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Huron Signal, 1873-12-10, Page 4
c. _ <3- gov I won ny dartlinS, E3 tto an bzealAtbmtio 0- We weic Whiteout:Am:1 tilo yaw rzipplIcza•thelight; &gay °nth° quart= Hove milin ‘.1ta ita onciaat ny.:,c1liug • We, virmc3 latat3?„ Bvoulnovent hoc&ns/ Watotaclit a3 it went. - SetIrl 17:410f.l. aria fleetly' rto...._-%kdas'iihcTi3o17; bovVarlocl aricetly; "Taaolla tho totter view." Scamtty Sacr4 waat tho goo, QuFarz Eau, t3! 12b Mat.ea pog &lox, .Miiat:o.tc.a bona ho?, _ ▪ t to goo or, floc; Male, ana (lady wounfl bar Chair,mla n3,10 lino. tha drab 93811100i, MC41 rafritat oothocfroo? onurotando4 tIrniM ohcltizon OB BDOI, UN() ottwilo:5, 1fic560. aiael ill at ealfit c):to CLJilOdarling! - can0A4 I P9o,;iollaca(1 CUD r,la4()N NVO• 13014 11'41 tta (loggr,P — Anil I IMRE— •e/ SPCiteial Notice.1.----.. Lands for Sale nonzmosv„---1-32P.3'a C3na.•Erasim4r•Li.6 Anti etritionvina,•="13y 0, trullezt laseirk-Age ofD the natural Dacia whiert gOvcra tin; ozieriatigas �ages. flea and tantritlon, clad by a =1E11 co of tte Case ficeLasstiCs of Well s °Dated. cocoa, 2110. EMS Lss provDtIcilenztrogifast tabics with a elelleately: nav07-ca bovorage which may swots =art C.3,7r dostorS° hilia."-;.67;13A-,7,vers 6'armem Mao Bomb, Doniog,Wstorer UHL. 13sch pashetisliatelted -"Ansa tivro Gum 711feme'..opastie OhOlatts, London," liflannatialuan est C00,021.• -•-"Ws' win noW givri an 111'.:2Amtlt (3'17 tElcs Ptiffi c•.•31 s4rasDolfcddieWtro.CaVertgaer telt3 gilleg'sgri'tilrita?0;Dn' Ste ig21,1‘eadart.; —Ccsr.:17,0 BY E4, °WOODCOCK, CONVEY' ANC= ' And Land Agent. WrIOn—Derscr West Ststcst,aerlor1011. A Valuable Farm Prospectus fori8/4—Seventh Y, aamloma THE ALDINE. An Illustrated Monthly Jo:man enlversallyadmitted to be the Handsomest Fondled the Wend. A Representatiee and Champion. . of dennean Tate I• ITot for Ado or News Mom. IL --1 r ALPINE, Ivhitolssaaa with all the regularity, has none of the, tempor- . 1 - *anaemia. q [TB SC R IB E ary or timely 1nthrist characteristic of Sri-VAT:OD ih the second concession ordinai7, perodicals/ It is an elegant literature ; ands cklection I.'of pictures, eg the Western DiviOcu ©f the miscellany of inire light and kracefill the BOGUTownship of Colborne, S MEMONES.- rarest specimens of artistie still) in. . ' , , about four Tidies from Godorieli, con. black and white. Although each sic. bluing 260 acres of pod land, nearly its friends, the nal value and !Rally of Huron S ff LIEVII for a considerable tinio pa5t 8t5u1V, wdli BrIgk 11"8°P Drbrrifh 841' Tun Atinta will bo moat appreciated IL eonsic,lered it to bo my duty to Avow. F°31t V°„,()P3d &?, ,,57)4,r°, is 3 rod after it has been bound up at the cl000 ttoo tho Fibila og the BOA North ".icard3g '1'"371 o' 6'1' °"(4cc4 "16 of the year. While, other publications Aynomilan Etovine00 afoot !mono on the estate. Wel watered., Mtio may dim superior cheapness ft3 coin. grora unprlizolvied dealay3 riu_adicioe3 1136E-Vatallgo, 9.1orrofi caw. ., .' OCI3DIRtilif3 growt Nov7 Yorl; ancl sold an . Holloway's Pilla mad 'Ointment. 43111111•01=s half of which is cleared and frac rom eeetlipg number agents fresh pleasure to , Grateful Thousanils proCialin 'PINTA= BITTERS t318,1110:3t wonder- foi Invigorant that over anctainNI tho ninhing pyatsma. No PersOn eau talie tlieSonit• tera according to directional and ro. nut a"ur, pared with rivals of a oimilar am, Tun Ian tillwt314 Pr°vided 19-Whi ATIDIND io unique and original con. my '4E-rollaway's Pills and Ointment," Pc9"Wme°7 a2a L52a1S3c1INCI°d6E"( hme31/il° 41°1W° 1/7 min"al cootion-alona And tinappreached,----ab. In which man& ingonnity hao boon dio. P°1cmi- Ov btlla ina"(4 anti vital 9rD solotoly witboiOompetition in vrico playog in E1,17413 MOM Of? ao of ble BuSh 14.0vo rano =tad rcpah,„ 11 , o ro E ra valua maizo, It b vary difficult indood to a o Itra,toa, ifi p r ogo_cogrtoArbrAt, Liutuggsr ANL/ - 1;1110119 tontiltont and tognot, ommoyato tho ofway dovgcc3 BREEN? colfooprog of Lot„No 61, con , 844 Id. J¼vv. volume cannot thylicato tho (pond .7 a • - cags OB p B DO radgh ar0 00 lino paper and ourwavinga in an, other ' to which tho Fact103 laat70 bad Daolimos Poviaent til(rvibileYn ot'MW shayo olailifilb9V of volonwo ,ra timen . %%qv 04,1101D(50t OtIDOV tlarf,o, that TM' aorry, wivoro throughout tho United r3tater5, ito cod; my? /Ace, 771,per 7 - BOV7 IftolliDIZ,5 boon ailoytod by thorn, containW acros, Tito coil Ili friglied aiROgaily Moo of the .2111-delpyi, !rage!)