Huron Signal, 1873-06-18, Page 2. . . . . . . . . .
WANOMBOLI I Morris 1b or"d of
Untiol, for keeping as 0"Uty, roads. 3ftSTAitt7f,TDZNTM.-Y&VAUNitakoU or soft pi"11 the 011"7, imlot befilrom Gr$7 UA
sow TX110S qs �nd pAlph 11inaks were brouof"%doro EIV village" and adwN who hall awasabl"
'is ispeir. The XagimWA sallisates for orichbriso, Una gays an �Pel 'a amnuaridited a few more the on -
t $ air concert &
roalla mat biUs" *a& $34,1W. This Tho Su ffilit thik 0. Orabb, Z, P-, 031411k o%A W okesiod lustilp The 10" *0* lo� Izi mtoft, on tim 7th imi., of Woos -
P"1116 0011ttil Of the tw6 great isk ths town A411 last WHk ind I At. The various aootom sustain w,tb Iron, whjOb having been disobs god
40—jaaws Drus Sieve. 0W*4
information lsiS4 ad ill well, but the went of ination of tba lww Nour
PmhytorisA bodies ittlLpaws, bay* Z* to oontinuo tkom weekly durig the 11, rpy 00lis latrain man won in.
H"]AY- appear to 1W 6 lar" 111101, though "r- gooroi who 4 V1* two 6ichostratook awa AM truk layers 61 agpd, It yeam
adopt4 the IWIll of yjultia && subalittid tomon.- An open sit concork in the =ijW on her offoot. The ifultra. vitod to stop Iowa on& have soate ro. IsTookossnal
town hall is tot bad, but Vrhaplt. tht OWN fth NOL
tothem b the. joint emailties ap -am
TW men
I for some low. Coin. 31M It is expoO64A Wall will
%"a expands point* Emu in trisk and may therefore' be F$ Am turnishoil by a hub I wpd *a
to emoldor 411 Matter, 40 Usti the perulitM to ip"k tWI00. as to X1toh4 b 2 be or [ Will
in wm* 110 trad to 71"WAt
I in this way it opm thaoyft Of t 0 Nhy I&
W*A_a._ JAMUTAIXOS.—Th4col I , "POW _PW Tom
all the, Pmb1t#Ai%"11 in the Dominion odian is to give a, ontertainutont on ranivod aid Ruddoli. agod. 46 years.
C ah miona d 3a May Wk. A* system hitherto adopt44 forksoping the wwo 1 and theatr
RA*-Crotta tyduswk� up the, zftb hu tat been a, pod oi�*, is 40W Baturaq next after the circus. He Orissi _W parts
kho -;awph Brindisi; Jft. (F. IL
oyalling wba The damaged we& formerly a
Tigg 3fA2&Z=ft of 2PW"vW&
The Usis wu %dopted inthe Kirk Synod acertain sum 'or the right to _ been committed, vild tho ot"r sminversof trio WO BALLSt
&.-T. Z- Xoorinuot Up their Minds �t* travel with Dan Bite and use- his tsAt
soloes -P4 a little to far), at urlr4mouily,, "* in *o Canads Prosby. for his performanwo thus 4vi jh� YOGA *W1 OMPOT' also .]PTO $%%*,Wou. The
W"Ut of for* dismissed *) &,,fl
. I Mtn left the as dami%at Kim 0;irtersndtho ....... $I U lo Is
2606OUn VIV0001L torlan (hu" Assembly by a vote of hall and otlior expenses and wildnR w
rate they refaxed, to saylation lay of taill, u0n their =g ani udnq of aster Charles I It 0 1111
64, 43�pozditurolt far now 'bridges ft. 123 to W. It. now only'reatains for 'atfro of all audience. Taylor is a capital *the w Oman had been ab but won Aod. -The piew put upon the, a 6 se
viadmm ten eir"ImIt*U� Miele. the PwU4L This 4 wore Let Ctande Didwsss and IU rioumper bcl,) 0 so
0OUgVsgXt1*UX to OlprM board : I
CS MMAWSA U*Wft is "allixt onintealiva by tho P'"A'flua 33iiago their opinion was mistaken to the aot, oats I On the -laost X -Alts. -A. St.Vatharines pa I hielt t".,poko, Den%U Um - first,night, and ....... C if 0 too
alto tristmated a lon, w1lonithoul.4 a Mal ority -porisUrs may 10 sosountad for by ples, V bitalt ...
to naflivaticking. up about hilf an ifteb, Was ststea by one or two of the wituess. La &mskmbWo with the Misersis s"no 1krisy, Ap limb ..... ....... 0
ba favouralole, of whilih the* cannot be f ' % the sidewilk, *hi& ara apt to be a, that she wall und4v 410- 1111111111606, at in -It flmlsjos�, -and -TUi$mit1w and pot&t*es, f busk .......... 000 11 N the town ar vicinity of Godericb. a 13ASE 11AU89
ape" committee to.- calloal a contract roll JL COW set in gold. The
aoubt,4tepawillbe takentoclaxothe in lor on the evening In' question, and 1'08*0" the 4604t u%ht. 4 9) It 4
jured by toeit and Ion trAill'. and ad. liql 1001b .............
ws.Somws ut MW reep"blaJor for a Avhw %fto at B4UlA1U�r$ 00' a rA finder wil Itably rewarded by
beals dote Union.- -Next On lu to look after oortainly on I%$? Par 3 ou-
4,121AINnuat MTA*v will -probsMy 1spitho Board of Woir sing arm-melied her- T -a Drug
possiblol which bas an I" the Sam at F. Jowme
its' talls, or they might be pulled tip or starydiluothang very Well togetber. obicksax po I*ir .......... 025 to too
$M to, the ontraotor. � I rest Use WiltAlln, w JO Uv ............. 417
tAy UX I Alwetmtwuft knocked'off, v1doh Whold bis g At allovit, thoPwa 4 5(i to 100dorick unalit1h, 1873. 194a
to ihotC6rporAtiou:' We have �xlsoii few W Untt of Hft.,i ...........
strucligns were also giat the Engineer G parties above named &ad they were Tho C!J)
ciation mot in the court Ha ...... .
tar king tip" rAlls in the law - honorably u", Godoi: Hidis ..............
tho Mod VW41 ftononly iw plank side &Ouitted.
tokes, the 0�ffoxzr on Saturda, 14th last.; slookit tkirty .......
