HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-18, Page 3IET BATS!l "ErBAUS9 BALLS, REPS,, BALLS -9 V� � , v i t-­ry CLUB. aub tho Aiznon Flotcj, on busiae_-A R WADE, LRIVED IS T R E. SHOES ,D�WA ItEl ------------- ............ -- ------------------- -------------------- 7 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- - - - - -- - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - - - ----------------- . ............ ........... I -------- ------------------- ..................... ------­------------ ......... .......... ................... ................... ................... .................... ----------- -------­----------- .......... ...... As try or 3 ascot in VOL ........... telPeetOr Of Persons, as like the rain, it dewends aliko upon the golds of tile juat I1 L INC -91 I I Thbw� courts wari held _bT-J1kdP andunjust,. F Brough. last-we.ek. Jhgi�. uk Tza Sfiaror.Tm Fa E T h i Out' ore �Xez po*a tke UZI sqzT.­� kdry is now in Market 8'4p Rielturd, rell3rill, *1 Wilkie & Co. too e 0, u volt -G ar Anderson. John Broww]Rotl egg,, -iUteiPriWJl1 fitting up-thobutWug, Graham, iftobi Cautitev OhtffGl�fii I- vare Actetinineit t r 'au%, fitit- 'Gordon, John 11dutbr, hbe jittron.; Iwin. 11 op, John Mug. wid ,to doubt will 139 by the farm. ?L later, I ltae A16(rtt, Olin. Tworkina, j0% John Robs0n, Alex. lage tj r era to the north-andsQuillof our vil- Tijr1n, rchard Wall, Thm. Wood& =04s E24ibit= The following wero tho cases diallos- E, 1YORKSIA1 .0 On 130-xt Satilrdy this q FIT OUAR TEED. uaarnpie AN Mocale?, vs. yfo-Alde a romanot by allow will visit alut perform afternoon conselit. Sinclair for PhT. . Cameron and evouing. Dan Rice himself is with Sdb�criber wishing to refito for aft. the oxhibtion nil leds the r0jjj..f,,Id arge Stock f I 'retire from the B0oT and Stiot i3twi- Rundutall et al qs. MeMielmia- Ac- attraction of Museum, Colisollift, tiou against tiefendatits who live it% and Cifolls ue2s, wM soll 'his Large Stpok compris- Menagerie. He will exhibit, his School IManitoba. Vardietforpills. Cmeron of Trainedanimals, in t1dilltt r hinocerw. and Ilia fa Ifur plif. Mons blind Twooldso &c,t &c. 600O.Fafitof Boots &-Movi Golicri,r1a, F�iujulj-y iCo. c. ArcMi&en, Excelsior. The mild snialleat ele-: Conotifitly i6n.hand., AT '00ST OR - CASH' ak Verdict for Plff. Cameron or PhAnts in lner!0.% arc uttachod to the Hetiagurie. list 6f natuft Coto PIE pri�es The"LevialLan fj� A Car)WI-Action formeane the equestrain and arenic departm L Ginmom tv& cuts of Now is the time to GIREAPER thau prorats. Veraiet for aft Questions of European as wellm American celebrity. the Off-BAFEST9 .Gret C*00d 3UaVaalias law to be argued. Sinclair for piff. Altogether we deent it one of the beat Grp, nised exhibitions traveling, tuxd it ]DAN RIO As the -subscriber just me a L�wviaou for dft. I Rug W4 t -he &XIN et al-Veraict for Is do prollounco(I-by the pre, -s of I I . . . . . , I - ­ -, . _ . SYN. Lee rx, MeM arge Museum a cities. Circus, FIff. Cameron for 1�lff. A*LA GF, ASSOR Uq" vs. lVatsom-Action of tres- Our conntry reders should not fail to C0011seum, alegagr 7MEN'Op P. All Utoluitz vust- be,W4 � 6� 40 Ir withoutilelay. passtolarld. Vm.-dictforplff. Sinclair witness thoprcession and band team of - - - I AND ARDE ---SEEDS Hays -Action on ac --1 forty I mes. Trained.&Ed FIELD' AND N E Sign of the Boot, MarketSqum. 