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Huron Signal, 1873-12-03, Page 3
L aa. Ise :tan r;se-,Can_ an s-e,s o tari!ant :a -with ti 'E::N. :he Tama- : ovn - :. Can - •1:4 said Eitel urno- o a 8th mdi 1 T®h„°p ; :e original t'ye Town- :ming 3:23 of Mid N sv eals,er, .eek, Grey. 1 6 9 en's; Lail/RE. ISI RE baud TEl y. 1397 et",' ''Stat st - ? INZIE18. • ) • SUNDAY DIRECTORY. Gide to Church Services. ' 1 , 1 -flirt. 1573. HARDWARE ! MOORIIOUSE Hardware, Hardware! P` UAW ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH., Mackay Brothers' (C -Burch of Scotland.) IRF. J. Stt:vErntur, Morning service 11 A. M. Eveaii;n,; service 6:30P. M. Sunday School 2130 P.M. KNOX CHURCH (C. Presbyterian.) R. R. t'ee. -- Morning cervico 11 A. M. Evening snrvico 6:30 P. M. Sueaav School 2 :30 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, (Church of 1,el:int. ) R•vv• Cset \ 1•:t.tvooe. 3Eorn'ne service 11 A. M. T:reuins sere:cc 7 P. M. Snnd:tt School 3 I'. M. s tit':: OF FALL AND WINTER WESLEYAN SIEI'HOD1::TCHt'RC1I REV. .1 1S. t:,ttutu. Mornine service 1 1. .1. M. ' Evening• service 6:30 P. s •1 9 u 1 Is butt• c M. tnitl lv t tool :ail P. M. Prayer eacetina Wednesday and I Friday evenings at ;-.30. o h:c'.t ?Iv- are prepared to dispaso of :as Lir o c o complete In every depart Went 11ETROMST EPISCOPAL 0111-ti:•'I c''•' "'::ts :1::F ether 1: m"',in the trails. 1 • Rst, M. A. \\ 1t :1. ea ! M"aniu,• service 11 :1. at. Evening t service 6:311 P. M. ' :n,}av Sehot,' _'.30 Pi M. Prayer mectina Thursday even- ing at 7:30. Next Door to the Yost Office, METHODIST `?CFW CONNEXION • CRI'RC1I, i Rev. F. N. Nr1:e:NT. M7„rninm• seri•ice 11 -1. M Evening service 6.30 P. M. Sunday School ":30 P. M. ROMAN i'ATHOLIC'sCHI; RCII, Rsv. R. loot ear. Mass at S and 10:30 A. M. Catechism . 3 P. 31. Vespers 7 P. M. t:AEL1C PRESBY TEA; 1.1N, IVTFDST ST1o3ET (Temperance Hall.) 3i r. 3 sal ctt.sy. Afternenn service 2 P. M. Evening - service 6.30 P. M. ST. STEPHEN'S CHi-RC'H t Ilimes I..) REV. CHAS. MLT It EW,:. Morning service 11,1. M. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE i TO SELL 0l-1. :NUNN?' -[A._Il't OF THE Dominion of Canada. Profits from X300 to *300 per month. • Pertaanent employment. TIit ►l. & CO., 13:'1.6-,;,c 3_' Kin_; St. E.:st, Toront . FURS, FURS. THE to unlersigned 1= r..13y. as. ust.a'., MAKE 07: R,E•3IAKE, CL::.1N AND REN OVATE ALL, KIN DS UI' rt-1lS on the shortest Luta.:. Fars •f vvory description male tc order. Highest _ giv;u Law 'Ft:rs. Grebe and Feats rs Cleaned. N. B.-Remove=1 to the residence for- 1 merle sect:pie•1 by tae Lice. Father Snider, Kingston Stree-, Goderich. MRS. R. MAY. November 13:h, 1a73. 1:;j - ARTHURS HOME MAGAZINE, pi -act -1T. c'.e-r u�iC.7e::rat•;t and pen- ge erie, the •LHo:tte' titles rank with the best pertdi•cals of the day. It is the • Cheapest First Cas in the co•lrtry and ie ,re thoroughly idea;.5et1 tt'th tae i1-• . i:. their social and u i evie lite gess .u.)• other. Every yearly subscriber has a choice FREE of the follow ins large and elegant Steel Engravings, one of which waa awarded the FII:.'r PI::ZE at the late Pr ,Tindal Exhibition Lell in London. "Peace be Ont,) th;i 1i -)',se." "The Christian Graces," • -The Angel of Peace." "Bad Time" and "The Wreath of am- mortelles." Terms, 8'2.04 a year. Sampler num- bers 15 cents each. 