The Goderich Star, 1885-04-24, Page 7T1lit Gt./MAIM irtAllis AMAX& APRIL 24 t•• II I 'I 1 I • 1 1 Mine MUM - utiles in width from west ig usaLtrarlitiong *nab • et Abel is ,bere ;, jkl°41441t------1111 *iv su1Umetins"--1,60,1 progelpd Sid Until 111604111, 711OX &10 sup" that of iv Cita shoji sA Oftl•Ili Atomism Atakaamstios tertamelat. Va. italevett, Imo Wily ilorssiolod to Wo- lk* Ilhasadiaryareararlapilairmr. & large if net &AN popu; MUM • "WheLlisr or not the imhrolitr?`0 rats easth-ractrals aftti iter .5)4 .0314.T be`1141.1.11 JX ot formed by promos( Buiretk, of mask Gleverairtoet aa latwooties aareesi al a Hon, as is nail/gad by sumer- Sit SIbirr4 this point. st at baud rssairhshis sersoild %Worn loroky pa- gf the greet EirrePenn •Powere. .u! ruins of vills.ges and cities, oat or dams. a very primitive, a the meellstreet of Alftlpouel.ell "WU 1 of these have been 4intirely &ban- wattles &1111 4imribk threw* thitiellee rnendertal to UM, esmoiated in the of whish reatooal of podia* 4410 human Mow - bag* any more, serious result, doned through the terrible rRad by the Hari- . y mean substantial and permanent bone- of the fierce Turkomans of Mery the inhabitentai of thalow valves sobinvolving sularly eimpthira of Igo fit will remain, rn the shape of and the 01114 who, Oettle hut to received their water - supply for onti*s-and, sinkage to say, the patient important contribution! to the plunder, to matsacre, and to carry irrigation and othtr purposes. All crioorored---the eoly iseeassful opinatioa ge(yraphy of ,regions in Central lute Slavery man, 'yawl and cultivation of the soil in this a **kW Performed« The Oisesio for 7 10 /Kali IL- tlie v • die lotto:11N, Kidti011i 44-41 Vittr. car.ty* et go, vsi4}toat wtAiititing If if; *3•0**, v•;it iitit 30- of the _ tlet. N2ZI:e Lt::,.t.• cart The more 109/neefal logien ia•done by thesitid, of irri- *Wilt this operatioa '*1performed vies the StOrtutClia64,4-4-4 ASte, heretofore almost unknown- obildren. • Ilappily the British section of tho tribti of solor •Toi, ,ourms, ., aratoorOftlaestornsoli, attended. with tho ' kjcs.,artinirit., • •ceitatipaties. itea chess t gonaMission APPoilabil bY however, es occupiin 4:tart the Returning ta-, thn valley of the following symptoms: The 'polite is LLOWAY.'S PI LIS l'-,,7,MC-).%3- *Of On Skin. krojeatnittle., England and Ttusein. for the de- -teeter or northern part of the Aftirghib, the only plase here de- quite poor. There is th poouliar lodes, pf, r.,ot,ViSi'.11,4,sA Aloe. mut wet limitatimi of the Busso-Afghan strip. back from Baraklis.`and the mending special attention, ie colhahlet distress in the atoms.eli, 14 &at* and the frontiers of northern ana ago, A° . region -about 1,'enjdoli.° and`r:1-wher_e gni recent fight oc- . .010 sx, tyrot memipsaiii by au au. ott4.04:464:18.X1tai, trifrilittal 410'4.4: i eJ «otiott100 ^ 11t4OODErrnats- , gample tattles 10c i Beirolsrlbe St« eolloets *bout tho teeth, aspechilly in east_e_rn Persia. - - .011 this horse- Boroo,districts, _nevartheless„ are muted., . , . back ride of nearly ft„ thoneala still so lir fit Wiklerness ttairgamir 'This 18 411abau4onea andruined PINIMUlt tut& --reed gells ilk It", Ude VIVRA, Ertaxacit. XIDNRYS _ - * ref -sat' 4 .iii dram bailee-- the intelligent eyes- and is found- in'thent