HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1884-02-22, Page 5Oa _ WASZINEROSPLIITTIL , rrIa. Oar Itaireiss oarreereateas. W iiiminiesof Oa. 1.4 1884 Thera MeV iitely tiutetet the Capitol darise ilt� rim liaeir:"-- A 'Viet 411 dr- , tided animation seemed what,. been lti- ° fatted into both lintayikodyji tilt, iti‘cmaili _ __Ltlitank to the' tuix;i: part 4,4 the --"''' week, bk. Morrison, ew•'-it,''''Iuned his niuth 1 saeotesi tariff scheme iu.tilii House. iii this he had the held all to himself, aa mr. Quavers,: tied decided; after walla,% delibe rat ioit,not to i lit roduce his ioeuter- ., yeaototion upon the ,prodipit .4 th,, • *horn latub that Alterman'', *owe twin -mu, This IntA I the effect of damp. 0 Ititing , the ardor of Kr. Herd, . thereupou kept hii,.peace' also, , so• that comphaa order reigned io the tariff camp. Then the tower house resolved , itisearAtitiT%-i debating a•-•ciety on the rules, every member having a chance to outer ana champion his pet hobby, while Mr; Randall libutl---liko a legislative Sul- IlVali "knueliing out," in qua rounat,f „three minutes, each of the amateur par. liainentarians in turn. The report fron Ur. Randall's c0111111itte0 Q11,` Xxliciiw,:- , ° vitlial that the rule:, of the fjoascoetin; , S'ortritixth Congroki, as amended by the iresent Uouse skall be the rules./nrAte , etymightlr4lgairicftntil'tiielier ur 41ered. lltit about fourteen aniendmenta were thereupon snlimitted, nearly all of •'which were opposori by Mr. Randall and ladhired defeat.- Mr.. Andgrson's amend, yawn forbidding the lloor ta'''ex.metilboris who used iheir privilege of adniiSilion fdr • lobbying purposes was lost, but W.Cug, -ititlfitis usual tact and good Inek, ear - :ii the 'loose with hire on WS motion lqcolninun the'coninaleentwittce. 'Itelford, and :"Ciiltanity'.' ' Weller • tained the members by their observe - the torturer in favor- of his amend- inentprovidinefava clerk tor each mein- jter_of edngress , the chairman of -a -Triroutinittee, iti4(1 the latter by a vehement speech, attacking the natitmal kotk.• aye, took Alz; Reed also "talked right out in'Mothing," Mid give -the House and the --country son10. astonishing. facts on 'the jitability 1ongrea4 to cope with the business of legislatitin under ,its present rules sfproceethire have been • shown ja - a debate last, weelc-:,IL mei debited that 'Ciingress does not ,reach eight per cent its bueiness. ,1t the lii4 .Clongress, mit of A tot1 SIt• t61) IAN and re.seintions introdneed, only -three- ed Ilini- WlVi. But- the. "Physical .as elainica; for congresS to dealWith.morethaiia ;cion traction of tits business 141;ivipt,: a,greater .meaSere Of tica0tu As it is not:4 Clongresa th0 'two Arid' -Work in sq9Ani, ,itOlt inAnt li�li- da.;: ,giteent'at-the end ef Saturday..is.a1woyi0 holiday; MAL:Way, !generally se; and fderteenetthOt tar ant,y '.totte unieths, are- UjituSt itt vadations. The new', OM- greSsional h1isxy has. ;: ihSiFtt 1/141,1. the order in tlio 'Senate ..for next ' .