HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-30, Page 21 -"at= 7M11=17 6. C� I Indeed do Rev "vvft�u�u I The rulto planvaly un. ago Mr: Brydgesisitudia &circular to at&. 'and breaking his arm in McCann's good size, and favorabl V situated on 0AVA3)A_ 0 end of the tuy'x dech are placed maS41VO 31ZTXL ties ageat& directing them to avoid Sun- tavern in Bayfiold, in July last, where- ain Str6et, Exeter. He intends to i Barlsins-JAW 7he Toronto Arail and Montreal La itay traffic as far as possible, and now by PROLIFIC COWS -Mr P ­ iron drams, ;hich are to be made to re - by he was rendered unable to work for W- 15- M"Adill, .,A&ve tho building completed and things Amu WwAd-wint, OutpbolL Mbwrw doxy the report that Sir H a gh hiz direction the Nabbatli in to be open. w which h" . it is rumored that Liou�--COIA Peters, Volvo by a pair of powerful high pros. Me a long time. ' The defence was that it of Tuckeramith, Its$ a 00, in O�arstion as early in the 'Xillop, To Baum_,� ly violated by changing the guage on was a mere scuffle arising out of the given birth to four oalvox--t*o PA111v bf season as of St. Johris, N. O.civill corrstn,�,1141 the gare engines. having five feet str6kc,'thas on April 20, the wife f Mr. Donald McGrsoor, of Howard is engaged in Wimbledon team this year. Pon , -4 c' -'e allliying, and are. uilding a �ommodious brick dwellirrg the tug being stationed' on her b At Exeter, on April 23, tke, Wife of 3fe. noumced R�A� ?, the coustructiois of the Canadian Pacific rather inconsistent an the part of a inau diiet both before ant -afterwards it was The calves are - theor. house whloUt*hen finishcd� will be at&- AlInDyer Platt,of Prince E d*ard, hai erth, 'a -6 we Allan lias failed to float the bonds far that day. This appears to us to ),a election; but from the Defendant's con- twiuz-.withiu'& period of el 6ithi' inBuring enormous tow�pjg power. U punft. I Railway on tht En�lish market. The who holds a prominent fo i" calvos chain an inch and a Wnk. Grigg, Sr., of z is!)n, tion zg_-1L-o 11 I position urged forthis Plaintiff thatitwas more ingwell, and are as kans6moiniintls 'other link in: the chain connecting what a cow that has given birth to half in diameter will WeNt"1415NAZ 0213e. amount to be borrow*4 is very large, in Ono of our largest and most influeu- than ar trifling matter of that ki d. A sacan be seen anywhere. Mr. Matth be wound around the-arams , several At Wroxeter. an April 35, the wife 1,1r. (PfInco Eiwa!-� 11 Ow Was formerly known as Exeter in onewyoslar. k fts two ends fastened Thomas 11artin, of a soia, tialchurchon. Nor can itboconsitared greattlealof interest was taken in this Eigie, also of Tualisramith, kas & heifer Frascostown. . and .1 d I taing to.Tolill atson, timcs;and then I faVGUr 011E:0 Y� r6l'OW37 'COMPOUld 23TUP Of Uvpo- being tar the Pacific Ro*A $97,000,000 Mr. -.13rooks will have ing belor g P,-,ZiME� 4ZLO t16 P a work of necouity. The Great West- case, and especially by some of the Bay- two years and five months old, whiolz cogirlAkid in a few days a neat frame a laborer, was burned at -Kincardine ort respectively t6 two anchors a mile and a In $oaferth, on APril 24, the Wife Of Djr. uA for other roads to be constructed in era changed the guage of the Welling- Hold Worthies, one of who' the 22nd; insured for $200. - half apart this being about the length of, tiez, Inmem-M, in, though recently gave birth to three full grown dtie ling house. Ed. Cash, of it, daughter, Mr: W`m. Bismett has the currant., on a ship being faken Ic Colborne. on April 10, the ,7ife of commiftc'm Vt connection therewith $11,000,000. Of ton, Grey and Bruce road an a week neither party nor witness, sat besi4e and well developed ca I -van. Thesecalvell a largonumber of men en -aged in build- An amorous but very bashful youll, U hold of, the dpums will revolve and cotkru time will be requireill to obtain day with very little interruption of trat- the Defendant's counsel giving him in- died shortly afterbirth. Hadthoylivea ing a large and eiLcelloOlivery stable, with an income of,93000 per annu Fnad ver Law VAIP"tag ylvafij�m wind in the chain Mr. k. Duff, -I'Vol teacher, of a E, ant Tiozznto-1 these amounts, but there is still a doubt fie, xiad accomplished the nine task on structiom throughout the trial. The they would have been'quite a curiosity.' situated south-west of Mr. Elstoii's lie- tises in the Paisloy Advocate for a wife. over the bow, while Son - 06% �ho tug is thus dragging itself and their Sar*uis ant Toronto lines. What jury after about two hours absence re- It is rather an unusual occurrence for a tal. There is a larko Supply of brick A PresbyterLttn of North EasthoPe, tow along,the Mack chain will pass over, In Scaforth on the -23rd April, the wife Mac-lonarld. 1" astr,,t, whether the loan can be effieted at all- they did the Grand Trunk can surely turned to Court are two calvesp but for a heifer and other material in various parts of writing to the Beacon coniplaina of the th Vto c4tattuymoom" taiveaktiiiCtococtlatle � with a Verdict fnr the cow to h tkoi2-7t r - I a stern, and si6� to its former position,! of Mr. Andrew Calder, of a daughter. 1L rt ow== 14M tu damt1aseaftet tkoir -to. It in a disgrace that such a wanton Plaintiff for _$160 damages. J. S. SiR_ to give birth to three is something the the Village, for building. purposes, and length of tbe sermons delivered by the on the river botforn. In this way it is In Seaforth oil the 24th April, tho wife and JGnC;3, ra Vlotou- and flagrant viol%tion of the Fourth clair for PIff. 0. Robinson, Q. ('., and equal of which we have not litard of be- everything appears to bid fair for a Porlbcu�11!49 CT 19;ijivera, tko pub�mer or paelA. rift th clergymen of that of part of the CountY. expected a 1,200 ton ship c bu tn- ad VJ commandment should be tolerated in Davison and Johnston for. Deft. fore. -Expositor. rapidgrowth and advancement of this of Mr. Jas.Alulhir) W 9 WAT 00RUM20 fA4W tUm %%to &11 arrears are P Merchant, of a &%�_Pmwa am U& 9dePodiallils for 1 Mr. Hardy, the Reform candidate, our land. Middlesex, 91 son. PCs `P- A Iton us. 'Alton -This was an act ion of Promising village. �Expositor. Mr. Ross, West ves up the. rapids at the rAte of froul three Writ seaL t1aa, 36 U-Saww'W" seduction in which the parties conceraod notice of a resolution in favor of Parli. to four miles an W20ftes6a take tbapari. � Was OIL Monday "turned for South SocuL.-A xociali wtitch was also in- Daulmou. not later thart tour. well CS t1jo LWA lived in and about Lucknow. The case ament meeting in future, I - ­_ - ___ -I- Zrant by a majority of 251 . tended to constitute the annual meeting XAZZ14%]CS. Ga-,kL the I Oth day of XtRuary in each yatr. A Men lktysulre rnstrataL was settled and the roporA withdraiyu. SPFLING SIROW.-Ths A911filild- And f,)t7jo IrAd t%W w2d. vaad2lig ataurs be or hav- of the congregation land a jubilee over ' -brecU hic tbon tatka ask% to adit auk soup 'A tootift. the wiping out of -the dek on the church, J. T. Garr'ow and 0. Robiuson,---Q. d., Wawanosh Brinall. Agricultural Society, -On Saturday the 26th A consignment of thorouvh t:, ZU1136 as at, taw JVq&L'sc for Plff. Sinclair for Deft. . GeDrge Brown remove to outer ?Z206i was hold in the basement of Kno. ifist., Mr. John Martin of the "No wax shipped fro it Han IS Nothing mortified Si -r John A. Mac- On the 11th inst., Rt theresidonce of the i ",*6t NIV$ Or TIM WZ=. x hold its spring show at Dungannon on lt�y last weak for Cali. donald more than his discornfiture last brid0a father, br the Rov. D Perry, to pmrvido ec'? t'. Ex Taylor vs. Admins-This was also an , Works" mat with a pretty severe va'5cci- farm, at B:)Yr Park, Zeucs, Rmd cz �n form(ax t1a Paultib", aad t1keir P*464f�Aas or Church, in this town, on Friday even- the 23rd inst., and was well attended. dent from a circular saw, vr saminer, and the defeat of his 'nominee, as-Pitpere ate Seat to the r*M*r tkey tion of soditotion. fondant hich lacer. fainis. Good for Canada. Mr. James Graharn, of Huron Tow in last. Dr. McLean was called 6 the the Do The show of Horsas was good.' Tit* a f- Mr