HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-08-27, Page 37 7.7 TY r .7 21111!N . . . . . . . . . . . . C11ARADE. C11NITMIL EXIF111 ITION Lamds 7 0 tor Oale n" -M P f. r III: T.vj W; I kit I ilk till, eit it-lat the P; GO i%farvel. MT R -Nd ditirinz A DEMWHO� us st ilf - VV0 0 D C 0 G 1I C, 'I nc%t.4 fill en.,,�( the Willi $0,000 Offer6fill T-fedums 1 And Lamd Ar -it. q In.. I'TAI the I I �,f I ti -4,:: bR.! IN THE TOWN OF OUELPH ON TUB !%'.%t T.J.t W%' 'I;t" heir. -,41.-no I - - ;X I ?. - .. It 20 1601, 17fli, 18th& 19[h of FarIll 1"A A V aablo I LZ 0 0 1 It'11M I;I. %'I reAl -.1 ffrft.�Lj l tha N c pzrr Pj T o A L L Ves'era Divi"i"it it,' t!it, f r v i,i i I ,,%ij, �i, I Ure. 31 -lit f-mr mile.1 fnirn 0,.tleriA:li, viiii- li-111 A I'lle. S-rutary'd 0'I Illf-I fill, MI L�ITE 'o I"") I' :f 6 111], lit NI 1-1) t 1 7 holft'r lliliol is froill sovietits throughout-flio invo., SewWg Machine, jr,, ll 0. For (%oiCe G ro e .01 z s 1 J 017 It /, I " .. . - I . %,." I. I Q6 A borno, Prizo Lists aull Entry aliers vait In. , 1 fl- , ' TON, Township of C, Fit - All l'artirs not rect-it-in, hoir vidirli- 0 PIANO, OltGAN, MELODEON, is 3 ":10d prior- to tho show J�-ill lill'i I fit-]' lnjr� i;';" "tq Ai, ard lit at thtt 'Nverl-lary'sollico." i AND beari Orelt, of I'l fri ri A' 1 0. Hg9 Mri" .11, 4 : J . ....... I lln'tho estate. Wt,ll Avati.ro'l. Title (1.11111"TON, OR OULTURALINPLEMENT 4:Ll'%* " I bh- FAIR PRICES- 4 y 11 I Ternis IL El '-lwivroo)4s, next door to the "Signal" 'ch. T 11 E .110 8 71 Office, fjOdCr2 Valunible., J�vr-li :i!J i", %ii.; -im I -Alit. $IEGAW and myself are the POPULAR. BUSI"Neso N., (7 % OF Till. I ... t. �. ONLY AGENTS Townsh"n o' 1.----,'-,, t�:r otry, J 4 J. rf 0 tj 11 1 Intl .1 % .-N R TffB OnSzl T .7 FL F% .9 E "PC E )J .1;. yr 1. -:1. It 1 A; 1 1-1 1,!j 1 fl:', t 'I I*o!, tl,, 4 1 z* I)r% litachine in Goderich and vicin- 1368. e. C- L 0 TF1 i� "U" t .1. fl, -:it 0,- 111—,: 111.1 f;- fill 'mhe Hespeler 11 V I I I L r I :I:-,! p f+ 7 N L -k- A yQ I. TV Paz 9% t I�s - Is Awl2 -Ly I , I - . i ftl rchant Tail -8 and P -%Tl -_':NT 1:'IlS, for s-fle clinat, lilt-, Q orzo _4 �,7 .44Jak, - 44 -A Lw Li AV . . k 1, AND I 10 0 11 11,. S 1,;.; 11,, 11 r\ a 'r%\ r ri.s. Ilt;I -0 ; i% .::, ..;' r " 1 "11 ""'It' -4 111-1 CAST STEEL, it flill a ridt. kill tllo:,,:. i. .;)., E. P.. t -f t"I'* 0 ay ru� NSON Ii, KI, "K C. , 'it, . At Jolt. n UC X Ez� r I'M; It. , .1 v. 1 0". A -�� 1 b r, 10, '1.. -17 ri yr L 3�. r_,�j nc- C1. -I ill;; ivoia v lon!;l to lital V E N.\ 111.14 L k- sl bV h -v- ( I 0 TI I C 7 U cj� Of i -heir MINE �D - $EWING MAL it It: 0 1 L LA 11 11S. -4 is THE PEOPLE &FAVORITE, 0 f� 0 C) 6 S NDgives universal satisfaction,. it is Vitt cf _L L n. A tho most simple, durable and the lightes. running machine now made 110cl l -(of the icaper kind) and will sew much 0 G 1. '73 any other, it is to material than farmers have Ionic, wanted U to:, nil J 0 1 at th �Lrd is �-arraiiiod in -cpt f r, ich:rery case and h in refit rrc for one year by d IL o'k ...... At A OF the eo T�kc iny advice and buy trj, inpany. no otlier- ewina machines of any it -a supplied to order at regular other lual rates.. I am also agent for alLkinds of t .1 A it, icqltaral, Implemants. Office - and 6 on s �:I. -fill t A. P. McLean's Clothing - -1-T r -I Store East Street,-Croderie. J. W. WEATHERALD V I0 Ir -T . 