•and there is -reason um:V.:telt-4e 77tutirt-ti -eiffort tapvevitle the CougreSsiott;, 'arlibroa's with suitable..aecomunniatioiilL wilL not much tenger, be frustrated:- -The. library groWing Steadily yeat'hY.Year. trJo. it, numbered 4.80„070' and -160003 Th'innv '513,441 1,„.,10, ;‘1),1 /64;00(1 tpot itait ot which min bc. tneds. v;ti2a5 sb3tirmatit ispamo.' Ottkt ouly to cutee 4tof rooms tobs . giveii. 9.be ocular proof": of ,the.: great.. Ikea, of larg0 :a.manunotlatieitS. ulti- 'mato `eost or thcpropoSed: new htindingi • will be $0,3,0400(4.,and D. will :,accona- nodate 4,900.0001)001s. , Fred, .1)ouglas, tte eminent color* ;o1at5.s4Isi'liaVing • the :troth ,of, the .•oh. *Lige ittipressed npou` idle, that the coursj Of true love neier 1en4 Smooth,: His chromatic: Matrinienial veature'has .ccitised much -family unpleasantness, and w hie.exdionsekeeperWroposes' to Ann r %MOD .for is .sairt.',.to: Mnit liaVe -;,forttine , foundation ,of whiuh Was71aid by' a Misa -(3 rillithi. au English Oat/Wien, enthiiSlast; entered it* faintly ,oTr inemboga it,' benglit him a Ionise, and set: hint nn A3, tliq ..1)tOrIptor :T4 .1sutitAiup0 itt Itoelio3ter)..3ust after Iteliak.,s cured IntIYho r freedom. • Oat bill on tho progvaciine of tho litouso of rfepreseitatiOetitis s• hul charitable .66,1eat. The 16)&6 Voted. three httudred thOusand dollars for tho d'relietof sulrercrSiVIto,re.centi decal*. day4res,.: Stea....boiveyer,' . - •- diSeussion of IltetestiaVX4toro a vole., - , 00 THE fiODEIIICH STAR, FRIDAY FEBRUARY SW c • The Leadinse =nary ilousc in the County d --I The' whole of my stook vvin now -be offered at ; Coat to make room for Spring Imporiatione., Bar- I ' I+ o gains in 14:1Yory ' iize. tro..4.44,4.444.41 ;ar. logrizaancuracossres CHICAGO kOUSE, Wssr smear Mr_ Cot they) inatle's short speech in A Peculiar Chemical ExPerireent wilhAMEICIZNURAC:103141918 Patents. which lie mingled a little pathow wit, IrtiYi end liarossta. ite began liy at. An avant of considerable sinterear' Oc. plan" TooTll pisTE oder a the ironical marine which curred itt the chemical department of • • Jit, am tile Democratic side o _titti110000 tvo challenged se to the voristituTional- ity ot the measure', but said in the pres- ence°, sodireat a calamity, he could not scrutinize critically for a warrant. He asked the other -aide of the How, "Who 114- t,,rn tIm_Conatitution in twain PI "Who had squandered nioney •ni sort* of estrayagant projects, with. outhavilig the sweet' mantle .of charity to cover it* sing" aud repeated the o alensing eerier', thindtle. Sa (Wilco t thren years the 91PgieialeUt is Wade .!1!') 