Huron Signal, 1873-08-27, Page 2• ese a 7 • IsA te • _ New alivortioomcata . ••••,` 11111ABIL*. • NEW'S 0.7 T MIZE • meger Bitters. In Prese-3ohn War.tod- -J. Latham & Ce.* State•nery T, 3. Moorhouse, I ns.klvent Notice --John Feir. Resiklenee for Sore F. Al.:mewing. To summer X isaors ameas ceseee N-tice to Contraetors - • .e. Armita&e. N eice of tlnarei tense p Marie. 11.;:mee. eeeteet Se:: of 11, -al leetatc P. G. 'one. tee,. ef Lee et NV:eel:eel - -Crown Lensl Deotranee:. a .10 of L ;ts at Port A:1;er: Cron it Lankl P.:ears:neat. _ 4 UtOn - GO DE RI C . :st pal • A lane slide recentlytook place about ,; miles from- Lima, in Peru, which has ;sleeked a river, the waters of which hese se ;en to teal:tetra height of 109 feet an.1 tereaten the town of Lima. eeepeoh from, Bombay reports klestrue:; to tlood.s in the Province- of Agra, is lissrt, native houses were sw eat assay ey the waters. A few eats ago, 1;0,000 Japanese far - mem e e in rebellion; but a two weeks rain set in, when the rebels streck for Cher respective homes at double-quick. reeee was consapiently restored without e shot being tiretl. Mr. Jemes Baire,a Seetch iron master has raid over to a body of trustees, to be ' called the letird Trust, balf a million uninds. to be applied for religious pur- ! isesee in eennection with the Church of : See tl clasp:I:eh from Arkansatt, on Satur- d17, says the steamer George Wolfe blew ; tie a: St. Francis Island on Friday, kil- _ line twelve rersons and woundiog fif- Aug% 27, sl• teen others. a A collision ea:erred on Saturday moraine en the Great Northern Railway S=Wer Mtge. at Itetferd near Nottingham, by which e'er aline yeere pis: the asIvisalelit,- el hevine laegtt wonmer hotel in t ; -eerie% hes 'been talked oeer. t ,wn ee every year be:eating mere eone- re::y and feeouralo7y knewn A3 a sant res -..rt during the selele:,t eeths. -- !nothing, bnt the ine.1.• -eir.er of eer neeemeklatien has peevented :aree nnrelcers. frem Cenedian well as Ameriean towns and e'eies, from reeert- ine hither, 1-eferninately oer towns- peeele, thenth ever reale- te talk nre s: e- to azt. :end sersen after seas el is alioweel - re s'ee eest wi:hetit anythine 1,eine done. There ie a. mevement on f eot at present. liewever. wilieh we trust result in seeerine :he desired ae- 1 elatien. Jelin Kirlepatr:ek. Et e. t hem the 0...1 Ma-aland 'ilotel and er ends belt nee has on several oeeasi, ns , : hen.1 them ever to a Jeint Ce:apeny a: a Ili: veleeti r.s sz e1 in an enter -e -rise the keel. 2,1s r Lae new:- lweil tee; n see ef. and n eliee t e: h •te: he:tee:a he a: lest tleeieee. : • eirn a tertion ef the ;le -lends w, et t • . leree f .t hetela te his • n -este rael erect a riva:e resieenee teereen. Teis met- e stems te haee ko. heed e eae eur teele:e. and Kr. etriek hes; teen in,Ince3 t sus- - toe., _ • • N. We un..1,.rs:.1:•.,1 re are earties Ape° ansaar f.e the s: ee in tee toeeesed cevereante preeiled fee town wla de its -share by ereretieg a to ,nus te aid in the undenekinee The ine'aer , erahably let sub:lee:el to fee 2,e:it- eil rest Friday even'ae, when we trete theywi:1 do their cletee I: is pr --sea t A: a bonns ;ire, t eeent whieh a 1,41aw aave to be sebmieted thetete,:e. That tee iavestatent wetted preset, remanera:ire there cat be no (Leak. Toe trode • f G elerich will be szeteusly effectel bv tee S wteera Ex- tnsien ef the W. (i. aal 13.. Beilway rota _eat- , c:ntmeetien, realei: is oZ e-; ceer besieese men thai d rat • Jieheer..s.• wee are tee:: et teetiemert -- Theater roeatas, s:. •eld la ate:ate:ale Weer. unless act is talseu le et-I.:a Kirkeetrick will teen dee se a .1.ecti la, by far fee best in tile nelehbeerhet2, to his own use, and tee etegetetun.ty of securing it. wit:. be lest. L.:. our bueiness raea f..r (nee exert tee:nee:yes and carry the sceeme to a s oweesfel issee, anl neceseery let the t •an ,war -t a Learal b- nes, exemptien r en tamation, or weatterer else may be etirel, and we riely seeere that great deelieratum, increased hetet acceeneda- den fer suran.er visitors-, ween which tee proeperity of our teem se 11111C11 de - tattle. 4 '' .4.. " • - - - Me Pacific Sc2.1:12'... The Tory -papers pite-Aess to be exceed, inely aaxious that the leestiee Railway Scandal should be investigated under eath and on thiegreend j uetifeethe awe eine mow efh Ceerniesi tn. After all, it . appears that Parlianaent can secure the administration of an oath before its c.tm- mittees in three diferent weys, sta:ed by the Ghte follows,-"Firtt, it can t -r 'lie and expir.ed a Monday- evening call in a magistrate to administer the Lee week - is ree nted teenty lives were lest and tea .ral remene iuree. , LOCAL NEWS, - A. 7: tew. t.Y ITEMS: °VAT a ea lee: nee': will be found on the feerea e tee. • • Ace etlee r. -We endorstand a man ' nanied Cessekly fell out of a waggon ele.:e mune up the harbour hill last Frelay, and sastained severe injuries. Ceeres t'tee es.- Cole's Dominion : Circus will exhibit here on Thursday : next. 'afewnoen and evening. It is a Oanadian ombination and is highly seoken of by our coutemp.waries. A se: T. - A man named Setnuel theeiie ie new in eel here. charged aith AA% ; Ica t a,A8,1111t3 Leon- , eles Peek tee the lkith and. leth tlf teat. Ile will be lireueet before. Judge T .a:s Loa ;ley or tw Teeeeet W serer,: -Tenders are call- ; e.:1 for coastraetien of the Beick, w.,od and [eon work connected Cie Interaational Salt Co.s works te oderieli. See advertisement. The , se hare th; ir derrick erected end are ilhoey t push things. j • Cioente. Lee e -a. ---Jelin Brown, the ert e el:rester ••t Theron, has ar- m:lee-1 t -rt Chinese laborers to the eentraets he has in hand en tee V•heend Canal. Should he of)- ! ...n t.„ r t. ntracte on Goderich Here et- we nosy probably see sumo of h:s Ce:cr.i.-1`.s working here. Sze: ir tepee -T. -A man mined Mae,: era Mweesen met with a very t• ?:. •14 ace: Ent at the harbour on raersley Lett. He wa.s eneaged in as- eitone ; anlea 1 a reeseh when by some melee; a seer fell. striking him on the el 1 aal eireine hen severely. We en:ere:nal He is in a fair way of reeov- e3..y. ' 7ritavrevr, :.1.,".:•, rzwael.ile .i•fairliiye aSiolutthhe legrai dlinrigh,of„ 1 T:!?. Cr. ire. -A person wee travelled teis C enty las: week and who is in the leted-. - .:: In. rine eh let considerably, says the crors are bet:et th In they have been f e• t xeler yeere. lit everything except hey the vield lute been most abundant. Tee we oherh s • been very favonrable for be 'n 11,-.:, el in exeellent cendition. Symes, the eeemer eeetinatater of the steamer e et tne Beatty line, was recent- ly prte:nted with n meenificent plated wa:er c 1nsistine k,f pitcher, salver an 1 t ereblets, by the passengers under charee on a recent trip to Lake Se -aerie:. The Beatty line is fast gain- ing pepularity, and no wonder with such .-;:ie:ere as Cap:ain Symes. Cive• Ho e:Dee.-Yesterday was teen- er:A:le- e.bserved ae a holiday in accord- ance with a preelainatien issued by the Mayer. The event of tho day was a pic- nic and ball held at Mr. Bitigham's gar- dens bv the Odd -fellows. As we were cblieel to have onr ferns ready for press .-•n Monday night, in order to give our ?tends the beneet of the heliday, we are compelled to hoed over further particu- lars, as well as the latest news, till nekt OBITraftY..