HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-18, Page 441V V t "7- ................. RAIC RNE4 0, ftecial Not.toest. 6 "ANIEL G'O"9N& NEW BOOKS, L So WILLSON9 II,,GA.R]E-- 13T D, D". BAR. Gold beato by hammering. reduco — -- - . . . ­ - -1 A331NEX MAX R AST.—NP]I To AND DBALEn IN ri, �AM 60, 0 A f the GENLPRAL gold to 103= so thin that 2AOOO must C,=V IC, Zcsoh`-17-0.111100-11 UPROL91TUR Come join wil me, ye brithor Szats be lairl ola, cwh other to produce the wooturat lawso'l-1213141.14'r.0 tall d ges. NV -,I I I 0 h. They are so thi i Jlod and untrition, and by a carp"Gla'It.,onpolka, 03rTHS210 RV94-1 zM1, if 01# il I - a r . . 1W W_ *Acb,.,,. jjie,.)4 Id 4ja4- live and a 0011126 4 ob-IFOW AtnI this jovisk thrang, thickuess of an inp the Gne properties of %velt selected cow AtricE forme at, P 8 And tat us e thegither Ring that, if A in a boat;, I 5oz) livould hall provideA oar breakfast tables with a 'I VOW Ar -hcr Scottish ung; le leaf Of Com- flavorod.bevera2e which may n&Nousinauylleavy &o.9 oI the space of a sing ductoro'bIlla."-Civil iferring GoIceole. Made Amid 'from the TQWA 'ell At Ulf .00040" Anitbor 8=, g in that anld &etch men paper. was '70 A iraith of Ill' no vi W., or cumine, will Hrra & Co- notafropAilo 04*%tsts, RETAIL pmg - Itiv 0 Loadon." SALE& We spoke when we were yoangt - �MHQLC lit in erery *istered And iu 0= ear wo loved to hear �Inga a gallon of water, so th will nowshok oil vr�,,wf% aliver fAih ig a.3 MANUFACTIRTIr OF COCOA-41WO 410ax.owk TNo dear auld Dari, toI arap Cie color may be perceived; anu -account of tho process ndopted by Bleum JaMils PAINTSs LASS Co., manufacturers of diet6tio article T BUTLIEWS 9, at 7111=11r"gh the lot 16 Is IL graino m f ual, will scent a room or %rarksitt the Easton Road,Loudonx q " 3 oWe P. t. the very wal a o! words twenty years. BAM _wp hewed lio A stone which on land requires the PUTTY 'A'%31; stabling ind driving At 133bel a row lang3yna OXL89 AhM with A 4ssortmento Jarx, -hay loft ju whiar, our matchless minstrels! sangs strength of two men to lift can be rifted olu -I& 'UJ -C 1 0 IN : . A . _ P, .1 Beautifal r,2z27, with other out Win aye immoTtd shins. in the water by one man. FRAUDS ABROAD 1 01? owl GFNIMrtAL AGBNfFOWTHE FOL. amp at -the barn Wlion on the ilyescheonfumlon fell An, immense wei;ht may be raised a I ng 'Mactune, - buNinte and a good V. , sold Cheap Frashich a!o ither's sprulag. short distance �y tightening a dry ropo DEr. most respeetfully,to caution. the JAW or JEWELLFY- OfAL,L KINDS pl&Njo, ORGAN, MELODBON) bOWINOINSIMMIONTS. yrol. Thispropoty 0be on wet- for Cash or,on terms to suit V*chawrs. We for Onr ahasTe t1len got the C&TO between it &Rd a, suppork and th AND Organs aftd.�Xdlodeonslo X isture imbibed their goard against purchaoilag spurloulf medicines (V our auld Dario tolligne! ting the rope. The me JUST RESCE ATJSO 11 traction whielf are being molanmy genuine "Holloway's IVIED lisinnyToronto; Pejo#�et, relton 4 Co. into thl! rope by capillary at rill. and Ointment," by certain in1lirldnils, of izlcuf Tnkt INFLENOT New ork.-, SIM J6 Ut No. 111ros sitnated on the North few It is the nativo 8",edh 0, 101ro, causes it to become shorter. liWo or ut) mearm traing (for the lut tg be sold ide of East St., in the Town of God - ch tolls ics ill oughts aye best, when cold, -will m4liths only) under the Style tof the "Now York and Wht-, A rod of iron whieb on- --I Company." Every artifice Is.madc rise eTich,. new Ithe Ilosilroad Station c Whcu in its wi& an -1 tender words pan through a certain opening, when of li�N them for the purpom of imposing upon the AT 13 U T.L L4 li'S Shoroonis door to tlie "Siffnid". UNION CO.'S, New York. faining -om quarter of an sore or land Lova's lcngftqs am uprest, heated expands, and becomes too thick pittilie, and the mown eitettually to -leceive. they ne't Svirc-ot as t he mnTmurlag 0, a to pass. Thas tho tire, or rim of a have the effrontery, III their dvartisoments. to I,.,- OlTice, Oodorich. GA'BtEn with A V6d rame House And Flailae Fishing Tackles, ]CIVJF StIANS; 'end �& few fruit iron and good 0: rlotC3 4y MzV3 snugg coach wheel, when heated goes oil loose- ifictiumense dernauil fer'11OLLOWAY'SPILLS Mit. MEGAW and myself, are the BARMOPtE 'Jo rr111 H Thii �perty will 'be sold 'Cheap ,11 he wheel AND C)I%T3dm%-r* has tempted unpruiripleol DUNHAM-,, WR n pn Ayo sonn tLftt o' some love gan; ly, and when cooled it pinches t these valuable Atedl. tT ALL KND. WAN fir 0I.I Apply to parties to counte 024LY AGENTS it lu our deml- Doric tongue. most tightly. Cones. RUENAN One pint of water couVerted into steam lit order to protectiliepublip atiol ourselves CHICKERMG Boston. 