Huron Signal, 1873-05-28, Page 1!
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••• "
TS. aftwati,_
" \apt ,30'.;
iike tgual,
CP:STA/3.1Sn ED 1848.)
ellike tamest Papers published In Canada,
tagadadAttl published at Godorteh, Ontario, ovey
Witrai-RST) A.1.' NY 0 R.11 G -
it Vil5fAlb4Montreal Street. adjoining the Market •
!Square, by
marror. won PROPILINT08,
TIR...-1113-111•60Por annum. in atieruses. 32 if credit
' No paper t•iseentinnel tit all arrears aro
OZetipt at the option of t ha publisher.
Eigtit mots per line for the first insertion. and
vr° cents par line for eseh subsennent insertion.
Hatrt2eSt cams not' exeeeding 0 lines. $4 per
arlut1p.thenat3 to ln Lines S5
'rto eteisher of' lines to he reekotted Ly tha enact,
oce*htelizeasureei tw a scale of 4.'161 Nonpareil.
b0.11.14,,,Lef.tteimel matlatintigrocliibtihd.:1,:n1p.,,.h•,ntsitigniliy1.)
The TalIotrttig rates will he rhorzo t merehanti
and otters 'etc; advertise by the y ear,-
oip Column 1 ev.r
G in.inths 8.30
• •
Rsif " 1 Y.Yr :VS
•• • Al
3 rn oft7:s
Quarter" 1 year ..
Wino -11'4a 12
• in.ovhs .
1 yoai 1 d.
3 mor.t!,4 .... 5
%-r041113ent Is to he • off-, 1 f'•.e onlingrv
bleinesao? onrarnor..i‘: h el.ea, t f ,r sneh it will
• ita (Ill.:It) in •to -to A l•ti !••,- it
g.`.4"‘T`tTerttbdc't NOACP.1. Prlynte %-iverri4eroentq of
iirEhrsIMEmbers of 1r !is. liouses to let or for
Sale, ,a‘a,
5r4rrie envetrates wilt in a'.1 ea(es e strii•tly
adhered to.
*ivernsaraonts intended r•r an7
Pa:LE:mix: Imo should reach the.offire by linen on
The ingecirmlatbm the. •-IIIINAL makes it
SD EDNurparrod nivertisin:
v:76""nIsi entb r.catttsss printed
whtto you trait. Ord.rrs by m til punctually attend-
ta to.
.• a.
Etatint ••
16 g,
Business Ouccitorn.
N 1C 110
OMce auel residence, West Street.
Three deers belo v Bank of Montreal,
John Campbell. N1.1.3.. C,34-• .
(Graduate University, MantreaD,
otoncorenetenenee-one door south of 'ROss •
Strettr., and opposite licCallum's
Se -earthy ApuUtttrd, 1873. 1357
Dr. .A. M o 1.3 ou
WILL, he at bums for Cor.saltation up to 11
TY o'clock, a. every day. Will visit patients
at any hoar afterwards, night or day. Sre
C*.O. She.nnon .:// • D.
pHYSICIAN, SURGEON, e Godench. Ont.
DR. 1%..teLIMA.N.
onatintStaLt.V, SURGEON, CORONER. -Ac. Mee
L accIResalsoce third door east of Central School.
Dr. Caused:W.
' McGill College
DEM/MAN. SURGEON, Ac.„ Office, Hamilton
J. Street. Gaticrich. Ontario. &win
I ra Locesva
/Soszt:,7-ez-Chaccers, Coaniv Crown Anorne y,
G-idenith, OM, °flee in Courtliness.
Cameron .5,s (..4trarrour.
Oftee. 'Market Square. Goder;ch.
M C: CAMS3GH w52 J. T. Gannovr.
1.2,Cliatteery, ecc., Gederich, Ont. 1337
.40-tifttna mitotte
• ellance7v. Gederich.
Sinclair eta Seeger
12,12aISVERS, &c..Goderirb.
s1VC1,4 CHAS. /WAGER. Jr
Gaderich.D. 1st.1871. ty.
meaurnearreza, avrotoceo A vr.,A w, &Duel •
BS tor in Chan=ry.-54c. 6 -Aerials, Ont.
OEce, over J. C. Detlor & Co's Emporium, Market
Square, Galerial. 7353
Of.lco at DISCI* VirstSouis, fliSet211 Assignee.
irel-tf Goderictr. Ont.
:11131cosasuson IKeratInz,
eLe ,Clugen, Ont. w35
Goderich. Plans and Speciffieation. drawn
correctly. - oarpeatars% plasterers' and Masons'
•amr.kt measured and vithaed.
1307 -Tv.
• ,
Rexcieuarean, Lawson az Robinson
"0"AV'S =band all kinds of Sashes, Doors, Blinds.
ItIcaidis„ and Dressed Lumbar, at the (Ica-
criais Plinfog 11111.
Veterinary Surgeon.
veil:neater of Cornell Uruiversify, Ithaca, New
„V York- and Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
Will visit DaySeld every Saturday. 1313 3a1.*
Ge-aor,ern or VErramtur COLLEGE.
Naergato Street, Fifth Howe East cf Colborne
N. B. -Horses examined as tosound-
ness. 1313
tar twin0 °SLY lz PROP -ERIN
Sec=ctit in Canada, the United States and Europe.
DATENTgar.fraviteedorun charge. send for wint.
L ediustruetions, Agency In operation ten years.
(Mama. Carrada,
siu,..s3Ecat EEG:laser, Bonito' of Patents and
Feb. nth ism.
Issi3ARIVEA returning thanks
tofietfriends in Goderich for past
petronagentbeg,s to say that she is -now
prepated to giver Lemons on the Piano-
forte anr} Cabinet Organ and in Singing.
Residence oppoette Mr. Savage's,
Colleerne 1363
JIM cursed West apdWateyloo Streets and fitted
tear," sestaarraettsonlyrsot Stem- IS prepared
to snooty sverytinno tit
V/1111-4 iintiVIABLEa. 011aTEM am,
lather season,
11101: ..VVID COLD noiono Ott ALL 110h ne.
Goderleli,VAIWPIIM 13C5
OP 1•11B
Trust and LOW Company Of
Inempoated by .Iloyar Charter'.
OAP ,.
Funds for Invesiment.
e„L,Ir reennea at expiry a cm."3 07 by an.
zylt:St t OrYrTri too Et .)°•ri rcic:ray eticf?,1:clYfeeso r°o,:f re LC it laLts Ceo 01f- ot P, fnV::
w;13 soptai at say ti;aoentAvorarge.terrje„
(1, 31, TD,VEltiii,
- ;
•••' . • •
VOL. XXVI. NO, 19.
Os. -
Tho GtroatestPossible Good to thoGreatostPossible Number."
(4-013 tent c H. ONT.
k-3 overlooking the Harlon., Lake and
This house after being thoroughly
renoxated and furnished is now open
for the summer scream for the receptioo
of guests.
Parties going to Lake Superior by
the Manitoba will find this house. eery
Large families requiring rooms should
engage previously either by mail or tele-
Goierich, 20th May, 1871 1no
A continuance of the favor and support of the
Com:tier, tal and Travelling pub iethat was aczorded
before the tire, respectfully solicited. .
3101,130RM; 110114]1„
E. M...A.ATIN Proprietor.
Gbod Accommodation. Ample Stable
Thisds admitted to be a First etas
House kept in Good Style.
AIRESISt 15th. 1s70
illonen to Ceti b.
7 PRE.E HOLD Permanent Buildinghind
ji" Sayings Society of Toronto.
For particulars apply to
A. 31. ROSS.
Agent at Goderich.
Secretary and Treasurer,
Toronto. 1343.
At Greatly reduced Rates Of Interest Tombstones,
Mantlepiec es,
G. IL C., A. F. A. A. TOL .
J. is hs,ii ou thelirst Wednesday tif each
month at 7.30 o. in. Visiting brethren
'cordially invited.
