HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-09-24, Page 4•-•n ••• nag= Irsatai tag Jaz Fames is- truly fair - Deesha is punly beighte * -Clara Ls eleaa to see, fe matat of lights 9.1. imp:9y selaappy eau be; Catharine ispuya, Barbara fteraa Bilfabet •rory rait Henrietta tea Irj_ Margaret peeel thrown up ewe front tho - ; Made is 8WC3115M3 tnyrela Alida-tgainwre, math* is very geed 13rIget is shining here, _ Maiadaisa tads. ef honor true; Susan ie &Mee Celia dim ofieglate Jana a, grarefal willow-. Deeteiat gives delight, Elimibeth &a oath, pure aa morning (11.3w. seiseyeeas wisdom, Letitia it a jos, Adeline a peirgeese, Julia a lewd bey, Etsbe. is faithful al tho light of &y; Denettaceis resolute, Gram Li a favour moot, Chzeiette tenability, Harristan odor sweet, AL-1gal islogal as robin's lay. Sarah isa Isabel Le fair, Lias consistent, 3trnirla sound its the air, Caeolino isnoblespieited and brave; Lydia well, Judith a tome. preise, Ceradia a harmony, PracElla andent el days. 1 oloms.iuton.-Ds. IN a, roam brats carpets, does he C(104.0 chairs tesol Iesslise.leho light up well at night- -Thoset who have lantern -jaws. Prekocity means but the ranknose wee; the ?need grain is never so for- sresee., she coquette !weather glen as much as she can ever love yon, and on the same beth keep telling tier he ht petty. Theodore 110k once said to a man at whose table& pablisher got very tips), "You appeae to have emptied your wine marine° your hottelier." "Tit Peseeceivere Pm -Great "-En- theteleatio pe2estrian-" Am 1 on the rrght road for Steratford-Shakspeare's Special Notices. '11MaRVAST,—FIIMS'el COCMA...artATEFDL AND eaelteattettea,--/"Lity a aim out knowledge of the netuealt laws which govern tho operations of diges. Hon and nutrition, and by a direful application of tho fine propertie; Si' well aeleeted c000a, Mr. Epps leas preceded one breekfratit tables with a delicately flavored boverAge .which rimy save us Many heavy doctors' bills." -emit wreree Gazette. Made simply vrifft flling Wateror Each paieketislalielled _eatellei, Bees & C,, Ilonnetipashte Chemists, Ienaton." Ilteetteerrene oF Ci,„ "Wo win n„,m. rtl, in aecount of the preeees adopted by Messee endive Epps & menuffieturers of diehaie a, at. Cheer %aerie:chi the Eziston liaati,London." teteeelts fiezestAedif t7titate. 1341. BOGUS MEDICINES. olloway's Pills and Ointment. HAVE for a considerable timo past a considered it to be my duty to adver- tise the public of the British North American Provinces against buying from unprincipled dealers medicines emanating from Nev York, and sold as my "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," in which much ingenuity has been dis- played in passing them off as of my make. It is very difficult indeed to at- tempt to enumerate the many devices to which the parties havehad recourse. They say, amongst other things, that a new label has been adopted lay them, and with barefaced effrontery caution the public against being deceived by spurious imitations. A poor man by the name of Holloway is employed by the so-ealled Chemical Company in Now York, who lends his name for a small weekly sum. The med- icines sold by this Company are palmed off upon the publie as my "1111loway's Pills and Ointment,-" so that were they toinjure half the community no discred, • it would fall upon the nbricators of these co npounds, but would considera- bly damage the reputation of my make. As it is net at all necessary for this Cum to incur any expense in the sale of their productions, or to a very limit- ed extent ttradin; as they do my name), they aro in a position to offer them at a very low price in Canada, where they are purchased by a few Wholesale Houses that I can name, and will name hereafter, if they continue to vend the same. The following are the names and ad- dresses of 'SOM.: of the Houses who get my medicines frcmi here direct: - Messrs, Avery, Brown 4: Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. Forsyth & Co., Iralifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. Barker Lt Sons, St. John, N. B. Mr. T. Des Brisay, Charlotte Town, P. E.1. Messrs Langley & Co Victoria B C , . . t°7114 Yon knnW•niyPrrr'' You've often Messrs. ‘loore & Co., Victoria, B. C. 1:79:`,1,:r: -,."'L - . Itastic-"Ees' Be Ms' Pills and Ointment are sold at the t1X e lowest wholesale net prices, in quarrel-- A GLAPIT S3ticluaL7 reoon,v_eisie_te'. ties of not less than .f.',20 worth -viz.. ara if ha knew ansithing of an old story Catheleaceatlandaskedolttaw ral°Yu"g" 8s, 61., 22s., als. per dozen boxes of about the buileiree "Ay," said the rustic, Pills or pots of Ointment, for which re - "them IT3St amitheritnIcl storey, bat it matt:vices amust ,be sent in adva,nce. fell (aDtra, lang fii,=." _ These me lance are net sold in .the United States. ' C°33vIrmIL-417- '-"I''''''"In thess Each Pet and Dix of my preparations days of high. praf..3 ofuseat and other bears the British G.Ivernment Stamp, 4V41;"ite3 a dailY 2'euP--3217. fc'll With in with tha vrords, "liolloway's Pills and suaik.gfarrailFea amd stationary inoomes eaet.c.hother glad than otherwise when Ointment. Lbndon.'' 4 1.`seent alteiresfeeth late. (Signed) THOal As HOLLOWAY, A rrup 533, Oxford Street, W. C. fa fees!. . 4 fi• Louis, recently, and London, 3 aly 1, 187. 3331 fceee., sr stinee that he never .-f t!--;ffeeft a thousand dollars to Vidual„ who, ten yeari before, ren &Way with his wife. -ne. weeearers,ssome-eren F.LINIR . OF - A wag on being told that an old ac- --."."' .,...t.t.::::;,....:..,,,e.::.:1..,1,1.,..1 triei,etetz.t.:.,),v-e.sanfi., gjematweteee was rwzried exclaimed, or am eeweeet af irieee Le-nte a' soffeely ee:entfal to il; feed of it" But on redtimg a naoment he added in a tone of compassion and i for- gavaneas; "And yet I don't deeelapment ,,f t.re (yearn. It er eeili.v reaevee iudieeetten.. -e-e. /tale A v eeetaii appe'Re and liePthete.ret -an. Ail el..A^A of eeneeal . _eget. td Itac, any harni. 