HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-07-16, Page 2i� -9 and their friends. 1 ccqq, that is if he shouli 116t be oLliged "ritte) ticy rtiomau, lag. 1JILVILS, Town oiericans interested. Will. Evans, Isabel Shirmau, Eliza Engineer of the Public Works Depart- vince. -Arelo Bra. evening at 7:30.' impolpided it will be seen, that Sir Hugh proves* Sneak thieves are forfuit.the charter in consequence Of TEnEVES. impoundccl-M. Kercher. LjOgatf, Fauuy O'bon, Harry.Kay, Jan. LOCAL NEWS ment, has paid the' habour a visit, but out this village at present. ST. GEORGE'S O'HURC11. 01�qE White Mare 'With dark ma no and lthechar�,-o. The noitchargo is thatthe the revelations which hav'orce"ently a n prowling. ab tail, suppo5ed to beliong near Godo. 1.1 atnilton, Lizzio- Alann. Sarah Lickfuld, as he has so much to attend to he has usoholders to be (church of England.) I Goviornment wasaware negotiations were made. There is runiour in Montreal Charles Lizzio Dodd, Abram STLL TUPY' comm. -The Wingliam, as yet been unable to como to Goderich it -would be well for ho rich. Now3ps;= I ELWOOD. moctin� of the Provisional Cox, Agnes Kong, K%tio Croa, James Tlniessayothu�Conaerxatives intend to pince the -damage. w Prill- MICHAEL XBROffER" a Evening Tile that as 4one. on the took oil'. for them. Rev. E. L. ing between those parties. b Hclq, Agnes E yans, Clara Dark, Clara ostablialianot�ernewspoporiiitliat�vil- SuDt)wDEkTji'-Axuddoiid6athoceiir- Pftrs orn;ng service It A.M. PoundkPoper, .15 eon., lot 13, o M)t jZ:Vo 03t ms notwo to trnth of this is proved y t lie Bo. r held ill t1vA city on the 4th inat , cipal of the Public School, wX3, mt the service 7 P. Bf. Sunday School 3 P. M. ill lie obtained froul irect Robinson, Ainy Hadley$ lego. ed on board the steam -or OitV of Montreat close of tile torin presented by the Hay-Townchip, fact stated above, ill, Sir Hugh submitted to Ili$ Go -D or . I ot tnMr -BRUSSF i 0 nura toachirs with a Ilan, c WESLEYAN THETHODIS James * Smith, John Yates, Emma Bin-'- Tui' L-1 P .4T. -Tho firs - 'on her last downward trip. An elderly isome plated i T -CHURCH it lialn, janbol Ralph, Diary McKay,'Wni. bar of this ne�-f joArnal is to 113114- It in named Alcock, who removed to ouchod ill Stut- REV. JAn. GRAHAM. I Sir Fnincis Mocks the irtmes of the an offer from well-known promoter in 1, 1,' MOVAL. U.0 , , an pitcher, and an address o A!l armaz�lro Americans for the purposa of England to farm A syndicate for tit' pur- Yates, Goo. McMillen, Chas. Stewart, - neatly got Up and abollild,; ill local blanitoba, about four. yagrs afrom the to 8--tz e is Morning service 11 A. M. Evening a-! sizlis�mb�3ft lleld respenszb10 vr John Cox, John McDonald, Robt. neighbnrhood of Mitchell, was oil his able terms. W7ALKIPR HAS IM, - ing wit" thein. Paso of atton.pting to ljotO the scheme, news. MARKIPT FEws.-Ab the last meeting Service (00 P. M. Stindav School 2:30 R. P. d F ii,3 1,3%7 Office from the 0-. rqfh�e to tal. t TW -1- Runciman. of Public ay down to dispose of some property of the. Oonncil, a pati tior�, signed by. p D1. Prayer meeting Wednesday and move I The ch3rgeis that ft'-' if the Government and Logialturo as- R003f_No. IV. Mn. Mni�sft, Inspector presented, F'. e that, teach- he had left behind. When off Silver sixty of the ratepq riday evenings at 7:30. Yen, was Court House to the rooms over Mr. -f4ezot. tlwy wz�hp:d ttu they ha%,, i in- was come to between Sir Hugh it sent to tile folloning conditions : The Bliss Dixov, TUC -111311. e, at the corner of School%, re4uosts its to stat Inlet oil tile evening of I at July be cola- askiu% for the ab3litioll of M.Ll'k at fees' V1. E. Archibald'sStoi I's wilt receive che wav i ques by selidillo' P1 - h u.,t-:,o f '%fr. Abbott that the fortner and his time of c,inpleting jile work to ha ex- Number present at - examination 61. 6 plained of foolingunwell, though nothin Some of tha members wore in favotir of Kingston Street and the 80naro- porly certified orders. METHODIST EPISOO PAL CHURCI as tile law rc,�u friends should d"neo a large, sum of Number promoted with credit 30. Total out of tile way appeared to be the matter rom�wa tended from eight to welve yemrs* he cannon %illich was saWmitting the questi,)n to the People, REV, �1. A_ VVILIGHT. Gderich, 11th July, Iris. 1378-n *lipa i I number promotod 46. Edward Duncan ReNFOV9111.-T with him. After taking nome biandy lie. i money for the ptirposo of aiding tile elec- uthority to be given to isa.-io the bonis 540, Lona Shrooder 531 Annabolla Me lying nearithe drill shod has been Te- . . and that at once; while others wished Morning ervico 11 A. MI Evening aza sil-at to e2c otired to Ilia room. but not making his. 'El r" ion deferred till tile end of the year. :30 SCH031- tion of Ministers nd their supporters t 83 per cent. net and to increase ths Donald 525, Emma Ellard, Melinda moved 0 the Square and placed with its '-tppearance next morning Ilia door was Act I ' y ordered to be ,-ryjce 6:30 P. Al. Sunday School 2 OD Z RIMI at the pproaching elections, for whicli;a wn was irtiall - iiisue front $40,000 per roile, as now Reid, 14 anny Biddulpb, H, Hilliard, J. muzzle pointing up North Street. Wead in' TIV petit P Al. Prayer mooting Thursday even forc-,A open, whou, be was fount fy1od. . I , re -op . an on 3,16ndav tho'18th Gro. P. r,.,)wrLL CO., 40 Parl, he and ids friends should receive the limited bv Act of Parham 0�nt, to 850,- 4olinston, Georgina Gloidonning, Bell- REATOVAL.-As will be seen by ad ver- his berth. A medical man on. board ex- it,- at 7:30. N7V ILI aniined the body and pronounced the V August. The Entrance Examina- -.7., and S. M. rrTTIN7e1J.L Co.. 37 contmet for the constraction, of the 000 per mile, and certain modifications Jantin Salts, John Salkold, Gourgo Pass- tigaininit, Mr. P. F. Wall or I s r mov. METHODIST day b��In_ more, Willie Potts, Abram Cowherd, od his ollice from tile Court Hansa to cause of death to be apoplexy. Ali in- NEI W CONNEXION tion ill behold the Onnic arc onr only authorized Ad- tibe inada in the terms on which the George Boll, Maggic Johnston, -LiZ7iU Crabb's building,;, ovpr E. Archi- quest Was hold at �Iarquattol and it vdr- A DRu(iatsr J. L,,,%t- ning at 2 p. in- vuliraWy known in boa- Rnv. F. N. iN(JURNT. in Na%� York. ';,ir Hugh admi:s this in the d since Atignat 1872 p;,tynienti of the cash subsidy of $30,- Catripboll,Lizzio Aclieson,51ary Mitchell, loald' for lict rotlirried in accordance with tile ter long slid fa isposel of his dru,r busines,4 11,)rning qervico 11 A. E VellIng All popils admitte School will be 000,000 are providc,l for, by the Act. Walter Sharinan, John Conley, Chris- Fltmm TExis.-Judge Morrill of Gal. facts. Oil arrived as Sarnia his4rionds forth has d* I and w telling to cOnti nue `t 3f'P. 51, sand "During my sav at had Thoso concessions being obtained, the topher Ptipat Isabella athislon'. Willie voston, Tuxas, was at) favourably in,- Nvere notified, but the body thouall to Mr. Rorierts of ",I 6: y School 2:30 required to a, I 4s tais ENami-nation the Robinson, Gel). ormer visit to Goderich laced oil ice, was found W be too rar Leatter hai many friends ill t0`11 all't P- 'IT- ils. -Niumuniett on of all f &I i'l at on,'!b - rot;urn to E ng- Enlica Holele E millu pressed with a -ft tiadie as Dow P1119 so Katic Bates, -removal and was accord 4 wit'a mem4ers of t dole,,ation Y. that be has roLurn-A with hi., funily fo'r lecompo5od fill will be suroly missed. The UeKillon R1311 . &N GAT110LIC 6LIURCH, Applicants Must notify the Town In. ingly interred there. filler, not later than and an.1 conc!nklo th- rrqvi4ional u, Addibon, James G on , Goo. Robinson, q 1'i,at 31r. ord I Tum OnAxGmim. Illent, and I I that the, were still the summer. ornin'r Of REV. 1.. BOUDAT. spector, Mr. J. top t, Isf , , L -Age entered town on the it, the Value of lily Dan McKay, Lettic llapst, Maud Moor- n rangement. i il,.. cld3m the 25th inst. x, ass Band will Teu :7�00TTISU AMERICAN JOUJIL.-44ri. is f 1A 7f f,qla, t'a lionso'Ale . AlcKay,lfarryMont.­Q.-1lUry. TUE L.ixu.-Tho Br. the 12th and inado a very ii ags at 8 and 10:30 A. M. C Z S L lay oil the Sqnaro ever Wednesday t:rjo of our welcome exchanges, It H. L STRANG, B. A. Benson Sharman, Annie McIntosh, P ance. Tiieyl)lissedontoClinto�'atillin 3 - P. .51. Yc�p(ors 7 1. B1. r., I It is also further shown by the f, 3rad oL tho LioUtan=t' Govornors venini, and as aften as possible orf Fri- heara a vury high character and deserv6d- Fiend Blaster. 1,i cis our tenas--O , t - Louisa Adams 'Mary Whitely Lizzie t the e'vening when returnin s,)bcrlv and n addressed to Sir Geo. Car- o is a it -will. . o G AE LIC PRESBYTERIA N, 1378-b I,;,hEpvA- if ay ev enings daring thnsummor, weath- ly so. In its next week's* an tit f the Gderich, July 1501, 1873- $-2 in- tee, -1731 Wilson,'%fary J. Roid,,�harlotte edger d )od order, halt d in fro n In the article on (Airrest Events in � I other things permitting. give tile opening chapters of a new story in g( Id ff, V1,110 live3 (Temperance t;er,- Christopher Alartin, Robett Campbell, er and entitled ",James Merle, An utobio- faria of Air. Itich' 1 44 the last number of the Canadian Mon- William Dodd. milenortbofo village, and played "olit. McGILLIVILAY. thly iti-i assertedthat "the Lioutenane Gzxs&ALPRoriciF-icy.-lst Edward PJtRSO-TAL:-Mr. Jas- Clegg, amative -raphy," from the pan of Mr. William of a dying of Aftern,)nn service 2 P, U. Evening mouff TO LIEND. line in the Black. The Scene of the story is aare seen Macpherson. Ile has no of this town, who served Ilia ti laid in a favonrite air. Mr. Ctuff is L%:, -.u& Tr=a: ==7. persoral nibition, bu� cannot injustice Governorships, under the constitutioLnal Duncan 51C, 2d Lena Shroeder,. 3d SIGNAL OffiCO, is at present on a visit to cancer of the bowels, and this colupli- service 6.30 P. Aft. -- Annabelle. McDoniild. G He is now on the oditoriiil Lanarkshire, shifting between the moor- Merit was paid him by big old friends ILMT Loly.-TERMS CODaracEl STATIO-V to Ont%rio concede any preference- to system, are rather* social than political : READIG.-Ist Edward Duncan, 2d odericb. land district in the upper'part of tile who sincerely sympathize with him in ST. STEPHEY'SICHURCH (HaroaR.) 11,Tv Tmins, leave as followS.- Qnebo in the matter of the Presidency appointments, in which success depend' Lena Shrooder, 3d Emma Ellard. ataffof the Cincinnati Gazette. county and Glasgow. - The author, Mr. his affliction, and will regret the depax- REV. CHAS. MATHEWS. EA15y. r in any other prticulr. Hesaysthe, L. H. .13.11AILWA.-The by-lak Black,i,3 well knonin literary circles maii ... .... . ..... a. ill' L " , ld be less on the qlialifications of the holder PELLING. - IS -t Maggio Johnston, g a bonus of $10, 000 to tile Lon- as editor successively of the London turo of one of the oldest &ad most to- Morning service 11 A. M. Sunday L) 110 question ab,lut the Presiencv Shan E-,prass ........ .......... 11 Georgina Glendenring equal; 2-1 Melida grantll ilroid was all spectel of the brethren by lll�`painful School, 9.30 A. M. e t to the Board. Under these circum- than on those of tile holder's wife don, Huron & Bruc3 R b- Revisw and the 1xaminer, and to the 0 .......... ......... 12 Sil Heid, 3rd John Coulev. disease. After playing "The Protes- THE CTy F ToRONTO PERMANUNT stances I authorize you to assure Allan ARITHMET1C.-ISt 16cna Shrooder, 2d mitted to the ratepayers of Exeter on reading public as having given to the taut Boys," the procession consistina- of .. ........ ...... 3.30 that the influence of the Government NEWS OP, TnE TEEM James Gordon, .3rd Willie Dodd. Slonday and carrietl by a nilljority of world several novels of great merit, in- 24 teams moved slowly on' THIM 'MARKETS BUILDING ANI)SAYMC18SOCIETY re duo as follows'- I , the brethren Trains a, .............. 9 . 3o will be exercised to gectire him the post- John Conley; 2d 61. cludinc, "A Daughter of Heth" "Ili Silk and sisters waving hats and handker- Advarces moneyat reducedratenfor from Mixed .... ... tion of President. the other terms to be An attempt has been matlo to burn. the a Pic -N ics. -Instead of having a united Attiro% Being a native of Glasgow, and ............. ..... 2. 00 p., in reed an beteen Macpherson and � congilia Olendonning ; d PAdward chiefs as they did so. OUVERIC11. July Loans repayable inin- 1-k. 10 Austrian Exhibition building, and some Duncan. pie-nio this year, the different depart- brought tip within the environs of Seat- A VALUABLE MnmTBu GONE. -The Wheat, (Fall) V badh ....... $too 0 1 03 2 to 20 years. b YL ea ................... nit the borrower. Abbott, and the whole matter to be kop! 'link such GEoGRkrny.--lat John Conley, Ban- ments of the Public Schools are acting land's commercial metropolis, lie is Rev. Arch!d, MoDiarmid, Minister of 1 06 stalmentg to .......... .......... 9. K). quiet Until after the election; then the of the Lentl-3n correspodentit� Wheat.(Srring) V bush ... 1 02 0. alin- a fate wi il be its end. jamin Salt equl; 2d James Gordon, independently of each other. On Satur- thoroughly familiarwith the peculiarities Duff's Church, McKillop, preached his Flour. (per brQ ............ 6 00 0 0 60 Full information giyl3n on application. t,wo gentlemen 0 meet the rrivy C EMMA Addison equal; 3d Katie Bates. day -and Monday some of the depart. f the people whom in our new story lie farewell sermon on Sunday last, to a Oats. V ............ .. 0 45 a 0 00 Ile the terms of a The second instalment, NRITING.-ISt-Edward Duncan; 2d .8 Of this nature. brings upon the stage. Their religions larze conregation. ]Ar. MoDiarmid is pe4s, e bush ..... : ........ ( 51.) (it 0 00 R. H. KIRIKPAT-11101K, v. ill confer a favonr b) cil at Llittax a and sett ments had gathering I Boox.s.-Mr. Alex. Garrard is trav, Pr')cli -and humor 8 rs. of any irregularity in the provisional agreement. This is tile on v vities, And the pathos 0 0 52 Agent at Gogerich. francs, of the imiliard of Franco's uar' Lizzie S-xvage; 3rd Hawn. one of the finest men in the C. P. llarleprj3 bush ............. 0 52 dl,�Itvery a.; their papers. praztik!41 sAution to the difficulty, nd anderlyinf, the outward crust at their 0 0 35 should) be accepted at once by Allan. debt to Gernian�. :Nas paid on the 5th DIVISION o. 1'. lling Agent for- IlInstrated Family Cliurolt to -day. He is a sincere Chris- Potatnez. V bush .......... 