Huron Signal, 1873-06-04, Page 30.23 wife el a nen. :dee, the esio ea, el a denels- Y1., ti.'n wife e,„ of a d seset- dee wide sei :ter. MS- Ttr, 11eZet ts:a trter-zno 'eJacnes Gierve. r.. -at /once, f :a • f netrense 1 a ‘a f - a iraa T.rx,a. .1 lse'cr Hen we'e M:. 's est et: • Mes en Vex', :e'e t • ie.,. 1 ie..... urnrata. CORY HOUSE test Se,aa.re. L. McINT.tea. /372 de. .111. OFFERS A lees fee s ich 114- D the. 4::very whe 'sieve on friset SI% S. 1$7e sEes. teent Teseedier fer Gedericle atemmerico era Age:sea- s .e'dtAiefterlei, Sec:re:are. s3.eeev; - F AND HL' a few mentes, Ateertessents • there ens ne u7'. 4.,.. •n. eto. 3372a* 1 - BY cr s :sae :n any te. ine • aeher Mende, a.s ne. 'retUER.1", s...."3.9".ri. St=gg eh teed re- s a_n epore ; a dish 'es-e.ierita".) e half a dezen pnbieee ray :e eftemen.to of 2 intend t s t others, the en. wheel- 2 dond rsie.'e a ettidif;s3 1have re ese of the VIJI-T±OM11 113v0 wi3.17.2 ts) rte;iment edav 28210, Weset TI weeks did, itet of Geed ratmernesel Lea old. rdrbeen and when ne, '"rellren, the "•ee ii. Life I sereet .T. diesarel and 1 th2n. a -1Y et. ase a -sinner ".essseee Oresale. linter the ▪ tees; te----e tltre.s.-;sees and then bee neets-ort Me - Wed meet resr visit - Ins= and, 'on ::S.72.:1:0 3 pet itds my Thee - ▪ Pe T. tadeed fee 37 eeseaged by 1 followed dos P:ey..t4-12e's Leon Stet ea, ;-isa tes; ele. p. case two of I tee Han. D. -nee me hie se 'a my forsh- ny meths:ids tlse lardee de is entered_ eddriese. Tho by V of 7Vrarr-rr h„ 14,-1 1'51,--11y NiLo La.,16.12(2.3n 1733 edstel eget Ecteaven Eo n a9111 • Ykke do erl.ed thee, 1.13at taby E e22d2 • iripa1.31-3 eeTethinee in mellea."- ee ereezeN. – — NED r. e_neeet. R fee Coleneta INES iI 1011K-4, gEYZTIA 13'0 L CANADA. Woele on tho Glenne to Chattwa 8°eti'mci ths G. W. Re double track has Cell. G. T Dennison, ir'3"nti°' commenced. ched of an attack of paralysis of the twain on Feiday morning. On Wednesday, at Toronto, a brick - Ivey namoel Wallace fell 60 feet nd ot off wit h only a broken leg? ag A Pmelaniationj pubtished establish- iong a Department of the Interior, one month from the atle of May. The_ Paljah of Kolpore's challenge cup, which wero on ny the Canadians,_ at the last Wimbledon meeting. have been sent to England in order to be com- peted for agent. Meheose fairs are to be held every fort • night at 13elleville, Ingersoll and Stret- feed, &wing the season, of 1873. The erst at Stratford sein b held on Theirs- • (lay net. Rata have made their first:appearance in Manitoba thiaspring. It is supposed the vtsranin have been'imported into the Province in bales of goods. They will tepidly increase And Archibald Frarrao, of Maitland, Hants county, has been selected as candidate the elevation of Hon: Mr. Howe, as mons vacated by sfor the seat in tho Com Lieutenant Governor. It is thought there will be no opposition. It is asserted by an Ottawa journal thet the aro no less than two hundred unlicensed groggeries in the village of Hull, on theopposite side of the Ottawa river. This village is the general head- ,Inerters of the lumbermau. The Camel and an elephant belonging te Ientt's circus were tied to a tree at Ottawa, the other day, When an eenress train came along. The camel fainted earav, but the elephant started off with the tree, the camel and the keeper. The people of Outarie wid have plenty of amusement in the circus iine &trine the coining summer, as no less than three have aleeady been billed for the principal towns in the province, Lent's, the Great Eastern, aide. Barnum's. re Mr. dames Herald, of Dundas, left Hamilton station on .Tuesday by the Toronto train, which he mistook for his own.. At thedunction, heving discovered his mistake, he jumped out, and, as might have been expected, lost his foot at the ande. Before leaving Ottawa at the close of Parliament a number of French Cana- dian Conservatives decided to follow the leader ship of Langeven as head of their party; others preferred Cauchon who will at any rate command a large share of confidence among Quebec Couserva- tives. Hon. Mr. Robitaille has gone to Mon - treat to make arrangements for the faneral of Sir G. Cartier, whose remains are eel:reacted at Quebec about' the 10th of June, on beard the Prussian. The Druid will convey the body to Montreal, ; where it will lie in the court hone till ; the 13th of June when the funeral will take place. Garderes in the vicinity of London are swanning with potato bugs. They are te be foundl on the trees, bushes and all kinds of vegetablee as well as Potato vines, and appear to be ready to attack and destroy every greets thing. They seem to be increasing with alarrciing rapidity and come gardeners are intimi- dated by them, lest they may lose all i thee eripeed in planting their garden. The firat cheese market of the season I was held at Ingersoll