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Huron Signal, 1873-07-02, Page 2
R111ii I W` S T.fvr, D1Z311oVaAC* of tho Oaths Atte C111"ToNAPIPPAL.-The appeal of the pos to Mr. Woodward's illustrations; able, eloquent and instructive loottire open out' the.boundary- line between postsi Colo. XAZ=0300 village of Clinton against its equalized lanother on "The Fradenkirolie, Nurern- ill his old Church on the evening of Ashfield and Colborne, from Division V,11 �re t�pt J%�" e3tL,17,-49 uohze U) tt is now pretty well understood that assessmeitt by the County Council estilie borgi" add "A Litolo Romance," a brief Wednesday of last week. The audi. line in Ashfiold to the Lake, proVid6d A CHARAUTnu DRAWN Now that the novelty of tho postal At the residentill Of this 4brlde'm Q3 wislims to centinaa rnoX ON& DAYS fathe? al Go7ernment, actim; no before .1 udge Toms on Monday. After niomoir of thw Countess Potozki. Mu - ence wits a large and rupoetablO one. the Township of Colborne gralit %n ACQUAINTANCES111r. the Impori, n 740TO card hYfitem has worn off in the United by the Rev. G.A. Mitchell X A o' 02 hearing the ividende he announsi;a that sic art and literature are intelligently 04 If iviiilrg doubt on the reuvinmendation of the A SUCCESSFUL CoNCERT.—ThIll Con- 69 -Cir- �,State;, the newspapers are beginning to the 25t] �jtgt,:7,07 PZ%0h52% - 11101SUM40 anist'in said iwork. � alt., �Vjr. char, tha P he would give his decision on Friday. and independently discussed. - Alto- cert. held on the evening of Moilday of; -,-64. Moved by A. C. Hawkins, seo. by DYWILLIAM BANNATYNE- raise th s is000n(I daughter 61 Mr, rna- C�Mtftl7A to Oaz t%=i ut0hI%U?Waa arO Ottawa Gov:aroment, have disallowed e question, which 4 o ho"d jusb atper- to Matildi C. gether the number is remarkably good. last week in aid arid rInder the sumploes V. Dalton. i6t this Council tenflor a tingrit to Canada, of the abolition a1W- John Fish'r, Ali of laucsi"U", UQaj�"Ta the bill Passed last session, providing Co."RAcTs AwARDED.-Vaul Ross, P e si, ren';Q to 1-Tw tbO I Esq., of this town has been awarded the Subscription price, $5, including ohro- of St. Thomaill Churobi was Is highljt� votsi4f 4hanka to Thomm Farrow, Esq W reathe with him memory this little lay; gether of the three cent rate of peistage On the 19% ult., by the Rev- G- Clarli, for tho examination of witnesses tinder contract for section I I on the Welland Mull -Where all.did is��iroll -,member of parliament -for tile Nord., I Iveftamed It from a friendship brief but true. They ask why it is that the Govern men :Yillage Bell" and "Crossing the sitecassful affair. Mr. Thomas'J alinson, to Miss F rances Oath by committeesof the House. This Canal enlargement. JnhuBrown,Esq., Moor. James Sutton & Co., publish- it would be Invidicita to mention mamas Riding of Hurono for his exertion in se-' L itto in our liven and but one short lived day can afford to carry an open card, which Ann Humphrey, both of liurOn V, I, ors, 58 Maiden Lano, N. Y.- --auffies it to stwjf� that. tho'sudiencili quAng us a grant cf $6000 from the L, ant us, to treasurs up that friendshii) new I to Q swh uovlez� 0? contractor for the dredging of Goderio t%C-,Z1 Ul t%a 0� I bill was designed to facilitate the pro- costs thelft One fifth of a cent, for one By tile Raine, inn the 25th Ult-, Ut the 'egg' �%'Z VZQ05_��". Glioiv Government for the improve. .1e, harlsour, hits secured the contract for 111011 SCHOOL EXAMINATION. -- The were well pleased with the, friends from Dom I chide thee Death I in that thou'st raft avray cant, White ttIOY charfie three cents for (jemmereiial Hotel M`M-avo to o )or p:zc��-a wztliont cee-djugs of the P.Acific Railway Inquiry three sections. half yearly examination of the Goderioh tionden, Goderiob indlMitehell, as well men't, A nother hope Just merging Into bloom Kjoloss, Mr. Ar- Infl-t-TT1.1luz V113 and -bciq paziodwaln Cr ofP-jrtAlbort harboar, and the lit RkIng my bra ist, as twgs flaction's tomb. a sealed'Ietter. weighing little more., thur Green Of Kineartling villtgo. to ,-�aqpa,rq A"a Ont %, tto f�,rzaor Mov Cominittoe, it being deftirable that such Accinm".-On Wednesday last, Mr. High Schooltook placeou Friday last as every one who took part in the pro. Clerk send the said M. P. a copy of this which costs them nothing. On this , 'Miss Cather'lao, Cake, of Kinlcm. a-0 x. a serious charge as that brought against W subject the If. Y. Mail remarks Symington, son of Jae. Syrningtoll, before a number of the Trustees and coodings of the evening. n"tiou,-Carried. Moved by A. C. M time of the mong of soul feltsorrow dear On the 25th nit., at tile rc8idon�:o 'Of tho the Goveriunent by MrHuntington should Cots�cillor, in the township of Colborne, others.' It is to be regretted that tile FR&NX GOINO To Le.Lvr,--It is with Hawkins, see, by P. -Clare, that .1. Mo- A id me, to measure out my tuneful Vaintl- It may be safely assumed, that the I fr. J. Carter, Tac�vr- be thoroughly investigated. Every received a sovero kick in the side from that Connel bb givan the pri 9 L ay one more honest tribute on his bler.- new system in the entoring wedgn F. ROWULL Co., 40 pallk attendance at the School is so small, sincere regret that 'we announce vilege of takin of a brida'abrother, I sw ith, by the Rov. Dir aliller of J" Nv.. and S. RL P=L%G1LL & Co. 4 it horse and sustained fiijoh, internal in- but those who were prosent acquitted Mr. Frank Paltridge, our genial, humor- the ti fiber on the Division.line between still more radical postal reform ;aud.b is I'm' , Gilbert 31fliers, 4f Hul- f obstasle has been thrown in the- way by * - 11 as so- the fifth and sixth cw�cesvion, and A. Goderich, DT J%rk Itow,aro or only �%nthorinecl Ad- juries that his recovery is very doubt. themselves very satisfactorily. At the OUs find witty townsman, as we 0 lit he was many -gifted, grid sincere: the QnIY way to fliat era of cheap post- lett, to Mill Sarah Carter, of Tucker. AgcnC3 in ' o w YGTI-. the aceuqed parties, leading those who ful. close, Mr. Kay,, Chairman of the -Board oomplishea photographic artist, is going Dreany be granted the same, privilege L oved for film kind noss-honourod for his worth, age for which we have all been hoping. leve he intends to on same line between the fourth OD11008- Id anhood's firot virtuoi marked him (;cargo (in in the t first hesitated to believe there could and Rev. Messrs. Uro and Mwooa ex' . to leave ult. We bal While it must �.e admitted that smith. PRMTATION. -Rev. W. U, 110010, aire 0, at the vcgi- be any truth in the chargea to the con- i f ormorly of this town and more recently d themselves pleased at the an- remove to (I alt. I sion- road and the river, provided each of earth. 9160, letters of the average size On Monday, 23rd of Jun Is caizor C1,41 stat -no them clear his portion of said line of nd weight am mote btilky than tile denceof thelbriae's father. dn the village Z�g, I swering of tile pupils, and regretted I onlr once met with Mr. Malcolm of a f�z� tims to wljicr, clitsion thit there must be something in of,.Hamilton, was presented on the oc- that the school was about to be deprived road one rod widersubjeotto the inspec- post"'I card, it will bo I di�fficujt - to_cqn- of Ireland, by the ROv - James E. Dyer, Mid. 77NUS, "PtTER them. This last act of the Kovernment cation of his leaving the latter place for tion of eith4r of the Councillors in, the Seaforth on one occasion last winter assail that there is any good John L. Graham, isp Vince the in, �f. D., of Wathing- Toronto, with the sum o( ajo,,) of the services of Miss Lundy, who has TuE WEATHER. -The exces'aive flllx- when I formed ths opinion of hiru ex- S. A., (for - 72," �6c�10J 9Tz4C A10- cps the climax. The Committee moot,% beintif ul portrait of himself 'naiinddI& proved herself �a most efficient and ations of temperature in this region of adjoining wards. -Carried. Moved by . reason for a discrimination 'against the ton County, ]Kansas, U. P� pressed above, and I found my esti- f arlo), to is PZid �3? f" in Montreal to -da , but as they cannot Poole. painstaking teacher. Mr. Strang, Head the earth are seemingly, year af ter year, A. 0. Hawkins, sec. by M. Dalton, that mate of his character endorsed ormer which amounts to a ratio of three merly of -Lobel ' Ont, by the .V,Z7V4 orai fh�,7f he �ves fror f t a y the Clerk be instructed to correct any hundred P& if'ont., and agitation of the Amanda, oldest daughter of Daniel Master, express himself to the same becoming more seriously maiiifest;, and obituary notice given of him subje Shoff, of McGidivray- oblige the witnesses to tall"the truth,the Jordan his affecting animal emission or mistakes in the assessment in tho� at will probably soon be be -un, to k to I effect. We trust when the school re- the consequences, as Seaforth Expositor-. W . B. azii C,�2r fenns are wole truth and iiithing but the truth,- moa t x% ork pulling down the woodIell I opens in August to see a much larger and vegetable life, are beginning to ex- roll for the present year. -Carried. w4ose and can only be a reauction to' tho buildingmitheSquare, formerly ocon- attendance and -that parents will so Movqd by M, Dalton, sec. by A. Dreany, IN- ADT ILN-%72, of-k-Crivise ' *2 the facts which will come to light will 0 cite more and more tile consideration of 'Almimum of the cost and convenience pied by Yates Son nd a that their children attend V . 