'Moore- 4; NeXenzies. count. Referred to Mr. Toms. Doyle A vand COMblast which incladag Cameron for cift. SP�DMG fOrIDIM JUET liECEIVED AT THE MEDI 311GER, acrpard C4 01 vs. 31C irle*em et at- FOR* CrAL RALL. VordiAforpW. Ctnoronforpiffs. 415- T 11 E OB T WNORTHTF 0MCU9 rs. ay --Ilade remandby 0oderich, April 15t.bl- 1873. I conseat, Doylo for PIff. Sinclair ft -r POPULA6112 3 U s I N pe_- Sq HENDERS & �tAlqfg NEW OROORRY dft. GREAT Zo6Lo i OP THE DAY, Day - -'sert es. 11C.Ifirkrlb et aZ-Verdict V,JLX� 1. . Sz,- I for DIff. Cameron fr PIff. G:MR]M PA0IF10 04KUS &-XENA Dress I Goods, 3�rhits; Shawls, Bilk vel.. ams kenridge Wiadstrorth-Rettlanot by vat Jackets, F4rasols, consent. Cazincron for plIT. Doyle for the Whole eomprlsln Muslin, Grana,:, T,G bought �but Vt. POL. is 9A118 rw8t c=lote and atensliv, _tMPOL rRantistion ever ciancen 9d 1xi ne vat rey- ITOXiery, G Xa,, , HAV quadruphle 4,) dines, Gloves, and White LOOKS lb tion. and omWyjW on ear T Cottons. Table inens, Sheetil)gs,Tiok. T H R, I U parsorm vs. jr,,jftr1e?a et al-Irerdict i MOST POPU AR 310VL-31p TIM ONE xmuow ings, &a., &a. ;Uddeirl Terylargely �IS Untv ifi A% for plff. Cameron for plff. position, in the same stanfl, fo don Ta -aj-t vg. (jj&rL- jeS,� , 9 at 4ettled by rN nXM�_, Parties. Doyle by l4ft. Stnclair for LOT . . . . . . . It 9 OfActlTe ofesslontl labor it has beszk CONSTAI�TLY ON HAND. Grodep dft. N G I Ug he of r.111tics t onbeltdato the, Mot Attract. a e emon e P wv#A*tYof 6zh1bitto Adars-Remllet. Snclair 31011\GoUTOP no m he sive a. '91lopf"atco of on Cro0k��,, And t one It 11 I long o?oducaaus. Cheaper than the Cho est, NEW SPRING HATS for P111. HaIrnsted for dft. MR I it Im 4, r to th alp Kyle us. &,zrnfz-Referred to Atr AT Toms. Sinclairfor.'Plif. Holtustedfo DREAM . A LIFE - ---------- 40 H EA P Foft 'CA 4. dft. 66 that In the resent mloqua U*n he can boldly J.. 0. DETLQn Colo. 'Mierehant 'Irballoring tion of W most Adams Ls. Davis -Verdict by consent om A Urge Stook i for piff. Holmsted for plff. Sine4air ESTABLISHk'ENT. NEW SPRING WEEDS for aft. AT 0map*, ne rs. Drw-Verdict for plff. CST re-civel I y WHE X SEVX tl-e, su%�C] Virs S a lare stock of On Iland, and 26llffi4`s;t reduced pile" Squier for pIff. Is a noiel fqattfre, so farts tray bitiontbayebither. to, been concerned, only Wilt 8 dtles,bobg wllsd -Ith such repositories of the a 0 In. art ablusture. SpItING TWEEDS, Iffoo-re IffoKonzies 20 CASES BOOTS SROSS., BROA DCL )T HS, a ozA to Sell MAnet, Squier for plff. I'llis department will Prove es Intpresting to the an. The Bo=Manville Furniture C4. vs. FANCY tiquarlan,and will ble d a t to the ust raceivea,la., overs Of art d FOR - I v � I I i DETLOR & -Co!sl CaHonny etal-Vardiat for p1d. Squier VESTIN(;S, a,v., GOOD BARGAINS IN JT_- for p1M Cameroa for aft. I'Ve art determine to sell j,,#64�.* 'I � im. Darivpz-&-manet bY Dan Rice's Tra d4nifnals 3 BALES GREYCOTTONg' -Went. Cameron for plff. E fthe c."tion. it has 70 0 D F17r G UJ PL .1 TE GROCE D, been conceded thak bey d &111 to o �riflanihat tani4ohally belound'! GavErIAL $33SMONS. Or. NO 8 '-LFL Q the greatest and most a rl,=, he to 0. Dt " 0 n , I TLOR & D.NPAIjTMENT. qry Stole _faUndjjer0._, or thew . The Sp-ecialattentio4gii�etitothb'TAILORI'NG _Can b (D Do not fail to call and examine g6ods ent-Appeal gaimst conviction for sel- A LARqE STOCK OF LPIOB# Teas, Sugars, Coffees�, Rice, -Barley, ling liquor Z Sunday. Conviction i"adne, dood Currants, Raisins, Sica s, Soaps" soderiell, J. C. DE4 TIAO-n & 0, and s, if You Wis -AsTeigney. 