HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1885-04-24, Page 1.r • VO.I• No.4. WHOLE No. fille •• GODERICH, FRDAY, AP.EIL 24 18815 JAMES IILITCHKEL, 841014819fitlt 11140A l'ICAR IN .41R1rABOIC. 11W Xvolgostoual. R. C. 11 A Y 8, S LICITOR, OFFICE -corner of Squareand West Street, ever Butler's boots store, Goderioh. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. BAIN' BLANCHARD & 4ULOOK, Barristers and Attorneys, Winni- peg, Man. JOHN F. BAIN. SHEPLEY BLANCHARD. W REDFORD MOL000r., )URNE D. CARAT. E. HOWARD MORPHY. WILLIAM E. PERDUE. SEAGER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Ottrioex-Opposlte Martin'a Hotel, Goderion. C. BRACER. JR. J. A MORTON. E. N LEWIS MIA CA MPIO N, BARRISTER I ' . Solicitor, Notary Public, etc Office -Over Jordan's Drug Store, the ooms formerly occupied by JD .Judge oyle. 'JARROW dr PROUDF0'.)1,, 1.3" Barristers, Attorneys. Solicitors in Chancery, &e. Office in McLean's New Block, corner Market Square and Hamilton st 738-1y. DAVISON & JOHNSTO N, LAW Chancery and Conveyancing. Office -West Street. Goderich. T B. WHI M D., C. M., e.) • Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, etc, M. C. P. S., Ontario. Office -Elgin Street, Second door West of It Thompeotes black- smith shop. TE. CASE. M. D. C. M. , M C. P. S. , e Ontario, Physieian, Surgeon, Ac- couoheur. &c. Office -That formerly oc- cupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Dungannon. Night office-Martin'a Hotel, JF. CASSADAY, M. D., Gradu- ate of McGill College, Physician Surgeon and Aocoucheur. Office and resi- dence on Saouth Street, 4 doors from the British Exchange Hotel. M NIC HOLSON L D. S., • M TIST- OFWICEE AND RESIDENCE. -West Street, 3rd Goer below Bank of Montreal. GODERICH. ONT - _ Moneg to 'gout THE LONDON LOAN CO. LONDON, ONT. $100800 taleud htt,to.West rape, Reliable _agent* wanted everywhere in Ontarie, Apply to M. J. KENT, Manager. • UTE ARE LENDING MONEY — AT— tEtimE (e m.mgitz. PRIVATE FUNDS, SEAGER & LEWIS. Also Agents for the Credit Fonder." Offices opposite the Colborne Hotel. Goderich, March 13. 1885. MOC1,000, HALF k NIILLION ClOollars to tend on farm or town pro- perty at SIX PER CENT. Principal and Inter - 45E7 viewable in quarterly, half yearly or Year!t en3taltuents to suit borrowers. Ap ply to E. Campton, Solicitor, Goderioh. 571-tf. $200,000 PRIVATE FUNlYS TO LEND ON FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY AT LOWEST ItZTEREST. MORTGAGES PURCI k SE le NO CO M - MISSION C.LARGE:D. Agents for the Trust & Loan Company of Canada. The Canada Landed Credit Com- pany. The London Loan Company of Canada. Interest 6, 64 and 7 per cent. N. B. Borrpwer oan obtain Toney in one day if title satisfacterY. DAVISON JOHN STOls , aarristers a.:c..Godericb. HAVE -YOU Hot and dry skin? Scalding sensations? Swelling of the ankles? Vague feelings of unrest t Frothy or brick -dust fluids I Add stomach 1 Aching loins ? Cramps, growing nervousness? Strange soreness of the bowels? Unaccountable languid feelings? Short breath and pleuritic pales? One -aide headache? BacItachel Frequent attacks of the "blues " I Fluttering and distress of the heart Albumen and tube casts in the water', Fitful rheumatic pains and neuralgia I LOafa of appetite, flesh and strength Constipation alternating with looseness of the bowels t Drowsiness by day, wakefulness at night it Abundant pale, or scanty flow of dark water? Chills and fever I Burning patches of skin I Then U HAV.E ERIGIIIT'S DISEASE OF TOE KIDNEYS. The above symptoms are not developed in an y order,but appear, disappear and reappear until the disease gradually getsailrm grasp on the constitytion, the kidney -poisoned blood breaks down the neryous system, and finally. pneumonia, diarrheas, bloodlessueas, heart Aisease, apoplexy, paralysie, or convulsion ensue and then death Is inevitable. This fearful disease is not a rare one-lt le nu every-dav disorder, and anima more victims than any ether contIpleint. Tt ninst be treated in time or it will gain the mastery. Don't neglect it. 