111.1,1TS - � FOR TITE � - f, wo hav-i isslv�d a now 'Trade Mark,'couslAting MILLIMR For fire and fervoz it ontshines fill* a space of nearly 2,0011pints, and of L an Ngvptlan Circle of a serpent with tile 1.1`0010 Or to 0. SHANNON, A* jaWus, nswai*_Uld; a steam engine with "letter It In thecentro Every boxiot'geroulloo Vows on the premises. rouse -s the piston of 'noLLOWAT'll PILLS AVID 0l1lTMf,%'T'%VIlI baye 39 inch. Nw Unak or Irbris could rouse & force of many thousand pounds -it this trade martC Oil It. N�1110 alAE rearlillo lf-FLORED' Can furiiMi almost all Canadian and Silk-VeIVOts, 24 and., Goderich, 25th Jan. 1873. 2354 ottiperloi �in Sew ng Machine in Goderich and vicin- 4merican Maker's Iftstrnoients'onterms'- The in tial spilril�bWd, may afterwards be condensed and re-ap- without it. n Or stir the patri5vautming bmast, pear as a pint of water. TO DEALE113 AXD JOSTIFTIS IN DRo:O9 ANDMUD- ANI) 1368. to silit.parchasari fob cjs� or on-time at Or cowavXs iI n2strnag, Sound travels in water about four e' " ICIES. AT COST jess thall blinufacturtir"I price. Bilk Rims and Pop -list, 11W e ill yonr particular attention to the new ELLIN Or nervo the vengeance -lifted arm, times qlaicker, lind in solids from ton to -1 atvie ot,1`10I.LoPWAY'S P31.1.8 AND 0INTUVI Goderich, Peb.- LANDS. for SAM uke our auld Dora tongue! twenty times quicker than in air. -none of the old style are manufai-tured br T ie. H-espeler -i for months. we AT BUTLE 'AT us now. nor have they bee ------- and Scariet .13AY—F-IIELD. ther4bre caution all purebasers against re. Twilled Flannels, Whito It mal's us weep wP teaderness, eoivt,iz from any Jobbers or Dealers the old 11 iderwh, 19th A t1g_.. 1;" 7 0. gwlo; It cars us laugh wi, gles, style of qO,,dS OTSM08. n &.72 RAYFIELD loduNCESSION 11 Information concerning any sneh goods L Townsirl And re= wi' rgRA hi)Ahons joy, The amal or tin foil, which is bein iTubias, -white, Scarlet and Blacks t vt Goilefleb. coluWaing -240 scm of gain offered %rill be reeeived with tbanks the "if 4val tyo1&ndw10ftabout;2 Infles of the Or smile wi, hulmoralee, I spread. on plate glass to form mirrors is We ask the favor of all file Information 3 oil Natotpacor fifthe Townef Bayfitid. - Thite is a ly crystah?ed by the rays of the can give In regard to those counterteiti. 23.soem w1dqh;_Qul4 r"Vylit,prepar. For satira it aye bore the bell, readi %ow thi4 Company is aware float your laws do coverd with the best-Ofbei!dliadd insple t1mborrist splesidid gTwth. an excellent read panes on two 7 1D T sides;Of t tuated is ancia For noght caa fan the tin o' love the sup can fA1 on it is usually spoiled. my Sledicinei. but in order the more completely to betold file public. they bave recourse to aw,ther our autd Oaec touguo. It takes a gianulated appearance fami- ne An.1 :1overs' he-3rts has wrung, quill. A mirror hung where the rays of not Tertnit them to copv the precise gettinz up of -1 �:Ep 06 -loured TIii", 4iftreat shides -ed (everg. The remainder -of the Jourd Is eloody piece of deceptiom� viz. in stiting, that thev deem and well a SashRibbons Cord and Watered, JAMISO Lot T WpStsuley, i liar to housekeepers, though they may sary, as they to wke up the Pills anti - M it roeoce� not be acqiiainted ith its cause. In Ointment in another form, ar d that that they adopt contallifift 39 iter" of wel ker avete 14hel, �r. which Would proditee 0s, _t -ewerid-f ge = Sty offli 0 such a state the article is nearly worth - thriffore'nslettillI e verBayfieldwitba liesides the abolve-mentionet "Chemical Cam- it' Bruspe Is, Net XUslin W A 8rrous Tum;. -Twisting es canotturimate trickery IA attempting to sell able for tiI or manufacturinsia purposes.. LJR ju For teruts apply to. JAX D. ALLEN. less; the conti:nuity ofits surface is des- there is also a David Pringle of New York. if, h e lace cartsidenble water fan winch cou be mat7a avan one a who us imitations of noy Medicines. Beware of Y'k UPhdtgtdVbi`- &C uecL. troyed, and it will not reflect outlin 3E Fili L-11, W TER 9 with any approach to precision. Care tildde in all -.:z,-.q suitable EGS cave to return thanksta the inhabitnts of Womm. 1-. Arus.-Well, tliat!s &% it should therefore be exercised in hanging. Tals rouprizeirled Chendeal Corrolvilly has dared for T-Adiesnd Gents, both BOOderich and surroundiiig -66antry, iWtheir Gr.acn Kid Gloves. or W, W CONNOR, Esq. llilayfie% to qay that I owe very largo sums of funnily in the liberal P3trouajsi1t[rI%tIf0 last two Iriffirs. he has Guelph, AliI 1870 W26 o agh t to be. If any of our read rs have. mirrors ingoldand.silver. Butthe beenizibusinsirs.,.He now repared to furnish all Finn LAGUAGE;�-COnVer&AUOM be- which appear to be a e ng, it would be United Stateq. %Vbat is the faet? A newspaper ice peoili gent obtained. without my kuo%vlegde nr conent. 