HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-07-23, Page 4^ xeral Sant Of 3ittrzi worIsnlo Money is not heppinees; Wealth taay co -exist with gout-. Buys the physics, ne'ertheless, Which you can't be cured without. Money is not mutton; no, Money is not beer or wine; But to leek it is to owe Grievous bills, or not to dine. Money occupies the purse; Happiness is la the mind, Elsa its state is the reverse; Wu with indigense corabined. Happinees you purchase through Money that you wiiely spend; Money is the ateansunto Happineas, ad that's the end. Who aim keep a console's, clear, Whe can heves mind at rut, That of rain Hue with fear Ever grinning at his breast? Others' happiness your own Would you render if you could? 'Tis tky money's aid alone Yoe san do your species good. Happiness hs may, below, Find with money who abounds; None else mu until they go Ts the Happy Hunting Grounds. Money when a man decries, Tan to one his bend is due, And that presently he tries Out of cash toswindle you.— Punch. ODES AIM ENDS. e Militia Drill: Tho following orders with reference to,Militia Drill for theyoar 1873-74 kavo been issued. It will be soon that Rural Battalions may assemblo a their Bat- talion head -quarters for eight days if they so desire, and tents and blankets will bo issued for their uso, but nc rations or ration allowance will bo granted, A small transport allowance will also be made. This manner of putting in the annual drill is entirely -eptional. Tho following aro tho ordora,— Natural slippers—Eels. Stingy creatures—Sees. Spirit of the press—Cider. Seer fills many a bottle, and the bottle many it bier. Tho meat petite parts of a 'hip ars the bows and the gallant yards. A. photographer requested that his sign, 'liken from life" should be his spi talk. What is tho difference between an honest and a dishonest litundress?—The former irons your linen ; the latter steals it. An Irish paper states that thcesalmon is thee Boyne are so numerous, that "they are shouldering each other oat of the river."' Axone, the "conditions of salee' by an Irish auctioneer was the following:— The highest bidder to be the purehaser, unless some gentleman bids more." Cheraisal joke from Now Orleans Herald —"If jupiter had not married Juno a shame weuld have existed of her becoming tho 'Oxoyee of Mercury." Mrs. Partiagton has been reading the health officer's weekly reports, and thinks "total" must bo an awfnlly malig neat disease, since as many die of it as all the rest pot together. In a, country chutchysrd this epitaph maybe see: "Mere lies the body of James Robinson, and Ruth, his wife;" Sad. underneath, "Their wartare is ACCONI- plished." A gentleman having s horse that ran awny and broke his wife's neck, a neigh- bor esught to buy the aniseei as a Means of divorce. "No no," said his owner; "I intend to marry again myself before tong." HARDER STILL—Beggar (to dyspeptic old gentleman, whose temper is & trifle irritable). "Please gill., a copper to a poor fellow who hasn't tasted feed all day." Dyspeptio old Gent—"All day! What's that! Why, I haven't digested any for a week!" A young an says that his eweetb.eart, who lives on East street, milled him a "birdie." At least tliTst is what he sup- poses she meant, although she actually said, "Yoa big goose." Portlaiad man was caught fishing for treat on another man's land, the other dey; the owner remonstrated,but retired in silence before the majestic auwer. "Who wants to catch your trout? I'm only trying to drown this worml" In old tirnes, a essentisl part of a bride's outfit was sand for scouring her /Melte& implements. Now -a -days, they don't trouble about tho sand; all that is required from father is that he shall come "down with tho dust." Izzon Iona. or Tnuczs.—Biddy (to Pat in eitarge about a difficulty) : "Never fear, Pat! Shure y'eve got an upright Mg* to thry yel"—Pat "Alt, Biddy', darlin' the divel an upright jidge want! 'Tie won* that '11 lane a little." Ln aristocratle Fifth Avenue paps, on being requested by a rich, vulgar young fellow for permission to marry "ens of his giris," gitve the rather crushing reply "Certainty; which would you prefer, the wsitras or the (meld" One of the !stub cssos of "Witco of mind Lethal' of a man in Tennessee who used roll ef treenbaoks as i stopper in his demijohn. If he would °nil, keep the 'Sepia*/ there, he woald probably find a prefil ern in this ozponsive stoppage. A clergyman, who owed his sitestion toe, titled patron ratherthan to his &Wi- th., in visiting his parishioners for the purpese of eateshising them,_asked ono stern old Presbyterlas—"Who made Paula preacher!" "It wasna tho Mar- quis," replied the oldnun with a grim smile and &shake of the h'ead. SCOT0111 772COAL1TT AND PROAPIIIITY, -.401/t1 was thoroughly, acquainted with this clue in his own age and country, and the pretoots which he asoribes to the miser in "Old Mortality,"thst s dip candle was good enough to see to die by, scarcely caricatured the frugal practi- ces which have made Scotsmen pre", perons through the world.—Saturday Bedew. A OOMPLIMIINT.—gictor " Well, Thomsen and what did you think of the bishop's sermon lut Sunday?" Tnomas —"Sorr, oi didn't leike it a bit; it was by fur toe plain and simple to suit me: oi leilees a sermon whut joomblis the joodgement and confoozles the senses, and el never 02E0 sorest one to come up to yerself for preashine' they." "Yon shouldn't be glutinous, Isaac,' said Mrs. Partingten, as, with an anxious expression, she marked the strong eon- yulsive effort that young gentleman was making to bolt the last quarter of a mince pie. "Yon shouldn't be glutinous, dear. Yon must bre very careful, or you will get something in your elementary canal or sarcophagus one of these days, that will kill you, Isaac" Motel= Asservemen.