'tees. seee a Sk f othe eein, (Lee eeee deees s • - '31 -1 ---People affect --see:le:re- AansterrSeramener tile nerveue everem know altnazd ha. he ra dr ow why sesma a, tab pzritualism, reality orti ever w 'n• e; rrmny circ2e3 as “ohi p mown in eteeant w the petient. r:3 emv. yes hh. a fain01 I.;no--; entre,therfit front 1F-mt- This is the s irig k - l;" . 'e,-'"f•f "'r'itel t.t t eke. arel it. 'ea'. ,,',"tY : el t ave dealings wit '1 3 ally under that natrie Ln4”whoeminaicates hu; tape. . Wz Evros %TIAN Petvarcee PA.1114.-(At the Specific and Tonic Pine. denti' deer.) ,eno, Auntie, darimao if filDE o RE IT ENG LI ail REMEDY FfiR N ERN% I en. oetelay, Sperinatorrieei Noetuenel End,- tla ache =old only come on again note! Mon of th. teeeerattee Or;aai. Paipantion of the It seems to hays gone away complete -Heart. Tretmlettere„ Sieepleeen-se, the etfeet of Smew Drenovaa yere%ae Asa woasz DR. J.BELL SIMPSON'S ly! Too filfilezians were shading at the Fairaterms, watar-worksitt Philiadelphia watehin the big wheels splashing the watexiet eve, di=tione when one of ray "Miks, isn't this a =cindery where they haste to eine-4:a , lad. their en:or before they can use ever ir A DAV'te Sieummeer.-A, keen politician the city of Gl'isegow, heara one day, -anise of thacIth of a party opponent, who, in a fit of naeulal aberration, had shot hiseself.. "Ay," said he 'tame awa' that way by lairnAF, lels he? I wiela --- f-retEre had triers twa-three day's shoot- -Leg aesee3 his friends before he over-InflaLlenee In eicehelle stimulante and totoe- ee. b'e. Dr. J. BELL seersos,s Pill* ard the oaly effeetael ones fer the ahove dieeaees. and ar,- rixo-r kb -own a. fit. They liave atready etveil handreds in ibis eaentry. 1148-ert Antler, meet; m- ist. Harniewn, tetIti-5 te his recovery by the! use Safe. Pertain ani repti in reetten, a short te eel wili prove their e.fiefley. No sufferer need despair of beim: relieeed fran the friehtful effeete /if SeLe- Aeree. Tee Speete • leile are seed liv Drneenefe at $1.90 a bee. and tiie T. Pilis at 4ae. a box, er tbey by nicl. pre-p4i.1, aLcl *e,...are:y 'a,- it. poi from •beerrat Ion. 1 reeef ef 81.EG fer the diweifie, aid f.o- the Ten:, leas by J. BELL SIMPeON & pee, Drewer el P. 0. Hamiliiie. Sol 1 be WeiefeealP and Reted Drageiete. Pampalete seat peet-fae .,C weraftr LOGIM-Young wife (to George, who ar- 'rived home ha the small itOTIPS this morn - are one, dear, now that we I- m.a married, are we notr George: 'Ter- ve:Tilly, ray daelinee why?" Young Wife: e•Oh„ only wautad to know, because if wawa E must have been (heedfully in- hst night." The lady who tapped her htishand geotly with a fan. at a party the other rdelite and said "Love, it's growing late, easinTe wsbadbeeter go home," is the saana0300 who idler getting home shook the rollbgpin eneder his nee33 and said, "Yon infer/sad obi scoundrel yon, if you ararlookat that Man, nasty, calico - /aced, ausksrel-eyed theagthee yen look- &&toeaiht, I'll bust your head *ids opartr A Surnt CoURZ UNDER THE New - Aer.--Prisener-(he the Dock.) Clerk - (Roads ths Indatment,) How say you, guilty Greet guilty! Prisoner- Notgait- S rA f tee, ter., Clek - rayon, ready or your tzial? Prisoner -No, Bar. Clerk -When er211 you ba ready/. Prisoner -Fen not going to be thried be the coort at all, Sur-- Pm firtiedin to sprint a Royal Comtism' " to thry meself, SIM Clerk - All e.ghte yet/eau go. CONICAL!. E?rrAPHS.-Tho literature of opigrame avid opittsits comprise some of the amsztesefeitze esprit written by asses against women, and by wives aphid the& masters. The German plot, r.bigeT, proittead the following erifigeara =Adam's ff1eE311:- He laid dowa and slept: and from hie gale A were= in her reese beauty row Dralied and charmed, he eaged that woman "bride,' Anlhis Etat sleep because his last rspoSe. Tea -deism= poet also vre are indebt- sid. for this CApitsph on a Scolding Wo- slutofwich hsa boon rendered in Eng- "Drell:08,62,11k God, a woman wbo • Quarullod and stormed her whole Ilfa through, Treact gently eer,lier mouldering form, " Or els. younl salsa another storm. COMPOUND 'UIP OF IIITOPHOSPHITES rawe oI are/tett:ea disea.4!! dieplayeel by tie, preParation 1 bn,j,1 w acar,,,w'..,14,1 by tbe reed/eat fatePty in ....cry se.-tIou wh,re it hae b.1 11 rItr."4,1,1,1 aed the mei Ily ieereeeine, said ts the beet el_arantee cif tine eetimetem whiee it is held by the paide. Tiiernp will re Pern linenere eeneutel he ee an in the fait: 14 1 9.19...4,1 Sta',..;e4 ; will 1r 7e. g'n;at, reliei proiene life in the tiard. It w c.ire Asthma. aroochitm. C?nghs and C41.19. It will cure all diseasee originating from want of elnecular (actien andNervousFore.fe. sueb as Eleargement of the Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rtekete Feeble and Irregelar action of the Heart. laical and General Paralyeie, Aphonia or Lo-. e of Weiee. It willeure Leneorrhoea. Ch:OT0919. Aelenna. and restores the blood to purity and health Sold By Aoothe-caries. Price- S1.50 ; Six for$7.5O. JAMES I. FELLOWS, 'CHEMIST ST. JOHN, .N. B. Goderiel Sept. 9th 1871. PIE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodical Pills THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE is UNFAILING in the care or all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the fenaale constitution is sateect. It moderate, ail excess and removes all obstructions and a speedy euro ma b. relied on. TO flARRIED LADIES 11 tepectiliarlyanned. It will, In a +hut time, bring on the monthly period with regulative. 