HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-25, Page 1o kdep a
to 10ve IrgWiVa""
lipme-10"U. pro"'. 674a�
Already -
.was &4ejrgp1y,
A U this
at a JeIr omxtg-.tD
took b
'T. t -4
Z 17 .46'
Ise; 4 1w,
01"Pet li4li"fiiniiiig 'bk-
_411 in CAW2, T.T .4
Ontario. evoy
!� �_,_
the market
The 6rftt gt
3mmit 'A1113,�,,rgopRIM.
V gj�
NTAIR-1 WEDNESD JUN 25 71�. -E -NO:13 5i-
0 AY, E, 18,
ax X
rZ Aanz
11!t"M, Cx advww-f. if credit -71
ra:3's, - - f wf-
tilmmi tv, Ali arrears am
XIN ijtIOR LINE. 0 dril, theii hather -itill, making a widi cl b -6 )on'the 61*xi slope. 16oking:d org,'�she ontinned,,Xtur
�tarfbd up like a-mm,naw wkkebimg,,�10
or air a' Du ry 6pod the vill d i 't
rfluud-,theliobl, beneiffli pine,brauchik,- clehrl
AnVVI"PISING: -mans oft. Of- �W&Utftl , V.fAP;iV4XMAf Ed i�& .11. J;I.,Uff-
. - - __ - I - 1 4 .. I . . . - , , -. ' ' I -27Lh iolSftv,�
- --:-- -- - - _- - lip-veryWedneroday ;ucl dark, and betideen'thick i Trawiv , -'he staybd filil,htsp .1. �
xjh-cw — 9, and lin'g'- to w�kindneastpYjlAaAor;",,-I,t&ouglltl.. �Let Man are
&tell 211sers-kin y fib" - - f
and bruillw6adi, rind in the hollowaiAltin Ilmid -1 , t6fon, erJil
,�k e�t the firtst trozertian. WordA. ing,,* ored 4-in6m;bnt ih d6ubi. XawAher !s_AP4J_"ow I- am tliefif!'�-he
stihsecinant in�artic% d!
NDE arid Saturday. likegold4ii basihs with the glory of Surely it 'Was his, duty to go first to - tiervimr loje4ber, bii& X f o�r:this, tton a
1UGH LODGE NO. 33 this r e1b,_,W4%d
P3T ___ )N 01 90twe, and (411 among the. crimson fox- the little p6lic6 mtsjf�b,_and �"orb,thera' 4.7b%W h6r.' I om' V oul);- -can- Q�alses funeral in his official cipiwitjA
4"IMIZZ. fictrils ta ii 11 s. Hasty words: oil, breath4 the' If,
TO kN 1) FR(.,f NIAV YORK AND -A ni never -jiy9 '- I
...*f)r,ry,, jlearai� -not -the dnfiadfid
T_$a_ it. C. 1, A. F. A. A - IVI. 1W Calling at Lon,tonderry- toland Mails and In the scorn of anger deep gloye, high U their hot- hand&, and down. the discovery he:ha& mada�, bat heda'rbit: kn6ws*if f rAhih4l�i4hlj dead, ace' ' ' " . , i LeicestirJC&7WTn Mrs town-
�rlb`er Of titles to bl, roeltaneil Im tb 117 RFGVl,AR COMMUNICATION Ao l -things!,
by . .,AZ W.-Aenger-. They leave a cloud for over
All"7H t3* Pa4qen;, fbp*.jll� *b * ' - born in %7fth
Got so1.id.1Aparoa- Tis ho4 ou tho t1rst Wednesday uf each ho.,ked 8n.l r)rmirdpil to and more, Amid the sweet-smelling fern,they sought not do this wfthout'divulgiug�slso bit --airit-illea ad,,' ti,iihingfierc:411y O'nDam�.' rile an,, .. eyilu, Lwd;
lataents, WJ . ring
thdint aperinc dirretiono. ,.I! 74�.-Wutb at 7.30 1,; lit- Visiting brathr011 from all ItAil%%n 'r station� in (treat Britain, Ireland, A lid make the fund heart. weep. f6verl'alilri'findink nothing, coliviction tN'A' Olive V, 'f' chol; kn length.
ordmily invited. -,Nor�var, s,ve.len or atdoe Vall the. ttel, 'maka w4iy6�,cau_o #1Y w4Tas- see that -there is -W cloth-;
I)VU111117'k And Nall lit can from memory.. ohiase that ly voll4viati, 'ho*cruel murderess,, and than he must fip�ear'at The 'next, �rnofij��f QJjvd.Yj
,% - n, OU 890, '19ald
Ny. I)ICKSON. &c. America, a.,; s;tf,.
comfortat y aud rcoa vrag. somethinj to c4ver her pdor face; Mii_,', ", The town of
done. t"J: ban�rs of $1,000 to ail_aL it
THM NE%V DEPAUTL - RF8- Oh, never breathe.theha4t ulljod
'TrUMLY AhRE,-,,- SIV73- Cheaply, aq iwa,,� other Ro,,te or Line. Ti�iey haunt via. like our fato, you Arfi, how. le -nis and Trawarali, not as alfriand;-but ari it_� j(;ne, cl6afnetlie' door �g 6n Ow" ciftil heaven ! what have I
gTs Goderielt.4th May. 137-1. IV w kedly auspioi hirply
f"4zovrtgrueawill Ile eharce-1 ti merzhant- Now York. y word, ranger. He would coine in c�rmpany 41felefix woman'in the'Aiir, atid on. tht: Na . horror should cume 11pon L IVY arge-boat and shoe-mania-
ott:era wl%o It will lead to etrife-0 hate. '%Ve have not looked in the pool yet,' with lishment p? 0
V_tha year.-' Sat..Nept. 2:Q .... TOWA ........ 31071-0)"t- 1601, said Dameral, walking towards it. doub police officers, bringingwith him a two young m6�, who 1461red at efifili, bouse 7'
g le misery, the news of death -and other with s6litte fac'es. Toiic6d byihig ontbrpalk'6f grief, place.
ro R a
pt goth t-.41,FI)ONI1--sat-, Oet- 21 t
................. - 1 ...... Sat., Oct. 28th gd
6 =3D ... * Z% t., 10 And deem them not forg tten As ifby mutnal consent, though with- dime. He shrank from the task., A - iTho fi., re 611 n1g
n1olaths ......... 15 Sat..-Oet. l4th..' 4tIt ^ 0 t thing t*-tFe (101le is to 16va 'Vivian Dainerel in his. respect for it, �4fiery voludkef6cl th'attiehiR 'tho - Car -
I And eve" Wed dAV Awl 'at liftla. thereafter 00 a th pas a
. .................... .. t% ne. Whell love o' ' erl olit a word, they had left this to the thous nd times he had accept6d friend- informabion, tottie policet' re5ttrued, Mr. walk.ed to the window, and turned his
6 North itiver, lit noon. The heart that's wo last. uneffil, -an(Ta call bh , thra d )ur
frf;111 Pier *20. - n carelessly, oil ip- and courtesy frMn that house ; -him P4merel, 11 came hither -at ?Tuce, Sir face sway from Me brothers
PAYABLE TX CURIZENCY, Is seared unto tffih I
.......... ... is RATF� oF F i,.,.%,IF sit Charles Vigo now followed his friend, hand should not be the one to bring: in-: Hilton, fee In- 013t R-41atreal vAaWdr; 'ddr'p's' iresultee id'&
20 WRIGHT'S H0TELJ To t1a I)E"V: Eitsty words, ah, breathe them never, holdingL in his tit lick& that,tt) JyeMy first duty, instatit'of time Sir Hiltons lips whis-, lgrger.iitfondatibe 'of o1ficots tMu - m n,
C. W.-Inthst ....... ........ . 12 1 Ft h"`T'VAVtN, $6,, art'l $_31 ag'"n"119 to loentloll -oughts and fears that famy and shame bedeath its roof. No ! and I now leave.the 0
3 moutha, ........ C,�,fIT3 Len I C H - 02Nr- -kvtq (9,)o(l for 1*2 nonthe) rest tQYou,, pered-'Olive!' 'god
Cabin Excursion Ti, :11'AntiOn $130. A double wound they give: rusheg before,'I�im, and steadving his let the p,)Iice do their dreadful work � "I wMlistPa-to allyamhave to say -iii, 'Heav,-ll at Queen;Victoiia fini signi her,C165iie
I _.