C U"UL6)eft_ NW&T& his pealillarawancliket toperforriany, fturdear of Jim risk.. *Alks we pow". IfAT6111—At 06019410 match i0h, I WOOL.4 -, . I" see WANTED 1XNEDUTELY
t" ftvia* eIr the, "erich and - 8"fortil toachars from iliffereat parts of the Wool ............. * ......... 0112 RVBBER BALL&
Work Which is not abso- tair York b5is beoll:. gtmte47 J
liotely MuirQ. Ai 0 Fibra:thilrish Times we' b6twaffu, f dos (Uspaokol).. 0 If 0 015 wko is&v)od washer
vitivo to 1uU4w8AR1Ayea0 it, . ground& of thsfor= county were proseAt.
aragn 111, L"Tousm'61
The COducil ralialvatl to, hJ)1j its, next o1wilisauth6iltiii r kal re read, a- to 1he 51pal. ont ironer, to oome wol!rwom.
Z�w - - — _ - - _ --- Capt.,jacui6it gayfiel who' is lit mor in SAUrilay oat. � The day was sit Minutes of last meetipg we mended.
-a* P. Row= & Ca 40 Park Meeting in S"forth, whereat the People had made up. their'ninAl ti Itamp,olut thSt'Could. Lba aesirekana there wax& mended, and then approve&. CLINTONJ411417 IffS.
vresont on scvioit,to Ireland.-t1captain -
the ls�wlnsn�ss out wheat, (Fan)1wr #1 " 0 Its
1 4j*iqox4 forA� jo.A attandance01 1POOtAtOrs who Show- Mr. Xillot mantionsdiliat he had MRS. R. HAWLEY.
I misimad Film,
pslim= b Co., 3 of that T41%94 an 9temly elated. wao Thelon R. Jackiin, lit Canadian :onsidarablo interest in the reault.' been in communication with Dri Sang- what, (jpr;ug) 14r Wk.- 110 0 219
%I% ur (0y antiorina Aa- Rat 1111104 u the Zxpsitor put 14 th%t it life which pveviil inflksicitysidthattlie C&V614, is attached to the lot Dr&gdon
X_ -fit. isima Bridge Barraos�Du'6 0104WSOafOrth wo%sucluo other M. star with r4a*t to his holdings Tosch- inour, (0sr,brl)-7- -; ........ 600 0 ffaroft Road.
XiM ta reffeetkat &U on tho-mgTals of Goderich, -411tomemalit of-tht 414th peapl�yin the 0 the sult can be expected so long as the God. art, Insttuti in this County, and that 0&ti,poib"It ............... 042 'Goderich, June 17th, 1873. 1374
ease of Faster was the beginning of a it),fof "i d of inatruption,witoom.. er�ch 011lu neglact to pr4ctic*. As in the Dr. haa kindly. eonsented to "me at' 057 p TE
C7378 cu�.er &A 30SWAN-A name or that it is a step towarlb Making Sea aw era, but it appears that porbia a the Major to ny time. It now4amsined with those Baley, parl brA ........... 050 4 The Codealons of w Invaudy
County Town *P the Forces and the sanction of 6v,rVthiui shlopractioa is . asoossary
faith a - In Many, other an ng rickqteri and thatifis Be&. Present tci decide what c as$
counqu tho CouncH aleat& MWQU%Uy aentimntin favor of murderers has pre, n 6 War good c ourso should be roa4qet per bush�'. 0 30
41'"TX]t tb office." .......... a Is 0 a is
ni"t, P PUBLISHED " awartung and for
f0th,men sittend, to viis wasnoily, seen, taten. -sUtfArXQ'-11 ...
Howls that Arr. in ither piun than the county town, vedea in the present caa, aua very DnTmaz nous.-mr, John, Bro rbqwliug and Belding, Strong. Turnbultv- (I �Xo. 2'. 000 * $0 the bonsfitof Younsmonsail odiem
WWII ill tb --emotion,'Mosars ..
is P113 Up to Probablythe criminal iYA eicaps alto* tag, Irin. Haq, mrived'here list Tues. The Godori0h men, Played very well can. Dtillor and Dewr were appointed It *a bi =1 we think is ays-'Tgood plan. We .. ............. whosaft7fromURTOUSDEBMITy,
3ra_1A ami evil �A otm 03-N 64 d0e. laot zMdge, ther the puniolussaf 'he richly do- a Sy flan'aon, Wednesday left. with one of sidering their want of Practice, but their committio -to'rport on the matter at the ZXV., per dox. (unpooked) 0 10 0 off 140 OF MANHOOD, ", #upplying
the 0Ut1y'MX"T1U3ge3 the POO ation. go ths'4redges which, hve been enjaged afternoon session. .......... ;-... S bo,& tell S V RLIZ Rt it 1�y U to their illkred henour of having, tha Caunty Colln(A a- %erves. Wo wonder that a it pronentit were',vioro than a match for ;; ....... 12 00 *11100 un wAu of self -cure. writtan by on# rN ORR
ontheharbourworks. Mr. 'Browilbas ther�j inki carried the dxT assay all I I I who cured himself after undergoing
ta t--vw W� our f�onm ctra prosperous audintelligantshouia pay so with 10 wick- - Mr. Ferguson next read an -114T, ............ I I
'Mae . ..... " a
42 M-ana them oc�aaionally. a red 4he-boniraof tot deepening the etll to appre The fo lowit; 600sider0le quackery, slid sentfroe of
little regard. to the sanctity of Ituman ccu U is the the su�jscl; $fit the cour" of Reading in ....... St. Clair puts Coast, �snd sffik)jis iqn� '8000 our Publill, schools saffloiantly praoti- ............. I ...... 601) 6st
life. tract her* is coraple6dwhicli'will biVin GODZWVU, cal I" At'its closis a ausitimous veto vf Bides..' ORATOILTS, June 11, lots. *uffmrs an inyitad to vAdrow(pre.