7 hese Pills Vona"0 not te fatten by 1, esMles dertne the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnaney,as they are 91100 10 bring= 21Esairricot.641. at any othertime they OTO 0.010. in all Cases of Nerveue and Spinal Affeetions,Paln in the Backend Lambe, Faeleue or elightexertion,Palpf- tatien of the hearellyetTneis, and Whttes, these Fills vrilkeffbet a care extrea all other means have failed, and a/though a powertuf remedy, denot contain iron, eafornel, antimony, or anything hurtful to theeonsti- non. Fal Idireettens in the pamphlet around each package which shoabt beearefally preserved. JOE 1103119, :FEW YOP.Z. SOLE PEOPMETOE. '41.GO and IA cents for postage, enclosed to Northrup & Lyman, Nee/castle, Ont., general ageate for the Dominion,will Inman a bottle coat-limo:Toyer 50r "Ile by return man. NORTHRUP &LYMAN Newcastle, G. W.,gen er a agents for Uanaost Efe SotSin Godereeh by Parker Cattleand Fe Jordan; Ciaidiner ce Co., Eagle:Id ;Jet.. elenimam, ttosreivi le; I PIcicard,E reter J. a Combe, °Buten, S.Se cord, bocknovitE. Erick: ean Saafartha nod al: Medians,. slealers. . CANADIAli PAIN l'ew perhax al your readers ovor LB. road 2 Siippoiied eollnuybetweeta the .VileM••• DESTROY- peeenteof the aithrza family, whi„,,i, A s A FAMILY MEDIOrs.12, IT IS waa very pepulsrizi Forfirshiro between LA' well andfavorably known, relieving thirty sal forty ran ago. -Atter talk- . thousands from pain in the issoriletaio VW** atilt, older bop, Side, Baek and- Head, Coughs, Colds, sad settling Shemin istions professions, Sore Throat, SAtiras, Bruises, Via =Ahoy broalriout- : cen-gosin, the Stomach, Cholera • Aforblw, Dysentery, Bowel ,gle email, Corpplaints, Burns, "Bawl:all wedo wr Tam d It itiags asa raga of at: Sealds, Frost Agrgi gl°107114 Vida caof, [ lapis far nochtava." The Germain Pahl Destreyer has now been be - To wiiieh dolopsirin; emite of her ff,-;ViTvgWitiLd fo1utiavicerre4 f !Imo. In% wherever groI t oniescorsor thefather _rejoins -,s. L to 'give, permarte4 raker wheti timely used, and. we ei e * , bye seeer Scooted a slualodiesatiefactien where the 9 'V, lasa w .yet he a. HI= VW. : sae ..L' , ati amdestir,latca. %situ ilsgeravied'Illotnr 21 . , 1 euteneres Dam been properly fed • , eal cleat. Nr-• III wife saastteadeheet terms ofila v ries and magi - 0 'Ica ws,11 baiih be proud: ' W6 pular= experiences ire the nratterflutvIna Will Oa. tha (Naiad a whila at the : to344 it. goattozollehly ; aRdtherefore thQ£10 whet. are IlEaVoe Lie mil agar a minister l 9, ! emornertended,reaydepeadtapenit being atlksvereign. - fre,...erets feememycf the comp/Marta for which it is : Fieraetly.G- . t The seeorssmog- emeaey erste Canadtat Pata De - stroetirgrti2elaarsfejTArswilaileflirdtartt • ONOfply f*I5lIed, this prophecy, p_s IWO amaterre relkeing Ib. owe and -the aqt _ _asAacetIonsentlee ftt gan4 le,r1 aermau k44•Men- Ordahitt700043;11171 th ran inth"igb k owe inatealts alma far barond tolt3yous irktc Or ' this kinctorn of personal ehsr. feetl.'eatteCatte7, $12t" " 13.41v0P4fartirtgae irsw wide bow pplfe='aNIrttlft4'.cc'u'/te Irlf:r;rraglfed"int rcl5goz_TE.32 Pahalleatreyer raver faits to apse teavsilesde-e-intee- forsccthsto, ralre2 MedZeirai finical keep it ea PhyelaTarIOrzle.a suit 1188 i1 aca tt• ramiki win ha WI:heat feteler treteelt- rats% oeerTwentneve Crats per bottle. 1116111.± rilissiog_„ out of Phil- in. Galeria, by Urea, Onitle, =or j'11 ,„."7 Pot„,10, F. Arden; Gardiner a Oo. Bayfield; a ."7 sum.' -"Mr las'routharl, Itagerville; J. Pickard, ar°121"1°11 Exeterr, H. Ceirthe,Olinton; S. Sested, 6.11.611144"° cit5' Imcknow;E. Ifkluan, 52aturth ; and all besisios to **nil- eseajobto dealers. God ich Dec 2% 1871. w O g Lands for Sale BY E, WOODCOCK, CONVEYANCER And Land Agent.- (iF Fl R- - Berner of West sticet , addortch. A Valuable Farm ITUATED in the second concession of the Western Division of the Township of Colborne, ; about four miles from Godorich, con- taining 200 acres of good laud, 'nearly half of which is cleared and free from stumps, with Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Workshops, &c. There is a good bearing Orchard of the choicest fruit on tho estate. Well watered.- , Titlo indisputable. Terms easy. E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Lot. BE1NG composed of -4t No -Se_con - cession 10, in the Township of Turnberry, containing 100 acres. The soil is mixed front black loam to sandy laa.m, with a never failing creek running_ through tho lot. Timbee one-half Beech and Maple. the remainder Cedar, Pine and Hem- lock. Soil heavy. This lot is very valuable, being situate within one mile of the Railroad, three miles from the village of Behnore, six miles from Wroxeter,and seven miles from Wing - ham. Title good. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulars, ap- ply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. A' Good Farm, SITUATE about six miles from Gode- rich, on the 5th con., E. D., of the Township of Colborne. containing 100 acres, 80 cleared and mostly under cultivation. The soil is good, varying from sandy loam to heavy black loam. There is a splendid creek running through the lot -also a small beam., orchard. To be sold cheap. For particulars apply t - E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. Valuable Bush Farm, SITUATE on the 10th con. of the Township Of Grey, within 1 miles of the Railway. Tim- ber mixed, Beech, Maple, and a large 4.piantity of good Cedar. • About 5 acres cleared with a Log House, &c. Soil ex- cellent. Title indisputable, the pee - sent holder being the Crown patentee. Terms easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Desirable Farm, ,ITUATE on the 8th con., Western Division of .the Township of Colborne, on the Northern Gravel Road, about 5 miles from Goderich, containing 50 acres of excellent land in a high state of cu'tivation. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, Couyeyanc,x and Land Agent,Goderich. Desirable Farm, SITUATE on the Huron Road in the Township of Goderich, about 21 miles from Town, within five walk of an English Church, containing 93 acres, about 70 of which are cleared and free from stumps, with good Brick House and Frame Barns, '&c. Large bearing orchard, and well watered. Title good. This farm will be sold very cheap, considering its -commanding po sition, and on reasonable terms. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK. Conveyancer and Laud Agent, Goderich. A Valuable Farm. SITUATE on the Huron Road in the Township Lf Goderich, about four miles from Town, contain- ing 1(10 acres of first-rate land; with good Frame House, Barns, Stables, eke. Geed orchard of choice fruit trees and never failing creek running through front of lot. Terms easy. Forpartieu- E. WOODCOCK, lars apply to Conveyancer and Land Agent, Goderich. A Good Farm. SITUATE in the Fourth Coneession of the Eastern Diyision of the Township of Ashfield. containing 100 acres of land, one mile from Dungannon, 60 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. There is on the premises a good log House and a log Barn. Soil, clay loam. front of lot light. Well watered with Nino mile creek running through the lot. There is also a good Orchard of choice fruit on the lot. E. WOODCOCK, Conveyancer and Lant Agent, Goderich. Two Excellent Farms. SITITATE on the Gravel Road be. tween Walton and Brussels in. the Township of Grey, containing each 100 acres. A geod Log House, Barn and Orchard on each lot, 65 acres cleared. These farms will be sold, eeparately or together as may be desired. Soil excellent. Tellies easy. For particulars apply to E. WOODCOCK, - Conveyancer and Land Agent,Goderich. nelfAT valuable building site, suitable- -A- for a first-class Villa Residence, be- ing composed, of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 29, 30, and 31, in the Wilson Survey of the Teen of Goderich,containing in one block, two acres of land. The above eligible property has a frontage of about 330 feet on the Huron Road, and is well stocked with choice fruits. To be sold on reasonable terms. E. WOODCOCK, Office, corner of Wet street, Goderich. Valuable Town Lots, Lot No. 992, situate on the North side of West Street in the Town of God- erich. A splendid situation either for business or private residence. Lot No. 255, corner of Elgin and Wellington Streets in the Town of God- erich, one quarter of an acre. Lot No. 1318 on the quron Road, in the Town of Goderieh, one fifth of an acre. Lot Letter "0" in the Village of Maitlandville,(or Bridgend place) with a good house thereon erected and garden well stocked with bearing fruit trees. E. wouppocx; Land Agent and Conveyancer. Orvien-Corner of West St., (1oderich, 1377 WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co' • SpeCtaeleS LIKE Bi IGHAllt YOUNG ON TRIAL • FOR 'MURDER ? Norice,-Any person sending the •answer to above to the Agent, F, Jordan, i Godere11, within the next thirty days, will receive as order froniL. M. & Oo.• for a pair of their superior new patterz Eye Masco, Goderich, Feb. 5, "i2 sw083wa .INotieeto.11ebtors Ammons.° A LIG PARTIES INDEBTED TO TRH STID• 11)e will pIesse porno at ens. • ABRAHAM SKIM uourrouzitsh. action. s. LI S. WILLSON, NEW BOOKS, Sewing Machine/ PIANO, oRG AN, MELODEON, AGEOULTIMARiMPLEMENT _AGENT% slii,wrootlis, next door to 1410 "Signal" Office, Goderich. Mt.-111E01W and myself aro the ONLY AGENTS FOR MEI -- ft FLORENCE'', Sewing Machine in Goderich and vicin- ity. 1368. The ilespeler SEWING MACHINE IS THE • PEOPLE S' FAVORITE AND gives universal satisfaction, it is the most simple, durable and the lightest running inachine , now made (of the cheaper kind) and will sow much heavier material than any other, itis just what tho farmers have long wanted and is warrauted in every case and kept in repair free of charge for One year by the eempany. Take my advice and buy no other. Sewing machines of any other make supplied to order- at regular rates. I am also agent for all kinds of, A gricul t coal I tnplenieiits. Office and show rooms at A. P. McLean's Clothing Stdre, East Street, Goderich. J. W. WEATIIERALD 1351. TIIE kV E B s rr E " SEWING MACHINE, Thk General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. A C(,/i/fditi it n r and (In !were- Eeeryirhepe, IT IS STRoN.; A NI) DVltA nt.E, Remy effe Fo Wove:, 11 8-4 No (S)f.5 OR CAMS, Aro! will do k::-.‘ry Work, Light The (nest, eniplete set of Attachments given with every :ilachine. See '1'11 E f1•41 El before bilyinee any oto -r. M.11.1.'1CTUI:ED EV THE Canada Sewing Machine • C0'9, oNT. Ilene 13, D-173. 1374-3m - SOMETHING NEW! THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ES- tablielied a branch ot his Toronto Sowing Machine Repairing Works, TIN C rir N, whc re all kinds of, Sewing MachinzS •will be repaired, altered and put in first class naming order., Ilaving had le yearsexperience in - some of the large -4t machine manufac- tories in the world ho -can guarantee satisfaction. Workshop -Next a 'or to New -Era office, Cliroon. • MR. L. S. WILIe4( IN, next to SIGNAL office, Gederich, will receive machines and take orders. TI1(111 IS GOBERT. Clinton, 10th March, l673. 1360 VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES Tte only'Syrup prepared from Dr. Churchill's Formula, and certified to be Chemically pure. For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION Also for the care of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, &e. CERTIFICATE Al TO PURITY AIVD EFFICACY. Laboratory, University College, Toroueo, Dec. 4, 1872. To the Victoria Chemical Co., Gentlerr en. -1 have examined tho articles em- ployed in the Illeteria Chemical Works, -in the pre par -Ahmed the Vier -ride Syrup of Hypophosphites. The eeveml Hypephesphites used are chemically pure, and the Syrup is also quite free from any itn. purity. Your Syrup of Hypophosphites will nn. doubtedly prove a eery calitable Medicine. HENRI' H. CROFT, " Professor of Chemistry, U. S. Price 81 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ✓ ICTORIA COMPOUND FLUID'EXTRACT OF BUCHUFIJVA URI A Specific Remedy for all Biscay -8 of the Bladder and Kidneys; Dropsical Stadlings; Complaints incl. dental to Females; and all Diseases eif the Urinary Organs in either Sex. Try it once for any of the above Disorders, and you will be fully convinced of its pie -eminent virtues. Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ✓ ICTOkRI A ELECTTCIC LINIME NT . "Tho King of all Liniments." For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Wandering Paha, Stiffness in the Limbs or lobar, Sprains, Bruises, Numbness, Sweelings, Headache, Earache, Toothache, de. Buy it! Try it! Prove it! Pelee 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists ✓ OCTORIA CAREOLIC SALVE "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN 'GOLD." e _ • A ,Ipcetfie for Cuts. Pounds, Bruises,. Moms, Scalds. Boils. Piles, Pimples, and Chronto Disea- ies of the Skin of every description. - - Price 25 Cts. per Bottle. Solo by all Druggists. VICTORIA CAR.BOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY. 'EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVORITE." For Beautifying the Cempkzion,imulfor removing Tan, Sunbtom, Freckles, Pimples, tee., also for Chap- ped Hands, Chilklains,Frosi ,Iiiies, and Sore Lipd, Pries 25 Cents pei Bottle, Ifold by all -Druggists, VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. "ciELEBRA.TED FOE THEIR nivirerial PURI- TY AND EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY." TIOTORld CARBOLIC 0047. ' VICTORIA SULPHUR soAp,.. ricronzA OLYCERINE, HONBle, BOSE 4 p, Vela by allDruggiste. 1366- _ . .$5 To 020.1riorrf.t:oeitAgektii"11004 - Ire.Pie, if either:awe youne er ind re•lirfle It' eneusy'stewets. YU es in their lpereineMetitil ' Or ell the thee, than at anywirs Ws, Psietieviere * eft, Addrese fIBrnisos-* Wall 1!apc r, - &C. W1710LESALE&RETAIL AT BUTLER'S .1 Beaut_ifulAssortment OF JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold CFIEAi3 AT _BUT.LEICS rishing Tackles , - ...1P ALL KINDS. 'JONSISTING OF REELS, Base tr.Td, BAITS HOURS end LINES .it. tuterloi ki n AND - SELLING -AT COST AT BUTLER'S. 1901 Aug.. 1870. sw104 THE 14HELLIA1CH Is made n all siscs suitable for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents, in proper proportions THE 25 RUSSELL HUNTING LEVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and gold peinte, full jewelled, wan -anted for live years - together with a geld•plated Albert chain- which Will be sent to any part ef Can- ada on receipt of 5, or C. 0. D., per express W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TORONTO, ONT. DNIEt 'GORON, OAABiNET IVIADKE1?, GODERICH FOTTN DRY UPHOLSTERER. T.TriclertalLexe, cfca. GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING 1,NSTRUMEINTS. Organs and Melodeons'Th. S. Wil- liams, Toronto; Peloubet, Polton & Co. New York. PI.ETA.NC)Si UNION CO.'S, Now 'GABLER BA RMORE DUNHAM WEBER CHIC:KERING MILLER VOS'E'S Can furnish almost all Canadian and American Maker's Instruinents enteritis to suit purchasers. for cash or on time at less than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Fob. 27, 1873. ger.roocer, v ERIC McKAY, Cabin9t Mak. er Upholsterer, &co BEUS cave to return thanks to the Inhal'itants of Geduld' and surrounding country, for their liberal patronage during the last two eare lie has been in business: lie is now prepared to tarnish all articles in his line. such as f Ti Ter a 1\T M OF ALL oeseetretoNs. PILLOWS BOLSTERS - MATTRASSES, *Cheap for Cash, , AND ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE 11 RAM ES kept ou hand and made to order. Having on hand an assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am prepar 0 to make coffins onthe shortest notice, and to conitnift fiinerale ou Lite most reason- able terms. it' itemeinber the old stand, WEST STREET, opposite the Bank of Montreal. Geduld'. Feb. 12.12, ly ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid New Stock. OPENED OUT AGAIN. DOUGLAS McItENZIE Watchmaker & Jeweller, TIESIRES to return his sincere thanks to the pnleie for the patronage extended trim in the past, and to annonnee that he has removed to the preni iees 00 E ineston Street, forme' ly occupied as a Saloon by Harry Reed, and directly opposite C. Crabb's store, which he has fitted np in first class style. Ile would eall special attention to the RUSSELL WATCH forth , -...1, of which he is Sole agent in (indeed.. A tare, s! k or Waltham, Meriou, Elgin and Swiss Wateltee hi Gold and Silver cases. lie lute n hand a large and well selected stock of • V'ITM of al kinds which he will sell cheap. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL• A CA LL SOLICITED. I). AfeKENZIE. Goebel ich , March 28.1 h. 1873 1363 Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. _ The PeruvianSyrut), a Protect- ed Solution of the irotoxide of Iron, is so. combined as to Aave the charac t e r of analiment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the sintplegt food. It increases the quatiiity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in .the blood, ancl cures "a thousand ills," simply by Tcming up,Invigorating aotol Vitalizing the System. The en- riched and vitalized blood -per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, • searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of th,e won-, _derful Success plat& renteal) ii curing Dyspepsia, Liver Conf.. plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diaz.; Thcea,Bolle, NervoussAffections, Chills and Fevers, Rumors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases ‘, of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in, a bad sta. to fifths blood, or ao. Serld07141441 Sb/Y8fetnebr:leilir-#4f74rewe frgtrA4kolto4;_i**40/ form; its erierffizii4reffeetif-kgr'e t fa-% lotOed-Tri -CorteSipinktintrrrectc. tidris-bnCitraVerintonent,infuo sing;';iitrisroWthiciVige)t, andr.neul tifeinte alltpivrtittiftheritslemr ate& bUUdlng sp. an Iron,Con- steltatidrm "'`1.