HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-12-03, Page 4. 'I 7 i:,L -, . or _ , . Il� _4 X V. , , 0 1 r I - 4 . ; . 4 4 � t kA , � �11 4: , r *1 0. ul - -&- _ mr * -4 # � .. .� ,1: .. . V_ .� 7 �� I � �� ! 4 . 4 - Alt 't I , t� ;� I . .� i # , i 1 -4f - .- 4 1 le I - � � � I - , I'.. � __ f"ic . I.. 4 . -M - - - - . 'W� . ­4"�7 1 1 , . '-' �' L � ,� I . � . -�� - 1 , � 1-1 . . , � 0 � � -1 _- "I -11 7"V�7?�'� IWM'-r . - - -.111tv- . T 1� � � � . ��w _ ''. .; ­­ I.- � .- ._. 1� ,� I . �.��;� � 1�1.�_. I Vq7- It" -*T-, ,;, - , I "^V. - r '' _.�_ , - I , . � , 11 -"f: - ­. .. � % � 7 , I f . . I . "'�, I � . . __ -----.-- � - -, --.-- - - � I __ .. - __ 11 ftlfl� I � . I .. N mmmqw� �.-� 01 - � . 11 I , . - ------- . . -.-_.­4_..__.� __ - - ___ � 11 fki�— it � I T" TUX st t" am ";0w,A�- 1? Special Notices. ). ' I .�) I - �_ - — W4-80"16 Yar. I . I 44., !; t�___ - - __� __-_ - ��� "I Lainds for Bale j � 'fortak R as , r W*4 %rt tik* whor,94 044 ft'vis'l tha wwf , " - - 7-- , �D By _........ i . �) r t:ir, ;f*ft-1 VkL)4R41%;,)?I J,�A!ly "' - - , -I"-' `�` " "' 11 THE ALDINES - I—— � I c,�.i,-,2�,-�,-,t-';-:�,.T�il�,t �L­23%SZA�W-Y_f lot, � GOIDERICH YOUNDRY. n 4c- I 11 %,-,a I A! A&. -'%d a ,iee U ojbo:ne�, &i,!,t.--a:1 �i- - - - - ­6'�*.qnusi�llef T?,'e'l'! E. WOODCOCK, � I sog*y � . _P I 13%zt , �! a' 1W N, a c �1 al a- 23 t - _kA,3_;�L-1-�-S aAuu jftia,I C_Tvaa�l ft_"` -.",*-_-31 , 1 i4i'll 1 � I *' Ev to . id" , to: I �)__S V . vfamtv 01 6 ,,, I i.EPP --"-,-F.'-'�-,Ill.i�":,54rs.i"l�.:�-12,-'-Ii�� """"" - CONVETANCEU . - I 12 I'm, 11 . . � �J t:,O­-�P, ;j -,;-j f_'" 1"jj�a - . I W& I . ,� u3meary �,±,�,Q -0 . , ,,,�� " _�3 "� .'4!? su I -_3414 _111%; �� ­ ,;".�,=�"t,31�� 1� . _, I! § ja:�- %33 Tiled I-, ANA b._%A_1 waa tn,;, 1k, --Vz-.,, -.� �i6t"�'"d�"L' Aud Land Agent. - AT SAMIL0. 1 i -i W:_ -,3.u,7 a- I " - VrJ" '. ,,!-�,-,_ .1 ., I SUBSCRIBE , �, iw..�a,),-,:::'.�,,�Va�2:;:�1,C����je-tl,:�,,�l;l�,,,-��,,�i'l,'�,���,-,.-.��,'i, I . jo;�J" , _� . a. -, Nut fur At?# in B(m,k or News 81w - . a�v,j Ll A A_,;il GA Clt 3_�_n ,M* ; _t I�Sax, &::3 i% C�a) -3 Uam:01 OrrrM�11,1&r.tor wo%tAut,ft)(1040doh. P — � .t� . CMJ NO%. 71 =TMtb <ili� , - , r.,--.-1_'�2,, , - I %_".." . L a' ' OF � XAS;:cX,=aC3,cZ­,­t --ma wzn , rmz.4 LDrY.K, while Issued with all ?*Vq� abms n!;w I i --- I ti. b. of I..4. .� !"! � _11,1_2,;11_1� 0":L.' .7�- � -1 - - arm �' the regularity, has nnue of the tempor- I Xvtot P60" &f tbe T 64 i I , I 666'"" of It am" W a" ble 'A." �� I I S, IT- rxT_VD In tho secona oencosit! In or t4nely interest cliaraderistio of - . lt:��Ranz,_3ai,_) 1 1FI-3 2_1 innmt 1 ' '�" 0 � _� '�­` , ` , A27 od , a-- _1 "_� ru- ", �_, 4T4__:13V:a91111C2_-N4 I " A Valuable F or *f Sb* M" t@ - t,:-,-:3- �---���lir-l�2�����--�^�l--:ia�Ll-'--,-;7�CL---�-�.-i��,�,�ll'-�- �11 I =nw tb "thowboW of ow I - - � � i N�,_,2_�� i of the Avestern Division of the I ordinary p"icou. it is on elegant 6" ftriber Q N--2, t ------- - - ­ . _. J I FOR TlIZ - &rvetk, as "adi t ��­ � % .1: 4. ., . � " i _1�1-u, aF==-W,A�A1:1-A2,.-1,.' __ of ColborzLe .. nusellasq of pm, light and graceful I .- =tc .. a " Townshtp . i�'."I�r�,' 6 7 -4. ASI Li an=,�z C,�n, a-11 a Yal � BOGUS MEMCINksa t I 11tomtore ; "d a oollation !of pictorem, T. . "'d W.W11 b" I ka - .j I , i sibout I i., . I il­a?,_�,l folif mile -4 from Gadorich, Con. , � R '. -4. L.d14 4, I&ST A ToW%ftplft -��3� --- - � i � i � 11,1111 I ,� dwrarestapectmens ofortistic skill,in W _ *=: 1"!, a . ;�tsininx2W acrei"of wped lAnd, nearly . blackand *hit*. Although each sue- *)Itch would P-48 1"I tw% *1 thrarle Thrioirn 'It - =1 -.%=-!t,! %41111,11ut Thoumii& .. L , --? C2 el") e. P. , � E10,U3WV-" ZUB owd. 0 to ; hall of whkh i3 ewAred Ana Vat) from d Manufacturing Ce ""'miss 3# "t" of -5. I a _.­­ IF4 f I .. proclojin aseding number affords fresh pleasure to ltnnj4, vkh Brick 14tun, Barns, st;4. V&1.t;,k1ttl;1 its friends, th real value aniE beauty of ,,njidemb4 watort"IrkwTheft bog,,&,," 1,Tx" the Illost wonder. 0 &bie for mll (" monufarts"Rem Tun ALDIXX will be most =iitad . � rot wrot .1A so, J*X so 0. 19WIL _- -:I, =2 L3� t=.a n -D C 'tA3 17,34 Was, 'iYorkthupi, &a. There i - tiod fat Invigorant that ever sustained the public ilist they are prepArea tu couiract for I NAL - &i,2 t � C�-,� T_,�3 C� - I I z -&-v = M C�:n!2c�b'la t-1 cast tbe, slnk��ig a) -stow, Huron Signal, - Mg to inform " I I 6, v w roxyon, G"i". - I C33 tb3 pabna C2 tl�t) r'l-ItS4 X01th on the estate. Avell watered. Title I . 746YAOL& ajL-, I CST,3."�-��';�7,--att':DL-OnY('Iat,yt'a3cl':*'-'v baAring Orchara of the Choi " A fruit after it bm beft bound up close rLD L" �-MC3C1,3aC:441% 21 03 013n At-N'7__ZZXi PEOVInZZ-3 a -M' - buyin- indis -. Terms env. I So JlefN.011 CUli 1take tl1W Bit,. of the year. Whit* other publiostions 4, I Gue)ph, Aur.1fth, W34 __ .) ast #00tveam Engines anj Boilers # ' I - ,510 ��o I- . % gzam, lauj�TIM-1rilqA rkailcm ", CAN34 patablt � ters ageording to directions, owd re- Way Claim superior ah"pue", " or)m­ � . I It 11 ­ . �__ I 11- . =11in R, woomooic, p" with rii&U of a similar class, Tits TnE . - I � — — _42 . 3tiol ftem Now 7021', aud, 8014 as CO ;; a-14 ]And Aga"V tualu lot),,, univell, provided their ATmiNz is a unique and original con. . U111 GREST AND S,JW.,1,t1L i � . PIV CTYONMO,W�Iy% P123 ao, a, Ointm- ent 11 �1`13YW �AOderllcll- bones aro uot dwroyed by ru . . FLO C,tll,N � Ineral - LS, SAIVIXG NA 'r FORSALE. C��, aertion-slons, And unappro4chad-ab- . . ,3sq;! �� e, - 0 �_­j, =1--, [23 11,1,3 2 k 0-W it! wym%, mim% iQGPZn tt,? hm bcou dis- poWn or other nicans,.and vital or. se I . "FF , r ATr - C,, �Ig nz, cn,.:,�33 c',! UZz e:!i a,3 -y-, R ,7,- 2 IDL)an,1U,9 t , %=-a OT 113 ef My . VeIlUabk BUSh Lot galn Armted beyond repair. so utely without ompotition in price or . . r, 7� V , 7Y. NJ WHEELS, 4-c. . IK,, utidenitned ofror Pw " th# ob. , character. The possessor of a complete r" �0-13 L'�� Xt 6 VO -.-,7 ffir2ault WCC'd to at. BEING ca'alrysel, of L-4 No 5� on WWII temittent, and lu. OLDERT, LARGEST A',Nvb BEST � f, dementifted, land$, boloneag t4 C.;', E(l) cl, my L -Ml R I =. , "' 'Y�b d - muo. " S ,- " �-ain - i. E� C volume cannot dupliate the quantity of . 