3rd March, 187�, qml�ed by donent without costs. DOUG Brooms, Pans, &a. &c. -Davia'm for appellant. Sinclair for re- prineit,any h !no mannfaetare. ins, recelvea the tosether with the I Pewest thin, 10 osofbla "-Remembar- ths sporlderlL In . 4 , p st&W; cQmr GENTS' FU, GOODS, EDUC CONSTANTLY ON HAIXD. N*rth Street aud Market,square, ReSP&Adent--Appeal aggainst a convie- HATS, &rQ exemplars ofhls a Goderich, Janl,%.b., 187'0. -1551 SHIRTS ab to ?Wer ad espacityla, Ileveloping the Insti ntel HU R'RAH FOR, COLLAP utollect. Tke tion for ob3tructinfr side-*alks in Sea- S, AND TIE,%, Cheaper than the Cheapest. G. H.'PARSONS4 will include P forth. Conviction quashea with costs. a' .1 of which mll lie q -)!d as low as THE' I,say that 1-1 tha fire of trale. ozhersqw, The ]@LE D0713 for appellant. Sincl,air for re- ADWARE. 31EACWTS ,e to g�t spondent. tais is the 1,:a, _DVILLE Very Thin Want the Inest kinown in the,wMa, and AITLAN. rs. Harri. Respou- Go -id ClOth-�, Made. A MONSTER 9CER01cal MARKET SQUAAL -9 #oaf deat--Same kind of case as last. Con- weIgh1nz&0D0 poU=nc*tbs only Have forftie �Taeld with costs. Dov"Ie for NVenre bound by st�lct attention to busineas, irith Tiction 4n& n trade V, throw dai pown specimen of the, co 9V <> I our fac:lities and exporipace 1 all UNICORIT OF OLYMM aPPeliatit S'Inclair for respondent. interlopers In tha sha,le� Cuffta done frm of everexhibiteInAmerles. n MTNX, OX, and other tra? X0 In thess two, cases tho appeals were two firit-elass x7nrRinext for and educatedby Dan Blob dwM4pftft=d 'PUT SAWS, Xf CROSS, EW HARDWA2Z STORE whi -h the highest vrage% will be put. r-, nz OD TRIP ILL SA Wig, B011d's Drug , - a=& -SAWS, ANDBEST MAKEq mad4 under the Dominion Statute con- ,m�er the st�n t, next d�jor to J Pe, LOOSE IN, ore No& In OF, HANDSAWS, CHO#.- tm,,apVeals and ilotin compliance stumont. —000 cansollidated statutes of Upper FOR. STANBURY 'ING AXES, YARI., Canaia. We understand the cases wp.l The vast 0ollectionof"Birds and Beas%which, onstittita b -akea tothe Qeeo'sBench onthe OUS MAKERS . ' It 0 at is the boLr HANKFUL -for S. , BOrS AXES4 HAND AppeNart, rs. Biger-Respou.- 01 7, BROAIJA XES. COW ar0n:44of noproper appeal, Fi;Y-.'Iacm.w Inait in c-,,,LuIjL_ Aj),allam Smith, The Aviary. an Menagede Tent it. Aril. 15, is -73. 13-3.5 emboillestho rareaLand cholww 9 - BOOTS & _SH S9 T desif;es to inform the ixffi- XXES D and th, .4padmas of their klA 4itants df 21611W,thattillsde MaitlandviHe in ft"LAR -SX: a �Adjoarspd by consent. Sinclair onatoralist Is congdentl TIES OPSEVERAL KINDS ment alone put, m�ud surroun&ugowutt� GI N aPPeHaul� Lzwis and Doyle for isire the ce 16r A& : L QG,- _G cHAiws IOft tune elan on& of Gents', Ladies' and Ch that he is to be found at, thisldstAnd _� A theArctle; erarofflan r ; well as a "dren's Prunefla ready and willing to ittoud. to the wanti- OF - LL SIZES, lored ccoan OfE 9 I er! have hildren's Slippers 0 his f tri Uted to the ense Mi -or at, nearly all the 4 customers. lie has onliandl GLA:S&ry It WM he ob=-ved t1 n. 