'II AGENTS WANTED on Salary or Commission. Send at once for Circulara to J. W. JONES, London, Ont. 1336 • Sole Geneeal Agent. NEW GRUCERY Sr_17 REQ =TOM STREET, GODEBICH, Opposite the old Burying Ground ALEX. ADAM begs leave to inform the public of God- erich and surrounding ccuntry that 'he has opened that New Store on Victoria St. with a choice stock of 000.01E8 & PROVISIONS, By keeping first clasp articles at low prices he hopes to get a share of public 'patronage. Call and give me a trial and judge for yourselves. COFFEE GROUND DAILY. _A great treat for Breakfast. A; Adam will always have on hand a supply of spiced beef hams. Gotlfericb, 11th Nov. 1873. x1395 STRAY STEER- CA3Ig to the subscriber's premises, - Lot 7, Con. 10, E. D. Colborne, about 15th October last, a white steer, conning two years old. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take it away. ROBERT WILSON. Colborne, 13th Nov. 1873. I396c* ESTRAY CATrLF. CAME into the premises of the sub. scriber, Lot 6, Uoncetsiun 1, Ash- field, about 1st October, a Steer and a yearling Heifer, both red and white. The heifer has a piece cut off both ears. The owner will phase - prove :property, pay expenses and take them away, otherwise they will be sold. JAS. DQUGUERTY. Ashfield, 2ZNoy. 1b73. 1397c ESTRAY COW. (IAMB into the promises of the sub. - scriber, Lot 2, Hayfield Road, God- erich Township: on 4r about t o last of October a spatted black and white Cow with ono of heK Ionia off. The owner in requested to prove property, Day chaps awl fake her away. ALEX. Ot13IPBELL, I"fotgwber 20th, 1873. 189Te (iODE RIC II. 1: 39 . Wanted. LAperienced male. '1'eaelier fol. Sell u,1 Sectio) No. _', Colborne, to commence at New Year, 1$7.1. Apply to NICHOLAS JIOI:}:IS11, W31. V A N S'I't l N 1'l, ` Treat: es, .1.1\IES STEVENS, 1 l:enn,illrr i'. O. 7th Oct. 1S73. 1::n0,1* Jt)IIST ..‘s. 11A141., 1CABI �.Cate7 H, UPHOLSTERER, &c , lips pleasure in announcing- to the �'> l public tot t,.aucli,li and suuunnd- in e•':tut1V th it he 11:: started i1115t11t'SS WILLSON'S old stand next 'dour to ti:e Si s.tr. Oi}ice, where he is prepared to furnish all articles in his line Cheap for Cash .11 tae shor:, st notice. Picture Frames ke'•t t.:i hanzl and :a.it' n' •'rc.t-r 1! ., ::a . •rtln. ut t.f i'L::\111"111 '' ;c pie'!:rc•r every purchase ..f T :;11, Four -'ac '-•.1� r 1 1' l.r a: Worth $1.V t. LT-1113ER _L'iD ('OLID1VOOD t.ai:;:1 it; c":chan.:e. ti:h, 1390 ::,T- JOS :P11'S ACADEMY. r' NNE Sisters of St: Joseph beg to iu- tt:uate to the citizens of Goderich and %ieiuity that they have opened an academy f- -r ti:e education of young Ladies' in their uew C•,nven; on North s:::ct,Go.l:rie'-. ,1 The e' -she of studies comprises the usual bran•_l:es in the End:ish and French lar tta::_s, Music un the Piano Ft•rte and the lrntar, as also Painting, D. -,,win,. p'ain and ornamental Needle wor,, \\'ax boners, t_'. For particulars a:•ply to the Lidy Sr: per :Gress. - 1..1 d. rich, Nee. 113:.1,+7 1- 1.;95 I.