in ° great ab Town, evidently once a fionut im. facitt4P faint Seiettoe 5 W. on the aoirowitai.411kAtitir. toptreved vtga : ..1.;""11*"1". "i-iri ',boundary moved p I to rc Peaideh, which has figureklarge- let tlult- ha! bon fraCribeti a* nt This Great Itensehe Kedichterank awl -010Y uther 4114""` tkrtod141* Flatseriag Vaveeenees and 044,04 istailionveue by way Of Teheran driven out of Mery many years ly of late in the foreign dispatches, Dalt , J414 settatten etfelt7 °Mlle *InOngfft tbe Leading MM.*. Err *.\, :TIlfta4.-1i4rel 1 to the byr* indtWOO* 10 *et Id The eu,d7 pencils of the- sta of Sirl reter lAtnusden emsi of tht. eer- respondents of the London Diu& -tinted Nevis ttccompanying were actively at work, Audis their *outgo traversed in pltrt Tegi011 perhaps /4011,0t before 'visited by a Frank traveller, their observa- tions and pictorial sketches litiO4 Oefie unusual interest. The map of the Aleputed territory:east of the famous Persian, province of Ahorassan'aireadyneodsthorougb • ;construction in the of their discoveries, and loony of the factO ,. disclosed have. important relation ' ,to the pending questions between Russia and. Itngland, awl. to the gigantic? struggle that, WV he corning. From the narra,t'ives so ancei as partridgett, Snettli 4eer, boars mid asses,' nod other animals' and.'hirds.,' The WhOre- region, !lite, most very 'auelout eats of empire, . is almost ices, and in parts, ` Witterlegis though the -fluid,. so. precloutt in. eastern countries, may generally he had; a short distance below the surface. Little of - it is ittniiir &Sort., but, Much ot, it is reeky or etherWlea-bargeot-ettePt the: river valloyS.- In:the interior two ranges pf moderate height, one of them with many, rocky peake,con, neat tho Elbury mountains of Parf$104. with the loftier heights of Afghanistan. The country Ii0A- 1300SeS• iniportantStrategic sAlvent- ageS, OA the Vailer$ with the far published, and te,40910 _extent , pritish :•corenusefOn 4peri4 . the for6„.other neurooe, the.following holding of it ihnolutely neee-spary suraraarY has been made- -up for to the defense of flout and, the erlean,roaders-; , , , 1)010411J security Of Afghanistan: The traetinvolved. in the boand- ; ,Any largo hotly 91 troops moving try-inaptite ; mainly between 'though it ireni north to eolith, the two streams called the 1:Urit." however, ratiskkeep xnainly to the 'valley'.`a. the , or • the Morgilab, frona.defieloncy of water and other .4ifactilties -of the in- janz'ors-041x;,',7At the'forMerriver- _the' -Mere steppetliire oonntry droPo'down...,in blufta ,to 260 feet • high4 :which, have natural, Passes at very :low --points, al., though the skill of military; engi- neers could seen-. '0°n:others.., One of these; ; the Zolligar Neu; On the cast side of: the'Reri-BUk has,. recently been, oceupiedalse - the position at, Alt itohat-7,t1.s ad- -vanced. pos.* of: the us, siAns,.. The. forinef is 120-. mies from Bora% and the. other is the • Thirty miles- the valley or north, -1)ut,i-Ichattitn, the position which_ has jumped into :Seddon faoas as the principal ,Rus; Sian outpost .toward Afghanistan. Itia,not at all a *Wage, much less 4 41) hAt InerelY thej 11m1,- or river of:Herat, and the lantgliab,:„. •.,the = river of Mort - each naitod, freni the cliicf cities on ite banks. Both:flew-in coiirSeS .general parallelism from the, otintainaof Afghanistan to the • westward:, anduert.Eward. until - lost in the sands of the.Ilyrkan. fan Steppe. or lthivan desert', ',The- .' risieS in the .highlandS .0Mazara, and for. tnany miles rune nearly doe west bet,iveon the, ranges, of the 5,41e3rd..KOh; 14r, : - White. 