HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1885-11-13, Page 7• - • /MeilE • , _ • - ' o i„ fLBE_GOI2UCli STA 11 tSAN, 1 - 1.•• sb:,Leororfir ,7"1. .0 " • TN £ IPOINIOTTIN LAN% She has a shawl over her head, the "mem auesse.• Ward lam 'roared- Tat a II" "444 in on* hula. PA& eve tomes 0. a is11140•,, loubla in IM other. She emu. F tio fogy inorniug. . it u tor outing, the iliiiiesi is., oneto he desPisod. Itrel ablifik, 7,117:1e1" i 'The *hikes is fez 001 (4 the her plessare hong. her pleasant and an fithkekt '6 ',Iitgl out of tsiPasesisesdkcip • :f14 towritrt track. find1 glil itzle 11` /wild , etsteise• She is 11, libretti shop- seget, it is t ro ,,,,N.I of pleasure-- Ir4a. of the past - rather than of the psz s horn business woman, eonsiler that 51 itik....iielio trade . present, there sire few who care to sm t tt y f • teceIte.' , i," • 41$1,44-4,44460 ait'o; 4k4 wue1171"ss.'15 lAddiami rZ.ILt.v f '''';43 Lowor 0,74iforstianirz; erre &el 0.486 • - wo Neverthekuts, 'imiitedenc",144.11c4, , iu , wi y, and loud ottouguci eutoing itusi-ia 'flouter its territotiri were ittoes1 She know* *leas sitil the shop- f to 1141ilit'tilloRiI'' chis 4 Tin1141t;, ADA tOrPOr have possessed the mak tos„ and illsas kslim and ,• - t•4 - place of the wild activity and -*so *se$ shis boss of svitry bar. ' .„: I•iA0 ra*,,,4 • '5'), martial import:Lora of a time nnw fialo, though every ortuob is pre- A ;ilutet tre4trqab!, fitore4 tilts bitharl'1410 "d' /101),cy a i•1 traz,c,ort, tro 4y3(01 ?lin 'pared for the'hafuling that iko elute ''"""'"`""li"vlat isgluldkr, surLfd Tr ..14. r‘4.-,q4e3.,:f. i-,,,,,-,;:44 ),.it.7.14i; 1,71$741:1.,,,,moiites thirty yoara iu the past. The Euglishunu careii little for the to ensue. AJI the -nviessaries of t'ttatft-',";t0L2cref,,‘I‘tratt 1,140ar ' e,, 115 1E IAA& iu t,h, . present, °though to lhe kitten are spread out on : wire.; iii,,:aerktivo! pai'i4:1,,,t, al% t'ilirtii`Iti;471. 16:" a all ' Issu• Irk' Unglitud it is a spot of hallowed browu mato, owl 43 all of the ' ell ro4,7411. oisloPalw ,t1,4. Ili thiou .‘,c;ou ....11- it!, i.,PqrlfreT2-4t177.4'pr , ulte, there is -i• 4 b Lc, Ek4ailif r-ctv ISELL-1, _IttiamAtr awl Labe awes& • !-t CE7( h tic U.3,.••se•.•,-) $10 Sg 14 AO 4i • olattavadv • M maxasaamiar by jIAL Oa memories of sadness arid heroism, shops opii.-. °ud close together of trietuories of fams aud glory gained', of t1t speudiog of pries- , ,,,;0•0 1, weiri'tpauafoure.ity :loll is over, tha . ,. • .