011ip-taying cut repre- articles in his line. such as YiZ=a Farm For Sale. tweea par=ara. wall to ascertain wbather the direct Sun. and by collusion with a party who helor a limited sonts ill Proper proportions SEWING MACHINE :F T -T -R W 3' 'Z XT 2- E; lid Hoso, I power ofattorn i of tritue. an order to advertiqe my t �& - must light strikes them. If'thus expose( . mLdictne�., in South America f -,r three years, tc the TV' 'S'25 RUSSELL HUNT1110 OF AL JDES1 The anther off the- saying "'You was they can probably be "v4zd from -furthir extent of 8400 floo in Lold. He then sold his claim IS THE 'the 0-'b of Colbomv. In the County o always take a ma. an as yoa dai him," LEV3 WATCH, ILLOWS� Also—.Ffi1tDvarsho0S d: 1),mI r-1 p4sinic I t) alawyerwhn got it referred by the court ton friend part ef Block n M;r a constable. , ury lky, simple changin-v*, their position. of hi %rho'gave iudgwolerota�ainqt me to the amount case find RITE, P 100acres b0cleared and mider good fouce, *na 13i PEOPLES'FAVO Wh� are ya-afor ever TrammiaZ- that The back, as well as the front, 11111st bO which he staid he couldhave is BOLSTERS 50 acres good Hard W-aad lllwter. Twb alfsiII, protected. mae by it. had I not taker stars to repudiAto this jewelled, universal satisfaction, it Creeks, Bell Jlftt qt4ity go -6d Log RO-11se -and t Frainio 'i Yruits. musorsteam. Stror,lind viarraiacti f,,r five years- simple, durable and the Para still small b -irt- F cote asks"zj= witkout a team vile tranitaction the menI It come to my knnw ANP!',v,,`os MATTRASSES., &c.) WiM.-141 IAge. Tbisjudgement will soon be set It', togethrr with a�gold plated e of tuno in him�, "Beesuss, it halanta me." lighioI running inachine, now mail TO=1T1VX11e;nrindr, altutur Ir Mao. - I am Fare. that I owe a cent" -ain-uljich will heaper kind) and will aa%y much Ulhe a omlyoto cannot be suppo, Albert cL ti r, Unsh 9, "No wonder s3d Feotef; "you are over to any one that I would not immediately pay'. be sent to any psyt of Can- . '.I There is no truth whatever in the statement that, ! murl-d'erm,g it, !' hoo',��ilcmaterial than any other, Itis AN D E SHORTEST VOTICB, A Yankee judget oncet intervene ada on receipt of 0*-':,). or yZemises. d in I ever Anthorized "y, person or persans to u �e my % v�iat the farmers have long wanted PICTURE 13 RAVES kept on blind and made to Goaerich, 9tbDee., 1872* 1U7 v. 20. 87L AE'91,2-VA s=c&LQvznzax.-.What an odd way to prevent waste of words. name for the sale of my PUN anA Olutment.although C. 0. D., per cxl I c.,4. Order. gavifig Off ha%4 an assortment of Goderiza No gross traudit have been practised aeon we bY no- cinal sub3tances we derived from He was sitting in chAmbers, and seeing ard isi. arranteil in every case and kept N FARX FOU-1AL'Zo, principle,t men in this way. W- E. COnELL, in repz�ir free of chrge for one year by COM TRIN Purg-story" ot, any of these, my lad, from the piles of papers it; the lawyers' i: would x -k, as a favor. that should it perne to ! Take my advice and buy I . _11INGS, that yo-ir. kilyship would probably came. hands that the first ca -se was likely to the It owledge of ally pe"on that spuriono medi. �1 Watch Importer, the vo npany. ala prepar d to *noI boOII on'the shortest I be hardly contested, he aske:-" What clues an bein; mA.Ie Zind sold in my n ime that he no ot ier. Scivin(,, machines (of any notit-e.anctioconviuctfunerals6utbainastrmson- 'E)T-20,51% Con.- GoderbiliTOWDI 89aregof -No, Km. Rcefided spiritlif, Willi. be pleaiLA to itend me the name nd �ddi;ss of the 63 King Street East, other inake supplied to order at regular fibleterms. U3- Rolinember.the old stand, L Mnd70 acreerileared golood BuIlding.20,setpo AS=,_�chboyinterragatedhis mother is the amountin 4aestion?" "Twoo dol- endor who is sellin the that I -COAL OIL 'ANT) COAL 0% z UAIRS. 91FaIlWhent,ef miles from the TOWM 101G)d4trich. as follows: 'Slither, will ive has te3 tag lazz,"said the plaindirs enounsel. P-tec"' n of theto"I ""`t`te:Proec T0111ONT0. ONT. rates. I am %133 gent for all kinds of V. F il R11 - is T W. a a F. rf Apply, to 0. lki.,TRUSHAN Gcdc!dcb, or on tinf it said the jadge, handing over lie him, and I engage to I emunerate hwidsonI my in- Agricultural Implements. Offlee �nd poposilm the Bank of Montreal, premises to Uddie if Pay I formant without divulgring bisnalik. e TeagOn to believe that he show ipoxis at A. P. AlcLean's Clotlillig Gaderieb.Feb.'12.67, our breakfast ttle rnorn?" 'AT Ahnuld any person ha% C09 Goderich, Dec. lath. 1871. "Atia it weW110 s��d, money- "Call the next ewe. has been deceived by ionyipir sparionq imitationsof mither, vrill we oa�y h3e parritchl' these Medicines. he will oblige me by sund Ing too 9 off VON Store, East Street� Goderich At,Ho GARDINER so 743tem :W=1I the address at foot (which he call, do at a 1-st of six J. W. WEATHERALD- iOh,' said a poor anfferar tea Dentist, cents in postalic Extensifel* mises one of the books of instructizons Pre that is the sec=d wrong tooth you At Ottawa, Ill., dormitories a which are affixed to the same, t ND re, pro' Ily Medicines can be, oluprhed at tho lourest have pnUed out!' 'Very sarry, sir,' &aid vided for the anpreme jndgw in th'. who:enalo net prices in quantities of not les.4 than METHI Splendi'4-.1 ew- LOTD,.Cou. 4, E. `D.p AshGold. Ceti lundgringonemitw 'bn%- as xesof, the bA there court -house. St. Lnuis has im --toworth - vi?