/ ' with barogawd ogrontory &ORD blatu loam to candy 10311ip with a blicoourir Tonnemooi j$Epitiogivioripi oho rixaDlia 0,1ainot• T9oing eiccoivod, by nom failing araors mannintlithroaria the Cumberland, Arintaiaaa, Colo. *onion!) imitation), WianbouanoQbalf Moo and- Staple, rada, Dram -Illo Ortuado/ Pearl, Thoillsitrations oflua Amin nava A 1205u laral by MG woo 00 goliogny" tho roonaindou goday, Pin° and flank Alabama, dobilo, Oavantoda, liocr . ma a w6114411a0 Z70 itations au4 ii; t110 i io =Oval 11 tlao G0,01104 Olionalcal !tools, Ooll hofacT, no loo o vorp airoho, llama • and, many otlicral cut couttios .ilf Mir Telt fo ip/toil - 1 kinaa ai,i4 hi, tido Champ/my ago nainagi villauo of llo11110170; 111I1 WOO tarn 011111111,f;1' Mid A111,111/1/4 it1111.1q111131'1110 TI10 a01-11,1PM Kilildie,91.,favolvni "dm! on? noon ene pnbilie ae my anolloienee VI P(1136tigi, and ocVon alnico from 'Who lily 19 iifirillff PilllicIflii of 1111lionttl pttork 101;3111( 1Y Vioulfikl to ft, 5100 Milo awl (flaittoante" co that •lovr1 tho ham, Tido mod, Tomo to oolt tho 1itot,t tug ilryttoon, ttro inviavitogy ono Mt:eared and dinhalialating Moto Which gtg n 0,4314 Gold, toinharn lialgtho conamomitr no ilium ytarclamor, Vor bathos/ yartloulavG, ay. embpitniod by tinloolvo ifornino, wecorloalalo 4A0 naval:04cm of onpowlow - - Vii(ai o•- • - , lheliti3 a the otitingol am il, and artiotio quality whit groiatow fachitti of - it would fall Win MO elliaCibilM fig AV tgl alnavany ,low Youth who lando valtiablo, Wing et nat(,) within ono mi a with tlioir valtributarloo, Myatt/311a fact MA --------efigro 0Eit:9400 nanto for a omall tmotly nilfin 510 Ma& 017 0150 Rolla/ado Nino aniloo from tho- oiit our mil* ootIntry the tlia 1ift5iieft Voriootiosis 61vOri raw& _ 4'4°6 " co topotanlo, lon0 c/101114 WOODOOON, other viNeora, ifi ginho prodtwtion, wood.onta of !nu 6530 Ma SUDO° Ao it lo not at all noc000rary for this Ifilltioliee ,T,„tho„ MINI of 111(13 enotlY jPflJHIJI &imam tho voitteation of any man Cloavoyeatioor and Land,Agont,(10dorilOh, treatment n purgative, COMM a Am° 1"g3Crjri th° d6116116Y .1'62)4 615tn7 t9 1110017 any' ogyonoo in Mao nolo A Good Vanno no organ°, lo MOM ally noncom, . (1/4 0 • A f, linIntAnnt0,1 ejf Nadu 9Imehlcitmo, ow to a 'pry There Jo cathartio for tho piti,p060 to0 avlEADSPIlale onolat (=Cal nO thoy do lily nanaol, ITUAIED about Dia miloo from, godog coat to DR/ WaLi11190 VsgiVIAlt IY° MY rano gqualfil 0 1 GI 09 t 9 41 the anorol a bottor vendor. BEST 6 LIEWSPAPBR IT.I5M13l110 1 7 MB COUNTY OF illfin57, au wf;1111.11 aolii on tho otb coa).; og tho . Brarco, ao they. opootilly which 4111),„ it)) vop Awifirm Agvatigoi, toototal botearo, thoy aro in a portion to Iffibf7 Mona at a - vows/ low plc° 115 Kianadas iShOne they o oltiNt9g 41/0 .1ti°311°311=4111/ arpytarobalod by a fciwfirliaolocato liousoo .tialt I ean IMMO, ea Hanle Iszyt b tiac &now() botwcosa a lama lamagtar, ig tlaoy continuo to yowl tho will a chtER Tao ilvot Ivo ono, and the moo, Doctor laya to." Mao g ollowing avo a Ill tritium and el. Now Etryorz.,.,o26,3isa 1:12 an mono &Tomo og oonaar 02 tho tott000 who got tho way should go, an whoa t q17 al°831"°3 fuln" "Iire°4= ° pgozzot, tima comes it Mit von into moth, or. Tho E-7amaoltuotto pious doocago a Moons% Avow, Brown (gg CO, p 11. Messrs. Vorositli 600, Irdifau 11. i. TZ00320."2. BLIVE.1011 ,EJ fgono, t. Sohn, ataqat Much grotracnto ietel Staffelh. N. B. " °2IY aa'.1111M-7 Ir'"'bP°°' Mr. T. DM Brisay, Charlotte Town, tor. What btIao.aiffmonec -botwoon a con. moopyo, LmIgloy 00„ viotoria, 0. eaited COnjniix and an important blood Eg000n 11001.0 t?, Co., Vietoria, a 0. vornol in bias) neat? Ono is a vein junnier, and tho other is a jocular vein. My Pills and Ointment aro sold at the lowest wholesale net prices, in quanti. r.407.1� lig Thu larctr,You Itt107.--• We of not losa than 220 worth -71z.* e eared with a Log House, 4c. Sonl g- 0031 Doelon: "AnOthanyOnliy, ea. 01, 223., 31.1. 1002 dozen bozos of collont. Titlo indisputable, the pre. den?. ThoSevo L4.25. LIA9 coa0 1.•••° gaaki• Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re. sent holder being the Cr,own patentee. nornaelano." Little Girl: "I'm glad of assssaneee moot bo cent 1Th advance), Terms eaoy. For aetioulare ly to - thee, flEr. rvEGt/Z0V134€1 all ttaci het iot Thozo Eactueinoo aro not sold in the erae oleteer United Staten. A Polar, Illinoie, coroneee jnry rend- Each Pot and ex of my pteiperations creel c,voraiG,.8 that a man, nslacee body boars the Beitish Government Stamp, wcs found' ita the river, cense to hie death vsith the verde "Holloway's Pills and by a Mow ous the heed, "which wao Matra° t, London)' given claim' before or after drowns (Sies,ned) TH059.11.S HOLLOWAY, - 533, Ozford Street, W. C., Gnanessnounerce. -Captain ofSehoon. Loodon, cliely 1, 1873. 