HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-30, Page 3� � - ___ - ,- - __ - - __ __ - - - � � ,_-, t. - I . . . . . � I � , . I- I � . '. � . . � I , I . I " � r � . I - � , lt,,�, - - I ; - . - , � , . � . I . I � I : I . T � . . � . . - - � - A . � I . . I . . I . . . . I . . . IF � � . I I , . - . . . - - . I . . f I I . - I I - I I - r, - I � - . I � 11. . , _,__��, 1, - I I � - 1, � I . . . * i. � , , ­ �, � . � . . - I 6 : � -14 �'­ , - I - . . . i �. . � . . . 4 . . 9 . ­ � I . I I . . � I . � � I . � . - I � . I . . A . . . . . . I . I 1 , . . . . 0 0 . , . . - ­ I , . -*%`1 . I � � 4 � ,� C�� 4 4�` - I - I - , . I 1. . . , I . , I . . .A . Z, � , , . . I . . I . � . � . . I , � , . r"- I - - . . . � .. __ I - I . . - - - �, I I � . I . . I I I I � � � I . . i � I I I � : . . . . i � . 7 . - , . � I I - - � � . � . . - I C, �Z.,!,-* -< � :�' V ?. I � I . . � 1. � � I . I - � % F 7 1 _/ . — - . � . . 4 I" � U . I I . � - - � . , . . � I . I - I �� I . - - . I . I - . . .1 . 1. It I I If � . � 0 - � - I ­_ ____ �; : - _. - - . � ­­_ I I . � � . 1-1 --- I � . - - � � � . I . . . . ., . - . , � . � � I I I i I I � . I I I I - -------- ,____.V� I I ..— .-,. - � - I ­ I. -1 — � I A, - i - - I I . I I �. - . nommov 1bAZLZk=NT. momberof it, Mr. -Conti U, objected to - , . . ' &S r I - � .� I � �. _7___1 , - 7-77o-�tl _. —_ ­ . I Special Notices. 0* T.9 I , . �i . I , . . i ,, - . . I MoxIDAV, 21at April OY- . 'POPULAR BUSIN 'I N G F ill . ­�_____ . some of the evidenc4 irlh, ad withdrawn. 1_______.____._._� - - . . - , � i i - S E L L :L�3. , and tile matter could not go�on. E89JORDANIS - ]OR T , OF - tho Avq-o of oil AM AUIAL, rAIN DENI'llt - . I E - On taling tho ell, -in it was ordered - " N U -1G, STOR 1 r. 02 a awm';f2tor. air the Spelk-or 1;n. motion of the chairm .L. 1g. I . I I rill I � � .9 - I , OF T17B DA Yt � . - 6 . SELLING OFF I I I tTls W-L'm C,! 1-2�-. ntiullead that lie had rejtictutl-Aho pdti- that tits member do attend in his place I ' * . � I . . i I . I, � tpl ; 7� �T 1 _--17n� tion amzainat the return of 11r. Ross to -morrow to explain the cailso of Ilia 9 A 10A.ATILY MEDICINE, IT 1-8 � � � ' ' __ Market Square,. derich. 111 - it, / J 11 .6 . � 1 - 5. t'lri, T ,,'�- "Qr. and had decideti tit . A I - 0 i (Prince Hdwarj� , absence from the committee. Mr. Lim- - A ,,,oil anti favombly knowu, roljovibg � I I � * . favour of the rocaption of tho petitions govin moved tho House into Committee - , I . . -== . I . . , I r -� I I --to conait ze�-­- :7 � I - . lff�- - .- .-----------'-f�-�---z���5---�--L--�i��T— :_ - of tile Whole _Iwr tile Tes, .�__E!- r � . against tbo el"tions for Jacques Var- Head, Cowlin, CvIds,' � . .'�, - - - - _1 , .::�s , � for a chan,go of ttaw Side, Back all -4 .1 I �_ �����:�� i . . 4010t��,, -� ,� ]7_�__�._ - . . � - - - - - ___W -1= - - - =­,- - - � , -- - . . . W7. - :,,, - , -- _agn�t-t- -_ ", .... . 1 t`0 vz.�O ,�?'%Z�-. Ile., Rialt'll"Iki, -%lid _,c of tho Intercolonial � "I - - - - - � -� - .. - % , 5��. �� IMMENSE CLE, ARINGSALE ': —, � - - - - - - - �_ ,� , ­­ , _-­-7�2.� .. I I ­ , . - . 11 - . , - � � - � Northumberl-rilul . $(Ire Throttf, SPlUillS, lb -041-3, � . .., . -, ' GO -TO' -4vJ . . . ­�f_ff_-- _�_ --F-------- -4 ,-,, . illation - thollsaniis frout pain in the T A -1 L I, 0111, P31 I C :��t _11_1fff_,, - . RAillXXV,aild tile othor Goircrnineut rail- . ..- , ­ �_ - . I I � - � ____ I d Ncrth Porth, The foll.twin.,- Ooction (,ny Illp., I'a thoSioniach, Clitilent, � 'XIIEUOST 1'017U�ARMOVEII �__._ � , i BNT, , . * I , _ �� - - .. - -- . ., " ,,, � � w a . . . . . . . , .. '. . . _ �� - - � v. - or L ., . , . .ys ill Nt�w Bruns%%ick -.%lid Nova - ­ -_ _ - . I . cy'll it" t toes were sdrue%aml 8%% 0111 ill - - '11"l -blur, Iblieldert, Bolvel � W ..�__---`.=�Z.­�� - - - sr. I . 1 .1 ­ - .. ­ .:�_ 1. - ­ . 1� "'­ . , Ev4t Torc,wti-'.%Ie,qsrs. N,wiig %NNater- Scotuit. Ileroad it rtiport from Sand. * -n � .. I - � - -, I - I a ('(olllphliuls, Bit# .,,, . C L 0 T H I N G , . . . . .­­._. � - -1 . loi,N. Lan,lorlon, Jono�,, tiowell aud f6rd I-Iollli'16, that tilt', cost of changing - I .'. � . - , tv BOOTS & SHOIES', �: seabbl, Flost I � I I _. - I lm;� � � % '. ­Z� ,% t .,,� �Nla,cqlolla:d. NoTth 1111roll SIwzsrq. the tnaugo front Itivicre du Loup to Bites, . . . MovING OUT OF . - - � - I " � . . 4�4_... I ill �� . . � �- -% IL I . , A-Ion.toll. would only ec4t 88,000, -and . & COS L � - ­ - " 441"t . 11 P, , a ,'a �71!0_� C V-6 -1!11, P ivsh.,r, -%I t -.,it ,*, Ftwilay thelayin-of thethird rail from blottoton &C. I .. L A . �� - '_ .... . � .-. "�� � Ill,;; L 4 1 '' ", a -I Jones. - a,, _t3mum of Nir. .� -strover,lina new heen ho- . I � I ­ ,, I!, - ­ Subscriber wishlg ,to retiro , � � � a % - _ , " h .4 w �o 1 . At tilt The 0anft,lizin P.iln lit - An SMITH I � . . td THE � . , __ 11,40ken?w it vrasao-o�.Yihat tht, tltiou- to Truro, a di�tanco nf forty� throe mileQ, fore the pnbho for a, length of time, and wherever - ' . . � I _. from the BOOT and BELOB Busi.' , - , - - 1 ��707,-,�.Aq% f a ment% submitted to the uaneva Arbitr.L- wilul'i cost * ,600,000. There would be rlR9d fm weil liked, novor calling in a singio instanro . . . -, :, I 1J, uexm, will sell his liargo) Stock compris- ; - - no loss on the rt,llin" rliber when titnely uRed, andme � Merdhant LTallor . K I . - k, na that to give permanent, . :11, 0i. . � ti -it, the British anti Aineritan C3803, & . stoo hav4 lgledi,isatisfactlen where the . I - ,_ I � I I ing some , . - a never knoein a oil' A) � = I �� I - Ol - - - - .1 'Tell as the award, anti dinsent of ' r Arould lie all tequired for those portions .niaction, hais titan Pr party rallowed, but oil tile I � . ESTABLISHMENT. FA �. � [ I , - 60PO Pairs of Boots & Shows commi I -burn, should bo brougi t 4) t4liesk in the highest terms of its virtues and magi- -,: , I .- . 11=3. Alexander CocL f the line not proposed to be converted "Ontrary. all &is ijel;ghtad Avith Its operations. and I , I � - � - - cb,wn fo the Uunsio and Printed ill t e -to the narraw gaugo at present. Ila Cal effect. UST received by the xubsoit"Jor's a large stock of I , . I . to fl -A a . 1 , I SessionAl papers for the moved the resolution. orience in tits matter, having i AT WST'FOR CASH ! . I - I joar. Tito 3t I Mr. Bodwell We sp&,tk front exp . . I A�7.11. : � � -,13 ic-,Tzp -f *he _ ratu iated the honorable members on tested it tIlgronghty ; and therefore as who am SPRIN4 TWESDS. - PQ ! to-proVide fer tile exallljll�ltioll ,if ,it- cong llt�la , ut- P Vc�r-�v. �.fttrmjr front ally or thd complainto which it to I . Now is the time to I nesses, and on oath, riv the Senate and the faciJitv- with which thoy changed - qw'ornineuded.maydapand upon it being a Haverel;u . BROADCLOTHS, —_ - i . :, . , R 2r m T -�7171 1 theivopirtions. A year rt -o he (Bodwell) Remedv. . FANCY COATINGS. I � _... W G�et 40rood 1BarZeLins, � . �= House of Columqua, alid thQ Commitees 1�t Tito a.,tonishing offleary of ilia Canadian Pain Do- I - -__ ­ ; � �.:­�­ - . L _. ---;a! ­ - - . WW he , � D��3t had m:ived a tesolation imilar to that . *:Ltw --- - - - I - . As the subscriber just means I How., o! thereof, in certain owes was after some in ruring the digeases for which it Israelite. VE9tINQS, &a., ,zz-t-4 Hl,%�'. �.