\ CHANCE -al". IN TETE MATTER i ►F LOT NUM- BER Els:H". fa 'i'HHE TENTH CONCEsslu>N IN THE WESTERN DIViSION O1 T11E TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE IN TIE COUNTY THAT - s OF III- RON. 3Iy First it's true tarns one to bone, My next I in. sure begins alone, 31 r Third you'll find denotes •t pound, 31y Feerth's in lona; bet not i•t found. Without nip fifth you can't be short, My next is sounded in Report, • My next does always sound in bell, My Eighth is always in the well, My Ninth does ell tarn into s:11. My -Tenth by horse is often heard, My nest's in goose but not in bird, My next is prominent in town, My nest does o'vn turn into flown. My next you'll see where ysa have tin, My next doesfnd always begin, • My next dos always mean the prime, My last is 1 )ways in the shine. THE Snl,seribor bops to iuforni the THE of Goderich 'and sur- rounding Country that ho has purchas- ed tho Bankrupt ` Stock OF WRDAr�.' OF . GAMINE CO. which must be cleared out at once ,At Cost and Under. Special Bargains to the Trade. Ti EL1� Goderich, Det. 17, 1::7;1. • 1:i9'2 �sr IT Invites an inspection of his large and varied assortment of MIINER WARE comprising tho NEW PRODUCTIONS OF THE SEASON, which for Artistic Design, Beauty of Finish and General Utility have never before been equalled and cannot bot meet tho requirements of the most rehned taste. PRICES LOW - TERMS CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY. JEWELLERY Large additions in' Gold 'and Plated Jewellery for Ladies' Wear, and. Gold, Pearl and Ivory goods for Gents' Wear. Newest Patterns. AT MoORHOUSE'S. CIIROMOS• ' A tiro assortment of Novelties in Pic - 'tures, Steel Engravings, Photographs and Lithographs, &c,, to adorn and brighten the homes of all shades of politicians. AT MOOEHOUSE'S Godoriell, Oct. 28th, 1873. ° ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid Pew Stock. ITave fest receiyed-the largest Stock of Clothing ANI) THE • BEST STOCK SF CLOTHS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Ever offered in GoJeri.ih, and they are determined to sell the i , et � I ' t CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ONSHOR'i` NOTICE. Good Fit gu:trante.ed o.' no Sale. 1:EMl:t,i1';•1, 'I;tl, STAND, Next Door to J. B.i:,d s Drui Store, Market Srinara, Goderich. 13 90 QUITE TRUE V0TICE i.!tore' .- 'igen that.\n•lrew i'' Green tau yours,^r of the Town of (;oder.:h, in the County of Heron, Province of t 3ntario an•1 D •iniaion of Cascada, hies made application to the Court of C!ian.erc for t)nt:riu for a ceitiacate of tale t,, th- above mention - e.1 hand under "Tice A„t for Quieting Tides to Ileal Estate in Ontario," and hath produced evidence whereby he the said Andrew Green the younger appears. to be the owner thereof in fee ; subject to two Mortgages for four hundred dol- lars each held by Isaac Middleton, of fhe Township of Goderich, in the County aforesaid and to a cer-ain other Mortgage for two thousand dollars held by oneA odrewGrecn the elder,and subject also to the dower of Isabella Green wife of the said Andrew Green the elder in f -a the North half of the said lot. 'sax' ' heap - This notice is served upon Rachel ' 1390 Heagh formerly Green, John Brongh, Margaret Millie formerly Brough and Elizabeth Brongh becanse it appears by THE BEST BOOK FOR EVERY' the evidence adduced that William young man and woman to read (es - Green the elder in his lifetime of Perth pecially those contemplating matri- in Fifeshirs, Scotland, died entitled to many). Send $1.00 to EUREKA PrBLISn- the said lands leaving him. surviving his ENG Co., Toronto, and haye it returned sons the said Andrew Green the elder (post-paid) closely sealed 1391-2 in and Peter Green and his daughters Janet Brough formerly Green and Rachel Heugh formerly Green. That the said Andrew Green the elder the heir