Huron Signal, 1873-06-04, Page 4"W
_7 ------ r—
N, a -willW1111-1 . 111-1k
ftilues.b �' 1* , _1� K, IVA
lkTpw TIAn"WiL 5111sle- Ir _4-00RDOM�, T -T
tionsofher4nexaphle laiva. Site is a W.jm4)oksnrc
a tire ATOU60 Ora I VIO a- lie 101110INVII11166 _j,
andshugo intomist natural, laws being t1l(y
',,.st9rnnsuross,aftddem, which 60'ehathav",mutinaDrdiges. 111C
If tion aii,t tintritio'n, aritfb (ul Plillfttl nof XWLt13e -, I . - h
I know li-:M V003i4 well- raught3thlt sho discounts. T#40ave A 0 zi IL jr i6l[111,40 1QXALVkS IN
There livc JL CA , 33 :1 N Be(rj�f L
.6 ti� the N'
on all d W L11 NPa0LS:rzP.ER
the fine prolitirticis of Well Be
no cjwejtjiaAb_vA little r-ond, 1 1% Mail %ltetad 0C04j"Mr, Eli J.'I .4
will burn his candle at both ends, has provideqt our breakrotlit t�Ab d I
111vi-red beverage whiclv�Aay 11
Its with a � leato y owl i;bAi Q6f-G6X
'Withiu V.,litdo 411. it xvill soon ba burnt out, that is all iixe IS tuqVy F 0.20*tallit.
heavy 1�1 on� idn. lit
;Thosins af one's youth are written IAL
1411k. Each raekat'l label @d
re. Ma OiC
no otill lly ..0076 on, . 0 13ayfiela-
All day that fisherman woulol sit ap, inst him, and their velialtv ii rigidli --jik'am-4 Rpm & _;Sk
with BoilingMaterer Tho 9on Cho,, Of, selionla ...... L WK il"' th
2 50 Qz �1
is f.-42fl&,� Ift
Com Hommoraflito chomists, I la
exacted. Yet uVri, are w
t ron an ancient leg, iondvr�fli,lly j�rod_ 141ittort.l, Will boroady August W, -iiiining -so 'eldarea ;;,and
A*iL'FAcrtynrorcoc,,A.-,,wexylllu,,,,i,,,,,, WHOLFESALE&RETAIL J. idn
3 25
Vto a, Mectle pigills, school
An(tg=,o into the water, like igaloCtliepricvlc�"c%pit�a (if health MCO"nt Of the Prcl�esa nilcipiled by Messrs in,tion C 0 X Ir"WilIF"Watirel.
-Ur good cultiyatiol '
%me sedentary frog- -'�wlfh a. xWVor. ifodinVISPUng Qrqej� T.Hu.
su and strengt ti. Before the days of t - Peters, Burrawas Prime'
at AT BUTLEWS 150. T
r graphsand railways, business was a staid Rouv.Wl it the Bustou 1toad,Lonjjou.l'--&1&W1'$ I thr h the Jot; 0; large b.641i
,u t GilitaliSt'
I idt. �f (a0himoof; classeq, 1 50
ants ivere not irstag ni;
,I cunning fisherman was he and sober thing march. tpeolf. With t 'I
9a Plus UltM Gle 60 'of"ch.1ce vol6d rl rait.'a.9Z
His anglc3 all were right; concerned in the hourly linctuations in C11 -41 r4l Plano or0ranil Acilorn nitillit"'T" 1 4
jqp - lwwed foupo SFj�g4q Barn
1 0 IV T tmen III'$ lichnal tot' tte Voice,..;. 50 OILS3,
r BeautiftflAssor t Lu( 't *1 00 D dilyw
And. when he scratched his aged poll, , the price of gold, and a battle lost retna'Arb of 14111911190 ............ &.�44 with
peterel6ditioll) (10,
!won did not affect the stock market '27,.wl other out
01 -e &
FRAUDSAB.ROADI Wlt,, Itilsviollusti
You know he'd got a bite. for OF ..... a 00 *za 4y loft, h2*
a month. We have changed 411 that x1lifinipr"s Flute 601ilo9li
Wltu�,miratsdt!s I Violin Sollodl ...... 75 G]ENMUL IGBXT biiddinax zi4 A good, PUTJ) it the bam
11101T. Our cities are the grate SeRW DEG most r0sliC00111T til cAlltion the pliblia of JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS- Che;j
TO charm the III ti*o British barkhAmorlean Proyin"s toblion p
wimularstedt's, F late Schools ... 0 LOWING IXSX1lUXENTS_,__
A��Iiongk hia volc,!� Wall fine; of the world. The gold barometer is theirituaid: agaimt.purchasing 75
spurious mattlettlas Vislin Sphoolt i .......... r8.
-rilit"re"r-lut - 75 Organs for Clislx or on term�.to suit Purchase a
He found tho most convenient way altected daily 14v the quotations of corn which are boing sold as iny -6 dollsoll'. and Melodeons,' R. Vi 1. - I " . i : I., " , , , - - - .1. - -6
Peteis')?arlorCouiptinion, For 00 "M
by car ala %tajVtdltaI*, of I. al'alls -Toronto; Pelglibet, Pejt6n (jo.
1111% and Oilitulent, rr� nulne "Holbiway's JUST RECIUVED, 8 j
was just to* arop 6'ralk at Mark Lrlit1o, �r by tftV rise or fall in AIAO
littio or no means. tr.idjuR (ror the lost few New York6—
the price of indigo or opium at Calcutta ointiths only) under the styla of th and to be sold tea an th
a lNexi Yor Vatcral FArlor Compaldttft� Vor 1" 2 00 Lotwo. 1,170, Biwa
And many a gudron OFENa Pond, or Shanghai. Cliwilitid ColnPanv-t' liverr artifice is made tire IPA G aide 6f2gst 8t.,Antfie Town of God.
ci by the;i far the purpose ol imposin&v upon the 'H L�'z� P Ail' 13 UT Any - 11][11ste will be sellit XmZZLIW43095
If mada to spoak to -day, L C 0
Sir Walter Scott, when in th thterlynni; tellectudany to decelve. th krilah, near the Railroad Station, con.
-nfs azigler had UNION ale 13
It , M, GOV,
I York.