—Lady of the Nouse, "Well, Millicent, how do yeu like your, new bora*, 'Roland ?" Mil- liceents '0, immensely! But he wants a firm hand, you know. He'd very soon rim away with me, if I gave hira a chance; wouldn't he, Robert?"—Robert (first cousin of Millicent): "'Run away with you, if yhu me him 30halleel By Goorge, if I can judge of 'Roland's feeling by my own, I should jut think he would?" Tun Tower -Omen 0731eutOLB. —Sandy Gordon, tho town-erier of Maybole, was a character hills way. At one period of his life ha- had been an auctioneer and appraiher although his "lowing dront" interfered sadly with the business, but neither poverty nor misfortune, milt- blunt Sandy's relieh' for a -joke. One day going downthe street he en- countered his son riciing on an ass. "Weal, Jook," quoth he 'you're riding on year blither." "Ay, faither," rejoin- ed the son, "I diolni ken this was gine ce yours tee." it a neighboring villageehe had one day sold his shoes to slake his thirst. After the tranuction ha was discovered seated' on the, roadside gazing on his barefoot, and soliloquising in this strain—"Step forrit, barefit Gordon, if it's no on you it's in you." ---Book of &of- fish Anecdote. Whiskytoddy'a three reasons for not drinicing are very characteristic *1 that gen tlernan:—"Take sore °thing to driak ?" said his friend to him one day. "No, thank you," replied Mr. W. "o! why nett" inquired his friend in great ams.ze- meat. "In the first place,',returned Mr. Whiskytoddy, "1 ara seeretary to a temperance society that is to meet to- day, and. 1 must show my temperance eharaoterr. in the mond place, this is ther anniversary of my father's death, and out of reaped for him I hams promis- e& never to drink on this day. And in the third place, I have just taken sow - thing." Special- Notices. ritnnotcvAine—Eredli COCOA.—fiillATEFUT. AND Coatrooriso,—"Ily a thmough knowledge of the natural (awe which govern tho operations of digea- Hon and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fin° proportiee of well selected mesa, Mr, Epps ham provided our break/het tables with a delicately flavored beverage whisk may Rave us many heavy doctors' bille."—Cieff service Gazette. Made oimplet wilit Boiling Wateror ititik. Each packet is labelled —"JAV.S ti Fre & CO.„ 110111C000,1110 Ch011lifits, Lololo13„,' MANtIFArTURE OF COCOA. --"WO WIll 110W give an account of tho proceee adopted by Messrs James Epps & Co., manufacturers of dietetic articlee, at their works in the Euston Road,London,"—Cassell's frouschold Guide. 1941. 1. Adverting to General Ordors(12) of the 30th May, 1873, such Battalions of Infantry or Field Batteries of Artil- lery of the Active Militia, as many desire to perform the Annual Drill of 16 days for the financial year 1873-74 in eight days' continuous drill of six hours -each day, at their respective Battalion or Field Battery Head Quarter*, or at such other more convenient central place of assem- bly adjacent thereto, as may be selected by the commanding officer, may be per- mitted to do so, always excepting such companies, the Head Quarters of which aro not within a convenient distance of the Battalion Head Quarters, say half a day's journey. 2. Iu such cases eight days to be spent at tho Battalion or Field Battery Head Quarters, during which drill for six hours each day is to be performed, with tho exception of tho days of concentra- tion at and departaro from, the place of drill, on each of these two days, drill of throe hours only is to be exacted, the shot period of eight days to be exel11.1i es of any Sunday that may intervene. 3. Tents and blankets will be issued if reqUirod, for such drill, from the Militia Stores under usual conditions, on appliestion by tho commanding officer to the Deputy Adjutant General of tho Militia District through the Brigade Major. 4. Aa commanding officers of tho Battalions and Field Batteries who may obtain tents and blankets for purposes of the drill, will bo held responsible for their return into store in good condition on completion of the drill, such com- manding officers will tako stops to have tho samo returned to them boforo the men leave for their homes, and will ate80118 all damages for losses, injury or deficiencies which may have occurred, certifying value of same upon the pay - lists, and amount of such assessmout will be stopped from tho pay of tho corps. List of prices will bo found on tho pay -list 6. Rations cannot bo supplied at the public expense, but the non -commis sioned officers and mon who shall have performed the aboro duty will receifo eight dollars each Wore leaving for:theis homes, and tho officers wilt receive six- teen dollars each, subject under ordor of thq commanding officer, to stoppages for necessary subsistence and all damages of, or losses, injuries to, or deficiencies in military atores which may occur during the period of drill. 6. Each mounted officer will receive an allowance of twelve dollars in addi- tion, for a horse, if the same has been actually present and used by him at drill, on the certificate of tho command- ing officer, and the sum of twelve dollars will bo likewise allosvod for oach Field Battery horse actually and necessarily present. provided such horses were pre- sent for the fall period of drill. 