HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1868-06-05, Page 2George) Mo & (00,,
test ZITTE buildings, Din at Otani8t James
D Street, Montreal, ur eor „tents or Um
S'ar lo that ,ity, and or aeretortzeri to mho
44,-.fdaYin.nt0 and Diebotriptions ai our
la good accethit of thoreso'vea Mould the
moorgency prism. There to uot tho
elighteat ground for alone, hotencr, vito
we cerenot bp taken by aurprim.
(bobtricli 124(11:.
J1111 5ru, 1868.
Reternitia to itenson
The New Yoth /kr rid ilme 'mean
of the threatened Fenian invaeron :--
e Wo base 00 1111 000 of knowing
whether the Buffet° reit. M intended oply to
bo a matte. It may or it may not. Certain
is it, thettine to not usifavourable for a
Feetiati raid. 'rho Pettit:cola eanmaign
i- at baud Republicans and denim:rats
are equally elision to secure the Irieli
vote. It °public ans and dem /crate, them
fere, though they may not openly en-
conrage the Fenian, will not go out of
their way to discourage them. If they
do not eelii, it may bo taken for granted
that neither of ihe political parties will
hinder teem. In this line is the hopo o the
Pentane. We cannot forget thet there
is Ur11 it thing as regard for the honour
evf dee great couistry. With Fenlawiain
we tine no sperial desire to intermeddlo ;
hut we cannot permit Fenienism or any
other orgatrzation to &mewled our laws,
ood bring dielionour ou the republic. We
cannot allow the &Mans to make of this
couritry a base of operations for carrying
war bete the territory ol a people with
whom we are at peace Presideet. Johmon
is now, through the (Aare of the impeach
merit, in 3 position which e ables him to
do the rtght thing with the Pennine As
the Chief Magistrate of the republic be
lies heavy responeihnities; but as a
politician he is froo. His in'ereste do not
bind him to ruttier of the tvro great poli-
tical portion. Duty demands that be
protect tire hoirour and digoity el the
norm. Unneceesary inte, ference is not
roiled for. Oier much zeal is as much to
be deprecated as overmuch indiffereuce.
All that wo rusk -and we have a right to
ask it -is that ithe President, in the event
of another Fenian inner in, will Bee to it
tbet the law bo promptly Lind effeetively
xe mted. We may have our grudges,
our grudges mint be exprelmed
Filibustering ie not worthy
of a at people."
Th Herald placei-the poi. ion of af•
faire it, the true lighl. Each party is
bidding for tho Fenian vote, and upon that
the Fenian* rely to be pennittod to make
a raid. Bat koowing the avowed inten-
tion of these regime, the American Gov-
ernment is bound in honor to prevent them
even atteinptine such a foolhardy ureter -
tektite. How can:they have She presump-
tion to make demands on .Eng'and for
depredations done by privateers which
the E dial) coant, and were fated otti
orta, o'er which she ben tits
they permit to meet in their
inizatiou which boate openly
of their inteutions. In the ono ease the
thing Wan /1008 Wit 1/00t OM knowledge of
anyone but them actually engaged in the
enterprise ; in the other cam, the govern-
ment as well na the public are aware of
their intentions, and we lear in too many
instance pander to them or 'how them
wore they bare no rielit to grout. Pro-
ent politicians tou °lien speak favorably
ern, and the goveenment are for too
to Iced their asvistanee to tte
elmettnameicht thimmemithers of the
intim) who may happen to fall into
nits. 'There is 1110 consistency in their
conduce Tbey want England to paste
their claims, but at tits IMMO tiro are terre
negligent in keeping their own nentralite
cots re
idst Mem
No Dangor.
The public need not be the least
alarmed in regard to a raid. The Glo!e's
Ottawa torrespoodent gives a very good
descrytion of the stite of rialtiory prepar•
anon under the combinesIsuperintentlence
end direction of Sir Charles Wyndham,
commanding Her Majesty's forces, and
Adjutant MacDougall. 'the ata** of
matters is (norther I-efferent...now to
whet the Feniana found it in HMG. Then,
isolated companies had to be brought
together and formed int-) battalions and
officers appoimed. Now, ileid brigades
have Wen formed in the several district',
moor:wed of regulate and veiniest% and
kitties attschmd to emek a Whirr of
artillery, awl 'I troop of caviler, anew
the command of a Brigadier chosen frotb
the officea et' the lime. Eech of these
bligades ean teat ledepontlently or be
broughi tardier, as eirceinstances may
require. he tent and field stores of all
kinds lor these hrigadoe are now ready
for use, so that the troop coati) take
tho field at a mamma's notice, folly
er'pped fee eervice, and wanting nothiag.
T defies of Quartermaster, General torsd
Counniseariat Departmeet will bo perfot m -
ed by Imperial officers. The rations will
be supplied to tho volunteers in the eanse
manner that they ere rumplied to the
lower:el troops, and tho cost price only
witl be charged to the Dornintee Govern-
ment. Tito brigades aro orgenixed to Oct
Independently, if telegreph lines or rade
waye are destroyed, and also in concerto
if needed; and therevetll bo censidttable
reservo of eegetaes and volunteers, Ahmed
the brigades already formed not be
entlintent to meet any enrollee:ay- It
roust iteso be i erne le Mind that the reg.
team and volaidefee are now armed with
the same weapon, the &tete Eefield- bovine got sr reeetoer Monetitee Were le
&etch -leader, and also the same semen). 1 trade) thoeght About 11 just then and
eme„ ise winds them, is en abneelent pulled it oat (6 lhOW it to him, at the
etipply me had at all oemissary poiets. OM* thee thawing hira how well it wee
Fell inst.:sellout by the Adjulant.Geeeral got ep Whea in the set of taiga' the
te the several Mak ofeners (Lave been hammer it illiltred (rote ree thtunh whin
despateeed as a gait% for (beet meter all I thooght it was it fall ceek. I did eel
meemenetee The Goverement, ots kseeler Sete, $15 the tricker at
Salartlite, decided to pay filly elate 6- the thee, bet it had feme meatier teeiplite
elay in addition to free rations to milunteets the etettridees the ban etrikiet Me Whyte
Ltio eindstratli and leetileago
important to Canadian Ship -
Tho followieg letter from tho Collector
of tea Port of Chicago will bo found in-
termites:le; to Cateadiao opera.
All goods front Canada to Chicago eed
tho Weeterti States, via Soma, have
either to pay duty or to be entered in
bond at Port Huron. If forwarded per
Grand Trunk railway, vie Goderich lino
otetunora, they will hare prompt dispatch,
and will not be oxatnined by tbo United
Statea customs officere until they orrive at
COLEter0103 OPFWE, MAY, 1868.
