HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-12-03, Page 2I --wrrw— - - - -w— r7 L k Room Tu=W CAVbTAN ItUYSTRATIRD NXWS,--,Th6 We6tJ,$r of Ilia, Ud *41 banads, 41A."orts ..hoior old as one Intact aboatarepything that Is bad and 1ut number of 'tltfspublltatloubllp�* knowe. that it is usually too mitch -thsocass, Ntw 1haflawnto. Mr. Smaill proposes, to 1311114 it indasoribably� fqpny..-,, In ommodion SUMAY 01REC b = owned by arl - . Tm; 1!'1,ftzn1 Otto undortAing has naw a0yintercatiag. It c�ntsi Mr, George Waal of Wkoz 114, TOPS of now sitrauce to the uorth of the Pmsut - star. Z& o6pr was printed, in the reign theta IS- little doubt. This, howevor, is - The St. Wniface CAthearal balle, with tboUtoot appiarin of Sir. John ily Politics pau And VVInnipog, ware rRng ort the 0muion of Maodonald oud b W6loid ore for West rca&edast3go wbielk vmalls. publicatten. the African coast where the Aillintoo ong., The n9rth'pler would fdrm ths of queen 39lizaboth in th6yaxrI690,,and not toodow war is being c3rriecl on slid 61 �Cdba month Sift of the now otliftA66 4,44 a tow a *a. with NOTICE. GUW to S1 is in an exoelleub State of 'proxervAtion. oft2ht to W,00�rk the mmaie the 3ii mitorial defeat at Ottawa. 7 - Toronto. thath"o.4 - r"Ohlea Asa with the track tAen by the Nrgh�jja north pler'wolila he bailt, ranning In a The *iuspn and Illastrationo Are �qulte a up*htaeu"0id-1onsst1 that'bpiness eurcolur=s annonuced thatt.116 tannel tared. There - itro also por. -Sleighs crossed the Ottawa RiYs;­Q04 5144-01sowmau, 01111hiti totwo *$)Coal (JW slid After ths first 4T of Jannam AWVMW% C1 Uortll-eateflydir6ftn. The oUtmate ourlosityi *114 illdstrota yory forcibly of Any kind I be cona4oted, the Ina this year earlier than they hgy# bay,* Blake and 3folKen him "irrepres. I was Ito ncarZy tlnong4 tUt the work. 1103? the ptinelpst Motims, of the would be tho awnid width as til present, 18�4t the nudorsignsi will, for the s i si the imprdvemont In the. 4tto nos that There o4u.bcuo possible. doubtof th6,,, -ok " whial Jack," which Is 0 0 FA!ray cwmpt� L-12. men =141 hear caeli other,' ripyhthis agair r been knoirn f-bAo before,' "110 112Z me Rev. J. 812mr, and new ve, of Limit., Q(vrornor widle oA th6 pars. woulA djferZ6 4VIdly '�vospp�ity of any gy' 0 Other than & froral Companies he represents, inake Session Of- onoce"'And., cat 1.6prosa. A Xr,AkkWler Gibson ono printed in that is Crawford and of Ron. U'dward Blake. 'a" sea that came in WOUIC time. There In also it% tha � pot intry Irarymerryjack-in-the. , boarius his a redurtion on *11 Sleroantile Itisks of ""in 11 A7 Live toawa that fm Opening through honstay.govi;vned, provided us. 011"w4. after tho. Ist at April jisif ra got own 6% P. X. so" _AnAt(;A-srATzow.­Tho Quelpli Aderpr. sh6vt wing pier would, rui fror there 4ilt be a daily, nfail f, 'fort� unmatAkmable 1, Goosc which has '26 per nout, special Risk% sna j)wal., .4 the Mr4_TfiO1"&,t also owns ture has previously conforrol the oU - ling$ will remain f orly. rjnt__,rja,_. was offc-,Ntea last week. A verr short �w twer has south Pier diagonckIly from a volut near another Bible one - hundred t 'weekly AS jud been. mucoosefully s0tung. themhow its orm years ments of prom erity, _o Constanco inif4ad of a tj - f Toc��_rwan[-,a-jc!ln Wf�s & otham- time, V411 suf2ce to complete the, worl wld& will henceforth be joined as the 'No as to brot4k the p mail, with supronia satis tion, asks the DIXIE WAT$01_V its eastern eiiA stprosent. satonimlisa lads. "Did y u nt tho- old,--Sxrositor. when it \A11 be opened for In Insurance AgenL KNOX CURCH '(11C. 1 Gaa"=!zh YMP L Strmg. traffie, and Mentsm and Adeerliscr. Both papers still. farther and throw them o% -Aho. The position of Obief -justice of Mani, tie fe Godericb,'Deo, 1873. 1398d RE V. R, 'Cr.9 6441 Iter's spring wat Upke, my dearx?" ',-U3 3ohnstv me distance Doutr# - 'I waskin the fallen Wornim service A A.� Y10 -_T�— Ct the dhtauco between Ba3tou and other were Reform. in �politica and woro agreed docks. The proposad north pier would, tobai was tendered to Joseph B him I tore Q. 0.1 gentleman Atlautle vrts and the gmat West will on matters of local import. Tho. amol- be continued up t1lio river to A- wHoL of Moxtreal, but.that T 0 potoulte more t1han.cA T,�e matrially less, mationistherefore a Visa it6p as -it will to as to throvi too Current through 'the has declined it. usof writing. and vet -S0AliTZTJF AVRI(li".roportod. amo-0 onea queavy Woo, zway with all rivalry Ad enable the new channel at the foot of Galtli hillb" -got Foi Sale or TO R81111 Man. P, 3f, Fraver mectil: &An. I.' - siveral-f4miliethithe to;Wnsllip of Mor�_ Montreal Nov,, 27.-14 a miscralilo * Mr. A. McDougall, - for. "a years A. at -X. grAes Woided. Xoxb te the Mount one romainIng'journal a wiaerfiela of From an inspection of- the plan -we STO . 9 A ; �. tenement, in' a yard. off Hormine atrbot 11 WE _11TOTATIMfENT �0* SO'C'UESS.—We t Murope, the Moosac operation. Tho.propfietor kitthe Ad. conyinced the propos a , .4kinerelia tin Soxfortli, but nowof poig. ents unnol in ed chanks would lie rl . I " 71 -. . � ­ I I . . . A first elaoa farro, conicaining loa- dreadful occurratioa has taken place. - ley, 0ou'lity of Brucat intends establish, must work if -we vribild mak�; Few 't,,q+; . -,M ­ inshighsta ofeulf, tunudimtholongost intho world. The 10argiser will continue to carry on busi,- nin Vuenotioial-ono. Tho-govornment, A "HER WU Sum oil OaturalLyj Ule I v-, f It appears some poor people resi4o here,- ing a choose factory in that )eople livaby thowi w r is ii�m as a job printer. Ithcacknow)edged Wat having 16th1ust village oezt I lioasL i*, and,jabou with a gloocl b -am, stble and (Chtwh of Liurm McPherson,, who get oocupi ion as laborers, By tub mitural i our race termer is Seven railes long, tka latter So. apIO. ubariW . of l CA For furt1or pattledlarsap- c. T. Payle. - where it Is at proont ill a con. Qvito a,nimbor have been some - nioa ght * cin tj ftemsarytoboolth. 4;' Isoproapprity- N , no last'ni antify of The Molloy recen about four and tbres quartm. The Tit"- ALDiNs.-The- Decembor num- tly Atolet, from 11 A' TLa Alambium mistake.' The proMadchangi'viould a rfect immuniji, PI.V to bar of tl& befatiful art but lis ildni can expect in -00 0 s Ow fell- Ifiluid cam�b -W'- fo , their pas Pbrqsterea. Lotters in the Toronto Post AME x owx.t ev Eery. Rome tunnol is also sligiffly narrowor a' "' to iniolyd-a cottaidiarable outlay) Uut the, 'A1fQZV7iz4E _BvzxT6courrod in Mor- Among them are a man named Flahe t from stalcneso, it is rl' thal the boat hand and is pito ilp to &01 Mark. It advantages to be gained wouIX more ris townehj�, -on,tho- �night of Ys OMcb line been recouped, and -ilia' full i .. Smith'sHill in its illustrations ad its let- Tuesdav w woman na I b o � W ready, .1 � mod Alary Jana Drennan, to the, p4teles, 891 t-YAN, and low"than the Mount Canis ton. s profuse rloftre should" WI Carlow, 0. iii be paiam wm than compensate the additional exPndi- weeU.. Abo.the mic�dle of tbe night,- aud a map named Hawkins dud- hi's Wife. vrhq lost money oil -that,600 NOW for COldfis L coughs rhoutnatiemp olborgd. 