%f -, is hich had been proposedgnow, to chiluge = and its w,intlerfni effects Ili subduing the � I We are determined to sell as usual good goods, W -Alb.. -, _-_fi4Va ,-.,1 -t7771 -_l - . . I - I . I discilagion os to the po.raof the House the Intorcolonial gauge, but it was voted torturous &'Alo,,of Rheumatism, and in ralievinif � cl ano I I . - - %111 says. � - , I - � tto pass such all Act, ro.-.,l a secouil tittle, V a 11 - L . I c . sevou, A tiction,., entitle Mtn high rank in the Hot . P. & - AR accounts must be paid ! , p,w�sod throrq,h committete, roported and down by the Government, and nolv, of itaniedies. order, are coming Ili frt.m Medleine ad - A,GOOD FIT GUABANTEED, - - I . rt -VL li. Fir'icls. . or - M C�_ A EARGE, ASSORTME�ZT OF without delay. . , when itcould only be done tit inuch great- Dealers in all hRrt. of the countir, ter forth 82 :1. �J . . . : � . ,­�I- a f %t Itor. � read .% third time and pasaad. Oil a me- I the universal X . . OR NO SALE. I . . . tion fer the sactind remling or oost, the Government asked that the plies, and -alto tostifyino " to a- W ' L FURSEP - , - - , W-.1 R -I 1. of the Grand faction it givep. . .... . 3 - ' gauge should bo changed. They deserv- The Caualtan Pain Destroyer never falls to give . - 0 A LARGE STOCK OF . - FIELD AND CARDEN :SEEDS Sign of the Boot, Market Square. 6_,__4_01' Lk -'!-L %Z-- - Trunk Arrangements Act, Hon. Ar. . , � ,7. . Cauchon m ad i4yote of censure, whotbQr such vote immediate relief. All biedicine Dealers keep It as 0-A BL -.-Ir I I � . k,.,�. -, NI " - spoke at considerable length in' � Plivsicians order anti it -;a it; and no family Atilt bi crt n� �. [91"Hou-MM Mfflmulmg . I � . . I . - AT ere car c- , , liewoottlitiliks Ill ' I . I � oppesition. %Ie,urs. Mackenzie. Hot- ried or. not, for the scandalous wilihout it aner Irving it. =1 r , 0 - Goderlah, 13th My., 14M 1344 7""Aff"t I waste of public money. "It Ir i4, piluelpalli home manuteetura. Just .received the - � I JUSET RECEIVED AT THE MEDICAL HALL. - � tou and Beanbipn favoured the arrange- This change Price. ouiv TNveiitv-flv8 Cents Per bottle. " .,!o Rt�,T J -,n ment. Mr., Cauchon insisted upou a ought to have been decidod oil at least"a jM-Sold in Goderich, by Gen. Catrie, ti�- �0 t4 - 0 GENTS' FURNI[SHIN-4 GOODS, . . � L : k.of� - i division, which was taken with the fol- year ago. Dr. Tur.per defended the F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co Bayfield. 'O . . : . i I 0 -f t!w. '..�-�i�3,q - # " i -A I � . ­ GoTernment in this matter of tile change Jag. Belithiiiii, Rog I = HATS, SHIRTS, G.oderich, April 15tb, 1873. - 1365 9 E., NEW GROCERY I ; 1 ­ &."- � " ,erville, J, Pickard, � ­ .� r . lowing result : 136 yeas, 7. Days. The ltub' " 8 - t7l N I I - . . I �, . . L. ') ! ,=nq'1­%. t,ip b House then went into Committee on the of the Intercoloniid. Mr, McDowilld Exeter; H. �C,t a, Clinton, . Secord X I I COLLARS, AND TIES, . . % I �Nmi Z- " %,Z-. r,- ,.-u �$ Bul and adopted the several clauses �Glengarrv) congratulatod the Govern. Luckllow;E. Hickson, Seaforth ; and A 5 � all of which wIll be sold as low as possible - Some I . I i - , I 0 . a& that opposition is the life of trade. Others say . . %Tames Brackenridge - - L -4 . - '1� _, lent ou their determination to change -tiledicino dealcts. nir is �Ioi place to get . 13 1%, 7_7 - Z.Iiz��. without material amendment, and or- it . a . � L . the gauge, an.t asked whether the Goderich, Dec. 20, *1871. W 50 g N. '� , . HAVING bought out Mr. POL_ �; Q7, .4-k. 1�1':� � . tiered the third reading, for to -morrow. o - - --- ---- _­ " � ;0 I . L ­� ., � - 1, -, I A number of others Private Bdls were GoTernment had anv infortnaticit that _ - _. - - . tz 0 M . Good Clothes Made. ' c :_ I �= . I ' "'.7--l- �jazn"i I the gatigo over the it�holo ,of the Grand added very largely to them, is now in a, ­ . then advanced a stage, and upon the a � I ` --Q*t * V- Wsare bound by strict attention to business, ivith it n, in the same stand,7to sell L L3j"T­ . ' "ed. 31 THE GRE,kT FENALE REXEDI n �=- . post io . nonces ,If motion being caUed, Mr. Trunk was also to be chan, r. . our facilities slid experience In trade to throw all . I . I - , Wood (Durham) P,harged the tS734 . 1S73o- Groceries, . : I ' Govern- . Interlopers in: the shade. Cutting done free of . � d - - 'i . ,4m;th �Peel) moved for a COILJ11itt8a to Cliturge.tv 0:3p- Wanted two�lst-class workmen for I � . I -:1zq- ,:-"- . 4 ment with inconsistence in their appo- - . . a_, t i't enquire into and report upon the 8110- Jobldoses' Periodical Pills..1- - - - ", . , t� t . I which the highest wa, -1, Re. � � I � a Ist"er. ��n t*:%A :� sition to the nirroer gaugo. The . .1es will be paid. t . ject of 8 ,unday Traffic on railways under . � ber the st.nd, nex door .to J. Bohd's Drug. I � c M. 1110 11�sz A:- , control of P�rliamont. After a short change could have been effected a IN -VALUABLE MEDICINE is UNFAILING � o Store, on the [71 I . _� . I * . . . � he cure,tr all 111.,set painrut and ddtl�lre-1`0116 I I - e ,­­ dW_-..z'--W debate, in which 31vasirs. ytung (Water- vear%,,o for a million of dollars, but T1111119 (5 0 ABRARAM SMITH 4r Co. Provisions, I , � . diseases 1. wh ich the reinqle constitution is sub;ect. . . I -, � ­ (7,_-'9--.-�1. � lao), Oliver, Higginti.-)thant, anti the now it would cost at least twomillions it a, erates all exce-s mid removes all obstructions � 1-3 q k "- Now is your time to buy X first-class sowing . I" , �lklir)ister of Public Works ti. The'debate was continued at cousidera. wiFdna Is'peedy cure To- b, reNe � Id on. machine. The new. Improved 11 Osborn " is the best a' . . __ , z !h�, res-.1?1"e 'b -)ok part, the �O OD i % Famlly-Allichizze made I. C,,""* Abraha. Smith, V% at fa , It)- I ble length by Nlessrs. Palmer, Young, TO HARRIED LADIEA 4WL—ill . �, - .:, - ni­tion was so amendedas to submit it . 14 tit - I I . I a : � �' IL19 3- 1:1. 11-14. 31ac Ross it will, in a -hort time, bring - 0 L , ! - A large Stock of to the Rail-vay 'Committee, and then kenzie, Tupper Seat -hard, L AM; rich. April. 15. IST3. 13135 - - I _ _-�olutio` " on the ffienthly period with re.gularity. � ,_ 11 : �� -7. -;;,st�x tt is peculiarlv suited. z ,I I - � � .- . ,�.='_\Q�,:e. cariied - Mr. Clisholm, afteraspeech arillothers- The re 9's were then ��_ n % , I - . ; r_U :0 -_A� S. " i " of 51 -me length, moved for the appoint- .carried- The Uartin divorce Bill was 7hae pifts moiza not A, fatrenoil I-emales durtnethe 'L � "" " * , - - I . . 