„, „ liver owl) it. _ , ,,,,,. :,'''' : , ,-04$04 ito Vitor''ktariA 444ft.I''', 12(*!"i•rlitsti ' less hIciod an youfig life to very 7 4 WrOUIVOTImarketing u altercouese,,- the s-Okmmerie 1 , orooseu! „ !rhe ..4,0' the mai to her;I, re .1'1,1-44), ,u!liekl+,,, !1 chri, pith 22161t :. tzeti,t,4, soioticapkit'lligajatt if, 2 UP the a hoinite : Twitilitellilitii:vlefiZliLlel:; iliik" 4361101:71/.' .461044V;I'll:icAttrl.agi aria:4'A° iz7il. "4: : or opens on the - r little purl:lose. ,„„„Thnseb alar has housewife is a ay ge.eare forth& historic Tauris th street And. into a long hall, in firit9,,A.,1:4,,,,14.,3alittt 4 darlitiessi the` h�. of theBey-3/4 limas, the lingdolik, of Wth ' to,,, all :prtiot ci,";' livif, ',.!l.l,C1.21,t, _. ..,",6,.) , -: ' .. f.uolt:1Q., i.i. WiTtral .atigalifitriol! liiele,thelreati,--hfaki 0 jiff _ es,etus nr geraniumitis %°T,Iti' pots I) i i.:. 1 (51WA/"44E44 7-,1e1..,.. ": '' :4; 4r46 ch'rd'iin I"v300,164. ii 4114 • ' - ; ii 42 the Great, tiaO, 4egionievrel; - which ere usually' 0 in ,,. 0 roouri 1 ___ ,,,. „ . , ,., ,,,,. 1 , 4tic forilepotodueyoti.rA;71% giiii Ithpfi SWeipt With ofh6coni Petri': 4) 1 ' ' - .:‘ ,. , .-71.- - "i -,>7 -PI; ,_51.,,ift, . %.[ iiveindtileniede- 401,4-,91$Clic4 tr. The modorii %toil u tu carpetea, , nituost , ufuruished j 11i$' 110)beek or el t -1-• ' !'"-- w-3 u el her sidenifOpered, Of Alitut ot Sobitetepoi ,.. tui oyes sire dOnhle int .• .,.,i, e 10( owa .r s ttiv„, - v.- 4Pt.' VOA tii*Id > , .“. , • :''..--'. '..„.,.4....1. Eiih* qg t 's4141,.. 103; 10-1-; the Page of Duir.iliti,i sedranns,, Tile wrinriliollo* cl, • ' 1 ' ' - -t .., , . contain 1,14_1, n' ,I.,,f, . t/ ale,. tince .. ci, par r out the .*• • cate flitted ta ke , )1 . . 14-31433.b4dt0; 1;64; 1 ' '9! r"-0/ge ' : • 31--r -1-• • but the thimobt of• 1 ...ft_ L. Plieliis;':ilei!;r.;r4,4;41:aio:;:;01:r .,.cwitElti,'0','-it**er‘l..44'lli:igli:v!fn:roihlifilr'ir'-').:111:iti :tligIE2'A''kfl,.;Suir:;is.p'iiill',43ok's*4 ktir':0,I;_ nt ; .,,,..... , --------_ 4 Dr Palo Alto rather th ' t a heatin 'EtPii' ' ‘11§ " 11 w. ' 1 ' 1 ' ' --' ---- 0 harlifit,' lb- '...h/ ere la tt cePtiO1Crocrif, •• I-, P,aei0,1v .,n. ',; fi ,..1)- -2f:..TP hltial„, f t kallaOrkalitt 4. " tIkt a uutriuii i,•,. : Iiiheatoor - ' he. i3O: ,- the „fol. lilltialry 41i'viri7ir*T'''i.'i.