HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-25, Page 4, 'Mt rirat Problom.- ___, run cor..n4Q7'ir OF A D ,' A correspondent sande the followingto -- --I- -----,.. ----_ :•,-. —•-- - ••,•.- --- - 13aaltoass.-raaws tgeeoe. -GRATEFUL AND ATT"AMSTII‘ ! t.110 Beston Journal; enreanv. Coetrontneo,-"Ity a thomagh knoWledge of the "Beelek of Epitaphs, Qnaint, natural laws which govern the operations of diges- ny a. ,t. MIND, X. A. ' Carions and Elegant," recently published tio_n and nutrition, and by a omelet applleation of thil fine properties of well selected -coma, Mr, Epps -- , in England: I select a few which may be hag provided our breekfast tables With a delicately i now and interesting- to some of your flavored beverage which m4 save uettian , beer Clit 10 chieekOM stands with half an egg- doctors' bille,"-Cieil wow.' Gazette. Madolsita uheil on its beak lonking down into an- ', rea`lere'--- . lice° ltos John Bunn, -"Jenke EPPS & Co.,, ltouiceopailee chemises, with Boiling Waterier Milk. Each pieketis labelled other ltsdf. freat which it has just emorg- I Waio was kill'd by a gun. .Londone' I Rio name amon ed. .It ILT.ith: 3 B At Wee 1 w ei: Mit rhyme with gun, Si) ( thooght account of the proy cess adopted b II 6 EIS 41.1106 ir J 4 't Battu. bat his aim)* wee Wood, MANUFACTURE or nocoe.--"we will non giva an Bann would. Epps & Co., manufleeturers of dietetic articles, at Another: their works in the Huston Road,London.P-Cassell's freucehold Guide. This little hero that lies here. 1341. e Quint ZUttoltg. Special Notices. Meat strange!. Meat gni:ten-although most excellent change! Shades of tho prisen-honso, yo disap- pear! My fettered theuehts have woa a wide? range, Asid„ like my lege, aro free; Nci longee. hteddled np so pitiably: Fres now to prvand probe, and peep and peer, And rneke these mysteries out - Shall a free-till:eking chicksta live in clonbtf For now in &inlet undoubtedly I am: This Prohlera's very heavy on my rain' And I'm not tete to either altirk or sham: wean he blinded, and I won't be band. Noon let no see: First, I would know how dia I got there? Then, whore was i of yere? Besides, who clida't I got out before? . throe panales (out of plenty 1 Bop Ileee me the pip upm the li meee, Enze4h te give l baain! 'nk agein. inside! 1 Bat let ezetIne 'R tw i 1 I know I ever as Now I refleet, it is I do ina_tna. 'h my Less than my reasm, and bencie, pride, To thiuk that I could dwell ws esais tt say sa met% for Voter. i••1 select but one more from the a New Label, C. in Snell a paltrv miserable cell i Besides the above-montioned "Chemical tam - As that old aheIL I 1 ere. oellectiont before me, and Of roars° 1 couldn't! Ekes could I have , very larits . lain, i wauldspeeillZ? . -,. q3alnierentdtetisswhfoor the 7 swphuoriboeueie -ma him like pane." there is also a David Pringle of New York jig eliltytui leant: Orf I crliTitell=PIV:,:if Rely and beak and feathers, lege and ; imitation of all yo+,,.. - to 7 that I owe very large sums -of money in the This nnpriacipled Chemical Company has dared I desire a similar eulognes agent obtained, without my knowlegde or consent. wings, Visited States, What is the fart f A newspaper And my dieepheart's sublitno imagininge, i Au hazest teeene here ts lett _ ebees ten and by collusion with a party who held a limited In there? 1 teiseteets in full he siora.ys pad, I lad,. wtmes more stmege. the nags. medicines in South America for three years, tc the - Power efattornty of mike. an order to advertise my ns, . extent or ft /00 000 in gold. Ne then sold his claim 1 meet the notion with profaand (lie- / He br‘cigh't back borrawed =beetles. Id,awyer,whe got it referred by the court ton friend • --- hegavejudgement against me to the amennt ft It's cniite ineredible: sine I declare 1 1 at eat ea .e.ld. for prettt which he said he could hare The Paaitto Easiulal, I.not taker steps to repudiate this Cjil 1 '6 ccive) . ' We see that this matter has nava-Led i•ledfliledsleee7.tnibrusiet'eistr''..Ctitngt`negnente win soon be set aside. It : t And I'm a chicken that you can't de- i - - - inomeet it came to my know , in I I ' ITats conquered by the diarrhoer, (20 -11- .1Q r 1 (3 IN- : In a churchyard near Newmarket lie buried the two wives of Toes Sexton. On the tombstone of one is the follow- FRAUDS ABROAD ing: , r 0E0 most respeatrany to Cantiott the public ot - .1. tto British Borth American Provinces to be on Elora ilos tho body of Bare% Sexton - See was a wife nat. never veved ono. their guard egainst purchasing spurious medicines which are being Hold as my genuine "Holloway's I o ea% aly so much for the ono at the next stone. Pills and Ointment," by certain individuals, of little or no means, traetne (for the last few In Westminster Abbey. Od Samuel mouths only) under the style of the "New York Foote, the comedian: °homiest Companya' , Every artifice is made use i of by them for the purpose of imposing upon the Hero lies ens Fooz whose death tuey thousande ; p117 k' awl the more effectually to deceive, they save have the effrontery, ta their advertisements, to is - For death has new ORO Pe: within the eerieve. ono the following caution: - The following is a beantiful inetance of ...A711D iionImpUleuncVniredgmr Igtt.1)171r1P1ITIri. pi tItC1 conjitgal affection: • "parties to counterfeit these valuable modi- fiers lies my dear wife, a sad slattern and ' If I sail i regretted hr.; should. ut loot On a Lewyer, in a churehyard in Nor folk. Geleaerks. waa-ler now and then, Ho. t..13'16 a lawyer, was an honest man. In St. Michael's