_.8q.6d.. 2,2s -.34s. perdozenho N� teming 200 acres excellent Isna 4 or Po-s,.f ointment. for which remitkaures SO- wem ollay thra-Nha I gegan, rm sure this by prittin, up a complete suit of Pill covered with Nisple. And ",R"Cb, 10 buirsl mu%t be sent in advance. These Me-licines are not froil; Ooderieb; with i VeTtr failinit tfout to be right next thnsi., rooms in its court -house for the lodg- so14 in the United Stat" ment of juron, and, in connection Fiftesn�yearaaga, U Usaid, aKentacky V I �� .7 :GODE stream rontivig, throv� the ecufte of its Each Pot an4 Box of mv Genuine Mediellies RICH FOIJ NDRY hear% the Britigh Government Stamp. with the It, land, t1fors. is -about 10'zores f, elviteil rasm boujfto a coffin for hiin3a:f, can- therewith, has provided a dinner roon . .... IPills allot Jinfluent, Lou-:' sidarkiz-1tAL handy thing to have in the Hereafter itzrom will be kept to,"ther -to." THE UlLiDERSIGNED HAS Es land on thii front ot the lot. &L�Iifihcd L% branch ot his Toronto V abluet MateTs, VglerW Applyto . mi §D Wood honza. Lwt week, he was totally can- and not allowed to leave the court -house THII Sewitio tlauhine Repairing Works, THOS. WHATHERAO valmed. Li ahmekMit, and the coffin is a I from the time they are empanelled until m. !ztrc,?- W. C, Tarners de3dLa%*it1Lth9inUre3%orzthos ori- !their verdict is rendered. 4pw 3M R. WHEELER'S ELIX giral i IR cf Phos- 10hat'sthataplature onF said a eann- During the past year British National whe.-o all kinds of Have removed *c1I Via - stiI 11�D the store next D phates and Calis�va--After having doorto W. Acitesows. Haruess 8hop, where wiH be trym, n Lioat Institution has saved with its used your Compund -Elixir of Plies- Valuable Property for, salb a sl,kora to the proprietor, who was �pai:3 the lives of 569 pmons, nearly the ewing Xachincs enSbliftbNT f phates and Calisa�a for over two years A GOOD AS hna-comm.=d- hayo precluded any ordinary boats from T OT81qUXisERW4AND281lNTfiE,"WN*F -1181 ft Sir, SaIdUmdezzm I K5,04L. pprobation. Darin class rrmning order. LJ Goderich. OnLot in -my daily practic6, I must give' it ray tnram- over same el2gravings. "That, whole of them from danger that would will be repared, alterod and put iu first ofhitchmaedrooni, Dipifig*=I rar or FU "Dut trill.111 pormeding to their aid. In addition to tjnquali5ed a a prac. T Cottansud alarReftiante divel1ingHousetwilitbAm ABLES. ing the suatoxattand still Having had 16 years experience in Wall, w1jeh a Jc3k and which is his tice of over twenty years, I have used CHAII nodwood seated) rty atid hirb, andon Lot So tbjreU&UrVtw4)4ter*fi*W* Some 4rf the largest machine manufac- OU wars-liouse ss this service in the way of life, the boats many scientifically prepared compounds, If PBOVDnSa E undersignea havingAd flia -flaron Fotindry prope have saved in the year 25 ships. A noble made to fulfil the same therapeutical in- tones in the 'ivorld he can guarantee ADj9j,,, Stoo'k to the -6 Goderich Foundry and AlanufseturiF Com Hotta atUtUilrostsadlihols frame But. V PaAyio DPITAIS ol The Lvts willbe mindc1ther toffl - ft.leiere MATTRESSE.8 a are What Woman Mal hem,, and pleturesqne venture was that of the dioations as your elixir, bnt none of H D-111. begs to thank The publiC for the r fiberO suOportfor t6 Past niliI it St. Ive3 lifeboat, whieh was launched satisfac �ion. �oTsV1punhaperx;, is the aim--mLaT. title of a now book. them proved with mo as valuable as CAUTION. Worlshop-"Next door to New Era made known an sp bs " @� but we hayis seen some five times in a heavy gale of wind, to the . keirs, and trusts that they Will C(I3 tO send their- orders to the, . _pUcadento =1 tra To the meAical profession, and 5OFAZ. eW Win. ARTNUR yours. BUYO.NLYTHE office, V Orto -pecimens of tha mann- rescoo of the crewa of three vessels to the public, I would especially recom- _Cqmpany. 2=6 FDreAnVIZIS JOHNIMN 3 as a a in as MR. L."S. WILLSON, next to SioNA1 WHATNOTS. LOOKINP. GLASSES factnred. article, whL-h isocto retects I wrOckel On the cO t On th tormy 3rd end it the �est remedy with which I office, Qodericb, will receive mchines GILT FRA3UNG. A� RUNCIMAN. Goderich 15 July. Isn The wind and tide am acquainted for the successful treat- Gode . h, loth June; 1872, bally eiffi-er upon the materfial or the I of February last. Genuine Fairbanks' Scalo' 31 I:r G. B v B are prepared to eit everything In Ut and taLie orders, their line fie i, twice carried the boat to leeward, b ment of the large and constantly increas- by unyielding pmistenee, fresh crawa ing class of ca%es of over-worked and i BY THoMAS GOBERT Ch . eap fof -Cash. A ym;ng in, an seamching for his fath taking the place of those exhausted, she Clititm, 101h March, 1873. 