TksZ%zt= Inasin almdon. a week or two, All his dredges will- be lat luniags. thanks wall tenderoi to Mr. Ferguson, Mil At 3100RHOUSLISID
........ .... .. MAT )the"th".
On VlAik0gum touloved to assistia ca=ying out. that 6 And he wall requested to permit'his An- g)PIrtak .... I I I I ANIEL MAYFAIR, Gedericb, Jun* 14h., 18113.
Furffior, teatimour has come to Mail work. BQniton run out -Pay to be the 'County wl"t, OR",, is *0 11114 3U.3m. Box 163, Brooklyn, N. V.
'aings�b Wilite -Flour, (per IMo-
wMelligoft to provothouttergroundleas- JAeutenaut Governot JR�)wlildlj term on, aTzaLrn Zmva as �a23ws,�-
the' OQ�u Bilizz'CJIMTTAIT.�Tho followin tire jt4s4 6 & b l Bority, -per Imb .......
....... Tim of the charges linailit slaimt the 30th- of June.,but the stations of the -ministers'; of the Smith b 0 4forodlby Mr. Firgumen, s000nded by Oita, per built ......... .... 040 043
...... i,&.v. Mr, Mug in connection -with thc� as, yet there is nothing to show who 3: Mr. MOGAW, that the mostinp of the Dos 440 THESTEAMER 'CRICKET CLUB.
0 Sir Bible Christan denomination f6r- the P10on run nut o " Au6ciation be 1ti Clinton. reals" 030 01 0
in. Buxton Mission, by Rufus, Steph ohn A. Macdonald intends to ppoint 9 Exeter Distrid, Bqnburv-b VePZ415611 centralized potAtoes, per 'bugh ........
emu, ensuing year in th
W b Carried. I ....... . I VO 525 of the "orich Crickti Club
tha XaU, and other uumberof names Inn Amssurw
Tozy Journals Rxatorw� Whitlock, J."Hial ' mes; J. FiAhLy b 2'! On -motion the jinietinfAeourned un- Atitter, NO. 1 .......... I ... 000, ils Will be IWW at the Albion ff*W, on
hava been mentioned biA Sir.16haiespa. Awards, sliparannuated. at* 01111 2T, M. J;0, ........... 000 Olt' Wednesday evening, Milt June, at 8
cc ca thmughout the province. During the MitconT. W. Butcher, P. Robins. att run 0. 1q01 I maw
bk counsel wonderfully well -oftcl it u, Usborle__�VV. . Be, ; t not out, Afternoon seation began at 20D P -1K. *10 1� eelock, to arm** for a match botw"x �1
p. m. recent sitting of'the General Assembly ir tn. matherall 4 ............. 0 0,00. 0 BENTON bankers antl all comers, otherbitAiR04M
not likely anytLing more will be known Clinton_NV. Wade. Ong wanted. aras b Whito X0,
'6 1 Mr� Miller prc6atoa report 4 001W ;4P.Per doz. (UUWiW1) .... 610
of the, C&usilz Pmbyterian Church in k W. will &Iwbe browlitt forward,
........ V ads. Colbpm*,T. Ashley., ..........
Tmlitq, PAr. Pxof Grem in aft6nding till,�he APPOittMOUt is UtUill. 2, Wida 1 mittea appointed to submit a pro3ram- �midos� ....... # 406 M WADIC,
.2740 Gray -G. todle. me with respect to 'Dr., Sangstees hold- Hay ........... v.z ......... 8"Miary.
the &d()p4" Of Lfte report of the Bft Nava or TIM Wz=.. Wisrton-W. woodman. One U be 33 W04 ..................... X&STZ%
va ai 01), - & Toa0her4! Institute in the County. - Goderilell, Milt Julie, Irm
Xg., took the bpportuni, 'its to
t_ Committee reDorte4, that sudlx rusti. wool ........... V611 loarl"orichforSAOINAIVnd
pawkly disproving thw idauden circu- * J. Whitlock, Suoerinten4ut. 0 tuto be held on Ftiday 28th, and Satur- intermediate ports In IF's
SirGco. Carti0e11 fullafg-to6k, placa W. C, Beer, Chapel Secrqta�y. Boulton b latimar
Jeimi�ja not'9ut - 5 4yZth Junsi in,401inten Town, Hik =TXL
W& S�UTU Tl�w JeAd at au ft so to 1W live was pill Roji b White 16 *0 EVERY SVEDAY MORKING;
concerning ftuds *UegtFd to hava 14a im On Friday to Mot. ]it im P. I Nq aut
RUL ESTATE 8Amzs.-:-A urnber of Smith 6 White berb=3 7;so P. R., onsaturasy 9 A. mi ATTHE
i committed. in a 01 wn Subject&: - Obj. Lesions, Arithmetic,- At Clintbu, on I
Of i*t*M tha management bf th than 1Q,4D*,pPrsO= waro R"ent.,_ I Tho. 4 1 o(ieal istato -in to haia taken PipOn b Fmasoll Mh alt., th* wife of Az4 for SARNIA, PORT HURON,
Aeroibaccurtar 3Ezslan. He hacl been acquainted with 'which place during the past week. On Wad- 'Bunbury,b litim-er Composilion, GoWsphy and 8011001 or. Rev. S. 11. Kellog, Incumbent of U DICTU011! au4 C1XVZLAND
at'JUV. SUCIL MUtt4i Rey, Ur � cefra was placed an afniteral * nes"y last, G. X. True'maiiof6red for
yjhk . for car Briggs" 4 gattlution.- oil Fridty evonlog a loptuxe Paul's Church) of a am
mxyzla sontatiltants sale at his Action Rooms, under an Finlay. b White 0 .�vM be delivered by the D. on a subjec6 vatile2sthult"'the wife., ZVERT IVEDIXESDAY.