'Afonntnies, and Abe, Siali- bell:I...we-Stern extensions of the , great ,flindoo ,Xoesla. ..Soon after passinglIerat it 'Uncle the northeaStwaid, and near taishan-Stile-..--within the Afghan, boundary':by, all the the northward, „Frorn the latter, point it-formsThe dst ernlimit ,of Persia to qarala10-t where it sibled into: the earth, reaptreaz further on antleit-; a atairoaildisatlrreeeratusadad ** at:Ver faIT portanee. But up and down the contrarb $PPlors to' Alts river Talley hereabout' for a feeling. ne eyes aro itillhen, tinge* brirriatiody ha all fats** wheret the esustittt length of 20 M00% ore scattered the with yellow; the, hand* and hit boom* 'II:War e4fire'y rocgigfninni demote 131 II illinetit t ki" A touted and reed -hitt village* the gold and oticky--a cold, prospiration. ;imam otuZt mei as :h4e.13e214k.rn4 • • la) Ile* The seems feel tired oath tha d /medi in l* a . rak TurIcomaaa, of whom this, is, the shier $40./. •It is shout too milia , 4 s ap an r, c a ausunauf . _• _ _ ___enssesots. Rotel Dakota, SIP ,rtroth of Begat; absi ocon the mapu pub. 1440P Os not atiem to stive roit. After .--.-~ too. illatiaatahltgitra sad Oriftin. nailed in Ittaisli Tudie show the Afghan 1 time the Patient beoinumg liorvout en4 _uvulas** sevoirler to rwitat 11011***1, boundary, line running nineteen miles irritable, gloomy" his *4104 0104 -with- 4_ At Vas taaettif oldelly NO tz to * tot, ay.:, , ea tote years Theo* This s th* C south ot it, about, whore fa„ Lessor, the aril forebodings, When thiiiig Suddenly &faecal** tailtiallateri opiate?. Settle*** unit atia reniain. t t awnless, whistling, sensation, and lie .1"ilia%112'43 kn°111"4 tb*Inligh; 10 oso " 11,417see po$0$, tq_ tEuglish 'government the Ile r Ouverom Fremh eniOeer Itt1"1411"rvic°, Pr4" from a reoutubaitt position there * SeSrehing- and Healing rro- pRogg w lb, ppm LettuTrqle the nattie*tea out the world, - twatifrei saxpfrirtflic lands *soot* of 11 110L XP finu„..te`' et Ilarl Leftsi Eke' ut 271412 x was ed. soros- tho border neVeral- hitAgiterl to - weep aomething. month* 'Slim On .acceenat UM Rotildttny ikri4P frOttrfalling. hoW0,40' 00041. twounuoloressed-Iiirers: -1t4oarriiirein - 44111DaliMiltX•t a* Vglyt:letigtgrit, L ot 00100, : remedy. If ()Meteor ,runbee ou the ma .1Wattigitrollit, • tt;;it.471,1Aizzk. movensentwia.the 311iirgliab oue th4 loan. thr,444.'lV of which brouglif.th.a troops Of the Caw andebest, tiff salt Otto meat., it crates .tiorii hi ei ouriu to reuideb„ The older travelora, beeoraing thick and stagnant, end Thtestronclittist (.oide. and over • _ - - Astems. For iliationlit eiffleiltiora, Abscesses 7 front Abbott clownii,..alcaya mentioned 400 4"111104) 10401'1Y. - After I PlleaF1ettitati, flout. ghouniaieto, waterer.: •cAitTERs thia e.00 00 botopgle.g tn the Xbeaste thuS the patient spits up food soon kiter 34IT,IirskinPm°48'4 it4r$914317° been kW"' • of l( now under Itutssien (letninist. ‘atirg,t, smooth:0o