1360 Referrjng to the above Notice, tb7e GODERIOU t9U1.JDRY AND. XA"- er's 1astpig, ac=34-ed 12 rrUhman as ner7e-exhausted women. Yours truly VICT-70 RJA acceeded in "ving thalcrswil of the E. & T- Fairbinks Co. V. B A complete assortmentofCotAus and Shrouds FAC$T1M19GIGOMPAI$y'beg to inform the publiIII thV are�-_pr@pwod N. WATxyxs BuEL, N. b. hire ; al on reaso Ar follows:-'Eavarlon: -Atray pag livars no hand and a Hearse to to cilootriAt: for eneloo with the exception of two men, K a"ble terins, STBAM BNGINB AND BOILERS, ab�jut hem? T� wM4 Pat 4dw'k1y re- who perhhed before tkay could be reach- DR. J. BELL 5tMPSONJS 0 following 31U%1oc- "nde&, "Faitra. and Jiow conrff I tell a ed. Only three mishaps oocurred to the A CATI SOLIGITED. 8=7 P�grram a2Jr &Aarl, Specitile nud rrollifirle PHIS. Bo4lisnre reconfimended _.FLOUR, GRIST 4-1 SAW MILLS, BA.WIYG iUCHINE Society's boats during the year. The .3rBDY FOR NF.RV- being lite UEWC of N Goiderich-l"fiF 1870 from 1XI flikircuft 8r,_-X�;9S,3._Th9r& is much trath c3u3s. of two of these was a he%7v sea, out nebility. Spermatorrhen. Nocturnal Fnd� Oon 14nnd Sion of the Henerzotive Organs. Palpitation of the G K F�orgkulis, Rad o0Ils4qwk&.qy infiv, in the exclam3ticn of the o1a Methodist washing men out of ther boat. The Heart. TremblinI SleepleiLstress. the efrect of IRONAND WPODBNPLOUGHSwith.,stfel7boards, to pays crossling the AQ%n- p,&ms e lifeboat -which during' the over-indulgen-to In alcoholic stimulantq and tot ne- re Soul in a Small.Body.7 GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVAT04Si an W12M E A Lan go Yottimp-mm tia, thal. ha w;n afi-�La- Da tho, &-at day past J. BELL z513lPSoN,S Pills are the XULXGWARX'C09AM%W. : "w4i 20 yearit has, without the 1333 Of S Dr E lv). or ...... 1410c% L STRAW only e&etual ones for the above disaes. and are d I New sietandforReedor- ou tho 8--.3ni day he would --thas le3t one of her hundreds in this eountry. RobertArthur,maellin- B BABS� that he vroald dis, aul. he WAS &frAid ti�ngls life emplaye!1 by her saved several nev.r known to fail. They have airealy core 2 50 not hundred people gait. Will lie rea-IyAl mst2fi, AND POPASEr KETTLES, RAT D.VfpeiWI Bronchitilis SUGAR [at Hotmil'ton, tstifl�a to his recovery by their ure. Pete,s' Fleetle Piano School. 1 3 25 . .. . . -t 01er310,Oi0e,,7ie-Jnu-e. 4-r,, men ii Febmarr. Safp. certain and rapid In a�toom, i short tr,at ivirl WAGGON BOX Jhbiuty Pne *%'Borroowo-s' 11rimer .......... 50 CMTM' CA=_4-�x:_1r1aa Prelates ra2zled; or, prove Their effizty. o sufferer need desuair of -AT�r A'S TO lI!17iM-'MW'XMCA97. what win eLay do with itl' (The ahti- A determined suicide at. Troy Is tely being relie,,ed from the frisylitful effects of SrLF- r S - hwil ............ I T)o .$TO -of various kinds, 02 Work.11's Guit, VOOKINGil PAnOPI BOX 179$ Lauftfory, Val sufte, ALBusz. ThoSpearficPWsareso!d hyDrziggert"Sat Fr,tia-al Chiii.ei,l clam,oes, I 5U 034), 9I.Wabox,indthe Tonic Pills at50o;.a hox,or itz - tigh. a hole in the i Uitra4;le, 13-1r. - Witir ri L1ln=_- titi ArchbWo? of Can- put his head: thro .169ALILric terb:nry"If1knoarhow to drAl with wnd hold it there until he was efrowned. they rnil Be aeut by mail. Poitge pre-pai aroki To theVictorla,01lefelfal to,, ol, at d Ge]2tlertOD.-,l If&** altatfitkiiII aticlee insecurely w-ra-ped fmin'obrservation. on reeeipt of F Ludf iou'a . e;rol fr the 50 A6y0did the Victoria Clismical Warim, In tbe rm the qr a ,jestiun, njay I be-alhem!--dis- T:2e only resson assigned for th act $1.06 for tho'Specific. and 56c. for the T(onte Pills ............. *.*3 01). rattion of the vielorIA 9 P.01 11awipheapmtes. Tlfe:aeveral Hype&apli tes"nsid' are ektiminany te Syrup is - also IiiiiiI ad ovvao3 by 1t11.Vi0!jll4.JeI' eteWc lotion) 3 0. th, 03!-abnil�el! Archbishop of York that he conlWt� keep his he ab 1 0 WitA' -oks z. tviz srmpsoN & Co., Kom nees .. .......... g 00 --andXA Osm and 0 knors- wha& to say in the rnatter, m &Y water. 'Drawer 01 P. 0. Familton. R Wirn ...... 7 Iron and'.Bras. Ab I.. ��Orify. Your IiiiII or Anoopyospuics win un - ND SAL PAN army ralwable Medicine. Whill ....... 76 BOILERS Al sho ?. 0 ruggists. 1petel -4, Violin ......... CAUT]ION TOPURCEIASW-It OFTHZPERU- old by ll who!e*tle awl Retail D 7 illpatraphlew sent post-free on application- Pet -hs. Flute ocll�oll ...... ...... 75 'Tawk- 's 00 orisitary: tothil tyHorse-p6m vxA-,w 8yarm(a protected solution of the eJAV xids of iron) Beware of being de- Standard Scales.. 0 note. V1.1ho. and P11,110. (11 Price $1 pet Bottle.- 8o14byaUPM491`W_- er, tk,�sa gal Gya&Aeral a winkin' at Peter %'Parfor Comps lion. For ale. M0,*TeaehS= 4 , , =by any ofthe preparations of STOCK SCALES, COAL SCALPS, HAY R f.. 2 00 Geneially on hand for S WeU, then, don't look /Inteand Piant.' at her�l Bnt if I don't look at her, Peruvian Dark, or Bark and Iron, which 00 G W All Orders ad,dresise& to the Company or ftgrptary 'Will rip - M you. A ur - 1111-C WM he r4oplat M - g!le'll winTL af, somebody else!" STRUF Of Hyp"HOSPHITES ScALEs,DAIRY -SCALES, COUNTER SCALE.