I Veal- ............ 2 recitring best neco one-knriws the truth said tO ad as 8POT180
'�Ir, Dameral,! replied the Sohn, -in a voice of.anagui8ll, - qcannbt
I'They pierce the heart oil which they fall eager pacing feet, and trembling hand to tbeirlsolyes; he was.not called -upon, sure- a : mo4lent,-
6 T i to 1�id ID
....... .. A SITUA EDONTHE111GIT I;LPJFF C 'nff�iWs ila-
eat,.at I.oNVES r It NThN can 1w 1,ormbt A lid sting the olle they Jai fant 4aughtor. whl i§, tQ be called Vic-
.............. ... 5 Lake and her 'ertif, er, -Ir frient v". quf6tfiess. Gently, not to befoul the I v, to be an officer of justice. - It was for .-baron4t. Tior the pres'itit iustatit, my, jell you_ i -ill dY what u hi - a.'
I overlooking 'the Elarbor,
I water, they met aside the floating lily Sir Hilttou Trewavas to send . tb , the yta- grafid first duty.' yo 41 in
'k--P-P-t in in Itz eanfine,l to tho "nii"ry River. prr�ct tati,,n. leayes ard blossoms, and kneeling on �the. lice, and do all mo�her io'my, Ilo left rille -room hurr
not, this, is a cc . mpliniq4t �041iall
0 ...... of --n-IPP, is] h:)!Mqeq beiii1Z thoroughly 'IT" C8 "I ill that - was right And bafit- Sir Hilton'turned as bi spoke to the seeined h ie�ly' White
q an,J f,r S,,h it Will This honse after Apply at the aravosofWnU. . awil(lered,, acam knowing
t, !a. Wilk, they peered -bf.hkfan- )Berimts who entered and gave -minute. be, vrai Sir Hifton svilieb we duly apprecigto.
31 The ting a man to savethe homiar
ated and furnished is now --opeli %Rs WARNOCK.
Water was eXceedingly clear, but a tbotis- v, sni rewaval; quiet him dee A disappoinjqd�
Fkt=to Ad,,rfisomenta of renov into tho pool.
"-1 --hern of arms. hot, 11 eptio Goderi,h Oct. 23 lq-'- %est StXoderieh. on Infants' grayes are footsteps of angels, and to a even i go the murder'of his-brido. <&ders respecting Lady T :Iazed r, Rev. John CamPbe1l,.r,_A,, Df Taron.
son t !et or for for the sunimer seas )n for the ret; n where Ots lay intertwined beneath the If he failed in his duty, it -wo.ul& be -tinio -,aod qomfPrt.' Tha4aininess�',wijh which 'ff?. It not underatim'd to, has buij`�uadiav=lj;4a'j��Ktjd � px6L.
have of guests. Mo,! ba"EaU _qhgfury
repris., Moreover, the gentlest hand in stirring ton had. discrimislation and, . judgmenc . ishe-lo6kid utterlisix1imuiata.,pale. and' so be will JIMt 'help',her. @
Earth'abrightest gems of innocence agrface, and these intercepted the view., enongh then.for him-to.speik.' SirHil ahev W4 bein' ielied, $iad left. )ler, lilit '16 It V! 4p- i
rates will in ail caqet te strictly Parties 2oing to Lake Superior by tfl a "or Teisor 01 M iA
the Mallifeba will find this house very is Tge, �d tarned'bift&li iowards
"TorW-mantst itit�nlei f,, lnrtfon in anv 'od theme if -tam side to side distnibed the He must have seen and known IdAq;ajo haggard. . Vi� - - a the'
G their parent, so they need no card; 'a. Lner 1. ytu- perijivi" .0
iqlzz* -hl,td reach the offi convenient. GoderichMarble works
T ZA.A IT. '4 and this.loosened, bubbitd tipward, that hi
.-e by noon on Large farnilie,; rertiliriTIff roonis shmild He takes them to his bosom from so! "range cousin was a Passionatet - 'Promise me,' said the yoii iig - tattil said he;; Itbat if 1he hiard'
Ybo of th- ',Tr,\AL . makes it engage previonsly either 'by mail or tele- earth's Woes, mingled With the soft mosses lying -be- vindictive girl, ambitious, resolved hir iben glave�ihvr 1t�itydu-w1ff r6 ever Of -my
-an 1111*12-Tmw -I a&VertimZZ medium. A bud their lifetime, and a flower low' Which floated to and fro, doceiving self to be Lady Trawavas, and full of ay!t 'oom 4;14, . Main "fianead' witv,. �110 4acked * bezd4th-, my .�,Wg
gmpll. the'eye. a try tb� hwp.,ontil 1: y�4-*Jiigh I deny -neither my. broth- �poit
-BOB WORN W AC�t. MUDS T. J. W1110 HT. their close. 'y hatred and jealousy towards the unhap- return . td .06--hatisi., �Y_blj Mimi ;tell' �r nor'r. -hir� at �JlUiUlna -the �Qag of f6uidjys�c1tk,`16jjy -�.th
oil a -
Their spirits are the Iris of the skies perceive 'there is nothing here py young lady now lying cruell murder- how much'nsed,1 ihall haveWy6np Ulp; . Jujilce.p - w $. on.,
but Woods and water-liHes,'said Charles- ed by the pool. iiGulAw-'m
Fit -n -I -th rm;-n Proprietor. N it . eding no prayers : a sunset's Let -Sir Iffilty &itog' - - if," � , , , , i*� �r - Ity,
QGhMr4cloLqrL-ktrh. R;11i;ptPd hap�y on do his nurse yoxir-strongth,ixd'heixlth;IDrb6th" ' if, Vivign. , - a an on , NU sect
Whet; `,M �Zst. 0 '1 Golarich, 20th'May, 1873. 1 r, 0 'Are you* duty by that poor,giri, :whose drowned vu opted *ithalit th- -,b-
, v rd0=1tyrnlil panct �;Iy aO�nd- close. - Vigo, ribing from his knees. will be sorely tried. We iihall -have. 6 4u6rM0t#
ed t�,." Gone are the bright rays of their soft conviticed- your suspicions are rile and corpse the sun was shining on go gaily defend our4olves.1 Imity, thezighl�oVxlie .,fo:4he ratification of- Ki9mlarterly.
vain I Say ybu are sorry, Dameral, arid sil a 04
NGN 110TU blite eyes; -a &I bnt yesterday so full of life -and -11 c 10144.90 to -X -re. Karl- ehed44 . a. tly the Iavn�, boar'da.