on Tuesday of last week. There was a small attendance of buyers and sellers. owing to the sale be. insufficiently advertised, Many fac- tonee did not know that Tuesday had been advertised as a market day, and had sold their early make. Several lets were sold at 11 coasts to 11 cents per pound. O. Itailera71.1redeste Stern09.. TH g TR AC3 IMPASSABLE FOE THE PRESENT. OARVILLE, May 29. The Great Western Railway bridge here took fire this morning about 8 o'cltk, it is believed through a spark from a petering train. The wood -work of the bridge was entirely destroyed, but the liTatressell remain standing. The morning train from this city had paned the spot before the accident. It is ex- pected that the damage will be repaired and trestle resumed on Monday. In the meantime passengers and freight will be conveyed past the destroyed portion by stage and trucks. The Company, it appeere, Pete been contemplating the eretioa of anew bridge at this point, and therssfore the accident nill not he considered so serious as it otherwise might have been. LATEST. Hamturow, May 26. Owing to the bridge being burned at Oakville this morning the morning trains leaving here were cancelled. However, at 3:39 this afternoon, the usual train left for Toronto The Great Western Railway have already put up- werds of one hundred men to work at the recionstrnetion of the bridge, which will be prozeeded with night and day until it is fontereed sufficient for the pas- sage of treitse. In the meantime pas - Empire and baggage will be transported across the river from ono train to an- other. The fire appears to have started almcret immediately after the passing of No. 1 train. which arrived her at 6 o'clock this moraine,. HAMILTON, May 29. -In consequence of the deetruction of the Oakville bridge by ears this morning, the passenger trains; between Toronto aae.d Hamilton will run as follews.for the next five days, by which timo it is hoped to have a tem- porary bridge hnilt. Trains will leave Toronte at 5:45 a.m., and 2 p m., and will leave Hamilton at 9 a. as., and 3:45 p m. litrite=tee_nt Revere:L. (From the Hamilton Times.) Daring the session just over the Government coffered the following re- eereee : 1. In its attempt to give tho petition- ers against Mr. Wilkes, of CentraToron. to, an illegal advantage, it was defeated by a majority of four. 2. It attempted to deprive Mr. Cock- burn, 'the legally olecte.d member for Muskoka, of his seat ist the House, but was compelled by the House- to submit to the views of the Opposition an the matter, and allow Mr. Cockburn to be sworn Tin. as a member. 3. It was defeated by a majority of 35, when it sought to resist New Bruns- wick's just ellairne to have a SCh044. Law scbmitted to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Coancil. for a decisive opinion - as to its constitutionaltty. 4. It was defeeted in its attempt to give a pet printing contractor 50 per cent. more than he had earned -was foreed into a compromise that only gave him 27 per cent. more, than be had legal- iy earned, and only carried. that by a ma- jority of one. 5. It was unable to agree en a• policy es to the continuance of the Lasolvency Law _and was forced into action in the matte' r by the House by an auiendinent to the rnetien to go into Committee on Supply. Snell. a Motion is generally ceensidered one a want f co.ufidence, bat the Government saved. itself ...by a part ef its membert voting for the a- mendment to the. Government's own. originalmetion. 6. In 1872, Sir John MaCdOnalifi mov- ed. and -tarried the mix months' hoist to a bill providing tio the elections, at any general electtort, be beid Ce12 the same &Sr. In 1873 Sir John was forced to include that prevision in his own el - Gegen bili, 8. In 1872, ths Gerrernment voted a- gainst auldocsated Mr. 31i11's bill for the abolitien of Died Representation. In 1873 the H01116 medethat same hill law, and the Government had to submit. -The Government sought to push tbrongh & jab for the 2ferthernR, but, barint defeat bed to withdraw it, 10. The ffentennsent was pledged to secure Logielatire sanction ef tits land clause in else Facifuen. B. fleeter. Peer- ing any disonsefen. of its Padua R. R, policy, it bed sset the courage to bring 'levee an Act for the purpese, 'and so /eft its rtiiiway *time incomplete. Ellis 'tole/ea very. cotenderebls last of feilores fer one steement and shows that, hiewever eeeklessly bold tee enverument bas'ee*inthiovang sway publics fends to all vette Cialleante prios of Perlieteeettery etyport, tte general p01- cy *eta uo levor from edeher the sesseassi efee Foreisanatat. Torrifie Whirlwind in Lanark Coant7. 