HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-25, Page 3/Mtn. :ran* (dIts 1ST3. LO ta$L2O,illeadeett MARKErs. " June 05, cz) to $6 tee Dak-oe's $3 75 to Li CZ; No. 2, $4 93, $4 Ea. to 44, 1L5; Poll'ards„ -Dan 4t2 L;ring,_ 8L4. e Omen ; Pc -as, M ISTC, New. C'SIIts3 ; Oz. to Iff; Fair to 21.1c to 211. F.rzas, t. to T.Si- ;',13 to S.3 S PS.3723 1:za. tnst,.. the wifo teacher, tho'r',2•11 aor. Esq., rublic '..tiLuccon, of a slln. 2th 3t.,Ilta. oti A son. IlataLS -- tho m-sAoztco cif the Cti'ootilstlt, on r. W. T. Mc.Aintlen. lntosh„cf Seafcch. 'ietclang,,htez. of S. gc?.Mt Parkin. tho J 111.rr. IthMt11ie lassinr- inst by Rev. J. ger,.31.- to Miss- H:chf 311eGillicray. Qn0b.-,--,c, by ;awson, on the 6th Lee Etze . Civil En- nemdmir. youne •the late Thomme D. Engermer. Coonty 17=-. - - em Fri- . Pmbetfe tha ho- n. Hemline:, mete, d 5ettlatt9. LIsi" ONCE. nocoa„ (BILL GODDMN. i37.5. re a imem cf Tee i. got it teem Tea, 'pee mem Lees nee Mee oLaraw- •am's Elia the prsa. teem; tem theol'oes GOODS RIES, A ALL — DAY. Rg EBEATIO N tCK9 'OF ,17LY. Lead 'AND .th3at tho term cleadeo the tha Siren. awardel wing and °thee for (5-' the 'cheek: S3ek. o race, Bael ee, Gierre Race, L'trz"1-121D,S /toga onoip, tetemay tve'e, Timewing Mame Qaeits, 3 tee eriereetdDaril, Luc. tho Lela at Matellw3 am:element. 4.r co K s na..9 P. M. nelog ne mot-hm mmolsst come erica, QUEZT4,. aVED t_ ORE. 75st TUTS,. RATS. N. is Celesta IRE TORLS, 44r Weed. 101:111ZITedd ' 1379 •••••• soo +44,1 sec. • ' •-• oft 9 eon 4t-atn 5 • sse CA4.1.72•. Th* PoPtgatiOn- at Paley, as tele* by the enumerators, is 1038. A. -proclamation pablished eieint force to the Washingtea Treaty fool* the 1st of July next. jonte Worsorso a young moo a reo- Heist ef Penney, was Instantly killed. there c1 Thursday by a waggon wheel passing over him. 11-2re Geo% a temperance and literary mestaMno-puhlished at Tomato has been a tialoemated with the Montreal ness. Mo. William Smithson, of the Etti eoaceasion linnets, has fall wheat rain - satin 33 Indies in length, and of a goodi healthy °colour. the Con ing treat Motional Church are mak- endowttienit ftirtaofthtirraiscoll6014:1'2")11°1:trer They aiNe likely to succeed. A movement is oft foot to establish a Roman Catholic newspaper in London, its *act being to promote the int°rettA distivea. theeabove chureh throughout the _ while nienwere hoisting a beam last Fraley upon a new building in course of erection at Teeswater, it fell upon them Kttelalliy. mjnreel several—one it ti f•Ire'd The imfant daughter of Lerel Dufferin was beptmed at Qeebec, on Suaday 15th June, Sir John Macdonald aeted as gcolfather, and Inely Harriet Fletcher as godmother. The name of the chili is Victoria Alexaudrina Muriel May. A conviction for selling tumor after hi;hrs, ta ndon, is to be carried to a higher oart, where the ground will be taken that the Legislature of Ontario has no pewee to inake laws regulat, ig the sato of ligeori. A rumonr is afloat that additienal evi- denco has beea obtained in !rapport of the Huntinetea ttharees, consisting of certain tolograms that: pesstd directly between Si: Hugh Allan and a member of the Cabiaet. Tho landlady of the It tit Ray Hotel, Teeswater, was terribly burned ou Wed- nosiey night, by her clothes heing fired through the. explesion of a coal ell lamp, wnic:n shit was lighting. Little- hopes of heir mecovery are entertained. Talk about the length of time it takes to -get reedeeu We know a young lady echo was invited unexpectedly, at ten o'cleck ea Friday night, to go to Eu- tr pe fer a year, and sailed at eight on Saturday INOTiailig. Then, is a report cu -rent in Montreal that the Dimaluion Government have se licitiel aue are likely to obtain the dis- allowance a the act of last session au- titorimug tho Commons to swear the witaesses on the Pacific Railway inves- tigation. A private telegram has been received in Toronto from England. stating that the Rev. D. Pinahon, echo left here tee the old country about a month since, was men -lied there on Wednesday 'none - int to hta third wife, a Miss Fester, of Sheffield. Judge John.aten,, a gentleman 82years of ago, has been appointed Lieutenant- Gerernor of Nova Scotia. Judge John- ston is at gradient _traveling in the South of Franc" and the announcement of this dipeohatment has createe much surprise in the prorince. It is rumored in Ottawa that Louis Rig' is to receive the appeintment of In- dian Commissioner in 31anitc.ba, from the Dominion Govern:meat, in order to keep him from running for the vacancy - in Proveacher, caused by thet death of Mr. Cartier. A man aliened Murphy, a switchman at the Grand Tank Refills ay station, Toronto, has been