11 -as the painf ul that the Clark be instructed to settle or Wellington, Gra7 Bruco Zailw&7- of commoi be only such as they choose to toll, and own store. It will be rep - __ - I by - I anctually philosophic ininds, as we n mail facilities. The�Gvern- I and regularly. apprehensions (,f many who have driven arflingo, a dislinted lot number 39 E. ment cannot afford, nor will the people Ori'�tho 22nd inst., *the infant child of it is net likely those who know most handsome brick shop to be occupiod by , The followino is the result of the their stakes of terre3tial existence to, Sydenliam street, and report at next A correspoftilent of the Hamilton conseutto any such discrimination as Mr. Joshua Jamcs, of A10Gi2IivmV- which virtally taxe th inter - 0=1 T=UX nailv&7- will choose to tell very much. Under & JOhnst"U. written examinoations which have been deeply into the soil, to admit of its be- meeting of Council. -Carried. Moved pectator thus sp6akg of the prospective this, 8 e At the r "harles by M. Dalton, see. by P. Clare, that W. traffic over the Southern Extengiou of change t -f intblligenc And if, by .,-v esidence of Mr. Mune, these circumstances should Mr. Hunt- RrxkwAy.-On Thursday last a to no 3 as am going,on for the past week, oil the half ina withdrawn without rui u r nits. e. of htnes belonging to Mr. At. Camp years work,- It has been pretty generally received, Graham be paid the sum of $13, being tile W. G. & B. Railway, now being con- reasonable interpretation of the facts H it ron tp., on the IL71 h ult., Dlnrgaret, leave as follows�- ingtnit fc%il to establish his charg-es and ccredited heretofore, th'it i - - wife of Mr. James Kin- -at f Lticknow, rau away froul the SECOD- F0R.NI for a mistake in his nssesoment for lot structed through the northern part of and figures connected with the post n pro I -cardine, uged 38 Vears. NO, 39, E. Sydenhain St. Port Albert. - this County card ........... ........... 4.001%. M. clearly and fully it will be no wonder. station down EAst street, Thoms Houston, 86 per enut. porti,)n to the progress of social develops- Vstcm, it can be demonstrated Empress ................... 10.00 Theconduct of the government thrugh- throgh the Sinare and down.,South Susie Acheson, 83 mcn�, and the extension of cultivation, Carried. Moved by A. Dreany, see. by Starting from Palmerston, the that cheaper postage on letters and pa- At Kincardine, of inflamation, on the .................... 12 30 . Dalton, that this Coiincil Isard, late of out has lt)wevor b3en such as to c-onvict street, lit turning the corner tile wag- Lizzie Johnston, so would be the tendency towards the do now point of jun`ctioti with the main line, we V -8)s mong the possibilities, a popular 19th ult., Willia", .............. 81 djouratoineet again at.A. Black's try to Lip,- clmor may,be soon or"anized which, if Bromley. Kent, England, ged 52 tbom in tho eyes f, 'he country at, breaking the pole and sort- Eiiolyu Brough, 79 amelioration of climate, and that in a pass through 1�etutifnl coun , Trairis are dae as in resisladi by the spil-it years and 7 months. of�rnonopoly, will Mixell ................ ever the findbig of the injuring one of the homes. Eugene Carey, 5 few generations lience, at farthest, th, Hotel, Dungannon, on the second Mon- towel, a live place,' onergetio men - opical 113Y it1J no next.- Carried. J. 00()KE, every department seemed to have an- sw"OP away the old fetters like so niany Or, tbo 19th lt., at his own residerce, Bmpresss� ... ........ ..... 2.00 p. In. be. 1,sy-Voru o-, -ran BY-L.�w_ Mary Moorhouse, atmosphere would bocome so tr, Nlimez .................... Thevoteouthobv-1aw to giveabontl% Samuel Ceaser, 70 in its character as to render this climate Township Clerk, chored there; already the railway ling cobwobs Stony 161and, Kineardine township, �1 t the London, Huron anct William AlAcara, one of the most salubrious on earth, but given this flourishing ylllagris quite a Mr. James Ro T, an - aged 78 Yeafs and A Irwo SW.=W._ R --'%W Rail -y Avas taken in Staulov on Bonella Willianis, 6 13 the experience of recent years has placed 0OUIA7 of 31urom Tom;2raUGO 00:1- start. Great taste has' been displayed Z10011W. three nionths. when it w,& carried by John Kay, (;0 tht opinion in a position too mu -b vention. by the powers that be in constructing In Seaforfli, on June *z5, a, I have a recipe to off -'r. Itis 'liars wiU confer a favour by. Thti London He na is in t1te :,f 1, James Orr, based on fanciful speculation for being good streets leading to the sttion,pint- a coln Subs -tin. If forty-six. The vote at,;OL youngest son of P.Jr. James Beatty, notify . a ims of any ir��egularity in the Yeas. Nays. kaphie Kay, 4' 11 regarded as aught else than visionary, We have been f urnished by th� Sea- in- trees, &c. At the station are now Pound, being composed of several ingr takdug lozal items fro= oar 31 ;Iients. It is an excellent remedy, and a� �d I yearand 6 monthP a, e%very of their paper& having no basis in palpable facts. I�_ rotary with the following report of the four millicirt feet of lumber pilod ready which it frequently r -writes va-as T41ing Place 181 19 FIRST FONNI when properly applied. has an amazing "'V sayliol, . - " ... edings of the convantion held in for transportation, and by September a false meaning la our T_w% ;s3 6 122, John Cameron, 84 deed, it is rather doubtful if the Most proce ood effect Upon farruers' keepim Sophia Gorion, go speak of antiquated aboroine:-not to this town on the 19th ult, next, there will be eleven million feet, We shall be gladst all times to receive ferrea to a TemW-ranze that 8age, ubiquitous, arid long ment,orted Huran County Convention opened in kesides elm timber, and the ordinary fit- them at home in the evenings when they loccd uews, rapnrts of meetings, 187 141 Sarah Cidlum, due form, President Yates in the chair- dustrial producti I ons of the place such am ought to be there, and making them Iov,e which met hem waa state�i Mary S-naill, 77 iown-myth "the oldest inhabitint," can or any ipcident of interest -Nz- TfuLt -lit tho' case of Bnch- Temples represented, Reform of Brno home better than any other, place (on Ellen Donoorli, 7 4 i recollect of many winters of greater e flour, flax, etc., as well as -grain. - Pa2s- either in the locality where it Gecurs, or that a realutit>n had pwqsz�d to or- anan - Young which was tried at the earth. Here are the in;redieli'r,: 1. WANTED. Christie McKay, 72 severity, or longer duration than that by BrothersWelsh, Blair and McKenzie; ing on to Newry, we travel over . a cap- Treat them as to the county at la7ge. Such matter ganize an associalitm ple4m-d W suppen A_ssists here, a now trial I b whichwe were I ast v isitad;'tho'congea I Amberley of Bruce by Brothers Nasbit;, ital track, one , stretch of five miles , naitners with you. Give Cyley Hamilton. 