pt)tt%-) i°T f' -� - :() (1: :L uasartl iIlan+1,13at"sattthri•rV,0,t,jlt" iiirt;si4,s . tl _ ti , , ,� exa1141114ione, Birt, Sr:1lltay: ha q,,6 - t* %.le i J i.CIAL frINE ()h' L. DM,) {{ (I(I�a JJI).11f•r 'f,\ �.iJ..lr fl t �. Y._..g4,3i'�f4 ti _ Ql1 , 1.1,Pauet'd 17. t,'•' . r, d.\'D C'(71.111��,- 20 C'T'+`ti J f+ f'.1J;" %11a�;r}etir I;iit oltukch tt}-.!y,t�i f:. .• - ttgde th Ilii of Ila rat fi:'at. "4'V'It;iL .Chlls ltt) 'x�;, . VIANT'C0 -000€1 8130iofilG'�'/t�F��E r,�I,IOR fr'alt�2 WOOLEN YAM chin►' the ether nue r Stiaefl,d :,o 4,Aoy, C 4!ncliu to tae N'l tl r',.. ; •,aq ,t . ,, ,: ' . tt ;3I kla. its ,fttr . :.;x„ -.^, - - -••-- soup 1 r.1 , a �4��,1 T#lo oltttuw a�q-,' , }:r' r tel," t+ lY ijjarA , l' ( Du E A 1 le su t) t v' 1 11. Pt b Il } . , r�, 4-" b M r, jy �¢r, t t. U y •eft tll� ^ l" _ :� "k a t . •' N yyvyu� t••1. G y� f Y ,. „ '. .. .. .. ,. ; : ..: 1.s _.. ,......r , ..-...a ...... :.. .'D. , +,. +.. ) a , r .t. 'V .. .. Y 1 , •a,. p, AR ed y.yt 3 d t p ttf T M•T ...' .... ., .... .. ..... ... rat. - ,..•. , , :-.� , r ... _. ,... .. .. ._ ., Sir+ ,<.. ... .., ...�.:......., ., s :Yw^" ..:. 1'.-Iiz3r?)' �,x\.. ,)�c,.la' k n . ) - t •A hU }} �; dCr �Ttr e r )MiT?� It ar6S' )' %'' .,•.. A -a ire .1 . r 1. q t rad aCuBa ' a q �l- t �' Te- Mr. 7l'. ,f, Itlitra. ak.tl�iyNhl"1I , , J0R1)ANIS lif,'XK, G()I)ER1611 �'NT.* tl164vlifi ctur for the etu,lekvu4lc g tltttt;'5 :r �. it3ty 1,urutnent i,ulldtna•s itl (iaderla 4 ;tt'S ")' - _.. will cal legoe <,paratiuua tlgxt eve&,,, '' _ t9 .-_...._ `,. _ _-.. T + _..w_,_ _ and tsil'rtnalu city meo,tanios. g (96'�. Q.l$a$la UTII II. Y I =( - F.-,o'sma, a 117i4hil;an ilsh©rTliii4l, fi �DyVe1I:U T. W has pet[ uedCon it(aeto"detYt c1 :t TJ X, I} I'3,, BAHIiISTLlt, Thr Uoun of LLe f UriNri'Btipn of .the. 1.a q'b �l=etll;' yt 1 Solleitor,Proctorin :\IaritW.rl'ourls, ('otln'y c'f inn hill Toilet ht the Cow• Gaiit9d1.,, his bN14u�f,�020,00(! datnagetl'-tjm Convey+Dneer, etc. 9luucy to loan private kin,:4e In rho • tt•n of u0tirletr, on )Dtiit£rldq ,bur seiztl • of bfs nets ItgWp I)rtlmttlottd eqi • fund%--lu« r5t rants, ettaiubr loan, Ut trtc,c- the rSud Inst , mm ladq . I,e case iuvulvgR the ltrcatttiti of alta ( ornc\r upuosile Blartin's kiat¢I, �pJany yth i au�XXX 'Me'bfauitlidary line in the district where I T> C, H A i S , „ °" 1V� ('SIC, -_.