par c1lasa-mate- thii'Pr�e 4dhu f At Lilcktiow.
cz;. U- m3akad printai�4 Cbpy ant not 21]� Tell qbuelgo 0 Dame Cathedral. Thi BM -oider of sali in the Couib of ah�n6ery; 2 to behosen by himself.
6p, who, ws,
To� eir -e ab. -Uou lu i Rainliurgh ana sabsequently asthe pro- b and groufi'ftb he DyqWo &b Latimer -of Xr.cGiasalck, of a Son For Freight or Pisasago,
m lies hot on the moit frienXi the privatevesidene Zolt o Biijas b White 2 by'
r_=:-za!3x 13rae it ihull rakell mo!Ar ansms"naOr of the Buxton BM-- tortax"With. Sir late J. B. Gordon. Aftir some spirited Moved by Mr: lUminell, xec( Apply to
O.Silerilr Bo�sras b Latimer .5 31r. Scotttlist report jig, adopted, Caj-,
aowd t
ocow, nol#a uo�&UG;r th a* on= to be bt
flm x- 'WIC cEz taii mm Momila slon, and of aU the momben of used. Thavolunteer3aud many of,tho Macdonaldf9r$676k Imm6diatqly after jBirls 5, Lt, Bye 1, Widei 4 10 Tied.' ADS
"y ho &d mot Tknow Ole in whoi Mr.' Dowar presented the report of a olitL I Godericb, 16th June, lira 3. ir4,4
National rafujt4 t�6'turfi the lot in Iffaitlilicttillbiliel brick
�Q= Arw 67 Committee On- Tischars? Zibrar,)�. 'and Attbe'r#sidollsof the brides fatkor,
pal_ractintazd�.F he haa more coufiilence� and
th6uilt -y�rcl was put. lif 46a t, aim ar or(ler in Total both inuings 90 Mr. Miller that of Committee ap
or a sW,,e member who had dLa 11hanceiryond'sold1kii $2 SimaiU
more t, equal thataxim"-D..,460 a.
polittoa Clinton, n the 11th Inst., by the Bay THE '6 W E RS T 19 R` LION STORE.
to confer -*ith 'County COnne'l, after MB- Shants; of
&7aka H=a --q_ T. Chm�t. tea
Karseryt,2a far the Chterbli. thanthil wh5ich a now- Cometttey�" appoin Zurich,
valuaT d I" to Miss irdEca'al t7aesa za-ritba-mon am Anthorblad Spain has passe, thro'zigh a7 political :on Elan 6 Stritj- W i1he, -feaff(f of 6XVISG X&OWNZY 10Q SU"XR QUATZ,
as a. I *1th instructions to purchase $50 worth diuq4ter of BIT, David Gilchrist-
-PUMM an unbury, t
Iva Winer! $00Dg -4 it iias not sold. Far
to race' ij- M40S fbz cram, . Sanor Figue oLWgksicUe
celvai by the mem5trs of the Asserably pison, b B books to farm the luielaiulL Of Jib' �n,' on the 4ti rits Tk"Uh6itt tht, 100 SUMMIR PA2M&TZSTF,
!:�b pea�Enx aaa a-ITarthing and to ru with his M'uMU7 The ho:ulvi dudlot th tNofth- Stree/t oe� Tatpner a PipDn:b Smith In Clinto k inst., by the Ror.
rX jr. Wade,'� Mr. Chu
Lang b Smith, IV I .
witil laad zFeAtiso. Prof. Greg.- Thas re3igue a and.& new C�Vinet, hp been itipi6d by Bar. -- C. - Fletelier have, we ith.L 2 11r. 31111or, seconded by of SUMXZR HATS.
undewtanit,'been dispolied of at private Whtto 1.1.'w. b. Sm. 7 W. Turnbull,'Mr, Dowsir was appoint- HU11000. t,�, miss Bush Cottle, of
porteil that 'treaty- A Cow"n, Inwatift, and Ut'Prftl- I A large Siock, of LUBTRIS in Colours
a & ,, MqXer b Butibury 0 tho�Provincial Alisocia- Dton-
CenffdonC of Uiall -,a not Zint, 66 f ,
emphatic raahner, amil the Bh! junnysiAg, the reaMence of the 40"'Momm Aff*mUsy it Iverywheem.
the, Assim.T4!�r. Mt perfect beezi concluded, betiveou Germ 36
a In anyL. Col4well, run out tion. bride's
& brother-in4aw, bythe Bar. C. and BIG*.
ths of Mr. Xinis conduct in the -ay, berof now:04m seltiong-o having Wait Aictated, Mr. Matthelt, an the 27th. may, - �9- 12 0 VMWQ AWD Duitmi,
4f4 -Dep4istounbSulith Dewr pro"oded- for a short time to edn-
and It.
busin as in Goderich must be on, the izt- 0 To
I me
-ho -ATIannaidesateL A _ b Bunbury' irolinson, ,,of.. Go4ericb, Oizagamenteft uxton Mubn and -k says the umber of CTe du0z cUb in. aenip� P nixr T"T AWD LTQXT WOR
ase. 0. Cribb will havi foui in his Sp Moved by Mr. Miller, so -iMry e.faer miatLm connected therewith. an t diushter of Mr.