-We rezret to anaemic :ea death 'of Mr. Edward U. Sayers Irether-in-law of R. II. Kirkpatrick Eve, and himself a late resident of thi tewn. Mr. Sayers left for Chicago by sommer a sheet time ago, and ithen o laceinetv w proetrated by a stroke o ohlysis. The boat put aohoro and nelice/ aid wet summoned, after which 31r. Sayers preceeded IiiS destination end thence Lente to Caynza, where he hae been resitting for some time past He areal -telly saalc frem the effect of the ff • oath ; second, it can pass an Act empow- ering thamembers of any specified Com mittee to administer an oath ; and, there, it may address the Crown asking'that one or mc,re members of any Committee may be created Royal Cometteeitmers for the purpose of adraireheprieag the oath.'j As a Parliamentary Committee is the proportribnnal to investigate the charges it is not at all probable Mr. Huntington will appear before the Commission, com- prised as it ia of thee° Tory judges, who have atready been closeted with the ac- cused and no doubt received their in- , t atrections. Acoetyof the Commission has been sent to *Mr. Huntington with a re - 'pest fur him toappear beforeit,wit'h hie witnesses, at Ottawa, on tbe 4th of Sep- tember- It isnot likely he will do so, but will trait till Parliament meetwe hoe the charges can be inwestivated in the proper way. - In4=tirj. Tribrinal. An Ottawa despot** says, -"Judges Polette and Day arrived het° last night and Jeyege Gowan Chili morning„ and were cfieeseted all this afteenoen with Sir John A. Maedonald.ne We dlought this Royal Commission was to be an lmpar fatal tribunal. Fancy a criminal being closeted with the 'jury who aro to try him. Bet the "white- washers"- must receive their instructions as to what evidence they are to aeLnit. This Royal CORIMi88.1011 business is a perfect farce. We do not see how Mr. Huatington can appehr before them and if ruinaour be c,orreet helloes not intend to. • .03. LC r ag . The triae of the Tichborne Claimant. is dill draggeing- its-slowalefigth along On Thuredeay fait Mt. Kobe*, the lead- inz counsel for the defence, concluded his address. lo the ju.ry. -He commenced tospeak omthe 22.td of July, and has occupied the -atteniion of the Court every claY witli the exception of ---- the usual adjournment froii Saturday extra adjournment o 5th' of Au - Tete H }P.E.arl"--We tunleretand the government are having prepared as rapidly.a3 possiele, plant for the further improvernent.of Goderich harbour, and tenders will shortly be called for. The prre,eeed improvements include the buieline_ of docks, the extension -of the breakwater to the beach, a cut below Galt's Bill as an outlet for the river, the repair ef the damage done te the new pears last spring and the dredging of a large additienal area. With these im- provements preperly carried out, our harbour will be secenti to none on the Ltkee. • Sete toe Lors.- As win be seen by onr adyerti.e.ing columns, the Govern- meot of Ontario inteud diepoeing of a large number of Town and Park lots at Port _Albert and Wingham next month. Tne villages were originally laid out by zevernment and a larg,e proportion of the lots still rdrnain on their hands. The sale at Pert Albert will take place on the 9th and that t Wingham on the 17te of September. We wonder if our Frog. contemporaries will raise as great a heel about this sale ea they did over the sale of tim-ber limits on Lake Hu- ron. Foer WILLIAM. -The bar at the mouth of the Kaministaqua River, Lake Su- perior, is now dredged out, so that steamers c.sn land at the Fort. The Munituta was the first veseel to effect a. la.uding at that point, whith she did en her last trip. It had been previously announced that the captain of the first passenger steamer which reached Fort William should be presented with two town building lots of land,. the one by Messrs. Oliver, Davis ke Co , who have large lumber establishments in the neigh- bourhood, and the other by the Mc- Kellar Brothers, residents of thet fort and noted explorers, of the country. Captain Symes accordinglrwas present- ed with the lots. We trust he will make a good speculation Out of them. As3minr.r.--A number of the boarders at Writelit's Hotel, as a return -for the attention shown them by certain of the 'towns -Teeple, gave an assembly in the large dining room of the hotel on Thurs- day evening last, to which their friends here, as well as a number from Strat- ford, Seaforth, Clinton and other places were invited. The. ladies who had the affair in charge spared no pains to make the entertainment a success, which it proved to be in every respect. The room Was handsomely decorated and all the other arrang9ments were as perfect as could be desired. Every one who was present appeared to enjoy them - Selves and expressed their obligations to **ladies for having spent such a pieu- Toning. CAtooeu.-For the vast week Trunk Elevator hat been kep nil night discharging , -principally corn rush arid railway ery- busy- dissharging very -Urge vessels t week, the Home saul. thelfahtedwith are the.. largest Werra thialtarbour, 'miring been wale- busbelso -The cargo I 90 ears to eonvey 4 alvistligtears, of chsr ste obi* to Tho nosforth Tragedy: FULL PARTICULARS OF THE pants. .11M11•111 • *) •I• seemed to shun society; never heard him threaten to take his own life, but have hoard hint speak very •1,bisoly about those things; after he stoppekl livin4 with ino I heard that. he temesion- ally became the worse of liquor whoa in contpany; about •t NO years ate, ho te)1•1 mo that he was ramie these melancholy tits were going to deed his mind. John 51cMillan, father of elery Scott, worm Mary Seote's wile living in Detroit; she had been living with hint, but for -some tittle been staying with me, being in bail Isettlth, but settee her arrival was recovering; in- writing to her linsband had urged tomtit) to Cana- da aud take a school; hu had ocesipied the position of teacher iu Canada; had frequently urged • him to again keep school, but as teaching had not agetted with hint, he always relused to comply with nty wishes in this respect. [A letter was hero road by witness ivhich had been received by Mrs. &tett from her husband. The hater showed ScoLCS aversion ta school teaching, bet in it he said that for her sake he Weida re- turn to 'Canada, if the Egmendeillo or No. 1 Tuckersinitle school email be got for him.- Hu also intimated to his wife that if he teethe to Cenada, he would re- quire to borroiv a small sum of money from her father to (nimble hie) to tin Illy settle up his altars Detroiel After receiving this letter she asked me whet to the; I told her the best thing ;vas fer Robert to write to Mr. Dewar, the School Insp_ector; she then talked of goink team; elm Dewar; a week ago she chatig,ed her mind, and said she would reit go to see Mr. Dewar but would go back to Detroit, and would write to her husband to that effect; after I learned shwintended going back to Detroit, I spoke to -herself and told her I would see Mr. Dowar, and she might send a letter to her husband, as 1 would give her tho mono 1r her husband sail he would reiptiee; she said. she would not take tho money, but if t was goine to see. 'Ur. Dewar, she would wait and see the result; I went and saw Mr. Dew- ar; Mr. Dewar told mo Witt Eginone- rifle and Section No. 1, Tuckersmith, wanted a teacher; consulted with Mr. Dewar and Mr. Shaw and concluded to try Egmondvillo; then I went to see Mr. Jacksomone date trustees. Mr. Dew- ar wrote a letter reconitionoliug Hobert Scott as a teacher for Egimindville school; Mr. Dewier said the recumniew dation hit had given . was such as he would give to few teachers; Mr 'Dewar, Mr. Shaw awl myself went to see trustees of Egmendville school"; I hamlet' Mr., Dewar'i letter to Mr. J ackson; .Mr. Jack- son enquited if I knew what salary he wanted ; I said, no; Mr. Jaekson tele- graphed Rohert Scott, asking him if he would teke at the rate of eti50. and if so to come tu Eguetudville on Thursday evening; heard no more till Feeley ; on Friday went to Mr. Jackson te learn what waS the result of tile ineetiee; Jacks.,n sleeved ine reply front S'eot soy ittg he weals' aceepesalary, and if he Wes to dome Eemi .1 ot_v...o oil Thtireility answer; 3Ir. Jiteks.nt did u anewer the: telegram: Mr. Jackson s•tid tee trueteee would take no feather acti,01 until Men - day, and I wits to teleeraph to hen and get hint here or get aforited meelice:ion from him; I telegraphed te hint an I told him to come to Egmenilville before .Alele day afternoon, the 18 ta ; whelk came teem:, I was stirprised to leant feet' ene boy, who had heen at kinhurn, th Scott was at his father'e; his e. ife feel gotta over to see lain; me wife wished her tu wait till I came home, :eel the it she could take word to eltint of what I Ithelione; she did not wait, however, at she said she feered he mutt he sick; on Saturday inernine 1 sent ledeat. Sa t letter. [This letter was re el by wittiest. and 'wee merely aeettentent tt het been done whit referenee to ge•Wiee hi in the school.] The boy who eirtial thielet ter returned and t;,1,1 me that his sheer, 3Irs. Scott, would le ever iit a while; they did net arrive; ono of in% boys left lit,me to go. to Kinhurn :t'ion: 3 o'clock, and had gone into Mr. .t,tillev's skop, whero Mr. Scott, Sr. works; Air. Scott asked if Roliert and :lce:htse,1 hat got to her father's; when the boy replic,1 in the nieeative Mr. Scot t eeid they lied left his prace abeet 10 o'cleek to g, z ray place; when the bey returned lie tel. me of this; I almost ittimedietelv wein Kinburn err. Scutt's; saw MP. tete t and his dauehter, wle• bete tole me telt deceased had left atietit 10 ketaak with the intentieieef going to my phote; I e ,11 - vented with eIr. Seott for nearly an hour; Mr. Scott's kiteelitor wee in Mr.Sa•ttee hones when lee; at and his wife left; elm ateel It ahrt, leavitte, weele he eo tote- ,. mere•wt He repeal, "jet, if 1 :int ill Helene I will he bate teenerrew ;'' 1 remember of sayine t- I ?