OrtainlY "s V9
BRITISH EXCHAI bini.. Tbe fine new s1%
w era wee PL I n dew -d rops o
Flo �'er them let us,go-Od to Trowaras and make an- happiness,and whose ilorrow- and'.wh litQwe" Udy Trawava4i nervously, are 'herre, -'.Sir Hilton lie' loa&g to the Mltolmlin:
miaaEr.1QUAIIE GODUHCH I . . eto
A, iieftly. 'Lot its go with th' hei firat #j
ahil the gale qukiek, before we turn homewards ileath came.through her love for hiiii. 'e'lalwing hik hand... -
CArT.W.COX, - rROPRIETOP.. am convin 'd that without'�*tdrag Lot him bewail hararid- aienge'hor a;- I-forbitt p W
ly sighs. ce � . it,'fisid $ir'Riltoa;-�Ut -The affianced -hwbxnd--Of- Eleanor
bf C6 ti�o;a, An
LATF OFTitE HURON ITOTEt, (lare. we sball not find what we seek in 'this. he should; it WaW or C1 h4i sleep on; it is* on
sho�-, Maristowe looked rence,ou W64
Scott. Vanstone a GD -9 pool,'xxid Damerol. 'Ha ! what is that iriendly to letwe'thii pa �ms
it to him; and if wakes before J i�turM_ffith,w!tb�FAoan'., 9.pon ithe dreadful group, and shuddered o'clock. � k6e�wffl-jt
T TTit,T HAVF Bolster has found 7 --a snake ?' he showed sigi y a,
TO INTIMATF is of quailin if he -darid -or—' (the 1i ike a Nom
A eontinnaneo of thn favor and -viprort n? 91 yQunq_ Mau XP OVJ;i_
—17 SURGEWN DENTIST. . th-, I BEOGperied a I-ratwit of their hantlitilile It was'nbenake. Young, Vigo know connive here 4.14 fai 4 *j�anf �,4,_Pj -, �rkrblipl�kt thiLt mq. Its is. -The passengers were ail- tafely,
comm�r, 141 aud rravellillg prh wthaL%va3xc--oi Olive Varcoe.sy _Wj, q he, remembered 4q h
Office awl veaqeace, West %treat. befom th,3 tire, resreoftt�!y s��hcal. ! it at the first, glance -the' crimson'' silk ' Vivian Dazieral paused,- and, struck lost,� ithdn, in' thO ciji�;Je , t:1`6 PA bseA�bqt vl�, :Ianded.
1334 14149' 4- 0014-16VOIVIhe lhilrdei�&_ �1 - -
irew doors below %nk of Montreal, cord which Olive had worn as'a g�rdle*; his brow With his Oenchbdhartd. berand hr4k 444� nawif,p -be,, isadi6j4'. i"beta7he_&� *0badth!- Mfinite arrangoj&fitW7� We been
; hii - e .11agre or ziaole%s, the H
and, tuming, ghastly pale, he leanfid a- 'In that case,' he- s6irl'te himsilfp 'I Ibidt-I alf. , it' ' ' -ke' ank of DWriii1fan4o opon
.profdr-doiug'so.in�s, OW -H, sa
the .1-1 -Und -4 1fr. A. t,niAst., ihih-
I gainst' i, - ttee I with a deathly si4ness *ill speak to his brothe&, arid J61rn'spil t ag 4geitcy of theii�U
Ifflonep to C cub. Goderlvh, irw aw, gslr� � All the hitte s of this misery wo�ea-lkvrztlo sate �himfielfdkarn %, me in �tily. Gooa-4tn�
creepitikUD6111A his veins. I will drag that wretched girl t& juidice iirtnilieby right. Let no inain int�Av -a . ni'Lless prudelit mPxr1!k9ek, admgaient has
r.e- GyIng
Rohn Thoy shook handir, Ch-irlesVigo hold- The c6rd was lying in the vfater, with ou-ir own hands.' with MO." she. lay-. d �aA , W, the *1fd �:b�6n jiven the bank by the buginems
. no -victim oflkiii
4;rt-l-rile -f IleGIll ruiva.-Sity, 11--ritreal). Tombstones, partlyi tantlied round the roots of the He turnod away from -the villingi :menldf Listawell,6
ijag his father's hand in a noryotis clasp; ah. a fier tlance of big -eye"fill-ifiri -X�. - worldliness Vare 67s conyw! W�,-
And 'of 011ie 9 _ lagjMe, *Uri$ arge-JUMbe - red.
SEAFORTH. MONEY TO LOAN Mantlepieces, -ieat.:beeeh, whose wide spread brhiloh- lie spoke. He hurried down -the -slope. ie�ol, ywho stood uprij4V before it,- Igalellay.,_ : is I " ring.'"
door q.,utti 4 It— A;jJL resebtfal. a'this'delay -The aightlof glief is -so� softeinih�t-- td !2�lm
then trith a slight 1�ugh he stooped and' Pq shado�ed the pool; and Bolaterawain and through the park; he reached the .1�r ad on.
W RATER OF IN'TER139'r. Window SiIIS, kissLd him, running off before the old round and round, holding it- in his great door of the mansion, and laid his 'Al koll-wish, , 1W ton,' 19aih 0e. huntan. hear�,, that alig Thomas Ale arty, the switeliman who
0 AT IA un�
I will �1. er fad" awak
tian had timo to ask another question'. mouthi Tainly striving to bringlit to hand upon the bell. Bilt bofoie he had Lady Trewiriam; lonlj' to nj liefore it..'balieg 'thril-ngir carelessness in leay;mg a swltvj
1167 LD Permanent Buildiiig'anti Bolster followed the young men as they land. trynot %6 lio -Vivian -Damerers .
Society of Torolito. tise h-t ;t,,.. ..r aiol -n went 011t. time'to sound the note that would have away. melted,-4tid -Ire caused the-vxvi4ontron the Igmt
43 JIV
13r. El. Throuiliont the seftrchtfcyoung�men clamoured of such death and *oe, a % will be here before Mrs. Marist6wel wiiiiesseA the-inguilih thtt -neither llilall-
For particulars apply to rERdiw4li iUSTInst., dtVe
9harles, . as his
OUVEN STUTHERS, Let him come, had made that morning, the dog had tiny filrurestooabefore him, aud Oliveli asks a question 'if that be possible,he Iffiess npir --pride a6uld "ARkrA, was broughtboforp the ffatof&j
ILL be at hor__s fc Cd:�Aaltatiqtl; up I
aVery (lay L Will V:$,t J'at is 31. ROSS. friend strove tip rive th 'Timpas
t. 'but �rasterday,
W Av!cnt. d said o ilog. back. followed them, excited and eager, hun silvery voice rang in his @are. jriplied,_ 7 -,be ' wauld hn, P01iFe bTa9i8fi%tP;,(Dn"3r0n"y, `60- �A
N%VIC-t 'Poor 1361ster ! "ood doo,! 'Vott are a in&, to and fro, its for something lost;' irh.ft * To 9
at any hxar aftererards, night or day 4W Agent at Godericb. and 'Come in this *wa�-by.tho window;' . He thaul9roked,-Axp;steadi facing -the' pointed -Qu' J wit1fMisdemeanor; guIl- -com
t Sir Hilton Trewava* -as trW. WM. Mjt.tE�d
Secretary and Treastirer, rue friend, Bolster; yru will not betray th,)ugh they had held him back from the she said softly. 'Mrs. 313riktowo sleaps;' worideri an I the most Bail was accqpted.