0 , , 87 sw73.1 y
' '
AINi ‘H ()It L [NE
....." ... .
steamerssalii Every Wednesday
and Saturday.
cow. Callon; at. Londonderry to land Mails and
vr. e a te 0Bur, irtoaritna, blir: 1 nanndd
or euniar an
rs booked and forwarded to and
cifreortitinaanllyl,iai„,liverwt a.3t ft. t the:1;137,1,1C
' CA I i" ei i ie TPII' ;a. , ' ansAtoTterf'.11;.other Route o. ri.,..Lronl ni.,:e4.1c) :iv.
I .
, Prom I, iasc.,w .
...coLumBIA .. , Sat.. Nov 4th
.,... TC°.17. hA: DON IA Sas at:, 00cett.. 22sltshi
1,1' st,„:•S aaaa tttt ... .... .0s,i, ?erepp:tt t..t.. 17324,t3i httl. ...
;And every Wednesday and Saturday thereafter
I from Fier 20. North Hirer. SI noon.
i ri RsT .CT:3its.173eRti5PILn.465L-A7;,O0aWecannis DinEgRtRoV:oeation
Cabin Excursion Tickets (good for 12 n oaths)
..eurine best araonindation. $130.
litter, e.linte. 333- Steerage. $23.
Certificates"! LOWEST RATES ean be bought
herc ',ethos. wishing to send for their friend .
Drafts issued payable on 3pirRe:ewrtAatRioNtio. eic.
Apply at the Company's Offices or to
‘1.- est St. Goderich. On
Speak nom.
-Nay, speak no ill -a kindl y word
Can never leave a sting behind;
And to report each tato we've heard
Is far beneath a noble mind.
Full oft a better seed is sown
By choosing thus a kinder plan,
For if but little good lee known,
or a grandmother was heaping reproach-
es on him. 1Seeing' hiM so apathetic,
Lady Trewavas grew more_angry.
'1 believeEleanor's jealousy is not un-
founded,' -she resumed ; .'you like- that
way you did this morning,' said, Dame
erel. 'Whispering sweet things. to her;
and skirting the brink of a proposal
every minute. 1 really trembled Tor
you. Remember, a mistake in marriage
heart stand still within bim. Happiriees
came very close to him thro h h
words; it was. held from his clasp by
only a single hair, and the sioltnees of
fear tliat fell o him le t
1 11
11 1
- 7 A PORW.400$011970VOTWINVrtiVe
proscriptionewith.direetients to, telte *
tedorpoonfelleviry' three 'Wm- The
patios:it reeevered.
Acerb& eontatry otitiltdehhatteeK*14
that the word ttelattifeawia thetpittral
timber. wouldoftenialkiledit a liChter's•
jibs the Act of Coeiganoseeo e • t
TheenronatiOn Orli'. AO* X04
phi' Wdbairaine, alumni/ Qteeettof
Sweden aud Norway, Note 17soctiii-tli.
..!;l2t11 init., at Steekholm.-
.t . As observant traielikrr so* Zngland
• • e telehrstsd ler - lerstievler ita
• '.:frogsklfrelsud.forits bogi,C.Azuula ter its
, ; dogs,'-Ifsineforritt !wand -OW -for its
hogg• • - -
IfWiettuan-shOuliftit -AVOW .worry.
tinie,--ba•aaegantanat 44,41yelttit,-
*mid usvernmicawoyaffs.i4isc bomb,
(pe*itiMinsieg ie'hetiiii aro*
eireuMlitinees, Will never mole the voye
WHOLE NM'. 1.371 :*Thle ,11/34'
'your . et 'They sppost7asorawaussi' Yoe
'we 10 140k 4,01,114_00 akeY take :up
niore rim in our memery_Aaw AD the
Yam -that tneeeedthem.
i, . .
telean itwisep of sill . my friends and 'rele,-.1.
• • I
'Sire% rtght,' sag joho. 'Of comae
. ..
-Isbell Ieove When youtmariesi, j*C9101 ii
n , t a should be it tobe ? e I -should liktasnitie riotiee als neett& a 'Pariraaa t'li':
'betleet passenger refused and maintained -
can never be rectified.'
'True,' said Vigo ; 'matrimony is an again to oable
, made him reel as with a 'When is it to be •?' echoedeSinHiltoo. ; finir a'"'-ehill"le`Luslireket 41.43adih9**
he slight thread i turn 1 have' semis Arrangements to Maker.? '"P",-thiteenitnse itte,vacifie.,Reiltiond ovith
piySi. r Hilton was stunk.
'What artful girl do you Filen
Hil- denly, and said, 'Why did ,she smoke to- . that I can bear hope.,,in the same tran- ed.' ..bciA petition At tife remote -of a revolver.
he awful affair.'
For a feweninutes after the utterance 'Mrs. Maristowe,' he said 'clo bot that's appointed for the twenty- &St..'
'Oh ! the execution yon mean. Well, 'c'tv:121.11/1"'etecolgeptittrilibib-ntiiti.ittctiitizarP"airltut '
tdoenm. a n,d"e7cle .1 l , 'IT_ hweor tell adr en soot mmaanryr..1',
y for convoying him to -hie death.
re- of this aphorism, the friends walked on ! speak hopefully to ine. I have borne What a pleasant dungeon Trewatiets ' -weea firil.'4" 1461"1`claa814m .13U14
in silence, then Mr. Damerel turned suds despair quietly; I will not promise you will be 'with you gone, and Olive banish--
ilefatidheSriromok- 'Why 7 -because she liked to, 1 sup- some wild thing, which will betray to all exclaimed John. 1.And wfiatdo you mean . PP'n.
pose,' he replied. Tut I must say that the waeld t h ' . .
Olive day, Vigo 7 -can you tell me that r quil manner. I may give way and do `A dungeon and Eleanor with you P. 14 eeild he led iiiid the raikud "'nil'
Give me the heart that fain would hide • 'It's a pity yormg Vivo can't bo got to
Would fain another's faults efface, ing .iigars with yourtg Vivi, and making
Still let us speak the best we can.
How can it pleasuoi human pride love to him.'
To prove humauity but base? Marry her,' said Lady Trewavas.
- A, let us reach a higlietinood,
.t 'That's not likely,' returned sir Hit-
- A nobler estimate of man, ton drily. .He wen't Marry her, for the
Be earnest in the much for food have kept her too muoh in the house -
here has been made too equivocal. You
same reason that I, or any other gentle: -
man, would not, because het position
keeper's 'room. And her Birth and man-
ners are amtinst her.'
' 'Well, °then,' said Lady. Tretvavas,
'since you do not want to marry Olive,
why do you hesithte to convinee Eleanor
of that fact, by going to her at once, and
making u?.this childish quarrel 7' .
'Why do 1 hesitate 7' he cried. 'Be-
- drive her forth from Tre-wevas, I am cer-'
Olive,' he replied ; 'you don't want to
cause I do nut wish to pain you.'
'Yes, you have always been used to
'Me, Hilton !' she exclaimed.
'Assuredly not,' said Lady Trewavas.
'Who would thialt of driving the girl out
of her home 7'
'Eleanor does,' replied Sir Hilton.
'She makes it a coedit ion of nur marri-
age that Olive ehall leave. That's the
st.hject we quarrelled on.' ,
Lady Trewavas lookOd at her grand-
son in paieful astonishment. .
'It wou:d certainly break Olive's heart
to quit Trewavas.' she ejaculated. '
'1 don't think that,' said Sir Hilton.
turning a weary gaze at *a window.. -I
believe you are mistaken there. I heard
her tell young Vigo just now that Tre-
waves was a house of bondage. There -
Nor men nor swallows can soar- every fure I was thinking of your pain, not of
hers, when I hesitated to consent to her
.oay, _ dep'arture.'• -
And men and swallows should not, if •
they may, Lady Trewavas. 'Your ha'ppiness arid
'Then heeitate no more ' interposed
And'well for both that skies aro soul -
times gray.
Goderleh Oct. 23 lir!.