�_ _ he 5vas Hbhing. wii })' lit SOLICITOR, &c. - -• A St. Catheriues dispatch announces are • the death there of Cat Juh.n Fraser Ir u,ilce - ('orne>r of Sgaare Bad 1('est Stree r tw or tlar e li wi;l hnt-o n varal,c) p t for two or tierce new i,upil4 aftr.• [tie one oP the oldest sail,)rson the Lkea fwd t` �; o, ,'r':'els•.Sr'apb ofAoc+, Goderic:h. "j,Private usuidaye. Use of piano free. Terms ati who will be rremembt'red h & 1 `'�(P'•`i 5 N'onds Yo lot,% at d percent r ah Stanley ,.t" :i dowry Hoath, pre as Capra n i( id �o C A DI P I O N BAXtRISTER, of the gunboat Prince Albert. He, tttntta wi' J. Solicitor, Notarq Puhlir, etc F(10 TRE ELI:CT()ItS l,A q•gg iOND Lttt�rfed of feelinggyntt'oll lntlteeven{ttg, ql Odlco-Over Jordan's Chug Store, trio Oi� C1()I EHICIL IN) gest morni)i bulbs found deaid fn Roll , - ooms formerly oceuuled by Judgo Doyle. -- At ' 'i LADIES ANP GENTLEMEN. Plt'LAe PICK "'Olix.-The appointment of tan, w aiVISON"& 'JOA.LrSTON, LAN , accept 1113► sincere thanks for the honor Division Court Clerk ►las beau ,secured t4W D• Ctlrancery and Conveyancing. venae you have done mo in electing me Mayor by IMayor Sange.,r. Thatkentlemtan went -Nest Street. Goderloh. of your town, I will do ray best to retain to Toronto r your conti(lener, and merit, it )oasible Yesterday tnorninp, and a t) '�' yr� NICHOLSO L. D. S., your furtherappro%zai. I . ' telegram was received bore in the atter 1@ JOfT\T Et'TLRR. noon from Provincial Treasurer Hosa 'ty • JD_`lT�=.SZ'_ Goderich, Jan, i(1, I8,4i), ant,ouncinl; the appoiutliteut. t. Curt .._.__.-�., C"uduetor D. 13olines, one of+tl)4t:[)tf5 h OtrlricE .txu kyjcstuli.Natc,-\Vest Street, 3rd � OTTCE. 1 oouduetors on tJ)e (:, ' F Door below Sank of 1(ontreal. 1, ''Pv", has brQt OUDERICII ONT, been rraneft+rred from the ,it3tlfiillo 'Bud day+; The nunualrteetant 1..f theR'6'�'f I;If)i�' I Lake. 1kron to tho Suttt;her,t. Division, rt ►t' Ht:itON Al.ItiCt:l.'1'Cit_\I, tiUl'IETY ,I,ti wI!1 in future run front London u) 1 11h. E. RICH A RDSON, L. D. S. ' ill be held in t1,e Court lionst', (;odrri,•h, on a' D 1J i arrclu,wth,V, .hen. 9titla. Ititit►, t;t 1 ,,'c•lor,t p, 8-pel,xion Bridg9: Conductor llayhow