in.ik sour and ternlimb; The V01110 and Ointment are manufacturo 04171t • ° • pafect, Afghan,;territory, isthe frontier testeo. ,Oftentimes there is s, palpitatinn s 'town of Balm Vfortzlieb, wheregir Peter 91,44 boort. ,,,na patitmt, , (046. ,t.iinuruct are Sold hr veraloto roodleire• pi zuroler flout toneirt:alid k:,t) „di*. con dump iomettraes street II t0 1,58 OXIORD' ST .itONDON eithout tho °Meted world; Wlth diree . _ • -ehtialgOa -1110 TeJeud.. by, nom* impl!es, on -the Persian ado .whielf it is known until its waters .of the - the ,lVfnecevites " 1)0nd encaraped on the other,just b4low the; ',bridge.. Thie bridge, ,however,;lias some interest from is title, tfiti.'BiirigOsif Ch.() T.,4stlY4 having been 'Witt, tradition says, bya wife of Timm, or Tamerlane, the great Asiationontteror, Tho ruirca ()fa caraVanserai. of ThnOes tinaep-atie ObSerVablb On the Per- sian Side. Hero the fowl from tho tsaered'...•-analh'jwcialthy._ city of Meshed comas clown.,the valley of &shit -Rod, but cannot cross the .,bridge from the tnmn. of the central arch, which was deetsoyed,sixty years ago and.has never Veen re. - placed, Rote some of the 'Mart.... are finally absorbed , a, desert •-marsh far to the north. 1n3he rainy. season, 1101reVer, it flows with fail flood- to •th'e end, biz% . • 111 Oralllary El te,geEi has a limited 'volume, which on be crossed any where the banks earl be r.eaelied. The Mnighab has its source in .the ancient Paraporaiims of the Greeks, the prefient White Mout- Wine of „Afghanistan, or Safeyd- Koh. It is.divided into the'Sala or upper lower" Xurghab, itt the 'village of Marchalf (the Snake MOO Penjdeb. Until -near the latter -place, its valley is rounded and Bhut in by rounded , Lunitidori,J1watitish cOrrualashaets heti hots hoot Tovardtt ibe tionator illinoitt evert Ianiroatio. , oho .ao ire wl.th tI8Mb44.2*9°Q tt.99.S.Ste4 fr„6,,,T, food whatever, as tho opening in the oulto pries Posossious who may,,itesp ' •itintodiTasiv.telitletixotilel:Trellolt4oBeinfegaarztrreteT„h,„i„ intesting5 becomes _close or imorty _ Anyrieaneounterreits for POO 'fifth WPM* A141oo.11 tilt* oigezeie is' indeed Merin, "444'. ' ' until a fair weeks utc, AuKtouptuent htst the patiet0 is Unable 10 retain alay"---` re" Tere'rrulttft3rowit 1)11- thir ToedtcrIbront3OT was the appointed pluee-of Meeang f Or in4 sufferenotith tbelibovo•eamed. sym- the joint ;eatinitimion in Soptookhot lattw rt4as should not feel nervous, for uine where SIP Peter hae et//e,* /4004 in.L.115 hundred said ninety-nine ewe out of a for On wits' Reim- •Prottr-farwistiort 1'400000a 'hive no 0alteer, but simply here, nrotected in.,eart, by tiM watprt(*. 'dyspepsia, ri-di,ease easily rom04,04 it Iferet.;tlie„reputed. ebieotive point et., befit remedl -for- .t4a clise.ase14 of the Ittfur`Ohab flo*iikoroirnd it.tt treated in 'a proper Manner. The Safest ilia Uustifan ineveibehtt is 1)014;44 city SeCurative Syrup, • a vegetable: weiltkeo(vii in &reliant astWel.t4emeaere : preparation sold , by. alt themistee- histot., ou, the rie.,bt :bank, of,41441eti- medieine vendors throughout the world, Rua, it la .414iat'oic,F. oitiina':,..iciumicire*t rt11).11%aliima 1,Avrt Iti.bitye..dltb; e ,e_;optietomt 4-..T., White._ tlie Orion .