0 30 Miss NORVAL, zAcIJER. Whigs and also Prof. Fowler I a work on character, he h%ndles with the skill and tian, and an earcest preachex,and has Park, , * ........ * � 91 20 -S I Answe?* inst- This leaves a balance of 500,000, - o Hay per ton ........ .... 14 0) @ 16 00' LL io receive umber of pupils present 64. Nuni- tne Science of Life. Those desiring a tact of one sharin in them, increased. taken a deep interest in the temperam MOTHERS W3 shzll be Azd at all times )y the experioncend imaginative facul- hich has to Ileir-tid, by the rot.11 ,mod Family Bible shotild crfler from I ieform and every good movement. Chlelcon4 per pair .......... 0 25 at 0 30 n1 news, raparts of meetinag. ly 'of tile novelist and lifterateur. 'Its ain ofiqu,3 B,itter.:r4 Ill ................ 0 17 0 0 IS IIUSRANDS I 'WIVES items, of la, ber promoted with credit 2, a,�cidents, or anv incident of interest 5th uf nzxt number promoted 41. Nlr. Gerrard. Sea his advertisamenti There is no doubt but a cert ei her in the when it occurs or The Government wer'e to have the GEvERAL PI-01TWEE-NCY -16t Jno R,)!)- TRAMWAY. --Our enterprising towns- readers will find in *'James orle" an ill the con-rec,atiou have used the Rev. wef .... ... ... ........... 4 5�, 5 00 It 1 It is stite-.1 that nicivot exposition,macqualled for many years. t 0 appuint majority of the direc- l 535; 2d Arthur B�-ilnvtt 518; 3d %.M- g�mtlaui:Lti in anything but a Christian 111.1e.4 ........... rt ........ 0 00 @ 6 0-1 -yo-uWG MEN -1 t!2e cA)-_nty at Jarg-e. Such matter nowert maS. Platt, is layint, a %ooden tr back; of -ill the Salient point of- Scottish 3 00 a 3 50 rnsy be sent at the rate of one cent per, ar are on theirway to f umatra to wat,:h inner, and the best thing he could do IV ......... :5 tors of the compan v and could, there-, lla=io Vau-n 50,-). way from his salt dryin(_, and grinfliu,� 11; 4V o aracter, and tale pogses-,ed of all the ' wool.... ___� .......... 0 33 0 85 interests of the Sultan in that 21 ,wics to the harhour, Co fACilitAtO ship- was to leave them and Servo his mast,lr ow is the time to 811190-ribc for a Book mrked Printer's Copy and not id,lit. over the harin which trutliftilness and humor Z 4-4ekew. 0 15 0 Is fore, contrvi. tl�c electt-miIaL Prci�i pill" his Salt. 1-10 will by this elsewhere. Air. A?-Diarniid has a Jar -,e you all need ealed- To eusure publication in any Nellie Bartliffe; 3d Jane S�,�tts ln lend to a work of imagination. Tlw Hence Sir John say.� ­Aasure llan i;land number of warin friends in McKillop Plao the signal utar issue it should reach the that the influence 'overnmont The case for tile prosectiion a,,ailist I ARITIDIETRI -15t John 2d a-ive a larg3 ieni in carta.e. American is published is New 151873. Prof. FoVlei's Greatest No& oil o1ce u it latar than M ondaY eVenin-. of the Us I Denry Betty; 3,1 Ellon'%lorrii. WCATIff1t.- Th3. wer.ther last weeli whose prayers and go -A wislics will fol- CLINTON, JUlY will be exercised o secure him the office the Tichborne Claimant closad oil Thurs- , GR_A,3iij.it-lst Robena 2,1 %vas quite cold fnr this season of the York by A.M. Stewart, 37Park Row. low him wh--�rever Ito goes. Ile xas one Wheit, (FIJI) pAr busit .... $120 (d 1 23 SEXUAL SOLONCE THE Nrw SUT WORKS, -We find the of our best ministats and n.) doubt the Wheat, (sDring) pe� bush.. 1 13 0 1 15 of Presi.dent." day, and the trial is adjourned until the Bridget Vaugn; 3d Maggio year and many (if olir vistom front the and the followina, in the Seaforth Expositor with blos%io,- of his inaster will atten't him. Flour, (per brl).. 6 00 0 6 25 ow : Utz. The kot charge is that Sir Hugh did 21st inst. (U001ILPHY-18t hl,"how Miller; 21 r j.-ity found a littl6 fire not at all uncom- reference to the company who purchased -These vermin Ots per bnslf....'i ......... 0 42 0 0 45 I - - Spindid 111ust'raud FamIlly Bible John Robertson; 3d ueor-o 'Hi er. fortable. Ort, Sund-ty a change took Tilts GILASSHOPPERS -North Harn-D. to be spent on the The permanent retirement of Prince �ljc Wilsod farny-for the purpose oferect- reaAe, perbusii.'.., ayance- the mousy Sr?1,1.1_1�(; M) DICTA-fi111 --l-it .1-hil plaeo arid sinza Own it Ills bucli hot are yary litimerons and a-acni dateriniii- .. r ..... 0 57 0 0 60 Sauth Huran-S. T. Church. Dig new Rlt worics, -"A company has baricy, per bush ........... 0 50 CO 0 52 electinns, and that part of this Innney Mimank fro t4e Prusgian Cabinet. 11011L.rtson; 2d 3d .,11,1 sultry. ed to eat tip eyorything that the gru!) which can be obtmined from )Len f-,rined under the name of the In- TEACHEF-S' EX ill I %AT. 10N. -ThO Plaint- terntional Salk)Company, Vir the inanu- -they won't succeed. nutter .......... ......... 0 03 0 0 15 D.;th thes;e gentlemen are authorized -and potatoe bug have left. We hop, Potatoem, per bush ........ 0 so a 0 35 -,Mptlons and arders for, canie from the Amerizan capitalists. wi.iich vra,; rumotirel some time since, is Bridget -%'-Ltlgll. ,'A'LEX. GERRARD, Goderich F. 0 - to Sir Ilugh swears,- now said to be on the eye of accomplish. Arthur ljo,mett; 2V nati,,n of teachers for certificates co'm- fcture of salt ona' ver large scale. Tin HUftox �PRES111TFILT.-A meet per doz.1;np,eked).. 0 10 0 0 CIO j3 -b p_:ntinq ond zaverti3ing and Ile will retin the German chan Thos. Dickson; 3d Louisa C.-ok. menced in this town before the C:)nuty r 1 Travelling Book and Imuran*ce Agent "I declare that I did expend cc iisid- 1 merit. Number od pnpils promoted 41. ;10 caPit;d stouk (if tile C')mPany-is in r of this Pr",bytery was hold in our Clover Seed .............. 5 50 2 6 03 era t "oartl, ,n Alondty Iasi, About one arlythe whole of 1lay ..... ................ . 15 00 '4 16 01 of 'money in various wa placed t $100,000, ne to�u last Tuesday. Tile principal min 'or. Jno. R-lbertson, A. Bennett, caudidatos presentA them. hich has alreay been subscribed b' 0 150 ble sums Y9, cAl %hill. Sheep skins ....... 1 00 whichappeared to ne to be avAnta- Vaugn, Jane St-Ats, Addic Kivailan, y istersof the C'. P. Churell in this 0.)un- Wool ........ ............ elves, one for first clas, the remainder 4untle-nion in Seafortli, Toreint 0 32 37 �1:a)ustothecompauv I had orgnized and ty were in a4forth. and made a very I and calculate(A t,) strengthen my lian-Is Tublic School ==--ationa Bridget Sullivan, Thus. Dickson, Robe- for second and third. elo3whorc. A Provisional Boar -1 of aance. The blisiaess Hides ......... ............ 6 00 6 25 na Mitchel, Bridget Vaugn, Minnie ourin to obtain ill-.- contract tenlp0r- Directors has been formed, and the fol. in endoa uArourn, Jul 15,1873. i7he Pubac ScSoo!3 of the town closel Ball, lary Sullivan, Runilcy terminated oil the evening of the aam! for that- co mran v - St. Nancy Y,,uuv, MintoielKaylor, ittice lect tire will be delivered in Crabb's loiinggentlenion have been appointod day ...$1 08 1 10 f�ur_the Summer vacation oil Fridav Is L fall, (in Alond.Lv evenina, 21st inst. at 8 Provisi-onal Officers: President,, S. G. And enabi 11oi-ris, -Nellie Bartliffe, Ellen A'SilLFUNDID HaRsE.-Aessrs. C Oder Wheat, (Spring�iIlr bush .... 1 08 0 10 Examinations by the Inspector for pro- by Rev. L.-Wis Warner, tin old Seaforth; Secretary, A. & Bros. R tka marble works here lately Flour, (per bri) ............... 6 00 0 00 1-1 �,,nsidered it to be mv policy to John Wyatt, _.Maggio Will-ins-il, -Math. . : Motion have been in progress for som. and experience(l lecturcr, in tho tomper- rmitage, Seaforth; Managing Director, �iold a ap!endid black horse to ;,ir. lkkrley, per busill' 0 50 0 50 trengthen my position as far as 1 posm 1 Miller, Andrew Henry Beatty, nee cailse. Acol!cction to defray eK Nf, P. flayes, Soaforth. ran per cent H,,ught,u for 8225.-� This was 4 udoubt- Oats, per bn9b.. ............ 0 45 0 45 : For own friends Find fel I time 1) t. Oil Thurstlay ai.d Friday Alex. MeLaren, Jas. Wright, Lizzic ty Styles of 116 .7 with My .13 pells,!s to !11 be takou up at the close.. if theCapitalotock-hes been paid in, edly very high price. Pease, per bush ............ 0 D5 0 00 :)-.7 citizs as in the Province of Qnebec, f.,renoon th­ public examinations were Llyalip, J,,shua Thomas, iCIL301 Davis, '1611d the Companv -have applied to the - OuR Fov,%Duy- Potatoes. per bush .......... 0 40 0 00 1 and mor6 especially in so far as related Win. Itilsk, Clara Whitely, Alice Trai- LARGE John Buchanan -ThG Seaforth Foun ....... 5 CO 5 25 held, and the pupi.'s in the various tie- C, Parliament for a charter Of dry 'is ]low in good C. 0 15 t -)the Montreal 23�orthexu Colonization I ver, Owen Reynohl, (;eo Bates, Goo. f U.-lborlie hda raising last wook at 1)')Mini n workin,r order and is Pork .... .......... JUST OPEN D Ay partments acquitte incorporation. The Provisional Boa Butter" No. I .............. 000 GODERI-CH, Jai 16, R' themselves well, I i h ono hundn,a and ten nicn were r ailway wbic's I conceived would at Noble, ary Anti Young, T. Grahaillo, w lic goo I work. I . go number of men have purchased 160 Acres of land- the & No, 2 ...... . ...... 000 11 0 12 Some day be the outlet from. the Cann- and fully sustained tha high character to Edie Martial Hattie Andrews, Alice present. This lar, StZU167 .1 3 .............. 000 11 0 09 pa�ificta, tim port of Arontreal;' Platt, Miniii,; 'Rulsou, arah Kirkbrito, %vercrecluirc-1 torai3to tile fratno of a iln farm -on tlip banks of Like Hu. 00 - 0 06 HOUSE's. E-.cfr,z offhis day,s Siq �taj can �e than I which the sch)ols have attained. On sited 110 fuct whic!, Mr. B is ran tit Godprich, aud intend Sinking a o. 4 .............. 0 AT MOORE derable portion of the money i Will. Ruts( -n. CoVKULL MFETIMI.�TIIC COUJICil met and a consi, assembled erectin-. and whiell will be, when coin- 7, ell and erect in- ex tonsive works. The I Egg -.i 'Ver doz. (unpacked).... 0 10 0 00 'Friday afternoon the papils pursuant to Adjournment, at Mr. King a Hij.s 1-' so letters was expend- : .......... :.. 4 00 600 referred to in th o DIVISION No. horingorthe w-11 is 'a bo proceeded 05ice-price the largest in the 'L , at the Central School to bear the rosult -tcd,_ township. Hotel, Bayfield, on Monday. the 7th .17 00 18 00 )y me in furtherance of that pro, act 5' ls.i 1) 1 ................. �dl TEArimi., with atonco, and thow.rks will -bo erect- inst. All the members present. .................... e 25 0 3 00 PA17 M many ways. I con aidered it or My ofthe e",minations, which mas read by ination (A. Fi vrn. -Three boys worebrought be. umber prosent ut uxaiii etl forthwith. It itt proposed to erect t those inembe wllicl� wil lia found 11 al I;roni,,- f -we C. Crabb, J. 11. la3l. weck, for hav- The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of wool ..... .............. . 0 s5 a 0 31 7 est, also, tha r.5 -of Par the Princip3l, and Pnoniw(d with crudit 8. Tot larg it 4 d i_m oe blocks -an to. be under one I trubed thos-.hool in St Androw's iust meetifig read and approved. v.Vc have t-3 request that those indebt- liament who had shown an intep est in roof -and also to build wharves for ship- TORONTO MARKETS. bu-low. puji.s sar.- a number of ted ot, to this offi,.a for subscrip,.ious or th��,,Xan:ldian enterprise ax d in ward. Theoflvnco was proved againR The following is a correct return of L I piecc!s, nd short aldresses were deliver- Anna lilt purl)38US. he whole enterprise the vote taken on the By-law to rant a July 12th. -VallWhoat $1. 10 to $1. 20. other railway enterprises in which f was . Howland 4,�2; 2d Roland 31orrizoil-473; t wo of thual anti they wore fined 20 cents I ot herwba r, fla Pay up at Once- eil by -the chairman of the Board and and co.its, ainotuitiiv�r in all to over ' a to be conducted oti a most extensive Bonus of 810,000 to the Lorldon, Huron Spring do $1.17. Barley 60c, to 61c. Interegted, and who %,rare di:,posod, 1: 3d Ellen Salith 431. 4­alo. There %%ill bo erected' i Oats 43c. Peas Coe. to 61c., Rye 650. area number 9f p3rties in t.-)r,,n who and further them, should be aid,!d 114-crand and other gentlemen. three Tile next boys brought & Bruca; Railway company, which ag3iSt READIG-180 tLtoncimati;2d Harry I tion with the works, c4ittager, for the Batter. 14z. to 22c. Ez-as 14c 'tran,a, Head 31astec - of the MIA McLean; 3d Aima Ifi1% la (I and Ellen I ill h Workman, alao' a eooperake establish. 'led to 18',- Wool 36o to 3%. or.e for whowll oblige by in t air election; and I subscribed son ie i on a similar bc sent to Submitted to the Ratepayers on the 21th to, 660 A fresh stock of money to assist in the electiol leavLng the amount at the office. Parties a of sue h of June last, and the sum was carr I School, announced his intention to give Smith equal. talent for the. manufacture of barrels ro- my friends and L -i SPELLI. t Roland orrison; TuF 12TIl.-The Orayinmen of this , by a majority of 39 votes. MONMEAL MARKETS. in thq c_,nntry may s__nd through the persons as were ' a prize worth NG -1. I w lifired for t1w salt. Tile 9okohants' For. A - whom I Was interested, but without any havitiz, every- half year if Anna Howland; 3d Ellen Smith. town, togeth2r %vith those of Baytield ,U alloPt. as, money in registered lotter Salt Coinpaitv, of this is to be July 12th. -Wheat $1.23 to $1.281 understanding or condition with them need be, to the pupil from the Public (;F - "Varna Electoral Division B RAO El LIE T95 B R00 GE, pvz;, - OGRArny-lst Alex. Rusk; 2d Li7- and. otler place%_in the neighbourhood, morged into the, Intern..d.ionat comparly. 1219 Oats 32o to 35c. Peas 78c. t,) 82c. is at On r eisk. or any of them as to Parlidmentary sup- School who passes the beat entrance zie Saunders; 3d John Elliott. assembled At Otinton on Saturday,j to. The new works will Ile constructed and Goshen 6 8 Coen 46c. Bistter 15a to 20c. Cheese port 6r ag-sistance in th event of their axaminatiou to the High School.' The * AulTHMETIC-lat Anthony Grierson; celebrate tile anniversary f the Battlu vork.-d under Mr. 11%yes' patent, which - -_ 10c.tolle. EZsl2c.tol3a. Ashes ==7 UmdaL I election. - I ex- children were dismissed with the an- 2d John Scallion, 3rd Agnes Runcifoan. of tho flnyno. W(-- understaod there has given such coinpleka ilati8fct6n and Majority for ' 39 -pots $3.30 to 86.33c. Pearls $8.35. theze and in similaT waYs WRITINa-Ist A,,nas Runcimanp 2d wa qt6to a gatlicring nd' tat tile day been itsed with -so inuch profit in the Bloved by George Anderson, seconded LON 0 ul 0 Dox 31 _knxpTs. pended sums of money approaching in noruncement that the schools wo d ro- M. Morrison, 3d Mary Tisdale. passed ofr picisantiy" After the pro- �orks here' iiid oli' Of the by George astle, that the By-law now 9 owbere. July 12th. -Fall Witeat $1.00 to amount to that mentioned ir. those let- )pra n on the 13,111 of August. The f,l- Names of pupils promoted--- Boys- cession limal-in of speeches rare do- L -Bonus of $10,000 to 8 1. 