HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-07-02, Page 1Z or fe.
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With a (AaAaaURD 1848,) are you- -caill enfikk" my, -
`��O'T,her out, 4L �031_fidoftwkf.
T.- 1A ng *JDUUJ* A'90*4014'41
U) at tLo baza pablisli In Ca -d"
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WX%Zw%I5bA.r MOUNINa. tratair, of this tr*
%djolming the Market
on tL1,0 1-0,t1t Ek211TO. by ",The- fj tllo`4� fa'Jt0bViM61ThMbbr."
con #)R.1 Awn,
osid tW witwo, -
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a �f "'�nl xxllai A" PROPRIETOR.
vof, XXV1. NO. QNT,Av_0 WEDNO ROLE 1376411
,cq,, WW4
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knimm, fa adv==. R". if "rdit
111�1 6 101 1 14 1.1 .011011. "1 1 1
rdl 11tinnel-til All skrrmTG am oting.
T, ItO lkofthopubltshor- AN 1MOR LINE. hands. t�e down oull. elpliped- 'ialmridaii Fare 16A. - The Man ,lvhQ 'No. -'no; abo was drpwned at the r
'Ladys Bower,' replied Sir Hilton; IthtIly, mationpoosibl�
a ne agatp. an her husband knelt,
hi at, sh.euld' hZvd'be a, iia -1 -ilmi-�4old t ror. f0�11id;;it4
bteamerssuRF-veryWeduesday 'Bolster I:tdpd Bolster li-said she 'go down byhei eidpi aild took her hand in found hor in the pool there, Diiublass. ift'sln- herso"ana. tjikj� 41viryo.,pre"illtion, :-:Thixdd0QrA*j" 4MletWitk# "k,
'ho back to.your master, And sAy f thanY his. Ott the cold fincler glisten6d,* the it -was an apoident-,.ahe-
r1i'a for the first intortion. and slipped her font 1,hst_�_thst
GODERUfl LODGE No. 04 nud Sattirdaf.. him. Say ihehas saved a life, 4rid made diamond - ring of betiotfial41ie riho, �andlelUin'parliqs, ana beinivItal it to grasp 9 man bjtU.
I which 6nly a few days ago, h ra_ d6d
':I -"Is 'lot ftieedi,ag r> lines. 14 per me his forever.' e had " and albrre-_L2 W
t* 10 UL"Ww, G..19. C., A. F. A. A. 1%. TO AND FROM NEW YORK AND qLAS- riiibitY, i- �dra- or. o*fi`ihavd.no%_-�, :Aio�V 1
' 'placed on her warm hand, with the Johiihad ent' ��spe
Olf! how sweet when come horn@ treamed down Oliva!a face ared and: heard this; He inf-els to,siii6l
Th'a razinbw 94w, Callingat Londonderry tollud 611119 and Tears a i ZA
psspetlp - a
IIIMO!Lb�b* reek"ned J�v tbeq To sea around'M6 Many a tome; Ilow, and the dog, looked at her vitli kiwa and t6arsof reconciliation. Tears was4hito as ashes.
k, - .1..f whil Heire'to rovel, there to Musa, 1Uf course 119ii ailt;rkit fho,,:-� remarks tit `61-1
SALE TT held oil the drqt Wedua*day of each Passent, ra booked and forwarded to and littli
,.&J-rti"ZZ0_ in-nith at 7.30 11. tit. Visitiag brethren from sit Rati,vaystati,ins in Great Britain, Ireland wistful eyes. -'-Hilt6n I he said, in his quietest, kad- inspector, Orc$gpofod .9m.you: are in the,qArnmJb
fell on it now, burning t6ars of. bitterm; 6s, 31r. Ealio)F4,61070 — rV44.
orse, of agony. -deal
tdimted Imtn r,3 cortially invittd. Germany, Norway, Sweden or Denmark an Moan or wander as I ft9e. county, you will 'bo anxious,-for.t4e fake Trawavas is-twW01111miru
E L 0 144k . , See � Amartca. as snrel)-. spredft. comfortably and .�oh 'Go I' she wbispered; and Bqlste7r ness, of rem ��voicei'toll the truth; it is mi�re
W. DICKSON obeyed her. She watched him bodnd 'Let no one touch her but me,' he merciful to tell itst'onca, Mrs. M - of
YPARLT -AGRrr-V191.qTs amlerli�hjth May. IN711. SwT3.1r* Cheaply, as b) a�y other Rol te nr Line. One or two—so seems to me— arts Triur family, to clear pp -this t� neeItyaur evidou",actI5 baft"
r* y' o' diiijo I
Tni SEW DEPA'I'I'TURES. through the library window, and 4ianp. cried, fierecli, as the inspector cfpolice towe; your -daughter -was murdered— mystery; and yon pay I n Thy qrhiir*a1IItWP�-J?- T#r -he
Uzi From Was-mv. h echoes from the sea
7"Qf""0w"9 -tn vin be �har;,,l t� itierebants Neff York. Throb wi - t pear among the thick shrubs; than she knelt on the othir dide of the corpse cruelly, foully murdeiei. The wretch utTricst sldll to -discover4lis right VaAy.: �'of "a-eki"m-0 terpiet,"M -on hfu-�owndo_ -
't1*0r"_h0a1IVaZ'-NabF the v, -,r.- Sat.. Sept.. 14d....101VA ........ Mon. Oct. 16tb
Ono And in some -my sense perceives crept softly toher rooni-Again. atfd took up the light hand.. who has done it must hang; for it he be nave you Ell spic air,, maii4 the vloWriy of 7
M rl I y" Rat..Rt nh.. CALFI)ONIA..Sat.
1, Ort . 219 dons, yourself )iieh is his guest
a tire 'Excuse me, Sir Hilton,' said Its; 'I'm not haunted through the world, he will
a manthq� .. .... . Sat. t.b ....ANGLTA ...... Sat., Oct. 28th On the floor lay the red bord. 0
.4% The harmony of forest leaves : poinfingto any person I' 4nd his,aManceil iffe; - Your 1�ngusze-
15 Sat., Odt. 14th .... C()I,U3tBtA ... Sat., Nov 4th regarded it, witli a look of horior. Twice bound to do my duty,, sir� Mr. Dam- live A horror, a curse to others nd 'iTone,' repli d.8
nalw - I a t� s ir Hilton, abrupf y, air, is an a
L And Wednesday and Saturday thereafter Here is one -a bosom book-
�76,:lr ........ -at 'With
G ra-3a ".... she laid hot hand overit, and twice she erel spoke of a cord -a. red cord -tying himself.' 'Mv belief is, that the poor girl �0� thou
tit ricT 20, North River, At noon. ipped g that-HU10 r2intliq . ,,FPAt0A0E PAYABL.FINCURRENCY. That babbles like a mountain brook snatched it away, 'shrinking from:.66 the wrists. I d(ynot -see it. I am look. John took the shrieking �woman in int -o the pool accidentailly, umd was turretchia bar,-wh6e ORv6_sbuvRe6,- -
WRIGHT'S_ HOTEL, R-T"n- - 0 in
VERPOOL.GLARGOW oa Dmtitv: Another yet is gorgeous, still, hideous contact. Then rierving herself, inqfor it.' his arms as he spoke, asif to comfort drowned.' oided, !6rsake -an - alonv,-
FI-118T 'CAI)12%,� $65 And according to lonation av --"t
Cabin Excursion Tickets (good for 12 it ouths) As sunset on a diataub hill. p 'Then you don't regard Mr. Damerel's Lady Trawavas-tittablecIp y.
she gathered it up at last, and gazed - Sir Hilton. Trewavas. started to his her, and reakrig her head upon his
8 month!._.
SCIC Ing beat accotodation. $130. IIpoII:lt sith a perplexed uncertein eye. feet and reti6d a stop or two from the breast, he turned his white' face towards story of a rove, air? inquired the inspec- 'Madam, I am delighted- to 4war yott
E HIGH BLUFF $32. Steerage, -$28.