M. 113- CHAS. ROBERTON-, confidence. I have trusted many a pool, leaf 6 should stir the water, yet, es- so does John. Let *him sleep A little
Toronto. 13413. IMP secret toyou,'and nrTer repented.' - 0'. .,Wfis chang-" -3umes Cauuthers'
caping from them, he had plunged in on longer. You bring tfifings I Bee ft in tbo Essa wife
P 13*40.1v 0 to - in to drifik' wnrd4rert washW itt
ORTANT NOTICE i Dainerel made no reply in words,'but the side opposite the bower. yourface.1
Zq. MONEY TO LEND he laid his hand on his friend's arm. Viilo,'said Damerel, 'come with ]no . Agitated as he - was Mr. Damera1 most foul, a most -.on Wodnesda-flast. for
lnrt. .'Don't think hardly of me ol&fell I ad been committed 20 years in Essa township.---couaty of
y ow" toaidtbed�m He is yours -I will not nevertheless stood far a.morifent Wert,' -1vol
HYSICIAN SURGEON. CORONER. &c. Office At Greatly redudett RatO of Interest he said.,. 11 have promised yon I will girl, who.wa
Pta-a Et-t-e,�ca taffa dooreanz of Centra. School. F. R_ IWAIIN touch him.' arid amazed at a the quiet self-.posssssiiin my return, I desire silence-all9ve _s Simcoo.. wli=16ZA, 1vqertk_1,
411 not only his� gid :,ifftiWe, R,oquait
av his. ad 1y4%,TpVeqkd 40 in
rPHE uVilerizzted ImR anv �arnoiint of mcney to Inotutteraword. lleavahtoyou. I Like one in a dreani. CharlesVigo fol- of the woman, upon whois head lay. all -in the 4DArtintuts of -Mrs. 31alristowe, bti4e. And circurnstairmir-of his own all his, deiMi�i;. V,;�.
L)V. CASXav� .1 loan fr�arn two W fiftegn Y_ at a 1my rate if 111ouse 'Sign & Carriage rjiBlel i rely or, yoti. I know you will notsbirk lowed the footsteps of his friend as lie I , . . . , 1�
car% ?I this guilt. But as he gazed Steadily itti. I expect i; be �obeyed im 'cittli . had- .ffifile
interest an:i favourable ternis of reparment. pavahip . a Jitty, let it be ever so bitter.' pli Auilting sufalyflbd1�4thi* *&r� event. -w 01 , I I iiKto
FSIRES TO A, F .. I-, ia .1 Ma 7A
31aGni-conege -W %JNT THE PUBLICTHAT I ran rotind the pond iii fevered hastq. to her eyes, he saw her shrink; - lie Saw. 'Certainly, Sir thiy 411're. gor. was this _1.,U arer wasLo�ri-p illia""i1i"61ily"
SURGEOLN, ft.. Oirh:e, ton he has fitted vp a ihop on North 3trftt neit to el'o 1w . I urds
Hamil by y�nriy instalrapres; rate of expiatses will defy 1 D Th' as a sickening throb of pain at 'Shall I leave all to you, or will you all the pain, the auziti* theherroi, - ilied. �;thww
Str.e.. G(;�'j*.Fh, Ontario. the Weql?yFLn Metbodi,i 0turch.%y1th varnish roon. of *lJougehad lie own- blord-ri to-
p young Virro a heart as lid bowed ament have -my help 7' asked Damerel, grasping she strove with.such wonderful courage . "Give my 3raers tothe houiell0d,"he la' bpi�fi�� hpi Victim with Rig,
dy, ydul)2, and
HORAC2 HORTOX .' ttacb�l where he iq prepared tofillall or&rq promp- to this, bu-t lie gave no rent in speech to him by the arm. to conceal. The rich col -or - that her � added; 'and t4ike*=e of yoitr, rhistress.: ofate wlibm, in'hii, youthf. he�jl4a At
tlyawl at MLinnah'e pnecq Thnitkial for the patror,
T R 30% nda Per- 'jage ottlic Last 7 years soRtiti asontittwusee of the A bW hiln com io 71' U
�,OTVIIFI his fears and sorrow. 'Bolster, Bolster what have you got cheek had worn came ani wenfin flash- W and tall John,'%n 16vari*
&ppraiserfortlap. C.&n. 11io-Al *
AMR— 9 -D &TTORV�EY ATL-LAW� ANZ a ovda or"feipea
mRnent.Biltildfurf &- Snviinga a" They walked on in feverish silence there ?'cried young Vigo. as, and over RU her aspect there was the me. our pmwiVA.,ma
13,3 C�taqqery, Coantv Crawn Attorney, Society. of Tor�nto. nearl v a mile, a desultory word hohar, -the- of-,hos�it-j14, -tili r& td. lholbl 1,fo. 1 11 .. -
G,,fer.eb,0:Z% Now is the time to Paint your catteN I or two, His voice was so hallow,- so strange, shadow of an indesedbable,'chan'ge: A The last command wax.given to a man sprief diaoi iq -- I "" - -.--
a whis
tle-call to Bolster, alDne breakinX' that, the doff did not recoamize it he - was thbu-l� -she bad a -..A 44 1� vm& next a ider W,
.45 . — .& reuxicti%ner4
Sinus, and farriagres. the qniet of the way. When thOy itillawain, aboubanxiously holding the fire, r
0%U2eT-:tn Jk; C*arrovr- or had...gone aawn into, the oa�ve� ' "Johnis1imitill riloatiiaid-LO' OdthqtheihQdiiqt%lii-'LtliiiU!i�" a
KCHANCEity &,' INSURANCE CARD. - - y:w10 Y' elc 'b the
reached the bill that l6oked do'" ori tho *n6fi4. �m
t Aar ovier% frm conntry Carnh.-c shops attend c6rd-tightly between his teeth-. and seen, the se6r'eta of 'death., It. wa� -r lie
B_ -kat -zare. Gederitb. The Subscriber Is nout for the followingflrst�l , - Tiewavas ffiti lilg. ds s soppiirtail ��p
ed .3r,: riaoddetrod. grel, fii. h lim- wbe ii&
on e. !T& Sq sunny slopes of Trewa�vasAlioth young J - _4oPQZA4
271 C. CA.VqlLon wZ_2 J. T. GARROW. lin urntrice 40op ovjthdi,pat,h. 111elP me.' said Charles Vigo ihold terrible to beliald..this gal, w6se ioul' Tr6m.tho -room. - I,- . . . -
. min, the
an a �Ourt wn
Jlera wa�Ls aurqiyJn.% flame Of torture, plpying ',!Nvv6r'mhA' --ah-06rad- tirf�fffliou�.
sixt, raintiw_ Gramh..-� Glazing. pipe, mett, moved by a simultaneous feeling,
PHOF-nX.f1..d Z411an"! my feet, - ivirile I stretch over.
HARTFORD of Hattlard. Dging. &'(-.. & C
will beir
paused and stood -still. Here; fn the UAW Ili ! bring me the card, gcod her part'calmly, b4oing on, her fa�e,' as e. U13 share iff tbi fiaV�*4
11� is. 110vium, PRMSCIALbrToronto. -T 3 biii'eiv
mornin- still, flashed and glitter6d W dog.' because iu
A RRIStM A -VOP AMiVEV. -801-.ICITOR. RRITISHAWIMI, -1 Toronto. F. R. MANN M a - I - a mask, the common con"antional syui-
0 18-0� (Wor"r-a"alf; 'WA, p -tide .9. wor Aly,
an-Cb3ace.-7, &c., Gcdarich, Ont. 1357 Vire 84 Max-ine bwuneas dono at the Uoileiich, hi-,, '5, 167.0 awl -�Affl
Id mani;ion, gloriout-iii be lity and* ".134ster was in stran4a excitement ; he' path�y ind-preteries- of sorrow the time blfc� mor'W 8ii triltiiii s�iA )Yanyorpl.