'sad itt 0—my Town eiwi&TIP't of&-nlido, Amherst college $aturday-, Once in, Limasias.a soh tar au.d.sti. Too. pATENI and dangerous is the undertakin; by this . process that it is forbidden by law, tit all ` countries except in. the UnttiA Slates, • and probably ambawat ia the orly college where • it undertaken, Twil ir"11 cylinders are used, one the irenerater,the • • ether the receiver. T4ey. resemble- • howitzers fitted with strong iron band* ; Pteitt Vilt *Vs. Itttillit Mk et the tkaiernme AtmetarewLernes we to,,vutatur l'oteil4FimpilFrode or trio pp. yoote. d zoo Moon ethraititrb:Atrai throttetillgt?rst.zrza tete ergetrtlitr A141:11eAti. the tartmee. beet. 1, wIdelE etrerniated•ameetele yaw. ems mt. zigtorter..4..- ...„t fro& -*W• ebs Sittobeetmelanitr010was • vet. e 4 .• words *hitting, 'The little rift within • and peculiar 'ale,. • Bicarbonate of , the lute, the hpantl•by wilt make the name nut a-, reference to -these rtfta made in the Constitutiom, He stated the first proposition for' Conureasional TENDER e. soda attil sulphuric ,acul are placed in the riimimps. bo reeeivoa by: ti,15-floyaRt„ gonotittor in Welt away as not to ininglo,.. ' Iowa etOttawa,_ Pe -to theist BM ittll • nutil .the cylinder. is securely closed. iTizet!ef(eiggteel,31tanertireePafte,4441t3ble 14" chaity, slime the war Iva, made bl oTvalriaboulititoblinelafwitchiex toeurrbsifitierupellguerourberaititiz h?Top.hos taonni puldiacan members for perk‘=to 'leer the abouCH, ton to every seuariifour inches), f;eggird,1,7.41Avig:tgrIttalt.eVanCrfithin Stan/1909p 0h, washed out by tile "ItisittlliotlttaPtaat_sisceitattnitatinalte tr.u,e;ilvieerv7eleelicesh, i:orflinflli:iwzniyorgoittesitt!ittiticeaphyneetikvilehtiria irctinhorlenist.ea: Tifinbigbee 4 er, and tliat owthat inceas ion :.tho .itni iloitu hog had played a is refiated twelve tiniest until the gas in . ' ., - 4 t)i'k'rrrii•It101,11.Tli . \ ! partizan and not a diplomatic Tillit: Ito the receiver is forced liy pressure and .,.. • lieputy:eitlie minis#cr , closed Ly saying if there elionld be any Cold into liquid form. When this is al. . 340 "lr"e"""t Ulahell.(1. 13T112414k1411.1iliatiolglit.erle brep.elt of the Constitution inivating -for° •-loweci tallow out it evaporate% BO =PINY tho measure tin) AliniglitY would ,pardon that it forms ti Nola, anow,like, mass ' ' 7... -,. , _ - " and condone it. During' tho. discussion having. the suiprising te_oriierature of 140 -.1101.I.W.D.RYVOR, gALE. nuei!ltilois Aopresenative calla the at,. , degrees bglow zero, - liTerenry--Poured .1.2. tention of a member front, Now York to ' urn -it flecxes instantly, - aitd the otfect , .41•Ictitift Sato of 'Valuable Property into tit() Fedorat'rreastiq eight million, ling a red liot coal. Thogreat danger in: tainc4 in a certaiatitortFtagjk iiisTea V/1013/1-gi doll= mom ' tit All the Binpire State., tlie experiareiit wises from tho trenten„ areolat 441.14 Ik'itt, Ana. Which will.be• pro - after repented cries for 4 (veto" the titiO3. , dons pressura,'-ancl atop the liability of 'bia,taincluteiltrocligt,t,rtg,W;c";,114,11)7,,,is?alas Jim) was taken; tlnike werO 234 yea; ttlid ' bursting thelylinder.. 