1.1 ment of 4-WeatCommittee on the matin- race . Mr. Lano, FrRST THRER.I[W.7HS -f Pregnantil,as thity are On hand, and selling At reduced prices. . - - - I I'-- � - ived from tile Senate ,a - Z t;� 0 ffl. El .W WJ go "Dir Im . sure tobringan arLnarT.,a9t3,ut atany otherti,iiethey L- �e­ �_ *�v -,�a � vin moved that it be read th . - . -) I I . .. - facturing, interests of the Dominion. is day six fire mre. I � OT11 . I � I h Fni,4v. t'-"- Itth I Mr. Young (Waterloo) thought uothin,, months, which was lost by 73 to 86. The in all Cnitt­ or Narvon4a,irl Spinet Afreelians,rain In C i= C) 1; 0 0 I Bound to Wl Chectlflts . .secon&reading was carriedo he� R-lr� aij,o urnbs, Falizue or altzhioxertion.Palpi- � . � _1-a:,-. ta 3I.S3 could be done by beginninig, an impor- n the Blame latien,)t thA heRn. Fjriterir�, and Whites, these Pills �- I . APERS, _ � -_ C �:-�Zdl.ae. tant enquirY of tho kind pro I po,ed at. vil is ditision. It was agreed that the house wiiieffpet a cure wh-yo all other meant% have falled, * M 0 . I I . L . � , . advanced period of the session. , The should sit on Saturday. The house then - %nd n1thotigh a powertu! r,metly, dinotconlain iron, � I . GOOD BARGAINS IN I -, . Ittluntel, antimony, or an ything hurt sti- . . . . . . . . _1_1z�tq NzK-.- af- , fulto the con ­ AT I - Ac 0 turrants. - - %1.-7*z. IQ Vta Triotion -%s carried, however, and the "Out into Committe; of Supply, and�. n t=�, tj 0 0 PM - . . Raisin I I = . - ­ D:- %va%im - House at 11 o'clock Adjourned. ter voting sums for steam commuraca- t7nuil-lirectum-41 the Pamphlet aroundeitch package * 0 . - � . m -. 31LK.:. .-,. !, Tt;r_%DAy 22nd April. tion, maintenance of Penitentiary, mili- which ,thou Id be carefully preserved. .4, .� tTJ &Q I . . . - . P . � - I Everything that can usually be found in .. - I . I . . .. . � glin, Colby, RY j,ilt �%oqrs, N,Ew To*K. xoax PilopiliETon. . Messrs. Almon, An. .. tia service, &c., adlournea. . M t I a Grocery Store zan be found here. L , " - mal, and Palmer, were appointed a FRIDAY, 25th April. l.no soil 1,:; - cent. G,rT­lRgr, enc:osrd to Northrop -f � M I Do not fail. to call and examine goods - C L . on, , c�nerul acen in for the L - - - special Comant tee to try the West Peter- Afterroutine, 3ir. C,)stiganexplain- L Lvm.-m. N-ve.-tWe. � and ,pdces, if you wish to save money. I 9 a _W_ - D imtnin,%wil in.iure a Nittle coatatnititz over 50y ails 'Re Be SMITH'S I . t? 'I 4: 96."Cr. �-m. t- - * -- 1_1�v. G9�3_ '.%F. ed his absence froin tha Kent (N. B.) ,' - New Patteins for 1873. - -_ . , . boro' election petition. Mr. Dorion y return moil. W - L . I I . . 1. J'AS. BRACKENRIDGE, _;­-,:!,7z4l, If t'L-it, made a statement charging the 33ilinister election committe'a. Aquestionof pri- NORTERUP & LYNIAN t I 8:3P-Remethber the lll�and, corner of - � I . �- , � NI �,s X Ir- of Public Works with !a% ing interfered rilege occupied some time. lion. Dr. - Newcastle. G- - W., genera . �11 - I - I � I . 4 - a rupper had a clause inserted in the � = - * L North Street and Market Square. L - -___ - of . - in the elections for Chicoutimi and Char- aggenis loreananit . A _�, levoim,' by writing letters threatening _Vanitob3 Act to allow alcoholic liquors 0 I — . a Goaerleh, Jan. 6th, 1873. 1351 � * West r Sold in Goderich bv Parker �- Cattleand - A,- JLAAJR,G�V, -A,, ' r. - - - ,I �- - `­ !'-e K�V. that certain public works would not ba to be imported ino the. N'orth t Jortinn; Gai,fin,­r cz Co., Bavf(_-Id,Ja.. :� N .'. . .SS40119CM10W r c3lilp .. . . . I �­ � �-�_e_ q. ,if m,rried ont in those districts if Mr. territories by parmission of the Lieut.- �e-mNum. RoZelvi le; J Piekard,!,'Keter J. T1. . � I . I . . I . THE I 1 4 � �,', - _: _- �Pl. ,I L - , . Tremblay who n,presented the former GoTernor. _,rilis was necessaxy in case eomhe, minion, ,;.*3, ror�l, Lucknow-, E. Hick. H � NEW GOLD PAPERS'L . . �1- - . . -- . I - ,!..-. *1 of alcohol being retinired all medicine. ,,on 3 ,r,,,­ih. ,,nd -ir, Med;oirt-ti)eafters. � L . - . � - . ; 'U,n - ' 't' - ,_ `r. F.sH- conwtituency in the last PArlitment, anti e Ll .. . n . . . 1. Ory Tht—ng Wanted . � � - , " sQbse.1nent!y bec-ame a cAudidata and After recess a number of biUs war a - ___ ­_ ------- - 0 0 - . Ic SATIN PAPERS. I . 1� L - � . . I I 'S .,.* was elected for the latter in the presen raticed a stige. The house went into . 11 . q I � � .1 I � . - �., t the controverte D R L � ��_ I. .. - - -1 . Par:!a,131elDt were e'ected. R . committee on d Elections . J. BELL SIMPSON"S - 5� - - . , M 16 . :; , V% '. -,-L. _�- :%4 Ill= 4 L DINING ROOM PAPERS. . I . �!L � '� ' 11 submitted certain �apers and Bill and passed a number of clauses. C Specific and Tonic Pills. l..-1 6L--Nl - . I I . � T IN im I . . . - " - -, 7, 1. - ". .5-. _�. It moved that they be read by the SATURDAY, 26th April. q1IIE GPWAT ENGLISH Ri.nrEDY FOR XFRV_ -, . CD W (i S I TTING ROOM PAPERS. 1�1 it , NEW HARDWAH ST030 I �_-:- --- - , , I 2 I ou. neinlitr. Spernintorrhea Nocturnal Enit.- " C_�_ ; - . 0 . :_- Cler' of �he House. Mr.Trembla' him- Mr. ,Wood broug,lit tip a question of I . m y A,,n (it the t;enorative OrAstis, Palpitation nf tile W C) I . . .1 � self spi-ke at some length in French, privi.lege. TheMadhad madeagro I . I " SS Fleart. Tremblinzq. slepiiii—ness, the effect of a- . - M . . In C� ­ - �_ mis-statement with reference to his ac- over inolul�,enee in -0-hol', stanwant,; and toliae- BED R00,11 PAPE 118. I I !�� 4:>1131MIEZ11011 I � corrobome ting the siatement. 31r. Lan- . r I &D a, 11 - CAREFULLY SELECTED FOR STYLE, QUALITY A.NA1 VALUE. . i f�e tion on the Pacific Railwayquestion, *o- Or,% It - J BELL !11M�VSON'S Pills a,e the �,L, I ,I _3 - , trin in ill fr,,m only eff,ovol �Ieq r- fl,;," ­ve dkeiges. and art, 11 HALL PAPERS. ' N t�.�,, OPPOSITE MIKET HOUSE. - , a . ,­� hate nirra,ly -e,e,I . I i, . ___ - __ __ gluator Frice, repr�_sentiug the district He wished, t,) cuuitrali�:t it, The hous never kii-rit to fail , � . I � T then went into c-mimittee of Supply. hundreds in thiseonntrr. l01,ertArthnr,nta,-hiu- I - . I � rl -,hn of Chicoutimi and Saguenav, directly . t. Hdini't-n. tc,stt!t,qto',.�,re(-t,iervi-vtl�ii ii,e. - . - L j : :!�S?-.. J, contm, � Mr. Horton asked why the money grant- �11 . L 0, 60 NEW STYLES OF OAL. "'..0 . "^ � tlicting all the aasertions of Mr. - safe. cert -tin and ral-ld in a,,tion, a short trial will I . I . . I � . ed lastyear fur (ioderich hadnot prove their efficaey. No sufferer need dp�o.,Iirof . . � _", � Red L i V . I � � L--:?. C =en... Tntimblay. In the case of Charlevoix, been 6xitonded. Hou. 31r. Mitchell Said b-ing relieved from vie frightful dffects nr SKI F- W. Re ROBEI N, SIGN OF THE CIRCULAH SAW i ust reeeived from - tillu,%F. The 9perift Pills are sold by Drriggists at . ­ . I , I . . a telegram be had ji � Marble, Grattite and Ceiling . Mana,ger. I :,�,:, '� q.):::1t � _.2,�i� that 'gentlemar- to whom ho had beun the estimates that hu received of the cost 311.0 a bar, %nd the Tonle Pills at 50t.. a 1,-x, or � a I . I 1. . . . 4 . I �they will be tent 1�y nia-1. P,imnge pre -paid. TILd . 