GoderichMarble works
Scott, Vanstone Co.,
,L) opened a branch ‘..t their Ktucardine
in the old .tand of Mr. A.M. Johnston victoria st.,
Goderich, aud will Lt1 slie _to supply
MITE underaigned has any amount of mcney to
loan from two to fifteen years, at a low rate of Window Sills,
interest and favourable terms of repavment, payable
tor yelrly Instalments; rate of expenses will defy Le., Lc•, &O„
n the hest le of workmanship and en reasonable
terms. '
Godench 17t1. 3o1.13 -t
Appraiser for Ilse Canada Per •
element Banding Jle Savings
Society, of Toronto. .
The Subscriber is agent for the followingfirst-clase
Insurance Companies
PIDIENIXof London, England.
HARTFORD of Fiedler&
PROTI‘CIAL of Toronto.
EPire •Sc Marine business done al the
lowest possible rates
Office Market Square, Goderich.
oce setb lora essov.
TO Loan OD FARR Or TOWN property et 7 per
ceat pply 30
G. CAMPAIGNE, &Reiter, &c.,
41tf Goderich.
• for 5 or 10 years. Interest repayable either
eat ly or half -yearly. Appty to
St. Helens.
perty, at 8 per cent simple interest
per annum. Apply to
Colborne Hetet.
Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 1338
ASE). G14011E
Goderich Harness Shop
HA S pleasure in annonunctng to tie poti'm
Town and Lonnie that ha has ptrrcbased the
Ilarness bnsmess of Mr. Isaace Halliday. on Ham -
f duo St. Alter having served hisapprenuchship ith
Memo's W. 5e IL Manin. Cadet -ch. W. A. M. bits
worked for rhe ant three years in the Vest Harness
Shops in Chicago, and 15 now Prepared to make up
tiorsg-Clotaintr and. Scotch Collars
in.first-class style and with despatch Orders prompt-
ly attended 10
Trusilee, Whine, Curry -Combs,
r c.
N. 13. Fir Sheets eunAtantly un throughout
t:.e sumurer.
Goderich. Jane 26' 1871.
P. R. MA.NN;
House Sign & Carriage- Painter
he has fitted p a shop on North street next
the Wesleyan Methodist Church.wIth varnish room
attached where he prepared to fill all orders promp-
tly -And at reasonable Kit es Thaukful for the patron
age ot the last 7 years sole its a iontinuance of the
Now is the time to Paint your Cutters
Sleiahs and CarriacreS.
re Orders from country Carriage shops attended
t» with dispatch.
Sign Painting, Gilding, Graining, Glazing, Paper
liedetich, Aug, l5, 1870 swl
Available Assets, $27,0001000.
Losses paid in the•course of Thirty-five years ex-
mated at nearly $8,000000, are being
liquidated as fast as adjasted WITHOUT DEDUCTION.
Security, Prompt Payment, and Liberality in av,
Justment of its losses are the protuinent features or
this wwithy comnany.
FIRE and LIFE POLICIES issued with very
liberal conditions.
Head Office. Canada Branch. MON-
SN11111,gesiden Secretary ,
A. ROSS, Agent Mr Codench
TorontoLife ASSI1r87100
Tontine Conwany.
With liberty to inereaseto half& million
Amount called. in, 25 per cent -all paid
Viee PresEdenMA i?..V5109.ifjconrc" Ersq.°11tAli
DUOGAN. Esq. Judge of the Cotuity of York.
ty. Boom, jut., . " P , Prescott.
flamnas. he,. Cashier Nerchants1 Bank,
J Nam:matt Esti , Manager Toronto Savings
Airocalforintios,BE3sneig.: r. "P.1".
Secretary and- Tne.surer: Annum uanvaf, Esq.
Applications for Insurando in this
first class Company received bet
1342 Agentat Godeeich.
CAPITAL STOCK.. $400,000
SURPLUS FUNDS . .... -208,369.60
. 357,8.58.26
Etoir. 310.11URRICli
E. HALDAN Managing Director,
• Lowed Current Itate0-
Olnaurance foreseer three- years ext iletaclint
IC eery 'Wes These:rates and
• 1•4
terms ofpoitcyraiticularly favorable to the Pam,
ng Community.
Firatelaseminvtantedfor a travelling AgOloY
,for rho townships thie.Town. Apply In
writing wait refercriecs thetreacagned for trans;
Mini= le thatica4.1 Mica.
• 3, .
Watehmaker & Jeweller,
TNESIRES to return 'his sincere tlianks to the
I/ public for the patronage extended hiin- in the
past, and to announce that ha has removed to the
premises en Marston Street, formerly occetsied as
Ra.1,0011 by Harry heed, and directly opposite C.
steowreo,uwtdblechar bplemesialtattetdenuriwilnwlirtshte class
tortsesateerwbeel be is Sole ageni Ooderteb.
A large stock of Waltham, liferion, Elgin and fiwis5
watches in Ovid and Silver CILSVS. _
Re iissr.-n.luouls large and. mil selected stoeleof
a" "N7117 -M -7..a /JIM "Nr
of al kinds whitit he will sell cheap. •
D. 3.1bEENZ.IE.
28111.2873 - ' 2383 .
complainf' maul
And speak of all the best we cah.
Then speak no ill, but lenient be
To others' failings as your own;
If you're the first a fault to see,
Be not the iiieet to make it known.
For life is hut a passing day,
Nu hp can tell how brief its span;
Theu, oh, the little time we stay
Let's speak of all the best we can.
Low Flying
.From Fraser's. Magazine.
- Low flies the Summer tnallow-scenting
rain, -
And lo•w niy heart from prescience of
When the clouds scatter both will -meet
The Summer swallew skims so low for
flies, -
And finds incloudy, not in sunny skies;
So I, by beim:read, may grow more wise.
For though this world is dull without
the sun,
Eleanor's must come first with me ; 01-
ive's afterwards. So Trewavas is a
'house uf bondage' to her !'
'I don't know that the e (vile were ex- nese, and held her passionate tongue,
actly those.' he observed. 'This bond- chained.
age,' and 'who will deliver me 7'o -that 'Did you sea Eleanor's 'ring, Olive' ?
was it I think. Neither yen nor I, asked John. 'She Must have giveo it
back to him. Oh what a blessing it will
be for all of us, if this wretched, mis-
taken, foolish engagement is indeed
broken off. 'Never were two people so
unfitted for each other.'
itt'he world says differently, John,'
replied Olive. nNever -wee match so fit-
ting, says smilieg Mra. Grundy,'
•A miatoko, Olive,' said he. 'Hilton
will make that girl wretched if he mar-
ries her.'
!But he silent marry_ her l' exclaimed
Olive.' TI1 tear • up the world first.
.Johil, I shall kill somebody if you don't
take care of me.'
- John smiled, hot it was suchia sickly, .
painful smile, that- Olive ran oyer to
him, and put her hand kindly on his
'What is the matter, John ?' she sail -
Ton are not yourself to -day.'
'It is this hope, Olive, tearing out my
aerv heart,' he replied. 'I cannot bearit.
it did not think that a fointiglimmer of
hope would unneeve me like this. I
was patient. I lad given if all upoyou
icnow; and now this is tearing open the
yound afresh.'
'Arid you must give it upagain, John,'
said Olive. Eleanor loyesEilten. Your
Ablation is not like mine. I am quite
eertain Hilton likes me.' •
'All the Mere cruel is it it he marries
Eleanor,' said John, bitterly, 'espacially
as he takes her from a man to whom,
heaveneknows, she would be dearer than
ife. As to bis liking you, Olive I
doubted it once, i?ut I begin to think
low it may be so..'
A glow of triamph spread itself in a
-.Allison flush ovet Olive's cheek.
'And do you thi alc I'll let him marry
T11.11 girl?' she crie I. `No;
" `No threats, Oboe' saidJohn, putting
lip his hand to eheck her. 'I'm so
weary of • them. What do they do?