S. T. tV61.111Tia1 Ewe.,
Ch(e.ago Illinois.
Sin,-1`hto "tioderieb Line' or pro -
pellet°, reenacting with Gram) Trunk
mile*, clearing from Goderich to Chia -
go direct, and not steppe% at any Ameri-
can ports other than at Mackinaw and
DIJI3CLUI city to repot t, freight coming by
thia line ienotrexaminoil by U. S. officers
until OTT001 Dt Ude port.
Very respeefully,
Your Welt. motet.
Tile inducements offered by the above
should be sufficient to bring all Canadian
trade to the %Vest, via this port. The
realties for this are obvious. The chances
for snuggling at,Sarnia ere so great that
more s igilence have to be miliibited by
tee enamel House Officials there, while
cm the other hand, as the steamers from
Goderich do not touch at any port before
reaching Chicago other than Mackinaw
end Doncan city, and then only to report,
the risks of suniggling aro coinpletely ob-
A Model Idea 0# Eaterp. lee.
Our local rotem, feeling jealous at our
enterpri o in obtaining local news from 311
parts of the county, has an tnore than
ooe occanion endeavored to ridicule
by publishing what be ca'k "thrilling"
items from Howlett, toe the disguet of
even his own triends itt that toweehip.
Loot week we copied ono of these iteins,
and now we' give Inn com nuns thereon'
11 speako for itself.
`'COuaioN SAssE. -We observe with
&cameo that our town contemporary Inuits
his llowick correspondence this week to a.
thrilling local i em copied from the Signal
Such a mark of itnprovement is most en
A Lorne Excuse
The Editor of the Expositor inekes a
1Aino useuse as to his clianCe Of
politics. The apology for the senior
partner is so /limey no one can bo deceived.
We advise him co try again. 1:11U1 ns to
the junie made by the junior partner it
might be suppoeed we anew nothing of it
Ha Ile forgotten tbe eleetion of 1863, in
South Lanark. How did bit family then
vote, and although he himself was not
entitled to do so, to what piney did he
give his influence. An answer is respect-
fully %elicited.
Complimentary Dinner to W.
T. Hays, Esq., DI. P. Pi
The constituents of this gentleman pur-
pose giving ltln, a tomplimentary dinner
at Bluevale, on the 181h inst. We trust
there will be a large attendance, as he is
in egret,- way worthy of this mark of their
The Shooting Alltair atA nley-
To the Editor of the Goderleh tiraa.
St., -There are a great mum of your
readers who are anxious to know tbe truth
of this affair and how it happened. For
their information I will briefly state the
particulars in reference to the eircuus-
"tante, and leave it to. the- Unprejudiced
readers and the public, in relation to what
I say, to be bothjudgo and jury fa tbe case.
What ban appeared In your °Aimee pen-
inus to this in reference tke above cue,
by your Metope!, correspondent, I need
not eemmeht upon. &Mee to my, that
what little truth appeared intit is dyad la
the darkest hnes old * bleeding 'if the
meet aimed faisehest ftr etlidakee which
ha cannot maintain. Howeter, I der net
mean to ergue the point with your worthy
correspondeet at the present time, I wish
through your your paper sod with your
perrainion to lay the truth before the
peblic and tst then+ lie their owe ledges.
Ou Monday, the 20th of April, I hip -
petted to be in Ainterfile oo basioem,
where!' met my brothernaelaw, Mr. Robt.
Gibson. Ile invited me to go b one with
him to Lis place, Oita Ore miles (torn the
villege, I Oldie accepted the invitation
as I trade hie place oey hoine when I was
to that pelt of the country, and especially
et this time, because1 intended leaving
this part of the country for a akert tirne,
so I wished to vend that night with laitn
tad hi* family. About the ilrat we were
featly to start for Ms place he wan spank-
ing to me troth much ' feeling regarding
say 'Wended leniency, and pleading with
me mit to go away eery far from ell that
was deav to me. In the motatime our
convene:Gan tock a great wieuy turns,
ontil we introduced seeeatatien ; and I
PetettlepteepoleitesUeeeteememememe e. se _ • -
ws wee oteereary, ao oo to IT -0 ado to ent t lint of nientititren et/tandem' ne tie . $48.FORTitr' Arrnetrong, oeconded 51r. Jateeteree AiRS. Wilf$1,0W11.
e, 7, me them boil cede 02'. totenMee aod pruemeioual Veen, nod all the
that Joeeph ekekeet, eistifei be ?liteteed ;so 0 1
PaittiliA . s.
1 , , .ctIll,,,r,
r. YOUNO thooght MO 040 over priscipal re:ideate of the teem] beee Read Mr. Porter's cardt. p,s... ha etnite bLar 0ad*Inn Fon
. um. e eemi
lEll" Tito Amer -Man A 0,40,.‘ 1 tu, ioe for brought lumberewo feet toe len fettim Copt Keith enured them that deo to caeibobertst,o, ttba..„_ta _altrays_obeinti logad..gy,..swjl, IQ, E, p„,lotolitsollafrt w,rerb. fiicilitottr -the keteee of fraeougg..
hug le to baud, brimful of tieeful Mute for %ear:most% (Laughter.) titneity op their part, lea, sea, u„npeeted tat found a substitute foe eleitt at half ito to be Votbmaster on 33.14 line. Cereied. ne- irofteeioeilorgetee, xeeuelinetAieielleeste.
farreera. Several reports of Local Superiptendento by Ltitu• It u35 04"l'oCtCd/ b°tElt15° coot, in Coefedmarton Codffen. Try skew, minor vaecloilly3tDrultie, Atills,t3aciatige,3, tile yerateed; by eiteggenremoonvrailita ellay eel ran teed eyeetesodiee
et:kerb° Ste, W A Chnton arrived to wore thee referred to tbo Suttee! Ctue- dere% hi e thou sojourn among them he
port Joel Saturday morning, having had imams.- • Now Boteettn -Tele:aro Conner and
the damage alio had anotataati, repriced. Patinae for tho °uteri° Hine Aeloci- he bad merely done his duty ea a teen and °, Le"' .a ' • - • R. S. Cimaingtiam. emeriti& leierml Pt141'11-1"7°t)14tstr°111.°41sterfilril*4.0 le*Cr•leall' t 1st
had dono ambit% to merit such 00 000600 ; M rr I to of Brockville have opened Pnliun"te? f"r -iductrneoc?'", 11444di 14:
yoursolvear alai
ation, praying tor n grant. Fieranco Com. oe e geotlemau. He felt gratified, be_ a Coufeetiouary and Provision otoro. , , „
mutates the reputation it hea alreadf mi,ttee' , . d inneethatel to COPOS300C0 mee v.r1.1 ,,,R,RX,
cause it showed hiea who were les friends. oppoeite nicNaughten Blacksmith shop, by ' ''nun'tnn) "'"ntincl by My C-orea 115,1,,MF ,41,111D ligitz,fro To
that 51r McGuire no paid 85 fee atalute . yoeme m e dED •
Tito Mite DoDilli WM PilooTtILV.