•11.. SC,Itt thee somethine wrong must letve lieppened :- Mr. Scott replied thet it wee anything could hese: liaepened, anti h better wait till Sunday ; titially c •ti - eluded that they hael either -gone to Wal- ton to see 3Ir. Seats, who w.ts irfti • mate friend, or had gone t.t see atehit Egmondrille school, or about a Irmeeee live in ; came home abeet 10 and on itny way paesed about It) or Pe rods from where I found the iafant en the following morning, but heard tie noise ; under the circumstamces, myself and family felt uneasy ; about 2 o'clock in the moraine my dog made a mdse. got up but colic't1 heal. nothinteand- went back to bed ; I got up in the morning, Sunday, about sun -rise and went fur iny cows ; in going for the cows heard a noise, but -after listening, did. net hear noise repeated ; ori arriving back with the cows heard a similar noise-, but after listening heard no mitre ; Proceeded about 4 or 5 rods whenethe tease was re- newed, and knew it at once to be the voice of an inant crying ; went to where the -noise ptoceeded fi•om aed saw the infant sitting up, and crying es hard as he could ; proceeded back to the he use with the infant-; near where I found the infant there. was a -shawl lying ; met my family on road to house; gave the ipfant to family and returned to svoods .; after getting near to where the bodies were found. iound Robert Scott's pipe ; pro- ceeded some distance further wheu wek found the bodies lyine ; returned do the honso and apprismrneighbora ; re- turned to the seene with Mr. . Scott, father of Robert ; when we got to them we noticed that Mrs. Scott's arms and breast were bare ; both heads had been lying oti his coat; took her jacket, which was lying near her feet, and placed it over their faces ; afterwards on leaving ground found first traces of blood where I found shawl at fence. near. where we found the baby, saw indications of a struggle; my impressionis that the -baby had crept a distanco of 10 or 12 yards ; the blood marks. were visiele all the way from this.placo te where the bodies were fouTnod. Jurors -My fiest impression was- . that they had mutually consented to commit the deed and had left tho baby to be discovered ; but on finding marks of sttuggle, had abandoned this idea,and came to the.conclusion that her husband had used violence ; I still believe from what my daughter had previously stated to MC that herselLend her husband had ever been on tho most amica,ble terms. Gilbert McMichael, sworn : Am a far- mer of the township of Mullett, and a distant relation of the deceased; am one of the first- who saw the bodiese Mr. McMillan sent for me about 8 ceolock Sunday morning • when I proceeded to the woods I saw kr. Scott and Me. Mc- Millan sitting on a log, about 30 yards from the bodies ; I tracked blood marks from where thebodies were found to the fenee, where the. first struggle had ap-- parently taken place ; at tho fence I saw Pools of blood and indications of a great struggle having taken place ; there weie no marks of a struggle -where the -first blood was seen, but did see such marks about eight or ten yards from where_the first blood was seen., Dr. King, • of Seaforth, sworn : The marks of external .violence _upon the de- ceased, Mary Scott,_ were three Wounds, ono upon the right side of the neck,. an- otherupon the right arm above the bend of the elbow, and the third on' the left arm above the' bend of the elbowl the wmind upon thanetk. was inches in langtk and- thretkplarters- of an ineh in depth.; theta -On' artery lay at: the -bot- tom- of this. wound, but Wita UninjUried 'they* Was out more than half through; tbo Wennd. en vight,teon..wen vier -ter. ofantneti 'inIengt14 but 41.0.--Veettele. Of inipteitanee :Itereectit I:the:v.004 Open the.Ieft eieneeWaattiviel, .appearint .1Chtar-infw Mtah, With .the...*int.nf,h 'knifel.' - hnOWthh*O.M0.0n- "the weUld,ta•:t,nif6eientloeaaso,Aeatli'.thO,' .4144triP WerainixMless _4000W 4niglif 110.0i,.-Thtt trent :WhOre Wia'firat, found lo wheth.the hod ' watiOnndi.' -4***4 ( Front our special con espondcrit.) Tho following particulars, from- our special correspondent, of tho dreadful trageety which occurred near Seaforth last noel:, a short account of which wo gave in the Smut. of Wedtiesday last, 041110 tO hand just too late for last issue. It will still be read with interest by those who have not seen a full report of the terrible occurenco,- A painful tragedy has just been °e- nded in •Hullet. It -seems that Robt. Scott, lato teacher at.Berno in Ilay, but latterly a resident of Detroit from which place he returned on Thursday last, murdered hie wife, a daughter of Mr. John McMillan of Mullett, under the following circumstances. His wife lied came home ft-om the States for the bene- fit of her health and' had been stayiue at her father's for three or four weeks, McMillan had been trying to get a school-- for STU; as tho murdered wo- man it seems wanted her husband to comeback to Canada, McMillan had got the promise of the' Egmondville School. In the meantituo Spott returned rather unexpectedly on Thursday morning last and instead of going to his father-in- law's place whet° his wife was, it seems proceeded towards Kinburu on the mor- ning in question .(Thursday),but strange to say did not arrive at Ins fathers home in Kinburn until Friday morning at 4 o'clock and then somewhat the worse of thou according to his father's state- ment. Hes wife hoard he had arrived and wont over on Friday evening to see hien anti had her child with her. They stayed all night in old Mr. Seott's and on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock they stetted in company fur McMillan's, where they did not arrive. McMillan it seems was somewhat anxious and sent to Kinburn to see if they were there and found they had left_ at 1G. The day passed away and night came and no word of Scott his wife and child. On Sunday morniag McMillan heard the cries of a child -proceeding from the wood near his barn as he was bringing home his cows. He proceeded into the woods and found the child and a shawl. brought both hotne and then with his son- Walter went to search for tho father end m Aber and found them botk lying with their throats cut, between two rotton logs, in a hollow place. ife then sent for Dr. Campbell of Seaforth, Coroner, who proceeded to the spot with a constable but at, it was Sunday no In- quest could be held, but he examined the ground, the blood marks and the wounds and then ordered the bodies to be removed to McMillau's residence. In the meantime the news spread in all directions and large numbers visited the scene of the bloody tragedy. At one time there were it is calculated over 100. on the spot. The Inquest was opened - on - Monday at 10 o'cloak, first on the body of Mary Scott then on the body of her husband. The proceedings oc- cupied, the whole day until nearly 9 o'clock at night. Dr. King was request.. ed by the coroner to make an examin- ation of both bodas which result is as follows. The murdered woman had a deep cut on the right side of the neck sufficient to have caused death. There were also cuts on the arm in the neigh- borhood of the principal blood vessels. Suott had wounds on both sides of the neck, the one on the left side failiug to cut the blood vessels, but the one on `the right severing both the arterly and vein of the neck, which must have caused death almost instantly, Ho had also tints ou his arms near the- blood vessels of that part which however had failed to reach them. He was also mutilated on -the private parts and the knife smeared with blood was found as it had evidently dropped out of his hand aa death had forever relaxed his grasp. His coat wae under his wife's head and the upper part of the body was divested of its covering. From the spoh where the child vow found to where the bodies were found was 70 yards and the blood was traced all the way between the two pointe and at one place there was evidence of a severe struggle,the ground having been literally ploughed up with the mark's 'of boots. The Coroner gave every epportunity for a full investigatien,calling any witnesses who could cast light on the subject and chsrging the the Jury at the conclusion of the evidence in "both cases." The billowing is a detailed account of THE INQUEST. On 3Ionday morning tho following gentlemac were sworn in as jurymen; D. D. Wilson, foreman: C. y. Dale, W. E. Caldwell Sloan John Hinchley Rob - area Campbell, D. McGregor. Sen., D. McGregor, Jr. Thomas Stanley, John Thompson, iobert Thompson, W. H. Brown, George Cope, James Sutherland, Samuel Dotrence and John Williams. The Jury, after being folly instructed as to their duties by elm Coroner, proceed- ed to view the bedies, and the scene of the tragedy. After this was concluded, the following evidence woe taken. The first case proceeded with' was that cf Mary Scott: EVIDENCE IN THE CASE OF MART SCoTT. Robert Scott, father of the deceased mane sworn: Am a shoemaker in Kin - burn; Robert Scott came to my place on Friday morning. about half -past 4 o'clock; I asked him if he had been at Egmond- vile and he said no; he said he did not think he evotild teach that school, but perhaps he might, he did not know yet; said he was tired and sleepy and would go to bed; went to bed immediately and lay till about 11; at noon, when I came into the house. he was still there; at 5 o'clock Mr. McMillan's son Walter came, into my shop, and afterwards weut down to my house to see Robert; my daughter told Robert that Walter McMillan was in the heuse and ho had better eome down and see -him; he, Robert complain- qf being weak and did not come down; Walter went home and told that Robert Was at witness' piece; Mary Scott, on hearing that her husband was at my place, came over getting to my place about 8 o'clock; Ihrs. Scott stopped over night; did not notice any quarrel or dis- agreement between Robert and his wife; did not witness meeting between Robert and his wife; Robert received a letter Saturtlay morning from Mr. McMillan'a youngest sou: he sai& he thought McMillan wonld do, something that day towards getting a school for him; my daughter replied that he had better see about the school himself; he ai4 that• was a fact, and prepared to leave. and himself and his wife Immo- diatelyleft with the intention ofgoing to McMillan's; this was about 10 o'clock on Saturday; we heard no more of them until about 5 o'clock, when one of Mr. McMillan's boys, who happened to come to Kinburn for the mail, said they had never got to their place; the boy went home and told that they had left my place to- go to Mr.tMcMillan's in the even- ing. Mr.MeMillancame to our place and said that they had not yet reached his place, which Caused us all alarm, and we thought something must be wrong; even then witness thought they might still have reached Mr. McMillan's house in his absence, and, as it was too late, con- cluded to do nothing further till morn- ing; about 7 o'clock Sunday „morning John McMillan came to our place; his • first words to me were, our worst feare have been realizeda he stated that he had found the child and took it honee and then had discovered the bodies. I feared something of this kind the night previous; I then went with Mr. Mc Mil- Lsu to where the bodies were. Te a Juror -When he CS010 honie, Friday mornieg, thought he had been taking liquor; had a knowledge of his being lew-spirited before, and did not like his alipaatanee; my iinpression when. my daughter tokthim Walter McMillan wantsd to see him was that he did not want to be distarbedi. and not that he did not want, to ape, the ; :during the eta Robert Scott and his wife at my , Putt no dissgreiment between them, bat on the contrary, they seem alt.* agief,ohie With each other; he said_ lad ba4 arrived at Sesferth at 8 o'cleck on Thursday morning, and that Mr had taken sick, and itin ia-tho woo& Until the time ,he Myna 'to my place on Fri, 'where_ hp. hal 'kap& froth. the finte he left the cars Sesforth. till he camOto 174.)11011efee uty daughter told Me that Fkiturclay morning; his with -Wain nty, di morning; lr haveno knowledge of a law Robert sharpening ti knife on woo at flail:be; ehe was toe confiding and 44 not sequoia him of his weak. reates; sew la Weis been subject te its of atektaeltekri we, ,sow-- *mei I bibs& tootle WO" Hy whim ot on the lifft arm looktel al if it hid been ,lone witlt etriking me:Lima-the point of e lotife,j the one on the right Was! cress.: wag rod might have been receiver' in toll -defence, . but do not think flO front the faci that to pentlnee such rt wound in etteli llrannor, .the knife would either have t bo hold very solid or heeto to be -ery sheep. To J hrors -Do not think tho wound on thoefright arm youhl yield eufliciont ilooll tie leave -a traek of blood same as hat vitaihle, the out on tho neck, how- ever, itollIti gliall suffielent blond to do this ; there were no contusion of bruises et thJ, holy other than the) irtjuries re- fer'll...°1:11elitctotted the evidence) in this came • when dolt of Itebert Scott was -at once proceeded with, the saline jury having been sworn in for both Ca308. Tlio first witnetsoelled in this C3.10 Was Dr. Icing: EVIDENCE IN THE Vtell OF ROBERT. scow. Dr. K big, of the village of Seaford). teetitied : I made an examination of the botly of Rebert Scott, anil I fistula a wound on the right side of the neek ; another wound on the heft side of the neck i a 'small. woend on the left. arnt above the bend of the elbow, and aleo an iimiseld wound 031 the penis ; die woimd on Hit right Sae of the melt was au he elate! wound, tfiai alit! tlirOO-milarter ince ce en lvog111, and ono and one-quar- ter Nell inelepth, and both of the hiree vessels were Revered on the right siee; on the btft side the'woaitel was a punctured -woulo, ono unit ono -fourth inehue in !emelt], mil ono half hell in depei, anti was ijos;dei.,4 to the 'ergo blood vessels, which. were not cut ; there was no com- munation between the two wounde ; the Qi110 was on the right stile and the °thee on the left ; the wound on the pe• nis was about one-quarter inch in lenetle, seveeing the foreskin and posterior se le stanee of tho urethra ; the posterior wall of the urethra. was eeineived for the length of about one -eight of tut iiiche the simnel on the left anti MIS trivial; and resembleil that on the left aria of the woman ; the emend on the right side of the neck was the ono wheel canted dente ; t•liese were the only marks of ex- ternil violence 1 found ; th o right hand was eear the penis, mid the oants were- opent at that part ; the left sliert sleeve . was willed. tip ; this right wa.; net ; the tail I f the, shirt %Vas 10.tt eta. . To J u roes : There is an artery in the vieleity ef the wound oa the woe of . eeett, also of the women ; tee we ends weed aeross where the artery was, but the 5-outols were net deep eiemell ; had they bed), thee weiild li eve beeu sufli- eieni to cause death ; the e-olin,N tot th, ntan.ana woni:nt bore an ex.ect similarity to teteloother, except that the wound on tee right setts of the man Was much laruie te.en the woune on this right side .%‘,!at3liforowtiiiiib0T,ainti;litclinflonr.1,0tairnad, aolnot )1:- IS 'pile:11,11 t': art/Aro:10y deeignerlle; he could net pos- sible! have neele tide wound atter the weeeil ',tithe rielit silo of the •neek; the rielit hend g tve rho inliattien of kw-, ie..; 601,1 Ow knif..: trio wo111171 011 tlit-• lefeiiiile of Wei twee was ni ets the natare ef a rale wise.. th item the reeit side was a cut, in tle from the be • k forte. ird. , ‘ililter efeefillen, 11 1:1 Of elr, Jeer, )1e:Ntillart. told brothor•of tibt 51,,c,sased Af•zry Se.itt. tostili5b1,... \Vent with My father 1 1 wli,sro the chil-1 was fonntl: whcii arrit in!, 11,.ir OW fonee we found a eipet• we thee seeich lee, the leith n iilll'i wliVa: 1 w ti Ct.) lirst e, see the ealiee. en I me f oil o vets alongside of t tim...; ii•.. went up -'to tly: lite et the e•eliee, an.I :the: leek ing at theen, turnee tad 'mune lietee: at lir al 1 knee-, the aecetteel. lived lieenonieti•ily teetelter; -um )-• a awe e) :et 1 I li xvii net healer i'!etti there wee ....le. ititoksef vedette.; on tee ?WI; I '.1.‘" 11 I 1/'.11:141.1 c•Mt:Ljaillg ..1pirt ...:: 'j w.0 S!•.! t (.13 weree of 'littler eticalive.y.• tre :::,,, tett wover since: krr qv no;;tiii...; . f h •tv l•••:calt Cothitiate.1 hire, If ie th • eekt, .; weer saw synie- . 1' . , „ ;,.;aa• ol in eanal ey or- ill, Iney alerat Se ,tit. . . Wi..•rt i'.1e..1i,..11,t.•1 s•vorer, ;Ile tie_ prt"eeen is tat: Wet rteutels 011 tetett were. 0.,:.1.11:,6 1 'as 1,i. ia..11. .1 ii!Iii S. v..i'l i of Ilia I.:ill:Lt..: elf I Rie'etee, 11 tees-a:Pa, tettified I eve I:. •leat. e tit: en Set:inlay mornine ;il000t t 0 e', --,,-k. e ening front the selli,,,i erelitel at Kileenel, with his Wife, an.1 they •walkal alene the road to the cheese etetime; L. watehA t,i 8...:ri whether they went acress to .1 .i1.3 le!,IiIlitil.s; she was: carryine th i halo-, and ho wee walking alone:ad,. ef her; they turtle( fe- el thwaril 3Ie :till tn's; I did not sp ak to -hither Sc at or bit wifee del net 0- tiweimythiog Sfra'1.4.3 ie their condi t; I See Cs-fateter ti•M e..