HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-05-28, Page 4X614 r011014*0 —D 'a IvBat rZin most People do'. 03MA)WAS —VCPV* L AN BOO 91 D Ift It, natural I as belsig and �.dr - notiropertl6sofwel Wall Xjoa publT 17V7 .,Inythins twig a0and roll, t DEi A It f t - — f I)fll`�* I �Ii , 7 - 7 60, - All for X=07. lit of G4 th C(TQA,�QA&1MFV An C I*Y. n All for M t Ext, 7 Friend will M, lji� 1wk to, f6lend dW our breakfaMANIN *1 (Wr , M . 'ys t v,�! RAM Fj 10,,OXI TETS 2ND PC: -6 band, R T �Son Hayry send. WHIL11offinkWatsiltor 1411kc, XO 4� "$0 74 w hip of G�61- 161 U BS AC -4 R 1B E` 6f"A L*ro same to 61a ew lit -11j"llits larrs'k co", uou!:so t L 0fuldf6tHeild(l , 1. aulisillista, 51- � g oil two and r, All fitr money. London.,' I . - 1 1; 1, WHOLESALE&R-;E-r-:41 1�� - 1 0 0 OIL 0rV0QOA.-"W*L will ii�* jiwau- an. Will be IsAdy Ahjftillt 2 MANUtACTUItt all J100t)(1134119 5011004, 9 - aderwa, 8 25 r a er )odelliti we All it Many people go to I&w InfulUnIldtUrlIrs of distotle firtlelog, tit Xf Xli trill jr acoellat of tile pwtas adopkiled'byXestre-Jalues it's' Ole fa an BUTLE ail R 00 Mir cek rna. All fez money. too watere a the 8uston Roal1,Load*W'­Chudrs Dontists ncarly break yo,.ir j%w. lldaxiotd Guide. ning roug t With 'V r All for money. I Go Au F 9 A 790 -beanng F OR THE HOMM94 f *i c Ifilliftit, OIL%, OL -vole", .... 8 50 PUTTY fo 'he*ed XK� H61140 a go 'rza,icstnon give von unjust weight, -T Illeovi 0 it a 0:1 Boaut#UlAgsortweat I '% 81'rralrTif fi4ispe itablinj: and', 0 ,Irlv 3111" late, in .......... 8 00 r,,-gprs tease V U, L 111L 0,11.0 , k., c with a Garvoters 1 010 "Y 104 42x 00 4&01 274 with other out All for money. U -AB R OA D 1' 74 '214" and a .0 -indly on yon wait, F R A JEWELLE5Y OFA to V Ii ... *41 4RAL �k b Ild ND -4 , � ; I -..L g9od W mill 0, 0 1199T AXAE, 7 L d -This PUMP fit tbO baM 13F - I ­ ar, �gsojd (0heap .0 tWst respectftilly to calitiou tile piltwile of Petilr$ 76 V-1 ­ i 0 cash on to list'. tto 13fitish7bertli kineritsu ProyJaces to boqu, 75 rgans and oll 5,-P,. S. 11P.11- rJ48 to salt parchwers. Lawvera plead the Colon's n� Tor or 00 I' lianis,"Toronto; Pe l5uliet; Ti�jt- An for MoneV; their glArd against purchA41fil spurlout luctilcia" Axi A a ALSo 'Vow he has noibrake tIlLelaws. whidli are beIW sold as my--gstuthe 11nolloway," Pe on Pills find Olntmsul�" by cartatu - individuals, of Wow York. Lot No, 1170s sitnated or� 1110 North littl* or no means, tlailing (for the in. d to 'as All for money. %it tow Had he bc�-n on lt'otker sidj?� Huron Sig'nalll- nionths only) uader'the style of the "Now York G sido of El a5t St.. in t4o Town Cholnical Volrpany.v- Xvery aftifice Is-mada, n%6 -1 E A of God - L I A V -�`AV 13 tJ1'%iL4-A*A erick� -near the What a difference =d holy wide, of bythern for the purpois of Imposing upon tile UNION. C10.18 station, ,On-- -twainimw 4bae quilrter ofun acr f nd the inbre alleatually to deceive. they GABLER a eftontery. In their, 2 .80 All IAVr moiler. -679' tjj :1 'good RX-ame House and Frame 11 to Is- rishing Tackj- To make him guilty hetl, h"a tried, K.,b., t V lid -ay auatllofollovl�ng cautiont- AbDilEss, J. L. PO rH ItSi logo BARMORk, (I It. C. '*The tramensadentatkil r .1 DUNHAM 4 fevv ft -lb treeg and good AUD OIN'6ftn­h1WtemPted unprimetpled well. ThiapropertytyM be sOld Q P. ALL KINDS. ^IONSISTINGil Chalkantl water millaren sell OF REELS, All for money. THE parties to counterfeit these valuable medi- WEIMR is :C for Cash. . Apply to Cheap cines. BASKIEPTS, S RAITS ORICK21RING' '.-Bostdn.' Lt- TRUEBIAN Something else peffiaps P.IV-1ralt, MILLER, walt 188ned a IteW 'Trade blsrk� cot. I All for mon(%y. Gtiderich. Of to R­Pt1Aa'4CIWq, ot* serrelkt,4 tb tq i er'�A Of &Ill% wj. % Thns I will couclit(le iny strain :'Iettar 11 in,the contra Every box ol pnqine LINI,3151 Velvets, C. SaANNON, With a sentence shart an.4, hdn- if 9 all -daffih�. iiii anid 5fik on the protniecs. OINTMVewlllhave MIIDCri0i kin POPULAR DISTRIBUi 09n, furnish aftn6ff 21 and 30 inch, V this trade markon It. N3ne ars genuine I ON American XaWft is done for g D pp orme. Everything ran- t I " ,, . . (Pderich, 25th Taa. 1.87,3. 