la,ar"• m., to receive the annual rij, )ort, elect ntfloors ; E3'LT-Ral-M031T T)'�S7'TI62'. Bert directoes for the ensulitt: year and ut.hci• takes his place. Ellis 1 ;uocialty -- Prenertatlon oP the natural businebR. Tub: storm which set in on Wedbesday * Centh. Gus And vititlized air adininisterod H. HAYDFN, vitaii whet) necessary, for painless extraction of '6eerctary, eve114119 line so interfered. with travel n„r teeth' r END R8 that nn Toronto nluil was ; Ire:.�d here Ir4 :t i est; Grand OperaflaN'. NV.eTelegrape yesterdtav, The afternoon express was a,uel i' r n 1 \\'e it etroct Rex ". �. _. t (, yti' leletrraph delated also. The hear snow frolh the f)"It; utrice. wit► be received by the nTLriorIt�g,,t)d for we4t I,Welit d tip the Pnc•e of the town than: aveaunt of Mr. Attrill- nrtil the In"'? oP JagLt- & . "" aty, r81!)), Por the ploughing, ti,N,•rott'lni' untl clods a14r, Bild that useful article tnoreas. Wl'f'! �'B�L'1� rjl��. seedfu )C font 8•t id's, eNlrari,rely( oil i4dke- e't i'q value 1W err rent. to ou( e, a ell[zens t5 U t:� Od artm ih the, 7`ovcuslnu a- <*,flbo,r 'r: ttr,d te'he loY)lted at it in vain Por the titxle of "1.r ap ...,.� . p i e th t to e voo4L1 od c 0 Gft, • i t' fWA Dat [e : Ot the . Qrlt- fS 13 s La`Btt Yt t•j ' sr:: u . •..1 D�ra,avr .N,.,-p..;�w..,,......-� ..a a-:":4�;. ...w+ - ' :.. .._,. 4 lip g :ss._.t.�,....,.,.t,_..,,".•i�_ _.,E1:1�T ifC'�-w•".'I°d"alatl'h"�«ratT,*�..., .: '`4i�._ '.,._.�i _ _ _ . _ _W -.,•,-.,.•• - . .. , ..,_ a.--»,.....,-,.�--.,�..-,,,, V L;::,.-. i�c•.'-tirrr+,.-s.e+....w•ns..,..-.--1...-.m ,. �.. r....-.,...._x..er trri'�4MTktk1,.L,a... �. �,.,,�,. .610; ••-w.7.«ar,.,wn .w-.,�,.... .:.a,.u..:«w,..l .._„n. - .w+w nwry u1. ro.:., �.... �. .. -.... - r • n .. -- I! . - ...�....___...--.,,.._._._.. ._ . _. - , A: , . . ., . c " `ff r 'I - „r. F, - ,� t .: , . a.:.-. , fjj�� , !t e , '� r�' Clg Vii; A 61..e'i? CtI�.I�i:(1` I p lt t b I BEi Gk 11(e(t11 QhOr c.-ef .w tai, 1.r _.{....... .._ -_ - ,. - l,'a•* ....n,.1. .. :.. _. _ Of fa 1.;3 " ., us �t 1.G t , + Yt f y, e` fi ».s1�.. , t,1.. • r a 1.11. �t r k r" lu" Tx Ci � I. t CI Nice . I. �' t~ttY 'x , r _ >f ,d,+l`�' - :. r ,;_ �.. e•3'`� . I,a^Es,'&0.°•. i?Lt n t, "'' CUIC n. . 4i G b . ' I • I� n V rvr. 1.,..y .