They alter nothin . I have no reliance
on any of your se eines. I trust most
ih Mrs. Maristow . She is not very
fond of Hilton; and Eleanor's lo-ve for
him is not so verytdeep-rooted as you.
think, else hor mOther'e words would
not hove the weight with her that they
assess '
e SO
I don't admire that style of thing, and I 'well. This kiying up of rings, this
was sorry to see her doing it.' ' quarrel you speak of, will only be a re -
'There is mi. one has more tact or newel of love. I know Hilton better
knowledge as to what a lady should or than you do; he is a proud man. He
should 1 ot do than Miss Varcoe,' said
-Damara]. 'She sniblierl tottlay to annoy
her consin- from no other motive Vigo •
so don't waste your sorrow. Wh'at wi'i
y bet she don't touch another cigar
het; Damerel," he said. 'Let us walk
for en years 7'
' ll never make her the subject of
betel-) the governor , will be waiting din,
ner.' .
Thue these two beguiled the way,
while Olive and John, left alone in the
billiargzroom, looked at each other for a
moment in agitated:silence. John was
the first te speak. -
'What is the moaning of this, Olive?'
he. said. 'Can it be possible that Elean-
or has given up her engagement with
Hilton 7'
'I truly think she has ; but do not let
us. hope too much Train it, John,' she re.
plied.- T,eineruher how soon lover's
quarrels are made -up:' .
'But this is seriods,' persisted John.
,.,'D,aisclinyo7u see the •.state of mind Hilton
'But I wes in hopes, Johnnthat 'some
of t hat temper was-- was 'because I smok-
ed aud flirted with Mr. 'Vigo.'
_`I don't think so,' rettirned Johtocand
if so, you are to blame. - You know 1
II ever will:help or encourage you in such
'He was rude to true -almost brutal,'
said- Olive. 'I'll make him love mejohn,
if it is only for revenge.'
'What sort of revenge would thaf be?!
said John- 'Don't talk again like a de -
emu, Olive. 1 have heard too much of it
alrOelitivye:was silent. There was a sup-
pressed exciteinent about the usitally
quiet John that checked her min Maid- _
More sweetly alines he after showers grandmother, e ill let these Owlish won's
are dune, •• 'affect her futpre.'
And eyes atm gladder when the tcaru have
'No, certainly,' the replied. Tnt I
, did not think ingratitude was one of her
- 4 faults. However, since she will be glad
to leave Trewa.vas U1 -flakes matters less
Therefore to -day I wOuld not, if I painful for all. I'll find her a home
could, sonic where. Go to Eleanor, and toll her
- mood: that point is settled. On the whole,
Hilton, I am not sorry that Olive should
Forego my grief and be of merry
As well alight swallows thse and miss leave. I believe Eleanor is right ; she
id thrown too much with you and
their food. John.'
'With John exclaimed Sir Hilton.
The old lady would hear no more; she
"Olive Vareoe." took him resolutely by the arm, and led
him across the hall to the drawing -room.
With his hand on the door, Sir Hileon
turned ea her a strancrely pale face, mid
whispered, `Grondinobther, I believe you
are saving me front a great misery. 1
know what 1 do now is best for my hap-
piness and yours.
He did not think whether it WAS bes t for
Eleanor ; yet in another moment he 'was
gazing remorsefully into .her flushed,
teat -stained face, and he was telling her
aud hiinse;f that he loved her dearly.
After Sir Hilton's departure loon the
billiard -room, Olive's manner suddenly
tdianged, and young 'Vigo, chilled and
vexed, refused Jelm's inyitation to din-
ner, apd left hurriedly, with his ifriend.
In unto, bob he and Mr. Damerel felt
themselves t. op in :this family party.
in %%lads it was evident some unpleasaut
event was pending.'
'There's a gdod deal of eleetwicity
the air,' said Damerel, as the friends
strude through the park. 'It is my
pwivate opinion that young bawonet
not pwoperly acquainted with himself
he does not know his own mind. I inusit
intwoduce him to it the next time we
'Come to heels, Bolster :' cried yohng
Vigo, in a stentorian voiCe.
'Ale I t hought we should have thuo-
dab,' said Damerel. 'Pooah Bolstay !
how vewy pleasant these visits to Tre-
waxes must be for him !'
Alley appear to be very agreeable to
you, Damerel,' said Vigo ; 'you seemed -
to be pretty well amused this tuorn-
'Oh, ah, yes ' said he. 'As a looker.; wioAdtotwhis. moment a shadoW passed the
011 I see a good 'deal, and it's wathaw a- 'Here is Mrs. 31eristowe,' said Olive,
nuising certainly.' --hurriedly, 'Let nte escape- -do She
Tun. ,
Lady Trewavas stood unnatnrally up-
right as she greeted him; and her hand-
some, unwrinkled ;face flushed with
'What is all this, Hilton 1 she said,
steadying her voice to speak calmly.
'All what said he, throwing himself .
languidly into a chair. and looking at
her with a, weary.air.
'Hilton, your -assumption of indiffer-
ence won't deceive me,' she replied.
'You cannot be indifferent in matter
where yeur honor and happiness are con-
- cerned, as they are he this. -Why have
you quarrelled with Eleanor ?'
'Why has, Miss Maristowe quarrelled
with me, you inean ?' returned Sir -Hil-
'She is not qqarrelsome, Hilton -8116
is wonderfully gentle -tempered,' 'said
Lady Treseavae ; 'but I let the eapres-
sion pass. Why, then, has she quarrel-
led with you 7'
'I don't know myself,' he replied.
'Have yon asked her why ?'
'This pretence ef ignorance is'absurd,
Hitter,' said the old lady. 'Of course I
haye asked her ; but I can get noth-
ing but tears, and a passionate deelara-
tion that she deems it better tq part at
Sir Hilton was silent for an instant,
and the shadow of a deep perplexity
crossed his face.
'And can we part, grandmother 7' be
'Is it a Trewe.vas that asks me ?' said
she, -scornfully. 'Can a gentleman break
his word ? Can he jilt a girl like a
butcher would ? Can he consent to be
mein, dishonorable, base ?'
'But if Miss Maristowe wishes to
break her engagement, it appears to nne
I am bound to submit,' said Sir Hilton.
'She does not wish it.' said Lady Tre-
waves. ' The .girl is jealous,- that's all.
Go to her Hilton. end ask her to marry
you this day month, and see what her
answer will be.' •
'I don't know that I am prepared to
do that,' said Sir Hilton, a little sten
tled. • ,
'Why net ?' she resumed. 'You pro-
posed to Eleanonimeining to marry her,
1 suppose. And can you find a girl any-
where better suited to you 7' There was
no answer. 'la she not beautiful, yich,
welhborn, gentle and good V
'She is ail that,' replied Sir Hilton.
'A girl worthy of the name of Tre-
waves,' continued the old lady. 'A wife
of whom you would be proud, who would
never bring pain or•Isharne, or sorrow oil
you, or your; and whose -children and
grandchildren wOuld love a,nd honour
'I firmly believe Eleanor is all that
you say,' returned Sir Hilton, earneet-
'Then why do you hesitate ?' asked
Lady Trewa,van * 'Go to her at once and
make up this 0=04 and to curkSilloo
her'that you. lOve,her, propose an instant
marriage, as I 'have advise.d. you.
know they are getting ready to leave,
and Mrs. Mafistowe positively seems
'And what have you seeu as a looker-
on to -day ?' asked Vigo.
'I have seen what I wemarked 'about
Sir Hilton,' he replied ; he has
nevaw been pwoperly intwoduced
hates me, I know. , Get the truth out of
her, John, and then come and
There is one contfort-1 suppose we
shall not be kept lotag in suspense.'
Olive ran hastily out of the door as
will never break off his engagement.'
'Nevertheless, try to hope; John, for
my sake ' persisted Mrs. Maristowe.
`No,' 'he replied, '1 Must try not to
hope, if I'wish to keep myeeit sane.',
There are some- women to whom the
agonies of passion are a play. A sealed
book for ever to them is the hot, restless
heart which -they thatch. with a cateless
hando Yet, strange to say, it es these
.cold, tranquil women who like to excite
emotion and to witness it. They have
an intense pleasure in seeing the,anguish
they have never been able to feel. - tSo it
happened. that Mrs. Maristowe enjoyed
herself immeosely. Her life had been
so very fishlike and cold, and it was a
new sensation tb her to draw out this
agony and ignorantly play with it. ,
. 'Poor fellow!' she said to herself tom-
pladently as she walked into the house;
`if Eleanor and Hilton do make up their
quarrel, I shouldn't be at all surprised
if he were to shoot himself -not at ail.'