;Owest possib . le rates Strength; hero lay tho soft greeng vi,4116 W�iir with his paw, and JrAg- demanded, - dropping from her lips the sat-overagairist each othe2%-silehtatri' 014'Ta
of mown turf, lovely in- the alit 4 , &Uri
L. 143-1. W A-, W.A.Ir"llax HORACE HORTON d tthe'cdd,.ufterfiJg a low*whine,. commonplace words of.every-1lay life al�ne. . After -!6 ;uprqqut�j�j hestkiktWn,. � NO, i haa��Sonlv
T`r0F._XEY1-A7-r.AW, SOLICITORS. IN 4as -tied -or 'tankled, and:hidifig.'wtth�all,thi Vivian Pamer4 rose and spok -,Ilis tAsk' Zu"s-
and dotting the widia-spread pirk dtorij gut .
eridtiliil�y it t foree of 6ir e� 4ii to, sue -%Lx c mi"',
I --'
Chancerv. Convoyancers. &c. Crabb*A Bloc', Office Market Square, Goderich - noble groups of troes�' with
MAUY-color- -that Bolstef c4xild n6t obey his 'masier. characte�i,- fhe-. homilife that was 39ir Hilton,' �Ak vbhjbcfn6e 88f t - a
ff hav@o.servet .. ,
Oct 2-3th 1870. OPENE D HUI' AWN..,
MONEY TO LEND. 13:9 ed foliago trembling in 'the g 11r,si moideiii' *oung Vigo sprap- trt rendiug-her he�ari. with kraa�xaji h1v.e:am, YA tb
-ing a le, -k a"
, 4 1 bat y �qr i Wo6t his deepest'secre Oy too wnim 'ygm "ffis
breeze. It w4s a picture d paabe and hi�Te`bt,and dashed into the pool. Tire Mr. Darnerel. shrunk front her widi ill, given no ordaii, inrgervAnt:� tqgo itio tft �,d and rend. And WHan
99.�. A:) Ck Q gir
Sina]Ltarr �fety, honor arid lova�-4 piclurs iiot of watoi reached, qearly to hiamock. concealed loathing. - He could scArcely- MA -1—h , ;.in
_w in he had ma-ldenect- Wy--.h* Ke'
R IS T E; P Goder.zb.
for it ' 'fThrow me� your knifo,' he said to kue
.8, &c- or TOWN property at prepent honor only, but bf past, persuade himself to roply to her gre6t- no'niceisl -replied .13fr -Indifference, should
pf getietrationt gone by, all living el Own for
-I li)Vfely, in empe
B J. S. SINCLAip. MA.9- SEAGGR, Jr told il -
it TOLOan on PAnu Dameral,. in a low calm voice. ing. Ali his ftffecf-�tionof speech and Miton. 'Thi jiilip,6'race ved,'foli itifoi
G Dec. Ist.13-1. 17. cent. Applyto prison to prav or - W despair,
0. in the safet7-guar
ds of wealth, birth, He thiew it, the young man catching . manner was gone; he was pale, earnest guation last night of Al, Ma , tov�,�J itaw - Wood lie IeM 7 7,Gf6gt H. a ftatb*h-gili
Oct.-40th..G-.I 41%f Goderich. in in -ris
and rank. - It th14 how, with; this it ' his wet band- then stooping and and datormined.
They searched,w
iiflt. nio thiaw-A-0* wo-rilil4lAtai,ilie t dud,live-?
tripl'o wall, the 'old name of Trewav4s. swithria nig 'Lead the way, Mis3 Varcoe; I follow," morni ; tbay.are`stil6_�aMA0,,, wq� -
i , bezut the knot that had baf . ArUsence. ollwyatl
a _I 13orriewhat , in:- .1bis fifi Xf
had been carried on tinsullied, andhoary Red the dog; an& as he did so, the dead he said, in a cold, hard, is,14961 tigombr,2-591 Illn ,Adt i
-tone. - Hiii. pre-' one of the then ber6eV�4 moment. lJarwrets-th ghts. as- h-lo-Jollow6d. Sir
tiaAarick. Ont. MONEY TO LEI N D heads had g6ne down in honor to the faca- of Eleanor Nfaristowe floated tip- tended n(A to,,aea tlkaha�id which she had pact n be arr SNP4 silently t
grave, n
015ee, over J. C. Detlor Co*s Emporium, Market 'me _1ves it. wills4rdy bigiile:144-uls 01, hrough - 16,
T tIGEET PER CSX.T. SDIPLE I IN TE R E57 a d7 cli4dren and played peace-, "ids pale and pure, jnst beneath the extended to him, and hi kuank,6ack a- exlqugh: to tion-A.-ItlicriwWa �r'sfiirqw _Ahrtibbei7;-afid Si 1hit
r 1%.1 r Onr 8 qw�1116ugfit.g kve
for 5 or 10 years. Interest repayable eithE
4 14111, , `
y or list the carved b ress'of the' wall 4rongh'the. -T&TL Lvu!6 �96:
Adsmi0ingtifol; , �, '-' , ' w
fully, kept tinx?otted from the great 7snif4fia of the water. A hilge beach gai utt Id"
esal haif-yearly. A ent 'much in't'he same ciirrent,- excepi 1
i, - RM world of sin and sorrow lying without branch lying level, with leaves dipping ail Olive saw thi and * 'As you will,%$Ir Hilton,
�Pll, ORYKATRERS, a passed him. �salal)arner:. th4t thdy had A bitterriow of, irenvoyme
rds tolex.- D
St. Helena- ow ONO*-$ their pale. It told of all this, and more, in the pool, hid her body; but between turning her head for a moment, she a). '11tit my. optiftog i's *ndt yoiira. Zc-' anzd anguish too 44e.p 162: we
eitti Ak much more; for it appealed, as only the shining green earned the Mae robe - gazed into him face.
-,Cb* - . cuse me also 10 Saying thalTihould prism. e might tell him'solf-thst --yo
Goderiell, Unt. those grey old mansions can, to the and t a sit ill white hands crossed on her Vivian -Damerel never f,irgof that' consider itjest t9 let a.. bereaved hundreds of
lid bad 4
ineino- the reverence the im--;na- bosdui. 4
E4 X ., _" - , I . 1 00 ve a a are wh a as ardt- ino er ear at, price a fave as her idly what -lie had done; ancl. no Jta in31 T V L EN V.
tion. and tenderness of the human soul. Mond to death, cruelly murdered, ge. yo �c es—white with a pallor like dt-ath ; but. daughter. no deed cf bloo:l-
ON IMPROVED FARM PRO- Never before had the peace and beaulfy* ereshelay. wonderfully beantiful, the in her eyes there was a great light—Lbe Matist6we is guest at my pr The nawered;,bot,
&a clirnoti, ont. W35 of the scene spoken so powerfully to expression on her face calm as might be liglkt as of a fire that burned with a living, hotiae,'Xr. DAM8Tffl,'replied.Sir Ifiltori. ei6lReek5w.
perty, at 8 per cent simple interest chini;6,Udcrimas-vorne.7butlure sr, h
.%20-49Y TO LEND. Charles Vigo's heart; never before. had �n angel'i sleeping in Paradise. flame. q hope 1 know my ditty. towards her; 1 row hits � Ly - - - per anntrm. Applv to been 6apia.' upo -era a ot PO4kods gobvickin:!ktinery w4y
A sorrQw
SAMUEL SWAIN, it appeared to him that tbQ peaceiglit Stopoing, and holding 'by the branch, What did she mean 1 What did her deem itwisest to,.eu fire.- fonhera f
ew thirnugh-the'sba of hairilegg v3VU an 0 qqr vim.