1 '612 n-axid - .. I � I . the Fatat# vt tle late, B - C_::,-S;�J-_-a Cn U�Z: =­' Y'y t��- t_-­_-1,0U3.on1nM=3t0 V540 m3gy do'eZz"n Coulon 10, ifitho � tormitten't FeTers, which am so One paper and engravings in any other ­ I . . � I , jmxA, R. . . alent in the valleva of our gmat � �i , � Romirrak,,vit -- 43 - -L orry, . prov. _ I - TIM ULA P0, D OIL V R$ A ND 8 -1 V, PW:hrn=� %Z�,Y vqy, am. op;:pt Q&m. thlor-P. That a . fivers throughout the C,nited State$ I TV4,20 X,XG1ZYW,5; Alair, the .N'Prth--*"_t Quarw, of I,ot O -L" C-_ -_ 2 0� a clu-zn" C�: t3 `bt:�!" t'ho r"- `�-"C3 hav'3 D'3r'" 9^'93UM3- ToWwhip of Turnb ) shape or numb*r of volumes for ten times Z,::'.',2, c_11ltW"n1!)7,10J'aff(% Tha Boil ia mixed especially tho8o of tho Wiselesippi itit cost' atid then thereare ilia chrome, - MONAND 1VOODD,y ' No,. 12, in the, Fift*emth Omoseoiou al , bt�,Rhns b,,��n wapzlcll , ' I � . � PLQ&&-.U& -,viih Eteel boaY4 - ' � now I . NEWSPAPER . .. - An -1 e!iD rl=:�Icka,Mn Zz-.. 5� t""OaD �-Dom Nhekc Re am to mar -4y loarn, with r, 4011i% Z$56yrl� Illinol-31 Tenneuce' buid" ' � . the, T( � - ara-1 '463 b, a -,,_Z-_, ca 0 M.--aneou y - cautien - . . GANG PLOUGHS, OUZITAT " P ,�nxkir ot F�,Inbrs-, in QW C-Ounty &-_-Ja V==`_�z:.- C,31�� a=1 a, Uhat-c:t tbO P-MtRa 03*3t bcb-,rl (Imnivea, by 20VOT bMng cze9k- TunninR thrOugh the Cuniberlaud� Arkansas, Redi Colo! ART DEPABTRENTs 18,17, - i VA TOJI St 11 of lAmbvm, 50 acm, mon or I*". . . - I � . I ,I For iairmv &ui p&mcu1&n of m4s. &p. LJ`,"Y' 5-IMMID-03 iMit3tIOn-0. lOt- 'Umb'07 Onc-b-'dfPcOA and AINVIe. � rado, Braze% Mo Grandep Pearl, The illustrations of Tits ALDINZ have I : q A,4e-7�IC!2�--7c'Lti-3c..P.r�'.', � , U Ar"2,0:?r,23"ar)ytt,lot��mt�-Acre�-Erollotvay thOwm,xudcl: CC03r, P1110 aud Ilem- -Alabatua, Mobile, -Savannah, Ro. won a world-wids reputation, And in the . . I NVRATr 0V7TV,R$t,jS-&t i ply to ike undmignod'. peftftw) . - I ,,, � I I . . 4 I or '. SOH 1103�� This L6 is very guot,,,0 rUBLISHED I I . I by letter, to &_� "Atharimw r"i as", i3 �Z:It,10.rjOZI b7 V7,10 [:3-CJJJC:,J 0L,10nU'C,:d " Jameg, and many othern, art contres �mof Europe it is an admitted - "TT ja--a L_,, C�k7o a Tal,4':!� L3 U3 �=--_'=-,:�, -M valua No, be -Ing, ijltq3to wit�hjn, Ono mile . � SUGAR AXD POTASH KIT L.E#5 q , , Y, In �T,bv W027.-, wyao 10t,613 LIS 8, Virough. at its wood cuts are examples nf ; , I camc. 'With 102 vast tributarle i"t th st GR�4tB, BARS, BOX 401 lz�:�,_� 0� tha I'milread, tyar'n Mut'A tram the out Our entir - . � 4 � I ramof�-.-as--,,--Zr,cot-1,17an,m. TLomcd- a country dming, tho the highest perfection everattained. . JVA GGOX BOX.r4S,4.e,., � It. 1; ANGTIRW)KE 1 75-3 a C-�,_.::z CL c------, --a L-_= villa, -o of Balmov" six mfle* from .1 1, Exento". i I - L11=3 cala by tbia Ca, mpany wa paimcla Sawmarand Autuma,and rMaf4a. The common prejudice in favor of "steel j� AARON RRAI), " �,, . 11 OX STOTT7S of varlow kindr. Grimthsin, wth Xst!� 1 s�13,, Is -S, -, m, T;b,�,jubl,*- = tv I'llaollom Wiu bly �9 dpring, seasom of unu , . A,�:lLav-Enirp", r-*2C?an-=.7'117tDzqQM. CD!7 U, W1 to?, nod sovou Mil'03 fr6al COOIZIX(,�, PARLOR 4- t - fa ro, 20 . , sw,tl . � plotes," is rapidly yielding to a more IN THE - . ; ! . I I ­ ' ' Z ' ham Tido gaa 1. Term, 3 to suit � - ____�____ - ,- ' (i heat And (Dyneas,.-wo invariably no. fSno-zi, E, -G u=mdlirj�--a- " Vilb,On, d 6'Atr44o;,,'g C3, tb2t WQIzo thov . educated and discriminstinj taste which - M, �p nit'st no df*!� 2r-, T, - 07 Y=tEcubrs, aV- Vompa�led by extensive derange. recognixos the advantag" of on i I A ahINX n -la ca. a J . J A —, 11105 T44 .1 UEL muse anaLot for Sale, - I . I 171 192 : I 47 10 R r -'-U,:;=- L C-- Z� G=�l e -.1 -*n 43r_-��=ny A.' 1� wadcl fall UVqi tba fak:amtoza of V . . artistic quality with greater facility of I I 1 s"51 P 4 i0l"I", IN toinjut. " PnraL-,0o7.- rezfurffi � i ,1,7 to , perior , - i WOWS of the stomach and liver, and USAL __� A - NJ a T-_-�,_%3 =_:'_Z� 9L- 3 E�_T_`,!31 C_=; thic:3 C,D, nrpup'b', bn� woulct ensildam- 1 - ELIVOODCOOK, . other abdominal viscera. In their production, The wood -cuts- of Tim . - I . ; f A,-,.IC=.�,c�13r-,��v,-oc--:nc�t-D GUICY., � bly a=1gatbo rapntaqom 02 my MaT Colave7anczz and Lana Agent,Gadolie-11, treAtment, a purgative, exerting a' AT,Dx.*4z allthe delicacy !and COUNTY OF IJURON. I �- . I . [IHATHovao, at, pr*wI, 0.b. lao'. I I , 7 � 0"pied 1�7 14r, Wm� 1A0. 00 .1 . Vi Nl:_:�l h.n CZ_ -:1 c---- n � --- a t �k =-� As i6 ia qpl�l at� all =n3aryfe?tbis - � _.: � powerfal Influence..upon, thesa va,r1_ elaborate=. h"Of the most costli steel � , . - - -& ME S C30 - .), ]a Wat It"t.., with J ,4 mo- hort Of � C=7 tzt ft3,m Day 0qp_-,_'33 in th C) C51-0 A Goocl FartiA, ons organs, is ewntially necessary. lito I , Lljl.j,�-,- t- . -.0:7 .Wa3 ' �� I P eiwhile they agord it better render. �- I * '�� Wid, well imrrola& Apply 0� .�=%Cfl C_ There 13 no cathartie for thT purpose In 0 ' i . ' _ - _3 C. Wdl_M�,L o2-tLOL-re.3auctions, arto-avozylimit_ . � the artist's original I . I � 10- stings, and Blaeksmith Work. I 'ERIC XCKAY, C: ��'. � I __ 11 . '4ri equal to DmJ. WALXER�3 VINEGAR fully realize the wonderful work I Iron and Brass jA I I CA Mt=lt (tr--a'M76 M 6�3y dG My MM, 01, h 'UATE aLME Lig, MUC3 fr&M, GOde-' ' . r,:4,wa CY-,:2 C�zn Ltrt'"" by D tT-,Dy--�-0i'aar�,C,3-'.�iont�,aeg!ztham 3ta I =`01a" On ffic 3 % cau., R'D., of the DITURS, as thQY VjU speedily remove which TRz A41)nrz is doiz)j for the Only $00 Peir-AnnUM in Advance, 1 ' . � � �,, cs�inot X&kor. _ -, 20MY thodVk-eolored viscid matter with which � 3301LERS AND � G6derichlsapt,."h, I M, IvW . A_-2C_1.Z;-�:-f_1WX313aV,-,2 C2 C3 rci_ � =37 187 rML a in Q37M211, *11.�Tj3 th oy � TawnSlAp of Calbornet cause of Art culture in America, it in I � SALr PANS, REPAIRED on Eliort 110tiem . L. Na = � the bowels are loaded, at the same time only necessary to coissider the cost to 1; . r I � _________ _. . aropurcbmclbya COWY&OIC-410HOUSC3 (MMtaiMiMg 103 a=3, 80 &XiCd 3nd � stimulating the secreilons of the liver, r"en-, � � - All Orders addresy'd to ffie camp�liy or S,eeretary will re- � . . i ; Farm For sale. . Y� great I . I � � . � — ftcz, 19 thoy Con 61 am Cc, Von a ffi a pmfl vaviag# from G=dy Iqa= to heavy ' timm of nT e Z�geaive organs, . 