cominitted to stand his tial at the &seizes, for beating his wife 60 severely as to cause her death. The znan was not drunk when he abused hie wife, but seems to hare been over- come by passion. At the cheese fair held at Ineersoll, on Triesnay last, over 50 factories were represented. Seyen thousand fear hun- dred boxes vrere offered, for sal., 2,300 May make, the balance of June make; 2,092 were sold during market hours; afterwards 1,000 mere changed hands at 91tc to 101e. The Belleville Intelligencer says the cheese huenessi of Hastings County has grown to something enormous. A num- ber of the factories have been compelled this season to enlarge their manufactur- ing =Fealty-, and had not the dry weati- er enatinued so lenge !many others would haere put in new machinery. The engineerss hays commenced to /Geste thc line of the London Heron &eeail Bruce Railroad. It is un:derstood the road will run through Exeter to Clinton and Kincardine. It will not touch Lamin at all, as was at first antici- pated, the ratepayers of that villaeo re- fusing only a few days ago to grant it a shall bonus. thinking the road would have to ran through their village at any rate. The Ottaw`a Citizen speaks most en- ceuraginely of the prospects if the craps En the Ottawa country: "The fields of grain in many parts of the country in this vicinity, have, perhaps never leak- ed better at this time of the year. The crops are green, and there are no indica- tions that they stiffer from drought. From and after the first day .of July next all money order offices in the Do- sriinion will have authority to issue money orders -payable at any place in British India, and tied versa to pay money orders drawn by the money 'order dice& of British India upen theni. The Sites of conenisaion will he as under, and no one order can be drawn for more than 21.0 sterling, but any sum may be ob- tained by insane of two or more orders. The followina rates of ceintnission will b. charged for orders ;—Utider and up to 22 sterling, 300.; for orders ever 22 and np to 25, 60e.; for orders over 25 and up to 27, 90o4 for orders over 27 and up to 218, $1.20o. Special care will be required in regard to the particulars entered into the advices, but all tke necessary information will be supplied by the post masters: From and after the above named date, also, inuney or. does will be proeurable At all money order offices in the Dominion, ani at the post- offiee at Fort derry, Manitoba, at the same rates of comtnismon and en the mine conditions as orders are now granted, payable within the Dominion. In like manlier, Fort Garry will nous orders on any money order otiose in the Dominion. L., Z. It B. It• (From the Advertiser) The pantie* of this railway and its prospects% for an early eompletion have been tierrovred down to a nue point, and a few weeks at the outside will decide its fete, favorable or otherwise. The t r- rangements between the Company and the Great Western are closed to the sat. isfaotion, we beliene, of both boards, end it only remains for the L., H. & C mpony to complete its share of the borgam to secure the construction and equipment of the road, and tta opening for traffic within 'the next eighteea mouths. One of the chief oojecta yet to be achieved by the directors uf the L. H. &. B., and a vital one te the success of the ticheine, is the completion of the list of bonuses from municipali- ties along the line. Three toe memo only remain unpolled, and if auccessfel in thnse we believe the building of the road is made safe and cartel n. As ad- verse vose would, in all probability, destroy the prospects of the newline, or at least prove so serious an °Wails that its completion will be delayed for several years. The townships npon which so much depend are Stanley, Tuskersmith and McGillivray, each one rich, prosper- ons,and in need of the railway communi- cation which the opening of our propos- , ed Northern road will bring them. Te either of them the small bonuses asked, $10,000, will be a mere bagatelle, while the benefit, they will derive in return will be annually far in excess of the en- tire bonus. There will be in the con- struction of the road alone fully $80,- O0I expended in each township; pro- perty will more than doable in value, and prices of farm produce be greatly . enhanced, while the convenience to resi- dents within a radius of miles on either side of the line make the location of a railway a matter of great moment to any neighborhood. In the expectation of receiving the bonuses as stated above, the directors have ordered a survey of the line through these townships, but its locatioaang constructiori are depend ant entirely upon the