3 0. 15pring do $1.121 to $1. 14. Bar- Fc,r the Lot fartdight the papers have , $100,001 gt6ckzsubsor,bed, $60,000 has read granting a fa:l of Pacific Millway matters. ton, as I cquceive I had a perect right Tile 0-iderich Brass B.kn4 Imen taken tip in Sonforth. This �peaks asist in buillug the Lbudon, Huron & Peas5ac.'060a. Corn i lowing is the result of theexmina- Datt'l Connell, Win, Forguson, Marshall livered. ley 4 5c. to 50,;. oz I i - m n0y Though W-1`7inve3tigation was hill by the too." Gordon, -Anthony Grierson, Roland helped to (-nliveli 2i proceedinp. well for'the enterprise of (,)ur moneyed Bruto Railway, be finally adopted and 56c to 65c. Oats 40c -cc 42c. Butter 'tuds &C, &C. COMMAittee appointed by the HonEa of; That the money expended came from i Martin, V. 31artin,11. Alartin,11. Alorri. Rooiij� KAY. -This celebrated vt,)Cll umn, AVe wish the new Company every passed. Carried. 14c to 17c. Eggs 12a. to 14o. Wool Co.nmo= to, inquire into the matter, 8i r LOOM NO. 1. Son, John 3feLaren, Alex. McKenzie, tionist gave a rea-ling in Cral 6s Iia'l oil ��"ccqgq in their niallinisoth enterprise, Moved by Ged. Castle seconded by 37c. to 38c. the Americ-mils is sitown by Sir lin gh's - W. TEACELE. Alex. Rilsk, Win. li/)ia, John Scallion t that circumstauces forbid Dr. Woods, that when Debentures are IN GOLD AND PLATED, F last, to an udience, lettes have been plz--,d ted with r, riday evening %nd regre being printbil for the Railway loan of statement %vh,,:re Lie say -s,-- timbar pretsexit 23. Promo -Herbert Thompson. Girl�Alice A flicir making Seforth their principal whid;, though not very laro, was very 0 $10,Q a befora the Frayia, an that gentleman -thur, Lizzle Bell, Maggia Brrett, Flora b-iis of operati, 00, clause Six and seven in the By - was disposed to return to mv credit 13. Total number promoted 19. " The programme was ar- ons inswad of Godericb. Names of pupils promoted 'in order of uppreciative. 'kt here will also be la% be printed on the back'of each Do - has MaZe an --glavit in explanatio in A eican 4qSociates anv mfoney Which Cameron, Anna HoslAnd, Einina Hen- . .. out as laid down with the exception We,believe the wor. . __Q1 , merEt-'Alarr E. Yates, Jas. Wells, Katie ing,, Samantha Martin, Abbit: Martin, ried largely increased -prf ibably doubled -in bdnture. Carried, At Wroxeter, on June 28, the wife of Offered 25 pey cent'below reular prices whL-h he vh-b�ually e3tablishe.3 Mr. i they might have expended in the mat- Moore, Marion Dickson, Sarah Dick- Agues Runciman, Ellen Ralph, Li7zie of the "death of Joe," for which r Kay a short time, if sufficient ship0ing-facili- Moved by Thos. Keys, seconded by Dr, Brawn, of a daughter. Hnnting�&o,m!s chrges. A brief resnmo ter." . . SOD, Emma Cox, Katie Watson. Walter Saunders. Mary Tisdale, Alice Wallace, substituted by request the "Jackdaw of ties can be, secured., The Grank Trunk Dr. Woods, that if the Reeve cannot At Wroxoter, en July'l, the wife of Mr. viin show us ho -,v the matter stands. Thus we see that Sir Hugh Allan's McDonald, Mary Fox, Win. Williams, .3fay J. Wilson� Ellen Smih. Rheims," which he recited inciapital style. should wake tip. If they w6uld only make arrangements witiftherepresen- nnie Gardiner. Emily Considering that the hallisa difficult George Gibson, of a son. lautington sworn gWoment establishes that be. Win. Wright, MI - DIVISON NO. VII. one to speak in Mr. Kay read ell devote more attention tb developing the totives of the late Duncan Man' wen for At, X00RHOU'S On tho 2nd of April Mr. H Sharman, Hannah Torne, Jouiss Trai- At Wroxeter, on Jjilv 5, the wife of _31r. moved for a e=mitteq on the grOmId made a bargain wit 4 Americans to build MISS. K.MKISUIDs, TEACHER. local trade of the country, it� ould be of a road allowance at the rdar of lot 15, in Manson, of a son. h ner, Reid, John Acheson, Loftus and gave suisfaction to his all -greater profit to them than the present eon. 4, two rods wide, this Council will Willis, that he had bean infimmed and balieved the road, that the Government promis- Number present 58. Promoted with PFUSIDNAL.-Hon. Mr. Carter, ex- system of e:ipending all their energies in assume said road allowance � and settle InSaaforth, OnJuly6,t6wife of Mr, Guderich, July 15th 1873. I Dancy, Mand Evans. -credit 12. 'Total promoted 26. he canTA e3tablish 'qlat in anticiV3601`1 ed him th-9 charter just before the elec- Gzbmmi. PRonciENzY - Ist M GzNExAL PRokic][ENcY-lst W. Eflerd Attorney General and Premier Of Now- all endeavor to secure through traffic' the matter by arbitration, 4% provided C. Armstrong, -of a d%ujqhtQr... I *Wells 691; 3d ridland, and now leader of the Op- and allowing local to -await their eon- for in the Municipal Act. Carried. of tha l0gE4hqoa of 1331. smian as to 'he tion, tilat he spent 8Z43.00 in election Yates 699; 2d Jan. At Kinburn, Ifullet, on uly% the wife Katie 470; 2d Albert Moore 438; Tena7 Me. fall 'IwAM, =11--re0ment wl"; made bribery, and thatthe Americans furnish- Moor- 689- Dougall 455. position in the Lcgislativo Assembly is venience. Lo --al trallic must be'-rontov- Moved by Goo. Castle seconded by ' of Mr. TremeeP4 t6acher, of a daugh- PadE3 R -3t RZADINC--186 WM. Williams; 2d W. I in town -at present on a visit in , Dr. Woods, that the sum. of $15 be ter. eu�k Allan. aetting for him- p,,rijon of the money. The only point READiNG-1st Eva McQueon: 2d M 'his ad, and the Grand Trunkintly find when b2wean Sir McDonald; 3d Sarah Dickson.' Whitely; 3d Bertio Kinahan' brother, P. H. Carter of -tho Grand- it is too late, that it cad' be. romoved granfed for building and repairing At Goa6ricli, on the Sra inst., AlTs. & U-0 119N SAL'S. Camadian PrOMO- on which Sir Hugh allor,,7s any doubt to ARnizmznc, Senior-Ist Jan. Wells; SPELLING-I.St Jatle.MC�roqlh; 2d TruitkItailwwk. Air. Carter isa union- through other channels." bridges on Bannermau's sideroad, to be Douglas XcKinzie, of a daughter. a- aMallon, acting for remain is as to the "linderatanding" be- 2d Marion Dickson and S. J. Reid esival. ist and desires to see the Confederation spent under the direction oi Alessrs. OF W. M do Junior-Ist Minnie Gardiner, Tana McDougall; 3d Willie Ellerd. Cattle and Woods. Carried '. e&L_6aVnfte& Stat -_3 capitalists, Who. tween himself and the Government Tie-lat Lowis Marsh; 2d completed by the accession of. his prov 2d. Emily Sharmap, Katie Watson an Ar.iTHmp WARWAGES. n 11m by the _W vrec-A to fornish all the The charter was promised and he spent Rhoda Jenkins; 3d Willie Fraser. inCe, though he fears there is no im- Moved by Dr. Woods secon ad by ,te4 a� Gen. Castle, that the Clerk be ordered u RACT R PLANT. Annie Pasinore equal. iams- 2d mediate prospect of Such a consutnma� Tus AntatTitAno.-The award of Attlie'residenceof James Henderson, for the construationof the money on the elections,hat he never- G11"I'Al A Senior -1st Mary Yates; GFOGRAPHY-lat Thos. Will tion. to examine the Treasurer's books for all nwmwny as says 2d Emma Cox. 3d Louis Trainer. Frederick Craig; 3d George Nairn. the arbitration between the Villwge of. payments made by this Municipality on Esq., of "Westerdale, the bride's cou- 1. railway, and to give thele WiLrriNo-lit Willie Ellerd; 2d Al- HIGH SCnoOL. - We Would direct Brussels and the township of orris, was sin, on the 5th June last, by the Rev - G. 19, TiUBMANAuctionoer") -ii in paramtage of inter- I state most positively and explieftly do Juni�r-lst Sarah Dickson; 2d bert Moore; 3d Willie Gilmore. : apecial attention to the advertisement account of our indebe tness to the Muni- David Fargution, F. 0. . - . Donald Suth- the form-- a Carta B. Tzainer; 3d Katie Moorer. Pupils promoted -W. Ellera, Albert. acting admission to thelligh School. signedpon Thurad, ' Ay, July 3. The - vil- eipal Loan Ftind, and to make out a erle;nd, Esq., Pulteney, late of JJAS received Tamtructitin from blenrs. ajn!gj,3Zat la& is to assum ion . of the!k influence that I never made any agreement, or GEOGRAPHY -18t Mary Yates and L. a $2,3'15 of the $30,000 statement of them with dates of pay. a to any undentanding of any kiud e. Moore, Tena McDougall, Jane Me- Tep trust to see a mucli larger atten- bonus to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Mont wh able., Carried. Goderich, Canada, to Miss -Jessie Harvey & Ross to sell by Public itf=—the ntame agreea on be- cam Trainer equal; 2d Katie Moor Mary Elliott, Rhoda Jenkins, dance during the ad' alf year dian Railway, and of the $10,000 W the Lon-. Mo -tic Mackay, Campbell Street, Thuiso. Auction (they.having completed their �FC3 Creath, I "a an prap Woods 8 , Chn--alan, Company or description with the Government or En-mOLOGY-18t ]Katie Moore; 2d M. xt h. d by Dr. eeonded by th Contract*for tbelfarbor of Refuge At ing cSt1=311y tW, a any ofits momben as to the payment of Villie Gilmore, Ells, Platt, Martha 'there was during the last six months- don, Huron and Brube Railway,' it 'a to Geo. Castle, thatA. M. - Ross Esq. be At Blaple illa, the residence of a its head; any ,m of rboney to any ne, or in any Yates; 3d MarionDickson. 'Whitely, Maggio Cameron, Maggie Wad- All who.. intend entering must be pro- assume 8260. The tit- b Goderio.,)at the Hai,�orQpay in Wunixe--ist Minnie Gardiner and . arbitrators appoi rbquired to see to the state of our ac- ride's father, on the 8th inst., by the the Garernment, Vrera awaim that way whatever,in consideration of receiv- dington, Mary Davis, Lewis Marsh, Bar- sent on'tho' day the school re-opeus, ed to settle aff4ira between Brussels and coun the briiegroom, Richard X-C ik,-Ja !I ths" the �ontract for the Canadian Pacific. Katie Nvatson equal; 2d W. McDonald tie Kinahan, Frederick Craig, Jenny Mond 18th August, at 2- O'clock ts with the Municipal Loan Fund -father of f t! Peding betwe=-these ing Gooding, Matilda Tillier, Mary Robert- Grey are MT. D. D. HAY, of Listowel, and when doing so to ascertain what Davis, Esq., of Toronto, fourth son lnegotm '023.vreya and Marion Dickson equal. P. M.11ki7nder the regulations now in brussels; Mi. Thamas McMichael, suin or ailing of clergy reserve money of the Rev. Win. Davis. Incumbent , b3equantly an wAc�- - All the legislation on the subject of ComPo$ITIOn-Ist Marion Dickson; 2d for Weduei�diLy, 23xdTu1y,1873, f;W+de3; ta-3�, 813 eon, Annie Currie, Eva McQueen, W. force no after examinations can be held, of Hunq4t, for Grey, and Mr. Gardiner Paul's, Win-liam, Courity Hu - Katie Moore; 3d Jas. Wells. has been withheld froulthis Township of St. m waa C=ato- b+twoez Sir Hugh , the rail%yay 7,33 finished and Sir Hugh Fraser,.fiattio Johnston, Fanny John- andany lyli0failt9,present themsel as refe�ee. - The arbitration -pa�mcnt of the loan ron, to Louisa Jane, oldest daughter Commencing at jU o`cicck� a. in. HisroRy, Senior-Ist Win. Williams; . Yell of Hibbert, on the plea of non- Abbotb-fh3t Bir H132h Lad to look bo the Government alone for ston, Robt Wilkinson, Then Williams, at the proper time will not have an op- sit al,'Brusseo on nesday; July 15. funcl, and -that this Council do furnish of Mr. James Street, Sftatford The Anna. ana gr 2d W. Wright and Mary T following plant, viz.- 4 Lwge stone Yates equal. Willie Trainer. portunity f eiiteAngtill October., positor. to Mr. Ross all aviail&blo information on Scows; 4 hoisting Scows with Od fr:e=4z shouTA advance a the charter. , Sti he spent S3413,000 on do Junior-Ist Shrah Di&son; 2 ST. -PATRIOWS WARD.' Tait 1VftJSOUU1 EDITORS at their late cam 'e, Z�etor. thishead. Carfied. late, a large amount of, Rope, Of MN"iY for th'a IPWPGS3 Of the election:�, though he Says that . it was Katie Moore; 3d W. McDonald. 3ims Lynsn, TgAcmEm. MI convention,- formally resolved that a 4-- Moved by Coe. Anderson seconded h vapn , and tools of variGus km& in - in Number of names on ter 121. eluding of 314nisten and not, cowideration of rece r�g the ROOM NO. 11. Re -w mah bag the same right to walk into it On Wednesday' Carpenters and Blacksmiths A. McDONALD, TzAcHzu. 0 .2nd July, -a mowing by Thos. Keys, -that this Council -do now b El e,-tb@WXt ga!lergelec- contract," lie told a very different Promoted with ffulptior examined for promotion 22. grocery store and order a barrelf. sugar in riddetily, at G � eric-li, on the 9th Tools, Also. Horses WaggonsSleighs, match aime off odMir. James Pickard's adjourn to meet again at Morgau's ST, J len he Nninberpresent 37. Numberprolnotod 1 -Moses Fitzhenry. st Mrs. Orabb, mother ofC. Crabb, Bedding GENERAL PROPIC-1 go, Hotel, Bayfield', oil the econd in the 89th year of her age. gether - -with a laige ft shctd& gtorylo his New York filends wl cradiC 18. Total number promoted 32. ExQy - I at Moses Ora sa* of coffoo, or'l'into a lawoflIco farm in the nei6liburhood, of thiFj villa � Monday in, and Beardium Rou4e lelant, to - Names of pupils promoted i orderdt.:pit7 and demand a li-cral 6pini6n from. its oc- Messra.'Wilfis=G�venlock and Doug- in August. Carried. Esq., mnount,*f 'Square rk& fat thg COZ;AractiOn wrote on 7th August,- n herli-Y 315. cupant,.or into an undertaker's and re- lass VV all Percy Mao- RtArSG_lst Rosie Curri ereappointed judges and there we're WILL1401 PLUNKETT. Deceased was a resident of Goderich and Flatted Tit"er and- L ­Umber, ith ,A fLa raUW3y . i is ann4cei`nry to detai � the vari- merit -John MaDoug a; 2d Annie quest %�coflln, ithout eLxpecting to pay ton ontiies made ns follows: Three for the last forty YOars- stuldry other articles. adv=, ca a barga sam of which it passed, but kid, Alex. Gordonp' DoOd Campbell, 3d Moses Fitzhenry. Clerk. on July 8, Jane Steen, wife ous phaS03, throl:0-11 ngis Daney,j A. Afe- for their respective wires.or services, ,is sinctlemow6rs,Ca�yiig&Ohief,byTliobap-,, Bayfield,.8thJaly,1873. In Seafortli, TERMS --- CASH. _rUrrC5e-. M4nt!Oned, al -d 'the relullt is that Vro yesterday signed an Frances Erwin, Ai --,at Moses Bitzhenry; 2d into a newspaper'office and demand the a�oaild Wiltialbs, Mitchell, -one do. , by of Mr. 