1�) CW 13E_ -V.,;: ta C-'a=z-3,_-� mTE) t,T436, I e3n, namp, aml, wEl Uarac V,Mtly MOM CZ11tiVadOU. .The soil is � and ganerAvrestoringthobealth fano. tationa of the proclucti,)ns of Z the people of any other decent top , IV . � L= -,Js I I cei-Ve proinpt attention. . I - _0 ' ' punters. - I � �Q I . J,7iiJP,T6WK6kTV ffcolhoft-# Is tb# 06111ty 6 , � - _2103i creek Tortily the body a - I I . � , RK115u, rl Of 510-A L ,J!:-2IF2-_-3E-=W_--3M-, 3--it!n Paz- C3 --Z). - - tiL-TS in. ThM is a SPIOndid. I 0aftPrUM4 n=--&, U11 "Ct C011(3�du_'=`�'t%3 9a Z­c3tillcl III- ranning bo X0 also _ galust d1s. In addition to designs by the mom . . I . I 1.0totra " -2 Ima 1164� _9L ., throngli t t- a small eaw by �urifying all its fluids with, � . 4X0111BAL'D HODGEP 1101ZA0,13 II&TON = or, T'Wv 9;4 is# . � 50 8 it )ivq voe4 Jw" !­ -4 )_1n:2C_­,) 1:=F-, _=_-2 2. 0. Em.. &M Z3 GEMD 30 at110 HOM23 Who, G,O� : b03_ , bars of the National Academy, and � '. . . Secretary sod Treasurer. I 1i r - Ac:l 0!3 Pl::-,-_:� = C�Y,�, azzl t'-- 7�1 Y=T --C 3 My M-,2L-ftC3 CCOM LOTO d, k=-,�-- I ganq6rahard- 'To ba sold craeap. Nor. VmEpAu nTns. No eildemic can , other noted American artists, Tizz - . - &�Idevt,, fra lif r* quJOW" 004 L106 110boo aw (, . i . -, Um6culwa I ta take hold of a system thus ore -armed. . I I . Ftzme'ftm &nd MaUbealf. 0-k-4. Wttbu I L - P, _174 ad. Am)mzwill reproduce examples of the - . � w"160f 8itim Skv(&M tir*%2, &.WW W"b" 4 1 :. .. -RODURT 1iUNCnU,.%-,- C-cuciial man` qf,fCt JJj0QUTLJY TOW'DG04Ck - UC3M-3. ft' -175A PZ,3wQ Z; Co., Ha]Lran, app I. WOOD000R, � -J)4ySjVAs1a,0r Indigestion, Ife - b!wt foreign masters, selected with a � I M. rii*_ Te. An mW .n4�[ ���a Co. 1?. r., - N. 10. land Arm%Gc . : . C eavoyal., c .0 t- and ,, , derla. acbe, am in. the,Shibrulders, Ulouqbs, - view to the bialiest artistic success and I I I I rate, .$ITTY W I lyclm. Vezzyth C,- CO., RICO=, X. S. Tigbtn�, p of. the� Chest) Dizziness, Sour - - - . . I ' 4GOdCr!Cll� 011tq 0'jhS'0Pt,S 1873. � . � . . 1325 J0111( XPWARD6 ! � � , - I greatest general interest. Th a the . . . . I I I Q& Wcprspnooj�, I �- 1 a =_=�L iza =10 tL=,-, C2 VII -E -z I nlemn. T. D. Daaekcz &; Sams, SLJOT2,0, . V,-aluable Bush F* I � Efictations of tfie Stomach, Vail Taste u . I . - � . . � �1 G0de*tANr,V. U4 M - C=1_ &_�� . N. I.D. arm , in the'Mouth, Bilious Attacks; P I ` subficriber to THS ALDLITZ Will, At a ; _-11 -- - ----- __ --- ----------- i I .- - f is,., wa Ima rael . - - __ - - _____________ ­­ .. __ _1-1 1-171TY T ­ -r�_�-------------­t,-_ , � trifling coat, enjoy in his own home the, - . � I __ .. .... Tr- � - m', T a h � �2, -7-11 , , - - IQ-, T. ID;:3 DTLmiy SITUA2:1 on tho lot -Th com. 01, tLo t!r,zi of the He=t, Inflammation ,Oa?1;1111� --- � - - . ­_.;.�_ - ZYM r� ,, (9tooloUct Tmm, I - - ces of true - - � . . . . V_ -- '00n 14AIIAE'. Cz-.-.)ur��i�',--A-s,-�lat-"4a=-Ia���- -.2,'=`t,L)!,1 , A D. . f I Lungs, Pain in theregion of the Kidneym, pleasures and rofining influen . I 11 � . and a handred, other painful sympWins, aft. * . I I ' - .. are tho.offi-pringsofl),yopepsia. One bot- The quarterly tinted plates for 1874' ; I _Off, N, rwrt i&T,'scb ols r, MC3323. nCCEia & QN, TZW-Mia, B. 0. withilft * milc'3 01 th(3 RaiRW3Y­- Tim- tle will prove it ktter guarantee of RA I I , &�, ifie SIGNAL t TL1'Z=�23rC2Cn2MzA th, nC3_--J.r3qJJ23Y&, Co., VWOPL-, B. 0. TownsWp Of Gray, 1. .. I FJ 0 -B ' P R I N, 6 1 ' � - 60 - � ,,-L7oE2!:L3.ah7�mu,:D7&::�z:�-, �1201!_ will be by Thom. Moran An-dJ.D.Wood- I M,�- z epurse, of instrucuot III the A,"_51 V. 0_zp� (M -z" tln) =Clol 9 MY'VaRN a --,:a Ointment aaa sala a� thQ b-,t2Tm1Xa,11Czeb,Map1q, and a Nrga , merits. than a len-thy advertisement. wara. , - . I- I - . 'N'ready, clieaply.aal cx;)eJ,iti9,1.�1,-.j czp,�Ute T N G Do n, egraph Insittutt. Toronw. I itlaWs,Bvil. ,_I at t�,If_ 0%p - RaWC-32, WL31C_32a =,'4 IMMC3, In qu,3n, h'- quantity of gasa Gelar. ,About 5 acre:s - &.rofal ,,9 01 ia_e I -. a--)-"',"- wv--% t*��, " OrI5 , White . � DZI C-3 �L;---­p � VaMIA, ca tz-_3 ec ma,., Jcn tb?a &,& -Wo._tL_v�_ cicmod vilth a Log-Houso,&b. Soilex-1 swelllngF Veers, Erysi lass, Swelled The Christmas issue for 18Z4 will con- � . ! I ira lu Xt C)o _N , Will lee *f,,Id at 4, redoou*& to &uv ous U % - , I - C . tain s&iat desifms appropriate to the � ,..,4. 1. V -W x ,& J�J s idim"rous of spendnasr & portion of tL4 31,221, &_4 BW d03M bl*=3�i couont. TWO indhpfifable, the pre-' Week 0olfte, Scrofulous uflammation-4, _ I . Ul= [I V =., S"I =_5 0=1 Woo e_V,-:2. &14 Q- . TU se"or, by our beat artists, and will sur- � . wiuier in leaning t�elejrzphing. and � I . I . s3ut Taol&r hoing tho Crown p3tentea. Indofent Inflammation -5, Uercurial affec- ADVE44TISE ' vAnD,s, . I -ifing illemselves fora, useful and re-, PLIN 07, P, 3t-3 Of OlDtMOMt, 2W Whleh ra- - 7 V 3, Old Sore4 Bruption3of the Skin *pan in., attractions any of it4i predecex. �_. I fi ,c -10 "ifien, C�Anl t��-_-a w3a:)tEncl!,� L113 01. U1. B.0 r::Jithn-;� mu -11 ba sont ia ai:lvanca. ,T0=sQW - Forr:irticulararip , - BILL 11F,AD,'Z-,j � . I � ore.py I . . I R WOODCOOZ' to i' ,es:,etc. lutlim,asinalletbe� &M., , �_ , . I . J%70 1 . *I, wzib , Ar -11 ar,-:_-L'F, Z4 ca-_,:_�,Ln Zc�;�,7_�, 'FaCS3 MCM:-!1-4-3 a1:0 M01,L 801d jM tke I 9 fitiffibnal DWti,e-,;; IYALUtIeS T121- . _ - . I Goderic1,23rd Kiev. IF71, '_4 . � Convoyancez and Lan& Ag ,ont, Godericti. ! ons . i . . . 1: � - 23uzu-*,,,_,,,:�"IfL�,--Jd,:tltr-,3 pzem!�.-n-:l I i V) DiL,A Shtc I EGAuntiT=bavochowntlieirgreatear- PromiuM for 1874. 1 1 TH ls� . . . - . � ; =N . 13302 20, r, an, (2, DO', M Of py prop=04!623 . I . - ; ative powers in the most obst-m-ate and, Every subscriber to THr, ALDINH for & I � I . PIE, C rX, Irp TS, . .. . �--�_­--_­�___ . 0 . - intmetable cwLm W4 will receive a pair of chromos, I I . 1. I __,�- I JTOP N", L-'-::I',2C-'--)L'�Z3'41:=-,',,e.i&,L-",CP4(�a, , L-icawfluct Rzitl�b Goyc =-Qn� Stamp, A Desirable Farm,, 11 For Inflammatoryani The original pictures were painted in I IV 0 GrIAXIVE ,% P -_ WDLtT20W07"­ 000nowaytoPilb4ba" . [Cliroulc,, IN THE . . I . a ! I . I f & House 80 Lot 6A.i4nifig: the r'", - 4, SITUATE 'on the Sffi ac,n., 77eo�om, . it for the publishers of Tffz ALDINE, by .. . � � P 6 13A�] r_-= va L-1 oz tl�a Pc_zza an -I Mo 01atmont, L(Maoa- - - . I , Rheumatism, Gout, BilioU3,1temit. 