("Iftl"4.44at.'14"44'; P14."4C-f-.)111k,,44.r4;S:A.4. , , . t litiott•,,,,,40„'keei'S'crA,;.;4(411ut -• /ohm iii•st Vary ,,,i1r09.413: ,to4 ' it pitki,,,,p,,, '„ • kth,:c1c1,7a140.4 iti, .11 4,04".:ta r:-'1 till'71reii;;;ii-‘ft?4441C4,06101, t lie6.ts,„„,., a7 was tii4adio; it . ,b-routilE. oout, 'it Chickaiii ' ,t`" deizt'i7ii.gr 1;4' il,.4A4*-... ,44.00 , ; 11'4-34,1."'11; 1,)1,34.k,AMAti!,i,,' s ft 4 gtkitiVi4- °ilteok out it sh4oh; sofa, 1EN-14 L , xti 047,1, „g, found out plith , ',011,,,ehir.4., 7 =Ia.' just a, doz 2 ,, ' 11,3a: 108°04101dt. , '.1-. ' ill.i.44'1. 4titi, nrisabffo'IA;- wf,g :7,..441"416111"Ali1/24' 1, ....L. , prieet in ,ober ., er. 4,,..1, ,-, !, '. a „taw() ir 1 $) 1' ' *est Hou 0 , fiif46.,:,,, ;can ehnreh ' 1:11irb60: 't;tihr•F'iurit ,. '111 ilt 8:141114:7144 , u; eout6 di. g way .61471.1 ,,..4 id ,.t, n . ''...k'' ho, „ .et.s. $•ritil t:pito,;70;,,, r. .17.7 ,1:41,11rra.;:rict,t.,, ,‘ - tif. • ••1,,,-1,P c . ,, ' r I rer, a t, t. .31,1a, t. 1J1034.4qui..-.1Aerie goi4 . -14, Tttvle. :til'' '4' Zt•r....7,744,3:*6. '• . 4/' . ;. 0 414' ether that .r:Poit..,n03)tiie";:iii ..41'.: neater kar`x , , ,,, °1tPt tlitillAl. list .011"0 ., , 0 . 0 ,„ &watt Plibi„:00orit7 ill. 1 ' ''''.... '.. ' i •.• I , 1 i $1:14,01d Medichliiiiiik 4 , U011ii• • • areseetrnuzi•-•`-'1---Hielesa- Weesait. ea 400 Alma ter " e "4 10104, - •10014001.111b0110011011410,100 1P400014111111114pi • se 4impitaliti\aud :siiidaitoo i:,•:.).....,.• ,eikon,Ai;housohogi, iousist„ .} ....*oraiiiao is, ,haviog,a43:itisassentr'.• iot 7" tug A a tuditigtviii ', sorting .P4P0041*4*,,,i4 440,-posli ithook,00liti,. ortelt,;.:•..-.•-••,dra, .quarterof . austri, ' ;•,. , (. • . e'.e. - altatI4rgalle'ak atiallriliY Or th10‘!...4,r4641.4: tttry iiii..h1O.4.,.:=Ciett tharei:. and lOOks' 111,1:1,:a'?1,1)4t; :=*-1!-;:k"':itcl:'-• I., -14144 ,,„"**'4e*4*'''*I'''''14°- ake,,,,i:::litotelibio Aro), beardia,. 4.---;,.. ' -74..::,..' ..4,;'.4',,ca_tirAing ,"00ittitutoy. 14 :-,;,"1117#001:41414tilIg et olefieordee tit' hrtilvti,i;"..`, , All around. iabout : "*" -m * • ,_4- r 4404.•itii .14140404.iii. -*lick,. ,,,s0.0%the.,,._4104141:::,: , If '10.a hahe Jot =iv datoordea. 144-. Orlsoi40oniiiefitriSod I ,,„ t Meot14. Pit tha .' Otiiililikie Ara a . .;.-,,r - sr WhOliiiiithiaagilagk .,,,, '7,-,, .-040,4t-Orrei.1-1141401.160.1. , S.rittltra.otinany:iiatiOiiihOrit'f.ii Vi .,, i•,: -'::t.- 441.011,* •. it' -•.Orliews="- •, of thitei,,ert's: .,., taliimo0 01) 4h- '0111' wer *r� lt-pers- for thi4rir64* Irillua.,. sPrrofruinto.0, . ri.,004,!- : ,....•:.114, •:-. „,;:* ,: ' -c 4 'it ,ji-Sta • 4 ' ' ' ' tilt,' It- " • ••,•-•."-- r, -I, ' talliggati00,1,' - led 7 tO,!, tat ". 014, SU ..-.