Mean addle Eleanor had believed once
more, and the lovers had kissed again
and made it up with tears. And the
news of the reconciliation and corning
marriage came to John from his broth-
er's lips. The scene was in a summer-
house in the garden.
said he; 'but it's all square now; and the
vo-i`cEel.eanor and I have had a row, John,'
upshot is, we are going to be married at
'I wish you joy,' said John, in a quiet
once.' .
'Well, don't wish it tile° a fellow going
to his own funeral,' returned Sir Hilton,
snappishly. 'I'm deucedly put out as
it iseJohn, old .fellow. • I believe noth-
ing irritates a man like these'quarrels
among women. I have- purchased my
peace with Eleanor, but it is at.a great
'There is no cost Jim great for peace,'
said John, abstractedly.
He was cleaning his pistols, and he
drew the charge from ono as spoke,
and laid the bullet on the table; but his
hand shook so nervously as he did so,
that it rolled off, and fell on the floor.
Sir Efate% stooped' and'picked it up.
ero is it?' asked John, looking
'In my hank'. replied Sir Hilton.
'Donhesend yourbulletanelling any way,
John to airt fingoisi t-- ,
'Be'tter in yourbaml than yourhitait,'
said ..Toh, in a dry tone. 'You ore a
corisunimate coxcomb, though
you don't seein 'Mow it. Hera are .
two girls quarreling evee you, apparent-
ly ready to poison each othenemed yst
you go on in your cool way making love
to both, and ignoring the fact that you
are embittering the lives of each, if you
are doing no worse.'
'I defy yQ11 ito prove such an absurd
accusation,hsaid Sir Hilton, a little bit-
ter'llyt. needs no proof,' said John. 'De-
mand the truth of your consciepoe, that's
all I nsk: nd depend on it, Hilton,
you are on -dangerous ground. If you'
arouse the jealous rage of a girl like
Olive, I will not aoswer for the cense-
qu'eOnlieevse.' Cares nothing tor me,' he re-
plied. 'She is making ' to
was still more bitter
now. John looked up from his work
and. glanced at trim, then, h. e went on
cleaning his pietols.
'Very well then,' said John. 'Let us
say she does not care for you •and that
She has taken all your los'-itmaking
since she -was ten years pld mean
nothing; still, you will own tha4Eleaner
cares for you, I suppose ?'
'Yee,' said Sir Hilton;
Eleanor loves me tritly.'
A dusky flush costered John's face,
and he looked up at his' brother with
bloodshot eyes.
'There is a thing you won't believe;
Hilton,' he rejoined, 'and that ieeithat
you try my temper horribly at 'dozes.
You have too much pride, too Much .
conceit. Had you .possessed even for
any one but yourself, you might have
John mas abont to say, 'You inight
have seen that 'loved Eleanor; mid, but
for you, I might have won her ' but he
ohecked himself. and, instead of' making
the confession ...that would' have
changed his fate,t he said, 'You might.
have seen that -I hare -been sorely tried
hiniself. .
Mrs. Ministowe enterea. lately. Here is Mrs. Maristowe making,
'Talk English, Damerd, do 7' exclaim- 'Is Mr. Trewa,vas here ?' she said. a confident of ma tiikdonfess *he does
ed Vigo. 'Dear me, Miss Vareoe, how diagreeably not like aour ;here =is .Lady Trawasias
'Do you mean you want me to speak your dress smells ef tobacco smoke ! . alwayo in II fufne; here is Olive bringing
out my opinien plainly -in a I widicutous I wonder you like to remain here when her _passionate complaints • to me; and
coarse way 7 he asked. the young men are smoking.' , none of . theta think that I may have a
'Yes, I mean that,' replied Vigo. . Olive gave her a cninioal loek, and little trouble of my own, which 1 hide
'Well, then, I have a stwong idea that I then said daringly, 'I haye tint been as I best ean. And lime ere. you, talc -
Sir Hilton would woe- to Joie the Maw- i molting a cigar myself, Mrs. Maris- ing all the fuss made ever you HS CO011y
BEMIS, if they were a wespectable body, trove John is in there, if Ion want as seultim.' -t . .
Witlebawonets amorig them and membahs him,' Toutalk like a woman,' SaitleSir .lifile
of Parliament.' What a-dteadful glei I' self:haat lady - ton, &little contemptuously. 'I don't
'Upon my word, Darnerel, I am in no to herself. 'It is imposisible-for Eleanor ' see why my simple acknowledgmeot, that -
A, Trotiterfai Photospabic Mt; _
. .
nousenee to -night if you will, butispeak der Sir Hilton has had' the effrontery to' head suchini tirade Of repreeches.. If
to endure her as a companion. I Von- Eleanor Drone me, should bring On my
tumid for fooling,' said Vigo. !Talk
about Olive s being banished 1' Viatibh, litad the Puldrein company for a
'It means,' replied Sir Hilton, 'that 1 P111" i" ear* 01111 he wouldn't -Pe7
another cent, He didn't
was cowardly and unmnsaly enough to
make my peace with Eleanor, by eon- We havenever Z1110511 finessed cerporill
asegaitriinwghtte) idleasnymt,hoethhherelhteormoef.,my roof to punishment in sehoolsebut 'whether the
oubstititte adopted by&Witconsin teach.
'Ynti cannot intend that Olive ashell or is desirable is a little doubtful. When
quit Trewavas ?' exclaimed Johne aptipil is disobedient, idle or,refinictorY0
',It is not my wish,' sold Sir Hilton. „he admiuisters to the dellquenta dose
honor to suppope that I am too . great a
'It is my unended wife who does me the losatsEntoerntoiolf• wThiheehiewnleYilveleueiirtepoefrl tishisa
rascal to succor an adopted sister.' -Pun, strangelYtuld ftstriallY szesrabls
'Speak serioust , Hilton,' Bahl John ;
'this is a sadder b 'nessthan you think.
A girl like Olive cannot go out into the
world alone.'
‘Scatrcely,' was -the reply. 'Eleenor is
not quite to mireasona.ble as `that ; she
made by the whiter of' the 1064 sows.
poper. Hooey. tuela tinatment ought
to render tbe `"tilesesile." !Le
onddentlyneede a quart or so ?diesel!,
The • St. &Atli Gate -deseribes how
there had beinintol firIng at & hotd
-only insists on her finding enother home. that city, Theeley after the ecountopee a
Rosyigo, perheps, would clo. But no ; popular mad well-known youragplayaidan
die would. objeet to that, as being too. was stoppeilst hiiihrilde door by a nee -
near Trewavas.' son who -quietly said, witedd hike to
The -careless bitter tone in which Sir speak to you a 11110131eat, Sir" "Walk "
Hilton 'spoke stung Alm to the heart. eaid the medical pan, "ana take a seat:"
It was evident that the thought of his The stranger _did J18 he was bid, t13-on,rs.
marriage brought no antiCipations of moving his luit, E'EN in the teolost taan.