'A 3ds ixke;o�d
W a false peace, and tli6 beauty Miglit Charles Vigo rised bar in his right arm. eyes say? Did they -entreat mercy ? hours' slebp aftbr-a piglit.' Of 'tirrar-and; bye Won and flit ng
Colborne Hotel. DUGLA�S;WIKENZIE hida.41eforwity. Then he'tijavy'liv fair'hair streaming Did they ask for jvstice ? Wasitafire anxiety. EAAker--the 4esponsibitty Of' thtibuirran, gon
I I A Plan,; anit Specifirafionsdrawn #: 4ountle erg
"lasterersaad Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 13:48 We I tchmakvr'& Thus -it stood—an English llomo,�a' 6yu er shoolderm, and the crimson cord. of murder or martrdom I And how -was that and�-of
Ot F eweller, I
w �r4 mtiasured aa4 valExed. sanctuar -had worn, tied bont'her it that this strange girl, ),at 4regh from Mr. D&mtre1%-b9.wod.--.. With' a1mir- I r within whose safe roaf )ay, th&"Olive kir and tlie bowl,* and,t
r8JRES to ratlarn W18, fbankn to the honor, afrection, happiness; or disbonor wris s. -a- ba
D pubAc for the P"t-Age extended him in the ll . critne, could sen,d thronA his qoul a able presence of mind he k6pVth -isme udi of murder, but such t ap
thathibas removet to tit& hatrfed� crime. Which did it cover alid . The unhappy youn nin staggered,
past. and to annonn" -0
fic nobinison i,rerniscs on Kinvston btrgek formevy occapie-I as hide? And whose hand wasttibeAr the' nd, would have fallen.'bck into the' 'spare her 7
Irimchan thrill of pity, and a pra�vr to Hbaven to tone of 91rde4y AW Sir ;Hilton A-nd'at 3i*eis. �whjnithjy'�ooze W eve 10
A Saloon I,y Harry anddir"uy opl,Z�ite c. had'kisume-4hut.-oulisac di .an,
a d4lv Irrabb's ture, whielt fie hA fittd in first canker now festering, within those h000rw Water with his burden, but for Dam r- - . xesplendvA "c� -acnh
a Asle-stepped,on, blind In i ade�er and,deeper illaid.6 -of anxiety. late e,,a
Ur=Ud LWnbZr,atth3 God- p 2a xL our daily journals, _ , l., I.,
-61LAILONDON I] e would call necial attention t9 the ed walls, a 4ea. elliia. Ricuss me, Mr. D iho'
THE LIVEMPO -nd show it to the satonis following &moral,' said Sir a mo�46fit
ISO. . I . f . I. an care -
RUSSELL WATCH orld 7 Let the poor girl go, Vigo. and got ure '. -*16r� Fliftow. 'I expect my,brotbar hem iA -Ieinto ings RF. Tuper
whose ro'ha:iiept the grave f4� p apassiggthpuglitoffeg. For jAND GDOBR Young Vigo turned and looked in big ashoreiyourself,' said Dameral ;you are rose . 11 privat
for the sale of whiph lie is &ie p. bef;ra -his eyes a Asion t�. the '-Trioinoixt' , I -wish 4-9 syeA to 3jini 0 Ono riefitimunit a hotithe
LL inand9wiss
-ent in Goderic friend's face. Both fend. each t1rowneq -whonrhvha�fd ' wfiorn 1�-foi'a sbort. t'ime.
A. M. CA'AMPBE INSURANCZ C 0 MP A N Y i.r or waitimat, Ilei,3 other's
tj. In Guld aucl gW
veteri=ry Swseon. thought3; both walked on silentlyi -Thaver her safely,' lin replied. 'Bol- the p-&oliAying c4i tho "grass, vit;441iiie At'", VIW�n ar"re -.again rose, are on
as n ban4 a largeAhd ;,weap ,kfprs�-oa
Heh selected tock of Damorel broke ilence firit. star will help me. - Go 11, will not ,tir upturned' lace," appealing mutel�i -to, flnshdA, and or-, evib, !3; I " -,
1, 1117 Ly of coluen urilve"ify. Ath".. NSS7 AYRFI041C An% is, 827 0,001000- "Partlni InQ.. . yanif.
F'Y,,r;: awl GralaaW of 00tarlo, 7etermary for justice, -Pifilre thaf sight� �
see ihis on the grass.' to
Losse y'altl to tire course of Thirty-five years ev- IT �M 'P3V:M Xx X- 130 3M 'Mr A fair scene,' said he. 'but not so fair till I Heaven who tlar4l6r �la�sulrb,br f6i
-an bL*AA preff- iFed7
will sell cheap. as it looks. What anguish, doubt and With a mist before his eyes, and his old distruit 1oA a lot., d disliko'of Olive`1 got p4
SAnil 4*ffi BY MIN - - b�g
REPAIRING US suspicion must be raging noneath'that' hatids beating the water like a -dying sp OTAR 10� O'Colt ?I ftX
rang iih active a&h, -ind it was witli' ifit: 4iiii X -di blpedihg, sows
A CALL �01.1CITpf) shining roof to -day l' man's, Charles Vigo reached the shore. a thrill of reewed horrdr, and a glow of Bwurrdor, Awralle of wkch.&BI
gyqiy. detailf �yqur anill
J. T. DUNCAN-1 S. 'I Would give much to know whose Hbre lid lay on the -soft turf, faint� iiek, shame foe his false �ityl'fhitt' he bowed w FA&at d
Clatmx by 3PIUM esti- y �1-t ilk o�t- 1Xa6Pirit.hf- -Iiitien i the
G P 1, fit A FE oF D.PTA1110 VWr=rffAZV COLLM Meted at nearly 3,0001000, are being Godwicb. March i4k; .3 guilty conscience was ton troubled foi 19�aringntithint, seeing nothing, till he his heaflandentered the� library, Vill.mt -mliiiiserWo, jAtr�tpbe:
OFFICE AND STABLES, lipidated iskst adjusted'91TWOUT DZDVCMrron. 1363 sleep last night, whnse courage illiailedt felt his friend's hand -upon his brow. window; through whieb t 'tliat 1' 'opt, a-mambep. Pf, acne th' 'han- dthat IpL*a thbfn', boq�
'Prompt 10ayment.'sudLiberafty in ad- 4. lts I
"trect, Fiftli House Fast Cf Colborne whose blao, thimerablo heart ro you better, Charlie I' he asked. -Olive �4 c I rel? your own,( , av p ypr J lx� -ad; sih
aft t2k%,prQMiueAt features at qua�pl A so ailently'the evening before. lbithe4l I'D' IR 0 �aftidr ve�haa_Ud -temilijim;,
"Caii y9li -listen, dear fellow, to what I tL Q40 a Mr),WJZr%q14_
vd, 't
this lieAlthy corrinany. -�ith fear and, a,,Ony,' returned Charles. In th .4dy tj aftqr a.4"Cret -Jhe.,gancb,.4 life. xa7d, ghil� h
is tornote room stood'14d 'Tre 1 14 yiploin 0 , ere a�
N. B. Horsez examined as, tosonad. - FM-e,,rrn'LfT9 POLICIES issued with very v in april p j. J ff.;! dovast4tcs, and
'have to'say nidgirlljitefi. withy-oaribrothei,4 all :.dow.u40 j. Vi4� Vigo. avas a de;ertTiwaxte -.p4r ;Nw
iv. - , VQZ_ .- 1318 liberal catiditfini. 0 The tone in which h"poko was one Charleg Vigo took Damerellshaild both.. Eagtarii with vi-itchint line :40 A bw:�bamw
Head7orlde. Vaisda 13ranch, MON. -CAIRIPAgE-WORIV -- yeabid poroplii5giom f�fim_tb* A -and misqu; -4hirtt,iti many *tirmi lie: so foam -Jma,
0, . of defiance and eantrdiction. It said pressed it in his; then tears burA from 4%, r. 1161 . , I %
Fenos. The upright frime.bf-the 0 0iia-piper no,--
aplainly-'I despise your suspicions. My --b-
-sovozity-sufiiinerxtxd�ftn ep Vo -MLOVA av-sn . -lid
TP.EAjle him eyes, and turning -his face to the which '14 He I& Sir" !M116 a
:9arbli he'sobbe "y; 41hat, lia -1
FOR INVENTIONS thoughts are not your thoughts. d aloud. erk in vain to band, -fras bowed no* in a p6wr h &van, it was not I who Single V6.1
, , dona i if, 0liye Aid. beau.