Would owla with griA, 1. e, r a rorttsoments A f Be a6re �of jaja&
cout plonitude of M4 poNvors, used to 1Z taWng o
A mighty "takiag way." OIL:- to is 0 poi.,t-patil'on receipt o CO.'s Now
l say that no man should tax his brain t.�11111menae demand fortuOLLOWAT'liPti,ta libe istariced price. GABLER cc cc
.a. t
A,.n L ly, BARDIORE" cc 44 a good Frkiiate H6nae and F�rafna PQ,
N Fishing Tackles,
mcro than six Wours a day, and he. �)INTIIr' has tonaptod unprinciploa Aimnrit;,j, T,. ruims, 69(1) nroad i N
aing tin the loz ptrtics to count,&rLit those aluable 3ledl. New-Yurk. Sfoble- and s fdw -fildit tre�g ancl ood
One dav, whilet&T aecompInhed theloulk of his wonderful UF ALL KINDS. CONSISTING', OF REELS, DUNHAA1 1:z1�'WIC10 I _Nrj�:" riv
H", rLlurncd hr3 wtat of htek- I well. This properW will be sold 0
li terary labors in a lt�as daily period than in order to Protdotthapublic and onlMeivel; W913ER
Jorcash. Apply'tio
W lion, suddenly, he had abita, !that. _13tityre,incur wisafoin, require litlyo 4snm anew 011ICKERING Boston. 0. 3L TRUE
i -it, Vgvptian fc'urclo of a sartlent with the- MILL -ER Anti, jerkin,--�aught a rauck. twice as lorig mental application of a i letter 11 in the contra Every box ot genuine
'110MAIWAV'll Pt LLs A14D 01 %-rMrNTI Win 11,ve t 3 3 most exciting character from our boys YOSE'S cA:as! that davthe2sher�hxn 1104 trado mark on it. N:)no arG gelluine Or to 0. SHANNON,
nd girls at school nd college, Sinall wit'lolit it. Can fumish altsiost all a on he Premises.
og: wonder that the voting men. whPe full T DrA LERS AND lrtuRym ix DIAX03 ANDED-. rOPULAR DISTRIBUT )N anadian. and, Silk Velvets, 24 and 40 inch.
HaGI taken ttt* MUCh n Goderich 25th Jan-. IS78. -=4
1_( Aulerican. Maker'
And being but tindazaan, too, I cj,.% F -s. AND. s Instruments on terms
of and d%iiuff, have not the Ole All'
Be couldn't kcep tho log." "W"vill ir tizu ticular attention to the view to suit purchasors for cash or on tinie at
of theirgrandsireq, and that our SCLUNC AT COST
-LowAy,s rilX3 AND OINT31RNT' less than
Malififacturer's price. Silk Reirms and ropiins,
girls, beautiful auddelicatons their own none ortlic, old st N -14D tire umnurnetur.1 bv In vain he %trove with all his might, thoni reach wlw. nor have the;- bet for morlibs. - wo S-ELVE ch, Feb. 27, 1873.
lre.irlv GOLD ANI -0 R LANDS, TEO
her,fore. Caution nli PuMba-ers agintre. AT' BUTIAER,
And tred to gain the sh,;irt in ituritv au,l f ido ilawst boforo their D�Llwn. dawn he went to, fc--d the fish full-lilown. ' We must loirla to tiny Jobbers or Dealers the old Twilled FlannelsMntO and ghtl6t, 4661130 1
HeU b=ted oft beore! ali:V Allch goods
chan -a thistato of thinp. or It WL T OTS N018. 71 & 72 SLY -MI -�vNCj,;8sjON
y Tito pre -
change our fu-uno. destin the fvo r of all I he in rorniatl on ) ou BY VIE ]3jack, JU Township of Goderlcb* cmprising je.6 acres of
The moral ctf this muruf ul tale ill 4aril to those Countrfeits.,, Nubias, White, Scarlet,
ant hit tho in is .113 the bes quality of Land. wlthlnabout2 Miles of the
isltwartl NEW YORK B -YRLIN WATCH c6 of the Town of BagEeld, There is a
Ta aZ is plaia and dear- the nnilore'o` I
A mngte drop to, much of ru In. -,il r. 23niepes which could red.Uy be prepar.
tho ed dowe I i tha T" tit tl!eln to voliv the Preelso gattlim upof to flewer ivfflbe dwarf- in ortler tho i I
they have rejotirt,, to foli, ed for crop. The rernaincifr or thn land is closely
ther ASSOCIATION. Co�oured Tarauoisoj� different shades,
Usy ewztery, of the f
I C iind t I I instntingthat theytiein covered with the best of beeeb and maple timberot
ot 0,a ec-anty deponds upon iq they 45y, to lenke'ltil tile Pills:,n,t -ler splendid growth. ah 403rcellent real] passes oia two that th.,itthey atielit on asysi,111 tilat will iimire sides of the property- -vi-bich is aduated tn au old An'l he nho will not sign the pleJge , ; -ERIC MCKAY,
And keep his promise fa,qt, of a i'lealthy physitlue ft 6old or Sil%(-r 11 at,h wor1l; uot Irs-i til -lit %11,_�, or
of ally valtle jill to',, SashRibbons 0 and wall settled neiglibourbood.
9, at a toliform l,rj,(, 1.1, ord and Wat(lied,
its cili _4.31jSQ_1At14,,RangeA Tawnabip&=ley,
May be, in pite of fat,�,aftrk of 'n n Containing 39. Acres,of.vrell reamcd timber land,
I To thi desireii physic.0 tono alio. I), !NowYork ab t fifiaker which would traduce a large quantity offirerood to
Cold- water =3 at last wl ($10) TEN DOLLARS 111LO
wo the times ealiler. We ,, liv-11 �ollllrllte trickery i4 attempting in "li -7 ,rariwis innuitioas of lily ketilcilles. Bjvaro (if THE -Milito Brustel M8t Muslih La, eli com bo.4sile �avajl
stliould cultivate more the easy, com- him likewi.e. to close tbe tl1qi1oQal or worth, sierilleed at
WATO fortable temper of our Gararm frieuds. q daml illall Rizpssnitahle a fratilitin of their eoit to mool made tin UPhbtsteiiier, &c,
This tinprinciplel Chemical Company ha. gin enterlirlis or IoLtery j&le for vililing'
theill. This nothting a PEOS eave to return thanks to the uthabitants of For terms app ly to, - D. At LIU N.