7 ,7,.­�n. z-::.�>.�Zazej� ch=8�d with writing, distinctly stated of the work were so f,Lr in advance of Papersi ? —_ I , R rv1v%vrirpedfn1,n ,J,,Pr%atinn.on vp(-rtpt of . . I I I . . - ��v- 7n -nas that no such letter had- ever'been re- the sit= voted that he did not feel jus- �Jeee'ls for the Sl��_bie. an -t 5�--% for the Toni, Pills . I ; . . I . � � M - tided lettiug tile contract; however, he I Goderich, April 2nd, 1873. 1363 IfFUE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TOSAT TEAT TIM � I I .41LM---­e-. Ln the ceived by him. .Mr. lAagevin denied by J. RELL SIMPSON & CO., . I I I 11 I . ,� . A have just completedopening out an IgntiraiNtilip, - I the stztemient with regard w Chicoutimi; asked for frer. . ; and - I , It tenders. and the worl-. . . , , , - would now be �One on %i ith. A number I I., Triwt rill P. 0. Hamilion. . I a -A. L 1 7' '. Mr. F.. --* a"d and promised to do the same wiEh regard of items were .1 pa-ise,l and enumberof .-Al't '.v a', wl.j,'­a,�, :vi -1 Reoil Drug-_i,t_q. . ­ . - �L - I - L L k7-3. to Charlevoix. as soon as he had time to Panil.hl,t, �tT�l po,t-fne ,,r. appli�at;on. I COMPLETE � ct,mn nuicate with the distnct concern- bills; advancc�l a sta�,,e. ___ ­___ -.--. - ___ __ 4- . NEW BORDERINGS. L I - - I I ,STOCK OF - . . . � I e Laotion was, d IMPROVE NUTRIT10N. . - it rA as . � . - . , - . . I - r"" M P 0 R JA-U,Mis HARDWARE . !_ --- e 1. 'rh hvwever. aL�rea - t I t,i, cind Mr. Duriva then iii-au.1 f.,r tile Euth;"Aako at Corn -MAIL. The contra! Re.3 in tli� tr,-atmenl ofall Chronie DECORATIONS. '5e:raellta. . - . W.'t;tinZ r)l��-L­. res:i't,!iz iot Vervous Prostration - T HE. J= P- I 0 , I __ __ - 4 -%P!,;,�Utlueat of a ctILCRIWItLtet: to e.1,11ure t CouNw.iLL, April 23.-Threo shocks ,,d I;enerRI Iiebi!vr. i� to improve the Digestion I 14 PANELLINGS. � � ofalilkinds which will be sold at pricesthitclefy. _. I � - __ itir., the charges. So- 4-thn IvIs.--d ; . . compatititin. Before purchasimsel"where. ri"is I lim. � . t �,.f eartbqual-t-4 c3usiderable violence -tnd A%similation of F, --,-I, and the formation of � . I I �11 I give us a call. 11 th,s. and the zaeu,er was a'1-t,`t,,'g't:d to L Flealtity Wood. DlLWtlr,VLEr'iCOtlP0U1DELtXlR � I � I - I . B. -Lid of Goobiold,nextweek. I . . I : two and three o'clock. No daniage wa_- ,tgent kn-'wn that art r1irectly as excitAnts of outri- -_ , I . I � !"-; .- 2 that he had framed reso'utious on the i . tion. by imparting tone to tlie Stomach, Liver and � L I i! . 'L , one L . I � - _!!" __ done. Ga HoPARSONS &GO1,L L� - atand. &r John MaWouaial announced ; 'vere felt here thi-3 afternoon, between ,iF PH-5PHATF-4 FAND C41-f`tAVA contains the only I . I : . 0 hd 11! " -.r or, twLi, a, ballot. based on the -New Brunsvvickf . -_ Pan,reas. the zrant tripod that preparm nourish- . NEW SPRING HATS L I , � I � the t fo, building up the organs and tissuts of the � � . I � OpPosite The MiLrket Howie' I - I i 22-'y at =� ::f- system, and t1ley would shortly be be- I Tit E MAr L. -Wo learn tFait a meeting o ,',e,n,. The a -tion of thl% reetarkshle, preparation Window Shades AT a . 1: . � . . I �, - I L I fore the House. The House then went, of the stockholders of the Toronto Mail " littra,irdin2ryin stre,,gtbPnina and vitalibina thp . 9 J. C. DETLOR & Co's. - L My- � , -0 I I into Committee of Supply and the foi- ,,, constitution. whether impaired by age. eirbauseed by L � . . L I Goderich JAm 23a Ign , I : . . - l 7. 13 _6A. as held at Ottawa not long since, at excesses, bad habits. or ran down by old complaints � lowing items passed :-CanaJ B3sin, that have resisted all ordinary methods of treat- . 11 I . . - -_ . � wa,811,000;loch at Culbutes Ra. which a resolutiop stiro ly condemna- en% I - Plain and Figured, iii ,great variety, I . ,� . � - Otta, 11 NEW SPRING TWEEDS, I t� GA I I THE I I toryoftheconrsepursue bytheiaurnal "'Being � delicious cordial t,) take, and perfectly I . I . ' I N S pids, $70 000; Cliambly Canal, S-2,000; towards the Hon. R. W.Scott,was unan- harmle,;4 under all circumstances, it is eminently . . . AT - - . . % ;1 Miscellaneous Works. Improvements imously passed, and a copy thereof ad,pl,d to pro.�trate, anaernic w omen and delic-ato . At Lowest .Prices. I .T. C.'DETLOR & Co',s. ' , - I . . .1 - children, 135T I a �1 - , � of rivers 866,W0. ineluding $5,000 for forwarded to the managing director, who - -_ .- �. . . HOES .. I CHmax Potatoel' , � , Store, . . * T I il . I � dreging the bay a. the mouth of tb* has since so. A- . . I River Thames; roads and bridges, Sio,_ n fit to modify his tone pre 20 CASES BOOTS & S —:O:— I I i I , Tust received at - . � , � i, IE W S5 � tv considerably; when speaking of the I At MOORHOUSL'S. J - I . . . � It 1 � �, - . I- WO; Rod River road, $199,000; bridge at Hon. Commissionur of Crown Lands. CON POUND . J. 0. DETLOR & 06115. .11 I I Fort Garry. over Red River. 150,000; , T"Isjustly celebratea potatoe is a - - . '. - I t t� na-u-'I'Z.;r_�3 t,D We are also given to understan d that the ;'-,. - . I . fine, Itelicate, white ileshed, fine - . - I . - 11 . . SY . March 18tb, 1873. . 1 :� , 3 BALES GREYCOTTONS . � ! surveys and inspections, W,500; arbi Rur OF HYPOPHOSPHITES 7�11 .1 I N � , . tile nmnz�xzn&ag tration3 and awards, �$10,000;miscel course adopted by the Mail in its deal- The pf)wei orarrestint: disea.so displayed by this 4=212=__ 11 � � k - . Ravored, and also a dry and meldy p9, 7 . I � I tn, ant - inArs with all matters concerning Ottaivit pre�aration is honorabli, tl-e . I , I Joist Received at � tatoe. Chu. Amold, Nurserymen, = - I . . ened t in the Inneons, works, not otherwise provided . ackno,ledged by . � W 0 , .. ��_- -, W -1 �,,'Dr_ has given ranch offence� and has ­reatly medif-al f3culty in every 4ertinn where it haR been - �. T� L -a Farm --- - I . � . fur, S10,M; pnblia buildings, $781,500; ntroducled ;and the rapitny increasing sale is the � i ef3am .ee, -__ - . - I j. C. DE:rLOR & Cells Cana -er, 3hrch 15th, says . As . � I L�B4O:�t-2 St47--Z14 af rents, repairs and heating of' jublic : estranged thepeople in that section from blqt griarantee of the estimatwn in which it is held ,,,.,_ - ­ . - __ - . % I . "' This is A!a, beat of all, potatoes, old I � � .. - , - ­ -_ � - - I the party of which it is the mcuthpiec e. by the public. . I Special attention given to the TAILORING DEPARTMENT. ! I -or 'new. In table qualities it Im zo .1 I . �zraaqlrj*es, buildinam at Ottawa and elsewhere, - Thesyrhp urill cure Pulmonary consumption in --- - ­ . E 'J. C. DETLOR & CO." equal. It in very productive, and I have . � 1 - i - the first anti qecowl sta,zei ; iviii give great relief -- - ___ � - , __ 'A T T �4 T 1'.0 No; . � � d .11-. W 0 i 1z AIND S9(JF,S, � . - $190,000; sh es and booms, ,ril,000; Mr. John Battle, a well known ship find PvTlonirl;rein the titin]. ItwiiienreAstbula. --- .. .. Goderich, 3rd March, 1873. : never yet mean a diseased tuber amongst I �:_ITESI &--" _� harboun and piers, 8626,5W. owner of St. Catherines,has had the mis ArOnChills- lAryligitis. C01i;0vi and Colds. It -vill, I - 2� I _. . I . I � � - - - V - . . hem," I � ; . -Ua . _4191.;��Y_l ", . I � . WED,_vEsDAY, 23rd April. curf all digeases originating from want of Muscular ArRBANKS1 SCALES AT MAN � �.,, �3� -- .i= . 