ylaifOys to tits ex1libitiou U far less thsa now brick bulding.., Three, handsonle HoUpstoal b Bunbury Huron UP&A. HAs No 00GS OIL CAW
Rm Mr. a member. of was anticipatei. Tue trades-peopl, -and stores an in oLLunO1__Qr ardition ly.-If. 1. WidQj 2 Mr.,Bsird, and molved-That Town-
�P,b sYOU 2103 Boas & SHOIS
i0abit tic krantly db k.-uptain, I iltio
owell, P. O'Dea �k. X11- do XwV K f Work., Light IN GREAT VARIETY.
thsBuxt,04 on Committee, aldwl ship Boards b* a n0ject for AiscusSloft Oa the 4th inst., by the Rer.
ant& zencrally, V110 Ber'.
E b at next meeting, Mr. Turnbull to reza liken, at the WO*YAA PAND I .
I hN test' etween Hamilton -and North- Streets,
on will.. Inile four in his, A paper Ol vie, Mr. Samu
-m ta that of Prof. GreWx in couragal a&the absence bf and Goo. Aches 89 %the subjwt� #1 J. -
-on the price, f nViog, -ihioh d jjrr4g1 Moed by Mr.. Strang, xamtkilod. -byl;- caraine township. tO-WW11111111fis
I Uver ol 3E!. KinYs self4acrificinglat 1 it -
0 per- lock on the, site of thus recently 4 -"a 213rh aird, that th mpetinz adjourn to - suckiogh of Ulivall, County of Mia 96* comPlOts "t Of AttAchr"Ats
. foyer not out am
GDIDEEUGH� Jm,3- 18, IM a�il WlTaUnva in t1ho, dischargis of- the aozafromvi3itingthe4tylisvibeeixra.. stioyed by fire. One of these to be envkk vywy Ifullin*.
------ Ha had alwa;V�s ddeed. is Deul�istoun not out meet i HARDWARE
0300piaa. b� TolinAchesor Co %ainat Clinton on, th* labor 2ad kruot.
idly approsibing dompletion. Win. Satnr lay of September, Committee to Wroxter Xime on Juno 3, by IWTIRZ WEBSTER before buying:
cpj� of ci�g da:�s S4,ad3, c3a be fsm d the fin aces propeii�r suclited slid - The-kope, has complesly, peco�erid raP At _ Ro.
-_'Ahhex�ii recently orecti'd two neat. 2 doof4e.which, agrr!04. :1 Mr. � William 0 Ally'saw. 14AIL6, LOCKS, R]3tG=, FORKS,
rioa by- th'a frout, Lis late inapusition. 4Gw
-PTk-e 5 C& amely dorrect-a Stores OnL Totatboth-inuillgo 91 Me Browi
Hamilton Street both of which' t Muir, to Hiss'A;los Rumiltolis MANVFACTURED BY THE ROBS, SELOVIL44 4te.
iosappointlod- f0thatpurpose, ana he A Ministerial crW3 has fteurrad, in aranowo;cupiid1 andlohn McKnzie With 10 wicke s tospare. of Tumberry.
ass3red tba. Assimbly-ftt lie hall two more under Way on the $auto THa HoLUAN%-This colabrated Cau- At Wroxetor, Manse, on Jan lraahke (;Ofys Wanted 1000 Cords RwA WoolL
had Uever Japan. heMinistrybas-resignedand
soo-a the allghted grounda for stispidoik asthereara-s3riotts complaints of axe -s- streett Thin.4laustba prosperous with adi&ll Oi)arc� Tr011po gave twa'perform- AA]uVAt or IBM lioCOSCOTIVA.-The, nor. aborg� Browril, Mr. T=410Z "ILTON, ONT. GZ0. X*XZN&",,
: vur merchanta- *nd,`meclianfes. 1but AnCell� in Ciabb'sMall, last WiOnsodav first ongitutana train of am anivea'At' s -u, t� Xim;Hariiat Sanleraou, both
U�lonr ffistriigo�wEl bi&-16fahtlflut u t:� taomamgiment of the funds of fhe. 51votaxation,incinie4tien oth ins&. dor a Jam 13, 1374-3m
Cot the M- aftor'all, ihoyiiia`uot�4pecbto succeed and Thursday evenings. There W810 Brus4els-on Monday mordiix,
oft , he- 3vallion. xy linti of Gorris. Cioderich, 3(a 2004 16n. 1370
rimailliter of tT* repat troduction. of new schemes by the uuleqs they fuR houses On both ocessioux, though the As �they- passed, over thebaltuds
ifirae�mt SU
W ir�xz of as, 1Vb=-ty.(7aunCU at a tattI.MOU 3f thW 06TO in flipt GOTIT12111811t, the un ortiulatt�,ftbiuet
may probabl recl:ived-.ders to commit
00XV1()T10NS_ R6t
ZU,5 i", Tkrz-,1�4 'was Q11itai to h9ola a am"' to what's lifigib ictuy*rty", .�alikari. of Urned by Justioes of the Peace for the of- Huron,
of a4prossaft wingpi-maraor to, manufacture", out-, SCHEDULE 46 ,
mayore"ildi 4 Upitreal d1e4 on -Chap. 31, sm 16 aaoS Via. Chap. 21, Sm 3.
ending th 40nds 187,k P IlAnt- tQ statutes 3z . and 36 View*
C -a our scamps, "Im" tl� support their falling cause. saturday last, . He was also Ir. P. P. For the Q4arier 0 loth day urs
Poem" =mw U for OWWANsin!r, we"Am POW iv nagampodom bymid rf swpoid, w4 ow. insidgeoww4e~&ms
w2l!& a fair wardi bay tat Ztd�CA, 3WXVk or Zisviosgl�
50 alit orplacce. 17149ki orthe WeW()UU, ripailud tits Taaaempf tys
Co=trthgth�Aanual Conventim'of PZMXAT,._R$T. F*thfrL ayder,
X&ft 4s&t1y1021" wall forced Not pl"-warys"
formerl R. Q print f Godaiielt -hat 3 maich, 187q, Themas .................. 11.00 ............... il .................