• WhOligtAiliffii0ein-.01.41i4q4 by weak, slcldy, fe ,J04eutireetiielnoect#,$fr.4rea.awn., to.Strongl: healthY, ttna`• hafritirent aertd::ivtnata4 add e C. Barry & Bro. .gabinet Makers, Urderlakers & Wood 1 arms, Have removed at•ross the street to the store next door to W. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be Wend A GOOD ASSORTMENT! of kitchen. Bedroom. Pitengreoni, aud Par or Fu niture, "omit as TABLES, CHAIRS hair, eane end wood seated) CUP.ROA 111)5 BEDSTEADS, WASII STANDS' 3IATTI: Tess. la% LOl N ES, hi/VAS. WHATNOTS. LOOKING GLASSES telf.T FILL NIIN(,. G 5 5" II are 1a-pi1e/1 to sell eletyllozig in 11,C,r law • Cheap for Cash. B 48 eempleta fig4,0111M nt Ofe411fifl4 and Shrouds WayS, Onhauil and a Iltee to iiiie • al ou reason- able terms, A CALL SOLICITED. Gederich. 15 Atte 1870 1S7`2) . AS 11, UAL: COMPLETE SUCCESS! Ten First Prizes At Two Exhibitions! W. BELL & 00.- G CrELPI I, ONT. Recoived Every First Prize FOR Crgans & Melodeons At the Proviecial Exhibition, 11 mitten, and central Exhibition, Guelph, This grand success, in addition to last -year's re- f ver Nedra, cord,of a 3 Diploselas. amid 12 First Prizes, Prove that our Instruments in the opinionl of com- petent judges are iucomparebly superior to all othe * SoleProprietors and Mannfaetnrers of the ORGANETTE, Containing Serthnerhi Patent Quaff tying Tubes, acknowledged by all to be the greatest improvement yet introduced. Their superiority is cencedcd by other makers frem the feet that at Guelph they withdrew from competition, thus acknowledging their inability to compete with them. Every instrument fully wananied for five years. Send for e.ataloane containir g fifty differeut styles of instruments. Guelph. Oct. 15.1872. W. Bal.& co. 1340. CAUTION. BITY ONLY THE Genuine Faiibanks' Scales, MAN1JFAGTU1tED BY E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. Standard Scales. STOOK SCALES, CoAL SCALES) HAY SCALES,DAIRY SCALES, COUNTER SCALES, &c. Scalesrepaired promptly and reasonably. For sale, also, Troeinner's Ceffee and Drug Mills, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, &e., &c. THE MOST PERFECT ALAR K CASH DRUM, MILES AL 1.1131 TILL C0.9.4. EVERY MERCHANT sncroen -Use Them EVERY • • DRAWER. Warranted, it* eaniaotroa tioriab he*. • '01D AT *ate tO rite it 4 SSW! FAIRBANKS! SCALE 'WABEHOusEs SeitAideachboateUt.PERIP Fairbanks .16 CO•g ii.;a48° I _ 93 Main St., B Salo, NT. ihAnISYRUFW4i0o.fmliii X!amp*Vir . gt,°2:aabitorN.r.Y. ,J. P. DINSIVIORE, PrgOricitor, 'FAIRBANKS, BROWN &Co., • 2 Milk St., Boston. ,sro; sta-Dey X.4911 rArk` Solet.brapenaglisto goe1ora1134 Foi sale by Lorca% Hardware Deniers. 1387-2m 0 A NADA. S A wr- CONIC cAittoot- ,rAPER, I .124.1J• wiliztvomanttaa women * Business that will Pay I from (Se to S8 per day. tan be pursued in your own neighbourtoodeat Isarate shame) for those out of empleymantorliayink Imams time; girls ima lacers freguentlydo u welter: men. Partidulars free, Addrees 3. LATHAM & 13844 292 Waehingten St, Boston, lif . Eery Saturday, Inv • Alto,' $2 Par 1385 • „liqj ,thrti EillaaitHASTEAM 11!GI WOR KS el Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Co., Beg to inform tho public that they aro prepared to contract for Steam Engines and Boilers; FLOUR, GRIST AND SA1V MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, LEFFEL WATER WHEELS, 4.( 4:311 TUBULAR BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES ; IRONAND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW C V 7 TERS, 4-c., SUGAR AND POIASII KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, 4-r„ COOKING, PARLOR 8( BOX ,STO VES of various kinds. SALTPAN 4.„ ITIL) sx::, — iron and Brass Castings,' and Wacksinith -Work. BOILERS AND sLLr PANS REPAIRED -on. short notice, ry. All Orders addressed to the Company.or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention.. ARCHIBALD IIODGE, Secretary and Treasurer. 'HORACE IIORTON, President.! ROBERT RUNCIMAN, General Manager. Goderich, Ont., 9th Sept., 1873. 1325 CODE:NCH WOOLEN FACTORY, • COIN 1S72. MHE SUBSCRIBERS, W1111,1e. RETURNING THANKS FOR PAST PATRONAG BEG LEAL 1 STATE that during the pied wait r, they bave 10 their Manufacturing Machines. A lid all havinetvbEell entirely refitted, Added largely Are'new Prepared to Execute Orders In TWee,I 4- P111 C1,10. Satinet ts, Planned!, Winceys, Blankets, Horse covers; stocking Yarns, &c., &c WITH GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater in. Pattern Than Formerly. They %void I else call artleular attention to firovimll aidmidstaitn,:ntaitiletisreoionitetoresget ttocagird‘e: CUSTOM. SPINNING, ROLL CARDING,' CLOTH DRESSING SLe leavi rig the same with Mr 1). reeuee,`,1,,, !..iettto lerieh,ean rely OIL gelling their tolls home with them For which Deer Illae`litiery is s; ieeially it ited.Parties comoindes 't,1311.Ye nose wishing Lo ex, liaiiee their wool for go • N,„ B. _pekes Low. F dess lc guaranteed. 'disc' there a call. the same day • ' MGM & SON,, n)comiamr-ig-ri tc). IN- A T T T 1 0 IN. CARRIAGE WORK S.' R. 3_ WHITELY REGS TO THANK THE Puii1.4 for the liberal patropage accorded him in the past and tee announce that he still carries on CARRIAGE & SLEW MAKING in all its branches, at the old stind, opposite E. MARTIN'S COLBORNE MOTEL. Carriages, Buggies, Waggons and everything else in his line kept on hand or made to order of the best material and in the most workmanlike manner. REPAIRING P-ROMPTLY EXECUTED. Goderich, 25th Feb. 1873. 