29 IN n(1 z T he wark has been carried an un- ter press is instructive and interesting. 1873. 1393 JAS, GEM Wocan heartily recommend itto those via asion. neuralo,,-cranlps choli- q,, there is iervice 1I.A. Uw awwuzz IT47*0 on tute. Looking lorwArd to thig co5trud- Mr. fi'awakbnad-by the N effects were terrible. - This moruiu.1-, _,'O 11-, Wodnesdayi 19bli a. 44d der thc� superintendency' of Walter , instaht, whits nothing � lik; anftaiin Pain I tion ol. the proposed Port erry- and , g t. of ill o*1e, of Goderich township, W tv. who desire a beautiful polication at a , hriel, old boy, who & boy of about tea years of ag6j named serrice-6.30 1-� IT, Cnaion 'han26 wo�la �kt- slept "aya�,Hastllk %,roimz, Mrs Kbig. Benjdwin Tyro, who . partook of the Mr. L alI Drugists Meer, whose GodQrich Raftay the a aV Dent roycir " For sal Te"acher Wanted cheap rate,' only Q5 a year, �With two forcl amplo room for wharves and 61 arranging the harne�s of'his horiieone of and coitiiiry dealers. P400 25 onts per name at least is won Z�O;� �O or beautiful chtomos free to. each sabsor' OvAr heturjbbd'.upt6bfasoii,indpuiiea the liquid, was writbing in agony, and While I- . them suddbuly kick6ahim in the JFOR &hool Section No. 7, Township Friday eTeuftws at tar$ The Coubil have instract6d the" blank6ts off -the littlefellow, when six' the reit werelookin r -s oand it is to our credit that thO bar. Now is the time t6 subs for gon,borro trialcen 5dm6unicatb with -U -1-Pdgo,, breaking his check bon of Colborne. Apely p ori' _�(ff . r. -itslea- me aff6oted, and itra'sliort 0. ablil 34,VQr.EtQ I or sq�on h - 0 tliey also beca ozq =y c-at:azo to s=l n= antita w%-,= are Americans had to coma toVanada for a 18 4. Jas. Sutton & 00- "IJ of 0 1 pea out f the boa, that the Tmstees, Benmilln Post Office. T am L2:d Now York. Ilk1hea of -tho-Publia'%Vorki Do- and Nshila;'wildly -avolInd . the koorni -time the neighbors were alawhod, by estimated Eprz� 0 dians JQFLN WISE, ai= to undertake tho most stupendous partment, on the matter, and we'liope who had followed in her hearing cries andgroans from the house. Cana Nrabil to the -Froylice M.A. AV J -ter bo- States. 4 . oring the DONALD MeMUROHY, Umtiop servico ni 3. SpxciAT3 Srx.-. ..-The Archbiallop the new government will inqui a - into it� of Quebad frigur tho e=inoerinF work in their country. rushod from the'apart- The police were called, and ant - At the r0sidenceef 4d.brido!i fatheron' WILLIAM ALLAN. C�0= t�o 0-za to t?h1zf1 t%­�J 1% of Canterbury having expressod his de* In smice 650 P. 3L s=j and be convinced that its imporealico U­mont thor6ughly frightoned. King hat pastthree weeks 6heirrefuraboingr the 1801 u%, by Mv.L Mr. Crabo,31r. 29th, 187S. V398d* d a scene niever to be forgotten. go tin. t, -,y bxw- The awount of the work is airs that a, day should lue to tho stogpagib of the anu Pjmy#r nice be s 01 loav- , -%Pv'Tb in Such as to'warrant them in asking a- n lifted the s6rearnim , lad out of the bed, a bunk in one room lay Flaherty and his 1.10 C:�g Vts�a Eatb3 CMZN is C13�. szzh dm=. fmin an article in the Novi York Tribmic the Anglican church for apecial-prayer. tople HugliAloicauder,to Eli skilgothia hand covered with'bldod wifera idly dying. In anoter room It qpropriation for carryingitont. i s in the Statem' zabeth, second, at r�30. ionary war claniliter of Applotoii� Blebat, Zsq.,sill. Teacher Wanted of November on behalf of miss* k -thrdugh-' 4. 3 ve-b0z InIsH Musio.-The peoplo of 'd—ods. which was coursing down hi� cheek and were Hawkins and his wife 'd:nibled 4 ASWOHMANI-Ml?. Alfred fli3lwyn, of Tuokoismith., =1 I qla V Ole Ion. out the world, a circular has been issued MVrHOD19T NEW of the tunnel is this country r . equest- rich do not bear the character of being neck. An examination revealed the with p n. A man in a third' who has recently returned from FOR School SecftonWo, It Aslifila. 25X& f�et, or f-ur and three-quarter by the bishops in veryliterary intheir taQtes. 'Acircus, fact that dlio.ub sovdn-eighths of - onb of name'd ai tVm..Drennan was roll . room, -Y, Mountain Gsological lev. Thom Appl.y persons -o the Wastees at ingin P.O�L tourroporls, rAailn -alter Oliverto miss fly t ing their- cl ety to observe the day fixed ith, 31r. IV miles. tt is 23 f6st -wide by a height or theatrical troupe, or nigger show is tbe un"Hunate boy's ears 'hadbeoneaton agony, while a. Mrs. DUnn, �a neighbor, Jisving discovered 'And proven twenty, H * Port Albert. anuhhing. botU#f the townshipf varying from 23 to 20 feet, hereve; .1 upon (Weduesday, 3rd December.) A always sure to draw a full -hoaac� while off by the hungry rodents.' On, one of near by, who drank. a little, was i also feet ottrue coal, near the bod-- -waters Grey.,. TAOS. HAWKINS Gr special service Will be held in St. neart of high character, ok a P. W. P. Co., 40 Park brick afzh is us -ad. Passing throu-b I - a co lectate, his checks werc� marks of the teeth of the taken ill. 'One man, it is.said, started of this river and near the lbae, f the 'SecretWandTNasnrer. t, s c ure in this to n this even d ilway'. In Sta6ley, on 04 4, bv Rv., E. 0 and 8. AL P=XxOMT. 00 S". solid rack excavation the SCJ6n is r,e- is almost sure to be( poorly attended. animals, from which blooawas stream- foir DQ Salaborry street with a pllial of propoge Pacific Ril Port Albert, Dec, 1, 1873. 3398c . o'cloc -, when Rev. Charles onra74yanthorinm-Y'Ad. duged to 24 wide by 00 high. -As ori- c. The ear wa -rh the mixture in his pocket. The sufferer Da6viot Mr, Joseph J; ffag ter, td Miss t We have noobjecti6n to people patroniz s dressed, Atid althoug Three of - thi membersof the present t wa wit rea i In CATHO ginally projected t ing the former class of entertainments awounds are like1v to heal, fears. are exclainied, "Oh, for God's - salcb, do Dominion Gover a 6 hav 'b Elizaboth,ory ja�gI4_�er of Aft; U6nry TE it, ve-,tism- Agazta in New Vork. hs tunnel was only 16 L1 nur 1i ACHE WANTiO feet wtile, and made of courze for a sin- Hunox Tu Bust. oeuvriom.-The occasionally provided.-thore is nothing entertained by oome that i3oison from 96 d Johnson, �oth of SiAl R, &U something for us; were pois ne miers in the Provinces -to which they re. WANTED a, Teacher i glo 'track. The work done under the regular quarterlymeetin6 of -this Associa- low abour, them. We enjoy a good laugh* the famesfthe rats pay life entered Dr. Laroque wall cilled, and �roceeded belong, viz.: Mr. Bioko juOn- holding a We SL'D b3 ladAt a"me,'% to receive � Han pt contract 'was according to this tion' will be held in. ife schoolhouse, -and relish the -mirth provoking th' -New Bra6wickand I Second or Third Olws :3 P. Y. vmpm MOWN nP3#3 of Plan. Speanlir jer a youth's blood. to the scene of death, and aflulfitistered tar 0, x � Smith, in ti Clinton, on Saturday, Dec. 6. Mr. Strang 0? Taylor or,% Burgess. If how- -4 M Laiz�4yiaPiinceEdwzrd,s18IaiI on No. 4,C 0 Haupt ran narrow tunnel from hi?s;6o'1v0as 14TA01i; - antidotes tothe sufferers. Thoboyha r, GAELIC a =­ z1mta, or ang incidout of interest the Vest end about 500 a Gado for School Seeti I f at. into the vrWread ii assay on tho present method ever this, class of amnsement only is pat- died and tho-woman, Dronniu, died 1n the tth�ifnt,'. William By order lu thO 10"itY whbm it OzZun Or mountain. When,'the Stato took the tuu- G. B;Lird, sr., roized, the - mind becomes depraved in !Poor Pattesonfthe-MaiFlet the6t Mwkinis scomid b6tter Gloq son' -of John Glen. ALEX, MALLOY, b-) the czumty at'T_rng�- � Bach matter nel in charge this west exd tunnel of engazingAdichors. Mr. AVOIDENT.