HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-06-11, Page 2F_ �z
F It -
Vow Til NO2t-XZ1dbV PACUU7 0201. New L&w Flitu.-Missel Gilrara In-, Itead of Mr. Graham. The following in pal Loan Fund &Ise ..statemcAt Of ciple, that the debt was due, and' we Mr. Castlo,'t1lit the Enjineeir b�"tit
liottsuaGeo, W&tlsn,f this town have this County are included in the London mount collectea on acoolidt of non,rosl- were ver
The County Council have resolved to entered into partnerskip for carrying Distrint, y able to pay it, and under the xtructed to examine and - repair th6
Raits. - Ziefer-Win. Lund, Win. dent lands,. were p4ghtl0j, full faith that when the final settlement bridge between Hay and AtanleY over ]INJURED. -Among the infurod by thg Onioumssif�*&r U the W071yan
take decisive action to do away with the the practise of low. Their ofdc# Is in Kettle Well, who shall reside at Fairfield. Couflail of ofthis fund was made justi6e'would be Baytiold River near Rippon.-Referrad 'accident on the Great Western' Rallway
Usedonall. Orabb's Block, lKingsion Street. To the Wardin and COUMY pimonwo PAN�; br Aer. Jana"
Worth Riding Registry Oflicto grievance. Xippin-Jshn Popper, B. A., who shall done. ' Thisiew was strengthened by to Road and Bridge.Committee. at'Copetown lasteek, was 3fro. Elisli , TMN ikx*, to c4ttage f,3,r Uo.-This office. The Government having notified them A CRICICIT MATOIK wasplayod yes. act under the diriotion of the Superlin. Huron: a very lar 36.
go-, majority. of Moved by Mr. "Willis NO#On'ldd by Boyle, who residas about fire mdlom fronk 3(ft7-kipiston, bo* of X40:117fty.
1*tt#i%-A. Dickson. torday between the and Gods. tendaut of Enter. Mi. Patton, that j�� Ite granted to- this vi4a'gg.
lagil card-Emott & Watson. that a suitable and safe office must be rich junior clubs. re"6211 unable to SOROOL EamuATP8. -The followinst 1:ftammir �.:J beg td: report fof *otli tk*'Inu�lpalitiex in Ontario JiA either, s building a bridge on the boulliary visi , SW was on, her way, t,6 Athobrib!js rosidenod, _11ferheall by
PrOvided for keoping the books and ro- record the rimilt in this i information, lit.on, ihe in'troduoticinof lot borrowed or wars not in dafaulti war t somefriends im the ViAted States; Re,, a 'r. XUWol
satin as our -are the estimates of the Goderich Public the Muniolpol -Loan Mind revolutidus and4tbc members reptesenting them between'Usborno and BlAn'sliard.-RO- and When the accident Occurred was 2 302 inst" 3fr.-
jr,nse IggpoUx-J. A. Naltal. cords at present in tho office at Blyth, forms were made up befor year as submitted 13rovinoial Wotld,' therefore see thit no injustice firrOd to Read and Bridge Oommittee. shot through one of ill& windows by the Che9ter Holleabsek tp Mis Susan
for Uo-A. Cooke, A. Road. aion of the match. a the conclu- Schools for the current slid soliedides to'the 11irsk 811 1 the towulim -of Ste.
they passed a resolution at their meeting WIA clone" to unindebted. iritinicipilitis 1� A communication from the County Of . force of theiconeu . 1 0, 0 . 1) -
- at tile last mostins(of theBoard. Though ment in the beginning of March last, 1, "repleiving a nntq-
compound Syru� P 01 Hype- last week instructing Mr. Gibson, M. P- LINE F%Xcx AcT.-Wo have just the tot b orth, respecting Registry offle" was
"awa Al after deducting the Govern- regards the DY relieving those who were able in ?AV. her of painful b is rerov
went over -the 61oulation as 1803. , or -
printed in pamplilet form the Act re. Mont Grant amounts to $5,222 6b the The result has justified the anticipatiofa read. ang fyied, ing. On 3rol ina., by rliln P. to introoluce a bill next session to re- amoudt' accruirix tol this County, a4l of the Connoil, and while financially we The following letter and estimates for 4 Sydenham Place, Montreal, roiid'ence
specting Line Fences and Water Cour- Board haveonly applied to the Council how h RIFLE '11ATon.-The following is the
units the ridings and authorizing the , was a a in t i1ohoduloo, and according -bettor,off than if we had refused pay. the current year was submitted by the
es for -Ontario. Municipalities ro- for $5,000 -Last year the expenditure nd.& much larger A. are --County Treasurer anil referred to Pkizplistoftho rifle match of No. 0) of the bridle's ilroth8r-in-law, W. A.
%aw 2492"U= ITSTS"M Treasurer to defray all necemarr ex- quiring them should send in their order& considerably ever the estimate and we Mont, every ratepayer can feel a proud the Leggo,. Esq., Alfred Benn, to
to my figures 'on the County-takin COmPany,'33rd Battalion, held here
do not understand how this year it will mount paya le to satisfaction in saying that they have al. Finance Committee:- Charlotte, second daughter ol'Wm.
WA C-'atdf-zsd as WISXng to cr one which th Big from a
Penses. iWo trust the bill will meet with at Once- o ba th resolutions publiahel on the 28th of May, -.18t
W�ko do act a"Ve expeas to OANADA SALT. -Our latest advieGs be'poxsible to make both ends meet -thaW- ivas shown'- in the statement WSymbonestly mot their engagements, COUNTY TaFAsxmrs's Olwiavy prizes awarded; open -to nou-0472121128IN Craven Esq, V10 c4zmt mt!aue a better fate than a similar 0
ttsiz from CideVe give no quotations of the when the sum asked for in so much un- printed. �. immediatoly wrote to Messrs. od moral example and maintain Goderioli, June 5th,,1873. J ed officers and men; range, 200 and 400 On the 4th Instnt. fia St. Za es
dt"AtEnalize 02 neir was ixitraduced, last session with rofer- der the estimates. call. ad theforedit of the County. I feel it The Warden and Council of Huron: m a yards; Wimbledon target, Isl
price of Gtdorich Salt there. There Gibborit iita our riiembeill �,, Private , Church, t- 51:1WE, IiY the Rev. J.T.
nawk"r� tAa rt!lsheT or vai)ush- once to the County of Perth. The bulk gears to be nothdrig doing in Can 61, Teachers' Salaries .......... j3,050 00 due to our members, Messrs. Gibbons GENTLEMFN,,�I begr to enclose me ()-
0-3 rev owst�kxq to wead them u3ttl all sn*ws are a a ing their attention to the difference Hutt; silver modal, vlue,.$2o anti Capto Hutchinson, Mr. Joseph Sinapeon, ()f
r -el urq sat 611bacrtb&-i ais h" respeastwe sor of t�e people in this County were always; Salt on the market. Coarso salt is re. and Gibson, to, state that I thiak th randum of eitimated expenoliture for McGillivray, to'Mixs Sarah Ann Hu.
Other Salaries:- which I ina-do. On the 12th of March Howard's prize of OQ. 21;d; Sergeant
and an still opposed to the division, ported quiet- Itimpecter. 7:.A40.00 ito 94 on@ 9f.the dpputa' Council are much indebted to them for the year, but have not filled UP the Glenn; silver plated cup, value 62.75 bert, of Usborne.'
or re-cqeto take the e.,60.00, went, t6301:01 the t, their very -valuable assistanctin securing items for Roads and Bridges or for ra- t; In Clinton, on 27th ult., by the Rev.
aeira�apc% f�o'a the 02:!* to tion in regard to own, and while and'cash$2, 3rd, Private W, Biggs'
wh!eh they which is very inconvenient, and it is ANOTHER WORD OF GOOD CnzrR.-A Curator Central School 200.00' full justice to Huron in the matter of pairs of Gravel Roads which will have to
&-a d1rNtsit, they arshel ra"'52-lbs MI they have bacri4er in Minnesota thus writes,- there weint over the County account silver plated cup; value 82.75, and cash 11r. Graham, Mr. ohn Wi1tt. of
a3nred t�165Z 8011tag ammbeTs baft a-, leay. hardly probable the Government will 5,11 " East St. & St D.'a with a - t this settlement. be made up after the Council deciele 4th, Privatp G. Harton; cash �$1.60. Mitchell, to Miss Sophia, eldest
Ecz mem E2 the ts not SUA aoUcs oi dmmn- I am glad to set that Huron �r,,DSpors, ur 4zembers, and getting a sigh upon the expenditure to be incurred for
ta3Z_%=* a3 tht Zaw MaLres. r -e to pus. In refuse to allow the memu Also to see that the SIGNAL is fU good Ward ............ 90.00 of tile schedule and caloulations. of the A - M. Ross, 51 t Corpl, Middleton; cash �81. Oth,
RZ rMare to on@r r4ces wAbmt St Audrew's Ward..50.00 Government, apportioiling the allowance these works. PZiV1rt6 Minor daughter Of 11r- ChZifft= SOWF, f
ta%-.z:9= tka an4 n�LT perzoccah or the meantime no step& will lot taken to- reading matter, and (don't accuse me Of Libr'arian .............. 50.CO. County Treasurer. ILThe state of the finances at present is 7th, Private 0; 1 hair bxush; value $1. Clinton.
am Seat to the dhwt5o� they wards erecting a now office. flattery if I say) is a good paper." of $2,000 it mile to the Bliffalo and Lake Horne; I shirt; value $1. In Hibbert on the 30th -ult., st tbe
Ball Ringer ............ 10.00 OOLLECTIONS FROM WON -RESIDENT LANDS as follows,- 8th'
Orip.-Robert Brown and Win. Car. t500.00 Huron Railway, found that in the said FROM 18T JANUARY TO 18T mAY, 1873. Cash on . hand at present date 44326. 00 - Private J. Parkinson; I stand, Va]- residence of the bride's father, by the
Mtn of :UU01. rick, Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Hay, Insurance:- schedule, the Government had included DuebyMunic alitiesforrati?s 'to ?I. 9tb, H. Stanlick; I stand; value Rev. J. W. Mitchell, X. A., Mr.
expect to sail from Now York, by the Central schoul ......... 65,00 the towns of Brantford and Stratford as kelifield ............ W� 33 for -1872. 5914.97 $1. 10th, Private J. f-logg; I whip; val- Robert W. -McGlechlita, of the town-
file- G30. P. Row&Lr. Co., 40 Park The reasou for appointing a Junior National Line, next Saturday, for 5 East St. School ......... 6.00 baying contributed respectively $500i- Colborne. 168 02 no $1. 11th, Private'C. 1jacken; .1 lamp; ship of Howick, to Eilzaboth, *2dost
Row, &*a a. M PIMIGILL & Co., 37 o0o and SiN,000 in, aid of the railway, Clinton ..... 27 76 value$l. 12th.Private'G. Bonn; 11at;
E-Iaw, eas our only authorized Ad- Judge for this 10ounty was the failing somewhat extended trip to Europe. W I e10240.97 daughtor of Mr. James Nalisf.
8 7i.00 and had made allotments to them of a Godeirich Tow*n'.*.*.*.*.'.*.*.*.*.*.'.*.*.'.* valuell. 13tb J: Cornish; photom.;
rez� Agents in New York. health awt mental debility of our Couiv- wish them a pleasant journey and safe Miscellaneous:- portion of the railway grant in propor- Is Duo to Municipalities for lion- value 81. 14th,'Corpl. Snell; do., $1.
return. I Vp ................. 19 69 residenftaxes ........... 9208.85- 2nd mptch,
ty Judge. Our County Court and Gen- Firewood cutting, &e.300.00 tiontothexiid assumed contributions, Gro 271 open to all comers; range
PARK ire ......... y ......................... 7 97 200 yards, Ist, R. Saunders; cash $2,
eral Sessions were opened yesterday by TEis EAST S,&(;I'qAw Dnivifo Repa' ......100.00 whereas the actual contributions -or Hay ...... ......