action uf the rate- payers in respect to the bonuses. The. amounts have been put down to the lewest possible figure by the directors, and it is to be hoped that the people of McGillivray, Stanley and Tuckersmith will take aliberal view of tha matter and lend their share of assistanee to an euedertaking which will be of lasting benefit to them. London, tit which the propaied road owes its paternity, has • aided it liberally with a bonus of $100,- 000, which has already been placed at the disposal of the company, evidenctng a confideuce in the completion of the enterprise which ought to encourage its neighbors equally interested in the suc- cess of the scheme to come forward snit contribute their share cheerfully.The polling in Stanley comes off next week. We look to our progressive friends therm to do their duty and cast a large ma- jority, if not a unanimous vote, for the by-law. Their gotol exainple will have • an excellent effect upon the remaining townships. which will lee called upon to decide as to their courae a week or so later. The fate of the road depends upon the spint displayed at the pelts. It is not so much a questioe of dollars; it is railway or no railway, and in decid- ing we would remind the ratepayers that they should bear in mind the fact that if the present opportunity is thrown away a similar one may never a.gain present it- self to them. CRICKET nATS, • CRICKET BALLS, BASE BALLS, RUBBER BALLS TENNIS BALLS, .-IN GRMAT VARIETY Why This Daisy, This Eastr2 From the Kingston Whig. The late Mr. Howe was sppointed Lieutenant -Governor on the 10th of bley last. The representation of the County et Hants in Parliament we& thereby made vacant. Today, the 18th June, Hants still continues unrepresented. Nhy this delay? The late Sir George E. Cartier died on the 20th ult. The representati n in the Commons of Provencher thereby becan:e vacant. The writ for the new election hes not yet been issued, though a month has elapsed. Why this delay? Is Sir John sfraidto face the difficulty threatened hy The gensral ProdPeetsare olleetiregueM the candidature in the Government mter- and the farmers antieipate a very large est of the murderer Riell Is he trying to yie/d." I stave off the election in the hope that • An exchange broker, on King street, I somethine may turn- u'p to head off hie Toronto,- was knocked down with a club, in his °tee, on Wednesday forenoon, by two roughs who entered the °the with the inteation of committing rob- bery. After being knocked down, the brokrarecevered before the robbers could retake their escape, ran to the sidewalk, and calling mania, soon collected a crowd round him. The robbers made their escape vrithoat taking anything of value with them, and although pursuit was at once made, they have not yet Wein captured. The Wesleyan Methodist Church Con- ference having had an organized exist- ence in Canada for fifty years, it was agreed at the late meeting that a suitable celebration of the jubilee be held during the ensuing autumn. The month of October was chosen as a fittiqg time daring, which sermons should be preach: ed and piblic meetings be held to con- memorete the event. It was also agreed obtainob_y,subscriptiens and donations, a considerable sunt of money wash Linea: Undme ; Sonnet ; John would be devoted to objects of 'denorei- Belot ; immertunate friend, who osly "shot ' poor Scott! Mr. T. N. Gibbs was sworn in &mem- ber of the Cabinet on Soturday last. The writ ferthenew election arrived in South Ontario before the new -fledged Minister. The nomination is fixed for the 23rd and the election for tbe 30th instant. Why this hate? Is Sir John, is Mr. Gibbs'or both Afraid that, if time were given the Opposition to organize for the fight, tho tirand-new Cabinet officer would suffer defeat? Do they neat to a stolen march for niece& It looks very muck like it, when thee -rush on the election in South Ontariowith unseemly speed, and hasten so slowly in the Hants and Provencher eases. CANADIAN MONTHLY. — The Juno number of this magazine is to hand. The following are its contents: --Concerning Canadian Shipbuilding; The Marriage Hymn of Julia and Manlius; Little Dennis, Two Sonnets ; Notes on the StuartMill; Notes on the Session; national interest. lection—Oxford ; Science and Nature; A traveler writes from Southampton, The Fine Arts in Ontuio ; Current Comity of Bruce, *et it is a very small Literature ; Literary Net..; Book Ito- pliaca, with na visible means of subsist- views. Peblisked by Adam, Stevenson once whatever. Still, its position is & Co., Toronto. natarally geod, and it possesses one of ea hest harbours in the Dominion. , • Here, while boring fer salt, at A,2so The