0 0 1 "V, 9;7e W gs�� The whole of the afternoon sitting was futtune to become blind. He went to bed �etion -and Nervous For, -e. sucl, as Eivargetnentof F FA - I M�_ � . - . The Climax has been pronounced in I . � PZ-:,] =-a. as an, facturer's NPrices-Large Platform ,,�Pv.. E � I I., 7 a few nights a -r) in his usual health and the SpIppit. Dywpgia, Riekets. Feebleand Irregular - ,. 1 � devoted to a discussion raised by Mr. � . El - - M-tion0f the Eleart, 1�)oal awl General Paralysis, Scales, including Bay Scales, promptly I �­-., , ,;:. M �_Ik�a �d . 1121and the best American *potatoe ever I 41% - - � �: - , , V 'N - . o Aphonia or L,)4,,6f Vf,i­. W�* % tl . . I i woke in the morning sightles3. I e i3 re - 4'._)e raised. A limited quantity forsale at the member for North Nur- it will curo. Lencorrhoea. . T 0 i I ' 'O . , .1 Charlton, ordered and a discount for Cash allowed,. .0-001i"_ 1; 1 1J. DUNLOP '7 -, a r &-_ : V, Ln b � , foil-, upon a resolution in favour of Toronto for treatment. ChlaroAq- An-temia. and restores the blood to purity' 0 C_ �-­!�l H - 1. , - HURRAH FOR - - AM l� , � ,� i�:;Z . � '" L �, 'I IV AA . , , . . . Isla i - �� y r _ 01-152-# ::� a � . and livalth At JOHNS3N & KERR'S. I 0 � - AN �,-_ � � :�. I .. I . �� - I I Fz � 1. - L '(3 . - . - . eS. _ '� D FERGUSON'& ` 1:3 -, ,'---,I s*"07 Secd 'Sold By Alwthecari I � - I I More thoroagh survey of the Dominion . � Iands and the distribution of informa- I I I - ' to I ,�L, - - I Special Notices. CARRTAGESPTUNGS, CARRIAGE 0 - m : Merchant Tailor, MAITLAN'DTILLE 17%, G13R.Da'N tion UeAy, to - I - AXLES and PATENT WAGGON i�l _�_� L - - � - �Vy to I. _promote immigration from; Pnee. Si.so ; Six for $7.50. . I N. E. It is said to be Jeu subject ' �_ Europe. Mr. Charlton, in a very able JANTEP I. FELLOWS, 10HEMIST , %VF=@Ir ISTIRVET, - . �9 than other kinds to the attackof the . "' �, . 6 ARMS, for sale -cheap 1. K. t;11F_.ZFA3T.-FFR-3'-3 Coc")A GRATEFUL AND . . - . i Ig ,3 ii�-d - � Colorado Bug. . L * , - speeah, shcwed the neces3ityfor more- COMIOPTING.-By a thoiatigh knowledge of the HT. JCH--f,.N. B. At JOHNSON & KERR'S. - PARTIAL LIST I GODERICH, . - L � vigorous efforts in favor of the free 8et- natural laws which gnv�ra the operation% of diges - Goderle! jzleDt. 4th IS71. . � . � . . . . 1365 -6 '21-NP37D. - tion ancr nut-ition. and by a caretul applimtion of - . . I I 101 1 -4 1, tlement of the -North-weit, and depre ,be In,, pmpertit, of ,ellsele,ted r.,; -a, Mr, 11PP4 � I - � I of gootle for sale strarson's 41% bo's- new HASreceivedhisSVring Stockof Goods ' . I . . 4 ' N T S 7'j -'a _N y E D cated the policy of granting a monopoly I has proridt-d our br�akfast tawes with a delicateiv - - � . — B Alt AND HOOP IRON, SLEIGH H,,d,ar, Store, op p-osite the Market and is prepared as asual to make all - . . . I . I - . , 1) flavored beverage which may save us many heavy I . . n of the land to a rail evaV company and SHOE anti, CASTj STEEL, a full , , kinds of Garments in the most fashion- . . ' 1,11 I � L _MeZt_2� TrW-3t tt,wtore bius.­--Cira serrice cameve. Made simr)lv - House. . �.o I . ._ '2.W per HhBoinagivaterorAllik.- Each packet is laliplied t& I . Jff. PA1DS01WS & . imposing an upset price of 6 assortment, NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, - able styles and at the lowest rates.' G, AX&110 --- � coal " I 'At JOHNSONI& I- WMILLIAM ST A NBURY . . r,pn =d P. -rt!,, - acre. Dr. Grant followed anti ener- ­J43iK3 6m & Co.,� Houucowhic chemists, f kERR'S. � .L." : 11 'I ,� � - � k2. , - = I A 2A_ 74W . OAAPEXTERS TOOLS, '. - I kARDWAILE MEWMTS I - , — _� _N [2mary. _.. getj,cany supported the views of bf�. Lnu+m." . � s , - . . . CW hllntggr� . . ae��. 4-�. MANUFACTME OF COCOA-" We SPADES, SHOVELS ents Vulrx3Lis , L I ., ��� ; . . '. I .; . . . a�count of the proc,"s adopted James . I Ch=,ItAjn, alluding to the deposits of 17" VR ,'e*.',-' ' " ' " SEND YOUP. ORVERS PATENT 'HORSE SHOES & HOESE SCYTHES, F6RK'S 0 � I - � RIP 37_1,1,�, - -5, at _. . .1 of all descriptions constantly on hand ANKFtrL - favours, I I . ,,_i CM4 tiu. lately uzuawn'in IN:Fova Scotia, I EPP' & Co., manufaeturera of dietttic article RAKES, . � . for ps MARKET SQUARE. GODER101H. I �', E;ant, G­_AeZL,",_ A their works in tits Eusten Road, L,on,lon,,'--C,m-dl's SHOE NAILS, by the keg or box, - I . 'I, : TH -4 . :. and as, recent enquiries he behaved had - H,,,,Vd r,.i,t,. 1841. ForR At JOHNSON & KERR'S. ' i,GRAIN ORADLES, A CALL pXSpECrULj1t'SOL1C1TZD. desires to inform the4aabitauts of � I " I � � 2237�c ' 5NN xUll R1 - , . .of im, ju the Ottawa VaUg. . . - 'L Maitlandville and xurroun( ng country . Have for Sale L __ - __ _. proved a . . �# . I , A, Smith 9MV81 902719 50111118 In. C� --I- 1LJ . -V I 0 X ! t t 41 Rtl t -,P, X UP COAL OIL BY THE T1AAREL`­OR MANILLA ROPE, � I that he is to be found at tto old stand, , . I I . � 11 3_ Mr. 0. - Fertile I � , Goilerich, 15th April, 1873. ,, ready and willing to attend'fp the wants VIINK, FOX and other traps, - ROSS - - 4 L tereating infornlatI011'113 to the Gallon, and COALIOIL LAMPS, HEMP AND RU13BER PACKING, . " - 0 , - : I � . the Northwest generall.y. He . of his customers. ge has o4lmud CUT SAWS, BULL SAWS, WOOD . . I Belt and R , :). f3z tEo ez,:Z- FRAUDS ABr.0,AD 1 For the Qeason of 1873 At JOHNSON & KERWS. LEATHER 'BELTING, psizes, . a - i . - referred to the large deposits of coal and , ' - I WHITE TAU ,an prices, OPENED OUT AGAIN* , - �1�14 SAWS, AND BEST MAIC 5 - i W I I .1 . I -Ir2-2- Es,l%a fc:, S. -%--d the hope that some - � To THE . . . . . . / I � LZ4., OF HAND SAWS, CHOP- : - i . BOILED 5AND RAW OXL,_ - ,. . k FULL STOCK10 GIDGERIE-3 � iron, and expres BEG most respeptfully to caution the linbIle of I HE BEST ASSORTMENT of TA I , . IF PING AXES, VARI_ . � I ,S:1_9 azd 67vd- *N of the Pacific road inight I tf e Bri tis'i P orth American Provinces to be on BLACK bIL, ,� .. i;_1 . . of the rW- I - mals, �J - their guar -I azatust purcha,qing spurious medicines , IturonSignal Office� T I 1 4! . I wa!te-, E " BLE, DESSERT, PEN AND .. OUS MAKERS even be made from a native product. VAvjftj..n�wnx OIL. - I I - - . . L : �* re_-,�2ve, lz,�, w hich are Icing sold as my genuine "Holloway'l; POCKET KNIVES, PLATED / . consisting of " - 90 L� � I , 3fr. Mercler advomted liberal iividu.rda, of Where they will be done neatly, cheap- TURPENTINE, " o � I . ILNDPRICES.' BOY'SAXES HAM %& ; -2-, (1-1, r, -;4, h'ind eff'er'a to Pills and Ointment," by certain in . SPOONS and FORKS in Go4erich, to . , �k t, 1. . - I I . -- �"Duczs or , an promote .the emigration of natives of little or no me,a,t,;, tradinz yor thb last few- ly, and expeditiously. I be had ... L . // % -;; . TE,&, 4 �. SUGARA - AXESANDBROADAXES."COW I 0 - -11, , y orland into the NN orth months only) under the stvle of the - New York . I / . !. I ., . .1y. . TIES OF SEVERAL RMS, a I , . - See- u ve [to , - , 51 , LOGG IANG, CHAINS . France and S%itz Chemical Company." k rtir, '� L*q made use �� Yonr choice of four cuts. - At JO EINSOX A KERR'�. And all Idnds of ' / tOBACCOi 0 1 A I , llq_r�-g - rest. Mr. R.rrjs (Victoria, Nova of hv them for the p rpose 74hInposing upon tfie . . . . � / - U 'T � . . � .