AssoazATiozi will hold its first annual Furniture, &a .. . ........ 100.00 moneys sunk in the road by these Places Hulleu ...................... 285 03, $1032.12 2ad, J. Wejtcot; cash $1,50. 3rd, �Y. 0, Wednesday, the 4th imst., Chrixtina,
TZ�a daea qpv- each the Senior Judge, and never was the meeting on the 24th, 25th, 26th and Printinstaud Advertising 64.00 was only $140,000 and $11,000 respect- Howick ................ i ....... 46 63 The Council will therefore have to Murdoch; ish $1. 4th, W. Cayes;
indicate Me tims to tchich necessity for a Junior Judge more &p- 2"ith of June, when the large sum of Books and Stationery... 50.00 ively. - These towns did not take stock Morris ...... ..... 162 88 borrow to meet the whole expenditure cash'75cti- 5th, J. Blake� cash 50ats. wife of Mr. WnL McPhvrgcn,Dnrham
Thus, "PiTsm parent I We regret to be obliged to $IZ,000 will be awarded for the fastest Mortgage on Lots. . ...262.00 in the railyay as Huron did, but loaned. MoKalop ........ ... ........ 535 60 for tho balance of the year until the oil Line, Kincardine township, aed S1
that Mr. I . . horses. It is in contemplation, we un. Overdrawn in 1872....209.65 the money to the road, and took bonds 8 taxes are collected. It is unfortunate URCII BUILDIN0. -Nlr. Ross of this years.
su5wripti�Drl is Pzid up to Ist say it, but the administration of justice dertud, tanley ......... 230 32
to have an excursion from Contingenoies.........300.00 of the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich Stephen....- ....... in view of the action taken ha abolishing taken the contract for build- On Friday eTening, the Sotb ult., the
-65 Railway as security, which, on the trans- Seaforth....*.'.' 3 57 twin infant sons of Mr. Ww. Me-
_Ifam�I ar.1 6 -at �* Gtx.s fnm that d4te. is a complete farce so long as -Judge Goderich on that occasion. 2861 54 the tolls that the Council authorized Fo 1pg a new Roman Catholic Church on
Brough insists on holding courts. He,*is STEAMER Bmwo.v. --The steamer Ben. road to the -Buffalo and Lake Tuckerinnith. the Proof Line Road, township of Bid-
t.-Ul ses i", to be to fAeir ilatermt large 'a distribution of the ailable - Pherson, Durham 14ne, Kincanfline
00 ranIZZ Promptly, as *zsr tertra are $5,582.65 for of the .......... ..... 4 31 funds on hand last year as $12,000, dulph. 2he building its to be of white township.
mentally and physically totally Unfitted ton arrived at this port on Wednesday last Credit by Government Grant Huron Company, they sold to the said Turnberry ..... ..... 66 06 brich, size 4Ox65, and will cost between
SR.50) &7%r= -u rx ADvAaccii, otcrw�sd 82 for the work, and the sooner lie allows with a cargo of over 200 tons of grind. 360.00 Company-, realizing respectively $360,000 Usborne ................. 2 18 Formerly there was d revenue of $10,- Suddenly, at Detroit oq the Stb inst.,
be eay;cAL stone31 83 tons of which she discharged nd $89,000,leayinga their ne . t loss $140,�- I,. Wawanosh. - 268 44 000 coming in during the year to assist $700 wd 4800. The corner stone was Ors, George McComell, lormerly of
Judge Toms to hold courts the better They came from a place called V,222.65 allO and $11,000 as above, and f,)r these W. 46, int meeting the current expenditure, but laid 011' Sunday 25th ,of May, by "is Gogorih, aed'58 yeap.r.
for all parties concerned. We hope the hero. 0 ................. 201 55 this year'thero are no reeipts available LordshipBishop, Walsh, of Londe
Grindstone City directly across the lake latter amounts only were they entitled Bruels ..................... 7 44 n, as -
of ,
(Irani Tr=3c 241V17. The Benton is running be. 0hau0m court. to participate in the allowance now made Exeter ....................... 9 47 tgxes, nd I and Railier Brinnon, the pre.9 _aaforth, Malcom, Escl., &zed 48 years.
hint will be taken. Should no change fro,, hem. Until the collection of tko flisted. by Father Alurphv, At Seaforth on the -9h inst., Wm.
be made we pity suitors, jdrymen and tween Saginaw and Cleveland and after to the road, but the Uovernment had think the Council should bav'o sdfficient 0 eat. pastor
a original - eashon hand to meet tho,okponditure f thi congregation. Us funeral will take place from the
GOD&RICH STATIO? lawyers. A total absence of all the es- a week or two will call here regularly.. The cases in this Court which car6o up actually included them for th Total. . . e9208 85 residence of hid brottier-in-law, Mr.
TraiQ3 Leave as foUows.- sential requisites of a Judge character- AmussmENTs.-The citizens of Gode for trial laft week before Vice-Chancol- nominal amount.of the loans, and thus Both the above were refe at least tip to September, and for the RAILWjy MHFTiN(;.-A McGting Of DanWl Goraon, this (Wednesday) after.
........ 7.00 a. m. rich are to be well supplied with amuse. lor StronR were disposed of as follows,- greatly reduced the amount available for' pinauca Committee as ,rred to tha balance of the year we tould bo r rr?ew from the ratol*yrg of the village was held in noon at 2 o'clock.
t 9 ized everything said or done. Such a Uurou and other municipalities Which so accounts the Bank. thP Oouflcil� I�oom on Monday evening,
Express ................... 10.00 " ments this season to all iippearance. Ashton v. Harcourt -Bill dismissed from Thos. Stephen, H. Macdermott, I am, Gpntlemen, 2nd diseuss the prap4ety of
........ 12 30 state of things should be taken up by Last week Grace Egerton gave an enter. with psts. Alalcolmson and Moss- fcr had lost all they gave in aid of the road. Eric McKay, J. & J. Storey and Your obd't serv't arand , the L.,
In an interview with the A ttorney-G en- $ HIM additional bonus to WAR-ELTIA
.................... S.S3 thole.,al profession and 'represented at tainment to -night andto-morrow night ptff. Blake for deft. -oral w HoLvan Bros A. U. ROSS, _�4
Tralas axa, dui5 as followa,- the proper quarter. the Holman -Opera Troupe. who are so Mercer vs. Sturgeon -Bill dismissed _e explained to him the inj ustica The Oouncii then adjourned till ten H. & B11 Ulway. Isaac Carling, Esq.,
....... SO dg witheosts. McGre"orforplff. Seager that was being done to Huron and other Treasurer. Reeve 91'Exeter, occupied the chair, OUDFmcc, June "O� 2673.
Mixed .............. 9 deservedly popular wherever they have O'clock to -morrow. Ult1l ID17 f
municipalities by the admission of the ESTIMATZI) �11 on. JA)rling and Messrs. Flock and
Exp?eas ............. ..... 2.00 p. m. appeared, give performances in Crabb's and Blake. for deft. I EXPENDIT E 0OUN- H z�l Whc3t, (rall) V LuAll ....... $1 .122
a& As Rookledge vs. Barker -Judgment re- above named towns in tho schedule Nr TY OF HURON FOR, Txv TraR 1873, Smith, Yf London, delivered addresses,
Xxed .................... 5.10 The 3[=ter for sa%�L 11won. Hall. Dan Rice's circus is also coming, served. Seager and Blake " for pltr. amounts far in exceas of their actual 4th Juno. TO BZ RArwiq By Assz"MENT which Oqslistenea to with attention by Wheatftringg) -V Imsh... 1 12 0 1 121
Mail ..................... 9.35 se 41 and E. M. Bonham the cole.hrated elocu- Council mot pursuant.to adjournment. rlour.(par brl.) ............ 13 0) 0 ozo
tionist is announced to give an enter- Loscombe and Hoss for deft. loss. After aruing the matter for some Minutes read and approved. Administration of Justice ...... 6960.00 All- We 'were shown the benefits we oats. 10 basil ............ .. 0 46 0 0 CD
Subscribers wM confer a favour by The Parkhill GIzette speaking of the -roe for time our interviow was brought to a close Inquests .............. d ...... 100.00 would derive from the road were it con-
tainment shortly. Macdonald ffylop-Doc The followinZ communications were Peas, V bash .............. C Z5 0 10 �5
late session thus refers to the member plff. with costs. Elliott and Blake for without any satisfactory conclusion be- Gast ...................... — 1420.00 structed,afi4 were assured that unless
receired,- Barley, i9,busb ............. 0 Z2 0- 0 52
ng us of any irregularity in the JONMS'EGGNOLIA.-We insert an ad- ing arrivea at' on account of the Attor_ Mi' tbe municipalitie thro . uyh which it vas.
of their papem for South Huron,- M r deft. t scallaueous and contingencies 8 0.00 Z, Pofai"s. jW blioll .......... 0 ]tO jV 0 1,�5
vertisement to -day of a preparation Elliott vs. McConnell - Decree for ne-y-General beingealled into the House. Tclegram from County Council of J1rY ......................... 270().00 intende.a.therosasisho'uld pass came for- Pork, ;0 IbOrj ............ 4 S) 0 4 go
Any ordinary man, afflicted with which is Said to preserve eggs for a I therefore thought it better to place Perth asking what action this Council Stationery a3id Printing ....... 7b0,00 ward and gave liberal banusest-oaidin
such distbilities as he is subjected to, plff. Blake for plff. Sea -or and Moss Eny 74 C5
whole year as fresh and good as when 3 our remonstrance in writing, and on the intends to take with reference to School mansem�nt .......... 1850.()o its construction, it would not be built.
We shall be gMat all time to receive would have succumbed altogether, and for deft . Chichens per pjAr ...... 0 o co
newly laid. We Understand itp merits following day I addressed a letter to Mr. Riding Registry Offloos, Referred to Lunatics and Charities 700.()o The amount asked from Exeter was 811iz Buttoer, V 2) ................ 0,17 0 o na
items of local news, roperU of meetim23, allowad tha interests of his constituents have been tested in London where the Finance Committee. Salaries and Council fees ...... 4500.00 .000; andlonio little time was occupi4l'
Nlowat urging the views we had laid be- B2ef ............ ........... 4 55 -5 QD
Or aZY i2cident of i2tera3t to go by default, rather than risk the proprietar reaide,3, and that it has been fore him. I also prepared a schedule in Comm-tinication from Provincial Sec- Repair,, County Buildings 3oo 00 ta. endeavoring to show how comparative- Hies ..................... 6 DO 0 6()D
eithe�- in the locality where it occurs, or apparently slight tenure he hai on health. pronounced by competent judges to be retary referring to same matter. Re- High wpod .............. % a
the same form as the one made by the School, Goderich ........ 400.0() ly easy it would be for us to pay this a -
to the county at large. Such matt -or HL4 heart seems so thoroughly in the all that is claimed for it. Mr. J. A� GoDimicH, 2ndJune, 1873. Gwernment, making a Dow basis of dis- ferred to same Committee. 46 Clinton .......... 400. 00 mount when spread over a number of Wool ....................... 0 ID
=7 be saLt at the rate Of one cant Per cause, however, that though obliged to -Naftal ef the Bayfield Road is general Communication from Win. Smith, Town of Goderich for Northern y
tribution. according to our contention. ars, autizipating an increase in. our EM, V doz (anpadW 1).. 0 15 .40 0 15
c. If rusiked Printer's COPY And not absent himself on two orthree OcCaSIODs. agent fur the County of Huron. The Council assembled th:s day pur- aad submitted it to the Attorney -Gen- Provincial officer, respecting enforce- Gravel Road ............... 200.00 population and also in the value of our
se,alwL To ensure publication in &my he invariably returned to his post as suant to adjournment, the Warden in ment of License Act. Fyled. BY'SPCCial'f431CZMPh to thO 819MI.