'George W. Sparlin'- aged. 35 M, =_ oy fc-- tE:e [enzie, Scott Aitkins, S. Cresoman, W. Rosia Currie; 3d Jas Addison. a pre3_ agreement by which, oa certain inone- brairs and muscle'aud. -type, Patterson Bros., one do. by Wood Bros., in children of Goderich, July 11th, 1873. 1378-b a-, tho wzidtal�loia and UrAer th Ralph, Christiana Cowherd, Eva Gardf­ , Aunmmznc -1at.'Annie -Campbell, uio oi'its xort]% Volt lto=Z� years, also the infant tw tary miditNnst- theY agree to forma ague Mr. George W ef Xinbfera, 6Pt V3rt Of resident, ner, Mary Sinith, Jennie K. � Stewart, Moses Fitzhenryf ftrus McDonald, and withoitt'stho-a.&ht-ofrecomponse.. The- of Richmond Hill,' ind one 8pr Sparlin �ng im, mpany of irbich ram to.be p J, Annie 33ri Goderich editors.-limie reason to passa mower by Hsrris Mo. �of Brantford: W6 cuU the following ii the 28tb tilt" r Era, -,T2 int cc to give we and my Sarah Honker, Emily Wellis] dget O'Reilly equoal.- resolutioii. from a letter In East Wawanosli, a- ZFOWL14 by Si tn' t4D Suitmy Views? an Stotts, Chas. Rosx,Ven OSeilly,Selins at Iro second daughter of the late jtTl tTa- th-, Aal- frieltds 3, =�.Ijorjty bfthe stock, d to M6es Fitzhenry; -2d stin' r' Combined �kiachities, one Ball's Ohib,, as , our NorthWeSt: correspondenpwho Mary, I Stotts, Elizabeth Smith, Mao Allen, MI, - ,A! EsTATE ALE. -The Salt Block Improved, by Thompson & � WHIiams,, rned Hezekiah Helps, ikthe 18th year 6f ry _h list retu from the Saskatche- JUST ARRIVED p3ld givathe�cc;mpauy 80 formed the contract Buchanan, 'Annie Cook' and B. Rr Wera I on the terms Of - the Annie Smith,'Xas. Reid, Laviiiia John- 10, Reilly equal. in Dfaitlandiffle formorl )da;byJ;JaaRs6n,�Lucau,%ne do;' wan her age- ef Ir I= and alm"t0r, occupied by inc t -,9. 9351 'United fttes capita i- tob4ld tl2e�rodc son, Chas, Noble, Walter Androws,liena McNicken and Sun -7vai! Old by G.: M, byW. H. -Verity, of, Exatero and One - Thefftidn'Bay'Cb. have built a phold AT THE PAT114ment, whi& sre 830,000,- ST, DAVID'S WARD. In Ashfield, on the 7th inst., of ty L;rn by, tL azfe=Qn� w1fil hi Act of 11 50,000,000 acres of Cameron, Ifti. Wells, 1aATrY �ndrews, -Titteman, 'Aucti6neor on Wi6drtesdak. Buckayi; by Rairis. C, Of the prizes grist nifil at Victoria Settlement on the fever, John Fletcher, teachor of S. S tl�c_ - - M -MbKAy,AS8ISTANT. last, under-powe sale contained !it a 0 in 03811,� -an, -Saskat6hdwam -:They charge 25 cents per No. 3, deeply regretted by all wi� yr,ted dqwa, Sjr3aha ja� With 411 Other advanta-es and John Bounartay, Vamnyffarlison. warded the. shigl6: nfoikeri,. Wood Bros. matf= 4U GFBEAT, , PUOFT(,IZNGY - 141; John Kris 'bushel for grinding. , Red 3�ive fl-lur SENjor took:first, Thomson-AWilliams,2n , DIVU16N-No. -of nam, mortgage. The ptopa#y was ilold iub- dayid- �ng th3,t 4thaGovora- �ipriv!14els which �cari be givl;n 0 up) McDougall, 702- 2d Percy 314okid 654; ..- as., on '3rd, and theAtli. .-,- -In the splis there-lor 815 perbartal. Imew him. 5!30, to do Register 148. Number exii - t't t agd h6ldy the ffriiijif and andtbeY Agree mmod.-for 3ec o a mpr gag CoxiIbM'ationW.'H.V6rityt k S'd Alex. Gordon 645. promotion 44.'� Piomoted with 'credit Loan, 'CompanX � '16p '&00 -anal -Was About 2-50 familiea of French half, ne, everything, 2'PL their power to encourage r.Z"XNG�-44 Elizabeth Sotli. aild boug'llb by Mr. Wmil Ahraliall of - Strat- JAcksori- 2nd, Thoinsoix aull-Villiams breedh -_ frdta; Manitoba -have -formed ns� to, SIr ffiiah AlZan's -1 � Company during the 1% Total -number promoted 29. - ; - I . a-- lyi a r8fore guia sailit, The . 1) Alai. Gortlon.equali d. Fprey, 31acIdd. ford, for%200, thuit Making the: totnf -qN, Harris *Co.. 4th;,,'f settlement on the- South briatich of 'the !Ui! iii. explans- whoia periol of congfraefiefi. 4nd Eyo, Gardiner eqU1, SEViOU CLASS -�- Xdmbor likan ad' ZN0 C, r rat 45 Slskit�he d V. winter, and JB b re, 11 price paid Wk , In addition to the, u ng im aTi3 for 'promotion 26. Promoted'� with a fol. Aitkins, alt- works tberei Ate 45 A"rcrea:of land and are taking In settlotnent..The f�n= crt ME And ag�ipt- croditiO.' Total number prom6facl 19. TO RENT- witrXINC.-Ist i6onaia xeGiiery� :2a �two viuve lots.; - o understand 1E, U Two E torftENTA. �4&ldoni have,; *a English'and dbWh. JI&Oement'whibli. has ;oi*6 oxpeow3 -inerred in car v' an thd ocebAlon 0 cht6nibla 06pementi in -thif, e�xistea-thero1or some'4moisbri,the ramer montl LIO N STO R E T, �Y,- 0 �e4,co= WA at3s in Pupils promoted in order. bf m6rit" Selinda,Cr6a;gmaii; ad Aligj6 1114no Xr. LOP a parloi e= tn0 of 60 waon Of 2872 the wAgWr to, thif point IlAvyget' TOry 3Uokid-' 2d Isabollp, 41urney, Agneg Donildson., in factirre of salt. �601;ion;'bnt *b state lhA two. north Itraill:14.40 miles below F9.rt Q�18- IVOR the su Co6ttlo, 3Lry Morap lVe4therald, ung -gIrI9',`.b6th-res1din� dit,tho -Huraix 'tojjand,�o milgi hyqy�tfia j *ction of 1: 4.4 three ballrooms, furnished with was Mw -1y betwe�n Bir grot - I[ havtalready baid awsir Alwub 3d ffoble� Dfaul 3AITSUMME, R COATS, capim and win �haya fQ PAY at, jeast D. lox., Gordon; 2d Sarah' Tackaborryi Lizzio Cattle, AnInia I Lo�T. 11%. un oflice. 1. 1 AU1TJ0i3TX6--�-18t A Scotts, B. Rtjcu'jl Any, 1�at a yomig Road"Ono eat One 4086of this viff Ahii two branches., or witliout board,,. ApplY at this M�ti ACAU Arl moot). Ward, Flora 'In 100 SUBIMER PANTS& VE STSt,. "Ob -No liga,,- iTetetinified .4b All -: hazards; to, Thefu yo IY Mill, 1973. 13784f r Ellen. 151oderich'. 200 SUMBMR HATS. %�Tgiia t�a frJrR[jh0U #, SArah ackor, 3d I Tackaberry, - Agftes Crawford,' �kgues ladnamX Ross, resident of 4 rtrAdothis arhasbaesfail- GodeTich, ; � dflult know i as zve3vth3V will 'dhange their -f6r that plii- ourd-Thefbbingnobuft Qontlie ' th .h�,,aagrava c3- r XoPoiigall.. 2a Maddon, Mggie Breekonridgo;�Lizzie off 4t the fan'jw, t:�u W GA30Ar 0 ninl7e nor Pickson# Ed :B, had two of his fingers oUon poi;e.slipped away frdra their houses one 'bmiclith b r of robestakonis very -AGRAND SPEOIALTY. A large Stoolt of LUSTRE$ in Coloura E'rw1n,­ 2d OQw-lity W" alia , Hoker, Ellair I firdbljt)int,'� in 1Gr3nt. l3taV0 1"tafy " aay last w661c- &114'bofdra tiny one �ottmj � gmall. Many tradershave been unabla to -Drr, lRantingtonis provireit to PrOTO Gr.6CmAP9X-1At *aII005 ual. .3d Griffln, JAno Bell. . - . . - r" wildoli. and Blaeh4 Iql 6fZXrRAV . Amborley.. -1) -calldd to bilwiththlemip at it# head. Kir 1111A t�lt ther@ Wis 3W understgntlinj be- Win, Ralph still Annie Stotts ' wy Was neet ould interfere A116Y 'oome +6 Xiinitoba, - U their horses are J, W. JUNE S, Litdrary and A�t _ist isatolia dress the ivund. It was necessary to hall edtrWit �ui iheir'desidn...and' had rie-arfir'41l.deall and they 11ILTO no,furs, to Agency, Loudon,- Ont.,s.oloagent tiwe�,-n Government fWd Sir fhe - Cbax. lWat. Xurney, 3.60, Agnoff DonaldsQu 35k G. vl�dinfiiistor ililorofoijii wIdle the -Opera.. Of Poe liind �,t mrontild,McGilyery, 24 6riterdil into'whatkh f4blidli i brwigi' - D-oubt &expressed whether the in Canada for 1no!g wity-1 Cattle 305, and atill Waoitherald, 86M6!wColls, inagin IV3.r wken HTW, 11�lgrg edtlld bligifitl tit 1rf2ltriMO])y. Hudidit Bay Bteattior can run above Art Publications and Will give op 19rhAt in tile xu�uma of exont of whi-At will ap Cressmau; 3d "Vin 6 ecial it RuDiNo-Int Litzle.Dicksolll; 2d" 31. ligo' Mr.. ­Gra�i had his o I N 011ie oil it ith Sir tig$ it Rances Vvivin; 2d Itory to,tigents, ThesC 1. & . 7 , q93 Sir Hugh I dqy%sifiC6 Varloton oft ilia north branch on aeciiu-nt Irmo and ter riem etp't11i'lisis sn %V0 Veatberald; U Agues. Donaldift offin-thp oani a young works are universally admire H�mkys thAt c*rtain A O(jo in, X� 1. Emilux ]qe1lbh. 3d io -DAM4 of shoals and rapids. Tile soilt14 btanall -owl to tile '"VerAment.1; admitlit th!tt be spolib $95 F Y' . . ' SftpLLva­:1sb Flors Xd1li#h,'2_4,L namdd*�lltpii. SWO -6 i)&kdt III and in hwl prop U003L �X6, 1116 0Ai4Ax UoxTHLY.�-Tho July num- U�ok containing spfho.mdna� fieW � coat ii upvigable Rs Jar an Bow River.- Ord at all raa� see and judge for IN GRI Q -AT VAR -0 TY - Dickson; 8d Unes Donalds6n. or th to organim a j� illegilli wannor, &A must fell 11()W� 190 ARIT111141 her of this Mapzme is to ]land., lton- osce. of-. `-There'appearsto'be no necessity for 40 ps *lfllt Isib Ila Mur" the tlieuntelyes he makes th6follojKing offer,. COYAP"y sr Ighty, jmpr9�0616' - thlit, - 45. Number pro- Goo. V to the tro6ps- on tho'.9a4katchowan As thore is rpm* of 1 13 ITU W1431t up, W 'W t spea it. It b 11' nibor preWut j%ttle, Maud Weatheoraldlliml. t Croper'if Livery 13tjlble� aila. r 25 contolits *in sena free by in I Aum 11*6154 *Wwsy, ferin And the usual amount of reqAing lib dangor �of Indian 4roubles. a beautiful Steet Engirlvi . f 114se acti-% W tona 1&kta upon tb*ir ivopo- t1J diturg of jbio smount on the MOW 43. Flom 5fallm; 24 W- 0 L SoiTy to see. Vine nothlin ItIih:beoil board of. IIA It DW RE oloctinns and tb* Promiso (it ill lot Mtr (;X1rSXALPiV#V1C1ltXC-Jr' - I y wattor. Alo.-ar this nisS4. present took plaaa �fi Tues. is - eatimatud that the American 1042. and Alleight go or 679 - 2d b. W40194" Zio Sit , Jolto slotti., o, whith his rupy ZoeUent pointo, Johla blox 'Belly River took of Vlotoria, 4zo -e.infor- XULS, LOOKS, JWNCIES� FORS, W-roment Ap, OU rf IST, ANDREW'$ WARD. traders on out circular givitig full and 19omplor 4"I"Wil;st tbo $me 60# izen in itx' pol-31061, arti. 'British trritory 1%3t fat ana'winter Pwod W bw i4 C411,1111& for notwit41SUAill A HattlY so frfooly Pm1 I t '6 It its motion to Agotits. that TArwx, lumm 0 0o VAX no yery gre -12% alex. ARavlow.ofitgihirader tomain-- 49000 I)liffalo rob -N. Two luen trade QW 1111411111`11111nal a 9"Aws-.844 I ibimbW moko sit MI" L, S_TA:YLO34 A23WAXT� or&. ly, ined maveu.� fresh AVID LY01N, 1000 Coy& Hars WIODa. d ea"Iftaime 4 spood" 04ad, boo noloopli th* GTommollit orgaw Silly Tmow&a qua ; 21 Apo* H611i"Y, V331ZOA DXV"10X_Xo., of na, iva to- COMM 30OVancesofstrychnine,anailt, aiusea Varna. Agent in Stanloy7p. .nos On tain its prVpr tl"s a 1644 bi- oaves of b �6i L" - It a�piark -the .- I I 4he A&U keep fro*-, partie% 'lliams a, vlaii,, quensi to W%wwbe 60 i6#0 soy 11wv ;1� I KoA ibe OMPO ro, th"Sh Xwy itearegormv11. 11111' Y, axiiralnod f..r prome- itmelftothe. pit Ito, -ohd0d the,, pigd- -WA a.nearly all ilia wolves,foxes.4c, of- 4$0. -A. WAFTEL,' MCKE � ZTE, 1W a WOE garlN So pf Oh I PO*h I - DWAVM -10 AMW P6011111, MArY R*g Nall, which thIs CUAUM birtlie purprialeof taining-butter for' ilia so Goler__ . Agent for Eggitiol ISM obbeh" how 09 F. HiIIIIII11111111ill 11,160 shavap, Agno ti(Al 16, Promoted *ith onOt 2. T frnm uthom plaitut are destroyed. d As PON w%,* bed bow war try VG(hw Xuatbly not., their brellid, and io in,o mors than Busltlm�ai k�inuipgia very brisk, - - W at, the wurAry oWA4 b* &W Vtolnutod 7. a mod rt, i rol A tor be 1--eld ej io to to itcec Bzr. GC ter-olgeElon: CGUE!EI�Zcl Noung, T " ais CO21YED C2 em de C"', vl Lo fs ical lycay M PZ6�4-cyz- wero a2Tomt -ZCt=-o3 C1 c yc=, -- C1 to I Some A ZIMO tim, on VZO, G.ah�m by f, TMO, it V" COMMWC2, C� Cum;�g, Grac-07 js tem, =a zfc nor, eldem, tta mto e0--1dCM move tLc n"T.0 MS. L'11011rcm the EV1261, ='d t-_� # ere. th BIT. 1,­=_-!� I ate iti a call -_ imt., =daL-,, ga=oza, fC2 "'i -i iho cal - ff on Home NEEi thm t!- -a -ho iauL�Ilai He Me ZES4--ca, of -=3 ex 0, cz, aUT; Eailiaao c's Ar,71 TLC CverLu�� veltc2to S cat, M'. Gm_--67,Lr Lqueac-mmi- t-0d0Vctoi%9 Came m13ecl. V . %Tcla ,61 Lnsz cy Xrw ye -RE city Val NvacEt rical s& qre in on Saflr�y z b3T, i6eventy 1 AUg ,110 spri-tairren Atol-res -E,01 io Eiat, Ila W 7r WL� ere wAtor 7 7;-�-rjvr l -r -come a inw eNF2CW1 Len nylrilve,3, Ana it C-7 lEtC71-1gence nigbt-, *8 CTce, TLCterpm Esutl� d 1� " 45 hem-urpop mintil All,cm bearE CIO re.-rwsr 11testin Etates ihe, U'D I A;Unmity-Gei agEnlus in I P:r-n cl &e Cot Mr2G* =e CITH1211111OW4 e I mowv. "A, r.19nod by the Gcaor&2, vke i rcera:-V�fw, fo izgerd in y=zAla to ven-co 1.3 i1a, rZyo-,1;e,iheJ t -IL-3 TV21 Uot i Htmuk'sal czl? Z, CiD MW Em";Ufteref, th er a w2u- r" hend Mug" IL&I behng Lmmell iMVEk!g1f!0n4 estnbuifteaj A natic-10 how AU11sted that fke &clW Goverrment , V11:011 the 40 es L- rkillwsy ed cceeifid WS W4 it* T. C LO" L111 am meirchl EISTZ at A GOOD VZ-_ 10 711L _�11 Go -d 0 t ty r,'-, CA -not tIn VAS' C4--Sc.l F-14FMII G,RO( okv.; DA ism III I I I I I gov AJLT3eh3==tS 1with"thom for tho purpowe of endeavour- is free from being implicated ill this 7 1 Pupils promoted in 9rder- of moilt-1 Win,-Marltop, Della T8 ,TrD CONTRAO COXPLr 'Mr. Johnllrown some tinle arto coin- 2 COUP10 Of Pounds dleY &]go took a Small piece of moat. Ition"003e4the SUNDAY DIRECTORY. ARITHUNTIC.-Illt mar . y me Grego r, eM�,.7C_-a r. r4. Ing to form a Paciffir Company it! ad- vanco of the moasums which woro ex- corrupt and nefarious bargain. Lizzio Wright; 2d Lucy Truoman. GRAMMAII.-I.St Willie Walker; 2d Thos. Andrown, McDonald, Robt. Mathes011, Hatry no!. - otid his' cofitract for dredging in tile d 4this thieves werasome gypsies. -Neu, _Rr4. LuNAOY.- ShOrt time ago Dav id A , Galed to Church Services. I Vard-p� F. walkez. pected t.-, be taken by -the G'averament Parlia- Tho Padta ZaUwaw. Eliza Logan' Lizzie Wright. WRITING.-lat glizaUgan,Dfary Me. Pherson, Cliani Dlooro,`1q9lli6 Mahonoy. 40- GHIJEIRAL PRI FX0I1]1q4-; T. -Ark- rbour.,atid, the beginning of week Mossrs'pHartrek mid Ross finished theirs Coventry, of this villarfe went on a 'his road ST. ANDREWS CHUR011, A TTORN -AT-LiLw Awn SomplTop-7ii I Ey ColiV05-st-r, 1q0t-7 Fub!lo,�&C- To Ront-TIzis OMO- J. at the then ensuing session of mont. The Globe asserts that Sir Hugh Allan Gregor, Chas. McGrogor. d -4d W, X�rltim 345f 34 rews 390; m. 310., lorth*��lorv�ft. Though tile original worki6on ake thia a Har tapplated to in visit to Kincardina, and on home he gave strong evidence of stiffer- (Church of Sootland.) REV. J.SIEVEILIGHT. A Chancery. office, over mr, 0. Za A=hlbald's ftore, Gcd- ID784M pana, &c. -T. moncly to Lend- Et� H. Xirkpatrick. "That ace ordinzly after a certain aincillut of negotiation, I entered into an was unstlecessful in his mission to Eng. COUPOSITION. --Igt Isabel Sharman, n Logan Agnois Halliday; 2'4 Elizv Bella: MoDonala _T 2d RrA6&e-r4M , , hos; Antirewil, milidnoy. -bour to. of.Refogd,,aro finished accordinj be ing from -the effects of sunsDroke recei ved two years ago,,a nd that his laind WAS so Bloru�itig sery co'll A.A. Evening' to service 6:30, P. Al. Sunday School'2:30 erich. Out. Agoncy -Alex. (�e=ard- rigmemont with Air. Smith, of Chicago, lAnd to raise weaus to build tile Pacific the GFOGR&PUY.