Vidal, irk the County of Lambfon h5:A d chi H0.10 01 cemm,2 :kTho water is so low is the Wellan a lives in McKillop, and the PI, ated his hand in rightful manner. ship, to 5fiss Jane Howe, elde3t ir. The secretary read theminutes aintiff and Judges for horses were Ilessm. John Agirl aged five years died�at Papi- , - tLcre3y, incey��! Canal that navigation is almost impos. of last meeting and the treasurer the his daughter in Hallett. SAtled by Washington, Win. MqMath and Henry Dr. Campbell adjusted"Itho bones and neauville, p. q., last week, from the &;La asi3qyed, as is his custoin, to take a, daugkter of Mr. Joshua Howe, OF financial report for last year, which Partie8- J. S. Sinclair for Plff. C- Karr; and for Bulls, Win. Young; Win. sawed up the wound, bt Mr. Martin efi,etis of an outrage on her by her unale, ruean revenge. All last ear mail' Bruce. Cis to t: steamboats subsidized by the Dominion' to 1pass AMC% az A G3 3. P. ROWILL &Co. 40 P&rk showed a very credit -able exhibit. The Robinson, Q. C., for Deft. Clark and Thos. Anderson. The fol. Will have to content himself with merely EdotiaTd Mainville. Government ran between Sarnial and OR the 16th inst., by the Re.A. Forbes, Lmstel EroLhc� 1knw, end a. X Parnso= I, C,, 37 A runiour come3 from Alexandria, . . SOretton vs. StreUon-An action of eject, lowing is the prize lisf allperintitilding the workmen in his The water is so low in some Wts Of tit the residence of the bride's father, yead a thhd ticzc ilow,, we our olfly authorized *A'A. Egypt, that Sir Sam]. Baker and wife ;.tinjg managers wore re-elected. Rev. Planing factory for some time to come. Thunder Bay. On the hustings at Pazk 1 re , pastor of the congr ment for some village lots in Brussalls. Horses. Colborne, the Welland Canal that resselscanbot get Lambton in person, anA by his candidate ver',�si;%Z AMts En Now York. egation, sold cer- -:-lot, Henry Fisher, Karon Township. Ur. Wt, Reid, tion fez tho seezz we" murdered in the iaterior of Africa made a few remarks on the condition The PlaiRtLff it ppearod had a BuTrE I'NspzcToit.-Mr. W Huron to Miss Margaret Ann Mc- Young England's Glory." 2nd Luke m Me- through, arid the mills are not rannnig: in elsewhere in the county, Sir John A. by tho nativm They were with the and progress which had been made Since tain lots to the Defendant giving him a 'Armstrong, Colborne "Tom Sayers." Dougall has been appointed Butter In- consequence. Macdonald plainly intimated that the Claren: eldest daughter of Alez. Mc. canchO a he came here, and also gave, an ac bond for dead. He than caused a more ' orne, "Honest specter for the 04ron, Esq. opVc6two. We Egyptian expedition up the Nile. count acorte survey to be made and desirad 3rd, Ottor-Wir0n) Colb eason. Afarmerin, the townshiP of Minto, People of the district must support the ton A-2 ew-% Fie men have been killed by a colliary to attend the meeting of the joint Union moat. 317. CV-' of his recent trip to St.John, N.B., Defendantto take the same numbered Tom." A BACKWARD SJCAsoN.�The -farmers last week, sawed a cord of wood in five Government if they looked for Goyern- _()n the 16tk inst., by the Rev. John irdicifes tAe firns to lots in the now survey, which lie refused 13ulls:-Thoroughbrod over two years have not commenced sowing yet and, -minutes with a two horse sawing ins- ment favourm. He was as good as his Fraser, at the residence of tho bri(io's explosion in North Wales. oommittees of the various Presbytei;an h'3 i0 POid- TAW, "PITIM c to do. The Plaintiff than brou(vht this old', lit, Win. Darn -in, Wawanosh, there is no time lost as there is little or chine. word. The ostimates in the previo4is father, Mr. Wm. Morrison, junr., -32,- nIMris a3t Mr. A great coal discovery is reporte(l be- hurches. Rev. J. Sieeright offered a I-Owirg resla.t few 'Pointed remarks, and readincys were action of ejectment to which tho J adge "Hopeful." 2nd, Richard West, Ash. no growth in the 80il Yet, the -weather An Ottawa paper gayi;4hat ne-third mention contained a , vote for' Lake south line, Kincardine townsl3ip, to tLen -Rcnt mron y nt's purch field. - raw and cold up. to the of the member of the Dominion Par $19,590. This Gra2e, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas ispzEd up to Ist tweenPosco and Bow Rivorg, Manitoba. g . ng, Mr. held that the Defenda aso was having remained i lia. Superior Mail Service of 1% A Manitoba despatch says that there are Bell and Mr. Fraser. The'Misses Fraser, not sufficient defence and gave verdict Under two years old, lat, James Mo- present time. ment are now, or were at one time, year it was $6,250 less. On Mr. Mac- MeGaw, fisherman, of Kincazdino. marc,'�, and 6:il as ozgeip frOv b Dr. McLean, r. Stra "�:T, whhozit Ma!An--7J it f,+ &s t tl�eir i.;terest kenzie making enquiiy as to the cause reports, of hard figutinit between the Ferguson, Duncan, Gardiner, Grant for Plaintiff. DefendanVs counsel re- Donolngli, Colborne, "Prince A rthur. FOUNDRY TO BE LROLD.-The Seaforth newspaper editors or publia'hers. dcrcd tLo Ihi7d ro to a3 ozar f -_I -ms are paid up of the diminution, he was told the On the Sth inst., by Rsv. G. Clark, Re v. $2 Americans and BleLfeet Indians on the and others supplied niusic, vocal dnd marked that lie had filed a Bill ill Chn. Foundry we understand will be sold by A joint stock company with a Sarnia and Thunder Bay line was to be Dunning Idol, to Miss Sara Jano A LWADVA-4CM., Ofh--M, instrument&], and the ladies of the con- cOry against the Plaintiff for specific Public Auciion on the 15th of may. capital of $25,000 is being organized then savanced WiR�s C�argod. Canadian sids of the line. The Yonkton 0 to left itut in the cold; and the Minister of Wellwood, both of Wawanosh town - ani Trenton Indians have, crossed , .he Zrogation a plentiful supply of refresh- porforinauce of the contract of salo. C. Quicit WoRx.-Last Monday noon There is an excellent chance for a man start sidouble kiln 'white granite crockery asticel with an ignorance or want of ship, County of Huron. ments.' A considerable suin - was re Robinson, Q. C., and B. L. Doyle for Messrs. Donald Brothers, builders of with capital' to start a Foundry 'and manufactory to turn out 850,000 worth veracity surprising even'in him, declar- By the Rev. W. S. Blachqock, at tho line to the number of seven or eight alized. the PIff. J. S. Sinclair for Deft. this town, laid the foundation, and on Machine Shop in this town, there being of goods per year at St.,John's. ad the bouts in question , were' really residence of the bride's father, -an the enquisTre Into e t It tC 10 a sit a ju2t Cy Sunday Tr ftnt Tr=k ZAUW&T. thousaxid. &ad threaten the interior Settle- Jolatston s, Johnsion-This was an Saturday completed the superstructure an excellent agricultural country both , Li u en n o n I apson,foiln;Ily nothing more than anAiiierican Ii e, Sth inst., Mr. T. Trewin, to Miss Al. SA ACCIDENT. -A very sad. accident ments ant Manitoba. Oeo'urrod at Clinton on Wednesday eve- action between relations concerning of a brick cottage 254x29J, one storoy north and south of this place. We member of the o1dPafliament of Canada carrying freight from Detroit to Duluth. ice Charlotte Hobbs, eldest daughter Q-1310191ZUR 3=10N some farm transactions in Stanley and high, for Mr. S. P. Chapman, of Tiver- know of n6 better chance. for many years, being els We commend I The frost of. last Friday niglit, occur ning last, to Mr. W. H. Lowe, formerly cted from the dotaft, in va-b I Traizis l3ave 83 follows,- I - of this town, and for some time past a was settled by the parties. Sinclair for ton-Beporter. thisastounding statement of Mr, Walter Hick, all of Godorich. lcq), chver, E; ring !to late in -the season, in reprosentea Piff. Robinson, Q. C., and Holmstead TuE FALr, WilEAT.-We are happy to country of -Sonlanges,,died on the 22nd to the people of the W_estern pwainsuls, Mail ........... ........... 7.00 a. Iii. resident of British Columbia. -Oa the of Seafe . rth, for Deft. ACCIDENT. -On Thursday afternoon iearn that the fall wheat promises well inst. and also the fact that those jealous On the l4th inst., at the residence o 01 Paul ................... 