-� - S. tia), 3130 added some items of informa. puoltc� an,l the more eilectually to deceive, they � I . . �, . I . _WS -4 OF ALL SIZES, C, G-,-_',a:j-_L-,, ' havo t ,ntery, in their ii,tivertisaineutor to is- ,-- seti, . PuAISINSF &o., &a. . F. 0. of coal. Mr. CK_ 1X_&1Et1l3W.A_A1X1F,. TRIF tiOn OR the Aubj@d Cagey one tb," eirrr FULL ASSORTMENT QF LO L . : 1Z5_1-<1_ ,=gued th,3t wa ought to advertise our- 1. following caution:- , � � A -WOOD'S Celebrated MILL SAW . I - _1 __ , - .,;C4 . GLASS,PUTTY, . . � - The immense demand for 1HoLLoAv,.7'sPjLt,s . 1 4,�� AESO "_ WROUGHT AND OUT NAM &c. . - . , sNe Clheap't , I I - 17, � I - 1. I . I selves and the advantages of the countrV- .� A-I;D 0l'.'rMZ1Tr` has tempfill unprincipled I)nCERIES I FILES, and Sorby's HAND and RIP For - I I . . W . -And a large anortmeAt of & kinds Of , I i ,,parties to cotulte:fait these valuable Nadi- 4 . By ! I I 1. . t'Q:� I . Awhip. .on ,, told and vigrorans scale. 51r. Trow 11 cities. SAWS, the beat in the Market. - it Dry Goods, NAB . upolies and " In order to protect the public and oarselve.3 F on, rXillo AtJOHNSON&KERR'S. . I I . - - . __1 - 8,ttackp Crockery, . ' � �j ths land mon the. I � I � T-nt�za,135t�- . - 1. Glassware, U -A IRIDW Aalt]09, -_ - �r tEja impcsimg a high upset price. Mr. F. " w3 hay- ipsned a new -Trade Mark,'tioncisting . I G. 11. -Parsons &-Gotsf � - I I . - ) - I I . I -,a czsys ff,iam, tafs jono,3 adve2azel the policy of land :'of an Egyptian dGircle of a serpent with the . FLINT'S CHAMPION CROSS -CUT . I . '.. . - . - .: ict.ter H i.n.the centre Every box of ge,nre GIVE -_ -1 -FL 0 U -B * --:), Gf nl­a t,,�r,m aflways, which he believed H PILLS AVD 0lNTUE1W SAWS and SAW HANDLES at Opposite the Marke Hou 6 - ,,,, � . - At lowprices for CASE. �Opposite ' - grant,; to r Lt,6t.'r ,53 w ve � Remember the Place, �, it . - �, 0 1 . - I . . I I . . - , , . 1�,_ , � I , a I � -:O*-�,, G -F klimr,�n, ,=w :' x3ne are genuine List Price, . - I- a Having been granted I I .ed tT19m to become immigrant , this trade mark on it. , I I I � - t7l. -r- ,,, . without it. . � - : I � 1,71�� o , enselc� MARKET HOUSE.* . S 'G'� �_9 I . � the Mc3b eff60tiV8 descTiPtiOn. 1. ToDEALE113A.31DJOBBERS m-DitU(;s,&ND1IzD- BALL A CALL. � . At JOHNSON & KERR'S. L (3-0:b 01-1 - � � the sale of Liquorx ,11 I keep - - - algents of . I . .. - .. � ­ �. I H --, --an t�D L -a -a - ,Sa - I in a long rpeedh attack- 11 lemEs. . June, 28. 1871. .-, � - . I I 11 1�� ..... 11 I . on hand I G. H. PARSONS &-Co . . ' I P ]�Jr. F'. 15. IV CCU I . - Stock of � 11 I - id MapLervm, . ,"we cAll your p3iticular attention fo the new CIE[OPPING AXES ' I z V, �d tbe ]L>Xd1fl0 Railway schemeof the - FROBI THE I . - 7. *�, y . . . . Goddrich. Nov. 28.1811 - . .. - . . . - 4 . 3aa 32-2 F�,'_T`�n " StAo Ot 41OLLeWAY9Er PIUS,&ND 01=UgNV � - doaWe � I . I . 1 L . . . W By , �i* . I . . . .. qladured bv ' , L X,070TIMellt " 1103tile -to the settlement besi . Makers, single and t . .wjsr -ALB 11 r - va-!-1 Tc�wr_ of niontlisi We . steel f . I . of thq .0untry, and in otberrespects . "-none of the old style are man 72 _f J=U_� z�. :: us now. nor have they been for W HOLESALE AGENT for McCor- ,)�.' DO L - I nrebasers agalloot re- mick's Celebrated 4 8, W' ,- ' 8()N .UGI, AS VOIKENZIE BRANDY, ww - - la, to the -publio interests. He thereforq caution all 'At JOHNSON & KERR'S. L . I - 011. - - � - ,at it was uticessuY and unsafe " ceiviv from anyJob ers brDeAqrs the old . . . __ . � . �, - IM I . prejudw 9 , GIN� 0 YES r4b, " - I argued #2 I . ! I - kzl� . - -le 11 style of goods I I - I Watchtnaker& Jeweller, . I "I I" � , I ,-.:s 3,1-.L AE'ria, of the railroad COMPLETE AsSORTMENT OF I '. . .1' YESIRES 1A return I& ' -no &c. &C. ;-� I &a. I L T=X bdoZe adopting some measures to pro- . 1. We ask the favorof an the information you . OKS, BING 1. I I . I -D public for the patronalre extended him In the . - . I ,- 1P � 0 , - I pl6gentS'.. past. and to anuounee.that 6 1. - , PUTTY, PAIN ' " ' _ Ef EaSU"N ., can give in re.-qTd to t I GLASS' I - Agrical ral M promises on Kinnion. Street, formerly occupied as I ... . UGHT. " 8 & to wait for thecomplation 1. " Information concerning any anch. goods S _X_ X1 U IP 114 A IrES, NAILS, ,. .Agent f all kiadg of - f Bincerc thanks to't TWO DOORS . being offeredwill be received rAW thanks * I , LO . mot,a the settlilwllt On a l3r90 scale. , hog.6 cailintetteltso" . STEAM 1Ulr1XFD TS and OILS, � he hall removed.to the- IN BOTTLE OR ON DRA BOOT . . 8HQ)38 . � . :� B.T�-, Fr. ;Q111 pany is aware that y6ur laws do - � Llways on hand, � .- .a Saloon by Harry Ite4 I � L % - I - � � _. The pro2reas of thelutercolonial, a much NOT., this Con, at Lowest Cash Prices, i ' , , , -"-- - ,- , j�", I q�__, W a Q 1-i I h I � -_ I = I EL-fil , 4 , - I I I � � � I I. ` �- I r i , " I sto 0 ft a IN U tu td 1=1 �14 1 1% - q W M� , !4 i - I I--. to eopV the prdelse getting UP Of At JOHN Sit ,GRA -,IN. ,crabb,sstore.*hIchh&hss4tt; U ft - I2 L__Zi E_f",_;�, SQLerand evier worlk� indicated that itoilterrait them I . - and dtrectlf OPPOSM8 0- L ed .? in st class 0:2- The hi&st market price paid, - , . . - , m_r31edlclne% but in order eompletelyto .. SON & KERR'S. . pLOUGRSI _ HAJgR01W - I L . . . - . . the Cana&= radfia must take . tile 'Nora � t,, another CONINECTIONERY.- - / I � . . . style. ,He would call ,spactal Atoll lost tO the other ilr6du * . � I I% 111>070 �_ a,=Omplishwant- He alluded blind the'public, they, have recourse thev deem COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CRU9 : fvrButter, Eggsaud as. HE subscriber ha5 commencealbusines I years M deLeptlon,tviz. instating that ,!'IE RS, STRAW- CVTTE RS � ' ' RUSSELL WATCH . . . I I � as they, gay, to' make tip the Pills and I - . . - , _' ' ' , T the above ine, in the shop oppouts, . e Canada = ' A MPLE_ � . .1 I ,int . in Goderich. Rememberthe stmid, nesrl� o osito Many L ,0 cl2arwtar of th AND . AGRIOULTURAL I , ,�., c... - � � . - � . - to the -2" . Olntinent3 another form, ard that i[lattlieV adopt � -R.NS &c- '00: I Jortho sale of which lie Is sole ag Igina,m][Swiss I I . � I T � MENT.S, from the best makers, at Low- // CHU _ P ., ) & . � . tock -O Waltham, Merloll, R1 _ r .. - , :r , -_ . �, _. , � ,; , I ,, L. , , -A& 1118'n"'U'r ,; * psda'; aul tha ab3urditir of SUPPOsIng aNew Labor, 4-e. , . *, V 9. it and silver cases. , - the School Houlte, Maitlaudyllle4 - that " tho pret-eaded Directors would oesides the above -men Metrical COM- A L90aXX1'tS!ff - Price, . _ " _ " . � . ... � I - - CLIFFORD"S 33A];ERY, zlordays arug Ston., ORE. - Melted 11, --L 3L 3Bf est Nsh . I i�� even . . it, much le3s the pany.,, thne is also a David Pringle of New York. . JAM15PI. '. . I . Holhas it hantlailarge-and. wall-Bolectedstock,of their money. in 'At JOHNSON & XURWS-� ) 4' , , March 4th, 1873. � - IS9 . :­�j�_'e�'�_. rLP& who by evitimmunate tricilery is attempting to sell . nt f W.. BeR & Po ir 061ebratid . ��i. I I / , jt3 of Great Bri * 0::�- Orders respectfuHy solicited. - r3mr.sX.x3MX:LW - ­ wherelielbPreparedtodoltIf workmith whichla . - � - I . aeons for oval -A -1-1--ii-l-ellchea, - .. - - �-_,_' -,;.