-Lottisa Wilson, Fanny IS, Lizzio IVrigh Williau t. Jennie Lici�W&OX61ille id �,Chas confrakti the work cannot regarded ai.' comploted. Ali additional su�itli.has beeti much affected as to cause him to 00 mmit P. M. CARE TAIK EIR W A 71 urrna spseality-J. W. Jones. anti, Sir. WAInnon, who was undorstood to repreiont a cortmin number at Alneri- I Railway9 while theMail states ro- verse. There is tin doubt he'llas not Number proinotod 43. Diary Me. ffoorq�ffellie-Xihonoy.equ AL 2d W* griluteCtowards making further im- Strange acts. To prevent serious cause- tfitences his friends have places him in KNOX CFIU[tCfl (C. Presbyterian.) r4 OR GOD ERICII HIGH 801700L. .%uetien 8a;10 -G. M rruoman. - %yarited-H. I. Stran.1- IS c1pitaltsts, it] which I reserved for 7 C"I Canadians as much stock as I thought I I succeeded in securing thu'. money yet, , Gregor, Lizzie Wright, Agnes Halliday, Goo. Thomson, Will. Walkor F atinto AlttiRul itio"Jilit.,1-Andrown; Marlton; Nt R�bb: Matl],61116n- ravements bir wlij& tondars will Pto- Mly soon be invited, and tile piers Goderich Gaol for the present, to 800 will only, be tom- Ruv. R. Uns. Mornind 11 A. Al. Evening Applyto H. 1. STF,.ANG, lli,-11 gchael N-ek-&-u. I. Stmng- C� in na- i could procure to be subserihod a _1V though he may have set ild tiatious on in Williams, Lonisa Wilson,Jano Porgunott I John Putts, ING-Ist W. Marlton; WRrr - 2d Than' McDonald. which wore dtimaged in spring have to be repaired. The latter. work ivW be le attack whothor t1i aval to c big ro- porary, or ne assitate sqrviee� service 6;30 P. M. $u:iday School 2:30 Goderich, 15th July, 1873. 13?8.a V._� COT woodeack da, tho-v remainder to be taliien up by the! foot which may ill timat0y end site- Jenkins, Alice Annie Mo- T 1P r1l Andrews; 3d Bella undortalv�li when - Mr. Pagre Chief onSof-the lunatic AsYlIllyns Of the Pro P. M. Prayer meeting Wedineaday 41L and their friends. 1 ccqq, that is if he shouli 116t be oLliged "ritte) ticy rtiomau, lag. 1JILVILS, Town oiericans interested. Will. Evans, Isabel Shirmau, Eliza Engineer of the Public Works Depart- vince. -Arelo Bra. evening at 7:30.' impolpided it will be seen, that Sir Hugh proves* Sneak thieves are forfuit.the charter in consequence Of TEnEVES. impoundccl-M. Kercher. LjOgatf, Fauuy O'bon, Harry.Kay, Jan. LOCAL NEWS ment, has paid the' habour a visit, but out this village at present. ST. GEORGE'S O'HURC11. 01�qE White Mare 'With dark ma no and lthechar�,-o. The noitchargo is thatthe the revelations which hav'orce"ently a n prowling. ab tail, suppo5ed to beliong near Godo. 1.1 atnilton, Lizzio- Alann. Sarah Lickfuld, as he has so much to attend to he has usoholders to be (church of England.) I Goviornment wasaware negotiations were made. There is runiour in Montreal Charles Lizzio Dodd, Abram STLL TUPY' comm. -The Wingliam, as yet been unable to como to Goderich it -would be well for ho rich. Now3ps;= I ELWOOD. moctin� of the Provisional Cox, Agnes Kong, K%tio Croa, James Tlniessayothu�Conaerxatives intend to pince the -damage. w Prill- MICHAEL XBROffER" a Evening Tile that as 4one. on the took oil'. for them. Rev. E. L. ing between those parties. b Hclq, Agnes E yans, Clara Dark, Clara ostablialianot�ernewspoporiiitliat�vil- SuDt)wDEkTji'-Axuddoiid6athoceiir- Pftrs orn;ng service It A.M. PoundkPoper, .15 eon., lot 13, o M)t jZ:Vo 03t ms notwo to trnth of this is proved y t lie Bo. r held ill t1vA city on the 4th inat , cipal of the Public School, wX3, mt the service 7 P. Bf. Sunday School 3 P. M. ill lie obtained froul irect Robinson, Ainy Hadley$ lego. ed on board the steam -or OitV of Montreat close of tile torin presented by the Hay-Townchip, fact stated above, ill, Sir Hugh submitted to Ili$ Go -D or . I ot tnMr -BRUSSF i 0 nura toachirs with a Ilan, c WESLEYAN THETHODIS James * Smith, John Yates, Emma Bin-'- Tui' L-1 P .4T. -Tho firs - 'on her last downward trip. An elderly isome plated i T -CHURCH it lialn, janbol Ralph, Diary McKay,'Wni. bar of this ne�-f joArnal is to 113114- It in named Alcock, who removed to ouchod ill Stut- REV. JAn. GRAHAM. I Sir Fnincis Mocks the irtmes of the an offer from well-known promoter in 1, 1,' MOVAL. U.0 , , an pitcher, and an address o A!l armaz�lro Americans for the purposa of England to farm A syndicate for tit' pur- Yates, Goo. McMillen, Chas. Stewart, - neatly got Up and abollild,; ill local blanitoba, about four. yagrs afrom the to 8--tz e is Morning service 11 A. M. Evening a-! sizlis�mb�3ft lleld respenszb10 vr John Cox, John McDonald, Robt. neighbnrhood of Mitchell, was oil his able terms. W7ALKIPR HAS IM, - ing wit" thein. Paso of atton.pting to ljotO the scheme, news. MARKIPT FEws.-Ab the last meeting Service (00 P. M. Stindav School 2:30 R. P. d F ii,3 1,3%7 Office from the 0-. rqfh�e to tal. t TW -1- Runciman. of Public ay down to dispose of some property of the. Oonncil, a pati tior�, signed by. p D1. Prayer meeting Wednesday and move I The ch3rgeis that ft'-' if the Government and Logialturo as- R003f_No. IV. Mn. Mni�sft, Inspector presented, F'. e that, teach- he had left behind. When off Silver sixty of the ratepq riday evenings at 7:30. Yen, was Court House to the rooms over Mr. -f4ezot. tlwy wz�hp:d ttu they ha%,, i in- was come to between Sir Hugh it sent to tile folloning conditions : The Bliss Dixov, TUC -111311. e, at the corner of School%, re4uosts its to stat Inlet oil tile evening of I at July be cola- askiu% for the ab3litioll of M.Ll'k at fees' V1. E. Archibald'sStoi I's wilt receive che wav i ques by selidillo' P1 - h u.,t-:,o f '%fr. Abbott that the fortner and his time of c,inpleting jile work to ha ex- Number present at - examination 61. 6 plained of foolingunwell, though nothin Some of tha members wore in favotir of Kingston Street and the 80naro- porly certified orders. METHODIST EPISOO PAL CHURCI as tile law rc,�u friends should d"neo a large, sum of Number promoted with credit 30. Total out of tile way appeared to be the matter rom�wa tended from eight to welve yemrs* he cannon %illich was saWmitting the questi,)n to the People, REV, �1. A_ VVILIGHT. Gderich, 11th July, Iris. 1378-n *lipa i I number promotod 46. Edward Duncan ReNFOV9111.-T with him. After taking nome biandy lie. i money for the ptirposo of aiding tile elec- uthority to be given to isa.-io the bonis 540, Lona Shrooder 531 Annabolla Me lying nearithe drill shod has been Te- . . and that at once; while others wished Morning ervico 11 A. MI Evening aza sil-at to e2c otired to Ilia room. but not making his. 'El r" ion deferred till tile end of the year. :30 SCH031- tion of Ministers nd their supporters t 83 per cent. net and to increase ths Donald 525, Emma Ellard, Melinda moved 0 the Square and placed with its '-tppearance next morning Ilia door was Act I ' y ordered to be ,-ryjce 6:30 P. Al. Sunday School 2 OD Z RIMI at the pproaching elections, for whicli;a wn was irtiall - iiisue front $40,000 per roile, as now Reid, 14 anny Biddulpb, H, Hilliard, J. muzzle pointing up North Street. Wead in' TIV petit P Al. Prayer mooting Thursday even forc-,A open, whou, be was fount fy1od. . I , re -op . an on 3,16ndav tho'18th Gro. P. r,.,)wrLL CO., 40 Parl, he and ids friends should receive the limited bv Act of Parham 0�nt, to 850,- 4olinston, Georgina Gloidonning, Bell- REATOVAL.-As will be seen by ad ver- his berth. A medical man on. board ex- it,- at 7:30. N7V ILI aniined the body and pronounced the V August. The Entrance Examina- -.7., and S. M. rrTTIN7e1J.L Co.. 37 contmet for the constraction, of the 000 per mile, and certain modifications Jantin Salts, John Salkold, Gourgo Pass- tigaininit, Mr. P. F. Wall or I s r mov. METHODIST day b��In_ more, Willie Potts, Abram Cowherd, od his ollice from tile Court Hansa to cause of death to be apoplexy. Ali in- NEI W CONNEXION tion ill behold the Onnic arc onr only authorized Ad- tibe inada in the terms on which the George Boll, Maggic Johnston, -LiZ7iU Crabb's building,;, ovpr E. Archi- quest Was hold at �Iarquattol and it vdr- A DRu(iatsr J. L,,,%t- ning at 2 p. in- vuliraWy known in boa- Rnv. F. N. iN(JURNT. in Na%� York. ';,ir Hugh admi:s this in the d since Atignat 1872 p;,tynienti of the cash subsidy of $30,- Catripboll,Lizzio Aclieson,51ary Mitchell, loald' for lict rotlirried in accordance with tile ter long slid fa isposel of his dru,r busines,4 11,)rning qervico 11 A. E VellIng All popils admitte School will be 000,000 are providc,l for, by the Act. Walter Sharinan, John Conley, Chris- Fltmm TExis.-Judge Morrill of Gal. facts. Oil arrived as Sarnia his4rionds forth has d* I and w telling to cOnti nue `t 3f'P. 51, sand "During my sav at had Thoso concessions being obtained, the topher Ptipat Isabella athislon'. Willie voston, Tuxas, was at) favourably in,- Nvere notified, but the body thouall to Mr. Rorierts of ",I 6: y School 2:30 required to a, I 4s tais ENami-nation the Robinson, Gel). ormer visit to Goderich laced oil ice, was found W be too rar Leatter hai many friends ill t0`11 all't P- 'IT- ils. -Niumuniett on of all f &I i'l at on,'!b - rot;urn to E ng- Enlica Holele E millu pressed with a -ft tiadie as Dow P1119 so Katic Bates, -removal and was accord 4 wit'a mem4ers of t dole,,ation Y. that be has roLurn-A with hi., funily fo'r lecompo5od fill will be suroly missed. The UeKillon R1311 . &N GAT110LIC 6LIURCH, Applicants Must notify the Town In. ingly interred there. filler, not later than and an.1 conc!nklo th- rrqvi4ional u, Addibon, James G on , Goo. Robinson, q 1'i,at 31r. ord I Tum OnAxGmim. Illent, and I I that the, were still the summer. ornin'r Of REV. 1.. BOUDAT. spector, Mr. J. top t, Isf , , L -Age entered town on the it, the Value of lily Dan McKay, Lettic llapst, Maud Moor- n rangement. i il,.. cld3m the 25th inst. x, ass Band will Teu :7�00TTISU AMERICAN JOUJIL.-44ri. is f 1A 7f f,qla, t'a lionso'Ale . AlcKay,lfarryMont.­Q.-1lUry. TUE L.ixu.-Tho Br. the 12th and inado a very ii ags at 8 and 10:30 A. M. C Z S L lay oil the Sqnaro ever Wednesday t:rjo of our welcome exchanges, It H. L STRANG, B. A. Benson Sharman, Annie McIntosh, P ance. Tiieyl)lissedontoClinto�'atillin 3 - P. .51. Yc�p(ors 7 1. B1. r., I It is also further shown by the f, 3rad oL tho LioUtan=t' Govornors venini, and as aften as possible orf Fri- heara a vury high character and deserv6d- Fiend Blaster. 1,i cis our tenas--O , t - Louisa Adams 'Mary Whitely Lizzie t the e'vening when returnin s,)bcrlv and n addressed to Sir Geo. Car- o is a it -will. . o G AE LIC PRESBYTERIA N, 1378-b I,;,hEpvA- if ay ev enings daring thnsummor, weath- ly so. In its next week's* an tit f the Gderich, July 1501, 1873- $-2 in- tee, -1731 Wilson,'%fary J. Roid,,�harlotte edger d )od order, halt d in fro n In the article on (Airrest Events in � I other things permitting. give tile opening chapters of a new story in g( Id ff, V1,110 live3 (Temperance t;er,- Christopher Alartin, Robett Campbell, er and entitled ",James Merle, An utobio- faria of Air. Itich' 1 44 the last number of the Canadian Mon- William Dodd. milenortbofo village, and played "olit. McGILLIVILAY. thly iti-i assertedthat "the Lioutenane Gzxs&ALPRoriciF-icy.-lst Edward PJtRSO-TAL:-Mr. Jas- Clegg, amative -raphy," from the pan of Mr. William of a dying of Aftern,)nn service 2 P, U. Evening mouff TO LIEND. line in the Black. The Scene of the story is aare seen Macpherson. Ile has no of this town, who served Ilia ti laid in a favonrite air. Mr. Ctuff is L%:, -.u& Tr=a: ==7. persoral nibition, bu� cannot injustice Governorships, under the constitutioLnal Duncan 51C, 2d Lena Shroeder,. 3d SIGNAL OffiCO, is at present on a visit to cancer of the bowels, and this colupli- service 6.30 P. Aft. -- Annabelle. McDoniild. G He is now on the oditoriiil Lanarkshire, shifting between the moor- Merit was paid him by big old friends ILMT Loly.-TERMS CODaracEl STATIO-V to Ont%rio concede any preference- to system, are rather* social than political : READIG.-Ist Edward Duncan, 2d odericb. land district in the upper'part of tile who sincerely sympathize with him in ST. STEPHEY'SICHURCH (HaroaR.) 11,Tv Tmins, leave as followS.- Qnebo in the matter of the Presidency appointments, in which success depend' Lena Shrooder, 3d Emma Ellard. ataffof the Cincinnati Gazette. county and Glasgow. - The author, Mr. his affliction, and will regret the depax- REV. CHAS. MATHEWS. EA15y. r in any other prticulr. Hesaysthe, L. H. .13.11AILWA.-The by-lak Black,i,3 well knonin literary circles maii ... .... . ..... a. ill' L " , ld be less on the qlialifications of the holder PELLING. - IS -t Maggio Johnston, g a bonus of $10, 000 to tile Lon- as editor successively of the London turo of one of the oldest &ad most to- Morning service 11 A. M. Sunday L) 110 question ab,lut the Presiencv Shan E-,prass ........ .......... 11 Georgina Glendenring equal; 2-1 Melida grantll ilroid was all spectel of the brethren by lll�`painful School, 9.30 A. M. e t to the Board. Under these circum- than on those of tile holder's wife don, Huron & Bruc3 R b- Revisw and the 1xaminer, and to the 0 .......... ......... 12 Sil Heid, 3rd John Coulev. disease. After playing "The Protes- THE CTy F ToRONTO PERMANUNT stances I authorize you to assure Allan ARITHMET1C.-ISt 16cna Shrooder, 2d mitted to the ratepayers of Exeter on reading public as having given to the taut Boys," the procession consistina- of .. ........ ...... 3.30 that the influence of the Government NEWS OP, TnE TEEM James Gordon, .3rd Willie Dodd. Slonday and carrietl by a nilljority of world several novels of great merit, in- 24 teams moved slowly on' THIM 'MARKETS BUILDING ANI)SAYMC18SOCIETY re duo as follows'- I , the brethren Trains a, .............. 9 . 3o will be exercised to gectire him the post- John Conley; 2d 61. cludinc, "A Daughter of Heth" "Ili Silk and sisters waving hats and handker- Advarces moneyat reducedratenfor from Mixed .... ... tion of President. the other terms to be An attempt has been matlo to burn. the a Pic -N ics. -Instead of having a united Attiro% Being a native of Glasgow, and ............. ..... 2. 