4. r t T [1SOMETHING NEW! Z 9 d" 'I a '71 UNDERSIGNED P Pt 1510 HAS T .3 ished abranch othis Toronto I Sovyi g Machine Repairing Works, A D -s whem all kinds of r 0 ewing Nachines 1711 r- lv o repaired, altered and put in fin 017 4 class rnVLuiug order. t L,:w- n H.,ving had 16. years experience Ill achine nianfati Iofthe largest m somc torie; in the world he can guarant9i, action. Ba -7 ri W)ritshop—Next door to New .... . offic(2, Clinton. WILLSON, next to SrawAx Guileriell, will roceive machinvi a -e orders. .:j r U L IND C inton, loth mar* 18-j3. 13601 THOMAS GOIDERVI C- t r ana n. c refuli� 0 C on !T1jRBM"S ROYAL A] gli. 3;)dL F ICTI011 BABBITT he fine arLq, I00 m! prollnc;i, work, HArtioultur L: norb Till: T11 Ujtj;IjR BILTAL, ICo- L to for neavi Bearings r.n:; fi,r n, KII At jmr_N9,0N and Hallwav car Boxessacrerlb r No. 2, is for'Pueldrix suga r i. ri ..-i - Ir L and Jounials running at iigh -7- t.............. 30c per b. 3, is for Orxlinary and 610 I&A in eneral Purposes.... 25q per It, the 0 G T CANADIAN ML:TAI,, is for dhealiness,and better A t .10 11 N 1 E 1'. r: than Ordinary Babbitt 20c perill. T. al at r h Is a vcry fine Met r - T fr, I, T'. it c ........... lfic perlb. L-VigiquatiAties of the Thurber'Bletuls have bilen D r 111tellitatingthe put Tell years. They have been 0:7 Cz T. horougilly tested and pitted against nil other Sle- -4 uts, and final.ly have bpe-oute ahno.,it exclusively I'; Tit.: 0 usec' I it all the Urge Lnniher LM;triets, sueb as the 7, no-jr.iao rqv and saginw vanev isaw Nliilg, Nothern Iffitil". v nd Little Stincoe' bilus. eter. 0 J011111stoll r r'O NY & K E -R R. Ivirdugh, rort Trenton, netievnio, lid A- t Nappace Bro kvilie, Ottawal Manirc4 Thzea Goods. ee, and Yontmorenci withs, me.q rs -ell I i1i 4 b 0 It the Principal Foundries and Manufac shops, Steamboats, Propellers, 41a., .7 -orSaieevervwliereint�eDoniWonattheallove THE f oF. P. U. TAYLOR& CO., V.� Toronto I C -Y P T_� Fee sale by H. G&RDINER LL Tlartiei indl.teil to Dr. Wanted Afruit on AfAIT]l ANI A-1. Ij Agmtsfor Goderich, DOUGA LL lisive been alre,uly noti- jov. 151h. 16-�2 op9:� JL �z 7 S floves Tcove s 1 A; � 1! -3 j NE F HARDWARE STORE DEL'. .373, the wi!l 4e L 1111ANKI' 'L ff)r qlast 11th 1 '73. 1z YL 10 ]a irk El,,LLU desires u ipf-ti-111 4110 ill q Sfaitlandvill and surrounding 21A.RKE, HOUSE. L) `ly 1, 11 mvk ;Iing rld I Ili tile Zol Seeds f 3 6 , . . h Street in the Town i:r that he is to be foulid 1 -1 stall(f, 1 ittiale on 8 )ut I readylid, %v lling to filtund. tu the Ex- ],,t, r 1 .3 oil halij nil rhanLe Hotel, of his cuidui.iursn If(, hu -U of Lot ercs Tho.se farnis will bt: Seed Potatoes, -rj or -Ntb 169 in thu Tuwn of (;!)