HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-09-24, Page 1e .t -e-eggeee ton vg) otstiturszip. 1s4s,) ilaeletitterrest Papers publishe.d in Canada. ilitiMishedat Goderich. Ontario, every .W.ItIVISISZ24.."2- MO 11.1NT N at taa Otteentaannsi sweat. aalonnne the Markit Square, by • . J . BELL. ' EDITolt AND PROPRIETOR. e - "2 6.:)• •Deranrinm. so adenine. 82 if emlil vz_co.,,,..-•-•er?..a,.;*alptattittorodritis000nnotitutihieedptiiilb,laislIbaorrre.•ars are ZATES OF ADVERTISING : t'417-'ete-I'VoIer line ter the dryt insertion. arld Csitits nat exeeeiling 6 :lines, $a per coara,..„%_ntl,mbeT alines to be reek meal by the apace bv ee of sind Nonpareil. triihent speeifir directions. will ante forbid; and charged accordingly. TP-111LY AGREEMENTS : falrotring rates will be charze,1 to merohants vit•Cltatar.z.. tca 0,ati eassequent insertion. al-1Z,i1e...6 to 10 lines 32. Iltzd oideits whoadvertiss by the y ear, - One ea:zran 1 year sap 44 " " 6 months .35 months 25 Ilall' " 1 yz•ar 35 4111 44 6 menths 25 3 menthe, 15 1 year 20 6 in mths 12 S months a 1 veal 12 6 raenths g 3 menths S• CliFtr" 4.4 Vett."1 te This agreement is to he fined to the ontinerv `-'11•7A1307 eeramerr.ial hen ses, ant f such it will nst v. in -In le A.1.-flon Removals. Co-Perbaership Nonoes, Private .edvertisemente of ineaveseet Qsetres of arms. houses to let or for Sate; ea. itrThe ebove rates wi:: in all cases le strietlY alte.W to. AcIreititnente intended fir insertion in any eArelealae issue shout.' reach the office by noon on no large cite-testi:et of the. SIGNAL makes It an tualaiTassed advertising medium. 403 Wellete Clq ALL ISINQS Ercoote4 rub weitnees In 1 desreitch. Bills printed ‘11/113Y33 Wait. Orders by mail punctually attend- ed to. • Business Directorn. - NI INT I C FPO SURGEON DENTIST. °hoe and residence, West Street. Three doers belo v Bank of Montreal, Goderich. 1311-ly Creenseeneu. (Graduate of rniversay, Montreal), SEAFORTH. riFFICE•stari res: ?flare -one door sn th of Ros!• 31.11n street, and opposite MeCallain hotel. Seaforth, 23rd, 1S73. 1367 Ter. Ere _h. Me Don gaii guelee be at h itt for Consn'tauen tg 11 TV o*rlock. .1 ty W-.11 visit patglits at any hei.r &fie: sr de). irr ca.C. eeliannon E)1317SICI ig. Ooderieh. Ont. 13:40 -Iv rt N lpHYSIci N al' Tt• E• )N. c.•R• ,N Eft ke. Office and Res:de:we thati 111 Ceutra! School. 13r. Ca-•ereeeetV, M• -Gill College Dal VgICI tN -;CitGEON, ,tc.. Office, Hamilton outario. sw102 t ILOWIS op A RRISTER 1,ND ATToRN E T- AT -LAW, s Cheereerv, County Crown AttorneY. Garter:ob. Ont. tiffi.re la Count:lease. Carneren teletrieow. BIRR- ISTE Rik SOLICITORS IN CHANC&RY,Ac. 9Mee, Market a, Gederich. 51 C. Caisaa,3 w52 J. T. Gaasow. 73. T.7101r1473, DaltnISTER AND ATTORNTEY, soiaerron- L) in-Chance17,,fie.„ Godericti, Ont. 1357 mr..L.I.D.7.71- is. -cv-Acrsom Arr.RNETS - AT - LAW, SOLICITORS. Us Chancery, Conveyancers, .tc. Crablis Block, G.eleriGh. MONEY TO LEND. 1273 VOL. XXVI. NO. 36. Meetings. GODERICH LODGE NO. 33 G. R. C. s A. F. A. A. M. frill E REGULAR COMMUNICATION is held on thotirst Wednesday of each month at 7.30 p. Visttiug brethren cordially invited. yoc W. DICKSON. Sec. Godetielretth May, 1371. sw73-1 Molten to fenb. a00,CPCICO MO Loan on Fann or TOWN propely at 7 per engage previously either by mail or tele- ' cost. Apply io 0. CAMPA IG NE, Solicitor, &c., graph. J. J. WRPICIrellpTri, etor. Goderich, 20th May, 1873. 1370 pates. " The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." GODERICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPT 24, 1873. portrv. WHOLE NO. 1388. have mercy on ! Is it come? -the j to heaven, and murmured, 'Oh God, won't break your back; and you have clandestinely, was the unhappy John LOO.A.L NEWS . • thin. I dreaded est confessed that my uncle Tobias Trewavas. -- - himself -is going about like a modem 'Why, Flo, yon are talking nonsense!' W.R I G- H T ' S goTEL "Tho Destruction of Zonnachorib - - „ TITen she rose, walked to the window, Guy Fawkes with some terrible plot in exclaimed her brother. 'How can you -e drew the Venetian blind aside, and look- the dark lant'ern of his minel.' possibly know that the oli '11 'th 1 ' Gioraniti c ON'''. QITUATED ON THE Hill IT BLUFF overlooking the Harbor, Lake and River. This house after being thoroughly renovated and furnished is now open for the summer season for the reception of guests. Parties going to Lake Superior by the Manitoba will find this house very convenient. Larva families req iring rooms sh ould Oct.30th. 1871 41tf Goderich. MONEY TO LEND A T EIGHT PER CENT. SIMPLE INTERESI „tt for 5 or 10 years. Interest repayable either early or half yearly. Apply to HEN RY 3IATHERS, St. Helens. 1309-tf. . MONEY TO LEND. IlilellOsVED FARM PRO,- " perty, at 8 per cent simple interest per annum. Apply to SAMUEL SLOAN, Colborne Hotel. Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 1338 MONEY .TO LOAN AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. pREEHOLD Permanent Building'and •e-• Savings Society of Toronto. For particulars apply to A. M. ROSS. Agent at Goderich. Secretary and Treasurer, CHAS. ROBERTON, Toronto. 1343. MoNEY TO LEND. INTEREST LOW. -TERMS OF EEPAYMENTrey EASY. THE CITY OF TORONTO FERMANSFIT BUILDING AND SAVINGSSOCLETY Advarcesmoney at reducedratesfor from 2 to 20 years. . Loans repayable in in- stalments to suit the borrower. Full information given on application. R. H. KIRKPATRICK, - THE STEAMER BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, MARKET SQUARE.GODERICII. CAP.T. W. COX, - PROPRIETOR '• LATE OF VIE HURON HOTEL. _____ - A continuance of the favor and support ef the Commercial arid Trayolling rube -that was accorded Wu/tithe fire, respectfully solicited. 1 33 4 AN UHOR LINE. bteaniersSailEvery Wed nesday and Saturday. gow, Calbug at Londonderry to land Mails and pasTOseageANi.D. FROM NEW YORK AND Ct.:te- n...Passe% rs booked anti forwarded to and from all Railway Stations in Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Sweden or Denmark and America, as safely, speedily. comfortably end Cheaply, as by any other Route nr Line.se, york. THE NEW DEPARTVeRrEornS. From I•laseow. Sat., Sept. 23d .... IOW A .. Mon., net. 1 eth, sat., Sept. 300...CALEDONIA 00cett.. 22811sht Sat., Oct. 7th ANGLIA Sat., Oct. 14th....COLLIMBIA -Sat., Nov lth And every Wednesday and Saturday thereafter from Pier 20 North River at noon. RATDI mPASSAGE PAYABLE IN CURRENCY. To LITERPooL, GLASGOW DEI:It:T: Cabin Excureion Tickets: (good for FIRST TwEIN, $65 and $75, according to nlooenuttic) securing best aro:mind:010u. 8130. Intermediate. soe. Steerage.$2S. Certificates at IAAVF.ST RATEN ran he bought here by those wishing to semi for t brie friend Drafts issued pa) able on preset t Apply at the Company's Of6( es or to 3115115estV.FIGNoi(liefriKrh. , On Goderieh Oct. 23 1871. 1378 Agent at Goderich. MONEY TO LEND At Greatly reduced Rates of Interest MHE undersigned has any amount of money to loan from two to fifteen years, at a low rate of interest and favourable terms of repayment, payable by yearly instalments; rate of expenses will defy competiton. HORACE HORTON Appraiser tor the Canada Per - manent & Savings. Society, of Toronto. INSURANCE CARD. The Subscriber is agent for the followingfirstecdass Insurance Corepeastes EVERY WEDNESDAY. PHOENIXof London, Etienne -- HARTFORD of Hartford. PROVINCIAL of Toronto. itRMSH AMERICA, of Toronto. Firs 4Ite Marine business done at the lowest possible rates • HORACE HORTON Siarielatie S_e•aeper Q AR RIST ERS, & r:., Goderieb. Office Market Square, Goderich. 