soliciter til It) te71110 leave of Goderich, he Mould do end. i°1.°41— 1. labor charged against him on thee ton,
ref'"ortkfeler "tom tthbee eV:11t7 Gate auito so oftli Cii great many regrow, toed would baking re° •
publiobent are like y to make it pay. Carried. Moved by Mr Arrnstroes,
Dttesseemettim-Mro, Fourby, Baal - Comity vs Foly, that all the deferitlantsd temen eppy moments be had spun in the coutsidereble expense in fitting up h
Inteat peterne of melte, &men 81.e• Welton, there wee eccurity on propmer) eornii day be in hi.e power to return tho Um public will give Iten that support' th-.1"st caiol int (I:it:Lite:0 th.00mure o to fa gtaerun aot,v1), :cake Siam::: azigat:Ifeacirkagtotina; at:::::r:::o4,.i. 7 :::.0 is: at:
St. to prepared to furninh paetiee with the irad absconded; that lit 0110 ease of Noe? Dominion. Ho hoped it would retain" in brut tlEm 5tYl°' It Is °°Pe: Hotel, Dungauitou, on the 20th of May wed, Nevado wakow ashotaataaydise.
it will bo men that Mr. P. F. Walker, Allot or letter from same
Lectere-By a card iu another coluinn, wen lost to the county. Finance.
, giei"t a0 flea! jeo4aryiefoocCcliaapirtaminceirteretotteltleaivte ouls fittAod
he is entailed to. His bath ruorne are well foreo'0011. oaritee, The court oy Re. „„to„yoet ereemightge mithehrohereetievm---ne.
Cupotaniudiokrielo'cteilnirgead°:in9t7hdi:r;illage the Lucknow, OD Tuesday, the 28th of April,
vision rnet at It. S. Cunoioglianes Hotel, and welt: ix. tersui 0,14 cOutiondatiosor
it32-14110 r title minter " Vittat wee de litteletr ,
Soo her advertinoment. in the case of Armstrog, security, the casitt- honor.
ion that the counts, was lia le to By Mt corteous and gentlemanly conduct other- evening. A Mr Livingston, oi at til0 o'clock in the afternoon, peirsuent 11.,"
, :trier years of exnerlirocere4 Pladre Olt tied
Icid effects ante medic -el *allies, e leiti
he different officials with wood for Le bad gained the reepect of all. It wee Blanehard, raryoul of the wegon of it fish to public nonce. Malcolm Stewart, position me the fulfills** efelhert we.
oes. with !College of groat regret he regardetrpiddler, emaehing the wheat. A little Joeeph Ailey, and Alex:Miler "(melte doolaro. tnalneest every, tootenceetbaws Aar
ter from Mr. McGann of the Deaf einsvIdeparture. difficulty arose %bet curet), but it is expec- haeieg complained in person or en over- truatIntt wisisitliffir,torlittgaro4tagitl':oleoteeetts,,,,,,41:tekt....: ,d, .
ga ne . 0 aro fr mem ceo a to
ntatine. that in the ealee the alivey leok back with pleaeure at the BATS:M.-NIT S 1A0bellki 1103 WOOt t0 seconded tsy Ms, eebete.„fit thee lite cetem„
Wo bele Put V erted 0014 tliq mild* for
Yeats, enliven say tit coaStimete owl neither
(1-w; wet beim Meer helm *We Insatiate
see other medielne--/eseer lug It failed se
late of the firm of Sinclair 81. Wolher, tom his ape
opened out en office (or bilimelf to %Vete eupply
‘ss. their o
vras very tielitio ctoobuert:ettled itlinut a recourse to
NEW DAILY, -We have received the ` .,Le
first copy of o peat little daily published aed Dumb Institution, Hamilton, i
•0 rers A uumber or loaate then follotved, and
e to the groat from the county of the remainder of the evenieg
at St. Cottonton, by Mr. John Fitsger- °rem
aid. h appcara to ba ably gangagtag, Huron. Filianea Committee. Application pleasantly open( with rich and racy
of the Goderich Grotninor School Trusteee, mosaics from those preeent. At the BOOTS 8c, SU038.-WO direct the
we memo my it will succeed. for a grant, School Committee. brtkng up ef thoeparty, there was a
attention of the public to the advertise-
ments of Mr, 1.... Gatzineyer and Yr S.
and judging from its advertising eolumoe,
morizy,„, i.Report of County Auditoria, am:et:areal. general hand thatch,. with the enettain, 11,
' m.. eilley ii Statement of the Liabilities ot the re h k .
_ Who waits money ,
Frederick Armatrong has large own at County of Huron, on 3 let Dec. 1867; fttil
rhobasdoirisallbul'ealiewrmilit°.11 jN%°ffi'vertereast dreegun:ruesdi A number of accents were referred ter
Finance 0 ,uninitteo.
in whence, and any amotint taken on ac- the Finance Committee., .
count of prlocipal. He will bo found nt Moi et( by itIr Mallougligebtillitieley Meet.
Mr. A. Lefroy's office, Goderieb. Messer, that this council pane a By-latinte 0
DEPARTURE OF TUE 0 IIPIMOATS elm hedging the County Trtasurer to 'Pete! s
Last Thursday coming, orders strived for oner to tbe diffemet municipaeitte_e.
tbe Chertili to proceed to Lake 0014d0, respeedve stuns that have imen peirint4
as scion as she could • be gotten may. bes office 'for nowertmettlet teeeeeeiecte
ramie Both boats left about midnight Mr. Persons, that trie Collar ,Treae.
the 31st Deic'enther lest. relede
The following Friday evening the Prince
Alfred Was ordered to patrol the Detroit moved by Det Colegiate,
en -Friday night, be instructed report ,to thil c"nntit tita,
ARCURSIOPC-Tbe Steamier 0'. E. Financial account of emelt municipality
Clinton will giveeirMoonlight Blew sion
on the lake nexelfuesday night. As this
is the first excursion by this boat this
semen, we hope to see it well iiatronised,
ant! nre, sure its present Captain, Me.