10.00 as having donst serious harm to cotton day in question Mr. Lowe had been in n adopted daughter of Mr. Me in this part of the country, Every field , The Montreal Witness says: It is ru- guardians of 'their interests, Me h' a he Rev. R. S. Mad= '[WO 10 49i. ....... Carter vs. Kelly -This was an action last a asrs. -------- M.- plants and early vegetables in parts of Seaforth disposing of some property he Lardy's recaived�most serious injuries� in which we have seen looks wall and we 'mored that the Han. Albert Smith, of CArling and Glass, sat silent wh�ile it Cooper, John Dobson, to Slizabth to the RZ;I-VEY a-�& d;aa as follows,- owned there. If e was returning to arising out of a contract for the building Noble, eldest daughter of John Noble, 117. t� South Carolina ancl Tennessee. of a School houi;s in S. Section No. 7, the now school building, by falling over hear good accounts from parts we have Westmoreland,will be appointed Lieuten- was being uttered and failed to help .. ..... 2.00 P. Goderich by the 9 o'clockltrain, and on - Hullettl Esq., all of Southampton. S., arriving at Clinton stepped out n the Thursday and nearly the whole of Fri- second story. The little &I is, not Yet TYPHOID F.sv".-Several cases of Mr. Macdonal1of LureburZ,to &judge- ex-ftshiogton igh Joint should at At the 0. P. Afanse, Tiverton,_ by the 3cxoi .................... 5.10 The -case occupied part of the ba-anisters, ini doncending from the not seen. ant Governor of Now Brunswick, and Mr. Mackenzie with a single word. The usa ..................... 9.35 go 4ntf, platform to speak to a friend. When daylast. The evidence waaexcoading- out of danger, but there are good hopes ship in Nova Scotia. least haVe known that lie failed,amongst Rev. J. Anderson, on riday, the 11th LOCAL VZW2 this disease have occurred in our village. Xy. anup" thatrain again started he went to step ly conflicting. the parties themselves, of her recovery. -Reiew. Tolls were collected on the Dominion other misfortunes, t-) obtqiti for Can&. inst., Mr. RDb3rt Donald, to Miss I on, but stumbled over some baggage SzEtious ACCiDENT.-An. old woman, edeae and fell between the track and he plat- wearing directly opposite. After a keen LAROM YIELD. -Mr. Andrew Horn canals to the amount of $169,124 fin the diau vessels the right to.carry on the Mary Fraser, both of Kincardime. tEnt enqzl- ;Clt MR. J"zs You:NG, formerly of t I between 70 and 80 years of 'age, named' American lake coasting gzabacTilpers wM eonfar a favour by this office, has sold the Harristost Tri contest on both sides and the Judge's Durham Line, Kincardins township, last fiscal year against $190,280 in the trade. His At,the residence of Mr. James McK%y, Ravauced pA" AMY4rrezalaritY in the &tsne Ho - form, his arms across the rail. The charge, the jury retired and after being three years ago planted a setting from an Mrs. Campbell, of the 7th concession of year previous. The total trinnagve of colleagues, howaver,realised the blunder dZ"ry of their papem gives up possession on the wheels passed over both arms, almost out two or three hours came into Court early rose potato purchased in London, McKillop, met with a painful accident property carried last year was 63,03D,233 he had maas in order to vyr'eak his spite fther of the bride, St. Alary's, o1a the M 01C n W�x Sth May. 9 121st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Waters, Et 11 Gpc� severing them, the right arm at the 7 in Sonforth on Wednesday eening last, as. well as the subsequent exposure of saying that they were unable to agree, for 25 cents, the second year he sold and of vessols 3,721, 364 tons. Mr. Aexander Stoble, McKillop, to i AN ULD LA_nDxARx Guirs.-The oli wrist and the left one at the elbow. He and suggested a settlement of the case, n potatoes, She was in the act of getting on a his want of practical information. After bushels and kept the house i Mail advices from Thunder Ba tate Miss Christina McKay. 'log hanso on the Maitlant Hotel p er- was at once removed to an adjoining which the parties 4dopted. J. T. Gar- and the third year he sold 100 bushels waggon loaded with lumber, which was that the new Pas a whispered conference, an assurance hotel, and Drs. Coleman and Gouinlock to standing in front of Carm;ohasl'a hotel, WIs given that satisfied Mr. Mackenzie ; At the residence of the bride's father, To §�MU T�da 2M at SU tiM86 tO rllftift 'ty has been pulled down. We an t office, wareho is and items af 13sial news, reports ef mizatings, or, row!and J. S. Sinclair for Plff. C. Mr. Gee. Bisset, and has 50 bushels left, t tall -on AM C 3_7 a a US t stand it was the oldest house in Goder- of Seaforth, old friends, summoned. on which she intended ridifig home, and store of D. X. Blackwood w Y ind the Sarnia line, just increased 'by a the 16th inEt.. by the Rev. Goo. '&,T. 0:! any immdent �1 istarest They amputated both arzaa above the Robinson and S. Malcomxoa, Clinton, all produced from that 25c. potato. very foo destroyed by fire at two a. m. 26th eithe? inthslonj?ity whersitomilralb for Deft. I Morris. the rea lishly attempted to climb over - and couple of new vessels, will enjoy the Brown, Mr ffenry William,, Of tho Orzx Aaiur.-Te track to the bar- Iriurad parts, and did everything pos- Alurray vs. Thomson -This was an so- r wheel. While standing with of March. The place was r same adv.�ntages as the Collingwood Township of Brant, to Miss 31ar- Gy Publzo wc::�f I to tlto 00-urity at Isirge. sucli matter sible to ease his sufferings. The unfor- her feet on the wheel, the horses started, then set fire to. It t, �f the TDwmhip f bor is open for traffic, having -been . . tion in some way connected with the the way, why bad not Mr. garet F. Hears may be sent at the rats, of one cant per own b thd tunato men also sustained Ome, MJ ary The Morris Council mot in the town, causing her to lose her balance. � In fall- The steamer J. D. Crow, daring the J in tLe elf c 1 - - rA fel cleared of the zand washed d y affairs of the Canada Southern Railway he top of h. Betrley' Robinson a word to say Arran. wL it' msrka4 Primtees Copy and not on tike back of his head and on one of ship hall, on April 17th behalf of aline so beneficial to his At Lucan, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. ing. her rightfoot got fast in the wheel, freshet at 0atham, drifted on t in Jr To ismiu-1411 puWicat ring freshetx. The cars are busy eon- his logs, though they were Rot of a seri- Company. t was made a Remanet by All members presen't; the Reeve in and before the horses could be stopped one of the docks at that place, and was tlt,5,21117 � voyint away the grain brought from consent. McKelcan of Hamilton, for the hair. her right log Was fractured a little above left high and dry when t constitmenc*r Cb'uld he not do one, ME -Dwyer. Mr. Donald Cameron, of L"Us it should =m, ous nature. At the latest accounts he he water went good turn f.?r Algoma !-Globe. G -t fb 6 Kincardins by the propellor East. the Plff. Hon. A. Crooks for Deft. oved by Dr. Scott, seconded by J -the'ankle. She was immediately car. down. The steamer Dominion pulled her Tfembl-gy TflorEj C11as not later th" MandaT evening. was very low, and his recovery is sonso- Mcpherscn M McGillivray, to Mhq Maggie Ficher, Pmmov.&L.