0 M*23_31orani, whose great Colorado . I - D-0 (Si.-jac 0 i tent zw*d- IntKmittent Feven� Di,;eue3 - .Tb �i I der.ce of RYW� fiellisour., z4q., tam . . .. _�3) THOMAS HOL&OWA7, Mvia�'Dll 01 IhO . 11 . I . L 11whuding oneof ifirah"a, Titwk of tbo .8r_�n Z� n -r- a ' oftheBlood, Liver, XidnqzandEla_dd 'ciars WAS, urc � 2 t:L0 P,=1:,.a,::nt t__�2,. i=,-"Uzr0z,,3[=0�,V;.0., . . Township of Colborno - er, r big" by Congress for 1 NOTICIV, -V ar, APPOIN'TimmT, I the --e Bitters have nQ all Such Dlsa ten thousan dollars. The subje t I . �� a c' . - The Eas � 10A A P -P TY to � - - u 4"" HURON'SIGNAL I TITS OP Q UA LIE ICA TION2 91--i Ci24, r -L%-_-:-_- V., a 01. last ea th Q Xorayao= Gravel RnM, aboub 5: Qwe3 are eamed by Vi ted Blood. were Ithosen to represent " : _,�0,1 C' -1z:1 =zi TeR.71 I Nao, 1ong J* 1, Ir N f UkesIA Harbour, C="_�,-!),�, . __ I— - __ _� - midn f.-om Goderbb, cant -mining 50 � � Jff(!e,haUie,,d J)iSeaSes._Persou3 and "The West." One is a view in The . DPN1EL(40A1)0N,, _ , -,g L-C!�-,_,a to fc:-,l b!a a. � =03 of ezcallou� land in a Ill& stato of - � I PATH11TASTD, RS L.1,81TSt - .ana RiO2 L� IN TEM, 1RM'0ATM1DX1JL 01P CHRION- Wtivaffon. 17or 713rliOUIM aPiDly tO ., engaged !a Paints aud BfineraLq, such as Whito Mountains, New Hampshire; the - I . 1, I - - I Ci--JericT,)"Tunosfml),I.p�6,93, Ine 4--Z'Icz W t__rz� i 10 WAS111ING DISDASES, attm& - . , I Pluulben�, pe-settera,'Gold-beaters and other given The Cliffo of Green RIvk,r, i , . � rozivas Lis rs� - I --------- - - - - � .n. WOODCOCK, � Xhiero, � . , Ar -1 tL3(22"12a�:)Qr ,� i Q wita I= t itince, in, life, are sub- c�y tL a vro.m!z:- cm -5 = V - , t ley -ad Wyoming Territory. The difference in ir,rou W1311 YOUR -QNX0UNCz=NT9 1 . I I I FOR SAVE. . _�-*UM_m-_4WLL'1C!1 Vit-0iMY, fCOND MIW3900 ConVoy=gjr =a L=E Ag,ont,Godeeich. � j?cttoparaJyamof&aBMlo. Tognard the nature of the scones themselves Is a I I - . 011"i 017LA , � G.'r-atz,706-,�3t3-t7nt- '137W-3::Z�- ----,! I livez,comms!ip3V*�- and iigtaf!Z' — � a,gD1nQ,t thkf, ttilict 3 dOSO Cf WALKEIV3 pl&uing contratt, anaaffordm�agood . I _. P, S, i I I - e�l' � ___0_ '173 67-- -, il ud'Do-va =,I t the TP.rcmz Bm-TEns ocenolonally. . . I I I I . . � . i Ic i ZDI, E3 doz, avaid, : , . AM.2 ,;=! C3t Q3 8!�'L i display of the arti8Vs scope and coloring. - 1. . -4 . � - . JUP-Y LISTS, L0T 6, Con. 4, E. D.5 AfiLfi#14L, *ft, I an CC aRe ahol!-� stim- 013nt3, P, zor=902a Dasirable Farm - -For Skin biseasesl, Eraptiow, The cliromos are each worked from . A I taintpir 200 &crep noeum lands - ­ I ,1 I � i f I . . . -i � I YGS �- - CV�= I rzq ca tilyl T-'Z_-��-_--, t5-_Z� I nt3iM!0-8ftTC�1n1-- a-AiglaSS5. S IT UATE on t1z3 Huroa Ra3d in the Tettcr,,qalt� Ileum, lotej,e�, �, V I - R B _ HEADII 9 3 �a_j �?Qt` Pim- , thirty distinct plate#, Ana are in size - TO Ani"M TIM I ;Vered WhE Irtr7c urld,r4sch, I 0 niift , . 2 - '��3c�l mo; ; � . arbi=X'3,A;*il1g- I - � C( . - - " ples, rustliles, Boils, 0 . I �, L'DS!, i from Goderieb. with a nev*r failing Uo" A_ -J na ?=!Z- h - WC.73TY11 0 nar�� as E,��"! imr_­.iffato Qyf?at;23L� I_ � . ile i rance exact fac- I .1 DE - � fs tc,� ov,---39 =7310.ttawsatem, UC090� , To , nshi woms, Scald -head, Bore Eye E ' _ (12 x 10) and in Appe - I I 1�qj Itch, Siarfs, Discolorations of the - i - � 1. I , sc,<_-�I) I , E-,---%,'E7C�CIL--lf2t-,3L-'�D-,7 4-L�WYLI em7z-�, : b- a fe:1EM- cl f: =Jm 17 ]p of Godetleft, 1% , rygpe. simile* of the originali. The prmlits. ' - ANte., Ake#) . � ; siresm runnici tbrosph tb* conow of t6o t-:) C.,;=C_2 I _-W impirovo- atnut 21MUL-3 fron, Tmm. 'Within five �tion of a worthy example of Ameriicz!s I I ! lZild', thtt'S ig 4011t i6 Atrff of Coared Ez:i t:,-,3 c'—,'-- d!nVa L,2n., yo,m c::-- =�#, BbRotq�od, by a rdl3rpa and goneT,d - WaL, d an E, a,-jbh Church, emt I - i 0 T , _3ining Vim, Unmor. aadDI.2e=3 OfthO Skin of , 11W'� On IBM tl'(Irt Of' Q0 101', greatest landscape 'painter to the sub. LARGEST NUMBER , Pri I I E,=1., �5 i , 21312C�Aoaul T',=-manant , .'Whatever name or ratnre, are literally . nted in the best style and itt the, lowest I - � J? _00�MU'le-31L-azith!3 mie C 93a=,,3 aboub 70 of which ara elmed dug up -mal canieclioutof tbo gysteal in a scHbers of Titz ALwxz was a bold but � I I I I . I A rply to. . I`3ril L��tcz� U Y3-,3 d:= C, 2 n LO S30X�- rl---- 1 nmoch,03 "T'd *Cs" frOM 3tUMrJ,3, With, -VOOd � Iffrick, * aho7t time by theme of 69-8 Bittevi. I I - Rates. I 11 THOS'. 'WEATERR - U � 3 C- --'- S S715 I E, i ��J�_- z f -a f ;: � I ttn�, en m13 nuftit!qq� and ooat3 pura & : _ peculiarly happy idea, and its successful I &LD, . ,C . . ; ,I. Lar.'a � - . . RgUSO and, AaMO 1�3=3, � Fin, Tape., and other Worms, realization'is attestedby the following inter sod surre'rer, . I ,,, I I - - F"r I I I of ro. ma,;.v thou- testimonial, over the al naturia of Mr. ,. I , � _'� h �6 ahoml- Tido gual. This farm will he sold ' C 9 � I I 4fol�--',-.'z�,2L!EC:,.�.myf,e,���,,'qu,o��L2., "Wesl ID,-�,'Vv-L,--l'-�-'sC*njpabrIEl,di� boaring, Ovabard, and won watered. lurking -in va-e system - � Godericb, Jsr,W4872. A,- 2=-�Oax_- 'Sy U:?�' qp a2a L-:�� "'- "-'c 3 _'T: a � " �3 Z_ 1 VW. sands, are efrectuduy destr9yed and re. 3foranhimself. I _o.rt,_ : . I .11 I., 6 . a:9 rn 1�1 "-I- 6su =,Zle* tba wa:e.a'a."t ltnin �Ta cansidoring iticommauffing po . movell. No Sratem of medichler no ver I . CAUTION. � - - ' "' aml 0 - � i�ud Lr,a&,Y, [ SMI ' I ZwAv T` I . a e3r, - - . N � . 1� cj;q, 6, razla�r =3, 11, micago, so aut-helminitin ae'll free the � I -1.2 � I � N, E"W -BOOKS, valua 'ZI-J3 P.a, 1, aizm Z3 27,a, 1MVZ!�-,-=!23 M11=1 X, N. J., Scot. 20th, 1873. - - , .1 I . . on, and on rcasonAblo term. I Foe 1 r -e V, I ­ � � . 1-____-_-__ ___­__ � . . _. ble Property For sale. VC-.-J31-z:,n1Cf -,t-_,-)r71- a­_1ImE,.3Thau eJha!Mty disfivitithat. t0M*0n VOM31% .e3elB1tttrLw. Meserp.JAMES SUTTON 4?.- CO. t L_ 0 - FFHOULU3 apply to �! a 9,1 11 mw Z?A 41 t D I,X- a. . - , Gentleimn,,--4'sin delighW with the � BUY ONLY T11F, -�? a - � -Y e, _r �, -: a a a a K-0 3 ,,; coar ';'-'c3 . .1 , V1014e.maleCoinplai* ng P C - yan cm. e . . k WOODCOCK. _ _, in-vou ' . . 