00 p., in reed an beteen Macpherson and � congilia Olendonning ; d PAdward chiefs as they did so. OUVERIC11. July Loans repayable inin- 1-k. 10 Austrian Exhibition building, and some Duncan. pie-nio this year, the different depart- brought tip within the environs of Seat- A VALUABLE MnmTBu GONE. -The Wheat, (Fall) V badh ....... $too 0 1 03 2 to 20 years. b YL ea ................... nit the borrower. Abbott, and the whole matter to be kop! 'link such GEoGRkrny.--lat John Conley, Ban- ments of the Public Schools are acting land's commercial metropolis, lie is Rev. Arch!d, MoDiarmid, Minister of 1 06 stalmentg to .......... .......... 9. K). quiet Until after the election; then the of the Lentl-3n correspodentit� Wheat.(Srring) V bush ... 1 02 0. alin- a fate wi il be its end. jamin Salt equl; 2d James Gordon, independently of each other. On Satur- thoroughly familiarwith the peculiarities Duff's Church, McKillop, preached his Flour. (per brQ ............ 6 00 0 0 60 Full information giyl3n on application. t,wo gentlemen 0 meet the rrivy C EMMA Addison equal; 3d Katie Bates. day -and Monday some of the depart. f the people whom in our new story lie farewell sermon on Sunday last, to a Oats. V ............ .. 0 45 a 0 00 Ile the terms of a The second instalment, NRITING.-ISt-Edward Duncan; 2d .8 Of this nature. brings upon the stage. Their religions larze conregation. ]Ar. MoDiarmid is pe4s, e bush ..... : ........ ( 51.) (it 0 00 R. H. KIRIKPAT-11101K, v. ill confer a favonr b) cil at Llittax a and sett ments had gathering I Boox.s.-Mr. Alex. Garrard is trav, Pr')cli -and humor 8 rs. of any irregularity in the provisional agreement. This is tile on v vities, And the pathos 0 0 52 Agent at Gogerich. francs, of the imiliard of Franco's uar' Lizzie S-xvage; 3rd Hawn. one of the finest men in the C. P. llarleprj3 bush ............. 0 52 dl,�Itvery a.; their papers. praztik!41 sAution to the difficulty, nd anderlyinf, the outward crust at their 0 0 35 should) be accepted at once by Allan. debt to Gernian�. :Nas paid on the 5th DIVISION o. 1'. lling Agent for- IlInstrated Family Cliurolt to -day. He is a sincere Chris- Potatnez. V bush .......... 0 30 Miss NORVAL, zAcIJER. Whigs and also Prof. Fowler I a work on character, he h%ndles with the skill and tian, and an earcest preachex,and has Park, , * ........ * � 91 20 -S I Answe?* inst- This leaves a balance of 500,000, - o Hay per ton ........ .... 14 0) @ 16 00' LL io receive umber of pupils present 64. Nuni- tne Science of Life. Those desiring a tact of one sharin in them, increased. taken a deep interest in the temperam MOTHERS W3 shzll be Azd at all times )y the experioncend imaginative facul- hich has to Ileir-tid, by the rot.11 ,mod Family Bible shotild crfler from I ieform and every good movement. Chlelcon4 per pair .......... 0 25 at 0 30 n1 news, raparts of meetinag. ly 'of tile novelist and lifterateur. 'Its ain ofiqu,3 B,itter.:r4 Ill ................ 0 17 0 0 IS IIUSRANDS I 'WIVES items, of la, ber promoted with credit 2, a,�cidents, or anv incident of interest 5th uf nzxt number promoted 41. Nlr. Gerrard. Sea his advertisamenti There is no doubt but a cert ei her in the when it occurs or The Government wer'e to have the GEvERAL PI-01TWEE-NCY -16t Jno R,)!)- TRAMWAY. --Our enterprising towns- readers will find in *'James orle" an ill the con-rec,atiou have used the Rev. wef .... ... ... ........... 4 5�, 5 00 It 1 It is stite-.1 that nicivot exposition,macqualled for many years. t 0 appuint majority of the direc- l 535; 2d Arthur B�-ilnvtt 518; 3d %.M- g�mtlaui:Lti in anything but a Christian 111.1e.4 ........... rt ........ 0 00 @ 6 0-1 -yo-uWG MEN -1 t!2e cA)-_nty at Jarg-e. Such matter nowert maS. Platt, is layint, a %ooden tr back; of -ill the Salient point of- Scottish 3 00 a 3 50 rnsy be sent at the rate of one cent per, ar are on theirway to f umatra to wat,:h inner, and the best thing he could do IV ......... :5 tors of the compan v and could, there-, lla=io Vau-n 50,-). way from his salt dryin(_, and grinfliu,� 11; 4V o aracter, and tale pogses-,ed of all the ' wool.... ___� .......... 0 33 0 85 interests of the Sultan in that 21 ,wics to the harhour, Co fACilitAtO ship- was to leave them and Servo his mast,lr ow is the time to 811190-ribc for a Book mrked Printer's Copy and not id,lit. over the harin which trutliftilness and humor Z 4-4ekew. 0 15 0 Is fore, contrvi. tl�c electt-miIaL Prci�i pill" his Salt. 1-10 will by this elsewhere. Air. A?-Diarniid has a Jar -,e you all need ealed- To eusure publication in any Nellie Bartliffe; 3d Jane S�,�tts ln lend to a work of imagination. Tlw Hence Sir John say.� ­Aasure llan i;land number of warin friends in McKillop Plao the signal utar issue it should reach the that the influence 'overnmont The case for tile prosectiion a,,ailist I ARITIDIETRI -15t John 2d a-ive a larg3 ieni in carta.e. American is published is New 151873. Prof. FoVlei's Greatest No& oil o1ce u it latar than M ondaY eVenin-. of the Us I Denry Betty; 3,1 Ellon'%lorrii. WCATIff1t.- Th3. wer.ther last weeli whose prayers and go -A wislics will fol- CLINTON, JUlY will be exercised o secure him the office the Tichborne Claimant closad oil Thurs- , GR_A,3iij.it-lst Robena 2,1 %vas quite cold fnr this season of the York by A.M. Stewart, 37Park Row. low him wh--�rever Ito goes. Ile xas one Wheit, (FIJI) pAr busit .... $120 (d 1 23 SEXUAL SOLONCE THE Nrw SUT WORKS, -We find the of our best ministats and n.) doubt the Wheat, (sDring) pe� bush.. 1 13 0 1 15 of Presi.dent." day, and the trial is adjourned until the Bridget Vaugn; 3d Maggio year and many (if olir vistom front the and the followina, in the Seaforth Expositor with blos%io,- of his inaster will atten't him. Flour, (per brl).. 6 00 0 6 25 ow : Utz. The kot charge is that Sir Hugh did 21st inst. (U001ILPHY-18t hl,"how Miller; 21 r j.-ity found a littl6 fire not at all uncom- reference to the company who purchased -These vermin Ots per bnslf....'i ......... 0 42 0 0 45 I - - Spindid 111ust'raud FamIlly Bible John Robertson; 3d ueor-o 'Hi er. fortable. Ort, Sund-ty a change took Tilts GILASSHOPPERS -North Harn-D. to be spent on the The permanent retirement of Prince �ljc Wilsod farny-for the purpose oferect- reaAe, perbusii.'.., ayance- the mousy Sr?1,1.1_1�(; M) DICTA-fi111 --l-it .1-hil plaeo arid sinza Own it Ills bucli hot are yary litimerons and a-acni dateriniii- .. r ..... 0 57 0 0 60 Sauth Huran-S. T. Church. Dig new Rlt worics, -"A company has baricy, per bush ........... 0 50 CO 0 52 electinns, and that part of this Innney Mimank fro t4e Prusgian Cabinet. 11011L.rtson; 2d 3d .,11,1 sultry. ed to eat tip eyorything that the gru!) which can be obtmined from )Len f-,rined under the name of the In- TEACHEF-S' EX ill I %AT. 10N. -ThO Plaint- terntional Salk)Company, Vir the inanu- -they won't succeed. nutter .......... ......... 0 03 0 0 15 D.;th thes;e gentlemen are authorized -and potatoe bug have left. We hop, Potatoem, per bush ........ 0 so a 0 35 -,Mptlons and arders for, canie from the Amerizan capitalists. wi.iich vra,; rumotirel some time since, is Bridget -%'-Ltlgll. ,'A'LEX. GERRARD, Goderich F. 0 - to Sir Ilugh swears,- now said to be on the eye of accomplish. Arthur ljo,mett; 2V nati,,n of teachers for certificates co'm- fcture of salt ona' ver large scale. Tin HUftox �PRES111TFILT.-A meet per doz.1;np,eked).. 0 10 0 0 CIO j3 -b p_:ntinq ond zaverti3ing and Ile will retin the German chan Thos. Dickson; 3d Louisa C.-ok. menced in this town before the C:)nuty r 1 Travelling Book and Imuran*ce Agent "I declare that I did expend cc iisid- 1 merit. Number od pnpils promoted 41. ;10 caPit;d stouk (if tile C')mPany-is in r of this Pr",bytery was hold in our Clover Seed .............. 5 50 2 6 03 era t "oartl, ,n Alondty Iasi, About one arlythe whole of 1lay ..... ................ . 15 00 '4 16 01 of 'money in various wa placed t $100,000, ne to�u last Tuesday. Tile principal min 'or. Jno. R-lbertson, A. Bennett, caudidatos presentA them. hich has alreay been subscribed b' 0 150 ble sums Y9, cAl %hill. Sheep skins ....... 1 00 whichappeared to ne to be avAnta- Vaugn, Jane St-Ats, Addic Kivailan, y istersof the C'. P. Churell in this 0.)un- Wool ........ ............ elves, one for first clas, the remainder 4untle-nion in Seafortli, Toreint 0 32 37 �1:a)ustothecompauv I had orgnized and ty were in a4forth. and made a very I and calculate(A t,) strengthen my lian-Is Tublic School ==--ationa Bridget Sullivan, Thus. Dickson, Robe- for second and third. elo3whorc. A Provisional Boar -1 of aance. The blisiaess Hides ......... ............ 6 00 6 25 na Mitchel, Bridget Vaugn, Minnie ourin to obtain ill-.- contract tenlp0r- Directors has been formed, and the fol. in endoa uArourn, Jul 15,1873. i7he Pubac ScSoo!3 of the town closel Ball, lary Sullivan, Runilcy terminated oil the evening of the aam! for that- co mran v - St. Nancy Y,,uuv, MintoielKaylor, ittice lect tire will be delivered in Crabb's loiinggentlenion have been appointod day ...$1 08 1 10 f�ur_the Summer vacation oil Fridav Is L fall, (in Alond.Lv evenina, 21st inst. at 8 Provisi-onal Officers: President,, S. G. And enabi 11oi-ris, -Nellie Bartliffe, Ellen A'SilLFUNDID HaRsE.-Aessrs. C Oder Wheat, (Spring�iIlr bush .... 1 08 0 10 Examinations by the Inspector for pro- by Rev. L.-Wis Warner, tin old Seaforth; Secretary, A. & Bros. R tka marble works here lately Flour, (per bri) ............... 6 00 0 00 1-1 �,,nsidered it to be mv policy to John Wyatt, _.Maggio Will-ins-il, -Math. . : Motion have been in progress for som. and experience(l lecturcr, in tho tomper- rmitage, Seaforth; Managing Director, �iold a ap!endid black horse to ;,ir. lkkrley, per busill' 0 50 0 50 trengthen my position as far as 1 posm 1 Miller, Andrew Henry Beatty, nee cailse. Acol!cction to defray eK Nf, P. flayes, Soaforth. ran per cent H,,ught,u for 8225.-� This was 4 udoubt- Oats, per bn9b.. ............ 0 45 0 45 : For own friends Find fel I time 1) t. Oil Thurstlay ai.d Friday Alex. MeLaren, Jas. Wright, Lizzic ty Styles of 116 .7 with My .13 pells,!s to !11 be takou up at the close.. if theCapitalotock-hes been paid in, edly very high price. Pease, per bush ............ 0 D5 0 00 :)-.7 citizs as in the Province of Qnebec, f.,renoon th­ public examinations were Llyalip, J,,shua Thomas, iCIL301 Davis, '1611d the Companv -have applied to the - OuR Fov,%Duy- Potatoes. per bush .......... 0 40 0 00 1 and mor6 especially in so far as related Win. Itilsk, Clara Whitely, Alice Trai- LARGE John Buchanan -ThG Seaforth Foun ....... 5 CO 5 25 held, and the pupi.'s in the various tie- C, Parliament for a charter Of dry 'is ]low in good C. 0 15 t -)the Montreal 23�orthexu Colonization I ver, Owen Reynohl, (;eo Bates, Goo. f U.-lborlie hda raising last wook at 1)')Mini n workin,r order and is Pork .... .......... JUST OPEN D Ay partments acquitte incorporation. The Provisional Boa Butter" No. I .............. 000 GODERI-CH, Jai 16, R' themselves well, I i h ono hundn,a and ten nicn were r ailway wbic's I conceived would at Noble, ary Anti Young, T. Grahaillo, w lic goo I work. I . go number of men have purchased 160 Acres of land- the & No, 2 ...... . ...... 000 11 0 12 Some day be the outlet from. the Cann- and fully sustained tha high character to Edie Martial Hattie Andrews, Alice present. This lar, StZU167 .1 3 .............. 000 11 0 09 pa�ificta, tim port of Arontreal;' Platt, Miniii,; 'Rulsou, arah Kirkbrito, %vercrecluirc-1 torai3to tile fratno of a iln farm -on tlip banks of Like Hu. 00 - 0 06 HOUSE's. E-.cfr,z offhis day,s Siq �taj can �e than I which the sch)ols have attained. On sited 110 fuct whic!, Mr. B is ran tit Godprich, aud intend Sinking a o. 4 .............. 0 AT MOORE derable portion of the money i Will. Ruts( -n. CoVKULL MFETIMI.�TIIC COUJICil met and a consi, assembled erectin-. and whiell will be, when coin- 7, ell and erect in- ex tonsive works. The I Egg -.i 'Ver doz. (unpacked).... 0 10 0 00 'Friday afternoon the papils pursuant to Adjournment, at Mr. King a Hij.s 1-' so letters was expend- : .......... :.. 4 00 600 referred to in th o DIVISION No. horingorthe w-11 is 'a bo proceeded 05ice-price the largest in the 'L , at the Central School to bear the rosult -tcd,_ township. Hotel, Bayfield, on Monday. the 7th .17 00 18 00 )y me in furtherance of that pro, act 5' ls.i 1) 1 ................. �dl TEArimi., with atonco, and thow.rks will -bo erect- inst. All the members present. .................... e 25 0 3 00 PA17 M many ways. I con aidered it or My ofthe e",minations, which mas read by ination (A. Fi vrn. -Three boys worebrought be. umber prosent ut uxaiii etl forthwith. It itt proposed to erect t those inembe wllicl� wil lia found 11 al I;roni,,- f -we C. Crabb, J. 11. la3l. weck, for hav- The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of wool ..... .............. . 0 s5 a 0 31 7 est, also, tha r.5 -of Par the Princip3l, and Pnoniw(d with crudit 8. Tot larg it 4 d i_m oe blocks -an to. be under one I trubed thos-.hool in St Androw's iust meetifig read and approved. v.Vc have t-3 request that those indebt- liament who had shown an intep est in roof -and also to build wharves for ship- TORONTO MARKETS. bu-low. puji.s sar.- a number of ted ot, to this offi,.a for subscrip,.ious or th��,,Xan:ldian enterprise ax d in ward. Theoflvnco was proved againR The following is a correct return of L I piecc!s, nd short aldresses were deliver- Anna lilt purl)38US. he whole enterprise the vote taken on the By-law to rant a July 12th. -VallWhoat $1. 10 to $1. 20. other railway enterprises in which f was . Howland 4,�2; 2d Roland 31orrizoil-473; t wo of thual anti they wore fined 20 cents I ot herwba r, fla Pay up at Once- eil by -the chairman of the Board and and co.its, ainotuitiiv�r in all to over ' a to be conducted oti a most extensive Bonus of 810,000 to the Lorldon, Huron Spring do $1.17. Barley 60c, to 61c. Interegted, and who %,rare di:,posod, 1: 3d Ellen Salith 431. 4­alo. There %%ill bo erected' i Oats 43c. Peas Coe. to 61c., Rye 650. area number 9f p3rties in t.-)r,,n who and further them, should be aid,!d 114-crand and other gentlemen. three Tile next boys brought & Bruca; Railway company, which ag3iSt READIG-180 tLtoncimati;2d Harry I tion with the works, c4ittager, for the Batter. 14z. to 22c. Ez-as 14c 'tran,a, Head 31astec - of the MIA McLean; 3d Aima Ifi1% la (I and Ellen I ill h Workman, alao' a eooperake establish. 