...... SITVATED ON TH Endless landscapes cruss my rooni, -in a momaht she ent to the chimney, body. This eearch was. more than he his brother. Then Sir Hilton saw how tor. speak indim
er LOWEST RATES can he bought Fancy�deoked in twilight -gloom; and opejitla, the little door 6 1 r valve could bear.
3 5 uvorh),)king the Uarbor, Lake and berebvthosewa hingto send for their friend It was not enough that woo -worn itwas, hovi stamped with 'No ' repl ed Sir Hilton. Certificates
Thi Is I at Sys beaming with Smiles, -AW _16
Dayableon prnsertatiou. Autumn, Winter, Summer, Spring, which closel he thrust the7 gleaner was murdered, but Clive must agony and liying patience it was, and took 'him to' be a nervou t -W
%Z�QMent Is tj 110 t, the.,rinary River- praft-RiasusAi _,the stave, 8 V, agicl , vo
Of booties. A�! f,r such It will This house after beinz. thoroughly Apply at the compariv-s offices or to rope as high tip as she eoiild place it. be the murderess ! Fate was too bitter -seeing this. he knew that tihoL worldly- sort of a man --iven to dxa ffaminste
Wizard books, ye changeful brinZ I
h1-';1 Acotwn Romovallq- MRS WARNOCK, geration. I you and Sit Hilton Tretravas were with -
renovated And ftirinishod is now open Th4position did not seem' safe, but -it against him. wis% the coldly calculating lore tha�t he would take y�Zg 'Vigo's word a hun- holailig-information, w1doh- might ma-
P111t, k-I,.1ti.(nnentQ of %% est St. Goderlob, on Something apt for each emotion,
MaTalem of tivas, houses, to let or for for the attinmer seas')n for the receptif�p Gld.,I,h Oct. 23. 1877: was as safe as any one she could think 'Mr. Damoiel,l said the inspector, had given to the dead girl was like a dred times against his; and if ho sayA teridtly isiislat thip- oHbBfij� f�#ir e6drts
of allests. Love, or gladness, or devotion of now. you' spoke of a cord. 1 dbn't see it, feeble 'lamp compared'to the burning there was no cord, I should believe him, to discover thii truth P
ftbo" rates Will in all eases te Strictly lFarties going to Lake Superior by Ye to me, instead of wife, Seare sun of John's passion, i and not the othe.'
ely 6d. she done this, and Wash. air.'
tigers. ere a, '�R. was here when I left this place,'
ythe Manitoba will find this hftse ver:k GoderichNarb le worh Instead of child -are soogrid life. ad her Blilghtly Boiled 6 'You lovfd her!' shrieked Mrs. Mari- The inspector ws silent, and Sir ed 'Sir Riltol; ibb "th,
conyanielit. man's hand t;Lpped at her door --the said Vivian Damerel, looking up, angry atowe, clinging to the stricken matt. 'A Hilton went n warmly. , , _W2, - Allingere at�mld reach the ofllce by xi�aii on Ye at will give uv your knowledere evide --at-,tU-
LLrge farnilie3 requirmor rooms should 0 nee, will be' Lot& thg
doorou the spiralstairs. heseemed Land bewildered. 'Look foritpray! It mother's instincts arealways true. I 'Itisfar more likely, more na%ural right time. Ana r afdN tD khb*s
Such as may befit a coll YOL L__ -
on" Y0
Z L Tho of th- STGN-AL males it engage previously either by mail or tele, ego, to kno%v instinctively it was John, for -was hanging loosely ori the wrist. You will take comfott from or voice. I to think ihat she was Alrowned by ac- what r* lit �,ou'cam W ;rk
Tortured into rigid ruleg,
she uttered hiii name in a low voice, 'Alad hani to Idok upon cident,' maid he, 'What human being there 4a� bdaU
graph. will' re;�ember I told you we out the will be led by �our
vefoi killing 'to Augpe6t iii wl"M ap ALL K*Ms J. J. A -RIGHT, Vexed with learuillig of the schools in a moment he stood before her. He knbt, which was -caught or entangled her dead face. Oh John, must we bear ould hgye a moti so young, -;on oeen
N14 printM Proprietor. Or ye proffer information was veryisle.' He had been weeping in a branch.' this?' so gentle, so innecout a creature?' "Ne)reaso -Sir tbD11- cri6d- Mr
v , Go2oricg, '20th May, 1873. 1370 bitterly. 'It is not here, air,, said the inspector. Theyoungnian trembled fromhead' 'Jealousy is -a crdel. tVft air '.said -
atilrait- prix-tuaNy Attend- With an easy salutation, Xsli& 'Then yonr1rothermuigistrat es
olive,, said he, 'Hillon has begged 'Perbaos Mr. Vigo has it, He wiLtelled to foot, but he bore up the shrinking �e inspector, looking hitain thelace =ay,,ou7dffer.1
As khough meant, with purpohe sly, me- thq body while you were away.' woman bravely. suddenly. 'Jeslousy has sommitted ' 7he"Aerene Smiting man
BRITISH EXCHANGE 110TUL, t To put one off till b y and Toy 'Hilton! what of Hilton?' she cried, 'Vigol' cried Vivian Danierel, 'Vigo! '13e'it so. I will lead yo toher,' he many a murder.� from his.p�ck'et a Elip Qf , Etta'- &6w
mARxEr SQUARE GODERICU. And leave ine, after all arldeavour, with her old- fiercenoss. 'I want to hear do- not go away. You are wauted.2 said. 'Hilton, stand Aside. This is my Sir Hilton Trowvas colored to the yloupeveeive, mivu wgi�
nothing of Hilton.' When the party came tip from Tre- task, think what you may. I loved her brow.
CAPT. W. COX, - PROPRIETOR In doubt of what is wi No. "your f4u*y 4a se and clnve . r. John stdoil before her meekly, not waras, they found Charles
Vigo seated ketter than you. Let the strougger love 'Have you anything 4nQre to say tv tion irl thia,_ count
LATE OF THE HURON UOTEL, Scott. Vanstone & Co -9 lifting his eyes. in the place where Vivian had loft him, have the deeper bitterness. You cannot me that rtmat necessarily be satd?'ho presufne to act -hbilt
1. '1 do Abt wonder at that,' -he said. with his face turned away from the drink my cup for me, though yon- Cry.' asked the naiLin ooldly. on my Vmy bither outhe cleputyMit6a.
Some of Ye Ar- as a Are im, irdfir�,; -76444
t' eo of the favor arid support nf the E05 TO INTIMATE rHAT THEY HAVE In whose depths rare jewels glem;
B their Kincardine 'Olive, I am not come- to insult -you, yet' corpse. After a greeting almost silent It was -true; and'Sir,Hilton abashed, Very little, Sir Hilton.' began the ant' Sit Anthony P-Mehy, and hi,
SFRUMN DENTI T. Travelling pribiethatwasamorded opened a brandh Of
Happy he who* kneels to driuk, perhaps you will think I am if I tell you in its painfulness, he had quitted the stood aside to let his brother'pass. He man, and theii h hesixt%ted, "The faef
Office amd-gesidence, West StreeL 1 befilru the tire, respectfuay solicited. b6l'g wiffing to take a painfulduty vff
13U Leaning o'cr the. steopy brink what Hilton kays., group, out of respect to Sir,Hilton,4 had triven to take upon hfinsolf the is, air,-' he resumed; Zrlr EslWk, -.tkb Sit ton T w m
Three dcoft- 61�lr Bank of 'Montreal, Catching ihrough the surren't' What are a few insults more pr leap grief, which he was unwilling to witness. hardest Hit re aVaeS A84dS h28 C -
part,* uthis feeble, ptudent superintendent',of the district, wM be -'missioped me to ifar"tigaii the - _ttar
Gaderich- a now 7wa -
in the old -tand of Mr. A. It. JohnsWn victOrIA St., tome t' said Olive. 'Who in C4ere in Now, on hearing his friend's voice, he love.was trampled down by this rush of here in an hour or ti�o. I t1iouaht it -every dolicaqyif my J#Aj, ja
Fishes from the gems below. k
own to fellb. Goderich, and will be ab'e to suppIT this house who has not insulted the poor came te*ards tharn slowly; pa8sion, and he stood silent, and felt boat to isend'loihim, Bbr,. as now you, wxtfi every regard to yo
ur wishm.