in tit -it I we verj large -sums ot money fit the for Ladies awl Gonts, both tbere, are it,) bl-ilis, but c%ery tiekot an LJ Gothlrich arlil surrounding country, Sor their Their voding ilustry sometimes Sla q. at In go Green Ria
accarnplishes more, arld tht ith greal- is the fact ? A newspaper Idandsilver. Butthe clegant, watch of oue f the fu.jowilig jllo%-clpellts,at liberal the last two 4ars he has Gloves. or W.4 CONNORrEEq. Hayfeld�
obttitlet]. withont my knowteglic or consent, . . I
by e-,ilitsion with accompnying cut repro- a Cost of onlysle: 4COLinbasitiess. floixnt)ivl)rep.LretltofLirnishalI Guelph, A 15t%- 1670
or ease, party who helil a limited Coldafid 1311ver Chronor
tlian.ourinttiisei�euergy. T ;lower ofat tore �V of niiwl. an order to advertiAe rny sents iii proper proportions neter, DUPIM Stem articles in hitillue. such as
NO Winding. Detached Lai-er, vertleal 1-jorizontai P T -T a? T -T Lzt M; Canii
Thafealum- of ouragni--Cheek. tortoise often overtakesthe hare- NVO rneieines in sent,' Arnerien for three yemr.4, te the THE $25 RUSSELL UUNT1110 to draw atir-of the allays sent ll rerelpt and Hose FOMFOI-Sa.le.
-w Rg&Dzvr.. —The books in the nced. t-,,-. more hhdays, intire ext-tt $ Iold. 110-thellsold his elaint L
A _Nr t) a I troferrea by the court toa friend OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS.
a the best tonic for ot biq
nd recre' ti �u. of -15 Ce tits. A watch is plaeod
Volume$ in a scaled mivelope. On reectAt tif 25 cell(itorit, is LILOWS 'Also
n iniPI
011 our broken-down nd wom whichhe.�abf he couldhave tcse and indiseriminately drawn rrom thi wliole, whit it oil- tjis Township of Colbarutc,ja the County 0
�ajt over'hoeij &
pramatuirely aged oa the yery threshol L stilrs to repudiate this HUlon. North part of'33� ComprisiniR
goitt full -jeelled, Youwlilloww0w valtle0ft1lewatell 200acres 50cleared and under good fence,
A Wo U& N's I iirA toZ CpzcrL Er (.L,% D o 1, vVe traliqn(Ition the mouiert it came to -my, know warralitt,tj fol, five years- ytoir licket enutn,li f -w it. Tile End
same- thing ovor and am zi�,r trtrel, especi-Ill.v p ThLijudgement will ScOu he act a�iilo. it bo acres good Hard-Wiflod. rtiwbe. T., spring
our sea -board and amidst our northern 'anrot be Atippo-ed, I am sure, that T owe a cont together -wit), a xvatob nioned will be delivered to t1w U, k,-t-Lu'uer 'L
gold Plated on paynient of $I0. ATATTRXSSES, &c.9 7rUlt Weks, Boll first 4aujity, goorl Ug jffonge �dnd
T�rsmo Ramarill small UWii over tn tiny rine'that I would not immediately- pay. Albert ebain-wbich -svill Prizes ato immediately setit to ny ljy Chenp top Um�h,
lakes, whose bracin- breezes and quie, There is no truth whattiver in the statement that.
a gout. be sent to any part of Can- Exlirt�s or by5lail.
w 0 seladY beaut zlro a son uf mental cataplasm tu I ever ar.thorized any!persau or periong to 11,,0 my esof the LY To' a Goderl Tamamode-
home under an umbrreBa t�a fit!y designat. name fAr the Aide of my Pills and Oinfarent.althiingh ada on Teceipt pf -or OPI NIONS OF TI I E P IIE*A. AND ON THE 6110-11TEST-NOTICE. Itte. Apply tb
the iade%l nerve and Weary brain. An g-,%,4 trautta have betn practijiLij urion me by uii- C. 0- D., per expreA. "A marvellous ebancenrid fair dealing PICTURE F RAMES kept on hand an,l made to
cd a rain beau i annual return fora. mouth to a state nien in this way. Godefieb, 9th Dec.,, 18721 UPWAADS
,.A TEIA-r"- favor that should it come, tm W. E. wmau, 77mr-i *:An honorable alid order. Having on hand an assortment uf 1347
MAN 5 A MANAB Ft.) R A nature and the 'prirne%al inlitincts of te "A thor)ughly reliable 190derlell Nov. Z. 6 mrsl
the M owmizze of &"3r Person tllnt splarioust medl- girt livin-on COFFIN, TRIM HNINGS,
a tire hoin, mile andold in my mmej that be Watch Importer, We are Tmtnitt,d to rt,fer In Gie r"low"16, who I aln PrePar d to m!xke coll1w; on the shortest AWK FOR 19AU-
h uSe is that, my Mani" ScOW!l RuStic- '.he 81li-1:9 of the fishing -rod and gun, to send me the name and address of the lies for 810.,
83 King st'reat East, have Arwti valable witi untice.and to oundw-t runeraN oil the inost reason-
sgiint'eman's hovse ava7- 1z's gi ve Increiseed vi -or during the i- n-lor who N ellinx the that I may, for lhj 1reat East, ateb
":1111111lic i'Lqtitute.�Proesedinesn�afTst zth Con. OaderichTovms
nte..!t i n Of 111c MiKs Ada linlet, Goildfor-1, $150 G,-ld AV Able teritti. D:j" Reatember the old stand,
the reniaitli TORONTO. 01M Aiticx. Rost(in, willitiul . b 80'Rems of
U:.' eieven months, and wAild i au.1 I enga-p to em,morate handsomely my in- COAL 'OIL AND COAL Llsand 10 acres cleared good I# 119.30.1cres--
zr ' w;thout divulging a Lmilq. Wnt,h- 3f '. 51. 01 LARPS of Fall, Vh ,A.,
The outerpriain vaZaban h, is L,.ten pr44--lig I fe for veais. Milwitlikee, $200 Elaily E rk Ir tat,�q Millis ff0lb thO 0�ga=n, j 'a, 4117 le?"On have feaROn to liPliereAht he oPPo Apply to 0. X. TRURVAN 6dder1ql4 or on the
a bll'a%s band Of twenty women be perennial, nor en- de-ived by bliving apnrioas imitations of 0--rd,�n, Richniofid,$125 Wat.-h. (10. site the Bank of Muntroal,
VS that %- ill fur 61.0;11 'Goderich. Feb. 12.'72. premisels to
if they learn balf as rn,,y bv all. sO t'ie next bes- thin be wid obitge me by sending to '15 r Thr" d
$SOO, �50 G,r $5.00; 150 jor,�15.00. Circulars C09S4 D2VID COX.
as they the experiment i the garden oron tLt. the tickets. Toeverytirchascrof IWA 9m. put on, olon of the books of Instructialls, lzr�v twlets Wo will seuda handsome Silver H L, "nnt fa)l to btl a success., farm. met& and stulunts i, -h I.- lffjje�l to thesa
Here He3 Jane Smith. wifeof Thomas wao may not be able to nbutin this: 11v 4 c-ol be `ca�tllied qe the lowest -'ale Iff-itch whieh call be it,ed as a an-, ExtensiveNewflremises
willi'l .1,1 ton birg', sq'i plolitaille out- FOR SALE.