A. G. Englana
ta an 5sue, ii consajunto -of a latter thaTaschsrs?Ano&t1on of th3 pror- it ....... -a ........................ ....... .............
alllt .............
ban iA town forthe444swZym., Wm. Cunninzhatw."�.' Tchn ...... ......
0aUA9 Cora==zkt; p"AiinZ it" of-Ontatio win be hold in the Ifor- ....... Ties SALT. -A nuftiUr of sales of malt hav* John spackaj#n Henry P JQsephA&ft00:,
_ b"13 MS" for S&I'liment. It is. 1161aL it As Qatfiox A44: $tesring cedar L. 11 .�! .......... ... ........... ......................... .........
Fix';st new orwt Im bl" their Inspec- rail saw, Iluitainzi, fr9l!J�QKMAWICOM I .- , r: I.- -,- . 6 OD #Aosago 41
!Vallr if
10 ...................... .......... ...
fe"BA Z0112 the promatone �Ur 12th. Augusk and tWC16 -.following 141 per bafreL
artedthst ....... ............ ........ . ..................................
Joseph Ewings. Thoi. osliA . ... - ..: � . L � I - ...... r
......... ............ 4.
...... :' r - - J ComawAd for trial...
za rnz-J#qu1a& and unsag,.- The Cam& days. We woulld urip upon 211imlil`ly 31mb Ov=.-Owiuz to the pressure Malcolm �D. Morrison Sys Cribb.,
.... ..........
Stt&ndj as *ey �cannot W on aw columns we are again obliged -to Willi. cox ...... Tfio�4 pas" a rseo�Aztl= andy, n- ......... Domiage $42 fine $I ... 15 days ...... Appo"
hold Over& 1�alanjthaj Goo. Geo. 11tinson- i0uttillg fluiber 28 March ........ 0. 1 ..................... 00110111tio" for trw ...............
aLme4g 3&. G lbow, X_. P. P, ; t t? b6og i to be greatly 'ballefit W by *ht 6 or ! _: 23 April ......... ........ ............ ............
. matter. X Nicholson Widell Aggravated asioglilt ..L...;. 4 �... L.
A bjA71 twinm. ey will no and. hear. AU &a nanway 20 days ........... ... ........ ..... ...................
to, Companies- have sgmd- to. grl�t Return past tha� John Lewis... Injury to propovty ...... Treasurer
MaJ. D. X cIntosh.. Tr ............. 10 day$ ............ .............
thwilk ........... Tnaouror ....
previoss acessions B" been almost intolsm'lila aud the u='_ mmwiiii and 5.00 .........
Makits _6 luoulbors attendinz for one )buc GCO. John Assault A-. 46
pe=moa t1to lit�siure without' versal cry has been 11 Oh for raiz),' if W_ . U, ....... ......
' J. Carter ............. T. Anderson Ualiqiouff damagoi o. - ...... PW wt ........ .... ft.. r...
renmont and a third rue, wad amomm9dation the rain contes not. .: , 2" .............. county urw..., ........ .......... .....
tkaile �0 A .1 96
sow aug-or t1sovasaffluv to wM14s'prairldedin �ffitclty at reason- Smr=.NT or y Cutting tran, - Fino $1 dosage $X- 11 Month ....... ::::::� ........ .....
Goo. Bi. -pr P. Duff
wl-'doalway withw1atlimayor able rat". A nu on her way up lut wask, took,on board House breaking ......... mberof interesting &a- 10 elf sind A. Strong..... *1.00 ............... .
,t this port -200 bble. of &or for tho ...... . ..
dreanswiffl3be deliverea and papers read 7 April Not
been amumersa a suis Hudson s Bay Compattfs on :16 1.00 .............. 14 days ........ ..
lam; ox�vbijoctarelsting to -the profesd6n. Lake �Qft.:Biuw .... Enricht� ......... Xatting trees.. ...... 15.00 ............... 17 days .............. MI R. Jones ... ........ Moran . ........
d3w,% the it)& il Superior. It, W" in the, ss............... 16
-wasus, will rali
This"tion is accom2lihing much Mitch 'J. Carter k All ........... i f..... ...... ....... .............
Coln" 'Voaz* 13 ]Way ...... Loa ............... Tort, W,
mot,r� tu C vx4s=ona ..... .......... ...... LOD ...............
sair,wind %o observer t1i" "r town sels. goodandwathinkit ille dutyofevery . FOIL 31A -,of this Zlizabolli Crites Mrs. P. Markey. 499
.......... ....... . ...........
W�W, ......... .....
town,'with Reiv. W. CoAralto of Braub. Edward Is
him or herself " a
aquas it ftoutd contin-a. teacher to *=I
soomber. ford, hao been �Ppomtod the 'Goamr- John Brydo....o, 9owk Native; ...... Throwing fenco ............ ....... ......... sowed.. ....... .......
I ...... 1 ..........
,=z t"Ai3ision. vo flocir Itt"aws il Assembly of tho Cansdalosbyterlas Robert HrAwin Win. Orr ...... ............. � .............. ........ We have &W great plassuro 1*0 $in- CbUr*h to ........... ................ .............
WEI Meet Wilk the apprord of TNT few snitobsi in tho inter- Win. Johnston ... ......... ...... ; .......... 1.7 9 25 ..............