-Mr. Conklin, who pur- V&P-4vis-An action of eject- Youngest daughter of Mr. C, Joh in thel what doubtful. Mr. Lowe is a iqativo of R. Miller, that the.account prosented.by ried into the hotel and medical aid sent into her "native element" before she sus-, The MaW4as lately been kickinsz up a or, of Eust Williams. A r, ish- Kllbyczaent�y T'k chmed and shipped a large quantity of Harpurhey, and returned from: British ment for the WW half of lot No. 65 in the Board of Health for the -village of for. Considering1er advanced Sge, it tained any damage. salt last saason for Chicago, is again in the town of Goderich. Thecasedepend great f ass about the appointment of the Colnmbizashort time ago on a visit, . - Blyth, in Morris, amounting to $165 30, is very doubtful if she ever recovem A Was CIC21tcd froz �Lo town. On Monday he loaded the pro- and I to dispose of some pro *don a variety of legal questions, and be paid. Carried. from her injuries.' The Princa Edwar(i Island govern- Rev. Horro#s Cocks, as Chief Emira- t the residence of the bride's father Payamomt perty. He -Expositor. Stratford, on the 24h inst., by th, peDer Europe which arrived from St. for ment has resigned, having been defeated tion Agent iii Britain for Out 0 was to be married in a . few weeks to a was t.ied without ury. Verdict Moved by Dr. Scott, seconded by J ario-de- Rev. Thomas BT-nepherson Mr. A. I on tb a Union issue at the late general alaring that he is altogether anfit for the 7 Catharines on Sunday. He intends pur- young lady Itill recently a resident of DefeLdant. W. `11! Squier and 0. R. Miller, that an order be granted in lb tLl-e. chasing smd shipping salt largely this Robinson, Q. C., for election. Our Q=Of little Pro�- position, an& that. socially and morally Matheson, -of the Stratford eacon, to Goderich, when he intended returning Plff- J- �- Si- favor of Thomas Halliday, for $10, be- MCA G! "Lo 172.6 0 sess2n. clair for Deft, Tho Plaintiff intends, to ing for charitT. Carried. inces in the Cc n is not'so he is a disgrace to the Province and the Miss Iff. A. McLeod. to British Columbia. He was at one Eelf zpko --I IFFC move in Term against the verdict. favorable as to justify a feeling of regret Government that 6pointment him. But TnA szLzmovs of the SIG-ZAL ate tirne in the Stieriffs Offico here, and Moved lity John McCrea, seconded by The following in a copy.of the circular CV101tilL I Ferguson 7.13. Watts-Ation on t at the result the Globe of last w�6k contains a letter acknowledged to be tko very choicest. universal sympathy is expressed at the we W. J. J ohnston, that the Road Inspect- which has beau issued, respecting the promissory notes. Verdict for Plaintiff Its local news is full and fresh, its mark- great mi3foitnue which has oyortaken- or be instructed to have Clark's bridge inspection of butter, bT the dealers of, On the night of Saturd A*Iing to his "dear onat at reports ar# reliable and correct, and him. by consent for $191.43 the amount inst., two evil-digposed persons entere Mr. Cocks" in whftk-�,,�, that gentlemen is InVoclerich, on the 23rd inst., John planked and Ruttan's bridge rais- this neighborhood ;- of claimed. Sinclair for PIff. Squier for ' the orchard belong informed that Mr.f�arling regrets that --l it i3 in every respact a first-class local Deft. ed three' feet, and also have Brown's At a meetingaf merchants and traders . ing to Mr. Crapp�iv of §Z Finn, aged 20 years. jourrW. Now is the time to subscribe. Mildmay, and destroyed thirteen u- the wicked GritsMurned Itim. out of GODERICH, April 80, Town Co=ail. bridge -repaired. Carried. from the Counties of Huron, forth and Tzemb:qy. -172 V:I -office before he coC�,d appoint him to the Oil the 14th inst., at Little Current Only $1.50 a year in. advance. Matheson vs. Matheson-Romanet by Moved by John McCies,seconded by J. Bruce, held in the Town of Goderich, able apple trees by stfipping off thef,51, a 2:0 7 Cou--fel, nsent. Squier for Plff. G. Elliott R. Miller, that the petition of Peter on the 10th April, 1873, it was unani- VP that the tres cannot survive. very position he occupies, bu Manitoulin�lshind, after a short illnes' L CHAmBiR, 25th Apl. 1873. cc t in 8 LNat -�(cnUc:rwi t� Rimmuzz?, our nowstory, "Olive attorney for Def D. generally supposed in the neightt which it is a tated t6t he (Carling) - wil from paralysis of the brain, produced eOPEm of ais daWs SiVsl can 4 Varcodi," -will be commenced in next is- The regular monthly meeting of the McDonald and others be laid over till mously resolved that they form them- wr� McKay et. at. vs. Watts -An action next meeting. Carried. selves into an association, to be called that malice prompted them to do th' , recommend the 46'pPointment of 'Mr. 'by a fail on the ice, the Rev. Thomas IEU hsd 6t oxce-pries S cs_"� due. Those who want to have it from Council was eld this evening? presentv on a promissory. note. Verdict for Plff. c4s to his succeigor. And the appcint. Hurlburt, Wesleyan Minister, in the that a the coinmemeamont should subscribe at The Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Coun- Moved by John McCrea, seconded by the Ontario Butter Association, and that On Monday last a man named LJOle ce:vcd 'by by consent for $236.43 amount claimed. W. J. Johnston, that the account of the said Associati ment was accordingly made on Mr. 65th year of his age. once. The SiGwAL wW b& sent till the cillors Passmore, Gardiner, Smaill, Sinclair for Piff. Squier for Deft. James Clegg, and James Russell, a- followi on be governed by the was tried before the County Judge of Carling's recommendation, and. if Mr. At Exeter, on It 0 rules, in the purchasing of Lainliton, for the burning of his own April 16, Mr. r.jeligya and TX0, M�Fcc Cocks is not just what he should be, it C M Suftla ,',*nd of the year to any, address or doliv- Watson, A. Smith, Sloan, Doyle, Gor. Bell vs. Rennick-Iction for a lumber mounting to $26 25, for repairing Arm- butter house, with intent to defraudothe Ajrri- Balkwill, aged 81 years. to 7J ared at subscribees residences in town don and Mackay. bill. Verdict for Plff. for $141.44 . strong's bridge, be paid. Carried. I - - iiiat all cultural Insurance Company. I is the fault,of Mr. Carling and not the he jMp-.eSgiM flLst a_,?- John A. Na�_ for SL Minutes read and approved. amount claimed. Benson and Meyer. n offer of settle butter be subjected by the a was aulT of Mr. McKellar that he occupies biaer Intended to allow the Commonications ronaived;- A ment with the Coun- producer to inspection 'previons to being ound guilty, and sentenced to five the position of Chief Emi 'tion Agent. 1gra anc _.-This Li*nt-Governor Seaforth, attorneys, and J. S. Sinclair cil of Brussels was tben-ilkawn up. and purchased. years' imporisonment in the pealten to eHiargsdi bro-jZhii. by Mr� Hrmtington to has =ad* the folio g appo tmou Bond of H. Howell, Collector. Ac- counsel for Piff. Holmatead of Seaf6rth The Mail's chickens ha Neva win in t, cepted. the Clark was instructed to send a copy 2. That an Inspector be appointed in tiary. come ve most certainly ci tm' em 1C I Z t be fUB Williatin Sloan, of the village of Blyth for Deft. to the R�eye of the aforesaid village. each town and village where practicable; IfauranexupposesHr Rykert,M.P.P. into to T f'MT,86tlgeAML An4 that Petition of J. D. Hayhurst to have hoine to roost this time. farood to A?POInt a MMizaRtes he did scr V-10. WANT" Cap. 42, See. 14, to receivo from posed of ED. [Vq., to be, the third Uurtoo under 3i Platt's Hillrapaired. On motion the The following cases are yet to be d s- Council, then adjourned. said Inspector to be suliject to the rules was doing his political talking without We are sorry to learn that Mr. ohn IR gum of $100, was granted, the work to be W. CLZG*, f the Association. hope of reward, the St.Catherines News Smith, of Huron Township,' st=d. Buchanativs. Young et. al.-Sinellsir learn printi" 3. That the.ramuneratio of said In undeceives him, for it. eays it isramou red accident a few days tage, which hss laid �. one wita ffie Ecs]W resolve tO Olintruct And : municipalities the baintessis voted in fa- lot bT tender.. Clerk. met with an to that he had fr&K dalay-ilke Inquiry, Is ban shwigthened 'vor of the Tiondlov, Haven, and Bruce f7 Plff. Dovla4or D.h. Ayoul!a Letter frnm G. H. Parsons "king to spector The decided by the dealers tic that SirJokn, as a slight reward for his him very low. who has been a year or two,at tize He Was cho� a b, every stop takizat by the Governamadit PARwar. ittle vs, )Wiiitt-Sinclair for P ff. valuable services, has appointed, H- P'na".wo' business preferred. Apply t this of- have Elgin. Street openel to, the Lake. (:;arrow for Daft. employing him. in front of the house, and the slick on -ilk rzfftMc4`t1'.)tk*ck2X9§@- ThoBill TiRm Hiciaim ABovx Tnx SEA, in Referred to Public Works Committee. 