4 1- 1710 lirir" its uantiltelt of not less than in depeni tin rair dealitig. I'liere ure no A D cill
Smith, nuld find it if grvat benefit t,, have a pa r,
)euter s bench V, q,,f 0mtrnent, for remmaitrea
TM3 monuinent 2,1 ..34�. 1wrdozen boNe4 of ti, ket drawing a wawb.
rvo-n ti -ted tip r CI%PF A,:.111`t� %auted. to whom we.)ff. r libi-ral inluce- Sp I lenClid N ew, Stock. LOT'S, COD. -4, E.
%T&s put up OUG Of ItoSpect for her meory viee. These Mt�lleiues are not Util gll3raAtCC.Ltfl.fa1 1101).
or % wilere lilev might "t 1- -111 In a I hNia, coi-
specimen of his work -ma' State,% _11eut,
uship. ilot all, nine waing too; Atieli So
I I D"'t f Div 7-
Tomh3intho same style, Z2U.". F., !I DEALT, llFW 'leg 110IN
. t!'it- Prii0i Criwernment Starnp, with the. New York. lrllls�.es in 3! Parl, ffi,%v. covered with Kabld �ind jBeqcfi,'j6 M,
runs an epitaph in a country church- '00464ch; *4
a dys!)eCtIc city way's Pills an�i X"Imeat, Lou. r 141 211A trout
h cat. If all th UERICH IF -01 -"numZIE14�00ghthe 'piln6y iof the
eir minds and exercisa their & Co I
nC. Barry & Bro, Aitream
land, Itheft ix Shout* 15 -iii-eig d 0efixecl
A S1732PTr&Ry 31ATTm&__�,)n pjrjde) P and
'd T1103CAS 1701[LOIV�AY.
land'on the front of ihi lot.��
_1113 Wou. -inly saw thea 0 I. !r C SOMETHING NEW, Cabinet Ma�crs, Urdertakers Wood wr "We
w, as ol-1 Dr. Lym,4-1 A-pply
YOZ)' Pe"Tats F196W1 on my "35t banish flic, Turners,
d-,'tlru.n.;a. ur Yap;.rs. or 1
Pmrade, f0 b -'I've YOUr haircut shorter be- Eiqjlnee�vad-sdrveyor
hial' Privato Figgins. (taking it off with :,jl spir
by hatever s%Tnimyms p�_ates and Cali&'&M-After ha
one hand, and his shako with the other). ving
Have removeI acrom the street In the store next Goderich, JR?02UC1472.�
they are knarva. A s -and' hicli.,ry n"d yonr Com?ouixd Elixir of Phosl_ UNDEVISIGINED E.S- eloor to W. AebeS(jiL's'Ij&rncss Shop, Nvhero will be
-"Yom (Ed, air, but -cut it to your own found
a Pj,
;i -e fe -htes "4 Calisava for orer-two years tablished a branch of his Toron
liking, airi- to
id a
io in my daily'practice, I niust give it my Sewim, Alachitio Repairing Wqrl-s A GOOD ASS013'PITMEXT I Vaivab, le Prd.*W.tor sale.
Whn is that new structure7' asked They won!d th iis unqulified approbation. During a prac.
of kitchen. Bedroom, nolmgroom. and rar or Fu
po:iceman, as he niture, such as rABLES..
r a na� uver-� e,�n
was e,&, -u a lol- r leise of li-,e an h,al - h tice (if over twenty years, I have used -moo
-fig tbWN Op
-ing d os,,fu:neza, the world would be many scientifically prepared compounds, I CHA IRS bair, eane nud wood soated) LJ GoderJch. zzi sitajitedalanizil UjLpk
T 0T5NMMl3U 851AND t9l jN 11
thmugh Commonwealth -ave., a JL main"
Bostoa- T"Z*a a new faR& hotel; euricht-d viith the fruit of th,ir y% I., c:c all k �Ids ,f Cottageand a luge frame Awellijig RcWfW,D strylaq
made to falfil the same therapeutical in- CV1110ARDS HE undersigned havin, sold the Eturon4otmary property a Wzb, and on Lot 85s t-hore is alftrgetwQ Efe7ov frame
to be called Hotel A�,ZS'217,, I be- 1-pencl and the vaiant dications as your elixir but none of —who�ase wldch6tadbe emrerle� into ii tral �aasq
IF T Goderic"h Foundry a'n
I was the repiv. "Intende, NY A I I I Stock to the d MaAuraiiturina Oo
the big bugs� I suppn' f ,r Achi'le in acti..)n would becrime the them proved'with me las valuable as o W 12., g 19 a 0, hhl n ;Si . �0 pany, HOtd at little cost and also a frame Bam. Dial["
S PU The Lots will be said zithw together OX scp=te
If) UN to suit purclipsars;
'�ey will . Terms made known on zppllcaticn-t�o
added the in- saga _Ne3t4w incounei'toguidethe comuil, yours. To the meffical profLssion, and- CAUTION. will be repaircJ, altcrod it,. I put iti iii-st be, to thank the bl' for their lil;e'l nineteen
f�l sumrkfoi the pastn
quimr. "Dan"t know," resp3nded the unerat-ons up the thorny steep of su to the public I would e �ecially recom- BUY ONLY THE years, and trusts that t continue to 19814 thlPir orders to the
PvHC4323 ",Lri, as he resumed his beat. s class Timuin., onler. INHATROTS. L OD KPI GLUSES New Company, Wm. ARTH Uil
ll al -Le mend it--% th� be; rented with which I Xlep. DisriNmo-n. -1,ady at village amacqnainted fer the succes-dul treat- hlsclasal: "Tammv Smith, Genuine Fairbads' Stalesil R. RUNCIMAN. Wc�sro DAVISDE JO]aj%-STO,�q
some (if the lar�,4-_st inachine 11; arc to "(41 everything ill I July, 1671
by 'semdimg rai; upim the jtatafid upon -UrACTURED BY tories itithe lie call g,,,L t 1872 h 15 what ia meant mert of the large and constantly increas- � theil line Goderiel, 10th June,
ing class of cases of over -w i
Tommy SmitkL (promptly): To KILL CANADA TaaILLSS.-The -N. merve-extiausted women. Yours tru sfaction. Chmap for Ca5h.