1881 e PeO Ore V 1118 051,/ . I TowfashiP of Collionive tholifB70113 BYO WA at the Ontfle' Milo only liocossary,to . earlier Ma loot to containing IN soros, 00 &mod and otimulatiug tho ocorotiono of tho 11vo4 tho vooplo of any other &mut roproorp moody Haim, oultivation, Doll is_ mg l5090M11,71(90tA510110 &AAP' ftlfog fathom of the - golOothoio or groat a6)04, varying fl..0.... sandy loam to lacavr Mom 0f-tho (VW° "PA " . _ valtdoVa, - parti6tdar3 CT* to IN" 48 1100111 tlio (we'olled, • &DI= will reproldsee esasireakf the blaois loam. Thor° is a splondid oroo 'ratify t 10 body ogainat Moo- 1, itt ,domf_5its tho mom manning through tho loaloo a small &NO by yurifyingr all its Auld° with - boa of Cho Nationni Academy, .aud boarang orchard,- To bo sold olacap, Pos, Vilingtx 7140mie eall °thew noted 'A nerican attistm, Tun - , Y3, W00 COCTS„ -Dysitoria or Indigestion boo foreign !pastel% - sole° mi *Out • Conveyancer MA Land AiloakCiodoriph, ache, It it1 OhOnIdOrfi, aOtwhoi vioss, to 601140st °Awl° m0000d aiid • - ' -Tightness of the Cheat, D120111000'1 -WODY in tho Mouth Ilillous Attacks Palpita. tilisoribor 1.0 TIM ALDINI3 will at a roatost, general interest, Thu- the _ Trait:table Bush Farm Brootations of the ntoinaoli, Dad .Tauto f3triflin cost, enjoy in his own likne the SITUATR tho 10th cola. og the Mon, of the licart, Inflammatilm el tho g , ,,, A , • 'Lungs, Pain lti the regipn oLthe !Clancy°, anectalrois a" rentunb 01"4021000.01 vruo To%vnehip Of Grey, and a hundred other painful symptom°, aVo the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bot,- The quartesir tinted plates for 107.4 within 1q miles of the ailsvay. Tim. tie 17111 prove a botterg. 151/Nantes) of its, _ will be by Thn amd .TD os. Mora..Worral. - bar mil:od, Beach, Maple and a largo merlin than 1' Isnrt117 advorticomont. ward. ., .. I1 111t7 of pod Cedar. 'About 6 adY03 Ser0f111:11, or King'S Evil, white - -The Chriotmao ieouo fon 1874 Will eon - Swelling°, income Eryolnelan, Sweilea taln speoial designs appropriate to the Hoot; Cloitre, Scrofulouo inflammations, Indolent Inflammationo, Mercurial ee- ooacor by our beat artists and will Old Gores, Eruptionof the ogour. wls i'nl a' ttraotiono any OX it; prodecone' ... tiono s Skin, , 'o--- -- . Sore 'Dyeo, etc. In thes_Le .110 in all other 0'01 valve powers in the moot obotiisate and. • EveryerferiilbelairtObTini 11,Diann for ' conotitutional, Diseaeos, Wawa:ono Tin- P 16 non aBleurens bane ehown their prod oar. - intractable casco.1874 will receive a, pair of &rooms. For bilianitua • ry and Chronic Tho original pieturee were painted in 1{110111M2t18115t Gout, Bilious, Remit. oil foe the publiehere of Tun Aentern,by tont and Internnttont Fevers, Diseases Thomas Moran, whose great Colorado of the 13lood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, picture was puichased by Congress foi. these Bitters have no equal. •Such Dire ton thoithand - doling. The oubjecto oases are caused by ,1are Blood. , were chosen to represent "The Mot" Mechanical DiseaSeti 3.-P ersons , 0.ald 6 'The West." One in a view in The -' engaged in Paints and lilindrals, such as WhiteInonntelns New Hampehire; the ' Plumbers., Type -setters, Gold -beaters dud other gives The 'Cliffs of Grebn Revert Miners, as they advance in lifd, are eubn w— ject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gnarl yomi▪ ng Terzi_tori. The difinreace in against this, take a dose of 'Wninnena's• the nature or the Scenes themselves ia a Yi'NEGAR Brrrcus oebtolionally. • - pleaSbig ,contrast, and affords a good - For Skin Biseases, EruPtIonssdisplay of the artist'escopp and coloring, Totter, Salt -Rheum, Dgtehos, Spots, Pim- - The • chromes are, each worked from pies, Pastilles, Boils, Carbuncles; Ring- thirty distinct plateen and -are in size worms, Scald -head, Sore Eyes, Erysipe- (12 x 16) and in aoperance exact fac- ies, Itch, Sends, Disoolorations of the similes of the originals. The presenta- Skin, Kumors aud Diseases of the Skin of tion of a worthy example Of America's out of tho y sstem ma , greatest -landscape painter to the sub - dug up and carried owhatever name or nature, aro litergx _ short timo by the use of those Bitters. . scribers of Tan Ammern was 'a bold but et'--" Whet 'a' yousgot tie, Pat?" Pat (who has boon laying in some firowood 3Y THE TREATMENT OF 0 RON- aud eotatoes)—"Timber and fruit. Yr honenenr IC WASTING DISEASES, attend- ed with love feeble digestion, A Luennen LAD.-Cliarlkils "1 say, ma, torpid liver, constipation, and irritation what relation is Okra to ills?' 'Mr. Mood- -of the kidneys and bladder, avoid the ind:l'Clara? Oh, (Nara is; my maid, doze?" Cnaelie: "Oh,becenso you seid tone Conveyancer and 'Lend Agent, Godevioli. A Desirabl Fari.1, S LT (UTE on the 811h con., Western Division of the Township of Coiloorno, on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles from Godericht ,containing 50 acres of excellent land esnia, high state of cte'tivation. For partionlaro.apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyeaseer and Land Agent,Goderich. pra.••,••• use of alcohohe stimulants, preparations esir Tate F r 10) iI containing strychnine, and all anodynes . . ITIO'ATE on to Huron Road in the ought only to hiss one's relationo, an& and, nerviues, as their immodiate effect r . brother Tom was kissing her, like mad is to overstimulate the system,. prolue- i ne on the stairs just now!" ing a, feeling of temporary Improve- 'S ownship of Go dorio13.9 about 21 miles from Town, within five "On, Eraty, ray heart is Tweaking!" ment followed by a relapse and general : walk of an English Church, enntaiuing said an Abordeen lover to hie in/shad prostration. Radical and permanent : 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleared IIney. "Is it indeed? So much the bettor benefit Osnits from the use of remedies : for you," was her quiet reply. "Why, that excite nuteition, and create pure ' and free from stumps, with good rick nay Mei?" "Because.dr. BlacSinitlinehen blood. 