12 J. S. Si NCLA CHAS. SEAGER. Jr Oet. 28th 1870. er36-1v. G•elerich. Dee. lat.1371. ly. BENTON /I G W • McG-REGOR, MASTER, Will leave Goeerich for SAGINAW and intermediate ports EVERY SUNDAY MORNING; And for SARNIA, PORT HURON, DETROIT and CLEVELAND vv. R. squ "In kr., TeenetisTER, ATTORNEY AT'L 30LICI- Jo ter m Chaneery. rte. 13...derich, Ont. Ofece, over J. C. Detlor Co*s Emporium, Market Square, Geiler.-.:11. 1353 e • TTORNEY-AT-LaW AND SOLICITOR -IN Chta7ery. Congo? aneer, Notary Palette, ate. 1110Mee, over Mr. C. E. Arebitoldei @tore, God- en-ih, Out. 1378-6m - (31-. CA.MP-4_10-NIC T AW CHANCERY AND CONVEYANCING. • Of!flee et Diem Watsein's, Official Assignee. Goderich, Ont. mateozreson & 13E33sta:rig, 4RHISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICIT0118,11te. 1.2 e . Chinon, Onr.. urn MONEY TO LEND. EIA.utilfrOPINT noNv EY ANCEB AND GENERAL LAND Le Agent, crown Lands Office, Goderich, Out. N,Ioney to Lend. 132 fiCEUTECT,ae.,ie„ COURT 110119E SWAIM - • Goderith. .Plaus and speetscatioes drawer correctly'. Carrentero.• °InoterP28.16143137-trits"115. Ty Irk measured and valued. 13 achanan, ratV7/5011 or•D Robinson n- AVE au bareUl kinds of Salbee, Doors, Blinds. • Mecildiadd Messed 1.2mbeT,IIL the God- .. erich Planing 1101. 3nsuranre., THE LIVERPOOLALONDON AND • GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Available Assets, 027,000,000. Losees paid in the course of Thirty-Sve years ex- ceed. FORTY MILLI° OF DOLLARS ! claims by Imam esti. mated at riearly $3, 0 0000, are being. liquidated as fast as adjusted wrreorre DEMOTION. Security, Prompt Payment. end Liberality la ad-. instilment of Its losses are the prominent features -of this wealthy counany. FIRE and LIFE POLICIES iseued with very liberal condition% Heed Office.' Canada Branch. IdON. TREAL 0.8.C. Stall H ,Residen t Secretary, AIONT$EAL, A . ROSS. Agent for Codonab TorontoLife Assurance and . Tontine Company. HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO, ONT. CLITTAL AMMIUZITII ET CHANTED $100,000 1309. With liberty ter increase to halfa A. M. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon. aLX of Ceniell University, lames, New ▪ York and Graduate of oatirto Veterinary RESIDONCE, VARNA. Will visit Ilayfleld every Saturday. 1312 3m:I J. T. DUNCAN, V. S. GIIADCIATZ ChIrAnito. VSTNIZINANT COMMA OFFICE AND STABLES, w ate street Fifth Howie Esst cf Colborne fdoWl. N. B. -Hones examined as to sound- , ness. 1313 . PATENTS , FOR. INVENTIONS first class Company received by J V DETLO 41•••••••lim Amount called in, 25 per cent. -all paid up. •44 COAM4.1.4 40 LIMITED BY CHARTED TO MOILT0A086 ANDREW:0=MM. BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: The MIN JONM ILLYAND AMMON, IL Pt, Q. C., he. te. Toronto. Ties Praidess: Lawns MOTTAT.111R. GEO DEMME, Esq. Judge of the County of York. Anew. Canason, ., Cashier Merchants Beak, H, Evil". D., M. P., Preireott. • nto WY. J. MAcnonzi.c., Esq.,Manager Toronto Serfage Bank. Toronto. Arrays Moaarsow. Esq.. M., I'. Secrekry cad Tre.asurer : ANTRUM HARVEY, Esq. For Freight or Passage, Apply to WM. LEE. Goeerich, 16th June, 1873. 1374 G-ODERICH AND NORTH SHORE LINE. co e ion wi e ran run Railway. Shortest, Cheapest, and most curect route. THE NEW STEAMER WM. SEYMOUR ED constant streans of false intelligence de - et out ,upon the night. All was calm, I ac cnowleege. it, teed Mrs. Gun- hold any information from Eir Hilton ?' cernater.- MIT et tO say that (Prom the Stratford Beacon.) Wrozotor. A W Mrs. Gibson, wife of Thomas Gibson, M. Tho Tories came down like a wolf 011 the 'Nthodtl.sfitfillgl .alsieGr:(11;18itpetalicee isnl'iaadopwurse (1:featrbte. ning. 'But for that unkindness of his, I. But Florian did not heed him; cher should feel like a domestic serpent. As small hand still grasped Sir Hiltores P. P. met with an unfortunate acsident, A nd fctilhit'er - silver and geld; . thigh bone, front the effects of which pockets were bursting with . grass, and the ea.milar shape of shrub great trees lyino grey on the silvered it is I fancy we are about quits.' A tWinkle in the good lady's eye whispered in his ear. 'Wait till to -mor- on the eveni,,g of Thursday, 4th inst.. by falling•over a step and fracturine 114.1. arm, and, bending down her head, she and flower glistening pale in the moon's showed, that in spite•of her contrition row; wait, I entreat you, for your And the joy 013 their faCeS was love - she is suffering seyerely-Expesif ir. 1.) to ray. Yet, as though unassured by the she was not ill -pleased at the idea of brother's sake. If by to -morrow even- . Gelilee. .. ca:it.(1:1111ititteisliteurt,dLsaodliyttildro,olayatlacsleerpaisseidlo tniciee possessing as good a secret as her bus- ing /you hays heard nothing, come to band. . See, Like the blue. waves a -rolling on deep me, and I will give you news.' Egee'aeheee. sash, and stepped from the window; to 'Quits!' exclaimed Chadwick. 'Not a While she whispered this, Mr, Gee- 71.C.,1 OR VT.-WO-le-arn that on the 9th tlte lawn. And here,. as the nu oonlight bit of it,aunt. I'll bet you aenontets pay nine was making one of his weal re- instant, Mc. Thos. MeClellaed of tide When the leaves of thi) forest last stun- areund her, dropping silver from every that Uncle Tobias's secret is three times mares in his loudest manner, end as it 0; nage met with acc:dent. Mr. :LI -e- nter 11 ere green, leaf, and shedding its culd, clear rend- bigerer and wickeder than yours.' was a favorite idea of Herbert's that his Cie:land had been cutting wood at his own door when Ore a te cauedit upon s Thathost with their bannereeapproach- genee upon lier pale faco and her snow- 'Isn't Herbert Langley here every sistee was `spooney' on Sir Hilton, he ing Were seen : . . W hi te Jetir, she, steed fer a m hit ite day, whispering and conspiring ? And was gallant enough to give all his atten• clothes -line 0 cer his bead w:lich turned Like the leaves of the forest when :Alma awl inotionless. wasn't uncle out ' lapt • night, and the tion to the Gunning nose. Hence Sir ' the edgs. full cn to the me.side o; his , autunm hath blown . No swine; no etep disturbed her. A eight before, till two •in the morning 7' Hilton's sudden paleness and eetreme left foot, leaving a (hell .2., telt and. sever - That host by the "scan'del" is m itiler'd slight rustle of wind among the•treelops, 'Good gracious, yes ! How did you wonder • passed- unnoeiced by all but ing an artery which searted freely. 