��tyys�.l��"yi q t 'a _ k ty'4 , i I;z � . - r ^�,, �ttt�i.� •c IIlui . : L :. _ .. E gt'.,�itttl•AR'' rb(t� it - .. D III• ,r a wa:m., ..•a. r.., s.. .. > .,^a. .. y"n,.Nw. ,,a..a+,, if,. '�. 111 r . ! kM....., q yf N . .. . A ..::. s a. -a, ..cal-,.-. i.m-..«:. ' . :, 't. . . ,x r . ,„•: .r! • <:� R - it4 if'!l �'tiXQo ��fr A'' 'r ...•.,m`'x-e�,. *oma + !� 4 ,' - al,lf�l *'N. -No l.Bd' U r "AS` q.j, •,na i v ems; .. }. a a F , t r t+ R _ t . Ii�1,Y. '.ta'lgil,t:•,i' A ofi,4vlt.tt tots i'DP "34:,9:>.€.id<•1''k'rw ,.. .,. , 6'a 4'",�t„ 1.r& 11 D'", 1 t ) G_�4:�Y. ,Ly4 4 A "k!a, -Y6 nits f0 f,. ii; t o D; r �arWFlvr ,w•a .._.. °y a,,i Ir:,t�31A' „ ut6a1 1f't ° o f �' ? ;:$s•£•- Eki -{�rCi�rtiL f'. i1 -- �.iI 1'.x9'ti9$Ctli' r.tikae9 Edi? - - L'1.-�.'".�•+✓••''1 :].tA4(,-- e h 'k '.r" .3 "`,a --.:f „' ,, 1 .. ... .r . - :+.I �uirj}+et.t for .l°•• u� t )pita C"aiflagLl4?ASC g$mu3. ]ttA€G3 :81at4Airtr6 fleaC7Ts L (�� is-f,sriT;.• 11r•i:t le 1,',,c,,h,; } . ..._ n .. th•p,•low, err•:ra11`iCt 1. 1 $1$ t7 a $ tai t tea :i':'.0I ;k'a-, �a3:vCr f)H•r �, ,.:at% t ' [ 1't 4i blit ' "'S ire a"tail-� , U, 1G1tirl 4,,0Ui,14f1"Itt' tt,ureil, Owork3tt'ttdDtitiilW",11Uklerth ,,t,l,;v:,I?:a k)" ;,443$,:+t). -'t Ey t eFr:",a eVilm Ill's I nt'rt l:t;T'Ute11, ideal w1F,i, ve.r) Milt;;1. " ''0I- D') i:it i,littn 1,,)It. %1t i Ttlq fu ilstit'„ lI Life, t4u kt,6101 I ti tA> Cies `' - t .tz 41:11 l)t(+IIi i`"� �t# Ldl�tP :artery iv.;u)ty, rirasru rte°..tar,'• L .:_+ti)t'tza.. ' .y� a. ., i- D;D'lI.x `1;111^tti.tr that v. It t,imt i'tt ca;4t7 V• 4 lk'rlle heilwt to t)ttu ,.4411 tl.i+•, '�' 4S, rim l.�a )•ti tl T'2,",i';� ,lei 1 "'1 !`'- j r: j .IEr •, llv,1•ta,i, t1t to r taY ',t < 1.;t n.1. •_;, t;1;11 t: �f1t 6 U EI ak,:t9$IC1CK tD+eVitN.itittt'.inntttut f°ui' '6V•_.RtiL:.sgSZt.l(i 4"•';'t'Ity[!:'lZ4;t'that! t ,:,at:tZ t[ttal`Q ►B3Zt,Di�ittiC"Cillalr3 4tttAti,a.•4a' 14„1 T.'d't(.\ n •^ + q ,e tit t•Zka Ct1:3tl:tl Pe - ,' .i�sx kit's"►iS a to '"s1f1}tC!. A;�14t. �lA(i tkrittC>( itt9<� 7 ;;+'M►toh`L'�i tkg L'if,Z Ile L(2 vttEi¢!fi)+T.I� t •p. : i , M , alio da4io +4, laQltt, i.taf, t73trt ) iii31 a 1104i at• iioxcl � .4 3 ° is u D:iii tµ t11u TaiJa$IFDT t':431 Jutai era a Cttrtl?r. ,tit$t ttGt fl$ ilii, wi"ltilti:l°.t, c1uty f,v,'@ q(i , w 1, xtiI 4 lit Ny* luau%dvI A'# q.a tiw,t P_ no it, \wad- zv Q11t, Iigivtsovr, have, unt Qq �ot tho >l f , ,2f. + ttI-0-". V"O:ilhx'bkly, op 9 't1.