• :hat he was me ...l- iter tis s -,n 11,,liert's Iltocs, as he intend- elStir•ienl.41 :•t:Ct'aS•-•":::,1.1.:s ;.ifi'••• • ;f I let wi biota, t es - ti li el: Saw 1: klent ece1t come felt of his fete •r's hoteoe en Freley eb eitll o'clock . A.. Atte nel totle in 'he eereen; though!' he leetel ttret ;.., and remarked the, :dale 1.., th,.• lit;'.0 _:::'.; :to •sa.'.1,ce 1 to the lent ii.i ,,i' :.11,7; ,.; ;7.1 :1, and lay down no aerial} :5-,•,.."e•tr.o• ai ir te r :41.. Iiii,11P,.]!if; %r11,11 1 .;',:,:•v,...1 II; la h.. was abeut four nells fri,.11 me; 1: i 1.,ott,.•1 into Inv el,or .forlalenit five ntintitcs, but did not ed ,eranee atel peculiar; when ho crone je epe 1/4: thie was when I. threight he look - of tit i hense alit lo,'.ael areend, 1 see ".e.ete-ri. must have foreetten IL e aptiearance of the piece." . Rebert Scott; father of tho deceased. teslifiad: It is my impression that my soie has italic:tee tee woends oe himself by :his own hand.; well° my son was ill ' tine States I received no lettere feels; MO which lead me to suppese thet he was unsteady-, or that hie mired wits tine son'utl, except that he frequently chang- ed eis employment; ' this, howevey, might not be his heat; he brought hoffie iiiikliiiti ft valise., but it contatned no cepit a fehi trival articles of wearing a '- letters or moment:1de, and nothing, et - peel; my son was slightly out of leis lilted two years ago, mid since that thew I litre hail suspicions thee he wits net rig t in his mind; -I. thought it stranee thee Ile ilid not go to efettlillane; eb see -hishvife before he came to my place, bat dell not express myself so to him; lie was of 4 peculiarly impuleive nature, ebbing awl flowing; sometimes overjoyed, and at ether times depressed; the kr.owledge of this leil me to fear that sole ething wring bad It a i ;Dowel whets I heard on Satleirday nielit that ee !me not- reached .hozhe; hems hoard him justifo self-de- etrectien as a inillitsoatishio8f it,es,:snens: jeg,,nr,elaienvd- ed from persenal diai mities. tom( the eody iohn Lee, constable., testified: He upen examining tee peckete found re poeket hook cent:einem it; 10, Ainerican motley, a plug of teeacco, a lead pencil am. tee, lettere, one fer iier. McMillan, nei her of whieh have iany bearing on thite ocabsco; t Ferguson, of Brucofield,soliool to:teller, teetified; NVitsim intimate friend of the deceased prior to his golog to the Stete.s; prevents to Itoeurt Settles com- rneecing It, Leech selmel, assisted hitn to prepare for. bis tirst examinetiim about fon. oil years ago; the first peculiarity I no 'cod ift Lint were hie great abilities i I ini d; have heard ' hint discuss self: - destruction and, under certain eh-tie:m- g:410es, justified it; at the time of these diseussioes, had no idea that his. argue meets hed any reference to his own cir- curestances; I considered him yery cc- cetitric; for aught I know, he may' heve de deletion as be did, merely for the sake 8:4 Tossed hinesolf out the sueject of self - of ezunm4enitiiiian, father-in-law of -the - ly ecqueinted with Robert Scott for /. de mood, testified: I have been intimate- alteut 13 years; he has been married to my! daughter four emus; I have never I eoesidered him • a perfectly sane man sinpe the time of his illness in I3erne; it is my impression that he 'committed . the actis of violence which eatised his own and hisiwife s death while on this state; -he wads a person- who was very easily eacit- ed 6nd very easily depressed in mind; he hi confeseed that failin,g to -me and de lored et; I account for his getting altg so antioably with his wife, when of o peculiar a turn of mind, by the fee that she WS? a woman who gave in I to iim en all occasion's, and anticipated his every wish;have made every enquiry, an ant pesitively °erten . that ho had tie erell-used or illetrgated his wife or - fa ' ha . IA MI no Ai y, and that they have ever lived y together. - is closedthe esideuza ia both cases, , afterg. short acr.dress froM the Core-: tho juiy, the rooi „nik &acid . 1873, in the wones on Lot 3, Concession 5, townehip of Mullett, 'by wounds in- flicted upon her porsop with a knife in the halide of her Iteslettul, ,bert Scott , while ho was in a gate of inmate' abor- ratinn. 'That tho said Itobert Scott came to his deathbetween the Immo tif 10 o'clook A. M,, on thettialite; A iiteiet 16, 1873, and 7 e'cleek A. 1`,1,,-eii Stiielity, Atteust 17, 1873, in th w f.4 pt 3, Con- comion 5, townibiti of • itsiflott, by woundt itelicted Ili/ 111 Ilis peraut withm, knife in his owe bait Is, while in a stet° of melted aborralioll." DI A:AB/AU 3 By the Rev. F. E. Nugent, M. N. C. minieter, Juts, lath, • at tho Colborne I lotel, Goderich, Mr. Jall103 0-ordon- to Mie3 Riggin, both of leincardmo. . By tho same at the Satil0 time and -place, Mr. Edward. E. Greyell to Miss Chris- tina /Smelt, both of Kmloss. By tho sa-ne at the same time and • place, Mr. Alexander Harper to Miss Mary A. (Jewell, both of Kinloes. By the seine at the M. N. C. parsonage, Goderich, Aug, 18th, Mr. George Berry to Miss Ellett Bruce, both of Goderich. At the Presbyterian Malmo, Goderich, on the _13th Atheist, by Rev. J. Sieverieht, Donalkl McGillivray . to Mies Merearee Davidson, both of the T'p of Colborne. By the Keno, on the 20ih Aug. .Arthur conch to Miss Ellen Morris, both of NCLO MUCrttf3C111C1ItS. WANTED. wo will give men and women Business that -will Pay _ from al to 51 per diy, eau be persteel in your awn leighleolrbood; it bi :tram elisilee for those oat of oniploymeoi ItaVilltf. 1,k1110 time; girls and bop; fitepeeily ivell as Well. frees . .1. 1, %Timm & co.. _ eiv 2 02 Wasliiii,:ten Si., Roston, Masi. Notice of Guardianship-. N, li•le is lier.aie given that after ihe et eiration d.„„ fro.. 0.3;4 446% 1. 11 ergaret et t ie Toe dap of tioderid.,•In the County .11,1,1nm, wir apply 1.0 11i.4 Coliqty of - lloron to lei appoitted iineraain er Eliatheth Ilohnee, Mary LAIllitit Eraile.e 11,1 1 bilwee,A11,e lienriet Maria Ilelows,Mareat•et.leanime aiel Hanle! Low Mil nes all d!is HAW T.,wi,soip of tioderi•11, Chi:,Ireo of John Holmes late of th.. f.i.e .:1;1, 41104E11,11, yeoniali,decensed. Dated at Gielea,11 th.s 2Gili day of August, A. I). . M.krit RET HOLMES, Wel w er t tut Sploi 11plalei 1;10, ant Zither e1 said Infante. . - STAT IONE R yuLL STOCK of every desetiption ee-e- V/ 11 I ING P 71 AND Nt ro p 8 ,t4 Jij 3 UST TO 11.1.ND, AT Ll'3):3.EUOUSE'S. - - • • Cia3 3 It'.3CILESIGO 3. A. ISS'retTef EN OF F »lecapo -Copyiae Letter B pea, Initsainds, I tiveice eel Letter Files, eIkeelaget - • Keels, Pens, Pencils, AND A Li., 0 FLIER itioner's Sundries reiglired in the allee and Counting Iteottr, offerer' at loWeat rates for cash, At 2109RTIOUSE'S. Godericlr, g. 2Gth 1873. gi;.-IT:Pb" Lee' seat DaltiltTAIENT 0 V cnowN L AN DS, 23t1, 1873., N 07, CI) -- ;f". II EltFtere Hest the under• eteetieneil To set am" Park Lets in Pott Albert, in Cee Township• of Ash - the Ceeney of Huron, with the exception of those that maybe previous- ly d isposed of, will be °Irene' for . sale at Auction, at Poi t. Albert, at 10 o'clock on the 9-th de), of next month. TERM3 :-Cashri4IJ Department re- serving to itself thke right to melte one bid on each lea Ito officer of the Departelent will be at elwalmen's Hotel, the day before the sato, to inyestigate claims eo any of said; Len ds. W, SCOTT, Commiseioner. .FRONT STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1; acre oech). 11131t0 -N STREler--WE3T SIDE. No- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (I tier° each), 7 (1 itere),"8 (0-10 acre), 9 (8-10 acre), '10 (1 acre), 11, 12, 13 :ecre each), 14, l 5, 16, 17, 18 (4-11) ecre each), 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ae acre each), 25 26, 21 (8.10 Acre eiteh), 28, 29 (f acre each), 30 (3-5 acre), 39, 40 (4,10 ecre each), 41, 42, 43, 41, 43, 40 :(e acre 'each), 47 (.1- acre). HURON STREE c -EAST SIDE. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 25, 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 4G (e acre each), 47 (e acre). COLBORNE STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 32 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (e acre each), 38, (1--ttere), 42, 44, 45, 46 (e acre each), 47 (e acre). --- COLBORIerE STREET -WEST SIDE. ifo. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, le, 19, 23, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 43, 44, 45, 46 (a acre each), 47 (e acre). •••••••••••2•-,.... .ARTHUR STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, 16, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (e acre each), 38 (1 acre) 39 (e acre), 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, (e acre each), 47 (e- acre). - . ARTHUR STREET -E &ST SIDE. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 28, e9, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 acte eacb); 47 (I acre). SYDENMAM STREET --WEST SIDE. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 (e- acre each), 35, 36 a acre 'each), 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 (a acre each), 47 (I acre). SYDENHAM STREET -EAST SIDE. No.1., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, i;1, 10, 11, 12, DEPARTMENT OF CROWN LANDS TORONTO, August 21, 1573. 4 NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN, that tho under- -1- mentioned Town and .Park Lots of Wingliam, in the Towneltip of Tiarnber- ry, in the County of Huron, with the exception of those that may be previous- ly disposed of, will be offered for &teat Auctionat Wingliain,at 10 o'clock ou the 17th of next month, Teaus-Cash, the Department re- serving to itself the right to teihke one bid on each lot. An officer of the Department will be at McIntosh's Hotel, the day before the Salo, to investigate claims to any of the said Lands. R. W. SCOTT, Commissioner. SOUTII STREET -NORTH SIDE. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 113, 14; 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, '21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 41 (A acre each). (eUEEN STREET -SOUTH SIDE. No. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 63, 54, 55, 5G, 57, 58, 59, 60, 6? (e acre each). * QUEEN STREET -NORTH SIDE. No. 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71. 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, Se, 82, 84, 85 (e acre each). MAITLAND STREET* -SOUTH SIDE No. 86 (1 acre), 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97; 98, 91) (e acre -each). -- WATER SIREET-NORTH SIDE. No. 101, 14)103, 104, 105, 10e (4 acre each). MAITLAND* STREET -NORTH • SIDE. Nu. 107 (e -acre), 108, 109, 110 a hue each). XVATER STREET -NORM SIDE., No. 111, 11'2 (e acre each), 113, 114 (I acre each). .41. PRINCE'S STREEr-SoUTII SIDE. No.115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 (4 acre each). MINCE'S STREET-NORTIII SIDE. No. 121,1122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 a acre each) • WATER STREET -NORTH SIDE.. No. 134 (I acre), 135 (4 acre). V ICTORIA STREE C -SOUTH SIDE. No. 143, 114, 115, 147, 149,,150,' 151 acre each). VICTOitIA STREeIT-NORTH SIDE. No.' 154, 155, 154, 158, 151, • 160, 161, 165, 169, 171 a acre each). JOHN STREET -SOUTH SIDE. No. 173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190; 191, 192, 193 acre, each)._ ADELAIDE STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 191,: 195, 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 235, 204, 207, 203, Z09, 210 a acre each). --- ALICE STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 21a, 219, 220, 225, 220, 227. a acre catffi). ALICE STREET -EAST SIDE. No, 230 a acre), HERDER,T stitgET-WEST SIDE. No. 234 (4 acre). - ALICE STP.EET-EAST SIDE. No. 235 a acre), 23G, 237, 242, 243. 241, 215, 244, 247, 248, 219, 250, 25i (4 acre each). HELENA STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 250, 260, 261, 266 a a,cre.each). HELENA STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 279, 281, 282, 233, 281, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291 acre each). AUGUSTA STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 292, 293, 294, 295, 29'6, 297, 298, • 299, 300, 391 a acre each). AUGUSTA STREET -EAST SIDE.' No. 308, 309, 210., 311, S12, 313, 314, 315 a acre each). LOUISA STREET -et -WEST SIDE. No. 316, 317, 318, 319, 320 a acre each). LOUISA. STREET -EAST SIDE. Ne. 324, 327, 328, 329, 330 (4 acre each). ARTHUR STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 331, 332, 333, 334, 335 (4 acre each), 346, 347, 348 (I acre each), 350 (1 acre), 351, 352, 353, 354 a acre each). 'ARTHUR STREET -E AST SIDE. Nes. 357, 338, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 370, 384, 385 a acre eaclf,. • WILLIAM STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 386, 396, 397, 393, 399 (4 acre each). -- WILLIAM STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 414, 415, 416, 417 (A acre each). LEOPOLD STREET -w.ar SIDE. No. 428 acre), 429, 430, 432 (4 acute each). LEOPOLD STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 158, 459 (4 acre each). MINNIE STREET -WEST SIDE. No. 483, 464, 465 (4 acre each). CENTRE STREET -EAST 'SIDE. No. 11; 12, 13, 14 a acre each). PATRICK STREET-S017TH SIDE. No. 1 acre). WEST STREET -EAST SIDE: , No. 61 (6 acres). ALFRED STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 69 (6 acres). JOSEPHINE STREET -EAST SIDE. No. 3, 4, 5, 6 (2 acres each). 1384td Notice 1,to Contractors. EALED • TENDERS addressed to he the undersigned will be received at this office until Saturday the 30th day of August, instant, Province of Ontario, Court of the ' Ncw lbuatisettunts. Dr. J. 1Valker's California Vinegar Bitters aro a purely Veg- etable preparation, made chiefly from the natrVe herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada moun- tains of California, tho medicinal Properties of which- aro extracted therefrom Without the uso of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What i3 1110 CallSO of the unpar- alleled success of VINEG AR Brr- Taus 7" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They art the great blood purifier and a life-giving prnwip;,-,, a perfect Reno- vator 'mid Itivigorator of the system. Nevhir before in tho history of the world lilts a medicine been compounded pos- setsing the remarkable gnitlities of VIN- DiMi 1111-rInts in healing tho sick of every diS7mse man i8 heir to. They are a gentle Purgative us well as a Tonic, relievi:Ig Congestion or Inflammation of I he Liver aud Viseeral Organs, in Bilious •ease 5. The properties of DR. W..taL11- Elea' V I N A It lirrreas aro A perient, Dia - pinwale, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxa- tive, 1 euretes, Sedati yee Counter -Irritant, Sudorille, Alterative, atul .Anti -Bilious. 13. TT. DlieDONALD et. CO.. Druggists & Ceti. .1 gis., San Fruneiseo, thilifor• nia, enr. Wnehiiiizten ch.ripm Sts., N.V. 'Sold by all Druggists aail Dealer6. .To Summer Visitors. eIle0 LET, for the Stormer kat months of 1874, au mania 10- nished cottageeeleine rooms - veranda, otilthree sides, lawn, flower a,nd kiecheu gartleit, Stable and eqach house. Apply to LUCHUS CAREY. Goderich, 25th Aug., 1873. 1335c* RESIDENCE FOR SAL E IN THE rrown of Goderich, ' A FRAME 110USE con- •csi• Wiling seven bed -rooms, parlour, dining -room, kitchen, pantry. herd and soft water, de.The grounds, 14 acres, is partly stock- ed with Choice fru A 311 perior vie w of the Toss n and Lake can be had from this place. Apply to FRED. ARMSTRONG, 1384tf Land Agent, Goderich. Auc no IN SALE • or Real Estate, Church Reserve, ra4u4nALCS SURVEY. TEM subscriber bate received instruct- 1°- tiens from the Managing C. -inma- te° of the -Caned), Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, to disopse of, by Public Aac- teen, on WedueFday,•pctober ist, 1S73, at ti 2 ?clock, men; Eight Park Lota adjoining the Villaee of Lucknow, co aining by admeasure- ment 4 acres a el seventy-four chains each; fronting t o gravel road. Park lot N-oel Le partly cleared, Nos.2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, are partly timbered. A branch of the Nile Mito River runs through each lot. Terms and kap can be seen on appli- cation to A. McIntyre, Merchant, or to A. Murrai,_Secretary and Treasurer. Title indisputable. " P. G. WHITE, Auctioneer. Lucknoev, Aug. '22d, 1873. • 1384-d MONEY tO LOAN, #PRIVATE FUNDS. in Rums of 8500 5000 and upwards on the security of Real state, No detention, except yaluatton of Seturity offered and exantinittiou of Title. If eatisfactory money advanced same day as application. Apply to G. M TRUEM AN, Valuetor for the Trust and Loin Co. of Canada, 1338-1nt• Goderich, Notice. THE object having beeo accomplished A- for which the partnership of Harvey & Ross was formed, I this day withdraw from said partnership. GEORGE HARVEY. Goderioh, July 31st, 1873. 