1)r. and strown. a :low murmur on the beach as waves know it?' exclaimed Mrs. Gunning. Mrs. Gunning. Campbell of Seafot tit was sent for and . . , rippled on tle3 sauds, a distant bleat of 'My dear aunt, you told me *so your- 'For mercy's sake, Miss Lang,ley-' soon arrived and secured the bleeding . . - vessel and sewed up the wound. For the angel of truth • spread his wings plaintive lamb -this was all that broke self,' replied her nephew; and I am he began. on the blist, the silence of the night. Then reassur- sorry for you, I am indeed. I am afraid 'Hush whispered Florian hi great And breathed in the htee of Sir John as (fd, she turned her oyes away 'from the Langley is taking advantage of my un- distress; 'to -morrow evenino- 71 am not he passed ; (lark wood, where that deed was done, cle's unsophisticated innacence to-eto- at liberty to speak now. Wpare me, I And the eyes of the Tories wax.d sickly aed fixed them on the sea. Its catm, in fact, to play the doose and the least entreat you, and promise you will wait.' and chill, . 1 its beauty, as it lay rippling and spark- you can do in return. is to have two Her agitation, her evident fear of be - And their hearts bet once licaefel, and tinges' the Wondrous light of moon and plots to his one. That will balance ing heard, influenced Sir Hilton, in spite from terror erew still. stars, sank into her spirit, and with a things a little more fairly -don't -you of himself. ' 0 - sigh of thankfulness she bent her head a see 1' Illicit h, . then re-entered the house. age, Dick; and there a an end, said Mrs. His face was full of amazement, and For he'd lost quite a ehare of his faint- 'A fancy,' she said, as she closed the' Gunning, `So none of your wicked in- bowing to;Floriau, he quitted -tee room lous wealth, . ,- . And he'd sooner his se:ewers were fi rhi- fe:•tinnedieosw.ne‘`vA211! len besot with childish smuations about- your dear,- good uncle. hurriedly, But the young lady follow. hmenodrearrtkeestelaighhist sttoeupcsh. I know him; it is some good deed he is eedf hhiermiraenmdminoncea ing the surf . But if it were a fancy, it was on6 that keeping secret from me -poor angel.' Than gamble again on i he political turf. camo again and again; and like a woman 'I uesh I coal _ get somebody to be- 'Have patience,' site said, gently; 'it innevision, seeing and hearing what was lieve that I was a angel,' sighed Chad, will ohly be till to -morrow. Others have And there was Sir Francis, 'disterted to he Lady Trewavas listened for the wick. ‘I'e marr lier directly; espetial- had so much patience -have borne so 'I promise,' he said, softly; 'but And there lay Sir Hugh very poorly in moment on her hands in prayer, and 'Two plots are more than I can man- must pass twenty -fours of anguish.' and pal e, ever -recurring, footstep, and the tap of ly if she'd look u n my staying out till With the dew on bis brow and his bands the ghostly finger on the glass. Again two in the morning as a good deed.' , on the Men; And their camp is ell silent, their lead- stood bravely on the lawn ; and once she ill,' said Mrs. Gonning, changing the spoke aloud. subject abruptly. • Andetr1841:iirig*h as they thee( that the am here. Do.you want mo?' truth s become known. 'Hell have a tombstone growing out The'voice was low, unnatural, ghastly, of hia head soon,' said Chadwick, 'if and the words rang through the night things don't alter. I'm worn out to a And the party's now loud in its heart- air with a thrill of horror in them, that bone lookine after him. I call it cruel breaking wail, efate cillii)i,l)Inedilehrerearre.vn blood, as they fell back in you, auntenot to help me. Another And seeks a defence, from the ignorant A momentary rustle among theali rubs, But the might of the Tories, inismote a:3 though a bird had. flown away, and - by the sword, then there was blank silence ; and Bath melted aw:tv, and oor lemor's re: this silence she stepped _within the win- dow. closed it, and fell upon the floor. 'I have not strength fur this ever-re- enrring terror,' she said within herself. `To-nnwrow'l will leave this room, and sit in the library.' Su the next day a fire was lighted in that dim and dietant room, and she sat thole, with ull her ghostly fancies wing about her. It was a cold Mardi day, and the wind blew. and the rain fell, beating fiercely on the window - pale: eith dreary persistence ; lind When came, it came in storm and tem- pest, with black darkness all arotind, while ovee the gloomy sea there swept furious gusts, elle roar of which mingled with -the. sound of the huge rollers that, in massive walls of water, rushed upon the beach, breaking into thunder as they fell. As the sun went down into the heaving waters, cresting the waves with fire, a sudden crash shook the house from roof to basenient, and a cry arose that a gime tree had fallen. Peerieg thtough the gathering darkness, Lady Trewavas saw dimly the noble trunk lying on the lawn, with limbs broken, roots uptorn, and shrubs and flowers in ruin all around. The tree was reputed old as the house itself -a memorial elm, on the gnarled bark of which were carved the names of many a generation; an ancient tree, time -honoree, beneath the majes- tic shadow of which Trewayasee, long since laid at rest,' had played ' a -s little chi laren. • ' A$ the aged woman, who had upheld the name. her husband gave her so long in love and honor, looked upon the fall- en ruin Id the old manorial elm. her heart sank with a ghastly foreboding of evil. it seeined an omen Of a greater fall, a deeper rein, a more dismal death. When, late in the stortny night, the servants wept to rest, she still sat,hy the dying fire in that distant room, with the sadness of the fallen tree adding to her sorrows, and its regrets, its memor- ies, its old, old love and tenderness, clitigiug to her spirit with all the grief we feel far tlte dead. It was gone--jits place would know it no more. She would never sit under its shadow again, never more read the names carved on its bark by the dear hand that beckon• ed to her frofn a better wOrld. Lost in gloomy thought, she forgot and again she set the window open, and 'Dick, your frieed Damerel is looking stored. - •114 elr. 1 1 11 1: ti it e 'Olive Varcoe." e,11.11'Te.:1:. V. The disappearance o'f John Trewavas began, in his ocht county, to excite great bewildermentand excitement. it was in vain now that Lady Trewavas'en- deaveured to keep secret the fact of hor terrible anxiety. Friends pressed around her again, who had stood aloof in her great trouble, and advisers came in crowds. Sir Hilton had deemed iewiser not to mention in his jotters that fleeting ap- parition of John which had mocked him in Paris; hence in Cornwall it was only known that he had been traced to the London Bridge Station, and there was lost. Thus every species oPconjecture was rife concerning him. He was mur- dered -kidnapped ; he had committed suicide ; he was gone to Australia ; he had formed some low marriage, and was hiding from his friends. Meanwhile adyertisements, offering rewards for Tohn's discovery, dead or living, continued to add their mystery to the morning papers. These were read eagerly and commented on, but they led to no result. At length after that glimpse of John at Paris, Sir ilil ton discontinued the advertisements in England, and inserted them in the con- tinental journals instead. What be- wilderine discoveries, useless journeys, and en&ss correspondence this brought on him, it is unnecessary to relate. Enough,' that the impecunious gentle- men nshed out of canals, the lonely gen- tlemen wandering unknown in foreign towns, and the adyenturous gentlemen lost on mountains, were none of them John