STRATFORD CnEEsE FAm-Tho firs the chair. eral, and also left copies of it with sever- Accourits from Star office and F N. R. Registry office, property., Sonia present -were not ex- CLIn-,GN, 10 2678.
L-Ame it should reach the soon as he was able to do so, and ranch cheese fair for this district was held at present al other 4members, who were similarly - Expenditure not asssess- lactly certain that the calculations made
ciSco tlian Monday evening. sooner than his medical adviser wonld The following members were interested w Mann. Referred to Finance Commit on this report were quite correct; how- Wheat. (Fall)lwr $1 Z 2 23
recommend. Notwithatandin- his severe 6tratford on Thursday last. Therewma -easm Armstrong, Your;-, Gibbons, ith ourselves, and who tee. ed for 1872 ........ 81341.$4
promised their assistance and infinence " for 1873 .......... $0.0.00 ever the gfeatmaijority of thbto present Wh�st,(Srring) perbusb.. 120 0 1 la
sickneas and consequent wealme" he large attendance of both buyers and D,tlor, Patton, Slemmon, Gil7son, Weir, in inducing the Government to accede Moved by Mr. Gibson,secondea by Mr. — 1641.94 were.iii favor of-gianting the bonus ask- Mour, (pvr br;),. .......... 6 Ro a 6 25
made several scathing attacks on Gov- sel'ers. Nearly 1700 boxes of cheese Snell, Af,nbeith,liShannon. Hays, Scott Hays, that Mr. Ross, County Treasurer, Mun. Loan Fund to co ed for. Whe ' ' Oats�perbush ......... a .... 0 �4_0 0 0 4B
AL IRA& theproduct of 17 factories were offered to the change asked. On a subsequent ver am'ts a we take into "count the llm�e, perbugb ............ O -Cy a 0 ED
ernment policy, and whenever the in- for sale. Nine hundrad boxes sold at the (Morris) Simpson, Castle, Greenway, interview with the Attorney -'General we 00 authorized to go to Toronto as soon as p'd Hunicipalities for Clergy fact that we are under obligq6tigns to the !
terests of his constituents ware specially Fulton, Walker, Wilson, Donglas, Wil- enient and ascertain th� corree townships of-Uabo Stephen to Barley.
factories at from 10J cents t� I I were informed that the Government conv t Reserve monies retained 2770.75 tne and'
potatoelp, per buel; ......... 023 a c-'5
concerned he never failed to direct the cents, hs, Scott (East ly4wanosh), Girvin and would make the readjustment of tl a al- calculations in reference to the Munici- Interest on Grayel Road De- pay our proportion of the' -bonuses grant- Baftzr 022
attention of the Government to their also 3000 boxes before the fair -at from Gaunt. lotment asked for. I am of opilon, pal Loan Fund for the -County and the bentures .................. 15700.00 ed by them muiticipalities when we form- �43
10, Township of Stanley, and call the at- No. 2 ................ 009 0 Go
requiremeuts. We hope Mr. Cameron !,-. to ll�c. It was resolved by the The mintites of the last d,'IYS proceed- ho�vever, that in connection with this Roads and Bridges . ........ 11390.60 ed part of-thbru, we acknoTledge that No 2 ................ �0 0 may regain his health by next session. Dairymen'; Association to continue ings of the January session were read railway allowance, we have not yet got tention of the Government to, the Repairs Gravel Roads 100L)L).()o the suth of $18,000 seems a very large -
We are convinced that there is no more the fair3. &ad approvei. amount of interest apparently Over Egp, per (unpsclked).. () 3c 0 to
all we are entitled to. The resolutions look- Interest .................... 600.00 amount for M to undertake te pay; but
earnest worker in the House than him- GiiucE EGERTON w" favoured with a The Warden addressed the Coun-�i I ed by them due to the County of Huron, cloverseed ............... . Z to a coo
provide that this railway allowance we are fully persuaded that if -_we were H -
self, and had he more physical strength, full house on the occasion of her appev- congratulating them gn the settlement 4 and any oth�r matter he may think a7p ....................... mo W -6.18 63
0 - shall be allowed to e-ich U14nicipality M86 living in the enjoyment of all the
here last week. 2.69 Row Sheep 8111w3l ............... *2.00*,& 1 to
there would be few LaV members ho, &nce Her delineatians of the Ifunicipal Loan Fund and on the as a payment at the date of Its debt necessary on the subject. -Carried. Less 116venue from' aclv-. ntarres afforded by railway commu-- 111des .................... 625
GODERICIL June 11, 1873. would display reater ability." of character were very good indeed and general prosperity of the county. He there -for beinz contracted." I claim Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Licenses ..... .... nication, we wdUld be unwilling to give
Them's our seniments. appeared to give great satisfaction. We referred to the erection of a new mun'01- therefore, that we are entitled to the Mr. Weir, that the Cl�rk be instructed Biddulph aivard ... 1579.85 these advantages up forantuchlarger S - FO - U, JMS t% 2873.
ragre e D, 1�
t to have to state that a number of pality (Exeter) since last meeting of ameinterestontlieallowancesinco 1853, to Eret the necesary number of last years' McGilliyray ....... 1272.00 sum thlin we are now asked for, and w Wheat, (Fall) ........ .... ..
Eztrr- Copies qfni�i d5rfs signal M21, be youths in the rear of the audience be- council and two petitions for the incor- as we have been charged on the debt, Ontpxio Statutes to give the Reoves and 3211.85 hope when the polling takes plzw it Wkeat, ftnlnz�pr bush...-. 213
hav,d very badly indeed, both before poration of Wingbara and Lucknow Clerk of eacl. Municipality a copy and Flour, (per bir' ) .............. C, 00. -2
7�14 e. V;c of-ce-price 5 cmts. Pnvtora Eliction Case. iz: 6 per cent. up to 3861, and 5 per will be shown that the majority of us Barley, li�r bnF,% ............ 0 53
forward them a3 soon as possible.- $55650.84 hold this view of the matter.
during its continuance. Gederich is sideration. He also referred to the fact Carried. Oats, par 0 40 042
he performance commenced as well as which would come before them for con-' cent. �ercafter, but the Government
have only allowed 5 per cent. for the Moved by Mr GU-Ult, seconded by Pease, perlinah ............ 0 t5-'- o
0= Aecits. The commis ion appointed to tal k e getting its name up for that sort of that the Government required a suitab to whole time. The difference that I claim en adjurned till 10 Mr. Girrin, that 'this uo"14cil giant the
evidence in this case have so far con- thing, and it is our intention to publish Registry Office to be erected for the O'clock to -morrow. DauSlod's Big Show. rotatocs, per bush .......... oso
pletQd their labours as to show that a the names of those vrho are guilty of North Riding and to the duties whieh n this miscalculation of interest is $20, - 5tk June. sum of $150 to assist in building a bridg�, poez ... ................... 5 �Ci)
North Eluron-D. Malwan. 203. Th�e Ull permits the Government on the County By-line between %Vawa- Jlu ter, No. I .............. iotio
consp=cy was concocted between Mr. such rowdyism if it is not put a stop to. would devolve upon the Equalization Council met purs"ut to ad . jOUrn7 nosh and Kinlos;.-Reforred to It eill 6 seen by the advertLE'ement t
South Iffuran-S. T. Church. Cl Committee. to make any correction for miscaleu la. Road No, 2 .............. 0 Cto o 12
Both taess gentlemen are wath -C.-Hon. Mr. Til. tions, and I think our case is so clear for and Bridgo Committee. NO. 8 .............. 000 09
uxton the Ministerial candidate, the BrTYER INsFEmol ment. that DanRico, with his -extensive ex-
orized Returning Officer, and Sir John A. Mae- ley's b;U for the inspection of butter will The following communieAtions were thIs correction that I do not think it can Minutes read and approved. Mo%�ed by Mr. Patton, secondeq b hibition, will visit Goderich on Saturday No- ....... 000 "o 63
to ncelva szibscripions and orders for received,- The following documents were pro- Mr.'Willis, that the Council take int y 218tinst - He is at the head of the
anald to keep Mr. Bertram out of the come int* operation on the 13t of Sept. Communication from the Provincial be objected to. I have not brought this sonted and referre-rto the Finance Com- consideration what roads con o greatest 'orgadi'zati,)n in the country, Eggx. per 4oz_<unpulced) .... j?jo so
�ob priating and advertL41ng and to It pro7ides that the Board -of Tradei of error before the Government, as I thought stitute By- Hides ........ . ....... 60.0
eat:to which he was justly entitled- any municipality, or where there is no Secretary requiring a now Registry Of- it better to ask your sanction before do witteo,-Report of County Enginer, lines that is where a rivcr forms a By� consisting of the well-known firms.. of Hay ....... 11 ............. -i7 00 Is GO
gnmt receirts- 2 fice for the North.Riding. h7eferred - Engineer'x accounts, accounts of -A. M. Spaulding & Rdgers, �Henderso4 &
Telegramswhich passed between Mr. Board of Trade, the Municipal Council Finance Committee. ing so. I have also to bririj under your line 3between two municipalities does wbarl .......... 25 JV a 00
Cluxton and Sir John �ahow this. It mr1Y petition the Minister of Inland noLice a claim that is made by Biddfilph Ross, J. J. Bell, E. Moore, T. "13. tha road running on ach side of the ltvan, and the Hindoostan Imstitute, of
Petition from John Gregory and lifoorhouse and P. Adamson and state- -river fonn a boundary line road %j,ithin Zoology, which, with his original, dicas
TUX0=1 SCILOOL Revenue to appoint an inspector, and o and McGillivray for a share of, this rail.
appears Mr. Bertram's others requesting that a monthly cattle ment uf balaneei, duefor rent of Toll Gates. and -school Of educated uniuLils, -con- qualificat'On- was the Government gave assurance that way allowance - w thd county, which the meaning of tile Municipal Act ?- not demanded liefore the pollinz and such petitions would be acted upon. in fair be established in Wingham and a claim is made under one of the resolu- An application was received from the R,f,i,,d t, Road a�d Brid e Com. stitutes th-e most ttraciive combination I ts.
fhe Catan:o, NomaalT SeLool in Tc� this is an important point in the case. *very city, town, or by-law be passed for its management. chairman,of High School Board, Gode- Moved by Mr. c .4jl traveling. There are four depart-
wgpean village where an i tiOns which reads as follows Where I) , secon,led r1ew
to be in a state of in- Prayer of petition granted. rich, to have the annual grant to said by Mr. Shannon, that the County E,_ ments-a Museum, Coliseum, Circus, 1Mr'110!17a?Ak;
The returning officer should be severely vector is appointed under this strrange- ': a portion of a County, or Union of
trmbla et prewnt. A panon named Petition from Thos. Gregory and school Paid ever to him during the pro- -the whole OU which TTIORNEYS - AT -ZAW. 199wciTaR#, jr,
lunished for his partizan conduct. ment the inspection of butter put up in ' Counties indebted t'the MUDiCipal a .:ineer be instructed to examine the aud Iftenagerie
in others, of Wingham praying for incor- sent sbssio:). will be exhibited at a single price of ACPMUrV, Cenvoyancers, *c. -CabVx IBIO,,k,
Mirtin writak to th, is G.!,,U, a latter, in packages of 5'Abs and over is made com- , "Loan Fund hs boom separated from boundary between Grey and Elma Goderidl.