1481d HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. nEING Lot No. 5, Maitland " Street, South side of the Railway, containing a:quarter of an ecrce of land on which are a frame house and stable. JOHN WHITLOCK. Goderich, 4th August, 1873. 1381-3m NOSH:. EVIISS SKIMMINGS will resume het tuition in Musie for Pianoforte a,nd Orfad, en Mondey 18th August, after the Midsummer Vacation... Terms Six Dollars per quarter (12 ily3"tinh itadugva. n1c8e7.3. 1382a weGoelude STRAY HORSE, QTRAtED, from the Commbns, Bay - ti field Road, about tho 22d of July, a Rink Pony, aged 9 yeses, a racker. Any information of-itia wherebouts will be thankfully received and its recovery re- warded. JOHN M. YULE Goderich, 12th Aug,. 1873. 1382 INSOLVENT Acr OF 1869, In the matter of Mown GARDINER and Geouos Bothnia of the Town of Gode- rich, as co.etertners trading under the nante and fiiin of in. Gardiner & Co., and as indielduals, Insolvents. THE undersigeed, John Fair, of the • city of Montreal., have 'been ap- pointed Assignee in tlusmatter. Credi- tors are requested to fyle their claims before tne within ojnoe amNontFhA. Assignee. ,co5iteh,Xa,Anv i.e,r1S8t7r3e.e t 1383b 9018tIoZtrreaall INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869.. ' Canada. In the County FOR THE - County of Huron. In the matter of VALENTINE HOH- Brick, Stone, Iron and Wood Work SaltWorks at Oi METE undersigned has filed, in this MAN, an Insolvent. Goderich. Court a deed of composition ahd Plans and Specifications oan be seen at this office on and after Monday, 18th instant, where all necessary information can be obtained. Separate Tenders will be received for - each kind of work. The Company will not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender. 13y order. A. ARMITAGE, See. Office of the 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, International Salt Co.' (Limited), 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 44e 45, 4m, Seaforth, 16th Aug., 1873. 1374a. h 47 e ;(e. acre eac ), ( acre). • . • WELLINGTON STREET -WEST . SIDE. No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 44, 45, 46 acre each), 47 (4 acre). WELLINGTON STREET -EAST ' discharge executed Creditors,and on the TWELFTH day of SEPTEM- BER next, he will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a confirmation of the discharge thereby effected. /VALENTINE HOHMAN. Gerlerich, 7111. day of August, A. D.1873. 5 1383td Henderson's Auction Rooms. 65 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869: •f" In the matter of HUGH GARDINER and IMPORT4NT utiztoN SALE OF GEORGE BOOiH, of the Town of Goderioh, is individuals and as mem- 80 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS. bers of the firm ef H. Gardiner 4.Co., I 1 t 1180 Vert 8. SIDE. A MEETING of . the -creditors of the -a Insolvents will be held at the office No. 1, 2, 3, 4,5, Q, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12-e of the undersigned, No. 96 St. Francois 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, /9, 20, 21, 22, xa . on Wednesday the tenth day. of Septem- vier Street, in the City of Montreal, 23 (4 acre each). berneit, at -eleven o'clock in the fore- , ut the pry and,- the constable. Af- noon, for' the public examination of the „tee about twq hours! .deliberatioh 'the ' early 'returned the ONDON ROAD -.±14ST SID" insolVents a:lathe ordering of *a af- e aRDICTS: - • Ag, 1.2.(*.Fx0. 4314 4kat-yrf4o60 -00'446. to-hq . • - • , -O'CloOk gAR ON -w4g41,7tyaritTAITm. -44 0:0 - fairs of the estate generpy. • The Insolvents are, hereby notified to. attend at seiclumeting. JOHN FAIft, Assignee.' ontreal„ 18th Ali.; 1873; . 1.304b I , - • . . k TIE subscriber 'has received instructions from the Commissioner of Agriculture and Public' 'Works, to soU at abliya'rooint On Sattirday, 601,September 1873 P. • , The following valnable 10 lots, of one sere each; end also twenty lotsisf roar aud :lye acres each, situatediat Amino Btstton seven miles from Torente,011 the asset westelmatenway, a portion of thasite paraliaked. far an AgrIciiiltural College and Model Farm. And valthiti tWe mintites stalked Mimic.* Station. • USU. 11.41.11.-3a•-fonrth of onrehue mousy to b• 1;ted At time of sede; end ths115,4TIgli Our tanid "tt nal lastalmentexith. interest At4 par cent, par . . ee le otement, • FOR SALE; • •••••.•••• 4 II .0T 790 Cambria Road, Goderich. " Apply to J. COOKWRincarclino, tOr J. WILLIAMS;Godelich. Augnst 5th, 1873. 13814f SteaniSaviNillfor ONE of %Vaterous & Co4e. Clippot Mills with Lumber Edger and also a good Shingle machine attached. The mill is situated on lot 24, 7 con. of Wa- wanosh, in a splendid locality for doing a large oustom busutese. There is plenty of pine and hemlock convenient to keep running for several years. Also a lot in the Town of Godorich, No. 1153 on Gibbsons Street which cou- tains one fifth of an acre and is fenced in with a good ,fence. For tetras and further partieuIrs, Address JOHN CRAIG* 1382.2m* Westfield P.D. • BY-LAW NO.. ---.... tdn ei. bee anitdu rce so m tphaenz f ob ry wily toot !ointetf::::htsatehInd..a the mad 5/11MIM- a BY-LAW to Rid and/mixt the London, Rum Jew and Bruce nettwootva8CpecOrIlpinai u rya t ebyfurgl:engp:n. (Leta the fourth session of aht hue wotn hu it auffosr..Eit azi ;en: i!hAo et 01 slia:rbviegyysit onn. nue: tell 0112nurie tuiheent.t eogfi:hketudroebpour ttuhreeperaonvdini:iitertiraefibmiloyinnotavninewiraiyiity per. in the Thirty-fourth year of the reign of Her Melee.. ty, entitled "An Aet to Ineorporate the London, Huron aud Bruce Railway egio.riairiniii aontdTaunicekiir.- 'bents thereto, and by the act rexpecting municipal institutions in ilie Province of Ontario, power is given to any portion of a municipality to grant a bonus to the good Company for the purpose of aid - of the said si t :ale, 1 uti ti haidis atHs ihne hods ascgiri onennea -ans:tt sr ra;dcp•Itlyet eons who are resuidtbanwtesfterereiyhon.ldnegrlse, pal ant in that portion of the said Ilunielpality of tglaiekiltemmittebreltYwseleine the Townehip ot Tuckersmith deecribeil as follows: Commencing at the easterly side of the London Road, at the so otf:aingdhirPo'adtbtoentriTitilmirtrtlYbl:adtawheitonegn the said toivrwhip and the Village ot Clinton, theuce along that limit to the southern limit of Cie Hum Road, thence in a southeasterly direction along the said souther. to'cctheeultelinr: tlYhelisuatildt °trotWhneshilipur°anndrtho Village of Seaforth. thence Flannelly along the limit to the limit be- tween the First and Second Concessions of the said along that limit to the Thrift between Lets 11. imul 12, Township trom the ,Haluoro: thenee seutioirl Y ale ng that limit to the limit between belavena the the Third and Fourth Coneeneions from the Huron Road, thence easterly he Township of Ilibbert along that limit to the limit between between Lots 9 and le, thence northerly along that limit to tho seutserly limit of the Huron Road, L1111111,41 easterly the Township; of Tuckersmith and Ilibbert, and thenee southerly along the laid mentioned limit to the south-weet corner of t Townsiiiiie of Tuckersinith and Ushorne, to the • • • . ructwu of the said Lon- - afore.said. atel thenee along the limit place of hegitinine. hag peen presented to the Cou mil i,f the said" aiun lei pality of t lie Townehip of Tuckerstaith, praying the Kaki Council to -pass a Sy -law, grantieg a Benue of SI.0,010 for the par- ' ownship of Titekersnoth don, Huron and Brune Railway, on the conditions the same. pose of aiding in the ei liht hereinafter expressed, aul .it is expedient to grant ire the imm of one And whereas, for such punter it is nee.ereary for above deeeribed to raise the said amount of Ira that part of the said T . tioned. thousand dollars In the manner hereinafter inen- thouaand one hundreti dollars to be raised annual - le geld townehip above de - And whereae, it will rem a by special rate on the whole rateable property of the said portion of tl eertbed, for peying the said debt of ten thousand dollars and interest on the debentures to be issued An I whereas, the amount of the whole rateable therefOr, as hereinafter mentioned. property in that portion of the said Township of Tuckersinith abova described, irrespective eif any further increase or the same and also irrespective of any inerease to be derived from the temporary in- vestment of the sinking. fund.hereinafter mention( d. or any part thereof is, :wording to the last revised ale:cement roll of the said township being for the year of our Lorl one thousand eight hundred ani seveety-threethe SP11:1 of seven huntired and twenty- seven thonsaite Fovell hundred and twenty dollars ; and whereas. there le no debt existing agaiest the said municipality, or that portton above described. •eittar for principal or -Merest. and whereas, for paying the tnterest and ereatIng an equal yearly sinking fund, foe paying the said debt ef ten thousand dollars, as hereinafter men- tioned. tt will requize an efinal annual special rate of one mill and eleven twentieths of a mIll in the dollar in addition to all other rates, to be levied bit each year twin all the rateable eroperty in that portion ;tithe said Township et Tuckersinith above deseribed. 