72 y them to Understnd that they are inter- ood wages to a competent may b3 sent at the rate of one cent per only those c=didstes far parliament who on the William Davis, 5.5 it ing gr,�sp of which only a few weeks age Faulkner, Bell and Sisters Standish straiuht as an arrow. and easy grades ; mnrked Printer's Copy and not I ground that the judge's charge to the and Faulkner ; SAaforth by Brothers at T to A � would voto for a pruhibitcwry liqnir law. - Annie Wynn, 53 was relaxed from the soil which it has this tation arid Henfr7n, the lat r "ted in.tho stlacess of the far�ining opera- person. sealoi. To eus-aro publiaxtion in any jnry Was contrary to law. Our readers Walter Brough, hold in frigid durance for a term of not Williams, Brett, Badge and Sisters on the estate of E. K. ]Da*lg, Esq., in tions as Intich as you are�ro_urseff' J. C. KIRKPATRICK. 32 2. Oonverse freely with them. Get Pa.7ticular issne it should reach the 1 The paragraph appears in the in' will recollect that this was. an action Besides the foregoing, seventeen less than seven dreary months. As re- Williams, Sparhng and Badge ; Mori- lumber alone there will be by October Goderich, Jnne 30th lq73. 1376 -if apinions and ive them yours. If olffice not later th= Monday evening. the foll,3wing form,- brought. to recover damages for wood ther pupils attended during part of gards spring, it never put in an appear- than by Brothers 1lauro, Bdyd and not less than, twenty million feet road their Campbell ; G 1 - derich by Brothers W. f,)r trans p ortation. . About tw y at all poideat, ma0e nie of their 'phns, i 'The Independent Corder of GoodTem- aud other material destroyed by the term. '01' those who remained till arice this year, and we are thus launched enty saw FOP PALE- . i negligence of defendants in pntting out near the cloEe the following,ivere absent abruptly into the extreme blRze of mid- _ a,d whon you think your o vn be' 1 plars of the county held a convention in i Camj)bell, Johnstod, lkoore, Thompson mills will be tribatary to these two sta at, ex- Avnu- and Sisters Cantelon and Allan; Star by tions. plain t,) them why you do not adopt I Gederich I&st week- The object was to � fire on their farm.in Colborne during the from examination through illness or summer, and the s-3ason of the Solstice; House and L,)t adjoinin- the resi- North gzron-D- McLareu. lorganibe apolitical ass"tion forthe 'dry soason last summer. other ratisfactory reasons. - flamin with sunbems, and suff 7cating Brether Clark; Walton Star by Brother Ethel siati,)n will be an important their.,;. Don't keep them altogether in A ence of Wm. Seymour, Esq., cont. purp 9 b^ Geo. Tho-upson; Winthrop by Brother the dark with reference to y 7 d csq of getting rid of their present FR?xr, t,F thunder Tina'Kay with sulphury vapours, crackin� tip t e r-ue; about ten mills will 83nd lumbpr , plans U'lovenlock and Cuaic; Manchester by here, and between this and Oatober not 1 for the future. manding one of the best views of the 13,oth these -entlemen- are a;�thnrized �i local members at tht next election." storm - visited this locality/on Friday Edith Wade surface of thF, earth with gaping fissures; 3 Don't require thein te) st-tv at horne i L%ke and Harbour. f orenoon last, which did censiderable Brothera Dobbie, Pier6e, JackGoti, I... than nine million feet will be wait- Apply to was Emma Hardy shrivelling up man and beast into the to subscriptious asid arae -.-3 for As the object of the convention ill the evenin2s all the time. When there I cy of mummies, and burning I I p3b pEiatiag and advertisi damage to the Telegraph offiLes. The c, sisten ' Finker, McDonald and McGoe, also Mr- ing for the inln horse. The larfre sta- Kate Hardy �f iller, Provinei4l deputy f or the B. A. 0. is any- meeting or entertainment front Ind to not as the Herald puts it, its statement lightning struck arid shattered three Alinnio Robertson intn er;spv' drvn"s, every daring littlo tion gronrids are to be leveled at one,,. hi hey might receiye benefit, be Goderich. June 30th, 1873. 1376 grant re.-eipts. is false in point of fact, Mr. Gibbons,'! poles of the Montreal company on Pun- The following absented themselves green blade, that shows the tenacity (if Minutes read and aiopted.' The The nei,ghborin R014s, are being filled c t he vegetable existence and the p'recocity (if Convention ten listened to report,, with lumber now. Tile Ethel bridae i6 sure V let them. go, and Mr. Gitizort both supported the lop'3 bill on the other side of t e rier. froin the examinations without noticc,- ! Valuab!e Farm for ��'-ale. I appearing above the soil; and when all from the differcut temples and 4NIr Miller a boautifulstrucLure, built on the Howe 4. Provie thein with plenty of -n0d Prohibitory law when before the house It then followed the wires into town and Peter Carter b loks and papers;,,especially referring completely destroyed the intru- nature, in every form, dependent on the of the B. A. 0. A communication from truss principle. Mr. Ridout and ?Jr. 'G Lot 32 in the 5th Concession Springhill Tousple was alsd read and C,aningham tested it with a heavy en t thern be woll pi . -n. meldniz soil anil the somon, if gifted with power Township of Goderich, containing last session, so that the temperance, ments at the Railway Stati, William Horton agriculture. L Disted BETN people of the count are much more the wires and causinff such a commotion Maud Wynn fi:ed. Convention thenadjourne. 0 y of vocal utterance would join in one gine.and iron train. There ws no do- ;.q their own b6siriess-faratinu. 80 -teres, 62 acres clear, free of stumps likely, if they carry ou'� their intentions, I that the occupanti )f the office. left it in wild solicitous howl of-Rctin ! Rain ! Of) resuming a telegram was received flection perceptible to tlie eye. It is 5. Never 8c.)Id th-,,tn bec'use they and in first cliss state of cultiration, to support them than to try to "get rid" I rather a lairried manner. An instru- Towa Counoil. Ret in ! -and still no rain woald come. from Lifeboat temple stating that their en,)nnously strong. don't, Know their work or attend to the 18 acres of good hard wood timber. I delo4gatem were unavoidably detained rasselis station must be one of most business of the farm as well von do. E "- There is on the prentieg a goocl house ment in the town office in Butler's ctore i Nobody 83ems to kn,,-)w where the rain- all B -ttrae then). Of them. was also destro, ad. Jano 2 th, 18 3. 1 clo,.i ds 'have' gone ! The very almanae d inviting next Convention to meet at important on the fine, situated in th�� c, . y containing 8 roorns.first claes frame bara,. The regular monthly meetii heart, of s fine a country as the sun G. Give them a holiday now and then. stables and driving sheds, well watered ig of the I makers are mute on that topic; and all MArrLAXI) LoDr, A. i�. A A. M.- Council was held this evening.- All the the old stereotyped prognostications are Sister Burnes vow treated Convention ever shone upon; it will always co -n- They look f or it, and they ne ed it; and with good pump and never failing Opening of t2io ?Allva7 to Brusels. On St. J,hn's -day the followi er members 'were pr se t excep't Council d' * serable fail ures -no sign can riz w e 6 a turne out mi to a son% given' in her best ftyle. mand a large traffic. Six siw mills will it will be batter for you and them to let sprins, good bearin4orchard nd every installed offi--ers of this lodge for the lors Mackay'and Pasmore. be relied on - not even the lioarse trom- The question of County temples was use this station. There are two grist them have it. other I acOmoilation suitable for a -first y be GODBEUCH, jUIV 1873. The Southern Extension of the Wal- qnsoing year,- A communication was received from pet of Branerges can be considered as then taken up. ilbs in the place, and the people are o Other ingredients may with safet cla-is farm. Thi3 valuableproporty is with- lington, Grey and Bruce Railway was 3 E. Campaigne, W. NT. heraldinq the advent of a ingle rain- It was moved and seconded by Broth- ing into cheese making, that enterpris- dde, but the above area few of infinite in 7 ils of Clinton and 9 from Goderich. -on-Ad for traffi.- to Brussels yesterday, Goo. 13,-oth, S. W. services as consulting Sanitary In" ers Badae and Clark that we suspend importance, and should Rev, Samuel Clark, Strathroy, offering his spes- drop' Perhaps the elemental- reservoir ina pioneer in everything progressi e. r erboomitted. The t bove �property will be solil very fr County Convention and orgnize a I John Leckie has is cheese fa, -tory in or reasonable and on terms to snit pur- P&�s of IsUs �ag's SagnaZ can be! Ist July. A large number of persons, J. T Garrow, J. W, tor.