'Warner's SAFE Cure has cured thousands of casco of the worst type, and it will cure you if you will use it promptly and as directed. It is the only specific for the universal BRIGIIT'S DISEASE. R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTAT.:: AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. only Companies Represented Money to Lend nn straight loans, at the lowest rate of In. irest going, in any way to snit the borrower. Me OFFICE Second door East of Tux STAR Printing Office, West Street. Goderich. Dec. 17, 1880, 710-3m WF. FOOT, • rive, Life and liftertno Insurance Agent, Goderich OFFICE Oppewite Colborne Hotel. The LONDON ASSURANCE, incorporated TO RENT. The Maitland Hotel, in the town of Goderich, on and after the first day of May nezt. Apply to DAVIDSON & JOHNSTON. 19th March, 1885. fi-IOR SALE. A large four-wbeeled DOG CA RT,for single horse or team. Apply to JAMES BAILEY, Union Hotel, Goderich. NOTICE. 1 hereby forbid all persons giving ciedit to anyone on my account, without authority by a written order from me._fieveral heavy smokers in Clinton whey JOSEPD CLIFTON, NOTICE TO ORED new Advertisements This Week. For fialer-slansea Wander Books -J. B. Anon & Auction Sale -Davison & Johnston. Xocut attuF. A-. Virg elosing scene In the defunct Can- ARBOR DAT FOE THE SCHOOLS. SKILLFUL SEALMA.NSHIP. What beautiful weather 1 Yes, just the time to visit Stewart's Photo. Rooms, sad get a &at class Picture. His work and the weath- er are both alike- parietal. Ladles, flow Car Woe Fail to call on R. B. Smith & Co., to see the immensity of their stock, and the variety of their lastest You positively have no idea of the chance for bargains we are offering. War everywherejust now. and prioea are likely to go up. But peace and pleat/ reigns In Sallowa' Art Studio, where the bees Photos are deilyiltriled to a delighted an happy Public. I aitively distacc, alt rivals he wee section o torte. Cali h ,Ott for your- self. We Keep Uanutterites Away with our lines of Wall Papers and Window Shades, and no one who calls fails to make a choice from our stock. The prices and fresh - nese of the geode make- them the marvel of the town, Ma. H. Cooma, corner of North street and Square* Who Stylish snits of eke Season are those turned out by F. & A. Pridhant, Crabb'eMoolt. In every article of gentlemen's or Youths' Clothing and Furnishings, we have unequalled variety and facilities. and when you have examined the stook and prices you will agree with this. Call on us for stew minutes. Carpets taken up, and cleaned and relied(' , all kinds of repairing done , lounges made )ver. and Hair Mattraasee ; Chairs re -caned. Greetlaitatallutativen in Picture Framing. G. C, ROBERTSON. East St. The careful ticitsewife will consult herein Wrests by buying supplies at Smusderte Variety Store That have just received a large stook of' Wall Paper, Borders, Cloth and. Paper Window Shades. Moth -proof Car- pet Lining, Wail Tints, Kaisomine and whitewash Brushes, and eve-ything neces- sary for house-eleaning. The Cheapest Reese under the Sun. fer Follow thherovd to G. C. Robertson's. East street, and 10i:twill get great bargains in Wah Paper. Low prices, and choice designs in the patterns. Prime range from 5 eats. up. Yon can make your furniture look as good as new by getting your Varnish and Furniture 011 at G. C. ROBERTSON'S. THE latest hear news on fifth page. The Seaforth Expositor says : "The Queen's hotel omnibus and the team of home belonging to it were purchased by Mr. A. M. Polly, of Goderieh, the other day for 4175. This is less than half their value." ACCORDING to the New Era there are noon -49,Figlugrfroin. cancers, in