-OnWaclaeoday, Nov. 19, soon after. - 6ilt of the bagy; when coniered -by Whet- 10 . was will open -a dtactissionoq "ThoPrinciplas its tendencies. . As well might you ex after taking the dose of medicine.' The . �,S - _�8 FrakBetuiller P. 10. I ur. w -JaMSfL9tOVl0­C$1lft3 Of t papel n thci th vlt.) may ba sezt at tho rate, �,.g Ono cent per abandoned and a now line run, Haupt of Stocks and Commisslims." Mr. Turn- poet it to be in a sound dtate.when no bile Mf. Lowriei of G-oderich township, poison, which was found in& large acid at A1,44vilericb, oi "haraz WrillhteldOst 80 c Mter!s (Copy and not had completed abont balf a mile at the bull. will intuduce as the third subject ishea such pabulum as f"r w naring-the harness 6f his horses' shameful villification of li'oftev.Y.A.ftight, Nojember 24th, 1873. 1307b;* service 6.&) P. U. as arX&I bottle, is believed to be - a corrosive, lint 11--ay-C& 'Zo am, 73 publt t., one of them suddenly kickea him 6n the' by infoi ming Ui. W. that it ; was' mot' M. A minister, a ad 18 years In 10D In aDY east and. The State eularged and used for discussion "The Thdorynd 1,'Joetleo the body to be in a healthy condition Mr. some lingredient4s mixed with it to ermse I I I isamet it sl2oulcl reach the face,. breaking his' chook boiie., done out danimositi to him, butus an ATBoito, M in the,29rd,Nov., of GOVEIRD"11 J11G11 801100L. U. MPHENIS CRUI iring when fed -only Ut an -prostration. of strength. 'The -poison- - - I d. I We were Lowrie had b( - killin excuso to 'fpiteh into McXell4r; typli6id favor, Urquhiirb KuY, CHAS. 3fA_� this. The open cut of the now tunAnl of Logarithrus. The report of theret on aftmulants, wiiho of�-'-a late= than Kon&7 ovening- 'at the west end cuts in a portion of the SecreUtry Trb.asurer will be presented, -admiit of solid foo 3eii pi�m and it is' the uro Ono liquor isAo' bd dual;sed, while the xbmin4tion for simisson much Iffaupt tunnel which strikes it diagonal- and another appointod. therefore -agreeably srprised to See sod that some oFtho*bIood had. police are endeavoring to gab hold of the . Mr; 110,;'11 a Morris -.ently' �Idesb lion" of W Kay, Esq Gede ]pJIU nemb 0 3forningservico 11 suppo nor, rec adhe, which was ki . ken to Do SaUberry me day. red to ilia clothing, the smell of a s- School. 9:W A, 3F. wM COMEC, a C by IFI. It is prob3ble triat the old tunnel bottle sold to saii. Elliot & Johniton,butch- rich, 2. y� to the Goddrich High School will be u3 ag Day HON. EDWARD BLAKU'.iT Lucxxow.- a respectable turn out oikThurs sod the horse to become frac- street, to prevent its being --drunk. It eroi)f'Brusselo,atvr� �rearold wether ulm-ty in the will'be used as a; culvert to carry off the inaJalt to hear the lecture on'trish which call Is' shoop,whidl �held. in the School -House, on We - dne4- dzl��77-y 4 their r313= -V water from the west end. Thb State [Tom. Edward Blake, X. 1. for South Musici by Rev. Jas. Carmichael of Mon- tious, and hencer the accident Mr. is to be feared tboy are t90 lto. TI �i wbeii dkes ;ed; ;eighdd 121 day the7th Januain begginuig dicl a wise tking in enlar�&.- the tunnel. Bruce, having resigned his seaL in order last Lowrie, we le--irn, is recovering. -go I -pounds, - exclusive, of tallow, which TEE W,&=Wa !real, whichi-was; announced in our house 'where the tragedy t6ok place, is into give his constituent n- tar; ghed 261,pounclo. - The thickness at O�Dgricg, Dec. 2, 1873. The small section originally projected an issue. of conlrae thi's - was partly owing dirty in the extreme.' Squilidmipery is *ei eandidates must notify -the Town In- AGENTS WANTED _young ladies ao-uNom r0pcTma.-Tho Cobazil met on ovary hand, and the inni4tes ar�e lying thQ zibs covered - about 31 inches, and spector, Mr. J. R. Miller, not Uter than TZ,.a dat-c CURS? &5=iws would have been a warrow, smoky pipe, of expressing their opinion of his co to the fact that some of the I dnct in takin" a seat ia the government, took the trouble to wait a' th' ughthashoulctergiii6hea, Wheat, (Fall) 30 tuA ....... $112 0* 116 TOSELLI( 0cafts &7,,c t ins to t__14 jej, ver7 unco nifortabI a f or pan engers ani n tlici people to. -day (17th Ni)v.1- 1873,)- pursuant to in rag& and filth. Will Wn Drennan, a ro . I the 15th -December of their intention to bwh.., 2 44 0 100 visit lis riding this week. He is to pregentthoutselves for examination. workmen. The tunnel grade is 26 feet will beforehand for the purpose. of sellinp adjournment. The, members'all pre. 4nely, -bnitt young man, was at foui On the Oth iust�nt-& party of now sot- ............. 5.00 0 Z.,150 _NL1 0-W 3 imites,oflast meeting were' 0 or thnt Mr. tatho mile for nearly ttiewhole distance address the electors at Lucknow to -day, ticket, still the number and character sent.' The m 'clock, -dying. Mrs Drennan is better.' flers arri, . Ved at Winnipeg ia teA-ML it at noon, and i% ill proceed thence to Kin- boo ........ i ... 0:35 H. L STRANG'B. A. OF THI rising from each portal toward the cen. 8 0 be -Ist �� ay usisted of Mr. Sas. Aroadfoot and AF bush ....... P.ZN up to of those in attendance showed that more read and passed. Hawkins is still strong, and m * re- -cc C4 ifed X" ter. tral cardine where he is to be entertained at interest than _ L fan, y i) rr-- -7Ld 7,-- a=,s from dw dxte. shaft, and leaving, a short ldngth of usual was manif6sted-in The following accounts were ordered His. wife is'in a bail wa. Flah 11 , nme in all, from Morrii, Huron, Barldvj:V bush,. - a complimentary supper in the evening. ...... 1398b 120mildon or n the lecture. Of Mr. Carmichael him- to be paid, viz wl level immediately under the shaft. The arty, it is thought, will die, The suffer- Ont],, Mr. Thomas Anderson quafamity; ir -1 bwh,.! 0 45 0 0 I heig From there he. will proceed to Walker- self we need say ngthing. He is well Robt. F erris for gravel "80; B. L- ers say the pbison tastedlike wine and tivetyd in all, from Paisley 'Block, near Hyer ton ...... .. 1500 4 i� '00 fa rzz�r= p7aMPE'u, Ca QU7 term's lv.,s ht of the interior summit over the Prohis from $200 io ==u uz oz,'Zzcmg�sa $2 P=tal will bs some - � over 60 feet. ton on Thuriday to he nomination, known in this aectio�, having once been Doyle $10; Chm. Robinson, for thing U56 Of bark. Young Tyro was given a Guelph, and, Mr. Williams'' and AIGRIOULTURAL Ptrinsuent owploslne-L�4 This dip in the grado each. way from the which has Izeen fixed for that day. He incumbent of Clinton'- Asa preacher house for Council purposes 83; the only) of it lut evening, and it is Said abbut tw4childien, from tiora. Chickens per pa1r-L-.1.* ...... 025 &- 0 SO Butterl-V th ........ ; ....... 0 23 0 025 1$ 0 6,18 rance Association contrawas made to secure good drain,ge. will no doubt be retu�rued by acclarna- and lecturer he' -bears a*high reputation, of $25,wm gra, utOd to aid, in repair' n" half a gallon of the liquid was coamime 'ite -learn thztifr M. ]COwUm, of B=S;, 4�4- 0 Z2 FULS n a utual Assa Thinarade in the tunnel has necessitat- tion. A number of odr townspeople in- and in - Montreal he is. very popular; the approach to the bridgre crossing -the between them to -day. 56 a b 00 1 ".1= iylu� tend going to LucknoW to -day to hear -several of his lectures - h a Lel�don, a most earnest And warm ......... OD ed'sorne yery careful labour in car aving been re- Maitland river opposite lots 59 and 60. A sub�equent- dispatch oft te tJ1at tliq hearted advocate of "niparance prin- 'Utdo ............ -were paid .3 00 50 the elevations. The main difficulty, of the Honourable gentleman speak. peated there more than once by reqtiest. A large number of accounts liquqr was whie of colohiuln ciples, has beedeleefed- Grand. Wortlij- which� is CODEWMI- coum, was to establish the three tunnel An Irishman himself as is at once evi- for work, gravel andoad imrovements. made by steeping colchium, berries in Councillor by the GranaLodge f the Tan Brk ...... 00 e 00 NEW TrXrBooK.-kr. John Gibson, ".R69 F T�a� leave as fd21ow3,- points of the east and west ends and at danced by his rich "brroguo." and an The petition of Thos. Elliott and John shefty. Tho -taste or smell do not be- Indep son of Rev. H. Gibsoik of Bayfield, his ondent Oraormf Good Tenaplars si.speclatrelegraph 6JhQ Signall Mail ........... .......... 7.00 the foot of the central shaft - pr p r ardent lover of his country, he enters Damba. ordered to be. fil6it - Iray the poisor. 'for Oata'Mond Quebec. Out- of six- Dec, 2,187a. the rubject of Lots 30 on the, 7th an 9P 115 CHAS -d in 0 ie already taken a hLo position as a a �th Twelve ----- 9.45 rdati�ns to eachot&er. Toreachth with Jiis whole seat into d.39:oAth' - T. DOTLE of Clintoil now rep- TE uRae*9uc 8, naturalist. It will bWseen from the fol- persons mall partook of the hundradvotes cast Mr. Knowlton: ob�_ wht to Br=2- -------------------- n SO P. m. the e4nean carefully went over the Irish Music. We cannot attempt to cons., were prdered to N placed on Cal- wine. Eleven are now dead and the - -ibush,. 1 05 0 2 07 esents thispopula; Company'excluvwe- ar r. 9 lowing p3ragraph th�t he is about fur- - - tained a m�jority of two hunitred. Aind Wh-t,(8PTW1* V! � 11 � .................... &go 4, o -hich leotor's roll- for SchOctl See- No 9P as stfivivor is not expocteato recover. oa7a 6 VO ly, for the Town of Goderich 31ARE 04 L rnount-am with their leveling instru- ther to distingnish himself, he being the give even a synopsisof the lectme, % Floari(peribrl).... . and Town- Train!s ama due as fllows,- ments and determined the relative pGsi- requires to be heard to be appreciated. they wera by miAako of Ass6asor ��d 0 S8 0 '0 40, ship of Colborne, �iu addition to his late Professor Gibson refefred to Blake, in Napanee, turning to i8ir ............ 10-00 tion 9f the portaist and the depth of He described the character of the music on. S. S, No. S. 1nitb7--2)a3t=0%V0 Piro. ...... 0 50 45 -6.0 Agency-lietts, yiz.- McKillop, Grey, Profes3or Gibson a#d Macoun, of Al- of his native land and pointed ougsome The nomination of -MuniuipiLl- candi- John, said "he had seen frotii the ALE KINDS ............. ..... 2.00 m. shaft which should be sunk to Teach the hOn- Bafley, wr bush.., 00 a 1'05 Maj�ii, " Howick, Tnimberi rand Wd- bert College, Belleville, have be-gan the t thnhonso-otE; pe L outloman's newsp4per, wh a himself 0 40 0 0 45 cc 44; C4 He thought its cultiv&- ctea Whitby Nov -27.-4 -fire brA& out in All parts of Agency �ddtoi -eat Lr 5.23 prop rade at its bottoit in the tunnel. of iti beauties. -to be hold a Kelly, I ion ihe sliart jiL preparAtion of a teit book of Cana- ;Sir John) ........ 000 042-2-, ........................ The tunnel has two shafts, Ono near tion was too much. neglected, and too Halmeryille, on, the last onday in the mochaiiiast institute of ibis town, �i 11 nnger,;�-. ......... periodically. PArties desiring insurance defieripfion made to tha di=. Botany. Most of the material had received a requisition.;frol;1A MS- nag, per4oz. (cjp�ckea).. a 12 0 918 rice eweu f west end, only 318 feet desp and the much-atteution paid to music far inferi- December next. about five o'clock: thij morning. - The in -infevals will be zatted ir by ad - necessary foi such hu already been ob- j rity of the cloctora of South Bruce. ........ 1590 0. 17 -OD amusio� He Thi pallin divisions to be the Sams flames spreaaripidly ifid communicated I other, or centra shaft, nearly in the tained, but they would most efully or in all that constitutes true 30 middle of the tunnel. This is 1,023 arat trusted that thougli. the lecture was im- as last year. with the piano faeto;y an - the east, oe challeagedt4b hon. &ntleman to Jsb�cep skins ....... 4 ....... . 1 00 IV I r CHAS. T. DOYLE. Orek aud Rai raceive collections orduformation from I feet in depth. This is drained by two -feet in many respects it night bave -The return teers to be, for- Divi. cupied by Mr. Gortzig, afil both, btl;ld- that contest now." Here is "another. itidds ...... 60-0 5 to 1398.2m Box 30, Clinton. those ititerested in the study. They per in glorious chance foi SirJohn "throw the effect of sending his audience away %ion -No. 1. Stokes; No. 2, Alex. in were burned to. the ground withall inerly occupied by I off v - 4) small strom-na of water which unite think that as no temt book of botany, i . I t ir 0 aself upoa the countly." _�P( Uldat he 116 whqra the cross tho tunnel." hummipg Irish airs and lead them- to Taylor; No. 3, Thos. -Woois No b7e cutouts. Nothing -was sayed. peculiarly Canadian, hasyst been pub- lHE' ALUMINIUM WA74Cff. of Iiish% Jas. Richardsod; No. 5, John Rudd- t b9auWally Lellnoxed? Wh4t�JSprin9)rQtbuBh._.. 1W, 105 r lished, and as th6 subioct is cultivate their knowledge . . The Mochanics'Hall was used for a too- ge . .- . . - I required at Music. The lecture wag illustrated by The 06uncil adjourned to meet again zurardom, concerts,,wisemblies, public *. A young min in -Montreal. named Moir, (pir brl),..,i ......... iv!PTO 0 OD onr universities, it is,very desirable that , - ­ - 1., 0 2 69 Tar, LATL-ST NOVELTY. Blondin met witha terribly sudden Barley, Pr bush.. such an attempr. should be made as soon Mrs. John' Elwood and Mr. and7Mrs.. on the second Monday in December library� &a. The ForestArs, Good - death on Satur&y afternoon. He ws&� ....... 0 0 Z8 Dixie Watson, alt of-wfim san a num- next at Holtnesville. Templars and Young Britons holail their 1* E very personshould bave one, Wears As mentioped before, C.F. Fraser, .05 apoisible. 8, Clerk. lodges also in the building. 'Thelibrary engaged wheeling brick fo tho erec. 98 be'r- of Jxish melodies in excellent style, THOS. B. STOXE tirin. equal.. to Gold; and the differonce in ci� I*r b ARTHM Nov ho aide of 040 D ZO quality M. P. for Soutb.�Granville,is about to Ova MAr.XETs.