1)r. Wheeler's Cemp.ound Elivir 01180 and Frame Barns, &a. Large it is brokeia out and ont, yon can sell of Phospnetes and. 0alisa,ya re a Chemi- bearing orchard, and well watered. Title good. This farm will be sold very the piecee for eine/flint-en' cal Food hint suppliee the waste of brain cheap, considering its commanding po- A Germane. whowaeasehed if New beer and. mn°a°, invigorates mind and, body, salon, and on reasonable terms. For intoginting2 roplied:_s :ye% 1 , aid imparts an elasticity of spirits that triunes from severity to eighty glasses a ` gives ROW zezt to life. ' ,particulare apply to - , day, an -td E feels all straight int my upper _ ,r E. WOODCOCK, , Conyeyancer and Land agent, Goderich. (tory foe any kind of pine, bat I Da. J. BELL 59MPSON'S can't ton vat fn voula be mit mon vat 11, makee OVIin-thts of himself." Tan ORNAT ENGLI9E1 REMEDY POR NERT1- A Valuable Farm. Otssoditio rand•Tonsfie oaq clebdity, 'Spermatorrhea Nocturnal Emig- CITUATE on the -Huron Road in the Si nor tine lienoratiye Organs, Palpitation of the 0 tko othouLADYi Vh01:1 alo fonowt1111 Goa- IIPcatt. Tramblinga, pIdmsess the effect of verz3tbia took ph.g3?, 17frots cep --0fge over -Indulgence stinstiAts and tobar,- I 21 ownslaip of Goderiola, you 110 to set up viz no cov)30..to coolgeci.e..]?_!.:I..._B_Bpsri,LtaFsows Pills are the 1 nist4r s,:zond womcm_csT05 myrau,s. novyez arraltamiriDlhserzydetsaelarsetiyeaed-urearil I about' foue miles from TOVila nankeen 100 acres of first-rate And, with inn ciontt tot mo.ii mat voiarat_sc2hal iirris4a ihis country. Robort Arthur, machin- 111Eg Iclitriatz,srtg.;(3si ticni Wan a•zeoenoy:igibt 11.4)1i good Frame rfouse, •Berias, Stables, nen 1neven seen. such a haeban as yon jaio, oenatt got. He none weents to let you see ang Provo Cloir officacY. No sufferer:twat deptor of Good orchard of choice. fruit trees and pE.e.a.czave.o trolley soma/ to be in bdog, relieved from Cm frightful effeets- of Satz- ; never failing creek running through Annan. Tim Specific Pills are sold by DruggIstsat front ef - Terms easy. Forparticu- dead oarrleat. • 01.0 a hom and the ri'onta pilin at 00c, box, or/ , TEm Fonc,.8 atutz........Grantiv „as_ they will be sent by mail; •posiago pre -paid, me JAWS apply to oii iVil•40 naively wrarsped froca observation,_oa roue' t of ' • E. liVOODCOCK, forget, V7740 Sp3aTtlna' law six-foot 81.00 for the'speolflo, and Ma. for the TonicIPPilla Con.veyancer and Land Agent, Goderieh, grandsen, then grandoliddren gr;m1 tap 57 3. DOLL SIMPSON CO.. 't bye„ and bless yen, my sweet poM And soli by ait. Wholesale and Mall Druggists. A Good Farm. just the o a.e °thee peopie).—"Good Drawer 01P. 0. Hamilton. / don't yore think, 0,9 gottince rat1100' 2=V -flats sent post-free on applles,tion. ITUATE in the Fourth Concession of the Eastern Diyision of the dart:, aban cep% or Betey Jena li.a/ befi- t= walk, as fa,r as tie) stetion with -nneasEinejeansfoszan)WOn you?" COMP011nits "1714' wif; 17hat hos 13Q"ma d the SE9ct) 013 TrIT2OPEO'TETE9 Isuppaso,my dear, the Inas \ k; prehcni them off,' was the reply. "Hens —hone! Some twonegssed Ilene, I guess," old the hustissual,with some impetimeity; whien she calmly replica. "My dear, • you ever see any otheokind? by the T wnship of Ri.shfield. containing 100 sores of land, one mile from Dunrfennon, 60 acres of which are . bappSridea, and. its successfo Fra9.Tatipe, and other Woman, , rPeenien.hatr.lY • . iza ton is attested by the followang lurking in the system of sosmany thou- testiinoninl, 'over tbe signature of Mr. sands are effectually destroyed and re- . „a. e.____,,. _ mooch. No system of medicine no ver- 0 -Loran laum"S mifuges no anthelminoa will'free the . Nnwenis, N.J., Sept, 20th, len. , system, krom worms like these Bitters. Messrs. JAMBS SUTTON% 86 09. , " For FenutleComplaints,*young Gentlintot,-1. 'am tlelighted with the or old, married or single, at the dawn of proofsi in color your chronsoe. They womanhood, orthe turn of life, these Ton- - are wonderfully successful reptesenta- le Bitters -display so decided, an influence, : tions by mechanical process of the or- - a iginal pitintinsee; that improvement is soon pereeptible.. Cleahse the. Vitiated 'Mao Wry' reepeetfully,. whenever you find its intpuritioebnrsting - • ' (Siseetl,) ' • TILOS; MORAN. through. the skin in Pimples, Eruptions - or Soros; cleanse it when you -find it ob! These chromos , aro in every sense ... . strneted and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse American. They are by an original it when it is foul; your-feelings:will tell Americen • processn with material of you when. ' Knop the blood pure, and. the American niatinfacthre, froth designs of health of the serstem will follow. ' - Ainerinan keenell by an Airterican.pain- no Ir. lilfeDONALD -at CO., -- ,. Druggists & Gen. Agio., son-pntudoo; CoEfor.' - Ler, and preseutca to subscribers to the sio,&o0r...3ruw.osxhincog:oxotadDeb;.ictoorts.ts.,/i.