'OLDEST, LARGEST ANDIBEST NI'thout It JO r cash or-6n,fira-0,la' ' I - Ali for moricy. To DrALERS AND JOBBERS n i to suib ptirofiiaei� To I DRUGS AND fS - WINES. 131ELLINd AT COS less thall btaffilf4cluieles Price., ilk Rbritis' and Popiins, .$"We e ill your pattioular attention to the new Goderichi;reb,27, 1873, tvlo ot,HOLL%W&V'8 PILLS AN4 Q%NTUR14T COLD ANISILVEt LANDS -for SALE -none of the " I. AT BUTLER'S. ODIDS A= 2=3. -old styl6are luanufactured.�bl - TwMod Flannols,,"whlte a' us now. nor have they be`qn-f#r mbutbs. `W6' 91dorieb, lilth Aug., 1.970� W.A,-rJCC3a1E S !I - n1d Scarlet, AT,�.S,AYFIELD. therefore cautfonglL purchdaers ligninqli to- eeivilig from a y Jobbers or Dealers the old a There is more fatigue in laziness than le 0 �OTSNO'8- n&72 13'&yF1EI'D �!y cerhiltz any such goods BY.THE Wubiasj Whitel, Scarlet LTowmahip oacrich. con, prising 146.3cresof NEWSPAPER I a III o rfmCi tot t%s c o n ,of c in �abor. heing offered will tler�-belved with thanks and Black, the bgs quality of land, within about 2 miles of the ,&a ch;& dislike you -when W43 ask the favor of all thelutor 11 �ou i NEW YORK& B.3jRLW1 when matio VATQJ� 4 Warket place of the Td�m of.Bayfield, 71cre is a can ove in regard to thosemaltatleitse which could reachly be prepar. ed for crop. The remainder �of tile land is closely i t c.,,n't bear you. "Ow this Laompatty Is ro, that I do A8800 IAT109-.�,�;L Co'oured Turmuois6f differeint shades, coveredwith the best of beechand maple timberof ; nit them to COPI W '. :rp . f A friond ata pinth -Onor th%t shares not erl ak ;Jl'. eudW gi*vltb. an excellent road passes on two my hlerficittei, but In qr� sples of the pro his snuff-box with yt)u- PUBLISHED blind the public, ther "Pately t Oii,a s3stem that will Insure in every ticket -bald., c(?e#y. which to Brtuated in ala-ld �S' to guintheor a olor NiLver Watell wortli not less than $12 or 15ash 1�bbofi Tem�*rauce Mot-fo-Fi-At for the piece of deception, 1434,'JuAltiting that audwelJ settle neigilbourbood. am ornny valtio up to ig,200, at a uniforaj price of j: Cord and,*VVatered, �&TjSQ—Lbt 14, Range A TownaldpStanfey, et Ointment G anothertorall, aTA that that I t "er - - . ". - containing -29 acres Of V7*11 Ivnerved timber land right, -,nil never tight. it necessary, as they W., 10,11Ake up ti &Pillwand a, lVen, Label, f1c. j1ey a4opt ($10) TEN DOLLARS ($io) a v7bleb would produce a large gautityoffirewood to theacre Thelot runs to the liver Bayfield'witb a Wr,ing in the3Ldul—How distasteful BT114891-5, No considerable we'ter fCII'r?h:ch dou be made avail Ifesides the abqve-rnent�?nel "Chemical Corn. to clage tile 411qpo-al of $325,150 t -'Muslin Lace, ninst it be to the peaceftilly disposed THE M�M WATO to at� - - -- panv.11there is also& DIV Pringle ofNewTork �jlj sizes suite)) fi fraction of their co,;Vto Tiles, *adva cei -m , , ", able for "MIUS Or 11301111fileturJugld purposes. -man to live h1e a fightingCou—It who by consummate trickl1v is attempting to sell them. This not bein gift enterprise or lottery f spur a imitations of m� ilelliciaw. ;0exiato of I-A(Iies nil,l GeMs both t every ticket dritus an B lmusla�o 10,iit-A�kWks to the For tOrnill UPPlY to, J=00 A ALLEN.' IN THE on s. %t, tr% tog 19 Guelpri. thore are no blallk UoderIch and N ir In ' i owing movelliellts at -8 or W. W CONNOR, Esq. hint I kewlse. U Eaely to bed and cwly to rise: Id Alld Silver. But the elegant watch of otts ortbe full liberal Pawii&40 du'rRin,7,1 'h GO n Kid Gloves, Hayfield. '�& me wealtliv and a eos� ofolAYSIC: b6culubusindas. Hells n*w,prapare4tOfUr1li$h all Guelph, Aug. 15th, 18 0 would ina This unprigelpled�Cllo*i;l�I.Comon'k'b- j�dared (,lit' re ton il d W hat I Owe sclits ill 11111qwr propcl= Goldand li'ver Chronometer, Duplex,, stam articles In his line. such a�l wise luo-41tedt States. Winding,,I)eta9liell Levor, Vertical aud '4""l F T -T E; - IT I W T -T �Et IM I'd r -Se at dayb�eak, colld or hot. agent obtained. without illy -knbirlegileor consent. T111L $25 RUSSM HUNTI watelles. Canada an' Farm For S2.10 and by collusloi� with a party who hold a limited He boys Yarns d Iffo3e, And gl, back to bed at once. Why not'. Tickets to draw any of tile a sent on receipt OF ALL DESCRIMONS. power ofattornaV of vdt.