-Fvled. has evaporated, or become extinct ? and p- Fa iners, try this recipu; it acts like a r�.J ot the ofce-lqr�ce 5 cen!s. I PA Ef Carter, ChapWn. Cut charin. 1 v7ere in the village to celebraterthe oc- Petition of W. D. A',lan ard others if so, oor prospects in Lhat state of af- nity temple or temples. It was mov- oration. Tile station grounds will be chasers. Forfarther particalars apply ;=ion. The President and Directors.1 K Hosker, Treasurer. asking the use of the F�romati's Hall for fairs, would jitst be as cheering to the �od in antendment by Brothoro Gooan- large. Mr. Leadbeater was the owner of to G. Campai�ne, Secretary. look and Cusic that there be four county Band practise. full if the predicted deluge of De. Cum- the lamd pn which the sttion is located, 281413 of TbAUUT. togetber with a lar." number of pro- W. Canimi1g, 8. D. MRS. JANE WoRNTOSH, mrluT IndrsVes. ! W Moved by Mr. Dotlor, seconded b tem�les to be hold quarterly, that there and he is novir laying out- the adjAning Or to 1ZQ=u!ao' A C. SiMMOLS, J. D. 7 min,- were really on the tetp�,;, as -we ISAAC ERVIY, miment Railway men and others Mr. Voyle, that the prayer of Bata pet be a committee appointed to strike out portion of the property in town Lotx' A whaler "The- instances of w... ii I I- could in these latter days find a great write5, Fe-,. towrm in Canada are so a Vi.holson. D, of C. tion be granted. many modern Zloabs with their arks, the districts, that there be one conven- Pssing on to Bluevale, the splendid *h,les crushing bo- s between their Nelson street, ,at ton Battalion Band was present tinn be open inderous jaws are numerous and well ably sitm-ted for the establishment of Wellinr tion yearly, that the conven Goimich, Ont. dmir- entertained at a public dinner. The' H. Clucas, Movei inamendment by Mr.Gibbons, and McLeans with their wherreys, to bridp'there is nearly coinpl,-ted, and it p, mamnf&2tures as Stratford, yet how M. cPhail. Tyler. seconded by Mr. Watsoa, that the [Ise ferry its over to some Mount Arai -at or toall temperance bodies and that the lientioated. Goderich, Jue 276th, 2873. 1876-2m* will be finished b,f,,, Dominion clay ; ant I have seen the remains to enliven the proceedings. NVe bar@ Murney and Buick, Stewards. of said hall be not granted for any pur- Ben-beculn of safety; but where on Sons and B. A. 0. be invited. It was th6owork is in a very forward state from of a boat that had been bitten� in two as 1-ttEa are its natural and artifical ad - ti to thank the committee for a� invita Th-oripson, vantages tnmed to account. We no ce tion pose until an outside stair be erected. earth could a genius be found equal to moved in amendment to the amendment this all Virough to Kineardine, and cleanly 4ud cleverly as if it had been Parker and Finance Com. re ling will sawed from gunwde to gunale. A in a recent Galt pager thatseveral par- and regi et that -e were unable to be Strachan Amendment lost, motion carried. the emeriZency of a universal dry tip t by Brothers Bonsey and Moore that the an b no doubt that the t; have viktoi that town with the in- Petition of M. McKever praying t he entild manipulate matter thiq convention bo dee red permanent be completed many schoolmate of mino-a wild youth nam ed HE pleasant -Horriestead of the un - ea present. o In short, w monthq within the tcntou, if liberally dealt with, of astab- WOOD'S HOUSBUOLD MAGAZIN-P for have Wilson Street graded, $12 ca4li in so as to produce therefrom a single rain- and that its future sessions, which shall time specified in. the by4aw. Wingham Atigustus Hall, whom the incident made T'dersianed, consisting of 15 acres, aid accompan be hold semi-an-nually, embrace delegates religious -was caught in the jaws of a on the Huron Rf)ad within V miles of ImIdn- ezteusive manufactories there. July is ahead of any previous number, by_ynr! said petition. cloud even of Ainiensions suitable f,)r the old headqUartera of the famous, !I B.-antford, and otber toans and when weconiider'itsiftual standard of 31 from all temperance bodies. After eon- sperm whale, arid escaped by a miracil, the Town of Gorlerich, with extensive Moved Smith, seconded by yielding as much of the cooling moisture Turhberry fight for the by-law we are Mr. Detlor, that said petition �btl grant- rainj as would refresh the parched skin attler-a-ble discussion Brother Badge from almost certain death. In a letter buildings, largo orchard 9nd n beauti. thal, we cauld na.-ne, not one of which has excellence, this is rare praise indeed. It glad to know is flourishing, lots' of now anythin, -z like our railway facilities, are The official Gazett of Saturday last is household, not only in name bt in ed and the same be referred to Public of a single bullfrog? Verily none, and withdrew his motion in favor of the buildings going up ; there are fourteen to his mother, he said: 'Four weeks age ful frontages of shade trees consistang Works Committee with power to act. - our only hope of prolonging a vital state following moved by Brother.Campbell run of atones'in the goTist mill at thii% I was very seriously hurt by a Ahale; of maple, Norway spruce �and plufn` kcalwn throulhout the length and c3atained a proclamation admitting character, aad its table of contents shows I OP brezdth of the Dominion for the extent Firince Edward Island as one of t�7e a wonderful adaptation of articles t, the Carried. on earth would be to have ourselv8s and Williams that tAis,convention think place, and about eight. sa-mill, ill The whale stove three of our boats and trees, well grown. If not isposed of it advisable and recoomend that two got me in his jaw, knocked one- anl vainety of te g)ods manufactured i Provinces of the Dominion on an after Individual members of the family circle. A similar potion of Mr. Sproule to metamorphosed into Salamanders. send luber here-7at presont'thi, ail about by private sale ��ill be sold by public bytInsm, while Stratlfoi:d, if known at "Shn's Little Gurl," a temperance story . have Palmerston and another street IMPROVENEWTS.-Our County county temples be formed for this county goo, to Clintor. The bridge at this half the scalp from my head, but uction in connection with the estate of terday, Ist July. Win. Rbi Council did not in the interest of the 1. 0. of G. T., and affect my skull. -He stuck two teeth in the late John Clatl, on or about the ail, is spokea of as a place whih has 'Mon, by Hary Hartwell, "Weather -tough graded, the i)arties b8nefitt'ing a1rebln2 are taking wisdom, by the forelock at point is well forward, all alona the line tO its Pr -,3371t, SiZO a--tUa to contribute $13, was disposed of in the preg6nt, by sagaciously causing a tim breast, and one in my thigh -one 12th day of August next. that at the same time this convention the finest - gravel is to be Ilmd, and a my grown Esq., latG L ontenant GoTernor, ha&- Block, ' by Karl Kase, "How The Vow sly It . - of bt which has nothing lbeen re -appointed to that position. was Kept,`by H. V. Osborne, ani "Lu gains way. would recommend that there wound was six inches long iiiid two repair of the "fanny" culverts and Ought to splendid job is b9itig made of the road _&L90- Dyajndicioms, Mities at lare by Rev, F. W. Holland, A report from the Public Works Corn- gr-avel f our lAe shore road. This is be a County Convention of all the bed. iuchesdeep-aud he went off withfour Lot 105 1;ightbouco Street, with now &f smll brmuses, or emeinption Plittee recommending certain improve- understood to be from tile suggestion of temper"frice bodies for political and irons fastenedto him., I suppose, dear House * are among the more noticeable articles. I Lrucknow.-There will be's-om.is nine at present �occupiea by F. South on*.