Confessions of an lnvalidf feet, a spring was struck of mineral water, powerfully magnetic. You neml PUBLISHED as warning and for merely dip your knife in the water to AL the benefit of -YoungMenaud others render it lostitifirmsgwitict 2° thet Yee whosafterfroniNg fiX0178 DEBILITY, can lift a nail front the floor with it. LOSS OF MANHOOD, etc., supplying It it oat of the most rentarkablesprings 1 the means of ay." curs. Written by one ever seen or heard of, and if properly whip cured. himself after undergoing managed could be put to profitable use. eensiderabli quackery, and sent free of Mr. William Robb, of the townsbip chant, 8 ff in ited to address (pre - of Logan, met with rather a strange as- mrs ars 'Y cident* few days sp. Me had just us. Ming frAttr author. entenan nig $410111 from the plow, and WAS IEL 3�AY-FA1R, ailewing thins to walk on to timetable 1374-3et Bei 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. before hien- One a them stepped to .at isorae grow, when. raising his foot te • • kiok the aninied to oaks II g° one kis F1011, SALE. foot caught ill the trios ohsia wbioa was hookedsp is sleep. The horse started to 'randa:1minIr. nab 'Kt the ABOUT 50 yards from the Square a Cottle/it with six rooms, pantry and gronend dragging hint by' the foot, whim neer the stable his heed ceatein contest with shay mak ksooMag hirn senseless, Nis pergolas porton WAS • shortly ligiopi by posse member of his family sad ha was rsocasd. H. irs- oormag. - A. dreadful affair haProwl in this sterilly quiet- riliento st Beashharpig, Coenty of itesfswir, go Ttli lot, the partisans avid* sr* as follows: It appears the& ea soraitfleas forssitstiaos moist listirase soo Comes, *ad oils JOItillaash, be* et *et Ytfl, gri. day sight, 6,12011, ftesdiesiterepted to tluvw dams Bows lien, sad ea toss. 1ng.nt.tbsb''t° prevent fustiest doitraotinti to his pr•part7, gsvit awn 01tr Coed', wko it swats bid behind & swap, and es leech consieg vrt stry,1 kis in the brew* with stAss, frees th• siesta el which liesch died at 11* $wintar loarung. Do. 411111444 WA4 ea, ef thootileet inisehitiots of tit* TiEsge, sal after whets it 1.14 11411104. COk is Pier s vett sad tots. Meese all. good wood shed, wife and hard water inside, also *good stable, For par- ticulars applyat this office. Goiderioh, 10th of May, 1873. 1371 J'ONESt 1161EINOLLI. AMONG ths sissy ovoid diseoveries of the day is Jones' rop201*.enit bottle of whi* is teed to preserve prthetly for any of tiate, Afty doom of eggs. It sa artiele every issilyseeds, sag oasts orgy $1,00, Tlie farmer may double hie money by keep irighis eggs !rash uatil winter, and the 21rehant, hotel keope, OT baker Mee' sato money by using it and keeping eggs whin cheep. Agenta wantod the Egeriella &eery township in the county. Term hberal. For parti‘ntlsre apply either Personally or by letter to JOHN A. ?arm, ly Bsylisld Road, Godirich. At MOOR,a0U3E'S, Goderich, June I7th, 1673. THE VirEBSTIR" SEWING MACHINE The General Favorite Throughout the Dominion. Cdi Invention and rht rece- erented Success Attending it Everywhere. IT 18 STRONG AND DURABLE, EASY AND LIGHT TO WORK, Hai NO COGS OR CAMS, And will do Every Kind of Work, Light or Heavy. The most complete iet of Attachments given with every Machine. See THE WESTER before buying any other. MANUFACTURED BY THE Canada Sewing Machine `Co'37, HAMILTON, ONT. June 13, 1873. 1374-3m anti an THE STEAMER "BENTON" G. W.McaREGOR, MASTER, • Will leave Goderich for SAGINAW and intermediate ports SUNDAY MORNING; EVERY And for SRNIA, PORT HURON, DETROIT and CLEVELAND EVERY WEDNESDAY. For Freighter Paasage, Apply to - WM. LEE. Goderich, 16th June, 1873. 1374 ^ de. THE .510ST POPULAR BUSINESS OF THE DAY, TIVILOWINC THE HOST POPULAR MOVEMENT, CLOTHING! MOVING oUT OF A. SMITH & COS) Merchant Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT. JUST received by the subset ner a large stock of SPRING. TWEEDS. BROADCLOTHS, FANCY COATINGS, VESTINGS, &c., we are determined to sell as usual good goods, anc A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED, uR NO SALE. A LARGE STOCK OF v112DE (ngliElfin principally home manufacture. Just received the newest things ill GENTS' FURNISHINI GOODS, SHIRTS, HCAOTLLASHtS, AND TIES, all of which will be sold t• low as possible. Some say that oppositiou is the life of trade. Others say this is the place to get Good Clothes Made - • A—La We are bound by striet attention to business, with our facilities and experience In trade to throw all interlopers In the shade. " Cutura dom fres of Charge." Er Wanted twofirst-elass workmen for which the highest wages will be paid. re- Re- member the atand. next door .to J. Bond's 'Drug Store, on the 0 Al3RATIAM SMITH. $ Co.' r11.' Now le your time to bny a first-class sewing machine. The new, improved " Osborn " le the best Family-Machlue made in Canada- Abraham Smith, Agent. lioderich. April,15,1873. 