whith lie animadrerts Tory severely on pulsory. Under this Act our merchants poration. There being soma difficulty the Indebted Connty or Unioft, and Moi�ed by Mr. Gibson, seconded by. where the River Maitland crosses on admission. The Museum is stocked MONEY TO LEb-D. asta
may have a permanent inspector Appoint- with reference to the proposed boundar- has � assumed part of the debt "f the Mr. Weir, -ihat the Clerk bb atuh-3,rizod the 9th con. of Grey, and report at next with -lutoresing,.curiosities, and the
thz general ma-magernent of the echool, Zo.-=*s C=ks dbp0361 of. ed insteadoftho present arrangement ie3 it was County or Union, the all to have two copies of the minutes -of meeting the probAble cost of building a Alenagerie is eq�ally`eitensive and at- JFOAZ arA in partic-alar on the cinduct of its among themselves. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by. 44 otment in Council for each year well bound in one brid tractive in the'�nany rare specimens of
-respoot -of -the railway allowance go as the boundary liur. wili have
Principal_ Dr� Davim The strlcture3 We trust the Unian and Prog.- jonr. Mr. Armstrong, that Meears. Douglas, c volume with t4cir dates in orderto pre- to be opened now for aecess to the rail- qqimatodnature, including's huge rhinonb
nal3 will now rest eay. Mr. C. MNCOUN RIT1711ALYNX.-OnThurs- Greenway, Gibson, Willis and Young b shh1l be divided in like manner." serve -them xs'records of the aros and the la7gest and A BOUT 50 Yaris from the Sfluars
Ed- e When I wag in Toronto I found that Mr. I � COUUV-., road. -Referred to Road and. Brida smallest 1 Cottwe T;Itjl Xim rooms, pintV nd
Of 3L'-. MWt5U Will Perhaps carry- le13 day night last the family. of Mr. Joseph a committee to enquire into and report Smith, member for North Middlesex� Carried.. e elephants in America.
with them from ths fact that wards, Secretary -of Agriculture and Im- Jordan in the township Of Ashfield near upon the matter. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cresswell, seconded, by Committee. The huge concern is - tran good woo(i ished, soft and ard watfr
mi�ration,�who was sent to England a Port Albert, were awakene was pressing the claims of these town- Moved b . $ported in
short time ago by the 0 d by a great n the ground _y Mr. Wills6r, s3eonded by inside, allso agood stable, F�or w. par -
L3 i% an exr�slled pup% though the Communication from Mr. Miller, C. Mr. McDonald; that the Clerk be in- Mr. -Scott, that the Engineer be iD. .1culars apply at this office.
ntario Govern- commotion in the hencoop, and on get- ships on the -Government, o owing wagons and carri&g r�quiring the
cauw a! his being axpeZad was the S. Inspector, respecting S. S., No. 10, tructed to prepare a statement sh ' amount of a miderate sized cava
ting up to discover the cause a lynx was that they had assumed a part -)f our 8 stracted to examine AllaiA Bridge near iry
against Usborne. Referred to Finance Com- Mo- the amount which each MUn a �Fgiment.of horses for the transport&- Goderich,101hofS2ay,18-,s. 157�3
ment to iavestigate the charges nicipat Loan Fund debt, and the Gov- tctPalitY Zetland on the bound4ry between E.
of what we conaider & T* .y found to, be in the act of robbing the mittee. contributed towards the payment of the Thus the procesi4on in town is of
the managament. of the various agencies ron ernment had xecngnized the claim, and - Wawanes,h and Turnberry, with the "on-
azbitrary and =:xlled for rule, Tiz : . st.SXr. S.T. Cgurch,who wasstaying Communication from Canada Co. Ask- placed these townships in th railway indebtedness of this Co:�nty and uch larger and more attractive ID
in Great Britain. has assumed the pos! there over nigbt, seized a f e schedules view of having it rebuilt. -Referred tq a m
sm:a� whLA prahfl�ftz the sexes from ish avear and ing that certain swamp- lots owned 31 e na also the amount which will be returned harcter than those concerns that travel
ma,ia a couple of blows at the intrurfer, them in Stephen be exempt from ta by the b i . prepared, providing for Road and Bridge Committee.
s2said-mg ta each other. Of course a i tion of Chief Emigration Commissioner but the point being dull he failed to do xa- 611,087 and $9,992, and deducting the to Buell Municipalities by the late settle- Moved by Mr. Gibbons, secondei b ty railroads, and one unparalleled fea- the unders4ned John bereby
i for England and Wales, Horrocks i tion. Referred to Finance Committee. .,me out of tha amount accruin ment of the Municipal Loan Fund.- Mr. Young. that the' Engine y ture is the richlv ca-paritioned tean, of I notify the Public in general, that m
Uk* this is constantly viclate4l, it any serious damage, and the lynx - to Hu- er be in-
Co&s, who has been such a bugbear to m Petition of Mr. Cumming, Secrets. Carried. str�cted to examine the p forty- horses, attached to Spauldina & wffe 4G%tharIna y
b,at ths Lroub� is t3sat Martin was made off to the woods, followed b TY ron. This was giving them a proportion osts on the b Rels) left
y the Huron Teachers' Association, praying Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Bridge] Hill with the view of having same - Rogers' magnificenr Apollonicou band
the Tories having resigned. dog, which though ver of the railway allowance accordinV to caxriage my house and -lame on the 14th May
elat-acted whZe othen emped. V savage, had not for a grant to assist in establishing a their popu Mr. Young, that the Clerk be uthorized , containing' a superb cornet rus r
the courage to tackle the be lation As compared with that a �epaired.-Road and Bridge Comu'littee. m i 4 t., without any jtmt cause- G reason
As ta the charM bron2ht against was a gun in t as,t- There Teachers' Library. Referred to Finance of Huron. I spoke to Mr. Wood, who to have a statement prep,,,red for het The Council then adjourned till 7 band. - The feat of driving this stu peniff- and that I sim not responsible for �any
th!� managemstit. of the school. It is =73 OF TIM . VZZM - he house, which, however, committee. me was then preparing the schedules for the Council of all monies expended in each o'clock p M. ons toam is one wich o n-ly Major Dorth, debt, O.V debts, contra5ted by her,
was not loaded, and in the excitement it el Roads, Bridges -onchtda i=t week. the champion American -whip, can ac. nor to one to iyobler thelter
stated that Dr. Davies z& incapable of was forgotten. Mr. Jordan says he will Application from sa - for the use of Government, and represented the in- muhibipality for Grav ?C . I led.,
Comt House for meeting of said Associa- justice of such a peoceeding, and showed 0.1d all gr�nts, and that it be annexed complisb, and it will be a eight wbich anc 'Pay -my
ttpacmng or He lomm temp- Another fir -a oecurred in Bodon on be prepared for his lynxzhip's return, tion. Granted. to the ata, meut rearding the Munici- can not fail of attracting a large crowd Ing.
ay, and, destroyed property valu- but it is not likely he will payjthat place Application from Mr. Walker on be- the absurdity even of a claim 'on the pal Loan Fund. -Carried. from the adjacent country. JOHN REITZ.
E-- azi. call?s tl* stuemla 11 donkeys," Satur& soother visit.- . part of these tovinships-of taking popu- Township of Hay, June Oth 1873.
11 fao*" &Ad other &vjst epjth.�* and ed at M,000; insurance $400,000. half of H., Macdermott, Master in lation as a basis of division,, instead of Moved by Mr. Patton, seconded by
Appears; ta:havo Eta Mcre Control over Foreign companies suffer heavily. WELLINGTON, GREY & BRucE R. R.- Chancery, for additional office room, the proportion of the debt assumed, but Mr. Armstron�g, that the sum of $3000 FOR THE OLD COUNTRY.-Itev. Evans
The following extract from the report of ate. Referred to Court House Commit- finding that mv representations W be raised by the County for improving Davis, of Bayfield, intends starting in a Lonao Z
�laced under hira than he hag A very destructive fire broke out in Ithe Directors of this railroad given at a tell. likely to be effectual with that gentle- the Boundary Lines of the sereral mu- few days on a tour to the'old country for Com;au7.
p of the share T. ere not h. ' His place Will UrOU QUd Brun nauvjy over himn;E It fs &7jo chamed that Detroit ou Saturday afternoon, hving holders held in - Accoanti from J. L. Squire, W. nicipalities, said sum to be expended on the benefit of his healt IS hereby aiven that Trespufsers nn
man, I at once addressed the Attorney. ri._ 16 as last
wesenatmilton on ednes-4 F-4. V. TY.- .4 V. -'t- '"-f--d to Fi- bar' -Lost be sunnlied by his bro -A
.71t. -I
, rv�
Dr. "4#ated in & steamer which w be g I _J , 5 ows GreRe i, and laid the matter before him, r r i ng BIB The trustees to Ae London Huron Ina encloscil part of the �Iajtland
in that the work of construction by a rity of two. absence. AIJ!. John Esson. took his do- &Bruce p
IwJed at the dock, foot of Second St. is being nance Committee. and endeavored with suchrecollection as Maio vaflw&y Company's Municipal Flats in the Township -of Colbame, the
is quft# irXainpetent for " d aties rapidlypushed on, and we have no Report of County Auditors. I had of the settlement made withA Council adjourned till 9 Oclock to- Parture for a similar trip last week. trust-aMbunt met at the office of tho
'aad, t'�&+. the staj�onu sometimes -v' It spread to and destroyed several buil- doubt the shriek Of the "iron horse" will The Council then adjourned tin 10 lose morrow. propeAi lof Srly Iru MvDc)N,&zr),,wffl b o
91 a townships, to show that, in f Let, they wingli= prosevated w:th the utmost rigour of
bogas denionstratbw in geometry dings, on shore. be heard ere long, in the northern part o'clock to -morrow. railway company in London, this day, r,
up- of the -County:-"Thegrading is already were not entitled to any of this allow- Jane 6LIL 3rd June, 1873, to organize tho'board. the Law. And that 'Cattle, Ho:Aeo"Pi"s
_itacnt &19 se�39 able to detect them. Gen. Davis had a scaffold erected ance, as not only had they taken no part -council met pursuant to adjournment. SAW MILL BURNED. -A large eteam There were present, Dr. Win. Sloane, or Sheep, put in or brcaldug in, will be
and cOmPlet8d W Wingliam, and W Of this debt with them, but had actually Minutes read and approved. saw mill in the township o unded !or (Is
01 cca._w gaz!L egtenignts are to ie on which to 'hang Captain Jack jaridges over _)p large 3rd June.