4 GREAT DESTRUCTION OT PROPERTY, Wrote the Perth Courier.) On Friday afternoon last, between 5 and 6 o'clock, a terrific, tornado passed through this section of country, exceed- ing in violence and 1t3 destructive effests anything within the memory of oven the ()Neat rtaaidents of old Lanark county. Ds path is marked by the ruins of houses, barns, stables, fences, and trees; and its debris covers the gretind ss if the hand of some Titan had scattered in his rage the most enduring works of nature and man, ruthlessly far and. wide. Though we have net hoard the full ex- tent of its devastations, or been inform- ed ef the exact route it followed during, its; visit here, we hare learned sufficient to iufer that tho cyclone took an almost circular sweep through the county, trav- elling like a destroying angel, through Elmsley, Montague, Beckwith, Ramsey, Lanark, Darling and Lavant-where it sported with buildings, fences, and woods in a menner almost ssiggeative of West Indian hurricanes. Its path wag between an eighth and a quarter of a mile wide; and on one side of its sweep, the debris was thrown towards thesduth, on the opposite side to the northward. It was generally accompanied by a heavy fall of rain, and its course was traced overhead by a pitch black cloud, which moved in majestic gyratiens peculiar to circular wind -storms. Its stay at each point occupied about two minutes -quite long enough. Strange to say, no lives were lest in the prevalent destruction, though apparently there was terrible roona for casualties and fatalities - boards. timbers, and trees were hurled through the air for hundreds of yards, and onietimes driven int) the ground and tato staimps so forcibly that in many cases they could not be removed by manual ptnver. Buggies and waggons were overturned and smashed to pieces, and people blown over and rolled ludi- crously and swiftly along the ground; yet we have not heard eleven a limb be broken or a severe welled having been received. From two points only hare we receiv- ed details of the ruin caused. The Rev. Dr. Chisholm, who passed through Lan- ark township last week gives the follow- ing particulars of the destruction that came under his observation in the north, or rear of that township, between La- rocque's and Creig's taverns, 3rd conces- sion: -Roof blown off a large barn be- longing to Mr. Bullech; roof blown a- way from widow Tinds house; doors of house and all the outbuildings of widow Peter McGaire. Mr. Watchorn's sheds and buildings blown down; Neil Mc - Kay's slies, barns, and stableir hurled down and blown away. The tempest passed through Mr. McKay's bush and made a clean sweep a quarter of a mile wide from one end to the other. The tornado touched oue corner of the house of his nest door neighber, a Mr. Thom- son, and cut it clean oft. The storm then passed into Levant. On its line of march- there is no such thing as a fence left, but the rails are scattered -broken and splintered -acres away from their original position. Mr. Edward Elliott, who visited an- other locality chastened by the hurricane - North Eli:alley-furnished us with a few of the leading particnlars. The tem- pest, after crossing front Bargess, tore down a shed of Mr. George Oliver, at Ottay Lake.' Thence moving towards Pike Falls, it hurled to pieces a barn of Mr. Alexander Adams. Then _it took a corner off the l'ort Elmsley grist -mill, and moved the superstructure about six inches off its position on the foundation; the school house, Orange Hall, Mid the Episcopal Church were next blown dowe ; and the greater part of the roof torn off the largeShaw store -house. Visitine Mr. John Elliott's premises, it wrenched part of the roof off the house, tcrre the barn nearly to pieces, took the roof off the stables, sheds, and pushed the latter off its fetindation about 18 inches. Some of the timbers were car- ried away a quarter of a mile. Farther on a barn cf G. O'Hara's was unroofed, and a house, barn, and stable of Hart- ford O'Hara were likewise unroofed. The storm next tore down an unoccu- pied house, and unroofed a stable be- longing to Henry Best. A shed and a stable of John Hogg, and Jas. Weekes, respectively, were unroofed, and a house and barn of ThoeMoore. Mr. A. Clark had also a barn unroofed., Howethe country farther on in Elmsley was used by the storm wo have not yet beard.; but we are told that Montague enffered severely. The town of Perth fortunately hap- pened to be off the track of the tornado, but did not escape a heavy show.er ef rain and a fierce wind that sent many a board -pile flying in all directions. Had the cyclone struck the town, the loss of life and property would inevitably have been large. =- Miss Nellie Grant's birthday will be very generally celebrated this year all over the United States. This is a gratify- ing evidence of a disposition to accept the situation universally displayed by those to whom the Government offers any situation. For the sake of defin- iteness we may state that the maiden's natal day