%anorder to advertbe my [EV11', WATCH, f 25 Cents. A tieketile4cribing earh mrlitell is placed medicines in South Amerlima fat.-tilm yvars. tc the 'Ili a se.iled euvelolie. On receipt of 25 coots one Is M,�daenhood and widowhood—two I extent OT 8 100-000 in gold. He then sold ills clatill Ntellilig, s1kel. case And PILLOWS rthe-Towynnhip, A)fColborne. in tbo Cour3tyo 1 .1 Indiscriminately drawn from the whole, which an, Also—Felt ove f1hign. North Put of Block E. 09Mprillim IZ hook4s, constantly set for t COUNTY OF HURON. t) alawyer,who got It referrettV the court to a friend gold Pt-illl�, filll jeirelled %jill inixed. You will knoxv the valijobfthe watell r -shoos a r good fence, and he' invei-Ae- B 0 L KTRI 366sbresi 50clearad 2nd"undo -e paying 'far it. Tat, Hard Wood 21mber. Two spring raent of man. or his who'gavelludpraent agaInsf me to the amount warrantvtl t,q- five youi lieket demandi liefoi of -$I7. lie Mid he eon h1haye, yearli--, �A,! - 900 d made b3rrtl­hdd I Not lakelt stapsUrepudlafe this mrateh named will be delivered to th# ticketA.oluer' Creel:419911 Arst quality, good Ug EromEe and This is a fuunv enitanli— t0getbel, with Agoi&nihtea 0 - f*10 vile trawc-tetiort-the moment . it came. to my knQw- on !rl"-ts 'l Me 4�aru arm. small bearinj�Orchqrd, with "Weep s-zlranger ior a father spill6d Albert chain %�bich %vill I ills umoe,liafely fient to any.addrem by, Cheap for - 40mshs, Fras!i Fruits. milsof-Steam' Sawand and III, and wjtb,:n43j ltdgs. ThUjudgmentwill soort beset asida. it-, besent to an), pal -t 4)f Can_ llxpress or by.Niall. From a stzge coach znd *5*eby killed, cannot bo-Aup "-ed, I Am 'sure, that I owe a cent AND ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. rnjIe8oftheCOunI,7T0VMGOderIch. TeTrasmode. His name,�J. Sykes, a maker of sassen- to any onp, that I would not Immediately pay. ada on receipt of or OPINIO' N 5 OPTnE rRESS. rate. Apillyto Them is no truth whatever In tile statenielit that., R, per- expre-ss. "A marvellaus chanre and fill . rflealingeartain.1l..- PICTURE P RABIES kept on hand and made to Godericb, ftbDsc., 18721 -TOUN EDWARDS V get-- I ever authariiied anylperson or persons to use my " ... I ble and satl8faeto (I I ., - order. HavinSoultandanassortmentof 1347 On the premises. S'ain with three outside passengers." only $1,.50 Pfir Annum in Advance alsm.tortbre sale of my Pillsanlutruent. I Mils U r., ram ng. Avv. 20. a though W- X CORN -ELL, ­4(lnwate "is iliormighly reliable conpern."i- -1 pc -ir in -)swego ivass fraud& hava been practised moon ate by un. ,NogirLeuterprjsebHiubur,"-Bcrald.. VOFFIN TRIMMING91 - ipular dectc gave a thh-; Way. Tatch Importer, We are perisitted to refer to the'following, who I am pre e-4 la make, coffins on th praInpled men In .1 a shortest ARM FOR SALE. I Would ask, as a I&Vor. that shonld It enme In K prescription, with eirections to take a the kuowle4gs ofalay.pemn thatl4purioas modl- 83 King Street ts�t, have drawn vaijable watehes for $10. Statics, find to cou4net funeratq on the most reason-,, tea- spoonful every three y ers. The pa- eiriesare being made aurt-sold In my name, that lie Miss Ada Bales, Guildforij, $106 Qold Watch. able terms. D3" Remember the old stana, OT20.5thCon. GoderichTnurnsbip.80-neresol tie= recovered. tq pleased to seft&tus 1110-lertme anti address of the TORONTO, ONT. Ai,,(.x Rurto, Watch WIUI ' '- COAL OIL AN COAL OIL L A—Aff P S. 1j land 70 acres cleared good Building, 10 acres vendoifthats, sallinZ the Parnip. that I way, for tile - 0 rimmo::d, St. Louis, $200 Gold M'.. VW 1; S I,! S Ir of Fall 04t, 61 miles from the Town of 0-Merich. Joe says: "Sam, I have lost my watch J.tn.