McGregor, will fully sustain the reputation
ol hie predecessor in attending to the
oomfoit of those who may avail them-
eelves of this pleasure trip.
toes to leave dt an early hour ou the . P
ming morning. hove they are both good workmen, and
that they will endeavour to givo sativ
OL/NTON *too, co thoui who call on thein. For
— further particulars read their respective
Mr. Rimer te nom about opening advertievinonte. _
kie Ilertletard •`Staeee Ufelitelee ' : . ot-
iid: greetike ity ; tetoltene Neetteeee .', .. 4 16,144.9N.ETEK,
efleetereneds Seerselitertiergeent- '
UM)) Otemete-e- Meagre. Coinmand. (lOnetit's Martel/A teed -The proceed -
lade se -Joining had their geode., ings of the dal, in this iciyel village nem-
PLANTS. --Any ono wishing to
obtain good healthy 110Use plants of any
Lied, can be well suited by leaving their
orders with Mr Robert Gordon, agent for
Beadle's St. Cateerine's Nursery. Par-
ti,:ular attention is paid at this nursery to
their cultivation, as well 03 that of all
other plents and trestle Those who have
favored Mr Gordon with noon orders
hitherto, have always received satisfaction.
SEWING MACIIINES.---We beg leave
to call the attention of our readers to an
adrertisement in o»othi column, of it
new powerful Shuttle Sewing Machine,
of Canadian manufacture. There has
,daangeil by tba late fire, rammed at 1 o clock a. m., by tire &ingot
*ter ettio in kW days, next cannon, which was kept up all day. At
Verve'sGrocety,et a free00 o'clook a. m the Catlitteempians, to
tiet , Great bargains May lee OM Timber It -4O, paneled 'the *Meet!,
peeled. "Now is a good time to metre le the afternoon there were "wrestling,
mooing, jumping, eack races, wheel -bare
row race., &e. In the evening a geed
display of fire-worke, consiating of sky-
rockets, Roma" candles, Ike., took piece.
ft ern a very good affair, The turn -out
ol people during the day was large; there
could not be less then from 1,51i0 to
2,000 people preemie All possed oil
with the County. Carried. ,itp summer goods Et a great reduction.
The Council then adjourneS1 118 9 eti their advertiseMent. '
o'clock to norrow
. , GREAT FluE.--On Tliureelay evening
-- t st, about 6:15, it fire originated in the
TUEADAV, June 2iid, 1868 thrdetrue ete're at irt. M. 11"°/' 'Albert
The Council niet (hie morning according oe treet, in the beck part of the ermines,
to adjournment. . vebl'eli was occupied as a storeroom and
lite same 'numbers present as yesterday., where trat ale° a vat of coal oil, nearly
'rhe minuteswere read and approvedeeeri pt.. The oil catching tire it spread
Petition lor Michael Labord, askingrapid y. mmar the back part of the.
for [enumeration fir expense& it c treed It atorehouse was ..` keg of Powder-, whieh
Min is arresting the supposed murderer, expleded, divesting' tile. frutImeutu or the
liaag, read and referred to the Finance building in every directtlen• Mr A. Mer -
On motion, the Warden and Clerk weretPilikroe'2l
4bagindwitlags gi" the ij(heNt etore at the
requested to furnish theBoard with all of the stock tlirOiun;11°therve:t.'1°05ttY. jumped
bonds and papers connected witb tho through the sash, cutting, himee,'!severely
Treasurer, security, iu accordaece with with the glass, and otherwise ;,"turing
statutehimselfl'he fire pread south amonse the
e ood buildings till it reached the Meek
.tore of D. M :Cully, where its progress ,te'eir country. Ilis lecture 000 very no -
Welt arrested. Tho Goods evert: mostly tetes'ing. The speaker was teudered it
'11 fille7oanded,fei . Lay
11esetoerky! e' roMessrs
3'li'airt"tLe'otoe vote of thanks. There were
calized, to be applied on the
i ir stock, which become much dam- e hurelideb:•
h. people work- n 6 w it: .c, June 1st, 1868.
coveted by insuronce. T
aged therehy, but their loss was fu'ty
h in striving to slay the progress To the Editor of tho •tell.
ed bot
of the flames and in ening. the goods. Slit, -1 3110 happy to inform! 700 that
our Village, Lakelet, is ' progresnne fest"
3oine miscreente could not, however, let w„ 11340 er„,ted a now sle,,,T, 8347thill
should receive the liberal support ef a mnWAl
ittee was declared to conefet of Meseta the opportunity slip of helping theinse,ves,
g . we insi e e no m .
eep, Morrow, Leckie, essers, and and coneiderable goods are kmbe erected this fall. Our Muniown lo hare and a Cardiqg Mill' and a Griot' Mill is to
Lrans. dieoppeared in elite way. cipal
generotta public, and d I 't i t '
Several accoupte
Finance Committee.
Moved by Mr Simpson, seconded by
Mr Evan, 11141.11141. a rommittee of fiva
appointed in accordance with Mr P
lord's ;notion at the lost January naeeting
were referred to
long been it growing demand for a rebable
of this Council, to tare into coneideration
fuse -class maoltine, at a 10000 moderate the propriety of abolishing the Toll Gates,
figure, acid sve are happy to be able to
state that we know that, trom actual in- ia this county, and report to this Council
upon Tuesday tnorning Reit. Carried.
spection, the machine advertised is the upon a, artiat being token, the tot_
ion needed artirte Mr. ff
Lecoone -According to notice, the
Rev. Mr. Caulfield, of Mitchell, gne a
:PCLOte Of/ Fenianistn in the English.
Church, Fordwich, on Thursday evening
last, when th t Church woo filled. Ile
spoke of the ongin of tho Feniens, nttit
their present intentions, warning Iris 11 nrers
to be on their guard, and Mend loyal to
saying that them machines will, as they
ought, command a large We. We have
had an opportuuity to examine the No. 1
triacbine, and are astonished athe eixe,
weight, and ite strength and beauty of
finish ; and its qualities for sewing me not
1oVer63, to anything we have hitherto seen,
Our lady readers will he careful and dis-
tinguish tine from the little chain stitch
tnake a stitch exectly alike on both sides
of the maciiine need on. -See. Adv.
l'itGirr IN IRELAND ”--1110 Rend-
ings of Mr 'Ph is. Batty Conolly in
connection with this subject, as well as his
rntroductory remarks, afforded remit
pleasure to his highly intelligent and
appreettnive audience on Tuesday evening
last, in Victoria Hall. Flit worship tie
Mayor occupied the ellen.. Moore's
"Fire Worshippers ;" Gerald Griffia'n
im los* et' Couned met here on Wednesday, May
The .Couticit then ndrourned till property must be near $10,000, while
Wednesday morning., in order to allow the !penance will only amount to one 27th, for the-firee time, and it is but justice
to express our entire c-onfidence in them.
the Equalization Committee to go to work.holf. The following 1` a list °I- Ili° Piece' Thi1 ii the' only year that we have bad
(Concluded next week") Intent and the amount of each Insur• d at tbe' T1008 of their
Ailee:—No 1, owned by Mr Wie Jack- meeting we gam them three hearty cheers.
justice one us, so e
sone Mewed for $500; occupied by R M Yours, Sec., RATEPAYER.