4. That the followitig fees be paid to Rykert solicitor to the Welland Canal- whieh he was atauding slippeil. l5oing flee. Howic. -Gdlies vs. McGowan- Garraw for P. ff. BLYTH POST Orricz-For some tiin� such Inspector by the producer and af - No dc;ubt he will made a handsome thing unable t Goderich, 29th Apr'll, 1873. jeo CCWME(,J4ft Of t"D Snake, t1a committee to tairs, evi- fsot�of the following places in Ontario, is Letter from IP. AdLmson, Secy. High Sinclair for Deft. past great oomplaints have been made of terwardprefunded to him by the purchaser out of th&conveyan Ostop the blow,the axe struck dones timilaroeAreceirsidthe coldshou17 given in the last report of the Ontario School Board, with reference to accomp- dams w. Da'vis-Holmstead for Pff. the nonditlivery of mail matter at the of his butter, viz:- cing, &a. his foot bet-wite n� the first two toes cut. 1 Ott& L F!rultGrowers' Association, as follows : dation for said School. The GOOD BARGAINS The inhabitants of Windsor beggin to ting a most severe gash. Uafa crab der its t3as Qbidxons� bint suelt przagmm public Benson and bleyer and Sinclair for Deft. Blyth Post Office and instead V ie -Barrie, 7'49; Belleville, 307; Uoder- Works Committee was instructed to of the On all parcels of Butter 7,1*Z16, ri 4D, OW; C Morrison vs. Mo7iison-Benson and complaints causin feel quitejubilant Over the rapid'pro2peaa conditions set in which for'a time pro. IN THE nB Was bl-auglit tal U912- that the r1aes of the ich, 715 ; Hamilton, 325 ; Pembroke, look out a suitable site for a High g an improvement, not exceeding 10 lbs. , w t. ad to lead to most dangerous results. wan Meyer and Sinclair for Plff. 11olmst0ad there appeared to be a constant accurgu- net ....... 2 cents'. of the now water works. Messrs rivers W,�Ok), Howie wam annionled anit it pawed 49D; Paterborougk 629; Simeoe, 716 ; School building and report. Manchester Stote, Ing for Deft. Saito of Detrait-,,have a large ferce of Fortunately a change has at longtht4ken lation of complaints, till at list the mat. On all parcels of Butter y Stratford, U82 Toronto, 342 Wind- Letter from W. Kay, Esq. offering to al Smith is now doing as throug"a all f9a dhal stages at me sitting. Hope vs. Hearr�Benson and Meyer ter was brought to a crisis by a formal over 10 lbs., and not en laying pipes andthe works will soon place, and Mr Sit. 1E11F,_ -JIFWS. Ttame*3 well As can be expecte Led - 1hear part of expense of extension of and Sinclair for PIff. Squier and Me- complaint made to the Post Office In- exceeding 30 lbs., - - - - 5 cents. ON, Elva. roc gor, 620. be completed. The street railway i an It was 4*11yod ia the Sonate as far aid LAirm Surim7oit Lurt.-The Hanito- main drain adoss Elgin) Street. Refer- 'Xii, tits, members al- red to Public Works Committee. Donald for Deft. appeArance in on all parcels of Butter established fact, and the work will com- An insine woman killed and roasted pow Govartiassat spector, who made bin HE Subscriber begs to aunounce to I ba and City of M*Mraal will form the Robertson vs. Davison-Garrow for PIT mence very soon. The line will run T Zurveys isud On that eve- over 30 lbs. .10 rents., her two children in New York on r'4-nl tawv Was MQ hurry- The Bill 'Like Superior line of steamers from this Letters 'and circularis from several McDougall for Deft. that village on Monday. ........ from Windsor to Sandwich and will no Wed- Tow the inhabitants f the surrounding 'awa! port tffi the new beat in course of con- partfies respecting fire engines, &c. ning an investigation wait entered into, 5. That in all cases the packages con nesday. nshiPs that he has opened out in the 0271*ne alaasc,.whish can pro. I CILINEIITAL SIDE. - doubt be well Iiatronized. straction at Chatham in resAy, which is Messrs. Gibbons, Smaill and Gardiner which was protracted till near midnight, taining packed butter -be paid for by The manacrers of the Atlantic Cable Store lately Occupied by William Ger. 2911ecus wer'ks, rot The Queen vs. rthur Jqtatkey-Lar- a wake so dEac�su, but # tbL* Govem- i were appoint -ad a cammittes to make in- and resulted in producing such a large a- Th, village of Brighton has had an Companiet-thave determined to increase don, a new and well assorted �Stnck *1 fcz, #11010DO; ps expected to be in July. Ths Acadia, quiries as to relative merits of stea * ceny of two pigs, the property of Gavin mount of evidence to show not only was the producer. elopement. On Sunday last whila'at rents, repairs ancl- Mom& cza pravltnt the luvest'g&tion tM formerly of this line, will run as an in- in Hamilton of Colborne, about two years there a want of. ability in the rpanage- 6-. That the Inspector shall gFade all church, a young lady complained of being the fariff to six shilling& per word on the DrV Good& Groceries, at (0) ths Efc'miz rEsw, whrch wM FI-ObablY be dependent beat between Montreal anel butter as follows, viz lit of may. fire engines and to purchase if they gee ago. Prisoner pleaded guilty. , The mnt of the office, but the position of unwell and leaving hercloud and gloves HARDWARE BOUTS AND roffOES, fit. on ths 61k of man Aesarly a year Will Chicago. Judge appeared to think he had been the postmaster was taken advantage of The best quality of Tablo in the possession of her older brother The trial of the Tichborne claimant o a PATEiiT MEDICINE$, tand plerf is The price at which the old en the dupe of more designing men, and, to annoy those with whom he might be Butter, ...................... No. 1. sing whichheis prepared to give as gootl Vviryl e27aps& bof=a the r"2% of the inTfffigs- Twit Qrm-riox OF TaE DAY" i I gine* went out. She Was Met outside by her the charge of perjury, is -now preres th should be disposed of was fixed as t! fol- com em be P-m-samtsd to the Elnsa an -title of a lecture on Temperanca re- sentenced him to 24 hours ill the COm- at variance, even refusing to deliver let- Thesecond quality .............. No. 2. lover, who drove her to a neighboring in London. The W7:pue u! fue a � a King" �400, "Union 600, men gaol. F. Davis- of Pbarnia Crown ters, that to the rightf al owner, were of The third ............ No. 3. village, where the twain were made qua, Bargains in , for Cash or.Prorluce, as any cleveted to a Ear% oently delivered in Montreal by Lieut. the couaLry. Notbing but 'a fvu aEd with 101D feet of hose in each case. offered to the Public. J. N. l9mra, of the Royal Marines. It Counsel. J. T-Garrow for the prisoner. great importance, and to prevent the The fourth ........ Please call and se'a for yourselves be. incialry hafa the charge -3, has beou1pulDlishod. The Public Works committee were in- The Queen, vs. D. JfcGowan-False discovery of flow long they bad been in e..No. 4. contraKy to alI rules of good order niada THE WARMETS fore purchasing elsewhere. in pamphlet form for structed to* take the levels on the pro- 7. That the rice of No. I butter shall and the wishes of the young woman's rev�:u wh1=1 em conduct e. the Goarnment distribation. It treats of the temper- f paients. party referred to in petition pretences. The Grand Jury found "No his possession, failed to put the Blyth be �governed gy the beat price o the Good Clover, Timothy and other Seed yo cgh Jaz4z us tc) infor tUrs is some, truth in ance question, which ijkpow absorbing of J- R` Bill " Davis for the Crown. Sill- post mark upon them. Afterafewwit The body of & man named Thomas GuDexics, April. 2p, Is7s. ou hand. wholesale market iller and others, presented at last clair* was retained for defence. nesses had been examined, bringing on Pringle, of Widdar, was found a few wheat, -(Fall) 7* tuh ....... si 14 gp I I go much Attentioni in an iniergotic and will, "tAr the comtm but t1a 3r=u- meeting. 8. That the price of No. 2 shall not, 5 JOHA GORDON. able manner and is well worthy of per- The Queen vs. David Miine-This was these facts, Mr. Holmes thought it prut days since lying face downward on the Eura:*. 317. ti:y appear to I&To aaads up their utinds usaL Reports from the Street 1napector and be mora than four fifths of the price of Wheat0rrmg) 11 bush. i. 1 lo ae i St. Helens, April 26th, 1873. 1357d a charge !of Perjury said to have been dent to resign, which had the- effect o- north embankment of the Sauble, near Floar.