Eden with it ; and the gift of Eleanor's Tier possible, "there was A Jae Eretlind
love, whith:seemed to John beyond price 2 night, arid thing there is a bullet, in-
n-ebase.yond hope -a joy too glorious te my head." Pho Dr. laaksfl. and -ante
dream of -was to •him almoet a weari- enopgla there soes a _pistol biallet found
, in the ige as firm y embedded faS
'Hilton, yon are inexplicablersaid if it had 'been encased en stone: lit was
nedtreymonob, itterness. 'No one °quite tronble tonemove it. Tais no_
thei man walk.ed or as
am speaking plainly enough,' re- co• olly as he. had come ie., He evidently
joined his brother. '1 am saying that lend a 11111TOW Recap° of
Eleanor has refused to become my wife, A -correspoudeot .of the New lark
until I have acted the dastardly part of eraia mikes thi mowing ri4osition
bdroievinse, a friendlees girl out of my
with regard to the testimonial to the
Hi 7iiiirlitoyi j.hadY00:,,chefoeuteeodliDioditiatnsy.8700,Ittorawilleileshym,; akeresevidilit6Jaaosh!hlo'istAioirbeins. ps.i:calsorit;telinShbodamteilligallalltiezeokegli
, the Atlantic. "Re_prepetses that the
:wards building -a Church for him as near
qua non.' °; a* possible to the saline ro!tile wreek, tide
'But Olive will be mieserable,' said tower of Tikeizediiii be $ Rghfhoune„
j°'hSno' shall I--misero,blo as the devile : etllrettlettune telt% examoernyuomfit211 eltaild,laiss117
replied Sir Hilton, 28 le• drive on the.
gravel with his cane a rough represerita- perpetuated. la addition to this a, Et.
at the mime tire° his name would bo
tion of .that
As Sir Hilton bent down in perfoton- ;:glitergeoPtoeratliale clottresagetiluthas ellzellegyreaPaapal,1°Hisbe
ling this absurd work of art, John fegardt service on that Oreatlful mornaug was
ed him with a searehing glance, While 0Oe Of-thefew bright -deeds which relieve
the blood rushed to his facet and thefiro fa the honorof the•-catestrephe,-etud
of some Met hoPit fleshed al his fleet% each a nil -vice AMU nettl allowea to
'Miserable?, he•repeated ; !miserable oneseogitiessios •
with Eleanor.1_ Thengive her up.'
'Never !' exclaimed. Sie tivith
stidwdehny'natindos.;phigteintgea,enjenrhmgyi ; tor 1' "A 70S.lonseipohe 'SCUM!"
play well be ap li.erltoDE, Wietariz-BgE-
' tHecauee, if I don't marry Eleanor, I Sara 'Qf "Yr21,44,11srr.,j. nearIT half a
shall do -worse; rePlied. shall do Oenthi,rY gate -thin retilatilkh„ hie -reralL' aY
sordething lEt is-, whi mattoditedstethatembhieluidetettho
only getting -married ihatatikilliecate savo :itt2aialiate ehld istvisigs"-'2•1)statiosa blood surge_d toJelin'alteow' e_• hg4s. 47.1iiitorink"4:914141-4121laftersaleItet
like a wavetoesso7,4fisire:.:::ursia:.;_. •
tte-mbling vole.. 'You many the- eini-tfullisultained.
thretti ilethipleatti tintsinteptien, had' .C1
sapposeci folly; rend not beausayt;;Ito.thriov:-,:e.htb.
her, It is n rascally thing:1nd"; a -I "I:41w:: ,..;'1,33141e-ti'il;:ii:111160,:iet:alt'l:i;17, ke3:
trounce her,tEilton, and yield lief
man who lied love her.r - -
otaaucnn(R;tototnilopyonic),!joesultimne,rhiisl'Amenisaiarratriingelto, 4-611 thoronkhlytried;'
,trienty-,years, hence it cikurtot sai4
that then ,arehati _ThproenY0Iiittiiitoirth biist(033:
si:khtk_itirt:OliVisioiriivfe•pth"ritilito:ry:Ifeotitt::-Iieliit sins'
world, And then et the last moinent aet hilinheit wad 4ittieetat.eye =law, me
like a scoundrel. ; I tell you linnet
card this thing through. I one bound in Oration, and if 111 vd.R
honor to do it ; and, setting aside "InY
ill temper, my baelteler forebodings and . itananhinee him _moist ,ekdpeiothilsinta
discontent, I could etot-doe better than bviuniedici442.4g4itri54 0.* ver
marry Eleanor Meristawa?
it 'Bettor for yonrself,' pereistea John ; b". -
'but bow will it be for her ?' - 7
o4hYn It hPeallYnsi7edr'esctii. c‘orfinplimtterenmf,ystheiefriet, HoGnioilentohns0-eita0 irotatriwiThtinetin-zaohl.tett.fritaltainlatier:
will be pretty comfortable for bet. Do `Meld giro hoe while gehtinro-
yon want nee to make pretestatiens to " bt5tellthe-gei4w1 have lisidnit intihhir
you like a lover or are you anxious -when Zhave a enthjech intend) Igoe
'for a few moral observations and prom- dy it prefounaly$ -sod 04y onehnight
ismyes:xpf telirieerneceligior lifsewiIndhl:rve°rgedenrelnilli; finsgbaelf°IljrnpdiliQ4 Inill°41&'"it013 it:Pearin-Peitleviltair
seen that tbe plan who makes the few- -with it.! Nowa greatilealeithettodythae'
ert promities is the beet husband. Come . been beinowediupon the 4Camidisn').72-in
and see us in.mirhoneymoon, John, and -Destroyer' to Make it ilea is-,tho fart or
pain renaeving aoentsh and the best mies
tlf you won't be serious, ve had better' fer the '''''etire CUM' ehtihte
dirop the subject,' said John.
-°'Bless thp man, I'm iterious enough !' !houghs,' ilienmetient, nenitalgisetnieiwter
c°11113114441b ic,a4e591ers41.- --1.13PYeiPliee D2:611-2ecetitutiss
lictideglivavgi hen :me asyosbiBeelfirreamFlilmeo. 1b1).1311er'i-litullaie'siT,in'agiclian;t"ahrtstt:!
old foliose, yen cen make youriniind eaey Woolet *mos. -VW -dr hence hine
abent me and Eleanter. Welhant -fight "uot soasre .nialystippbit, • leer nude
neither shall wo take lifta to be all honey greet, curnisities wther, foto NM nianY
halUParpfte. into a befound in vatious-partrcof the emote -
Inundrum exietenee-cinite readily.- butt we doubt if the,y wiltaverynovo
s000 he like a million other couples in ,as Oaluablo to thoir ov.ters .nel the one
this world, tolerably cootented and rea- eelaibitet by Varnuta; we -11441e their
sonably happy.'
'If I could not many. with „higher LwnlePwirt Wthfr4otiletrells, wit,t3laylutivitlifore-n-YesizugLtia'.
twhootioirttsatiklme nutnhtelosem,',Itsaeiliajnolivriin 0.11.119Yer state 44.1%o ,hair 'indicates that ; tho
'Oh, you, my dear fellow 1' etClo,imed .11p:oriel" higljthititalbiliatinelh,eolstaffkverinem-gai-t!fcrilore
Sir Hilton, tyou are all romance and sonaeollereeeethich oecasiniathilammite
pentiment. But_those things -don't snit =uralappearatteminisociteatinimie Watley's- ,
Me. Depend on it, Mean& and I un- .COndettien•Pesedere and -Arabi= Mahe
derstand each other pretty well ; and it Reinedy -lit PurifY the blood n eor-
knwisnmwheoffusilhodounbsidnat.: endnatrrywo. rsIeLvaetbriconalretioff,i, Irreoemtleiliapnetitites,itraeuttivost;i:aliniteali:tivreitetitiiettro
(To be continued.) cakt sheik Ma; alikoring. *DApranev.
8RigenillaetIlltartOlfatullau•ra z1500, ReilIterienotat4iitraotihke.
Ontesproptietoos fon Canada -Soli by
age. Northrop (Se, Lyman, 74i1V5, cant*
all meal -due i.leslets, •
. ., Some -'-time ago7Gov. Stanford, ilk
sense now, if you can.' die said, Mee, Meristowo botes me, -and makes
er sense, shape, sight, jeeeeing, rebollec- - 'Are you ',goind to lehve us • Mrs. scoldiug of - ServAnts )to i....qur tile() game •
yt fru *ta7;keialv'ar;Ytra681.11''with
to lave a pbotegreoli of. the stamens -
'You won't listen if I do,' returned his ae xi opuet i !ctn.. i
Me in love tO yon, -Can r lielP- it 1 .If my tteneowner ef, the herse-Ocqiclent, which was
friend, changing his tone. iYou are hi the garden 1' I shouldslike a little talk spected grandmotleerbestows hhetheuse- - taade_fainone from ticvini been beaten
love ; and so, of course you have neithe with you before I leave.' , keeper's ke_ys on you. and dele,gated the _ in etraie iiithOcildihnith :Maid, desired
•' tir n ' "
tion, nor smell.' - • Maristowe ?' said John. Ton h'ave re- again can :I help -_it ? :And dastly,tef e while -said animal was goino at full
'Ant I so poor as that 7".asked Vigo. ceived no implemiant.newe I hope ?' Olive sets heitears before you in a bowl,- -speed. 31r. 31uybridge, the•artiste was
'Yes, and I'll prove it,' replied Dann 'Oh, no ill news, she replied, calnily; and requests you to drink them, ant I to applied to, but. lie expressed his 'doubts.