Cotopli oriental y tittenor t114 Ciilit le " v, about e1,700 saved out of a stock
Aa intimated in ou: hate the friends an
well-wishers of Capt. late of Ili
11'. X. Clinton, entertained that gentle.
r te2,000, iosure,1 for itri.000- WINGHAM..
in tb,Rdyal. and $2,000 in the
e, or nutorn. No 2, owned by II eeree,e,
orsworthy, insured f ?..3400 ; occupied ',Renner' of the public to the announce -
Mums • -We would call the
ninn to a Dinner at the British .'• Le°' karee” maker' k3" 14'W°' no ment of Mr.Fisher, in regard to lite
Hotel, la t Feeley evening. mg chair Insurance. Over No 2, was Mr P. Fol. \V, olen Mills. He has lately purchased
ea, aggapiad by W. T. Ham Esq,„ Al :erfon s photograph gellery ; total loss of a large amount of new ninchinery, and is
P. P. and the yine_tban. by 1.. C. Ins tentertal valued at $1,000. No in• crow prepirred to no worit memod to no
Moore, Esq. Those p„„ , t ha, in ,,StO10/00 No 3, 11 Norsworsby owner,
fied the inner man, the proceedings of the insured $400 ; occupied by himself as a other in the county.
even' ig were commenced by prop sirg, clothing shop, &c., most .of 1 he goods
the usu I loyal tomtit, which were all duly'. sexed, but damaged. No insurauce on Illon:lek COunell
honored. ' goods. No e, Mr C Commander owner,
Howlett, May 27111,1668.
TI C ' k 'd I insured in the British American for 81,-
grave of his wife ie 1100. Mrs, Norton's tey were (10111 000; occupied by Messrs Cointnander ee The Coined met to -day at L3 elet,
urstian, to adjournment from laid meeting.
touching lines on " Hie Imaginary lament
of a young ceeadiaa Emigrant over tEe t %other to do honor to 3.10311 e ith whom
they had formed an acquaintance a few Elder, inerclittote, stock insured in the P
" Bingen on the Rhine d' Hon. Thos. years ago. Ile had since he cmine among". -
'ffeetern of England for $1,500 t stock Members 311 present, the Reeve in the
D'Arey_ MeGee's "PrimaiVista," together them acted in every particular as a gentle- badly damaged. Their loss will be eery
wore read, approved and signed. When
chair, when the minutes to. last meeting
with Mr. ConolVe retie°1 tribute on man. There was a general regret al hie heavy. No 5, owned by M80Arl Irwin, ho
the death of the illustriotu etateaman, tee deearture. We would not in future have insurance • oceupied by Mr Irwin ex. Hod- the Clerk read an ogreement from the
all elicited much applause. In MaE0811'8, tile Plum" of Meeting in hottest y„, ea gins, merclia»ts ; stock insured for 46,_ Wellington, "irey and Bruce Rearmed
graphic delineations of Irish t haracter • • our wade. All who had had any business 000-$3,00 in Bri ish Arne' icon, 4;1,000 Company, with the Minticipality, signed
Handy Andy's" laughable blunder, anti transactions with hint had come out to do Etna of Dublin, and $2,000 in the Lan- toy Mr Brown, the President thereof.
" Father ProuVi• sermon, he etteeeoed henor to him, ete a teetimony of his straight eashire; their loos will be fully covered Mos ed by Mr. Ferguson, seeonded by Mr.
to perfection in bringing out the genaiie forward conduct. No one telt more sarre'-ikY the insurance. No 6, owned by Mr Perkins, That the Reeve take eaid agree -
humor alba countrymen, and keeping his st the ceptaln's departure titan he did• a Leslie, insured fn $500; occitpied by ment and the M unicipal By -Law to a
eudienee in one coutinual roar. Mr. .
Trade waa beiag largely developed ho- Mr N Robson, stock insured for 8700- lawyer fo, advice.-Carrisel. Moved by
$350 in Provincial of Canada and 8350 Mr. Petkins, secooded by Mr. Wier,
Cone!! 6' force eslares and a earance tvreen this place and Saginaw, and under '
I H C gi. i ol That Aleyander Gowdy be Commiseioner
(11 are decidedly in his favor, and he teem such men, it would have been omit tip,
6160 be covered by the insurance. No 7, to vi°5* "r• Toombs' crossIneing on
$ He then read the following
equally 51home in the pathetic as well 83 Owned by Mr J Steep insured in the sideline 5 and 6, in the 13th and 14th
humorous, It is to be hoped he will ..„, e, , le le ,,, • concessions, and report thereon.---Car-
again favour us with a smiler treat to e ° senh' - ru `..."' Niagara elutual for $500 ; occup ed II'
ried. The following applications for aid
Late 0( 1111 Steamer Clinton. himself es a hoot a shoe store ; stoc
what ire hail on Tuesday evening last. to make and repair roads were grant- d,
• We the citizen, of the Town of Gee- I:I:mired for 8400 in the Niagara Menial.
viz :-Jelin elontgomery's Hill, $60 ;
county counctt. erich, in the province of Ontario, in tle ..11-19 '"" '' eery hearf all he had a large
— Dominion or Canada, beg to preeent toe itc'ek on ha". In th° roar eeveral Bremner, con. B, 85 ; William Hamilton
' Mr. Young, at Lakelet, $20 Charles
The Municipal Council of theeCounty with an eildress on your retirement fran buildineetvere burnt -the stables of Mr,
of Buren, met at the Court Home, Ga., ths command of the Steamer Clinton Millar, n• insurance ; also a house occu-
sideline 25 and 26, con. 10, $20; Adrn
each, an Monday, lb. 1s1 beet Present, It is now **out three yen, gnu, 0, •pied by a widow woman and family. the, Scott. sideline 20 and 21, con. 14 $40,
R. Gibbons, EM.,Wardee in the theme' *Weenier this place bad first the pleape tra• "fit 1"iree at ille time, slid lost a11 Iter with an equivalent Mom the applicants;
gad edema, Yong, Sprott, Ems, of yew- acquaintance, and can assure u f(trttit"r" Ind Tr°1181°°1' Metsrn Irwin Samuel Ney, lot 12, con. 14, 420; Geo.