1. Ile it therefore eneeted by the yereeipai Connell of the teenothip of Tuckeremith that it shall and may be lawful for that portion of the said Toivitshiv of Tuckersmith above described, to aid and itssist the said Lenden, Huron and Bruce Rail- way Company in the emostructien of said Rafter, by giving thereto the sum of ten thousand dollars by way of bonus 2. That for the purpose aforesaid the Reeve of the said Township ef Tacacersmith shall main any number ot debentures of the said Township of Tuckers/111th to be made for sucheums.of money at misty be required for the said purpose, not less than one hundred dollars each and not exceeding hi the whole the sum of tee thoestind dollars, which said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said Township of Tuckeiamith end be signed by the Reeve and countereigned by the Treasurer thereof, and shall de2ue the portion of the said Township above described tor and en account of which they S. That the satdiebentares shall be made pqy- are homed. able within twenty years from the day 'hereinafter inentioned for this By-law to take effe.-t, at the Seaforth, and shall bare at - office of the Royal Canadian Bank, in the Village of tutzhee to them coupons ter the payment of interest ac the rate and tu the manner hereinafter/nen- 4. That the said deeenteres Flail bear interest at and arta' the rate of six per cent. per annum from the date thereof, which interest shall be pay- able half yearly, on the thirty-fit•st day of Decem- ber and the thirtieth dny of June in each year, at the said °Mee of the Royal Canadian Bank, in tioned. 5. That for the purpose of forming a sinking tn°21.11:ar fund for the payment of the said debeniures and Seaforth. theinterest thereon, at the rate aforesaid, an equal erecial rate (done Reiland eleven twentieths of a mill in the dollar shall, iu addition to aU (air rate'', he raieed. lolled aod Collected in each year upon all the rateable property in that part of the said Township of Tackersmith hereinhefone end above mentioned and described, during the eon- tinuanceof the said debentures or until they are 5. That the said debentures ohall he deposited paid, within six weeke after the passing of this By-law with James Diekson. Eeq., of Goderielt, Registrar of the South Riding ot tbe County of Huron, to be held by him as custodian, mid to be delivered by him to die Trustees appointed under the said act ineorporating the said Company, so soun as the followinc eonditi ma are emu plied hitt : 1. That the Rail Way is completed:rod int -alining order ream anoint in or near the city of London to the Village of Clinton within three years after the passing of this By-law. 2. That stations ara erectei on the line of said Railway at or near the villaees of Itrueetield mid shaphar. agreed to equip. work and maintain the L:ippen. 3. That the Great Western Railway Company satd. Railway and Stations. 7. That if the above conditione are not fulfilled and complied with, within three years after the passing of this By-law, tlfen the said James Dick- son is to return the said debentures with the cou- pons 0 r interest to theCouneil of theMunicipality of the Township of Tuckerstuith, and they shall then become null and void. 8. That all coupons for interest which shall bey° accrued prior to the completion of the road to Clinton, as aforesaid. Atoll be cancelled and de- tached from said debentures by the said Jainism Dickson, and delivered to the Treasurer of the said Municipality. 60. Tilat this By-law shall take enlist and come into operation on, from widener the tenth day of 10. That the votes of the doctors of that portion October, A., D.1873. of the said Township ot Tnekeniellth, ale ve des- cribed and defined. shall be taken on this° Hy -law For Division Nm 1, at the School House in Sec- a the following places, that is to say : • lion No.l. •a For Division No. 2, at the School Hoare. hi 8 For Disision No. 3,at the 8e.hool House in Sec- tion No. 7. Harpurhey. tion No.4. - Eritcelleld. For Division No. 4, attho old School House in Foy Division No. 5, at the School wean in 8ec- ec. On the tifteenth day of September next, A. D. tion No. 1. • 1873. between tho hours of nine o'clock in the morning andfive o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, and that the follinving persons shell be the Returning officers to take the said votes at the respective places tor which they are hereby te- spectively appointed. that is to sae,: For Division No. 1, Mr, Hugh Chesney. Pot Division No.2, Mr. David oampben. For Division No. 3, Mr. William 0. Fowler. For Division No. 4. air. John Yona‘g For Division No. 5, Mr. JamestUtuza. y. TARE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of e a proposed By-law which will be taken into con- sideretion by the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Tuckersraith, after one month from the first publication hereof in the Hollow SIGNAL, the date of which pablic.ation is the 20th dey of Anyust, A. D 1873 . , and in the Rtntoir Ex- eosrron, the date of which publication is the 220 ----__ day of August. A. D. DM, and that the votes oftlie electors of that portion of the said Township, above described and defined, will be taken thereon n e mottling and the fifteenth day of September, A D 137 ' on above named. twice the hours of nine o'clock 1 th nveo'clonk in the afternoon, atthe several places 20th day of;Aug. A. D.1873. 1 Dated at Tuckersmith, this I • • 5, be - 1210 JUST ARRIVED AT THE LION STORE. 100 SUMMER COATS, 100 SUMMER PANTS & VESTS, 200 SUMMER HATS. A large Stock of LIISTRES in Colour and Black. BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. 11A.RDWARE LOC1KS, N.TNGES, FORKS, Tir-an;t64:1°°"°431.14ZittirlitiiiiWii-tfil4Lthi).(4-21. * ktilderich;147 101$* 13Z9 eto - f • -e MUNI firstion will End.131,tui My net YOu'll disealerati4.1.1 Mythltd upon Dills Is c biro Bly next ia tbo ecti or ift tam • wy enb is Illeesetzsyned /Sy next yen trill ace isj=st I My seventh Is always the cid Of my next you will readjust My next yon wilt find Ws te An art-v.10s or tziay beat:0 My tenth othe Duna re..24K1 My next is my aixtb es warel My Leven!) !tie Peewits rani My last is the tame Au piclos9, For Choice etekT FAIR PR: 64. TILE POPULAR E] OFTHE ITAILft . _ esiesi TIIE MOST l'oPE'l".7.r• CLOTH Sse, AVIAii - Merchant ESTABLI81.1 - - s 1; 3T reeetved-ly tbe ou'd SPRING TWEE- BROADCLO aVe ars deterra 1101 o re FiAllettlY1,114 a OAII‘ U D PIT G 1.7 Let rei.. A LA ittGE priorlpaly borne pant:art oeweKt.1111U.gs GENTS' Fursni• .11ATS, COLLARS, A ell of which will be told es k may that opir.sition le the if! his is Lite place tOget Go5d Ube Wear.. bound by de:et-ate. our facilities and expellee interlepers tit the shade. f'tinrpr.4, rr Wanted tat wheal the highest tinges et -queer the state]. next de itiore, on the CD ISE Note is your time to meeltine. The eew. improve F1.111iiy4lachine Eaa4e Mari Agent. bode rich. April. 15.1e73. PROVINUIll OF TI Astilturaiglit OF O'NT TO B 72.714D ote The 22nd to 2Gth SE or before the untie articles in The respee made with the Secret pvlizea:_se take notice. tl,, eteHorses, cattle, she enPeermauoyi Intenerel,blite:te ' gusagoritc3oullral implem Aturday, August."' products, 'machinery Grab', . field root Hortieultural p the fine arts, ite.,ont SeptenibeflIth. Prize list and bla the entries upon, Toronto, August 11 the Province. and Mechanics' II Seeret.aries of all A Sedy Agricult I HUG' For f I OUSE A a IS with 11 ticola.rs appl 3A- Goderich, Aug. 1 I.I01 A LL parties ilia- POUGALL Itat fied VI5! pay up and -1 made ;before the Its BER 1873, therw SIN Goderecin-lith Ane_ Seeds! Seed Potat ,Carrot Tur BRIfeE'S SE LOTILIMI This Variety has be aud improved, EO a shape4 root, free ey to:coarseness; heavy, and the 13e , is particularly a description ef foil; qualities ean't be Per P4on Also a Ge GAMEN S.0 AT D. F 1309j ATTE .; ete- g; teileejteht. : eel eel PAR of oar. bz.ir ale Ha dware She GietS CARP.E SPAD i ° bl 1LLA • LEATHE 1 330 AD Zor 11- oppovit • c ague, 241 liti