7. Transport is not to be supplied on requisition issuocl by the Militia Depart- ment, but an allowance in liou of trans- port for sneh portion of tho distance necessarily travelled over ordinary roads at the rate of six cents per mile fer each non-commissioned officer and man, whole Corps or Company Head Quarters aro distant more than three miles from the place of encarnpmennwill be allowed, the same rate to be allowed for the return journey. 8. In eases where the whole or part of the journey is by railway or water com- munication, half the above rates will be allowed in lieu of transport for such portions of the journey as may be over suchrailway or by water commenication, and the amount of such allowance is to be added to tho Company pay lists and paid with the drill pay. 0. Cotnmanding Officers aro under no oho:it:mate:tees to issue requisitions for transport by railway or steamboat to be mado a charge against the public. 10. Officers commanding Corps desi- rous of performing the annual drill under those regulations must give timely notice to the Dopety Adjutant General of tho District, through the Brigade Major. 11. Tho nature of tho Drill and ex- orcises for tho respective corps, to be as far as possible, itt conformity with the instructions laid down in tho Oeneral Order (12) of tho 30th May, 1873, the Rifle inotruotion and target practioe 'be- ing the moat osmontial 'unifies for Iie fantu (Jorps; this heto bo considered tho Exerelso of paramount importance, and tho targot practice returns must be rondorod at the same time ne tho pay Hot* duly matted, tol entitle corps to Gleam pay, 12. Idegimonte of Ooralry daslraus of drillingis 8110k, 1100 t110 previsions of this ordor, may do so, on tho under. stnding that no oho,rgo for transport edit bo allowed, and that the pay for horses will bo eanio as for Meld liattorice of artillery. 13. Corps of Active Militia porforni- lug the Annual Drill under provisions of General Order k12) of tho 30th May, 1873are not to be supplied with Tonto or Disnings, nor will they be provided with transport at the public expense nor bo paid any allowance therefor. 14. Such corps as turn out for drill on lst July, (Dominion day,)under the provisions of the foregoing No. 1 Genera1 Order, and afterwards assemble at Battalion or Field Battery Head Quarters for the performance of tho eight days drill under the provisions of this General Order. will bo permitted to count the drill on Dominion day as ono of the days of six hours drill provided for in this Order. PrIllOt Edward Island. A GLORIOUS CELEBRATION. CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I., July 2.— Yesterday there was generalrejoicing on the occasion of the admission of Prince Edward Island into the Dominion. Flags wore displayed in all directions, on the public buildings, and many private houses were gaily decorated with ap- propriate mottoes. The volunteers par- aded in the forenoon, and salutes wore fired from H. M. S. Spartan and the shore batteries- At noon the flag of Canada floated in the breeze oyer the Provincial Buildings, and soon after Sheriff Watson read the Queen's Proc- lamation of Union before a large and enthusiastic aosemblage. Governor Robinson was then sworn in, as His Honour the Lieut -Governor of the Pro- vince of Prince Edward Island of the Dominion of Canada. In the evening the shops and public offices were illum- inated and the citizens gave themselves up to the enjoyment of the auspicious occasion. Preparations are being made to give the Go yerner-General a brilliant reception on his arrival at Charlotte- town. NO RISK. Theism's Ectettrie OW Worth TenTimes its Weirizt is Geld. Do you krona anything of it? if net, time yrs did. Pain cannot stay where it is ased. It is the cheapest Medicine ever made. Onedoee cures coin- rilall BEES THROAT. ODE bottle has cured 213103 - Earns. Fifty cents worth has mired an Ome SoAxeiso Cocoa. One or two bottles Cure s bad cases of PILES and KIDNey TRODBLINI. Si% tO eight applications Vara ANT CASE OF EXCOZTATED NIPPLES or INFLAIEED Bagesr. Ono bottle has cured LAKE Bacx of eight yeare standing. 1.3an1el Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., stays: "I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oilavhich ellected WONDERFUL CITED of & CROOKED LIME by six applications. Another who has had AsemeLe. tor veers, says; "I havo belief a 50 cent bottle loft. and $100 would not buy it if I could gee no more." Rufus Robinson, of Mende, N. Y„ writes: "One small bottle of year ECLECTRIC OIL restored the voile& where the person had not spoken above a wh sper in Five Peens." Rev. J. Mallory, of Wyo oraing, N. Y.. writes;" Your EcLocerato Our. cured moot Bronchitis in "One Week." Dealers all over the country say: "We have nevor sold a medicine that has given each complete satiafaction es this." It its eemposed of Six of the BEST OILS FIAT ARE R2201712. Is aa goo4 to tax° as for exteraalase, and ie believed to be immeasureably snpener to any- thing over mode. Will faro yen much suffering and, many dollars of expense. Is mold by oue of Poore deeders in every place. Price 95 tents. ' e Prepared by S. N. THOMAS, Plaisore, N. Y.,Anst NORTHROP & LYMAN, NEWCASTLE, Out. NEIC Ageate for thii Dominion. litrri.—Ecactrze—Seleoted and Eletteized.