1358 011. THE BLOOD Id THE LIFE." -See X Deuteronomy, chap. xii., verse 23. CLA.RICE'S World Famed Blood Mixture. Trade NEirk,--"Blood Mixture." rue GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER. For cleansing ard clearing the blood trotu all, impurities. cannot he too highly recommended. ' For Scrofula, Scurvy, skit' Dieeases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never -failing kid permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cores Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Uteerateil Sot e Legs. CurotBlackheads,or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Uleers. - Cates Blood and Slan Diseases.. Cures Glandular Swellings. Chews the Blood from all impure Matter, Froin whatever cause arising. As this mixtere is pleasartt to the taste. and warranted free fram anything injurious to the IllOtit delicate conetitution of ,,ither sex, the Pro- pi•ietoi solicits sufferers to give it a trial to teal i ts value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parrs. Sold in 13ottles 2s lid eaele and in Cases. con- taining nix times the quantit y, lis each -sufficient to effect a perma.nent cure in the great majority of long.sianding eases, BV ALL cliKalltsTS mid PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Sole proprietor, F. J. CL 811E5, Chemist, APOTHECARIES' HALL, LINCULN,Ii/NOL AND. EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Eurbidges aud Co., Coleman Street, London. Newbery and Sons, 37 Neweetite Street, London. Barclay and Sons, 05 Farringtiou Street, London. Sanger and Sons, Oxford Street, London. Arid all the London Wholesale Houses. AGENTS IN CANADA. mostrue.-Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale Druggists. 't byrnaus, Clare and CO; Toronlo.—Elliott and Co., Wholeettle Druggists. t. Shaptereind Owen. Hamilton.—Winer and (Jo. Ralifax.—Aveiy, Brown and Co. 13S5-ly Worth & Beauty. WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE AND THE CIIROMO Y0 S Al 1 n E • UAVING control of the magnifieent 3i1 Chromo, • Yo Sex:cute, we are able to offer a com- bination of literary and artistic work of goeuine Wide flue copy of a piece of Nature's rumpled. worth, and at prices unpreeedentol, uork, is not presented in the iieual limited style.- itsdi mansions. 14x (10, makime, a picture of very deeirabn le siee, in itself AOrnament to the Room • graced by its presence. But few capiee of this beautiful Chrome wid be allowed to go 10 the re- tail stores, and those will be sold at their Actual Retail Price, $6.00. while if ordered in connection with our Magazine bothawrilil.cbmeif:rnthiseiehepdfto $I.50, - As re may be obtaine- d by sending us Two Subscriptions for the Magazine at $1.00 each, or by subscribing for the Magazine two emits in advance, at $1,00 per annum, ` Addressa 'WOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE, Newburgh, N. Y, al. E. BRUTES, Publisher. . 1385 Fifty Agents Wanted TO Canvas for the most 'popular 'IL Books by favorite authors -every- where. Onr agents are selling from 25 to 50 books per week. Dar list compri- ses the following excellent works, - "Library of Famous Fiction;" "Living- stone Lost and Found;" "Library of Poetry pid Song.'" "Life of Jesus tbe Christ,' (a great book by a great man); "Housekeeper's Manual;""The World's Hope," and "Country Homes." Now is the tinie.to begin a vigorous - canvassing campaign and Farmer's soos are just the boys to do it. J.W.aysts - ' 1385 London. t ---i 4,1 ee -1 , :.;..-- .1-- . : A E 0 ..,0 •• ' ,,, g e - • tat PARTOAL UST of goods for sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite the Market House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, • -CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, ,SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, allsizes, WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL; TURPENTINE, And all kinds of For Sale oheap, BY G. j. Parsons & Co. posite the Market House, June, , • G-0.ii '111013 .1371 - a _____,Vi -÷ ' • Godeitola arble works ‘1 •4- , Scott Vanstone_lt Co., T)EG TO INTIMATE- THAT THEY HAVE 1-) opened a branch of their Kincardine wasp - TSITEM WM& i in the old tand of Mr. A.M. Johnston victorlas(.; Goderich, and will be awe to supply 1 Tombstones, - . Mentlepieoes, _Window Sills, Sce.,• toe., &c,, n the best stele of workmanship and on reasonable terms. - AlrIN STUTELERS, Agent. Gatwick 17th.Jute sw93-t Stoves ! Stoves! 11 EVE Tnonons AND CONDUCTING PIPE CISTERN PilleMPS, MIMI PIPES, &O. •••••••••• PLAIN' ANL) PA.IVOY x vlir A. xt. COAL OIL WHO1,2SALE AND RETAIL. 03.. Coal. 0.11 Lamps, &c. Olcl Iron. Copper, Brad, Wool Pickings and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. •. J-. & STORY. 4 Sigu eithe'Large deal 011 Barre Goderieh, Aug 13, 1870 •swl for Oale or to M._ LANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD. T oTs eees. 71 ,f• 72 HAYFIELD te/ONCEEeito JJ Township of Goilerieli, corittiriaing 140 camj the lies giosily of lend, within about 2 meet; -of the Market pope of the Town of Hayfield, There es a clearaneese 23000s which um Id reaally be paper. ed Inc erop. The remainder of the Jandi� elocely covered with the best of beech and maple timberof splendid growth, an cxeelleet read paeaes on two fades of the property. valid' is eituated 15 mem aud well settled neighbortrbood. A J., c).