John 40a=pball. AI. V.. relatiorl ?-the wretched. girl degndent, . 'We cannot see anything of any cord like an intruder, as he gazed upon as a magiatratei would -like Wfb'matter A#6uR -you like to Eco 6ir Anthotyls
Tombstones, Adinouisher of -strife and folly, for her biead on the Trewavas boik"y I' her#, air,' said the inspeetor. Have John's deeper agony; yet he followed cleared up us quieldy as possible. I nrittentders, air 2'
Cheerers of black melancholy, 'Not me, Olive,' replied 'John, - in the you got it, sirl' instinctively "into that linited and hope you'll excuse my not having waited - U hsve Isot the honor al Sir Anthdqjy,
MONEYTO LOAN I Mantlepieces, same sad voice; 'nor Hilton either, I' 'No, certainly not,' replied Charles silent room, whpre she lay dead upon for your otdors, Sir Hilton. I saw you Roskelif's - acquaintance.9 uld Sir
etct_-, 3�- M- CZ=drn_1dnea-Oae door south, of Ross' Gentle, most persuasive Teachers, Hil
�Zes Of 0 L-9:al. Ala'a st--ess, and opposite McCallum's AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Window Sills, hope., Vigo. her white couch. wefe much flurried, air, so I took upon ton, thrusting the papers aside. Wig
&C., Or authoritative Preachers 'Hilton has insulted me 'most of 'all" 'But L Vigo,' expostulatea Vivian Conventions], a shadow of fashion myself-'. mders, I presutne, arc for you, not for
ent Building*au Companions full of life and spirit, she said. 'His kindness wasan insuli. Dameril. 'no one has been here but "and of the world as she was, Mrs. Mari- 'You telegraphed for Mr. Eslicklt me.'
n the best st� ie of workmanship, and an reasonable
Toronto. I Mentors who some grudge inherit His lov#-fir he did make lovq to me -h you,- and the cord was on the poor girl's stowe was still a mother, bereaved of her said gir Hfltbn. �Havo I your permission, wir; to carry
to terms.
--Z:2 S_-rvev�r GAVIN STUTHERS, Sometimes full of queerest fancies,' keener ipsult still; for he showede it, wrists when I left you.' on] child; and all there was of de'
WILL ba at? h M-S� Cor Consultation up III A. M. ROSS. y pth, 'Yes, sir, an4 I have taken the liberty thqr4-outF1WtdM. Eilick.!- "It wiinld
tt4?1 Aacrit. Vague -ffs Jack-o-latitern dances; wasbut an idleness -scarce .-worth an 'ludeed!'aaid Charles Vigo, turning and offeeling in her unimpassioned of asking Mr. Pamer.el and Mr. Vigo to be ver -p- 11 to my faieuno to plawl
G* V -!Sit I -Y ainh
at amy lazzir n!gbt or day. Agent at Goderich. Goderich ITLL Jul). W93 -t explanation to a poor girl like me -a on his friend; 'are you sure of that?' -'.f soul, burst forth as she gazed uonthe stop here to see Itim,' repUed the man. gonlam withyo-u-,
myself in.'antal *nd
Secretary and Treaure� Other while ye are as prim pastime flunn, a,iay *hen he fought a am positive,' replied Damerel. dead face* of her daughter. Kneeling 'You are not offnded air I hopelI eyes of
w you fi�o it would lookwa W the
t*Or S310. C-1.0. ShaUnciirt CHAS ROBERTON, As Quakers neat, sedate and trial, wife.' 'Then look for it,' respondeaCharies down she pressed her in her arms, and * 'Offendear sia I;, kilt4q. lop ille world, Wive &a liot ap" an these
Goderich, Ont 1343. CF Three or four are jolly follows 'Don't, don't speak of her ? shrieked Viuo; 'for if your statement be correct, shrleked, 'Eleanor! Eleanor!' in a voice' have only done yua- duty, I must do nointn' it -id look very blAlf -1
I -11Y John. 'Be ungrateful if you will to all and there was re a cord, it must that raug throug4 the old house, reach- mine. I rn�xt send a messAge to.tho wero obliged to my, 'th4t -Sir Wton,
Whom Time fortifies and me' lowB ;
who have cared for you; but lot the certainly be here now,, as no human ing Oliveinher chamber as she too c'oroner.' Trewavas threw any blatilelein the wAy
MONEY TO LEND being has been near this spot but me.
Some make pl�etenalicms to be witty, dead rest.' knelt, closing her ears with her hands, . Blindly hoping something from the, of the office
f3r1V8ZCLA_V. sunGL-MN. CORON-Em &-c. of5ce At Greatly reduced Rates of luterest Othem cbaut a stirring ditty Olive looked on bis.white'ssoe-worn , 'If there was reaflya cord!'ciied' to skut out the dreadful sound. . clash of pompous magistrates with the Mr.
F. R. MAN N Damerel, in. indignazit astonishment. The wretched mother kissed her child
L "EL":I�s . a thw docireas, of Ceutrul school. I Suiting every time and a face and was softened. fussy little coroner, Sir Hilton sent his mijityahakidutlig'
rpirE undersigned has any amount of money
I loan from two t� fifteen years. at a low ratet.-f uouse Sign & Carriage Pointer 'Heaven help you-!* she said. You 'You know there was.' again and again, then she called John telegram in feverish haste. With an. indignantisbrrawful, aud"exup"Aw
Llr. CassaActV. Witb a rhyme or with a ioason. d - .7
interest and favourave terms of repavinent. pavahle loved her, John.' Excuse me, Mr. Damerel,' said forward�John, who,, with hand o -a his swering speeathe coroi
MC -351 Conege I ESIRES TO ACQUAITTITEPIVBLICTRA nor fixed the -in- Sir Hffton TY-ewaras 014 sivertheliks,
I by yeiriv iastaiments; rate or e*enses will defy Dhe has fitted up a shop on North street next to Th43 workings of John's face were ter. Charles; 'you- are too warm. lam not eyes stood shrinkina, in the doorway, quest for tw o* o'clock the next day'at tie that he mot submit to -thi.pri"Vit- of'
HYSICtAN.SUP*EON, &c.. OZce- i c�mpatjton. Books, beloved ye ara to me J 71
aw102 the Wesleyan Methodist ChurchwIth varnish room ohn,.1 said she, v a loved her. You Trewavas Arms,- in Trewavas Church- 'circumstaripesalmun4lilm. A-4xiffiloatV
Ps:rcet. Ont -i- rible; he stink down in a cliair. and give contradicting your statement. I am 0
�l HOILACE HORTOWL attached wherehe is prerared tofill all orders promp- An unretorting family hirnself -Up to the grief that convulsed talIinq for granted there was a cord, may kiss her beforel shut her face liway town. And the jury -all men fmm the �ruel miftr46r Itafl-osen- 4pomeittod- on 4W
1 tlyyand at re"onable prices Tharikful for the patron
I Appraiser fort lie Canada Per age or the last 7 years soIIdt3 a sontlatiance of the Ye for each day!s irritation his frame. Olive did not aid him, or since you say there was; but where is from the liht pariah of Trawavas. and all dependent young girl,lis guest,'his befratheatwife-
RA11pd:-5TM AND ATTOWNEY-AT-LANT. avr. Inneint Building &Alavings ame. Always bring a cc' ro -near him with a kindly touch; she it 71 John rushed forward, and fluncy him- in differetit ways on the Tiewavas family and it was, therefore,-innt fbihim t -
mpeneatiou. 0� 0 WVK
So,- Cn-tv C --ti Anorney,' simply'ivaited silently till he had �calnied Invexed wonderand anucyancoMr. selfan hiskneen by
G-4orzeb,ont. CMcaiaCoanHonse. society. of Toronto. Now is the time. to Paint your Cutters How shall. sadness come, or gloom, her mothees Itido. -ware summoned by thf . 091ist:able, at the officiduaii0jis �f tho yIo1i&,r&jA of,
A himself; then she iaid, 'Try to tell Damerel -aided the men in their search His patience, his courage, his meekness that vening, and desired to attend -his brother majis6it-4, vqid onem'' mfid
81pighs, and Carrfages. 1 While ye be about my room, around the body, on the grass, by the weregone; he was wad, incoherent,- punctually. vi
me what Hilton aye. I will listen.' neigWrl. Sir Anthony Itookt'Ry.