1365 Vilt,NTED IMMEDIATELY Housemaid, who is a good washer and ironer, to come well reconn moeded. MRS. R. HA WLEY, Maitland Place Huron ROad. Goderich, June 17th, 1873. / 1374 NOTICE. Moore & McKenzie's FOR CLOTHING.. STYLE, WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. A Large Stock of Broadcloths, Doeskins, Tweeds, &c„ eco Cormtantly on hand. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. G Ir Moore & McKenzie's FOR DRY GOO Drees Goods, Prints, Shawls, Silk Vel- vet Jackets, Parasols, Muslin, Grew, - dines, Gloves, Hosiery, Grey and White Cottons. Table Linens, Sheetings, Tick. ingso&o., &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Cheaper than the Cheapest. G '_11' Maare & MeKenzie's FcR GROCRIES, Teas, Sugars, Coffeee, Rice, Barley, Currants, Raisins, Spices, Soaps, Brooms, Pails, &c. c. the undersigned John Reitz, hereby notify the public in general, that my wife Catharine Reitz, (born Reis) left my house and home on -the 14th May inst., without any just cause or remelt and that I atn not reeponsible for any debt, or debts, contracted by her, nor topsy any one to giye her shelter - and lodging. JOHN REITZ. Township of Hey/June 91h 1873. 13ne FOR SALE. 111HE undersigned offer for sale the on- e- dormentioued lands, belonging to the Estate of the late RZEMAX R. IfnenTrzz viz CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Cheaper than the Cheapest. G -o T :Moore & McKenzie's FOR BOOTS & SHOES, Gents', Ladies' and Children's Primella Boots, Ladies' and Childreu's Slippers, Men's Coarse Kip and Calf Boots, Ladies' Kid and Goat Boots, Rubbers, &c., &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Cheaper than the Cheapest. VAIRBANES' SCALES AT MANII. facturer's Prices—Large Platform Scales, including Hay Scales, promptly ordered and a discount for Cash allowed, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. pARRIAGE SPRINGS, CARRIAGE ‘-1 AXLES and PATENT WAGGON ARMS, for sale cheap At JOHNSON Is KERR'S. IRAK AND HOOP IRON, SLEIGH " SHOE and CAST STEEL, a full assortment, At JOHNSON & KERR'Se 13 4TENT HORSE SHOES n HORSE e. SHOE NAILS, by the keg or leik, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. VOAL OIL BY THE BAMRELI OR Gallon, and COAL OIL LAMPS, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. THE BEST ASSORTMENT of TA BLE. DESSERT, PEN AND POCKET KNIVES, PLATED SPOONS and FORKS in Goderich, to be had At JOHNSON & KERR'S. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK- no- WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW FILES, and Sorby's HAND and RIP SA.WS, the beat in the Market. At JOHNSON' & KERR'S. MINT'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT 4' SAWS and SAW HANDLES at List Price, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. nHOPPING AXES FROM THE beat Makers, single and doable steel At JOHNSON & KERR'S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF -a- LOCKS, HINGES, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS and OILS, at Lowest Cash Prices, always on hand, At JOHNSON do KERR'S. • A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS, from the best -makers, at Low- est Cash Price. At JOHNSON &KERR'S. DARIICULAR ATTENTION PAID re• to the wants of the Farming Com- munity, and orders from the country promptly attended to, - At JOHNSON le KERR'S. [IL/ILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS LVL at Maker's Price List, carefully or- deredand discount for caah allowed, At JOHNSON it KERR'S. -rum WHOLE OF THE ABOVE 2- GOODS are offered Cavan Onzer, _ 4/ SELLIN-C. OFF L JORDAN'S DRUG' STORE, SELLING OFF JI IMMENSE CLEARING SALE OF _ BOOTS & SHOES. Market Square, Goderith. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ri FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS JUST RECEIVED AT THE MEDICAL HALL. Goderich, April 15th, 1873. 1365 THE EMPORIUM. NEW SPRING HATS AT 0 J. C. DETLOR de NEW SPRING TWEEDS AT J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 20 CASES BOOTS & SHOES. Just received at J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 3 BALES GREYCOTTONS Just Received at J. C. DETLOR Co's Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. J. C. DETLOR & CO. foderich, 3rd March, 1873. • HURRAH FOR MAITLANDVILLE-i WILLIAM STAIMRY, 'HANK FUL for past favours, A desires to inform the inhabitants of Maitlandville and surrounding country that he is to be found at the old stand, ready and willing to attend to the wants of his customers. He has on hand; A. FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES consisting of TEA, SUGAR, TOBACCO, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES &o, &c. ALSO Dry Goods, Crockert-, Glassware, FLOU.R. 4- FEED. Having been granted a Shop License for the sale of Liquors, he will keep on hand a full stock of WHISKEY, ALE BRANDY, RU.111, GIN, WINE, &c. &c. &c. IN BOTTLE OR ON DRAUGHT. , • rm The highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs and other produce. Remember the stand, nearly opposite the School House, Maitlandville. March 4th, 1873. 