- MU - . "'' . ' .you Irtiasi;-: xiiere art.- p sni - ait- •:•-• ' ''--'-' - "' - - • - • -••, • - e. oct et tat. -$ , : 4 ermAlla, 1444 •4'.. 4411W,-;lif ail' 'sir; hut no cradle ' or sob, ..1,000144 74.0p471,i-. *:' :•(", ' A . ,41100413,itti,,j4:04:Of the, ..: ..„ .. )197frfrif Pl thO ... hafIll;.• PlitlOii). lhitaihaektih'iiiklre- ' ' .... , ,,,,, ..„11#4-4.,,,i`j:4111*4-#011,14*1141. i.. -0-3/4i •1;01,4104irdeulli': -1110-140-1thatu tion,,,,,iitlye-r)dmie '..... A'-;---, , ";ti; 111,0::' ''..''' teorsitroliOtably Irgre...- '.' The din., will ittor.SSO,', S't*,,- -,:-.-Thore,';iive::.,A*t,,,,,figliki.,-:i40".'-htifootiett.thit$1.....k4ilte,,;4-44:4/tis • tit' ' . Wk.:..;., 6ta'' otojitir*„ .- ,itiliii:-0014,„,...."#.; jo"- 0-0 of. oh* table forthe,family °ell'. °111Y ilizint't°114111 : 44 "Wr PI!'' theif art severed .littla'..firiell- • 4J'klisibie..,4,ni 74,:iliii.ktli:,,Sr ' •rri . gl/Oi'6' Lisittop,iii I. -• It ruin.. *heti: 12011111411Wifif Ikeeini--iverone,s- TItoi-ouiiiiiiiiiii.liii 4,,,iii•44,405-s ,i'. -:c 144 - Ali --$.:1,10 [:)ortance. .. 4,./f these the : •Arat•• Jeteixteo. wee fele meth_ .inititiii, if "riaditillteitlki, ,:jgettil 4. -':`" ' 4 Itnalin -is- isbastOPor . ' lut 840* VW, It 0 0 ' ' . 6 • ' ''..11:;:!2fil. ;":4i1hYitZ,!414441; ' .117''' ' aoarly• ill -the buil. larat tat .pec , . \\\ s nrici.invielvieee. **ever sue Tito #11.."4010,640-411tZ, tSPittifen or LEM Tba ,•.%%4VI)it eamosttour. opetiamer$ oe`tes • tam. Smittiteff, xximirrir r• stkiviera Wee61,iel4 ttylesopeeeseity, sit a, swot talt aittrrartastatec jaa' boa • ,„..? „.• ••,,••*.re seadl. sti***41111 . to atOgiMittio *mg; la *II 011101114 bits thusalaititt ; rOt ,iiks`y",;„ 641-.4; 'rouses Unrip41ot "with 1 a attests *014140hy gaunt- 1101u *1 ettiriingeurs„ with ifs pot414 lous grayoyarda SOW/1 yrith 1-4,11. ark , • who :14,10,0to •:Attli ,, vetoer tinitit ,itriit'be'atintcoda. briditliojt ,, 4 . iafl, bug. 'fled ibis"' ale tenveIi be $ )33:14"latirldf. soup.. 4'liftertboltinia6.4,70:144.:I'Aa4r0Iirtt%lervitaililtail me . :takes *wal1r. at. .to.beill4d-S.re 00200k iibate-/11,6:40. - • 'Yll . the latest -fashions; Abia intre ..bil§-aeikyiyoe04,40,a6k. atish htte tr„. arrive. At- tioatlifiltn' 1A,eutiol-6.4„0',10,_WO:10,7111.4 isa4 • 9f '.4.ithSt ',law* ';*4 j '..8-_ Xertlib ate 00. h•-,arf tri. fit her'oil_t' 6ittarsibeuriafi....-.*.ii,•:icii,\ ":0 -,'.1,1riettiiii • . t„ tralag ' . •kon • 7 ot mosly, atia reu ereber VOW gette tlio",Pni ideti :.