HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-09, Page 4Th =z1 litz=07.a. Wise Drown ia oncesedingly fair, Mize White is as red •as berry, _ Mise Mack has a goy head of Mites 4rIrave.3 ie Cirt ever merry ; Mira Light:bet: weighs al:stem stone, Mica Mein c2ZZSInteiterninstor a guinea. Mine Mane weara a -Wig and has none. - And Min Seletatou is a end ninny ! realee for the Co Of Sheen. The eeneral aectil of the A:eternal: Emier.mt Company et yes 114 1110 I,IiI.A% • • mg I. li- slop shoep dry %inkier f‘tot %%iil, ' litter. This i .s eveii mare 110ee3S41.1' ' _than roofing them. Nevin- let them , etand or ho in mud or snow. 2. Take up ram lambs eaeily iii summer, and keep them np initit 11.- cember 19t, follow:nee %%hoe they 10. -yr li: turned out. 3,, 'prop or take ont tho I,,w c 1 thus savung. broken liml-s, 4. Count avers' day. Et. Begin graining with the g:•eatest i caro, and use t1.7e smallest quantity at ! first. ; 13. If a ewe lose her lamb. milk her daily. for a fon- da)s, and mix a little ° alum with heir salt. 7. Lot no hoes eat it the sheep in ; the spring. / 8. Give the lambs a little mill feed in ; time of weaning. 1 9. Never friehten sheep if pessible re ; avoid it. ; 10. Sow ire f n• w....., ones in veld , weather if yon can. I 11. Sepirete ell Ay oak, or thin or r wk. front Close stroll t. in the fall. and / give them special care. , 12. If any sheep is learn catch it at ; once. and wash the wonini : and if it is ; fly time. fa pply spirits of turpeutiti: 1 tinily, and alwave wash v. ith something - healing. If a 1.1 lb is broken bind i: tip ' with splinters ti,„?i:iy. lorisening :is the 1iinbs'w ells. Mice Mittimay's a teerible scold, ; Miss Doves ever crass and contrary; ; Miss Yonag is L1OW grown very old, And Miss ilkavveide's light as a fairy ! ; }lass Short is at !east Eve feet ton, • 1 ' Miss Noble's of humbler extraction ; ; Mies Levo has a hatred towards mop, ' While Miss Still is fel'OVG? ill action. M./sp.-1re= is a rezular Miss Senirlet's as no as a lily ; Mess Violet W.(17 shviiralis fronnour view. And Mies Wiseman thinks all themen silly. NI:es a nighty young elf. Miss Lyons ft\Int terror a feel, Mine illeo-s net at all like Eagsgf, NILss Carpsnter no one can rule Saddler neo s tne•nanted a horss, . MI -5s Groom from the stable will Lein ; Miss Kilmer°cnn t leek at a• come, And Miss Airawell ne'er levelled. a gun; .11 -es Greatheacl has no broil:mat all, Miss Renetwell is over camp/aiming, Miss Dance ne-er has bemt at a ball. Oveli hearts Miss Fairweather likes • 't; -.%1.ss Wright is censtantly wrong, Nines Trekoll, alas s not funny ; 3.1iss S:neor tan'or warbled a song. Zend alas Mies Cash has tib rueney ; Miss Pieter:can wonld give all she's iv orth To p-erzhase a =tan to her liking, Miss Merry is slteck.-A at all mirth, Lao Bxer t.:te no:: don't fillet sten. liree w'.:% 51.1,117:,W 61.e7:10WS. M SS 11. ,,0 tar2srliT .seeks the tomb : Mee n ant vs' ss e".er.te s never • at %eine :' Mtge 11.tierne5 resides in a eit v, liee 11r3,74.c.°S !..U1S-S Stoalfast aro sriakea ; Miss ProttiaiZis tx,fita is not pretty, 3,ME•ss Faithful her lave has fereenen 34:es rerter despises a't. freth. M es .''ttales they .1 make .-• ,.• 1 ;1:12 Mnre Meekly ice apt to be wrath, Mas Lefty meatines_s is sm-sint ir es Seernere's nsblue 1 as a len. 11:ces Lest at s penny is first M sZnieini-nt s rlped eat. An& Mies Waters has ainnys a th ills: Li.u.,ht is nyLy changed int.-, Dv, '.U.sa Der wears to menery a 32.4s l'ette ilerece has test ran away. end 11.se Steely ass:sted lacr Ret e netess t the fat:- Ogle,. and .JOL NI !...,ii-a?praIter.....,xas 1.e eaentng . e.g... ale the deer see te 11..ere s no herm, I hope, ie. nies- innene ODD f; =M. 13. Keep a nie..ber .,f id bells on the slice?. • 11. D•in't let the sheep epeil theie woe: i:h chaif ,,r rs. Cr ts,;-1),:ks erirly spring. Id F.,r se-mrstive pnlverized alum . en %Tata: bran : by ta:,atil. ..treat ea• -e for ,2,reea , 17. lione is lame. examine tl,o f •,••. • clean oat bet Neon 'the hoofs. pare the hoof if unsound, and apply tohazeo with blue vitro!. boiled in a water. Pz. Shs‘Ar at ono any sheep c inen,:in4 to sl.ts,1 its wool, 1111: -.•As • weather mil sive tart filly t ho pelt of any e".cep . it cnee 1'). lleve ..eae. ene • •1 n, en 1 you rae;e10:: te. :et Zcetisas; sof sas .?rafcesisa. An . , , •.- • N flaron, • ' y et., • :0 ). • . 1.; .11.1 Irvine- •t nee Ker. , present. i • . • . .,.:.- tiess,;• • C •: . ..• 1-; • " . :114, . Z -10 . • ;i • . • i • . • -------------------------------------------------.•••1 1.1.:. •4.•-• Pereengton thiakatlean. the grin • , hire a wiesie icter ie.:. reel ...eene,,0 n .7te s;:„.:L.s correctly. • !C.4' ;'. . lezener Ns Yerk- aelvartisee 3' lerainel en 1 el -.nee thet •• ,e7; in of 2-,reat a . L imr. L.Z.Z! CM the head is is • • t-) P..L4 . : t.; sessesser! Leeir a:Trovsl 1 a '1' re 4_ --inege• ring -.7!.-,augla the streets one v7":e • i 1'7 asked if he was the man wile eleie-nAinenbs . ti!:• 5:0L7 he, .1 g.ned feeling, aed tile men; p:e.Jsent har- t!••fe ,r4rT-0 Wia," got alowed.' morty prerailA. AVe in,derstaLd tentrrent laizl dinwn on the map. it iz b . ot to be fille‘d up with tfi- votes for p..1•Z"... not sett1,31 yet, and the tneri.illers o the Ifedical Council. 