their clisraeter though less in extent, to the one pow supposed to be causing the death of General Grant. Mn. S. PLATer thinks he heads the list of agriculturalists this year as he sowed 14 acres of oats last Tuesday at the Falls reserve. Considering the state of the ground leas than a week ago, this is pretty early seeding. Who did better? THE sudden jump of the temperature into summer figures has taken most people hereabouts unawares. Straw hats and linen dusters have been moat com- fortable articles of wear this week, and there is a general rush for gardening tools, so as to make up for lost time. Bicycling is in all its glory here. THE Salvation Army meetings in the Temperance Hall are increasing in Interest and the number of converts is moat grati- fying to the soldiers and their well wish. ers. Services were held last Sunday af- ternoon on the market ground, attracting an enormous crowd. The faithfulness and zeal of the ladies who have the cam- paign in charge is such as to win them Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of Section thirty-four, chapter one hundred and seven, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all creditors and other persone having claims againat the estate of THOMA 8 WELSH. late of the township of Wawanosh, in the county of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 2nd day of .April, A. D. 1885. are hereby required to send by post, prepaid. or otherwise deliver to the un- dersigned, administratrix of the estate and effects of the said deceased. at Dungannon P. 0., Ontario, o- to Messrs, Garrow & Proud - foot, her solicitors, Goderich, on Or before the 1st day of July, 1885, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and descrip- tion. the full particulars of their claims. a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And the said administratrix will, after the 1st day of July, 1885, distribute ibe asnests of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claints of which notice shall have been given as above re- quired. And the said administratrix will not be debt° for the said assets, or any part thereof. te any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her or her said solicitere, at the time of such diatribution. Dated the 19th day of April. 1885. MARIA PLUNKETT, Adrainistratrix OTICE, All parties Indebted US the estate of the late John Cooke, Divi* n Court Clerk, of Dun, n• the highest praise. non, are requeste settle thel7 accoun, on , or before the first of May next ; and ) OS THE ODDFELLOWS.--On Sunday morn - having claims against the said ebtato ill please send them to the undersigned before ing next the brethren of this order will the above mentioned time, for settlement. meet at their lodge room at 10:30 o'clock, B. 8, CRAWFORD, Exeeti tors. and march to Victoria Street Church, GEORGE HARRIS, where Rev. Mr. Carson will preach a spe- ngannon, March 12, 1885. del sermon, that day being the 61±th niversary of the Oddfellows in America. AUCTION SALE Wingham. Rev. Mr. McComb will - OF VALUABLE - preach to the brethren in St. Paul's ada Salt Association took plus last Satur, „day When the office furniturlf was dispos- ed -010 public auction. The genial secre- tary, AV. Ransford,has returned to Cilia- wtui exceedingly popular here, &Davi- invaluable *id and counselor In ontdpor sports and pastimes. 