-31n; oat - Bold in tiO•derieh, Y Gee Oattle, .1orties , Gardiner Ces., Erlyteldetee. Deationt.'Regemlle' J. Paskani• EXotoo; J, M. Cierebe, C/latan; S. Secant Lackner/X. Walesa,. Seaforth; and all Inosnelze r I 0 INT f FRAUDS -ABROAD! ▪ BEG moat _reepoetfully to caution the piralic of • tee British berth Atnericau Provincee to bo on their guard against purchasing spurione medicines which aro being mid as my genuine "Holloway's Pins and Ointment," by Certain indivithiale'of little or no meanie, trailing (for tho last few months only) under the style of the "New York Chentioal Company.o Every artifice is made use of by them for the purpose of Imposing:upon the pnblie; and tho more effectually to deceive, they have the effrentOry, in thekativertimments, to is- sue the following caution "Tho I =ammo denim! for 'Hot LOW AV'S PILLS " AND OINTMENT' In tempted unprincipled " parties to counterfeit these valuable Medi- "Ilioriler to protect the public and ourselves " wellaye Issued a new 'Trade Mark,' cooeisting " of an Egyptian Circle of a serpent with the "letter II in tile centre Every box of genuine " "HoLLowel'e PiLla AND OINTMENT' Will MVO "thhi trado mark on it. None are genuine " without It. "To DiteLERS eene.10TinFITLS INDRIIOS ANDMED- " ICINER. "We 0111 your pai Denier attention to the now idyl° ot '110I.LowAV's PILLS; AND OINTMENT' —none of the old style aro manufactured by Ili( now, nor have they boon for months. We " therefor° ettution all purchasers against ro- e (-eking Prom any Jobboro or Dealers the old " style of goode " Information coneorning any such goods " being offered will bo received with thanks " Wu ask the favor of alt tho Information you " can give in regard to those counterfolts.o Now Ohs Company Ls aware that your lawn do not permit them to copy tho premise gottine tip of my Medieinee, hnt in order the more completely to tilled the pubtle, they have recourse to another !mice of ileception, vie. in dating that they doom It neeessary, as they say, to make up the Pills and Ointment in another form, ard that that they adopt Arla1,1101tho a licI'4.cI)OTO-1710IIIInn0J. "Chemical Com- pany," there is atm a David Pringle of Now York, who by coneummate triekery IP attempting to soli apurione imitations of my Medicines. Doware of him likttw Iso. nit) unprincipled Chemleal Company lute dared to say that I owe very largo autos oi money in tho Ueltod State's, What tii the fact? A newspaper agent obtained, without my knowlegde or coment, and by colluaion with a party who hold a limited power of attorney of mien, sin ortler to advertise my medicines in South America for three year, tc the extent or $10,000 in gold. Tie then sold his claim t lawyer,whe got it referred by tho court to a friend to his whrigase judgement against mo to the amonnt ef el71,237;gebi.foOproilt which he said he could have !Haat,' by it, had I not Mime steps to repudiate this vile tranenetion the moment it came to say know helgo. Thisilidgenient will soon bo set aside. It eannot be eitiomeed, I am sure, that I owe a cent to any ono that I would not immediately pay. There le no trath whatever in the statement that, I ever aethorized anyjilorson or personto 1/000 my name for the snie of my l'ills mei Ointenent,all hough grosf iramig havn been practised neve me by un - print -epee' men in this way, wonbi ask, asz a favor, 11101 should it come tn the keowle•lee of any perom that spnrione 0)011- ines are being 111 ale 3111 Sold in my name, that he to pleased to semi me the zinnia and rolilress of the vendor who is selling the •aine, that I may-, tor the lir. *1(1: It of the'plitlic inetitate:proceolings against him, nn•I I emetge to 'enumerate handsomely my in. torment witbolit, diveleing hisnaint . Should any person have reason to believe that he h•14 lwen deceived by Inlyittg spurious imItations of theso%Mcdicincs, ho will oblige in 1.y sending to the fairest. at foot (whieli lo 011 (In at aptat of six cents in postage), 1)) tI tho books of ined ructions w 111 are allixca to Om same, My Medicine"; can Ito stippliel nit elm lowest wholesale not prices in quantinee of not Is then e2.0 worth .54s. perdozen hoses of Pills or No, of Ointment, for whieli ronfttanees nnijstl'Atit10 ill ielvaliee. These Malicines tiro not. Fold in the United States. Rteli Pot and. 1) 'c of Inv Onntnn Medicines boars the -British Gevernment Stainp, with the words "Iloilo way'e Pills and Ointment, Lou- don," (Signet!) THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 5133, nr fora Sitcri, ir. C., Len•ion 0. !o)kr 3, 13.31'). 1347. l'AR. WIT EFIT,ER'S COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PlIOSPIIATEO AND CALISAYA. I'llE800TT, JUNE 20, 1172. "My wife for a number of years has been suffer. ing, from A Blunt and Biseases of the floart. Her breathing was Allort anti quick. at times causing great distress atol appreh elision of impending eoatlieinkt sho was greatly prostrated with general debility. At net:jilt she Wail eonetantly subject tc attacke °tercet difficulty of breathing, the surface nf the body becoming told and she was apparently lifelees, being reetored only by great exertion on tho part of attendants. She began taking your 'meliorate about a yearago, and sho has not had an attack since, and iv in the enjoyment of very cora- fortable health. I have great reason to be thank - (al far her r xtroorainary improvement. W. AllmSTEoNo, LandingWaiter." SUBSCRIBE DR. J.BELL SIMPSON'S Speeilic and Tonic Pills. T"E firm eT EINGLIOR REMEDY FOR NERV- ou noinlity, Spermatorrhea Nocturnal Emis- sion of the tionerative Organs, Palpitation of the Heart. Tremblings, Sleepleeenese, the effect of sver•indnIgenee in alcoholic stimulants and tobac- co, Oc. Dr. J. DELL SIMPSON'S Pills are tis - only effectual ones for the above diseasee, and aro never kuown to fall. They have already Med hundreds in this ootratry. Robert Arthur, machin. lot, Hamilton, testifies to hie recovery by their use. Safe, cejtain and rapid in aetton, a shirt trial will prove their efficacy. No flutterer need deenair of being retieveil from the frightful offeets of Sour. ARI'PE, The Spoilt° Pills aro sold by Druggists st roe a box, aria the Tonle Nile at 00u, a box, or they wIlt bo sent hy mail, Postsge pro-naiO, otol 'wear* wrnopoll from observation, on receipt of 51.50 for tlie Speolaie and 60e, for tho Tonle Pills by J. DMZ SIMP8ON & CO., 'Drawer 011'. 