--,'* i3hretyd C�-vuitqn itaiO, HSI spurious imitatious of mfNedicines. BOWalic Of A.11 70-111, A R ATTENTION PA1D 49eall, ;&Ld, � H&iwdaunls, � an& QT49v% ) - � maybefavolned. ,- - � � . � yr k1i r -Ir IL-,a�,arazziva 1117_e.G�c ��—!r -il-R,, 4 10,3 I � b,L.,;RKff _... 40.711�A_74!1?� k1.11 E - I i�40 �,RX3, u,, 40 , lu - , � ­ \ " , . � 1, I . . . , '0� . . " L U I � X3310g his PFULCOMW ter the him likpwiga. . . was e ­_PI them- This unprincipled Chemical Company has dared . 11. W. BALL, Ir to of the -Firming Cc . 'Weber's,.Pidnos: - - - 'REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL- I - . � . . , Govoram " to the wan . . " I 1. . 1- -.I-,-. � I _', : ' - . . � I t eat build*' ;, the road .toq neyin the . . . � A . tiq�ihofaet? A newspaper � ) from a cc ry - . " . -4 X-6 V I! 0 i � '. -- , 'A CALL 80LICITED. . I I . . � �, UllJVhct veg lar -O 61"lls' Of mo orders . t'h RF A IRIN G . selves, virl.lon sir John 31 "-oaaldrose 'Staftes'll"'dw iegge or consent. Victoria Streat munity, and ' Fry I � FLQI�tEN ; 11 - -- -, - . 3:31C VX C*11V R , - _� * � . Ana oWz , - I . D. McKENZIAt.- I . - � . . At WSON a; kER `8- . . ,P- 3&XX - - Voxx wns . - . � - h Odirel'tile MY' Mi - I . . Sewinx Machinei, ih, Irraer o6;;bW,' - * *1 tho joarnalg of the House in _ agent obtained. without my know , id a limited Opposite Somerville& Henning's Grist F9lnRt1-7 attended to' �' for the' C � , ' and wi6l ,,,Wldc Jos to �6 Goderich;3rarch Ntk.1813 1803 , . . I 'a tEL6iogultiltions oflg7 and by collusion With a party whii b . . , . -1 1, RIAGIRVOPIS I I � I I tialta Tam POWer0fattOrn-3T of ulti.a, an orderto a H posiiessesa(lvautap 4 - - CAR I --- � X-OW:;d ia, wl,1.3t way tha road shonld be medicines in South America for thne Years te the . �. I �"SAWS ,gqs,wm:qh _01i 10 foit" a... , - � . I t'�� - I . . � . . 4 . - - -1 � ­ - 6aged 3Er, %V0611 lextent,og*100OW-14 gold. He then sold his cIal"l . .�.: . 1.1, . �Ik � , - - =ECMY oprosrrz , J W, and out referred by the courtto, afriend � Goderich, April 16tb, 1873. 13,36 � MILL AWD CIRO I w no other XachEii, " , " THURBEWSDROYAL ANTI- %, , =ATNESS A1D IDIESPATCH ,: , I . I . . I . -A . � - I to . I * t I fully r.. I - I :1 �1' .'�� � I . - fisii . . - . I - . construe t),alawymmliftf � at Maker's Price . 0 i � . . . I L � 4 I . I t the amount - I I . I � . . � . . . I . I � ring then suppoTted the policY _ ot hlg wilifgave adgelsont Timt me . CALL AND SEE ilr.� �,- I :TAIMON A.AB13ITT METAL. - -W--- A CA= 50ZAOXMs, . with ball givg,rnwg h el a couldhave - I 7-der,ed and d!Wunt or an , owed, I � ti_!. : P-. 111 , . -4 , . i ; - , , I -ut. Mr- Woqd, h t*eit steps to repudiate this � JOR - . . — I A& I .1 _� . I - I 11 - � � . o.w- of#L7sI,MgQ4.f1o*r4mlt wh ell he said It I I - . 0 of tha G m3de by it, Tied Z not - - � , MJOR . XERR�Fj. - neit doo; - ._ I — - - � gnsr� ._�y-, I I . . , -4 _. I ' � PAIRTICUILARS; ev had n&, V'GfP-d i know Nf>901[40�0. . I Showrooms, to tho k"gi ever, showed h lohlrolm vile trialswtIon, the moment it came tamy - . . . .1 ;1 * � �� I I . . . . - � Of any- such proposaL At tbo evemut : ledge. Thisjudgliment will "art lbi� settaldo. It � . . . � . . � Office, dodo' - I I-- � . - I . " , q I I WM. SHARMAN. ' I I - a I THE ABOVE . - P . , I - TAU�RISER XETAL, We. 10 Is for IE�esv) -Bearin : .,. - 11 I I I � , U., t 1; ed, 11 *in ante, that I owe a ceni . zrf%r I - Febr . . - ­- ' e � � e 8 � , ­ - I �. � , :L��f - � - , and Railway Car Boxesilitier, r b . - I I c, I nuraber .of pn*v&t4v bi '" * ' ' I Z " �_' '� fb � I sitting is, an 16th" ­1$T% I ' , ­ - . � '_ L � I': � - I - 'Us' ' =tin: theft w..Zd,.t fnlmedlstcl� ps HE Revision Court for 'the Town- HE WHOLE tt�lr !� - .v -_.- : �_T. , . . __ t, No. 2, -15 for -Pile - Rill a ', nd1runk --Railway Ar- . Th.,,ixnotrathwtmfvyeriattestittemen - ,� Jr shhlitW Ashfield wil1hold -its first GOODS are to . '' I . . y CHEW, QUZ4P, I O.. . God, erlobjftf201h, 1672. 13111 1 ,;1UMttg the Gra , - zlithst . T red . I - . � - - I.;- f"T kill . . 11 jb B13, were passed. !he -I teverauthoilzed an5r person or Tsonsto-tists I , , '. - ­ .1 -.1 . - -And Jinirliab ru .1 'bIlS - � -- . I � � . . I irl, , i!s Uotel, Kinplaridge, for Cash . � ., . . . -1 .. - , I'll "I r_ - r I ". - I - . n - -1 I - I I I .. .. � �, � .rangsum oalasa& &t Monts, lengtlt 1, Z&nl*fOYthOSRICCfMyPilb38Wl Utlilitntlillihouj sittings at Follocl I 0 �t - SON.& XERAIS. - - - -, .1 -­, ­ ,� -, - . � Velocity ........... 150c parlb. - 33..- %L WHITIM-7 � � . . � , - on: .0 ,-. . - . , '! . ? .1 � .64 . I .. ' � 1. . . - . � , r prineipled men In this way, I it Colito to 0,clook in th I Afternoon.. I . -_ WANT -RDA - ' mulie, then db , - zrm frauds have been practizild'unon.mo by il I 5Jol1djy,. the 5th of May #ext, at tw I .. �� . ,— --: STOWPAI�l . ,� --,;:, . DO. 3 Is tor ordinary and. I - I � I . - I . . I I . 111. - ITS& - � __.. ,3j_ � I - IMEGS TO THANK = PlUBLIC - I , Bill rex,)octinj F.gi-trials, for folalty find I ­. Gencral.jurpoifes' 25c, per Ili I * ' � - I 1 . z1WOMPA111911! suct. yelgting to the - I would zpk, sis zfAvor, that -40011 Ir 1121 . 19 - ALAtk OASH_ I 1� - ' � '-; � ' - CAXAD1".-MTAL,is for Obeapitesi; tindbetlii . � I . - * I I - - , I - One , the ki:owlefto of ally Person that spurious medt- I I JOHNVOOKE', Tip Clerk. ]AILMS, - �. . " ,�, ,- -, . . I labbIR 20a porl'u. AA forth* liberal patronage acc6rdea - I . I& strw = sud sold ITL my name, that he, Dungannon, Aprillo"P870. Imb - D,ra he beat inihil,,'Wiltria" - 1- I _ ""; .. -,,-,,- -. - than ordInW I , ONE or two good canvassers tow*hom I IDI USTIZab chasparstleinginadeand . rs " I I - vat bim, in the post and ,to - aunountle that - I - condition rt-cuutly 04 - brellight -1spl""d to seadvelibillasme lifidaddressloftI10' .-- _. � , P X A G111 w FMADELPHIANFITAL In avuyfineMetsl liberal inducements will be pfieriol. � I . . 11 r, for i a jr,$4 50,; . . ; - "' - � ' � ., . 41 - - - - . riye.rz, me : loe 0 . � � � thollzlce'...� ....... 158 perl D. he still camies 6z . 'i;wtictdirs apply at ti& Xr. C, ,twilight. X r. Tiemblaylk -166ft w1l" "311""b"an", thitt 1* I - ' ' I , . 