'led to 18',- Wool 36o to 3%. or.e for whowll oblige by in t air election; and I subscribed son ie i on a similar bc sent to Submitted to the Ratepayers on the 21th to, 660 A fresh stock of money to assist in the electiol leavLng the amount at the office. Parties a of sue h of June last, and the sum was carr I School, announced his intention to give Smith equal. talent for the. manufacture of barrels ro- my friends and L -i SPELLI. t Roland orrison; TuF 12TIl.-The Orayinmen of this , by a majority of 39 votes. MONMEAL MARKETS. in thq c_,nntry may s__nd through the persons as were ' a prize worth NG -1. I w lifired for t1w salt. Tile 9okohants' For. A - whom I Was interested, but without any havitiz, every- half year if Anna Howland; 3d Ellen Smith. town, togeth2r %vith those of Baytield ,U alloPt. as, money in registered lotter Salt Coinpaitv, of this is to be July 12th. -Wheat $1.23 to $1.281 understanding or condition with them need be, to the pupil from the Public (;F - "Varna Electoral Division B RAO El LIE T95 B R00 GE, pvz;, - OGRArny-lst Alex. Rusk; 2d Li7- and. otler place%_in the neighbourhood, morged into the, Intern..d.ionat comparly. 1219 Oats 32o to 35c. Peas 78c. t,) 82c. is at On r eisk. or any of them as to Parlidmentary sup- School who passes the beat entrance zie Saunders; 3d John Elliott. assembled At Otinton on Saturday,j to. The new works will Ile constructed and Goshen 6 8 Coen 46c. Bistter 15a to 20c. Cheese port 6r ag-sistance in th event of their axaminatiou to the High School.' The * AulTHMETIC-lat Anthony Grierson; celebrate tile anniversary f the Battlu vork.-d under Mr. 11%yes' patent, which - -_ 10c.tolle. EZsl2c.tol3a. Ashes ==7 UmdaL I election. - I ex- children were dismissed with the an- 2d John Scallion, 3rd Agnes Runcifoan. of tho flnyno. W(-- understaod there has given such coinpleka ilati8fct6n and Majority for ' 39 -pots $3.30 to 86.33c. Pearls $8.35. theze and in similaT waYs WRITINa-Ist A,,nas Runcimanp 2d wa qt6to a gatlicring nd' tat tile day been itsed with -so inuch profit in the Bloved by George Anderson, seconded LON 0 ul 0 Dox 31 _knxpTs. pended sums of money approaching in noruncement that the schools wo d ro- M. Morrison, 3d Mary Tisdale. passed ofr picisantiy" After the pro- �orks here' iiid oli' Of the by George astle, that the By-law now 9 owbere. July 12th. -Fall Witeat $1.00 to amount to that mentioned ir. those let- )pra n on the 13,111 of August. The f,l- Names of pupils promoted--- Boys- cession limal-in of speeches rare do- L -Bonus of $10,000 to 8 1. 3 0. 15pring do $1.121 to $1. 14. Bar- Fc,r the Lot fartdight the papers have , $100,001 gt6ckzsubsor,bed, $60,000 has read granting a fa:l of Pacific Millway matters. ton, as I cquceive I had a perect right Tile 0-iderich Brass B.kn4 Imen taken tip in Sonforth. This �peaks asist in buillug the Lbudon, Huron & Peas5ac.'060a. Corn i lowing is the result of theexmina- Datt'l Connell, Win, Forguson, Marshall livered. ley 4 5c. to 50,;. oz I i - m n0y Though W-1`7inve3tigation was hill by the too." Gordon, -Anthony Grierson, Roland helped to (-nliveli 2i proceedinp. well for'the enterprise of (,)ur moneyed Bruto Railway, be finally adopted and 56c to 65c. Oats 40c -cc 42c. Butter 'tuds &C, &C. COMMAittee appointed by the HonEa of; That the money expended came from i Martin, V. 31artin,11. Alartin,11. Alorri. Rooiij� KAY. -This celebrated vt,)Cll umn, AVe wish the new Company every passed. Carried. 14c to 17c. Eggs 12a. to 14o. Wool Co.nmo= to, inquire into the matter, 8i r LOOM NO. 1. Son, John 3feLaren, Alex. McKenzie, tionist gave a rea-ling in Cral 6s Iia'l oil ��"ccqgq in their niallinisoth enterprise, Moved by Ged. Castle seconded by 37c. to 38c. the Americ-mils is sitown by Sir lin gh's - W. TEACELE. Alex. Rilsk, Win. li/)ia, John Scallion t that circumstauces forbid Dr. Woods, that when Debentures are IN GOLD AND PLATED, F last, to an udience, lettes have been plz--,d ted with r, riday evening %nd regre being printbil for the Railway loan of statement %vh,,:re Lie say -s,-- timbar pretsexit 23. Promo -Herbert Thompson. Girl�Alice A flicir making Seforth their principal whid;, though not very laro, was very 0 $10,Q a befora the Frayia, an that gentleman -thur, Lizzle Bell, Maggia Brrett, Flora b-iis of operati, 00, clause Six and seven in the By - was disposed to return to mv credit 13. Total number promoted 19. " The programme was ar- ons inswad of Godericb. Names of pupils promoted 'in order of uppreciative. 'kt here will also be la% be printed on the back'of each Do - has MaZe an --glavit in explanatio in A eican 4qSociates anv mfoney Which Cameron, Anna HoslAnd, Einina Hen- . .. out as laid down with the exception We,believe the wor. . __Q1 , merEt-'Alarr E. Yates, Jas. Wells, Katie ing,, Samantha Martin, Abbit: Martin, ried largely increased -prf ibably doubled -in bdnture. Carried, At Wroxeter, on June 28, the wife of Offered 25 pey cent'below reular prices whL-h he vh-b�ually e3tablishe.3 Mr. i they might have expended in the mat- Moore, Marion Dickson, Sarah Dick- Agues Runciman, Ellen Ralph, Li7zie of the "death of Joe," for which r Kay a short time, if sufficient ship0ing-facili- Moved by Thos. Keys, seconded by Dr, Brawn, of a daughter. Hnnting�&o,m!s chrges. A brief resnmo ter." . . SOD, Emma Cox, Katie Watson. Walter Saunders. Mary Tisdale, Alice Wallace, substituted by request the "Jackdaw of ties can be, secured., The Grank Trunk Dr. Woods, that if the Reeve cannot At Wroxoter, en July'l, the wife of Mr. viin show us ho -,v the matter stands. Thus we see that Sir Hugh Allan's McDonald, Mary Fox, Win. Williams, .3fay J. Wilson� Ellen Smih. Rheims," which he recited inciapital style. should wake tip. If they w6uld only make arrangements witiftherepresen- nnie Gardiner. Emily Considering that the hallisa difficult George Gibson, of a son. lautington sworn gWoment establishes that be. Win. Wright, MI - DIVISON NO. VII. one to speak in Mr. Kay read ell devote more attention tb developing the totives of the late Duncan Man' wen for At, X00RHOU'S On tho 2nd of April Mr. H Sharman, Hannah Torne, Jouiss Trai- At Wroxeter, on Jjilv 5, the wife of _31r. moved for a e=mitteq on the grOmId made a bargain wit 4 Americans to build MISS. K.MKISUIDs, TEACHER. local trade of the country, it� ould be of a road allowance at the rdar of lot 15, in Manson, of a son. h ner, Reid, John Acheson, Loftus and gave suisfaction to his all -greater profit to them than the present eon. 4, two rods wide, this Council will Willis, that he had bean infimmed and balieved the road, that the Government promis- Number present 58. Promoted with PFUSIDNAL.-Hon. Mr. Carter, ex- system of e:ipending all their energies in assume said road allowance � and settle InSaaforth, OnJuly6,t6wife of Mr, Guderich, July 15th 1873. I Dancy, Mand Evans. -credit 12. 'Total promoted 26. he canTA e3tablish 'qlat in anticiV3601`1 ed him th-9 charter just before the elec- Gzbmmi. PRonciENzY - Ist M GzNExAL PRokic][ENcY-lst W. Eflerd Attorney General and Premier Of Now- all endeavor to secure through traffic' the matter by arbitration, 4% provided C. Armstrong, -of a d%ujqhtQr... I *Wells 691; 3d ridland, and now leader of the Op- and allowing local to -await their eon- for in the Municipal Act. Carried. of tha l0gE4hqoa of 1331. smian as to 'he tion, tilat he spent 8Z43.00 in election Yates 699; 2d Jan. At Kinburn, Ifullet, on uly% the wife Katie 470; 2d Albert Moore 438; Tena7 Me. fall 'IwAM, =11--re0ment wl"; made bribery, and thatthe Americans furnish- Moor- 689- Dougall 455. position in the Lcgislativo Assembly is venience. Lo --al trallic must be'-rontov- Moved by Goo. Castle seconded by ' of Mr. TremeeP4 t6acher, of a daugh- PadE3 R -3t RZADINC--186 WM. Williams; 2d W. I in town -at present on a visit in , Dr. Woods, that the sum. of $15 be ter. eu�k Allan. aetting for him- p,,rijon of the money. The only point READiNG-1st Eva McQueon: 2d M 'his ad, and the Grand Trunkintly find when b2wean Sir McDonald; 3d Sarah Dickson.' Whitely; 3d Bertio Kinahan' brother, P. H. Carter of -tho Grand- it is too late, that it cad' be. romoved granfed for building and repairing At Goa6ricli, on the Sra inst., AlTs. & U-0 119N SAL'S. Camadian PrOMO- on which Sir Hugh allor,,7s any doubt to ARnizmznc, Senior-Ist Jan. Wells; SPELLING-I.St Jatle.MC�roqlh; 2d TruitkItailwwk. Air. Carter isa union- through other channels." bridges on Bannermau's sideroad, to be Douglas XcKinzie, of a daughter. a- aMallon, acting for remain is as to the "linderatanding" be- 2d Marion Dickson and S. J. Reid esival. ist and desires to see the Confederation spent under the direction oi Alessrs. OF W. M do Junior-Ist Minnie Gardiner, Tana McDougall; 3d Willie Ellerd. Cattle and Woods. Carried '. e&L_6aVnfte& Stat -_3 capitalists, Who. tween himself and the Government Tie-lat Lowis Marsh; 2d completed by the accession of. his prov 2d. Emily Sharmap, Katie Watson an Ar.iTHmp WARWAGES. n 11m by the _W vrec-A to fornish all the The charter was promised and he spent Rhoda Jenkins; 3d Willie Fraser. inCe, though he fears there is no im- Moved by Dr. Woods secon ad by ,te4 a� Gen. Castle, that the Clerk be ordered u RACT R PLANT. Annie Pasinore equal. iams- 2d mediate prospect of Such a consutnma� Tus AntatTitAno.-The award of Attlie'residenceof James Henderson, for the construationof the money on the elections,hat he never- G11"I'Al A Senior -1st Mary Yates; GFOGRAPHY-lat Thos. Will tion. to examine the Treasurer's books for all nwmwny as says 2d Emma Cox. 3d Louis Trainer. Frederick Craig; 3d George Nairn. the arbitration between the Villwge of. payments made by this Municipality on Esq., of "Westerdale, the bride's cou- 1. railway, and to give thele WiLrriNo-lit Willie Ellerd; 2d Al- HIGH SCnoOL. - We Would direct Brussels and the township of orris, was sin, on the 5th June last, by the Rev - G. 19, TiUBMANAuctionoer") -ii in paramtage of inter- I state most positively and explieftly do Juni�r-lst Sarah Dickson; 2d bert Moore; 3d Willie Gilmore. : apecial attention to the advertisement account of our indebe tness to the Muni- David Fargution, F. 0. . - . Donald Suth- the form-- a Carta B. Tzainer; 3d Katie Moorer. Pupils promoted -W. Ellera, Albert. acting admission to thelligh School. signedpon Thurad, ' Ay, July 3. The - vil- eipal Loan Ftind, and to make out a erle;nd, Esq., Pulteney, late of JJAS received Tamtructitin from blenrs. ajn!gj,3Zat la& is to assum ion . of the!k influence that I never made any agreement, or GEOGRAPHY -18t Mary Yates and L. a $2,3'15 of the $30,000 statement of them with dates of pay. a to any undentanding of any kiud e. Moore, Tena McDougall, Jane Me- Tep trust to see a mucli larger atten- bonus to the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Mont wh able., Carried. Goderich, Canada, to Miss -Jessie Harvey & Ross to sell by Public itf=—the ntame agreea on be- cam Trainer equal; 2d Katie Moor Mary Elliott, Rhoda Jenkins, dance during the ad' alf year dian Railway, and of the $10,000 W the Lon-. Mo -tic Mackay, Campbell Street, Thuiso. Auction (they.having completed their �FC3 Creath, I "a an prap Woods 8 , Chn--alan, Company or description with the Government or En-mOLOGY-18t ]Katie Moore; 2d M. xt h. d by Dr. eeonded by th Contract*for tbelfarbor of Refuge At ing cSt1=311y tW, a any ofits momben as to the payment of Villie Gilmore, Ells, Platt, Martha 'there was during the last six months- don, Huron and Brube Railway,' it 'a to Geo. Castle, thatA. M. - Ross Esq. be At Blaple illa, the residence of a its head; any ,m of rboney to any ne, or in any Yates; 3d MarionDickson. 'Whitely, Maggio Cameron, Maggie Wad- All who.. intend entering must be pro- assume 8260. The tit- b Goderio.,)at the Hai,�orQpay in Wunixe--ist Minnie Gardiner and . arbitrators appoi rbquired to see to the state of our ac- ride's father, on the 8th inst., by the the Garernment, Vrera awaim that way whatever,in consideration of receiv- dington, Mary Davis, Lewis Marsh, Bar- sent on'tho' day the school re-opeus, ed to settle aff4ira between Brussels and coun the briiegroom, Richard X-C ik,-Ja !I ths" the �ontract for the Canadian Pacific. Katie Nvatson equal; 2d W. McDonald tie Kinahan, Frederick Craig, Jenny Mond 18th August, at 2- O'clock ts with the Municipal Loan Fund -father of f t! Peding betwe=-these ing Gooding, Matilda Tillier, Mary Robert- Grey are MT. D. D. HAY, of Listowel, and when doing so to ascertain what Davis, Esq., of Toronto, fourth son lnegotm '023.vreya and Marion Dickson equal. P. M.11ki7nder the regulations now in brussels; Mi. Thamas McMichael, suin or ailing of clergy reserve money of the Rev. Win. Davis. Incumbent , b3equantly an wAc�- - All the legislation on the subject of ComPo$ITIOn-Ist Marion Dickson; 2d for Weduei�diLy, 23xdTu1y,1873, f;W+de3; ta-3�, 813 eon, Annie Currie, Eva McQueen, W. force no after examinations can be held, of Hunq4t, for Grey, and Mr. Gardiner Paul's, Win-liam, Courity Hu - Katie Moore; 3d Jas. Wells. has been withheld froulthis Township of St. m waa C=ato- b+twoez Sir Hugh , the rail%yay 7,33 finished and Sir Hugh Fraser,.fiattio Johnston, Fanny John- andany lyli0failt9,present themsel as refe�ee. - The arbitration -pa�mcnt of the loan ron, to Louisa Jane, oldest daughter Commencing at jU o`cicck� a. in. HisroRy, Senior-Ist Win. Williams; . Yell of Hibbert, on the plea of non- Abbotb-fh3t Bir H132h Lad to look bo the Government alone for ston, Robt Wilkinson, Then Williams, at the proper time will not have an op- sit al,'Brusseo on nesday; July 15. funcl, and -that this Council do furnish of Mr. James Street, Sftatford The Anna. ana gr 2d W. Wright and Mary T following plant, viz.- 4 Lwge stone Yates equal. Willie Trainer. portunity f eiiteAngtill October., positor. to Mr. Ross all aviail&blo information on Scows; 4 hoisting Scows with Od fr:e=4z shouTA advance a the charter. , Sti he spent S3413,000 on do Junior-Ist Shrah Di&son; 2 ST. -PATRIOWS WARD.' Tait 1VftJSOUU1 EDITORS at their late cam 'e, Z�etor. thishead. Carfied. late, a large amount of, Rope, Of MN"iY for th'a IPWPGS3 Of the election:�, though he Says that . it was Katie Moore; 3d W. McDonald. 3ims Lynsn, TgAcmEm. MI convention,- formally resolved that a 4-- Moved by Coe. Anderson seconded h vapn , and tools of variGus km& in - in Number of names on ter 121. eluding of 314nisten and not, cowideration of rece r�g the ROOM NO. 11. Re -w mah bag the same right to walk into it On Wednesday' Carpenters and Blacksmiths A. McDONALD, TzAcHzu. 