11,1 Bruce county ne of the licenses un- der theScott Act is given to a hotel keep - Mrs. Turner, of Tiverton. Speaking of the appointments in this county, the Kincardine Reporter days : "In Huron county a number ot hotel - keepers were appointed vendors, but the commissioners hnve decided that the liquor must not be kept on the hotel pre- mieete. It Is therefore very little advan- tage for any hotel keeper to secure a It Canoe to vend for medleinal,sacramental, or Meet, _Laical purposes only." Wiliam Booms. -Charles Blake is busy tearing dos, the old Horton homestead- whiel ne intends replacing by a hand, -sotpteterick residence. Charley bathed of the farm, and is followinr the crowd into our beautiful town. -Thos. Sneyd, of R,eidet Sneyd, is going to commeuce tearing tlown his large frame house, and replach it by a large brick cottage. - Francis Smeeth is busy putting his big house in order to either rent or sell, Ile has beifit absent for some time superin- tending the construction of a large resid- ence for his brother, in one of Chicago's suburbs. Toe river break-up began on Saturday evening last, but it was not until Sunday noon that a 'dear channel was opened through to the lake. The ice shove was a grand one, the water rising very high, and completely cov •ring the flats to a high point on the north bank. The last jarn gave way on Sunday afternoon, but when the water fell, the islands were left ulth an immense accumulation of debria rlatt's mill and shops suffered soulteribat from the flood, but the damage vg8417i1Ot heavy, and beyond the loss of thtee of the private boat houses near the hreakstater,the freshet has been harmless in tidst neighborhood. FORESTER'. Rev. P. Owen -Jones will Preach the annual sermon to the Fores-. terapn Sunday, May fird, at 11 o'clock a. ret: in St. Gleorge's church. A nutnber Freehold Property ! church, and in Clinton a grand concert Situated in the Township V Colborne, will be held on Monday evening. in the County of Buron. IN PLAIN ENGLISH Yss. 'Is It giih ling ?" ask % the Mitchell Advocate, as it N eDnEnt iannedd by fly Jar tneenoeftatihne ino,reenrtno of Rft The Eighth of Hoy let Apart for flawthog Row Capt. alloPteltar flayed 110 "taw"' amid Reamelfflos Se4oel Crow/ode. Wlsoomsta. Two weeks tip peresAph, appoired, Hon.G.W. Rows, Minister of Eduction, pn_ has issued %circular proclialmicg an an- ut atiaSstating that CaFt4WF nuat Arbor Day for the public Reboots of McGregor bad telegraphed his father the Provinee. The following eXtract 4tere-Capt. A. M. McGregor- of his therefrom embodies the program to be narrow escape in Lake Michigan. TIM observed : In order thus to furnish an occasion for following Recount from a Detroit paper making a special effort for improving the shows how skillfully Capt. McGregor school premises and planting suitable shade and ornamental trees and shrub- bery, I hereby proclaim Friday, the 8th day of May, a holiday in every rural and village aohool, to be known as Arbor Day, subject to the approval of the truetees. The program for the day should be some - w hat as follows :- 1. Arrangements should be made dur- big the forenoon for levelling the school grounds properly, laying out walks to the rear and front, and making such walks passable by means of gravel or plank. 2. Where the soil le suitable a few flower beds might be laid out, or a part of the grcuud sodded, or seeded down with lawn grass seed. 3. In the afternoon the trees selected for ornament or shade should be carefully planted in the presence of the pupils. bolt and hard maples, elme,i,asswoods, walnuts, butternuts, birches, chestnuts, or other deciduous trees are preferable for purposes of shade. Spaces might be lett for the evergreens, which Should not be planted before the first week in June, 4. On the following Friday afternoon" the teacher might spend an hour with his pupils discussing Canadian forestry and the different species of trees and shrubs to be found in Ontario, their LISCH, commercial value, characteristics, etc. Many excellent literary allusions might also be made% connection with this les- son. After the grounds are laid out and the trees planted the teacher should see that some care was exercised in preserv- ing them from Injury. If the pupils are made partners in the improvements, and their co-operation secured in every part of the work cif the day, there need be little fear they will wantonly destroy that which their own labor created. The Mechanics' Inftitute. The meeting called for Monday evening last to consider the question of closing the Rote reading room was fairly well ettended. Mr. George Rice, Presi- dent. :copfedahe chair, stating the ot.