Cameron 85 <41",rovir. Looking down from friendly nooksl 'He did not or
INSURANCE CARD. say it, but he thinks it,' brink of the pool, and beneath the almost savage. All this did mot preveht the arriM There u no a -it-blike noikhl�orqysoif.
orders from country Carriage shops attended p
I Alybenison upnnye, Books! said John. 'Mind, Olive, it is not I who rbranches. Of course there was no cord. 4Mino now,' lie murmured; "mino in Air. Ealick, who, driving to the house In countcy te"isna-- countr� -Pll�css_
The Subscriber is agent for the follo". regfirat-class t Am
0 with di�patdh.
Insurance Companies Sij;n Painting, 011din-r, Granting. Glaring, rape, I ka mistake you. They fooud, however, the book Eleanor death I .0h, Eleanor I no wordly, sel- in a light dog -cart, aritered fkavlyaful the �msu' who HfesneA' do6r to -you
-lXnf Landoll, Eretmnc:. nging, &c.. &c. had been reading, and a gold bracelet fish love can take you from me now I
WALTER WHITE. . John looked,in Olive's face imploring into conversation with everr 99mmonly bi sybux* good-wU Sit
�HARTFOR'.) of llartfo"L she h#d worn. Of course the inspector Here at last uly despised affisotion, my Aff)'y 'being he met on the B
3E3_ 36. 3DC)�WXAE, PROVINCIAL cfTorouto. F. ft. MANN ly, I then dropped his eyes; broken heart are triumplkhutj rowl, Antho�ly AAkvl1V.`h%d-be4tiiA, yalsth ��a. .
Aftr'JSJ�EI3 ATrOMN97. SOF.tCrMR- BRITISH A I Torunto. He thinks you guilty of this murderi' took possession. Who this.ineans that smiling gentleman soon law Jer..wfi6inkiz�Rlifg jnsiit�Fja'
od business done at -1 -5 of
c'? Pire Jr, M -e the Uodei tell, -A af. '5, 18TO Swl _ ydes e
lowest possible rates he said. "It was no robber who attacked her,' haliBucharightas to touch your dead coilectea mus� -inf6rniatibul . that wid4w, and'. Provo -,His iidoa in
Oh Eleanor !my love'l myloyel' would have filled 7 three columns ofs coal and Capp*. Olive Varcoe.11 There was a moment's silence, and the he, remarked, 'for her ring is on her' lips I -frds ii ri a 1i a. - -� An, r kfr�, -
3Er. W.&XISON HORACE HORTON beating of Olive's heart could be heard. finger. and her purze is untouched. scru
With Q arm beneath her hiad, he 4xily paper, 4ut was scarcely useful for getic, uu 'm
A irzomVEYS -AT- LAW; SOLICIPfORS. IN kissed her, iaining tears -upon her fa6e. -altv other purpose. Nevertheless, 16 he grappled 1FIth, fok uue - =d- held - Iisi
tj Chl=zszy. C=va7anae:4 lie. Crabbs Block, Office Market Square, Goderich. 'And bow did you answer him V she What sort of . cord was it, gentlemen,
Oct. Wth MO. OPENED OUT A G_ A -11N. —:0:.:— asked. that you found?' 41n'the midst of her grief, Mi. Mafl- seemirigen,ericy and bispreliencoaGothei at. Toorer ntA9*nM9r*'Mm
NUNET TO LEND. 137.3 'Oh Olive, I told him not to be do- 'I am not saying I found a cord 're. at , b fialplo, xlx� MO&WO
we glanced upon Sir Hilton z1ook of and pleased poor, sobbirit, like, strawsp 4 - t
. n I lio toDk, thiii
ceived by appearaincei. I said I worild turned younk Vigo. 'It is Mr. Dameral Angry. triumph. She Was ilad ?,list he -Maristowe, who implonid him to find aud grew Ut, ioviJhi i' spoiIii. Vh i - WeAct
SJnc1ww,& Seager Un A FTEA M -stake my life on your innoceuc'e.' who asserts he saw due. sho@dsei how much greater wAC-J6hn`s_f the taurderorof her child at once. Then a�jd.he dejerved-***,abd A P Dli' clid
gSrEpp, &(_,.Goderia-b. P U
as 0 Loan on ?&aw or Tows property at T per lovethan 1&. L ]But the lmk *as lost, -she plunged into her grievaiiaes, her him;buts.6
11 Olive gazed into John's face a moment, 'You will not dare to say that you saw
CHAS. SEA, cent. Apply to On every side &-wall--!-& wall of dislike w, #Ait Miuk blitof'the Wb
NCL -4111 DER, Jr T then she covered bar eyes with her no cordl' cried Damerel,-Ithat youid for Sir Hilton was too utterly�,.broken isuspicigns, her dislikes, smd, xalubling held gleft :from -'hit prompilag
azdarich. Bg. Ist-2872- G. CAMPAIGNE, Sollcuor,&c.,
suspicion, didtrust.-an& Olive, b eating hand- and 'alludderecl visibly. It was not see and handle- the cord that Miss down'to heed it. He came 1JDrard- ashar talk was,she nevertheleasinstilled. grigry atit, illlff in& inew,
0 9 . Riikut
W. 3a. SQ1J31M:"1 11 NUIIInt strange that she did not assert '10WlY9 and stood byJ o large - -am insoleu - aireflL ..,Cruel Magt_y
Oct. 30th. ill 41Tf Goderich. her hands againstit in vain, ceased at her inn6- Ararcoe wore yesterday on her wrist for 8 We '64 a ount of distrust �Into Mr. valgari
ulpatoryof a girdle?' Ain him was his
�l rwa- last her efforts, and sat down movW
cence, or utter one word axe' very sent w by Esill&)s 'mind concerning Sir Hilton, aboilla be, erpwnedl with r10 eq. Aw=1
-DAnr2_qr7,p, AT70P-q&V AT Lk X7, SOLICI despair. -Thehorrible sedret that her herself. 'This is serious.' observed the iaspec' brOt er's -of his aud-Oliv�c.
JLy tor in caza-_-,7. &c. tfo4-3rlab, ont. ONEY TO LEND grief, and the BecraVt, -theie wm- - Sit Tehn heart keld wis killing her; yet she would 'Here is money,-' said John, 'all gold tor. love. For motives of his own. he ILid pre- Sir Edtol?x
gta dfather;- ---Thir
4DElor. over J. C. rrst7ora Co's E-Porlum Market YIGHT PER CENT. simrL-E INTEREM T 89-- r;01e:!Z2!L 13Zi -A forSer1l) years. interest repayable either not toll it. Bowilderedin every other -notes might be dangerova--and I have 'It will be my duty, Ifear;to arreatthis 'John,'said he, puttlig his ai�i bout xamedthabib was due to Airs. 31arlst6we, lavvyGeA Viduy . -.did&,, �&t
e 'iy or half -yearly. A Z thought, numbed in every other faculty, & boat hidden under the rocks by the young lady-tbatis,ifyou persist i im. tenderly, 'come. away; tb* Aneony-t.li ea W,-;=A,9sUVy �Wwswrl
a.. a h . is too as the mother of tba mudered gF
g-4. 7111!AY MATHERS, in this alonlexho was clear and &,in; libe. triuch foryou to hear. Mrs. M4ii
Ki� Lover)s Seat. There is time to get you your statement, Mr. Damerel. -stoe, to seek W private interview with her be.