0 .2nd July, -a mowing by Thos. Keys, -that this Council -do now b El e,-tb@WXt ga!lergelec- contract," lie told a very different Promoted with ffulptior examined for promotion 22. grocery store and order a barrelf. sugar in riddetily, at G � eric-li, on the 9th Tools, Also. Horses WaggonsSleighs, match aime off odMir. James Pickard's adjourn to meet again at Morgau's ST, J len he Nninberpresent 37. Numberprolnotod 1 -Moses Fitzhenry. st Mrs. Orabb, mother ofC. Crabb, Bedding GENERAL PROPIC-1 go, Hotel, Bayfield', oil the econd in the 89th year of her age. gether - -with a laige ft shctd& gtorylo his New York filends wl cradiC 18. Total number promoted 32. ExQy - I at Moses Ora sa* of coffoo, or'l'into a lawoflIco farm in the nei6liburhood, of thiFj villa � Monday in, and Beardium Rou4e lelant, to - Names of pupils promoted i orderdt.:pit7 and demand a li-cral 6pini6n from. its oc- Messra.'Wilfis=G�venlock and Doug- in August. Carried. Esq., mnount,*f 'Square rk& fat thg COZ;AractiOn wrote on 7th August,- n herli-Y 315. cupant,.or into an undertaker's and re- lass VV all Percy Mao- RtArSG_lst Rosie Curri ereappointed judges and there we're WILL1401 PLUNKETT. Deceased was a resident of Goderich and Flatted Tit"er and- L ­Umber, ith ,A fLa raUW3y . i is ann4cei`nry to detai � the vari- merit -John MaDoug a; 2d Annie quest %�coflln, ithout eLxpecting to pay ton ontiies made ns follows: Three for the last forty YOars- stuldry other articles. adv=, ca a barga sam of which it passed, but kid, Alex. Gordonp' DoOd Campbell, 3d Moses Fitzhenry. Clerk. on July 8, Jane Steen, wife ous phaS03, throl:0-11 ngis Daney,j A. Afe- for their respective wires.or services, ,is sinctlemow6rs,Ca�yiig&Ohief,byTliobap-,, Bayfield,.8thJaly,1873. In Seafortli, TERMS --- CASH. _rUrrC5e-. M4nt!Oned, al -d 'the relullt is that Vro yesterday signed an Frances Erwin, Ai --,at Moses Bitzhenry; 2d into a newspaper'office and demand the a�oaild Wiltialbs, Mitchell, -one do. , by of Mr. 'George W. Sparlin'- aged. 35 M, =_ oy fc-- tE:e [enzie, Scott Aitkins, S. Cresoman, W. Rosia Currie; 3d Jas Addison. a pre3_ agreement by which, oa certain inone- brairs and muscle'aud. -type, Patterson Bros., one do. by Wood Bros., in children of Goderich, July 11th, 1873. 1378-b a-, tho wzidtal�loia and UrAer th Ralph, Christiana Cowherd, Eva Gardf­ , Aunmmznc -1at.'Annie -Campbell, uio oi'its xort]% Volt lto=Z� years, also the infant tw tary miditNnst- theY agree to forma ague Mr. George W ef Xinbfera, 6Pt V3rt Of resident, ner, Mary Sinith, Jennie K. � Stewart, Moses Fitzhenryf ftrus McDonald, and withoitt'stho-a.&ht-ofrecomponse.. The- of Richmond Hill,' ind one 8pr Sparlin �ng im, mpany of irbich ram to.be p J, Annie 33ri Goderich editors.-limie reason to passa mower by Hsrris Mo. �of Brantford: W6 cuU the following ii the 28tb tilt" r Era, -,T2 int cc to give we and my Sarah Honker, Emily Wellis] dget O'Reilly equoal.- resolutioii. from a letter In East Wawanosli, a- ZFOWL14 by Si tn' t4D Suitmy Views? an Stotts, Chas. Rosx,Ven OSeilly,Selins at Iro second daughter of the late jtTl tTa- th-, Aal- frieltds 3, =�.Ijorjty bfthe stock, d to M6es Fitzhenry; -2d stin' r' Combined �kiachities, one Ball's Ohib,, as , our NorthWeSt: correspondenpwho Mary, I Stotts, Elizabeth Smith, Mao Allen, MI, - ,A! EsTATE ALE. -The Salt Block Improved, by Thompson & � WHIiams,, rned Hezekiah Helps, ikthe 18th year 6f ry _h list retu from the Saskatche- JUST ARRIVED p3ld givathe�cc;mpauy 80 formed the contract Buchanan, 'Annie Cook' and B. Rr Wera I on the terms Of - the Annie Smith,'Xas. Reid, Laviiiia John- 10, Reilly equal. in Dfaitlandiffle formorl )da;byJ;JaaRs6n,�Lucau,%ne do;' wan her age- ef Ir I= and alm"t0r, occupied by inc t -,9. 9351 'United fttes capita i- tob4ld tl2e�rodc son, Chas, Noble, Walter Androws,liena McNicken and Sun -7vai! Old by G.: M, byW. H. -Verity, of, Exatero and One - Thefftidn'Bay'Cb. have built a phold AT THE PAT114ment, whi& sre 830,000,- ST, DAVID'S WARD. In Ashfield, on the 7th inst., of ty L;rn by, tL azfe=Qn� w1fil hi Act of 11 50,000,000 acres of Cameron, Ifti. Wells, 1aATrY �ndrews, -Titteman, 'Aucti6neor on Wi6drtesdak. Buckayi; by Rairis. C, Of the prizes grist nifil at Victoria Settlement on the fever, John Fletcher, teachor of S. S tl�c_ - - M -MbKAy,AS8ISTANT. last, under-powe sale contained !it a 0 in 03811,� -an, -Saskat6hdwam -:They charge 25 cents per No. 3, deeply regretted by all wi� yr,ted dqwa, Sjr3aha ja� With 411 Other advanta-es and John Bounartay, Vamnyffarlison. warded the. shigl6: nfoikeri,. Wood Bros. matf= 4U GFBEAT, , PUOFT(,IZNGY - 141; John Kris 'bushel for grinding. , Red 3�ive fl-lur SENjor took:first, Thomson-AWilliams,2n , DIVU16N-No. -of nam, mortgage. The ptopa#y was ilold iub- dayid- �ng th3,t 4thaGovora- �ipriv!14els which �cari be givl;n 0 up) McDougall, 702- 2d Percy 314okid 654; ..- as., on '3rd, and theAtli. .-,- -In the splis there-lor 815 perbartal. Imew him. 5!30, to do Register 148. Number exii - t't t agd h6ldy the ffriiijif and andtbeY Agree mmod.-for 3ec o a mpr gag CoxiIbM'ationW.'H.V6rityt k S'd Alex. Gordon 645. promotion 44.'� Piomoted with 'credit Loan, 'CompanX � '16p '&00 -anal -Was About 2-50 familiea of French half, ne, everything, 2'PL their power to encourage r.Z"XNG�-44 Elizabeth Sotli. aild boug'llb by Mr. Wmil Ahraliall of - Strat- JAcksori- 2nd, Thoinsoix aull-Villiams breedh -_ frdta; Manitoba -have -formed ns� to, SIr ffiiah AlZan's -1 � Company during the 1% Total -number promoted 29. - ; - I . a-- lyi a r8fore guia sailit, The . 1) Alai. Gortlon.equali d. Fprey, 31acIdd. ford, for%200, thuit Making the: totnf -qN, Harris *Co.. 4th;,,'f settlement on the- South briatich of 'the !Ui! iii. explans- whoia periol of congfraefiefi. 4nd Eyo, Gardiner eqU1, SEViOU CLASS -�- Xdmbor likan ad' ZN0 C, r rat 45 Slskit�he d V. winter, and JB b re, 11 price paid Wk , In addition to the, u ng im aTi3 for 'promotion 26. Promoted'� with a fol. Aitkins, alt- works tberei Ate 45 A"rcrea:of land and are taking In settlotnent..The f�n= crt ME And ag�ipt- croditiO.' Total number prom6facl 19. TO RENT- witrXINC.-Ist i6onaia xeGiiery� :2a �two viuve lots.; - o understand 1E, U Two E torftENTA. �4&ldoni have,; *a English'and dbWh. JI&Oement'whibli. has ;oi*6 oxpeow3 -inerred in car v' an thd ocebAlon 0 cht6nibla 06pementi in -thif, e�xistea-thero1or some'4moisbri,the ramer montl LIO N STO R E T, �Y,- 0 �e4,co= WA at3s in Pupils promoted in order. bf m6rit" Selinda,Cr6a;gmaii; ad Aligj6 1114no Xr. LOP a parloi e= tn0 of 60 waon Of 2872 the wAgWr to, thif point IlAvyget' TOry 3Uokid-' 2d Isabollp, 41urney, Agneg Donildson., in factirre of salt. �601;ion;'bnt *b state lhA two. north Itraill:14.40 miles below F9.rt Q�18- IVOR the su Co6ttlo, 3Lry Morap lVe4therald, ung -gIrI9',`.b6th-res1din� dit,tho -Huraix 'tojjand,�o milgi hyqy�tfia j *ction of 1: 4.4 three ballrooms, furnished with was Mw -1y betwe�n Bir grot - I[ havtalready baid awsir Alwub 3d ffoble� Dfaul 3AITSUMME, R COATS, capim and win �haya fQ PAY at, jeast D. lox., Gordon; 2d Sarah' Tackaborryi Lizzio Cattle, AnInia I Lo�T. 11%. un oflice. 1. 1 AU1TJ0i3TX6--�-18t A Scotts, B. Rtjcu'jl Any, 1�at a yomig Road"Ono eat One 4086of this viff Ahii two branches., or witliout board,,. ApplY at this M�ti ACAU Arl moot). Ward, Flora 'In 100 SUBIMER PANTS& VE STSt,. "Ob -No liga,,- iTetetinified .4b All -: hazards; to, Thefu yo IY Mill, 1973. 13784f r Ellen. 151oderich'. 200 SUMBMR HATS. %�Tgiia t�a frJrR[jh0U #, SArah ackor, 3d I Tackaberry, - Agftes Crawford,' �kgues ladnamX Ross, resident of 4 rtrAdothis arhasbaesfail- GodeTich, ; � dflult know i as zve3vth3V will 'dhange their -f6r that plii- ourd-Thefbbingnobuft Qontlie ' th .h�,,aagrava c3- r XoPoiigall.. 2a Maddon, Mggie Breekonridgo;�Lizzie off 4t the fan'jw, t:�u W GA30Ar 0 ninl7e nor Pickson# Ed :B, had two of his fingers oUon poi;e.slipped away frdra their houses one 'bmiclith b r of robestakonis very -AGRAND SPEOIALTY. A large Stoolt of LUSTRE$ in Coloura E'rw1n,­ 2d OQw-lity W" alia , Hoker, Ellair I firdbljt)int,'� in 1Gr3nt. l3taV0 1"tafy " aay last w661c- &114'bofdra tiny one �ottmj � gmall. Many tradershave been unabla to -Drr, lRantingtonis provireit to PrOTO Gr.6CmAP9X-1At *aII005 ual. .3d Griffln, JAno Bell. . - . . - r" wildoli. and Blaeh4 Iql 6fZXrRAV . Amborley.. -1) -calldd to bilwiththlemip at it# head. Kir 1111A t�lt ther@ Wis 3W understgntlinj be- Win, Ralph still Annie Stotts ' wy Was neet ould interfere A116Y 'oome +6 Xiinitoba, - U their horses are J, W. JUNE S, Litdrary and A�t _ist isatolia dress the ivund. It was necessary to hall edtrWit �ui iheir'desidn...and' had rie-arfir'41l.deall and they 11ILTO no,furs, to Agency, Loudon,- Ont.,s.oloagent tiwe�,-n Government fWd Sir fhe - Cbax. lWat. Xurney, 3.60, Agnoff DonaldsQu 35k G. vl�dinfiiistor ililorofoijii wIdle the -Opera.. Of Poe liind �,t mrontild,McGilyery, 24 6riterdil into'whatkh f4blidli i brwigi' - D-oubt &expressed whether the in Canada for 1no!g wity-1 Cattle 305, and atill Waoitherald, 86M6!wColls, inagin IV3.r wken HTW, 11�lgrg edtlld bligifitl tit 1rf2ltriMO])y. Hudidit Bay Bteattior can run above Art Publications and Will give op 19rhAt in tile xu�uma of exont of whi-At will ap Cressmau; 3d "Vin 6 ecial it RuDiNo-Int Litzle.Dicksolll; 2d" 31. ligo' Mr.. ­Gra�i had his o I N 011ie oil it ith Sir tig$ it Rances Vvivin; 2d Itory to,tigents, ThesC 1. & . 7 , q93 Sir Hugh I dqy%sifiC6 Varloton oft ilia north branch on aeciiu-nt Irmo and ter riem etp't11i'lisis sn %V0 Veatberald; U Agues. Donaldift offin-thp oani a young works are universally admire H�mkys thAt c*rtain A O(jo in, X� 1. Emilux ]qe1lbh. 3d io -DAM4 of shoals and rapids. Tile soilt14 btanall -owl to tile '"VerAment.1; admitlit th!tt be spolib $95 F Y' . . ' SftpLLva­:1sb Flors Xd1li#h,'2_4,L namdd*�lltpii. SWO -6 i)&kdt III and in hwl prop U003L �X6, 1116 0Ai4Ax UoxTHLY.�-Tho July num- U�ok containing spfho.mdna� fieW � coat ii upvigable Rs Jar an Bow River.- Ord at all raa� see and judge for IN GRI Q -AT VAR -0 TY - Dickson; 8d Unes Donalds6n. or th to organim a j� illegilli wannor, &A must fell 11()W� 190 ARIT111141 her of this Mapzme is to ]land., lton- osce. of-. `-There'appearsto'be no necessity for 40 ps *lfllt Isib Ila Mur" the tlieuntelyes he makes th6follojKing offer,. COYAP"y sr Ighty, jmpr9�0616' - thlit, - 45. Number pro- Goo. V to the tro6ps- on tho'.9a4katchowan As thore is rpm* of 1 13 ITU W1431t up, W 'W t spea it. It b 11' nibor preWut j%ttle, Maud Weatheoraldlliml. t Croper'if Livery 13tjlble� aila. r 25 contolits *in sena free by in I Aum 11*6154 *Wwsy, ferin And the usual amount of reqAing lib dangor �of Indian 4roubles. a beautiful Steet Engirlvi . f 114se acti-% W tona 1&kta upon tb*ir ivopo- t1J diturg of jbio smount on the MOW 43. Flom 5fallm; 24 W- 0 L SoiTy to see. Vine nothlin ItIih:beoil board of. IIA It DW RE oloctinns and tb* Promiso (it ill lot Mtr (;X1rSXALPiV#V1C1ltXC-Jr' - I y wattor. Alo.-ar this nisS4. present took plaaa �fi Tues. is - eatimatud that the American 1042. and Alleight go or 679 - 2d b. W40194" Zio Sit , Jolto slotti., o, whith his rupy ZoeUent pointo, Johla blox 'Belly River took of Vlotoria, 4zo -e.infor- XULS, LOOKS, JWNCIES� FORS, W-roment Ap, OU rf IST, ANDREW'$ WARD. traders on out circular givitig full and 19omplor 4"I"Wil;st tbo $me 60# izen in itx' pol-31061, arti. 'British trritory 1%3t fat ana'winter Pwod W bw i4 C411,1111& for notwit41SUAill A HattlY so frfooly Pm1 I t '6 It its motion to Agotits. that TArwx, lumm 0 0o VAX no yery gre -12% alex. ARavlow.ofitgihirader tomain-- 49000 I)liffalo rob -N. Two luen trade QW 1111411111`11111nal a 9"Aws-.844 I ibimbW moko sit MI" L, S_TA:YLO34 A23WAXT� or&. ly, ined maveu.� fresh AVID LY01N, 1000 Coy& Hars WIODa. d ea"Iftaime 4 spood" 04ad, boo noloopli th* GTommollit orgaw Silly Tmow&a qua ; 21 Apo* H611i"Y, V331ZOA DXV"10X_Xo., of na, iva to- COMM 30OVancesofstrychnine,anailt, aiusea Varna. Agent in Stanloy7p. .nos On tain its prVpr tl"s a 1644 bi- oaves of b �6i L" - It a�piark -the .- I I 4he A&U keep fro*-, partie% 'lliams a, vlaii,, quensi to W%wwbe 60 i6#0 soy 11wv ;1� I KoA ibe OMPO ro, th"Sh Xwy itearegormv11. 11111' Y, axiiralnod f..r prome- itmelftothe. pit Ito, -ohd0d the,, pigd- -WA a.nearly all ilia wolves,foxes.4c, of- 4$0. -A. WAFTEL,' MCKE � ZTE, 1W a WOE garlN So pf Oh I PO*h I - DWAVM -10 AMW P6011111, MArY R*g Nall, which thIs CUAUM birtlie purprialeof taining-butter for' ilia so Goler__ . Agent for Eggitiol ISM obbeh" how 09 F. HiIIIIII11111111ill 11,160 shavap, Agno ti(Al 16, Promoted *ith onOt 2. T frnm uthom plaitut are destroyed. d As PON w%,* bed bow war try VG(hw Xuatbly not., their brellid, and io in,o mors than Busltlm�ai k�inuipgia very brisk, - - W at, the wurAry oWA4 b* &W Vtolnutod 7. a mod rt, i rol A tor be 1--eld ej io to to itcec Bzr. GC ter-olgeElon: CGUE!EI�Zcl Noung, T " ais CO21YED C2 em de C"', vl Lo fs ical lycay M PZ6�4-cyz- wero a2Tomt -ZCt=-o3 C1 c yc=, -- C1 to I Some A ZIMO tim, on VZO, G.ah�m by f, TMO, it V" COMMWC2, C� Cum;�g, Grac-07 js tem, =a zfc nor, eldem, tta mto e0--1dCM move tLc n"T.0 MS. L'11011rcm the EV1261, ='d t-_� # ere. th BIT. 1,­=_-!� I ate iti a call -_ imt., =daL-,, ga=oza, fC2 "'i -i iho cal - ff on Home NEEi thm t!- -a -ho iauL�Ilai He Me ZES4--ca, of -=3 ex 0, cz, aUT; Eailiaao c's Ar,71 TLC CverLu�� veltc2to S cat, M'. Gm_--67,Lr Lqueac-mmi- t-0d0Vctoi%9 Came m13ecl. V . %Tcla ,61 Lnsz cy Xrw ye -RE city Val NvacEt rical s& qre in on Saflr�y z b3T, i6eventy 1 AUg ,110 spri-tairren Atol-res -E,01 io Eiat, Ila W 7r WL� ere wAtor 7 7;-�-rjvr l -r -come a inw eNF2CW1 Len nylrilve,3, Ana it C-7 lEtC71-1gence nigbt-, *8 CTce, TLCterpm Esutl� d 1� " 45 hem-urpop mintil All,cm bearE CIO re.-rwsr 11testin Etates ihe, U'D I A;Unmity-Gei agEnlus in I P:r-n cl &e Cot Mr2G* =e CITH1211111OW4 e I mowv. "A, r.19nod by the Gcaor&2, vke i rcera:-V�fw, fo izgerd in y=zAla to ven-co 1.3 i1a, rZyo-,1;e,iheJ t -IL-3 TV21 Uot i Htmuk'sal czl? Z, CiD MW Em";Ufteref, th er a w2u- r" hend Mug" IL&I behng Lmmell iMVEk!g1f!0n4 estnbuifteaj A natic-10 how AU11sted that fke &clW Goverrment , V11:011 the 40 es L- rkillwsy ed cceeifid WS W4 it* T. C LO" L111 am meirchl EISTZ at A GOOD VZ-_ 10 711L _�11 Go -d 0 t ty r,'-, CA -not tIn VAS' C4--Sc.l F-14FMII G,RO( okv.; DA