'Boots, Ladies'.and O' Calf Boots, 7PT0f=11 st=ffo Men!8 coarse MP and WROUGMT AND OUT- WAILS COInteged Cases were adjortimed. We'& becrowded'wi t tofan . &a. - U tG,i15-SA'i#AT THEY' need not mention the reason, bnt wo meat. Ladiee-Kid and Goat Boom, Rubbers And a4rge t1renew'-_ -, i . . - ? I trus� tb3,t before another civart the paortment -of 'alldhas of, En aA FULL STOCK OF GROCERI]g-9 4 907arnmentwill, have taken such steps A Preface, dear reaer shou'd re- as Will enable business to be properly j� semble what n oyerture is at an opera; EL-A)RIDW A _U]M, itstLou!d give an ide -TH30 G GUS CONSTANTLY ON 'HAND. COMPLETE STOCk OF diSR032d of. a ofthe dish (men tat) consisting of- 01 with a view thopinctlon 'A DW -ARE- 7120 Grand Jury male the f.-Ilo-&-ing th%t is tn follour. I have half dozen Ls bogil �.U.d , only, of At lowpricesfo CAS 0 tbecmww rxvmofthoeques TEAL -Pkl�ltb T -O this elld;118 moeteelebrated MAIRRE HOTJS� objects f, -r desiring to publish May t of the, memoirs. I wish to leave a Alement lesbave been engaged. In th es presented in the dr. Idittprieezithitijer. 0 of TOBACCO, CURRANTS, 7 so, y� ell% nothing of a FA= or medl chnscor will be tolers. dompeUton.'Oofore Iptrebash*,"wheye. 13;aas 037"O, Tas Lmoms or o m posterity; I 0 U�4,snd an sreWe performance themostA&,mgjamebar. -a. JL PARSONS &-Co:. It intend t uzov aurla4y theQu"n outa a warning to others, the oo�!ble�' "'OES &0*0 44- rkoderlob. If oy. 28 1871. 9f GodifG34, next week,- P, giveus* Corwrr OF Hmw- RAISINS, 0%7 'AM" , To W= bwleave to pr$ -L vaxions rocks and shoals on which I sent flai fkfy 0 OXAMined the have been wrecked, I intend to give a; 3W.LLE LEOLERE ALSO Jail thepeertes trienne. Wo In Nail, _. - "' _ - - ' - ­ J, 11 . - , view of the rof tries I have 2�4 A44- the rooms ancL pro- BirdscYq� eques Goods, Sh6r!ff!s- Sale oflaids. MILLE GURR, 03PPOW16- TIle - 3WAVIXet uqup� j mfus im.clem and proper order. ciisih�nlo We visited; I PUT'Dose $[catching some of the the won4erandin *mpmbl# trape County o-ifuron; fmd four inmates in the jA iussae, and strange and in"terestut- tharacters I have -vdue "of, JBY redPalmenl, that they ba sent to all 51ONS'L RUDIOLM To wit Wift -, of - Fiezi Godericlijun, "Kisni met; nd last not 'least I wish to ued"ollt'jif He rKjLjegWj':C`0Un' Avlamfor mediml treatment. Inthe cepilt money in mv purse."- the ebamr-nSuropm horseman. FLOUR 4 -PBD. Yaciasiss Ti�or. KnOin 4n,wafindacourteous I am the son of the Late Lieut. Col. XETTA WILCOX, ty Court ofthebonnty of Xuron,&-nd to Ithe unrivaled'gymuistL ng an granted a Shop Lfcais -&for medirected Against.the, UndX e- Goderich Harije snaTe 11arlton of H. B. 31. 60th Regiment thesaI6 of Liquors,*e wM: k4ap a mentsof Edward Wer &* pleased W ffnd no cues to be and was bom on the 24th of AL WILLIAM Z=W.' IWd before � us, con tho n 181o7 the suit -of Thomas Hawkins,:Ihs ,ow hand -a fan - Seized esj stock *r And talren in Exegatioa, all - Jhe right, W title and interest of the jaia Defendant -o_ calendar, and at Port Iroyal, Jamaica, West Indt D AX.&VffX=ff, W. A. MARTIN trust thz' t4a CoulitY of Auron, MaY which place I left when six weeks old, loazaanftnu noted for its good morals visitea-Entland, the Cape of Gbo�; q)leasuro intnnouunclog to ,I 'N'LLE DESux,.. ALB in and to Lot number'Twff,in the TOWMVICIGOMII, a pub,w, e RICHARD POLLARD, e4 m-Holliday.,en Ham.. Anafreed=lfi= crime. tQneheA at St. Helena, (immoi, BRA.NDY R I rlljaZ jig Seventh cone sion, X D., Towfis1lip of HIK OfXt. jest thasylphida milas bn - THE'WAVROUT, - GIN, .Ashfield iA the County f Huron, 11tonst, I*, I btlized by Napoleon) and retnmeto- ATSON jo- - L , 'Lt , ' �! - JPAIRIIANKS� SOArxS AT UM 'which Xfawgw- & MarimGocieveti. , W.