churchyard, Coventry. On a wife: she vas , But words are a anting To say what. Look what a wife seeCtied to, And sle was Ma:. On a talkative old maid (1730): Beneath thie si'ent stono is laid. A nalsy autqaated maid. Who friar her cradle tided UR death, Au I at,Oer befare was out of breath. Oa 31r.,t13 )3c: Hee lies ono Bax nethin another - Tv' -t-es k120 1,2 Ls very goad " In order to protect the public and =valves " have 16111041 a new 'Trade Illark,'emodeting "of an Egyptian Circle of a serpent' with the "letter 11 in the centre Every box of pantile " '11OLLOWAV's PILLS AND OINTMENT' 6111 IMIV0 " this trade mark on it. None are genuine l• without IL "To Dna LEAS AND JOST:Mitt IN DREGS AM:41D- " ICINES. " e ill your pat treater attention to the new •• sty/0 et •FlottsiwAT'S PtI.1.3 AND OINTMENT'. " -none of the old style are Manufactured by "us now. nor have they been for months. We " therefore caution all purchasers againat e rearing from any Jobbers or Dealers the old "style of goods " information concerning any sneh goods .* being offered will be reeetved with thanks " We ask the favor of all theinformation you "can Ore in regard to those counterfeits.' Now thia Company is aware that your laws do not II ermit them to copy the precise getting tip of my Medicines. but in order the more completely to blind the public, they have recoures to another piece of deception, Via. a stating that thee deem rt necessary, as they sae, to make up, the run and Ointment in another form, ar d that that they adopt SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Huron Signal, THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE COUNTY OF 'HURON. What I can t nnierstand I won't bo..1 . the old world and received the compli- cannot be suppor,ed, i n„,: sure, that I owe a bent i heve. , ' " enjoy a British opinion on this to any one that 1 svonld not betnr,dietaly Pay. ; mews of the London Globe. Our readers Where did 1 C.Y2.19 front, then? Ah' i (17:els tioa:___ There fs no truth whatever in tee statement that, ; ' where, indeed? i "By a vote of 31 in a House of lose nraem"er tzrrttreriszjed or =lir !er(11. : Gin_nTentltoal'atgung'Iyi ; on 230 the Deminion Parliament de - e principled men in thta way. gross trends have been practised noon me by ma ; 1 heve it! Te hy, of course, : dined to say the Government had oivan 1 would a.ek, as a favor, that should tt cone to i This is a riddle 1113Instrbus hard to read. . - , the Pacific Railway Company contract ttl.,:pk'leas:°wedielt:e orany persan that epurions medi- f erce einesarehaing made and gold in my name, thet he All thinga are metilded by seme plastic Ra - - , to an American firm in return for a sand me the name and address ofthe -n ; bribe of 300,0e0 dollars, _which• was vero.nttleeert..ranttooftisheeejlinniittner.,zimitee.::.!roiateeleTiur,s fatgtrainthset Oat of some atems 50:119Where np i I spent among the electoraat the last elec- him, and I engage to ikernunerate handsomely my in- Sp+1-0. i re-ereelittetasly coneurrent anyhow:- tion to secure votes for Government i torment without divulging hisnams. , candidates. Such was the chargethemght I Ahoehl any person have. reason to believe that he has beee3ate,theechleievee:lhbey whnipng spumes =tenons of There, now: 1 fsze. in theb M H plainest terms y r. tinting oblige me by sending ii, That's as pia'ain as the beak npen my , ton, a gentleman who has had thirt.e. en •11- nd'Ire" 3t foot lents in postaTe). one of the books of instructions. (which he can do at a mist of six ; years of Parliamentary experience, and which ere affixed to the same, What's that I hesr? " hes been the Solicitor -General of a My Medici/we can be supplied at the 1. weer. 11 y me:her cackling at nte! Just her . Canadian Gevernment. He moved for an enquiry into these allegations whieh Se preitidiced and ignorant I say:' he supported with all the weight, of his So fat...bet-dad the wisdom of.tlee day. personal authority. Had the resolntien . been carried, Sir John Macdoneld's - . What's old I can't revere: i Government would have been branded te Hark at her. -Y°Ifre a 11;4 chick, mY, ' with dishonor. It would have been pro - dear, : claimed corrupt itself, and the cause of That's quite as plain, alack! .. ' corrnption in the constituencies. Yet, As is the pieee of eheil npon your beck: - when such serious charges were urged How bigeted? upon nay heck, indeed! . in the House tho members of the I alleet believe it's there, . Government sat silent, offering neither For I can't see it: and I do declare, explanatien nor denial. When Mr. For all her fond deceivinh Hentington had read his resolution - What. I can't see. I never will believe : which he did twice over -the House looked to the Premier. expecting an in- dignant disavowal. But there was no ... sign. The moral effect of the Government OD7.1,11 Ara nrDs. rictory is exceedinedy damaging, and will . __ _ _.._,.. __----- - . - tend still further to discredit Sir John Meadonald s feeble and unpatriotic Ad- Kra:peel-nigh is the way they spell a inieistratton, whose sin in assenting to Paienlar gateee in Weetera Missouri. the negotiation of the Alabama treaty The chiefly sold at mest fancy • Canada will never forgive." fairs -The visitor. This paragraph, so vividly true, A hard word to say, bat a herder thing create.d quite a talk amongst thd4heayy" to pay (with some)- A-dhe.a ! men who have by their "pritate and ‘ int zetesonv. confidential" circulars made themselves ELEGANCE r M you pinyour waist se tight the laughing stock of capitalists who ars adam, ele As to shmIc all men in their senses; accustomed to handle giant enterprises, D R. J. E1E.LL SIMPSON'S Ytinr husbarae..r. still you could delight; and bring them befere the public as such As ch.sedy pall in yenta expenses. enterprises should be brought. Vithen rtE ORE tT ENGLISH REMELT FOR same. m . Specific mad Tonic Pills. Fn ,i.