0, Hamilton. Nold l'y nil Wholesale And Retail Druggiste. Pamphlets sent post-free on application. ' 1343337...1./C:0177VINIF 10011POUND SYRUP OF IIIPOPIIOSPVITS1 The pont 01'r/frosting disarm MOW/4 by this preparation Is honorable aoktiOlviedged by tile uiottirtal kottIty 19 every within where it has been avid -need 1 stliblttifl rapilly Increasing solo is tho host guaranis', of tho esti nation In which 11 is held tho ;Odle, " The Myrna will Oilf0 Pulmonary consiimption In the first otel 'mooed atoms j will giro great roller /Ind prolong life in the third, It will cum Asthma, tiroiwitins, Laryngitis. OMAN and Colds, It will curs ell diseases originating from Wfint of Alurenlar 110t10Il (UM solvent. Pones meets 110 EllTriftefrentOr the, HttIonn, Dyspoptiliti Peehleand Irregular /teflon of the iloart,T imeal and Mem! Plifaly1410, Aphonla or Loss of Meet It will earn Leticerrhoea. Chlorosis. Anaemia, and restores the blood to purity anti health Sold By Apothecaries. - Price. 81.30 ; 8Ix for $7,31). AMER I. :FELLOWS, ',CHEMIST 141'. sows, N. B. Ooderiel Sept. 4th 1871. TliE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Moses' Periodical Pills 'VMS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING IR the cure of ail those painful' end dangerous diseases to Which tOe female coustitntton is subject. It moderates all exoess and removes all obstructions and a speedy cure Ona" be relied on, TO MARRIED LAMER . te pecultarty suited. It will, tn ahor1 time, tiring on the monthly period with regularity. hese Pills shroud net be taken by Penutlek during the FIRST THREE hf ONTHS of Pregnaney,as they are sure to bring en ilfisearriagt„but at any othertime they are safe. in all Cases of !garcons and Spinal Affeetierie,Pain 10 the Backend !Amite, FeLique or shehtexertion,Paini- ration of the heart,IlystFries, and Whites. these ries win effect a mire wham all other means,have and although a powerful remedy, donotcontam iron, calomel, antimony, or anything lontfulto the consti. tion. Falldireetiene in the pamphlet aroundeach package which ghee id be carefully preserved. sort MOsilS, NEW YORK, SOLE PRODRIETOR. 1.00 and 12i eenta for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.; general agents for the Dominien,will insure a bottle containinweves 50r ills by return man. NORTHRUP k LYMAN Newcastle, G. W.,genera agents (er Canaria r3/' Sold in Godemeh by Parker At. Cattleand F. Jordan; Gaidiner or Co., Bayhild ;Jas. lienthum, itogoivi le; J Pickard,Eieter J. H. Combe, Minton, kieSecord,Locknow;E. Hick; son &Worth. and al: Med/clam 1)ealers. CANADIAN PAIN DESTROY - AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS well and favorably known, relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Bore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in, the Stomach, Cholera ' Morbus, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, &C. The Canadian Pain Destroyer has now been be- fore the public for a length of time, and wherever need is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give -permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known a singles dissatiskotion, where the directions have been properly followed, but on the contrary, all am delighted with its operations, end speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magi- cal effect. We speak trona experience In the matter, having tested it thoroughly •, andtherefore those who are offering from any of the complaint, for which It is recornrnended,maydepend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain De- stroyer in curing the diseases for which it isreeem- mended and its wonderful effects in subduing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affeetions entitle itto high rank in the list ef Remedies. Orders are comieg in frum Medioino Dealers in all parts of the countro ter farther sup- plies, and each testifying as eo the =worse] ratio - faction it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fella to give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep it as Phyeicians order and nse it sad le family will bo without it after trying it. Prim enlv Twent•Mive Canis per bottle. pre'Solel in Goderieh, by Gee. Cattle, F. Jordan; Gardiner ds CO. Bayfield; Jae. Erinthune, Regetville; J. Piskard, .Nxister; H.' Combo., Clinton; S. Seurd, Lucknow;E. Hiokson, Beaforth and all 11141r-liciA0 dealer. • GodoriehiDoe. 20, 187/. - • . . FOR TIIE Huron Signal, E OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBL ISHED IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Only $1,50 Per Annum in Advance. ADVERTISE IN TIIE HURON SIGNAL IF YOU WISH YOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS TO-' REACH THE LARGEST NUMBER —0 F r,ADERS. NEW BOOKS, Wall 1?Paper, &Co &C. WHOLIESALE&RETAIL AT BUTLEV_S Advertising Rates Liberal. GO TO THE FORIYOUR dlo. BeautifulAssortment OF JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold / 1-1EA1? AT 130/ .LEtt'S rishing Tac les, OF , ALL KINDS. CONS1STIN OF REELS; BOSIS.ETS; BAITS HOOKS Job Printing, "e-- 0 -'---- Alt kinds of Work from the LargestPostertothe Smallest Card end LINES o f nuerioi ki AND SELLINC AT COST AT BUTLER'S. o elerice, 1.0th Aug., 1170, sw101 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKE 11, UPHOLSTERER, inaciertau.or,- et3o. GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons'R. S. Wil- liams, Toronto; Peloubet, Pelton & Co. New York. -- 3PIC)S UNION CO.'S, _Now York. .