71 ne re ieIt it a e :met who throw away 0 -9e: T. Fairbank3 leave in meni lastaacee, beer: sent to t:Le:r c.c-la,;:a.s_s ant- go it blind: ae nrenentan P,`,12 enag .s. indeed. a liner a. • • Lena. iis• - Wall _Vapor, &c., HOLES ALE&R, ETAIL AT BUTLER'S BeautifulAssortment OF JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to bo sold 0 11 E-.1, 1.) AT 13 U T.LE Fishing Tackles, A 1.L KtN DS. .3ONSISTINGI OF REELS, B.1ea ere. i',Aiursoot,s end LINES! s qui/oriel kin AND 67,L1:111C AT COST AT BUTLER'S. Id.erwh, 1:/ti Aug. , 1C70. sw104 THE RiiSSELL WATCH 1, n ade in all sizes suitable for Ladies athl Gents, both ui gold and silver. But the ace..mpanying cut repro- set.ts ai proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING LEVER WATCH, In sterling sill er case and gold }eines, full jewelled, et arranted fcr live years— lenther with a gold-plated Alllert chain- which will. be scut to any part of Can- ada on receipt of e25, or 1'. 0. D., per express. W. E. CORNELL, watch Importer, 63 King Street Elate TORONTO. ONT. PA. CAUTION. 1. ()AA' THE GENUINE severe, naornbers of tho p.-ofassion have farloap.ks' Standard seys : kant find con - expressed. their dissati-fectien tbat tho IlaNUFACTUEED BY late to enable the votersto forward them When Ek. JQhtlla-'52 n‘ked the 77i"-Iew in time to be opened befere the eietni,•n P e•ter to be his wife, he told her enclid- was over. If tain •hs,s Leen the case. ly t' -gat ha was of mean extraction, that there, is certainly great cause c e: coat= ° ho hal an uncle hanged. The vndOv7: plaint. After the usual votes Of thanks told him that she had rack money b.erself, the meeting aijetirned. and, thongh she had not a telative hang - oil. sho hal fifty who deserved.- haiiging. , Pii,Tri.u, afanuer Su> tiaoy rozde a match of it. , I about 64 years of age, resi-ling oil th? man, Lake Shore lienge bec eeIz P.rt Bruce hands in hisPftfrets, al" a ,PIPe ,t4 and Inverheren. list 31 )uday evenine Incirzt"- 5),_520 "a47"will cominittedi snicide by cutting his throat. ✓ ne °Tat' , L" a alan otplueb, e was fenn1 h: his e ife Iviti4 dead by nP `7-arkirig the stove. We- :ave- heard no reason to make= COMO (Mt. assigned for the corntni3ii..in of the rash In Irishman was iraearnoliaeti for re- ! art. Since the ably.: was in type we feasing to pay a deeter'e Mk, when he yesterday reit:tiredfro= oar Under - was asked !why he refused to pay.— 1wood col-reel:et:dent the following par- t- Why, what should I. pay for r said tic:tilers: Oa Miinday the 24th lust, Mate ; he didn't give me any- Mr. Charlee Pligrins, a plasterer ii -.'in thinj, het comoomities, and divil the one near azie de dere cnnamitted Snkide by esQll 1 'ises0 in my- stomaelt at all, at ciitting his threat He was found bv Standard Scales. his wife that evening at 4 or 3 o'cloek h his h .1 t hi- threat life ex - Scales, &Co. FAIRBANKS 9 A gentlannna in speaking to a real t au o s tate agent about the Bituatiora of an ea- tinct, with his c ,at of, and :570 in his . vette whiele he was about to buy in a level He tell IIS v:ife at :leen , neighhorh:ted, said—" The country is , fore she went an;; th t h ascrazy, eeeeearoy basat,faL andirdo qs3 ad. ; and eo.nni-Insed cry:n..; 1 kisei:1;.• mire a rish Eat." So do 1, sir,'" said. her, he a'.s t r • •,thL:r day that tne, obzezpioas but griiming agent. she wid 510r1 044l.pr,peri.y. ?my, sai.; pergola at the hack Maleelou MoKey, cern: iOle, W2.3 ! irt:',Z6t1•• pray don't press upon me ; 1. a,.& who 11:. I au inquest, and a i there, may be presently," said the other, e:rt lire truenit :1.'1,91-:11; ender . '• beeni.dee, sir, what'e the use of bemg in `j2 crwca if one mayn't shove," en -1 c,f a crowd, t) another who had just rilledi3't.'-'1Y s'd'Itit tnen:tii,'r with Dr. thera.5 one; yon." Bu, tti rent eel t!inst he died. by the THE CANADA Cgti FBA L GRANT. There is a good story t6ll of Bishop The eoirt the?, t'is.402.....„„assitti,m —eCeaneery has finally ; Moi:oro H- the judgment ' MERCHANT t a Yankee navy'eaptain, who said ti e"n5rnand You have in year province' two ; in far'"- :he e:eiel of the C.C.R.R. against the Pr ,einee of Ontario fer ill'unD iivai Bishops C, and ano32(439 acres land, ther fel- under an act pass- ; whiele cr;f. them — do you incline to?. -1:, aaia Mac-- ed before Cenfederation. The Mei/ says . lite Them. " 1 am- the ether fellow,' that the Government cannot Live the &era SCALES, Cosa, SCALP...it HAY Sr.zs,Dszai Sc.tans, COUNTER SCALES, &c., &c. Scales repaired promptly and reasonably For slle, also, Troemner's Coffee and Drug 31il1s, Composition Bells, all sizes Letter Presses, 8:c., &c. THE MOST PERFECT PASH BRAW?..11, ,) Yrif It, E.§ I. /I TILL CO.'S.' VLRY reeia. land te the Company., and understands , Denizens of the Garret.—Tho follow- , that tile latter sre wining to conspromi so ing Cle.OUB advertisement late, ly appear- for *2 per acre and to ace.--tpt the attquit- usl ::7°11,11tca_i•Pmlicadinoll-ne iiiti:29PILIP17-:::ep:::0dh.1 be':251:111: lialli:osuft:te:htdomewbni8';,s7aairirlal:g1t,i'llieholin;t:iji've7:Yo:-IiiinalesteauenrIndn j.ist-rrarried, who has no fur Liar uso for tlaa samo." I owe to the Mici.oal Loan Fund, , h.mwinting to 77•55°;.u4./.), as part of tho by 1,te• c'-'at•:"27A, a, 1.-'''arisilitli 112"rik°,7i i Ottawa Pnitl• owee to the ninnicipelines a Parre7e '..-5°' 50, =u1 a t°'t.'" ; of Lanauk, Renfre e, Drockville and the etreatFresehSnenete and ilkstratee to be a very eTnte one, :Ind the moat foraibly the intensity and exazge.ra- prompt settlement of the matter win tien of his raiiealliam. In conversation ! giro increased cent-eke:ea to Englieh one dav with Prinee Napolean, the `i' capitalists in /lien- deeenge with oer I .Prdrew -.....eked Ern what was the fortis of • Graper...4 and LordGovern:net-Ai. s...,...