- like Sir Hugh Allauhave rail- one riebility„ Speratorrhea Nocturnal Fk- Fear of his Soveeeign did not decnin way charters like the Canada Pacific insloe' of the tieneretive Organs, Falpiratioe of the the freedom of Seirefteebury's wit. their pockets, it is hardly en fegle to go oyer-indalgenee in aleoholie stimulanta and to',ae- Heart. Tremblinge. Sleepleaaness, the effect of Catirkee IL sail to him:, "S-haftesbnry, a begging for "snagestions' as to how •-0, te. Dr. J. BELL sIalPSON,S Pills are the 1 beheee thnn are the wickedest man in the iner.ey alight to be raised neneves effectual Ones for the above diseases. and are r known to fail. They have already cared Maenad." Bre be ved, and replied, hundreds in this cl.intry.. Rih,o-t Arthur. roaehin- “ For a eahjest, sir, perh.aps.I am. lat. IleniTton, testaies to bis recocery by their u:e. CANAL IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. -The sate. certain and rapi.I in a,tion, a short trial will Am Irish physiden was called to ex- prove their e.fficaey. No suffererneed despair ed fialloWiD,44.3 Mr. Fleming's summary of .beinz relieved from Cie frichtful effeeta of SELF - amine the eerpse of another Irishman who btell been etnattainated by some of V'r; 1,1.'1:as:tree TPionlifearAitidatbIND:autic:xii,s or the surveys under his direction for ths they will be sea- by mail. mintage pre -paid. alai securely wrapped from observation. on receipt of el.efi for the Speeitic. and 56e. for the Tout,: Pills by J. BELL SIMPSON & CO., Drawer 911?. 0. llamilton„ Sold Iv all Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Pamphlet,: -sent post-free on application_ - - - — CONFOUND , . wholesale net prices in quantifies o rod cat iban Lild 0orth seine __ea 34s. perdozeu boxes er ?ills or Pa's of Ointment, for which remittances ) mnst be sent In advnnce. 'These Medicines aro nut mid in the Le:tett Statee. Each Pot and Beer of my Genuine Malicin-5 hears the British Government Stamp. with the words "Solloway's Till: mod Jintment, Lon- don," (Signed) THOMAS FIOLLOWAY. Lyneen rktoher 3. Oa.. 1347. IIURON SIG -NAL 335, Orford Finn, W. C.. n R. WHEELER'S ELIXIR c f Phos - R -7 plates and Calisava-After having nsed your Campound -Elixir of Phos- phates and Calisava for over two years in my daily practice, I must.give it my unqualified approbation. During a prac• tiee of- over twenty yeare. I have used many scientifically prepared compounds, made to fulfil the same therapeutical in- dications as your elixir, but none of theni proved with me as yalnable as yours. To the me,lical profee.sfen, .end to the public, I would especially recomn LAL'(1EST NUM.IBER. mend it as the best remedy with which I am acquainted for the sueceseinl treate ment of the large and constantly increas- ing class af caces of over worked and nerve-exhansted women. Yours rmly, N. WA TRYNS RUDE, M. D. ;• i• Per knr4im in Advalier, 17 IN THE IF YOU WISI1 YOUR A_NNOCNCEMENTS TO BEACH THE hh• c oantrvinen. person,” said • Cenadfan Pacific Railway: A practicable, indeed a favorable route for the railway he, after imsgeteann the bony, "teas so ill,has been found from the prairies of the that. if Lilted not been meirdered he . . ,_ e d intone. t Superior and also to the would have. aid half an hour before." into valley of the Ottawa. The route referred "Is Pat Flanigan on board this ship?" • to will'necessitate the building of the roaren Nelson, during a lull in the firiug main trunk line past the north aide of at the battle of the Nile, "ruct here, Lake Nepieon, and a branch will be re - Ely i'91-3." 931(1 2rinrs sh'ing aeh on sleek. "fh.eu," sai-1. the gallant quired to Lake Superior. The distance Neilsen, /seeking satisfied, "tet the battle of the main line from the point where it Tins story isPat's. will cross Red River to theeastemtermi- nus, will be about 36miles, and proceed." 3 tn A Genuine Elighlander was one day eon B" and Lake Superior !•Ioiting at a print trona a picture by one the distance will be about 554 mites. e"; the old master:a, in which angels were common point on the Red River in reprezented b:owing trumpets. Ile en- 3,Ianitobe is more than 300 miles nearer qrsired if the ange"s played on trump,ets, Toronto by the Canadian Pacific mate anA being ataserel in the affirm, t1.7e, thaia by the most direct existing railway, made the rehanda: "Huh, sirs! go" -viz., by St. Paul, Chicago, Detroit. &c., der they- dinna hernew a pair &bagel and it is fully 100 miles less by the Ca- pipee.' I main Pacific route from the • 131.ncrE^ aitiro.-On a wet, arivrabel, , Red River to Toronto than by Duluth, foggy day in antunen Merles Lamb was and the shortest liens that can be -,--zosted by a beagar woman- "Pray, built along the south side of Lake sir, heatow a little charity upon a poor Superier =ening at Sault Ste. Marie. destitnte woman wha La perishing for 1 Not only is the distance nearly 200 milts taak ae food. Believe ve,e, sir, 1 have less by this Canadian Pacific route to EICOM batter•dv-s.”