�ou, Ajilwaukee, $200 Gold Watch. Emily opposite the Bank of Montreal. U Gordon, Richmond, $125 Gold %Yat4,b- APPly G. 2ill TILUBMAN Goderich, r on the remises to turn, and I enpo toteinunernte handsomely my in. 5 tiekots w i I I he mrwardeil, for 3 1.00; 11 for 82. 00, overboard; it hes here in twentv feet of Ooderich. Feb. 12. '72. DAVID COX. water. Is there any way to get it", 25 for $3 00; 60 fur $5.00; 160 for $15.00. Circulars At He GA G 1,1es,"sava wn, "there are divers' Should any person barereasou to believe thap il;� will am-ankpany tile tickets. TO-4Dv arrehasi CO'Se ofleriell, Dre. IsM isn. spurlq;n imitatinfis a ; I , t as been deceived by buying 150 tjahets,wo will seadia handholnX HaN tp hese bledicitim be will'ablige we bV, dil(I Watch 41deft 4aft be nReij- si* bhd6n.- tensiveNewl;lemises 119,16 ca to it larg an4 prfitable -bul rot SALE. the address tit foot (which hem do lit a east will 1, f. of -I. nek4i vii A rival of a certain great lawyer 1 -cents In Postagc)l-one- of -the'book&of instructians pol rim.4 �an depend on fair dealing. There are no AND sou ht to hqmiliate him p0bholy by s3y- which are affixed to the grime. b1talks. every ticket dra-Ing x Watch, Splendid.: Tiew 3� Medicines can be supplied at tile lovm%t ok. - ing- -You blac�ed my father's boots who esale net prires ill quantifies of not leas than ��A-ent� arited, to whom w6 affei liberal induce- LOT 5, Con. 4, E. D., Ashfield, con- tainiCg 200 acres cxCellent land, Mworth covervil Willa Maple nd jBee6h, 10 fniles once. " -Yes," replied the lawyer un- 2 - vz.. 22s., .84s. pordozen boxes of rft.9 :t . -- , - ­ L; - - - -5 absshed, "and I did it well." Pills or Pais of Ointment. for which romitkancell,, BEAIjL.IlEWKR Co mns� be $entj* atfVatirL% , Tfie�e blediclues are pot) 31 Park ll(,w, Newyork-. from fiOd*r10h1'Wfth'A =Tor 4failing trOtlt FOU An old lady not remarkable for the sold lathe tloltedgtateq. clearnesks of her ideas, in describing a Each Pot and Bo of nil* Ciennino Hediclues XCIMPI& thrQl3glI the 0011tro .O'f 1&0 bearl; the British Goiermuent 8iamp,'m,jtb tbli�� 1011, 4hOrC is tOtit 15 aorta of dleared wordq "Holloway's Pills ana Xntm uZ a ent, Lon:— Undo fitefrout Apt Ar, lot. time snmmer evenin &-iid: RETI j G iblnet Makers, Vpdqt#q�& Wood beautif al nicvht-the� moon made everi - do.," (Signet!) v A pply to thing TUMIAS HPLLOWAY. ADVERTISE W, CkKford ired, W. C. THOS. WE&TERALD Dice, IF .,ene3 befzZ asked, "The bit' 33: C)l1V SSW. inof 4neer and Surveyor Lcxdors 'Ictober 3. )"M 1347. vhicll Belstl is the mast Havo remov�4 "roe the -street the store next Goderich, Janana,IM. UNDERSIGIN ED W., RAS ES, 'do6rto W: Adlesou's Harriess ', ��,herlilwfU be tab] ished -a branch of his Toi�ijjjt' 'lound 'Act' TEIE ansysered, "If you mean wild beasts, tis 0 the slanderers; if tame ones, the flat- vaivabl -P PertivismMirk. DON It's Compound telatid Calisaya combines these Machine Repairing- Works, terers." Se will A� GO F3ixir of Phospha IPP � roperty For sate.* IN THE valuable remedie% In the form ofa, deUclotfs cordial. f Kitchin. Bedroom, Diningroom. and ear cir Fit 1011141 Witty Aberjeen has a shopkeeper who sitars, such k101.WTEWE GIN Phomphorou.q, a brain food; Limil, an excitant of recently t, -ok it into his head to have a; nutrition;* Iron, a blood - vla)Cer, Au4 Callslv* or Peruvian Bark. the only - "ceirlo -for chiLs aud TABLES. M'14:481 holidav, shut shop, and wrote on the fever, and al I coaditions of nervour-proutration and wbe-.Q all- kinds of PgAT RS hair, cane Pna wood seated) HE-und6rd(rabd hiivini- ioid,the-,-, shnttei�­All fiesh is grass, and grass debility.- Pbosphatesom �lle only CUPBOARDS lur*n Fbandzy. propeTty -and' Iffai ItX to d1wil 'Mj OU" Wallc9aldbomnve.