comes on the 4th day of July. A humorous correspondent says that now almost every time a young lady passes him his mind. reser its to an animal he saw in a traveling menagerie last summer, and which the showman called a camel. The reason for this he says is too conspicuous to require ex- planation. Apropos of the same we might say that though the demand for them has greatly increased lately. we still have s small quantity of old ex- changes and papers wbich we will supply it slightly advanced prices. Public School Teacher& EXAMINATION Weesesamell. THE SIOST C) Clb ' POPULAR BUSINESS JORDAN'S Moore & McKenzie's OF THE DAY, FOR CLOTLHN G. STYLE, WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. A Largo Stock of Broadcloths, Doeskins, Twoods, &c„ &e. Constantly on hand. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. ck Moore & McKenzie's FOR 900-irt Dress, Goods, Prints, Shawls, Silk Vel- vet Jackets, Parasols, Muslin, Grena- dines, Gloves, Hosiery, Grey and White Cottons. Table Linens, Shootings, Tick. hags, &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Cheaper than the Cheapest. 'V 0 1Io3re & McKenzie's FOR IGROCERIES, THE Half yearly Examination of 1 candidates for Second and Third Class Certificates will be held in the Town of Goderich, commencing on Tuesday, 1511i Jaly,at 9 o'clock, A.M. But candidates who intend to take the optional subjects in the curriculum _for Second Class, i. e. Natural History, Botany, and Agricultural Chemistry, must present themselves at Two o'clock on Monday, 14th July. The examination of candidates for First Class Certificates will be held at the same place, commencing on • Monday, 21st July, at 2 o'clock,P.M. A gold medal will be awarded to the most successful candidate for aFirst Claes Certificate of the highest grade (A). The Presiding- inspector requests can- didates to transmit to the Secretary, Goderich, P. 0., not later than the 24th of June, a notice, stating the class of cer- tificate- for which he is a candidate, and also furnieh satisfactory proof of tem- perate habits and good moral character. PETER, ADAMSON, Sec'y Board Examiners. Goderich, May 26th, 1873. 1371 GREAT REDUCTION. MHZ -Subscriber' having purchased one of the I Largest tied best Stocks of - PIS 3Fge 3V.0 aver emelt to Goderich, consisting of GILT OVALS, WALNUT OVALS. WALNUT RUSTICS, • And as he is going ont of business, is new offering them at reduced 1'1o. n x lE Rose d Silt num, at 44/13 each. They must ell be sold within Os next for Muth Berson' wishing to get prints ham back agaticee, can de so before tie negatives ars destroyed. 0, TES. HgRE TT COMES, pip.ogyn.b. :I per dozen. Conte cpe. come ell ant est ,r....... of tile reduced grio• ?MVP* to Yell enij examine my gent before fear - • Thenkfai eget fame. I cox taliy invite the Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, Barley, Currants, Raisins, Spices, Soaps, Brooms, Pails, &c. &c. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Cheaper than the Cheapest. co Moore & McKenzie's FOR BOOTS & SHOES, Gents', Ladies' and Children's Prunolla Boots, Ladies' and Childreads Slippers; Men's Coarse Kip and Calf Boots, LadiesKid and Goat Boots, Rubbers, &c., &c. CONSTANTLY N HAND: Cheaper than t e Cheapest. VAIRBANKS' SCALES AT MANU- A; facturer's Prices-Lasee Platform Scales, including Hay Scales, promptly ordered and a discount for Chsh allowed, At JOFINS3N & KERR'S. - floaRRIAGE SPRINGS, CARRIAGE AXLES and PATENT WAGGON ARMS, for sale cheap At JOHNSON & KERR'S. BA R 'AND HOOP IRON, SLEIGH SHOE and CAST, STEEL, a full assortment, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. PA HORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, by the keg or box, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. T ROMIG TUE MOST POPULAR MOVEMENT, CLOTHING!: MOVING OUT OF •A.SMITH & COSI' Merchant Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT. e0AL OIL BY THE BARREL' OR Gallon, and COAL OIL LAMPS, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. THE BEST ASSORTMENT of. TA BUJ, DESSERT, PEN AND POCKET KNIVES, PLATED SPOONS and FORKS in Goderich, to be had At JO B NSON & KERR'S. 1 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK - WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW FILES, and Sorby's HAND and RIP SAWS, the best in the Market, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. - FAINT'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT SAWS and SAW HANDLES at List Price, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. • p.HOPPING AXES FROM THE best Makers, single and doable steel , At JOHNSON & KERR'S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LOOKS, HINGES, ,NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS and OILS, at Lowest Cash Prices, always on hand, At JOHNSON 8c KERR'S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS, from the best makers, at Low- est gash Price. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. pARlICULAR ATTENTION PAID to the wants of the Farming Com- munity, and orders from the country promptly attended to, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. M ILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS at Maker's Price List, carefully or- dered and discount for cash allowed, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. THE WHOLE OF THE ABOVE L GOODS are offered CHZAP, CHZAP, for Cash, At JOHNSON & KERR'S. JUST received by tbo subsci Prera a large stock of SPRING TWEEDS, BROA DCLOT FIS, - FANCY COATINGS, VESTINGS, &C., We are determined to sell as usual good goods, arm A °ow) FIT GUARANTEED, DR NO SALE. A LARGE STOCK OF ErE/AM--ifil2D2 nOVICIM principally home manufacture. Just received the newest things in . GENTS' FURNISHIN1 GOODS, HATS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND TIES, all of which will be sold as low as possible. BOMB say that opposition 1t1 tho life of trade. Others say Ibis is the place to get Good Clothes Tirade. We aro bound by strict attention to business, with oar facilities and experience in trade to throw all interlopers in the shade. " Cutttng done fres of Charge." !Er Wanted two first-elass workmen for whish the highest wages will be paid. in"' Re. member the stand, next door ,te J. Bond's Drug Store, on the El ABRAHAMEMITEL t Co. tr-e Now is your time to buy a first-class sewing machine. The new, improved Osborn "1. the best Family -Machine made in Canada- Abraham Smith, Agent. noderich, April. 15.1873, 1365 WALL PAPERS, New Patterns for 1873. NEW GOLD PAPERS. 21 4 SATIN PAPERS. DINING ROOM PAPERS. SITTING ROOM PAPERS. BED R0051 PAPERS. HALL PAPERS. 6.3 NEW STYLES OF OAK. Marble, Granite and Ceiling Papers. NEW BORDERINGS. " DECORATIONS. " P.A.NELLID.ZGS. _ Window Shades, Plain and Figured, in great variety, At Lowest Prices At MOORTIOUSE'S., March 18tb, 1873. MILES' PATENT ALARM CASli I • IYIL Drawers, the beet in the world -- Price only $4 50 At JOHNSON & KERR'S. REMEMBER THE PLACE, RAMILTON NT., - Sign -4f the Cross -Cat Saw, rliNS0"4 & KERR. . Ooderich. March llth, 1873. iraftsin •Issisrbere. Photographs of 11,s :forest /Oa TAtest r+ty7te, Tars* photssrapbs Rcduceri., ROOMS to Let. 14 -Those indebted mil confer a gre it rasa b7C11214 ant p tyisag uPL A171^LY te E JOHNSON,. MRS. HIT LIARD, , 13704*' Eaat gltrootl Goderiah. Gettetieb,Mee Iftge lent • Seeds! Seeds! Seed Potatoes, Carrot Seed, Turnip Seed, BRUCE'S SELECTED EAST - LOTHIAN PURPLE TOP. This variety has been carefully selected and improved, so as to secure a globular shaped ro'ot, free from the least tenden- cy to coarseness; it is very solid and heavy, and the flesh good in quality; it is particularly adapted to the richer description of soil; and for long keeping qualities can't be surpassed. Per Pound Vro- cents. Also a General Stock of GARDEN & FLOWER SIBIE13E)S, . AT • D. FERGUSON'S, 1369 Hamilton St., Goderich. IF YOU WANT FINE ALE OR ' Brown Stout, MADE BY THOMAS OF 13 EVA. N E0 CP It, III GO TO D. FERGUSON'S, HAMILTON STREET, 1369-6m GODERICH. Music and Drawing. miss LOWES wishes to inform her J -T-* friends and the public that she is prepared to give lessons on the Piano forte, dre'. Having bean 'taught by first class masters, and for several Years a suecessful teacher, she feels confident she cau give satisfaction. Alse, a clatis in Drawing, Water -colors, ace on Wod- nesday. and Saturday afternoons. For terms, apply at the residence of Mr. G. M. Trueman, Hamilton Street, Goderich. - May /9tb, 1873e, 1370 SPENCER PIMPLES. IWILL send (free) recipe for my VEGETABLE BALM, removing Prunes, Beam . Weems, BierTOHES, Fuxoxeza, Moyne, TAN and all• DIS- EASES or Tier Sieurp leaving it clear and with a healthy glow. Also /sure process for fins growth of FIela on bald heads or EnTonotafac ols.re.o.0 APMAN, CHEMIST, 197 Broadway, New York. P.O. Box 5,128; 1371-3m Voters Lista . • voa sALp ATTHE &caw, Office; e. °edam& Wanted. 4. IN 1 DRUG STORE, -Market Squat°, Goderich. , ;11 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS JUST RECEIVED AT THE MEDICAL HALL. rGoderich, April 15th, 1873. t• 1365 THE EMPORIUM. NEW SPRIIVG HATS, AT J. C. DETLOR & Co's. NEW SPRING TWEEDS AT J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 20 CASES BOOTS & SHOES Just received at J. C. DETLOR & Co's. 3 BALES GREY COTTONS Just Received at J. C. DETLOR & Co's Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. j. C. DETLOR & CO. Goilerich, 3rd March, 1873. AUCTION SALE OF A ON EAST STREET, GODERICH. G. M. TICUEIVIAN Is instructed by Mr. James Simon to sell by Attrition at his Auction Mart, Goderich, on Wednesday the llth of June, 1873, (immediately after tite sale of the Residence of the late J. B. Gordon, &N.) that very superior Frame House mituated on corner of East nnd Victoria Streets, being composed of Town Lots 33 and 76, together half an acre of Land. 12he House Is well laid Qut and contains 11 Rooms. There is a good Stable and other out• buildings on the Premises. TERMS liberal and will be made:known at, lint of sale. Goderich. May 13th, 1813. 