- . Vb, Foreman. EnIqland before I was 5 yoars old. Whelf une(raled I& their factnrer's Wcpx_�_Large rAnds'and Tenements, I'shill o5brfor' worked e years of age I - mirried, and when I so. sale at myoffic W Gcilmrich, 12th Jane, 1813. PlAtfom Bay Sesles, pr9l6ptly 9, lixthe Conri; U'allse, in 'Stlops- QjCXP'W" MOW- VMWA faqkt­np� oil was 28 - 7"rs old I had 7 thildran, the 4he ores id yadterin txjagN4 the, Town -of Godirich, On.gstn' ordered and a discount for Glashgiloijej IN BOTTLE Olt ON DRAUGHT. kd�ay the LIGHT 4E.&TY UARYMSS, first 10 years of my marrie life I spent 19th daY Of JULY next,,atthe hour of 1n AtJOHNS5N &XZRW in England, ; nee,, Iland and volt�persasd IXtrojjjjnjU7,L Of ow FIFY'k sh'fa­"'a fftary 'a the town- B21guhh s i, privra the clock- fio' a price paid afeg�htlevzan, I than tj�- Th highest zn�aitlkel.' JOHN'MACDOXALD -TAGE SPRINGS, CAP te 3�9�s at�d other produpi. to twith my family, ht� ()ARP TAGE f0r13ut r, thirigof ifu ner mSheriff's OlAde, Gotlerich, _1� whips" sm . , ship of Wawanosh near 41yth, belong- found _yself in.Ameri ing to Goorge Ooab, was destroybd by forso m `_.. �� - . vtly�un, AXLES and'PATET WAGGON f3fre on me years I fancied I was a fan' - _0 - ' - RSa Trunk- Fr*y -last., Insurance SIGNORS &0�, , &C T,W. near Goderich, Canada, I tb L for as] cheap'. _OP en became the Cas letes- the School House, MaitlandyMe. 1366-3m D'. ply sk-ts consts, bily Z tend th-rot, hbut Mr. Cbm�w �wiff suffer a heiivy* loss' the Landlord of the "Goderich Hotel" , - I- �: , : I . t -,- , , a 14m6mberthe sWid,hearly PoSit4 !�th� &Pr At JOHNSON etesinativer., Th& is thi see3iud tima ffiat Le has been sibil-a bfllli�nt a Of td tlW ideefid 60y;ta ihs anti -afterwards the Landlord of the .4filgaVy0of Godef1chJ=o 20!j$U. :Shelrffs Salo, unrivaled art]. 05. Z 'h 4th, lei 3. We HARRY GURI Alt AND H06P IRON. SLEIGIT "Kincardine Arms," about this time lot LSL;14�' -my 13a f brothers died in Jamaica and 6eiii;iaodi'wonder, knowrXis B the Man Flab, it she gns, SHQE an(I -CAST STEEP; full ­.: . - county Of Huron,, of the' feaiams of tiji do virtue,' 6f AnRIIS j t. 1 :L E- To, Writ 6f I A U the 5th inst- Alieceived 6 of his children. I then be- �Wit - vante a Forwarder. and Commission SConu.' Brewn�of this townships met Mr. Nia Mer- �!t � I At JOHNSoN,& 4 AR Fmim issued out of Her -Waso 3TR7 JAMES rare chant &*.,for,4or5 years. Whenmost AXES 'cGU=,. ffi rather amidatt. V Court.of the County of apron,,mid -to w!114on tho mqqqy.jmd con , 0 - . - _. -1: . , I . he sUpped his foot =4 fell from an enM­ of mv family were settled in life I visit- CU ]EL'DUNLOP. me diract94 azzinit th --r a couple of years and on- ATENT UORSESHOES &HORSE a pinas aud ed Ell ggland f, "me height (as we learn), and fell upon P Tenementi of Jilltes, Ha ]bf3L breast, 4k I became P. pro� Vs at the xuitof my return to New Y SHOP WAILS. 