(per brl.) ............ e oo a @5 pced� the Road and Brid,-e committee were committed by the Def endaut in a a No. 1. that that fmqu�ry xa&U be delayed as . I ffi- stopping the mouth& of bbout forty othef i5ylvan Bridge. The deceased had lost Oats. V Dub .... . ...... .. 040 a 0 0 0 in' OrR Towx CoxTisurciaAxT fails to read and adopted. ' 1 9. That the price of No. 3 shall- not 0 AGENTS WANTED. davit made use, of in the Crown Lands witnesses, who stood prepared to te ream, �** bush ... C r)s a 64 pow:bla. 0 withdraw the brought against It was resolved to give $5 re at'fiy be more than three -fifths of the price of �is way throu%h the overflowing 6f the 0 ceed ward to Departm6ht. rt appeared that he De- that a change in that officiaL would not river, and it is suppoaed stepped into one Barley,'* bash_ 0 52 JO 0 62 FEW GOOD AGENTS WANTED us ths6twe were theauthorof &litter any party giving such information as v!AU fendant filade the affidayit tinder the be detrimental to their interests. The NO. 1. 9 Covering A n$L ZOMITMT AAt. signed" Ratepiyer ' which appeared in lead to the coviction of any person in- 10. That the price of No. 4 shall not of the culverts, th of which had Potatoes.#' bush . ........ 015 0 0 40 to sell Fruit andOrnamantal Trees, c e�o isna U) A ril advice of Mr. J. W. Karr of Ainleyville, Inspector passed throngh this ivillage been removed by the flood. An inquest Park, 9 1001b ............ 4 93 jV 4 9,) our celvans a couple of weeks ago, juring shade tree. oil be more than two-fifths of the price of in the Counties of Huron and Perth, T,'na Age goxpireg this year though it has Our distinct denial of th the Commissioner who took the affida- Friday -on his return. A. report of the was held and a verdict returned ia Hay per ton ........ ....... 1300 014 00 for a 11 cla No. 1, $so �Iterican a The Finance Committeeredommended vit and who also drew it up. Mr. Kerr case will be made to the aco)rdance with the alt6ve Chickens P.9 plir .......... 0 25 -0 0 S' )o C, is. troth of its statement. This is extrand ill facts. Liberal Si n -Ilowed. ant it N isquesticit among business man e payment of the following accounts; - swore that he told the Defendant be 11. That the Packages containing No. WaS General, who will no doubt accept the�::: Batttr,* Z ................ 016 a ols Address ly dishoumb" a on its wt. The public F. R. Uann e8, John Martin $3, Mon- justified in making the affidayit and cloaan and in good or- The St, Marys and' Credit alley I 5 ID an WM&'tkxr`z 'S� Vs" difffrou" Of 'wM soon Is&= kow much weight to at- treal Telegraph Co. telegraphing $2.72, resignation, and appoint a successor.- battermust be, ................. ...... 4 Sf, WX. OAACPBELL, believed so then and ever since. The Nelo Fra. der, otherwise it shall be branded No. 23 Railway Company has been organ Geiieral Agoiat� Godelich. and the following gentlemen Hid#3 ...................... 8 00 (1 a 03 22 to WiletBer It should be re- tacb. to the xtatenents of urnal Chowettl & Co. Bookal for Treasurer jury and No. 2 shall be branded No. 3. bave Mod ................... iOo 0 s go* April 26th, 1873. after a long absence returned to bee, 23Zo a 10 wraddir not. On Saturday 1"t 1(r. who" motto appears to be 11 781, a lie $12.68, Yates & Son Flour for relief $9, Court with a verdict of GidIty, with a 12. That the soakage on all packages appointed' officers. of the company: ......... 0 5D 1* 0 60 Mr. 1D. A� So" and tkan Stick to it." f9ons of Temperance rent of Hall $60. President, Dr. D. H. Hirris 10 BUIL Minton. �- Wool .............. Mackarizis faclairsdi[ of " Governisiont stviong recommendation to mercy. The of butter holding from 25 to 40 lbs., be on- Vice- doz (aripache 1).. a- 15 a 0 15 w1ul-lboamw they istandoM ixom Tun ATLANTIC To THE PA- R Tichborno petitioned for a Tavern Judge doclinet to sentence the Defen- EVASIOX OF XABKET BY-LAw.-A 1 lb.; from 40 to 60-11)ai , 2 lbs.; and on President, G. B. Smith ; Secretary; L. By" peoW to the Signal. pet 4tcl i1o'Nunh 3L arer, H. F. Sharp - WANITED, for the erec. to 'CMC---Thix is the� -title of a new work dent, and deferred sentence until next party from Goderiell. township wassum. License. No action taken. 60 lbs., and over, lbs. M. Clench; Treas T W"Is Sir JOku A- 3(aa10M-4d r*P1Utd : about to be imed br Mr. G. E. Dasher. Mr. Watson was relieved from serving. Assizes. Defendant's counsel intend to moned this week to answer f9 13. The price of all butter packed i Solicitor, . E. H CLINTON, April 29,1873. crinvd to ite A"_i� in arding. The ob�aretbf tion of artek School Aouse for S. that t1ts, 0minatittod, on Expiring lAws i ats, of Montreal, pvtblisher of -the Blus- on the Sanitary committee. evading tinnets ad firkins shall be one cent per. this Company, as shown by its 0 ter Meat, (Fall) pAr bush..... $1 19 a 1 22 S. No. 6, Colborne. - plans sad spec& have questions of law argued in full 'market fees.' He appeared before -the r-sl:s fications maybe see� at Waltel. Hick* k,2 the wouldiids argol so ropoct d Nes. From advanced shoots The sum of $50 was granted A. X. Court. Is &a is to corfitract a road to connect with th' ti&dWrability Ira& The r4rdict of the jury struck Reeve, and admitted the dharge, and lb, word than in rolls end pai , . ti) S a Wheat, (Soring) per bugh.. 1 14 0 1 17 be Made fro' -hich we hays, seen, our opinion is, that Ross, Esq., to cover his expenses to Credit Valley at Wood.%tock, Goderich- Tenders will be received up of 0@10ttinniag im luselvency Act for- an- most people present as niost. cruel and was therefore muleted 'in a fire of . $1 The merchants and trAders forming t. rioar,.(per'lirl) ............ 6 00 a 6 60 tol7thMaY. The Trustees Zo not bind the work wiU covanlaaa a large sale, It Toronto oil Municipal Loan Fund buxi- undeserved. Davis for Crown. J. T and costs $2.30. Better:had - paid Ill' themselves into this Assuciation would Marys, and from thence to sum� point opts.parbush ........ 040 0 0 42 alePtlid 'will contain, when completed, about ness, and ao - . a wmcla ihe to of than]& tendered him Garrow and, C. Robinson, Q. C., for de: fees.—New Era. respecifully inform . the farmers that. of Lake Huron. Peaie, parbush ............ 0 57 0 0 60 theinxelveja to accept the lowest or guy Bnrioy, per bzish ........... 0 64 0 0 96 tender. Frauco and St that 40 -tion of the Ron" tfizarhantred pages, and one hundred for his services. fence. they have done somith the view of rais- On Monday morning, the Bank of Potatoog, per buh ........ 040 0 0 45 A. SANDS. do. 1 engravings The funeral of a young man by the i �ngt It a s d of butter, ant to en- 'Alantreal in Fergas was entered b Ir- Butter IYo, I ................ 10 14 0 015 Goderich, P. 0. sild 9�d see 'an ar lit wGuid bet &*ft-Ptod. If there wore a speocimens: of which are, al. The sum of $50 was placed at the dix- The Queen v. Lamont—Perjury. Tp- t_name of Butler, late of Godetich town- �urag p ct file careful farmer's glars, and an attempt made to break No. 2 .... ........ OtO 0 00 April 28th 1878. a" , tlud them obiould be another act inost, equaltd walloxventod phot?graphs posal of the Mayor to purchase wood for ersed until next Assizes. J. S. Bin. 1 ship too place here on Thursday last., �gcn n -,lle IZ�jjKt of a I d roto 1357-C* ilinstristlens onitirwe views relief. 4 It It. will at all times coni- open the safe, but with3ut success No, 3 ................. 00 0 00 Wb -Th* . clair (in the absence of Mr. Davis) for tug u2na t1is subpet, than -during r4cost placesind subjects of note along the to commum- the Crown. Mr. Robinson and Mr. ears that he carne to his death by it ap� and 0 t a price for her butter. Gunpowder was employed by, tIfe would* thef-i The Clerk was instructed the h zhe, On UsTernniieut watald dirizat attenliae route &nil frsul % 91=011 at its contents cato with Ur drowning at Saginaw the Sunday pre. Egga, per do'z. (unpacked).. 0 ]1 Ransford regarding iight 0 arrw for Deft. Hitherto the buyers have not made that be robbers, who appeared to have 'been o.000 Notice of Glaar iansh party to I -connect I vlous, while attempting 11 n between good and bad but- frightened by the failure oftheir atte C1 over Seed ............... 