1355 14 Chancery Sale OF 'A Valuable Residence IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH. pURSUANT to a decree and final Order of Sale made by the Court of Chancery in a cause.of SEYMOUR vs. GORDON, There will be sold by Public -Auction, with the approbation of Henry-Macder- mott, Esquire, Master of the said Court at Goderich, by George Moon Trueman, Auctioneer, at his Auction Mart, in the Town of Goderich, on Wednesday the Eleventh day of June, - A. D. 1873, At Twelye o'clock, noon, the following valuable property, viz., Town Lots numbers Two hundred and fourteen, Two hundred and sixty-four, the South- erly part of one hundred and sixty, seven RS described in a 'Deed 'thereof from one Polley to one Gordon, Two hundred and thirteen, and all that part or portion of Two hundred and twelve as described in a Mortgage upon the property aforesaid from one John Bell Gordon to one Bartholomew Seymour, all running numbere in the Town of Godorich aforesaid. Upon the property is built a large two story brick dwelling house, well and conveniently laid out with verandah on three sides, and containing thirteen rooms and good cellars. Attached aro valuable green house and conservatory, alsoash, kat and root houses, astable and other necessary out -buildings, all in reasonable repair. The grounds are tastefully laid out, containing terrace, croquet grounds and a number of valuable fruit trees, the whole comprising an elegant and desira- ble residence. The property may be inspected till day of sale by intending purchasers on application to Mr. True• man, the Auctioneer. The property wit be put up at an upset price of $5000 and will be sold free from a/1 incum- brancesTERlt 'OF SALE 1 -Ten per cent of purchase money to be paid down at day of sale to the Vendors or their Solici- tors; the balance without interest to be paid into Court in one Month from day of sale, when the purchaser shall_ be entitled to a conveyance and to be let into pheriesaion, Reasonable arrange- ments may be made with thesvendor for a portion of the Ipurchase money to remain at intetest pon the property, secured by Mortgage. In other reepects the conditions of sale shalt he the standing con- ditions of the Court of Chancery. Further partic- ulars may be obtained from Messieure Cameron & Garroiv, and Davison & Johnston, Solicitors Goderich, from the Auctioneer and from Messieurs,Mc- Donald, Badgerow &, Nelles, Solicitors, Toronto. Abstract of Title may be in- spected at the office of Vendor's Soli- citors till day of sale. Dated at Goderich the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1873. S'd H. MACDERMOTT, wMastero,at Gederich. it , CAMERON GARR VendoesSolicitors. , 1368 A ,BOY about 15 or 16 years of ago, "t who p messes a good education, to learn the besieges of Architect. SM AILL. Goderich, 26th lieey, 1873. 1371e Ten.ders. Wptecl. MENHERS wilt be received up tO the fret day of 1 June for the building of a . Frame School House HURRAH FOR - MA ITLANDVILLE ! WILLIAM STANBURY, fl'HANKFUL for past favours, A desires to infeem tho inhabitants of Maitlanclville and surrounding country that he is to be found at the old Stand, ready and willing to attend to theivants of his cnstoiners. He has on hand A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES consisting of TEA, SUGAR,1 TOBACCO, CURRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES&c, tfic, ALSO Dry Goods, • Nails, Crockery, : Glassware, FLOUR 4. FEED. • Having been granted a Shop License for the sale of Liquors, he will keep on hand a full stock of WHISKEY, ALE BRANDY, RUM. GIN, WINES, &c. &C. &C. • IN BOTTLE -OR ON DRAUGHT. ne The highest market price paid far Butter, Eggs and other produce. Remember the stand, nearly opposite the • School House, Maitlandville. March 4th, 1873. 1359 ^ In No, .8 School Section, Goderleh Township. The - Trustees do not bind themselves to accept the low. 'est, or any tender. epeiy to the undersigned, where plane and specifications may ,he 110EII after the 8th of may.. WM. STIRLING, • THOS.WELSH. ' 1308d Ai?, 011EAP. D UNLOP Merchant Tailor, WEZT STREET, GODERICH, ti AS receivedhisSpringStock of Goods ILL and is prepared as anal to make all kinds of Garments in the most fashion- able styles and at the lowest rates. G-ents _Ournishings of all descriptions constantly on hand. A CALL RESPECFULLY SOLICITED. It, Two good Tailors wanted imme- diately. Goderich, 150h April, 1873. ATTEATT , 145 PARTIAL LIST • . of goods for sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite the Market - House. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ' CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, SHOVELS, SCYTHES, FORKS, RAKES, GRAIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, 1TEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, all sizes, 'WHITE LEAD, all prices, BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. , taternee TINE, And all kinds of For Sale 011eap,f G., H. Parsons & Co. Opposite the Market Hour, • GOPMItICle-1 June, 28. 1871. Lost HE Smbrcriher has a Cevered. Car- 't .NUMBER of Parasols,. o th /isle ,with pole and shafts well • Lucknnw Road, a short •diastaneee suited for a well-to-do farmer to take his to meeting. - • Willie gold Cheap fer Cash. - de • • J. J. WRIGHT, Goderich, 20th. May,- 1873. 1370 t . . • from Goderich. The finder on leaving .then with Abraham Smith, Goderich, ' or M. Campbell, Men:bent,- Lucknow, will lie rewarded.for their trouble, . 1,9t1i; 1873. , 1370 • 414. • 6 1111111111111.11111111111111nr IOW L. S. WILLSON, SELLING OFF 1 • _ SELLING OFF! Sewing -Machine, PIANO, ORGAN, MELODEON, AND AGRICULTURILIMPLVIIENT .49.421;EINTT_ IShowrooms, next door to the "Signal': Office, Goderich. Mn. MEGAW and myself aro the ONLY AGENTS FOR THE }-- 11.FLORENGE" Sewing Machine in Goderich and vicin- ity. 1368. The Hesieler SEINING *MAURINE - IS THE ° PEOPLES' FAVORITE AND gives uMversal satisfaction, it is the most simple, durable and the lightest running machine now made (of the cheaper kind) and will sew much heavier material than any other, it is just what the farmers have long wanted and is warranted in every case and kept in repair free of charge for one year by the company. Take my advice and buy no other. Sewing mechines of any other make supplied to order at regular rates. I am also agent for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. Office and show rooms at A. P. McLean's Clothing Store, East Street, Goderich. J. W. WEATHERALD 1354. R. PARSONS-& Co., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODEIt,I0,11 Have for Sale MINK, FOX, and other traps, CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD SAWS, AND BEST MAKES OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- PING AXES, VARIt OUS MA KERS IND PRICES: BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES AND BROAD AXPea COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS, LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, ' GLASS,PUTTY, WRO tiGHT AND CUT NAILS -&c. And a large assortment of alliinds of EIA IDW At lowprices for CASH. Oppoteete MARKET HOUS- G. H. PARSONiM Co Goderiche'Nov. 28 1871 WANTED. A YOUTH to learn printing. _ One LA- who has been a year or two at the business preferred. Apply at this of- fice. Goderich, 29th April, 1873. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. ••••1.•••••••••••=. County of Huron, I PY virtue of a To Wit: de' Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun- ty Court of the County of Euro; and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of Edward Pierce, Senior, at the suit of Thomas Hawkins, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to Lot number Two in the Seventh concession, E. Township ef Ashfield in the County of Huron, which Lenart and Tenements I shall offer for sale at my Office, in the Court Houser in the Town of 'Goderich, on Saturday the 19th day of July next, at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. JOHN MACDONALD, She eiff of Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 15th April, 1873. S 1366-3m Sheriff's Sale d lands. County of Huron, pY virtue of a To Wit : " Writ of Fieri Facies issued out of Her Majesty's Coun- ty Court of the Comity of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of James Hays at the nit of Patrick O'Dea, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, inteieat and equity of redemption of the raid Defendant in Lots numbers twenty-nine, thirty, forty-six, sinty-five, and sixty- six, Hutchinson's Survey, andeLot num- ber thirty-seven in'Reedsville, all in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, which Lands and Tenements I shall offer for sale at mei 'Office, in the Court House, in the TOWIt of Goderich, on Saturday the 196h day of July next, at the hour of 12 of the clock noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff of Huron. Sheriff's Office Goderich, 15th April, 1873. 