'Die eg.porinkeut; the flonerieli Foun00:i01.110..Tawn et -00ao.. 1.2liaam, 74 1%Tembers declining .ta vote. Saturday which AM, in clutrge of Di- ',,..1°4, In h,c1._00tultY,_04 li!Aran. VII, ' The Senate• -,passed ' the bill. Without a - titrIletor. Pond, and 'the Imilor chemistry- ''';ErgatlaZii vie .7t 47L ofIll'areli :,4,,D.I8,3,, the fact thatallinnia had paid tlds Year • toUblime7 is about tit:leant° as hand; - .fleiteeetiehyvirlacoili, t wurit r Pp • t d ,u, wits of akin erest t.(.! 1011., 12-0 ollowing raltcylacii 2,Wit .-4,1m Worm a uoiterieit, :Petitions still, Pour into the $onato tir9 eolle4e. n tug le mann ac tile sa o .0 liquor itt tliit„-District of ColuMbia,- tho. last being signed by citizens *itt lalifornia, Michigan, Oolorinle find °tiler tidos. - bill has been Offered prOViding that the rides for the preservation of health shall bb. branches of education in the Publie school of tin% District and the , Territories, and that the pupils shall be inotrneted in. regard to tho ataturo of al - chin, and the intoxzeatizitrik narcotic, and poisonous stibstances in Common use t +1 ft' d 1 f ' tlio yiti(ipie,- and teeny ,enesne upon,. lift. anti health. Illera has been another bill to din- Ertozatide the , Mormon's '; that licPro registration a voter ()shall take oath diet 1141 does not belong to the Olttmeh of the Latter Day Saints, or to any fiect that upholde polygamy. .A„ Starti,ing biseavex Arr. Vitnx, ivritc-s that hie. been tronbled with licute Bronchitis f.nr litany and that all romerlies tried gave no Poll, 1l11 014?: tintil Ito procured abottio of z for 5 Alta C01(18, 'Malt magic effects. aria protlueetl., per,:, marient VIIIT guaratfteed. to cure all Diseases ef Throat, Luit'43,_ot "eliial Tubes. ' _ Trial Bottles Tome at "tYilsores re Large..blizo Tlio Binersoii.-„custom Itonso .13,10000 Slicat,. and collector:Bradley and twoOf- *ore have been suspended, atter an in- vestigation. 0_ I The Dritish-G4ernment has ttilltrcna VAS ref.elletl. IN en the resolution was ilia 4S-0 of thoateareer Alert to aitl in die Greeley relief 'expeditimi and .010.01ter has been aceepted:-..„.Thfq Alert is a 104'0 steam vessel especially- fitted forAtetio explorption, Sho is to-jsiu used 51 ti supply ship. 1V' 20 men will be to- MaireLl-tiaii min tile 'Ole three vesselweom. posinpfte,expedition. " read. Mr.• Risco* opposed it on. the.: 'ground. of uncoustittitiona1ity:4 !Alec tiptuht Statc,1.4,,Oslatures ehould ,fitti)ofir and support tlieir oWtyc -citizens : that - wealthy iitatei liko Ohio, and • Illinois 1445.1 210 althoritV For Passitr-t hat tor alineto the red,lai Treasury, said if iiiis own state, New York,Wore; liero-inatsittgsucli UI appeal -lir :WO-1dd- ti! tli:1 'Holub not to 't.tive it to tier. replied that :people iier tams taw . nor cogstittitionc mid never had: in this ernizitrY the lattez remark:- . ,ettusiti.t. laughter on tIto,Ropnblican of the ...flown!. A running delate lowed, various ineastua participating, ."ana 11,1r, fi4rietrelti 11001'0 delNlited t00-)titeR oppoittinity sonnet his pet Itoblaiy. Ainid aptil_ttis0 1314 a,43 it altOutecT tor tht15..: •,,f :he ttlirplusroteniic, heap.t. cd rbe