at law of the said William Green the elder has conveyed the said lands to the said Andrew Green the younger, that the said Peter Green disclaims all interest in the same, that the said Janet Brough or Green died intestate without ® Fames, and Others haying made any disposition of the said 9. lands and the said John Brongh, Mar- garet Millie formerly Brough and Eliza- beth Brough are said to be the heirs at law of the said Janet Brough, and the said Andrew Green the younger claims to be entitled to the said lands as against the said Rachel Heugh, John Brough, Margaret Millie and Elizabeth Brough as a purchaser of the same from the said Andrew Green the elder for valnable consideration without iptiee of a Will of the said William Green the elder. And this notice is served upon the said John Brough, Margaret Millie and Elizabeth Brough, because it also ap- pears by the evidence adduced that the --- said William Green the elder ' made a f111 EE undersigned having opened out will whereby he devised the same to his 1 a nes stock of daughter Janet who from the evidence appears to have died intestate, without having made any disposition of the said lands, and the John Brough, Margaret Millie and Elizabeth Brough are alleged tobeher heirsat law and-becauso the said Andrew Green the younger also claims that b018 entitled titled to the' said lands as SPURNS AND FAST YOUNG MEN should read, the best work publish- ed. Sent to any. address (confidential) upon receipt of 81.25. Address CITY PUBLISHING OFFICE, Toronto 1391-2 m ANTED Ti) PURCHASE AT once, to be delivered at Distillery, 1000 LEAN HOGS. { r Any quantity of Wash can he had af- ter Friday, by leaving orders at the office. JAMES DOYLE & CO, Goderich, Oct. 14, 1873. 1392 NoTICL. Groceries, - Glassware, Crockery, &e, &c., In the store lately occupied by James Brackenridge, trusts that lie may be favoured with a share of the public pat- against at-as inst the said John Brough, Mar. H. COniCE. garet Millie, and Elizabeth Brough by ronage. Goderich, Sept. lst, 1873. 13850 virtue of twenty -years undisturbed pos- session of the said lands by himself -hand - those through whom he claims, and to hold the said lands free from all claim FOR SALE. right, title or interest, whatsoever,. of -- - the said John Brough, Margaret Millie AT the S1oaaAL office, a copy of Dn. and Elizabeth Brough therein and SMITU's FAMILY PIIYSIMAN, the thereto. .latest medical work of the kind publish- WhereforetbeasaidRachelHengh,John ed and a most useful book to have in Brough, Margare=t Millie and Elizabeth every house, Brough or any of° them, and any other -ALSO-- person haying or pretending to have any A ,t:opy of Dr. Fowlers' celebrated title to, or interest in the said land or work on the "Science of Life." Will 'be any part thereof, arerequired within sold cheap. ten weeks from:'the service of copy here- of on them, to file a statement of his, e her or their claim in my office in the Court Rouse, in the Town of Goderich, NOtjCO. to the Public. in the County of Huron, and to serve a copy on the said Andrew Green the THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. onnger or on Wilmot Richard Squter, of the Town of tsoderieli� aforesaid his -8 I.have been' appointed Sole Agent Solicitor, and in default every such kik the Province of Ontario, for the claim will be barred and the title of the FIorence bowing