-sc. first : cceSsofgusl American 'Art Journal - sold 'by all Druggists and Dead.ers. ' If no better because of all this, they will Draggists & Gen..4gts., San Frinteiffe0,9Califora ce 1 y p ess aft interest no fernign nia,slicarb.yofaW'unephrubigloganisantsdCaltharalptoneaStsuif4.T. DIVatiCtioneari inspire, and neither are . -,,,thetany the. wore° if by reason of pe- •' effuse facilities Of Production they cot , .- . , VICTORIA the publiehein only a trifle while pqnal. in every respect to -other Chromes than COMPOUND SYRUP OP a,re sold singlvi for double the subscrip- tion price of Tun Amman, Persons of nage will prize thew picture s for them- selves -allot for the price they did or did Th only•kiyrnp preparsti from Dr. ()Machin's not cost, and will appreciate the eisse cleared and under cultivation. There vermin, ene certified to be Chemically pure. prise that renders their distribution pos- is on the premises a good log ouse and Per the prevention and mare of othlo. The poista oft arresting disease displayed by this • proaration Ls honorably achnegiledged tbe ..7.=,441110C.Tal \\, GOER, • - io ; 1 sipsops. cH 4: ' Naf , -1'3 1-1 - :ntSirsBall.nnlifer311Caoaen nes.' Goderieli Fotmary Mailtifaoturinfr C90 Beg to inform tf:40 E1tOlie ti4at tioy ProFv-5 to cfa417174:1fm • • Steam gngines and Boilers; FLOU.1.4 GEIST 4,1vp sziw .5.1114h4 ROVING NACIlirNa9 „•leigPRI* WATIat wilweLoo -0sx IQUEFIL411 VO,I,6;131gAi 4.n 8.213.4g1 BITGIIN,M; 'ROE 40 ivoOlAW PLOUGIA Psaavde, GA fil PLO/MA OULTIVATORG 17,4difir CVITBRED grziag POlkitt.ithiTiZEri @RAM MIRA rif2Idernr vonv,"0,,„ • OOVESNO zip:NIZOla 1,1 BON areomog fsLisiztAro for Oak or to Ca LANDS for SALE AT BAYF1ELD er w -B. 711 ic) tr.2•311;:s r1051..:7 ct-r.::;',(, 6 ( crin 7r (-Li:A 7.f.'.2.(/ Z:3 F,.:r.„.-17.• rr-72.7:1772r 0? C:csi:C.11!0 .... X.s.a c.? D:ran ; 071 -05 -r -]1•:-;_t 60 • --;: c: 7.41 to .2 f. c ATKI,so. A crc,trz,-. 1-1) r • -2▪ C".3 C?, -.7C11 I- f. -21 coa Zrs nC.7 e...:.oczn-.7,T, Co, c.217„ V.1;•,,K;;C:2;2, grief -37 Acg,TrAlia 21.7070 t -Co 1 ri3F9A' A ThJ unic.lcr,:c1c,n5,1 a,Cfcvf,•,.• .;,cp2o L 20n(isk, cy P• .OrEns_34.s7 f2.` lUer-,zzuzz2-acAo ninnlnInn 17o, 12, t?),J Cmc.;7:-.7(-7-1 rc(-)U7724) I •!3::::!:!..;,7,7,10 'Jta Gq ITI:In7nnns rc9 rnra, :(3 c,g r t() fly) v5.0,c,":07cla iDM-5 610;1 ;11 CP,.( /.0P-4071):11.04 5y);70, 74,c-tvq@.) , blot mid Ding 04,stingo, ana 131,ftelic Work) ' nOniiriS SATAi r 5,10 `131PAZDZ9 0.Aowt mticoo All Oddelmil to en Company ou eceuotauy Wifi ea Va prompt, h1 Olt ea, I ARCIIIiiMpece7s,109151:157 1 10 '4casurcr, MVO RUNC12121 Conoral 211asoc3or, •, 9 hodOrich,- Out,/ Oth IIIOILICS HOTRONg Itccidaut. $1272._71:77.; • 11° 7-1 Neb.tlyt deaply idc.oyaIliionsi7 emeutel at Vac, o rauk.1 oi tiao I P' • ,t6v LSI a, a ,DVERTISE ' cARDB9 smurBEADT, 2.(20 iN TEE HUM) N"SlGINI•A zi'rou InsrE won, ANNOUNOMMNTS • WO TEE LARGEST NUM ER A.1)E11,S AO,vertising Rates by neediest fazalty in every section whore it; has bsen a log Barn,- Soil, clay lozmi, front of PULMONARY CoNsUmPTION lf any subscriber _sinetild indicate a lotrodneed; and the rapidly increa.sing sato is the lot light. Well wateredt with Nine toile . Alsofor the cure of ' . preference tor fiFnre subject, the pub- • creek runnnag through the lot. There. Dysiiepsia, Zronchitis, Asthma, Loss lidera will send 'Thoughts of Home," net gesseentse of the estimation. which it is hold - . is also a good orohatu of choice fruit on efAppotito al D , eller e O. . new an& beautiful ehroino, x 2d. the lot. -- cram:MA=1M TO PIIIIITY AND EFFICACY. ' mhos, representine a little Italian 0410 consuraption seasz Le.son Ruen—Town Gent: [ ta°resgriails`7-*-ilonefr 1.41111inggrefer, Now clo yen atta keeping poulty an- end prolionglii; in thse f Nron-hlins Daryzioitis, Cotaglmand Cobb. It will swersr-Conntry Gont (iately• .rotirrod)i• • °a; felna::111 tOalitit701% SOO there's tho original met of the fosern—V coUrze: tha real ac, -la down to sno, 37' hnow. tholl ga robane the ego from the anl they eat them!" A Jan ConVeraing WW1 an In- sets tLo C1)-hecu'a cleg=naaca, "Ho ; JAMES 1., . IMAMS, OHE, MIST elietaseel`sed-laim if holutew the sun never said no Indian. "Da" you know die nag, N. E. re..