it to wet gwd boys and nfaug sati- r Referring to the above -Notice, the GODERICa :P9UNj)Ry AND AT4NU �Vo kshnp-Next d,.or to rrc
beg to inform the e to hire;al B =h y- If _0TU says: 'When we had thistles to N. WATxy-.vs Brxr,, M. -`D'. E. T- Fairban_ks Co. B
ty gir" q. extermiate, our practice waj� to alio,, office, Clinton. a] ways an ]land awl a I le.ars FACTURING COAIPANY pubg�._tltat they are preDaro4
them to gro., until half the buds 'wore able terms, qo contract for QIF,
C"TU'Dz-Fare (furioua at sing� L. S. WILLSO, next to Si(,-%Aj,
about to expand. At
that staein the Spectir office, Goderieb, wiff rLeeive machiriLs A CALL SOLICITED STE'Alff L;NG11U-8 AND BOILERS,-�
senad Iropic Pills.
yottr,' ji-rowth of the thistles the itaii- Ir E GLISE] RFAM)Y FOR -,F.RV- nd t ike orders. _1L LS, Nh
book of farej." Vabbyl-111 shoilcl be ' na is less V I Caench. F L 0 U11, GR IS T SA If- M MAKINER, *j.,
tv in t r1ebility. Spermitiorrhea Nocturnal Full--
eM3 �i)n of th� 1;en�rntive Organts, Palpitation of the
but nnfor- f:nd leaves thp-n at any other season of Trenibl;n4g. the effect of 1360 4:>n 1[1zLnt1
'a?PY to FOrdOC-8 it, he roots and moreinthe st a:iaE iT E THOMASGODERT.
Clinton, 10th3lareb, 1873.
I left it on the piano-fortal in the hn
YeSr- That is the time to atike �-er ju la%,en. e in al- it, timianti an�(i tohae-, Awed. friala
the dmwim-raom,- IRON AIVD WOOPE� N PL
Dr. J. BELL AMOIVIS ills are the MGM1,10th-4eel boards, FormA -d 6R1110 t6 Wrhe
cum of
Y. wr thba ravan
ii LaTge Sol in a Small Bqd
07ho had othc-r work was sus on" for the ahovel diseaies. and are GANG P.&OUGHS, CU4TIVA.ZQ�t$, pended to work at the thistj !,.,v r kn wn to fail, They halve airealy ca�e,l IrOn iu the 13,100d,-hin- ki.
es. They
a deat of trouble with this custolmer) PM tv
think- aLr "I , ivere InAwed whenever the t,,ps were STPAW VVYTER 41
iyon 'uem to cut Your corns, tall that a team e, Mi reem ery liv neil we. uld nrit move readily 4 -id
among th—. Then the round wai ral-M in a-tinn, a shoit trial uiyl A R AND POTAINLI KE, TTLA$, 0&4Tt icould more eamly, find yon- a, pair ir e7wary. NO sufferer need dennnir of SUC BARS,
gentientan-Ileat mv corns, Chaleria, OFd ask exer6sed to 'S
P11 re!i% e I from tite rrilriavu, efrefs of sR IV41GGON BOX�
ughed deep, card be -in" %rrF,. The lipeevic Pills bv uruggi_,,t,.t r
Tf to f1t me a Pair 1W boota break UP every inch. T ' "round near it -is) a twc. and th � Tonic ril.'A at Sfi--. a box. or AN COOKING, IRA6R BOXPT
he VBS*f varioUs kinds. cJ�--NcATk*"0iRuR VWWFA_-Aft.�
to my feat, sir: Ir3 not
croln- to PL-Ine psw-as always dro, up with a spad?. t" w1l: be " by imill- Pi,,smg3 prepaid, t'l
n 1E
MY fe--t down to JEt your boc;&!-1- . .;re!v w
As i, "I fr--Tn �obqenratlon on receilit of .19 A-
o56C. for the Toui(- Pills :romp
letatist chemical CO,
0entlerrah.-Illinve ixamine dmirticiesem.
IV TaE RiGEEr PLAC13. appear again the cr.-);jnd was cill �Ivafe.i 'y i -
--GeMO -al Contrar= b- J. BELL Sr ne
as. beeii norninated wi, h a caWvat�r havin- broad awl shar-p ! lAtyed ia4beY;czorlz-Ch*mjQa1 Works, in the p,
to the Command es th5 army of Afadrid. teeth. After a day or'two a matf , I -re 'Drnwer q1 P. 10. Famillon. panlitionlof ItheviatoHA zymp'orj"Phosplaltm.
at Iron. and Brass qastin 'Blabbinith- W&k- The- eaveral.Hypo
1-v a!l Whocille and Retall -ith a sharp hand hue. VxN
Qm,terfght- Ifarlyzaleislikely to suit; over the ground ir "and mr Spain, nowthat ev, Pam and, the SYMPA &I
sent poit-free nE qpplication_ BOIL ISMS -AD SAL�r'pAWS '3jjpAjREj)=0n,,shor-V UOtjoe, Fickly. Your-Srao'-of ypopt9fivb1tics- vAR an.
erTfllain- there is turn- t0entup every thistle the implement
Out every two weckS the Twenty -to tfifrt�_Rorse-' o Vff er T0,111ar. Boilers
Od UPS:& ClOWE, it ig "thWrnla of Con- had Jett. Ab Standard S c a 11 SO,
and band hoe were thu-3 em- compou'-v](11 iltoresl*i*16(C-teb�ls-try.i.U,; JJ OJECO&I I
A COIUSMLY E[LVT.-(Littj, boy and ploye. Before the end of the gr�j-,vingF a% STOCK SCALES, CoAT. HAY 271e Perltrian Syjti�p, a protect., ale Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by qen rally on handfoj13'
w3l1cing) -"Hcw taU our shadow a sun tile roots and brauch of v5ry thistle i SRI UP Of SCALES,DAiRy Cf)UNTER SCALES, ed Solutiott of the "otoxide Of 11i'd above cut 'represents our .