tha Maitland river 4 Ethel The Council met pursuant to adj f Turnberry, Crowell Wilson; Esq., and E. W. Har. ImPr) mazes. CrIcke-ag
ourn- been allowed for th6payments which had Report of Speciar Committee' on the near Wingham, belonging ris, Esq, Mr. Harris. was chosen the Clubswillbe suoWed privilege oncerwn
to Donald
Id al havebeen finished[. The ment. been made by them toward it wbile con- Municipal Act and the, legal opinion of Lamont. was wholly destroyed by fir, chairman -of the board, and was request- conditions but it is ;jhuch preferrecl �by
received wah a certain amount of al- about. one dozen of the worst Modoe an Bluev e
10,wince, but it fs nst st all likely murderers when he was stopped by or- track has been laid toa, distance - of 25 Minutes of yesterday's proceedings nected-with Huron, in the amount Mr. Moss were -read and adopted. about noon on Monday. The fire c. ed to notify the municipalities of the the Propri�vtor,'t.hat- tle
miles from Palmerston. The works on read and approved. which should have been charged to them Moved by Mr. Cresswell, seconded by curred while the hands were city of London and th thpuiselves olherwisf.�, 'y provlde for
thoy WOUM b* Made, in su-,h a pubHo den from WsshiDgton- 'the section to Kincardine are also making The Committee to whom was referred for the gravel roads which they took Mr. Walker, that the County Engineer and at dinner, a townships of
mz=fr Unless thtro was some fean&_ All the Roman Catholic Priq3tz hay id lie progress of the London, Usborne Una Stepben, that the Godericila, June jot.bv 1873. 1373
a d progress, the heaviest portion of the matter cf the incorporation of Wing- withthem. I therefore. urged the clainis be instructed to examine with the least flam go ra w
earth -work having been completed. ham reported in favor of deferring ac- of the' 1 9 cauld be saved. dY to receive the deben-
tiGxfar tBmm, and they are bome out by been expelled from Mexico -the Govern.� faW a, that noth"ffit tru2tees are, rea
(29 tho sch9ol ancl by the Globe, ment ratoing them as pernicious foreig- As an evidence of the energy with which tion till the December.sexsion o so townships should be left in abey- possible delay -the bridges on the I!own The origin of the fire is unknown. NO tures of those mdrdeipalittes.-Heraid.
wW---Ia hu taken tTao troub:o to onquira' , ill Suffer , �i
f Coun- &nee, asidiubjeetto','lixthereonside.ration Line 'between Tuckersmith and, the insdrance,. Mr. Lamont r LIST OFIETT-ERS,
Mr. Hondrieispitshingon the work, cil. , Report adopted. and investigation. This Was acceded to - County uf Perth and have the same re- very heavy Joss,
nor& the chief engineer, Mr. Ridout,, A newgrangeLudgehas been orgaa_ Emalvx= in the Goderich P, 0. &% June
iw,o tavm�. states The following petitions were present- by the AttorueY�Ganeral, and in the last paired. -Referred to Road and Bridge ed
A fire which broke out in Toledo, that he has SW men employed . in the ed,_ iz at P t Elgin,. Onfox1o. Pb 1878.
- schedules a memorandum -is put " that Committee Brussols. A fire brolke out in Peterbojo!Dn Fri- kuderson Edwarl lve_A�ahur.L
As the N`TM31 Sc`7�-002 fs & vatY im- Ohio, on Friday, destroyed property work of construction. Thowhole-branch Of G. W. Pefty and 60 others pray these townships claim the amounts The two* following motions were re- Atn113gF&, MCMauGn
E-c7z'Ant ins"'Etutlyga ths support of Orhich valued at a quarter of a million dollars. will be completeol early in Ustober, four Ing to have the village of Lucknow in- which were before being day a�nd destroyed over fourteen thous- AElltenjohn
. put in absolute. ferre.d to the same committee. MILK. -T. Fitzackley, on* of the Pat- and dollars worth: of property. -Ball Henvy
by the by-laws.'!--lVew Ora. d by rons of the Maitland Cbee 310-izlgall CafAttra
Casts tB-,) country a large g= annuany, manths in advance of the time required corporated. ly for them.',' I also iepresentefl to the Moved by Mr. Shannon, seconde e Factoiy, 11rconir"hu - MCCITZuer Duucsn
is necessary the-- an investigation be Of Robert Ellis. and others against Attdmey-General'that if any Claim was Mr. Snell, that the. County Engineer be milked fram two cows days 394 Forty five young, Nova Scotians have Z=16y Jahn McDonald Dgmld
having certain property Included in the made out on the Part of Biddulph and inxtruct43d to examine and have repaired pounds of milk. 5, volunteered to serve with the Do -minion 13orlojolm WcEellu A. Jcbn
If no clarges brought against LOCAL ITZVX "TH0315 WHO Lr7Z Ix Gr�Ass HousEs vill�ge of Lucknpw. McGillivray, it must be taken not from the bridge between McKillop and Hul- troops in Manitoba. Poile ff. J. hleKe-,,-!o J. W. Mrs.
BrIen WfUjarl
On � motion of Mr. Wilson, - seconded the allowano'e of Huron alone, but from, lett held an inquest on the body of th"a young A Carter Peter
and, some of! its masters are — -------- - - SHOULDN'T THZCW SToWES.1'__We Would JNQUEBT—Dr. Holmes of this Village IfeRm Jclm *Am
direct the above proverb to the careful t the annualodnvocation of Victoria
Drammobfl-Alex. 11cDouga:1
tr--os, tLe Wrier- they are removed the THM WOOL MAMKZT.-WOOI is begin- by Mr. J)atlor, theme petitions were re- Huron and Brnce combined, as the two Moved by Mr.'Douglas, seconded by man. who was killed ill Walker's saw y Davis.11, (,,.
ing to come in. It commands from 30 to takes exception to our report of the pro- un ime de.lre'N Od eun*m, was conferred 012 DelamierHerial4ja
consideration of our town cotem. He ferred to the Committee appointed to counties were ited at the the t the Mr. Willson, that Graham!s bridge near mill in the township of Giey as men. Univorsity last Tuesda the L L. B.
_P, - Doyle Z,. -WMialu
32 cts, per lb. consider the incorporation of Wiugbam. townships adparated, and it was a portion Wingliam. be examined by the County -tioned in the S101VAL last W�ok. The Umest Jobil
ceedings of the last meeting of the School Mr. Mills,,31. Oliver 4'4:z,
COUNTY COURT AND GZNZRAL - SZS- Board in so far that the names of- two of Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded of the debt of the union ttiat wag assum- Engineer with.the view of having it re, evidence went to,show that the occur- The Wihnipeggers are Putting on Strdb= Jamcs
Fisher Fetj�4-
Z002sku".01a XwLnv. sioNs.-This Court opened yesterday. the members present were omitted.. We by Mr. Fulton, that the engineer be in- dd by, them. We grill) therefore have built. rence W&SL accidental Land a verdict in airs already. The- local papers there Hard Winjaci WilliazimM. A.
TheAr are ofer twenty cases on 4he structed-to oxamIne the bridges overthe the assistance and influence of the�Coun- ' M v Al oil r, secon ed accordance therewith was rendered. sneak of things happening -in this Jach r, o a D. T, Wcodfard 0. Frcj, (2)
the were out of town on the evening of I a eab r. D o d by
Aux Baubles on the boundary between t Of Bruce in resisting any unjustclaiml, Mr. ChIlander, that the sum of at least The young mitn1a na-, matlews Gee, -go
Last week ths SZ1preme Caln-ts of the docket. meeting in questio"n and obtained the y was Francis Go - city.1t. it.
v3e--ul re2ezax bodies cf the Dominidn WA=aF1ELAiN.-VPe bad a refresh report of it from the Secretary. Per. Middlesex and Huron, and have them on the part of these townships. Un' $M be put iu t1feestimates towards the forth. Whitty Tohn
a3ftMb2ed in annrid meeting. The Kirk shower last Wednesday but th MJZ haps ff the Board would instruct that properIv repaired, provided the County fortunately, the award Made of -itfie a. support of Goderich High School. -Re.. A Windsor thi, ' af while escaping X—Y Kenneth Wftmy !,TC!M
ere are 0ouncit of Middlesex now in session:take mounts payable to these,townships do ferred to. Finance Committee. itirough a winaow, cut an artery ir, OX 3310955ON', P. IL
87r --d mat a. Montreal on Tuesday and still loud complaints amoug the farmers 011icial to furnish the minutes to the similar action. not state for what particular debts the Clinton. log and died in . afew�minutes from lose
of lack of moisture. papers and 1*y for haying them pub- Considerable cliscussion took place on amounts are similar motion of Mr. Callander's of blood "r
bT -a General Assembly of the CU;sda , lisheil as they do in other towns they awarded, and consequently on behalf, of Clinton High School waa I'BOLD ROBBERY. -A man, n&tne In_ -,GGN01IA.
EDmD Ovzp---On, account of the Ta more Correct. Our this motioii there being a difference of it may be difficu known, committed a bold robbery at ' Incendiaries have been active in Nova
-Council proceed. - opinion ds to the meaning of clause 413 of the Municipal Loan Fund dobt is in. 'morea by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Lane'x Hotel MONG the many useful discoveries
FEemb7borim ChurA fu Toronto on the length of the County might have the It to 4how that no part referred to same committee
eotem. -before findinj faull; with us on Tuesday r4orning. Scotia. On the 2�tli ulL, four persona
red with fire -raising at Wind. of the any is Jones' Eggncl* on, 0
"1126 dsX- Both thm bodleg hay* oc- ings we are obliged to held over A, num- should see that it is free from blaime in of the Municipal Act. It was -finally * cluded in themi but"Oven taking the A. Mr. Porkim, that the Warden and Clerk came there the night previous were cbdF.1 A
request. bott14 of which is guaran
cu;19d some time In the dUcussion of bar of local and other items. this respect. We have seenflagrant MoredbyMr. Gibbons, seconded by wards as they stand, and allowing, that be aiithonzed to petition the Legislature ing lodgings for the night. He rose mor, N. S. tecd to prieservo
tT,* Vaba questign, wycil ppears, like- FAIT. A881M.-The data in Mr. Benxon.'that the legal opini I on of t
ail for holding errors even its school reports of which hese townships are entitled by the reso. to have 1hat portion of the Municipal early the next morning, and then' laid A farmer in -the townsl-dp of Minto, perfectly for any length of flme, fifty
Mr. Blake or Mr. Moss be -obtained on lUtion to share in the railway allowance Act on,By-lir dozen of eggs. 1[t zS an s -_&,!2o every
ly 6%carry by lugs the Fall Assizes has been fixed. Those it boasts so much, and its Counsil and - bearing amended by down on a bench in the bir. A short 'last waek5 sawed a c�rd of wood * in five
majarities, aud Will, said clause In order to definelthe jurisdict- in the same proportion as the a time afterward, loody nqeds, anti cae.# only $j,00. 'The
M3 (IS libt soon. become a fixed fact. The I for this County *ill be hold on Wodnes. other reports are proverbially faulty. ion of the County Council mounts -having the County to maintain County Mr. Lane bad occasion minuteswith a. -two horse isawing In&.
with refbrence awarded bear to the whole debt of the line bridges, as well as Townsbi to -change some money, and he I j�ft his chine. farmer may double his money by keep.
day, 5th Norember. Mr. Justiee Gait In itg last. issue tho County Coun-bil pro, W, bridges over streams on -be P y-
Weslayari Coifere assembled at You- i WM preside. ceeding* 'are a mass of blunders. We 6dary Unionat the time they were separated it When thebridge is necessarily ty keys in the drawer while he wen Hon. A. G- Archibald and R--, i'39 his eggs fresh Un4�,jjwjhter, E.n(2 thiD
line " t ,, �4.