-rsz T7L-FP milted- John. N3s3ause b naafi to traot Eodilaman.in tho amirry" viaa tho mvt-Vgala rollg7r, GREAT nrIALE Anc7,31-,& B23t02 02')Z2flath.:•--.1:1 at a Job Hosee Perbilleal Pals reaca. c.hroga07,g3LOY0a1g2tird 1..1,7e1OZ ezniu to tg.C2.2.3 OVOP-1110- mire all diseases originating front want or hliascular %elan anal Nerve= FOTCO. snob 00 Diitargesiontof tho Spiet-m,Dyspepsb, Veebleand Irregular actionof Via Mart.. Local and General- Paralyste, Aphasia or LOSS OZ V0100. Etc/Me/are Lencorrhosa. Chiorosis. iltrzemia, and restores the blood toptrity anal heilth Soild By Anotheoarilese Price, 01.5D for$7.1.M. • • aaamma.aW • P• 4,2•3 evid V-10cr clF„-tP, .ri.3 'I,. 7, 1PLIZSINVALIMDLEID:DIGINHistiNVAILING mf 120 trasil; "zto: -0 tauta-c, &lathe ear of ail those. painful and &ulcerous - ma.„o no but '0 umaihed.da- oh'ar. duxes= te vhch the f ql - all ter: piev,e3, an& do 'clear- talon -cat It medcr4"tla e;•e°13°Ita291:0e52°('''cr.-113tri2:4-152:034 3 02 and atizieetly caw ms.-' br. raw on. TASIZe. A TE--ez on tran -. .. ..Tha ILI peatiltalifonitc.d. Dm% la a short time, bring tO C.• Prafc334—"As for what _14q72).4.'P eclicrg5:78c-I--2.33674'511 Colonol (loohinc, kovreomo tvo ("L!,'7,hc'2°DellsTr‘1111411wIthm-c'tearity• th.oy Lit cinte7a..9:1 s a t zz• tra4c7`1 3 an,, sor tzem.v.,....-„zre.c....1 clang Moran -Whop in a 01312ottc,.z.. ray layr, Limb rglostAsa:r-g. SpitillalTections,Painna • way,, aly thcy leee of tft c't3 'fa° To.72riTin3—,...ny Bos-Amonts to avp„, sio Intim orc the heatt- ,Irisrsite-°sararlareslretelt c- f.., uVr.1- wo-rnn a3 cr, mom 'I•Voma:ii311.11.i.-aaceP;7,oerouritraleltu4raTigtreent:11),34ttlt tynilta wing taLliTTaGIOUs. yandErc•-•.E.-• - ttlecumvet[tio ,-4 ,.. ' ..1‘ tion., co -_-_.-20• r-4,011 a eItat,. a lib:737g may> writz.,Tufa='!'z'ytIfica-,,eds, 1-7- r4- eztaLZA, age a' rreserved. Or.A. a tr,9z1z3en, above. Ho , tI.• .o. oy.;,17.1 Tim of a i:EfL.,ana aboutit, who. veac.',:li 4.51qty Elcaz &ibex, I am A3 20v ip,„3:alwaya v.-Hid:feel nem i.vben ail Whet raeara Lave Met, ing composed of Lots; 8, 9, 10, 11,e'eh5r hoz E. WOODCOCK, whose speakinfrevA betray the longings Laboratory, 'University College 4:5 Conveyancer and Lent Agent, enderich. no.ronto,Deo. 41872. of his -heart. • Gentlenren.-I hove examined the, articles om- . . in tits Vzotorla Chemical Works, la tbspre• e5- per annum, In advance,. .with Oil Two Exceilent Farins, arationof the Victori Syrup. of Hypophosphite To theVieterla Chemical Co., . • TE'lliqS. NOTE, Sp RBOB1148, eR0412,AMMES, PIDST'0128, NoncEs-, Appothnimm, OATHS OP 'QuAzmiricAnawo 4Tinimom Lys2-74 VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LISTS, HBADIN GS' DE EDS1 Printed in • 10 !best styLe and at Rates. CAUTX011%, BUY ONLY TIM Genuine, Fairbanks' Scales. ASIANIITACTIEr.h.VD Liberal. kg_S Fairbanks Co. - C-0 TO r.i7I-1111 Q1ITUATE en the Gisvel `Road be: pa Th4b=fileils_MrphiiIireg ehenzieh . For50. cents extra,the eltromos will be tween Walton, and Brussels in the 111441.- Your alrup or VgPifigPV:am 121;17 ToWnShip of Grey; doubtedIy proven very rakabic Xedicinet.' sent, itionnted, varnished and prepaid• - containi g eacla 100 acrei. A good Log HEIM A. CROFT, t,'Y Ina - • Chremos free. Professor of Meinistry, TAR Ai.DIND will,' hereafter, be ob-- Tribe $1p6r Bottle: Sold by sitbruggists. tayiable only by subscription: There 1 w bong reduced or club .rate; cash for V 10T0R1A nubseriptions must be sent to tbe pub- cows:IMO iknonInVinnnol' OF1 lishers direct, or handed to the local • ,OntiVaSSer, withoub responsibility to the - publishers, eXospt in casee where the . certifinate is given, bearing the fare vase -Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 aeree clewed. These farms • will be sold. eeparately or together as may be desire& Soil excellent. Terms easy, - For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer andLand Agent,Goderieli. 11••••=••••••••=0. • BUCHU 8:UVA URSI A SpecSfieTanob for an ramie, of file .11Terzeir SII11110 signature of &lips SUIT0N 8.7, 90, fora first-class_Vilfla Residence, be- 1,11Praffnft AlViritSIVIS WANTED: Fr747. valuable blinding site suitable news of she unnunn Anyperson wiehing to° aot permanently w •• 20,, 30, and 331., tha Wilson. survey of Tryit once for any of the above Disorders, ma:'' a loCal. oanCaSaer M raceme full and. the To rvn of Godoriehoontaininn. in One ,„„.nbe .fidly conAncd. eof its,ple-eminent prompt informationby applying to „s, • block, two aores TI13 auove F•r•Co, el per Bottle.Sold* by alt. Druggists. Jam tis Sutton :4, Co-, ?dilaters/ 58 Maiden Lane, New York. eligible property has a frontage of about 330 feet on tho Road, and well ; V I C 11' 0 R A - stocked with choice, fruits. - To be lsold muelTsw , . neaSonable tentwoopcooK, !. Office,- corner of West street, Goderich. $4 The •Kiiirof all Liniments", Blzeirazata, Gaut, ifettralvia.,' LtatTiagt4 Valuable Town Lots, 'Wei...ay.:S:2g Pais n, &Mess 2n the Liras LINT MENT or T4 ...4i44 SpraIns; Bruises Numbness, Ireaft iZerarile, Tonthaeltie, tee,/ . • Lot No. 002, situate Oa the North. Buy it !, Try ! Prove it ! side of Wed Street the. Town. of God -1 Jour/COM MIT!, ver.c.4 sums nantrainvati. Lyclas,Neweasr.e, Ont,, general ogeata for tLX business or private residence, .1!1,• =43 for r.asiegar otaelassd to NOnlircrs oriels. A splendid situation either for Vola hay° Lea., . totarastr,"E TIsta L ot No. 255, corner of Elgin and ('-'3,seesoiR :eonGp r.,2,2 a Pitor.