-t-'7- 17 erringtion•roik 'London, “liarliver.., 'indicating. Its, relat).011 to 2, 0. This: Syinin strgeop.a. the vppy voe'ef fmoYinoes of fOindatitin of the' disease, and delves it, the Persia of 'Cyprus arld' Darin% 41-14. ,roet and, branch, out ettlie,eVstein'. !AsliFia (1; tho , S:11,41:7 Vi4:04147$11111-117::; l'tisT:gi°17eitesillialbeer:s.0,294:114epiluourw-H881 "- "' St Idarritreet, reterboreugiy, Ninnirtosereciaont set 5poaerstbolfetstioat.hovzeuropirinigullales 101:404 yseueigoofrtithe byernue:t litivbro;',,,toebiree4 prebablY about r*0,000 inhabitants, and, ,uoit,r few doses or the syrup, ....(6044, ;.1..t*-Pirchtienriehorild- oak -to the label on the rote, poxee 1! the addretus,*491-63.3 Oxf°19 'St - they -; we- - pumus. 2 •Atek tirridactio'red :theta all the ircoditeli la& deat to a billoas rtatoetthe tristein, soot a* Div Owes, Nausea, Prowierom Distrcrs arta ratio& Varela itto131ile, ie. Wiato Weir moo reams* *leo auroras has been *Iowa la rutin, • neadoeiteactetateeetittie Liverrius atom/14i :valuable, Ju voitsupatroo, cluing ited ptevenuot, 014 ansoytn; complaint;whito Orr, reso correct allillsordero theistoraiielifiiHroultile a_12(gujitiatectbowela, Eton oar( of td tcc)"; b" tom:bled let year* with 4zilippla -,but detiveo, chief -importance. in Asiatic:pelt., • ties as. the "Gate of Xndia," holdieg the ;14,1,1,6f_i_t_d'„a,ft.21;.tibing 'kW° betties bf it ,f only, piaiitleible routii of the Fest aotess 74 Afghauland to Einclostaix, /6, is. fortified 1' etr):1,i efri Wok at tho base...and 50 feetAttettlti t„).41 :iftel,„ - • .motitlir.A;.t.whiti.:' n‘voith-rloa41)8VP:Atd°autlotnIthrrikti M 250 f SePteniber ;ark less; tosr,;as,00cVfort.ber proteetle5cl°by.ii",rp.7411,1:. 7,ziyeuip. giuxdibi increasing, All who have tried itapeak vett highly of its:Medicine! 14 thieli, supported, oy e - ,er,Tad6 ittryptioutbip if well defiqa:ed . Virtues ;‘, one '-eust oteer deSerlbes it it be al- niodorn, military Appliances. . inenso .Setne engineers think tho 6thev4'betiev.e it 444 aPee.allY Fays,reeoinniend it aikb cOlindenee, Faithfollr,lroonj» '4,edsend to dyspeptic people." , (Signed); V146.011't A Oliendst-Dentistt lonY. flow varied the range oe 'aisooiation T� Mr. A. I, 'White; Merthyr TydviL Alpert th,ehernaii Mind. Iifeniery is over )3eigers Operating rill* 'are the best. 'fond of preserving piotitrea of events but family physic that has hirer front( (lis- , eharacter such oterita roust, be:. ,covered. -.They cleanse the boatels from difforoutto, meet the peculiarities of the : saboatitto, and iott,re theta , individual.. The pleasant :re0olreetioriti * healthy conditiOrr, They cure cos, • of one Feted fall to dna a plaza- in. the. . Ot another, but one Mind the ug Fatima* relniefse CornExtraetorltrils arkjin vo )uint. P ta 4 44. Itti4.5 PobenttlY reitereo the mtoerY bY rentov., 7:1410. nittey •rfey, are the net ,sitbatitute paintegoff as genuine. WO bOttieff of Syrup Ana. "Stithee *strata! of transit iir Chlidratior&dromi liche 4ilf5t StaltIdtenl.Mitiiikiiterto tliPierilior • PatelYtb•olt cuodUcls dors not tb‘cl bk4,ouuttb • w ertaricorrt theta.willilodthreolitite . Bat Cter Ear trolnitate dtstrairaut complaint' but fotZ 19 40 Wittto bolo pushing ..,,"..flown from 'the place tho beginning of the nerth- higher, country, which` at title!) - western frontier, and the