-led Intos ftAt�J&Es thA ot immedi4tely on the otomachiflerfeet BrDSTEADS, VFaundry4ric agentis- T sto Goderici is hav; We're here to -morrow, but we're HURON SIGNAL = - -jX-anufaetUfjI2g C.6fjj3;qjy,i! WASH STANDIr. . . I � I I . - game'to-dav-fishin- ing the dig" led and asilmliatiott �f fboit sad Sewing, lffach.,A�81 bems tiiThAi:ikAhb �ublic for lheirlifi*d'�.0 -�oi. deteiraining the fal7natiouot-plare b1nod, NQcOm- C A U T 10'-*,?.' MATTRESSE,8 'ttoj. the. pastmi��'- '148'16t"Mbenoid cither Logether or w"to A -q Bao.&D As IT's Lo:iGSympathis- I bluation ever di%coveredla Ao Hmark:atlla lit build- will be repairod, alterod and put 'in fitst j-017NES, -years, nd trusts that they vrill'coAflinq I'' SOYA& 0 �Qnd thl6ir-drders t6 -the titntioir,; rim down with old corrmlaints- BUY ONLY THE, class running order. biollm on a did you Ifle o4s in- Friend: "How got home. Mith.Teuberetothro, roatedAn critinary th SSES NeW Company. irm WHATNOTS. LOOKINt'o GLA Win. ARTk, 11 om Middleton, last night Bill' It's a oftieatment. Suldbyalldrugoets., aving hid 16 years experience in on1he prsdzisss, lorth GILT FRANtNr*. R. RUNOM". Notars DiLVIROX &JOEM-8�1-,vx lqnZ road when you've got 1� -d'rop in I IF YOV WISa YOUR ANNOUNCENWT9 Geouirie fairbanks' Scaigs, sor'ne of the largest machine manufac- 17, G. B t B are prepared t* iell everythmg in 24 Zlily, un tories in the world lie can guarantee you."' Bill- Godericb, 16th Yune, 1872, "Ali lad, it's not the lenath DR. J.E[SLL'51MP8'01S BY sati9faction. o' the ro3:1, b1i the* treadch e i% that I Speelne and Tolifle Pills. n T, Cheap for CaSh. Re4rri to-the'sye 'ce, t to cast out NVOF *4Q - FA# n Nott tie P-4q6Xt FOIJNJ)RY AXD,K&N.U�,�: JT It. GL1%H Clfidn�' V1 Tim R"t T -aftba-7aks Co, - 'T -Y beg to inform t 6,epul4 10 REACH THE F. F 4 � r I talent offluffifis and 9hrouds 0 *F %1. Acompleteamor URING COMPAN rn -4-!' ORIA , * , Ii., . AD thaf they aro pepilittil An unfortunato Kenbaky effitor thus can %bility. Spiiinaiorrh6 Noctfi z a -Frit Ways onhand and a Hearse to hire al on. reason. to ebiltract for T -ddresses his delinquent slqjXof the fienerative Orgaaa, Palpitation of the AIR. L. S. WILLSOt� pext to SIGNAL able terms, Heart. Tremblings. -Sleeplaisaelts, the effect of I BEAM ENGINES AAD BO "Friends, we are penniless. Job's tur- office, Goderich, will . receive machincs' -A -C W', ''SOLIG, IL Gver-Indulgen.* in alroholic stimulant and tobAe- IT ED'o� Uft, GR IS T i� 8 A V NO. Dr. J: M�M -WW5ON`n5 Tills,are the cc. te. MILLS, 0MI MA �Ley was a.7millionaire compared with oui and tAkq orders L IRGEST NUMBER vaIle'neb. 16 J u.- 1810 oullyeffectu2t orf"r-ths `ahoie diseases, allia are T110MA ERT. present depressed treasury. To -day, if nevr kuown to. WL Thex have already eared Clinton, 10th Marc -00-n 111EL11d salt aas two cents a, barlrel, wia could not hundreds in tkislcaunh7� - Rabat Arthur, maphin- .�i�p7A J360 IRON AND WOODEN PLOU0A itb �Aed'b' fat. Harnitonj testifi�a to Ilft-recovery by theli use� 7.7 oards, For"Mulai andcoft buy enough to pielde -, jay -bird." Safe. certain and rapid in apfion, a short trial will u in a A gond ethudist parson,, -somewhat prove their efficaey., No sm&rr 4ead dcgsnafir of rge. 9 IT 9malrBody." GANG PLOUGHS, CULAVATORX' 1-.-ing reli*vqd ftni'the ftrIltint efric% jj Sea,F- ecaentric, and an excelient sb=r, ex- STRAW CUTTU��-P; -6, a WN -0 F- Arluse. The Specific Pills ire sgia-by br)i,� T, claimed to a portion of the cang-regation SIM a boxand 4b--. Mouln Pills UGA WIA S H KB ATE! BAAY, they will be seat by. maiL raswo. prepaid. ai R AND who spoilt the melcdy, "Brothers on receipt of T1rAGG0LVh0-,E8, sc-anrely wrarped from obqflV%tjoT%. X and siste�s, I wish these of you wL-o can't $1.96 for the Specific. and .5fie. for the Tvldc�Pllls V sm would wair; irntil Ton �-.tjo the by COOkYNG, PARL0 T011it �-r Of. dous kinds. 46vndtiias (2� al regions before you try." 