St. r-,� __ y0layagenoUgh to_rW0J()S aWrid-wifiii.,
�fe was to ?a speaking to any , of the Trawayas Elated by wealtb., lo pfolmed - to Xiss
XG. would die rather then conless the truth. on-boari the steamer-' 'I penrist in speaking the t she haye bben nty
-:7 C"y AW CMNC=y AIND CON XCL rutb,'he
at JD=jo, WW_Sa3':i, 0117Cial ASM=ee. you are mad!' not without heart, no r family; and new, "viffg seen her, it was Trogwythan,'a, lady 1*1ougingo oftelof
L Oew Shut up in her so Eor ever, the secret "What do you mean?' asked Olive, replied. 'Charles Vigo t witboutoipjo
Goderich, Ont. of this crime mightikill her, but it'WOuld rising and shrinking away from him. Sir Hilton Trowavas' here came for- her.'- with a mind doubly prejudicedthat he tbeoldeet f&m1Ukx M, fto,_cauffty. 'Sho-
UONE-Y TO LEND. not make her a babbling coward. She I a;� only obeying Hilton,"he replied. ward. He stooped as he spoke. and 4-hild soulzhI a mom, ent*i conversation with jefusecibimgua, 0 0 y have touched her cold in
1laommon,& lKeatinev had yearned for revenge -revenge for 'Don't think that I ouns I c cheek Lady Trewavas.
n to go, 'Gentlemen said lie, sorrowfully, Joh4 Trowpm.- Theuceforward-
4 re
IMPROVED 'this isurely no -time for diipute. Aid lips; but John -meek, quiet Joln.- Soinewhat surprigel that\he asked for waiahoraintherch
ARIM PRO- ZOLICITORS,&c. ON, what ske had once fancied and ealled'11% dlive. Hist I is there any one listeningl iq
angeance was in Hilton said, "Save her�
&C GEM=. Umtii perty, at 8 per cent simple interest long injuries; and now - take 'he; by me I o take this poor girl home to Tre- turned on him fiercely- heiinsteid ofSir Hilton,,that lady,lean- appolutea: in 14 6wij cooty oftlAming
per annum. Apply to her handa, and she found the cup bit-� sea !I- Now will you go -will you as- wavas, and leave the police to search for other be Hilton I'ho cried. ;%he on the aTm of her graiadson,* entered
SAMUEL SLOAN, ter as poison and gall. cape, Olive F this missing cord, if there b e_ one Ws ours li;Wng; she is mine dead. 'rt�ou grooinandbowedtahtmwit!Lont�peik- jj6ea jQrWeslth-.:_I1b es�auska jjZ
JAM�OS Colborne Hotel. DOUGLA& Xexzlqq� FJ what sho'dows now seemed the.little 'No!' exclaimW the gi lie, say� 1 sh not touch her. I loved hei; -61la. ing. of a barone
rl, in a resolute haddared -to 'if 2 1 and 811 rewtT, aud-at ha Jglhsr�
8th Oct., 1872. 1338 'Tell Hilton I WoWd not_le 01 dqes t matter. telling ;my secret obw�,2 - 'Cannot I see your ladyship alono-,'
PZ3135 tiad 81?eelicat'Ons dre""n Goderi, $lights she had.sufferbIl,'thilsmall spite t him Viiiantamerol fe16 himself greatly ex- in-laws aeartez',
tlie.1'et-c was Wtiiji�.
A Watch( asperited; loved her long before-yod� pravnt�. whed theAffableMr. Eslick, wit
Carpe,_tere, Plasterark and Masinle f ser.rantsi and the stlears . ofa :melln �Save � me. I vi a y herei huflwar tb yet affection for his friend u is 1W 0.
M ta ha be2va
wwk ML-Asured Aud valae& IF%ESIRES to riturn,his Sincere thanks to, the world I Was it worth whild for these to - 'kept 27,4
k worst;' him. i9ent. He iinagin6d that cautious pride lastened greedy - lsyft ing am e. utit happy, �aud.domam Ib - t1f.
J -P pub1to forthe pstronap extendedhim In the, n Ftailes Vigot bad hidden the itiberandchosehorforawife. '-L�t 'Unialiumazed, Lady Trew4vashesitat erl up the in idl� disMhtsa7t. - s:�, paxt. and to alluentrei that be bu removed to the draw down upon their heads death L and 4Yon are, rig cord, an:,i uPc Milt&
-premises on.KitiMm Etteot, fornaerly 0eftp,,d,, disgrace and uil her L66, I say! J did not intrudd,. my od but'Sir. Hilton spoko forhei.
31nourance. tp OTe1 W4 Job in C1
-aRthiiI -unutterable:suirnish big saddddt� v4cii. & et tl�e g lee. that his infatuation forAive was driv-
X-Swoozi, dr, Itobinsoict P ty
agalool3byArryReIld and directly oppositwo. of the tpurderbA 400ml - Not .8 1-4011` Let the miqeplible secret villain who has, itur him mad. wretchedlove �pon�,tyott whenshowas .. Thii matter concerns me, Mr. Etllicj�%L hed& U'liedge wft the TxewALux estate,
t in saying there was a coia,
-A 11kindsolganbov,DcomBlinds' Cribb's store,4blWbe Lam fitted up hi firat"clais -times.no. - Better done thitde�d 6' 'his itook to1fiv o deri- 2114 ;alit'
Dre"ed L=ber, at the God' style. He wottl�L�fjlvdjiiisttelitiontotbe said brave, - better IUV up J ipershi yours; why intrude yours upon mo�iaow he - x4d that a - nioner-latin " sourod
t no I' t]
THE LIVERMOULLONDON hame-. bf' haftman; cr,lie. dovM in. som6. ch in vao. Miss Varcop's,' said Dam herefoi Atindico;t1d, do tvirritifsjAa aim to
panamr. MEL& RU$8.BtL. 'W�ATOH bear all, things, thin bring Ille, a Aii al�d I d iorel. sh:8 iA Mi of thai kit YQU I�Rw h�vo to IMY
hould He
A E *publioilteAth upon them How do days , J told his brother back.wi he to Lsay Trawavu ',Yon 'callt say with. Aid, f v=!-- We, sit he ublei.and turns to escape U s4w, er ar ago,
raa Z fortha $94 Of whioU bo IS Sole agent in.00derich. :@he escapel. ' Whit skould, she dol -justicei But, Olive, why should you' At this mot 0 up force,of a madman, and in theTed -more fitness to7'mo.' I am rekily to lieAr-
A To 4ent Bolster.-,stoi 10�0kof Mab
A. m. CAMPBELL INSURANCE G 0 M:P A N, Y 1011tock6t.wAltham, Merlon, Elginjuld8wiss The unhappy girl lookea-mirounAvpon-ili ffer I Will you And iiAed his�masterifiand. glare ofhis eye there� was a inad- you, vir.'