25 ..............
...... i ...........
nouncing Qo fact tkat Dr. 801110ter, 4@4 of the Ch!irclt. Ana Xodill. Joseph Driver ...... ........ cc
ru&oa of 4 Y004410, mp@dQ.T 04 Uo -j, 99 50 ............... five days -
......... xaz�� Driter ......... Throwing co"iy eu%ecpw Joe" a istiam"Sulo U" BOA xadft of the provincital Nor- TEM _VzW FIAKOCrofts & John- 66 sf, X&oph Driver . ..... .......... �29 2.50 .... .......... toili days .. ........ am dy"y you by tU oontin Of 'a&' S&O01 hs kindly Colteented 901), laft J011USt011 k BrO., are Wal .......... Tbos, Rollo" ............ 1-00 ....... ... Fortkwitk ...... .... diriaim to C LOO ..; ..... ;,. Not yet paid . . ..............
oonduct & T"shers? Tastituto sdd- 1gr I t their Stock and DQdRobjallon is is i
28 ............
te P. Fisher.... 126 " -Carrie ................... ........................... fDissse................
in t1w Tqwu Hill, Clinton, on 71 *dzi In a, le g� y 0' Thog. Holmes .,,a it. 90 ................ D ............ ........
As wW tbot* v w days wfll be comple pl......... ... 46 ....... .. .... .......... ......
h, ...10 SC ,
McGres(or As
and 561112119Y, rl-tk An'l MIL Of this in erery depirtment, ........ . . .................... ............
math. t. is propowl to have two on- O1%llz DZUAA�—W* Aft informed Will. S%diUar._.r...: Thos� McDowslL.... Thrests .....................
boik in aw C*mm'--O" "a W110111, their
,jw of at losat tbm hours ia"Itj one On &at & psearlw &$"as k" M& its ap- 1] -04 jl�� xiiz-Ajaw. c iork of tue lFeence, 40ounty Of 1U uron,
report ame up fet emesideration. Tho rr;"ya(Wm)= beginising stlM, and poorswo mong the horage r ja WAWA. f
Cmuniviso 10 doubt were iiallinis to do && odor on Sdarday f9renoon at 9 130& A owellisig- tommences'in tho "Clark Of thl) Pasces Ojaea, Godoricb) 13th $nue, 1873. 0 soothAtboy easak 7U*ub1sct8t* be Uk#n up, fitick and, graidiffly- exteado to the
'Nsrs ei"cifiod is Piecing tu i"M of , body. It bas proved fatol in numbar
sla kowbotas dorted to each, or* lob-, of close. 4
BMTy UXAUX—Oar Junior crust" SOH19DU LIE of CONVICTION Returned by Justices of the Peace, for the County of Huron,
positift, Geography and U1901 Orzsul�, me anoWiUsd quite a defoat at the. hands 0 -Section 4.
ropoTteanso apfor adopkiwm aumber' =Um Fridsy nvainjg will be devoted of tho lkyllold olub lot w-Ak, being Tor the Quarter eiidiug the 10th day of June, 18731 pursuant t on. IStatutes of Upper Canada, Chap. 124 ana u, vie. (Nt.), chap. 6t sm. 9. Sub
of matodisearla was mored, butall to & lecture by Dr. Sangster, and the beaten in else inniuls. Ths "turn
-,wm vVW match will probably be played at Day-
losim sawall, " all tka other exerelses field. so Dminion Day wkm our boys , I Awimmt ef PWmftAvi0# Tgw# w&m paid, or lebe. I � Zo *4 to I#d aevy Jr VW pea W4 few ewd Ift" sioem
cla"M skofo. That W town W f preterXtar. yatut00 -ges. AVam* of OmridixW hwha or ToWees. M �rl
win be froo. it is hoped titat every hope to "over tbAoirlost lavrols. ct Do$ of Ca"t.diox
or Zloomage. palarismid-Tasio"-
ad attention to Uw 4010001`0116 sh" of
ihai Mr, Pamovi, who norw was knows poinj to attea, The County Impost
"Weassit * kigb, is "o" by U0 faek toolka in the Coonty vill x"o it a DANUMVL-WO UYS lWbl* 111111410t-.
tol*yo W mi
oti4 whowill b* prossat, bayo sanction- th""COT"OUSSU"Nu "'s atm 7
it T19Am1L All beleaw toy we to hims ad the closing of the whools on Friday. _StroAsU1dJU6q0wV& SOimPr0W0*',n -John Mumins ......... Selling Liquor without lieente ... 21 31arch 1873 ..4. Lockiei W. Mooney and D. 00 .... ........ offalfAd " lboAsetrions. IWO James Stratton..,"': go 46 .8. H91max, ff. Basil au -IJ. Goman ... .............................. :.:!Not Ist Nsid ............
sm isig do"" to snort " poolies, should be J. P. Brine ...... Sollizig an Auctioneer without... 10 ad* being out W" di"Aand
Formse, )ioi *speed in toselting but ronX mpooftUr QFXr. HoodA At,
lioefise will 3 of 6 bill& of 4
Aquee6ox nn* as to the
w we ""nil g themselves fer the toation, to 60 ma"W.
Was. wom the Uh sookhog a ns,
4 line bridess. mis �xvnik. My exassimation We nwvk to loam
,we "Mostly ream. Tms HAr Cltor.- vweaa.
cipal A04 is wt way assir as to wb@4 that do key crop is likely a be a Man J. Pearson ......... _Artfiiir Churchill- rudecout language MAT 1813 P. CS111111dOr AVA L FAUGUbdr ...... .... 41 ....... ... ....
meow to SUMA the lootitat*, f . , y Clintnat Trawrer
i.11 I - Taylor ...... . U Gooige Brown ........ A 2.00 ............... 4C 14
21(sw wo6do" this snoon. Tito add ilry weather in Alex. A. Ji NoCutehoon Furious dAying ...... ...... 7 A ...........