1366-3m Ye. .11 14. IMMENSE CLEARING SALE OP BOOTS AL SHOES. THE Subscriber wiehing to retire from the BOOT and SHOE Busi- ness, will sell his Large Stock conspris- beg some 6000 Pairs of,Boots-& Shoes 7 AT .COST FOR CASH. Now is the time to 4G -et (3-ood Sargaisis, As the subecriber just nieaus what he sap. P. S. All accounts muet be paid without delay. SAMUEL PURSE, Sign of the Boot, Market &num. Goderich, 13th Ncv., 1872. lett NEW GROCER 1 James Brackenridge AVING bought out Mr. POL- L -a LOCK'S Stock of Groceries and added very largely to them, is now in a position, in the same stand, to sell Groceries 1 Crockery, an.d 1 Provisions, --- CHEAP FOR CASH! A Large -Stock of S On hand, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Sell Cheap. GOOD BARGAINS IN Rai-sin'dtAr urrants • Everything that can usually be found in , a Grocery Store can he found here. Do not fail to call and examine goods and rices, if you wish to saye money. JAS. BRACKENRIDGE, e -Remember the stand; corner of North Street •and Market &pare. Goderich, Jan. 6th, 1873. 1351 e THE Very Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In GADDER I CI -I OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE. SIGN OF THE CIRCULAII SAW T ne MITBSCRiBEES BEG TOSAY THAT THEY have just rompletedopening out an Entire New and COMPLETE ST0.9.1.S.OF 111 ofallkinds which will be sold at prices that defy competition. Before purehaelng elsewhere. Plytee give us a e.alL of Goodaeold, next week. CR, HI PARSON'S 11( CO 11 Opposite The Market House Goderich 3.un 23rd 7874, evig7- Goderich Harness shop W. A. MARTIN blarAS pleasure In annonuncang to the pane o Li Town and County that he has purchased the Hareems bnsinees of Mr. blame Halliday, on Hera- iiiton iSt. Atterhavnig served lueapprentlehehip with Messrs W. & H. Mania, Goderieh. W. A. M. has •, worked for rhe test three years in the best Harness Shops In Chicago, and 15 now prepared to make up REMOVAL . PHILO NOBLE,- MEROHANT TAILOR, HAMILTON STitEL'T, 'GODERIOLI, plEGS to inform his customers and the AL" public generally that ho has remov- . ed to that COMMODIOUS NEW. STORE IN ACHESON'S BUILDINGS, -next dour to -Wm. -Acheson's Harness Shop, and nearly opPositelis old stand, where he will be prepared to offer great- er inducements to putchasein than ever. He has just received a beautiful stock SPRING AND SUMMER :-GOODS, English end Canadian T.weedse- Scotch Cheviots Gent'e Furnishings, • Which he will dispose of -CHEAP FOR CASH. CLOTHING- MADE TO ORDER In the most fashionable style an:d on shortest notice. CALL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. Goderich 27th Mai, 1873. 1371. Heinlock Lumber. QUAN'tITY of Hemlock Lumber, assorted, fer stale, at the eeshience of H. HORTON, Sart., " Colborne Street. Godirioh, May 19th, 1873. 137040 LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, sorae-Clatning and Scotot Collars in first.clase style and with despatch Orders prompt- lEattended to Trunks, Whips, Curry -Combat &e. /to. N. B. Ply Sheets constantly ma bend throughout the sumurer. Goderich. Jane 26' 1873. FOR, GROCERIES GIVE BALL A CALL. WHOLESALE AGENT for McCor- mick's Celebrated STE.AN REFINED CONFECTIONERY, AND AL.: 1 Et 1134:31.1.1t re' sr ry- Orders respectfully solicited. H. W. BALL; Victoria Street, Opposite Somerville &I:rennin& Grist Mill. Goderich, April 166, 1873. 13'36 THURBER'S ROYAL ANTI - FRICTION BABBITT,: METAL. PARTICULARS; THURBER METAL, No. 1, is for Heavy Bearings and Hallway Car Boxes,25ceerlb 44 44 - No. 2, Ls for'PaeLing Binge and Journals r-ooning at high velocity 30e per b. No. 3, is for Ordinary and . 'General Purposes?Sc per lb CANADIAN METAL, is for Cheapness, and better than ordinary Babbitt 20e peril,. PHILADELPHIA METAL, is a very fine Metal at the Price 16e perlb. Large 4riaratities of the Thurber Metals habeen used daring the past Ten years. They have been thoroughly tested and pitted against all other Me- tals, and finally, have become almost exclusive/y used in all the large Lumber Districts, suchas the 'Georgian Bsy and Saginaw Valley Saw 31111e, Northern Railway and Lase Siracoe Milis. Peter- borough, Lindsay. Port Hope, Trenten, Belleville, npanee, Brockville, Ottawa, Montreal, Three Rivers, Quebec, and Montinerenei Rills, &o., as well as in all the Principal Fonndries and Var,:afao. tories, Railway Shops, Steamboats, Propellers, to., ke. For Sale everywhere in the Dominion atthe above Prices. F. 'P. G. TAYLOR & ed., Toronto For sale by H. .GAILDINER & CO., Agentsfor gorierieb. Hos. 15th, 1872 . 1244 WANTED. ONE or two• good .canvassere towhom liberal inducements will he offered. For particulars apply at this office. Goderich; let March, 1873. 1360c - Wanted. 1 47 GO TO Rt) TRE Red Store A STOUT active Youth to wakehini- - selfgenerally nssfal 'in, a Store: One having some knowledge of the business preferred. Must , he well re-- eommended. ddress Box 10, • Luciteow P. 0. t May 19t1i, -1873. 1370 Botioe. 4LL persens having claime Rang the - estate of the late Mrs: M, Davis may lima them for settlement to • JOHN BLAKE Goderich, 15th May, 1873, 1370c Remember the place, TWO DOORS FEOM Jordan's Drug Store, DIRECTLY 0PP0S1ile ITIIIKET GODERICH, ONT. a eassiewslae....--sesesiaase:—