•`' 0 �."ou z*'I41 . q 't13El!!6 ot�T,,t,tiQ4lErtp'.T0 mt4k�l . 1 "i" ; ret T1 ;it ,. C1 . v, 1fi 1 tl;f) 1(Sly I 1 r - 1* Pill[•. s;, `I•'ilt, -sl : y r t " , �:.:. , ,;)��ir 1�+�$ >;,t t + f r ,.s, , ) . f .. kf�d i' Ck;;,? o i .,.'. � l.d�2�ti'c'a 001 � � aa� .) It � + r )a , :a aka + 4 3" 5 9 p „y9.. tt it 4 - x , c x �dYS t � a. I ,It � " , t} wl a) it E 4 1 f r "tl i ...'� its t ) tiC b :. # : a - t �g� 1.,r �� � �., Z • a rkt9.6 its ] a ( rt , : ? w t �i) i eiA},.')..zi )I•�t<$$r eq,ga w1. £341 t$d R3S"NYttt'. tl3n �itidi: lz(#�f°4ftBtC1$''ttWStha:4f«i:iiF iaii#,) "f)biPt�.�. ., y1ltr, > e r;., , i•gr3rcutsire. tI>letl\Vag G1Ytnp I3.5U €� tit)U gallons )ikv Qv4'l'y e:ittt ter) iii tt epj� �' I`, ltVTy, I .,:.w ,Piilir. '.. Ir• k «lel #s&,.$t lU(I(s.. , , , I.� l d t)tt(t ,:tt•> � al.uutc, au ,,;Uuj,`y lar;,:: +.nitpaiyr fqr ts$$ he result of the Co11tt*£r$ $trip, a ; ° 4A` ;t4 A1$ tv(t l% at g f1 Qt's I) Cotltellite utetl (1,OTAt'est;e )tt: c,a:ta lDatri v ,13 I��FJi,. ,3Q4�t.. $ l . la , _. + ti .. FP €_,-tt r, elttia t;_tot�t. , tis �, 41'1 s Ia '. J °T Ttt 1L;4, } %"I#J)tl ,' euoui;1, for any flet) we Jtria I:a:l in tltat,ar but tl,e .,l)otliTy�)i'n elpot bulk$ 4t by JI°lqi I�'vl 1 ,Olt v,it ).tri iron •11ch ;or burr,,. '11r� 1,e:: I!ave be -3, wall 1', al eu > rt Bal ocur th' � K 1t * f ^i,t Tt a.1 �1�t�i eyonin y t l t Y S I� � t�+4 0416itiai �Ci , 4ftx tf t tiff$ iT ]Il+Ntf t nlridr, tlsu r aDltis or lulaa.;, n l,acirt bet.% b advance Lite inler(ats i)E t to tot14i,!=�, ii$I a`t 4 :I ilIT 131 *111 lies tlxmlult' fewel�tlulal bila► avcil'.ge. The whole I,tlttt(4l 1�yT��y�1<rhitlttuar betwnsid.rct7q,tltW+fa%iefartor, a1 c,,11i)lrallu)Nnt of the pvlalo ilttppp�j ( t(' h' auDxtetUOt�,� m u,Vhta Ilmu' tutated two yeml•aafq�ti lt„�ttil 011.:1)40 1.wt I1,tl��` ", tpt8" lull teHt Ut' f'',;1~ SC11tD,TDttt, br'r,l ,.d Bt,Ned ] P'' x�.. 'q cin a 4in",. ,sr#. t"oun, < y w. it 1111 Ili $t k •i } ""-ati,. C? "Ilad 11f5t 3E:ti i)�:tin i11t1att:. ' I , "'''I''�"#�.:. ��ri�� ill,4 tk92" ye - Tit. a� ails for.tho.