-Wio. ments v th, other purposes' affecting the interest of mother, thii$ was- one of the narrowest Robertso�n, Esq., and Lot 1366, Brit - from, for a cer'--dn period, and i � The Children's Department is crowded i 7as presented and adopted with the County Engineer, to whom temperance generally. and to moot an- saw mills of fair capacity, the stuff from escapes fro* denth ever nown, and so tania. Road, near the Dominion Salt degrae of enterprise and: I full, ard eantaim a poem, in bby-talk, I 80nie amendineAs. pnblie� in this qu zi-ter will doubtless f f-ol which will be shipped at this point. I Hon Mr. Gibbs was on Monday re- ally or oftenor if found rioscessary. There - also. little hurt ! not A bone broken pzab2ic spirit an the part of our leading; , whwa w.thout ii,)ubt. will be rery ac- Goo. Swanson wag app,)inted License grateful; and also be happy to think t1lat nu are two flour mills here. FUr- Blo&, Godericb. mera and theire is no 2,,bt elect -ed for South Ontario by a majority ceptable to the little'ones. The pri Inspector in place of Edward Graham, he is beginning to use improved sp�,,t,- After considerable discussion of the Lucknow is always a large market for ther on in I" lbtter, with the pride of For particulars appiv to ce 1 0 question, and points of order raised, bot tht m,,a--,y p-mitans desirous of in- of about 200. of the magazine is one dollar a year. rbinoved, and a by-law passed to that cles. the produce of the soil, hogs, &a. his professio7ii,"ll.4 adds: "Bat I msure COLIN CLARK, vc3t�ng in ring industries Address, Wood's Household Magazine, Offect- NEw --A large new Inn is at pre- it was m6ied by Brother Johnston and Kincardine will send immense quaz- you I had rat . her,be fast to a whale than Huron Road. CO -21 L-9 towards Stratford." Newburgh, N. Y. A communication was received sent in course of construction, at Kin- Clark to rescind an act of previous con- iti,, of salt aU over the country, it be- anywhere aiid "we have gotfifteen OF,$" Subimiber3 in writini- to us re- July 3rd 1873. We the above from the Imt is3ne from Henry Mrtin offering $1200 for tail, it will considerably enhance the ventian and, allow all delegates to vote. ing.the only point on the Great Western whales to th6aiiit beat which I tad the I questing a change in their address will SCLLDED.-We understand a severe the old.burying ground-. --Fy'led. Carried. Brother Campbell's :amend- system where salt is found. The harbou,, ple"ure of Steering, and I have killed of tho SL-atfo7d B--aoia, and the same aticideut accident occurred at Badedore road;ddo landserpe; and likewise the Or 0 D E, R I C H please state where they have been re A communication was received from fanilities- of the Bibous hipeds who may ment was then carried. The folio seren with my irons." w1nZ improvements about.going. on, together ina of two men, an ern P. Adamson, Secretary of the Horticul- chance to inlribit, 'or wayfa-e in that SpringhiLt th the railway, will make Kincarint. AND their papers. Unless they do the severe scald n temple for discussion "That the' most rem_wwks wiU apply with reference to ceivin Bay a short time ago, which resulted subject wai submitted by At ono time this town en- this �7e c2nnot fol -low their instruct ions. ed to think gineer and a fireman, on the steam tural Society, thanking the Council for localibv; but we are inelin a very prominent plaee. This is one of TsrF city of -L on. are a grand ball the grant of $25 given in aid of the that the good old establishment known expeditious pethod of prrcurmg-a pro- the most important -grain tuarkets on the 1 0 jaycZ a larZa anuintry trade, a lwrge, por- barge Hwald, of Goderich. It appears Society last year and asking that it be as "The 11alf-way House," and kept by hibitory liquor law is to haveptititions system." at imight, iA honour of the S.�ah of that they were engaged -in, turning a Thradt)13114-Wldporsous were pro - tion of whiolz wa3 cut off by the buildin7 temple or 'lodge in the AN T= WE= continued. On motion the sum of $25 our worthy old neighbour Sandy e sent to every sent, including thePriuce nd Princess In connection with the Grand Trunk 73,7007 stop -cock- near the boiler, when sudden- Province (no difference to what order a0l thn Ea, ffm7o an, d Lske Huron Phil way. was granted for the current year. was capable enough. for snitin- all public Pluorias of Xioigau. Railway. Shortest, Chealiest,and most : ly it blew out, and the water tore out of 0 f Of what; ram,= a corn-iderable share A cqmmunication-was redoived from demand's in that cl,iarter. thoy belong an(I have thbin. as - laraoly A Constantinopla despatch states that the boiler with a pressure of �75 pounds direct route. 8:flned as posgible by the residents of A correspondent of the Syraeuge The female operatives in the Worces- WMI b -a take -a away when the Wellington. Dr.Stokos, Secretary of the Bo-rdof CRops.-The hay crops, nd all cerel tL jurisdictifm of tha lodge, and have Stcrndard, as the result of an interview ter on velope manuf6tory have struck for a treaty has been concluded between the to the square inch. The fireman, Sam'I Public School I Trustees, risking for crops, with the exception of a very fe-7 Groy and Eracb7 rcrad is comP' t --d to Khedive and Sultan for mutual protec_ Wake, worked his way throngh a pile of said petitions presented to the reprosen- ith a well-infored - lumber%n Ith of a cent moi the sum of $5000 for scho I purptmes. patches in v6ry moist ground. are all in of one-thousanc -e pay on tion, by �)hich the former, in case of cordwood, throu!Zh a hole where be ha,l Statement of Co. Treas't' tatives (if their Coastitueac'y in ihe an knocked out a few stioksi and tore the irer of ar-rears a very stinited condition. The absence ichigan, supplies the following par- each enir-olopa, and the proprietors de -1 of ta7es on occupied lands for 1873. LocAl House *aying him to support a ticillar futars pr�.-p3rity of tHe town (1,9- invasioa of Tarkey, agrees to provi rs of a little known region and clare that such an exorbitant increase de. skin off his scalded aria from t1he elbow of rain is very haffly fult; and should it. prohibitory bill." After a sliwht dis- TaFNruW STEA11BR pe_-x7ls therefor -0 on iiat-_znal industries. 159 Goo trofjp3. to the finger ends. The engineer, Goo. A report was received from the Fi. even come never so Poou now the pro- class of workmeli:.-The trae from would rain their buiine3s. ��e Republic -an troops in Spain have -c3ck nance Ctimmittee recommending pay- cussion of theuetion it was ridopted. which the lumber is mainly taken, call - Wo hs7o o= mlt wGrk3, Toat in tho put Perry, who was under the st4)p gr,,ss of - growth has been too long re- The Conventio ed the pineries. is 8:)Yae.eight miles in '�-�,EYMOUR ment of the following accounts, -Copp, n was then entertaiiiied k tEgy havo r-stbeen so pzogtabla as lien it blow out, had to crawl under 'Clark & Co., blank books 82 tard-d to admit of even an average tosome instrumental %rid vocalmusic width by one hundred, and fifty'miles in TlaEl WARMETa sustained a severe defeat at the hauls w 5.76; Globe standard being the result of its future the boiler, over a pileof cordwood,down . in gotill style by several Brothers and length, unrelieved, as a general thing, EDWAILDNARLTO.N, MASIL R. n0ght ba wf,31lel. and m we dn, tn d for of the Carlists. intj the hold, and out through the main printiDg-Co., advertising $14.82; Midi improvement. Bush fires are raging in Sisters. GuDEnice. June 80,18m. will ply* in connection with the 0. T. G= m3�_ket en tha American, s, we will A most successful Reform pie -pie was hatch, the water flying over him all do advertising $8.20; tar advertising some places and many in our neighbour. Moved by Brother Moore and by -'anything like * civilization, apart wheat. (Fail) V hu -b ....... Pal 06 0,108 Railway as follows : Leave GoEmiefla on J. Thompson that the-Secratary be in- from that which is directly identified eat,(8rri=) V bush ... 1 0.- a I tio na3r. Dunnville, Oounty of Monek, the"ilhile. When his clothes were taken ho -d are i rupted to infrin the different organ- with the'lumber 4uterest. This tract alway3 last sziV�sct to the cap7E-ca c9 0,7,- he! $18.50, W. A. Martin' fire buckZ ti a very suffacating state of Vih fr-, the of datvx The p�wer- off, the skin came off his arms, part' 06,25. Report adoptal. suspense, ai great danyer to different st arrival of Express Train frm the East, r1le,33 n Flour. (per brI.) ............ 6oD 0 660 weather permitting, for Kincar4ino and on Friday last. Accounts from H. Clucas and John kinds of property is anticipated in te izationg of thF County of ' aron of the embraces two' respectable lakes -the GnoniAZ I of his sides, and the whole back. Dr action of th . % T Oats. V nush ............ .. 