position redifee the river valley to a mere is said to have important military defile. but at. Bund.i4sTadir, the advantages.. valley out, and thenaefor- Fifty-two miles further down loud to the desert is one to four the valley we come, to the pair of or fiveMiles vpde, richly fertile, towns •Ititalltt' AS Old ,atta New ftna once bighly cultivated. At Saralths. The latter on the 'Penjadit about r‘Viti wiriest, ' Persian aide, is comparatively and the riv0 here appeal! as a modern,„ana-, has a small.popuia- 'fairly broad stream --as 'wide tion, bOalaCtit Persiangarrisonof Itegent street, saYs One writer -e- a few hundred, with six old-fash- of considerable depth, and flowing ,lotied small brass gnus.. A: mud with a steady strong current of wall of about 700 yards diameter bluish -gray Water. The lunatics- -0telitiee the citadel and tOwn On ble fords upon the riyer are but the opposite side ok.the river, at few. At which names some distance from Its commonly a. Venerable bridge of nine arches,' dry, bed; it - Sarahhs. which - decayed, but still servieeable— has ,also ' become, noted as the Sit miles above 'Llanjdeb, it re- headquarters of the' little Itussian eeives the waters of a Small dna= army of gobservatioif on the /li- the Euslvalud—from the dime- ghat. border. Towards, this place .tion of Iteratt. erossing ahnost the engineers of the Ozer are -ovnietely the Mesopotentian -or rapidly pushing the -42411011 nar., 44o -rivers emkutry; The row gauge railway fiont LAI J2014110004,461404.* VIL4OWNE,949, INZZINES4- 0118PEPSIAA • DROPSY, mozetsuom,.. atomise wolvolea - OF ME RENI 511Y8IPEEM, ACIDITY OF SALT P46024---- ' THE 11T01.12101f IMAITITURN, • .11g4040114" :4r -711Ellag. And every wades oral ortatrailloom Maemmares2mymk awmal 01111011 * 04* 'a 0 la bane romenyllriathatheretratove F vete one griat ,boopti Our plea rare it wL °-" 1'01 1 ea Tt cdr (4331,4'11410 Licrr Ords *re -tort wait runi.-'"A' Vet/ totake., ono or Iwo pill*rotehixdOWI Wiley are Dtftet)y• ver,,ctable atta tbknot grlpu but by 'zilch, ;rale action, octustal • ilt4e-gt=v arn4.:1041.14veltyalsvaittcrW4,Colsoff1alttrfolOf 10AttWASIKBOXCILIte O. _ . PiteW Iratilt UDya • • ;ICTIAraErtiltirS " ii,yelan dais aro theire that fellow the uso,_ ,i3eParressittot trlitosiiprt.s2v1:t, 1:Stoat , Same age entl-palnless- ore entailer -it 11-1, my ,C • 0111t4.,_ ing the aching corne4 Try' Putnam's - 11.613' methemem restahlet . Svetnessent to take. contidatheir Own a etistaa*Or for PI*1.45441/7°' .11 0.4.0) sae; kW; ofeettio PainIeSS eon Ettraeter,. and deb thatto, • The othet.day 6 Ift act • ;ego Is, slaved the life of hie wite.and , "one of these • bottles -on When a ,Vielatiel ,cert wisher( to leAtti seedtee fifteen'. Milee away friend that conetry, according to the Oerdiff veep is eery nitick fealt in adit* she has it) go first to her clergymen • tte•_„'d • • arid partake of the atierament and, pro. eitte keeps, up wooderfellniri rack core. a letter i)f aidiSIII4Off(litiqff from, ..„19.1.4o.weuid ftncy almost that the people lortIter",t‘1471y 0;1114.1i8 Me° conta.,121. vitts,,on the Attrelt river, 160 mileg from )1fichaelovskton caspian Within two or tiara rims box line ittag bsgiun in 1879, At existence, ilo oina Yorilit4.0. dui baer4oetO b Toll at Adam? teremene;nt in AfeL, nut5 a, 1)7. 