L3, are 117 arresting 4' _qae dis laycd. by this 1"Ong is S6 coinbined as to h :I�W- All 0i:deT%-ad&reSSt-d to the Compajly,-qr,'� Seerdary Vilf T#.
C -ams --y a"t they? was LTec-uallliexterniinated. We p &c., kc. ave Cd T _0 R I A.
TaIl enougli, for us to be married, knew such an c== bibonunblv arknowiewail by the the rhai-acte)- of laib alintent, aq �eiye prompt, attention'.
ence as- a failare. A70 Organs. ol;-41 Lculty iu every re�;U�311 llh"e it im, her Scales 21T.11red promptlya-zi easil
y digestelrl nd assinallcrte-d S-Mce-�s rill always depend up �n 0ow- ii -I tL,; rapidly at is t e Forsale. aho, Tr-)Pniner's CLM,-c ivith the blood 'aals Will I ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HOR"E RORTON,
in- at the proper- tim:l, and doing the ',eqt of the estitmition.. in which it is held LOthatIldIng olirformera entsaud
-qfJ=PP-0PL8 PrAVEA WAYOFA0co-v_,iT_ iq th. Pblic. - Alilh, Composition Dells, �;71--. food. It i2wreases the customers fdr their liberar ;atronag'e General Managger, Preside
thoroughly, ' Bugg 1. 1 Drug FnantUy 1A.
;iris! T;-eiyru;wl.IczLre Prilmonally cousurnrition in Letter -Presses, &c., &c. Of NatUre's � 01vil, vitazizi _EORGE NIEBERGALL ARCHIBALD RODOE - at breakfial-) , I i t:te ftn,l second stages: rvill oive great relief -4gent, iron jib ng and confidl3rice for the pa6t year [and G
egz a
the bloorl, ana wlije (juit-0 cold! Manager A gr tary �`,d TregUrej A7*S,,m DnIpro!onglifeinthothini 1twill core Asthma, THE MOST PERFECT h we still hope to retain,l we would icultural ePartment. Secic I w<mder why!- 7HAT 13 9AID op laryngltfs. Cougig still Wds. It vill c1trics 66a t7wusancl iUs,"Silliply respectfaWlall th6ir atteiltion to orur Kidneys; Drrvral Ewe.7j-zVs; c(mouxti fKar'- A cut of-Alusetijar femaw;T wead7t care all di.qe3." originatin; from w M C A Sfj t F R W by TOning UP,InVigorating azut style No;,bl. This Orgran beino, a 6 Od- UU111
wholesale dealer is que3tioned as�to the
mine. Can't yoza gueas?- Fjr_ Gohricti, Oftt.,10thJ 1872
em -pal Ethek--'rV'1_13Y, thely've Pro`P-ticin Of rl-lly fine butter he -dVervons Fo". coirl, as gritargementof italizing the System. g7je en- tave, Double Reed [0 Scale] is a=very
ALA r.
the ipleen. Dyspepsia, Rickeu, Feebleand firregular de.
Cali Water, st�o_zfar -Xi .7ftence Zlsordeys, -ailia
receive3 in his com-ignments, heprepties MLBS XL'IRNI TILL 2"icked and vitaZiZed 6100d PC2'- sirable instrument f or -advanced players,
be -an bofled in aetion of the Ffe-irt� Local and General Pzralysis, 4
about fire per cent. A larger proportiom laorLossof Voice. 1twilleure ucorrhoei. 2neates every part of the bodyl,.. Ton: will be fully co
4 rati'd aLe nylnl��4'of'
Qe tsmr that' this comes to market ADLemm and restores the blood to purity repabingdamdges and. waste,, Pianists or partie's educating1liemselres
the The grocer v7iU tell Von t6 rease- and health EVERY "arching. Qz(t Morbid for the pianofort-c-antV as a parlr -In-
------ JLL Xcrld[!;
-0 a& -d 1tr meets every requirement—
e 'w Ell* Ws butter is-ffi lesli othbzg f(w tr
Ya secre- 1
t all his tionsq and leavi2tig, strument, it -A Nica ridt of' ed� by his Timt to i e inext di Sold By AiDofhecar' Oramlam t fficult to Our No. s 61, but differ- V M t procure, and c-)sts him mos *me and Pries. $1.50 ; Six for ST. 50,. disease to feea lipo7z. 30 is the same ft 1 A
�ha Mea DRAWER This is the seci-et f Jim won;. ent style, and more 6xpensive. Our HA-I�DVVAjen, variel
No. -32 is pro
Of liq=r iM thC1 -bDlQ_toVM Iftto eiisen why this should bia so. Here xT. TCTM; N. B. A. I
there CU24ing Dypepsia,' Uvez Coln- seen it to be the finegt Instrument in the trouble t-7891ect., WO knovr th re is no 3 A M ]E 1. FELLOWS, 'CUEAIST SHOULD it� nouced- by all who hava ca I over d-o2'ful SUCCess bf this os
PLI T"are is "Ot a odd r
and s=ttered Warranted,
'q ThIZ 2a CAjb�� Jr.- Widely apart 13derld Sept. 4th 18na Use Them,
1! Plaint, Dropsy, C%ronie, world fo the price; this organ has t%i o
Way st c9esa throughout the country we know farm- p At fro complete setfs-same as No 40. with two
lit t0lyn- m who niake excellent butter, whiri LHE GREIT FEMALE REMEDY rhoea,113oils'Nervo Auumansm, yout, veu7vjgjz
T=-,@, eleven P,lA_j-_,J0ne3 (47ao ha3 us e9tions-, -additirinal,half cietts, viz, Hautboy and
FAMAN N0RTH-'8IjDK or FO'710, Bruiv, 134
prammed the wife o1bis bosom that he qulility in the Alid 3 rl'DverSs HUMOMY, Vox Celeste, inaking four setts from WS1 rac ed home lodleal'Piliff. 7 rq .17 - UY it Tt7 -ft-t-'rrova-itl
market,and next door to those are JobHOSeS XS' SCALE: WAREHOUSES Loss of ConsUtntional Vjg0r, middle C up and lsolVi octaves of Bass
early th3t e7c]Xing): �neighbors he make tresh uj6t for food.