-Se lave I," said Ottawa and Montreal than by theronte Lamb, handing the poor creature a shil- last mentioned, but the length of mil- ling; "so have I, We miaerable day. way yet to be built east of Duluth is Gaed-bye--goted-bye." about 1,020 milei, while the whole dis- The Ewa oeyneanardaje teas attanstinag- Mame between Red River and Ottawa Iy Oaf> dish'eaeing symptom being a ie under 1,150 mike by the Canadian total absence en Bleep, without which the Pacific route. The distance fronerRed edienl nrien deelFted•he could not re- River to Lake Superior at Neipigen Bay cover. Hie sore, who was somewhat i is about 445 miles; while to Driluth it is simple, was zeate-1 sander the table, and 477 miles. Surveys have been vigorously =len oat, name foe tleet preened/ix man prosecuted during* past year between frae Livineretono for father aye sleeps the eastern slope of the Rockv mean- ies the Itirke"'04 of the) doctors thought , tairn and different points -of the Pacifio the hint worth attentlibee to, and the ex- coast. A continuous dersinof instramen- pe4ment freceeedied, for sleep came- on tat measurements has been completed and the earl recovered. from theYelloee Head Pass to tidewater A Tehtown chap, wheeaadorable n'nern_ =the FraserRiver, as well as to Tan; omit after the minister got to the conver !island via iute Inlet. Agreed, ed -cal line =ors the Rocky mountains homes. not being of the chicken-heerted aid e kind:calmly turned to the assembied to the coast has been found, but th ladies and BIM, ;la the...es &Ty another met of some sections Of in will be very gal here that at c$13a.py ty5varznt Biwa: heavy, and; it would. not be advilabIe to teener= lierha;" waeretapen tha sister recommend its adoption unta more exhaustive surveys havebeen ma.dewith of the false-hearted. oae exclaimed, acomt Imo itt, eareneeaerain,r and the the view of discovering a more favorable cerernony was performed to the delight of all paetiee. wiss.-Too often a cold or slight A millinses ay:Year:0, about te wait Ths nps e dtv....Lese, m30./11.3;4 ef coramitt„ cough is considered a very ordinary, ing soma =or ju Iter depaztrcent. she trifling affair, just as well /eft to go as it therefore =rammed eareerna as te, t/20 mule, and hence systematically neglect - be adoptedarid was told ed until a simple curable afleotionte con- temner to ; ` ' that a'oing 1,‘,2iferra the dnehe33 she . verted into a serimia pulmonary disease. mu 34:0, E 3y herssGrn,d,os. and so oat • .4.0. VGA more prudent, aware that a cough-, ca:0F,,g,,,,,,y away wc3t „.„i„i_ ora or cold should never be trifled with, bc-Isag zatroduz,i. atettnra vf; levr ese... promptly use 'Bires PnimonieWafers,' t ijlaratd, arm. ana going ta whech leave sustained their reputation scazIve, 61..114yd C3,1;10 rze truly thank- or ever 80 y . aye rthiza tka ctrzcv_is irvigered. eaneinas, and exert a most beneficial A 5 A FAMILY 'MEDICINE, IT IS "Amentd` infladleecla ail the brrelehial aniL Rub "-IL' well and favorably known, relieving Acne:set-rattan eneecenet., hod arrafiged ploreary organs. Sekl by all Druggists. thousands from pain in the with: hls; waan.ua,-;31,1 ono, ,,,tr, yte, pay pbox. aPJasuntrY meralante• Price 25 cents Side Back and Head,. coughs, Colds, er 30 SYRUP OFMPOPHOSPIIITES The point of arresting disease displayed by this Preaeration is honorably ackaowledged by the nedieal faculty in every metion where It has been utredeced ; and.the rapidly' inereasing sale le the best guarantee oethe estimation in tvhich it is held by the public. The Syrup will cure Pulmonary consumption. do the erst aed seemed stages; will Mee great relief Snd prolong life in the third. It will cure Asthma. aronchins. Laryngitis. Coughs and Colde., It will cure all diseases originating from waht of aluscuLar action and Nervous Force. such as Entargement of tbe Spleen, Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feebleand Irregular action of the Efeart,, Local and General Paralysis, Aphonia or Loss of Voice. It will cure Leueorrhoea. Chlorosie. Anaemia. and restores the blood purity ar.d health Sold By Anothecaries.- Price. $1.50 ; Six for $7.5.0. AMER I. FELLOWS, :CHEMIST RT. JOHN, N. B. Goderiel Sept. 41717 1871. • THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY Job Noses' Periodical Pills 'PHIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE Ls ENA I LI NG in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is moderect. It moderates all excess and removes all obstr ctions and a speedy cure ma^ hi, relied on, • TO MEWED LAIMEs it pecaltarly armed. 0. lita short time, hong Olathe monthly period with regularity. These Pas molar tle tateen9Y make daring the FIRST THREE MONTHS of Prelims/1,os they are sure tO bringon Mtrearriagt. but at any othertirne they are tare. 171t all Cases of Nervone arid Sploatleffeetion it,Pisin in the Backend Limbs, Fetitue or slightexertion,Palpi- iation ot the heartjfystenes, and Whites. these Pills ivilleffect a cure when all other meaty% have failed, and although a powerful remedy, donoteornam iron, calomel; antimony, or anything nuTtfulto theeoneti- teen. Fa Idirectoms in the pantphlet around each package which shire Id be carefully preserved. JOS 1103E3, NEW voiree, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 1.00 and 121 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop k Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general agents for the Dominion,will insure a bottle containingoverdoltlls by return man. NORTHRUP L YUAN Newcastle, G. gener a agents- forCanaoo itr. Sold in Goderich by Parker !v. Cattleand kr. Jordan; Gnu:liner or 0o., BayhAd �. Bentham, Roger lot lee 1 Pickard,Ezeter I. H. Combs, Minton, s„Sv ccnd,LecknovetE. Hick; eon Stafetth. end ni: Mecham. nealers. N CANADIAPAIN -IIEST1161/".