IttaitutY,:vattits, tile, name , stitIring Wapiti), y.. th6o10;, tele4reas wero front tiiiic ta 'time, fro) if cities inul tt.11934.8- alotrt 15')! • titer prgitig f0V liscock softeited .itud said Ito anitroved tho apProptiatitiii% IltIl ' thotigh nteasiirea Oda kind reitlirea 31 liberal interiirclation thoCouatitution, , Mr. Wiii10,11# hif st tliotis!lit t• ho comiti t u ion would have to be stretch. •wIA little lot. the purpose, .atel Mu, '.1fat•nt Pahl WIRRVRIllitRft About the necessity . f ho knort AC5IltR4 R3V1911 1(1111WA Mt. T.01,01111Mk.l. aisdca of ilia inability of hunger waitiog the ,MTOW 1,)11 of 8 Late or rev/443 chafify, Ate. Rftgan 44511 thkt great> many thing bs•V ben ol fine in the, litatirry iS itoveretnent few etteiqh it Treoulrl titth • , cult to grid prectief werrittit,rt the 0,11- alitutim seii cited the by Coillt4Qw in grAnting r olio! to I* 3a1 fhlartri. the people, >r Aishinok,, anti Mos, ' *sip* . Steil wee aiming the ennainionatnin of $4.4 grav6 miter to beer *mew of his Iteleinliestt frietiela after there east 11101 wee Were w toietitig it, 1 The Tooth becwno'puto ivhie, wore• drowning not • starving• and km/ tikve imam() ddight, ; that necessity• e 0 0 0.% Cax.. Tim Breath ispnrilied Alen "TvAntur.g"ia ,. /,_ • .0 • To rtrAlsr tria, Vevetl; Head e, iteyib ease, in 141 Side or Bath: Consumption IR Costive, ' ness,xkccp Z0e13.114,3.i ItallaY, aid • filaka_vgose twiee 41'Week. it acts upon , - doh 111;01-, 114 Jett *ewer*. J. T. 5.1101ie11,s4er, Auburu, V, says Zo1'E5f.t. tsWg the- • .1ace?rif inally older inetticines, in that settlett-.•- , . , Ali it, ransom for,the Liar it itt vdentabie„, corrects the bilfi,. atretigtheint ..divestinn, cares iisveptia, 1L.acta 9aitial, 0 ititea tett ' f he nerrea.;, pro, riu.deattle.p., tf,7 F1ea-14ga fake; K�4'151h14 1iv.pt hritliby and yfvu prevent facet atalsigult,; other; ti,t.ere, auk ;0 rale! *V) 1122•0- $11 , .6'1) -Dees ruincly.4-4,nts runninionuribori„19 t • .,,,IT-47ii,-;;;:40,1„ c4,,e;141.4.1pitithet5okiiromilssulk4 = .4: libera ‘1"Arit A."111. be paid ny, 1" 'IsterlytTntilitugt ?142.4VilVaVvir Picafri,;11(}orts(i.Snirtfil'aatolt6-'‘4:041-111;la' %fa. TiJitS1*burlir' Metric- Bittora will uot, spee,t4ly .ciare rsterywrato hollor'Sruci --autt, Bring them atoll.' it wilt e(t3t you .,..16th.;: voiluzieriPlow rorsus iug .for.,..thetiteclieine if it fails et otirari, made 're' Ct • a you will Co -1 r6varded for yolir,'-worerpate,... ; trouble . besides. . :Bleed diseases; Annm.lintleAlgiepdttairlielnOpeeteadt,4116of-, ,Biliouaness, <Tartildic0i'001.10tiVat161) 1-10t-r•It(WA 4•C'kr* genera 40)11 ity aro (1 nielay.c.ii rod, fOrther Parbenhirs 4.034- to ,isfaction ornioney rointide(V :CAIMION. HOLT & CAMERON, • 'e fit t • I 'tic' For% ' will have a capacity of r.i0i0011.btioliele of :477, M Pert, Arthur is abont. kompleted, - e(14.,),- a majority of ,fenr to stiII„ cinitinu tho Bale of Iinner in their Village,. , . of the f air dengliteri,; , of IntAer611 ter:died thetitgoves -into a broeni = brigade: and'oshibit , A Addreas•eir ITT011eAto , :111041.