Trewavas. How often Sir Hilton started from Paris in hope, and returned , in despair, it Is needlees to say. It is WARD MARLTON, MAS'rER. only necessary to observe, that this will ply in connection with the G. T. tained him in Paris when he would wil- Railway as follows : Leave Goderich lingly have comforted the solitude of his en arrival of Express Train from • aged grandparent at Trewavas. And the East., . weather permitting, foe , she, on her side, deluded by false hopes, Southampton at 3 p. m., every Monday, im Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and plored him to remain on the Conti - Saturday. Returning : Leave South. . nent, and forbore to speak to him of the - impton at 4 a. in., Port Elgin at 4:30 glooniy horrors of her loneliness. a. meinverhuron at e a. m., and Kin- As day after day she eat alone, ondur- cardine at 8 a, m., every Monday, her spirit down into the very depths of ing her suspense, heavy thoughts bore Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and sorrow and the hopelessness of old age . ing East. evenings, when the wind moaned among t chill about her. In the long, long Friday. Arriving in Goderich each day crap sa above, to connect with the train go - the funeral trees, or wandered through the old house liko sighing voices, the Nshadows rose up before her of her dead . husband, her dead children -shadows BARN11 st PORT MIRO The above named Steamer leaves Sonth- of faces long departed to the world of ampton for Sarnia and Port Huron at spirits; above all, the faces of a baby 4.00 a. m Port Elgin, 4.30 in I brother and sister, dead 11nd. forgotten a. m.. Goderich, 2.9.0 p. m., every Fri- find their names written on the tablet ot • f a• • n- verhnron, 6.00 a. m , Kincardine, 8.00 so many years ago, that she could scare day, weather permitting,. Connecting her memory. Now -these infant faces with River 13eats for Detroit and G. T. came constantly, came shadowy, hand in Rails& Pr S • hand, and they ever at' ove to lift some Much for you. And yemember, I have your promise.' She wayed her hate to him, end fled up the stairs quickly. She intended to go to her own moth, but on thelanding -the one above the, draWine-room door -stood Mrs. Gunning,. She looked , stern and pale, and. coming forward hur- riedly, she seized Florian's hand. 'What is this you are doing 9' she secret wouldn't hurt you.' cried.. 'You are mad Floriane-to mix `So the secret is about Damerel, yourself with this bpsinesse then 9' said Mrs. Genuine. 'What business?' asked Florian, faiut- `No, it isn't,' he replied. 'It's about ly, striving to releane her hand. Miss Langley; but that's the same 'This business of John Trewavas's thing.' aemearanceereplied Mrs. Gunning. 'You 'The same thing,' said Mrs. Gunning. may deceive your blind moiler Florian 'I don't see that, Dick. What has your Langley, but you cannot deceive me.' sour friend got to do with Florian 3' 'Mrs. Gunning !' exclaimed Florian, 'Ile's spooney on her,' he replied, 'and indignantly. he's as jealous and miserable as a mad 'Be -angry if yonlike my dear,' said dog.' Mrs. Genning ; 'it &retell matter. I 'Is that your secret asked his aunt. have known you since you were six 'Why doesn't your friend do his wooing years old, and I can bear yotir anger for in a more cheerful manner 9' your own sake, else my feiendship is 'He hasn't a chance with Miss Lang- worth little.' ley, aunt,' he replied. 'There is a rival 'Then you confess friendship must in the field.' bear something -friendship must be 'Not Sir Hilton said Mrs. Gunning, active not passive?" cried Flotian, her face flushing red. eagerey. • 'Nu, not Sir Hilton,' said -Chadwick. 'Friendship!' said Mrs. Gunning; 'Though, upon my word, the interest wish I could think you were actine from she takes in him is evident enough. Is friendship. Florian Florian! it it loye, she a flirt ?' not freneship, that'has Ted you to inter - `No,' was the quick reply. `If it is fere in the affairs of John Trewa- not Sir Hilton, who is it, Dick ?' vas.' 'That's the secret,' said he. `Oh,Mns Gunning, of what are you ac - Chadwick here plunged into the story cueing mef' said Florian, covering bar of the 'accidental' especial of Florian, face with her hands; and bursting into and her unknown lover; to which Mrs. _ tears. 'Thiele unfair -cruel' Gunning listened at first withinereduli. _ 'Florian, it is not crue/, but it is seri- ty, and at last with dismay. Gus, frightfully seriowin said the kindly (From the Nile Bra.) 'I don't understand it in the least,' litre Gunning,.placing her arm around RECOVERING. -We are happy to say she observed. 'I should have imagined her, and drawing her within tete adjoin - youth Falland, who got set erely Florian was the last in the world to do ing chamber. 'Now sit down,eehild, and° the hart et the flax -mill, is reeovet ing a rid such a thing as this. Sho has too deli. _ listen to met Fine -do you own that y,u,y, will soon be out again rate, too refined a nature, to 'feel a plea- °annoyer marry this inr-never,nevdint Beafoath. TEMPERATC3 CONVENT es. - prance potitical convent ien was Ileld the Good Templar's Hall, Seaforth, on Friday of last week, with the view of bruiging out a Temperance candidate to contes::. the South Ridieg in behalf of a Prohibitory Liquor M.W. The conven- tion was largely attended nue the great- est unanimity prevailed. Several names were mentioned, such as Mr. Thomson of Goderich, Mr. Worthineton of 'Clin- ton Mr. Laing of Tuceerfunite, &c., but'it was agreed to wait to see whe the candidates in behalf of the two political parties would be, and in the event of neither of them being friendly to Pro- hibition to bring out a Tempetance man independent of either. Veingeaese SUDDEN DE/LTD.-A moiler's ingliest was held on Thursday on the body of one John Ward., a person etnployed by the Wellington, Grey and Bruce RailwaY near Bleepalo. Deceased dropped down immediately after taking breakfast and in a few minutes expired. Verdict; died from natural causes suppesed to be caus- ed by apopleiy. SA_D IF Tnue.---A painful rine (r reach' correct, will cast a gloom over our villaee mother lying insensible, and when ehe ed here last evening, which, if preyed for a long time to come. The rumor is to was taken to the house sla died ananfew the effect that Messrs. Thames aud. Win hours. Mrs. Austin was mum Green, brothers of Mr. George Green, merchant, of this place, haye'beett noir- tiered by a gang of outlaws on the plains of Mexico. Word has been sent for the particulars, and until they errive we are unable to say anything further concerning it.-Aderace. SAD ACCIDENT. -As we were going to press, we learned, that a sad accident Goderich Township, on the Nth COneeS- befell Mr. Win. Currie, a resident of Borne of 1 palied by en elicient eta, including Mon of Ternberry. He was assisting one tis old Red River comrades, and of his friends at a thrashing, and while will sail from England on the 8th of driving, his feet got caught in the horse- next month. It is only intended to power and was severely hurt at the in- make use in the -first place of leative step..Dr. Tatnlyn was called in attend- ance, anddressed the wonnd.