Walker, Gatlin, Gateway, Pareoem- that your gentlemanly and honorable et Hodgite warehouse and several smaller Green, an itedeline 10 and 11, eon. 11,
Coleman, Smilte, Creery,Bielsop, GiCeiel; course doting that period has pined for buildings Also went. It is tee intention of $15 ; Janice' Galbledith, mime line, eon.
Perkin', Leckie, Kelly, Pickford, R. you an attachment to.our kindly fee thm
e respective °ere to putsup substan14, $25; Jobn Ferguson, A and B side -
tial ' lot 15, $70; Jamee lizelwo.nd, con
Brown, Simpson,Doblan,Denglaes, Helps, whieli mina mambo forget
Armstrong, Meem Mallongh, Snell, feel sorry to learn that you bete
Marrow, Shepherd, Pollock, A. Brown, to lest. tbe Clotton, and we empress the
Horton, and Hanneh. unanintows sentiments of our people hires ee„e,
Minutes of last meeting read end when teems, thaityonr retirement le nee; IT -
epprovetf. 'retied by ale We cannot permit
yo +
henetebuildIngs on the site dug thlinee alum
or, rAtieb will add greatly to the beauty of 16,200 sideroad, $2001 William Leon -
s 5
illage. The buildings on the opposite
".rd, ton. 6, lot1 and 32, 450; John
of the street were saved by the 8mitb, con. 14, Iola 18 ami 19, 410;
nom( wet blankets James Dane, cutting hill, con. 10, lot 19,
825 ; Alex- Gon.1? con. lie $30 ; 51r.
The Warden amid there was to take year leave of us without in this
Tho ol Gotes wero the only trouble. /our coerteous and gent manly undue
From what he could see end learn, cne toward* all who have had the happiness o
change wee really neceseary. They reacting you. We bore sod trite
seemed to be realizing money from item, that wherever an Allege.) Providence roo
but wben the expenses, lames, 8414, were d:rect your steps, prosperity may anew
deducted, It was not math .(tor all. They you, Moe Keith, and family.
ehauld in his opinion either go back to the Mgt Johnston, 11 I, Doyle,
old ayetem of charging foll toll, or thee* I F Tonle,
theos open altogether. Rutnor had it that G etaresbalt,
T Alcock,
C Aretr bald,
the contract for building the Maitlend Seyrneur, Dr Sheenon,
bodge wase not {ming carried out. If it Junes Watsoe,
was not looked after mut got comp'eted, W Simnel*,
F Robertson,
it would cause a memat deal of trouble. It join, Devoe, F Jotdan,
W T Hays,
Dennis. Doty,
'nos Dotter,
W M Menge,
JD Ss lit reapehhatrad:
Shade Gooding,
A Waddell, •
J. Bell,
Ire Eerie,
Artbut Wiley,
11 Dotter,
I 5 Itiehmend,
-V C
LTIOKNOW. Ve bite, con. C, d; Wm. Mont‘ornory,
o...--••••••• •••
con. 13, $R; Joseph Williamson, Eon. 2.
nothing articular to briag before then]. manner e*pressing our Iii/b estenstiere of Pneseoteoriem-Tho Peer. Me. and 3 let 22, culvert, 412; John Frank Tinto Tim&
Walkir, Now Conneition Church, who Ian, con. 1, sideline 25 and 26, $10
's about -leaving the place, erns waited on Peter Frieee, con. 2, sideline SO and 91, GOIS0 LAST.
one erening Net week, by a few of his 410 ; James Dnvidson, con. 4 and 5, morale. EXPILEIS. MIXED
friendsmied presented with a well filled sideroad 20 and 21, 88; John Wagner, Goderielt, 4.30am 9.30am 1.00pm
porso. 815, On 14th con.; Wm. M. Ellis, con. 2, Clinton 6.30 10.05 1.37
(=tomtits Dircrunee.-The loyal ice sideline 25 and 26, culvert, 410; Thomas Seaforlb 6.10 10.80 2.00
habitants of thie village and surrounding Taylor, eon. 14 and 16, $20; Albert Stratford arr 8.00 11.45 4.00
counoye celebreted the anniversary of Craig, con. 11, $15; Alex. Crawlord, lots Buffalo 7.00pm 30.80
Her Most Gracious Meleetee birthday, 10 ond 11 on 9411 con. line, $10; A. Toronto 11,45 5.00 9.00
' on the 2.6th ult. The day was ?Jitter, 13 lino, 410; John Bowes, aide- GOING Wier
nattered in by the firing of lino 30 and 31, *113; Mr. Ireland, appli- Toronto 8.15atn 3.45prn
21 Sue (anvils) 16°14 6 3' 13' 81100117 cation for culvert referred to next meet- Buffalo 6.50 12 norm
(Marge in pereonal property, end having
made the necessary declaration, Irate
abatementa made from tho amount of the
personal property accordingly. Murdoch
Mumeeson complained in person of an
minutes after the syrup loadtelniettnit
tilreeteous for using will aecommaq
each bottloe etone itenulite *10100 itteee
elmile of OURTIS * 1feet tetke' ° 4
i t Id ra
overcharge in personal property. The Sold by Druggists tlaroughoot thieerterld , e
Court decided the' his assessment ho PRICEe.,01110P 26e. PER itererl•711,''"
confirmed. Joserei Givens and James °"1.°68-216Puftere st- ffeee York.. Al.' '
Flogan complained of an overcharge in ilealiabl ent°41boTtiver'lu,n0daenuaiditE.14)**1." 414 711 ,
pereotal property: In the absence of the
parties, the Court did not reduce their inhriat mtaruyouTotTlemoiretattesdoiaberineoser_atiauireir).
P t itt
over alb. °the: evenediee of tho etteetette4110.• -
not deny the superiority of thatLatsidielgo .
00010 way or otter, either ,simply- in' come •
pound. West's Seem Composite:a we
lieve to be est **cellos% inedleter ter peel
ood •
• Alum
IIIMOT been equalled rot each diee 16181/W
08L8, 8110 T6F, Ittde•ye,
bog by that peculiar &idiot% the
Greet Shoshone's Reramlye of emirs" weir*.
Perry Davis Pain Killer..