-... , ' 1piiiierilire'.'it Oie lantriaa, Of tride.-,or ',' Ilia. weird _.• loretiti:,70f,the bkok•4",r4g. our and. eoquattioh. • Gloves from, ovaiii*saa 36.!,,,,,dec qt4-444 foilai,„„ i •Paris 'Weir Irani Peroinier ar4 v01.34,41141 thowiradraidiri),,4,, LOV.sh..h4.r, , eirolint4.0701EMad.. ''' a ' ' . 7 ' _ .P.diviri. Batt •411414 Costume -neat .It 11iyi4g'-e4Amt-'4?ii.l."114:'.;! 4.:-,,, IteiSoltielbo- obigi' t'ill nelfis-; aid itylieh:: inedinPhy .thodeft . talfaigSZ14.-54i4k4iwii4ref.;714ittiair4 , 2 ga4.. a tom* *.oltli. the oldOit.: hiotory...tbe Ahlgettt. , ,,ot ti o &monk*, and , alog,, '1/4.410...v00a..4141*.t.W.Ppp...-. 1/6144 butit -11tr4"11;t11"tut 11;7 stitched .. nattily ..onra: shiget, „Ili-, leave hera hpAttrittirt IN tftit, '4„.,,t,1:,•tor.a,t, )1,\ G.thamit i Sid4rablo pretensions; TOXerteh ..4„.1 tr .. , iri,siti, em Whitney.. w ` .A. cl. 'tv Wo:: Walt '.; fromo; Sebastopar„.,' ',.ftrod . 7 '7' .±? .' ./".r.'!, 7 •,. .,,77.-..,-,7.,:!.. ''.r, ..C., :87 ' wi11•Probahl ' tit .i. 1`. i? •'0,vet.ftP V-' 0.,,. pelt. . '. ,..--- . : . - , ,, - „.•-• .'6rOtary., 4 it/04.:VOW '" i' ltOrky .• ',,, t1.413re. WO . lig r or ges . par ,.,-., Itt ...,Itsv,,,-iiiiiciiiii .badattra 1116tilagr• forit,511i01 ; '. 100•00101. '• igti,VOI 011, illii. voi iliuninitofitlith- i 1 tr h ' Alisishuit: ,'404414 •• - •.,-- • • • ,.,zet. - tr 440M,kuliA ,brretem derris,a, artle1047olje-tnatt If Ito #g•sewe'ntourse*,..,1111.4,:k"" ,pur *••• APT * ••••• , 4.411.• a t,‘0,10110 310 oin be II should. ook to mouth. xs, • the rttkbill 011 42% • Iftite *Wares* nor 8113 Oxfam, OS: Peekwietit Itisjatopeolets144Pet b4r114PtIti.% 1),;, -pun riilritas ITill,,-tin ' at-. Our fee( the..;,1011her COnstitut mra ,,,-, .or.:,t ers s and•y.tas.at, "::: ..„.3•144,4. t44.-.Tr.c..41skroxfo ii -44q...,; ... ik*,0100:,, k,. arbor,set ;around abatit with the' .'11-10O,ilitsiikr4i.attirriiellli.YiliOliiia vtotadest t • , ' - ..::_uW. . nittioir., ' • - I' . . , , . , 0 .,••, „.„ , hons4 nf., the oolitioyi little euy*•,;=_Aiivi.y.0 ,roile":-Iongt. withuts..' 4111;4 opim '1011141441i'oi• •t,f,li[4:411,. ',. ••!, • ,,. ...:•:., „..,, . . `.; n the reei arolooto:liogot ioutic, iitial !..cjitti.; it& iiini,otiiu-lartilly -„olitari:eki4310.040eiat af*,16. an k:,,. 1,,,i,r#40)0:48e,IGO0.4,t4itr.'. ....,... i. • , _, it'll:0, '_ ' i Ifi,11-4":11fcliatittt tniiii6:.::;.-4,::,31rj liti!tett:Sti'1:1).istt1:77.:' Tiielt:'!:14-tbilli. ifiinttltettttjl;'a67iiiiitt;11!;ti:'(:'' '!1. " ' ''''' L. '''.'''f.°D9li'4''' .