•OdeelI ill lf6, baa bat tww tb,At we 1lavu thom,' tlit�� - 1 Iii ,1,,1,tu at a ` al' "este 04x1; so tiLtD.t flat) Go l&i be lundi , to tn;trit a tiow e1..* i1i; , til' „tf#:3N))ti)t'nCH fel'u l,Llt a1.. , `wJ 'tiltI �i(t itt.2., All derail 12 itadvit aro ig17}t s, tttiq a tr3litab will (lresa Land devcltepultent Its tD�Klir ioha'_)rh: be used 3l) Bt, (icor ` ' which will continue utattl f�t3k`t�" .'I t f,ttrvll w r ^! Zx-r+ , 3Anit, ono r Tit c �;�' •kr, �'iAtorfri sista Chuz4h.: Tine fonts, sx- trains are running itrta ``�` i ♦) ,1.l `s+. .. T. II'Uc r ', f . „ " �� tra'I#, itdofFtle:BalitatroTitive ❑eean coal- ant,, if art ta9a,t,o1ntypgjF-: :')i lh ti;tu 1 , . ;t RE •1 dt, Pluton, and the► resulti is very gbad, !L(S,+tl}t+'t(#i.�ll '.,•:�.t \t I _ anll' fI'Q1yD O,Tir 11a,Siaf)r. , - -i „• �,tt1L,i ail+•(y,)tt, t;f��4l.►1S+647-,i_,4k I'l tl` "wv 4'.. -,a Bra n.,. ,r..,.. t �I ,'2a�iut k,. • l,t..:,.>..'arr__'?'t ' . ' ..: 'ittnAv,r,. tntiC -'Fr.--'- „•-s�w rx<Ml l,M 41x {''5 '..r 1 t •r; ,•.-c1.;•- y,,l:' i Sq.. , 7,f..w- f: lit'' 1ct �l (1.:I+ i"#c}r t fi. r,tt - Itrl cfTlld#i>(tf fit"t��.1114tI! ft il! s1•llol , ..4t J c 1.w >rr c. 1altl T " t:1� nkat hEiE(cxlcat IL#tt'rxl tllatitt �' j , . , . Hap - e dig , tvTib the bunl` 4Gr at vuDrltl, 4 Ii t,: 61. U ;16$�Qn 1)Itx4 i' "afvd<I. TI,# number of ctDud:d Dt H ^ $` a '' t .'`I++ i,1. I►o)te xq{ 4k, . , th" tv. _ A" 3$ of Wilifich 17 passed ; I ' gV�eon, wh'n An -1 li•-e" leconimendiTd. Aggregate a = �'" e t1.) : -tom xi"F, t�R • $01Ir.h't5_#tti-t&tb0l CLP mat _ . L=a.14 } _ ,., 't etiq,ws'- l on Pltrr• iiH, 435.;-ittDypfti r rayu1rN11 C7 m l ct ..+t(It� was i4flileZul R'i' 3ilUdol an(i d' 91111`-04' 3118, and 33j nor e(iut, 011 each 4� � ?;,I'Mtitst i'%)} tit titetr hitip4y-slab,jasct. 2` a, ',. 401 -13olef, David Tl...., , h;•C i `� ! t. C1 Stnniev L, c t'tK,Ilu t,1. sic aldd¢uly '111 41)'#-,CarlIX, �,lfhod.............. 1t) I vi `;fj•24), • "�.�. .. - A� - . et til e gtilitfonof 411•,.CQok, Albert J.......,.0 (xaaieair.1t�Ci, ( w l) if. -: t)JR v !$I{ Ara'bli .3 ii tt „i rev s, k...., i� Crodsrh h '. f, r f `� nil}, r. r ".fxt tU1'61inI :; J'ohn 374--L%v[u.8tat twurt� .:....t lint.unrAtu<irE rte.• I .0t Cq n 0' • cJm � � Yti. 4.17-- tzunrr, Ikugtt: (lin!uu 1tTodrl f ca . �- �,'. + , tE. ia1t)tyfi t#loao vlho 376-Mc'J)o,1e1) , (i