-3.7 man„ a3 you ' ° '4raageri" erich, one quarterof aere. Price 50 Cents per Bottle.' Still by all Dm -Gists VICT'ORIA -CARBOLIC -SALVE. "flour) oa:era WI-Wa n 1\7011213tRUP LY1TAN Wellin ngtoStreets in the Town of God- ' • r• .-aaa ev037331I: Vt1:10 322 t3 8.1100D agents for Canaan ovo.-? 37r.;u.31:231:0".. Clee Seal Gaderieh by Geo. Cattle, • 012Q-2 Lately: rocelved by a F. Jordsa ck J. Bond ; Gardiner Ss Co. .--sessns "Pl.o.'2.133s3r_11 Cle mar', 113374101al T Sfrthurn* Endnerville; J. f4:-.2.113zi? roalse Gled ani'd Vinkswin tuter; G. W. Berry, Luck- CySa almost new; la 3.1, Roberts, Dulagaraion. 0.3 =IT:a 33 E.' 3 ci a new piece — wYs rea13,1 effark.! statv is CANADIAN PAIN DEST11016.. fete tioNozaparimeiatili 072 Lo no aloe a -•S e moss c him: ill a shoz) yva any jails yen ca A s A FAMILY MEDICINE, II* I or S 4- IL well and favorably known, relieving .z.cen:s. thousands from pain in the roothsohe genersily soe Dig; arA Real, oulls,. eau, tt'aille" 5 gin Throat, Sprains, Brumes) 'At '3, cpar:ar t 3 nine, ere:main the Stomach, Cholera t.. -±ie Is alumh. to an sx:rsor- Jlaruas Dyaenkr,i, Bowel degree; commences to subside at Coatplainfr, Burnt, • xad 'icor that disap with a SaaUs; Prod cp: ono; to the Biles, P7i;,:r that be mast :• fIf at night that boy hasn't got Z12,..? Alum of butternuts spread out to The callous 111112 'Destroyer 111.11 new be 11* stair*, it is because there DO fore he public for a isniati of nate. ead wherever ie >_,,pataari to do it. _Da,itney yekat. tvwed litel, never falling la a Ma& imam* give perinaseat relief wheel timely used, ,,ad IPS tate sever Slams a Magi* dieeadelhatim, welters the direttiose hive balsa foll•wed, lost oil the eoatrary, all ale del with its operations, ant speak la the higileit rif the sad mgt. cal afoot. We speak from ex periesee ta the saider.liavbeit mated it thoeowtalCy ; sad dworideve those Mears ir.etair from aay the somplaheh. for whir% It IS „., tjaayrepered area it Maw ailleruestia k 4.-sung,i;abod officer was lately pre. 4:lent 4( a coart.martial. He had sworn ,:nest, a raw Irish resruit, and held ..t :4 tvtuti for the Bible. Judo of 4.• astonishment at finding it—the hani • the book- grasped and heartily sha.ien by It, who, in Lk. very, broad - oat r)rogue, mud: 'It's atesalf who is Prottd end Oared to humid the bane of Ye. tar; ed may Saint Patbrisk and all the artists of ou.ld Ireland bless pie huakure The aeitoitiahlag army cdthe Chaisides Pate Do - strayer la edelag the Como ter wlitak titssesees. aseadod aad tta woodietal saheb ta. Maim sALLIIii loiterer) palm of libiamettm. eed 116 ;servos. Artsons esettis IMMO isedelaimill of %mediae. Ordees aileargalag Is OM Deakin la oll,..parte etihe emallew DIr111111110. fen • citasse semi Ipetlyag la lea* 11111041111i Mir stiNDAT it giver. Th. Cameasa Pees Deelieles Awn* Ethel. — "Btat whin his broths's') mimosas rebet. /,I1 usibias Kw mar Joseph, they footed him in a Thaeirime Mae fail ., IMMO le OM peat vas of West authority and 4“..21--" ass be Zip& Aroefalrr Amid SAUL -"So. DA be was wiry 1 Lot No. 13IS on tits %iron Road, in ' -'the Town of Goderi,sh, ene fifth of an acre. Lot Letter in the Village of Bfaitiandville,(or Bridgend place) with e good house thereon erected and garden well I:Stocked with. bearing frnit trees. WcuDCOCK, Land Agent and Conveyancer. Omer -Corner of Wert St., Goderich. 1377 WHY ARE ref; & Speotissoless Lr 131aORAX YOUNG OR TRIAL FOR IitraD312 3 • . lbeice.-4$17 armentritaw n,avilassigwaril , • t'Worrit Prs WurGIIr IN HOLD.» - A ‘rx•tra 'or Welro.7$, trrt.,;:csi Cum; Sea Does. rre.t, Zvier.'.), .4:f., and ara ,DIstur Te,3 aoSt7143 erect -13 . Price Cts. Ter RAW... Eola by all Drunists. ,VICTOMA CARBOLATDD GLYCERINE JELLY. "zmiNENTLY THE LADIEs' P.a.Vontris." For .Cemaifyinct ComigerIait,reorlAr mum* SitYOurn, Freeki,$. Piaipks eso fortgiug- ped Haar, CiAblaiss, Frost Ilia, sad &re . Price inCents pet Bottle, Bold by CI Praggiete. TOILET VICTORIA "CJILILERATTID corms= truzrouts Ptrilr TY AND szomares Qualrtr." VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VICTORIA SULPIIUR SOAP. norozu HONEY. 2032 A II Bold by *It Denutsts. Onelox of Ma's B 41 Pills 1111 wartaatall to ewe dieologree froue the 1.tftwev7 01111111, ettherser.sesrered se ens- stlesilebst, _eissulead rafts la a Wag- 5W is Omsk es,eit esela. by an Osenielseadrateatlisti- siesTeaftee.. ArenotAisarreer Plosaatakuno WPCS? troilitsii sip*, Ouloso Moo sad . ' 1‘.7- sa1114e fatal Bat the 7.13 pr,-.4.-Tc;rtions " , ",(-11TZ -?•f c•-; Yer 00:40 1'1 ft Al rawrt, .7g,r ;CA.' tvgetl./e0 c o 'I; 792 rent to cily it.la roeitpt i•r W. E. 