Machine, none have a said iindretv1xreen the younger become right .to sellthe said machine except absolute and,iifdfifeaaible at law and in those appointed by mo. In the Conn- equity aubjeet only to the' reservations. ties of Huron and Erica the following mentioned ill, the seventeenth section of are the only authorised Agents fur the the said flet and therein numbered one, . Florence Machine :-Thomas -Connors, the and three. H+ P:'Whiffen, and _ Lawxeitee Murphy: Dated this fourth day of November, eaforth Wi[lfam McGaw, Clinton; A. D. 137. J. L, 5, Willson, Goderich; - Wm._' Allan, 1I 1lTAC6)Fi'MOTT Lucknow. - Any pea son or persons other Referee v i es, haves. right to sem,: or can furnish the alt Goderleh. s`r SS BOAR - ° , ' Tv Pact el R . 61Titles tl than the above representinri that they f K' bits I'. , Florence Machine - in the .Counties ;of Mush- o - hale -e o,acTe- Huron and -Brno, are imposters, and T #�,r S," i One alol` ht shim, Sctltland. Jol:n T�rotlrih of Itiew- filo prl'ane, re hereby warned -to beware ;xr 440401044 lloot 13 Gen, 1 West Wawa- b 1r„ )� rife ii , -Scott ncl, Margaret of them nosh, Nie. Millie of the sumo place, Elizabeth- . ,e. w1LIsoN TQBEIYT~AYLOR. Dz0f0Edi buq.;ii,Scotland, (enerl1t eutfor Ontario, 3ruv#-r 2114..: 7. 107c' IuOdt1 1301 Seaforth .' • C. Barry & Bros Cabinet Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turner I3.A,1%11:141U'CaN Rare removed across the street to tho store next door 10 W. Acheson's 'Ifarness Shop, where will be tound - A GOOD ASSOB TMENT of kitchen. Bedroom, Dmmgroont, and Par or Fu . nIture, sueh as TABLF.S. CIJAtRS hair, cano'.nd wood seated) OUTBOARDS BRUSTEADS, WASII STAND - M ATTII FSS F., 4 LOUNF.S. SOFAS. WHATNOTS, LOOKINC GLASSES GILT -FRAMING. ta.G. B - B are prepared to sell everything in their line Cheap for Oash. B A complete assortment ofCofflns and Shrouds al wars nnhaud and a hearse to hire ; al on reason- able terms, A CALL SOLICITED. Co lerieh, lb Aug 100 rr irk Sw .&' TO TIIE New Dominion Clothirg Store, PHILO N-bBLE, MEl:CHANT TAILOR, HAMILTON STREET, (;ODERICII, Has now received a beautiful stock of - �ai� Goods, _ comprising Tweeds, Beavers, &c., which he is prepared to mako up on the shortest notice, and guarantee a good tit or no charge. Also a large stock of Men.'s and Boys Ready -, ade Clothing. I have just received asplendid stock of Gent's Purnishiiig Goods. Just to hand a beautiful assortment of HATS etc GAPS, All of which I ant determined to. sell CHEAP for CASH, in order to malt room for more, which will be to hand in a few ,days. A• call solicited before purchashing elsewhere. Remember the stand, next to Wm. Acheson's Harness Shop, Hamilton street. Sept. lith, 1873. 1386 A I IARDWV ARE. !�rl r1 1I°r ft11 � O1, • - PARTIAL ' LIST • of goods for sale at Parson's & Co's new • Hardware Store; opposite the Market House. - NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, . CARPENTE1tS TOOL% SPADES, SHOVES, SCYTHES, FORKS, RA K1S, GRAIN CRADLES, Fl�ll3E, RICH. • - OPENED OUT g AIR' _ r I • tarn lid •,i:(: •,. i a CROFTS & 'JOHNSTON Have moved to their new premises THE MANCHESTER SOUSE, next door - to F. Jordan's Drug Store, and have added to their stock - a large lot of New Goods bought for cash at greatly reduced prices.Nov is the time for bargains in Dress Goods, Jackets, Shawls, Winceys, Shirtings, 'Twe ads, Clothing, Boots. & Shoes, &c. - -- CROFTS & JOHNSTON, iii ar Chester House. 