'I IN': t, I 1, -'�% -, T 'MERI;rEAY�. P UT JY TM V "WW, ()y �: - . ___ ______ ______ __ ' - A, U I X :Pei M, � �� ___ . proofs in color of your chromos. They RIC DD IS. . g - -------' as ,,� Canveym,z2r ana L3n-1 Ag3nf, Goderl& or oK mardea or sing:c,,at thy dawn of _(YR N ­ , - i DR. J. BELL 5151PSON ! . . 1wCuanh6ed,'orthe turn oflifi, them Ton. are wonderfully succeufulrepresenta- - . �, . 11 tj 60464� PRI14 0I it lituAttIW 44ftsh 111riek , WE) I Can- a7�1 � M., C=7.- Y0-3�' 1 -1 - I I I I Ut4W&nd1UMtftrthtdWt1h1W Nouatt"011tomac - ig Bitters�&play so dmided au influence tionabyinechanical processof theor- . �. 11 '� high. ild on JA 6", "V*J, Alars"Wo at~ tmmo [ SvLpr,lfli�ctnil Tonle Fillso : . . . �Gefluine Faiibank-t - S_cales.' &C.5 &rz--,. � - ., . UarD&ZEN�j-1`_i3 aKIEDY Fall!MD able FaTM - that faIpievemeht; ii�,-oon perceptible. iginal paiutings, I I I" ! In,ire-bouW WkieLmuidlor oonvonoe. ttlt# s itrot . "i��:) L�3, a P0r_,-"-3-14 C --, _V_ A Valu .0 I . . - i I ; U&I. a 13 Cz;Q_-'i'­Y,. C-;z==-_:-zA No -_=231 Z=r,z- . , . , :,T MAN-VFACTUMED BY . - 'an 1, - I � . �nr th,a - Cleanso the Tittlated Blood Very respectfully, r � . ,� fH6k1&1,1ttt1* t(C "d al.c p fr&12�# b&M A2;1_'1 -I � _- 2i C_-� %aX3-_=,--f PnM-_, E::aCTM3r;r_-- ,L-.3 Qj��v_� FJ:i.:-.,:1!,:,a al zL3 SITUATE on tlia1lazanEsaa in �: 0 ""ftw ,, ) ,wheneveryonfinalts,alru ti"bu t, _ ! MICTAt4WHIbotw6duu.j� W~ ! I ui r6 n (Siened,) THOS. MORAN. -&dvOrtfting Rates L WHOLESALE&RETAIL T-z.:�-34m:;-:Ec�:!!----pc�-�,34,--�, Mu�a.ak ��7­,, -=-"�, m-entz:�g3" E1-g-,.)1e1=M t:,z Cf'_,C', 0 . iberal, � E, & T" Fairb : iL - _ 9 � . I tbrongh tho sLin in pimple,4, E7 ung, � I auks I ? 101, "I, - - ic.---7,:=�2:f-::z�-3fnE7�-',--:2�te----"aze ndt:,�=_ it- , sense � I T I or arpl&06"" U ' � � I ! V&-AR7WV&, F I L ez-n- . I Township t,f Godench, or Sorest; ele=so it when yoa:fiu it ob-' A - n, They aro by an original �.� � 01.41&pftw�swerrto . �� .7 C�Z:::L�-_,, 1--r. a- 11 E. . c: - - a �a t�_- � . uxti These chrome# Are in every & 00. � , uz_� _�j 4�_- D5.3. M71 -Ya SXMPsaNis ?Z3 a, � � � AT DUT-LEIVS " ,--Zc --.,a d:s - t fb= Miles & menca � I c- - --�Vrl --�� - � E�Iycz=. --ziERS Z, -=--% a --a a-., abou )in !fown,'contain- struckilaudduggt-h in the veins; cleanse . 1: � . . t-Rzl E7_,Ja t� r" T'=,F-ax-'s a=r3g 174 American process, with material of - 1, . - 4 &�z5=, L2Z. iag 1CO acres of *st-nta Ind, with it w4ea it Is foul; your feelings -will tell . 11 ru&rieh is A' ""OurMN: L=;�:a�2s=0:3z::;7_z1_Tg. La��-_:, I - - . � � AP S , I , _-=3T--'_,'7 rq�,a LY, W,7L,:a a Y,Z,n,8T , L'_'� 17--21 =4 tZZ'-:2�t3D,:3r'-�--:LzvL'7c.;:Itl=.P- gacl Frame Hou3a, Z=3, Stableso &c. four'beii. Keep the blowl'Nure, and, American maniificture, from designs . _. - . ; - 11 " ,2 . - the .of . � � .- Jf,S3f_aiM­_11:2ana ran'fl fa a�_-`_3zk,;%8!:,_ e-0=2VIS1 %3 .. lz, '81 on Am . � i - --- - -- --- �- �'-� , , calth aftTRO System, Will 1101 I arican scenery by An American pain- 91 � OAV L� Jjr,-.-,-5tN_i::er5=g,-.qa sjmni mia dt!sr�­ of .JjwJ� of choico fruit tirdes and vAr40 & Co., . . . � �! A BdautiftilAssortmenti 7, 4!51::;�` -rn!-23 ta% I R. 11r. ffielDw - ter, and prevented to sabocribers- to the , . f ?, I 71)rn7�'P.% & Ge.1 A.-biv, San'Fraue.'soo, Callfor. . I . 911 �, ,_01r b -CL -3 r-1-1 r.;C=V_3 f,f-2:1t1m, ef�_,!T C2 saz- Vavcl? faluu- crook running thirou I , � ' _V_ - . 0 . n _&ecr.aSVrKdr; Uimlton"�tfw first successful American Art LTourn%L � . I I I i Farm for Sale or to Ut, ' ' iL� T=E- kni atw- a 15= or . I duld 73.7 a I I audDt . I lCla- L% � . CLNE,15­;nl,-��3ffrk ra,�F­,3 8:!a U�-�-' �38-��2-,L-,73�L'aS=73��,-TjMZ3�3'-131� -*o,at 0frIOR Torm3e=7 I'Orp3tti .- . - 1V _ . _ . , - I — - 11=:�'L` . .E�67aj__ ; __1 111111n� ,'Li�r-,'�' - If no better.beesuse of all this, they will � - 4 ... 11 . EU�,-7� :��n%�,Y,:;::�721 I' M-_7 Wfa t�t 8--', T;,7 --11-'P � 3: 1,�; 3 �, �­ r, -a rX L d ?hrG arr ly to . . 240�_ I I , . . JF_WCLLFRY OFALL KINDS HE subomfoer brers for oil# -Y ic, ).t hi. um, I 11r_-=--._",7w,-aTj.i�1r_-5n n-�--,a�'_5.carar_pp'. 0" I E. N76oDCOCY4 R. Ir. 2!,rCD0XAT.D,& Co., certainly pmess in interest na fore go . _. . ; �� .1 - . . - TbeizW Loj#, 4 Arad b. lgii"twoowwc W 6.,Aak,� z - . . � . I I I . I . ' . . 4 , , _ c:, ,Ir I -1 . , Are . . :_­ . feid,c%uiniftr2w�scrw wiflaft Wf a W114 of ti'A . I - - I __� _­ - - .. �,-' � 71� , " � - ­ I I .I-- &tX)Ut1QQ&tr",r)*4rV.d so .�Sdereft�. . --- - ,),) Elch2rltaa '48 IV- . . . - i - . J UZT - a::-] r- - 7.110,18r, Ovaca., . I YA is &Ad 1"R. pe- _`= "- 3 a:i=:_� I'; z_=_-7, az! M=n 2_ J i 81-eO J�_:: C::� 1��,-:f C��, a=1 CS-_ Cz a3 Tc:2:j LIE, 3 G ,�aVayan� production eon inspire, and neither �er 1 t - .� anr1L=dAgentgG9d&1v1i. they any the worie if by reason of - or Ir.0 RECEIVED, rlmavici- i "11 161heod That " i PO.4 *.%* _=j, - ` 1 57 . - & _10S 1) I. . - I . - - - __ culiarfacilitiesof production they cost .. , * ; . la, t4Tr18MAar.T,f(-,,",U"# lot Itia'situaw I _2 F:3 3n_� , C-3 rM:a!n­ rznar I - .11 I . � ;� . I . 1003i 1.11 --As--- 02F. 0. fyams,= . - - 0 Tizintlornstmw ft- ru ,, 'A� a!, - ;,-:! ,F!j Bt . I . -!be publisbers only a trifle, while equal - I � : ,� � , ., - --- 1% *AV tud to lit sold -1112, "bow &M" I he -'; 2,:-_--_7,- t!f_-'�, WLU 3��-, fvz_�, 1� %-_"_2 T,y 2:2 'Mc-!:x!�'3 n-1 rx'12 P.- 23. . I . -r-S" 0 &686*0 of 1A I*(,, F_-� L�, . A Goad Farm-� : The whole wilf bed ­ �V_71 - � VICTORIA ' I ,�� ---, ;� rraz;:� �­ azz_-, Z,_-_N_r�- ,,-- iE ­ in eyery respect to,other chromog that i ITUATEju the Fourth Cor-L,ession - 1. 03-troUND SYRUP OF . I __ - - -,-- S '14r�46floaar-r"tia T�-�;=_`- -�, G=m wn-3 � L -z2= SOD sold singly.' for double thasubscrip. I I CHEAP AX 13UT.LPIL-V PFIf to HRN-RT SRO" , " " it, -------- - -- - cl the E33tern 3D.7yWan -of CI6 tion price ofTez Atrixz. Persons of - I I OF0 41REMAH bULLTVAN I I . E:! -_ 2�>_I�- - - . I I 5 a z� . ; XUW0W111;t? b-, - 1 -f--', J.JXJI�>'Vv� U-11 Vow=bip Of aLobfield I I 1=8 taste will prize these pictures for them- ' Standard Scales. I �,ZD t13 m.!-�". cl, Njs,!-�, Euz� WEM'a L!3 11 U0 it-, P0VND , castainiE,ft IC9 agrE3 04' I=J, -Z, Mile selvex-not for the price they did or did . rishing Tackles, �1 7wirepientv"m- I I . ­ __ - _. . . I . 1�=_",_ . I ! "PR " — ** � 4% .I" ITESL � from Dungamon, G9 aeres otwhichare TfoonI3�8yrup prepariml frcm Dr. Chuml,up, not cost, and will appreciate the ente . 