- ot vhdting brethren are expected to be Ject ,La which the meeting was - A present.--Bro. Aleck Saunders was elect- and,invIting the fullest ed to represent Court Goderich, No. 32, C. O. F., at the annual session of the submitted a rept rt of the condition of the Institute, from which the following air - High Court, to be held at Peterborough. street is made. It will be understood on the Becond Tuesday in June. - Court Goderich, No. 32, re-elected their old offi . that the figures in the main are not ab- solutely correct, as the Institute year ab- cers for another term, at their meeting on s Tutisdneevening.-Bro. Aleck Saunders, doenot tides until May 1st. D. D. H. C. R. for South Huron, will Number of members (Including liciteta shortly "Tien, officialfy the courts in his charged to direetors). 120. Estimate of reading room expenses jurisdiction. Librarian's salary.. . ......... $135 NAVIGATION NOTES. -Lake travelers Rent from this point will be glad to learn th'tt etc the Saginaw Valley will call here regulai. .tl( hien tals ly during the season on her route from I MI magazines, ete. by re sell - Saginaw to Cleveland. Sheing them.. ..... . is under new 60 tnanagement, and will no doubt meet the T a .1. $340 public,wants on this popularroute.---Capt The gevernment, in granting the $400, Baxter has purchaeed the schooner Even- compels the raising of 6200 front local ting ready for sea. --The fisherm n are all sources,stexall"Cdt1ClealLs ll'ott‘lvsnnele:4wsi ttiltitits•stTio) Ing Star from Cal% Lawson, and is get - raking of a good sum over t he $000, as busy, preparing for the opening of nevi- the reading room costs nearly $3.-)0, 711171 gation. This wished -for event may occur the government only credits $200 of this sooner than was anticipated a week ago, gest, lieregAt. I Titlee ewxfiattirraitwunq oofn tti Ihee r oee- n as the harbor is now clear ot ice, and the grant, which has not been looked for by powerful boat of this week is making the directors, will prevent the Institute left the harbor last year on the 14th of from reaching the $000 expenditure the manner ie prescribedand thus cUts off , havoc -vith (he ice in the lake. The ice April the government grant. The matter wee fully debated,ioeluding OFR CAPITA-1,MM The gentlemen in- the possibility of making the reading terested in forming a new loan society room free, which was strongly urged by met 07 Saturday last in the Tow n Hall Messrs.Sharman,A.Saunders, W. 11.M8r- for or.!anization, Mr. Wm. Campbell, neY7 S. Sloan and J.Nlite hell. The Treas- town lerk, acting as secretary. The fol. urer maid that this would, he thought, low in.4 gentlemen were chosen directors: he possible it the Council would grant Svvirilliti',.rhnas,rdsheCit.tirfftGwirti)gt)103n1,s7 ;vc.,10 jse.pilh. in Ray $250 a year.but not otherwime. It was Dr. oveci that the Council he request - 1101m s, F. Jordan, ii• Colborne, John ed to reconsider the application for the Xeliemin, of town; W. M. Gray,Seafurth; Initial grant, and the motion V.