P SIX U co tO no such amounts asgiven in the schedule foot long,�-Beferred to Road and IfR3 dge breakfast. During'hisabsencethe un- C4mpbellarezpoken of in connection morchant'hotel.keeDer, orbakermay
y;,anAtheNew Cbn-� BItAm orange Br we Id re ramend W removai the Moved, in amendment by Mr. Green- will be payable tQ; them. known man robbe R
Baud played, on the square last Wednes bo*m from its own eye before it attempts d the till df $2�, and Nvith the Lieutonaut-!Governor�hjpi of w1le
110115-u M469dist Wy at Danvilla.'. The Rave money by usin- i. and kcopmg eggs
way, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that no of the U-nio -total 4ebt Committee. nehe4p.
Tk"@!Z & prospect Of Union botwoon We underatand it is thrAr to take the mote out of ours.' legal opiniun be, taken.in, the matt n then was $t071780, and the Moved by Mr. Young, seconded lbv immediately departed. On Mr. Larie*grl� - Nova Scotia.
these two bodies at, no ttyen;`nonlrilt performed once a week er; total trailway allowance to Huron and M!r.� Douglas, that the Clark be lnstruc� turn to the bar, he notiQ6d tke cornerOf a, Agent9w.finted to' sell -the Eggriolia in
dis'#dit day* during the season. WESLBYA� MZ=ODIsT STA27ONS.- Carried. Bruceare 8302 970. The.projiortion, of . ed t M. ". for bill sticking out, which loll hirito A conipluly for the production and every township in the evuuty. Terms
t o request Mr. Gibson, P. I ex-
Tbo clompoptioulz union of Ontario -Moved bY-Mr- Wilson, secondedby ihisjotdl allowan A he discovered his martufuture of beat root Sugar has been liberal: Por particulan apply
-A Cricket Maj&.-, The following is -the list, subject to re- Mr. Det, Lig amino theArawer, an
CAICIM I � - t or, That a special ce that Biddnlph and the.North Riding, on behalf of t1. Montreal. The Onally or by letter to
wd Queboo mat at Bfintford on W#& committee be McGillivray might claim will Ilierefore Couricil to Wing in a bill next session of loss. He then went down to the formed 'in capital is to perls,
.1 betwoon the Soxforth and Goderiah V'Jldn of the Statlans' Of Wf M. MinistOrG" ballotted f6i to'examine the Municipal be'.$JS)124� lof wbicA sta- be $300,00,01. JOHN A. WAFTAT,,
f�r Goderich District for the ensuing t $1QX9 would. be Parliament to have the County re -united tion, and iinquired cOnctrning-the stran. 1373-ly
D499W A&A t1W Primitiye Nothodist, Clubs will be played on the ground of Ac with reference to roads and bridges, takil 'from Huicin� and and act in ger, vihom he found munghixg -a break- After*eannual meetifig of the Bank BaYfiel(l Road,. Godeiich,
C_&�*AtTorolltodurxiuyl. The the Istforon Saturday next, wickststo yc&r,- 2,345 from for registration PlArposesi
'lly clause 413, withilower to take BrUO� (Ur. R04 'on. with the.Cour%ty of Perth and of Moritteal, Mr� Ring, the manager,
Godekh-Jamoa Graham. Cjinjoj�__ ospecia I . - fast&+, Turner's Hotel. -Heimm6diatsly
bo, Vitelied at half post one 16'clook. Wm S Blackitock.. Lmd4boko goeson to point Out ur,'n
t -Isaac legal advice if they think it necessary, oth�i kTori in the soliedules an ailarli situated in collared the fellow alill d� with'a liandsome service
CArnox 1 - Delinquent subscribers Cram ff01vw81,U14 d olcn- 'idy qther,county mill - M9484 search was presp%
latlons of the G[overument a issing money, which he foun f Plate SALM
-4 "h Gallovre.j. Carried wing this averse to -this-matter, and:that.tho Treasurerpay for the in*
sliould bo'careful'not to permit their &tid A ballot being taken. the foilo d 0
Uou*f , ind produces fi to all necessary expent After admin_
. 1. 0 DA unaeraign
a were choxeu'tO constitute 0414, commit- subttan !storing a few kicks to ' of the Hamilton Fe'.
,of 0660aff 991culAtOd to advams the, dangbters to woo this paper for &aforth-�-Chsrlea A.; L is further claims. r m, also that. -the in his trousers pocket. the rascal I - e(I offer for LVale the un-
Xennmed,,11.4., N. D., supiralinuated, tiate bi lee", er- County Council of�-Perth'be notified of v., ljtioei
We "bustle." There would lie dsmger of tee f-Xessrx Patton, Green hasbeentledted ohs
Mitch Samuel Wilson; Asahel Hurl- wAyj Cress- rorx mentioned, if rictiflid, will increass, out- action in this matter,- and that a him go.- New Era. let Malb Col irman dermentioued lands, belonging jo
c=not boon to &ire orip a juniniary of taking coM on account of there being so burt, superannuated.' rullarton and wsh, dibboiniand' Benton. - the allotment larthe l§yan Conference. Rey. E.B. thc Estate of the late 1ftu]Ejx
u be folvarded to R.
r even than gboreloopy of i1iis res-olatio
h c Xoied� by Mr. Crossiven; seconded b po tj by Asum of Harper, Uelph, MIS tile Office of so- HosftTTFP, vi�i
the proosetfings of the"varim bodin, mllc In* (dew) on it. Hi0ard-�T. W.- Glover. Mowkton inted ou c�q
y About 4ht or the Governmout.-Carried.
31r. Walker, that Nina.Kettojer, Adeaf Buamxo Tialt Di&D. 'vf
F=zv.&%oxxy-- -The D, D. G. X. for 'On* to be sent. Strafford-Wmi Q. nine thousand dollars.] in I�rA�ssor Polli delegat Lot NO- 1'1,, in the Fourteenth Con -
but V" 10ORW a" us"ImitY Ap"a- Hu _wDixfHctR,WBro,.J.EH&rd- Henderson, X.A. Harmony -0. W. and Now that this, A* report: of Mr. Graham certifying is a."itai g thw aubjec , 1� - 11
of an, ro dumb j&I six years of age, be sent long vexed question - -of toueremation of cession, Western Division of the Towu-
the Municipal the population of the proposed village- of the dead in England. -X* not
ing of St, Mary`#, was announced to ep- ?hompaon. Bayfleld-Luther 0. Rice, to the Institute for deaf mutes at lielle- Loi -n Fun4:i% settled, -the county mayl lucknowl, to be 1008 was read - and .0- bhiF of Ashfield, in the Ccul4ty of ER_
-Jstmea Broley. Kin&r. "..V' SIZTE13. Ton -acres, ruere or less.
and wit doubt sot tb8ir ccmiuZ together on &.31wnic Udge of Ximirtiction at Dungannon 7ille, at the. expense ot the ;Qunty. I thiukj congratulate itmolf on peats all the known argurtiont3 ill sup-.
carded. the favor. adopted., ng, seconded port oithis disposition of bodies, but Also, the Noy' th-east quarter oJ -lot
e. position iii. Which such -'settlem'ent Mov. demonstrates that, At the present No. 12
-irill to followeit 1py now life and y1gour Stratford yesterday, to, cojitilitie, to -day, dine -Goo. A, Mitchell, B.A. Rery SW w ed. by- Mr. Armstro
and to -Morro*. -Andrew Milliken. Temmte_ L The Colincil-Abou adjonr;ied 'till. 2 hu,placedit. Dniing.th6. time tkah we by Mr. Dalton, that tile sum of $350 be day, At the M. R.' Parmnage, BYT-on, Minn 0 - P in'the Fifteenth Couce8so;a of
r --James o1clock, P� N'... vdienthetsciercoofhygiene has Made ' sota, on MundaPune 21id, the wife the TOwnlihip of Sombra., in the County
CATxxrmLAu,-Th* currant and Laird. Br=d4-R*b9rtDAvy; one to ware.paying up oilr ifiterest atid sinking �owsrds building a bridge on such prpgaress, and es
'52: -her Ptcial]Yin a coun- ofRov.R.Forbes.6f the M.E. Chura Fig te:ms tni P
0 if be tent. -Trowbridge-John Hough. 2 Oclook fund, while ot munici pon. Ashfield and of Lavubton, 50 t&es, more or Icu.
palitids, were the boundary line bobw try like Great Britailup wh6re every inch bf a son. f X It. 1.
Malice A=_ ff(,ttk7c--Wm. Hawke IS reall0lea. rep i art culars_�o a *6
the bu (Gorrie), Robt. Co'nod 114 R0119 gild failing' into arrWs, Huron.jteferreil to Road and Bridge of ground bas its value and, where th of
senta Hoary Kellam, The special committegon jhc� i manywero, no doubt, of On Friday morning 30th ult, personaUly, cr
Th* Rey. Mr. XcLavil, of Ot #0 461 tbll� Burns, Winyh4m that we the Opmi*n Committee, population is out of preportlon to t -he ply to tk* undersigrici,
h*&bowiU9WdPrO100WaAY worth Of ow -J S. or.- - ration of Lit Im were "ting foolishly, and that ort -of tile Inspdotof of Weights Wm. -Et. ce armesplat mce,
water Sam'IlSollery., - L by letter, to th
uck," Pherson, Darlinni. Line, Box At
Fish a owr#WcrfedJn favor,01 at th rep area of the soil, it should be understood ns'. , $.
d- an& ordered to- that' the organic principle emanating A
:Sox G011W tO, b latror We undarxtand, that ai, t 0 request of'its'bein had not and Measure; yas rea
Tuaqw in x r and slxink!�,L, d h iettlemint, those that Kineardita T`P., oftwin so
9 granted, Ported adopted.
aw Asomblyof *0 for, the post sull the people in Q#dorieh Rey. G. Mo- The follOW4 I*tter:fro- (I t paid anything would come out b NGUS COOKE,
Tre&M#r ra oun aski But, - bo'fyled. front decaying corpses both e 10th in8t., M r& Exe*ob%.
ift cbmwA, R4014 will pmboblr Ite Aent kup Ju. , 1 09 Council Wed; r. poiion :the AA� ON READ,
UP 00 hon"t prin. moved �JrX %450,ui 5090nd0d bT- -water 4nd Benjamin �Mlllsoni3f a son,
engerjx.. enavinicz M41adies., Grantham, Wth Mq, 187.9. I=
1 11111 1 1 1 .11,111,111,111, � I- �� _.
Jeer, -4-- 7 -707 7-1
_J4. ____
Fto)!- V.-
Seed I
skapsa rod
havy, And.