•erel. T11 het you a_ it.eny that.Yott hhve. 'only I have been eoplaining to Lady blame ? Send her toyoung,tirign..., ...lase that it could be done. Hi Itegan expeti-
not heard . anyone riperilt this inorn:ng Trawaves that if this' unpleesantuees-be- to Youe ieWn titmiblese John, 1,, te-olly. ementingi however, oindafter a while was
but Mies Varcee, And -you haven't seen tweerySir MUGU aiid Eleanor Continues, cannot peas what thby are.- I know no a.
ble to catch objects on the wing with
ad. better .leave. '. It Would be so youeger son half -set well off as yeurrielf.' '
geeat succese. . .
anyone but her, and ean.,'t rebelled link- j wo 1
one But her; •and itat to sense' you awkwerd, you see, foieiell paxtien if we nobrawler," said Johenhis f 046" ' Aber days, ago he onnoonced 'to the
can't . put two. and -, tivo tegetheen,and stayed,'
. were quite testi for when notes 'Vneeoe pactng the shred:tinny, idea poured 'forth Whatever I mar possese aa•tt yhinager all Oh' eheete, to helm& in, the ab,ble, '
lighted a lucifer,inatelit You said "beiien-
with 'regard -to eine% I should ' say you Sho linked her arm' in John's and the ill-bred insolence of your words.
as pale as ashes,. 'else I might eatell at, -ocewuintier.tosfieOiceihedonptiettnihitet.helibeellvetetounearhe;
ed ite trot, and eVerythirg 'was then lin
and with these.made a, r,etieetiog }niche
tifull' : 1 giVe you iny word ybp did. She wies. glad • Eleenor had acted with is Certoin.t ' - , e_Vointd. • ... Over tide °Wristlet Wee Oda.-
, her omalehtint t.o:hien .:ia languid words. brother was noigiventteene ley pin, that :
remittal's for the ttialt 'The great- dif-
glad to go. She dishkee You, Eaton.. : I wOhe .a e yorin; e S', eat ' • - g ,- ,- spirit' at last. - ller dang ter -cep . no - 'At 'all events/ laughed Sir .11;ilt:trai, tot465._ wat to intro= in oioniidin
you.- , .. smiling -in .spite of _himself. I bare us. .eondeSeeml..tq any; etvalehip With ,Miss .,"yoti get 'board and •-lotiging- at ner ex -
S life sheatvsehselfondatubgarner: fortoggaitnisnit oi
drat experiment Of .oPinitig Iola - closing
Hilton, -gleoMilYoset t ' . - saidiSir doubt that I. ItayealieSt all
;-. . . And new let naelleav . what yOur idea is •
eV eenees• Ventre. ., Sir, would now bane. pense.' -
A With way r 6.,13..tiniieel!..0., ,. .1,1Vell, sinee rin are nOonger def,.•1 _gaciem nt h uld' col thine • Eleanor abger 'His -hands ' were: dandled astif '
iAnd I will.. you- lot leer:hare her eiwo ' about Trewithati turning Mention.' , ...... her: pootehe waa not , monk:sus the en- 'ere John sprang towaede him • pale -with .
fine,IIYIF to ohopse .1141 -veep them. • efor, ' -The 'Wordi had scarceln. lett eie tips :,4)vehtelbeirt_vh.74,11;veteefeweeet ioluteherto age0a0tnt(the nratee.
thercameraten tholtret day --left no rei-
t° ' " ' h tta mitnuer Hilton, I still telt you,' And Demerei, . , °/ify idea . hid 'a" mot -large fortune; it would bet to strike,- bet iiiiddenly • -tliejtede-opped
eut hthe second day, oath increased
fihall nevem hold UP 10,-.14ea.....;4sa,:ii,95,1, ,,:-.;tbat, iptoilisydoa lacoo il.lfir- _ wiserif ohe would marry a man oho i ' hY Itis side; ond-lie stetted' hack etrenibe •• ,.
igartieris-' astoinZet '-ti-ifoeti1140(idity44ir''llTellit°'wliri.'4:314je-41:14.i:1' i.. .u80 iii.expxess*:sUali
shall fear aiiheatea or-lo3r-grttu!leOn.' •Ttou rY two Orly"; ems si gratify hie pride, , would nlentify himself witit JAor familY,-- ling-. - . ' ' • ' ' .' V,10°1-PY i-P•QPianinig1010- el°8inkr a shaft"
andtthe :either; higigperareee-hhis ignore pad ienye iiio own, - . , . . _ ii . . tWhy do you • try me Soh:aid; Hilton fih dw !PS caught, -,-On the,- third day, Hie
. reughly; contritieth' te r_hairevatt_twito4Isporairndsg
htirried, diricouCtemie mennore- tti peones be' is IlOPele'fielkhiihki1Oo le, ; .11dt 11 Elemihr hills ate-
. 'Hot if theY , ., , ,; _ ,, auce--Yest tlnet. is 'tlisethiti .WOrd I eau hi want a Ben john;) eaide ehe , `ngt pi. lid said; 'Yea : know not AO. you -.are arta, li eii.:na:p:goi:tii:oitad',Titile.::enmiii::: et.thano-,
a lohe eh hie. ph, - floll-in,law, lie ideno of par:Ging With= doi art..' - ': - - - - .- - • - ea t•
How happy 1 -shi-mid.7 ' Sir Ifil,ton 'had. turned
_ _ b . . , . . . . . , .,
pals -at jelni'S eliP,Itest -tiollidther IV i kifl
. , „
-"t: hi odand 1:1vh011ave a iight to Tom* iae . .I' wittildn'tshaye ins-iinhoo• et e be - -I thi b ci• Q11 as I wiehed .suddrintoutbriret of passion- aridle kid 7
Ire as, meind a ponderable Olean inn
pon.dehable subatance; an emeriti:roe woe,
or in indescribable something Which eau -
net be graspealeleitt Ant
Man -albite, eitudientioventsVtireethe
btain by overwork, end lOses Jets teeaseete;
rests his intellect, beeentee coin.), maga
restorotives, and open think& -
V4eri we rdleet flint 8 1101'7Cr of en..
defence can be in -nettled to the brain,
midthatenakenhadelserie been reetorod
ho letrennth hy etoonoettua Eye
rup of.Hypophosphites, wo -cannot' kat
conclude thet the Bilbao power is really'
ponderable matter, from tho fad that
the iottredients &re oepplled which ren.
deritttuppert and give it vitality. Res,
-sone who study tard elloidd Faeroe
thole balance of power by usling the
Syrup. -
thomitiliaextrZe 1037511 Yinzcs ffis fr
in Gad, Do •irea kuswi artylifult 02 2/ 54
tisteSOS fNfl.
Pain canopy /nay -whirl ;11 or iti e. itt,is itho
cheapest /felicities evennale. Ono ease cureacca•
icon Sega Tamar: One bettie las cared Facs-
imile, -Tiny' Otani 'Werth 41111_ cized Au +OLD •
STANICING CQCG1. Ono, ertwo hottlei cams bad
to met r. . , .
Ire ; Eleanor:14a explained her mo. was ehlige4 tze. te.k.ii.., .-h!,' :1041113 ..With even yet turn in a dieection that I kaow butluiliactim Wish to quarrel V1
D - --- " . - . - -etcy and his-estatei '.for the-htivorld, 'if:. I - thein. Weil, who knows ? Eventsmay. , prepared
IdlilBet ' tn 'felid:-' °It a:._„11b1-611i7i, .abinri4heigaPettialituldnlistt ofildo-retliulli"eeIvieut4teutili,clrer4leatesheol:: 'casegaPIAleafi°1144n1letiAndre 424TMD.:KA422WFur"igi'vris:121"26it
Pitesed,stittbY en: Baca ef eight leans standing. asnal Pier•I cr •
or higkaslumBeigass. -One bottle ills caret LAME
ghOH:Mittat ittli tiVlir,,,,I20.r.Cuttelint. 'fiat d;--
tives ' replied LA 7-4,Ciewavas. 'S110, -them.t. • - would be the' best for Elea.00r's peace.' brother. ' a i. - - .