•11,4 carried nni(I..1(hinioodyi Roberts.unGga. Cetinl(n)niero,Mn('w"errcia after an amendment, to the etido t hat I he iin,.ei reading room be made free was voted choe i respectively as manager and so- dlw n • licitr and Robertson were appointed auditors. An•A rule.wa.s adopted that, anvoae (lesir ( ; Wm, Campbell and W. II. tthe meeting of the board of directors Ing a paper or magazine already In tee by a member, would be entitled to it in mortgage, there will be offered for sale by "Some five or six of our (-Meet)* public auction at Batley's floteL in the have, within the past few week% been Town of Coderleh, on Saturday, Day ons, making eonaiderable money in buying at twelve o'clock noon, by H. W. Ball, Anc- noola on the Chicago grain market, one tioneer, all and sinsellar, a part of Block letter - "C." Western revision Township of Colborne. gentleman clearing as much as Ven. containing 189-10 acres of land, more or less. They are now interested to the extent There Is a new frame dwelling house and of 40,000 bushels,but this deal is not likeli stable on the premises. The land Is a clay to turn out as well SA the other de,71-.. loam. and is within two miles of the Town of Some of the parties are church °Mee Goderich. holders, school teachers and merchants, TERMS - Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money down at the time of sale. end and there is not a man amongst them balance as inLy be agreed upon. For further who would not raitee his hands in holy particulars apply to horror over a gime of euchre or pool, or 11, W. BALL, DAVISON de JOHNSTON, bet on a horse race, yet we find them in - 1720. A uotioneer. Vendor's Soneitore. dulging in something that to nit seems The NATIorcti., established 1822. hated April 17. IM5. far wsrse. The HmIN-HAND (the only Company _......._ _., 80 :35 25 5 • licenteed to insure plate glass in the W A NTED. "THE COTTER'S SATURDAY NIGHT." - Burns' "Cotter's Sa(urday Night." and - - Dominion.) A nor to learn the illacksnAlthIng and other poeme, price only 2 cents, Ten nv• Tho above are all First Class and Old • ail -whine it ork in ell he branches. Established Companies. Also. first-elasa Horeeehoer wanted. Milks taken at °west rates. Apply to $50,000 PERCENT. D. K. ST THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSITS CO. Aro pparei to loan money at MX PER TO LOAN AT 6 RACHAN. 10 THE PUBLIC Son't1 "Enoch A rden," two cent*. Raw linann'e ' Seven Great. Monar( s" re (lured from ;18.00 to $3.00, and other such eharacteristic victories of The Literary Revolution cause a prominent literary - - critic to exclaim, " What I* the world I am now again prepared to do CEN payed)* half yearly. on terms to suit boreotirers. Cli fleet class farm security. Apply to C.AME.TION. HOLT ft CAMERON. Barristers, Goderieh. ' Agents for the Toronto General Trusts Coy Afestern. C AMFRONI, BOLT & ()Am ErtoN o'n also a iargn amount of l'RTVATK F('.\ 1), to loon nit krt. elsas form /rat/ r ;I i , • ;.t. A Mr IONF F n Po it II ION 001.71177'ji i Sales ntterkel.,1 In any pert of the dernoty, (ddrees ortIcra ,77 (1771;enlial P. 0. . . ., in!) IN COLD ofr,r,d as privet; for the best Four i,etterit _T on ISNOPM‘r, Awing the floral language In COMPOld Boa, 'Bee the Canadian Florist and e cottage (taleteller. eirpnbilebed by trflANCItt 41ASON,Peterborongh. Ont., 25e oertyesr. 1.1 coming to? The poor man ,s on an HORSE SHOEING, ity With the richeet, as far as hooks are and invitee share of patronage. concerned." Mr. Aiden'e advert ittement s _ are always interesting reading, rind lee REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ors of good hooks will note one in our FOR enInniria Oat. where with Leasure REAPER3 and MOWERS ROW FRYTTT PA'rgl. It has frrapiently promptly attended to, Bring In your been stated that people In England are machines before the busy season willing to pny almost any prier f tt COMMer. nee, appleseand art an x perimenta k nue n FARM PM RALE 011 RENT !fruit dealer in 11118 conntr lard' fall gent nix barrels' of choice frnit to i he 1)1,1 Hltint/ed In thr Tea niddr of l'olhorne 11, ,. Omni rv. The (-TON%pre Ildldwi wt. d a helf mike from Goderich on 1 on. 1 h Ind picked, pa, ked In harrel. made 11, 1 11 I tt t I n A nom hser,i .