—We are i aformedthat some of theairs being quite now to them was composed. of ' flfteen hundred a caii.didy 'be- detecttaDn the the *ato U YQlumes and was valued at $1-5.000. The u w And when at ..... closest -scrutiny, Warranted to I-,eep BrIGHT, cheerfa2, W. Scott in n, 020 take the place. of Hon. R. DW that sleigiiiii- w�s set in, numbers and they hdving only practised them a 43 of farmera fr(G Lh4eld, Colborne, and couple of times. Mrs. Elwo6d aud. Airs. regalia andbartera..of the lodges were the foot of th4 chininey, brick fell from orrect time -for TW40 YEARS without GQ DEYUCI�, - Der- 3, 1873. the Onftgo. government, assuming the Ve Lim "13 As Nt). S. ...... _.. 0 00 14 olo -greast url market is a dwelling , - 3 N the all btlined. * Mr. Barrett -above, some -90 feet; , and -w*th strange -cleaning, or tlIa money returned. Thou - Watson both performed on the piano a tehapnoy -of other places whose in. 4 ad at fatalitytruck onthe topdUhis be: I ofilce of Proyincial Secretary while Hon. Goderich, may be s�on daily, gain.- to numbask of ilInstrations of the lunds of weather is becomiu­ daily more an house to the South was at - burn NO. ........ 000 .10 08- with ihe beat perodic WWI Mr. Pardee will be trdndmad -to the Clinton to sell theit grain and make musio.,.referrea to in' thi) lecture ;' a Mrs. more wititerwaids. little snostorme, so u 9-16 sandsurenow inuse throughout Great is Q the same time. The 'Meblianics' Inatf. killing, Yun instantly. i )9 5 ig Britain. Price,,oulTW6DOLLARS. ......... .. af Wee, Tm, nto 1 Department of Crown Landsi At the their purchases. It is notoriously the, Elwood's vocal rendition ofof tholuner, little frosts, little'rains, and b� - fits, lit- Cute: was insured for $2,200; the piano Almoit d:411y new casos of SMU-PDX 19 eb Sent, p,,*tPiidj OU Teceipt, to any, put clord Firg C .T. ....... several cents a bushel morb at dirge or wail was capital. Acouiia- de'-gleants of hazy.looking sunshine, fnct�ry -for $150, and Mrd Barrettl of the Dominicn. State wheffier Laily T_,ecz, mo vamt bv the, elevaHan next sesz4on a bill win be introduced to that s are reported in Toronto,- an(! uotwith-' ......... 3 fa 400 Inthe itnuniry and bq� obtained at Clinton dncl Seafortlf emble sum was Valized towards.the im- making -up, -When all patinto the general house iod� 6250-- Through the exertions staidiu& the, efforts of medical mn �a or size re(Juire a n2a 11 Jie(l WILk the cc ErcV.,jdau amwforcl to the Lien, the dep3rtments by. connect- foryg;ldn than at Go4ricb, and muchas proTemeut fund of St. Goorge's'ehurch, balance, u,ia�h iagreeable of the fire brigade. Mr. R%_V's li ata.-� keep the'niatterquiet, not p faw� arestif- S er sloppy aq Tonmito MAZUBTS idenL T Nov. 29th.-FillWhev,,ttl.l$toviL.25. and clmoatic life tiw, . GQrmnsrsab, a wi�t haz been inued ing the Department of Agriculture with we regret seei�z theta give onr town the in behalf of -which the. lecture was cle- sort of season. rav LY -61' bles were inved, - The otal. loss,716Z the f effects, Thorp ato mint- poat-pAid. pring do $1.12 to 1.13. * 13arley 81.14 Xrery ym6y subsc the hitherto established - modes Of fire is 0out $10,000. privateliouisei'hinclmciiig 4THOUNTO-N, been fted for flaa PilavineW SsershuYllhip, a. . .., . -A *4 $L16. Oats 41ya to 1110. )?Oas 0- Address -CHAMBERS erin AUI leav- go.by we cannot blame the farmers for livered. birs 0- =n0siftli Qo to where they con obtam. the best trinit, hasbecowe aTathar noomfor- respectable - families.. Its Treson 23C� to ofthefillowilw ormance, xagraving, 0 prices. We haveoti several'ocessions '400ra of Soho Tho Spanish 1=u=4at1o;d., linown at present onElw, Valton)say waitiNd evey Mcn&y mxt. Ti,,_- Rdarm rary ha�ye znZ_thaPnb1taWorkz and Immigration going table perf and people are at 60a. Rye 70a. Butter 28 ToronE), Ont. ,,r, bureiqs- together. - This, will divide the idei-able loss to discover what sort gs �00 to 220. 139 wLcc!zJ An!�. 3156% Q. U., a Zeadin. pointed out that there is ho. good rciii:on cons -andlillizabeth street3. and -in the aor6h­r in&Wartred the Flur vroik more equally, as it is - felt that un- for the difference in �prices, but the evil The regular monthly meeting- of the ofgency to, dmploy, in fact th ft-,vincial Ex-ldbtuol c.7_,zn,-eV Zawyez� as ffieir ey all BomAnDmENT or, VARTHAGENA weiEeraarb of the cWy. whi 2st taa Tzedhxzmg der the preseut distribution the depart�- stillexists. Wahava aho urged thc) for- Boardwas held on Monday evening. seem stuck on the hor" of one common YQ_NTP,+ii� WAUxETs. 6 -pow bo unto th" war nam- Nov, 29 th, Wheat, -.27, to $1.28. f3U'ed iO inda.-V Messrs dilemma, as iieither horseback, sleigh'. go 4 Y4RUUg far citriau"Grsoos,� mation of a Board of Trade to deal with Present, 0, Crabb, Chairman and ', Three weeks a NOTIOZ; '"T have ment of - Agricultura does not receive RLA!r Dr;-,avV(-_rxQX 01? UFZ� A -RD 'Nelson Scott, of Volaware, -81.02k Pa"more, Fer�guson Simm6n ad -apld f,li-_ ex-Pramler ta fiR th's breadit and remedy such evils, but there ap Elliott waggon., nor !the " anticiliated pedal sys- a pas Soo to 88e.! Barley to fsL05- AiBed Time!' and 'IT. the, attention which its importance de- PROPRATY. graiii in London market, ot;674 4prep oats 37A-c."Butbei 22to ZU.Chiesellc`o NOT'"'s herebygiven thatappli. ult6ed U,-.Gn Mr. FL 0. Lickfard. a pearstobesucha jealousy among -our and Swq4son. tam of Jocom�tion seem'eapable -of Pro - a senes. - When the chango is made Han. business man that they will not unite in Minutis of last re,;,,ular and special ducin auything bordering progres- anduddenly zdisappei�ed y4th glarge 12o, ' Ogga 20a Ito 27b. Ashes�Potz - cation will be made to the Legio. person. CJ C�)MpsrejT* Gb3C=iV and on London, Nov. 29.-Specialdisptches amount.*f iu0jiey. Hiafriends"inioin- -0.95 to 6G.Paar,'Is �$7.35 to t7.40. latiye Aosembly pf the Province of Oa. Sta!ez 4Ab—zen by blrtl�, as ithw-r Nx VeXeRar will the office of snythinWealcahted ta promote the com- meetings read and passed. sive motiin. Ymr.correspondent, how- t6 the Times and. Skrd4ard eve pirtion- dialt,*Ith� tario at its next Session, for* zj� Art t* bers 14 COW VACh, U, Fiiaa ig that Jiti had been foully mougo-'a. Perhaps bly and bye theyma IONJ�DN X-MIKrITS. -2'.-ween tha two Se.-retaryand Commissioner 0 The CoutiZ�ent- Cmmittee roorted ever, influenced perhaps,, more by l4fro of the bomb;irdineut of Cartbagana porby inthe Trustemof s!aq,13r,2bex-.,.� AsL a account of T. J. Moore- . thd river dragged 't)r4aya Q try vest zertaiu pr AGEN-1s, get their eyes opened. We bring the progress On ne�essity.lhau choice, feeU very few 'of on Wodnesday. The. arsenal. and bat-, ,tdf1n was assfiAli. Nov. 29bfi.-Vall el.12!'x to th on salary or 00mai tLioaa c3a Lam p.,,jutatjoa in a Aggrlcultuie�. an& Mr. Fraser that of matter before them wpin and urge upon house for statione and begged,leave. to the disadvantages an ing frb his bn-df, but unk-hoe a Congregation of the 1�rmbyterlzu ry m a, Tarle'. ra-3ks were the dhief marks fqr �he Njm- %ft Sprin &nd at *04* for ty'of resources, as ai _Vg seldom, t,-�. gram hasjust been receiv 4 -on and - mlosmg llian,wbo is in the States, penni- ley $1.00 to WO. Pea% 55 to 57c. the 'Church f Scotland in the Totnf J. W. JONE f 3% YQ=4 Man. of Conn nis goner o f P ablia Works and J Lm - them the necessity ef doing something. sit ag,aw- 2 _Y, g 4o 01.12u' to fL14. BAr- Church of Vanadso in connection with Acgers7 artilkery, fint thecathodral Oats d.v on. Let a meetin2 be called md a, Bosrdf Account of Iteld Miller, $47.49, for his terrestri�l m1graiions teen Accustom- hZiltai 'word au� 13trualf. 