5 50 0 6 00 =a v4or we sliould pronounce it to be a work ai of way through his pro The Queen s. Sinith—Aasault with in- to oroxa that distinctio . IP a inoat interesting character. 141itland Rosakth Mill Road. river to fetch a friend across. He was ter that they rhould have done, aild -the and tb have cleared out. The safe Mpt uny ............. : ......... 12 05 @ 13 00 NTOTICE is.hereby,"giventbat after the The is in Sheep skiu.s ...... .......... 1 00 0 -1 50 fs Awdord, sitopther likely the 20a tent to do grievous bodily harm a son-in-law -of Mr. -Ferris, efGoderich jog has beau that many of our best a d6maged condition, and the look expiration of Twelve days from this WM1 Too clon"11511141 in farm "odw year ftwsr W`OXT39 It was agreed that the County should, parties were allowed by the Court to township. His wife waw a. witness of as have i K1fxW`1N`9 —Every balre gravel -required for streets it is to settle this case on p makers have become discouraged in try- been so disarrangeed by the explo n ........... ; ........... 6 0' 25 date, 1, habella IWFherson, ef the town 14- �Z to at load. number of Petere MusicaWonthly cc syment by Defen- the accident, and was almost driven to ing to make a first-class article, conse- that the officials have been iinabl -4io SmLvonru, Apfit-20,1873. of Goderi6b. in the County of Huron, keep in repair within the town free dant of costs of prosecution. Davi's for e to L"', taint from alglit to ton pieces of choice of charge. inisanity by the sad calamity.—,yew 911—ICI j�uem to :]Kew Music, worth at lout $4 ia shost- Crow'i. Benson and Meyer for' the quently thousands of packages of bit tter utilock them. No clue has yet been WhwLt, (Palo ......... ... widow, will" apply to the Surrogate Bra. el f -re oat OUZUbm fem, aUdiall the publisher asks is 30 The Council than adjourned. Deft. have been sold �in Englarlil for the price obtained to the perpetrators,*,' Wheat, (Spring) perbush ... � 112 1116 Court of the County -f Huron to bo�ap. V, lvc.�,J it BRoxE His SToYE.—A. All pointed Gt;ardl-,u of David McPherson, Yr. The Queen vs. 'Gallagher Larceny. ort time 4grease, resulting in heaAv losses to- - A RETURZ; has beau- lail before the iloar; (per brl) .............. 6 00 0 oO � 1, 0011ts & DullibOr. Think Of it / Four or sinco, an event hip is place, V2 0 Vt. 10knervA, member for the South 1 fire songs, Tocal dusts, four -hand pieces, Verdict—Not guilty. Davis for Crown. pained in th the merchants and traders, and also to House of Common3 by the Sooretary of Barley, p6r bnsh ............. 0 50 0 55 Dollena Agnes. 2JCMbr9z)n and E Ilen The Assizes. which demonstrates pretty clearly that the producers. McPherson, all of th G3 E ise niax&- I," bos,&dirsoting 414 Attailation lu2d four piano pieces for 30 cents. No B. L. Doyle for defence. It is the nanimous State showing that the Gove oats, per bash ........ ..... 0 4.1 �O 45 rament Of. B�ase, Goderich r e said Town of Cf CIO ]CM111try, One or - two superfluous indictmerits "honesty is the beat polic.11 It appears opinion -of. not only the mereban ts, but Quebec havedoaght the interference of per bush ............ 0 55 0 60 ' Infant 4ild en of I Jantnes Ila. C c the 60yommosit Wthostisto of G&Ior- =99W family call Afford to be without As pronaised in our last issue we here-'- that wood belonging to different parties Phorso alcial to Ae this valuable, magazine. Our advice is, under give a report of, the civil and against each of the parties Arthur Shark- also of those engaged in shipping butter, the Dominion Government against the PAatoes, per bush .......... 040 0 0j) a$ jlxs ick WPM vrUm As, eawastof Wore 'to " subse sy and Gallaghr were summarily in a certain neighborhood, disapDea' Pork .... ................... 5 co 5 �5 Dated at G01101710h this 30thApril, WAA red that if the farniers encourage this move- settlement by Ontario of the Municipal to vialt ec, y ILE UIL Buttor, [No. I .............. 0 0 -ribs, sinZ. play', and be hap- criminal business that has already come quashed by the. Judge,' who in strong very mysteriously, and all efforts tit find ment by prod�icing a good quality Of Loan Fund, on the ground that the 11 1) 015 -187B. . No, 2 .............. 0 00 11 0 09 u-sder- SKWUWA4199 in tht H911140 The May number is just to hand; before the Court and been disposed . of. lAuguage copdemued the practice that the thief resulted for a time in vain, but butter, it will, result in great gain to fund is set down in the Confederation .1 No. 8 ....... ; ...... 0 00 11 0 06 ISABE LLA McPHE RSO, eet1w ilasn' Hubors sta Ukn 30 cents to J. Judge Wilson left last Mond Eeteme xxiv "A Hiroure-voto- *0,00D_4W,_ w Tork, or for Walkerton, sy morning one of the persons whose "pile" fell themselves. a quote the words of a Apt as ajoint asset of the'old Province Willow Of eild James McPh�rson, L_ P No ndisposed of appeared for some time to have prevail- TLO T r I leaving in ed in the, cases against these men of rather faster illan he liked, determined la�ge shippqr n this article. " It the of Canada. and that the Government of F�gs, per doz. (anpacked) .... 0 11 o oo and inother of said. Infants. cuior 873 will be cases to be trisil by Judge Toras. The if'possible, to find thd guilty tine. He price given we a according to the clual- OW, Xn Cameron rossai" on the us-' Hid@.3 ........ ............ 11 00 6 0 S. SINCLAIR Elm. SH maw for R. Court is still aitting and is not expected having afreeh indictment laid before the Ontario is not competent to deal with it Hay ........................ 12 00 1600 tho caini'lian Grifid J ary at each Court. accordingly bored a good sized h(,Ie in a Prov- ne"W'"y st&U of GW1*2Uk Ksrb*r Till COVXT� ROOM.—Ths unsightly to close before the and of the week. - I . ce of hardwon ity we should eon see a kroat improve- until the arbitration between the Wqoil ..................... . 5 25 co nice pie d, filled it with yeamin an& 9w ay fa whikh 44 work W Usst wim pl&s" iscrOxia ths,Court, Room hae, Most of the cases tried have been The following is the presentment of nient. Itwould bea boon to,consumers inces isfally 4etvrmined. Th3 DJminion tc., kL! powder, plugged the hole, then placed and also to leotimate producirs,'and a Government took no. action on the appeal TORONTO MARKETS. ce perfornoiL ff* xU9 improe"d upon the boonTmovoiandnewomospistupinge. I some of them occupying more the Grand Jury the stick in the midst of 6 pile of maple, of the Quebec Government farLher than April 26th, 1873. ON STORE. that IDVCn 4G.. - - cord"" with Ustruetions receiyed from t -ofsaits clear gain to, D country. if some practi- repums Ontario -Ghand "and awaited developments. 'He had sycou be -found of making but- to forward a copy of its protest, to the t it t1w Aftm4y of ay. We give the report B16OMW06D, IlliaOis,wh0tv a similar triod, in the order in which they appear C cable w n: y f1a Ausays, vikh haa roesupw WW ounty of Huron JuZZifotr our Lqdy not to Iwait long, howo-vei, f ter liable to, ifitspection, and 6xing -its - Lieut. Governor of Ontario. Froua—Fancy 6.5.95, to i86. No. - or in the -experiment for that socustlo on the'Dockst, To Wit he Queen beg course'6f a d stick dis. d Ig su per, $5.50. Extra $6.50. ght or two, gai price acco d's to quality." We may pro ImMa"buliding w" trW Molson's Bank s. Deem—Nacderf 'to Xreoent that we have visited A James Suth eals"abyflif sprin fro". 'Wt A- L� f yorlise oil a I appeared, and a 'stove, balonging'to erland, an old pensioner 6 jail, WHEiT—Fall $1.25. Spring so=d k6 We, 'Motli for PIT 'h7 swrt tka tu sw Aboirs, tko elevator is wits guesses. Ro s1withdrow the record, the a' find it in a very clean and add-tbat t oyement is not confine -i Govfmm. cu, 13T* fey 11 died in the township of West Zorra on Was- Manifested tur CA" having bodd xeltlod by the parties. state, and the ailor, orderly neighbour was badly roken by- 6 6wator to the& ounkies, buk similar steps are the Ilth inst., in the 87th year of his OkTs-4 - 2c.