- IV i agla, in Advance. sA A. A most noosed Reform pie•nic VMS held at Brockwille Thrividarbdisaati. About'8000 people were preeent, MacKenzie, Pardee, Currieand the lace! 'members 'Yore present. Resolutione . condemning thogovernment were carried unanimously and with great eratinisi- Um: David Pearce, country boy, perform. ed the greatest rope walkimg on record Friday morning by crossing the rope erected for Signor Balled, acmes the Niagara Falls, the wind during the per- formance Mowing a perfeet gale. Upon reaching the middle of the rope he gave some gymnastic performauccathat would have astonishen a professional. The trip, stereo occupied 25 minutes. Von. Archdeacon Fauguier, of the Lennon Diocese. has bees elected Mit-a sionary Bishop of Algoma. The ev. gentleman has for many yens been rec- tor of East Zorn., in the County a Oxford, where he has labored faithfully, and done good service in the CRUM of At the July examination of Umbers there were twenty-seven candidates for first-class certificates, and of these the five following were suecessful:-.Class A, grade 1 -John L. Davison ; Clue 9, grade A-- leCochrane, Morris J. Fletch- er Thaddeus W. H. Leavitt sand Archi- bald Smith. Three of these were students of the Normal School. The McCebe Gold Medal was rt warded to John L. Davison. The Mail calls the Montreal Witness the "cencentmted essence of hypocrisy and falsiecation.: The Witness has - always been -considered au upright and indeocndent paper, but itdoes not agree with the in supporting the Cov- erament in the Paci6c Railway frauds, hence the epithet above quoted is ap- plied to it. But how much more aepli- cable is it to the Mar/ itself, which 4las done more to lower the tone of Canadian jourualism than any other journal. The Ontario Government have divid- ed the celebrated elimico fartm, near Toronto, into small lots, and intend dis. posing of the whole of it in this way. A number of these lots were soleiby auction on Saturday last, asncl realized good fig- ures. The lots sold averaged more tnaire''' what was paid for the farm. The figures are -average price per acre paid for the farm by the Government, 878 ; average price per acre of the lots sole on ;Satur- day, 883. In tho spring Mr. J. Hunter, eon. 4, Eluron township, had a field of wheat so badly killed with frost that he sowee epring wheat on it. He has now thresh- ed it, and the yield is between 19 and 20 bushels per acre, After meting the sprine wheat the weather was so dry tbat it did° not start at once, which gave .the fall wheat a better chance, and when harvest came it was found that to aave the fall wheat the other had to be cut shortly after it „canoe in head, there- fore the spring wheat courtted nothing. We learn that an aged woman named Mrs. Austin, of MeGillivr_ay, over 80 years of age, while milking a Cow last week, was run overeby a couple Of Steels, trampled on, gored, and left in a fright- ful condition. Her son was one: in the field playtime, and did not /mow of the ner;ident forbhours atterit happened, an I ellen he returned home he found hie ed in her neighborhood, and thiggsp irig catastrophe has cast a deep few over the neighborhood. . Colonel Sir G arnet oleley, whe ma- i/landed the expedition to Red River, the bare news of whose approach squelch. ed the rebellion and caused "President" Riel to f y • across the lines, •Itees,been appointed be the British Goeeeament to command an expedition against the Ashantees. The Colonel will be accent - Clinton. sure, as some do in a vulgar secrecy. ' There was a deep en, a passionate IMPORT31) Honses.-eir.Jolm Mason, A mystery would' have no charms for ory of pain in the -eauswer„ bet niedenial her; her mind is too open and truthful.' of Mra. Gunning weds. 'Nevertheless,' said Dick, as he coax- 'You can nevermarry him,' she con- ed on his lemon kids, 'the facts are as I tinued; 'you acknowledge it, even if have had the honor of stating them. Eleanor Maristowe had not been num- Love is a great leveller, aunt; and even dered, he would not have 'eyed. you' the high-minded. fall at last beneath his `Nci,he would not have loved me,' said spell. In fact, dropping all humbug, Florian forlornly.. 'I know it, why tell girls, when once in love, will do anything me so, Mrs.. G unning ?' for a man; and that fellow is a great 'To save you, to warn you,' she re - scamp who ever asks them to do aught plied. elf there was no other reason, that might compromise their name or deeper, more dreadful, his want of love position. Get Miss Langley out of for you alone ehould keep you from Paris, if you can, aunt, and love her meeting this mane brother to kick this rascal into the Seine. Florian's hands fell fr'om her face and This affair, you know, mustn't go on. she gazed at Mrs. Gunning in die'may It's serious; and it will end in a general aini terror. row, and be the ruin of the girl, if het 'You know I meet him t' elle said. friends don't bestir themselves. There, 'I know it; and I warn you Florian, now, I have done my duty,' concluded your love can only end in pain, agony, Dick, in a paternal manner, 'and so I'll perhaps death,' replied Mrs. Gunning. wish you good morning. You'll take the 'Save yourself while there is yet time, matter up in a satisfactory manner, 'Florian. Promise me you will never see ani sure, aunt. 1 give it completely tn. him again. to your discreet hands. Speak to the 'I cannot promise you,' said Florian, the footstep ori the gravel, the finger on- mother, or the brother, or the young • 'Imust see him agam,even this eventege the pane, till suddenly the seund was • lady herself, as you think best. I leaee 'Florian Langley, you are mad 1' ex - heard, startling her from her .tears, and it entirely to you.' olaimee • Mrs, Ginning. tieing, find bringing her to her feet in that unnatu. 'You are mighty magnanimous, Dicke. pacing the room angrily. - 'break ral tension of nerve whichnerror creates. said Mrs. Gunning, ruefully. 'You put _your matheee. heart with pit! story ? She listened, breathless; and, amid the _ all the burden on my _back in a most- Will you - force me to call upoit your clatter of the fiercely beating rain, amia generous way.' brother tO save you the fury of the storm, the ghostly sound 'Because I know you'll manage it No, no P Mimi Florian. 'Oh, Mrs. struck the glass again in horrible dis- splendidly, aunt,' replied Dick. 