'by -the keg -pr bn Patrick.O'Da AtJOHNS X ant Tall& - in exiculvioll, _S d &I have salw"nA taken BALL his breast �lon&, felf2ional actor, Icommenced myThea- E G AVA Z 0 DE He all the Ag4t, title, iTitre4t 0 -rch ty Dn Campb&, of 8;ZForth. Wits called tricalweer atthe will constitute one oftbe moat ex, da er w4t. age 50 under P..T. , g"'P �)a to set the fmcture, and Air. Brown m newdin*cmudenffte td town, TogorjooFApolloai� of redemption of � he mid, _TUAL,,�OM By TH T a P fe is now do6ngts weUa* coa Barnum wit1t vho remained for 17 4coh, c1=16t, WiEST ndaut Id be expect- -13AAR= 0 in-Lotsnumberstwent --nin A . . _y months. Iwas afterwards-*engited by ed. Galfon� srici COAVO thirtyj forty-jix, sixty_,fire, and sixty- son -in kindof life foi 12 'vearj, playing HNSON I Lo� $A TX oZ=b# his -law 31r. Hnrd, I Qloived e, -,Atib anc t num- WHOIX Hiltabillsou7s bar- in' thnVile i'll. 0616674fed J'ohn JAfi, iuthe Sonthern and NJrthern fttes, :k-BiST A§86 Agroo,eiyedhisgi�iligSio�lc�fGoodv the To untyof Of the wn of Goderich in the, Co Efighth Conce4don, met with a - es. %TMENT, of- TA Texas and theWet Indi Thela�teAjr. MAJ W Dt,,T!1*'L- ondis propareA49ftsu&ItOm%JC0 all Huron, which Unds and enements 1. on Thursday, 51h severe 31acready and P. T. Barnum aratwo, of lot :BLE. , DESSERT. ciefigmiplon'whif *arld, VdI1 individually hazi., PEX,-,--�AND kinds of. Garipents in the most fashion- shall off6i for sale �xt my offic , !A' the" 'bo assistance., - a - .: a dlethettioLs" th6 P00"T KNI V Anitat t1to latest rates. - i ' the principal Dramatio, Characters I tATED abl aae,,, some S a the Town -of Goderich, ma WftVL f3eWing barn timber, and in SPOON ii 19th day of July'next f Gendral the Hall, R. "Our' Ho 2 wad ia hfs BratWs wools, whare intend to i retch. ni onSaturday th of t1te alook, rue&, when in Toronto, gave me his 'tt �Weked "pY, tl a chariot and,dlw issitin t RE at tblo�r 0 3g one vf tha men, lie stamblcid to,.; RWS_ - - 2 T11 want-Win,3114re6 pe o dedicate myfortho omostattractivomasl�,sconqg0of riphlym6=1 All, _4esmptl-o jo (D ived;t, very, dee cut JOHN 31ACDO�IAL _01f sty an thErl- commg work to him. By my inother's, ava&rs a#4 D- hand. (Mif rEe, 9ulder ak am. !!a wat im- emoi e.5 herifff Ruroz!. Majiltey takea V,,n2bAM, Wrae W60VS'Velebistid - ric th April, 1473. side I am a descendant"of the Duke de 'A FULL -ASOORT11,' Sherilre Office, Gode It to - A the Tion-g-ta6viffe of Franca' who -mb WOU1111 W39 drafted, awl heL f-4 d6in Sea entered t . 15 Well a3 cida be '01 .4L 3. -M lt:!- Two good Tailors imm 9 as- fland at thetimo of Walface. The a an,d aeLonartleville [am wera fly counectedby g1>ar9Vhmwll*... SAW&fhe best, itk f -market- diately, ,he, e ,.fully ca, "odoriCh'_ th-April, 1873 -of Sects and.also. withthefamil dsolicit 3a;ga with he, fantily of -Makr�y AtJJLOHNS9X-jk ' "O Qaeen -REMOVA.. P'O'r Snor'—We 'Qara -thst On the ;f the traces, my grand mother - whyry Amkoiv-imosg eyan was the qast of the Longneviltes" was Oft tVicfori&.R62'f inXOf Sxtuid&Y,, Tth 1naf.j * b WILL EXHIBIT ATGODE PHILOW-OBLE abaut nins nias, years old, wh buried in the Bristol Cathedral -robed standing on the gravel 60, in white Satin, Veil, wrriage ring on pposite TMze of Dugapnon. wjo sh- 36ANsON1, I I A bk 7AER0111ANT TAM011 'M I 0, m unknown, onerf tile sh -gone Iltrfitlizer &e., as a "Bride of Ilevel 87 T her TT E� �[�,T T �ng thMS]a1kzftk, anj anoi it was the custom. 'for centuries, for all -i �,� -" ,_ -, URRA yl,� 21 A j S a rp Wg ths fewalo branches f the Duke de 04 a�, d 11-- ,k' ILIST 3ngin"ano of h1#18gs. 