0h, Friday, lc935e. 4t, ed�-ca!Lsa an1425-111y w1ack haiValrea less. It appears lie spent all his means in� 34-00 _ter 230 to 28.1. Eg,93 2&. Goderich, with power to mortgage, sell, 136PU­ Trade be organize4 at; once, It will, work, was�orderedtobapai& ed to any other tban the -latter mens the-th6atre; Protbitant church'and -twO� iprolongailebatich, lie-nowsencufor sod convey the.sa - , and foi other mada then ba competent for it toeal -with Moved by Mr. Ferguson, sbconded by 'tioned modw opciandi heis MAy.prefty entire streetalwere Aestroyed,-- and - two, me purposes. 20=7 =A Zzlorich_ =W&7 suth matters as we haTe, referred - to. Mr. Passmora, that thb Inap"t6rget the sure., in thel absence: of Aieumaism, huudrad persons. killed and wounded. CnaftAls I fuilds to coma biok with. oderich, Nor. 25th, 'Mr. Dlcuardi fj Cam- witliiii thel rity . . The insurgonts 'have . The Hamill t printed. - Carried, corns, frostbites and broken lerAr, to on V2na of Frldiy rel�rasiu!a!iye. Th benefit of 'such an organization examination Papers ZoDuPoviler Esq., the promoter lot woo 1W paml-tivgy unka3wzk anit we ra�_T- er za3 uld very shortli be felL moveoyUr.Rassmore, seconded by 'have his 'travelling ma"ery ready C-Aag �on the "We have seofi a zhequo On' the Balili of �s . . raised the blach forts. At thfx -rZwa_Y, 'wM be in Go"AbY to- Mr. Elliott, that the-accouat of the. inside his boots. or mocasins, at what- 1,;wt ac&unti ih . M6:utreal, to4ik, -sl&ned by W. 'Me- -WIDTICE. rect, his been Gn a.,count of ther M"viim= Housz.-On Monday citi;waq 'ju, TO WHOM itijht, ani -we utidereand purposes re- marninglast theolflxhop froninoxt Mail for -advertisin be paid and that ever gwonhe`Gportaut mandate runs, 'subsiding- - The. -lose of Bereyerx h i 3q President,, and :3fr:-W. 5TRiY HUYER. CO-VMIRIM as 1 0 d:aj-,a7!y of reC0_-M7,jU.- tL-a Clams of to the account 5f the Globe stand over fill ForwaM Marc& I 94��tary - ind. Treiiurer, nmning bere �br some days. During Jordan's Drug Store was removed, re, basu exceedingly small. .. Tholofficers of r:viaciu�ffidatec From the toneof the a handsome store-whiolt has inst certain enquiries be mado,.* Uorie BEFoiins.. caft d "Ob- Grey and Bruce Railw*yin endoes, "PRE giinicipal Council of the Town. 510�1!0 the foreign squadrons succeeds in pr hfs stay It is prabdhlo a public. me Movedy Mr. Passmore, seconded by boast of its having i AMEInto thfB Mail and Mr. ID16LIGZT& adJram it is GUnIr been. �;ected by & ordan for Crafts local 19sculapins in taininm*awarmistic64 fohr hours Pridayr r M. Heiidrie, F4q.-, cOntraitor, 'wizot 316, 6, West 'Wawa- ' ship of Groyt, will take into voa� Ur� Swanson, that the C or Amount OUR kiantod UO3hi . a Nosy 11eifer -170 ontingent06in­ the A- McLellan a w9rt4y with red neck. The xideration',at meeting of the said wMba-helcl t06' h'MancPPmtuu'tY and Johnston.- Th personf Dr � I the eTZ&At the�y f -Nd they haya a weak- 0 -- now store is an mittee advertise fof- TOO cards of grien old country Practitioner, who has lately- �ay.tho-Ontario,G6iernii2entli�3t Adonto o! exJIiinbij, �Ma adyauftge3 Iiliely'ta orikametib to the baving a fi� nd- ;.. . f owner will plane 13r6ve property, pay 'Council to be held at Tucir's Hotel, delivered by Ist X=h 1874., taken up his residblico in tha mcTten i tAko it away. t"Oug" from tlio, bjildin- of the road. some'front, t of wood to be f 'the Southern Extension "th dav of white brick =1 ta and a w8a Carried. little My lyingbotween- Wiugham &nd.L _MLJ,Uftr� Cralibrook, on Friday thp WestTcr,3miof3 cn% of tosecanstituen- Witt, -plate-glass wi�dows, anct over the govedby Mr. Ferguson, seconded -by and gives,piornisef d becom- da 10gerr ee b3r John A . . in the Of thig dua nodca will be, cftan, We, door �ing a ge6ral favorite,. is well with th -E'I)E IIATRE LOST AS CAMPBEL. December, A. D. 1873, &By-lawo jro- I -- Hiiq6mber2kh, 1873. 1398c* vide for the opening of a public Road ,f-nimider is a stained LU 1i lit tai THETILL AT [, beVe* fdr 31r- Powlereverybucourage.: 3 , con . "ing Mi. Elli6tt, thatthe Principal's- report hale -aid hearty�- as- with those whose so as ta maka it the name of the and Uie words d that I SEA. Tho,fishing this semon At.-Fishilig Is- between Lots d4and w, in the Stli and his =Cre; indeed Dr. "PLAYEI) CALVES - ailments req 9th Coneessions of thi "WdTownili1%, ==tt ai'itis maufestl House' which is the name L be 4citharIN& to get'j?i1ted lands, -Lake Hurbulwhither many fixhar. y 16. the advaa- Manchaster, for Nor. be raceir4d -and fyled �zik' strqD31f Omservativa,_vra qafte,,expect,�. JAQ labols -Noullan-raerits,w6l], the.good Opii1idn taga of Goderich tli_-�tho roAmhould be by which their ay?. place of business �rill for piizebooks.,,' Carried. .920 TvW %63T. tnen:fron�the Ulc�'mliorb villageganci in Uen, of that portion of the orkinal fa " Mr. XGds retvmied.. CerWnly be known.' Nr U6 o-ldfashidned shut. ot. ther public, on *oqnt of his humane towns reftorb for Ovz or six w`e*e1m -VAMU into: the premise of the mi-, mllowsroe for road between the Town. DD, boeii �so.bad a& for the laii fers aresabstitatekt ueat wirezcree�s, Fou'r applicati.ons foe the -poition or allaiscieristics, as well aohis vory supa t7 rimso.-Ta 11114SOU . Qy'ery, AJ dersignea,� lot 23, Lel Shore, Ash- ships- (if Grey sudElma, runnin he wM bar ff the ejectors c1loo3e -the!, teacher in thweec . ond 6�artmantrsre rior medical skill. fall, has Mgt g along best ME*- Jrfiflo handsome citrtains dtop down in- od. George Anley of Madoo was two yew, Those who - wqnt up arly field, two $teor Calvesone black, the the, Sth and Otli Concessions of Sitt able receivo We are living in hopa--that the -bust- Tre - ngedfrom6&to100-b' Im- -_otherred, The owner is requestedto Townallips. oppmae tk 84 �i& the win d- form. L,6x�px 'Deo."i.-Thb ship ouna avei dows 4n the do in$e& boat ness,of life, in the tush,' will goi forward tam, fro , in $ Nivr York; rriv rUvlejual- prove P"i)irtYJdY exPe"564 ltd take 'Dated 'this 21st day of November, purpose of -a acreen and 'an advertism- ad at Cardiff of -white fish and trout, in itea ovt r� - JNssmore, seconded pr�� brislily here, in the forthcoming rtiong,'though moms o A. D. W3. meut. , The storitingde is 6- 5 by 22 :�b at thlab -the Secretary at an early hou - .4 morning, brining propro f 1kont ont V --Ths CountY Canii- feet, tire front portion being devoted to days of our ee XIOMOLSS AUSTIN_ C�Wcu cthlysojoui�i. We, -have intalligence-bf adreadful disaster to -the the greater part of their nets. Mr- iste Y, in -Glee notice#, Carried.' Mae- AIMM ALEX. cil met at Seatorth y rds Dry GoocO,�nd the rear, which is slight- now on the eve. of commeacibment, inthe %kaamship Ville cis Havre, which left lenuan of Saugeon, took -about* SW� bar..;-'. Meo_41�ft 10�_JA73- 39W ly elented; to. 4 Moved b.