•, 1\ . • I . . . t • 4 In thr la heat state of enIllvallon: fall a ppIs I wing wrspoell in ivertlIkrorangea managed the vessel: There are many captains on the lakes who understand thoroughly all the clan - cold, shoals, rooks, lights and buoys, and know which course to take when the wind is in a certain direction. They know all this beelines they have been through it before, and know how it was done by others. The number, however, who know what is beet to do in cases where new difficulties arae comparatively small, To this few belongs Capt. W. F., McGregor, who was in command of the steamer Wisconain when she was so roughly handled by the ice on Lake Michigan . Tho steamer Miohigan.under similar circumstances was crushed sod lost, and the captain is reported to have said that the Wisconam's chances were oven worse, notwithstanding whieh the latter arrived safely in port. Capt. Mc- Gregor has been in the city for a few days, but yeat erday was asked by W. J. Spicer, general manager of the Detroit Grand Haven and Milwaukee, to take charge of the Oneida, which is now run - o ing bet ween Grund flayedand Milwau- kee. To a i•epoi ter Capt. McGregor gave a few particulars about the saving of the steamer. In the first place he took the fenders from the outside and with them braced up the freight hold by jawming them in bet ween the stdea of the steamer and tt e tntdship stanchions. In this way they acted as dock beams about midway bet ween the deck and floor, and kept the steamer from being squeezed at her weak point Then he lightened her up aft mid let the bow, the strongest part of the steamer, sink deep in the water. This saved her aft where she is most easily datuasted. When he saw that she was about to receive a had. squeeze, in order to save her as much as possible, he gave 'her a heavy 110 to pert, so that im the port side was glanced uy the slope of her side, and that on the starboard side was sent up. This broke the force of the ice, and saved the steam- er and the lives ot the crew. Capt. Mc- Gregor sIatsa that a %widen steemer, under similar circumstances, could not have been saved, as the great etreneth of the iron hull, with its uuniorous bulk- heads, made the Wisconsin much harder Po crush than a wooden hull would have been Amusements. In our noticeof the new Summer Sports Club last week the name of MIAs Lewis should have appeared on the Committee of Management. The work on Victoria Hall will be com- pleted in Mena tn, 0 weeks, niter) Goder- icli 'will be able to boast of one of the nen beet and hest arranged public liars In Western Ontario. The usual lot tnightly entertainment of the Church of England Temperaaire So- ciety, will be given on Monday evening next, Inc€t, Geor}.0:.'es ac' 001 house at 7.30 p. 11. Alt are cordially invited. Dettoit News: Manager Chas. A. Shaw feels certain that the Detroit Opera 11)71.44 .vill be turned Into stores, and has .herefore, besides his roder rink ventures n Detroit and London, received refusals of the rinks at (;alt and Inget • soil, Ont. The managers of the Prinreas !link are at, work preparing a program. They will give a conecrt at their rink on Tuesday everting next, kuril 2111, tirst-clase program 7,f tahleam, vocal and lnktrutnental music. 'endings and reelta• thine, for a rich nut beet lewel talent hair been ',teemed. Admission fee 21) (1.nts. Last Wednesday evening the lie‘‘, town hand at the Prinrene Itol!er Rink, With es pry appearance of this band an When it iv- • . • . • Y 1.1 will '70 held shortly for the election of ten minutes after making a reques • President and vice Prssident. Mayor The meeting adjourned about 10 II. Horton will make an admirable manager, and with the above board of directors there is no reason why the new company should not be a decided' succese. The board' meet to -day to complete ar- rangements. A household perfume. Every family able to appreciate and enjoy tile pleasure afro, tied by a really