'Drawer 91 P.O. Hamilton. estit. Thel him t vi as a succeai;. to Px-dex-. Fold by, all Wh6.esaI6 and Retail Druggists. To Cemial-ntured b--affie used to en- Pamphlets svp1p.ost-frec on appileat!on. have A od _Its em� wumge yonm plojed In the Victoria absintcal wake, It L"dprr� 'Parstjonot the Victoria %np s ftshffy' id- B1 Vdik-' Till sevbral Eyp6phesr,' [tea ussil ,are - them atall fiu&ied, by kindly tappingi 1i ig prea2hem wbea he saw I Advertising Rates Liberal. is ;` Ts TS theirshouldem wita the enea=agingl oviror&: "Ging a7 ;lr4poph, D11tte un - m nvr my young mail, lL SMCUM TER. 'a. and you will overcants 3 our feeliags. Wh mt took aDr the ,ea Tat f Bible I was Inc is Ili e by this hd rd Scallbs.. U. S. - I feel nawise agi prenarattIm is rowle e by 0e. GohoWly on ll�tiil fdr.-Sale. very ne vous, bmt nay. medical faC I; a., been STOCK SCALES, COAL SCIALES, HAY THE GMAT XZMDY XM� ralty In every sea u wh 1-11t,'Prders addressed to,the Coriipalfy or.' See tated in the service." nh-oduced ; and the rapidly Increasing sate is the SCALF-s D.4111Y -SCALE9,COUNTEPSCALES, r-Thd abVfr� ctit!icp're8elifs-*rIr rptary will je-': In a Scottish church, recently, after begUguarantee of the estimation In wbf Is held V110T ORI A aCe n by tho public� the publicati IOU In CURS1111 ID Exttz.CT, on of the hanns of marriage I k PT 0 :,$70-, The Syrup will cure Pulmonary gomaimpi 9 � - 1i C Scalestepared rgans.. T RUNCIMAN HORA by the minister, a rgmv% eld r i a t the first and second stages: will give great relief RO�BER CE HORTON, which 0"an,b­6--'Cuiedby 9 WAILE ift' n a certain coup!e. 02 bein oe- for Ilia, paij GEORGE NIEBERGALL, HIBALD HODGE', torian. voice, forbade the k= la,411111 Bad prolong Via In the Mird. It wilt cure Asthras. For sale, lo, Trocinner's Crffoe and costumers i Manager. Ptesiaeut. arouchiTIN. Uaryngitfx. Cbugbsf suit Colds. It -01 brug Milli; Conipositimi Be for t1tflir can all dbleas",origluating from want. ofliluscular, cs timely ripiort to th9,6td4d7, ,11s, ll i7 1 I Widen A:P-0, for an emplanation, "I had, actlonandlieryous Fortm. sual-as Eularg-effientof Letter Presses, &-c., &c. 'earjand t regatation,, as. I Caid 4 � ve a M496,rAgricultpiral Depiartutent.- cretary and Trepl�!arAr, the Spleen. DyV- ets,-Feebletindirregular ard p elaw; Se 'to the bride, "I haa intended _Msfs, Rick, I . in, A Specigo RMray f- ag J;JA�60 -rf as ZZCf7�fr pointimg action of the. lfeiit, - Local and General, faralols, THE UOST PERFECT orovod' b� 7jbectfully call their -4ttention tij our ddaek-iob cad maness; D'vop=a C=.PW-,t* IRr? ��nah for mysg1E " His re=u was Aponfa or Lass of Vote . It will cure Llincorrho 14dr June, 187.0. 1325 dental ',r - e�astores the blood topur 'Orgaw to Fe;,ngw; and r -TI - UrInc7j Anumia, and "a style 190 Ch TI I' Or ran be* ng,,M ne- DL fj calth F poub 0 it; AA Mi.� rjg f I ERA W Ity-Itionee for not considered sufficient. and h any Of the xbore ZlEn.-,2em, Ara Many perwns use, the phrase, "He is '!!Able instrinnent for advanced players, 10 ;qy I:04vinced of Its pjceMWcnt I I & r Sold- By �oothecdrleso GO TO THE P. br; ithout theleast idea that it Pianists orpdrties edticating, themselves is supposed to be of das3ic ofigin, It is Price. I11.6� t farst,50r- edgbd Vy many g t PlcetlreyBoffle. strument. it mects EVERY EVERY 6k 1hv'ph0of4r;i; .4id 741 afArlp raid that King- Age3gaus, beli asked JAMEQ. 1. FELLOWS.' 'CHEMIST physiciaris 'to;' bez -the, Wo RAW st every requirement.