(I#, ch. The her may be e. A FULLl.,),jTGc1.x o- r� C ar rot, Seed, land is we, Stock' ell with standard lk-s- ewiy. i Fruit Treus. 1,:trticulars -.p,,-Iy i,) rA13 ) Lot 2' ia t! e Town 4 E. WODCOCI� Turnip S e d, Goderich, situate on BFG TOSAY TUAT THEY to curn-ur of Soath L:,nd -1, ,nt,(! TI I 2-,. 'PAST and E,,,-i,i Streets. u&r:ch. lavL just mult,letdoj-enitti. out an Entire Re, 1, zkCC C C I, u, N,A- 6, Also, Lot in taic Town rif IAT Sir. snitaWe T ')UGI A 41 LOTHIAll"Ir FUR. r -T 'v,ler;ch, sit:iate (-)if tilo coritur of r.o- I I be- variety has f,e3.11 carufully elected IOMPLETE STOCK Of lient st. nd Britannia Road. t irnprAcoved, P.o a.; t.) secure a lobular 11, 21. wetchmsk-pr j evis I ar, .7 j Aoo, t fully 1nd in t1l­ oi ESIRES tri, in one shaped ru,,t, free from the least tenden- hat btu 6 A R DIN A corsitin!,, of jirtuen cres of tl!c D 1)ijli:it for t!:e i)atfrojisigu ext,,iticit bill,. In fit Dry Good,;, I 17 to coarseness. it ii very solid an� lancl wi t�.e fIron 1,,)a(l witimin one I. Th' al Le haj rejunve i t,, I:1 Will I'll SLIM at lirlePq that heavy, and the fles trood in (Inality; it K !it �rtit defy '�::74 A. 1-. and a Irt:f n.iles (if titj Tmvr. of God. lit, ton Ptivet, llt;furo Pie"t: Iis particularly adapted to -h-r Harry FtOfl, itivi tly C. u.i a call. nthe rit. f -rich, %-.iEh extensive fe-t Invial i3 well cral 10 his i:tt: B.-JIst of Goo.1% tu1j. I)Q%t week d t "to $oil; and for ketuping f) t e Tj Ito sf;ld qualities can't be surpassed. property c-,)mn)an,l.i a splendid view on Having bcell I0 Vc TaouGus AsD ; —o X1 t if Lake Huron and the town, , nd i3 theale. of kuLj CONDrCTING P i-IFflLP Mile li, Li )i -:I;- III rich. A CISTERN PuNurs, LuAD PirEs, Ac. 1 composed of prt of Lot o. 104 in the Opposite 'f he Yj arkot H6-u—se Also a Gen0ral Stock of oil Maid. in G!jl,l nit -1. I and Concession of the Townslup t;f G'oderich. hat; n han-1 if Gotlerieh an 23rd N71t; IPrij&1N A.N13 1p_&N4j W- 7 L .1 U rj rL -i Qr j-, & The remaining, portions (if DIII. 10, ViiLu'--.b... ots, -T 3 Z- L o ai'land Cancessitm. will 1;0 s"Id. in ofal kin-liwIliclolle !)derich Harness Shop bl-)cks of from five acres to fiftecit acres on the D6zi-E AS USUAL- -,iila in the Tuivn of God- .;-a..,y C'. AT to snit tho purchasers. COAt OIL �IL lier fur Title indi-,pbtablc—Iniuic4ia. 1, ivit. A sp!eiij, sitnation L;L, D. FERGUSON'S, 0 pils- I I i). if ;Iiid' 'L..l lac, 11VIll 'An MARTI WHOLESMhZ ARD RETAIL. 61 or private rl:sid1LIIC0. 