Watelift in Otm and silver us AS. u l9t me says *00 V silently, selff-the� time suath A ow,
V-6taivary-Surgeon. f0ralls ofher room, as upiens, prisont t Oliv-hesitated, -thin islicinised her Charles Vigo started.iolii ti _llii 10315, or 'of wild - gri6f akin to it, t�at t'X.oti will excuse me': S&Hilfori aaid-- -finfig g -in , I eoypo, � . Ifff b- n 11W�i large and well sel 11 !7, Aucill oisisilb 10-011ift euemy a Aouse-
eefed SWIr of- ano Then lmeiliiig d6wn,, 116L of , A rlic L III spy, _W, 0
f, sh6 '43�p -and 1, in the fadb'flushed.' il�s * f:rcm3�8ir_'Hil_tozi'i mind All withia VA. . 'hold� 3M 3C& Xs'M 3E?6'W had, fade. feelb that -And-n-havea-, Is ln�tbo his -Weak-,
"a" Available Assets, 027A00,000- a 3MW i flinging herself upon the floo 61ied,bim steadi. Staftle xy Lotus paid In tke course of Thirty-five years x- 1py,.khere silent'4nd helplem. -- She.- let the the dog jump Iad.him and,. with -140rhuger, w -re- 6dt I
ceed ofsa kindit wU6 liewill. sell cbeap. I -onhis bres )hn," said he, A tack, io mak 'tin -
Ao tvAt -two aliq gal 4 you sibill not save tne, h ' - . t, press his ilones gerifly 9 ro.spoc 9 �)9"-Ao uviii-04110 AIJCL
1313 3... s,.no-sobs, for heraas & J hu we thoUghr, it yrotila be mori' agreeable C -to -1 Tku6;'I$ir Hilton . Fop.T)[ MILLIONS OF I)OLLARS I REPAIRMG DONE AS USUAL, -that r chod down to the'sours utr�10 t, 464n. The'. whole -world should not ea&a . again 'When the'. ur81Y iws is art Uiweenily Trewavali; nee
A CALL SOLICITED. .04 ing that sufface7sorr"s 'to* take safety' fibifi iiiii YOUDZMAUL A his dlicili. Y i ld.her to you diid, �Lili I W'oz d livii', yop . r tpelings not to his preserit
qg -pan Owxbribe;me r se, from -his:knee, there, le Duty bx"vleenduteahisprosence;bttt�tomby
in.; 00 irL -in his blue oyes, urrpr - a;
T. T. ])UN(IAN, V. S. Claims by CIQTC-&G�0 XPIMM eati- McKENZI-S. -interpreter-in gtoant afid 'b�UC had you been frank in and, isotten4is�ilZrae4bloSii-Wilt6n,ind I so
which finds an peace. - I Will isve my- Wks a gNam 6f hope gaiih and -1- t
0', VZMA110 V==X9AR CCWX3Z- mated at newly 03,000000, are, being Godelich. Much 2,8th. 16 -IS She viulted it. Bdt ieve'she C�114
GaAL-J 1363 cries -elf L 11r, ly b mur for A
OFFICE AND STABLE Ifiguidated as fmt gs, adjusted winiouT wMi7cirlo3i. a which he hfd with drooping lids. -no, -V JiW obligpd-1 r, -
'It is strange, gentlemen, hyou J- throughAll. s#&ifik llindly_-W a0e
S, ecurity, Prompt Payment. and Liberality In a4- As a slight sound at ihi :i�hrt tu�no Y, groping- 6116 loved me, and me n.ril. S"Vto st-eeu 174ft NOW -op:.Iw aoor like q blind_'mam, Ae. hid not -cannot agree oh this one, Yoko - 1 91yo,"
a Fae. d Colborne Sustiziantrot its losses are the promineut features of d She started n tj) *td, low t '4 il�o�'lii lu*a wk wayJ 'd
9or aroused, her. h 08 ffimitod� to, We
mound- .1smed. with very �herterror, pnd pixsedhirlii6dhuiriedly�`� even--hei fi band� he 'bad pof socken said the . inspector. "Zii HiltoU, thb John^ looike m terrupte . Sir 1dra
0* ild, Ailtoi-__ rs her 1eadif W
B. -Horses examined as to L FIRE and LIFE POLICIES 3P and, Sir Hilton caught1im in his arms Not�injyalt 6an vi
1313 hbml condltfons_ M.WX � o asth4ughbythe kes1firer, -t6 li-ei wit4 biij of hii old aTqction- And, men arex6ily. wir 11 saw., too, iin*lhi� -
C)o W� - � .. ; . I ver I await your.orde ftearad% - 9 ,
ne33. iffiback-. Thiy took the deadigirl up, and bore Me . c-ivizig"this rebuff with the same to secoualf�hi.i;ffi�di6i4"-i�ff�it-�ef'-Sw,-
RMAO-10: i - - d, him t an*, e
re shillair, as he he fell forward iojiele�s. Thb�; -
HeQd ome. Comed Bra=b.. XON- CA -.#h9,souxhtti)-,wiPeAw thedil kftldnessi� at Oliverballid h
aho,-. 'piomiie that -ybti hdr: Aenf4yalong, her lqver.wal-ki-ii Rh he irouta Anthony4t0diel1ktQ;A1sWvar- th7a murz
TRZAL ardad ful to DY -of, ard -40it, o ther' room, and it W1 Wwob
therf"Ibo. I hayg ngy came
aU& PaIn�thitL)IAt Upon it. w ken a
ut e Ub e her -aide, th.6:otheri folloiving-�.-the*,mo vived him ale * ly. He'a*oU fw Complinibid; 'Mr. Zalidic derer Of I UlealAOrX A t
at , - -4
there grow -4 .
v a moment 6Amly, thezi' 'rewavas.
v �ui
VENTIONS- ;Csmeia,1 66 e a 6 e6n in mour�fd procesiion, ver tu tv T
en-- dy 'Do your duty as Twa. think bed., Folt MOXTZSAL She nub wa, yas.. hb.rWWu- thAc91d,'eodWCyo%e
noiseleilil is s5o; as In be 'n toted- the ld ii of Tre look of h6rior 'upon Ilis, fAce, X61lovied on seen no reason to suppose
LY11 olted the door �,q t ,
lid response, Art t ,U4 �s
enu -tw commit sui-:
WM01DUY&PROPERM- A.X.fL0S.S.AAentfQr0odench 'Thus they ciae tkrough the wpo In o quickly by the old meekness - riatuial,to, that -miss At"Is wb Wo
spoki.� bilt,thern - wag' to -
-iir �f iny Iiiad"
fS &Mdr -slie-OP811811- be th; him, and taking his br6theea; hand he id�', .1, to�, ifit it ifts&ttat#�5 -ad! I
Sem c L,C,Z44,�hPVV Her,
6rideltarze, Serdforprint--, to -�hank6d- him, Ild said he felti bel -16ne
TorontoLM Assurance -and and, loak out' ita the catrid0r; - Anmvelingha they O.UXA, aid isobli , iair,�Cwax-theieplr. . I Aot-ik
,r"7 pp. 11=tZAll. Aiejeyfa operstfou ten yam. tand wouk go a' ' aiid W4 ille -!Bit ifia wasunhappy,'he continued;
pithe grea �stai way -an "-thdny PollikeNy,hu V46A
L ad E2, ihd not s,sbs;1jW;0r iii-ybit mni�g;iiic -siorit -the hbnaw' And at
'Hilton' he lea"d,* th 6iii;4hird thiylaia - - _ - ' ' ' bibthier
T=tme Company. she was jealous:,of % yQuug lady in Srqu. in wit h mag
Ottawa. cartaft, WAijaplleary- let AgAn the slight live . utiliuq t�Zle�wolr� oviri vo actiou w4t
id4losib; lind b -hi6 ini!14 --illien with voice -of his, whi4h- oauid,bick now ifi 'all house, leamecl7arooe. Tur -N:,
xeloomr, &Ndtor of Patents and oltinj tbat, her Upon,tbe bed. -Theiithe 044411110- 'ftito Sua fri4al, Ni&j 1 abih
meikhor 'r,�at
OMOE - T4DRONT0, ONT. A. IT ep on hef 'ibeir its old By
HAD n.to, the cthej_Lthe';DITe` anaiiii6ir tried her --ht&id -iread, and reetnesii 'I- fiai 11iia Wkea exatieft"frio, Sir Hiltort-showod jayinp- stops to Uiscbver
:440y'. Idw, -is in -Upon,. tife inyster -4hiA7ftn,-';-
re-5. Uth 1wk wildly. ' I could'ii6t Even now -
the ancient stairs-aud .5tcl-04 7sbfely. faces, et616 'away, giving place. -to wo- toluiefaireater affeatiolil for. -0de 111,47" hapPy-4sath, if thore-be-a _=y4te;y.