111 KE MAP FOR CASH• '!''' 1.1'10 ''''''' .44.111/111. ''''' /4 ......... .......... //e1/4/.4.14/0W/4„'• R McIiENZYE SUCCESSORS TO J0E$.NTS.ON • At ICEi R, Look He for a Moment. f>rf t 9 I. Ail.1HREr 4•r, E0NNEIPS All Styles -and 'prices from Sl upwards. J E111.�'l'a I�.lfL�ilr1.a. 'l�flE 1�LA.CF'i `E LR Begs to inform the Lades' of Goderich and vicinity that the trill in a few days 1'e s•tock,d with all the latest:noyelties of the season Take this opportunity of informing their friends and patrons that they have re- moved into those new and spleudid.premises on the Market Square ono door East of - MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND- RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, allsizes, WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL, TURPENTINE, And all kinds of 11A11.I3WA E. For sale Cheap, 8t -G. M. Parsons & Co. Opposite the Market House, C CD-ERICX-1 June, 28: 1871. - Teas that aro teas aro sold by Ball, To test the truth give Balla Call, He sells all goods in every line, At profits suited to his time. Ball sells for cash. Now you all know That money stakes the Mare to go, Therefore he can at low rates sell, Just give a call he'll use you well. Ballsells 1)ry Goods, Sugars and Teas, And Granite Setts that will you please+ Choice fruits and Sweets quite fresh and pure,' That should -entice you to his Store. • . Ask where Ball lives of all you meet. - They'll say just on Victoria Street, 'Tis near the Mill, 'tis near the ground, Where many lasting peace have found. 1390 R. B. SMITH'S STORE, where the aro now receiving their fall and winter stock of rl'I Goderich, October 2,-"th, 1;7:;. - SHELF AtIJ ffEAVY 1ARWARE'J-L S Bought since the recent decline in prices which tlie•r are offering very low for cash. NEW (F©01)S .AL ,Et1VII NC• A - Call and see for Yourselves. Goderich, Oct. 23rd, 1873, NEW DRUG STORE ! b'1 GN, RED .11104 'A. R, East Side igarket Square. J . 1 €) ikir Ot 26 scars' Ps'aettttee, NOTED .NOR PULE DRUGS. 1.1111411 71 . 3 IS just receiving from European and American markets weekly the follow- ing articles: - Drugs, Fellows' Compound Chemicals, Syrup.lIypophos- Sponges. phites, Hair Brushes, 1'.adway's Medicines Flesh Brushes, Ayer's do Large stock of . Worm Medicines for Tooth Brushes, Children, Hair Restoratives, Bowel Complaint. Hair Dyes, - remedies, tho best Perfumery, in the world, try Atkinson's Lubins them, Magnolia Balm, Pain Killers, too nu- Laird's Bloom of nterous to mention, Youth, ° Sarsaperilla, Lily White Tooth Cod Liver Oil, Paste and Powder, Hair Oile,. - ea Salt for Baths, Castor OiI, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Black "Oils, Lamp Glasses, Yellow Oils, ' Dye Stuffs of all kinds fresh and good, Bond's Tonic Bitters,- - the best in the world for DYSI.-EPSIA, Any quantity of Certificates can be pro- duced if required of its efficacy. , Horseand Cattle Medicines. 1385 v7, k. PARSONS' Ga Co. HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GO DE RIC H. . Have for Sale 1 1392 E. TORONTO HOUSE, Next door to the Red Store. • 1393 1TYCELVEI)� SA wrA CIA.11JS A LA -GB SS TENT OF AT MA ITLANDVILLE !'E' W. STANBURY �y Flogs to inform - the inhabitants of Mait LADIES' X3 0 u� �' 's 1:utdville and the surrounding country, ' - that he has received a large supply of_ ;r Fancy :Goods and Toys ALL •• of all descriptions; for - • ;t p,� �j, e - Christmas and New Year's Gifts, STOCK Gl3�.t,ll�.