* Mr. Swanson, seconded, by -Viainiq- Of KinW4' a laf�,6 newste 1397d Township Clark, Grey. 015 UAJORILTYj 82 1 Tow -m Couxem,-The town council -Groceries, Boots & Shoes, 3rr, Biliott, that the Board meet on the a"' Now Yorki Nov. .15ih, for Ef-ayrt uu&4r rats at Whito Fish. Island. Owing to the UnIC on Friday diousback store. ith ither prospect of a- steam lid -the wia hol a special =so ke. in rear is� thocc�mmandvf 0aptainSurniont. At highrates of freight this season i 6 Tu6sdayinsteid of the fii%t Mop- -with it -prices of fish - barrols,the Pro. connection a short Wi& sod Nol.mijbsgandigg iiii zlmort ouper- eyening. On the selcrorzt0hanitsome Show I w bop Ift" io isfom in -'I two otelock an the morning of'the 2* 3rd. advanced ARE ioto -promi tbat 100 IWA -whid 'No�., the Vitlo do Havro collided w - da: L,r & WnLY,.-A horse belangfnZ to, room& Messrs Crafts and- Johnston YOEJI cek 4or a acc6mmodation fit left to the fishormen is an. lt� -C -he ��subscribers the 0orrup The Board then adlourned. so New sum hilaam of rLuTts put fbrt�t. by are bound to 'Af Ins We- feel gi efut tO Pur Old the gritlih ship I Lot 113, Con. 3,'E. V. 4061bo: -McKayt. fell dbwn an old well commence �ocikearn, fro'ni'Loncton ia'said- that ome on this account wiU 'godericli, ien avage, about Ist,Noyewber, a 4ottea red and Mr. Zrfo 'Iroac time lien viry am TER�S v� a to, move into', their new Lnuar]rI874. Carried. 6021iAtt tO defist H -In- 3fr- C2dWJ79-- fr' d r. Mesides for No yr ac . near the com*ent a few days ago and was prembes on Uy. They have not Yoik, and. sunk - shortly after. not clev expenses. -nistor been Ion in business but have alreadv- via have. at,premt und6r *constructiop,. T-wo,-huudr4 � - :--4 white HEIFER inio year old. The the now rinsuce, W- -notwithsUind- with somediisculty ex1ri&tsiL 9 pull twenty-six of the paE- worked up quite a -trade, for which they; about a, mile- south Of Amberly, abotlier A 001U 6o sibsz rort7 ylgi� wRer. in ',,requested to prove property, mangers -on &iiamibiplost theAr lives-, i1C tho fnfluence of Sir John A' Mac�-. ItAiN.-The cold, and snowy weath ain saw -mill inider thO 8usPlc0 Of the Tho Tramountalu I rescued 87 of the pas- 0 Or ara nadenbt indebted -to a gzt*ab extent 'Xmz.---wTh& �priyata dwelling hoti st� 'pay charges and take her away. 3n. Mr, I%w . donsa,210a H. UXUPWI tho ex- which -has prevalledfor someime was to tW= liberal u a of printerstink. We owavdalid, occupied by John McGregor'. joint proprietorai Messr. Grant &Boyd Sengem and crew, and: broughf-th am t We OUP the following interesting para- 11� MICHAEL SWITZER. 9 Fze"r ana ex-Post;oaster , Generg, ymter4y sucoseded by a storm of i of Ashfield, both energetic and steady CaVdifl.. Belimiller P.O. 7am, wouldaavisesoi4e�of our othermerch- vW14rhed0tinday afternoon., 0 gftph concerning our ppdoo4*-Ijj� from AT w2iast-� 6a county a.-alat bim. which him well nigh spoiled the slefghing. 2n ilia Ottawa T-hn�s. The colacid'i- c- at-. _Dedemb;z.1stJ873. 1398(1* By hosp* fint is to go and d& jikewise-. 'The store of dated io, tbo,'vhimuej. U. young mien. tho promises. ard expected on a PZRW_1TAT,.-W. V. LUX waserocted wit�oft the streat.bein sured for $20 in the. Gore Muttkal. to be in readine3a.for warkinZ about the ZeUgVM0._l)Q5tztQt1Vf 1U0 luded to -is ver striking and well worthy poises be hopes to he wAs on Siaturday tast returawl by a ton, Editor of oncumbereil in-4py wa firab of Jan nary. of bein� recorded in the Vol&) jer. to STRATED STER, erguson's., the 31inito'ba Prw Press and at one time _Y with buildin D. F 11r9a fm -m at last election, 9- . =Ut a tWident of 0oderich, is * candidate material, and #11 Mcnilay many of our BELLBVITLE, Nov. '28 .. 4tast night, Which theprimary eventindue. -Like- jace for thus Asiwing that the people have had forthe Mayoralty of Whinipe A. Y. about 'no 6'cloSk, a fire' broke out in the Old "Aia 3hemoolvdis, the _g, whicir.-citizens aranotivrafetbatsuchahatid- from ilia promises vf the DX.Rgc.T I cf TAu A.' and him corrupt jgoy- h" just, been iucorporato as A city. 'some building was. in course of oonstrue- artleyhik raiekred and Accepted a tan Special Ci0rospona ent.) flis'Argowooden. building in rear of the has stet'd the wai and tear of � Irather '-J subscriber, Lake Shore Road Kin- WrM G orred, at the a Time remxrk�btywoll, and" ever ready tail, about the last -of August, a7lk an' ernmont. Thisis, thofirst Xrectap TAvxs.-The now fire. tanks on the UP. to the Dungzzmol� Canada Prisbyteriaw k VXRT iAb- 1CMiDiNT OM Albiold Hotel, used As a sash and planing Put ta a castitzency for the Dominion Square were last weAr coilplefed and RogL DFmv factory� 7 was totally 'destroyed, e test, with the, the horn, �,_It tha re U4 is Nch to ttana th youngearn­ white Stoert�mnrke rising ,is seldom t our hu h A b induction is appointed house ofUr.,Thompson on thaGoilerich d �n SOLD BYTjia Musun p' ace on Wednesday, 3rd Do-. themachinery anil toutontst together "Malcolm Caineron start d the%thurst 4 years o1d; Aiiy *informstion of his taken off the bands, of the contrwtor, inhabitants have an opportunity of to take road. Some little grand children of his 4 Courier, si th, ".0 Haose mium the Pad& WwAY roreu- Thert is a, gbod supply of water in 82ch onjoying Such a usical treat was comber. Mr. Leask is to preside Mr, we one of th4m, a with the Urns and sheds of the Albiom. k then village of Perth. whersaouto'will be suitbtr, rewaraid. win be kept constantryn %and A in the, cold, camo and we irnst t1to Tarim art saltil- 14 them. Douby to,preach, Mt. Iroung th &34r;;; boy, hPxQY0i1ninggb&ePeV*sm&t1d' The Jbuilding,w&l Owned -by Horace Jamek Thompson, -an Irish -lad, Came ALbM YOUNG, presented to them on Monday' a fWa with thor"UN. �190714U emphatic UrqJJ&,ff0T�_W,& theministerand.31r. Sievevight(Church ritnuingiu, and in his- Teomans'and oocupiad,by Leviis Roeg7, from Montreal to take the placef'fora. Id dired the Tuss4y ivelaings. Owing to our going hurry toget to the Kintail P. 0. DURING THE IVINTE.. A. AAM will &I lo cannot balol cai Attention who may contem. - an Tuesday we are unable to of Scotland) toaddren the nic;. cabitact-makep; George Walion, m4n. Dawson J.errnaw of Ottawa, Dec. 1, 78. somy of wj;ct by tho ioo;� a tfinn Won to proofs poo, plo. A Steve vati againxt a largo And very sharp gnat w4lit with it. Tht followhig 1# plate entering the High Scho6lafter the notice her s000nd performancet bqt we stipend, of $6W with- a free manse is butcher knifomoking an' opening direct- s&oh ancl planing factory; W. Blackburn - INA the Iiiinter. John Ifughei, vins ReAkfurantSand SztpperpartieS sup. ely into_ the,abdomen and cutting into cabinet-iiisksranilW. Powell, carriag�' the printprls ldnvil.,, ThirtY112119, G*Uish, lith N New Yexr, t"ho adractimensent respect. hav's no hesitation in pronouncing the years t1w,rv4* pol!ad theintodtines. Tharuilfther wasat 'maker. Thexorkmen lost ill their afterwards, niahorblime ago'-thefour ing the ontr"" examinglou, it anoth. entertainment givw by Be" D'Erins on Usur. ic pliedat epecialfatC& J - men are matonthop to cartw](4ght ............. I ...... or column. Monday eening, far sh" of Anything on6ailsotforanaw icalaidsummonea tools, sud'about thirty or forty Istrinof the railwaysta; STRAYED iiito the promises of the Aa i. I bat a throwliutof i layelil- The total ion at Perth, onc, lJon. Nalcol - I artbamiber, 'one red and White ...................... 