E S TODTEr IkEd pubL 0 1 am not my@elf. X w than 1gr
CAP1T"AV=0W=31`CHA1LT= opoig
d wee
X berrous tuer the -0, y ear
r- yes;
B G -.L�b me Meiiuwbile, f yeaimsgino-y9p van f4t-
With Uberty to Inards" to Italfs. Million for that lfyjrg� 91'st ffiqr'�Ijolepirig. ere, 1119 'How darii- On- -as i6o 11, slid 6al& men, *Ifo -his
onage - ucor - claspiag-ot V6 arrayed �het; -with -a ,hands,:'fcr or you giveme the kby� of thai'To.oila to, havel4in Informed.' adsotjuafiCe -b h
�tfrfprju- 6r'e 'Goi I wau1t t Oft 7b he
hi But III
fears; but ill-Uhigarid; .-�Yon -will fell !Waal with4hi-4mfe lteaO 11vai2not beai thst*,au ir
V Oher S Hiltonbit lam. lip-ineilence, a6d':,det4s *hich Xr- VLjgo ana
Anwunt azlkd in, �5 cent. -all paid on� W."�46gether, that told be'
hind than miiw id Zady - Trpiviliras replied, coldly, %oa '&el *Ruh : to furnah, ybu �yon
re Hilt9n,, a e; 'that, I isked'yo� til Sir- Hilt*.ihaxy 116W� obey6d. -Through e - _ insy 9
MH -.4 i&,4imesliediduotspesk. Doubtlesssy
h 'ecte to -*dfnl ',6f. tlifis isd mok- 11ra., Mcristote.yieldod- InLifililiforinel, Mr. Ealich, I 0 Cape I, all the,.'* -to his w"..
AGF d bo'j 4dest,611
of -j,A S-LEG1fl* 9' 's4ii Miiis Maristowe unhappy %ui
bo say that she is now 4f _ - .,I will fell,h' un� tho'hs;dlocked the-doory aA rer toj looks _gt iome litunan voiedf olmai* un that 1tterly, ry toW6 ol d, shgj-aow nei ia 2fiy - Justlep
140sons On the Piano. C -W t6 0 to lie9r, bat. a dog's- WbilIG au4-,re ed ""', 44rof his titaid'ine key; he Viswed i0d
* truth. Wices: gay lani the a once, slid that; TdIs
447�! 1 , , I � vmg ray aerv.,ants..,quixtioued, -ilud ex -
'r, d said' 4tb1P1's'_h�d'1iothi`Ueen-` hibhedw�'*6y' s6d imil6l. quariel, lietweeri lier
t 0, ow'.tlip"Oher- tire. `U slonei ar, eir test
lh,.t orpit and in Singing. hil fil p 0 Irill-bear Wit` tionitwd.' ThoywillgivetA
.0 approact
forw BOARD�4 li,'m4cl kr. Ssliblc,-they quarrollodII! 4o.t.. !TOW 'at t -he iu4nlAti when I AUK'
Mr. savagels, DF D=�TM$ have borne� all:vlii.� no,
a wfli bf)nup
Ce came boijudi and mph in Ids 'And were resonciled -immediately,3 -�'do_j
E XARI� y irpriae she qidiiedih� door' �C4 us can tou6.1lier �now,' he. Bciil 'A
helpe mw,, .9 - .. p 0,, ar isper 1bi-&id',9E.deE10i had " �Vqth a -ting of rnpupful tirin ny�.utmattb bri4 4vmrythinglully,
COIWYJW SL 1363 P"wdist: Tbs. Aimq= - C.Mssovir, 0 r 'a d. `b: t t4pt., I L
11 -on, my to*# l0yipaldon oonsidw,&
8k #slid Lady Trewaru.
VU e ltty.lipon.
dggouk 1� eVds and -this. ir�Hilton le& him &*sy Idull "_1116d' bitter, ancl clearer, vay..to Sain t�e
fee �y
Tft Frofdott. not holp me AA -'Xouxo � me, r
RMTAURANT. 80*'J!ith w out t - e iii t6i hie ly., for L I . dulian audttention im sir�
I had gieo J�U'L 0
'b Wer,66V 01 rialthift to"hiFtlid'knourliffil heneeaed km Hilton; imPistiblitlY, 'look UPOR truth fhiu- t1fl un,Eiiglish manner of
a" IV to th n -,TJtey. hunt
G D GGAN Z 9ud9Sof`thaCd0tY6f:y6`rk:'
,"N. , * "' and 5
Bit= iYtb n at' a4 U0i Wed uki *4 6r. In the u4h4.py. molliery- *ho 4hose, questions, as 1gup eviilen�e whiJ1,16ir-Anthony
tlj0-'C0* wiih: idis nef -,Kwoke lotAit Vo*0sb jy her in& tha� discovery of Reakelly pu&neC
id -on her bid t,6 we*
bider_4- the�
vrontqv. - :2- b down end-. cry. 1U in no. iy, conlut:6 to
W3GJ.XACD0WM1,'rAq XAiiSs6fT0W00ZAVMXV 4460frobi �fiiiihiivlitd �61114&
g feebly his owri room Jhn' looked iioriowfull$ the rianuai iUL which Niss. Mariste
iirwd; We 314,sliek bmmQd ith
lifiii9kiie for tidizigs, pitifully nervous tiponildn�brolhei.'. Ineb: with hordesth.' he athis
anfiij.ry a" e
"_Xlirt ' "' d. A 'A==- ArArk AEPA kpi _�w e, o
ster a' 15ir Hilton I odd he.
Aot-gaed 11 gave yolii,I�iesssj6 to; Olire,' he frou think so,' xetli�nea Itt. x0ruk Tcl ; God
necle. tud tesWaX. andwialr. She wits a woman:
.4ke it JAWNS V'Vl^n la stt4k emotiofis�:iono whom the alcL Ibnt ahe' w6nlil. not liatqp,, sho 'dowt,
,2 liteArs.4 me - ! 4WOUII13,onae to ij� pQ sjr� when,
�414;�U W, III not go. -
810119 ON Tax t
oc Irmo _h L jo beei 6r to foil , OU
Ub. .I gently w
"go Litoo T119 f1w IM cogigany,*e4red Bby I� V, Lisa& aud,_ k0sesoul 'She is"at'Trawiii stilL- how JZA91i more sposaile it. I sp�� to,thqwj�ntlimiuf
7 S r
W)a she I be, tolhe feelings of iiall ci
-01 IONA #We# propo"Id 4" io0urrow �eit ei Shascorns your aid, -she "yo, atia nearjea
by )hod Sir Hilton.
Von. Sh6,V�illri&Va 1f1'c&ng&iA 0
W 1h#:- kliastlir Wlien: the, _'Areadful'. willnot be Ayea
-A0 -is-wo
OYSTM. Tt hislay*hooldj' oald ImAy TrewavallF
�, 1" 1, 16�- h *Oioxpokimtlxatxtiu*.herellild;.L, -herself., being likely to min
pd.-, to , 6 - , * . it' suicide f if -I&*
I It RICT ;4t . i -sna-Axth- rto remained quiet during
r@ Q83
_11U 41choose tdbep!eseut
p_helpleastyLon Sir Hilionts wliteA.but,this to lip my cup,' did u0t;tUrOw herself inia, Aliopwl,'tha
viva this interview.
wim xzAM ATALT#HQ99_X,,_. is at-eVary converlistion which anje
!iyj -Ali th*
theh'. i - fwr, aria4hwbroke,out iutciltieittl�oux,� - said Sir JWton, Mtt6r1jr. -?!*aked or fluttif;
01TOW-40911 ;- , mum
I AK-roiftowhii. of Sir Anthony Rookemyl's 0
Pal, hini B - 0110" 'Do Tiot Jear for live,` 6titlitue4� her in.*
Tit W, Islay h
#Ajohit,ung ties n i to 23 M
e bed4thiny roof?
q6tiawt/Aliessid, 'you 1rT1I110tI3':Jirl; 3h 0 ih itiaecid
*Lw f. And, bAsia, y; smia Sir Hilton.