healthful and debet 01I8 perfume, should supply themselves 0 it the genuine MI SHAY LANMAN'S FIPSIDA WATER, It is the Illettd 4011011 fel and moat lasting 77f all fragrant wet. re. The rations are serve71 every morning to t he officer.; and men alike on the North bwie:I,Ietrpoerclifitiootni ii.try,.flohr.eett,lesit.ied ,f,ontsui.althainoef vkTihehSt. A tignet ;tie Ion l-T..h I, 7,1 .,7 i 7...)e: e 01 rover 1141 x 127. ft, A, e ../ a. hn ' hard tack) 11 Ile' , rooked mertIR or 1 Mr NI4NRInlirii:fa)11:71t7aa;,41,Aci",1.N.11't r."Ig.::: r''''1' '1 „ •.t,,tInve ao rfar, , A....1.1, ,t ,,, i 1,,, r te 1', . I h -h a iipporteil by ',A,0 ar, ha, .n, 1i lbs; ten, 1,7, Finger, 2 07, RAIL t; 1(101'101 The inflii. or 11fo n..A ii A r . red , , ir 1 '.e 1,4 ,.1 inn.o.il.:4. 1.41,1..,,o,1 floor, !lir; , arttioopnpeort,n1:2mo : i., for 24 . it) ,11,11 iir,, Hris is fanner, 's% Ill he A 1,-nt.: 7" 1 h`' l''' " a' ,% I. I, "Aix 1,11 feet in at/ . 1he entrape- %, ,len p.,, ni 0 ,r,,100,1 ,.‘,1,11 (17,,,,,,,, t„Iiiteiv,,niek 0 na n rni. .A d. -Aire .1, i ...AA. of i. ,0 !. a , `1, r 1.% ','W, e' reef.. and UP .,1 11 0 . ft.( .10" .4 i 1.,. .5 1 1 II la:4 a ,.. . 04.1 ..ral y , take a few doRer. of 1)r Henry ,,i,ffiz;ng .1..1 et i , fr...tr777' at HI' tit '''' 0. 7,...1 f..r vpef-tl. .1 i '4,11f 110, ' .rs NI r A trrirr vt- N\ :rddr•17. " II° " 1 ''''' r. r , . , t , , de 41 111 1 , .. a, r ,t1, •,1 Mot, 41,41 yo, 1 &I:11)0MP all C/1/1 10, 11.1 1 1 I V4a1 (001 Int,1 Baxtor'a Mandrake [littera, and 3 on it wt., 01,,,,, ‘,...,t• ,,,,,. it.. 0041 In WII '1 '''' • , .0,,,, A111 he i.r '.1ded, end improvement ran la' detect mill was organized a standard .J fixed, and if continu.11 alined It, somebody 11 long mak ing Rome ooast Personal Mention. \V. L. Cameron and 111.101, have petition, 11. S. Chilton, Esq., 1'. S. Consul, r( Mr. 3. 1'. ('onway.Of Detroit, I* kit rot st140:411:;:et."(e.carlaortnimo‘(i.r'n:,,:t:c.11:. turned to town ilik %seek. Id bers ((!riiicrirevrirh, the guest of Messrs, .And mayor, reeve and cler k Mr. Robert McNair. formerly i.f this 1W11, Is one of the students lie-med ‘;),:1::,(1,1(:)raetlinot:tiol:PvthrilTfigoilleinnint preach by the !--.A noAl which nod in 11,01(11 last week. t• erie11,1111t wIll have to I The family Ad 1 'r,. I et inl rognr..r I 1 • t, Harrison has •A 1;., Rose have retitree,110177 ri. h. nfAar 11 r I . .ientit lot. corner of NV. at • •, lion of a new roller 'Altai, .ot three months' stay Toront., •Col Aar, et ''Id old eatera,,i1e*-,i. 71777 spent PeVel al 111 totyll tho. eel, •airprieeti nt the imereveinent m r• pt. aeni .1iAt hi \ 'ow • I a) torui....11. Mr. II r1t0r1 1401. ery warianted t an, r. rrrapam \lr a., " 1,1A !Ai'Itatitinrition Lot 11, eontetning 127 iv rea. 115 net -pa (learnt Alin I v te er A . . ' Plawlatt Ala^a. and fall whf'af c"""; 0^n".`1^v are received herenand kiln dried eat chaff ATI IT gr,red eonsint o frn Ins dwelling 11 1 1P0 P frame barn and stable,- a 6010(1 orellar)i rri lb:. conalgnment arri red In 1 he o!ri 1 choiee fruit end a nf•A Pr (ailing erret.li rfinning (-mint ry thev e -Pre In t• I tine order 7 ((01,t rtger71 and aa he 4. pi. I 0 , ti able under drZtnuione, the bnikEnr ars need as neking for the plea. Vlihee ^erne,. the ram Far further particulars and in an aft rnei e form, and 001(1 APIA/ to 'for the handsome num of a23 a he rrel, q sTurmy F.qt pt e h TII0M A New Kra. ilronelot la, unteas aereiteo, w 711 rer misete in consumption. n airtime never 1.7.71e7g remedy for this eemplaint ip7 omil 11 iflonsi,sitty, Salaam, which en • be had of aria Itii•ittost, price one de.1151 pot bottle 1 liore 1d01 Said it noted Malt of 1.0 orry-a, " 111, mother I1-1140 ice Down • Klit r 1. cough • Iana (*,,Ida 7 'len 1 ems ttoy 1 .1 .t an 1 la Al Li,Ilt, 1 ( 1I1 1` 1 lit 11 .01 freo .• 'I" '.A 4111011 "pool, era S.cf.1 toit trieunifs. "fl ;01