0 45 0 0 00 ' Inverhuren 'at 3 p. m., every Monday, a, Saginaw, is convention elating to Muskegon and Pleagant. A sl Peas, iW bush .............. C 50 0 0 00 The northern part of Italy was visited McKay, of Underwood, was sent for, Committee. and ditches scardel P.tion forpolitical purposes of the onor�aousmouut of lum' Runciman. were referred to Finance event of the winds becoming high as al county conve '1gh= &3�, may at ay time ba the Means of Tuosday, Wednesday, Thursday and -�H a duty that Wer by an earthquake on Sunday morning. and under his treatment, the patients In the matter of the Clinton appeal wells, ponds, y con- and invite their co-operation requesting from this tract may be found Barley, V bushp ............ 0 52 0 a 52 Saturaxy. Returing : Leave Inver- P33:ng az are fast recovering. tain water enough for the common by.glaucing Potatoag. r �bush .......... 0 80 6W 0 85 liurGn at Ca. in.-, and Klncari,2ine at 8 c3Z2'D'1 '- Forty lives mm reported lost� and much the Mayor was authorized to employ a waritsof domestic life. I hear thunder ! them 'to send one delegate for - each at the amount it supplies the Chicago Pork, 7* 2001b ............ 4 0) a 4 p) r,�-b corr salL Wo trut tb_4t th!3 will property dostroyed. TEAcxmm'I2f8TlTUft.-- The Teachers' Solicitor to watch thi proceedings on oh ! rain ! rain ! rain I twenty five members '(or fraction of market alone, which in - 1859 was one Hay per ton._.... 14 03 @ 10 00 a. M., every Monday, 1 Tuesday -3 Wed - b -a, it i3 W911 t0 look at the Institute at Clinton on Friday and behalf of the Town if ho saw fit. twenty five) to a meeting of said con- hnnalred and fifty millionis of feet, au'd nesda, Thursda aud�[llday. Leave esse Grant, fatherof Ulywws S- Saturday last was a great goccess. H. 1. COURTOF RIIV1810N.-At an adjourned Chicken:9 per pair .......... a 25 p oso Goderieh for Southampton and Fort in aU p�seiplo lig�its, and theirs. The emea of Mark Whitely and John vention. to It held at Clinton On tile in 1872 over two hundred millions of Battor,P lb ................ 0 17 0 018 Girant, President of the -United Statexi Strang. B. A. Vice -President of the Brooks, lessees of toll gates on N 03 meeting of the Court of Revision, May Elgin every Thandlay, 3 p. m. R - fore wo ifa3zadl. az4o3vour to be inds- di a third Thursday of Cictolter, for the pur- feet.. Beef ............ ......... �� 4 5(, 5 ea l ed t; hi3 residence in Kentucky, at 7 Huron Teachers Association occupied Road were taken tip when the Cler�wg,* h llowing amendmnts pose of perfecti n or ization. Car- A ampfionrg party of lumbermen nuin- Rides ..................... 6 00 9 6 04 turning, lelvf) Southatuptoo 4 a. m.. IF say sa7h csnHngenzy should entered on ried Brother from t -to sixty. who are paid, - Wood ................... 3 00 id Port Elgffi 4.So a. iij. permls=t L mp. of Goderich V 3 50 at o'clock on Sunday evening, o were made: R. Quaid was 7la sr n berm f general the chair. Dr. Sangster, late head was. instructed to notify Mr. - Wh(tely to pays the Roll instead of G. McConnell; 11 and'Biothor Badge elf Seaforth wera upon an average, twenty-five dollars per Wool ....................... 0 day. Arriving in G-aaerich e__vhday &s SZ1.39. dability. ter of the Provincial! Normal School, $130 and Mr. Brooks $130. 2 0 33 above, to conn"ect with the train,� T is nothing whL-72 te2ds to build took up the snbjectis, object lessons, Mr. Smith was instructed to assist McPhee for E4J- 5, con. t, instead of E. then elected Preident and Secretary. 'month with board and lodging, th-� V, doz (aupaelze 1). - 0 15 0 0 15 M a Se McPheo; J. Cooke for lot 10, Dungan- E, a 5 t. Ills Spanish Minitry ha% e given composition, arithmetic, reading and' r . anlan in paying her ront. It was moved by Brothers Cmpbell va"ris of saw -mill men ranging higher- By Speaal'relagraph to the ignal inp, a town lik-a m-1 arcs. This hits notice of their intention to submit a Bill school organization, in his usual practical The sum of $30 was granted t non, Instead of H. Cook; J. eid for -Ni and G. Thompson thei the cliYisiOns Of TO villages whi3h have sprung UP, as a hC33 oxempuaedd in t!19 case of Galt, t* immedi3Wly abolish slarary'in Cnba. manner, and was most attentively I's- celebrating Dominion Day. . cowards 9, con. 6, E. D.; It. Smith, as tenant the county for county temples be thO result of the lumber traffia, are urliver- CLIIMN, Julie 50 1673' Guelph and toned to throughout by fully 160 teach- �, I for lot 0, Dungmaaon; A. McKay, for 8 same as it is now elootorally Oividod. for mallystran4ers to one another. It would Wheat, (Fall) pnr bush .... 81 29 0 1 23 SARXII & PORT HURON. The colony is to enjoy the same politi- era in actual work. There were also pro- The Council then adjourned. Ef 2, ct,n. 9, W. D.; J. Bradford for the the Locat'Logislature. Carriod. It was be natural to suppose that these men, wheat, (Svrl",) per bush.. 1 13 0 115 otber t�Dvm:s wo =,4, t name. Goder;lch cat privileges as t�a-peopla of Spitin. Flour The abore nained Steamer leaves South. ', (por brl). ........... 6 00 0 6 25 sent very many of th6x* coming forward 8 part 1, con. 13, W. D , 59 acres, in- carried that W. Campbell be Secrotary employed in the laborious wor OaU. per bush .............. 0 42 0 0 45 ampton for Sarnia nd Port Huron at E3, im-a advazt3aaaa4ly, sltua!od 6an forexamination at tbenertmeetinyof the Cuuton. stead of A. tilcGrory; SJ 1, coil. 6, H. of County temple for South, Riding, and ting out this lumber, wire the most har- tor:1 W 11eaie, par bush ............ 0 57 0, 0 60 4.00a.m., PortElgi, 4.30a.m., In- ai�eye named, f Board of Examiners. In the evening the FAREWELL. SERMON.-RoV. Jas. Gra- D., to be entered on the non-resident A. Govenlock for the North. County dyd of Am�fica's �eomanry,' but aq a Barley, peil bush ........... 0 80 0 o 62 verhulon, 6.00 a. M., Kincardine, �.00 additf= t-,� our r--Uvr3y IsoMfes e LOCAL NZWo Dr. le-Anred to a very large* audience in ham, Wesleyan Miniifter, preached his roll; G. Burrows to be assessed for lot temple for South to organize at Soaforth matter of fact f filly two-thirds of the m Potat"b, per bush ......... 0 SO 0 0 35 a. in.. Goderich, -2,OU p. m., every-r-iri- -,a advantaga ef a rod hot the Town Hall, on Education, in which 24, Arthtr St:, West, Port Albert,; J. on tile third Thursday in January mad are persons delicately reared, who have Batter ....................... 0 08 0 o n i . at Comedina havo tL our he deliniated the trials and rewards of farewell sermon' iv this place on Sunday Hart., as to 3ant, for W1 8, con. 5 E. D. County, temple for North toorganizo embraced this calling no, from choice, E s, per doz. (unpaaked).. 0 10 0 0 (10 day, weatbor permitting. arnl -wear whL-h artaKes, FLAr. POLE. -The town has erected a thei earliest, faithful teachers. At the last, prior to his removal to Goderi6- The assissmentof A. McPherson -N par� Walton onthe third Frida 99 with River Boafa for Detroit and G. y in January. but to escape the penalties for the dom- clover Seed ............... 5 ") 0 6 00 Railwa fjpm Sarnia to - us to, raw snatp-.2%!, suck as coal handsome fla.4 pole, 100 feet high, on close, the teachers entertained Dr. Sang. 1:1101F SCJ1OL ExAmivAT:IoN.- The 7, con. 13, W. p., was reduced $00, on 19rotber Williams then gave all tot -plea a- _n, a,,, % mm I stla a a com semi-annnal. examination of the High real property. A similar reduction was iepresented an invitation to attend the mission of various crimes and misda- ilay.. 15 00 a 16 00 Chicago, 31ilwaulde, d fr, a heaper rate thin the brow of the hill opposite Sheriff rt meanors. 1 00 0 1 60 3facdonald's. limentary to&. Inspector School took place on Friday last. The made in ig. Clare's assessment;, WJ 2, temperance demonstration. to be held in Sheep ........ Leave's Barnia every Saturday at 8 wheza Civy Eaa to be brought by rail. �, Willer occupied the chair, and there- at at the To all such, sava murderers, the Michi- Wool ........ I ........... 0 82 V. 084 o'clock, a. mL, weather.portnitting. For CzA-nGz oF N"z.-The name of the were present Inspector Alexander of Pupils 'acquitted themselves well and con. 9. W. V. and S� E. part 2, con. 10,' fall. oved and carried th gan pineries areacity of refuge, moro indes ....................... 6 ou 25 Tha Narth Wee, be=z a:t agracultural post OffLc-e at Lisadel in the Township Perth, -and Inspector Dewar, and YA`rries d;d great credit to their teachers. were on tered on the non xesitlent 'roll, demonstratioiL in the fall the 1. 