's •rztr, •••• el; ,• • Eat, sal2 T.TONT.O. ONt. WOR YOU Job Printino. . et. kinds of Work regalia 'Standard Scales, ST0011 EvAix5,- 00;17. SCILES1 SCALES,D,4111B ,"0..ALT..4,C9,7.S TER Si ite. - Sakes ropgred promptly antlresEcnably.' Vo Aale, nlso, 17Tonintoeis Coffee and LDerlitgerlplirlics4s go, iii.itpoO.:1144ticon. Bells, all gVb THE MOST PERFECT MN CA811 PRA. IP MILE AL UM TILL CO.'S.) LIVELY MERCHANT fillorLD Use nem.' Sets et - FAIRBANKS' SCALE WARENOUSE Fairbanks & the lowest -NEW B0016 • Wa 'eTzEDerp 4r9009 ado _ UOYZ 41 -20 cLott)o B.Dai'Ault44) 11.1C4C010.Tr?..11 ditp Will Ise cell as e sneleenksn `te ens/ ts: o clooIt-ous o'.?r.,,.;?Anyl a ' GUinig c7-1 Tc," nra7c0::115(:::1,7c2T...:37.::- ro, VC tItzl `,`Lsio 2C72. 0 - Z.7 PL7r,, ra.mcoo.:2a co.3,..1R3r,3 co co (211T20d 1=1;:.',VanC5'n L1 c:i mr_Tx7,323' e2 t-ZCWO Lo -1 ,11-1CirAMP. AL7zAy DiV7i T:11(:)7:t., 0•17.1no 5r1 S..! 'se ineasenie r'N 11 O?,Co. 7a, ccno LJ tailnloq 20D CC7C3 cOVCriA Wat) 2_11-1.3?.e CT= CCOrMZCI::!D V;.,n a St7efit'D c1) tana arcs 1,7 Icsden t11..7ie to 17,7 117f1...7 z.'.\•=i77).1 t7.T,,11:er?e77.0 SETVe,1-Cr0 r3M202.2•••]u Vokorale Propctily For 40e. a see - ;:z vc ,-T1 • - , a DE• -.7- ), ' Lri• wi 7..27 -- • ••••-. i'• AT •21'W30 Beautifulassmtmen -r ' 213Lz: •- Farm for zyyiaie or to Let„ JEWELLE,Tre OFALL KINDS 061,' allti to to Fdplil ki VIA10 Q • Pithiut; Vaolicks, 40e, 611, uLELL.1, 4)1i d T COST 'oAerif 14 1 VI Ats :1;70 , • ar - - -14 - ' 4.• T.44i) • T e: I.• :1 V ••1.' ' 4 .4.4. T -; • Lotliotis for Sale. f 1,0' 1, al . '1 A I, • ,r,11,1;.• '-r: 311 ci" .; • .!..ta.rovi Ir. trees 110440.- r,..).10, fore • f.,(xjd and hiird and weft. water, w outhouses at - A ppiy e11& m. TUSH .ffoderieliMarble work:6 .T' "(-1 QS Main St„ LuffaiN irgklie7811,17elyr.. IMIItBANKS,B,Irmrst,,Dtpor6o., :Scott. Iranstone dz: For Eac by licaangliatilware Dealers. nEl; 1.B., r'JH II 33.37..2m JD opined. s brim- l411.1,t11.L.U(i,ti„14*, LargestPoste totheSmalleateard I EXECUTED WIT11 Neatness and Despatch. ..440 any' TZFria reheadient 1. t 1AL fill-Partioularattention paid to Town- ship Printing. Orders by mai I punctually attendedto. .B144 • 71 -ii -LW ,,r f A et.: tiliatricii,g1,4 *Tombstones, window !Ana, Tim!! ilelisiolt Gift HOtristio is tit sentry! L. D. Slae's Twestielk 'Grid Annual 04tribu1ion, robe drattaThersdaii,Jahtifiry, lit, 1874. $200,00000 IN VALUABLE GIFTS OltaND CATITAL TV"' f204000 IN GRZIEN1111.01C8 ows 0111.ND Oldi $10,000 1N altIENSLOItfi 1 OVA CAIN PIM or , 0,000 IN GIUCEDTBACK11! 13ix Prins vim! tagtemicis! One Prise .3,000 t• Ton Prism 45091 2500 Goli and Silver Lever Hunting Watches (la all) worth fives 11110 to $100 each. Coin Silver Vast Chaim, Solid and Dm - bits -plated Silver -ware, Joiray, Aft. tianNor of GUS 93,060, Schots limit- ed to IKON. • Argots woof& basil Tookotto, whom Mord be -pi& Sine* iri IP; Six Traketi no; Twelve Tickets $c$50;:rwomt,yofiv.$44. preeurs mutating a till fist of mass. a assotiptissi el th• maniac of adult ialcruistias 'know tiktio Iblaimatios,viUb.vant Uisto. 4. Aiit " • • ' 40, r•••30 tiro .1 ;..A A j!etit. Goderiel. 7t7 J..i 17190 Splondid Timber Lot J'4)1t P.: About 10 mars !! U(kiertch and 1 .1 ?oh 7101 .11hert PL 1.0•41-il•4-• r, ,r 1. 11,..e NI I . • A 01 71).`‘ p. 4.- 1,.-1 4 4M1.1'11% t Ip 4,141-A, .4 1.•1,t1.y of lwei- E:a. at. 1 N.ne WIG hive, lit•wr o' thu laud, le1,14.1 ▪ w aluai),t for farrutus PurPosoll ' 4•4 ber km bee* taken off 2 3 M (1 " 31-4i !Fr ' -Us A 1.0e.a.••• -•4,••• • . • • • 14 OL ARK E'S World Famed 'Blood Mizture. -------.— Stoves! Stoves Era Tookyoss AND COMMO13111 Pun CausnarTworra, 1a. Pip, AL 111.A.11.12g AL.N1) ITANtrif T X air. VP 4k. MIL 31112,, OVAL OIL. yam:sox AND IIETAIL. • 13.0osi on . Old -ewer, bass, LW Mks gskaalasmdtuwa. fleOna'. I iiiii2r111111,1-11!Ifillit41414111. Trade Mark-- "Blood Klitare." rim (awe, r Eli A ItrerrtinLit. For ,146.1$1411111 1111 the- Wool 14044. AU. 174111,e.• ,101:14,1 1.1` litibly recotwosti444 cry ler rott,6 , &la . 111.1,110.11, tad ONO of sit kiwis . ar.ci permaar• CUT*. It Cures al.k1 tine the,f3Tist4.41 Raer#4 the herb. Cum LlearAtee *WIC LOW. cam Leek A.or rieiplei, esti* Fees. enroll Mean, Seem. Curse Caseereee Wears. Cu, Stood awl Mir Disesses. Cures Meadow' r mileage. Clean the Bl044 free an Mow Nam wliatevet moo Aa Ude awl:stare riamwit to the lease. mad warranted flee from ea) th:aa tdi the moot diritratt. atuturtetatieR of attire ow the kr.. prietee aelferers to give it • trial ta 04 tot**. Toothadenele from all parse. $alt la Ilepostai $4..b, sad mi Ogees oleo - Waft ea time tileasaatat w, 11. meirealleioat alliat • t care le the =Wolf P% CM% virruoso sommolioni 011os. TY ALL wart& Aro saitemorribig, .1. MS sts,Z=ru ihr HALL. LialOut.N IMPORT A0221r111. Iherhielpie arid ON, Cielleem. Sim% %marry flowe._ elseripse opftwit, lendist. *mewl sal Soak SS Porringers Leah*. allseur Ism% Oosre Street. Loses& Axe thr. the tames. Illosinsie Seems ACXXXFS CANADA. Itiosilessl.--livass. Stow awl Os, Insisted. " rfelers.11"igliere sod Co. TwTre.- aid Oe., lifirdesaleDraggitie. --1=raied Oa. sad Owes. Bririts.—Aerry Beeersoosit Os. WM' CANADA'S ISM °Arrow Milt re, 4