$, (Y The abyp Ant represents our sy be offered t.31 Every bottle of ganniiiI has PzauvxAY- isplayed by this &C., &C. Ceive prompt attention.- STELUP 1 0 koottst-witilt; Olt rve-elpt $7� Qr 4no, (not The power of arresting dis-aAe d of Ldy in Ne York as. 11 PsaUVIA7. !&ltx) bXW in the glass preoaration is hanorabliv acknowledged by the Scales repaired promptly and remonably ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HO,RAOE H00 A youn.- gentle- dieai faculty is every section wUre it h&,q been Wltmr, thanking our former dollax ring. Ex&vxs3 Ta utroduced ; and the rapidly increasing male is the L ADDr .t. - agents and th . i:vi, J. f,.'PF 5,1!j Bro For sale, also, Troeinner's - Ccffee nd 0 M fcMudit. Onclahal athoprlyfleze ron?. PVRCH." -YIN a for th6ir'liberal patronage FUNG. best guarantee of the eatimation in which it is bold -Drug Milh, Composition Bells, all sizcg 0. Nuly-york. customer 0 GenerW Manager. of it Ga hr dazar himelf, - the by the pa"e- and tonlidimeb for the pliat year (And GE RGE M�BERGALT,_ _ApCHIB.Jf1) RCIVGB,. Ais, yuma-r'. L=&Y- ILWU114. Zd hel4 forth the -nesMdpfilicure Pulmonary commption In Letier Presses, &c., &-c. which we still hope, to re, I Department. -Secre*y a0,TrWzUrer;, -T-d' second stages: i7ili z1ve great relief nez-, Xts this-33lood ecipoetfully call their attention to) 6ur' Goderich, Ont., 10thJt1ne, lr12. -Ed the rengazement Wao WOULD 133 WrMOUT IT. -None, tb Its THE MOST PERITECT tain,1 we iiould Manager Agri�� �tI we are sure, if they knew the wonder- Bad prolonciffolin the third. 1twillenreAntlima, Th'3 Young mart was caught ful effeetthe, "Canadi3n Pain Dastroyero' aronchins. Larngitis, Couglis and cel" all diseases originating from wani of Niuscular style No, 61. This Organ being a 6 no Try -it ilI 111sorderso- and has upon all kinds of achas and DatillS. action and, V*rvons Foree. Buell as cE011'Lda&r.-e'M`eI1wt'0'f' A L A Bit M CA UH -very do onile for zrii of tbg tavet Doublo,.Redd71VSeaIe] is a you wiH be Amy convinced of its ine-enilifent -6 Injusis war "T and Irregular Vera, Ames. y two niuligns. N� matter what part is rilficted, o; from t4a Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feeble Inlir, Es ILL I K'A TIL L CO." sirable inatrathent Wr idvanced pla. p4ca 9juvr130#10 &Id actionof the Heart, Loeal an General Pmr;.Ioi, oniWinakin.- a what, cause it ariselso, the moment the Pianists or-pirties edticating-tlimselve Aphonla or Loss of voice. it will curp Leacorrboea. minioul, was Pain DesiI is applied. that moment Chlorosis. Airternm and restores the blood to purity 3;vEry EVERY -tor-the pianoforte: and' i vparfoi th=,-.k Me, do hazath quir6ntent.' A Nice, Va�jrait of Plaled.- Warm_ entect-am, --:i in whL-h the yon wo got relief. It is tho greatest and strument, it meets every re y V I CT 0 RI A OurNO. me E UCTRIC wita hks"WIPI�dAughtcr- medidtis over known forthe cureofrhen- Sold By ABothecaries, rAERCHANT 30 is the va DRAWER ent �stlrle, and m(ore expensive. - Our HARDWAiIE of, all M as' in eiadless va1I at -the Lo ast Ratet law, g=m1­chU4rv*and setormuts, All watism, plearlsy, neuralgia, tooth -ache, Price. sim'; siz for 13T.m. I w SHOULD�: No. 32 is pronounced by all who have. IN lived hamony- Tau head-sohe, sprains, briliges, bowel 'con,- J 01ES 1. FEMLOWS, "CEIEWST los or $A "world- for the mqaGst- 'plaints, 4z. gold by an medicine deal- Tc-mv, N. B.' with adadrafion, Wananted. seen it to,be the ii-iWilt Instirnment in the At' H. price; this oigan has two GARD oI bm has" to imform, lum IrUlk =$a= ers. Godericl 'Sept. 4t?% 1971. Use Them, AhCiifnCiiUM,- U me If"all he used topre3ear7a citlistaes"iiiiong such complete zetts ianfe as No 30.� ivith two sis If " .. 1. 4 szont nc I half'4etta. viz,, Hautboy and F TIr sligh RIT ndditioltia L.0 Arens. The t THE GRET FEMALE. REMEDY 'FOLb, NORTH SIDE6 4 Ob a aambor ami Y&I of pt Bz wise. -Too often, a cold or MAK S THE"WEAKITHONG1. i - . a four setts, fkom o!d -0-41i rd a takEaj out his PencH, wrote cough is coilmidered a very ordinaiI VOM4 Celeste, if I -_ Buyit, �Tr tans words. Fatiaa?s­ to go as it 'i`6tecf� mid4le C up and lako! Octaves Of Bass it, I Prove FAIABANKS) SCALE WAREHOUSE3 r"� i' triffing affair just as well left romb an Sy came, and he'l Job Hosest Poriodital Pills. - F - We are & grst and only 50cell; per-Dottle, we systemisticsily ndglect- FairbankS & 00-9 ,ofundo rn Iron P�r0es who make this line ofInstru #-,,ff of rnem�byrg of the ad untM aimple curable Affection is coA- 03 Main St.. Buffalo, N. Y., % 'ftove. fcr sabrial. see 13 INVALUARLEXEDICiE is ilNrAMINO R3 St. Paul Stract-Slion treal. it iomt; de ana tL0 universal satidaciiiin to Too verted-7into,&*erinuitpulmonary- disease. a I and dan_-erous 38 firoadway, Albany N Y ea Twinthe ail those painfa ime" o iiali- 0 B i -N -G IR tA, Two of them The more pra&nt, awarat that a