- Lot 14, Range A Townehipaanley, containing 39 acres of {yell reserved timber lead, whirl) would produee a large quantity offieened the aere The lot nine to the River Bayfield with a considerable water fall which con Ire made avail able for milling or manufeeturingid ramie% For terms apply to, JAMES O. ALLEN. Guelph. or W. W CONNOR, Eng. Hayfield. Guelph, Aug.15th, 1870 1730 FOR SA.LE. - rE undeveloped offer for sale the mi - k(' Hdermentioned lands, belonging to the Estate of the late lelnansie Il., lioAs_ of Lot No. 12, in the Fifteenth Concession of tho Township of Sombre, in tho County isTatIne, z vNiNorth-eastquarter of La.nibton, 50 acres, more or less, For terms and particulars of sole, ap. ply to ilia undersioed, personally, or by letter, to St. Catharines Post Office, Box 408. ANGUS COOKE, ? -.AD!executors. AARON RE Grantham, 33th May, 1873. 1373, i S6eam Saw min for Sale. P. CINE .. of Waterous & Co's. Clipper •-0 Mills with Lumber Edger and also -- a good Shingle machine attached. The mill is situated on lot 24, 7 con. of Woe wanosh, in a splendid locality for doing a large custom business. There is plenty ef pine and hemlock convenient to keep it running for several years. Also a lot in the Town of Goderich, No. 1153 on Gibbons Street which con- teins one fifth of an acre and is fenced in with a good fence. Por terms and further particulars, Address JOHN CRAIG, 1382-2m* Westfield P. 0. RESIDENCE FOR SALE IN THE rill() Writ (A' Goderich, A FRAME HOUSE eon- taining seven bed -robins, parlour, dining -room, kitchen, pantry. hard and soft water, &c.Tho grounds, 1 acres,is partly stock- ed with choice fruit. A superior view of the Ton n and Lake can be had from this place. Apply to , FRED, ARMSTRONG, 1384tf Land .Agent, Goderich. Farm For Sale. TN the Township of Colborn e. in the County o 1 Huron. North part of Block E. Compritring 100 acres 50 cleared and under good fence, and 50 acres good Hard Wood 'limber. Two sprine Creeks, Soil first quality, good Log House and Frame Barn and email bearing Orchard, within mile of Steam Saw and Grid, 51111; and within 4if miles of the County Town Godench. Termemade- rate. Apply to JOHN EDWARDS On the premisee. Goderich Nov, 20. 871. 6 in. 1-70.Et. A T the SIGNAL Office, a partial eeholar- ship fora course of instructionin the Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto. Will leo soli at a redaction to any one desirous of epoidnig a portion of the winter in learning telegraphing, and fitting themselves for a useful and re- sponsible position. Goderieb, 23rd Nov. 1872. FOB. SALE. A House and Lot adjoining the resi- L-A- donee of Win. Seymour, Esq., coin. mantling one of the best views of the Lake and Harbour. Apply to DANIEL GORDON, - GoderiCh, June 30th, 1873. 1376 FOR SALE. —0 -- LOT 5, Con. a, E. D., .Ashfield, con- taining 200 acres excellent lands covered with Maple and Meech, 10 miles from Goderich, with a never failing trent stream running through the centre of the land, there is -about -15 acres of cleared land on the front et the lot, Apply to THOS. WEA.THERALD, Engineer and Surveyer, Goderich, Xan,2nd, 1872. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. potEING Lot No. 5, Maitland ''-' Street, South side of the Railway, containing a quarter of an acre of land on which are a frame house and stable. JOHN WHITLOCK. Goderich, 4th August, 1873. 1381-3m 5111 111111 1 II Valuable Property For Bale, OTS NUMBER 858 AND 881 IN TEE TOWN or, Li Goderich. On Lot 881 as situated asmall Brick Cottage and a large frame dwelling Houeetwo stories hiah, and on Lot 858 there is aLargetwo stores, frame ware -house whicheouldbe converted int* a first elass Hotel at little cost avid aLeo a frame Earn. The Lots will be scud tither together or separate to auit purchasers. Terms made known on application to Wm. ARTHUR on the rreinises, or to Messrs DAVI-SON & JOHNSTON Goderich 15 Jely, Den. sw93t Faim for Sale or %Let. - - MOE subecriber offers for sale or to let hie farm, 8. being Lots 4 and 5. 7theoncession, W. D., Ash- field, containing 208 acres. within half anile of the gravel road, about 100 acres cleared and under cul- tivation and well fenced. There are a good house, barn, granary, eat., on the lot. It is eituated con- venient 10 grist and saw mills, school brine. &e. The whole win be disposed ot together or in two parcels of 100 acres each. Apply to H F,NRY BROWN, �r to JEREMIAH SULLIVAN, Kingsbridge P.O. 1st September, 1873. . 1873 FOR SALE. LOT 790 Cambria Road, Goderich. Apply to J. COOKE, Kincardine, Or J. WILLIAMS, Goderich. August 5th, 1873. 1381 tf - OneBor of Miles B41. Pills IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex. acquired or con- stitutional, tionvel and Pains in tbe Back. Sold in Boxes. 4s ed each, by all Cliendsts and Patent Medi- cine Vendors. Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLARIT,E, APOTHFCA R I ESII s LL, LINCOLN, ENO LAND EXPORT AGENTS. Burgoyne, Burbidges aud Co., Coleman Street, Louden. Newbery and Sons. 37 Newgai e Street, London. Barclay and Sons, 05 Farriugdon Street, London. banger and Sons, Oxford Street. London. And all the Loudon Wholesale Houses, AGENTS IN CANADA. 111rintreal.--Evans, Mercer and Co., Wholesale • Lyinaus, Clareand Co. Tbronto.-Elliott and Co., 'Wholeeale Druggists. - " Shapter and Oweu. Hatafirea.--Whier mid Co. tialifaz.-Aveiy, Brown and Co. STOCK% EXTRA 1385 ly MACHINE OIL Her been m general use for the past tweeters and giving. the beet satisfaction, as may be seea by tes- timonmis from many of theleadinghouses inenUSio. 11 will isot congeal in tho coldest weatker, 11 Is theretore =Affable fertile lightest apdfaetast, as well as tile heaviest machines in use. TESTIMONIAL From tiro Joeeph IlatiMaciante Works, sews. de cousider,Stoell'aeril cheaper at $1.09 per gallon. than *Bre oil at 50 cents. Tours respectfully, 17.W, GLEN,Yresident. •••••••1•. For sale only by G. H. PARSONS & CO„ Hardware Merchants, Goderich. SOLE AGENTS, 1812, MC:Pl'ICM I —10:— ,A LLPARTIESilTDEBTED TO THE Signol Oleo for Work silent previous to the 21stDee. last, are retiredttlpay iror ()Nov to tradersioted. ABRAHAM SUMO . thieerich, Feb„ 5, sw983a3tf V • • . tie ••.' Oi