0 ottswai h ' . rr, I , - , - th6islit , 4 . : :[ - - , . I in, by I a :rnofthegmalrd 1XsdItUt4r"idinjrAs9s1nXt� Iffaub)(10 - * , AtrJOJaNS0X&XER�FVS' -1 Has ba"A iii ionirilus. zor . . 4u;d 1��pjuazitltle's of ilia Thuilber Me . .- For office. I I .WAS 4Dtl fl* paper V191,61", � melyntyin- I . . I , � � � . b e 'tao­: * , . tag have Ivan , I _ I *but stood - ,4, glkd I espp to l annineritte bandso . . L fving, the best satlailhotiOn, in Zak Vu ... I....'r- � . . . . litiontellifrommaity %its I n 10 lised-duringtbobat Ton earv.: They MIR Gffl IMAING - Goaerich, 4�miwch, isn. , uctic - - I - ' ' a �'c I oat . fbilr6liglilytenedaudIn dapinst g6-tvh,ai�;,- C 1AGE --& Sit I . � � 1410ut without divals*10P.494. I I . � ' - . 11 _ pfthejo ei, it . t?, iA I I I . - - a 'c .. � . , brandlift, at the -old t - d � . � - - I I i Misr � vxElftimp, . n1teal I 11 In, P. . .F . � , err,igbililreroxii6n,tobelfavethl b ONT, 1 IDT40. "a , activ boy to losru Black . THE. .PtidA - It.will not co Is (Mvxy, 244 ApriL --. r ,..to anit r Ji - t and - 11 - -tals 4ud *lln4lly have become alraost lixelustively, 4 . dee vaid by bu "Ortow , , I - . . thirelore suitsh , . a Lumber Districts; I . - . I I . - I . - M11SO Mob. , * � I , lest � - I - 1111;kIn au the'liteg Roll as the I � � . � To jl�' �=' 1fmA%t10V`x','f' A SMART a - 5 � jai its � GODER10H. * * . f st%ding %&itbigg. , . , I , . ILI to, . , , - AS the heaviest 0- . aii-11w , I I -� , , - - - . I I , � ,Q�pbjflte. � ,__ " - IT � - IF , I - - . . .- .J . .- � I � 1. - Irthbralla w4y and take $tiucoe MI . I _. - I - � -1 . . - AI'Vell pywated tu soma M ! tifte x0dicisis': t _ I , �* � , "Ge3reas B aud,.8991=vr�Talley S&w Alills, �� I X r. V, I JORN FASMOT E. TON NIT . 'No i'll, Is, 11'etfix. -1j. MAIMS$ -,COLDORNE HDTEL. . . Vor Sale. i,IectZ)wwitts*bk favor of & tia's addrellsistfoiA(whieh kersilido at, a cost Of SIX � UAL01110 . . . � I 4 - � I I , . - . I � - "ofal - cosift IV "alace. , Ono of the book# of InottuOtf0w - - - Godatiqla, Api:il 19� 1873, 1 M. I - " - I T19STIM ON IAL * - borough, Viliftay'. Port. 114ai Trefittin, Bellevil[le, . 1.� - . __ I . - - - ­ . � ", � Lior law. Ainob - which &to aftV - � - � - * --e . . . I I Nspantoo. � -Brockville, O#awai Montreal '" Carriages, Buggies; Waggone' n t, . No. 266, on ; . � � . _ f OtTIM � to,tho same, * I Sig � t1le- ,ross Cut �9&ws , � � . � . -and Montmerould Mills; &e- is , ' � prclhibitorf 11T ra at t1le at . fhojosepit. ffaamaellin0"Norits,,. shawls I �C,Iutstlloeoxanlutoo myell f6 , lowest � a From . " ., Rivers, quo'bect . I - r powir � W. X010111611 can be suPPli _0_ - - � noble0,0311 � I ,Icousidergto�el�lfio,ll*ebeap&at$1.00 A 5ii4nZf4- - in his Hui dlpy-i . . �. holesals tet vr��Cegfll 4113ultifteX Of Men 49 ' -& 91111on.' wellalstualithe Prinelpil Folutdries a ' lie I - . - to ptocurs, 1616pigill, of liq 4�viz &1,61.as".1�6.ver&zen L ­­- .; - I � than olive oil at. 56 cents. Warxiespet liy,� torles,I?Ailwaynolw,jotolLml)oati,i,rop. 01. � . ' tan es I I I . - . � , - - I . 1F.W.GLHN,PresI4olXt,� '&g. , � - e Mrs. DAVIS, "ZIN so - I . Wante . . I SP -N XERR Soak Street-, 14t ' e uor frm 411tu " W bogesof - . - I I ; . I JOHN ---"--ft d iverythiDg e1slit Mpt �.Rwillortl , . Z allersi.ec., ;an ( _ . Jt�gD0=jW6n,snd 'by i1v lrj;iaorpoixoroinfment,fDrwjiiclirem4t 9 -_ I '. . � � � I . � � � . Laud or- made. t6 i 6rder pf 'tile but 1st 1w be lid t I . I I I 1. I ., proylimow . I MEN, fo ffenoral G0aeiieb,'3f6,T0h11thP1873- � � .- I 1- �, I . tw system mast-baslentinailvai-, Th"ex,e(Aelatesare not I . - I . ___w" , . I For 1541a evirywhers Intus, Domblionitthoobilva. * � . I Was,, atithority .. ;E� � for . I" "I ,� ; : � " ­', ­ I ­ in I ,ana in tile inoxt -,WQr1i;Mspl*e - JP - 4D'n. 11 I I _� Alysu of 430m]?O, -'saiMinthe IthitcliStatel A "U"" ` derich .—I--"-- ___�_ - I - steria, - - . . ubule _�Iku�__fl �w , I . Zaelt - Pot slid Box 0 lelligg purpoxet required At " tke o . I . Foesslo-glily by � . . � Priebe; , . � - . . . � . I 1 4 1 - - of "Ttvlilstln� utiliTeral a Pat ,,- - -,WANT11 -ad for % 'H F. P. G. WXYLOR& -166., - I . In"ller. . . � . I - . I e wbi& was, ' -1 f Mir Genuills, Ned . d I'Dis, S111111ft L -atd. , , , , I � 'L I- I � , , , � f3limpt, with the - affirbour Works, � Moral ZZ a $t(ire. ;Xust Ibb wall -,va- G. H, PARSO08- - & � 06.j,t Hardware- , - . , . - � I . I -n the Tenth - 'of 1[sy next. � jit4eanzds,so x! to,kror# thedis. � 15"ra, thil 8404h Gove"melit ,,,,,,t --Iou- . ware � � I . . I I � Taroitto I o � . . � WONS Afffoll9wa)"A rars A114 0 1 1 . XVPAMNO, rAOXMT 7=CVTZP. Any . � . � tlixonsbo, _ I � � Apply ta / _. . , - , , , letteeto bok ,jilts, Godsililt, ' . . A - � I I I � - I . , I \ __ . 0101tj to the colainunity of the � do.0 11 . A . 4k ROSS, - . commended, ' 4pply by, _� � . 69,, , :Xerljb 11 . , I ­ � � . I ; , �FoF age br H. GAUDIXER , 00 I AstrONSTA . . - I - - I 1,%0LZ.&G11Xi%i ., . . Ag(litsTorGZW.b. qoderich Ztb V0, 1873,; .13;8 TERM9-CASH. . lk , : � 0 I � � � . ­; ." , a I . . - I - , , " , , , , , , � ' ' . - I � I We$ dwoo,tions. A 4kewwnA , V;Poo) - � . . - Centractori. , .- - ' �1` : t ., . ;. - . . . - , . use of t) 'filowAsnotwWAY. . Gdderi4- _ � - . " 130 :1 - 1012. - - NOY. 15%1872 ­ , % - , '; IM ,.. , . Goderich, 10thApril, 1873. 1W I - *010 I a -ML tbf rVPOJ*_ Of 9W Re" X10- - W, W*r4 stral, W. a.. - SM', � . 1. �� . . .11 �, - � � . � I I I I 1. li -,, : I .1 :­ I _­ : I - a:., - 1, I . . , . I . I .- - � . I I I . . , 001111. ims�.' It oww" tw a - skieZZ. WA. I 1 047, AApra%10, 7 ­ . .. . I 1. . ., . � : I , ,, . � I ,-. ., � � . - . I , 1, �- . � ­ - . . � I . . . . . I I , - _ - � I �� I 14 . � ­ . I � �. � I _;�. . :, -1 �. - ., � - . I - I . . , - � � '16, � . � . / . . . . I I . . - * , I ` I . I . , . � ... . . I . - _�_ - , � I - . .. � . � � * � # ,r I . I � I � , ': : ; , - - - . , " . , . - . ...� I � " � . I .- -.a- _. �. �. .. � - .1. � . �, I I 11 � .1 I . � - - . . I . - . . ,�. I . . .. . ­� : .1. - . � 1. 1, � . I .. 1. � - I I . I . � . . � . � I .1 � � '. . '. . I -1 . - I - I I - .. . � ,� . . - . I I.. 11 � � I o, . . ­ ..., . �_ . . - . I I . I I � . . . I . ; I . I I . - I I . . I �. � . I i . I ,� �. � � . I / . . I . � . . I I . � I- - . . I - � .1 , . , 7 � I . ­ � 1� � I - -1 I - . I . - I . . I . . � - - I � . � I I � 1.1� , - - �� I � . -1 I . ­ - -!� I , _-i __ ­ I , � . I I I _; / . ­ . I 1. # . . . / I . . I . I .1 I 1" �. (. I . . -*- I . � . ,� I I . . . � I I I I I : 1� ­ � " .# .. * . L I �t I . I ; . - . . I . I I , _� zld_i -, 1". � . 4 . � '. 1.11;�- I 1, _. '.4 - � ­ � . . � ,� - I . ­ . . . . I . _', , �� . . I - I - , _A001".1-- t .1k - ,_ �0 � ­ � -_ -11 I , * I ­ - � .616%�ftiss"._1 . . * . I I �, �,,MA- ..".W- - ------ �Mvilbill _( -. ,� -'e., I 31 ., * I I . _.­ � , I � I . 1. , . - ' � I — ,.­-,.­�.�L-__ _- ,z-/ ­� i - *1 -AA,_:. - -, ,� ;;�L` , _._', 11. , . - . . I - lhdm� AtL . � -b "-- . - A iAand�ff&.§.�L '195.&I111i i I 1 .614 . 1� !, � :� &� RIF - I 11 1, .11. , , - ,,, � .