throw dowu the intleb in bilialf of'. '.Thank Ight, and the wrinklid h�xd rest- tb%t1.,.hai4q§sunq.fy Drom, lip
4per...'Of., the -.oble--
ri OfItho'wbrid, if sh4 had crushed,
EXPEDMOUSLY OPERLY A. M. RUSb,, Acent, for Goderieb injilved i ocen Take
it tip it yon fhitpd ll�r,' 'said Damerel, banding over.. ing on her krandson's arm, teintled, - a kish t6 l0tfihii 4110"Q19W *16 H110 -
a.' 13ut Xr. Damerel Would not aa� h1m-tdnd6r1Y- - 'I k " W'she was here, ind clutched him nervously for sup--' Wh %U
feaftilk I from her heart and W- triirij4d,
8-rured in C=ads, tta United SLOUS &ad, LFjliope. ne
dar call F; s4gq.�YI.4
-w de(f i es hadbeeD daln&A� jutir Imt-
PATZVTgnaranteettortlo ohs-gq,..0eDdforVrIrt- 41 am glaa it was n W., thi
-at= capt the challenge. at rhy Wad that port. tonlis fa L edia -,doas. Agency In operation ten Fears. TorontoMfe, Assuranes and _go&$
'Look,' he siid, mournfully, Ithereare' drawler forth. You would hav'e hated 'Dainerel,' said Sir Hilton,. nbt guesp- i'niver xike.J. -_jvUe, A upiiife ad--alim -1-.4hould-lisve
jrkY!saIX1 had not. sinurd. _Or,
VO donipiay. Bear tip; ddarfollow', bear ing why' he cams, lydu - naer us, linder lad h c��Ji �,kliid* "Ag RJ ' 14Z�-p 0
ntUvra; *%umu. the boats They have. found not ng., . me or qVer. I
Engkta,-X, FOXMW Of' 'PtUntS knd -That is Sir Hilton,' 6nding up., in Aip'lr 'von have .1dagaped'the'toils of a circumstantes. I sarijdirt'ietigned from to,,4hr QAtoilteda4a rio*6d,"w1di 9.U.t]w Y sta nmidad Wm.s I , 0 401461. READ OF710E TORONTO, ONT. -storn- ogplse jui;iagross, be- ,Itd for tb�t, a steidiiid 1i 1W ii -&tid'ij Javo,il1Jook* -;yhiarM, ji -
eftheb4at4 Jltiseasyto ree nd think the biach. 1 ha not fowidAmr. J hi k a His; PoU a:* i a 4f her:life itirnid:tOl�jtteiiiegg, he ,o jng:*]�
Feb. Iltb 1871'. W4-27- lived and died useless, I should
iii6figRee: larrigl4dwecanho'ts-e-e-J& your dtity.' have no cue� like a irrian.
,0110 friend, and E�u s thbaient he caiight1b6zlook - 1111r. : D dbsd if ip1haiie wall -ad � olluncathed. rti Ea ....... .. $10' B TFIAU TH11 'p.UotIqTfa� Chae,0 , - b. ine, ry
a looked ilp at . I
trat, t3ii mirei": lie
With libe to inerqnso to half& uillon for the liberal -t'
*orkitip of his face; in a of horr�or On Dliinlorelli face ind his oonstit�wyouiielfaii ifiittbi4 0 ce, new But she was not -a -woman-to..
A r0nage accorded -'How do you know they have tound Wiled the Is- -
vothin . g T asked Vigo, gravely. -2hild hi mxn 9,, trntiif, U'rs. do, vither bf thes6, I the burst of sudden grief spedch iemaid6d suspondild, mayes Ibowt?yoiir'com' 'd- or to �ius away and
him in iioulek rnore, if -
8 IDARNES in returning thank Amount called i2b, 20, per cenk-all paid he still ihwhich hq had indkilged, wa o appetitd is:W�
a on- 'Cnnot you seerhow,they roi, to and s ver w- Ilied in -sudden -ex7peotition 'and main - i6i 01ttli diawith gentle, half -uttered reproaches
11 in duty' r think" he re to bee frienft ilk OaUiMt far�psst fro, Andpeat. into -the -watot Y ;aid-; ferro; speaktfi 41) thor in 441ei Wigue. No:, she 1'
patrouage. bag3 to x3,y that she is now CARIIIAGt & 'Vigo r s a creatlire -of
ertil. 'Con* iva-v--the siglit bueft'iyill be a hard. Yet 'neverlear, "She is dead P jisid Dam' l2M=X=T8 1,1391171) BY, CRA11TE;1 TO 3WATOAGES . . - J� r fieroor 061,' 1 Ifave -litien.-MIUCL .;I,
AND L0EBZXTU[ZZ39 chem, Arid they" will''If6f nd and F6* oro
prey3redto give LossonsiontheFixtiol. EWA CAtry it,thlrbuilt.' I h4re found ler. Hilt0ii a-ve lieenand forte an in all its bran Dambrel, you -maden- -war- as -,mei. I
_.At. the Did mt?,Ad,
d Cabinet Organ and in Singi�!g. - , I b1l], - - 'DeeLdl'oxcWmid*SirRflton-��dead-I otqm�dirvut 6 catue - pjayiqxl iiitv;Are', and it w
llea�ew #qw yqu will,'returned Damerel itis in
-11 . bly.'ov you antiiely. And -Ito, sh0w -How I -Where -V -hard fir4t -iiiiiiiiiiiT.Lf -koiiiig it&& li&,lico. the. - -Keay6fi kib
Pei3mence �Opjosite Xr. Favages, BOARD 01F DEftECTORS me P eiRmitnel Vijo. i1f, youutti an.- P ifte" my sensis -! My I I , , f I - - 1363 . . E� MAATINIS �COLBOA 1� �46W much I rily an you, I ask, yet, ..respoj3al-bli in How mhair, C Ve_hC r moves. t; The )Mom JOMf HILLYARD C"EaONS P, I III -Save -her otherwolA like t�`at 1.11hill h darli it'gives wa3�
colbome St. Thero was a breathless siloiic�'.for� a; I am oiii- c6ns othiqg t
to. biiLhii-o4t;- Oarr�r:the newsio- Tre4avaswIlile I' m6menti; then:. Vaifierel; with, earneit- :and?'Ihe�v�bild 1di ihit�acf. Xh
7&ePraf4mr: Carri4gesi �Bugoes th6 body�, , You sea; I gaje� GEODuadAir Zii' J d trth"ouatyofTork.. lillrer6j -and th6 yon iihil re ... I -h awl fix?cl upon Sir HfltQnj�'maid.. sIo*Iy,:'.be �aareful iiof W a IRESTAI RM 4;1 - I Ta 'ke
-ar!tlia'i Y6dVM fatffid-z- her. 1 do;aot thank you for coming hither - �I hiiiii' ,b6u�
and every.tl tilo f6r;jour hideo 41%h �!%, -thiqking,�l.�ha4,Tt�ettpr..uot.,
16 not fe t
W. H. B*QW8Z $ 1 1 6 �,
Asca. Ciiuzitog of it 6f.,thbftq! wRisper a�word 6fflight and -drowtea-irichd 0oar
-Bah7i, St
or, -made- t4e.Lmdy1A,13oVr-' Arst,,Ur� DAU1Qr04-' !Tplig -RHO r� go
of :Tbhi VigoxtiodeLoW'flef wainkig, to -that wr6ohiod"ghT, ar.'
Wk. J. NA=Nmr"Efift. Jr4 ely�- Im. .