I I Falrban4 & Co.,
"'What t'me dc -03 t2tal mext frafil start On the countera of c_9untry Wores, of the llidn0s and' -.Profundo-' We are tlie first and only
for1londonr Forter (pl may
-PHIS I'�\-VALUABL'Z�mDrciN7zism-PAmixe 93 lirdln,4t.. Bultal., x. Y.,
You're �1313 8 Street. Aloutrel. 113144,11�0r,. rem -ale . Complaints parties, who- ibako' this' line of Iblift-u- 50celits'pe frotuti
inP seases. or nuents, an
'i. ay, Albany. N. V. I* � all It midem" all escess andramovesan obstructions 811 1 Broaway, Nfi%r Yolk. statc. Of, tile 6 God, or ac�;. they have given, and the immense sale im ca',Pd-� tirno, air -no cc=sion to hur- any day he secu rolls of hutter Most AL in the care of all those painfat and dingefous 38 and cat di - 9
(g _ht O!Glcck ts widely different 4 ad,, rinating i d tf.e uinverhal sifisfi6tion
in flavour d 'I'seascs, tatvhieb the (emaleconstitution is so�,,eat. ,a j B
ry' sir -mOrrOvr Mora- texture. One farm a bdd ing!", careful and and a speedy cure mi- ticiftuea, on.- compaiziecl by f1�6ji,ify op a low
er is R1 K.-
tzleanly, his oFArREANKS, BROWN Uo., of these Orgahs;. show that they a're alj�w
state of the system. . Being
vife keeps her dairy sweet free preciateVand encourages us to M*e
anothell, Lreep3 a foul stable mi, at y2- cbea�pjyaa exp
A =ore33 bazl2sr trjmmjn� Sherida and her pails and panB perfectly pure, IsPecaharlyscuLed. 11wilirlua-sliarttime, bring 2 Milk St., Boston.
43r3i i theiii a speclal�ty.
on the monthly period with regolaesiy%, from -Akoh64[4 lIZ411,fotin, its eaitioas�v.0xepjtiX6t1he 6%-ce oft ALY
.Put him to gmzt, Pain E�d uneasi. For sale by Leading Hardware Dmk,,rs. CnelAgizAt6F effeetg. k8 ill -in 7 Uv, Felo sAoue4 n9g at takgn Oy� jaWjS d��Tjnr the Applicatflins for agencies, where we
11--33- "Aro You trimmin my. leir, oar uncleanly fashi�lnj has musty feed and FIRST THRPF_Zr0NrRS of P�V 13156-2m' lowigd by call -responding
halte no agents, at�sil times.confidential- i -I XT I �z pig
d bv at MA ScajU Bags. FU�iil, pi-puj ft, rkmk D50
says thO wit. "No, air; not till f0ul vrater for his cows while his 7ife b sure f"h7"90;"zfwaTr""-*- 3 ly golicite'd' CARDS
h ly I ejually careless in her'dairy. asy OtUriftho they Uou, but areperEfta2wnt, infu-
One t ;a rL-ht." 'lob! Qnj 1. 1 1 1 siti# _61rength,... WgWiij, � and new
'the but How c&n if, all Cases orXerrou-1 fre For Illustrated datlo-deb, Tddies
ter in these two cajes be the be a6dApirlat7A . ctione.Vainin W6- into aU pa2 FDR4
"*ding u 'jj;0jj G�
tL'onght by -h-3t ff*lt that you vrere Baekand'Lmilfs, Pcitf-deor unionot
pui;icZ thmgh to 0 left ear without than widely different in quality and storms, and Whites. these rifis an A. S. IIARDY & CO Guelph, Ont�
-111cfTect a rare wh2a all other means haye failed, um -cu
Value? A. Stoves 1 Stoves 1 ivo, Vv I
and althouitra powertzi! rimedy finotcontain iron, uly Ist, 1872. A&fto tbacongtf-
cznfm� after a t cl, antimany, or anything 0wU94M4 have 6e_e2&cTjq 1333 ly.
in m Pgea bY th6use y -0jis of 441ft remiady, 4; TS,
-sever ea PL-BOBIP tu"
duning whfali al trees XLap TH3 MUD Orx---;-:A ffniall invest- ilithapitinphletarou deachAckage wecgk" sajr0j1n
m400r-mats and scrapera for the
re rooted A1111 UP, Dr- ViU�,e - ment which splolld be carefully preserve,
at, Eae Ini. --- --, PRO
wh�o fi:,�d outqideof ther h(3asb. tviH reatllt ill a 6AANOW, . .
saving lac3,rpl jot X0309, ?MV XOTZ-Z, sotic r Dt3, an AS U!f- UAM 1 -PIO&Tros- ta-'a't-irribra WiNd t dust
I -Co and 121 cents forposiage, enclose te to feb, nit it
m2ne ths actor, nis`7� be__'ftrt0ed temper inside. 41 LYnFIz4Xawcutla, Out., general ag S p COMPLETE SU COE St
mat wind, ]But J01]11212y. CMd Dominjort,will insure a bottle eontainingoVe rorills possibl John '0 See that pot, ej
h, ex- fathgr, lains., be taught as wea as ex ny's by return mall. eac7t bo
tt[O 1198 PERU- hort- ed t tisa them. The impu K OnTHRUP LYMAN VIAN SYRUP-61own io 4
Live boy may, t% -
An IlaZIlyl W21LAIr tBus frees hh -mind aftarm=y times of, for�, Noweastle, W., genera coin, tho three otfulfiess be- agents Priz..
-to clea forGanadilt thinkim his Muddy shoe Jim Ili
Penny pzsca. 9[& is. too JIM a, and X3moMin0odarichoby Parker - 03attleand J- P.-- DINSMORE, 1lli?bpr1eidr,- - �At Two xMbilio'ns I
scrapings and 3ordan; (4-aidiner tz Go., Baybild0aw.
62aLl, el bawz; f� is: t wip- -80 3wer at;, 2witvir h9=9 a awk of fbur- it ii nc, aso t9, 3p3y -31 come 'n witlL a self satisfied air, Bold b;r nruZ&Utg-,- - CIBOULARS
T 07
Bentham, Roxervi le; JPickard,Eireteri.n.
D& weak to briug ing
Conalle, A,
. XZID " ft
ostentatio I + Aiilll
usy'noppolgolitto 'show ,cknow,-H. Ifick W
ran�: it fs soleaml aud feet.. Or QVAZ;ZT.
-his eon Sqnfc�th. end a]: WedicipKdeaters.
Vrhbn� after a14 a jump of in
ud is
sacz,adE & , GU13TjPR;ONT.
y so. af�3_lt teD the snug
P of tho NW irit Fir,ize-
L-,ri, tia tTaq h the 17 roned UP 'it front Of CaCh heal, CANADIAN PAEV ]DIC 8T.F10,-r. -ST 8 REA 911V
V Y. F. AOA�P.