cough drseases teureor inn is satect. he'have given, and the in ns e as oft 4& r&flro&J or Cold Should Dever be trffled with, It moderate, all excess which the fenrale constitut 311 Broaaway, Now W -v tnadremoves all obstructio 61 d-- the dinivIdse -,of iiiese Qrgang, show that they areap- and a Speedy curp me, ht relied 6n. FAIRBANICS� BR OWN iI food. sui w4wths, VIII : promptly, use Tryan's PnlmonicW&fera,. TO X&RIIIED LADIES i -e -9s Ow M*Taftiny preeiated' and encourages -us tO 'make Neatly, 4cheaply -atid! -expedi onsly ex..,Zate�.at Vie '0130 01 tild .11 1 . . WOUTR JTS WEIGHT -W (IOLD. (2=tzr ramanslim rof then poni,-: which have mattifted. their reputation itispeeorouirlorsuited. i"atyrrahort floret bring ^et� a speciality A .5;4!& f-, pries. -sir thoat I on the montlIfy period with re--olarity. For'sale by Leading Hardivre Dealers �t#q ft Applications for,,Wnpie�o wbere.5ve e ST108_- BAW. -PAM, altd am -for over 30 yem.-They are always igoraffng a %V n? ag P6,131y asked: 'Dar athousand-Uls,os? ' cu'res o;0nNkn#A1-. $Ixmc tin: ze tao-eirtly-.eerizates durfnVhe I1 U X officici6ns xft& exert 4, liumb - beneficial �FJ.0 TT11RHZ3fONTLlSqfPreg 9- vi member of b0l"biz 4 It, ents, at wiscol,as they tzre UP., n! Ad, . -got infitxeuceoo� aU the bronchial and - g CARDS, czadwWr Quf2fly replied, pul- sure t9briagan 8oidtyA1lt1`1V9ii3tll4 the symptoms-, -monaryorgans. Sold by all Druggists - a- more. a W blood r4 ior Illustrated, CBtL!pgnqs(-Af14ress: ver his and ;oonnfry mer�6ilff- Fdce:25- cents im all Cases orNar7onsandSpinalAtremions,rain In every 2 A BIVE 21EAD8,, A A Pral.Sessar Lm a conego haj jak�'M L -I the. racictind [Amb000�-Faihrucor slightexertion,17-91pi- tatiorint the heart,Hysterrex, and Whites. these Pills Gruelph, Ont. CIM3 Out, ZJ�A'aftllit afternoon, per box. Stoves'! ioltov a s 19 ngft Iff out I July Ist, 1872. 4jarst w"nian Other; ihearis brive,fatico, 1333 ly. IF elandue& on or anything filatfulto theconalf- YX ora3a rlurlsmrl 1 ; RE, m GL 79Z eda! r3!kedy 0 nd . ; . *--A horse deal. and althfulgir fII c1qnotcontain iron, V not ENE HowTo mAxil: McorzA n9xt moraln were regiditizitf. tho-vidnity otKoeyport, N: PROGRBLUES, AIM or 0 W47te ��idribt 0- ty2 20",w ijould yn to S -,L =4 who buys, up horns for the New VIA Idirectipas in the parnpohlet around each paciIaga woft- 'York market, VabWei- "DI Cou- tno wGrtosarifay a lot oflAndr (Deep tis kVd dition Povi��q� ana Arabian Heave Re - bat aov - SMI - 'If siintaid: or.Z. SOLF, FWMIXT01%. 1VT P NOTICES 0FA.P.P01NTX-91 W a9Mw*1!ds- MOW br the4ozen and feeds it to hit, ull, ind it torpastrip, enclaoied to Northrop 8633RI wmatao`7mto SO&YOU to survey toyman, A-awmaita. tint., general agents for the oflo dDr -1 11 - orms; hei4sylt 1� 10:inipeior to anything a bottle containingover5ordle, IVATIONo a L, Cf rands WhAt W;Duld You 0AT11S.10YQUALIF thick sail ents, 041; babhe has ever Ai"A 3 COUditi011 x6iiffiffiflonAl V 41 atto sellmore =are impro*dd by ifs use . r; PATHMASTRRS LIMP medicine L thatthis-litorsessroxo much NORTHRP &LYMAN _Jgroo, T 8- In Tim rector ofFlatme. when exam=- readilysindjo YOTERSISTS, aigeInts fbrCawaar b: -other horses- desler4 one resRia, Sold in I mmindahighei'price. Two At TO HAd ing- TaN W I in the eAvireb indench byParLer rattleand F - a "0ZLFXRATZD Pox THftk:iNvo:sx ruxii- a Pam ner aI her "I W =>tos wonau, and- H 3ordan. GaidiffiI Co.) Bay1%1ld;JA,. g TY A" L Untingdbrr, the oWerat Glen CoVii'j- L -eivi lef; J Pick L't . Stdrit5aw. KO, ard.Fseter J. H. iWoo B JUBY LISTS, are 1�4# ythe duten andfor -U(,mbe,olinton,g.$i-cord,Lt)cknowE.14ick. PH: ONT. sLztsvrarad-1%s,ran.!!, Titso rwwr- la- the same purpme; tkeso men. ax well ifol O'Cuf0"If., ?'"d no Alvalers, _,H8AD1ffG$- VI67"0ATA SOA P. fbr _1�rberw R rst _-PrizO $Ukpla =_d liar too I - bd_ EV y .rk G.&jrP*Rr" JfOZTEr, 90$N -A P many others siluiWly Angaged, know too, irelit4his, valti - os, and importanco of CAIVADIX PIN DESTROV�, wa's too had for her, "d ribis medicine eer to, lbo wi thout Sold bye1JDrngWIi;tS. WT10 I sea thab ther re pe2-nz4#qf40; CRemember, the lasum, ani 5 A IV,86DJAUX MUDICINE, IT IS wh*ersd tQ how-."Thm dialt bay-* 1lO­,$P.N0TthroPXL wou andfavorAbly knotin, rolieving n Var& pftAeAystem, 1 ifl -the! style and, at- thel-o-we Sohn x!e�s a tailor, -biVmd, InI P iin St ar 2W by all 'thousands fro*pain ifi the. iaiGmUbst awl' "Do)rook 9 �pmrjstorz-for� Canada. Sold: 10knI 4nd �Head,'Zouqhs, CoWill 9W, Baek Rates. sort Throat Bruires (owed ][40 a - T -A& 0:81, II hayi wofiter Gas buthim C�alnpsiii,'tha.