- W M ��Ofir No. by an Ambclssador from 1919rus, why mT- jofm, N. B. -MERCHANT rellabig. V I CT�ORJ A fl. layra, anil'-mol Our HAIW�r4U, In a 40nom flety, and at the -Sparta, replied, Goderiel Sept. 4th 18M I)RAWER expensive. asthev had no fQ? Wb. 32 is pron .W; have., ing tD his marshalled SHOULU -411LI-xbo .1%vo ft. ieen ipto lie the'OneSt InStftlilip"tinthe army, he said, 'Th.Qre are the walls of Lung'61 Sp=ta; every man you see is wbribk." HE GREAT- FEMALE REMEDY --h W,,ld for, the price; this 01-gan a, two Use Dom. 0?1S 16,King,�of aR Liniments T .,cotnpleto-setts satue -as No 30. with two An old farmer, noted TAT tricities, had hirad;wmaa who sDmawhat Job Moses' Perlo4fdal Pills. Sanetidfi0d+y the':experience,; idditiont0al -j t t� THE, WARE H m3amb!ad himself. and whuss vaganes lig -font. X, .42AIL yarq, 64- 11' FAIRBOIWICALV "of over forty W. in fle U up and'�lso 1r in ways nicat ctay i' -f ezhibite:l thems-.IV6s NVALUAR411 3MICINE-13 thN ING idi e u Basi disemesto which the femaleconsmutionis Tait! cure of all thrme pofnrid iand r66Dite'd:ia,,m,jsea it Prove it I mmorkedand onexplocted. Gaingtohis 6�'Pro'fundo- We are -tj6r--first and only CePts P c. fonu& his mq had bjea befoiaaalm, and and aspcedy-.cujra�;�� 41.3st PaillStreet. o P *fRouts and t1c yI bany. N. Y. I �. , ; P -,sate TA bam-, one crinter mouriffig,1im farmer FOR YOUR d 1, �plkrtjes who make Ith 93 Main St., Buillido N Y, ligaS It ilanderstigi altexpoxs wtd romov6s alliobstrUetions 4� �!, -.qi . _ - 9_% cc 311'Broadway, Nijw Volk. they lave T0 R A I le h--,0 tak-ea a hafter and Bung himself to M-1, 11 N a farge bvam, a -ad was alredkjifejeas. It pecaltarlystuted. It will, in it short time bring casefir­ Brofadit�,,, of these Or tho is I - , g loi* t, they. are ap- S=qyin; the wpectacle for a; moment, on the monthly period with regularltv. FAIRBANKS, BROWN& '�J-ciated zhil ChC04M.es in make, old m CPO, r 31111i op. h exe -iltel at the .OTlce a0l the %eCiar A �W -nt on e3rth th- sure Xg '7Keg.aneV,,as they are. For sale by Leading flardivre De lori. briaii. ji-iiji me. "WE -at out: "%VaU!.L wonder I hw PdU A*w4 not miks d,*Anr.Ae P19 Y, P Flap L bm FMST TURZ2 MOVINS o a W1 at =tter will do -net OW on HimMaobW atany otheriftethoy y or* 1366-2111 9 ' . 4. � - Job rindngs. t -X-A- 41;e� 110 1 &a?d& BDI151. Pita, Pi dff"Xed-, ICU. Umbs, Fati,-ueorits;htexertion.Palpf. ne'ss lathe C ' i: y 4 lor who, baing called on for z. toast the �h othar faight, gave. "Our future wives— taijoti, at thsheso.ilystpim� x*dhites. these Pills est And 8i ey A 12 09 - fold by4l. Druoggts. willefeet -line. d�stasw loads exwhantmant to the view!" ail 6tfv N1 ML AWJ - 0 R I A ind 4thooXii a p6weditl4im6dy V1notc" calaeial,� ib NOTBS,� Andtbatotherome,if pmsiblos shade P CARBOLATED -F to theconsti, -St. oves Stove '1872. MGM r0rZObat-Q, WhO PZOFC39d -Woman han " - I S f gam A-7r4jn1* jUr 61 infarl'-Y. tBo 4y K- A. law —tj--Q Z � � r all 8tw of mamhoud, t evening stay of LL*T5 0— ago; bllc-33ourstara! andmythey always 1.06 and be ke.-Pt at telewopia dbt3nCe.' IfWftWe -Ont'Lgefillad & LP r -itallm wbo, fellaitate theniselves fees, Esm Lf q. Test v ^ Pa X��uf, by rettirpp 0FAPPQ4XT1W P 012 tha PrC-_re33 Of theiT Q3=0 -fifll do eq (R S XOTICE0 ? X- woU to dige3t tho following allaye.-='it --An old Gt2g= T, compolled by his worffiy PAT11XA-STER&L-rsTB, th r tol�aia the coM-water army," .;a a -A sponge T 0 R J, P, All kin& of Work fir jinthe WhL,L ha cU&,,promising 9ever to touch thi' TrO TERS LIS T9, Fj adropofanythin-0139, exceptNt ne33. ED fair �L story is excellent, Renthapo j Ap a er J.jx. PSM TjW1FPl�TgrM rxfForx riuLj- But aDw for tho moral The reformed iAn iR10 by-Pto con1w, 1311intola, 8*7 W ­10v= son 4&aforth. end Q:.MedibiP-jWir#lyi. - 4 -B'E L L JON individual L,,is acrer beem trell, sinw. JuFy-1,18 Ts. QUAL=i." Card' GULPH. ONT. d�- ve y tt-Frize VICTORTA CAIWOLIC 40AP. 063riov I= —Lady LargestPostertotheSmalle fte BEADIN 19S czmihmer (to Druggi3t). IWM yoa let LpE&A SoAp. coive DBEDS,- Y, f,0,0 A D Eaq have a pint bottlo of chloroform r, lPr C': e _.a at t 'S int" d -b nd tXECU T -ED -WITH 'well a4d favorably �n Of 011IM61(irlu, Win, 9 3fiy.L b6 alld*- S A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS, cd toask forwhatpnro3oll L3dy.— 9-wn, relievill.is helo*e T A R :nfatant.' Driageat (aghast),— thousandtfroftpa-liVili th', "A c -.08t S tyl .'Ds tant, 3rm Barely you can- F v Back a- CMh,, CoNs ROos. W HERB are ifi ililf&-�w z, etk Le aware, Mm, the aw of suck a &ri 2&6d W8 am going over to XcIATOS111S L 'Korb= te fl#' r P1P2 Gun ihop to get my Sewing Machine ?,k The Ci xj� z mr vvzL m:L 3m,, Qoqdli� F C 'VA jul&_-�rjf uelpbg Voo ye�aired.