1i � � -,;:, __ _,,n,� I "I I 01"Hif, 2� L . r. , . I SCUM, COAT. SMIN, HAY A V . HOU801 and Lot fDr Sa.le. �� ! M a opluu that renders their distribution a STOCK I I "IF LL =D3. VOXF15TING OF AULS, A_-�: -, �-4 C`u- C,1_=!3-?_aJ ele=cd and tmdor cultivation. There Fr,=UU, vid cerlifleii to be CWmic4ly pure, prim p0X_ 0 TO THE � 8eAT,rz,DAXP.Y q.v=i Cor.NTEit4SC-kL-E,4, � Zo pox�= CT G= y- d::-a4�-a C::--�4Y,r-1 Li t*�� tho waugses a goodlog House And , 'F,)r the rrevention aml cure of __� . , -- � Cp 5_-ki2l zizj , r_=7��,= f3 L� � 'J 01T�. V4,�f-:�-J by 6. 0 on I _ sible. I .- &C., &C., . � — L Z -i- L,=�l a --d - i BASEXTS, � : j - . ­fl,� L,w r- If any sqUeriber - should indicates, VAITS C3:;:S� r--L'--Z3�,'a----2�?lZC7,-�7w�"-"�-IW�'-' 3. , ,:-:a- ,a Zvi- Bun. Soil, (gay Win. front of PULXONAUY CONSU3MION � I -Y� Submiber ofrem for ( ­ - N S& .. I !, ScIales repilredpromptly and reasonably. 11601is - 7�=_7 9 I tered with Niue mile AWforth0_,C*160f ; preference for a figure subject, the . skle I:he Bon" and Lot at ; C^�1=1 - a-_2r:nr2-^- 3 szrq rz t ?1,q5. WeU wa TH SD C_-_ ?,-1:3--l^::�3 =11 E,-�,�'_,� ,_jEE];1'�-'a - , r3LCn 0 pub. I I ! be,, _. Cytj:3a 'a 67W:f.C:t �. , . .rld � T;7 t:--3 rr_�'Z:_ cre-ok ranTft tbrough the lof. Ther& Syspeps* Zronchit% Asthm:t, Lou limbers will sena "Thoughts of Rome," ' ' Forsale, also, Troemner's Ceffee and - � LMNEb � ipiedlby bim Ion " , ­ . ( - _1 =Zarn:== C=r-r , I OrOL ft " ) Drug Milb, Composition Bells, all si7 c s - `C�-� L" C:a _,7 a a. -1 Z V_- I (a � - f; ---. LT 3, : C � �3_' � L� _-, W-'' C 7 :� b, : f3 abO a,1,f0U 1-010faholCe uitGnl' #fAppetjtejQauer&13)*bility,&e. a new and boantiful chromo, *14 % 20 �� �M `4 Jf I , I oet n tht Town - I � - ��e2 * � . � , )i -c., &c. -cli ' The loi oonturA onp , �; - -=a S,3 -�s - gU Izi -a I I- file lot. - . . � � )7 Letter Pre3ses, & "er'ollfb of G-oderl -. �1.__ � 1 ,�T -� 3"rl�'­t­�fa - L _ I 1C1Mn1WATX AS 'X0;FVXffYAXDXMCAM mches, representing a little IfAlian exits . 'A IND � A7 -,r, � :� E_-;7%,7 I ­ 5S. niwiyc,=�. �, I A ,. : : ­ , r = IV" i�; �1 46M 1 ,3z:, i WOODCOQX� � - whose speakingeyes balmy the longings . TnE 310ST PERFECT founh of an am and U well &wkod I E 51; az_, qaz�, aud a a! 1.4'3 gA3 � a-_a':.�!'R� �,_z-:5,U=_Y_,3 a-_-1--G,;f"1L It svv) E. - 11 [Aboratory, Vu.iYaralLy College, � " I ' ' - -o=%at1c!Mu3=:i,- Convcyannrand L:%UtAgeut, GoderiA � Torosta,Doe. 4, . ; I - - .� _7 LX73----*%_1::1 fJ 0,ux- � c--? ze Cm:iR5� E',;:zr_2jL 4 2 Ius. of his he&rL I SIELLICJC AT COST with frait and ,)m&wen&41 wow The zc,�-a--r-:-1-N=-.a-a Vc-_ g::�::1,a3X-' - . TothaViclar14Cbemiralco., I � i � L . i 2,2;09 - la!�Tflg&�� - , TEEMS. House-coutum nine room, fir* atoesta, I I �" Frm "R:�!k2%]Ppl� I Gontlemou.--1 balro oxmined Go artlein on. I . . - , *$AT BUTLER'S. a pod pautry and oeW, and h%rd wW �, OY :36-n �_�3 12�:n3 aal �iA ' - 1 3 krUl"t, no -142 azi amr:=2 rATkIpia, Ploysd in tha Viderla Ckmical Works, Is tbo pf* $5- - - with Oil . ­ . I . - C11 RV. - tsU, Two Excellent Farms iantlo. el,th# VJ*oriw grap of UnwipImphuic per annum, in advance, � 11 I � - t4 Chromos free. 1911DE S, ,Ui k It'll TILL C0.1 -we G)derick, N:L AuK,, IM� r"lot softwater, with suit&bli outbousee &4� , he aeyera 11wphoopit tee used art &Uk(nft . I R . w � ant 36;3 . M;�����Z a' ' . , 1W ibo F'-Nuzlt CAnw1:an rur SMATE on the Gravel Road be- , immoud *18 byrup is Aue qvwfrafron 1M. - FOR YOU I - I U0110d'. . � i puri(w. Your Ilyno or 4n* hwit'. Will Im. For 50 oent& oxtra,the chromos will be - . App ph Ali:! * _10�Jlm:_-r C�� az" iween Waltanstid BrumTs in the I d . .. sent, �, ZVEZY � . XvZRY � i: ,ly, to . I ,% ilulcca Sold By ADothecarles, . oubtedlyproyeasw1m[w" . mounted, varnished, and prepaid �, � lx� MCINTOSR - br�z`:, - . Tov=blp of Gray, I I by mail, . I � CRAL 11 � � Goderich, 3rd Od., 18,43, 1W) - rz,z2e� S19D; B:z t,rr,.n. BxNttr it. exorr, 'MERCHANT - - I AA -1,,',,_33:9 c,:,;7z-) Ci, P. - u - � containing each 100 acres.. A grod LoZ - . Profewr of C'hmfstry TRz ALDINX will, bersafter, be I . , - I richXarbl-ovorlm, i;-. JfI511:2- L FZLLOWZR� X. a. ob- . I DRAWER] Gode * I - :9_AXf:_Y DMELIL QE[E�_'A'ST W, use, Barn. and 0rcbArd on each lot., Nkestrormtua, &Xby,&UDrd"f&W. 4inable only by subscription.- There lugs, . . . I - -, - _ _ . sz ,Ic", -S. D. Q acres zleand. Thaw farms will be � —:- __ I will be no reduced or club rate; cash for Job .Print" I I I- � I - _ .. - �Z�� - �_ - i _ - ­ - -1 � . �, Splendid Timber Lot � — -,------ __ sold seFaratoy or f9gother as may be, VICTORIA 1: - subscriptions mnat be sent to the pub- WAMAtod, � 0=3 A,= X=. i desired Soil excellent, Terms -easy. CoNrOUND .K.131DOXTRACT ON I lishers direct, orh.%nded tothe local . I Uze Them, I I � �,­ �_-­­ i TE120 02AT 'FIT"IATLEE, MEN F, ' I - . �� 11--c>IR .S�&1['1&, ( or 1JArvaulars ar'ply to , � I canvasser, without �wponsibilkty to the I I � — E. WOODCOCK, 1. publishers, except in cmes where the � I &LD ALT 1, 7v�ug tee X �ufttakru �6AIL cusla Jawn P I . AboW 10 miks rrom C,ode6cA and , , I C,Duveyanc,�,r and Land A. 111411*21 I certificate is given, bearing the fac. � FAIABANK&I SCIALE WAREHOUSES , . I , , !L_`0l-)CJd!0a@X,, 1! J15 31031,41 Fersodivil P1111 I — gent,G94crich. I I 1210 : 11, milefrom Port Alberi. _F � - I , . simile signature of JA*xu SuTrux & C�o. ; - t '.3 &3h-af=k�r. 11, - I A 2 Fairbanks & Co -v 11 �" 301� M1 M 11� HAT Valuable building- site, buitablo ,xd irSoWl for dif Aimaw . __ lf� _7..37-tsll��&SL,%M::D��"X)-75C-NPAIL, j�w#_"; p"jj,*41 swursgs I 0 - 4�" � . C04 ; 93 N , 1, HE S u becriber offem for We the NJ -4 I -W e' - "4� S1.0 ;0,J rmjlj_`3 t-.3 say i _ 0 C-03 of a", nr�" rio-a&I ails dangerous - f6rafirst-CIMMUs Residence, be- tesud to iremaes- wa ou ,v= Of A$ Uria" Any person wishing to act permanently —0— I Sil 13 M,� i I �,f let .1, con. 3. Eml A ytwot of &Lk ? ywir*,rot a, . y,--oi r �, -im �1-508ja�,* W�I`te�g [ke rem"crolmr-111ri-iniflu%Tet, I Oro" A ather ,qm . - .- , I'ANi rji^�"SlielLimmi�4on.flia;�"tfjcugu W, ond 31, in the Wilson Surrey of TryAcyar#foran the Ab"s Morders, "A a local canvasser will rewire full and __ t., 3" ), 7_0�= J TO %N'N 6 U I p, o F ASH YJ ELI), L" UNG I T composed of Lots 8, 0, 10. 