'And Gunning, I entreat lou to listen to nie ! tinctness. now I'll go home and muzzle Denterel:If you. amok to . my brother yeti What is it? Anil why had it follow- with a cigar; he's getting !dangerous.' • will bring down ,mich. pain and misery ed her hither to this lone side of the Mrs. Gunning lost no time in fulfil- %ion my headAhat Lshall_die of it.' . house, where so seldom footstep strayed? ling -her disagreeable missitim She 'Can it. he wonSe _pain than you'will Moreover, what was there in the sound rolled herself into a shawl, called a 'britne -370iniselL Pierian, if you to -night which made it differ, With some fitter; and departed for Mem Langley's. persist: un this equine!! Do you know ghastly, dreadful difference, from the But in the drawing•room, to her great what:aon ate &nag ?',sendMrs.Gunning. tame haunting sound on other nights? vexation, she found Sir Hilton Trewavas drawing nearer- to the 'trembling girl, Was the difference this- that now it and her own dear Tobias. The latter and staneinibefore bor. was reality? As she asked thisnuestion was in deep confabulation with Herbert 'Yes, I knoW what I am doing,' re - she stood rooted to the floor, ifith part- Langley, while the former, who had on- plied. Floriaa„in a very low, gentle ed lips and strained ear, catching her ly just returned from one tf his fruit- -voice. ‘I,knowl am destroying my own breathe...es she listened for the souifd less journeys in quest of hits brothee, • happiness', but it is too late. now to let Leaves Sarnia every Saturday at 8 curtain -held before her heart, ever - strove to show her some dread thought, And again. it came. Not all the fury of the mother. - was conversing with 'Florian and her such. a reason draw me back. Oh, Mrs. Gunning, when I first met him, could I - Chicago, Milwaukie, etc. Returning : o'clock, a. ma weather permitting. For hidden down, down in the depths of her storm could cover it now ; it was here, During this conversation Mrs. Gun. tell that I Was going to be so weak, so further information apply to B soul. But elm would not let them. . at her window -a ghastly hand, craving fling's sharp eye perceived that Florian wicked, so foolish, as to love him h • f 1 • ; e • ; admittance. Should she do as she had was painfully Uneasy. She grew red Sobbing as though her heart would yron . Wilson, Purser, on the Boat, or to Thos p e Elgin; P. MeRae; Inverhuron '; R. shadowy hands away, that would have Lee Southampton; J. Eastwood Port ! Robertson. Kincardine; W. B. Clark torn away that veil, and, ehuddering, Applications for Insurance in this Sarnia; A. N. "Moffat, Port Huron. ' the walls, and remember how each -one she would glance upon the portraits on . had died in honor and kindly love. tizatiiiii0USLY iv PROPERLY igao J. J. BELL Agent at Goderich. Secured la Canada, the Mifteii Shies 111:14 Ear0130. no ATS5Tgairantevior se charge. Semi for print- ed inefractions. Agency ie operation ten yeara. HENRY GRIST, nttowa, Canada, lecebanicai En,,,Meer, Soliallar of Patents snd IlEAD OFFICE TORONTO. ;Trust and Loan Company WESTERN ASSURANCE. COMPANY. . . At seat times, had au eye been there tieneral Agents, Goderich to see it, Leib, Trewavas's aged face . would look ghastly in the the firelight, and her withered lips would inermur the y dire word 'Murder!' Then, starting, she would wrap her lace shawl eround her e bent form, and raising herself defiantly, GT would smile with a proud lip, and say to herself, diejairifully, 'Anold woman's fancies!-fahecies grown childish -child- ish!' Incorpoated by _Royal Charter. How often, as she muttered this dise GODERICH AGENC OF THE Otrauglitstaan. Feb. nth 1871, - we-ly- CAPITAL STOCK.. $4°(00° CANADA SURPLUS FUNDS 208 369.60 MTCOr_EaCJM. RECEIPTSFORTHEYEAR ENDINGJUNE 30th1871. 357,858.28 ISS BARNES in returning thanks HON. 5: MclYtURRICH 1--• to her friends Gaderich for past Pretsident, pateonsale, begat to say that she is now 13 HALDAN Manaoing Director forte and Cabinet Organ and in Singing. FIRE & MARINE 3NSURANUE AT CAPITAL -ONE MILLION POUNDS dein of her own weeeness„ _would the STERLING. length of tbe vast room, and whisper in wind come sighing though the dreary 1 r 'Olive Olive! an outcast -a • done on other nights, set the sash wide and white by turn, and was evidently break, she let her head droop upon her open, and staid upon the lawn ? I -low desirous that the talk concerning.Johu hands, while her -tears fell fast. . could she on such a, night, when the Trewavas should cease. Upon thisen 4Leve him e repeated Mrs. Gunning, winds howled in fury, and the flood strange suspicion darted into that saute with an iedeticribablea,ceent of loatheng. poured down liko a torrent ? But she lady's mind. 'What if it was John Tre- 'Has he ever dared to speak one word must ? That veil upon her heart is .grow- wavas himself, that Florian was meeting, . of love to you ?' ing thinner, and te-night the last shred clandestinely r 'No, never ! I dwear ee yea, never P N P, • Who shall dare to paint her face, as 'lee TFheletrhieonugdlitet tthuarpnefderheetracnolattlietetee; cried Florian. 'Are uenteaa hus thoughts with another V . 'enge lutist be flung away. _ step by step, she drew near the win- to lihn. , The pain, the bitter, y , meek sorrow ?I'A` dow ? There was no Venetian blind 'Florian,' slie whispered, eagerly. '1 of her words rang tbre4 Mrs. Gun - here; it wile closed by shutters, and as want to speak to you. Can't you come fling's ears. -filling her k tens with fierce her aged hands tremblingly withdrew the away ?' . ! anger. She turned andgazed upon the . bolt, her heart tightened and shrunk, Florian looked saprised, but noddee aeguish of the girl, Or a moment, in and the 'thought of what she might see., to her affirmatively, and was moving silence, teen she tent over her saying in clutched' her breath like visible fiugers quietly to the door, when a word froM a low, tlear whisper, 'Florian, I ask en the throat. A moment's agony of her brother arrested her steps, and idle once more, do you +now what you are indecisionniien the shutter swinge open stood like one transfixed, pale aa death. doing.? Do you know who killed of Londesborough, returned froni Eng- land with two horses, and arrived in this village on Saeurday last. Otte of them is a three year old Clyde, Week, and of i beautiful proportious, and sael to be one of the fittest ever impoited front Scat - land into this country. °dice is a socking colt, three months old, from good stock and promises to make a fiue animal. Huron is Leeping up its repu- tation for the importati( of improved entire stonk. L., H. & B. 11 4.T E.WAY Mererixo.-On Thursday evening lase. a well attended meeting took place iu the town hall, to listen.to explanations regardiug the [site of the station of the L , & B. R. R. by Mr. T. Churcher Sec. of the board. Mr. Andrews presided, Mr. Churcher, in in a concise and plainly spoisen.address pointed out the difficulties the board had to encounter, -and the economy they had to practice, and showed to the sans - faction of the audience that the best possible site under all the eircumstances, had been selected. The engineer, Mr. Noble, being present, corroborated this statement, and the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr. Churcher for his frank and satisfaetory explana•- tions regarding the location of the sta- tion, and other matters pertainifig to the road. DEATH TILItu Utt If INTChl mien (IL. - Another of those miserable creatures, the drunkard, has closed his career in this village. A man by the name of Tommy Taylor, long addicted to intem- perance, died ou Tuesday night, after several days debauchery, leaving a wife aud five children. Notwithstanding he was in the receipt of 81.25 a day, his family was kept in the utmost degree of poverty, and are now dependent upon a charitable public. AnalOg'ans Case. The following is a case preciss ly an- alogous in principle, almost in every particular, to that. which occurrel in the House of Commons at Ottawa on the 13th: "In 1783 William Pitt was Prime Minister of England. There was an over- powering majority against him in the Commons. The Opposition feared that Pitt would advise tho King to dissolve Parliament, and they took steps to pree vent a diesolution. Mr. Erskine moved an address to the Crown representing that "alarming rumors of an intended dissolution of Parliament have gone forth;" that inconveniences and dangers were "likely to follow front a proroga- tion or dissolution of the Parliament in the present ard.nous awl critical conjunc- tion of affairs;" and beseeching His elaje esty thathenvould "be graciously pleas- aeal there ie a, faceetgaiest the glass close Ton ought to flnd your brother, Ste Eleaeor Maristowe ? ed tef hearken to the advice of his faith- , sat er er , or ful Commons, and not to the secret to bers!