-.,:itty of which ho dreamed l Proud- homnie:saisl: " Ono in which 1-staall be The leaders of Gee Opposition hi the gneilletined as a eeneervative." Lereal LegiaIanure lieve reeeerfly beeorne ' AE1 on lady who died at Lowel1,11kckts. ; so tiresome that it is now quite fashionable was r,Laing orders for her falser -44 asd for- me.n.i.:iers on both sides !A' the Honeel I amengother trainaaid, she wantedto he to take tier/ feeeneienally, with a sure np to hear Charlie ; G-rteli eat" in her black sill: goon. and , waking Ity‘i.ort sp•oitiag in.tal. Charley and they =mast nst teakoont thermbreadth, , as theyIdwhenSl smith was laid the. Ye/vet-co.ztel Nize.lonall would „t an 010, lady, deprea-a. make a earAtal pair of bellows for a tingriy, tent cerianiely, "what a fig' nre cress -road :47laCasraith f, bop or where ; Sal will entat the resurrntien with -int eeneetbinee approacning perpetivil any haek tar :eeellth here gown." motion is regninth.1.--- Va.:v./Ns - I Szno'hing ea=, wore invented. to enable , Rev. Dr. Hodukin, Incumbent of Kin - " "‘e., goatio=ca to -1.7412Y a clasmilina habit cardine, having ac i,pted a parish in the witht offeneo to the Ladies. It is pro- ' die:sea:a of Teronto, his_parishioners on roaedto adcl SWO3Ping. coaches for dm Monday evening presented him with a came purps-ro. /ha this season of ob- magnificent pocket silver comnaunion otructicas and bre-Sh-agee„ swearing be- gervice, aeon:tape:lied by an address ex- eerne3 1:=LI. neennenesity ten the aver- press.l'ing their personal attachment and ago.sharinz as smoking. the deep sense of the loss they are about to sustain by his removal. A A waltee waetelellsk czuntrylasan to ,brizaBszzethisg.cd wriat hirm(A., The Faiursao,17.as alao presented to the Misses waiter L-ro-n,77-,t ha a rcgdar dinner tap- (3' c' an 6=112 i±slass' s i3 t12-9 T137-32 form, PatsEamaTio.v.—Tlae Rev. Mr. Davis, F''c get' f449= a7c'33-4 2113 1231(36 n° on having Trinity Church, Ailsa Craig, ClY32ti273-1"'P't 8-11"17C141 tt23- 131carE113Y frie for the paresh of Wing,ham was present- a=orinent,a.-sd thanisrGhs out : "I.Well, ell, on mox,day theztthinl, hy his sm. 1 lihoya-nr samf.cs, now bring on my • , grogation wide an address and a puree. .. 1 &SIX,. This shows the high esteem `Fneeferitowina sompY,es, of Pertrignew 1 in which the reverend pntleman is held ErIZ'.13-1-1- 147,1 PrOVeZr3 fa:1'0a fro= a , by Lib Late parishioners. "Manual, of the, Englieh, TGlIgatit," de- , - - - i.ignsil. to te3ea aeries/gene ta its axes L A Tdegrana from Fort Garry states comrscl, fzat ta ti,,,PGrtuggesayouth:___ that it is feared the Sioux Indians intend, .. Fto make a raid -upon two posts on the AY 2232"YrIn6; 4c' /313311(77luiral4" H -as= Bay Company—Fort Elise and Tea rseesteity dsen't know the OliAppallie. re successful, itis thought Ever/ 413 221Clea f6r; all' the inelmee will ruako a raid upon fee_es 'Es* stesesasae rel/ net heap up uazattoba, EVERY DRAWER Warranted, .501.0 sr FAL1BAAS, SCALE WAREHOUSE Fairbanks & Co., 93 Main St., Buffed, N. Y. 311 Broadway, New Yolk. 338 Broadway, Albany. N. Y/ FAT. P.,}3 ANKS7BROWN &Co., 118 3filk St., Beaton. For sale by Leading Hardware Dealers. 1353-2m .SheriTs pale of LandE. ..f Huron, Y virtue of a Writ W:t: of Fieri, Facia& is5tiell wet of Her Majesty's County Court of the Ceunty of Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of Jamee Clark, at the suit of Dona!d Robertson, I have seized and taken in Execution all the right, title and interest of the said Defendant in and to ,Lot number Fourteen vil- lag.. of _Myth in the County of Huron, which Lands and. Tenements I shall offer for sale at my Office, in the Cour; House, in the Town of. Goderich, on Saturday the Seventeenth ,day of May next, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. JO,H N MACDONALD, Sheriff of Huron. Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 11th Feb. 1873. 1356 SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. county onauron,2 ny virtue of a Writ of .Fieri To Wit : S J_) Foam issued out of Her Majesty's comity ,Court of the County of Htiron and to ine directed neatest the Lands and.Tene,- raents of Donald IS, , McKenzie,. and Debella Helienzte at the suit of Malcolm eampbell, I have ecized and taken In Execution All the right title and interest of the said pore°. dant in and to Lot Number Two Hundred and Seventy Nine, and Lot Number Three Hundred and Forty one in SolnervilIes Survey of the Villagoof Lueltriow filo County of Huron, which Land e and 'renemente I nail offer for sale at ny Office, in tleordonrt Hoene, in the Town. of Go - erten, Satarday the 'Tenth day of May nexttat the heuteof twelve of the deck, noon. JOHN BIACTIONALD, Sheiiff oillnron ISItericrs Grace, Goderfen, t le iiith Jan, 1873. . WHY ARE ffieptar,„tha, 4:021sEd A Vermont farmer sent to an orphan Lazarus Moms & Co's s2olig3Lar t_IN= wars:Cnel�s 1e taa4-, ' asylum for a boy that wee mast, active, "645414 -Leave, treetable, prompt, industrious., =sseaea Wipe es pleue,!intelligent,good-leekiug,re- S. germ= recently reestiee s 'Tee; sereetlandmodest. TheSuperintendent ,ter cut of the Venus of 3kla and haeseg wrete back trie,tt unfortunately they had parft, desired fait i ruly,lit be for- warded L,4 address-. Time following fazy hs3',1-31,to Zeal's, laoma early, he old ts leesersante "John, in else course eny Intirn boya in thatinstitution. 