---''''''' , „ - ..,...,_.,,- • ,: _. ,,,-• ,.,.....,. - • • • .„..,„, " a 011iar.' '1116- 'S'itY:01$10:',-hitaii'hilt ..rartoikr,f. ' passes - ita-afterno.aus'• ' *44 'ut''rtl t4°: 1 11.' ''i4-ilit'lie(l'a8 , ih Wrt, . 3114 4,X.(1411,--34$01.4,t',Ouoispo,;.1)-ti;,,,.)' -, . 4tii00404th I it ', .. *aide *tut 414'; b4th. .,.•:lia-,13.10 and *WO t,i..74."1F.7..,-.. IwctA!°..17.,...'''' "0'.,'' ..' - .$.4..1-,Q..1'....,.A04.1* iPORTo:00614•44,4:411$* a*--: forAutkfultriest- ae Mit.TOlit'biei OU0 ituOitir.:,0Yirtr ,0110 ,.1140r1k0na$• ''7t;e'e"77 'fy`ttliZtit"liVITir4 40,3;7g, e,', - b811, 401T. large, quantitieLotpift.. , so 440 sdoe.iclikes, . largetot , , * xe os aim .14. „Of thri:intterti10,14404gritil# 41111 - lloryand other antique rubbish, ei "party. Both s k t t)itit p the hill goett aimed,* .0tair..,, ' flirt; and 0817 SaribP Ths 1111.S' ell 114 ii' 4'tt:' ti4Y1 t Poky of motor mg arbles: *veil -ad ' siait :slatightoirs.,. of , .tlre, wealth , coming 610 0001400w 'of Alie'4,g• ' erabstits slid officers, riot, itt: ' where the 13:7eork la tet=e4lotitilheuT -. ic; , r4i tars0,1'111V:erw. W*tt,i1CiOtdi*),i:;011411111'.:''4i1 iiitaikair ilt '; ' 4 tith"L"4 *4” , •,, •.,. , . ' 0 retort 4v0,tieueidg.:Iii af:11;4:f1;t:":,1111: !, itiiiia;fionses, surrounding rt; arid . --ettsk,- or.inis boodesarittie ' it' drive the order ;tit ekppoeQiiihr.ili-4(work wilt -JEAsertor III acacia actritte-leadisitiorawegd. '111111S411:as AI Pr0.0100$404 ° ' ill the , lieblithiiivtie Wien ' I '''" loilie bazasr, thi mirror of 'Ori.. s'fiainit thei iiimist ' alia inilitakf. r:11.4 .." nem life.' . ;, ' • ' ' ,' ' k ofiestatiOnla Odti and theib is an '44)11114"1" ' V*2°°4t-144° 165/etill ' "11-!-' - oh et( at ta is te mat .. v ThilibAzaiiii.110t, Iltiiik6 thole aajournittiait to th baltionies and'ialeans--440.a.litt'.:64t, -!7,tia-riasILly 7411illi - -,-,---.---;,_ if at/ other Oriental cities -4 eol- vaandadlo ...or to , the Crain ' uterudniOliiilt9t,ifp(i.7.1uouul'ol‘t "str"ir'Oi'4,!1;:a9t441.4rsii.rvil'llii. i • :Stift at roofed Iteiht ju which ;soder% for hall.,0 *upper. ' ita 1 ,0110164 Orionis '`cgii ilitlini, 4,:fp.>•411 .,. I DALrEY wet. Of the buying, auct telliag at 2 orelosk In 'the tddtaidg the 1160011 until the toettir lifobc'6 drocalbt iv. tit: " VA/C.1w !NI, , c:11§1, ik '.':'C'', '. •,Mita•ptool:- i. the (WWI* et.the4Pc0iia -deallneli .o, - Letown is done. The palmate ' •houres.offinggThe ofneersie trOr, 24tentkotref Vinvoit, ,wf/k2 Top.224 • .. ' „ ire the markstriien aria market,. aria as the)* go- back to thelhr- cOestio11$14tobirtibmfAittlearc4 111) ' ' ''' '.