GC 01*rhia she 116axd John" Saxe a orn In will-ale0hersel -She rose and came for4ard- as she
lop the drePtl softly wdesi map. It wa# J0
0 a orn I
or fts Asa Joiegau, nm,,t 'I'Willo, she-is,ituawout; Abe a tl�is 'With -her hancU_ tied ligh flanood with
ha Act
n6t an *QPW wke, and Sir Milton, g
AL STQOK...;� M,
ikAly 6: in, d, iel, us ert' asked Mr.
VU 00111300tion. WitkEIMAOt W914, 00 SW &orriawful plide oulmr-moblo karing.
3 Cho CAPIT "' I
ond Loso cr6mpany of' -BURP i"foot , .-,p ink i disdi Hilton,'
8 cFUND& for. tJw,-.d4dr'-'At Ah i anctlintrderhoniblof, TORUJ 'I) wililh-I -4fil thitak io, 411%' 994 Hilton P
found -no Rua, im
Trill not n, Where is
It is isd to see a -Vitter misfortuille fall
e&V. OW
-a,id OM6" laut than Ifad wv- onei.mill hikiii, anliz.belinimg- them� h to - Mr. FA&Ies xinile as he -said this was upon
I ... ,
A A DA, ZNMNG4 6i Awl; ajaftlre L u I ew 62roma r his brother, iwith a h 'the JUL &VEjef. the agojlj blit
TUNEDMk 1JAn OydititiT Bib W., u1ii xosk and striie'k Sir"MiltoWalleart 7sleels fqi4n,hour anit i&A I will boino'delightful; it beamed _wit�h'1118 LAM 19; UdyTrew
W$# - Will
, atas wasqual to ho 4p"an
V2, Oat e00 eIeouorl It, '04ain"and, we, wills" WhStalkill human kiianoss.
ECON.J. NA AZ, itt, witari the woist., 01WAS m
tie &ft obuloved El 40 youl "&r.of JLJ* $ktaiSM
b"4 1W il&w. her, "Thera is Q Cimottlist herhikudswaro, bated, u t
-ing jW eviak alfudderiq, A pointett. -Syo tbi,moary, too w6m,.* It
. tonhurk
Utit bris x& itme, 4hat. be b
JW J?�,yol ChNfer. id ' - " I � 4* 1, 1 -- , 1, 1' idoiie� Itis ussless to talk now; You
n:!Wt'fA*0f tinnow me -Th*w, a; oy uf, erntalad - tied;'x%id 13ir
rke hee V
B. HAMAN na. St t�: ts* T= lijit ase"Im rt a o- 1171 _6 li�&40ws tflat before ho #0, JA0*0i,' add ha wreadsin
0 Abri It-
�Mtl; athire4togathor like doW,,, Isit., evidence f
0A o thiq is Ao slight, so oinflict. gan triist to,Tour oomrago.
_ut- FIII,4toprA a
111111431 helps 1� , utWA 11111111016 toofte slow" Gild not ho to do.-.- - �s 1 i -now UACC
y 9% -L iig. that- 1MV4 ot ' ' eveu awed- the
) J6 bomttiful, -46 billoved, shc4,*. t' t'J hULl'
04 0 0ord away �Xo :11 (To be roalkwd.)
Lowest &its. S141 . I , J JitA -0:26 thlQu , �- silent, so forboariAgi left aTme, with hix,g . rivf� andlSir Hilton, =atter t4 Ma. 0"tairi.
'dslup.gmss, 444, p6 ten o s
h4;". It gr$CIALrowrAaiyyttpzA.Ttm,cOYVRING ftt -11114 0 maw" ul It, oeforwhinin. the bidinghis withouroojnpliint;�-- diosingtheldpQr softlywimt witIrs, hiI4vy LJIA60� Pon 110ii, TMt of t heat Elick, iirith anothersmile,-' bat I have
its 4#ts6k$4 *A up, 400postfoe long hair escaped frous ItA -11 a Mr.
%ft , J41wrl of, atts,
ids W 'nVes"S' kvillf. Rt. 1, 1 Thi am* 'had heipdood -saven him so hard a tO'lo'hall 'w or* the moWtor
I ntrial, Thi" xarinews bistdon to bear? ovariviteltuad, ho stood of -Alp-8. 3L 00.,
i 4*4 V VIIIN indood
tawfusl1tw"it A,
F0f, dKoteau. W
Vk1w. Tbo" t*tw ad- t r y desmWit my'duity-to nic
of We"& ftm C%W. Forst sn4 Count too %., "I _, 11tiOlit it to that i 10 State fitrS44, JkPWAM, 37 101111A PAW#
V*Fjou of Invis alingjn� to. the.'multilwl Ifialls, her ivir -4kille is a hArd dutY, Sir H'lt(A�xw 114j', and, althouo the rope hiw, inys- xpw Tvg*, and 701 Obostais ftcost;
oil Illuto, shrulkimi at his* own: thou& -.6, i
L ow of iftimifts, 4" #gCow"llsity, 'Ro St. IWU" ' f,"b,to Xtrsy. des'll UP"a tramblilIg 4ILt the beiii0vilid Ifti -am i riiijug; as the -harollivt vu- -torilusly gulu phi",l
4WIL-1 "Op , waiiii4ts. Pm hajills in thsaftil, yoling 0"Rithtlia"41) viiWeit uspbotor,
pow of !Vr by X* Fb* CbM 1k1 WOU" fOr 11' triyAbf 40W F4ft tU owf4otlks 01vsCjsspo4 her . broki ojer,hor it, upturAflid t46 h0tye% Myint � V11tol yt ones and sobs. diapp6u-ed-z*thvr am ph*an wr A#*WA lot Wepw.
ilow "dot" otEow -for 'be twowfe. tiallying lbu To" .101011`1110 tml Wsinilior loy torod I IsAild I wUh n, do it with overy tat-thi &ief proof rests in the black ad to for our,papw, thq
at=. rs� vow# "M. virms 4 and pwifully for T0,138"I"i - ;. - to yonr feelings, and, 341 Twuslanva
e" "M 11 as g with rolartwo t" t"Undsmi"Wfaeftw ism filed in 'Drowilad 11 shik orted; 'how Can respwt, I far as markaroutidthi wrists ofthis uAlortlit 8141111AA iA tb6 WOOTO
"wow - 14% alo 1W (MIL -0 CO., aThen's
ow be iw� V. P. 0. TAYLOR 110 ol Joe hsa=�, . Or w$4 a flight nVirer to be kr&ten. 3910stfui bo,drowav4l Tuan, you rowed p*sibla, to,y4our wii.1has o1w. I wSixt to naw you � lady.'
TZUZXAIF, Toronto 'Bolsor, Bolster Tht I - wrA stak0l Vim wort as theY 11KA04 UPOW it, A"d )w -yw"rday oath* &*I, t4ousk J�a tko little swioa here,air 79W490 bY IL GARDIsin &Co., �twg a*" *ho tl andtsbWVk- ft Hilton bad not hioard #f
two in im , - I**
0,91601 3r4w , UW JIM AV L 16C fim am& W a TA04wil; an -Wulowmia a& . 0k in you kod aw WN 41110111" Ift took tw