0. of i - "further informatidn to Byron 0 Inpregnable than the walls of a Bastile. ' apply ccanl,.37y, whwa a inparatively little, Of Howick, has been Qhanged to Ford- Turnbull, B. A., Clinton High School J. Mullin for lots 7_and8, N. W'. S. G. T. appear, in frovalia. The Cauven. If a criminal SRA1109TH, June 80, IS73. %Vilson, Purser, on the Boat, -or t,5 Thes WM eye' with from the Is inst. William St. Port Albsrt;� G. F. Gpliam tion.then adjourned. Is tracked to this strong. Wheat, (FOL11) ........ .... .. el 16 1 Is Lee, Southampton. J Eastwood, Port r be,carriett on, and Rev. Mr. McCusig, of Clinton. Af ter hold, as frequently is the ch4e, resiAlince NOacat, (spring) per bush.... 1 1 15 Elgin; -P. McRae, rivorlimron EU&u SmooL APPOINTH]INT. - The having spa Ow. -The friends a W. J. B0087EY, to the officers. v2laaard a mjAe, for mauufactared nt a pleasant hour, they seps- PRESENTATI , ad ac- reduced sloo on real, property; W. - i ifnight, well pleased. quaintances of Rey Roberi Burns, Was. Kennedy assessed 6100 for lot, 40, W. Secretary. is not dreame4 of, because Flour, (per brl) ....... I ...... 6 00 0 09 Robirts!,n, Kine B. Clark, High School Board met on Monday rated before mi i St, insfead of G. F. Or&- entirely unnecessary, 8 1 -re the Barley, per bush ............ 0 50 0 85 Sarnia; A. N. gocd3 or -O &T-7 ldnds, aul t5is being tho, =d sppointed H. T. Back of Paterboro, The success of the Institute has leyan Methodist minister, who has been Wellifigtoi 's _ o aipp o a AloffAt been lumberman's facilitic for concaalment offAt ort uron. --mincs dl7t7ha Grsnd Trunk andis , J Oa% per bush .............. 0 48 0 46 1 TLOR , 1, t usisfaut nizater. very great, and cannot fail in doing stitioned in BluevAle for the last yearl ham;.G. Burrows reduced $100 for real and so perfect their system of see & . DE t SON pcinl� is admit -Ably mush good, and all feel doisol debtod to the number of. 60 or 70, waited upon pft I party ; D. Dalton and � J.. Dalton, Tho Canadian Pmifto linwrlst recy, Peatie, per busli. ............ 0 55 0 00 General Aents, Godench. 13, t. Black, $100. The court thathemust be a sagacioustletootive who Potatoes, per bush .......... 0 46 .0 00 pzTzue MrsxcAr, MowTxLy. - Th ;rixtsr W;%s him last Friday evening at the reiiiencit $50 each; I mindwturing centirf to jUy number of this publication is te to the le�turer. Dr. 9 inof Mr. John Farrow, and presented him adjourned until' the. 9th of June At can malce it necusary for them to put Pork ........................ 5 00 13 5 25 (? elected in honorary member. I forth more than an ordinary effort to Butter, No. I .............. 0 00 0 15 taaf, re;!On, We cannot UZ96 baud. It contains some excellent music- with a t i ag about -02T., Mrs. Black's Hall, Dungannon. The Court- T11F. Disoussiom M TAB Houss op ablislied bV J. L. Peters, - 599 Broad- "Tuz ALDum for July is a espital. _purse con sun -JUST ARRIVED tc-,> upen t%i� Town V02111CU P John Farrow made a few c6tripliniii4*j oil afterwards met, the Re�ve presiding. CoNrilows. - screen a fugitive from capture. No, 2 .............. 0 00 012 "way, Xew York. number, both as regards its art and its re g the preje�i,4ti6ii, to, The minutes -of lalif meeting havitig been place of refuge for criminals, it might be No:S .............. 000 0 139 tZ,# n9cass:e-Y _.)U._3gjng ia &V,,- marks in makir e=, �7 4 hoped that the pi cries would become NO. 4 ........... 00 ".a OG ATTHE literature. It opens with a -full-page which Mr. Burns made a suiftifole, iig read and approved, the- Reeve prepent6d OPINIOxx OF THE PILEss. r,c3a!b!,,a wkytaat estiMi6ment GfManu- TAB AcADIA, formerly of the Like Illustration, printed in tints, and enti- less secure as the timber was' out out, EgRs,.per doz. (unpacked) .... 010 11 000 A very.pleagent evening was spent, -by all © of a resolution of the Council of faear�_Xfac= rU14 I Port, Mi"lid tled, "Catch Him V It represents two were it not that, unforturl4toly, a spon. Hides ........ ............ . 4 00 " 6 00 otfier towIas 3r# .1 8uperi6r line from thij who wore present. The reverend Rentle- Huron, propoxing.that, each Couticil ex- LONDON, JUNE 26. from � kers. on Wednesday :nlgn]5, and on children, the elder -of whom, a, girl, is taneoud vowth of everyariety'af scrub 'lay ................... 17 00 "is 00 bc maI2. who leaves for Itowick shortly, pend $40 in repairing and -ditobin 'f' the nuwa an�J exemption �Thursd%.Y took ost board nearly 3000 liolding-her little brother up tQA.ro g on In m0inj the second reading:,.o rroes springs up in a space of . time that Wooix .................... SZ_ a too i atto undary line botwee taX3�-1�7n &-Ill WO MU t fT` the "Ins" b=eIX of 1114t for Chicago. 1�001 ..................... 0 84 a 037 se" 6arries with him -the be#t* wishes of his the Ito n Ashfield and BI -11 to guarantee a loan for the Canada arvellaus, and s$densi as to bush, on which a butterfly is &be numerous friendsin- this neig,hbor400il Huron, was read and ordered to be filed. Pacific Railwayin the House -of, Corn. 'is Any a=, a oneoaragarnoDt is amPly'" -Among the latest alight. This ix one of Mr. John 8. rt;attrelyiren respect of entrapping a f ugi� AituMV SA"M Expositor. Noyed by P. Clare, stic. by A.,C. Haw men TORONTO MARKETS. a yesterday, Mr; . Hngesadn; the tive more gopeless than ever. -3dl 157 -3 nlor tim suiveig in ]�Unitobs, w or, tL �ey. p*t in wirculs e observe the Davis' studism, of child life, and a very -Wheat $1.107 to cdellent one, too. '1111conlight enthe Mns,.tbatJ.-.Howard be ath-mast Under-Socretaryfor-the Colonies. with- Julio 28th. -Fall thissoction,-Jas. An- ei W33M, U,, ai ag tha praiperity follo*iug from,. jinsteadi�-f J� Baldwin, H. Roorl instead out defending the principle- of the mea- A Spi;qrAcLE lUnELY W-IT!iR83HD.- $1.20. Spring do, $1.17. Barley 4#rlonl obii Bechtel and. H. Shenandoah" is the title of the first of FACTORY.- 6k silre, argued that it was an xceptional to 61c. Oats 43c Peas. 4C:l .CUrt�DWZI daDaadlli SQ MUCh 611 thS drawn by TErr WiNTHROP CHEIKOF OfJ.X Iyand&MnrmyinsteadfJ. Captain Estes, a gentleman _�well known 600 to 610 pickeri , --:CP4rried_. A. Dreiiny moved cue, and that it was simply intended to for many years in command of the Lake 0. G"em, Har, Thos. West, T. West,, a ter!" of five illustrations =i Prod, West, Sedorth. Xf. J. D. Woodwird whosethemes are We lately paid. a visit to this factory Rye 65c. to 66c.; Butter. 13c. to 18c: LION Jr., �011 owqed by. 1�9!srs. Morrison & Hill,, and andA. Hawkins seconded the ap,- enable the Dominion -to save a cogaider, orits,iio'st"me Eggs 10 to 15c. Wool 35c.. �STO R ER by*Ych t4eir astabli4riont MY D030mo3rL JDA -r was duly celebrated in the scenery of the Dominion, which rs, informs tha-Rochoster in tbis inst after examining everything in con3loc. pointmentof.NYm..' Mc0iide as Path- able sum by1owering ilteat, of interest Un" that he wa3 the witness 'a' few MONTUBAL MARE. ewonrsged is wort-Ity 9f every con- Qed#rich, Being a h6ff"Y WO were -it ebiefly selected anae, fr6m, at -'master, Instead of G. Draper. G. Ouro on t.ho :.ETS. tion with the factory, -must say region around -Ho�er's'Farry - and th 10AUfOr-thO vOilstrUbtiOn Of all: nights since of a wonderful phenomenon.' une 28th-.--.�U.C.Spr1nkWheat$1.�9. R COATS, everything is conductedon the most ap. rows was appointed Pith-masterinstoad important ork.. Shevaridoah. Urm. Eliza, on Lake Ontario, the like of -which he Qats.32c. Pe%x 75c. to 800. Corn 4 sideration, to, have all. opr matter np for the 45W to n;ght, and inust the 50 11isgZle on Monay Olit 39,�(Ireitlolez proveil, scientific' �rinciiple. Every.- ofl. FoAteri Moved b�A.'Drearfy,- sec. SirCkirlea Dilke, � in,, moving the never maw before and does iiotexpect Butter 16Q to 19c. � Choose 10J. to IlAb. 100 SUMMER PANTS&VE, STA, therefore, hj1d. over any account of the transports us 'sack to to A=tha AVAA* TOUM224 her spirited sketch of "Hell Gate For, C. to 13je. Ashex-Pots $6.