, ., S' Thot IS ai:i.i.erbb. suerd ii.en: .o.ifilifyonttfra, Da- cti on mr eveid "l'olui ' 'he' 'oried n a _ _.12a,ro if tec:thlt,„7:...:::,,,,,.:,.:,:,,,... tti.r.,:roors.,t.,04'T.,,,Tiouilicri,tiRs,,,,i,:,-.1%,,,„BY.,3kg,,,;,.....1.,:iii -
hurries her IttiniT ; die catches - et ibis -Sir Eiltoo woold be idled ; hut lie - returned. tity: --dovOtign• 1 woiald hive
Mere. iltvon't bear examinatioa-for- a i - • • , • .
• towe s -demston, said quiet Jahn, and
you a goo empere e ow. ut ere: itithuc'
had It ideah:tywoi:t fweozirdehettlifes:7je..stl2th. ewhbu'gli..;1. -icauraten14..tht):11Th°.sgp-44.;:es
y were eau t -
w ;°- / -v )i eenveth 10;4I-viri;ebehoollk:-"b‘Suuti5ifeht OQI:di,133se:nlaarniiscl.
. ion. Sends is prebahly themoit wonder-
gh as the: ,waseregoi:Intno. fellarii°4t.inz11: "Aut lette'Orishe:f148s. erillsaceetterrmate ttig
oehre.aireel _eagerly:, _t .p rt you eta•Elean- haa his oholoe, and lundeliberately elmee died hee hie, win. -1 t , e ... • -,. - T :..Z/1 Yint are alio . ti , -
beside's, I tell yeu.'t is ber, mother. vilio : momen.k e .
o a
try toloake b er • a toad. brother, aod _ I ,
...utg..Yt- -too 15 let ' wh`le what's the nnittelN. man ? Are we both e
ful isuccese in phptog,r. aphing every yet am: coo velavaaatav It IfIr ceu=dget go IliCile'
Ruins Robiuseri, of Nendill Iii 't,enteit: "Ow_
. Eleanor Obat ptoveS where. his toveis.
ernor iscireoes weattertieetchfeovesteri;ctuarnerolAriet 1.pcapiioa. reirearsaboretto0
- Sir Hilton's jealous teuipee could int Ahd. f..)leveux-tanrolnyeitiresithiliel;ifinithefrsine; :s- ii - • • - - • -
brook Mrs. Maristewe'a in a erencq, op . 11.1 - 2,' ..rd fe I . r 1 p t t it You .., n . 5 - 5 so eyed,. .and the aetiet is es Frond of
leri - ' 1 - ' .. ' - . ' CS9methini. like it '--revia Jolul iii a hi
hope that neither -.she, nor Hilton, will f°61atsidatT
Taye,67-et Trewavas- I am ready to 10aVa 'picture taken.
Ilia donot est. a am.abe t all sputa FUT-YEAS& ' VIM J.-AO:Sy, cgWy..
.il b0110See this, hic ail her dolug,' host& . Ter 10 I , • ,. v I hmip My. Secret, .+Mre, 1Yrnristowe 2' - 1A-Aysirv":1-
serionsly, I am serrY .te. silY I .:4111- -.: °Sacredly, John evil' I . keeti i t ' !She
gide -Vigo.: g replied.i : 'Hut ao noir despaire Eleanor. .
f - 5 . m-ag,,N. Y.. wrItes; " Your ECLCUM tHIC"....."Cil
a goddl kin Son tO ine friends and'hrothers as long as We Can -`14 i've'Plaesa°4 see° 43,, ur P'ilier' 1 .- soal nn CO2:::16:1 ts? ex* C t
31 bit his up, 43na tgit b4rells. "N"ewcilsycobrve,rY as 111° etev is of the laltheelgmBillnent7Y healy1141424910111.3svIeVI•eufik-"t7a.1)6161-_-;.1 rtailletdird,:ttoi.
It: dAyn 41, raort a y 00. ,
you going to bear it 7' asked Think no more of gide
411il.t0141. do ., iota -de- there is anytrog a__,ite :___ry, 5.)srartlill
lik . 1 t haS positivoly given up her engogement
aud eiY01. hack her ring- and when the viiM of' deep vexation:, passed: over: 141 -.`'
;deseiye thot . john for
' It) Saito Street Reston, n p ,r1i: 1:4-.)w :142: nhila'311:41te7 rv cc Yg:18:15:213;941:71:45-rt : :41:1"C":114)C:311416:UYigil 61:=;:i ii-ra;air71: eriul'n' c.-- 2 2 .°5.8a*;
kl oeta 701 Chestnut Street-. !No°mr.:LIcii7oftietti:TYVir:hc..hal::16;esE'recZI:3;t. Ec2e
. Ilia iiempose/ ofEin of thelBr OMB ITHAT APE
a tiZe I? Scull' •
icyfd;.0anyanngielfil_ne-; ILlis_laeva4ansert .V1;61811E4 e4arnci bb:woneeetn,tdhe;;;x4 i_ilt,:lainci iflin+.0618 ger: .nfirrsat 0.-alizife ion.nard edistovre7,y:1410 ia.sthpeo:o.sit:s. facfid. eiA. auto
angley. . - it to -morrow if you like,' , - •
tentionte . N.SIONITAS,riatts, N, Y. ADS
:UV 1°at II air : 1:1")1/ fe 1 n ja nS I it n till 131)Ry`( ) kiaPi 1U ., °hi 40..rei d131loanicti rlrelli si:IVinattollWPtI, fighb,Banitlilit°6.1t..:11:411.1t..:i lit ki ii:0 ' i.iir) 0: you Iv in b 0 s
a. yisllivt. shall hope evext-iirtmng tues. a more. Jake,
" - - - - - • et - e . • , - . o • / . Philadelplitavare au Agonts for 11 reellir- : Agents fertho Deraffuen.
he ObSerc0a.: Let US be. :- ,..t ..I.-+ ' t f . tea ,i zicar..--i76c::,-..:--Stle•zielnni1132cetm.-0.-Fir.,
4?' 111°an' baiN) 611141/and .1. '611611 b° n" it It"`Ifilli4r.'de?T•uzaiti +Charles ; 'but ril joila a nnow t e - - ' ' - - Hume SicarAL in Lite' 41.:i0V13 ClItiffiy aua , 4.3.-1.7gcm.& co, .-Evi-F,c1.1,0-a5. ntillimr0,,Egiervail.,,
ahhinod to•oiot you. , ..,,... • Olt lehme f Yinf will lea,Te the old roof soon. enangh, a ourviow:e4t,,,;:to. . . r ..-, . :-
!Well don't keep It in tho• unpleasant Urn go iiimi5oly f3zoke of hone. felt Iuri, 'Mother -la -law elect intonds to make a 'are allia9riau w epr"r" j‘"auver4ahug 'i af'64•41T",:le'llr14-;.g:14:47':iet'r'illtigti'l.t
i idir gilton was silent. rio wrA tot e., ko135 11-1Y vier41: - . - " - - - va'il, pnhitiallYYmull Mau tet-ehom,et iho doponl, on that. I foresee . that my 1
Man to talgoliis own part; when a mother
',-- '
rime- subsoil -Ter 1;ati .commeneedRiusuies
theAtove ins,'In the shop opposite
CL1VPORD'24 1341:CERT,
.,mea to do all work with which
IneY telavourkt, .
3,1 ,N••(.1-
IltgailESS 4.1431) gOLIPILTOXI.
Local Agexit.
qederieli, ifftiypill>1810. 248 fita
Greleriele IStitt Vote her
te- •
• A