We clip -the Admit -Mr teem the Perivliterom
0onerri Marietta's t:dit titervireaseelofetilW '
year wlorn cbolera. cholera( ^
tory, and other kindred emptiest" ars sere
to prevail, everyone sh.111dheliberally esp,' •
peed witb Perry Derris' leigetediee Ittftee-
Killer.. Persons leaving homee ildertelimeee. •
assessment, '1'. IL VenEvery way fin-
essed for W.4 cote 6, E. D. John Ilan-
1m,motem bed bis earner metered ee the
cell insteini of 'Aloha Marina iitorneJon
!Woodmsn's name mut' tat(
roll iottesd of Robert Wo
part of tot 9, con. 1 ;
instead or,iolin MeIlwein f
an's, for
ham Tigert
real proper.
i John „ to bp 10100104 (or
pawned propitely to1yr,i,i,fobn Remota
sitistead of P. Motepire or N. e -aeon. 10,
E. D.; Emerton Collins' name wee enter-
ed on the roll for lot 3, con. 0, E. Fe, ;
John Savage for Se 12, eon. 4, E. D.;
instead yr p.an Swift; Alexander Mc
Kenzie, Donald McKeuzie, Joseph Alton,
Henry eilullon, Andrew IVIullen, John
b,ferevereed tolni e thCourteroit 1 in bine,eltioenucceo. utur 3 ao
PP eam1reiedes oehin°finotirlit*h:vi ismi 1 o' al in :cexenntic:letrilitwi°u:s*rallaPeek. tncuMPatarf dirteedliderePe.'
Hennessy, and sereral others. s
assessed too low. The applicant on ace
Hogan, who complained thus they were tinrcolvdeent,t,tatentitien
:0791"in meted:roar:: tilils.b:iildlitelees14:14171
ccunt of domestic affliction did nut attend, nearnt?"'venior'et'l (re' Imre tt7an ona °center* hare
Tel:side:1 utriltalitzinpgartiireitedwetrleie nactomap‘I.agilte, , twimime,l7eus,0001,.thofe esiboe ceoteeeasezereprepormit,.1,74000,11,,, .
ed too low compared witb the general nes- Poe sale by all druggists, grocers, and mkt- :
essment of the lelunicipality. The roe -110 4°,1,107,,.
waNsInfiyrial2IYOM1PaleRd6.13.--Tbe Council met , Goderleh "Inner DM mmieseti
the members present. The nuinutee ole
last meeting were reed and approved,. A
cAnteriean. E chan Gi enlitteits...4.',
Corrected for the Star every week liediDlutit
this day pursuant to adjourninent, at
le Smart, Exchan re, Wow; Iffe .
Deen Swift's Hotel, Dungannon. All
God ich h June 180 - '
deed ei land for a road on tbe 4th tom
roe given by Mr Wm. Barrie. The elorteend-e0 TA311-erair, 4- T°73 CsirviilAr. ftia:fs...
Clerk wits instructed tri prepare a By -Law
to establish a road. The Reeve eubinit- - 310„,,,g-72 Astmtnatt-,i2 emmitt fit .4;
.000130AT ."
led. atatement showing en expenditure
a Dieoneet
ot six hundred dollars incurred in repair- Ithylng in
ieg roads and bridges damaged ,beeethe ' Selling Sit
spring floods. in addition to this expen- coma at
diture, it wag rt ored by Mr rVIcintyre ' 9
seconded by Mr Armstrong, that the 8,711.11,1,tg..fiic.rullzote:Tiltst0. sow. ,: .
ve hundred dollars be expended
.t,i Buying at . tell •
sum ols."
ibnaaa'red dol'ars to be expenu
the Townlehip for enproeing
0103•00INTY/F. nil •
in each ward wa the" Tovirmnsohyiepdavasbfyormurerly.
.-levink et lepperjOnhado-Billo -,-,.......eet.-,,,
it4lattreee'Yitinig; gen trtiglee ncbt le"deis.t.a'aCe- ;ill -plea% ;.n.irta
•Mr. plivitfinntayttoen,
jdt1e7avlitindelehtd°:n It' r oe6etoacrrs°aniledde..edf b„84 e r e " nee Nine that orders , _e_it:r41:iny :IAA OT imprint sill'
for plenking the bridge scru” *--"' eerive prompt attention at current ratite
na.nely, seeen dollars 8 thousand "wren,-
Mtle river, at Harris' milts, be acc.ent,ed,
laid on the bridge Cari ied. Moved ' FLOT J-Z:rtri-or Eitristo ,00108. 25
7 80 '79) -
j}:‘Wxaettirtcljiy. Canal an; ethic! I irti 7017°14.5 ,
8Pf.NIC: 11 CWaneastria:SVVVraealt66 5500 ' IA
53 0705 .35;11;„:
No 2 "
W II BE1.1.2.4.egTs :Lel:CI:ars ada Fell 0 00' 0 tellt
Spring I 42 345
BARLEY -per 98 the i 4161: °6114114i
OATS --per 32 lbe
GOLD joie- 0 10 le2ik
BUTStoreER-packed Da i r y
AS/MS-Pots 5.
0 tfe It 2S.
4 4
: " )2I :5000 12 1 IT
DRESSED HOG A 15 50 15 75
FELS 06 8600 06 0(400
RYE FLOUR. 000 ll 90
Lyra. •
by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Me,
!Mere, (hat this Council do now- 'oilman
(0 05061 at Donald. MeRee's Hotel, Port
Albert, on the If th day of June next.
Tp. Clerk.
Another Solt Well.
CM Monday last the New Detnibion
Salt Coinpany fieished boring their well
at a depth of 1125 feet. They penetrated
9.1 feet of salt rock. The tittle occupied
in prosecuting tho work was ati tiOrl less
tban any prerioua one.
LON DOSI, June I. -Sullivan nntlyigot,
the two Dublin ealitore, who love been
imprisoned there far some lime for alleged
seditious articles, have been released from
confinement on frrit of error.
A Mint hie Friends.
The Signal gives Messrs. Blake, Mc-
Kenzie, Holton, 4e, for their long
winded speechea, the following slap in the
fare, in its last issue 1—
If mare of the members had opened
their mouths less and voted as Mr 'White-
head did in the interests of economical
governmentondependentof party influences,
the millions added to ,our national debt
would be redue`id by one-half."
Perry -Davis' Pain Killer is put up in
panel bottles with fine steel engraved
Mete : be eireful and get the genuine.
For Boils, Felonse Ringworms, and Oki
Sores, Perry Davis, Pain Killer is the
sovereign retnetly.-See Adth
weetil be a great drowback to this part of
3h8 C0804 1,3 have the road stopped
ebout the time the Fall Wheat t7311 ready.
Mr. Monsen thonlit the Engineer
shook' instrueted to bring up the ems -
toot, OM they might sse what they
had to work en.