-25 r anner, guarantee was given as ush money to St; Lwranco up the lakle, on the tug to t6-32�oi Parls nominal. which is one of the most- oharso- and, a great thing that can-- be done with steam in by M. DxlWn,-thit*D, B�yd be Path- six ' months? hoist, arjued thitt the Joe i4ain., Whiloon his way from- the Eggs 12t 200 SUMNEn HATS. p;oqeeflings till next week. med in� that rn linatter on 12 con. to Lake aa last year., -pr6rious to his Isav- ry, rot A large Stock of LUSTRE, it, alours Armthtr 4;ograpill, oOle- acre", the CoirrisXATION, teristic local drawings evar sonftibuted saving of Isiliour ii"ffectiid. The chiess, Moved byl. r1lalton, sec. induce the Canadians. to, keep, qui -of which he is master, -find when near thd LOIqDrk?f X�XXZT9. Awly laid by ling for. En land, His Lordship. -the to Tuz-ALDL 0 of whiiih we tasted) is of the vi by P. Clare, that the PaLth-maister on the about the W I yl and tha-t islarils known as the False Ducks and Tune -28th.-.--1TAU Wheat $1.� and Black. Atlan�!� hu 10"n $600o 12., II&DAint Bit," after OMO ashington Treat 1XI CP of London paid a flying Ott pro. best quality, and Mr. Morison, thi 6 aitA 't - con: W. D. cemmence,his labor it ws$0alcul%t 10,to Ar, licairl, Bis a ed to . encourage exhirait-, while -standing at the wheal, ther st'114=8141P 'If elt ZU414, W,--,kh ;I- -o Meyer; is delicious enough to I a end"- $1.30. Spring,do $1.1T to $1.20. Bar� t1le Visit to this isidtion, and held confims- voka an ispicure and it.. lover. Othr working man of, the company tola'us at thi. Division lina and work westward, - sganee� in those who would benefit by denly burst into view the city of Oswe. poa�l tq TW specially well uupptid f or at S,�. stepheilt Churcho Huron fignire-piwes aN the I'Morning B4th," that they had lately s . old a largo lot. at b-ing the worst part of the division. ley450,t0480. POA$55dito6oc. Corn �t m te Road nd at ali go-thirty-iine ilea distani-withthe 550 to Oats 42o to 4tc� Bul r thAt zua a work. Wo snivild in by H. Warner, and - "Y6u, naughty Chil. 10jeporK, which xpeaks,well for Is now CatTied. Moiad by'P. Clater � goo. by Mr.,Gladstond denied that -t a Bill, -gas lights iii thestreets and all- th wou"llstat, on 3faITHLY. We like this. . 31r.,laing, the cheese - M. Dalton, that with reference. to a; lot� e 311- 140- to 180. Eggs 12c. to 14c.; Wool Tr:nitr Bay, X by A, Oibj. There 4-fi,noble, facto arances that a tow 'BOOTS & SHOES 140�xfx XXVIttaAD is y *Asa bribe, orhush money, or pajlment pe ft lighted up would 35b. tu*,37jc. (A the table I have to sIckno elpt'of No, 29 mak�r is consi4nedone of. the best in, ter of Towaship01ork of Huron, asking wW96 r". portrait of "The CountftsPotozki-" a for servicas'refirlered, bt aiid that it present; from a hill in the immediate IN GREAT VAR:IETy. of this ex�ellent Publication; 'WO hl'v* fine arebitsetursl view of toThe Framen. the conntry� A,24 V�ae previously in the thi's Counfillto expend'tho sun! of V2 was, on the tiontrary, payment for thQ vicinity at nighti- The light�housa At h Nuremborg;l' jL woodland $!erred W,tho Itowso" krjurxj4. a k oulp1bytrient-of Mr. Raloolin' of the on the boundary Jine between HurQft Just'claints of Canada on fitocou�nt of the Oiwego, as well as a dozen others on the tzi ocoio to k of 't before in Ire 0, r anii can' on Tuckersmith Ohoese Factori ind Aslifield, that- the same be -not, ins Of 00111100=11on entitled lqha On"t, by 0. Knoner; ON, win.! iah raids. lake shore below is far our ]UPS tkrop is situatod,& ip L of -Tile Preff _is SackettitHaj- M005 rlOrth Of 5611- granted on account of the towlih a comments unfavonrably on.: bour were distinctly ueen. it- w, - satin reenrilmoud it to arid% weird picture 6f a bittern, ". we . f4rthI&ud,,-9.w1vise tonriii# t4l, give �tfi� Juron 174ing fifty dollars behind- on ac- tile Tne In -Seafortb, an June 24, -the wiffio of 31r. HARDWA RE1 Y"4 rs ding alone in a 4illoolato Ire., sort of This display was 3jr JIist A� NAW10114,14, fiftbhft it 1 LAXIII 817PUrt'S LINX-111, �,Sllll&prpcob$*'Ulm$ttaAnwbioh the ranort is just Jactory &visit as they, wilt. be ant* to pwnt of bouttilary- o' upy. for the James lUtohie.;Tr.,' (of a son 10 O&r TbeTimes - saysit isunple4sant-t(0 0411 witnessed for several mintates and then f, NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES FORKE, tor000nsUo t1wieuises 01*0 muitt'" to t1w xiow boat, the 01dano, �risifljeo Tholitora*ilr6�0:f Tag, ArpJXd fi.id Mr. John Hit ' berd, but regretit the guarantee slowely faded awayiatodarkness. Such, 11 Rullett, on the, 23rd ult., the wife of it 14 Always so tzosilent; as H - the fir"osil and sue Is t 0 le -raroly oe;1e1tk Mr. Geo. Stephenson, of a ilaughter. ELS, to tise Li"i"fiefeg witich Jill son lio Toady oxoyiderk, by the Council of Huron, then leson dignity of Canada. wonderful ape OEW, 9 rris"n-the"s"Obool 1871' Wb" this &Mount' namely *0' is Milt Moors isad gvnvrj�ly ce,40 a are ROV 3es"T iuto" t* love built & third bo*4 ijsore vaned, thxn tbo, literature or,any- 00isful, che*4 11"kOr-st home and in tho Amount Askod,for by the township -Thd Standard --considers it vAinin Mi. er,4 goafordl, tola tho 29th 'lilt., the wife wattera liD, OF C. 4400091110"Wr dW Qvilboa, With th* 61k4r Arlsericartm*pz, good b omour, Mark'e, IfAter, will be cheerfullr granted Gladetolle fcLinjist that the . arafite'e landoekater. - ID be a no, Thom an in 9U of fr JW. Rodritan, of'ad.anahter. cras Ilaro Wcoa. sh, wMagiat of 'dr, How1o" Akn luld qg4w, the )in* th" Eivaultrolf awlJAZarAirp., 4" " Uouncil.-Oirried. Moved by -it neither bush money nor bribe. 'A"1011104 0,4141601 Present number four good storloo. t-Thq Rdv"- y Gramlirippers have made their appear, A 6 J1 the r wo be in a rottka to Awtolow4go the 11W Asore, 001W mi$140 KV a Daivitl Kerinody lately J)"Wr Of the W urs, sec, bi P. Clara that TheG1i:;be--sq# the arrituve6ent,re., nuca ilk Mallito t Goderieb, on Ynday �3rd ji, -,lei GEn. ?GXFnZTrj, moo" to 900M Ow pmu" ti ba, although not ia laro sitii. W eyerAgiont. j , . hw" "a bissesing book of X00016 o4tilingl on son* Oid Dosaw"'" �Sprw A 04prolit, VX thkl toWn, dehror" 04 ivbzoull wad tup 04M of i2� It* A.t. 4wreait iia the, 0 itifiatiors yet. 'Rik 11 0 Mrs. 131 0 hllr2cs, !�i Ir. Jose] Of tho 32M Z: 71 IT ka —tieublf-I mcat. to -C��l of 20V7 CIZY8 xgi "by a few fr TLO relr-jr Raza as A(�?: heen n��,v tho loth�clos The B a CUE. , nand &I C -L rcEaytirl Tnu ST. J, a Ele n; A. J,;!-' CLI Mont t1at1i 21CZe2iP,G1,-Nj TEE G��eat' intend to Tnu- t') ClUrtell, ic p2nc-,� WA-Lcut 0, of twel in CIO peml� te�.,n, a-10 fb:v] Vile law-ablu of that provi '12.0 MC3 cd rezieLeA Pre -ft Z A) initia-1 Cf Hen. �L G. 1 Gov,-�MC?GIA Ca jtzogoanL Nora 22,CGt*U�, 'I Johnston, 12;� Goverzareftl Pa. W. C I rMea tThe -H-1.1 ,Fr:r,c3 ur,&2, the lmj in tln� tion. 1 1 ,4`7�0 ]SM:CT ID.-�?ast Eat�� vla�, fq? Ekin the VC7.7RC)T. cominnizeavy r-1 sne C-:�T'ca- Connty ecom agleed to vbcl NO 7,:Bb XlEd HiULZ"tit. fE4 A bz0Kcs-mg , train Gy tne 9 Icaving tLe*,n GuCIP1 H -fill MCI hiSfR-Z12_;1y' A izc017:g J oT thoUaaadW mm at no (Q�� weduezf8y. 1 fo?;ho r�IeEei2t, an_dt � _L0 er]12V� tao city cd Zfcil tLo 1Pyov1Ta00 , WT. Gccyge has a ccu]�:Ca cuppEd :1411 na They R74) fmm Wetiols, Cuounj c3riflde I -Ac a On e 1 castcl Tcnmt .1 -TZ2-,eohcUrk61, in &Taffclil, Ca WCCk. IQ GrO .�� and ayouEcd .-MdX7h0%R5f1T In mol—RC? h naothc:o a3 man imvdo. '111, - mm as Hui. cd %:p in Mill M a7zemor veni are His E, Xcelki ,v!E!tc3 tL-o C4a tLefrtfal on Saturagy" a i"_g to nt,�As el 1% ]Ziidal tO 4 -7 -ID U raado,tho M'817 Thfui5a for. L'ad 11T. Qrf b-th 7CILZO-,'�� Mr. John LL!1 C: i P — 1,'4' i 2z 11ai t t f: 8 3 � L! �� ah"Icst 0 IbB.. a ovor CON 2: 5 � 11 wmhdl Lc,_c3it e H rmc A Tcz-,2",Ln,- -was &R -7g,4 V,�� t1an -6:0 lgw, fach i fe M a-10 T"as sm 3)"Rintcl two 1111tacTick W, Q1T_16t:`,UJ FZI� hf-� be m!ttca, fc.- TLIO JBITC00 V46TY, numerolm TLO t7onk 0ye, with 462FM Mhr not g few Am 11 lesves. TL'ey rnovia_ Aboltt woro -flcyon Cl of S'LeKffi Still tb at +1:20 tre, 11 11 them'. zt vvfnt yard to gC1, a "r ecedca in getl` fGx a cor-6161 C=Cdl wit',� a wllwil,�tclyarfa t7zo,eL? Icy 1110a Tiownei!P eu 2201 uu% to every amng cte. On C-6 ID M t .h=- c -.me W 'nt a f 02i'LUO C� t7as �ct wat", 'a COX, A --d M, I kt Swept r; i"171a time 4n as rim to "To, ul His II:l-"eil m-, an time 2,elt his v t10 f to i�j - to, &0 LIM hm*, Zko Emo'k*_ -it c mks., b�t 4C found t h) CIE) C. 2 a rw -r-emorad "'I"'I'lo given to P�P� U an 1:11quer" Un turacl � LIe EQ the zmfo:,tunt E, a cveth by caticn." _Ue yeave Ave;: ZC�_V WAny WJU 'Rytho aurre - P, flut 7*6X4. 118 *2 for Queen A hallf AaTd mor"', C�ie werds nS 6 :1 a T;. � tc r�v w -M sm�_'