• ' han 9pp.riterlly; bat tLe. green grocer Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, sent mhisac-mant Ilr.gbefors the guar- Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera tor vez „clue. The comillan, in great . NO ILISIL. ' Aforbus, Dysentery,w BoWel w3emt7...i1celdel upon no. gMert treVelr, — Cow/Ad/Ms, -Burns, land Int-wiz:4 urlder Ca irnpesEon that 64,7G3`0t. 73‘er.5igrilynnar".7 LerorajCf7fires.ritsilfreefroht. Scards, Prost --0----- keraf`ct a prs-3!ity mall, .D...-zz,y; yoa've sent ' , . _ Bice:, hiscredit- waa cbubted, said ; "I 'lay timiegraall- . .___. • . , Ea yona tat, De....cs, before i. bt due ' g:t-ttetri';'eg,1„,,d16.114,,,,,1,!'< 404n:iciags; 'culeritscoPla•45 - fjelleheeanadrubbilanaforraahlleiggtear oTtim"113, nand°vwbheeenrevbeei . Bee,sry.. 1-onr• father, the eller Berry; Li.In sass TaisoAr. 011ei I:legit flu aired, MIMI. tenets aotnaeeLneoee falling In a sante. jusame won2anstbaaatemeaziagoa3e,errir. calm Rifty cants worth Ins cardel, an oer, tagerepeenneent renetwhen timely need, end we, Ica nesra,t. 2,0a. sa b,,,xcicir ,e,.,,nry Iffo, seateteee CoCGW. Oae Or tWG Ihttfed cane ilicr have imerksown it angle diSsatfsfactfen, where the , 2 6catt cx,a a straw, vary, allia falzet cam of Fee. eziffEsetera-elteroLtif; - lOIX to eight directions hare been properly followed, bat on the r7 you$ till Sor:o,D2revo ripntceirmsetra-An ca,Ir 9/EZuniLiagrr ifirms gantries'', all axe delighted with ite operations,: and ,-• az 15.7.,,Ax.. Beetese. Offit botti bag aura Lake spa* in the ;ill/best tarps .0/44.0.411,es and magi- al.,,ri of a:4M yresea staedkig. Dan!el leanlaaef 'est eneete .. , ,oatearticularatontionpai41 to Tciwre - - Gae-ILUASDIMelee'llao-WfieD Pia, Ica:Sal Ereitikr.gele Ti-oe'ea CosolltIa ea.,. Pori: V..,::::1=33,14:3 BITLIA:a b /atm -a Bia.,34er tl'wc-17?-1.5,-fulT,%2Cnia71:3:41:"OL9OrYg:XarSP(NLII.WinghtC3b7?:elsle..:licerlitsote9Wire:niftkrrfairmwiatfyuveifItti."11114:0eiLlial:lar4leinfictilrt(:sher;ViChilha°1vcari,.1:111iiii.,P...ri'.211112d; ..- ' • If- - I. ' - / . treeeeet ..No,71.1:v;-.) Lad cr,63:7e.il *OM Br,:b1, v.hlt.z.-,-.),I. Atuyper vela Us Asa. Aernisii, _toy -reeownetrigoasideislilfICI4PJA Pah* stioversiga r2F.3 ":!'il'3:1 WG::111 T:;' i3133°d11- : ritriEe3elvanal"1 leevebilargiffterit I roueresillsigyi,`Ipril %me? ur'tonisbiex•efiejer iittbs Coll*Ilia.n. Pim De'. ': es•I'y yrea fre tlia E.311, Cloy ware trataL:r3i'led tl)ancl raht ater34 r4nrii/U ! irl--4';'.1"'I 3. .,f ';'''''''Qf l'f'.11.1r'r'ililr'el °11.1:vre:j3tirele312°tre. itrIfirs°7deer4.04n1at.gwtddisetrcar eker°4-wireshaforilDiu5fraegce.tnil; ' OrdOrgbymaiIi)nnotually attended to. 4,--11. roan -I a far,-,,,a:room taw flaw: ,' wrIs-'11:7;i2a.'-'rept,ez =1,1, hthIeerilftipi keun abate is torturous paint of 1(17 07 and: In -relieving („•11%460:-_,-,3 weal Ce-VCIllCee elfe_ a Sawa*, and i 'i 'r x„ writes:" Tear Eeeleezia 'I'ller6Tiredr. 0Nre".13:WiletglfAelS.eft1/74enr£1 taitieteelnbtt411141gh NMI'S° iVeltielliar .„ s.._,„,:„., r,,,,,,,A f,r..,.,.m. , A .-2.,11, f mkae.,--_,-'-:afry reek.'rmlem al atlr ppawglerstnau ratto of the cbtntr! lirfurthr sol'- -- say;"Wala,nevssoil a '181 110 an&esohtetuyiaifTgup wevers;ea .. e!...,.., 0,,,,:-„,,,,•-,,,,) feesaa ie0 173.1 Zee' -,....*,-4.33:174. ' fat"; 1,-..a giac:a seesti Cfr.Bp..?;:/- avg5facirrel ea:OW', facti;nkt over. Lsinflei : Li*.i•-::::-,nial of f31,7 or t%e B.zartilte Tpa AXE Thocaralian Pain !Mangler 'ziever 1all3 to giVc • ...4.1A--. ",..7-)e'L-7-7-1, 1:2,::,..,_•ae;',a, _ r f.:::_it L. 7/3,3 so 3.1,:t_e3rflaff35:11.7!).:..11.:41tri,::4eilt A';'1-4/011: rimbniv$0.„,zalanttorrellig anillimeitesdcfnoillartneftruitinfikyalLit a r• --aa; --ilitni that . C:53 8e7:1 "1:11. Win xxr9 Pgattlielk Snirturigt ` wliit0' 't it. after trybig it. - aceiaeereee-ameadeielelb t..-1? IM-14e-1411tOil i, torrolVera., ,,e ecer„eee.,1- e - - .e,e,e-,- -,142: -„Il- --- -- ;• ,.- prize, orevTwinty4lve Cats perboWe. T -lee of c tense Is Id. v ono t.t' 7a1-,-/osir:013 bet Pen,--jii.';7'-i..w.116/5i4Iri;instrs-It14,AFI . .411*"So1d in Goderich, by ate. Cattle, '-'17 (-1'44" --/-.44 W4IFJ:rf)141" ilifil' ' Igf'4kttc'.t & TITMAII` 3Tr4'°"*"''‘ e/4' )11" ' F. lordsn; Ogrdinor a co, . Dayfisld; astoia :orate none -Aiwa hese OP -*ea:sr ii ..4-•'Q :II al:;::°.. fi,a1ciprO0064- i am,. to-t4uot54tat iaistossa.-sai. In. Beatimin, llogerviLle; 3. Pickard, od t.-/ gi: e hill 4..l1ie* ;,4 sperfestiyiottoa., _lop am ea (Leeeeich, be Goo Ostde,IP Joni's' ,, Zaeter; R. Combo, Clinton; S. Sotord, *tate et atial, Use !one of whiels was 1=4/ta co., 8.7siteto. asetama, va.1 Lugiktutw;i. yookioat swath ; and an ails, sox Irr s as44144.44k1 rostored to 1 veseerwiL 11;0.4 yott;',Iellala ,40,,, asiodialne &gem bias. mow. Godevieh, Dee. 20, 1871. w 50 g Advertising -0 F- Rates 'CA beral. GO TO THE net' eatai., egeneateari rent tnete ty/ -ON etri FOR YOU it Job Printing. ___ 0 All kinds of Werk fidnn the LargestPostertotheSmallestOard EXECUTED WITH , Neatness and P.9q1,4.tel.):, tj. J. DELL, Einropmeornormstrant. NEW BOOKS, Wall IL --aper, &C.; &O. WHOLESALE&RETAII. ' AT BUTLER'S I BeautifulAssortment OF JEWELLERY -OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, . and to be sold C'HEAP AT 13UTE.E.14'S Fishing Tackles, OF ALL KINDS. CONSISTING OF REELS, BASKETS, BAITS HOOKS • .ad LINES .71 • enverlot ki AND Z.W.I.LINC AT COST AT BUTLER'S. liulorich, 19117 /tug.. 1870. ew104 • DANIEL- GORDOlt—.--- A 1;3 I N Eat ITAICE.11, ,.11P3TOLSTEPZitt. 