'No U9118villd's familv tG be buried, in that Mi RN 0 0 N AND -,EVE- NG E to inforl auO discovered to-indicito, WhQ W his �AFT OF LXTT%X_8, the 1�er, B, a 61i R P1 r of ths rult act. The Public may rest assured that ablic generally that.lie h4 remov. petrato At X AINING 14 dheG ed to that, 1P I . I not wound the feelings of man.,Vj�olnan ;Lt 18P -in publishiner my antobia, I y I hal rap i a 1r d1w1wwz4' sud, that "-paroon iz� �W� TWO PI G -Ur- O.RMAX10198 EAC A fL LL I.- I I XxOn ZdWAVI Anniag F. A. ex, Otto shall bo k.'& A go STORE Ande whow keg& it' *jw, at the. tim vothin't -- - LLL t `P -0 . Wftff_. � ,, a DoorsrolmatiandT.gir. 'et AF PUTYTY'Y n1153 mr-_% , � *M o I . IN ACHE' SON$ BUILDMOS, VeDotgWil ckr. Rry OWW, and, u at LOW04 sum M" 4prom PIM14t)30 9��Ml C>1V3E3 X a 4*t quintilpl eZlnjtfo% th& wo=dw were to Virtu MebanaldDonald No to Witness the entire wonders of careful suminifl6n next d M&OAmuder 0-� "r nd nearly opposite -hop, i Catt" Peter (3) '11 be-preputd -to offer great- Ate"JohnIlTZ C+ is old 11�y 3t ter.r -COUP -,'A­SS0RTMZT OY where he �wj JTOYt A, PARTIAL, LIST' or ind' clte4b[iehul, &I w uce men ' ts to Vc0asCra than Dmmmokd Alex. 4 Davis H6 -MVPorAid E, W. e e- roU,,_WA T NT of giiodi for salot Pamez& Cole now ever., 4u raware Store.-opposite'tho Market e his just rtceived 00�utjfnl tock atertairw cot", pantry and E- wlui*- Bwwlz &n&,0*rzkk weirs, is �ei with six i0olng, Dtlamier irermitif, Ogg YCKRY ma 0 AND ,t stable. ror Moaly orem—ng, previous ta their de. insi(14 NAILS GLASSTUTT Ir 10 t John 'TWLS, Fisher retcr itiguez. � 94 'Water Seed Potto of a dinner at garlehi on iol,wba shia, o9ft and har IPA $i par voulan Apply 1wrture for Nitro I co q All ".9. SPADES,'SHOVELS HardWilliain Jackson of Goderich" loth of May, is7a, 1,37 lnunit,3,4�4 �rdoxx *�.,M tho Ou EllglifikAud �Cftnailian Twee pt-wirAu—C. Hu -h Love S e e d, Willighworl XT. A. IH�.r kft *a Tueslair �;orniij 1Z for Ory - dx mathtws iae_orgo)� Wkitely H. ? 61ALtb000ft"tifFit Whitty JoTin O'hovioto win"Yjalm TurWp S6"' OU & r!21 GeujS lFurais hi 37S U Std tt xG rowri, visitilss I&WAalilltdifif to obtaill"Ir ToNjgw GITO B LIA. is wor- i S&ML His outerpriw RAST Lo JaLg rURPI , %ULAU R0j1Z, TH 'r Top, I T --AN --01RC 0 thioftbe Iflookeolann"asion, and A 31ONG the. many useful digeoveriei, 'Which her will dlipossf F $ALEL W# A#vja IDw t# "o: it swil a*j -by of 4he day U 16nesl XLqg1jolia, one mad im a3 bc'011 carefully, selected .019 . UY This variety I, at X40 rai" -I;* ful REMP AND UBBER PtOved, X6 as tOpeonro L-EATHER:13B%TING, alloise, HRAP YDr. OA8H. frHE unilersigued-offerfvzolethwun. Dthm wilf -m equAly, if notaffo; jible, 'bottlwof whichis guaranteed toprosery, a globular 'W dermentio d land#, belonging 10 0 to A& thek MW and �nmjf. XiLove ped�ctly for &�,Tlength of time, fifty j- HITZ LEAD, all pn-, OLOTHINO MADE TO.ORD.Epu xhapod root, f roo ftojit -BOILED AND JtAW OIL, d ozen of e4s, IV 4 an article ever Py to &1�trxolt�86; it i3 Y#try solid and of the I& a HXXVAN br Xw York a" rgur= by Qtw I' i 4ho Estate t b", jjoaqppos j1wdyn#o4 a" costs, only #I.OQ, Tha- Yeavyt �Ild thd flesh good in, OIL -0sle and 61t In the most fAshiozmb .y TM on- - - - � _/ urt"Itth C juslity;it , _. -1 _4B61V to bo be* sbtii fartaiiiuxiAouble III$ wonvj *A0tT9'1,0iVT11E, , MACHIRhy Olt. in 16 Fo Ad"14 c(Aipst—NAPIAW. r by keew V"tl"Isrly' Kdspted L to­t4o, -richer Lot N6. ing1lit eggs **Slt untit Winter, *UA Ilia 4460riPtiOn