-4k walkertou reeentiy • . letter is too to ',,Sfot, '- vertex), een-lyty„ef•-'13meil,,,:'ProvInee.•,- ontario, twit 1s'. to; go . via 'Mainioratan, OU,:elpit,-;%orontikOtangeVillo;INTerlg1400 'and.e,Jon Itage Tiverton. 4.1 ,th pest -master .clorka 4(1 qt0t1i11.1bly actiielVniay expeeted each it a destinatlint-hefore the close e 116' ‘rear... " • 1.,11,110yr11 - ' JOHN KNOX, Auoiloorm. oolctio, tottmaissrt, mit 11 'a ViTi):&;sr, Om, i4 tuo.--01- .0:gt,P,. ,•cot,Otto. - v51,444*.t,71t0q",•; •• :tOma jilf,71.4c444.; :ctOZ0170,141,L",9 "t„.4tit , 1,7 1th andHappiness. JO AS MEN HA*DONE Aro-Your i ova db.-lord:0'00 .iudoor w6r$ rought frf.;bz mit gyp/Meal* ettreoritterths4:,Nors strenurilbyll font:was 'petroirm Thonteraux,itei:igaik-, reiiimurn. Are': Tour uorlioa-vreak1 "Mawr Mult...enrik1,rnialtntonErriAlpIrt 100100, ir_e...arterivosiverrreoeatbumr-mr.l.o.,x,o. owsvoedmvsratios Amitnor.eariand,o, - Eralta „you Bright's Ditleaso? .1tkaloy Welt CRIftdRAT, ‘ivr1( ti vs Ulm ming . = Sufforinritro7wDlabotep. dtt.?3,4V..atletaistm.,11...w,,,qui rev/ FA nate 'Tar ends taves soe_a_n,,4rir,:asto Pr =Wet: .1.4110a o yO11 fAvor CobrO1(6,int?' Areal" ! TM" Wptd. late Vc1. ti1tItt50:3 p your Prtek .latrto And anbilag? tichot Prairer ni te st ftt. 11v etc Is alri) XitblOV 'Vacant)? 'IT.S.14.Tf-woniAimiort446w...finlITad,r'1,k1141r* otter wore ,,r it=rtereet.t.01 e toric.pr.rt,n- pea ti,:x.”--tileari limgmAtiLiftwv,w,ma v'ftt vs6 00 =fl 0 „ - Aro; you ConntipIttca fov.,40,441.0*141,';`,!.7eilrom4 MT atter is vete *IAA or 6,termidiottrw, Belton Mumble', t Itaffe von, Nfttitniml mofro94-.4,11 lave "for 1.404 It/ Pr. Xs, tiata.,.s.;;;;Iv.rta,,„,... Are yoiinor0 , Puy xrai T. usmasy, 1,7,14 Orem. At you torroantid with Pilea? rik-1 14. IT or. to,00Th,tn_. IT _ 044. tt, Hero, rntate.rX arint,,Ng:Ititnr. re. Are you itheutnatioun =eked ? Mel/ pa PAP T 1.44 po TO,v196114.p... 4 imi..7491• akwitia...e WAR gat 0.'1 RP •Imam • Ladies, are you auffemus? .1K140•7 Weld twat sea re "welted. trireme et Viol ream evgirtiAter rrztegslm. if Ton feroilut Disseas t• and gain Ifealth, Stk. 4▪ 4 Jr:1r; taz,e..oatiqtri;ofisstrlittrtatiefoo,ri 141 ▪ or.orpito, •." •;*raat3, r..at ive tat: 4:1 T ^ and mind. tical.cm la Ali WM% LAM Sill OLEO tailiftefamatc.:Nefet-p,vizza,pme„ • soon FORNITOCIE A SPECIAL. • ALL 010611P. PRCAPTLY _ MitNBEO 0TO 0 . A .N.A,D1ANS Sri s3ctir0 visterits in the 11 ailed kitatent Olt tlin mode Iterals itelltiteild. It it brat tp putout! iirst iu the ;Statet41 trim securing 1517 'Y'C ere Pei. euti citlsoririsa Vino win tic t vr(\;ircar.s. Total 'cost •ir Unite rt t3tst c Pau. nt. $01i. o ly slang eeplicakion,lioyhaleuer. only obeli patent la ailoWigi. "TD1111:CO3t, Ut Conadiett sive years t,I34. or 1 y ettra.C.1% On receipt • uf 1ur lirttyt 'with dracriP1101) 1n,. -,M1150111 'SL! Wit Whit aaviee referencea and circular tree. address: „e- - li$01tftk , proiporeins st Ow abeam WW1 wino Amen vellkriai wed§ WWI t elf OW 44amlobr beim* slot Item. Ann% CallIA11111$ rtu.a eel elietett ieme IMMO Ma" see MI eepeelally tbutpled elie the illwaisie tweed by their• • "01110almeass=:. timatepeatem• , _ten. est a beet WI saw elimiellIk On • N GII whisk they we We. este. leamtplr het &NOSS remedy. The eateeetwe et *Me /tate IV 'brattier la make peewee, *WM tureeisteltehly the estleystieh ha white 1htir - 644 by We IsPOSAI proteettem 41P- . Maw rILLA ere seeposehle lysettilbas MI" *tamer arty: wad le ebeetabety tree tree ellitteli ..er Amy vitae talettemi swpwdliewi, . )11, A 111.11leese treat lieressies witia/A ." PILL, ere Pteric%e ...tw whew& OW &utterer hew iterieelie. mil your +try eorateat euernmatee. ems rale 'wily thing I soma testi te tee eat quietly wove my bevels fro* vete. Thezseire the mem cutest physie 1 re ever Need. to we to amok le *OW plebe. sad I de ewer eeekeise W. L. Pees. et W. j‘ Pew SNP Yrrethetit.. !Whams* Ye., Joie g NHL beim teed Alr'itik Plum lereeteet stances as reeossai bl Yoe._ ligtrrear bootee ammo to WI oomph* arne. suit AVe torretartly keel. *b*at T.:114Mo Iewily esedlehie. home, end prim them se a they ere to relimbie, 4. l'Itaitiiirgo siesta, Tettaa,Jeara 1Y, W. The liar% FitAACII 8.11 stews% VrIaI 4$/ornar, sem For Wm* pews peel berm ernbloot to oomelpstlea. from mesh, *Ole of the me isterthirrom et +redoes 1"sultorret tuereeetaig taeounralwarkette1 mouths eg, 1 began tahltat“4.1: pa's =it . Iwo cuff -rely 0u/rooted the 4peetAire hoe twat/ impravea say gamma beana..• ER*1 'sittsairic 1.14* eorrsos imitates. it* tit the fittmetsti• the, aerettst Wig aigestam, tom jkompi mad them* ttal,Pts-glvo torte Mid 'Moor $O Um WW1* IMMO. weir:nay. , rattrallte Dr* J. C. /Ivo -IL Co., LaViaii, NW* soid‘rtsotit mason. • YOUNG, OLD, ANO MIDDLE"• • igt11111irorkivIth Sore Nye, lore isma ACED, or any serenecas syeilluup $ifsic auty be atiele 40Jsby said sirtsin lir Ito Oa. •• SOLI by II, ail hotlieelk4 Ur Ail eliitiolesos the te.eblertel bettelhtt" •otai• reeets 01 AyeriA Sarsapatilki; a 0 d ••Pilleitore011vAterttN' Qpti. ratent Oflice, 11.1)411 lingua . INV11/00118 seitit'llustet 'eketck wain: /cAror-.rv.itt cow ka 411 If pwinakttary ettrutinution.'itiol fvoto mfefitutatim. ,aPith --atArice cee,. ;en oe /117010B, 'badness ,betove Patent 011ie 13 attCnacii air Mummer; Frxe*. airuritittilon anti- retereni•cv -Fent '054 t InAlt(41 swvitco. z4 It. 1•1111.11/To., . WitAituton. 1.),IrectIF onit6ite 8. ; riber visite eailATI“ n1: tI1I itY-,ti11110/det iltatlY3 31 ILL Is 0 1111pted ttntl fttritisbrti' with, the 115t04( -and )11135t improved inckeliSuerylor AulifUettire 1.1.f....1? si FLOUR ire 'she -Jam f;e6ureit 41111.041 it100 entrulltitc (..4Lit,A to hill, can itcpeigt thou 341.1)PREM their *ware volteteetion. 1.4 8 717.p. TliON tart • 2' tw -,an°t"PrettIce7,itv°o".., oelnytoic -,:iii4110St • 0,11t.