�• � � ®EPAOTMNTS which will be sold . (IIIEAI' FOlt CASH. Gr WTs' CAPS. N'S ".1UE FALO ROES, &c: NDI+• _E ESE', Also a full stock of NEW GROCERIES consisting cf Teas, not to be"equaled in strength and flavour, at all prices, to suit the times. Also new Raisins, Currants,Spices,Rice, Sugars, Syrups of first quality and every 1 other article in the Grocery line. Also a large supply of Dry Goods, Fancy -Goods, Glass & Crockery, Tea Sets,s;Q;c. Nails, Flour & Feed. Also a full supply of Wines,and Liquors such as, Sherry, Port, Brandy, Rum, Gin, Whiskey, Ales, d,c. 'lIINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS ; CUT SAWS,.M'ILL SAWS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- . PING AXES, VARI- OUS MAKERS , IND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES AND BROADAXFIS. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, .. LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WROUGHT AND CUT NAILS fie.. And a largo assortment of all kinds of EIA R.D W A -D )0; MARKET HOUSE. - ` . G. H. PARSONS & Co P,oderich, Nov. 28.1871 At low prices for CASH. Opposite I ,c MI] . t a Imo' CARRIAGE WORKS. ate . .t r iW..�'T It T< people, of either se; young or old, make- more B- * °rued all the time, than at anything else:. Verticulare hitn. ral patronageL ace money at work for us in their sparemoments, or for the -libe the pest. and to. announce that free. Address EMINSO•N & co., he atm earnea.on carriage ea* Skijgb - Inakiligin all WI. branches,- at the -,old stand, - opposite E. Martinis Colbeine and everything eke bis/line.kept Goderich TownshiP/ about , 1st material end in the most workmanlike STRAYED CATTLE. Hotel. Carrie:gas Buggidls, ,Waggons STRAY -1(: from the frrises of the subsCri r, Lot 8: s Ponce:aim hand or Macle to order of ' the best' • Market price paid for produce. Butter, Eggs, Oats, Peas & Potatoes bought and sold at STANBURY'S STORE, 1398 Maitlandville. Lo WILLSON, y Sewing -Machine, 1 PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, AND LGRIORTURALIMPIEMENT .A Gr�1LT�_ Showrooms, Acheson's now block, West . Street, Cxoderich. - ' • ONLY AGENT =� FOR THE .- Sewing Machine in Goderich and %doiu- '. Q-Colebrs,tdd Mathuehek Piano from $`280 up. ?° ." 1368 " THE seWE:BSTER' SEWING- MACHINE, T>}e General '.avoriite Throughout the DOM1311441:'' dented Success .4qtencling it Erervwbers, • :Ladies Belts 'and -Silk. Lace $"TIMING AND DURABLE, -..EASX.41rD TAIGHT TO WORE, • 'Ana Win tio Brery Dry Goods; Ready Madeplothing. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. Opposite Grain Market. Godericb, October 23th, 1873. THE EMP RIUM. EAre receiving daily &ill 7.4 G ODS, Spec aa.1.1L.ines irk Black Lustrei, -Blacir.t Alpacas,. °- Black B-aratheas, Mack Fatasn LIT or Sash Ribbons, Ladies' Belts, Ruffling, Underelothing. JUST RECE5VELO Coderich, September, 1,873. DOUGLAS McKENZIE Watchmaker & jeweller, TIESIRis to return hie sincere thanks to tie JJ pub:c for the patronage extended Lim tithe past. and to announce that he has removed to '13� new .premises in Acheson's Bleck, West Bisset• ile would call special attention to the RUSSELL WATCH for the sale of which he in Sole agent in Goderich. A largo stock of Waltham, Merlon, Eiginandswiss Watches in field and •Silver rases. Ile lets n hand a largecnd well selected. stock% 3" 30 N7tTM SCA XA 7 RY of al kinds which ho will sell cheap. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL A CALL SOLICITED. D. MCKENZIE. Goderici, November 11th 1873 VIS3 SEWING NlAGHINE� THE subscriber in thanking the public for theirliberalpatronage would announce that he has removed to the store lately occupied by Mrs. Warnock, opposite the Colborne Hotel, where he has on hand a stock of SI W1N AC13[G AND:KNITTIIV YIN_a. Which he will sell as reasonably as any one in the business. .I have on hand the Hespeler, Venus and Appleton Fewing Machines and the Ontario Family Knitting Machine. GIVB.ME A CALL. Don't forget' the stand, opposite the Colborne Hotel. 1389 3. W. WEA'tHERALD. THE Very Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE • In a GOrcERTCI3 OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW TiIE KP'BSCniBGRB BEG TOBAY THAT Tarr have just eompletedopontng out an Entire Neer and COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. ofallkindswhich will bo sold at prices that defy competition. Before purchasing elsewhere. Please give us a call. B. -List of Goods sold, next week G. H. PfiSONS!& GOA Opposite The Market House Godorieh Juno 43rd 18T1. DANIEL GORDON, C A B I N WIT MIA K EMI UPHOLSTERER,. 1:733.ciLorta.u.or,' cubo. cs GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL. LOSArING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons, R. S. Wit - hams, Toronto; Peloubet, relton Co. New York. UNION' CO.'S, 15e* York. GABLER BARMORE DUNHAM WEBER CHICKERLNG MILLER VOSEkS it -tt SC Boston. 51 ,gg American Maker's Instruments onterms to snit purchasers for cash or on time -at less than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Feb. 27, 1473. EltIO MoKAY, Ca Nut alrer: - Upholsterer, flog. DEGS eave to return thanks to the inhabitants of patronagoAnringtho last two vaara he has been in business. Holt now prepared toltanish articles in bislino.such as 0 IP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PBILOLLOSWTESRS AND ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE.. PICTURE MIXES kepton hang, and. nude to order. Having on hand an assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS notice, and to -conduct funerals on the most roasOn. • able -terms. 1-,cr Remember the old. stand, INFEST S US opposito.the Bank of Montreal. 94S- 1s71-2) AS USUAL.: COMPLETE SUCCESS Ten First- Prizet At Two Exhibitions! GUELPH, OM'. S.°. AS E S Received Every •First Prize PON • .ven with every Machine. steer. All have a piece cut ont of right any.other. . . whereabouts will be liberally Taws. e Any person unlawfully ,-detminng them A. boy to work *t ilia Printing bitsi., Gonad% 'oew,....s - • Lfoteurtetbdig. adverilseniOn will be pre' ness,.who hes Lad two or three sEsomimiBB: years-experien,eo. Apply at-ad:Woo. ju,p,01.1*31ZI.LTON 0141T374.34u Novepber istf1873. 3-894 1.81.13. • .4 IRA -Organs tSz- Melodeon*, T'es At the Provir_cial Exhibition 1.14 . This grand success, In addition to suit year's re. cord of a Dipleatmet 4 I -3::citeett:oeloott:PriukodP:riel3ett:Tyrlaitnintode413::mat7:awar-bteatesitarre::"1:43:71: an Containing Eembncr's Patont quality* Ton. nun' ins gliegir:atuferiseriroZombee:Setrittatt,w1:1:6'emetizi:1: ,11, Eeni vraelf:noya:iculatsit kittittigno4encoot:founpritt art rist hat:tient ye claiaioi fr. n • tt vez:..47 411)