11, 28, V, VAXVA%,XCw%3 WAXTEDs . 'I n `IV --.4 61 A �,'UJA -nCkA-&,2"" ex. i 0,41is-,dy aars?w- b# raitodon. . - As I . i 3%�r , _� Y Amied of fis vie-ami"jit prompt infornistivilby applying to - *3 aiisiusit LIDITA you Wfil be fauy 110. I FAIRBANKS, BROWN &C0 � � � A& -i Xn. R46 I., Ee Tuffn of Goderich,containingia one virsim, contal I 00 &ore$, very hearil V tim� I k 0`4 berod n 1B36n- 1'.,_.S-*W1.,A1#r r,,,#,?#&1,.4,,!.YJ1_1ed, 11ffD,_,X&01k1nt=0,7j?1sJ1 'k land. The Above rzkoStperDottle. Soldby#1111ru -2 3hlkb1.,B0ht4) IWIA , . 11ozzlock, 116"ch and k&ple, 16raA . 9WAY,#WW, I an ASW41A4?1rAw_,,_j1 psidw-4. L "'Cre' Of - ?a �, " 1 III .7 Scott, Vanstone & C " N 344 -r-11 -13" eg two ' =1415. - James Sutton & Co., Fablishers, . Fur xalu by Leaditt- 11ardware Dealers. TIK, TX - ;;� . ,ijjj 1, PXG TO IX t z b"14'" A 0004id#Mh10 QUAMUtir Of BA)-Ck -' - - I y bu a ffontage of about ' 59 Maiden lAne, Now York, J-1 ol-OLIed a LY11 Atli 4f their Juscardist I -it j -�> o-%7!1 � ir-gir" .4 , TV -v Fj�-`# 14"a 49 3f UWA 5V b"441 dvri4c JU . 1111ro I a I ' b - .1 _)riwJz dun, i: I VfY,Yr,ff8§f PV0JWWY.ff#,*YJW# 11 Propert n Road, and is well . Elm And 0edar, The lNine kilo &Yet � . ft 4: F4T33rTH4T)?Jr_ ; 39)fft�ont a VICTORI A .1 I 1387�-2:n "dig has tWA4 izt,Y,%K&asuC.t , i: p4r,p �#,^Vm jy,yArf4^�14*944Y,$UrIi#4c,4Y T sV,cked with choice fruits, Tobesold ZLXCMC - � - I . - � .. - 1. SOWIF thrOugh tht m)ddje, of f.his iabd, I "i - I ___ 1k, 4-SAWAA, . 1:.X I OLM" w: - � H4 ., I rePLQ,�au-�404 7"u r: an all, � on reasonable terms. -..a z "k I . 'a"I 421(alry,,44 11nil 4 -nl�tftct' .,--- III R L - GG"..1".11-1 9 wom whiohi will be ,rory valtiabit for fairmtki 64 ;44Y V_)" -:I-,) � i El I!-",;, . _go A-vil,Ntsin - I - _-1-1-A- __ I ri., i4eig Aw, tAww, F -V ( a- Of A f6t 0 Zen -1" -Psi pi- X WOODCOCK LINIMENTAt ­ _ , I I I - 4urPowa when the uniba has bsea'_ Dr. 84rum 'A -40 lk"" or'�h# X.Joce., Liiion �i axe jisrim-mr-4o i rA wha##, Oit *a N is, i ()JEmp comer of West a t re a tj G'od erich. "The King Of all Unimmm" All kinds of Work fr-)r.qthe a - -1--,& - in its old 4i4zd of Mr. A.X, Jolin#-" viewda lit,, � tak on off, .1 w -14aame W05 -ill f,)i.xor mas 4, re failed, - . . Godericb, &ad W�n be A1;t to SU1,141 % m W hA, 04 60104 koki ;.hu )(r, " " , -v"Imhm, 0"ti, Y#wWpiN, L% 11. Wit. J � I yri'vel 1� IM i'1%_wAs*%50-*9d#,?:ftW,ft� 4)&"( Cori 141 a tma,� - It For AA, . - FE?� TON, i"d. 4awly, rop"l- t %0�".t,,ZM,A"r ,,>r z14YtJ.0f.ht_?q8J6V fidto-wo. - -1 - VP " , 1.* -13% 1�4; . - ; Valuable Town Lots, &-iaka. w4wkrisw P*W. $9 = i& Sk Li= I 0 ,1,1 1392.3m P. (j, &iL �),.t, lj&zilwn� 11 mankful it "44 4"ChIor U ru'R I ,� , -i#ff, ,"ft .-7-V TEE r - 0 Tombstohes, i Y -J ,!:,Y,fdjc.ffp,wl,.st--4fpoftl,�tlkt-All'fgju".,I,piw-tAo i - I ! ? U fit M4-J_A,�.6M#&.1r prt4fr,fdt� -a - , 11we is Lho I "a" d"alp 34 '-f a, *_%�' Ut No. 902, situate on the North )i.;�,i,.'��,'2Wh;;Z,;W_­" — _ ma - Igg is Mantlepieces, , A ro*4 war I , 33uY it ! Try it I Prove it I m ''I kAft "TWOS MghL UI&-.0plo; L side of W#4t btreet in the Town of God- prk,56C,"t,Vr Bouk. nuil md'.. ilt Sol qiZeallfai4 0 ' Window Slits W,OOU t)�. .1�)I'WF,11", - -aw, 1"t.4 rit"I'll nW&u A, ''I'ln . , I 001d brsll D . , �, .J%W T, J"14- . I I ")( 00 -J -d = tha t rer Iargeethatertothe Small eat Card I - It Palo, WW -114�'"131A Mr , '1460604 W XrWilif'of ani& Amplendid situation eitherfor . IA&Ies Aml Cents, both - &C. 0 , 44 J,'%01t THR DIA -)Off lr� TRIX i,i?ik. ' b" I sco4to fort businvuD privateresidence, � 1, J �ttll#t6h,Nnj �, eth&j � I j, , , er" Jr. Umched, &n4 t4we v -='= r I., I T%- I P4 " 'a *LVI"O. T4,W,%4'_;#r 11 44 : ilk gold VA silver, Batthe &C &C81 , 601"rAd hk-$ & -:ow ItAultag hoc " orx� 'I,0'-ft,"w".*,JJ nirdef a `)QtAle vP4t_*i11tM.4*V4r$,)rAJ* - VICTORIA I ,"C(`r"r-3n�i11J put re ". lithe 4Im4#%t1-,,f %wlolroixlol� A -LI (M Y6"OUVIc �y Treldr% Wit Lot No, 2M, oorner of Elgin and - P I 0( tho mud-' v'01T" ar p A LYNAN - Wellingism Stroote in the Town of God. CARIOLIC SALVE i1 Pentx in propvr prrportious . -_ 0 wrihS. I %IAVIN STUTHERSt I CLARKE'S Its &� m -any 4r%&,.4." tit 6very.dAy, us* Ndw&&^'­(�- %V-,#04*f1k erich. vne quarter of an am. ", " WORTU I?S WXIGHT IN COLD." 9 IHE $25 RMSELL HV= . Agent, 'World f&med Blood 11#ture. &M ONSUfACWroki 4 papor. it is iwko.i if , t-1 acraim fort'&V164P , Jwv�­t : I . 600tocask ass we be tayouted w' p- &AJ a 0. 4origh by Gve. Cattl*,, l4t No. 1318 on the quron Road i A -Ip-,fic ruis. ROW146. struiffs, aw.10, LEYER WATCH, EXECUTED WITH GCKk'i(T14U1hJWJ a r ing j, ____._ � Tmde X&&,-"Bl"d XhfM." = piam ot tho le"hor oads. Y.JordiLa � J , K� ; G the Town of "sri;h, one fifth oi lit saw&. fteag, AL. riwpeft, at., *W chr� Dims. I ate N ilver cam and: - -_ - *rviinor & Co. an r" aftu Xk#4 010my "Wrfp"� -, cold poilm. full Jewelled, . - _____-`------- I 'rilluRvA IF Ru�o r) rupJ"IR & RarTtmak. FAyft*61; J, Honthain. Rodowvillo� J. "t9- I � , _ I � 0,r- L6o &" 400r of a pork bewhor: pick,,rd. �' PricoUCI&pwbaue. solobyauDraggisic WN"Ateet (cf five yearw­ I 10or CiftffiMha Or d 0"nag On b&*,Qd $,aft W� 'low; G, W� BOM, L.Uck_ Lot lAttor "C" in the Village of � her with a , gold latea ,� !�Purlu,m oft"Ot t* V,-0 bww ".Mmm"a" in a r4law in " ess"M W"aty W toget Stoves! Stoves I F,,r ?�Croful.j beurV7, 1.1[jr, LOA08886, ow got" fv)w; A; J. bf. P"Oborts, Nng=Don. X&W"rilla,(or Bridgend p4m) with& � 0 W. M % * N " %*"a is oftuf I 9 61 &U 1-1-8 it Is 6 Velvef-btfift =4 P-40alfti, z4glood " be � a "gaboord rerm I . V I 0 T 0 R I A I ., ubart ba NeatnOffiffi An&DOMpatch. " Curt. . omuag a was in a black ouat, breedish- 'WADIAII PAJA DESTROY- good boa" therecra erefted And garden CABINnATUD . dwt to an""t of Can. L. I), Slaeoi Tweatieth . It Clar" oid &W#6. 1 In a 6860604, C & well awaked with bowing fruU tress, GEM aLy. L- - &' 25. or G i f. C01res VWw%6Pd gem ou &M Xe@L W" thw newip"", %on r"Pt (if $0 1*11" 8"b k" ?" us ka wher." Lu, Z. WOUDOOCK, GLY . 