1 Hector McKay, an engineer employed af the saw mill of Martin McFarlane a tee day a statute tag I, Um bought 1 Teerwater, svss dreadfully scalded en 11- dela-seed here; Vise, it in Era "/ SaturaVbYttle kunstingethgam:Pira dree"-e lAe's return fit she of trio. poilor.-- Link, hops are enter- 7se whether testatate f-;'-15L'ea 02 tbat387-* 1'431* recorItY's had are. eel, "." Yes, 8"Srepifed dehrse ' _ _ _ _ j'ereus'es esseat figura in gsster, typ? 3c."1 Tana la ILA, Iry fr.; f],f' 66 Arilpeizsx12,1 leak' .13teie PAICAlWe.racralti. hews f-. geseissee s it 1144 been sol'd fa a gentremala Lou 1.4t373r2a, Ivo `e4 "sen are 4. and kneee7;ssweasa seb.a is 373out bstart a, Tory pap= at UFO WW1 L tainviggi ilia= Y.' ),,ezat towa, $p eetaelless YOUNGON TRIAL • roil MURDER 1 7 Neeleue-SAny person sending Abe' answer to the Agent, F. Jordan Goderich, within thie next thirty. &PS Will rQcofv& im order from.L. 31. & CO. fon a pair of their -superior new -pattert Hve (111a13e5„ , *w983w3 aotiorioifl rob 12 n The following Music.. Ifr Books are recommended ,11 as being the BEST of G their class: 1.1 The Song Echo, or Schools 00 10 Kiniterslelow Method for Reed Or- 1. 2 so 1 e gan. 151111,0 ready August 25, f rotors' Ricotta Plano School. . .1.1. Over 300,000 collies in nete, " • • " ' 0 rotors' thltrewee Primer fio Wearers Guitar School, 1 60 f Festival Chimes,far Singing Classes, 1 50 No Plus Ultra Glee Book. With I n 5. Piano or Organ Accompaniment, ; 0, . ',whim's Bahial for the Voice, 3 110 Peters' Art a Singing, 3 00 WitelitiWtellnSeli. (Peters' edition) 3 00 Ktuntuer's Flute School, 3 00 %Vim noratedt's Violin &hoot, Wimmerstellt's Flute School, Peters' Violin School Peters' Flute school Peters' Parlor Companion, For l ., 3 00 Flute. Violin. and Plano, 1 75 75 75 75 '411.0.0 rotors' Parlor Companion. For Flute and Pismo, (.4 2 05 G _. . Any Music will be sent, A post•Pald on receipt oi II the marked price. New -York. N. ADDRE11. J. L. PE mils, 690 13roadway, DR. HALLOCK'S NEW REVIGORATOR) pOR nervous debility, seminal weak - JR: nets, loss of sexual power, pre- maturedecay, mental and physical pros- tration, fear, despondency, and other evils caused by excessive seeret indulg- ence. This sure remedy is composed of the most soothing, strengthening and inyigorating medicine in the whole vegetable kingdom and is the most per - feet antidote for Ads obstinate class of maladies, ever yet diecoyered. It has been sent to all parts of the country, curing thousands who have never seen the inventor, restoring them to perfect health. Nervous sufferers ! wherever you may be, don't fail to obtain this wonderful remedy. The mere remedies are prepared at the Dispensary, No. 497 Craig Street, Montreal, and can be obtained nowhere else. They are warranted as represent- ed in every respect, the price will be refunded. Sent be express to all parts of the Dominion, and for sale at the Dispensary, No. 497 Craig Street; open from 9, a. in. to 8 p. m. Address all orders and letters to PROF. F. HA LLOCK, No. 497 Craig Street, MOntreal, P. Q. A BOOK FOR EVERY NI 150 pages and 12 answering... PRICE 25 OTS. A Medical Treatise on the Cause and Cure of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline in -Man, Nervous and Physical Debility, Hypochondria, Impotency, Spermatorrficee or Seminal Weakness, and all other diseases arising from the errors of youth or the indisoretitms or excesses of mature years. This is in- deed a book for every man. Thousands have been taught by this work the true way to health and happiness. It is the cheapest and best medical work ever published, and the only one on this class of ills worth reading. Address all orders to , PROF. F. HALLOCK. No. 497 Craig Street, Montreal, P. Q. 1362-ly Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STiONI The Peruvian Syrtv, 4 Protect- ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so <combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. Itincreases theenantity of Natures Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and "athousand simply by Toning up,In orati and FitaUcing the _ en - ricked and vitatized Mod per. meates every pent Of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leoAsing nothingfor disease to feed upon. 27sis is the 'secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in curing DYePePola,- Liver Com - ;plaint, Dropsy, anionic Diar- rhcea; Boils, Nervout Affections, Chins and -Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder,_ Female -ComPlaints, and all diseases otigissaiing its bad state of the blood, or arr ConiPanied by debility or a low state of the ,system.- Being free front Alcohol,_in any form, its energising -effects are not fol- lowed by corresponding reap. tion, but are permanent, int*, sing .strength,ifigor, and nests • life into al I parts of the system, and building up an Iron Oom- - stitutieme Xhousands have been changed by the use _of this remedy, iron& weak, sickftst suffering crea- tures, to strong, healthy, and happy _men and women; and inktrids ccamot reasonable:Me& itate to give it atrial. Bee ti;ateach bottle has PERU. MAN SYRUP blown its the gletee! .2"dnaphlqa Pre.. J. Ottiamosst, Proprietor, *4,4, DisT 21011,1r• by' isisiOnUT. -000 SALE‘ • A T the SIGHAL Ofilee, a partial scholar - La. sle!p fore mune ofinstructionin the Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto. Will bo sold at a redaction to anyone desirous of spending a- portion of the wia,ter in telegraphing, and fitting themselma fors useful and re. aponsiblepolition. Goitriclit 2sa Nov, 1873, ERIC McKAY, , _ abinet Maker liberal DEGS leave to return thanks to the inhabitants of L) Goderleh and surrounding country, for their Upholsterer, ase, 'been in business. He is now prepared to furnish all patronage during the !net two years he has 7' T -T P. INT I ir TT artIolos In Malin°. such as PILLOWS . 