� f6mq;lt, 6iWerar b# the, iI Pekjtks,� Ln Av L takfir #"It Go&, sa IG" 14;vz TAotr(liig AN0--'CQ:NDtQTJ10' V' F weah;�3 � . J -j , ro4o, 'Dyginter�j, Bowel 1P t*ev, t heaft Zri­ and. he W46 IV whollas bm iiiiisaw fourtiallel �iosqw, JJ*N0**"W"jAfxF0f til &atA Frost eons I -U - I- Vilst stsy is Is ecauWan Paln,optroyer has* nowileen, be, 4 velat Exhibition,tillelPh's t2tsy hays rensinedi bwholors in the -0filrilt0n, and -R 3M9, C40 -DE EN FAQ hw tka 'y � " 1 4 w1thla!eA youliI isiall there we at IOWA "er aniansix so muloutto P6 Cam. tera he the pubbe fors, ltl)*th Of time, itild wherever --b ago In ftadltl�ft 0 1 evivirla. lutf eats 4;if T1 to grand affeeto kope that, herlast bobandwould, fOMW 16ft Seafir TWAT. boiltlir SsfiI isw4ilijitapeerMliglita Single Installer, VO4 ji, 11" mrek.sn a reltef�h Itsed, and we pope IftAIRIM110111 CiVilel. ',Oiloif I* JW#'bJft1#0 4MMA NA en timely. 0 , J* 3? of.tt IiI never krOW1, dissatt teiav*, a W i w"k i t 'I!e domwril. suresi _go No" Mve,,bub on the- Aver A direI have Twif Norrry roll "OLESSAI, AND RETA11',, GO= YOU 'frolze &U theftf4ows W- $1091w4wei �sx coritrarn an wo III rtions, and e, witirift e 9 S7 gala immoaod�&lr to vnww for ope M-9 sk lathe hislItt" 004 9rft* au 0.3) *40ftc; rakw rw* 6( AM 4f- ViOiO'thAJDft�T1fi HE'SUBSCRIBE", VMILJSL� "ITIRMNG TJXA 11ATROJNAGA "WIML the camps;fflz 2004 this Wa0w. 02i koft C"UT., IF&r,m ;;Oist til; All: - STATE that"durlifog Ott 1" 0. - eat elect. Itmillentslu- the Opinion Of go"". T t W*tw, C er Brass, wool ri -a andheo 46 zoatter, byInz supePOr fill p P froedeft" Is, BtVt Jud&�azi 1ni: Lm by.Lt Sip. - th*Mf - Tocic% imrim V"*d 14def A*Wn'n4 to"Y" My, tholiawhitilre r WM*l no ta Con In pifthange. rig end, iiii,unreettirers or the -Ad ded 16,1`901YIQ their X anufqocturo rdolillill�; h# 1&M=" W111110111f I 0109*W AMOW wiloo Us rflim ad sly4pind uI ORGANETTE 444NIA&VInglistonat L I into 010, ku -WL On allor WJJy Goden At ihirti,�, quitlifying Tribes talt Bonsif from thefasof iXglritaining Seri iderB -wM "m" order froraL. X ficknowhilgedloyall W Aug- I 1 5 IRTO OILI bne's SignI 14 is conceded by curfor -forwbich Itisrecom., I . I . � I re ared,too EzeouteA) up= Awl bower of Jow smsomsm ilia diseases towl, sna 1001d&X with ten&w glamis" Ow ?"Wrold 1111111, yeCintrodneedo Th )h they. InTweedh Val Cloth, SAM 0 4;0., JI for other makers from t a fict-thfit at'Gue t B k""t anollsoValsd no woo4erfat'aftatilift subdu notte, 176,lftelx, WIR040hilkets; Horsolcovars, -st6o"t" NAT, IT"I'sI alloy'a a tatitreft lialasof F-ballasitual;'Alid In 'relwing Has beeningt iqa noeforthepalit tvro Mrs and avetitioi, Ibbs n0now edging bI siI by teK_ qlodrpir frourL col 'ITR GREAT= 'IWS !D low WwrositsAfrectionstebUtlit Ittalliglisslik fe, the 11sr fan-ifort'ali'may ailetowlthtlitit; , 1 �5 . _ Isar dulifia twvi he asksi heir to bw 1 :V Iar Inabliftl'. to COX Ily warrikoted4or Aye Years.? UPATO N. AN; 01 year: "cit" imenlaInfromna0yoftheleadl tons ItAllo., Iht Most AiliI Ut Mat take the plact of the "I srosea�ul ift VIVO W ftiou s" a nowass I Fe"flf 114 irs"001 failtelftg as Welt Send f6r:cattz a r ny " "We llive 1hereore suits If fortholl. it", T nt, liattern, I h06 Fbr -Or y e6to nd lNeatorL in got bes swes sock 0* ;of 1144tratire As tile heavlosi w;]3P6LL4 00, bomyoneat, The widow"noir4bor JU CAnslEzu, Pain DestMer neverfalli to live TZ rUT1134 INDBUTPl) TG TH;5 SU11 - 1040, 1�407 woull aIle "It Artifna" 21tontloxt to iloWlifts soliati An xeri0re Deelers keep itits -Axeriba will pleaso 14y, Mg #pnce, SM l"iI t& be '"MAGeambly "Porow to &AT' hysiclais order and suiliatitallywillbir OTO DUNSSING 44 A T the SiI Offloeiso partial scholar .T44, Mr, HJ Jr 60111- lI ww seade. Witt` art vft now1r. "roorWli, r�'Aip for a course,ioliustructiouin the #14hout It after trylax It. no'llor4a, Ado yew *6r, &VA Per%* I oslifi&t a" lftsojr dollossif of so"n". r* Sold b) Xvrk#,ojslrTw#dVr-lIF#Cents perbot*# DoWuio, We W". rzwsgopol oil chbarcrat U-0 firgalign a r.qhb#1tut;e,_TJ)roato, A y iamb" A r3w n their tolls,*W4 witit %irdu Z31 Gadeiich,by 060" Cat ilosoo *live oil fill 56 ckilts, yourk te, 1"viattlia xius* with Mr. D, '%Vill b*#914 &t*W9WQA *Q*AV-Dnc IMMAXoplanaff, ILY"Asid iWnt,Qod8rIab,c;& rely on settAns ;.3 1 eday 'MisTIllI XXWVAXTLX, OU, *jp r1w, Gxt N11'res SOP LYKA Ihs;isin it, to Ahsit JAW F. Jordan; Gardiner A Co. MEBTADTO-THE P their wool for -.0bods Will, u%cvtbd. a P, call. duWma of "naum *.porgon *f the 4 wijk you won lowenes tko eI ArW &rues flowstwow. forvork done J?revlous jr.a. B. -Prices Uir.. pritt-cl lis w rTF 01 111 'a '0 pei'tft Yoe, I? I R Vot 00-, Mali y T, tfed. linstv in learni 1".1utum, J. 41rd Ali, of aspes of It : . -ug tolnraPMU1, "d -0gorville: 41 Tor, OUT, Wired, to pq.-- 1W goaso 04017 J Nzatier; H. Ombo, Clinton; S. Sw s4ber "x, yowng'ar 014 At"s _Q�Tof 10 go 'UPI v* "d I saii. Too! Set AL W YO r mil to the bitmo. Usk MW *I � M tw d=9!.`= j"asy at work folor U III their spare =,Urmlstaior unders SPO is PMU=- W TAI 1:100461 UV:,tX T. oiew t6,- the h% Ito, Goderioll: Tu*now;lg. Hickson, SotisforM *nd pffeb"s-, 5;;" AU Ibit thist, Vwx at anything Qj#, VArgau ohn he "i#vlofay seedisino dealas. ft*& Addrfosoff 0 Qodefia, 23rd Nov. 18r lAdmwrj&xwb"eo "Oofte, G, lfrixzwk Sozz Aoix-Till, ON INOU t Gods", D". 1871. W bog rofflaild, Wine,