Of 0013; And 10r._jLojjXL kefpin T EN E, CA' qualities L URP LL ANID TUDGE roR yj)L1rjL#jL%VXg cession, Western Divilfign of the Town., CAiit be surpme r Cash), Ton, i rq w '�9 . ship bf AAA@ld, in the County of Hu. 1, morclisnt, hotel keeperi or baker 1271 ron, log zomt in*,* or Im. Goderich 2�fli Iffif, 181% td ggsEtrZVOW QrXXA'n*X9ZrfWW 1Y1Z0r-,X4Y# MOBOY And *11 Mildc of 1W bw*. Thm is Xr"t when cheap, Abo, ibe, Nafthftaft 111irte Also a C T Drajon r of, Lot JtUC No. 12, in the F Agents wanted to sell thilr4PAS in stock Of I n fftem* C"onsim 'of J *t 'FLOW]&V . .7 W Township of SombrX, in The '_C) 34TA,XT .31 "CASH Music of 0006"kv, A numbor of 'a' IV, sirery township, in the con ty. 6rms _D4 TUGUS01 Y k*k WAPkj6 liberal., Por p�rticvlars spply either. Of TAiftbton, 0 ", own *r1ew. ror Sale Cheap, Miss LOWZ8 W!" 10 iftfom her jrW taws A" Partictam of Load" Vftj P"o, pmoiWly or, V letw to Poo. (h lt�' , Z, . . friends "d the public t4t the is IF to th imw Ildwow* the TMW %W r*M1@& a J"JW A. NAVA U%y&ld F P""hally, or .oad,� _ pnparod to gure losims on the pi&120 is MNA imp"*& 1373-ly IIoUer, to St. (1ga"11" B*& 'U", forte, ft H&ViUg been taught by first -vim TEN AL AXGUS coo �" Saslow of I IfoUce I.) Goderic'h, OppWite the Iffarkot Uqux 59004W1111144411a theff"Isoonfidiatshp AAI*N RX thwev. arljo clawmaiwWS, sad for several youx Toww"" ohm in 'lop" 15 1*94y iaitws fUll Trupo"ro oil, TOIN., ST. can give sati4otion. Also, a Granthant, fth may, Ir, 3. 1373 �! fil*froiA Ill =U*11i" the enclosO partof. th* Itaidilud USU j9ha A04 4fts'b f I the Crol$.fnt SJW" Tit"M " 6 FkU ijt the ToWnShip Of CORNMW, L jhe n Oi P khote, 28. 1871. and Saturday aftmoa=. . For Tesed" h" CAV Ell* nuaOT. Y properivlof Sigmury 3fcDoj9ALj), Will 1)0� wifill A& -J0HNG0N`,,&,KERR* 92ply at the resideno of 31r, Ir WIU amd (1m) reope for my ��w the r9*409diow. proomted with the utnu* rigaur of toy hou" MA h*fne On the 14a XW God;Jci. karat G. X.. Trztema", llontutolk Str"t, JL V3GETABLIC - BALM, 1104 1873. thf,Uw. AVA tho Wde, ampis pip VARTIMS ARE HERTUY CATT. NA., without aay just ago" ft Godorki. W MAO* tioned'spinxt VWd&tjfsg in my sm d. that I ma nat ropovANO fft =Y rw1jil, BIACX Wo=S, BLW"", ar8linp, p6 in or breaking in, will be Lost jfs� 19th, 3873. leso ftwxw, Moms, TAx sind all DIs. way for& llowof thfoy-nioo-dollan, Aebt, or d"j##r 0ftU%fW XmNrr., 4WXBzR of Parawla, 0a tile TxAv do" ift thfa inpNoAQ fw Aosagm Cr1oketing by lisip chilim win be *90*0d ptivilego on c*rW6 Afmwn in farour of Jahn CW14hor or nor to pay 1my 044 to giTo her sh4* 73ASS OF THrA SXJS, leaving it clear and: A TWO STORY HOU819 Laolmow R46d, * sk-ml; duumm is wwwsw to 0 49*digew�uiigiz rowsh preferred by boarer and signed by WM, Numy, so and 1009111g. T0131f 1;3 from God*60L The filida on 1"d witk a 11"Ith * r glow. , Also awm Vroom tjw Froprktw, thiA they provido for old *oio hu bof;� Imt by Mo. X"r the X&AA Squa". thols w1jIt AbraUm jim sts for firle 9MWth Of HAT& on bdd hmb sc Ith, or 111mooth faam. b 46pa as "a thesnaves (Aiwrwi". WK, 1SWXRUXRY; TOWAWIP of 16y, 0 if 1� Apply to or X Vs=pW, Xwqh%nj6 Ln W Vofers Li T11OS.F.CnAP1&AN,CjrjxFsr, asyll� Md -wo"m . I I I I H 49 6 1p Lto 00Aqw, ifto lab, 1873. 1373. urw =3e Y 3W ISM will ba rew",W fee jhk t,. POR SAM AT TUN SHMAL Offioe� 197 Ilroe,dwzy, ?;ew yft*. may 19U4 is". Godezi& r.o. Box 5,128. ol I