4.08 $17,OSO gr #25,0 nivAm.- oastich, 21A -Nov. 1873. 1897 ""Y - ' —2 Tas PsrpLx of MdUsladville and bo� Of th* kind which has Visited Als for GAus—Mr- XOL�dd,. of Stplin, Arrivied'qui a a portion of 0 littortineo losi in about 90,� No in- eron, another Sberift Thompgail, of STERR, 3, yeso *Id; The owner is re. 'CAJ19 to dw at boa the gooctluok to capturefivedsers in oomo otit. Tho severed intestine wtw banark, a third Judge Hughes, f EW MajolityforcWtafligh �8 3 yoga dowt "qW" to am# into Coder. sometime. Ina few remarks prefacing hod suronoo. ich to zes" their ra"hasoc Win, sun- each plim which She performed alie two dxys, withina,,00u�le of mflus of A quested to,prov6piopertyt pay expenses 1 sewed tip and ll was returned into the TIZI V, slid Ole, fourth Dawson Kerr aidoletate and Uke 'it -away. Inquiro at steam iis a* of Mr, HoWs hbtel.Th frore fine fell6ws. VgWUX at 1kk 0060 abdomep, the cut however had to be b=7 announoos thmck our oalumns, pointed Outths chavIds ti the` ey to a Sabbath B. SOMERVILLE. two musicr of various countries and Sketched Our correspondent reports f�ma School convent on he inlarged, before that oou14 be done. The the fir4t at&ff YOM 6A he kospe a Smoorat stock of goodx sitting. That wis, of tho Goderich, Dec. 1, 1873. 18980 -0 The 10110ww nonbero of t1w now wbkh ho U to dkvw of at the lives olsom* of tho-priampal *am- abundant in that mbetion.-Titw. littla boyisatill livingaadiflia sur- The Virginius difficulty, it is stid,-has Bathurst Courie, and we think no staff COME ONX M, Sh"PPOWS to b# perfectly at -yes two or three days m, been, or is About to Im, i%rdicaTily settled. dO any paper oaii,be found to have atma chimp rado. 701himsA Just r",rod &lot XUXXUJf-JAXmL_W6werdinf0rm6d by vi ors will vary take it away. Agoras GoTaftsmosit h*y* bon mdbet� Of 11"N MA Gear WU" SQUAD, for in the =116110 of Itary, raim, Mr. Ch". Morris that he dugout oa him lik6ly-ricaver, The steamer Virgial-As is to be delivered lMe wear of tim� sull circumotaug" with up to the Unitea States,, together,� wi 0A IPY WdANWUW:-1Lm A. Madow, Chrio spun, Gormisay, zftund� Sootland, fawasfiWASYS ago,.& m0owhom of nzpx i4 a feeliuz of deep satisfaction 04111111 Success. Mr. Cameron attributes Colborne, I" ,"a pr%smig, - the sbrvivors who 'were Cal PAWN into thavabsevibei's prom Jie for 140beft, Hsu, li*WA and Amacim Bile perforacia on woudarfal 4imensiatin. 4 the base ^ or here at the resul� Of the contest in Allred OT it, 1"ly to their all bign 'cold w4der. 1"Ok"W"Aleft"Dovice evolminew %oeful dis* 'JW V'sn' "a orP& With oinsh Plem TOO& it 1313444red Over WO feet in aircum- baud, an Bayseld Road, Akut diogs Yor tU last tW -Perth ooufivr. D.'L XW&WAM R*WVrM& d the American flag it to be Mon., 11 , ys, d zowdy- - And an MW Isaa a ii* full Aa power- faronoo; and was o noz. -It is taken as -a most inarked eon- liddoo of aepuniliqr. -two sliesp and a thm f t or 06 in and the question of compenuo' wwwo, JIM IL rowlier for hW* bean mosiodeoW on the Xquaro, War rondsrWg of ion Rjohig *On& damnation of the oolinopmood, bl the of foot hsring 1)f� families -Of tho mog who A pleomint story, is tqld of Wf Glarnot lamb. Owner -will plow -prove proper. ()AMC isto Q& sod Bass. A. J. ankh JW 0001048bif is bWY no" w1a slgatyta #,Honaa swoet how�, all late Government in the adfic Rsuway, tion to be loft tarbitration. -20a"em &ad take tl�`om X!ray. iber LOL aoil _ were sho0ils Wobeley. the co 040 a, tow gzaampw off.�Timft. Of the" ho. mmandar of the Ashan- ty, Pay 4 aw IML ROL Mr. C and LoyoesmOy Irish low 1`1103 mi schem'C, We am not Undined to go -ANDREWS. 04"ism - 4cal t" expedition. When holding a JOHN 14, be opwy J* W laws of Clod AM am. myna a Ar, W400 ahermisia. aw into ex"dos over the results in polif Hhigh *1itmont on tke otaff at - tie or" An Oregon paper draws attention to apl 0 Novem9k 181h, 18t3. I~ fs;�_U& oont"M in any came, but in the fact that- the, Guardsohe competed for svprixe'which 100401 01""6WIlaws" by$"& swesp, Tlao aend" of Saw of ow yomw am of Asifir, VA ift =4"* is is 84 as an Xboly "Y fa Aw* oukup"M ohs a& am 01 kw OwA Smooxxx Uw.--&w fem we on- the triumph is so oon*ate sicainet poll� around several, blocksof buidingain -wax Omemd for the beat,�ssay on ;,.Nqw! bTRAYMCATU C 0 M E ALL Tht ked" haa a ftaw we be WF11" L 0. 0. T. -Y" armed tMial"d I the nalaky of Mr. ticalfrAm6r4t and fa 4rurof honest Portliudlproserve4 theta from deStrac- - Taotiw Formations." The competitin Th**.Dw Val - as MOWN" wwwksm of CW4 Alowmadw X W1W ashoonn " am. 'GaTmamat = thers io room fnr TO THE tioudurbigthe'reoentreat fireinthat wax open woy4ry Sub tam inthe y. -.STRAYED frOIN'th is" Of the par *1100101" arm bar loot 8th, Xn*."S"th, W. D. do I ARM#& 68 WAtft 00wa A Im smsai& Twos" IN& "r up. o lug. The , v aw INUFca 0 1 V1 44"A �mT fact of ehy. "It was blwried,�! it-romarks "'on f3ir GtmOt wag tot Successful, but allow. emobw Vedo 14p� sm not Y""* ow b" F"WW*W,nnt*1 the 4y of the fire what wonderful pro-, ad his emy to be pubuAdd long with Colborne Towmaltip &Wut Ist July last, Ashfield, 25 No 46MU"W40 ld�z wedd we is Atop 3101111694 ft� bov la t1sa JWX sad vasaing front jection our maple and other rees. plant-' other unan000Wal essays, wd when be FITS head' of 'ling Cattle, three 9WW NNW aso I so 1 -9 ad Along the stmts s4ord. . Mauy wax SpP0ii0i to oommand tPix expedi. 8 d t , A=ar Irs,one of the stbeis dw as bw* voom to ONO am a Tdfift A JL b%WAU 410- buiWipsL among them - the First Con- -tion he offored a higit his6W led and white with wide hornethe other post upon o3W Church, were saved bv the to the young offloor wfle had obtained "01 stews ��,v all red, the heifere av of AUX istc tble 'd or Wfollage of the tram in front of tho chief prim. rei and white. Anyinfortuation !!�' 1 Dress Goods 1C sori than. War* ft"s planted aloag Our x2wUyo to their recovery will be suit- f bwh)�w uwo"hwwy would af.' - Sir Gamot Wol"16Y oomplains-bUNW- ably nwadoL Shawls k EoUde, JO" RU00,4WAN. ford'suok a wvw tb#A a b Would - ly of the vorthlessaw of the w4we cloakinp, of 040obber a Cow Wfth am not samily kindl, fmai a borningstrao. auxiliaries Ito the British brow on t1w May. 94* 1873. 1121mels, ore On the 9ppeniie side- ci the straiet; Gold Oout. Vhb A Sh., &ro ta ftU Tweeds, is r sad *Us Soula be prevented frm retreo, audtheirlsato columa with= 1P N(MM Undor ghhU� Tito tvam me a chemp i -an. awr mar& of the Bridsh, ba owilan to DrawarA6 worth as wh -for hak� cad the tardfudso and 00 'his mdvv - graz ftAnwo 4 Ownsda, 36 IV ictoria, waruft_h Hau t Cp& &Bhk Sir Gernot is anabistto overtas 1, 1#73;m now ready fw d1btr0puton a"U bhoel- Tlie ANW Xmfb� to'&* Offi" aiad =Uo" run ha# 114on 01VA ftd ft� AM. Of 7*00 Of 00 hzbb�r to tw of DI=AN* wn &.-A great variety of abirtiov aa of ThoftW, Noos, Hitua. head at -: -:: 71 sew. LA I Ohl*. 44he b"kf of %a -of ptses vab. ITB& ber W w6l W It VW pay &arm 2m iz;;Wl� NX