2 - P, = i the Rat todat a fair Wm. Core .... : ........ :Awki2'F%9v* .......... Drunk and disorderly .......... 15 ........ 2.00 ............... ........ ..........
11M a irill nwo,ly be in Ed. Groh=; ........ Wri"06haston ........... Is Marsh 0. CTa* ............. ......... ........................ . ]got PaW, nowdued 10.da"
140doalsm imeaverage o1w T%b is to be rev*t B. Tralaw ............ i4QVAlk*r .......... Tanne to Apra P.- Adamsolt .................................. .......... ......................
so all to &6w tbm boy"A dio- 10 9A st ........................ ...... 1�. 1-3 AW 21 days .......
Sim* the introdudion of the postal front the Is011 th" there is very, little ........ JbInuess ........ Drunk ........................ .... .... ........
pgt*. TbW 4Mb elsoaa 91 60 Wo *)W rniW& States bay in the 0022UY. ,Roilhi� I . , A;� ...... .......
Wd $latasa 1. Graltsm, .......... Ulling liquor on Sunday ....... 30 April ......
P. AdAmson and R. Gibbons .......... 6D.00 ................... .
PIUXXUTWN.-Nr. ist�to AdAisoft J- Pmwm 'MU0114111 - - ILeaving amployssent .......... 18 ........... tiff ...... .
......... .......... LN ............... ................... .......
6 Webb$= 11. Trahlor ...... . Not
-nowisival 44 plow as Aomands ime boss s"t by Aneri- ...... *-Drunk ........................ 29
it a" t, 1. it ....... 5.00
be the d"y ad Om* ~ to their wrospoLdonts in can,,. was pronsited lad week WitIL Flts�.Druulr and I Xby ..... Tiolia girs .......... . ........... .........
va" a" old alians, Ow f6ranor 0012-
C*uN$Ilg tie. mod tbo impression no ldoubt uiba:W by Lodge A. Jr. & A. o0d $W# tro" .......... 7 L Gibbons .......................... 1.00.
Thoo Iredhwi* ........... Gedoriah. diet tboy would be Anly ilsUvw" X A" tb* lWff bT H�'� C"Pter', if I * ... top ......................... f0. Orabbsud, P. Adamson ........ ... ; .......
Oran b wooks ........... .......... ..........
Jose sff. Nod= .............
ary Vow irworlst amiooftl postage. Of coal" me B. Trainn at . & : �:: :* ..................... ........... ..
witbis the Ceewt, asid so do re1rawim - - I
�o of a . ........... 2.W ........... ......
I" essift Was ebuloll, As a"" as Arob. Costatin loporto April
Aftell -ANI on oil Inge" ISUM. Tho Uo#w h4. ifth- W *W" am s, lipar low
loo b4weess Wo nuislies, do & os8111W log belso oneligilied, 04 Mg. alawt, wbose, ow fonowtowmassa, a". mit" ditaik wowall oaving enpkylm"�..,. 22 Nwrob 0rabb, ..................... LW wav MGM* ft ........................
Th"W ........... .0ollings ......... At"" language ....... 98 Afril, ........... 1.00 .............
li"Y- OnSin, Imposbeir for *a Leallso Mw as, .1a *be" -t* "Um W. . . ......... Nam 4.4 .40 ...... 4 ....... N 64 44 .......... ........... ...... ........ ............ ................. Not P" t"490ft
byat 111010SO W 'at -Jd*,*PV" 60 onse to 40 do it .................. .... ...........
.... .......... 20 Nov *4 ........................
yno r
Pole. Mg. ya bes = wolards.. . _1 - OMAO.OranwAsor 6= W I I �z ::18r"0f 4yuw ............ 4 J=6 .......................... ......... 80 days ...................... ............. ...
i ® 00 ft� i� is it
U an"g, 411ilt lJowle 3000 66 To Pm!.
aim ..... ............................... ................. .. ..... ........ ..........
sesilOw Onwat how iselood #A mAer ............... 415psoc"' satow
the cowmir so so'*- dw Asentm vow onsib &a in )w saw Pass
in Owe& is 0* dmW ff
toess biliftes no . .....
dp4M, Isola* ......... ... lot. 4, 0 do ......
so ............
6WW awy else nsiL U is I* be bow We a* 62b"" ......................
10(fle so . -;.. A. 41. SobowiW1 mod J. Boom
_14- .11011- 1 ; 0 AUL Niowaldi A
1 16 a $4
go r 2*1* ' - 6 k . . . Ao.
sy 14pw sousu. 29 ....... ...... ile Aws*w ifo t L L99wQ*:. y
now -as
............ 4.. "Wol 4�,
....... .................. ... . .................
ow — ____ I — , . , 64 9d
.,j" A , I...
....... 40'. ......
IRV M ..... .
4 D
amp A10 ,v .... IJ*, 1111-d"s and llil2w.
- --:: .................................
........... .....
........... .. . ..........
ly Trawsliw�
bile ................. .......
Its. 8, *.1..
low 'Iwo—
0 W
ed 4d, -
fur pit,
rose sa�
tor VIC
f-711 PW.
fut PIK,
A deft -
for PM
iew 4k
Uft ft
died I
let *4
fin on
Mr li:oialw
Thu is
T t
with rosher
"" 100
ba breast,
Oa to fti do
A am
IK 7 9
ad. I
A OM*fo=M r
bood"d so
vras Lft bia
104C wGre
P"Sift om
W" hisa#
on UW
vt (�vv tad I=
wou ft or
BOW saw.
areaft of ft
&100" aim
N&SUAisff an
;ii4;_Q( Doll
bolos W"
el a
I --Ink