* Wit undlornb04 and tw tko fioor sucit imprordia as Mr. Campaign falling on it, you know." The roughen( Ont rEY-68c t wnar of being taken t ario. -ft 1141 the Assi M, I"* Weak, WINM POMBE -Fralicktir. Ver- very courteous and ttentie to h*' said stove has jince got a age. Deceased vras a British soldier for and AU'll i��, A" riatforin wo stakink URIe" the a is new one, -He peas -68c., By order Of the Committee.- 23 yi�ara, and seryed in the 29th Cara. in the buk jisrt of tie rom'bouldhosr t1ist for T'Iff"by consent. Soplor f6r- uties. orill undoubtedly bu his wood in fat Colur-490 In Wh 684-wece * prolooted in "W way t1W Witkoni amt - � I - � Y are. I iDoft. Godetich. 4 110, 1873., orontan Highland regiment. 1W. Doyle fo pri -12 to 16. sr- 2 piuful strxiniqg Whi& We found only fivo Prisoners therein' -New Kira, He BUTTER— sweawwome fiarther tamp this moot. .1mfw1sa� 111001111"17. "of -6ourse Adi - AVidW tio. The C4*rda -&uthern Bail- none of which, we Are happy to may, are Zzeter. fought with Wellington at Waterloo in OHZZSZ.-12 to 13ic. j7hcn : 9-1100 " tvay Cometaity—This was -au setion nfinad for any a' 1815,forihichservicehereoeiieds oil TO 3fY VEffY "1"00'4f I oo 1HOUS charge. We "W]�YIS-ITI so?—Can any Ono tellthe EGGS -14c to 15c. Utor a ow"r,011SUCT :through- re "Oulwom MZZTI1((;._Our vills-o Canadian jublic why money is so scarce, Ver 11 1*01rAt kit fis if, Aj*M fig brou bt �ytho odal, bearing an insignis of the I tonversed with thez and find they a C &AV09 tisa thxt it shmild Wh' -t of the Wondants' road is as comfortable a# sirounistanees cian per- 0ouneil � mat times. Heals* received a silver mo44 PoRx:--V8,75. evey, 'Par NUMEROUS CU�TOXERS 1h for the first time and is being hitld by the baDk1s st,ten per 7=%W Isero AsWro idowifft pordise, Wt, ii the Towusliip of On" in the L for good cdaduct—never having, been AWD THE tait of and have no -complaints to make in the OrAV90 � Hall, on the 6th 0eut or In *hon they ara-disposed to C' I KUY such PrO ore rumbe County of Hsldimss& � Tko, Pwigtifild; ofi6ein the' guard house. BeAdes the WAU11190 2U *m1M_W0 - will oWnswas foondod OU iho against their keeper. inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M� discount? Tfie revenue is I flouriBbing., BEZVES—$4.75 for first class PUBLIO'CEN9RALLY1 the GrAlrl�. TAOS*" I W 1506111 imiios* tw fib"T dastagoo re-, We beg to congratulate your Lgr4.. The Res . e, Isaac; Carling, and the the * O Arnually in-: above medals he held one presented by with 25c J* mw�$Oaw,t# I aid exports a more for pick 10015"W tw" Is XAMAM" no 'Onf= A* dust Baiting from the ship. that the Criminal -Valeadar is so Councillorsike in' in a ouut, the, �Proyinciil in- ueenVictoris in 1845, for services roll- Qd, 4+.25 to $4 50 for I thank You for the veri liberal patro& B121 W, SO we Wuk So To" C�ou sars. James Pickard, W. or rom rown LandC'has greatly- second, class And $3-50 to 44 for. third age -you have given me for the last of the r0ro" throixk flitintUrs Und ii ht %nd hope that the County of H., Verity, John; Trick, and Edrdia COMO in six1oreign. battles, Tiz:—'Tou. class. House iL-en he aOng otils "Nive t bTrrS"4V0fWhiCh kit#" Were EAU 1 201 May I ragiftUill its reputation Di:�wy subsed Nivelle," "Pyroneex ten years. J. &in iletermbled ,I& U in a siou *1 241- cic� at*" sclizrzi Wistondlt this sust. W tO the 400111ration -of Advanced, an the pricit ofell Maids of 1118alamance'and "Fuentes D'Ono6' to merit a continuation In nW, ma,for tbo dosti6otlea- of bits jo sound moraFs and a Ole. Is donzi it ;%'wheat= Wet oj�ssr os � ci -in presence of Joseph- A b in is g last year. nor. Where stroet wooring oiziz,4d by tto nogUgMcci of the pe"o. you Oxon ood vrio fair4irops I I t of his okw "soon" smuft Adw, Exq., X . P. 'rel The in Is are now in, the as of your patronage LC 14C 17 & RMW rs" oftko Dof ts in not propedy,inain. Ion Wel ty. ti,4esmsn complains that he Doebased was among be. April 2Gth,, t873. 0a * put #W ce" A"M uji" Before closing this, pressitat* Moved by W. H. Vet4tYv seconded cannot collseq , his sconuntsi the farmers children. by selling xuw* who sew at settlers— ving ea FLOUit_— Zxlr .1 1 20" i issi tainins t1Wr feano olosig the, ling of would beg- to call, the attention of the and lde ving ea Ice& s, $0 90 to 47 20. you in by AM va U A V91A 11141"" ot Wised- mdWsly JimOKW, 21my Wit- court to -mowillismo, one 0 i5rew, tlist3fr, -Afich"I E..-- pl"A povoofi buoitiess in dall Fancy, 46 60;' Otrong Bakeris 16 10 to a" dithin wrioso* - . f the prison - opinion that he is of Moved by W." 11. Verity, jwnddid, by woollen mins,1 PU-ces Of seddidle ow Wk an sad -Oo a" ooiu- We ore Of - GO A" wom " is adwaspus", for W mawb$m:ts wo Afty'As roaa. 7%no s: a -grant ritt: be Clerk for -the village. Cistvied �i*hufaoturinq,is beini-Rujited.' The that Towwhiui -qr upwar a of 31 , ea $6 20; Super. 45 90 to #G 00; No. 2, GOODANDCBEAN ODS- r. 04 lks" W#014 X4 n the Provinoo are work- On Tau accountof the rapid ci.r in #5 60 to $6 70 J Fine, two par" kaow 3W 0" VOY aw day.. The Jitry returned A' unsound ipind, and would reco' mind 1. Fickg��, thailloanc. YZ- ph Achs- ing short _tinii Lawrence, from Rochelaga lip Middlings, $4 00 to. $4 25 ; Pollards well Aquorted st0k of C -al wi'12 r, M , A 96 to $5 0, You will always'.find on hand a full and ObJ006 to PY f4c 60 SwrIM ConsidW- for OW PIE for 4M.20damages, that he R r#;nQr*d to 0 More suitable son and O'sorge Kilpatrick. the Guelph hictories are tke St. tuga Awir Aww"No AM �by adi jW iwwsvw sw aw aqviall is XV P%Nk paying WK91024 of Hawilt;oxt mill Allksl4m q( plate. bt W059M offtWrhandsoishorteninge to the Long Wharf, Montreal, lugs loftdia $2 75 to,$3 50; City wlect 64 . ter of difficulty to drag WHE&T.­Xcitales' 11Vc'7 A* tol.m to' f0U7 subtait. ' Carried, their tows from below up to -the doelci Ba, $3;01). A01400,W410tkilltitwoulinot be jimitm O&yugs for plff, Han. Adsm Crooks, All -of, whicti, JX res* t Moved by John Trick, xswnd*�'�j Or sales majol" formerly. And ill this awswL Sam" goism _#Xy to ba Ploynkent, afia, morij is not1h be had find it a mat DRY GorNji GR01r A U, if be UP" 5111W 040taw, Wks, is V* it watered. Q. 0., for befts. �CQABsx G.Ruttx. -- * ' U 4,Le W"t stroot " far " Go 13"k of Xft. 3fwixy"� 00,44 j*Ua4rn 2?ail"OV t4d. drod Drew, out Mr. Robert Sandoris iii the face ;f heavy railway expendi To -remedy this tato 9f things, th6 jF , p Nothing doing, . . 9 ar- RuvySlo 1W - xs.-w—Pork, B trewo am Jonir UAressurer; Crrig, 0QtN A'Shoe, rz"dy MAde C, Lo D'Jeo $19 to 419.50; Lad,10c.; BatterGreaas, UAW"", we U A" io W 00,-Thilt VU on Action of the saws, us-; turesi: witli ldrger ones in prospect Tell bour Commissionorx ioma � tim Moved by W. H. Verity, seconded by some H AR etc 741v 1W hwu" will dior City r4asn tars Xf the ust s*& Wait mmu is, Renw iticaleoo omist that ifie balance decided to purchase a chain tuZ, And Sorts, Oc,to 11c; Fair to Good 130. DWARE tc n Im 6# "W*y sad Aw - plow SUM4 to thk, id Ju_ry Room, I JrmeaPiclViltht this Council do oftrxellagai�ijt,us At once explains -the authorized Mr. E. E. Gilbert (if the l8o; Choice, 20c to. 25c. COesep ISO in the followinglines Ora now Aik. ra to , to", &gain at the Court difficulty, -and 'be will %eply that 'the- CAnsda Works to build engines, &6,, for tcAtaul- or Q 0 fwDo to Pr' Roo ATAILS, - SHOVE� LS, 1,10 R, kc., &C WeVis, odwvW tW meows #1 W Patis 0UX01,07 0VAGIL—WO U244m4" saiss rX Crooks, . , f , A In on 3(oAd&y next, At 7,01010 to,4410, -25, 150 to,16a. C4� my lbo ro4aisW in XsA- it it Mw intmtka to Asno, the pW Zvhm" w. Woods.:_%%is WAX an W P19P -P. large- imports a suitable craft t6t be employed in this ' TimOTII'k SZND,-43 25. P. $.-200 1 13im. SpUt Herrings. does not osuie r mainer at the St. Mary's Rapid, The CLOV �6K- oftb#Grmd Trunk fron Goderiii to *a ispiwk a son of Dr. Woo& of Ber. TwoMytkonud walloiUM's UIOW' - XXW BtFMIXOM.—Mr. Thomas Horn. 40" 1 W010't P w fitted oubos, Szin.—CG to $6,25. lour fts4w on SWNUv "Zi, A shoo $use lw�, for WOW* 40WIt PwAtic have stru#k wm*# o(*Of 40mi rd At Xr, Aijaxis.—Pots, #0 674 to #6 75; Pearls GEO. XCXEN=- aibertlayi0orknio ou the canal. U#on one outi, Goderich, Jan. 20th 1871'.. t are on th12 obb`4 D MU id ted 7 out a