0 P Prescott. ling also jA 1 iuiar-U! a; friand. ulii'di` 5..7 4 a 3$�r Wit4 Y
rantasavi6s% Materia and: iii, tilbtan. -be a, twittier Jlo who]
Norkmainl4e, 'Y' Ludy' b�reVjVk.-trJi& saitseledsiby. wi'ei' !'Dri *,my hs Uy, Imthor, th%,polict 'the
a irftil -,w --far
)d Wee difilaO =!.1Q,-QJnt -P
Amus Bank, g ni6 "Colos. Az Jka*g� hegr*
d nibiour somet.1
"'thdt" 'Xild'Ohailes'-Vigi . 'bit I'�can- his" arlater flush-oh1his laab 'ihu feritardmi anAAr.V-, Esq. REPAXItrNG PR4Bf 'i"Myself now'. Go � -to 7-jaijaw: -fibiiA somhebUirmw au& lac4ft hur the staide"Aeth Of4-in JAM%& VIVIAN p a 01
0ourage. . I � Applicationz for usurance.; in-, vill-T gie--not we'" ,a rir_ 11 ; - !11 �. OR9 this �-Godeligt,;, ing
k9A,,1W,&4 0ho in. Qr the praient.',
-� it
THZ f,
c0=#_r of Vat sa4lMod" 0z"tff Alld Atw fint claim Coinpaby rkdeivedrb pidritixA I the narro
t1toxe tidings, jand,I.ea vFi&*fia- 19iP6RW4-
rroyr path Jos ' i us on6 of my he
1.3.05 , _. .7 1. 46 " I Olivei
is prepar#41 fif i. 9 - oy 'Wlispi
it : hollowvoice� 491CeXclaimed Sir Hilton.
RwAarmiAma yra's **to, 4. Ji -BELL' 1(AQ!Al2tp pi�
53pply ever fl -kit W 'da -will-rep
INS Y W, 11-
o re ed Johi
art . I a 5� i*' �1
1 5�1'1 fiJififillare illi `wKitt *UX.-thisi f;O4 do 644iorth�ffi' 4irt N rich
Wn. t
lee ie' , J T" T CU!7y
-God H s-10 igq�ri;?l ins a rl
ifV fiiix� kissed L Teats were t r tidih&,;
ANjD C9LD X_wALJt ATX�L V43, 'AS rdg� girl. pulmonary diir
no 0 reaming eve: i�afi4ies,
he her a or. Pa., ere,- h 'Dameral made Di iiidr
mbli ig. In sin iltou, slio, -t�IrAbillenWA UL'1104 settled
W$g the wholo
N itotak.tbis the tea kinili-46
3:46 A - . .. tre
_Belf it
164.4 AXILWALY. 4 ? -nave 01P9 aowdered t.-, -.Abrc. I -fellow 48 mcrl% ik Would -
VIN *udj5
Afft. 4
f -
i114do o
iis is
P�, q . " 'W 'Weib 1jiditogethex by, 4be&r- d p .4-
GODIRRIAG X� f 1EAD QM V 16 L 'd hem to a RT0. rds
.4 Ajid Vith6je At, A�h , �'%id;7' 0e, -ore- esterday xs li�,
.'let i'ldbk' He
Trust 294-- Zmin&.ro f a' I' nsft�oto ol�a
0$u,PAPIT4&L ST001C LL -4 Charles Tigo SU 000, RPLUR
for lid -
A -9 -In -worst was opcken, ,.Sir
00ir h - Mot - 11tc J -ciblTsinienfl, fariA,r_�,
0�orre a
: - f Priguiah; but he, remained tqW151sjl thin e9fiiiirgebb)t mpse 'View., F,I�FrTO 1 -'sukely.
Nt. A 09 � li, if ,6, a, vW&W-Utk�ifi aggeri benoxib. it likqo, mkn,#ai1tqn as 44 as,hk;�jntif
b4i br
E16k. X: m6auratiolt.. -w
Igor lb by #04 _011a)*4�1 ,,President. 0
4 Direptor,7, Hikj:J 4.� 64-fdrikard _n a- And
LDAIT Vanigijig nospe pail WeAl leam. P d
at 4jil'aira n, anfl-asta 4t job, n summer aa-
sn(t pit 4t-- Sr., -- ,
-061 timt4dA85
UWT'in XJ "1V � "t Iiitir' 10i'aficTgTobsip maid -ba, qat me coun- Andthor n
att . t1 V"
FIRE tor
!W09 4 llowbA t1he nt ii,
CAR A _0� pai
inIt, ii,philiful to John (Glil 6-
LOW40 UUftdnt- Rate SO
01 y6li to be 1004, to worils: oil perc . 111,1100 'W`0 'lie zrfatigu& ?J
y on us FUnds for 11!� ment. SPECIA 1§161t 0 p6t4r., U16 44Wot the tJ'6rnb%g. ,V4ck5 sot fepij lie, -Vrori'41W h- Hit- &1110i oftjl
- - - (OPRAUS,'COVI; said. gessib& �oii thifik th per bbtt-�O, to L,
asumq, for one 6r Ithm&-yoars.. On 4eteclija bordusil, 11144ty. TQ# 500, Js ey , i ingl; Vella repeat agafiLl in* "Thii-is t '0 terk[1310* P "'ilr dattiq -brdt
33roe 'iffb4ilid flutteriiig ishado�x f, Iny-IrW 4t6wavasi. -Iffistily OV be
1"01 ()tt'wg, Watreol, -Thto her, ito it
4 1W . -110wor a..
t arblud a' - Mr. ! Tr4awavas,, exci4biikea Vivian, lea.away ily ry 196 on it,
rs, qoebeci iittuy on tho �Jnfrodaan vabli
hildli Of Nlyti w8l A ft It. - & )a . ot sound vtvet th �' 'Jig of
2, 10 t6 YA,04 brusUinj tli6,d49Wr6yii leaf
'011 in
athirninsceiningwouder�' Damerel,� I appeal to YOU- 4t .2160, J�hli u he ran-, and h4d1afts 6f fill t va lunce it. TT=GIW4
hop gaz;,d -state,
- I I-,- A"Ok of 'tben she riVeW her -her cous- gures be instantly 10
1W *r� - Btri, Rotoiii, 37 park
_1b9tCWi J V, 11 If, ' --him- frdai '.ovdrr-bougli; eyes W.
ey Uf . I I
*3yellfilf -A01t vehomeMly., and, catch- Now york nut siiect.
for tht townslilps, outletAbis Town_ Apply' Xrce .
,k in What shai saw jhero Of the Sodom- &6 (Oilraw 1krxF- writin tyet'inJi coniciotim of, the beauty', in 4- in the 1mu4a, Qf the FQUQQ, we �ing
am aill, ma
tu 71i24 011tro. 101%� level- 'bralfaci acontrasted *iih� *ern 80trOw 4 P tu1!l1.A;- linger ioo long her* in disWillioli; arid wo, -Olivelil- :mJjin6_Jjfr. '0�tnerels momon. ng ad-�Cl$w
Torouto of which. he bore V�ayn dexpalt, rpse'of th-,4 murdered tarylAtyraded. fo)? the
Fort SfOSAr, in tho 41�!)
4G, 31.i! URDIXft 00- bower; the yoolliK iagerlyf the, anguish, And ariwo� forget J latttha led
10 by a. Me- not wheie yolt repeat sm lies *tUl;-upori the grA4J4"r
*,,he fityar"d the. - mid" anth6rlzedlo vqn ract for adwrtwi
the Wins Writ fie, Alcutyfor4wier4b, 0613 furihor, -a har(I thing to utter t h
04" l'yodfrIch back among in but' Nmeroll" 4i4. Olive. At thesa4ir4s, Sir 161to.-TrevAY.A4 In a. low volcc� to the in"dor-
-09torku 17tu 1100� 1#71 Noy. low, 199 �Wooa 'but t but l9wixt rtts,
'boughi 00imir 00144; 041..
< -I
I - I