1neived E' ar gaimb i, I-argo, enongk xfber�it has be0a fj" mfg�I,4 shaken en 'ope ;90,ST'A
ficuth0c=Pt, and bo rly
dr1eu,_arashe4 poll 9D* YGU #A WOE?. Wkd. mod dozed, anif wafted S A FAMILY NEDI013TE, IT IS Ate., NAW
intQ the a' 6.
P27 �,Jvezjor, Whol W34 In the procas "" Tn3kOlknow not her,, A _j
0 n=MfaetUrL,-r a Many Cubk1cet orSnor well and fav6iably known, rotieving
dnxt4aden afr. thousaudefrom pain in the ri
y6s, very nted, n the .408t -,--0yle and -'At th
')�h? T-1, &na8XWtj &h, Bach and Head, Voujhs, COAU,
$ore 0troat, Sprains, Bmisres
y the thinx To czrmv 9wz2Tj=Aj yA=07 A
Iray This c3r "done lqtW Crampsi, the, Xomai;4, 07t6jera W]EIERE are -you g6ifid it -Such a
951 YOU- TakO four f fba pyontery" hurry
ETP TuouGus -4X.DQqXDt0TIrq� am goin arufl&
1hi, .01
YW9 3"]; 00 A 96Y'- afnitdi", ten!xwhj I Afuh..Tha�oir_ P'PE
eyw ut,,=124 md foar sqff �y potfiln-i into th -A ho
0 rs t; water an 9 over to MoINTOSIELIS
Gun �;hopi,to got nly-Sewing M
700"Imstickingtothe"aide3 rbp�ired.. You can get all kinds of Sew -
W be Mora unbe abd boU&� Of the jar wiU be d ingNachines pnt in f
jLTD:y ga�& up th= ever
C Xt .7M bbufrd Exhilailbil; Qualpills- 7.
acdedck, all
f m"e4 by ths ]RbYst Antiq 4*h1ch " �'_' - , -I
Uftdilwell liked insunce. . and wherever -we
,4, Sfrojj;;�y& havomeverknown a bfuguasutwadbIt-where, the Thjs�V1udjsucck*sj!p AdcVtloa to Is
Qzib9-ft9XX"-YeM.undor thw t1tj cord:oPA,
Placo- in xear,,of
F. Jorann's Drug Store., EN
di Willcox have beau �jopeyly-foll9wedii$ Wvvk
th,_ 0.71sar ;002�_ oi t
? OfcT.
ohroolujill, any other ve3s fore tho, public, for a length of -thnao not
Wash bo'vtlOwther 99MIr-lCayl, or' r been ft- oTv DOE
70,31ri-log. by,,thapearhsh and 1100 10090 in th6 -The Ctuivlian 11ln liil, GO fng� -ExblbIUoA;: #410 fil '-�d
hR! G U. W
0 there, if not there is no charge. �KwFA
sodotyof copeahnon dw�nqj- d 7 11 milli to to &1varwmanent rohef*lijix#wdkA
purify Or.&
0 of, oar frpiji ut on tbe�
TbBIAU4, Tit-th all ale, 4
tha Saipo spk 1. the hir ,jmd 94U% ANP 'RETAIL. lQ649rboh, Varch, plb�
#U� �'W litEr, WHOLE 1873, 362 -TRIAL
AmArisi"o; -
nd- fdr
0110d Of. egill'. bud Sind 1g�F A�R
WAah firer rats: �Ancj
or which It is pper, Brass, Wool rickingaijn 81, --ATAOIYA'� - j.
"aAX"j()3& pASTj
ftftor, leatt", having 8:)-�Coal Oil- Lamps,- Jvi. Oldlioon. Trust
any 36"W71 other fsfpr CQOZV�k, aforiilga; fyVlt'frj)jjL tfts�-
=Ian% testel it Uoroirgl:A7 .4uppriorr al
U"tta M44 3a a* t �004 asBes A-andtherefore 'thohrowhoare potent jadf,
ffetillir frOly any-ofth eco"Talof h. r
Peing &sovereign Skins titkoh ln:exolmilgir.� I I -- TE Add -if krelY turingiNabbinies- C
-1 e
Containing Sci)ucris �,rittcn�
to be De- G
the dwaget for Which It Is riiicom� all to be
11-4 t�g b� *W4qilret; MOQe(land Itawron44isful 4 a tba, oiftyis Conceded by xe Aow:pr
0 dM
other from the 1 -de Thir, alp Quelp -i J iad -to i
WU two or the.] Jotli --- -' I d, torturous pains* beelit 1e in incq�ri ' f'" - "'Tholksup' we cute 03F
yet Introanced' Y"ft S99 triera was a, buml ok '1 00, lly L
Ofn ina X
ing rre
ot �,o Use been P;4 two Years and In T' ad% ZIMO satinitts,
ra t 0hit; be'spplahytes. withdrew froffi-cioinfWtion, thug ackno%v e 9 U9 tocking YAfA0, 40, &1
I , a I : , , " I 19.11118frOm many of thaleadin -pith them' WITH CAPAML-
fs aa,,ther: fi-b tjoa Tkmedjef�' Vluo�All"ts, Hor.0 05 -ye.. 'S
Mom4 by Xg. I�
ottliccountiv G:"4 �R
I r1vzi� or
WOL 31ot 00119Qat -in the cot ont, weather, 'it Is Everyingtrunion"i lf'warralltelfo dUE DMuBMTT-Y* anas P Th"
'b:i�ata The Calijilan p 'L user,
SU An 10lest Atter. -an F0r-Mer1Y-_
tl;a -WIlito or j r6y�i liverfallN Ve
_C� t4en Will Wo OUX4 fr1MV'1at,- Vilrer All _'VOUefraq Rte it" - TO TUB '1840. INA06
k2- F11493, an.1 Physfc%oallnlor antl h" it. end no fxnlfl�, will ba A icylba will please p47,"p at-onlia. �TESTTMOXIAL
A jplrZ-,G� theol0gopli flaij litunhino Wor 2011 VARDINGi,41,160T11' DRESSUGA& T' Anil ax�jr!t AM -SYL LIM,:
inh f) -, b)k
01rde Vo)r spe AAjP Aip C0jjrA0 Of in the
leiLvingthe same wfth Ur
ay rhusew-
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