- a haugard face, woe-worte Hilton ' H b t all the police The horror in her voice the shrinking ina and terror with which she.glianced around, advices of particular persons, who may storm -beaten (Trenched with pitiless iu Paris are helping you. Gunn „ preparea to give Lessonson the Piano- 0 ler ea • ked this have private interests of their own, prisoner -n wanderer! And -why ? 'Funds for Investment. Spirits, tell her why.' Residence oppoaite Mr. Favor '8, Lowest-Gavent-Bates• Colborne St. Then they came around her in troops, atin! And ma the rain beats upon it, and I found that out the other day, whet showed that rs, Gunntng as separate from the true interests of Efis the woman falls upon her knees, she sees we went to the Bureau de Police abou question with eztreme re tan h. ep f tie f , d h - 77unna's Ecieririe .1707thdien7ir.tes Wat'At in Gold. Do gnu know anything et 417 if rza. time you did. luc ce troops aud 15,00t) Fanteee are to be organized for the purpose, but two bate taltons of British treops will be kept in readiness at Cape Coast Castle, the base of the exneelition. The campaign is to be confined to the cool mason, and the Ashantees must be driven home. It is to be hoped the gallant. Colonel will achieve brilliant success and add to his well earned laurels. Vicil_ant Coma°. • • One of the latest pieces of Pa. ?bleu gossip is concerning a gentleman, &cid- eely Iteupecked,who determined to - nap with a party of frientlea,geinst the win . of his wife. She mei resolved that he would niA . He did- na_o_aeo. Ilia friends missed himeaue, jutitlot7 invaded his residence, uhere they fono hint and his Wife sitting in their chairs, fast asleep, He ,had given heron opiate' that be might slip away, and elle had giren him one that he might not! ee_Pie Did. you ever think that what he termed a common cold, when eystemati- catty neglected, often leads to that most fatal and distressing disease--con- samption-but when attended tont once is generally easy of Bum. If you are troubled with a cold or cough "Bryan's Pulmenic Wafees"vvillbefottnd beatost efficacious in removing it: • They give immediate relief, and generally. effect a cure when used in time. Sold by ell Druggists and country dealere. Price 25 cents per box. ' A FRIEND IN NEED. -Dr. Wistar's Balsam of ;wild Cherry is afeieliclin deed - Who has not found if such in curing all diseases of the lungs and throatreengles, colds, and pubnoiaar-y affections, mild "last, not least," Constninptionl Tho sick aro assured that the high stendard of excellence on which the popularity of this preparation is based, will always bo maintained. by the preparation. THL 1NSTRUUENT OP SUCCESS. -WO Mita-IWO& if We would Mate; Few pewit° live by their wits, and labour is the natural inheritance of our eace, necessary to health as well as prosperity: but as none can expect perfect immunity from sickness, it is right that the best means of cure should always 'rhe ready. Now for colds, coughs, rhatunatisan, neuralgia, cramps, cholic, ete., three is nothing like the "Canal:lien Pain Destroyer." For sale by all ruggists and country dealerse Price 25 cents per bottle. A BEAUTIFUL IIOILSE.-TIICFC imoth- ing that can contribute zo much tu render the horse beautiful and elegant, to improve his condition and matte him all that is desirable, as "Darley's Con- dition Powders and Arabian Efeave Rernedy;" it has been ueed by many persons who min valuable carriage and other horses with decided success, and so well pleased are they with it that they always keep it on hand in case of emergenceel it may be given at ell titnaes with perfect tafety. Remember the name, and see that the eignature-of Hurd & Ob. is mn each pacago. North- rop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.; prg- prietors for Canada. Sold by all meth - eine dealers. • Majesty and his people." Exactly such - - - No Rim. 1363 • Y ara afraid I guess ' replied Florian, an andrese as thes might haye been mov- with face owin ale as her own 'And Rim:trance for one or tbni,,, year* otoessehm , City or Town Peoperty for periods of Five th S• Hil terms ofealleY particular Vero:able te the Fsrsig =gel nientts.t,, Payments in gedaction, of Loans nu gi id a you heard what Sir Hilton said just ed by Mr. Mackenzie; for there can be _ eteeneresetifebeesnd; schools eitiveoseeseesit ;varier to snit the convenience ot eorrowors, and Elean", with wet, dinging garments, heart 't1 h f ith an brow; the little dead chile.. She cannot but listen to that fearful With parted lips Florian listened, an me • . nub znior rAnweornovAtovitnoo _ LOANSmadaee feeseceeity of eppeeeed Farm ar irits of the dead end of the living- hears a, prayer that drcps upon her have uever asked their aid, return. ee . • vi a wronc o agony, o is ir ton a es se 0 /10 • toe de h. 1 a . • wilt beasseetea stain' time oil favoreble terMs. W grY t of their own, separate from the interests • ng Community. p gation. For Vie SirooPIEP‘Xintrks/411-Tf wn-i :APPly, in - with the shado hands to lift the veil anguish; cmvine only far a shelter in support. The kind Woman lienself,gret • The deep carnation, t 'at spread ever P writin vdth :Grammes thoeinlerid Mutate "and Drawing. ciao: ownsan&Count7 pla,*. These rategned ntrarewible- at eatery •or time or by an- rising from the dreadful pool ; Olive, su en touc of fire. understand their interfereuee. NIPS LOWES wishes ?) inforitta LT -I1 friiendkand the public that she prepared to give lessons °lithe Piano forte, Ate. - Having' tiebn tanght by first alai wagtail, and for iteverat pita a suacessful teselier,sho feels confident she can give ,satisfaction. Also; a clam in G°614trich Uth ff•Pt• or now. Onadrs. mining, have pity on no doubt that Sir John A. elacd'onted / Keep tthe miserable secret • don't and his colleagues had private interests 'Pint Clasalnanwentii&fer` 4nsmulting.ligeigy - -ZIPApp•ared Modulo/mm.044-1,m. role Bad and reproachful, all striving cey for pity -to that broken -voice of Mrs. Gunning saW her 'wawa °kaki° kill me W.4 Peie- and-ntin'ea' G. N. TRITEIKAN, wy. -of the people to rocure ruro • IS/7. rite( aqua e. ing fingere, held it down, and shrieked window open; but as that wild figure, J./0rd Dufferin. On the contrary, he 'Well, at all events, they. are incira on•tue „mishit:6 to 108_4. - The King of fingland did not cut short from off her Iva* but she, with clutch- which th die, :he rises; she eets the pale from terro • a oth • her fsce• Acdk eeentedeto burn her fniniiienre theireed•Offieei.