‘ GABLER BARMORE DUNHAM WEBER CHICKER1NG MILLER VOSE'S 11 CI CC 40 Botton, I I (0 Oen furnish almost all Canadian and American Maker's Instruments onterms to suit purchasers for cash or on time at less than Manufactureee pries. Goderieli, Fob. 27, 1873. TRE IItJELWATCH Isniad 3 in all biiZQB Suitable for Ladies raid Gent'', both in gold Rod i1tr. Illt tho neeenipanyiul,-; cut repro - scuts in proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTINC LEVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and gold pellets, Tull jewelled, warranted for five years— together with a gold-plated Albert chain—which will be sent to any part of Can- ada on receipt of P.'2.5,or C. 0. D., per ex7res0 W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 ICIng Street East, - TORONTO, ONT. CAUTION. BUY (ONLY THE Genuine FairbanksScales. MANUFM,TI. ntD isy E. ez T. Fairbanks &Co. Standard Scales. MTCO1C SOALES, Cieil, fJiI,1h4, HAY 8OMA:1'1,0.111W 8flAla1ol,(JoUNTOltlit'AI,101, &c,, &to Scalca repaired promptly ate' romoneldy For stale, also, Vcaittin,or'a Call'uo Mid Drito Aril! i, Composition Bolls, all 'liege Lotter Pressen, &to, ko, THEMOr•IT PERFECT HAW GASH DRAI 11111114114.4 '1'11..1, 10.'4, EVERY MERCHANT situ um, Um) Thom, Hobo ' NM/Oa Wariontol,' FAIRDANKS1 SCALE WAREHOUSES Fairbanks & Co., 03 Main St., ilufrale, N. ye 4o3 Paul lit met, Mont ten1, 815 1.1ml wiiy, A Ibney. N, Y. all Womanly, NOW Yot In. FAIRBANKS, BROWN &Co., '2 MiJk St,, Dost,n, For sale by Loading Hardware Dealors. 1360-2m THE GREAT REMEDY OR CONSUMPTION which can be 'cured by. a timely resort to this stand - EXECUTED WITH f ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietor. It ia acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is_pffered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. , When resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in tho most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, -,Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding Orders by mailpunetually attended to. at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but, it J. J. BELI4, loosen's and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removhig the cause of the complaint. Neatness:and Despatch. ja-Partioularattentionpaid to Town- ship Printing., • EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. pREPAWSD EY • V01714 80111,3, 1,4';silin, 1111110,, bod lymarackt Klil-D@ttler8 generally. ERIC McICAY, abinet aker 11. GARDINER & CO., Upholsterer, &c. J3EUS cave to return thanks to tho inhabitants 01 Croderich and eurroanding country, for their liberal patronage during the last twO ottani he has 00CI1 in businese. He is now prepared to furulsh all articles in his line. each as .1\1" I T. TT OE ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PILLOWS BOLSTERS MATTRASSES, dze Cheap for Cash, • AND ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. , PI CT U RE •P FLAMES kept on hand and made to order. Having on hand an assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I am prcpar (1 to maim coffins on the shortest notice, mei In voit,Itiot funerals an the most reason- able tern's. 534 Ili:member the old stand, S T S TR RE T oppoAil0 thn Bank of Mind reel. ceskiich. 12.72. ly ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid New Stock. ca.74 1-7 GENERAL DEALERS IN *lti ViTAIRM PAINTS, OILS, &c. C.Barry& Bro. Pabinet Makers, Undertakers & Wood Turners, . 1--3CA.MTX.OrCatiNT Have removed across tho street to the store next door to W. Achesou'e Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSORTMENT! of kitchen. Bedroom, Draingromn, and Par or Ftt niture, such as TABLES, CHA I rts hairrano and womi ecateil) . GUPOoARDS Br. ['STEADS. WASH STAIXBS1 IVIATTIIESSE.S LOUNIES. SOFAS. WHATNOTS. LOOKINC GLASSES GILT FRAMING. eor0. D O 13 aro prereiree to sell everything in their lino Cheap for Cash. N. 13 A eomplete assortment ofCoffins nnd Shrouds always onhand and a Hearse to hire ; al on reason- able terms, A CALL SOLICITED. Go'lericii, 15 Aug 11170 "A Large Soul In a Small Body." '0 (5a.,,.n,5.. 4' " ' , . .''t'. • , Tho abovo cut represents (Mr 4170 Organs., Mum', thanking our formor floats and ell eti 0001,5 for their liberal patronage atol onifidetico for tho pant you fluid s111101 wo hope to rotaito 1 wo would roepoetfillly call their attention to our stylo No, 01, Thie O1lO1141 being a 0 oc- tavo, Doublo Reed [0 Scale) is a very de- sirable instrument for advanced player*, Pianiets pr parties Odticating thenuielves for tho plauoforto: end as a yarlor In- struntent, it inooto every requirement.— Our No. 30 istho mune as 61, but differ- ent style, and more expensive. Our No. 32 is pronottheed by all who have seen it to bo the fl nest Instritinent in the world for the price; tide organ hao two complete sotto same as No 30. with two additional half flats, viz, Hautborand Vox Celeste, making four setts from middle C up and also 111 octaves of Bass Prefundo. We aro the first and only parties who make this lino OUnstru- mente, and the .piiiversa,1 satisfaction thcyliave givenoind the immense sale of these Organs, show that they are ap- preciated and encourages us to make them a speciality. - Applications for agencies, where we have no agents, at ail times confidential- ly solicited. • For Illustrated Catalogues Address: !TARDY JO, CO., nelpb'(nt. 1333 ly. July 1st, 1372. 