1732.eteria1mei.; eloo. ciZZ) "to • • 1111 - _ - )21( - - GENERAL AGENT FOR THE FOL- LOWING INSTRUMENTS. Organs and Melodeons R. S. Wil liarns, Toronto; Peloubet, 'Pelton & Co. New York. laX.41.1\TCHSI UNION CO.'S, New York. GABLER BARMORE DUNHAM WEBER • °BICKERING MILLER VOSE'S t It et tt 16 61 16 Boston, 11 46 is Can furnish almost all Canadian and American Maker's Instruments onterms to suit purehaseris for cash or on time at less than Manufacturer's price. Goderich, Feb. 27, 1373. TRE WATER Is made in all sm.!, suitable . for Ladies and Gents, both 111 gold and silver. But the - accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions THE C:25 RUSSELL HUNTING LEVER WATCH, In sterling silver case and gold points, full jewelled, warranted for five years - together with a gold-plated Albert chain -which will be sent to any part of Can- ada on receipt Of F,1:5, or C. 0. D,, per<expreLs. W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street Fast, *ToliONTO. ONT. 7! " .7•1411,0,(#.4 ERIC &KAY, Cabinet Maker Upholsterer, 866i " DEGO eave to return (haulm to the inhabitants of Ooderich and surrounding country, for their liberal patronage during tho last -4w° veers he hes been In businese. Bele now prepared to tarnish all articles in his Hue. such as T_T 1•T1 T T_T OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PILLOWS BOLSTERS MAT TRASSE,S, dm, f. -)heap for Cash, AND QN THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE FRAMES kept on hand and made to _order. Haying on hand as assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I. ara proper el to make coffins en the shortest notice, awl 40 conduet funerals on the most- reason- . able terms. ?Er Remember the old stand, WEST STR .ET, opposite the Bank of Montreal, - uoderich. Feb. 12.'72. ly - ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid New Stock. ae, 0';;r ..-N7teeee --rev Geriuho "- s •t.„ ' • • 4• O ilUTION. BUY 0.NLY THE fairbariks' Scales, M.V:s1.71'.1.11T1tED D.17 7.f., T. Pairbank3& eq. Standard- Scales, briA 11, ..*•!CAL7:-:S, HAY SUALEr:, D.11nY greet:He, Cu te eFie i4cAL ES, &C., rte. Scales repaired pr ohptly and reasonably • For s'6,, a!ea, Tree:niter's Coffee and Drug Mills,' Composition Balls, all sizes Letter Pr•e. &.c , &c.- T.11E MOST PERFECT' • ['ASH 11 -RA J.12 fre el A To i:vsay llEnci,m4T &GOULD Use Vern. C. Barry it. Bi -o. - Cabinet M,akers, Undertakers a Wood • ' Turners, ..a..11IMIC.014:211V SEM. Have removed across the street to the store next deer to W. Acheson's Harness, Shop, whore will be found GOOD oRTMENTi fueliinLtoEsh.en. Bedroom, Dinmerroom, and ear or Fu , nitnre, such as TA ASS' o CHAIRS hair, cane and wood seated) CUPA01.E -)4BRIDSADs, • WASH STANDS! MATTRESSE,S . . LOUIZEFAS,s. WHATNOTS, LOOK1NC GLASSES G. II t Et GaireTprerprta.rteMdttoNCte.ell everything in l' their lino Cheap .ft,r Cash. 1 N. B A complete assortment liCoffins end Shrouds liways onhand and a Hearse to hire : al on reason. nble terms, A CALL SOLICITED.. ' (leder-Ai, 15 Aug 1570 "11 Large Soul in a Small . . et- ,e_e_ne „a. ' eer. •'"dr. Body." T e aleovetoittyepnenetten-eua - $/0 Organs. WHILE thaokinit:E;ni loriser:a ts d • • .7 customers 'tor • their /Ward ;patronage EVERY and confidence for the past year (and which we still hope to retain,1 we would respectfully Call their attention to our DRAWER style No -,-61. 'This Organ being'a 6 oc-. tave, Double Reed (i) Scala] iia.very de- Wirranted. sirable instrument for &attended Playeks, Pianists or parties educatindhitmseIves for the pianderfe:- and is' ayarlor- . ptrument, it meetti eireryrequiremen .- Dur No. 30 is the 'same aB 61;b6Ediffer•:' ent style, and more expnii5e. Cur No. 32 is pronounced by all who have seen it to be the fineft Instrithiehtin the world fin the price; this organ has two complete setts same as No 30. with two additional half setts, viz, Hautboy and Vox Celeste, Making four setts from. middle 0 up and also 1,1 octaves :of Baas Profundp. We are the first and -only parties who make this line of instru- ments, and the universal satisfaction they have given, and the immense sale of these Organs, show that they are ape predated and encourages us to make them a speciality. Applications for agencies, where we have no agentseat all theues confidential- ly solicited. For Illustrated Catalogues, Address: A. HARDY & CO., Guelph Ont. • July 1st, 1872. 1333* BOLD AT FAIIIBAKKS' SCALE WAREHOUSES Fairbanks & Co-, 93 Mani $t., Buffalo, N. 7.7 403 St. Paul Street Sionteeal. , 338 aroadway, Albany. N. Y., 311 Broadway, New Yolk. FA 'RR/INKS, BRQWN &Co., 2 311I11 St., Boston. For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers. 1366-2m GREAT REME.DT FOR CONSUMPTION which can be cured by -a timely resort, to this stand.- awd preparation, as -has _been proved by the hundredsof testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl; edged -by many prominent physicians to be .the ,most - reliable preparation ever hi- trod.uced for the "xeltef, and cure of all Limg-complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience - 1S7°,2) AS u:-..tiati COMPLETE.SUOOESS! Ten First Prizes At. Two Pxhileitions WI B'ELL' &' 0'0.. GUELPH, ONT„,: . • Received Eveiy -:First Prize of over forty years, 'Nheii: resorted to m season dom fails to effect 'a sbeedy cure in the -most i3eirere cases of CoughiiiBronchitis, Croup, Whopping' Cough, Influenza; Asthma,. Cold's, Sore 'Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side' Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c., Wistar's Balsam does not dry. Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is 'the; case'vith most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. IdintintEl nr WEW. 701/13.4 &MI Utast *no 432 log by DruNtilstaatilDealersgenerslly, FOE, at tbe ti4lilhO niihiiiiiV4 iiiiiiiiiiint.irtd :,.0 r,0,11-8"St 'AI erote 0 11 S ventral Ex Entbdie Cill.ellbi a. 9 C.Orti Or ve6 Thilr *editsls 1510111 success;inaddittork, to iii!itYeseirre. ' - - i 3 Dtpjoisinsl. frontaitihig Scribner'seratept-QuIlifyitik,ipleelre C1 introduced, /heir sap lari cauceded by 1 oi:Sileuerlilei*Prop:11,tattieri ilA31;nnifairlt tr ofthoe!`e 2 - . ' Ievery instrtuneng fully alitrallted for fire. years. yuyi . • Provo that -rtrInsatriultdrienit?iti;FtbiereSptiarion:r4.olif coi.. lint adknowledged by all tillie Oa greatest improvenient 08 Send for cale:I.ognec.ont,,altrieg-fifter different•Styles of lootrilliiamIte:ortleromy .:_th:,...fir,ct:liii_livi:aj3t-ox,ti•Le,stricoal.73: - Gnelph de' t.'fb igiz ' thLutinatiliter to compete with tht-re,!elf ' • - petielt j_adges am incomparably impeller to all: I - e ,4 • - (,,, ' 7.", ,„ • • . . U - , . 1344; . 11...."1 0 'TICE / . 0/#••••••th raoriorm.,7 ' . I 7' ji-,,- triT'ARTIESAjottagOvo tux - si Sig/Lai-Mice for work (lona previous to tile PION°, last, are- ra4uirad to rig, HD .AT ONC14. stA.the undercii cid• . . - _ - _ ABBAin AiisAfitfi. Goderich, Feb. 5, '72. ail380,0tf - •••••••y7.••••.' • 9 ,for SiliVOI: --er 0 Ctt. TeIttitzolVIDS1.100. 710:81::.T1;T: cc.% D 1, 2/ . 4. • 1:4. • • ';L:;-. rik114:19otftei°1311a' yfija:tillecr Tg4"3:11,1111.r.t wi)0434:161°t, •-..e; : fie ,a, !I 'sea a : eel !ale; ,:',e ,rtict411, panes from the Town of Godench, _ „ Gria. s, , containing SO aorese 70 eleared and PUTTY . a/good _under. good 'cultivation, 'well mitred mug through tho Lot, a large beszing . Orchard of choice grafted Fruit/ large liewed Log House a Frame Barn . ,. . with a never failing' aPring Creek run- . 54.32, stabling and driving shedwitla a Ltrge hay loft 62x27, with other out . buddinks and a food pump *tlho bath ...for Cash. Apply' to Stable and a row fruit trees aciia facia wisiL7:alortr-tehd°N; la:Ofh.Tgr, a s' Qholti I 101:::FramesiDAteP es. r n 1 si, ttri 1%:St:I 3 iO( 10: I 14 House 1 Tsoibet 'noe wPARtGnurihitio1077C j IN : rer loa me r gro ti 3;41.1 Joining one quarter of an acre ,of laud mob, near. the Railroad Station, ooli. well. This property wilrhe acid Cheap G. M. TRUEMAN, Or to - C. SIIANorcalsT60,,N,rrenaes. Goderich, 251h Jan. 1673. 3.351 AIILIES717- I 704704re 3. I ( ; HAVE itEckliviao rralLiti4. wic•ArTH • Silk Velvets, 24 and 30 Inch. Silk Reims a Poplins, TvAlled flannels, White and Scarlet, Nubias,White, Scarlet andBlaok, • • Coloured Turouoise, different s hades, Sash Ribbons Cord anctVitatered, White Brussels, Nei Muslin Lace, 4, • Green Bid Glove:S. Canada tarns and Hose, Goderich, 91h Dec., 1872 LANDS for BALE AT AYFI ELM -r OTS NO'S. 71 et f2 BAYFIELD e/UNCESSION JJ TOwnsbtp of Goderich, cosaleelsiog 140 ecru of the hes quality ofland, nithin Omit 2 miles of tho Marketplace of the Town of Bayileld, 'There is a eleasauce of 23 acres -which Could readily be prepare ed for erop. The remainder of the land Is closely covered with the beet of beech and maple timber of splendid growth. an excellent road palms on two sides of the property. which is =anted in (Mold and well settled neighbourhood. .ALSO.-Lo't 14, Renge A TowheldpStaale7, noutaining 39 acree of well reserved timber fowl, which would produce a large quantity offirewood to the acre The lot rano to tbe River BayBeld with a eensiderable water fall which con be mode avail able for milling or ineaufacturingld purposes. For tame apply to, JAMES U. ALLEN.. Guelph. or W. W CONNOR, Esq. Hayfield. Guelph, Aug.16th, 1870 w30 - Farm. For Oa.l.e. *I" Also—Felt Overshoes 8i rarkiteoTnewa Ncet grr oririii(TcP E.b8cF,ViVirfie lop acres 50 cleared and under good fence, and 59 acres good Hard Wood 'limber.. Two spring Creeks, Soil first quality, goo6 Log House and Frame Barn end small bearing Orcbard, within 1e mile of Steam. Saw and Grist WM, and within 41 101108 01 the County Town (laderich. .Termainotie- rate. Apply to 301IN Encis-111DS On the prenusee. Goderieh Nov. 20. 871. 0 tn.4 _ Prosh Fruits. 1347 COAL OIL ANT) COAL OIL LAMPS. At pr. GARDINER it COIL GO_DERICH -E0f1.19.R 4 11„, "reet:;',: .• . . tc9P!I FARM FOR BALE. -1 0120, 5th on. Goderieh Toinaship. 80"aeres of 1J Land 70 acrer cleared good Building, lo acres of FaIrWheat, af, miles !hem the Town ot Giderieb. Aprily to 0.31. TRUBBIAN Goderich, or on the premises 170 DAVID COX. aze. Godeneh, Dec. 13117. 1871. FOR SALL ,OT 5, Con. 4. E. D., Ashfield, con. " mining 200 acres excellent land, covered with Maple and ;Beech, 10miles from Goderieb, with a never failing trout stream running threegh the ceatie of tbe • land, ehere is about 15 acres pf cleared land on the front of the let, TAIIPP°ElYSag.thiWneEerAaTiaBdESultryAjrjeysepr - Goderich, Jan,2nd, 1872. Valuable Property For sale. Fltr-BT,EAfittENC Rd f: -v.ferz i; lia, a 7_k*.e."- . pain= 858 !BUIE TOWN 01? A—ND 88i 114-7111E undersigned -having sold tll litybri Fo'lliiary. property and e'Arl luahlattriseiutaguatisfola kt{!:!: .. - ., -- Male, and oil Le years, and trusts that they will Continue to send thCir order's to tfu'' t"'"Iireli'l:'s!.n.a atr)riF 116.111P.r:42 "Palate .L. Stock to -the 56- Goderich Foundry and AianufactuTing Company," waThatonse-whmleaumeepwraelMiwnrere"ar'° s o thank the public for their liberal support foi• the past nineteen ' 701418tri.ttigttin:::03,p4ifra:ttep:ma. New (ompany. . _ ' ' R. 