11).,"raxprem I k� cwft uboeraw hwe LAW I I Curve Bk&r_khs&d&,orPinptw as the F&ft. 5ft0k&MftHb@&d io know th" 8 A FAMILY XZD1JVXZ, IT is I"A Agent =4 0myoyou"r. 81MUNAWnT TXz "Dixie FAroarm" W. ICORNEL4 iand knual Distfibutiop, I .1 Cam searvy ftorsl� *� - esmawry War ubdWishas to AW9H &a favorabl'T known, rehevial Om(it--Vorner of Vat St., Godedch. Foraffewyow A0 coolonjon,%nd . w" 109ndw, To be dftvn7%%r*daVJa%u4ry Is(, 1874. Cturso0aiuw"as Vl,sm nrwy ft.U.4, - for qp" ilf Cures Blood aod We Dispooft. I "as ^a W"for Map. 03 Xtb"19 a -Iva mok - f: CW" owaduLar Pwet MW§ W" 1377 - I I de pa"Iew rm am 4 raw awle out tha=aads fross psin in the g= ma=d� 4 It, ti a" Lom , 49WPOSO 00 cw"* UW BAO-d =iMapan NALker, A,111,11111111�* I" . _____ for unew ", Back 406d " 00"oo, Cot& PA"25080AP0206UG, ftUby&1Am"k1L ­ I 2.92com I prom WI.tWVW ems� arisift. — sed &" r%row, sproo"t .0mid"t .� .-- . IN VALUABLF, OMIS 11 , " L As thj# Ist"Aro J& pW&ftat t* 0A %ftpc sad -I- ___ 00� io W &*odeh, awlers WHY ARE , . - 0 - I Valrant,ed hve from anythi U.0 . we�' P* Af.*,,% 1*mto7, B~d � A., 0 ft � 91AND CAPITAL I'MI, m(*td*1i,%t# om@t1tuUomvfft09==W66rrV­ . . Lrwtv solictu sufferm to give it a UI&I to MW an AMMLWJAL�.�. JPW~, I - __ , . . $W,000 IN GRUNBACgg I * Z116. , --�, Irma ft 1;rit - - .. . - OXX 01AND CASH run, Tbou"ads of TwUmosWe fto a Peru. Ass - I NoW to DO* ft So 3d amok uW 0 ftea, -- - I �T Do- Bites, 3-rus Noffis & W , �_ - P $10,000 IN GREENBACKS ! - __ L INA" I I .. — "Mo , wah"000howt r 1 1. -.,.- 11 - I" to A t cure Ja V 0 on" he. . "%%qV*2_ -I-- - Wwafthft . Ova C"Iff Pam or k *sod goo, "" 1W cmeam his 0 - Fff us saw ows sk* PW AJ -8W ftfte, BYIrALL SM" "As A* a peandiki. ha law Pam" I r FJOWA.0440W .1 - 11 141001 YX so" *moos* tbo a ;mom . I . . 05,000 IN GRZEN13ACKBI ""tt we . . ism "a is ma s~ I a � POT= I .. ,� "C" . R&.�" .11MOZZM. . do r f" - we I- . -1 � _Adff� nu _W�r - , J_ .. ,w �­. , 'Alp'Par"lazzuentionpaw to Town. One Prin skow . A , --- P06- t,, ,., I I I a I I . . '. ­ " 'I" p �_ " - ftXr 11000 � I (01EENBACKS1 - - a I � ... 11 P � �'­ "­ �­ a 71 A* rf%ft- Ten Pebes I XZPORT ADWT&;L I an I r I I I _�,� I ?.� ftTm ftfwft. ." oa�. O'b" ft,^ I .. �4 " - I .". , � � - OW Q* 4" Silver IAver HuntiDS "�� ff "*" A" =21 woovda , 0 . ­ . . W --I*- -,,, , - from $20 1 � -1�nr- �-,-;---% . Jrn "-; worsa .. A~-1.1 . .Wff . . .1 I ' Boftky -&-some. . V , I. ti,,��; - . - Jo 0000 sach. saw �& *"%O I ­ I � . - " gavw VVA Ohah* Solid and Dou. A.4 J = i d"" wl:!� , . - -1 : ..i-- a _�_ b44M" Nbw-wsre, JaIrsh7, &c. Eys TAovans ANY CosDoeftes Prps Aaaw" IN G"AXIUL - 11- - I __ --byamilpmaboaDysuend"jo; jFMIlit of a" 30,SW. Tickets limit- C)"Mit PuNiom, LAUD ?us% be. � — - a" 06.. W10410" I - 11. . .- . . . .- . . . . .1 � 49 - --.Ckft a" Co. . . . I �_ V=4 ojwltkets, to wh 0 W ]PL0,A]IN ANV IF40929*" , lebsiaebbnw"hL I I . _.. , am . L ... 1. , will be pW. I . - . ': ;;; `4 .� _ MW X *T VV .& Ift: ms, � Awt-ft- -A a. I , . . r I am. six T_"014 $so; - 5 Po ft . o .... I L, . . . .. k . ­ . ,-Go W. 10" , �.' - L I . . COAL 01L� 1. ,; ..-,*� .. . ., r .� . X,f, ... W fo J,!. ., � ,��, � 1. I ". - mom . I - - . ­, � I �'o�. T I C A, NA D A'S .. � . " ! � in M 11390LU" A" DWAXI, , . I .1 ... ; J. J. �J - . __ '­ r � ­ 1. I . ,'� � I , , ;� be a" I*. ($w W IA* a*. ow Irea. DGUM OARMW PA&M I .. �, I, � r I., � Z. �&*^ wool 11� � I � 'r ' - '-A - . . ­ ��l I .1 11 *am *0 104" ofts , r �;'� r * ' 4 .. .. L 11 ., -1 I . . I ; I -_ I I ­_­ -?­Jf­­4­4V" A )�' - � ,�. . I Wt4huR. a a JL ' I . , W Iz� .� I . ... . - . i - � i,-, .. ­ 1�. . .. " , Jkr 1. '. I I -_ , ­ I " Lf . _'_.P_i _1 I "9Y. � � t 7 � �, . gam 'L . . I '. . - f, t `�,-­ ' .9(&h*J,"*0*4*1*n � X"W d " 11 "' . I � 7 il " - - * 1 i - -'-..'� - - - 01 6 iTE � 0; �VCI t4 Z: - 10 Fj K fi:�'�j �' :1�� ;I ;I I � I li" t I � I . I i, 1, I I i i I I I ! i - I - I , i I Ili � � i i I � . '11 ��___--__­_­tl -0 I fa. I il - I i 1 ; I .� I M . tt IV d" 0 d' I I ` ! - -.4 , _ 'I d% IF " T..1 .L - 116AT , , -Pool I - t'.1 , *�"A"�,;'i -��:.�_�, _,�1,0�,4�z�-:" :_,��'-71'.� 1 M = E E I , � - L**" ,":,JIM �,' 'I I ... koft. . ­ I , _. � _j , _ - so" _. I - j L , � ' . � , , .1 . ,� . � ,t� . . - '. ' I . I I I r "' I- " '. 11 Y . -.� , , � � -4 11 � . , � 1, r - - -, � - - . * - 1. _ 1 .­ #, '9 - ", 7 i . , - 4f ­ , � 4 . - 11 " , , - r , " f, , ,,:� . 1�. I - . I 11. .. _.; - , ,,� . I . . ..� L , � r -,,, I . � � � ...r ': - �,-� 4 * - I _� L . , . - . -1 � 1� " � , ­ , � ,. ! . ­ . - -i�,, --i 7 - -4;" � - , :- . 0 - 11-: . r rA -), � . �; , _r. Nr ��a&�� ,­ �� ­ - I I I I I I __ I . j�' " i__ , I �r . � . . �0 i E iL�-i - id 53 It C , I " q E - . lot dia"M q i A . a . tobleft,41,10bMs &" I I 1. J. � - ftaft b Wft. , Atz_V.%_; 4� ask "a �, "Tft OF A &W401b 906"JW7.1c 1 IN148,0 a - ,,low no obwufto t, W him' I 0600%oweb.l. ft"btiiift� " , be W"60 ftruc . I T&&&Ly A , a I 3 Lo!: L". ,- =.- oftoftm 1,W a. . @ W.ft .. SW . ubm 6. I Y�ft, . 6 %,ft . . 6 moa "I; I rm, . . I -- a "_ I 1:" . . : 0 . a Ift" __ t, . 040 Mra�=._.. 4. : T.Reft" i ��__ W ft � sl=�_ rik", 44re"Ob-stu taw =7 hofto sib"le r- Imse 0,­.�m. , a 10ft"660" @A Tom _ I - - , A" won , . waL ( _ =w"), 060",O� 4 481PL . � 1 7 1 ;Y - I- - anim� _Z__7_, " " Is F. A L W6 aw re, t 71im I&C*" )>el. Gai"J, � J ohm 0asnp for"Gofto'll , I�EA 0 rrloswo --- bw;AL ft" .t— Low. bmWdft, Apt Sam __ __ fl. C. PA I f,)i(Tn0A2,4t1,k,i V11 ?I Mgiakw 2--kri R410im" 1. I I __ - - J)'r. b 1(yl&p i�l Rk flog.". Q�I.MrL - ___ Ir W479F A Nf� . 2_1'. _46� LA. � Godwwfi. ow, 06" - - Usuaero P.n1FTZW.*1', ,."".. U.t. bq C c � wvw,w _ ___ it. L B4KRift"M ,LW1 1&.4 wk�, &C I - - ICTIL11"T lk�11Yb ,I 11-1.. L�v 1.06"MA 0011 ___ - am Bkltftlfffsm� J.0.919CLAI Ge&ulca- 13hot. 14 — — __ VW. Ill 1142t@TM AT 1t chum" 06", arw J. C Lk squVIL 006ortch — —.- ]p r ArroavvyAJ 4�. ()"; (NL,., eve, K1. ( encl, Oat — __ ___ 4-A.. C A LJkW CrANC191 0afte U'll. %I .W* -V 7 ,&&to* XL, BAZMTMZ6 A " . C6--. 1) M 0 11; � __ --- I I &J IL; C;1`1 =JIVETAN41se D.— . SLO, . J AL K� AT910.* 1_94T' oor"Ow- � , 4,84 nowood i5nobwaft-ft. � 11 A V a *a "NA a ILI NoRmism, du Orel FWMA06 11111 - ------- . A. 34 - V FlJiMIA1 i­%11171 C.,11W, "� Ww "M Y,.V" __ __ @ J. T. #'i"Job" or C OFFIC N#Wpw Puvok N. E, -H - me". ___ - I FOR MOM "a r"d tr 080M pATE vT r -m od taltra as" Xeobaxwa, L% - 101=i_. - I IN "4 � IWO Rk ta, bw to pw4wuj 146640" careem ft O.A.— nkcs OR da No I obd 11,W if. SMAND( __� JEAL( 506mor . to 0 *t to � I - T I i , Yom 11� I 00 . I � . 1406dws I- .1� I 004Aqedo I � ��, . ­ � I , � 10 F U L - . . I I � ­., ,.X