707..CometenWatf: teed to ouzo or roliovo stdor t or -which Ilapwartten Itr.ttor Om Is biea ;. next to obtain, of hurt, atter an g g Atr • TAKEN Itittlitiattr rot ,Orarainatinit neti.ficata perellinion rap on Mother. Seigel'e Syrups the de* aA0t7R, I 'cottons; to retrial* stAtitit a certain apetnfteti Wen- mend cooldant lista the eatisfaetion ' deAteleA3 00'7,3 X.altdAr I - ' GVZDS, itt. • her of years. This certificate cost br the end of that tinut ip,asteribefl all la, ' Signed) VC,- VA'Arkor, the hook which it bits been entered' Spunk Town, Omelet) West Indies, • sod she is considered's* luivitig, violat6d Oct, 24, 1882. her Colitratt With the ;government and Dear Sir-! write to inform you that loottee linr citieenship torero.. . hamdorivet1 greet banilt front .Seigel'a 'Syrup. rat $01I10 IWO I 1106 .euffered• -n•-• . miliairoomplaintr.-with its *mow and about $20. /Ebbe:returns promptly at xloar air( 10110 but it I...or name is twasea from the A. a; Whitt) Stat, - nottowAsts onfrixt,r4 Awn ; varlet' eale0Mitatif °Vila 00' that my life Sure reliefs -The week and enervated i,rA genrt1141 nljtery: Vieth,* month* suffer severely from nervous, affeetions, Aff0 Whit nulunon to. try Bolger' Syrup, Whoa rd011os, eitadria tilitOthonerfir Ana although rather 'Optical, ,,having agitate the "AMospliere. &mailer #1.000 wesby Palmed infoillibIe 'remedies, gouty paugi,, and fying vary dliVA debetwasod toe,. it at lead a fair trawling to a dalloato ,ayatorn• may 16111. tore Off tbraa dip) I Oh eon. restlilY removed by rubbing Ont. aklarahlabotter, and now at the etul of ment upon, the tifteeteci part gator it .hiks twatis ascattlik(floift continued; talcitw- been fetet3eted with. "NUM' wstor. The It)! am glad to fay that ant a aifferent taken orciaionally titer doses pro.'c being idtogothor. It is gad of cortmo ptiut that tbey "come aa boon, end a . • Iligrie/aestdioniintoin;vit:artiritteiTireoktettio'irtl.trf utomodness to ukon"and t have no reason bealthylifeand regeTrato the, inniovi.. doubt the. trethfulnesa of tbe state- INTERSATiotlei s, AND 'COLONIAL *mita rumour' VOA ..tarevgitrag, ,ivrttnimarA, actzErauso, CiAZZ01111 Jana, sstrzttivas, •4921:00 Jams, GAZZS .117i0S1' Ann 41111:01614, -!coinvs, 00101z4=0.2#03 VIWZ804 ' ZrAtnitem, 1=1Z 'pArsqszties, AttpArlys, tray 'bouts attarantied to Ono rioaldac* doll or aonet • outtousts ItAM4 001111. Plait nnta. IsiditAttritair to 004 Proprietors TOKONT% ,inished• btosoa witik er -materials roe. 'ilietit• dalintratiltilii7 Inivemeey-, , suiting front theietigliTY assimilated-10dt tSztAtkigere SPree hao cow as obooll -eyinting will,* OW 1411)111d inut In- oand bIetsittg" to ' I tiara reoont. 'agrailtatir tatri--ZtOttort 14 into inetionets Ana molded to several. fellow•auffetora front mv has been log dtootted, and only ---,Otero -the eensrirnetiou ot the Miltbitga6"1 • th. 16ttimin C6121 and h : 4ItIt the delicate lindilt &scut to mauttolit ,14011 r.4 1), t;t1,10 tot- lorrirum jaitenalt rale STO id411141)1° rCtli6 derived hoax the nzeollent preparation, TiW in London iti 1 Tilrk0711101* fififing frOM 0Ppreft- atid MOO Take' Turkel/fat& The #0,„, POMP* 111.4 to:14141.10, Ian .-yrith „Wilt ta,71°:.