- Youcan.got, all k 48. 0 lug 7 Machines,put in C 6 the, 1111 61011 -H, CODED' 'At X61 rit V_ 71 Mt` GrSdarff longitoriel- fro= A"'TORY. 0 to last yearli re- tA r W42 910 ju U if$ to &4q -=­Relnember the-placo in rear of 0 A -L A wo---mo, V�011 kagwing il love of Irelid-wh4t, they, & a grand sucgesso In Addift IL t ox,346 Jordhii1a Difigl$td" o vin, fl her han4 called t TAI j- 13 3 ID11PIOMOS st FrIzes LIKU-11RIGRA31 YO'V.I�GON TIAL it, said, "A btlnij." rotll- WHOMSALE Al� Godetich, Maroli 201 1876* iall'ars, thl' 'o spookfft thell fig 10 A* -fSTrATftOVAqP.--j3r0 LEA C41 Of" 1W Coal Oil Lamps, rove that the opinion of 060lit-ju V11-114* AtiTURNINQ 014 Trou. T� 4 hirdbfw�tho**46" n ftg fl3a ribihsarlituiliapst -Wootrichipers udghgep ppper, Brass, U T'p othbrs. a Emding the 'lufa6turingr S kins ta�A n Q. e rp,p:led Dr. AUrnetiiy. In a week she ii In ilxch Town-, to almme iofhe Agent, F. J-oraau go' 1. - I . - t Oide win rec6IV6 au-Oia jo. r inpr(kyouloRL. clod� ' - Are now Pr�b%red to Execu e rs erfroinL.U. L 1, and It nlwlaher Ust caL er'speech ""AID bliees patent Q;AfIifyIngT4W.­ t1litroduce(U. Thelison repReA thep'Ays"n. X H Iff-IN ng a odench. still jr$j be on J�' ioitfw ast twoy,efte An4, ot rityls coneededhi. it* y Ae'i at for* Pair, qtt4cir superior new patterr ivecas, f.yr,ll re thly M�,ast sensible wolitin I ever ts, u6tie Coveri. stoeld aw an 11: the' -lt em' b, rank in the list 0frok, billy be Be b Mini GREATA I)ESpAT or DURABILITY, oflltomoffso. OrdemsrovdW1. 4 ftmNedfainit irlimbility to cojnl)etO VA* a pumt*r. -Itaj 1101 not congeal in the (,at eat"WeAthor, it Is '34 No I* r1loo.MA #A&- testl(Ons to tk* ii* therojop Aglist,,ilsweli ft I- ! � .voc!or r tte sultalilofortke lightest atfdr and 'Neater In Patteni ir 'a*Forme iuv;W, for the love, of punu, Mr. x0tion4t, glym —0 as the bliavilist Machines in use. crowa ki M-. P.Ako to dine with win Ttw Causlita Plain Destroyer nmver f4lIs to give A M; PARTIES INDlME 1) TO TH Z� hay' *001.abo call nl�uonlal atVyltton to -14101 WOPUR9 tl' $Mbf) V.411 PI 0101114 od'JO, T 31r. Urdmore, another relief- zZi 0 X'I%. 'Pity scliuls order XljjjqM it be J. BE r LLO t110 SIGNAL O&Q, a patl,W, 'roic ill, A 6 L�> ratherafter the time,; cuft4n, INO, �*;LOTJI IMES SING &P. witboqt fbaftertryngit—­ a 0411 arks, lubmtka opc qlally WIthWO61 to PEt said, 49r, Rooke, Mr, W10. oalywWtuty-0yo cciff Der bottle, Gole'rTah- 11th ML irk, I- je L =acd by Instructionin kewa tq . - ­ - ' introbea (Due nGndo", by Hato azoli"40 T13F 10 ! � V j dori�h,ba4WIY 0419OWug tbeirralls Wine witit thera Domluio TA010""46pu Insfittite, Toronto. ;MGL9X,1*re$(4elit LjjbNjjTEVjd . - thull: woo for zoads Ilkd it to their Ili KIYP "Is: WM be w1d it a xed�eljen to 0V Ono To Lim Ulonp. the glory 'HolTon �XD Pnors"Tox. Ltl?A MEE 'Uhactibors a calL t4 MOM %-=11XI0qR Tjow. 40f imenamr, a 1.0rckn of the $20 rl ror ealo. only by in If f,02113tDeo.j�s "ar'$Te U- d1topay Ow�, Who', Offico fc 14 health b a. XXe or Qr worklas a" tekgreplutig, ana or "i, �patyq jop ol if. FAW.01M "I& Co., ultrawori), to t or =640y at X fO the fitting t1lourw1voil for gi, 114 D k, ------ Zat 0 U -a& 00p, took& Wif: ;Z tjxcir i to *Omftt*'A iAuts,'00 10001 M83%ftf fml Ala A] OHN. .044LIS WSONC erW oilt to uutrimouy; wi!l sit awy 4VU yQ0,2 00404ch-DO049, I$fL w 50 Qod im 'IV Ott: set vsr� jl *"-.k 12 4 Tw V" 11�igo VV 07CIL Q-A Qr� Sul TL-eoz -aoft bo 0 30r. X*. A tn &t i W I el� ce-I! C ck, 3 6 � r-- a MIR_ A ,B AND X�IR41[wviwftl R I i 1�lz TE Mq C, Gfflcc�4&Mj. 40. IDE! Uo VA7 TAW (IFA GF;g?2:P:1If W -a C -k - MIS. W. WWI A. Veterin F' a*2 Gra,2� jUo1Zr5,,- X E i ID 11 i 1i - M: 1) 1; -OPFICSIX F & fly FOR - t4 4h- -Instro4w, bs�0 preparod t) 9'WiD fork arkc-A��Ucl X.4 TV Ayr" L"" RM An 0KX 60&r*#AAPO -(.10DEAI Trust "A L C A rrrAL FUIWI L �m- agal 'tow 44. ��r-