017 ALL DESCRIPTION:3, BOLSTERS MATTRAS$ES, Jzo., Cheap for Cash, AND QN THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE FRAMES kept an hand and made to order. Having on hand an assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS, I sin proper d te make coffins on the shortest notice, and to conduct funerals on the most reason- able tonne. la' Remember the old stand, WHIST 15TRENT, opposite thi Bank tet Montreal. Goderiels. Feb. 12.'72. ly ExtensiveNewiremis" es AND Splendid New Stock. 11111111 C. Barry 4, Bro. Cabinet Makers, UndertakerS& Wood Turners, 3121E.A.MMTC01%1 OEM Have removed across the street to the store next door to W. Acheson's' Harness Shop, where will be fonnd A GOOD ASSORTMENT I of elitehen. Bedroom. Diningroom. sad Par Or Fn niture, such an TABLES. 'CHAIRS heir, *atm and wood seated) CUPBOARDS BRDSTEADS, WASH STAN DV MATTRESSM,S LOUNES. SOFAS. WHATNOTS. _LOOKINC GLASSES GILT FRAMING. lar G. 13 Hare tzar clilinr sell everything in Cheap for Cash. If. 13 A complete assortment ofCellins and Shrouds always onhand and a Mares to hire ; al on reason- able tenni, A CALL SOLICITED. Gederich. 16 Aug 1870 "A Large Soul in a 'Small Body." The above cut represents our $70 Organs. WHILE thanking our former agents and ctistomers for their liberal patronage and confidence for the past year [and which we still hope to retain,1 we would respectfully call their attention to our style No, 61. This ,Organ being a 6 oc- tave, Double Reed [C Scale] is a very de- sirable instrument for advanced players, Pianists or parties educating themselves for the pianoforte: and as a parlor In- strument, it meets every requirement.— Our No. 30 is the same as 61, but differ- ent style, and more expensive. Our No. 32 is pronounced by all who have seen it to be the finest Instrument is the world for the price; this organ has two complete setts same as No 30. with two additional half setts. viz, Hautboy and Vox Celeste, making four setts from middle C up a,nd also octaves of Bass ?refunds). We are the first and only parties who make this line of ]nstru- ments, and the universal satisfaction they have given, and the immense sale of these Organs, show that they are ap- , preciated and encourages us to Make them a speciality. ! Applicstions for agencies, where we have no agents, at all times confidential- ly solicited. For Illustrated Catalogues, Address: A. S. HARDY & CO., Guelph, Ont. July 1st, 1872. 1333 ly. 1.87.2) 0E872 AS USUAL: COMPLETE SUCCESS Ten First Prizes At Two Exhibitions! -W. BELL & CO. GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize ' FOR Crgans & ffelodeon3 At the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, And Centre Exhibition, Guelph, • This grand success, in additfon to last year's re- cord of a Sliver Medal, . _ and 12 First Pilaff, Prove t tourifiudruments in the opinion of conf- petent dges are incomparably supenor to all others. Sole Propriethre and Manufacturers of the ORGANETTE; Containing Senbner's Patent QuelifyIng Tubes, acknowledged by all to bo the greatest improvement yet introduced. Their superiority fe conceded by other makers from the fsct that at Guelph they withdrew from competition, thus acknowledging their inability to compete with them. Every instrument fully. warranted for five years. Send for catalogue contemirg fifty different styles of instruments. 6 W. BELL& CO. Guelph. Oct. 75, 1872. 134e, Stoves! Stoves 1 'EYE TROUGHS AND Cljiammit) Ci8T1311M PUNDPOs Lail) PIPES, &D. PLAtIST 10.Asic.nr ' TX X 1ST Wt. 330,1 C O -A L- 0 I L WAtor4sn's .AND RETAIL. (110 COM: Lamp, &e.' Oa bon. Coppm, Brass,,Wocil poltiogiondSheep Sk.ne taken In exchange. I STORY, gr Sign of the Large OeafOii Barra Goderich, Aug 15, 1878 sw1 . X'47 OTIOBi Ak la!PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE ••'• oo wor env pre us tothe letDie. last, are riquired 'to vay TWAT ON011 tO the undeisi ned. • . ABE Id SHITIL ftoderioh, Feb. 5,12. aw983n3tf Wit 11:St HAVE uncm-nvEro grins4 IVIOATU.'n gills Velvets, 24 and 30 inch. Renns and Poplins, Twilled Flannels, White and Scarlet, Nubias, White, .Scarlet and Black, Coloured Turauoise, different shades, ,Sash Ribbons - Cord and Watered, White Brussels, Net Muslin. Green Hid Gloves. Canada Yarns and Hose, Also—Felt Overshoes & Goderich, 9th Dec., 18121 g. Fresh Fruits. 1347 111111151111. IL GARDINER. G, BOOTH, 11. GA RDINER, & CO., *GENERAL DEALERS IN - IFIArtiovirentartm PAINTS, A..1.41_41EINTPS -GLASS OILS, ts.._ PUTTY COAL OIL ANP COAL OIL LAMPS. , Nice Vaxietiot Plated Ware. HARDWARE of all kinds in endless variety, and. at the Lowest Rates REMEMBER THE PLACE, NORTH SIDE OF THE SQUARE, GODERICIT Goderich, July 23rd, 1872 1327. Cii FOUN_thlY. • , , ‘-1'3 .1 iti",••• ,., or: , --tkg141.1',51TAM N6i& W s7..01, rpliE undersigned having sold the Efuron Foundry property and Stock to the " Goderich Foundry and Manufacturing Company," begs to tbank the public kir their liberal support for the past nineteen years and trusts that they will continue to send their orders .6 th# E. RUNbIMAN. .tsTew 'Company. Goderich, 10th June, 1872, oSammmom• Referring to the above Notice, the GODERICH FOUNDRY AND MANU- FACTURING COMPANY beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOUR, GRIST 4, SAWMILLS, SAWIN'd MACHINES dre Hand • 1RON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steellboards, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, STRAW CV7TERS, SUGAR AND PoTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, 4se„ COOKING, PARLOR 4, BOX STOVES of various kinds. ri_AINTS Made to Order, --49.1g1M cg— Iron and Brass Castings. and Blacksmith Work. BOILERS AND SALT PANS REPAIRED on short notice, Twenty tothirtyHorse-power Tubular Boilers Generally on hand for Sale. grAll Orders addressed to the Company or: Secretary will re- ceive prompt attention. ROBERT RITHOIKAN, General Mimagor. GEORGE NIEBERGALL, Moaner 'Agricultural Department. Gederiek Ont., ltith Juno, 18721 HORACE HORTON, • - President. ARCH1BALD HODGE, Secretary and Treasurer, 1925 JOB PRINTING ^ Neatly, cheaply and expeditiously executed. a1 the office ol the • IT 1A. 0 IN S INT A_ IA CARDS, BILL .HEAD, NOTES,- • REC.i1P'PS, PROGRAMMES, • F9ST.E.RS, . N9T10ES OF APPOINTMENT, OATHS 9F QUALIFICATION, IPATHMASTERS LISTS, VOTERS LISTS,- - CIRCULARS,- . JURY HEADINGS DEEDS, tiLe.; Printed in tlib test style and at the lowest Rates, 'GOPERICil W9OL..;EN FAC3c)R . wmA..soisr 1872. . Tli. SUBseitnieRS, wzori ALtrunNiNG TilaNICS Pelt piST PARrItOTIAGE,HE0 12u/1. STATE that during the pait wlnter, t1iy hav, Added largely to, their anufactun gMachi 'es. . And allhavIng teen entirely refitted;AXe - inTwfecup, iTan,0011, issiipationsunets,.WblesYsIBlankets, Hone Corers, Stockhig Yarns; &cnow prepared to ecitiebrders -Ex WITH -GREATER DESPAIVII,- OF MORE DURABILITY, and :Neater in ...Pattern Than frorstieityi They welds* can artist* attention to CUSTOM : srimpsc. Nemo enigmas CLOTH .DRESSING• Ez me ry p -it idaPte&Partia ComitilfrOnta,distance Withwool to rtt circled, by tomtits the sons with Kr. IL Ptirguson,Merehant.Godirleb,can rely On getting theirrella Iterna with tbena Ih, saluedaY These wishing to exchange their Wool ler goods will Dud it to their totorett to give' th• uasonasr* a s I:r AI. p,'"-rlitt titrolitolrora guaranteed. . JOHN INGLISfit.•• SON. ProOpectO, for 187 —Six0 Voar.;. .: for Ode or to Rd. i.......,..1_,'" -:-*:77-'7.-.,•..1._-..,.......,-.......... salty admitted to be ! the loaadsseesse joi An Illustrated Monthly 7ourf 'visa, soave.. THE 111: DIN IL firA R.M FOR P,riodicalintlreWor d. , .ir? 7 Concession. in thoTownship of 001, SALE. rpHE ALDINE, yil ,:oge -boa in 11:1:::lesthfroTna N.th°e. Tleolw:NeflaBler: !,t. and driving shed with a A v-PePregen'tx- rich, on the Hayfield Road- e Not for fsztje in 11 tree and Champion o if in,e4oz Tade... Nith a never failing spring Creek re - under good cultivation, well wete -re-d- , swe-eaa a contaiping 80 acres, 75 cleared iinh e ' e ry or timely inter( ordinary periodical /a t miscellany of-pur -R . regale rityt has n torel A, . ref the tempora- Orchard of choice grafted Fruit, a geed Characterietie of large hewed Log House a Frame Bara tank ur Nevis loft 5227, With .other out Lth au sling through the Lot, a largo Beals::: for Caeh. rixaarge2'hi3ataybling literature; and a ( a 4, light, lisanadngrelatetraf nu it buildinets and a good pump at the baaes black and whit the rarest speck Agnsi a artigtio skut in yard. Thin property will be Sold Cheap collection of pietnree, foreCassh or on terme to snit purchazere. eee tng numb,er afforgs a fresh plezusure . se. Although each 'sue - ALS() dated ifte tit hal bee bound up at the to its friends , the realvalue end loextuty of TEN Ali.DINE w' be !Bost appre- Lot No. 1170, situated on the North ils other pubilea. midi, saear the Railroaccl Station con - side of East Bt., in the TOW11 of God- ftene mar, claim superior cheapness, as ' close of tlia, compar4d with kivals of a similar Class year. easing one qiiarter of an acre of land . with a pod Frame House and Frame THE/ALDINE is a is nique and original -. Stable and a few fruit treea and good well This . conception --alone au.d unapproached— absolutely without competition in price) or charaeter. The p'rossessor of a com- plete volume cans Lot d.uplicatothe.gnan- otittYheorfshfilleapepoarp7nnallmbdierenogrfavVilugsraines anfory etietnreitnta909, bieguits ea2s.t; oini then, there are the NotwitIvAlaanydinDEgPAtihleiminFierease in the p„,,rico 0, ...f " - fiubseriptip# last. Fall, when '-'4=rb allDINE asemned its present no- ble prop' ortions and representative char- ade, rp V de edition hai;ntore than doubled aulinf , the year; proving that the Ameri- cm! P' ablie appreciateand will support, 5191 sere effort in the cause of Art. The pub Ashen'.0 anxioua justify the ready 021 .fidencethus demonstrated, have ex- er,eed themselves to the utmost to de- 1elop and improve the work; and tho e AIM for the corning I year, as unfolded obfyTthr; mAonLtDhliyivis4sues: will astonish and delfghtieren the 11104 sanguine friends The publishers are authorized to an- nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists a America. : . In addition, THE ;ALDINE will re- produce examples of . the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, - and greatest general interest; avoidin,Tmich as have breceeempieeeeiany kind. femailnraritlitr, h eug. photographs e The quarterly tinted plates, or 1873 will reproduce four Cif John Sk Davis' inimitable child-sketPhes appropriate to the four seaeons: Th6se plates,sappear- ing ie the issues fer Januilei, April, cJounityi,nauned:ctober, wori*e alone worth illustrated 