-is Portico
.71t. -I
, rv�
Dr. "4#ated in & steamer which w be g I _J , 5 ows GreRe i, and laid the matter before him, r r i ng BIB The trustees to Ae London Huron Ina encloscil part of the �Iajtland
in that the work of construction by a rity of two. absence. AIJ!. John Esson. took his do- &Bruce p
IwJed at the dock, foot of Second St. is being nance Committee. and endeavored with suchrecollection as Maio vaflw&y Company's Municipal Flats in the Township -of Colbame, the
is quft# irXainpetent for " d aties rapidlypushed on, and we have no Report of County Auditors. I had of the settlement made withA Council adjourned till 9 Oclock to- Parture for a similar trip last week. trust-aMbunt met at the office of tho
'aad, t'�&+. the staj�onu sometimes -v' It spread to and destroyed several buil- doubt the shriek Of the "iron horse" will The Council then adjourned tin 10 lose morrow. propeAi lof Srly Iru MvDc)N,&zr),,wffl b o
91 a townships, to show that, in f Let, they wingli= prosevated w:th the utmost rigour of
bogas denionstratbw in geometry dings, on shore. be heard ere long, in the northern part o'clock to -morrow. railway company in London, this day, r,
up- of the -County:-"Thegrading is already were not entitled to any of this allow- Jane 6LIL 3rd June, 1873, to organize tho'board. the Law. And that 'Cattle, Ho:Aeo"Pi"s
_itacnt &19 se�39 able to detect them. Gen. Davis had a scaffold erected ance, as not only had they taken no part -council met pursuant to adjournment. SAW MILL BURNED. -A large eteam There were present, Dr. Win. Sloane, or Sheep, put in or brcaldug in, will be
and cOmPlet8d W Wingliam, and W Of this debt with them, but had actually Minutes read and approved. saw mill in the township o unded !or (Is
01 cca._w gaz!L egtenignts are to ie on which to 'hang Captain Jack jaridges over _)p large 3rd June.
tha Maitland river 4 Ethel The Council met pursuant to adj f Turnberry, Crowell Wilson; Esq., and E. W. Har. ImPr) mazes. CrIcke-ag
ourn- been allowed for th6payments which had Report of Speciar Committee' on the near Wingham, belonging ris, Esq, Mr. Harris. was chosen the Clubswillbe suoWed privilege oncerwn
to Donald
Id al havebeen finished[. The ment. been made by them toward it wbile con- Municipal Act and the, legal opinion of Lamont. was wholly destroyed by fir, chairman -of the board, and was request- conditions but it is ;jhuch preferrecl �by
received wah a certain amount of al- about. one dozen of the worst Modoe an Bluev e
10,wince, but it fs nst st all likely murderers when he was stopped by or- track has been laid toa, distance - of 25 Minutes of yesterday's proceedings nected-with Huron, in the amount Mr. Moss were -read and adopted. about noon on Monday. The fire c. ed to notify the municipalities of the the Propri�vtor,'t.hat- tle
miles from Palmerston. The works on read and approved. which should have been charged to them Moved by Mr. Cresswell, seconded by curred while the hands were city of London and th thpuiselves olherwisf.�, 'y provlde for
thoy WOUM b* Made, in su-,h a pubHo den from WsshiDgton- 'the section to Kincardine are also making The Committee to whom was referred for the gravel roads which they took Mr. Walker, that the County Engineer and at dinner, a townships of
mz=fr Unless thtro was some fean&_ All the Roman Catholic Priq3tz hay id lie progress of the London, Usborne Una Stepben, that the Godericila, June jot.bv 1873. 1373
a d progress, the heaviest portion of the matter cf the incorporation of Wing- withthem. I therefore. urged the clainis be instructed to examine with the least flam go ra w
earth -work having been completed. ham reported in favor of deferring ac- of the' 1 9 cauld be saved. dY to receive the deben-
tiGxfar tBmm, and they are bome out by been expelled from Mexico -the Govern.� faW a, that noth"ffit tru2tees are, rea
(29 tho sch9ol ancl by the Globe, ment ratoing them as pernicious foreig- As an evidence of the energy with which tion till the December.sexsion o so townships should be left in abey- possible delay -the bridges on the I!own The origin of the fire is unknown. NO tures of those mdrdeipalittes.-Heraid.
wW---Ia hu taken tTao troub:o to onquira' , ill Suffer , �i
f Coun- &nee, asidiubjeetto','lixthereonside.ration Line 'between Tuckersmith and, the insdrance,. Mr. Lamont r LIST OFIETT-ERS,
Mr. Hondrieispitshingon the work, cil. , Report adopted. and investigation. This Was acceded to - County uf Perth and have the same re- very heavy Joss,
nor& the chief engineer, Mr. Ridout,, A newgrangeLudgehas been orgaa_ Emalvx= in the Goderich P, 0. &% June
iw,o tavm�. states The following petitions were present- by the AttorueY�Ganeral, and in the last paired. -Referred to Road and Bridge ed
A fire which broke out in Toledo, that he has SW men employed . in the ed,_ iz at P t Elgin,. Onfox1o. Pb 1878.
- schedules a memorandum -is put " that Committee Brussols. A fire brolke out in Peterbojo!Dn Fri- kuderson Edwarl lve_A�ahur.L
As the N`TM31 Sc`7�-002 fs & vatY im- Ohio, on Friday, destroyed property work of construction. Thowhole-branch Of G. W. Pefty and 60 others pray these townships claim the amounts The two* following motions were re- Atn113gF&, MCMauGn
E-c7z'Ant ins"'Etutlyga ths support of Orhich valued at a quarter of a million dollars. will be completeol early in Ustober, four Ing to have the village of Lucknow in- which were before being day a�nd destroyed over fourteen thous- AElltenjohn
. put in absolute. ferre.d to the same committee. MILK. -T. Fitzackley, on* of the Pat- and dollars worth: of property. -Ball Henvy
by the by-laws.'!--lVew Ora. d by rons of the Maitland Cbee 310-izlgall CafAttra
Casts tB-,) country a large g= annuany, manths in advance of the time required corporated. ly for them.',' I also iepresentefl to the Moved by Mr. Shannon, seconde e Factoiy, 11rconir"hu - MCCITZuer Duucsn
is necessary the-- an investigation be Of Robert Ellis. and others against Attdmey-General'that if any Claim was Mr. Snell, that the. County Engineer be milked fram two cows days 394 Forty five young, Nova Scotians have Z=16y Jahn McDonald Dgmld
having certain property Included in the made out on the Part of Biddulph and inxtruct43d to examine and have repaired pounds of milk. 5, volunteered to serve with the Do -minion 13orlojolm WcEellu A. Jcbn
If no clarges brought against LOCAL ITZVX "TH0315 WHO Lr7Z Ix Gr�Ass HousEs vill�ge of Lucknpw. McGillivray, it must be taken not from the bridge between McKillop and Hul- troops in Manitoba. Poile ff. J. hleKe-,,-!o J. W. Mrs.
BrIen WfUjarl
On � motion of Mr. Wilson, - seconded the allowano'e of Huron alone, but from, lett held an inquest on the body of th"a young A Carter Peter
and, some of! its masters are — -------- - - SHOULDN'T THZCW SToWES.1'__We Would JNQUEBT—Dr. Holmes of this Village IfeRm Jclm *Am
direct the above proverb to the careful t the annualodnvocation of Victoria
Drammobfl-Alex. 11cDouga:1
tr--os, tLe Wrier- they are removed the THM WOOL MAMKZT.-WOOI is begin- by Mr. J)atlor, theme petitions were re- Huron and Brnce combined, as the two Moved by Mr.'Douglas, seconded by man. who was killed ill Walker's saw y Davis.11, (,,.
ing to come in. It commands from 30 to takes exception to our report of the pro- un ime de.lre'N Od eun*m, was conferred 012 DelamierHerial4ja
consideration of our town cotem. He ferred to the Committee appointed to counties were ited at the the t the Mr. Willson, that Graham!s bridge near mill in the township of Giey as men. Univorsity last Tuesda the L L. B.
_P, - Doyle Z,. -WMialu
32 cts, per lb. consider the incorporation of Wiugbam. townships adparated, and it was a portion Wingliam. be examined by the County -tioned in the S101VAL last W�ok. The Umest Jobil
ceedings of the last meeting of the School Mr. Mills,,31. Oliver 4'4:z,
COUNTY COURT AND GZNZRAL - SZS- Board in so far that the names of- two of Moved by Mr. Greenway, seconded of the debt of the union ttiat wag assum- Engineer with.the view of having it re, evidence went to,show that the occur- The Wihnipeggers are Putting on Strdb= Jamcs
Fisher Fetj�4-
Z002sku".01a XwLnv. sioNs.-This Court opened yesterday. the members present were omitted.. We by Mr. Fulton, that the engineer be in- dd by, them. We grill) therefore have built. rence W&SL accidental Land a verdict in airs already. The- local papers there Hard Winjaci WilliazimM. A.
TheAr are ofer twenty cases on 4he structed-to oxamIne the bridges overthe the assistance and influence of the�Coun- ' M v Al oil r, secon ed accordance therewith was rendered. sneak of things happening -in this Jach r, o a D. T, Wcodfard 0. Frcj, (2)
the were out of town on the evening of I a eab r. D o d by
Aux Baubles on the boundary between t Of Bruce in resisting any unjustclaiml, Mr. ChIlander, that the sum of at least The young mitn1a na-, matlews Gee, -go
Last week ths SZ1preme Caln-ts of the docket. meeting in questio"n and obtained the y was Francis Go - city.1t. it.
v3e--ul re2ezax bodies cf the Dominidn WA=aF1ELAiN.-VPe bad a refresh report of it from the Secretary. Per. Middlesex and Huron, and have them on the part of these townships. Un' $M be put iu t1feestimates towards the forth. Whitty Tohn
a3ftMb2ed in annrid meeting. The Kirk shower last Wednesday but th MJZ haps ff the Board would instruct that properIv repaired, provided the County fortunately, the award Made of -itfie a. support of Goderich High School. -Re.. A Windsor thi, ' af while escaping X—Y Kenneth Wftmy !,TC!M
ere are 0ouncit of Middlesex now in session:take mounts payable to these,townships do ferred to. Finance Committee. itirough a winaow, cut an artery ir, OX 3310955ON', P. IL
87r --d mat a. Montreal on Tuesday and still loud complaints amoug the farmers 011icial to furnish the minutes to the similar action. not state for what particular debts the Clinton. log and died in . afew�minutes from lose
of lack of moisture. papers and 1*y for haying them pub- Considerable cliscussion took place on amounts are similar motion of Mr. Callander's of blood "r
bT -a General Assembly of the CU;sda , lisheil as they do in other towns they awarded, and consequently on behalf, of Clinton High School waa I'BOLD ROBBERY. -A man, n&tne In_ -,GGN01IA.
EDmD Ovzp---On, account of the Ta more Correct. Our this motioii there being a difference of it may be difficu known, committed a bold robbery at ' Incendiaries have been active in Nova
-Council proceed. - opinion ds to the meaning of clause 413 of the Municipal Loan Fund dobt is in. 'morea by Mr. Gibbons, seconded by Lane'x Hotel MONG the many useful discoveries
FEemb7borim ChurA fu Toronto on the length of the County might have the It to 4how that no part referred to same committee
eotem. -before findinj faull; with us on Tuesday r4orning. Scotia. On the 2�tli ulL, four persona
red with fire -raising at Wind. of the any is Jones' Eggncl* on, 0
"1126 dsX- Both thm bodleg hay* oc- ings we are obliged to held over A, num- should see that it is free from blaime in of the Municipal Act. It was -finally * cluded in themi but"Oven taking the A. Mr. Porkim, that the Warden and Clerk came there the night previous were cbdF.1 A
request. bott14 of which is guaran
cu;19d some time In the dUcussion of bar of local and other items. this respect. We have seenflagrant MoredbyMr. Gibbons, seconded by wards as they stand, and allowing, that be aiithonzed to petition the Legislature ing lodgings for the night. He rose mor, N. S. tecd to prieservo
tT,* Vaba questign, wycil ppears, like- FAIT. A881M.-The data in Mr. Benxon.'that the legal opini I on of t
ail for holding errors even its school reports of which hese townships are entitled by the reso. to have 1hat portion of the Municipal early the next morning, and then' laid A farmer in -the townsl-dp of Minto, perfectly for any length of flme, fifty
Mr. Blake or Mr. Moss be -obtained on lUtion to share in the railway allowance Act on,By-lir dozen of eggs. 1[t zS an s -_&,!2o every
ly 6%carry by lugs the Fall Assizes has been fixed. Those it boasts so much, and its Counsil and - bearing amended by down on a bench in the bir. A short 'last waek5 sawed a c�rd of wood * in five
majarities, aud Will, said clause In order to definelthe jurisdict- in the same proportion as the a time afterward, loody nqeds, anti cae.# only $j,00. 'The
M3 (IS libt soon. become a fixed fact. The I for this County *ill be hold on Wodnes. other reports are proverbially faulty. ion of the County Council mounts -having the County to maintain County Mr. Lane bad occasion minuteswith a. -two horse isawing In&.
with refbrence awarded bear to the whole debt of the line bridges, as well as Townsbi to -change some money, and he I j�ft his chine. farmer may double his money by keep.
day, 5th Norember. Mr. Justiee Gait In itg last. issue tho County Coun-bil pro, W, bridges over streams on -be P y-
Weslayari Coifere assembled at You- i WM preside. ceeding* 'are a mass of blunders. We 6dary Unionat the time they were separated it When thebridge is necessarily ty keys in the drawer while he wen Hon. A. G- Archibald and R--, i'39 his eggs fresh Un4�,jjwjhter, E.n(2 thiD
line " t ,, �4.