172) ( I AS IJ VAIL: COMPLETE SUCCESS T. Ten First Prizes At Two Exhibitions I W. BELL GUELPH, Received Every FOR & CO . ONT. First Prize Crgans & Melodeons At the Provincial Exhibition; Hamilton, and Central Exhibition, GuelplegOo This grand success, in addttfon to last year's re- cord of a Silver Medal., 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Prove that our Instruments in the opinion of com- petent judges are incomparably superior to all others. Sole Pro_prieturs and Menufacturers of the ' ORGANETTE, Containing Serilmer's Pateivi Qualifying Tubes, acknowledged by allis be tliegreatestimproventent yet introduced. ntrir superiority is esenceded by other makers trent the feet that at Guelph they withdrew from oompotition, thus acknowledging their inability to colepete with them. Every hastrument fuily warranted for five years. Fend fur este:erne containirg fifty afferent ityles of instruments. W. BELL* CO. Guelph, Oct. 15. 1S72. 1340, 1-;1 CY."' I 3 -lc .1 —:o:— PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE °II Signal Office for work done previous to the 2let Dec. last, are required to.pay nu T ONCU to the otuderaigsed. • 4Bit A HAALSMITP., -Goderith, Fein 5, '72, ow983w3tf 1,10101.1040011110IVAIMWA44154 • c)F1 mrxivros GLASS PUTTY &c, IIA:VE ECEIVEID aa -ns momm Silk Velvets, 24 and 30 inch. Silk Reims and Poplins, Twilled Flannels, White and Scarlet, Nubias, White, Scarlet and Black, Co:oured Turouoise, different shades, Sash Ribbons Cord and Watered, White Brussels, Net Muslin Lace, Green Hid Gloves. Canada Yarns and Hose, Also—Felt Overshoes & • Goderieh, 9th Dec., 1872 Fresh Fruits. 1347 COAL OIL * AD COAL OIL LAMPS. At H. GARDINER & CO/Si GODERICH FOUNDRY. - s toeii.c.4 1, 7:1 ij ' ' di adages... 11111ill INST&Am NG1NE..WOR KS4 THE undersigned having sold the Limon Foundry property and Stock to the" Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs to thank the public for their liberal support for the past nineteen years'and trusts that they will continue to send their orders to the .New Company. • R. RUNCIMAN. Goderich, 10th June, 1872, • for Zak or Zo- ttt. 1111001•0•11P FARM FOR SAL -E.. nEING LOT NO. 10, ON THE 2ND .1" Concession, in theTownship of G. crich, on the Bayfield Road, two and * half miles from tho Town of Goderich, -- containing 80 acres, 75 cleared an under good eultiyation, well watered with a never failing spring Creek run- ning through the Lot, a large_ bearing Orchard of choice grafted Fruit, a good largo hewed Log House a Frame Barn 54%32, stabling and driving shed with A large hay loft 52x27, with other out buildinus and a good pump at the bare yard. This property will be sold Cheap for Cash or on terms to suit purchasers ALSO Lot No. 1170, situated on the North side of East St., in the Town of God- erich, near the Railroad Station, con- taining one quarter af an acre of land with a good Frame House and Frame Stable and a few frnit trees and geed - well. This property will be sold Cheap for Cash. Apply to • G. M. TRUEll,IAN, Goderich. Or to C. SHANNON, tee the promisee, Goderieh, 25th Jan. 1873. 1354 Referring to the above Notice, the GODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANU- FACTURING COMPANY beg to inform tho public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST 4" SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, 4"c. On Eland )N AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CUTTERS, 4.c., SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, ohl COOKING, PARLOR 4 BOX STOVES of variono kinds. ALT PAINS Made to Corder, 26 10 - Iron and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND sma PANS REPAIRED on short' notico• Twenty to thirtyliorse-power Tubular Boilers Gehorally on hand for Salo. All Orders addreiscd to the Company or Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ROBERT UUNCINAN, HORACE HOUTON, Gonorol Manager, Proftident, °HOME NIEDERGALL, ABOIIIDALD HODGE, Manager Agricultural Department, Secretary and Treasurer, Oodericb, Ont., 10th Juno, 1872. 1.025 A Nice Variety of Plated Ware. LANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD. ..1=1=•=•••••• LOTS NO'S. 71 72 BAYFIELD ..,TiNCESSION Township of Goderich, comprising 140 acres of the lees quality of land, within about 2 miles of the Market place of tho Town of Daylleid. Them le a elearanco of 20 acres which could readily bo prepar- ed tor crop. The remainder of the land is closely covered with the best of beech and maple timber of splendid growth, an excellent read paseca on two . side. et tho property. whieli i situated in Mold ' and well settled neighbourhood. • A.LifiCe.—Lot 14, Range A Township Stanley, ! containingev 20 acres of 'il resttimber lerd which would produce a large oUa34tty of firewood,to the acre The lot runs to the R»p4Jlayfiehl with a considerable water fall which bs ma& avall ablo for milling OT nanntactttjtg1t1 purpooes. • For terms apply to, JA D. ALLEN.' Guciph. or W. W CONNOR, Esq. Hayfield. Guelph, Ang.15th, 1870 w30 Farm For Sale. IN the Township of Colborn o, in the County o Huron. North part of Muck E. Comprising 100 acres 60 leared and under good fence, and 50 earns good Hard Wood limber. Two sprint, Creeks, Soil first quality, good Log House end Frame Barn and small bearing Orchard, witbin1a mile of -Steam Saw and Gnat OHIO and .within tittles of tho Couuty Towu Goderlela Tetuesnoidee rate. Apply to JOHN EDWARDS On tbe premiere% Gaderich Nov, 20, 871. 