'Christi/lad" number will be the price of a year's sqbecription. The popular feature of a copiously To possessench a valuable epiteme of the art world ht a enet so trilling, will' command the subscriptions of them, ands in every section of the country; but as tb.e usefulness and attractions of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, An proper- tionpteortetrehe, thenumerical incr'esse of its eep publishers tropose to make "assurance double sur" by the tenoning unparalleled offer of .. • PREILTIIIAT C11804.08 von 187 Every subscriber to THE A INE, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive, without tdditionarcharge, a pair of beautiful oil chromes, after J. J. Hill the eminent 'Englieh painter. The pictures, entitled "Tlfis Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," are 14 k go inches—are printed from .25 dif- ferni plates, requiring 25 i oressions .nel tints to perfect each pic,ure. The chromes are sold -for 00 per pair in the art stores. ,As to,the determina- tion of its conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of tile reach of ,competi- don in every department, the chromes will be found correspondingly ahead of any that Can be offered. by other periodi- cals. Decry subscriber will receive a certificate, over the signature of the pub- lishers, guaranteeing that thechromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The distribution of pic- tures of this grade, free to the subscrib- ers to a five dollar periodical, will mark an epoch in the history of Art; and, considering the unprecedented cheap ness ef the price for THE ALDINE itself. the marvel tellia little short of a miracle, cren to thosOest ae:quainted with the acheivements of inventive genius and improvedl mechanical ap.4 pliancein (For illustrations of these ' chromes, see November 'issue of THE ALDINE.) THE LITERARY 4ne Alumna r will continue under he care of Mr. RICHARD HENRY $TODDARD, as- sisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will s&sive to have the literature of, THE ALDINE always in keepingwith its artietia attractions. TZ113121.1 Oyer annum, in adVance, with Oil Chromes free, THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subsiription. There will bap) reduced or cub rats: cash tor subscriptions must be sent to the. pub- lishers direct, or hand.fd to the local agent, without respon,gibility to the pub- lishers, except incases 'here the certifi- cate lOgiven, bearing t e fee -wage sig- nature of JAMES SUTTO 86 CO. AGENTS V7 D. 4.ny person,yrisieirig aotperinanent- ly as a local agent, will 'eceige full and prompt information by JAMES SUTTO PlAYing to. Publishers. 8 Maiden, kane, New Kork. TILE NEW CANADIAN WEEKLY. The _BEST 'and_CII_EIAPER Paper IN AMERICA. 16 pages WE, atilsnunLY for V.00 per ---- I - _ "The FAVORITE" PLAN.s—We have planned out a paper .which gives more reading for less money!than any paper in Amezica. We, propose to furnish a better, fuller, more i lefesting, more edited paper, p.aper, ' t $2.00 per an - )e ecaors6tsfillyelYu nurn, than anyw ihimPle"gi vdin.pgatpheer pi.ewhichfer. - vice to Canadian productions, we will give, from advance Sheets, the best stories published in • England and the United States. Wo will have the latest and most interestfing, items relative to the Farm, the Gardenelthe Household, Scientific and Literaryi intelligence, a column of Wit and Butner, &c. Get a sample number at the SNeweelealers, or write for one. It willbe seat free. "Tem FAVORITE"STT AVE.—TY0 elegant 16.page quarto .form q'ye haVq.olopted, while more cenvenienh for alding in sheets, is also better adapted lsinclirkg and contains fiftyper cent Fief° reading inatterithan the unweildy 8 -page folios heretofore in vogue. At the year's end, each subscriber 'will heve a volume of 832 Pages, containing the equivalent of at least 30 fiftyscent volliumes, at a cost of -ONLY TWO DOLLARS. 5 43.0,::. .. FAvonzrn" . lastru.—"The Favorite" Fill be issueds— ..1. In weekly number of 16 pages at , 2p... Iiii3.mosn1,4t:Iihlipriyp:t: 05804:at6402wmPagetsei in a hand/tome eovee, 420 cents. , served' with tho weeklyeissue for one year, unless auninlaenssthtihybyy speedily that their Pre- . "Tug Fevonrre" ATA.tng.—Canada for tho •Caoadiaps—shether by 'birth or adoption. Let ini helPseeli ethers if we empire to be a Option. -, "The Favorite" ISA genuine Canadmii;enterpruse,70e- nadianin itsconception; its executzon,7- written,- edited, priiited by -Canadians, on flanad,i4n. paper, with Canadian type. - corn IT Totro131:0202,T. +Afros on application. .. . Great cash inducements to clubborii, ' Club terms and -sample numbers mail, ‘14;472:a17:adv• q:Eirtiota I i. t'its B:train..A T7s,ew4' ' Amiss,' if ' ' PUblisker of the FAPORITE the',0 Pubiique mild Zi.Etelularel Aratianil. maim. illustrated .$etv-s,. L'Opinion No. 1, Baca Alums Hi% and 319 st, • Antoino $t., Montreal i 1350 . 1 roperty tvillbe Bold Cheap pply to ' G. M. TRUEMAN, Goderich, Or to 0. SHANNON, _ on the premises. Goderich, 251h jan. 1873. 1354 ]Elon SA..141W -- „.0— PEFE Subscriber offers for sale the north half of Lot No. 14 in the 2nd Concession of the Town- ship of Goderich, on the Hayfield Road, 2 menial from Godench, containg =roe of land. There io r„, house and good frame barn on no lot, :leo an orchard of excellent fruit trees. Title Indix:patable. The Smith half of the memo lot may /deo be „had if desired. Apply to GEO. JOHNSTON, On the pienefeee Or to b. ARMSTRONG, Land Agent, Goderieh. Goderich,Jtme Gtli; 1872. 