1359 H. DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, WEST STREET, GODERICH, ULi AS received his SpringStcick of Goods and is prepared as .isual to make all kinds of Garments in the nqtst fashion- able styles and at the lowest rates. Gents Furnishings of all descriptions &instantly on hand. A CALL RESPECFULLY SOLICITED. el- Two good Tailors wanted imme- diately. Goderich, 15th April, 1873. A.TTENTION E. PARSONS & Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODE Have for Sale MINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES • OF HANDSAWS, CHOP- PING AXES, VARI- OUS NI A ERS , eND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAM/ AXES AND BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS, PUTTY, WROuGHT AND CUT NAILS &c. And a large assortment of all kinds of ELA n,row At low prices for CASH. Opposite MARKET HOUSE. 0.11. PARSONS & Co Goderich. Nov. 28 1871 Sheriff's Sale of Lands. County of Huron, Jolty virtue of a To Wit: Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun- ty Court of the County of Nuron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of Edward Pierce, Senior, at the suit of Thomas Hawkins, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to Lot number Two in the Seventh concession, E. D. Township of Ashfield in the County of ifuron, which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale at my Office, in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday the 19th day of July next, at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. JOHN .MACDONALD, Sheriff of Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 15th April, 1873. 1366-3m Sheriff's Sale of Lands. County of Huron, } -ptY virtue of a ro Wit: Writ- of Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun- ty Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of James Hays at the suit of Patrick O'Dea, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the oaid Defendant in Lots numbers twenty-nine, thirty, forty-six, sixty-five, and sixty- six, Hutchinson's Survey, and Lot num- ber thirty-seven in Reedsville, all in the Town of Goderich in the County Of Huron, which Lands and Tenements I shall offer ler sale at my Office in the Court Muse, in the Town of Goderich, on Saturday the 19th day of July next, at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. JOHN MACDON ALD, Sheriff's Office, GoderiSehh,eriffi of Huron. 15th April, 1873. 1366-3m REMOVAL. PHILO NOBLE, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAMILTON STREET, GODERIC.11, • BEGS to inform his customeis and the public generally that he haspemov- ; ed to that PART1141L- LIST, of goods for sale at pertain's &.'06's new Hardware Storeooppesite the Market NAILS, GLASTIBISTTY-, " . ACARPENTERS.TOOLS,„ SPADES, SHOVELS, — , SOYTHES.., !hiewpg,, GRAIN ORADIES, C h • MANILLA ROPE, - — for as 'At JOHNSON*, KERR'S. AVMS' PATENT ALARM °ASH Drawers, the, best in _the_world— Price only $4 50, A & KERR'S ---- 4 • • Let No. '17, in the Fourteenth Con- DEMENBER TIEE° Pr4IL°B". sessione Western Division of the Town- e-'• ship of *shield, in the County of Hu- rint, 158 aerie, niers or Ism. /Also, the North.east quarter of Lot No. -12, in the Fifteenth Concession of -the Township of &umbra, in the County of IAsobton, 50 amen m r less. For terns awl lourrs.of Ws Ap- ply te the usgereigned, personally, or - by letter, to St, Catharines -Poet Office, 13oz 448. AWN coo, rx AARON READ, xecutors, Grantham, 30th }fay, 1871 1373 • 91140` JELENrr. A TWO STORY HOUSE neer the Morkst Squere. Apply to. X. iltIcINT38H. May Slat, 1873. 1372 TILAINgliToN ST., Sign .of the CioSs-Cut Saw, JOHNSON & KERR., Goderich. *trek llth, 1873. 1 • Notice IS hereby given that Trespassers on e the encloeed part of the Ifoitland Flats in the Township _of Colborne,the propertylof Suraor hioDositn., wll be prosecuted with the utmost rmour of the Law. And that Cattle, Horses, Pigs orSheep, put in or breaking in, «itt be_ impounded for dosage', Crieheting Clubs will be Allowed privilege PG detain conditiowi but it is musk preferred by the Proprietor, that they provide for thetasolvee otherwise. °aerial, June lath, 1873. 