'RIINCIMAN. . , . limneelcbrrafitwuRisse'sthibretrouss' rox Goderich, 10th June, 1872, Referring to the above Notice, the GQDERICH FOUNDRY AND MANU- - - - • - v VICTORIA, to contract for FACTURING COMPANY beg to infer:in the puede that ?they 'are prepated 1 :eetoaeonewii, grettit-On'-' t - FLOUR, GRIST 4, SATV MILLS, SAWING MACHINES, 4-c. STEAM ENGINIES AND BOILES, . . . . . , . HYPOPHOSPiliTES , on Ileina . . .. Goderich 15 July, 1871 se793t r o. .. It" 6.ycgsi,o,j;.i...•eyL.sa.z,tivi,_,4. Ar. ,.0:,1... ".,;. , IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with. steel boards, FeemuleamerVeertiped7thitiCheadealltlahree - L' ' ' I ' • GANG PLOUGHS. CULTIVATORS, - .For fliti etreventfeiiiiill:Ciieilif" ' ''' '''' • ... PULMOlki:ARY, -00iTSVM:STION• . * :-,-/Eiso tiiiine- day or . Dyipepsia,Ilicilichitis;` itstbhieloss STRAW COTTERS, 4-c.; - — • •. - ,W,AcGo,GoOKNINBG0X,pEASAro,E 4, SUGAR AND POTASH- KETTLE* ORATE BARS, BOX STOVES of various kinds. pf21P11,:eler:naltve2rs:11*Ocregt-eil*7 CERTIFICATE Ag TO PiTUTY. Aiii ETIOCek. . _ S.A.Marr "I"..A.INS Made to CO:rd'er, , ..., , To the Viet/n:1d ebonies! e - 'Ille'°' 12 WI '.-"..A* Tj Crt ''''' ' ' ' - -% '. '7 :. ':-: itYattnioffi,:iiiirifiiiiiiii)ftiiiihE , , lio4 and Brass.,_Cas.7.7. s, and Blackonitia, Work. t0ivRs AND SA.LT P.A.Ns 1./EPALTIZ74D GA, ilkoitl,:iiiitiiiei'-g7ttya.ndiZi=19,A=r1,,,,,,?;CITZ::. The eeveral Tamp cAphites' 13801 ate efirenqrillv ' ' All- Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary will re. . . .., '•z, i WettkUthirttlIOrse-ii6werttillat.Roildt .". 'c,1:::::;::::13:;,:::::::- — ....-. - -- 6.3:iielli-Coil 'hand for Stile. ' ' '''''' ': 7 "If' ' : ihice-81 per Bottlec Eold by all Draggle -is. I • V,i -G,T,O.R 1 A', Pro,esse'r of Chemistry, B. S. cerye prompt attention. : - ROBERT RUNOIMA-14, General Manager. GEORdE 111.tBiR4:044 Manager Agricultural Department. • 'Goderich. Ont:;10thjuife, 1872; IIORACE HORTON, aPresident ARCHIBALD IdODGE,- • &erefary aud Treasurer, Ak'e'efielterie4,74.716-1r:Piefagfrol..t4 WIZ/ Eld#42/30.)#4FSZed:E•filetitiVnAbriaitieSAWG41 1340-. (foga do reretrelen•zaliS dirgseaVtaareltelititirni; Organiefia iezthee SCO, • . : if the ab'oro Di . sorder, si s. nd younewsidll ...ftdly vonvineed of its pie•eminent Price $1 per Bottle. Bold by all Druggists. , BUCHU &UVA URS1 Nice Variety of PlatecitWare. ilA • . P:15 ARE of all "HMS -ifittifIless Variety, and at the ',„,towest Rates At Et *GARDINER & C N.Q11,111. SIDE OF: 1.1:11.s0,11Ajig, GO 0 B Neatly,- cheaply and expe' ditiously exceatei at the &nue oltie V.1.CTORI.A • ALE 0. L I N -I E. T :ritetmotati.” - BR ElFor ilhertittrifiiit;' ORA: 1.Neris.i*%. Irttnive-d, .15.;-:zzlj,ppzg,gaT.:4 attffr.eas in gleccfilisis; E • erl:amt eei 1 'CI Buy it! Try it 1- Profs it 1 Brice-50Cents per Bottle. -Sold by all Druggist% CAR -DS, BILL HEADS, VJVT ORI A' - NOTES, BECPER1POGT R8,4111.31ES, • POSTERS, Tw1/4._suau ,t, -,211.a, ;SD., also.forck2P- ",EMINENTVY THE LADIES FAVOEITB. GLYC-ERINE1' JELLY.. -For Biaituf 'ag the Compiexior„tandfor ezzorfr2 .• . ,ped Hands; Clabireitze; FroSt'llites and Spre . g NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT, . pike *oniarrF.,13-6ti/j; iojet.hy, &ictiiks; ALTETSICA147S214*°:::.:VICTORIA. LIT Printed •, • Sze., C4r/SRCULA,RS, 'JURY: AZIA-01;1V.08t:. DEEI3S YIO • - t- • 3 ?go, .F10770-04;ASUit•PRITR SOAP. OAT1,HASTORF.ArQ t.p._ • . .0.4lipOrq _sew. „ and at the lowest :. Ta-• 13 T4 0 IN S Cr INT _A_ . GlitaaLlt.SALVE;. A Specifte :167 -11'ounale, e.Praises, %rue Scalds. Boas4110, „ftiVEPIIR. 4'C:14'224' :C11741166 14141'2 706 ths Walt P.ffrtr ilestrtrtzpa., Price.25 Cie. per 401tlee Sold by pilylraggists.- VOTERS LISTS, TO f f.‘• 11:1) . .21 .11 a tit:12)e •-•.: '71- : ':. :y0 ,r•Mt :.....,,, ,. ,-- ,' r t.. , ., . _ , . .. (..., il ,....;(... c... . • 00. •: I: .7; 1041 ;4;7; 'TT ',fa ° . ._ a f! . -zeal e s:- : Latarus Norris -& ,L'A*0 11'• -1s* „ ras, Szkeetaeles hSl„KSilTP LIKE TRIAL rEUSCRIBtZjIt14"°4ri,sxPATRONAGEBE -;sTAlithit,durbePagiaifr111:.7L 4441416g9ItNoncE.—AnY „l'Ila4!l,-'41.,4,:,•i11-.1i4frC:a4't-"tl1it11::i.<,, `.. Terzs 71n)?rt9i11tteeds1;;;ttc75;8!Pifni(7r1:7143t;3(iiet2:C?4?.6i:11: WIT -04VATO4:PERATOT,„0 IeiElDtlaaITYi; r Niaterh nding, the- 'Evhi:3;i3 saistier to alioVe tolhe Agent,Y. Aron:Ian iP. 11,74DI71G7-tiii°nOt:67:i1D.6;S-Ii' 1 'AT ;:sQrGI;A:16:-.:04L-a 1t 9 411:11r.11,4.7.:,,44`,TIF0,0!:Th°11,11.:Tglin .Y'r4t*?1,4411 Fork -‘anarsateed. •itastriswilteresiuninnlawetbeirtmern.lraceraasola4sIllidoProtratft.aorietrien,mintagatimurytadiiasttantiealthitehirwrralatleme tkent., vawpoi0:itsill:0:ubleil:00:onnfoposTisislirttiC9aupt:ni:pite;;011ailiesvottipttorrtUnaV:ihotnioing:i:1:011:0tulluhati * so wialung to =shams their wed forgoods will ilia It *it timer interssgttttoe':ilyide;thrs • fitt4- &Inn/elves for useful and te., 401IN !NOUS & SON Gaderich,234 ,Nov. 1672. # 4 tat atri etitee atdanzm Circ. e. 11 14 CS 43 t te-fireess e/ • net belie. Co-Fertee. Etle' 4te, a/Mei trerr.m7rt liaseisy„ '110 11579 tnorszr -Vienna Ideleyea Tato, Bus OStee Tone GoatrZch, .fobtr,. ta- nElF/Ia betel, t3sefeillie 33r weet, be el'earela ealsater-7 L asabialit DErEentet L statna QoI flABH.L.A. x-/E,31-aita?`t•-.• B Otte id Q. 13 Li fee' 42/eseer 3Zrate A -TIC /tt cogieck. DARTail H.LY 0ntlelc %V t.C2f_a CEce,ove?J. _ T ATI MI= la_weleieciatEel eweag 7Usacc LP Ac ,eneece mo A ECEDITE1.74,1 kt Cf -n. ocTre.-22...71 • 41'10-7P wc.-.2 13uelumirn E9Dclatimdl 1/14x2dtrz$, rkti Blseeleg A. M maamEccEN or.1 Colfcg!. VIM VIEltlay ' Eger:Lem ct OFFI blewgeto Etet. NO B.---11 nets. FOR taXiatol am -eat DiSTEN2 ifeerme-fl Erb, Unth -- MISS to ter patron forte and Radian Colocrae JUL -aware. face SS& to afalfs TiEffir, TM OD aDatelek12 _ - GOD Trust ittrI