- • WATE.r01fe-' - • LoeslAgerk aloud for servants and for lights. ivind•battered, ha,ggard, forlorn, Is fevered o es ste s with- t assured then in Ms answer that he would r.lia.POSTANT NOME - Thus, with an awful presence creep- madness in ing ever niearet, nearer, she lived on P Herbert; 'anti dependon it; they wenn:, with likely to succeed that You,4 Oontinned ,- - _ - • - Gunning, 'Ioompaspiemately; 'but .these wit], yeur se e , . s elm' graciously received • their eddress, and . • 'through the spring days, grasping her • lettere with eager, trembling hands, at gifedfor_tratee r an eym y. . withittsileeeee flung -herself down the deliberatious of his Commons as did egen Drafting, Waiagelors ac. on Wed- nesday and Saturday ifternloona For terms. apply at the residence of Mr. G. M. Trugsign, Sirsat, Godericli- 1310: . 31fliy 190-, 1E43. Allot- REST& ' ; Chitlerielrlf.strnesfs:sitotil ••••••=.0:0 :amen.* • MARTIN- - _ pleasure in sanduncing to the publite of, Town and County that be has purchase& the smog business of ifr, Isaac. Halliday, ou Mare. nen fet-diterluerivserredhisipprentieeshitr'erith wankel fir -the last thrio years in. the best Bantus Ebeitilo Qkiesp, and is now prepared to -makeup LIGHT tiND• HEAVY JUNI/ASS, JAMES il-Ctonsinui ANN BOOT= QCSLAEIP, trATINCI 1.gatia0 WOES ON MIN hi 171t41114 ct/in suit libh tupsteb. Orden corner at 117sat stid Watipris• 841ismstettact ruust$7sOnitslis. it lip as Keeisarsitsist MON* Thisksi whi","curryuconabsir to *splay forrikiking it ids Hs& 71180114 YlinfA11.1ca. OraTtlta, *4 *4 " WWI" Yr. H; anis, Godenek. his is timer omen. X.:Beern Suitt ceadiailf ksad Worn-. X02 AID 004i) *terra AT ALL 1101nit, tin *UMW 40040115014 r Qiidoric 42f, F': It.; NUNN • night theirchul disappointment in her, gouse , sign 81,• carriage paint" shrinking 'heart. At times- she listened"' tube bits fitted up a shop on Wane street next to • Az to the servants' tales of ghostly footsteps iii tlie Changed house, and' smiled at moms TO ACQUAINT THE PUBLICTH' attachedelanwhereheibigreispf sitrtockiiIiiithtoYrdarnerstsliprroZne t 53'Girhet°stYs!' she said, '4h the old hac-e til.and at reasonable primes Mumma for thepatron age et tee last 7 years solicits a iontinuance of the mann' nh6sts amiind-theln'7 trek , But one night, when she sat up late Mir lathe time to Paint your Gutters ' aIone writing to her grandson Hilton, there came a step upon the gravel, and a 814 h ,. d C - g . . nbe,.. pp P . gl • toSarwitbeleprasiefrin country Carriage shops attendo& over -wrought nerves and loneliness. she- Whe woman wag brave, in spit° of t, , Sugingftracaltinott.,rag,:111117, -crstieing, Gluing, raper was brave' as the daughter of an ancient race should be. But, now the pen . - Fd R. MANN, dropped from linr fingers, and with face •004411iCk Alig, 16,1.870 sal ,.. deadly pale, elle tensed herclasped hands noon, and carrying through the •day and • withered hand betwix.t it and her. „ doubtless suspect something.' -11 Florian drew her 'breath painfully, "NO;I neny that I' exclaimed Florian, rogation or of dissolution.'" Yet the revs- btat not interfere -without rreoe cans. in, she draws backl and holds upher "not interkupt their meeting by any - olandhatind ineetingt intuit cease at once; • g exercise of his prerogative, either of pro - they are a clis2,;rieiS to yoi!.' I back! she cries. Do ot touch awaiting his answer. • • - ino. I know you-murdeacr. in dee were much more • take *end MM. 'Have. I not already or non-interf and, fixed them there P ewePee raisingliet heed indignantly. 'Yon mite eon a- '1 shall go myttelf aud make email** told you that he has never spoken one IS ries,' he said, riaing. 'Heaven know, word of love to me t-anever will speak erence with Parliament forcible in Canada in 83 than in England. in 1873." Pain eannet stay. trhere it is used. It la lho cheapest Medicine ever made. onetime enrcseem. mon SORE TlinOAT. 4arie bottle kin terve Dues - (IDYLS. Fifty -cents worth haft cured en ezas !STANDING COU,GEL OM Or WO bOttiC9 LETO lead cases of Pitts and XtI)NEY Tamar:es. Six to eight mnewations cure ion- aunt or EXCelattere or INPLartint Betra3r. Ono bottle has elired LARD BACK of eig14 years standing. eeanlel /Maris, of 7ilrookfield, 'mem County, ea., flap: "I went woseciatere ICELE of a 13Criaorime Limn by am ap- plications. Another who has had ,Asezeta yeirs says! "I have balf of a .E9 teat ban) left and csioa would not buy it ICI could. gei mom." Rufus Robinson, of Niuude• 3...wiTeo: "Oza small bottle of 3 our ECLECTZIC .011. resenel -mice weeretito person had not ',Telma am --c a eh sere in Five nuo." Bev. .7.1.1alflc-ef thirty miles for a bottle f year 011.1eLleheleeted °ming, neites;" Your Eeix_c=te Oin CHAPTER VI. I am Willing enough to accept any' an4. it I' she added, as she hid. her face again. me of Bronchitis in4IOrni %Welt:1 Mears an •yezi ,The Rev Dr Punshon has been ap- the eonntry say: 'INS'e have neva. eald 'Now,don't tell mean y secrects, every aid tn this painful myistery; and ie 'Then why has he songnt you out ? and again g pointed to ono of the leading churehes in . . thatilms given each complete catieIliciionte is only regard for Jolen's pecultal nee- Why has he met you 'agent It e eonmesed of Six of thc Qua euee, zee I - !asked Mrs. !thinning, euceedulously. London, England. 11.2comi. Is 119 zood to tre as foe Qr-terzaluse,atd. exe aimed Mrs. Gunning. 41 ant worn epee° w en o nous sensitiveness that -2-' to a thread -paper alteady with secrets. . f th' i • h. 'To entreat me to help him tci find _ . is believed to lie imipcasimeattly neeeneee .apy. Sir Hilton had got as ar as is ; The most ex • permute and 10.3'a:enable iseine ever zwele. Vail save you I Walk about like a mine all day long, h F,I rian's hand touched hin Olive Varocei-to talk alweye, nlways of jewellery in Dertmark is said to be made a'id 'ail' 4'112" °I. "IK•ace• r-02,11:1- cox.; ci rea,dy tO ezplode• and at night, when I her -to beseech me to search for her -o a ones an aca es. t is more cost y Preparcdby S. N. ffi hb d 1 I 1 ''''''''cde"umerl-VtieePc313'''''4ec-es • arm. nmee, N.Y. AEA see my dear, good, innocent Tams - t th I' si Riltou , and give her a refuge Wile clears ber than articles of gold. tvor,TnitoP LYL1.111, Netecaezer, iees, 'tee° sleopine like a. clove, 'Do not go o e po ice, r ' name ' replied Florian. ;i Agrets for the lloudeion. overcame , her; aud she wiped. her eyes thine - But liere Wire. Gunning'sfeelings quite she odd; 'they mill not tell Yon Ans,P- , n:/h I said Hrs. Gunnin iml Morni2tg Post says that -N"'''ree:`:rerle'eles2e'te're'leatet'tT,Z2elli Jrcen3. The London Pr-PSO:t1 G . wants to find poor little alive does he during the last ten yeara 2.30,234 per- i3a---ej hurriedly, Every one looked at her with surprist Ile wants to do her justi " at'last.' • sons enaigraled from -Great Thitain; Of .7. P.:T. 0" E2Yfiell'‘Ta5-3.11e'llr:V."72°g4.17.1"..IFIi o 07.3.2E 1C3731•3,C,:',:_lct:_eN.,Seccin c til.Et'el • 'But, mardean aunt, expostulated the exceptlYfra. Gintainge. •Thst lady now . of these 768.165 were 'English, 87ee410 Legdegreee.ilicteaa, ere' ea,re-ece,-,e0 • amiable Ina, 'surely one secret more felt sore Oak.* nint* 11104 fro be eolith were Irish, iind 167,52e were Scotch. I POOR COPY „.e -92 • .) * Yz, a Lete -(ig e.