1573 ABM:P AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER loons...LING, all aizes, WHITE LEW all prices:. , - BOILED- AliD" RAW- OM, „ BLACK OIL, • 14-0-utkogntn OIL. , • TERPENTINF4 'And- allokincle of For 'Sale CheaP' • G. H. Parsons,- & opplisite,the 24Tkelquuse,. C31-0T301=t,XMLX: June, 28.187L LIMBER of Parasolse on the Lncicnow Rosa,,a ,bort distaxee from Goderioh. The finder en leaving them wit& Abraham Smith, Goderich, or It. Campbs11,4foohant, Looknow, will be traartisil for their trouble,1370 Kay Itth, 1873. COMMODIOUS NEW STORE - IN ACHESON'S BUILDINGS, next door to Wm. Acheeon's Harnese Shop, and nearly opposite his old stand, where he will be prepared to offer great- er inducements to purchasers than He has just received a beautiful stock of SPRING- AND SUMMER GOODS, English and Canadian Tweeds, Scotch Cheviots Gent'a Furnishings, &c., &c., &c. 'Which he willedispose of . • CHEAP FOR CASH. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER ihe most faihionable style and on „ shortest notice. 'bath; AND JUDGE Pen YOURSELVIS. dOderich 27th Mai, 1873. 1371 _ Musto and - • Drawing. 14,11$5 lOWES wish"; 7to inform her friends and the public that she is prepared to give lessons on the Piano forte, enc. Having been taught by first clam masters, and for several years a 'intecessful teacher, she feels confident she oangive satisfaction. Alto, * dais in Drawing, Water -colors, Ise., on Wed- nesday and. Saturday Afternoons. For terms, apply at the residence of Mr. G. Mi Trueman, Hamilton „ Street, Goderich. 2/fay 190, 1873. 1370 THE Subscriber wiething to retire from the BOOT -and SHOE Busi- ness, -will sell his Large Stook compris- ing seine 6000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes AT :COST FOR CASE. Now is the time to , G -et Good Bargains, As the subscriber just means what he says. P. S. — All accounts must be paid without delay. SAMUEL PURSE, Sign of the Boot, Market Square. Goderich, ISM My.. 1872 1844 NEW GROCERY! James Brackenridge HHAVING bought out Mr.. POL- A-A LOCK'S Stock of Groceries and added very largely to them, is, now in a position, in the same stand, to eell Groceries, Crockery, and Provisions, CHEAP FOR CA$14 A Large Stock of 1.15 On hand, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Bell 'gClieap te; GOOD IlAR--GAINO, Raisin ''Sz 0 uz*E1, tits -- Everything that can usually be fitund in a Grocery Store can be found here. Do not fail to call and examine- goods and prices, if you wish to saye meney. JAS. BRACKENRIDGE, Remember the stand, cotner of North Street and Market Square. Goderich, Jan. 61h, 1873. - 1351 T HE Very' Thing- Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In G-COIDERICI-1 OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAII SAW TIIE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TOSAY THAT THEY have just completed opening out an Entire New and COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE. ofallkiads which will be sold at prices that defy competition. Before mumessine elsewhere. Please givens a call. B.—List of Goods sold. next week. L &PARSONS &CO Opposite The Market HeuSe Goderich Jun 28rd 1871i sw67- Goderieh Harness shop w. A. MARTIN - 'HAS pleasure in annomincing to the pine o Town and Countv that he has purchased the Harness business of Mr. Isaaec Halliday. -on Baal - noon St Atter having served hisapprentiehehip with Meseta W. & 23. Martut, G-oderich. W. A. M. has worked for rhe last three years in tho hest Harness Shops in Chicago, and is now prepared to make up LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESo, Herao-CletnIngoand scotch collars in first-class style and with despatch Orders prompt- rattended to Trunk-, Whips, Curry -Combs, &e. &e. N. B. Fly Sheets constantly on hand throughout jhesuinnrer. Goderich. June 20' 1871. IF OUWANT FINE. ALE Brown Stokit, MA.DE BY - THOMAS SPENCER OF 13 R. A.1N 0 it GO TO D. FERGUSON'S, HAMILTON STREET, 1369-6m GODERICH. Seeds! Seeds! Seed Potatoes, • t ' Carrot Seed, 4, - TurnipeSeeo. - sz; BRUCE'S. SELECTED IAST LOTHIAN PURPLE TOP. This variety has been carefully selected and improved, so as to secure a globular shaped -root, free from the least tenden- cy to coarseness; it is very eolid and heavy, and the flesh good in quality; it is particularly adapted to the richer description of soil; and for long keeping qualities can't be surpassed. - Per P. °mid ,f.3.tri cents. Also' a General Stock of GARDEN & FLOWER s_Emaps, D. FERGUSON'S, 1369 Hamilton Sts, Goderieh. LIST OF LETTERS. RE11814IN LNG in Anderson Edirard IAnning F. A. Ashton John Bell Maury Brownlee:a Brinley John - Boyle John Boyle H. J.. Brien Willman Carter -Peter (8) Drummond. Alex. Davis M. O. Delatnier Hermida _Doyle .S. William Ernest John Fletcher N. J. Fisher Peter IlardWilllan Jackson D. T, fluthews George Matheson. Hugh Murray Kenneth 1078 the Goderich 0, Oth. June c • McArthur A. McKinnon Alex. McDonald Angus McDougall Christen& McCartney Duncan McDonald Donald McKellar A. John 6110Cansie1. W. Mae. MefteifKiehael McDougall Mr. McDonald W. Ogg McVay ifArgaret Olirer Alex, Natoli Minium' Struthers June.. WilIloason AI. A. ' . Woodford Fred, (2) Whit!y IL Wiliny Sohn ' ARCM, nleetStog, net. per den Agent* want12:d Voters Lists TA.4i1,.1:14,:tf z13011. S. WILLSON, Sewing Machine, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, AND I.GRICULTIIRRIBIPLENENT QET- Showrooms, next door to the "Signal" Office, Goderich. Ale Mn. MEGAN and myself are the ONLY AGENTS FOR THE FLORENCE)) Sewing Machine itt Goderich and vicin- ity. 1368. The Hespeler SEWING MACHINE IS THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE, AA ND gives universal satisfaction, it is ..ND most simple, dirable and the lightest running machine now made (of the cheaper kind) and will sew ranch ' heeerier material than any other, tt is just what the farmers have long Wanted and is warranted its -every case and kept in repair free of charge for one year by the company. Take my advice andbuy no other. &wag machines of any other make supplied to order at regular rates. I am also agent for all kinds of I Agricultural Implements. Office and show rooms at A. P. McLean's Clothing I Store, East Street, Goderich. J. W. WEATHERALD 1354. SOMETHING NEW THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ES- I tablished a branch ot his Toronto Sewing Machine Repairing -Works, IN 40IN'T€NL 0 where all kinds ef Sewing Machinss* will be repaired, altered and put in first class running order. • • Having had 16 years experience in some of the largest machine mauuftic- tones in the world he can guarantee satisfaction. Workshop—Next door to New Era office Clinton. MR, L. S. WILLSON, next to SIGNAL office, Goderich, will reeeive machines and take orders. THOMAS GOBERT. Clinton, 10th March, 1873. 1369 n The following Music- -16- Books are recommended IN as being the BEST of fl their class: EPRICE. Tho Song Eclio, or schools . - ... -.$0 78 (1 EinkePs New llethod for Reed Or- 1 250 t / gan. Will be ready August 26, ilPeters' Electie Pismo School./ ... 3 25 Over 330,040 copies -in use, S • OTeters' Burrewes' Primer, 2.9 1..../, W011'ell GuitarSellool, 8 50 Festival Chirnes.forSInging Classes,1 59 141 50 Ne Plus Ultra Glee Book. With 16-1 Piano or Organ Accompaniment, 5. jal!, Iroadtedresn:AertS colfio tioilnfoorntgh,e Voice,3 50 .3 00 I/ EViciitemhmtleysioliiinur ric(Phoeotei.rs'edition) 33 0003 Wimmerstedt's Violin School, 75 ititenT8e.rvstiotiditn'ssPelhucteolS, 75 cheat, S75 Peters' Flute schsol 75 C Peters' Parlor Companion, For Flute, violin. and Piano, S H Peters' Fader Companion. Fef Flute and Plato, , ai Any Music will be sent, - (,) A pest -pd on receipt ot 1-1 LetADIspeErs,aj.ri". peudrEparsl,vee;Broaci,ay, N il . New -York. 8• sTOCK.13 EXTRA , -MA.OHINE OIL Ilits been in general nso for the past two years and giving the best satisfaction, as may bo seen by tea. timonials from many of the leading bons es in Oatatio. It will not congeal in the coldest weather, it is theretore suitable forth* lightest andfastest, as well as the heaviest machines Di use. • port SALE AT THE &emit Office, all essustitioasy, than at anythir,c etieretiu. 4.734421rtictre '4; Goderich. free. Address . STINSON k , TESTIMONIAL From thedosepn Han liachin•Vorks, ahnwa I consider Stock's oil cheaper at $1,00 per gallon, than olive oil at 60 cents. Yours respectfully, • F. W. GLEN, Fresident. ilil•1101111 For sale only by G. H. PARSONS k CO., Hardware Merchants, Goderich. SOLE AGENTS, 1212. Stoves ! StovesTl EvaTAMES AND CONDUCTING PIPE CISTERN Pueurn Lem) Pore, tc,I. jk./N13 PAN cry 90 1%1"w..11. COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tee Coal Ott Lamps, &c. ota Iron. Copper, Mita, Wool pickingsand Sheep Skins taken la exchange. J. to J. STORY. Or Sign of the Large Coal Oil Barre Godeticie Aug U,1874 swI Notieeto „Debtor, ••• —0-- AcrIrlrhFisplihntaByTfpliaTtOuCeri.ill 811B ABRAHAM SMITH. Godczleh. fish Oct. 1171. PIMPLES. I .send free) recipe fer ray VEGETABLE 1JA.L31, removing Peimmos, BLACK WOEMS, BLQ,TCHESJ FRECKLE; MOTHS, TAN tibia /111 D18-• EASES or tun SKIN, leaving it clear and with a healthy glow. Aloe sure profited for fins growth (AMIE IOU bain heads er SMOOUI far.436. TINS. V. 011 A PlIAN, 17 Broadway, Now York. P.O. BOI. 5,12t. 13714131 • d tides* 02