0 m.' — — FARM FOR SALE. IOT 20, Gth Con. Gieleriell Township, 80'neree of JJ Land 70 acme eleto.,1 good Bonding, le neres of Fall Wheat, Oi oill0p from the Town ot Guinea', Apply to 0. M. TR VIM AN OoderIch, or on, the protases fa DAVID COX. (Wench, 0ce.18(11.1 171. _ FOR SALE. I OT 0, Con. 4, E. D., "UMW, eon - °4 taining 200 acres excellent lands covered with Maple and dkocii, 10 Miles from Goderieh, ivith a never failing trout stream running through the centre of the land, there is about 15 acres of cleared land on the front 01 1110 lot. A poly to THOS: WEATHERALD, Engineer and Surveyor. Goderielo .Tan,2nd, 1872. Valuable Property For gale. T ()TS NUMBER 858 AND 581 IN THE TOWN OF Goderich. On Lot 881 is 1ittatet1 asmall Erick Cottage and a largo frame dwelling Bousetwesterlos Writ, and on Lot 558 there is nlareretwo storey frame ware•house whIcheouldbe converted intro first .dass Hotel lit little mistily(' a1,oa frame Barn. The Lots will be soul tither together or separate to +cult pareliasenn Tones made known on application to Wm. ARTHIM on the rrernises, or to blotters DAV1OON & JOHNSTON Goderieh Jeily, 1e71 itwO3t VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOrHOSPOITES TFe only'ltyrtip 'prepared from Dst Churchill's Formula, and certifiedto be Chemically pure. For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CODT1SU3CPTION Alio for the erre of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Appetite, General Debility, Ito. CERTIFICATE AY To aviary AND Ity'vscAcY. Laboratory, nuiversity Osiitge, Toronto, Dee, 4, 1572. TO tile Victoria Chemical Co., bientleiren.-1 have (=Joined 1110 articles nm• pleyed in the %%mode Cheinleal Works, MUM pre. privation el tho Vlotorio Myrna of Ilypopherphitcm. The lowing Ilypoplionplilies nee ors thautftally Fur"' tuId tho Myron 111 oleo quite Ate Awn any Im• lawny, yew- emit) of firimpliosphitte will 1111- doubtedly prove a eery valuable bisnicluo. HENRY 11. 011017, Professor of (111e10ietry.13, Price PI per Bottle, Sold by an Dreasta, VICTO-RIA comp() LIND VIA711/11=114.01' Or A &TOO &intik firr oft Amara of the Bladder and Wilmer 1 Drape/rid Nrcellingit eon:Paiute furl. di alai to Penollee and all Discaera of An efleary Organ/ In tither Sct, Wry It once for tiny of the above ft/Norden, end . you will be fully cottvineed of its tiweinlitent Winer. • • Price 81 per Dottie. bold by all Druggists. HARDWARE of all kinds in endless variety, and at the Lowest Rates At H. GARDINER & CO'S., NORTH SIDE OF THE SQUARE, GODERICH. JOB PREVTING Neatly, cheaply and expeditiously executed at the olice ot the la U. it- CO l'ST SIGNAL.. CARDS, BILL BEADS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT, OATHS OF Q UALIFICA TION, PATHMASTERS LISTS, VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LISTS, HEADINGS DEEDS, at the lowest Are., Are., Printed in the' best style and Rates. ••••••=••••••••• GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. s..41..14401N 1E372. TBE SUBSCRIBERS, WHILE RETHRNING THANES FOR PAST PATRONAGE, BEG itEst.' STATE that during the peat winter, -they have Added largely to their Danufacturinmachin,es. And all having been entirely refitted, Are now Prepared to Execute Orders In Tweeds, Full Cloth, Patinetts, Flannels, Winoeys,Blankets, Horse Covers, Stocking Yarns, &e., &c w GREATER DESPATCH, OF MORE DURABILITY, and Neater in Pattern Than Formerly. They would also call art:kneel attention to CUSTOM SPINNING, ROLL ClitDiNG, CLOTH DRESSING &c For'whichthoir inachiftere•is specially itlepted.Parties comingfrom'a distance -with wool to get carded, bY leavingthe same with Me. D. Fergeuson,Iterehant,Goderich,can rely an getting their rolls home with them the sarneday Thosowletting to oxelaanotheir woe' fir goods will tied it is their laterest to give the abisiibsrs 11. Th.—Prices Low. Fut-class work guaranteed. JOHN iNGLIS & SON. ✓ ICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT. " The Ring of all Liniments." For Rheumatism, GORE, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Seiatira, Wandering Paiste, alllfiiui 00 the Limbs or .101.7122, Sprains, Bruises, Numbness, Strraintis, Headache, Earache, Tbothaehe, dt. Buy it! Try it! Prove it! Price 50 Cents per Ilottle. Sold by all Druggists cAiiTJERsIAtvE. " WORTH ITS WETGHT IN GOLD." A Sptrifie for Cuts, lf minds. "Bruises, rItst2IS. Scalds. Boils. Pilot, Pimplse, tkr., and Chronic Disco, pcs of Ott Likilt of every description. Price 25 Cis. per Bottle. Solo by all Druggists. VICTORIA CABBOLATED GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY TEE LADIES' FAVORITE." Fair Beautifying the 'Complexion,tand for rcroo0ir2g TantSitulturfi, Freckles, Pimples, ite., also for Cheep - pal elands, Chilblains, Frost Bites, anti Sore Lips. Price 25 Cent, pm Bottle, Pold by all Druggiste. ✓ ICTORIA TOILET SOA -PL "CELEBRATED FOR THEIR rsonoonot PURI- TY AND EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY." VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VICTORM SULPHUR SOAP. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, HONEY, ROSE A D WINDSOR, tz4:1 by all Druggists. 1356 WHY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co's 3:New°GeTriket Goderivh, 23rd Nov- s.a:b1:13.0AOvileRTrelleo LITC741 BRIG HA el Yers:01131;i:egEVeRGuittei0e N:ain:JT:thLe; for a pair of their superior new petterr Goderich, within the next thirty days, will receive an order from le M. 46 C°' GoderichaFele. 5, '72 eive83w3 1?4con, Dominion Telegraph Iustitute,-To"lat°' Will be sold at a reduction tey'llYclu'' A T the SIGNAL Office, a partial scholar - winter in learning- telegraphig, osna •`-'"" skip fora course of instrustion in the desirous of spending a patio* ef -the sponsible position. fitting themselves for o 'al" re- . 11