‘ ' ' , tees and gun shit. they Ong tor 0 Isil) -• • ,tIev ;L to Ott Mut rortrutitt Vett eli-all Mai% 40E60 VOX t-bartatia. They Ira vomeul the former long.bairet pink alibied") the lattetIOT &art petticoats) and:brogarip., Ivan!" and "Aa, kfaeha V* are the words of gre&P, nn;: thoi itiodvidio ,now, hciie sert4tenprec4ditle.,,tbm ram daybreak with the rations tik, rag. wiliV"Aolt 4 t yof the. lialtehirvod vagrant logo. gr tJwli*l JZ - jt , to.o,k boo 4:0, Baitutva it 10S 1L00141c4,1, '4/11' ' 011111' Yo cquoa %y011041.t fiebastopol,, and went dime .un74"r8.4t'''14'1°' 44'-/"U1141°.6.'",16441'.--;": 11 the busy hors. emues fueitir'; Antietam fir GattYaburi iiiwr and leave the city to tali I recry4r14 4jti p .4 4' • 41'}- g� rho •!.•n",r . ti6.;11•1.11,..oft,iAAtittit. . „ . fi war' therajoottd„.tnneett !tiiirei -ninth 'the /MUM OTJCi gorig doc,14106•*".-iittiViC.' t..d '4 '44`st; T111) ab' Le- :11b4'''3:191iT'41 ktov0- • " 1,1,0 (luta. V/fLI.:, CURE OR REIJILV$ 0. ti1,041,5140$V--:- , - _ IniSPEP31,it ,OROFOrs. • ilGE8TIOaiffreitimi •$144(11‘010L ' OF 1111116'41 -1,titystm ,5A1.7 INE •71111 MilfACH ,ILEARY1 EXtflOALIst; 1#1rmesi tslItitwAttY titert.' ageism rile eip1W4riliaisescone. liverCif '4IsioX•DipososuieeleOgeislero,-81A‘' • es: Cohltio.Oart Throitt'coughil 110.1121111111144,4116.wo H C. A 14 141 I iOW Li L. 4124,3it 100 ZR4* Aft pasobet **be Cables Shalt • t p ettel,pai ohs Ike Statiiiich, SzTA. iXTZIIKALLt. ow*. ekes, Book", Cale„ thou* ltSili't9161:1t:Ittli5gisl'Istr,igiTisr414111141'Sw. P**:s * •(*: 000*Tbe.14.1N-K,ItLER, 144 eds4(Tirlratersthomortt the ,• oft= tiollesse et ?ream So tiktherimi,20,14001e ..,rortitss. is s sow% solo. 101‘,41 .‘• A I I I II I • ' i• wi's'o* 44,14, 11.7•44•-'4. 47'4 ''', _ ) ,,,. ,,...`r!••••,'•.'A . z -, at",oeitatziftk , L.r)ctre) cr tf,..,,,,le.,:..!:•tillt?7t.....; . ,, 1 4:44' .* .. . iii4 Ivan 404 mach& bave tt$0411 townla a* dirty as it eith-lis) mid 57' ' t'ii - qo, litig,,t3 teto.-6 '444 l' • , - , ' Intl fAltitt.444-V f4k '''‘,; -n. 1"...4t1-104, rfit.1 11-3,0.1", rf• ',"" .1,Vr l',.. . ''' ,.•,...r. '1,41:PK•tp , I ,*.,„,,,,t ..:..'f,,'....,.F,1„9 I16' ' .,..... _ ,,,, ,, . - . . . 0„h tbeir ui„ a backs v6011 smtsagooti elYIR liover'r-iis,v4 $.4i;;;:rm ''ir•--p,t,,,/,'''''-'1!-* "i--44InttefoTt.•,!7,1,444:119'9':','.40-gfzA; . otii,li 4 t„),'.t..1.„,:, '1 „., , eaves an ..ih. i ... t ""- . 