%)TAIVIN`ligrifil (t)(1) Tito Olivia °I Ulltatir4t iluu•°L ^"`”•• 11i110IICIteUtCShIlIOUltil AntWrrtiNtintittOlgantltrrEt tot Union, hail • the Murghab rune the only direst mud mini', abanao.01 fotr ulqu'CulintYenet,ev:Atclaxiislosa Ametica. 4nI9 I'le3r !art 7°11" Trre•gyr at! l'egb°11 rrenteutthenbitegateelued.t •vanl 16 ID th2 "eat ••• 1 r• all exhibit* for MitirerW glee read7 talon at !derv. 11p ths valley of place is notlitag but a mistrable th .147 m • • Ilia most massive A nttmerouiP,pop a , INTERNALLY AND Erttomix iNIUNALL'ir it mien. J. Vytentery,- Cholera, Piartticeat Cramp end Pam lathe Stormicli, BoVet Complaint, Painter'eCo4, Liver Or Dvs•PePtla or Indigestion, Slaw den Colds,, Sore Throat, Couelist dOt. T SEX) t• .SIEIMALLY, h cures totts,1-cloot. Bnact, Cott; Burns, Scalds, Old Soles and 'Sptaius, Swett - HMIs of the Joints, Toothache Pala le the Face, Dieutaigia and P.1;cumse tisip, 2ta- Ike PMN -KILLER is cold* Ivieditinertealers throughput !bowed( tecite. 1164 4.nd lerboitia ' BSTE: uskao,Itussasadvidittyldaittego. e or e one ave sea &seat the Arrostar.atitt NOrat glair Atitte to be uppcopled thole„Ior , outset bt tho War With the Akhal dies. ' Ttttor AI yogi from Mery to "Unit th6 Dos- 1)6rmanont `1111bitatioll.' end tar base covets4 act% itis 100 !opt, It enlingluttor "Whit& dten, Oct.1,6,1881. forehiptnetttnetigtO elm f4t 'week le ston6 one one Ants Effite . ecssion of which may haVo valuable for military purpesco. It itrzees enlargtil O. rultte.yetit oar.....1„ war Tii Exhitattom is oPourtly.)TAu- u-noLo• '1101116 hole efilieted with piles end pileegjAtele"V'onfreseufa'eL'elt= ateba portance by and by. was oceupied many mouths ago,, • 't limped tip in la_yem tweet these two principal waters, and at last sAlvices about 2,000 wieswisemv$1":10:4:;:e,tseitttwohi:tim, te4_0.,otticerrcti81311500faczt too „Imp 10/4.4%1 .r*Atef. ant n01.7 Cires/Toatzal fantneStitahliDC MOW f•Stlf. The major part of the tract b6. adon after the agifisition of Merv, from Herat to the districts is tr001)9 AVM there, vith some ,not tta, c,,,t lateral the wow, Dre Alt4Ut('141°Ut •cf gatelonto cloaks, atittli MOCICIO. • cmt bo adore a tuct:c.sday° mend Die& Vasilionttle 10--.1 at dritiSists. Zveryboilv iLora, llictL3V4.1tAi & Caro liegleitt, AgtictIlt,ttrOf 911swei, talk& the Badghis district, f;em riecos artili6rn enetunpta remain, yeirs auffutoW2. • ore the nomadic tribe chiefly inhabit. Tutkunrin round. tents or kibit- fftigestal, Sehs II. Lieht oot liopt. of AZ:Ce .•1.1V..t.t ing It is" from 100 ta tkas without fortilleationno T116 , l• GerIttieh ottli ner*ststCAt Arittome. t LEA-LW:aced C/Sto tImea ' OttawaMcc-cinL02' 1-41. t , = , • • felit 1 lprilcd tt etaill tom PATZICTIDIPValfct.nairCI Tho isicoaaio4 eimoiriG'irwth He rocitataryttho *to howl In sityothr2 ecorty a times tliottracr EttlfEWilfgt. , Art IIITIlbotolla cGtiTIVOt 111 ty,a.?,ia;p4*114 as utorv 5tol4e:110.62V61?:"' ba in maycetad alto Clettotoi.dee.atitmtd.rolta;7, 51.7c-nt). ,A3C3tDictiqta507 of tzetlanrcuri,1:2tW T`01411. - THE sTillartaint. Webdlanus,o0filraid11 3000 Vogt:wino, u,att oNew • illugtwordrat IhIctivmavy. •,,ainuliatiwiSrcintita 1666, E 11 30 000 c0 ltPi.t4lEeZgetcc'.1.4. .102tor2.7,.!;ourtuutty. -'Atir. ,:oipzatto a CI° o rf c',1117 ra'zcr rv19 for Ft• littaARS." • rii;Atta:r -,310 tl'aff ,%7•11 rOulf ,11','-cr;o.-;:',:i.._:Itt.r.)11tit4it • )1;-.1 1•••‘c ;i