-‘.111w413411411,,tllik44.:11Y.Iltlikftigil.:- .11 -'11rofikl,f s$l, 01thar 15Ot,ilueeou _ . irst-,lialirt 1110- Ir.?,(0.41.1••vorol 10--fortpile ' tioCoriaAliti-triirlwro.i-dii--ialitill,-,43tiro. 3103 maroon..laiarliro KEN TY WI, CIL swat .4111°444,, kVAVCIA'-',31.940111' tealtOtt., . MEC/A -tied at Toronto, 1..onden Guelph bi 1803 for • R Awtz$ . /law Actinta -ett;:sit „ v i'' 4r4 • :0-01,0* very reel Quo/Aims& 1. ocii.rfeoutitnatet r. eltitro4 the. ,cood health 0 amPosAtei brottrift:e:illy nut° fautdh:ibuo_dy 1i. E, T Dr• acutt13°atee if'lc(lt":isli la-totvn and tht lifghest malt= - died OtbOritiA alco tilt* Orit1ifft3 but 'tun wi d6toi.,. ticb1o4 iti° natural condi* • bon ;•,,cnd -ato that all tie Tregt rircluation3 hitkrtet beadach..? 4 M1'00111(4014,4. ilkittri(otM • '' • s ciafpray orzimutato vitro? Itic mr4itiac,,,. arid ,t1)1 ative e,1,,x,14-,a front . niay 1,2rtf tlzo.ty3ttna, Jlor, bIaot.c3 the: tettt 0211.S, *magi* Totreottee., 'I 4. R NEt •i tiA .1;v I II :144- tTRYJH1I‘ FUtIEITALS' Iti AT do t) .4,‘„Niqk lt,1 :MAX • 1,1.(itzA.f.:1 V11;4: 1 I I ,FIr1 Guide . . -,,...,,,,1K115 AV T/15I.111,41' 1140G, (tb" ti4 a:tors, Utitoep, 11.4T3li top 1.14443/1; -_17.,:5.t Vr.kott, r.iutt, AND Ittiwir: 'iritam '1;144 ILT "8-1783. faille° teldroo. witlt 10 cent 1, 001 I WII slum iti t130 otiov-,est, ilowcr.:3 1.1in ,-.s oat : ,. "egetabile3`exid /fircetionsfoz-G4turte ,. It 1% itallaStiale'Cii010114 Or. 140 CreUter I lib dot 0,lidaV likerit. 13eilii mi ;your tliluil AU bri yoti A ow, imitge paid._,T.iii,i i :40'J .Ltd41,,,artfT4A'$oex3r, It 11'biritir,!..fittlottt Ett4 .4 /Mid AtiagriftWo, V, 31r.4 ate4'tt.11115 , ,:81.e'31141Ctillaxekitor:iii::::454. -ttrek.lirit,elrl•ctit: tee* vrer1' Ft tqw cg: Itli • trm•'..;:et ern OVUNIN's I litstitbriftith60cIlcurittlittr4tlitiltel'Ittit21.‘litit!, ,11.1C__,„ ' ClOtTl.-',J11 oeyte‘i, ozz 7.:,,,at‘tri.1111,rbill,,r,t.,111.40.4zwr 3.,.P.1•7::v. 6;e1:11.0.::::::11;114s:1:::::: to cmrsin r*D2re:r/Ct'a 4 31.0 itteleAdet rany .0t17 lill.' 411,1`..!cii, 04,..,,itijort nmat, ' 'inv!•!e3.143',17,-1 : 4-ifeiag !Ike. "7.? ratcritfp,,ouiik...ss r'B° ).'41:-.7.73,11;tail, 1:.; i 3 0 r . ' --------,..,-----,,-ti, 1-4 tr:,, Vitra uthbe.. .rint no lc1.M.'s c'it9143 atifl oil Carr c12170 v•IIAqz,, (1106 tbrs. Jr_..„3-nincrJa tiEgi 1010i:iris • licrilk0 • • J aft.:C.! - F.10514` • • ?orza3 ft.. tre;:icy, mmle fesp, •(' rt. atoc!nei.Nv„ • .. • OEM •&• TALLOW. - CO.USQ 3VeangWO vr gPlistTa* -." irri;rsin?a,r&4•-..11),Afp kir mi..' ttner,,, at Igt;015,ve.,b7 Lot 1,10.!«tl,',ao tile:f -•-ciiic::,:ncT ej,..1.i",,irti,- -:,:f13. awl c.o.•_•0 alit , - riottl. , t.,,,,t3 Y:idr•It‘i ,, - - litiliV.T.Z /tl? Oilljtit:wV, ' .. . . . , . . . _ 1 J8 ZI 5g • • -S11 • f"' crt t(ta .411 cviai t. f_7i - 1 4.1441cair,;(!., SC/t1 4.7N,f) Pri= IITP4 cl)i!cttlatty CtIrosS res4,,t5si roifirl, Oa* friC., teg rOicr, iriI 4rjcftt4" rermon 601)-I154f4ll4 pAtch 11.1 kidney 0.7.11 livcr tothr Taint% tlYtsPet in1igo6ti..,n. cu.". Fon by All 1ltnkr-47.e3. at; iie,14, "{Vett; a V ,kom, Art 'Ecl; „ •l'Ortite06 cad 14. A 74 PENT ,it;71'" ' KAM ROM 1,•:” soeti; .ti4. fa,* 1.46 k • t• •4.4 , , , .„ 0