P SIX U co tO no such amounts asgiven in the schedule foot long,�-Beferred to Road and IfR3 dge breakfast. During'hisabsencethe un- C4mpbellarezpoken of in connection morchant'hotel.keeDer, orbakermay
y;,anAtheNew Cbn-� BItAm orange Br we Id re ramend W removai the Moved, in amendment by Mr. Green- will be payable tQ; them. known man robbe R
Baud played, on the square last Wednes bo*m from its own eye before it attempts d the till df $2�, and Nvith the Lieutonaut-!Governor�hjpi of w1le
110115-u M469dist Wy at Danvilla.'. The Rave money by usin- i. and kcopmg eggs
way, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that no of the U-nio -total 4ebt Committee. nehe4p.
Tk"@!Z & prospect Of Union botwoon We underatand it is thrAr to take the mote out of ours.' legal opiniun be, taken.in, the matt n then was $t071780, and the Moved by Mr. Young, seconded lbv immediately departed. On Mr. Larie*grl� - Nova Scotia.
these two bodies at, no ttyen;`nonlrilt performed once a week er; total trailway allowance to Huron and M!r.� Douglas, that the Clark be lnstruc� turn to the bar, he notiQ6d tke cornerOf a, Agent9w.finted to' sell -the Eggriolia in
dis'#dit day* during the season. WESLBYA� MZ=ODIsT STA27ONS.- Carried. Bruceare 8302 970. The.projiortion, of . ed t M. ". for bill sticking out, which loll hirito A conipluly for the production and every township in the evuuty. Terms
t o request Mr. Gibson, P. I ex-
Tbo clompoptioulz union of Ontario -Moved bY-Mr- Wilson, secondedby ihisjotdl allowan A he discovered his martufuture of beat root Sugar has been liberal: Por particulan apply
-A Cricket Maj&.-, The following is -the list, subject to re- Mr. Det, Lig amino theArawer, an
CAICIM I � - t or, That a special ce that Biddnlph and the.North Riding, on behalf of t1. Montreal. The Onally or by letter to
wd Queboo mat at Bfintford on W#& committee be McGillivray might claim will Ilierefore Couricil to Wing in a bill next session of loss. He then went down to the formed 'in capital is to perls,
.1 betwoon the Soxforth and Goderiah V'Jldn of the Statlans' Of Wf M. MinistOrG" ballotted f6i to'examine the Municipal be'.$JS)124� lof wbicA sta- be $300,00,01. JOHN A. WAFTAT,,
f�r Goderich District for the ensuing t $1QX9 would. be Parliament to have the County re -united tion, and iinquired cOnctrning-the stran. 1373-ly
D499W A&A t1W Primitiye Nothodist, Clubs will be played on the ground of Ac with reference to roads and bridges, takil 'from Huicin� and and act in ger, vihom he found munghixg -a break- After*eannual meetifig of the Bank BaYfiel(l Road,. Godeiich,
C_&�*AtTorolltodurxiuyl. The the Istforon Saturday next, wickststo yc&r,- 2,345 from for registration PlArposesi
'lly clause 413, withilower to take BrUO� (Ur. R04 'on. with the.Cour%ty of Perth and of Moritteal, Mr� Ring, the manager,
Godekh-Jamoa Graham. Cjinjoj�__ ospecia I . - fast&+, Turner's Hotel. -Heimm6diatsly
bo, Vitelied at half post one 16'clook. Wm S Blackitock.. Lmd4boko goeson to point Out ur,'n
t -Isaac legal advice if they think it necessary, oth�i kTori in the soliedules an ailarli situated in collared the fellow alill d� with'a liandsome service
CArnox 1 - Delinquent subscribers Cram ff01vw81,U14 d olcn- 'idy qther,county mill - M9484 search was presp%
latlons of the G[overument a issing money, which he foun f Plate SALM
-4 "h Gallovre.j. Carried wing this averse to -this-matter, and:that.tho Treasurerpay for the in*
sliould bo'careful'not to permit their &tid A ballot being taken. the foilo d 0
Uou*f , ind produces fi to all necessary expent After admin_
. 1. 0 DA unaeraign
a were choxeu'tO constitute 0414, commit- subttan !storing a few kicks to ' of the Hamilton Fe'.
,of 0660aff 991culAtOd to advams the, dangbters to woo this paper for &aforth-�-Chsrlea A.; L is further claims. r m, also that. -the in his trousers pocket. the rascal I - e(I offer for LVale the un-
Xennmed,,11.4., N. D., supiralinuated, tiate bi lee", er- County Council of�-Perth'be notified of v., ljtioei
We "bustle." There would lie dsmger of tee f-Xessrx Patton, Green hasbeentledted ohs
Mitch Samuel Wilson; Asahel Hurl- wAyj Cress- rorx mentioned, if rictiflid, will increass, out- action in this matter,- and that a him go.- New Era. let Malb Col irman dermentioued lands, belonging jo
c=not boon to &ire orip a juniniary of taking coM on account of there being so burt, superannuated.' rullarton and wsh, dibboiniand' Benton. - the allotment larthe l§yan Conference. Rey. E.B. thc Estate of the late 1ftu]Ejx
u be folvarded to R.
r even than gboreloopy of i1iis res-olatio
h c Xoied� by Mr. Crossiven; seconded b po tj by Asum of Harper, Uelph, MIS tile Office of so- HosftTTFP, vi�i
the proosetfings of the"varim bodin, mllc In* (dew) on it. Hi0ard-�T. W.- Glover. Mowkton inted ou c�q
y About 4ht or the Governmout.-Carried.
31r. Walker, that Nina.Kettojer, Adeaf Buamxo Tialt Di&D. 'vf
F=zv.&%oxxy-- -The D, D. G. X. for 'On* to be sent. Strafford-Wmi Q. nine thousand dollars.] in I�rA�ssor Polli delegat Lot NO- 1'1,, in the Fourteenth Con -
but V" 10ORW a" us"ImitY Ap"a- Hu _wDixfHctR,WBro,.J.EH&rd- Henderson, X.A. Harmony -0. W. and Now that this, A* report: of Mr. Graham certifying is a."itai g thw aubjec , 1� - 11
of an, ro dumb j&I six years of age, be sent long vexed question - -of toueremation of cession, Western Division of the Towu-
the Municipal the population of the proposed village- of the dead in England. -X* not
ing of St, Mary`#, was announced to ep- ?hompaon. Bayfleld-Luther 0. Rice, to the Institute for deaf mutes at lielle- Loi -n Fun4:i% settled, -the county mayl lucknowl, to be 1008 was read - and .0- bhiF of Ashfield, in the Ccul4ty of ER_
-Jstmea Broley. Kin&r. "..V' SIZTE13. Ton -acres, ruere or less.
and wit doubt sot tb8ir ccmiuZ together on &.31wnic Udge of Ximirtiction at Dungannon 7ille, at the. expense ot the ;Qunty. I thiukj congratulate itmolf on peats all the known argurtiont3 ill sup-.
carded. the favor. adopted., ng, seconded port oithis disposition of bodies, but Also, the Noy' th-east quarter oJ -lot
e. position iii. Which such -'settlem'ent Mov. demonstrates that, At the present No. 12
-irill to followeit 1py now life and y1gour Stratford yesterday, to, cojitilitie, to -day, dine -Goo. A, Mitchell, B.A. Rery SW w ed. by- Mr. Armstro
and to -Morro*. -Andrew Milliken. Temmte_ L The Colincil-Abou adjonr;ied 'till. 2 hu,placedit. Dniing.th6. time tkah we by Mr. Dalton, that tile sum of $350 be day, At the M. R.' Parmnage, BYT-on, Minn 0 - P in'the Fifteenth Couce8so;a of
r --James o1clock, P� N'... vdienthetsciercoofhygiene has Made ' sota, on MundaPune 21id, the wife the TOwnlihip of Sombra., in the County
CATxxrmLAu,-Th* currant and Laird. Br=d4-R*b9rtDAvy; one to ware.paying up oilr ifiterest atid sinking �owsrds building a bridge on such prpgaress, and es
'52: -her Ptcial]Yin a coun- ofRov.R.Forbes.6f the M.E. Chura Fig te:ms tni P
0 if be tent. -Trowbridge-John Hough. 2 Oclook fund, while ot munici pon. Ashfield and of Lavubton, 50 t&es, more or Icu.
palitids, were the boundary line bobw try like Great Britailup wh6re every inch bf a son. f X It. 1.
Malice A=_ ff(,ttk7c--Wm. Hawke IS reall0lea. rep i art culars_�o a *6
the bu (Gorrie), Robt. Co'nod 114 R0119 gild failing' into arrWs, Huron.jteferreil to Road and Bridge of ground bas its value and, where th of
senta Hoary Kellam, The special committegon jhc� i manywero, no doubt, of On Friday morning 30th ult, personaUly, cr
Th* Rey. Mr. XcLavil, of Ot #0 461 tbll� Burns, Winyh4m that we the Opmi*n Committee, population is out of preportlon to t -he ply to tk* undersigrici,
h*&bowiU9WdPrO100WaAY worth Of ow -J S. or.- - ration of Lit Im were "ting foolishly, and that ort -of tile Inspdotof of Weights Wm. -Et. ce armesplat mce,
water Sam'IlSollery., - L by letter, to th
uck," Pherson, Darlinni. Line, Box At
Fish a owr#WcrfedJn favor,01 at th rep area of the soil, it should be understood ns'. , $.
d- an& ordered to- that' the organic principle emanating A
:Sox G011W tO, b latror We undarxtand, that ai, t 0 request of'its'bein had not and Measure; yas rea
Tuaqw in x r and slxink!�,L, d h iettlemint, those that Kineardita T`P., oftwin so
9 granted, Ported adopted.
aw Asomblyof *0 for, the post sull the people in Q#dorieh Rey. G. Mo- The follOW4 I*tter:fro- (I t paid anything would come out b NGUS COOKE,
Tre&M#r ra oun aski But, - bo'fyled. front decaying corpses both e 10th in8t., M r& Exe*ob%.
ift cbmwA, R4014 will pmboblr Ite Aent kup Ju. , 1 09 Council Wed; r. poiion :the AA� ON READ,
UP 00 hon"t prin. moved �JrX %450,ui 5090nd0d bT- -water 4nd Benjamin �Mlllsoni3f a son,
engerjx.. enavinicz M41adies., Grantham, Wth Mq, 187.9. I=
1 11111 1 1 1 .11,111,111,111, � I- �� _.
Jeer, -4-- 7 -707 7-1
_J4. ____
Fto)!- V.-
Seed I
skapsa rod
havy, And.
-is Portico