0.0.1..44„.:4111;,,• ,4rel4olt'Airr•a,-,•? , '430111148' with , tt° loud shrill •.. AzOrfietil.s 1", found. thtv. laboring 1, ,_ — , - .04.. - - . — i 1 c:.,,..„, ..J., „--$:. -,..-...,...,,, . ) , ..' 5.; , ‘,..,.'?'''.n'ir'e•-----1..'''-"'-‘,--'- :. drrri Iv. ', 4.,-f.:, il* 4 re$rfoo ,', Lit -1' 41,1 3 *VI; t*‘.41-,'"keitll ti.fid.o. All day loug this bs .alt .6/1;ri. 011 tbe way back through tlie,'er bc.$51i ,!=ttlidtiot„' ' ry.: .-, -x..-'I-1. ''r''''- ---F4';.),;''' f"- "4;zua, -.''r:', 10 0j000.4f bob sou., itith bitta _ Savo ioie. uncertan, end waste- 1 i,* • •• , • - o — -, • '•••., 7' b ' '" 4•:. ;' . ‘?."!,"-'.1:''''''r' '' ''''.. ."1 4314 " "SI ! ,41:441.t1°,1:1.'llf i :4 ;113 IliAehou:111 I 1%41.01.11,110Cfr riKtar .:0• OU . r.i.;.., ,Mt. !P . ..., •• ren, 4, ;4, It 1 1 • .4 ' ' ' a" '.; 1 '''' t''' Oft it, k. fi Int:14180R ,i 04144.11 "I*1k. .. '(3, 4 s."` , '''"rtAr ''''t..o,ii ' ' ''',;:is ""4;457$ .1.1 ftthe, rink an ()emotionl flatti , -1:140, hut sbiaiiit sic iritlrigent* 46 I e• I bil • :kifttml '1;), • 41)i4s 4.,) ill i. 1 , 1,!*',..f ,I, •,,fo,,,, * to,x.olk,„444.!,-. , -- - # - . - s _. 1 ,r1i$4r211 /..4 4 bright lite,,i. „ In aiiiguiboj:41110uh inveterately. intmprte. ; f4itrh,4,-;ete )1vo ii -t. Cyr, A. . ,*o:: itt ,.*itr* lt-41itN,,Aye,;:oV.,;"..c*.•orslolint',4 1111,1:4;4,104,4* ' i ki./..,17' 4.X>400 1:Q4(4611411ft - -TRC 11(04 lifil 1^ , , - aka Mao 4. I* *ay rokrt•Ata. aufairriht Vpolr*tre, * (mom Moen, 0 *b* tougebebo. Irtioteu ones awitke autt uaitge -MAT .11krit. peoro issiskti s'!$4ira it ii44 Illaa* tte coroi 14* cik Pn.4414> h1t1•4 t•• soy k•ae lome, poly to 110r** baok on the . 14414 nfd. aria iussabe. this. .#10, ifts"011 OPiTow with more feg•toiles, rub Kid bai her many issiserable pre. thitth** est*ttb • k brist offirragru'Aafoirettbn; ,Liroithtttilatin cicv„isits: ;T...t-;ggw04;1'*741 our estitury natioWill light over ":"141' under 'ht T0,,„•. * bwh 401- vgrs• 11* .• 4641 inof•-n••tr:toolit.f• irate!, ••••,ei, r'.41 li Po: tt AO llotge. 'the 01041141044 of Ontetoes, bow A, .7,00,mv,11e1,,,,h,-014: st •••.r,,..t.,,.., t 1.,,,? -1,,-. . An *lie yet ear)! inorujoit, hit it does seen! as if a 'war o-er ewte - F.reilt 0 ( / 0 C. •.„ • 41. 0)2 2,1°4 Vereta OrkA/.41, 'tfo.orT Itolooti tic* or tgk , 117v.a. , r 41,14%0164 rAIVAifienlical, t•••4"Teleld 1 To sks•bsasss aomeg the144. ,•41144 N. ROO .ormrrtiters • ) •• IF jiPIF-7; s 2;•I • • ct1 „. • • ,r.;; •../ •,(- itollo.,,40 • le, 4 toile • %Noes* • ovodloimilliZer • (.) $ 41