6 ffamilton St., Goderiell. session will be givren. IN BOY 01. ON A I L. . Lr,t ef-mer of S' 611,rs., A3 pleastire in nnouncing to the public of TF, S S A' C:7, Coal Oil Lamps, &c. Old Iron. -Le =.:�,2 B -Town awl County t.bqt li�hall prchnsod the #fatness bu.4iness of 31r. II;aa13 Halliday an H Oopper, Beass, Wool Pickingsaud Sheep Ono Third Cash, balance in three equal ef;i,h, onc.qnater of an acre. with r B a Skins taken in exthringe. apnual instalments with riterest at utter, and other orodnee. irtift, GoderielL W. A. H.'has tLiatrn #;u i THE STER' Ecr B_ 11. BI Seven per cent. a C ITT PzT-9 �orzzd for the last . three rears in the best Harness T T the Tov. it of o:�c fi:Lh of all cinenill( Vito at- !i*10JiIc it' and iF 6w prepared to make up 10- r S! n of the Large Ocal Oil Butre A and, M. TP T G. UEHAN�, acre. LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNES, Goderch. Auz 15, ISTe SWI IH Auctioneer. L,31; Tiiiap of Th3Ganera1F4vorit0TardT1,0' Outtlie. the SchOO Ousc, 11011533 -CLOTHING AND SCOTCH COLLARS, oininion. a r ch 4 t 'I 1, 18 T in first-clalls stYle and with delpatclL orders 'oderich. July 22d, 13713j. 1379 itaitlandrille,(, r Mid -�;-id lace) w'ilth a propp Gorlft .17 :0 - (s .14 t:f io. -.. 7 .; ­ .-, 1 -F;N r tly attended to. good home theretin ervirted and garden i 3 richMarble works 13 Truciftsiq 'SThipglCurry-Coulbs, h fruit trees. 'live fio?L, mid Uaprece- W01 stockt-A wit "'bects coustflintlY 00 ]land through- p IAll% _-N DOOCK, Everywhere. LIE Success A ItelItt' D UTNL'-'* T it.0- . I 1 1.1 T�j T, jV!,,no . Uj L IVED AU TION SAL. I L N- 13 -r Land gen t and Conycyancer. OF IC 11 out tiie Putunier, June 26. ISW. Orr. -,.,E --Corner oi Wo.il I:j 8T D DURABLE, RuNg'; A� I III E - R H Er T T, L I L 0 R a.11t EAsY AVf) LiGnT TO IffOUX, em "lp YOU WANT Valuable Property t. 27 ve for S a STREET, CODERIC, NTIJE TOWN IfAti 'NO COGS OR C AM 4, PARTiAL LIST K, Y PC, awl other ry Kind of Work, Light his custotrows and tlij of got)" fi�r silo at P=sOn!S CO's Dew A)Ld 11, X 1F- v.TNT E ALE ID, 7; A G _q� 7 0 IR tener- ptiblie 6 lly that he has ren Hardware Store, OPpoS#e the Market WALKE R ON. r 11catnj. ed to tllv;t ANDBEST 0FRAND SAWS, Cll(-)P- House. wil I achnicuts A r-. I ,.S t o c k ol' G c PING AXES. VA I' '- 0 P. R8 TOOLS HOTEL, Walkerton, on 1.1 . U BbE I . 1 -1 Seoul Vailitone A: Co.1 NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, The moist c4pleto 'et of ALL S recArod hisS 0 OUS MAKERS There I be sold t HARTLEY'S CARPENTE Aven with ovejl-y Machine. hnd is proprotl as asual to make all SPADES, SkQiEs, SCYTHES, FORKS, See THE WPBSTElt before buying kinds of G' tralents in the most fatilition- 1,,UILDINGR, LNEIPILICE& DOY"9AX1;.S. IIANI, THAT THEY n I ­ 4 1 --owjj toUt B" TO "ATH AVE 0 R E. TU.38DAY, 2ND SEPT. NEXT, ny othar. I able styles aud at thurlowest rates. Eg oPened a brIanch oftheir litilearding RAKES, AN E'S AND BROADAXL-4.