Mr, Settome reed the report ot the
Cettimittee at the Jannary sittinv, which
eMpowered the Engineer to etepil
additienal asentabee, km, at the expellee
of the eentrattotelf tie deemed the work
was not totog tiihed forward vapidly
When le settee emerice, and dittott °wile the taft neterat teltitig en *tweed teseegh awl elite ed into, tee Engineer
deems bete bete erieteee of the feet y entiriai and !edging on the aide or the nese mkt ilemelly
telegraph. In ashlitlea to prepotetleit tor 1601.V the civil, di th6 er It Wee *Vat'. Mr. PoetMen sell he had heel that a
at Prescott, Toronto, PottEt0.•.., arnl tlits *4014 eleven Valet tun hen,' to -end tint mare er it there'd. •
aereate co lend, emelt:tete eite efilioned Dr• ISheeleset the ben yen of to timber bad been eftiemned,
entive reteirotd ire *Aden ite 1•111-12- ett ""etds t'?*'° 44, Mr. Marx.° t.f4,` memstetLet mem
11300. 511001(04 nil!) A rititttoing one Alter tat' 3Cei311113d «at it. lei° three tekettie te few deo ar, anti thin he (the
ttreeefore, teat b eh ()Tom of ff,:o peofos statement and so 1800 thet the J'adees in ell ott tfie eremite., bee thee em eatm nut
Meeting the boteler, ters peepeeatione fcr Teel" bete Itietee 30 eedee foe my get an estficate a* the Engineer had
their reception ore 83 0M:I eft. As he died:sego, min bear rem mit. eeedeeened girdle placed with bad iithis.
talaW 11110 demtm, ttld regoldit Verne, ete.•
U es emtereeetety to be attle to stathe figeterte Ntt airs this * ente emittaellise) bed fold ito the timber nal
P A Metfougttlee
C MeXtiy,
Geo If Parsons,
j11 Itentehatst,
17 Eloottde
And °them.
The et-ideas:doe titeo 'raid be, had gotten
a1114 YDP:InterTs may ospooted to Oa 3A1129. WHITE. 'theta piee.ea Made toro feet !mgrs. than
11,1 0 Cameren,
W Weirder',
0 MoDerreett,
W K telefoon,
John Betlex,
W Donaghy,
M Pally,
.113 Gordon, --
3 3 Wright,
Ire Lewis,
13 Traicer,
P fl Carter
II Snell, `
Chat Milder,
T Cox,
tit NH1°12,1114
. Ersat, •
tiutt Danny,
Ed !looker,
A M Ross,
after that hour tbe peopit began to gather, Mg. Tho unfinished work granted in Stratford 8.30am 1.00pin 7.44m
and increased till there wcro about 3000 1867, was ordered to be re -let at onee, Seaforth 10.80 2.00 9.20
persons present At 10 o'clock the viz :-covoring crosenaje eideline 5 Clidtnn 11.60 2.25 9.55
Fames commenced, end corteieted alt -ono- and 0, eons. 11 mid 12, ; sideline 15 Goderieb are 12.30 1 3.00 10.50
mg. JoroPlog Sto. ThoY teere well end 16, hill at North brinell, Poi side-
contested. Mr. W. Orr, Lucknort; Mr. line 10 end 11,000. (0, $10. Commis- -
W. Reid,Ashfield ; and Mr. IIJ, Corrigan.: eioner ihstrueted to etmeine tied make BIRTHS.
edicernment then took P the race and the bridge on sideline 10 and 11, cos. of me Settled Cowan ot a son,
On thit 29th lett Hie Wire otur wiNnove cogsm
Ff. Miller, Aslifiehl and G. McKcoo the Eith day of FOlt SALE TN'
the 6ret prize; end Mr. IL Milkr 2)- Oleg. bride's -rather, by tie ller. Mr Sarer,e1 s
Whe,a,t,spfitrilneg ,
Flour, ... SEAFOTtjuTn!es2.3.000. to18638,L
It2100 117e 4.111111;.
Peas, . 40 to 00')
' 55=to 0 SO
inPolustytat.etoer„s, . .......... ...... ' 14045 tot.. 01 SO"
• 124 it, a 04
Pork, . •.•• 5.50 to $ occ-
Wpod., 81.110.0:losa! "1
Turkeys, per. lb. ..... .2Abtio* 1,f '020
Beef per lb' _ ,... .. . _..2.!$511: 06'. 01"
Geese, theft
IL. M, RAC. Kt'
III 111
Sign of the Gohlen Anvil
NEgT DOOlt To '
Wholesaio and Rani)
Gi? 0 CER AY,
AtitungritEkt, •
lune. 1868.
Melon, were the 071 winaers. .An safe the bridge en eon. 10 nal 11, let 10, In Howlett, on the Ord Mil, the wile
course. For the ere rate, Trotticg e, Movea end ecconded tbst the' Coen.
Meteteethere were lour entries-, vit., My.; cif do now niejeurn to meet in Wm. nava Lasko nf a ion.
Lucknour ; A. Anderton, Rialtos ; jobristoVg, eleroeeteld wirdnimthy,
teetente. Mr. Au treaties home won GE& BAltiE; To Musick, it the residence of the let
the "dud. There: were thiee °mitt
forthe second taco, vit., S heti*, Ath- Alibilielld/ Connell. •
field ; Same. Ciaitt, Homo ; end 13. ,
CdfiigOO. Mr. !retire lett Mr. Skin, 20d- April 28t1i, 1868.-m1he Commit met
.me,04. le, ,b. Conotronettom Ttiekiefeteerelliee eta. pumanitet,. niljeurinfeente 15
Met ' ietsint Ath8e1d aria A. Mutual( Cooninglvsn's !tote, Ludt:most, the mom.
mfered tit • tWeefitikel,„.:yrhitlarYdas. 0004 &DU IgCtritr present The titillates bi
'II • MT, Ceetilagliams lear-ctontimthert met oneeineg tura read. aed apron°.
cpsiotly deepened to their hottest 't'he Morel by .Mr. itteintyre, seconded by
day pleteloneithdottho knot clittufhance. Ato, Jo10ston, that meeme connoz he re.
Itt tho evening them tea* tt tan la Caen' fended $`1160 au aeceeet orate overtheriza
itighaette tislio whieh T/C.,11 troll attended. be teeee. Caertea, moue Iv
Mr Willie* Steal% to Ma Etiaaboth:
Vines-, both of Morrielt.
AtLetteheitte, by the Iles-. Ur Vittege,
Thome; Ranger, tis Miss Slaty Ann'
. .
On the fdSth ot the retideuto cif
the !Aides ttra Thor:-
timiloo,rde Pour litosert, of Veneto,
to Mist Ellen, leveed dtteghter ol
Mr Aleteider Ilamiltals, of Tannthlp of
titox ,
. —
?gest Door to 4*lis ltsicey's Wininnis
eta Edell Ot
OPPOSite-hit old sto:oil.