0.321. LANDS for SALE AT BAYFIELD. moommv.e.,•110 T 01'S NO'S. 71 72 HAYFIELD s..teNCESSION _Li Tomo:111p of GoderIch, comprising Iee acre:: of tho bee quality of lend, within about 2 miles of the Market mace of the Toren of Hayfield. There le a clearance of 23 urea which eeuld readily be prepare ed for crop. Tho remainder of the land be cioeely covered with the best of beech and maple timberof splendid growth, an excellent road passes len two side,s of the property. which ie situated in an old and well settled neighbourhood. .Aiessa.-Lot 14, Range A TownsbipStanley, containing 39 eeres of weir reserved timber Land, which would produce a large quantity of firewood to the acre The lot rune to the River Hayfield rift a coneiderable water fall 47/11C11 con be wade avai.15 able for milling or inanufaeturingid purposes.. For terms apply to, JAMES te ALLEAL Guelph. W. 17 CONNOR. Esq. Hayfield. (Jr lph, Aug.15th, 1870 w30 Farm For 1-41 the Township of Colhorn e. in tlte County of I Ileum. North te-t; of Bloch E. 4.Iumpris1nZ NV nitres 50 cleared and undOr good tepee, and 50 acres good Hard Wood 'timber. Two spins' Creeks, Soil first quality, • good Log House. and Frame Barn antLarnall bearing Orchard, uithin ndle of Stem Saw and Grist Mill, and veithin 41 milesof the County Town Oodertch. Tennsrnodo. rate. Apply to JOhN EDWARD 00 the 3)0111111e.S. Goderieh Nov. 26. 871. 6 — - — - - FARM FOR, SALE. OT 20, 501 Con. Godorifth Township, 801ae1e5 of 1.4 !Anil 70 acret,, e?rareri geod ne2enne,10 :Jere:3 of Pall Wlie.tt, 6 trii1.-N from tho Town 01 G Acrielt. Apply to 6. 11. TRU Ell IN Colt:rich, or on tee pre.ntiscst DATIL) (TM, Goderteh, Dee. Istb. 1171. 5m. FOR SALE. IbT 5. Con. 4. E. D , A.h5eld, eon- tainine .20n acres excellent land, covered with Maple and !levee, 10 miles from Goderieh, with a never failing trout stream running through the centre of the land, there is about 15 acres of cleared land on the front ot the lot. A pply to THOS. WEATHERAL Engineer and Surveyor Goderieh, Jan,2nd, 1872. Valuable Property For sale. OTS NITMBER 858 AND 881115 THE TOWN OP Goderich. On Lot 581 TB sltuated astraall Brick Cottage and a !erne frameslwelling Honeetwoetorice hien, and on Lot 855 teeters aark;ctwoaterev.frane ware -house whicheonldbe convened into a fizet "lass Hotel at little cost cud aleo frame Barn. - The Lots will be sold fiither together or estates to euit pnrch.asera: Terms made hnown on ap_plicattento "Wm. ARTH UR On the premien:, erSo Messrs DA.171.8.01: &ZOIIINSIDN Gerderich 16 3n1y, 1871 awellt HOUSE TO LET. , TO beiet —.a Brielt House with- in eight minutes walk of the Market Sqtuze, with 10 acres of ground,large orchard; good well, cistern, woodshed, also, first-class stable, and every convenience thee may be required. For particulars apply to JOHNSTON & IRO., Or to MR. W. D. ALLAN. Goderich, Nov. 7th, 1872. 1343 FARM POR SALE. •=•=1.e THAT VERY DESI ABLE FA SM -IL known a's Carrick's Farm, near Kin - tail inAshfield,adjoinisig the gravolroad, containing ono hundred acres, fifty clear. Possession given at endo. Price three thousand dollars, terms easy. Applyeto ROBERT MYERS, Stratford Ont. February, 20th; 1873. 1358 201 - VICTORIA com!ourin 8Y3tULOP HYPOPHOSPHITES Tne only'Syrup prepared .from D5- Chtliteldirse Formula, anti certified to be Mem/call/ Fuel' Forma prevention end gartt of PULVONA.Hir CONSUMPTION disefor as meet Dyspepsia, Erimobitis, Asthma, Loss ofAppetite, General Debility, &o, era:once= es eee punter Am eye:weer. . Laboratory, University College, Toronto,Dere 4,1872. To theVictoria Chemical Co, Gentleiren.-I have oxamined Dm =Hetes em- ployed in the Victoria Chemical Works, in the wee paration of the Victoria Syrup of Hypopliosphitee. The Leveret Hypopheeplutee used aro chernirally pure, and tho Syrup fts also /uiffcfre,cfrom cu?,tirn. purity. Your Syrup of Hypophosplittce will un- doubtedly prove a WV ralitable Medicine? HENRY 31. CROFT, Professor et. cilemistry, U. 8., pike al per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ✓ IGTOR1A- , COMPOUND 11.411) .113XT11ACT DP DUCH MIVA IIRSI Spec(fie Pazedy for-ull Diseases 'of, the Btadelea awl Kidneys; Dropsical Swellings; Cennyaints inci- dental 01'er/talcs; and all Discatio of tho theinarg Organs in either Sea. Try it once for any of the above Dijordene, and yon will be fully convinced of its pae-emineut virtues. Price 51 per Bottle. Sold by au Druggiets. ✓ LCT-OU A ELECTRIC LINIMENT. "The Ring of -all Liman—en:tee" For Rheumatism, Gent, Natragiri, inmhago. Sciatica, Wandering Pai12.3 Stiffness ea the Lfinha or Joints, Sprains, Druid; Numbzesg, Swaaazgs, ,Heoduche, Eamche, 2bs150e554 de. BUST it Try it! Prove it Price be cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. ✓ ICTORiA, CARBOLIC SALVE.. awonrn ITS WEIGHT TN GOLD." A. Specific for Cute. Wounds, ZErvis2s,. Bums, Boils, Piks, cid VA= Diem. an of the Skin -yet -cry itarriptton. .Pento 2505s. per Bottle. Solo by ell Druggists. VICTORIA datliOLAT.CD iLYCHINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' reevonrsu." For Bequtfikng the1eomplezioadax2for razoting nut _BunTnerir. Freaks% Pimnksi &at als0/02'P413- 1754 Brays, CluWains, Frost Xt.:es, Price 23Cenhit pei Bottle, Sold ;by 1lDreRisto. VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS "DELP,BuTED Ironware, r4471Fon.li 11313! - TV AND txonnDDFoL or cabLY.P.Y. ricronu, 0.4.21BOZZO 150.423 VICTORIA SULPHUR 0AP. v.rasoRrA GLYCZRINZ, ITONEY, ROSE Aid) • Wi2fD0412,. Sind byell lerneeiste ••