* COW GRAIN CRADLES, at two o'clock p. in., the following Val if MNUIUCTURED BY THE -ckc-nt-4 ""t -door to Win. Acheson's I'laruess IVJE.14 OF SEVERAI, Im 'hot), and nearly r.ppositohis old stand, abile� Town Lots, to one of 'which, LOGGING 0 H A I NS TS& VrZTS, up h MANILLA ROPE, close to the River, there is a new fraine Cm-nda-Se Ing­Maol�1102coly, -of all deso ritions collstantly.on. hand. where he' will be. prepared td ofiler Fbat- OF XLL -,IZFS, MADE' 13Y in the old litand of 31r. - -4Ox32, orected for - n_ C.LASS,PUTTY, A. 31. JobusloU HATS. HMJPAND zvrjU4jLr- PAMING buildin, measuring Ax H ILTOX, ONT. or inducements to purchasers than 14TING, allsizei, a fOiindry, and suitabloi7or that or other V W H.1 TELY A CALL r.ESIIBCIVLLY 8 . OLICITED. evrjr. witowniT Ai��P CuT NUL c. 4 June 13, 18 3. -4 7 .- "WWI WHITE LEAD, all Prima, factory. The Lots qe Nos, 1, 2, 3 TO THANK THE PUBLIC lJohujustroccivedabcauLiful stock -1 And alargoassorhnientu;� -Tombstones, F,.&W OIL, on diaWly. to tbe, Rjicr Saugbon, and near the him in the Pt R 'S ALE. goo, the east side of queen Street, close ft�j- Two d Tailors wanted huine. fi)r t lie liberal patronage accorded of past and to.announce that OIL. Bridge, at ]to still carr Goderidv 115th April, 1873. S1`F11kG AND SUMEP, MDS' West end of Town. tes on OF Mndow- Ul TEMS Or SALE 111TE undersigned offer f,)r sale the un- It lowpriceb for CASH. Qjqpus:te f &C I N R N r_V sale, the balanc i 4 * SHOES One half on day of c SH -GIH MAKIIJG do metiti tied landiij. belonging to a' d Canadian Twees mortgare on thd Scot -ch Chaviots tIvorkmanship "da rcuitzfa�bje F ,r� ,ta, The Cok.fessionsof all Jdnds of, to be Secured, by prfs at, L the tilp lato IzLEU=N 'R.' an. Invalid, MARKET HOU, s branche, at the old 81131141, PUBLI&IED as- a worning and for- Cent's Furnishi�q, GO TO GAV11V ST perty,payable-in two equal anmial phy- in all it TrEn, N :—. mentg. Interest at 8 per con t. Opposite Also thli rth-east-quArter of Lot tV6 be,. eat of y4ling lKen ana oth J13L Fifteenth Coucession, of whosu ers B. TRN'S COLBORNE. HOTARL. No. 12, i, &a., P 'SON uth E. A. 112ALY; Anationoter. VAr 1118rh-DID NE RVOtf*4 Dri, BILITY, ho. will d,spono of G..Ii All Z Co the Township of Sombra, in tho( lounty 8 bF UANH D. r 4 RONSON LOS OOD,vti. I" 'Nur. 28' I -UPP 3`149 - of Latn'liton, 50 acres, m9re or loss. Watt Bridges, giiinta, Walkerff]o;, the. incans if.self- cure. �. Writt r 1 8 ils �by One gio ragib ars in it I fiomwhon! All puti6al, y be ob. For -terw4nd. particul4rp of sale, MP' wh-o ouredl hiinsilf fter - undugom,g 13-314W and everythiug olac, in' his line. kept -on ply to the uddorsigned, parihnallYi, Or oonsidvaW ritlaoirbry; Alld gentfies-of CLOTHMG MAIM" TO W1R GODERIC Lucknow no__'d, T, P 1IMS 02�0 Ail wasses r hand or Inado to Order. Of the best by. letter, to. t, OutbarinfliS P43b -1011! bQl, of P. omaterial and 0.1no ofers a in to- uddiess tat noileo. 'be %Y111 P. A IL sor. Itabil ;)Ay %q) .4 of eithor sex, young Br ld, mak@, visuey ut weric for in*, in tbor vp t ork tha�ulosi faildeliZI:I10 atylv. anuil on WOOAL milmlikle Box 4013.- vote," pa) 0 JUDGE WMAX TgOtfrat L A 01 rXA �Lq ull t4ne. thlfil at.jayt_%%z Lu Ica* T=, Simi" -offloo L143 73. 371 rum. Adams -N WIL be rewuiaea for1heir t A: