HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-09, Page 3PW
I sm
11 N
81 L
A7191rIzz Uwll�a =WtT. 6pjej=:0'UT ADA We
'a SpOr"
—11,Uy tbioloU411 kiowleka lit Us
ue Blue Grocery,
Sn n In N's
Me cto pmpetle3 Qt*ell AdKt�d eofdoa, Mr.
.4 ples"re Ilk Atinotuld
bas pravtzlcd our b-,*it.XMt tolesvlth�ih dellest r
IftrIa3la IN rV V=G Cldt` flav�:vvil 4aVcTage 412ch MW RaVaUbMah? ism, "WiNaL sidthe Pablic tUt they Uve,
.1billa..—Cloaser-oke Gzuetf. M&O timnly "41*ued aid replen!46& the above Grocery with C1 AM(MAU
-stock at genard andfamlly GrWerkslw�
t7ae cm _ajn�VL=l livc:l 103t It -s 4%uc,; Rma S; Co,,
iff -A ()Ir
at Ck-31
W111 fts an Artril flivi"A t,,tL
VAN s4k.—Ilwa win iWit RIVR a
C�Z-nv�. tmt t1us xv as re ,"unt cc the pgoecm adopled byMaisera4adw ZA
C 4
. �z�
tT� -,t it
, V,
and tb,it 011- at
a toj% tro,�, Boon 4
�,o a Rittle CT t_0 m-ath h %41 �F-,o I v1d; a the tuston rtoad.Loud "SHM,
It �11 MT" I RICE,
tha eaz'. b�tug Z% it tho whtzo Suir Liviv it I
.. A- - - - - -t� . - iber wishing tO reVIM
�X- 7wff ww" 3M Im
sic&t�ez - I L 1.
4C A� U X 1 0 '1%
Butter Bowls, 71111s =Crubs.
A W� Uess, will fell lb Law $toCk COMPrIs
a ew Dr G- lds, ';�. ,
THI` sabscl and 61102 Busi-
uveTrmnil lie I
Htju, :Ck Ion FRAUDS ABROADI y 00 z from t 300T
at Cc-. C-31. stzi
The some
Rvaelk, 2:11 tniknq of
CWlhw sets, R are, Gfi=Warp�' 6000 pairg of Boot$ ShOeS
a-zaL. 1,030 souls on prockeryp Lamps and ChimucYs,
H T tW aave 'on alm in at Ne ... w
aR kilt 1*,-inAnLz a to'-,[ wr�A-- Ont T 0M most xsPczUN1Il1v to cautl th 1� tone W
'notitabaft 0 AT
let orthAmoTt=1`mn
ainst putch3sIngalpaxIons viedlelats
t*' .4 as M ge:kUn%a COST FOR
whieh aye bting CASH 0
TMI W, Zeed aud WOvY1.045, AL X
Mr. BzaMrsr, a=iVtd in town this even- pills anA Ointment," Tav certain, iftAividuals, of
tra (forths last few
in%. ne nza' the Atlantic left Live�v little 02 u3 tieing, . style of th,t�tfaw ro* itu.oiwbietllwiOU*oldCbeai)jLgtJe Che"tfo Now is -the time to
Months only)undor
P.0401 ca the 1.1014 of March with UPW =-ds chntnical Company." Iveryartilioianifianas Now lotbe Cme for 331maitt, Nixt DO
nr to 33argainst'
ate -raze jaas3mgara, amd about oz bv tboln C47 tbo purpose, of imposing AVOIL the 'DOUGLAS XCKENZIE :.ret xyr6
fatte; and the more etintualv to diteelvet they
pjCS to return his since" tuaks to
7At* , . - . , I I , " - - . L '. A Shples; P0 T THE MXRX, S. Alt aceollntf
50 cabin p&nenger% they =periazctl MT.' As 'he f'nbficriber j'Mt In"" what 116
ffh-, te WItchmaker & jeW8110r,
bo-:3A,ezvuz we3ther, bnl. an eut won tin sue titevinowius eautibn.-� the N
-ho Slat ult., whea f3bob an musk be f411
naoa,la molliay, t aln -extended him In the TATE15, SON.:
mxr.W has tempted unprukelpled
o Am on. ut"jo for the PAT�nap
ry b ed to the
1prties to coituterfiAt these val�LOI*Xadl- past� and to announce that he U remov
tha sup'4y ef Coal Ue2XIY CXh&U3t-
L without delay.
1� t ut Into Kianton at"* formerly occupied &a
ed the, 0 E t
Harr 0.
Halifax he in anathirdoffiM aftlooaby h
T( ReViXot 1211muct"Uppets'etleas XAAJR.C;-1D _&SS,0 im- wx rc_,_.V SAM= 7MEY
04W 'n -Sign of ihe Boot, Market Square -
PCs' tit the
-EMIDN �ja
p.,Iajattan.o,, to
waza Z dock till midniCht. - The ::Of anar 7ptlaa Circle 01 _Mt th t XNSP
Aica� was then judgeA to b3 Sam4ro letter a ttis eou" L nin
4. 1H,4F LLSA"ID onnuanewill PUSSELL WAT013L
,0W,7 -s
Stli St
",-ht buioing N. It". W. Q " milc-3. ThO Goder%b, 1. Vq. IS-
tLea viont into hi's Chart -nom, -1 this trade mark on M forthe sale of which he is 8016 a9cat 'n lUoderich. T mE NTT ON*
without It,
-.&CTS to bo e3LT6a if there was Tonnuma AsD3o3zEustNDiRVGXAXD1E13D-- A 1W 4=f WWtbam, Marlon, ZT& sqid8wits'
k3ving 01 We as d and Silver c"62 -
"ler. e, NDW GROGRY1
-on h=11 a large and well salseW stock of 1W V
in tho venells, pusiden. Behan -N]Eur GOODS
j��a-uey Went to bcd at tho same time. low
-1 stvfe or dormewW8 Pirta AVV 01MXZXV QT XAXA'M3M7Z' su ISTOX
Thouex:� thing tho latt��T remoull, -nOno of the old style as Manufactured bv of sU kinds which 110 will sell
iucaths. We REPAIP"G 0j 0. -lame s
Uing C%I�own cut of Id L-. no folt nanow. nor have they been for DONBAS USUAZ-' Brackenridge
therefore caution. all purebasers apinstre- f
the 6ip atrAe alveral tlmds, and rush- 01acITED.
t. coiving from any Jobbers or Dealtra the old j caM ti NOted Gftr ds�
RA:VINO 'bou&t on
-3p,�aja and other eq b
inX cm. d4ek found the C� D. McKBXZrV. of Growries
ffisdeck- Crowded with laf, concer:tiqg say much amda EFULLY SELECTED, rOR. STYLE QUALITY AND VALUE.;
c1m, T 3rM CAR LOCK% Stocl. Slid
casa pare sad I
oTred will t* received with thauo 12oderich 3Wch 2&tk.1973 .230
I .. - - I ely
ask the ftvorofidl thstanrination Ion C Jadded'verylarg . To etuff UP"
21=xotg!�� C120 1Z an b can ve in reg-ard to these Loanterfelmi* I Position, inthe **mG
V M, , It, A.2 Gwdericii - 'Alargh 250, 1 VIA - - ! Alicula, to Ken
c2pbdw limil ather effizim doing tha tws ComplitY Is aware that Your laws do V
PARTIAL -LIST Groeerjes,,
az-.6. BrajjayW�* mit them to COW the M213 itti UP Of ALRb TINDERS will 1)s received by the
h13 beat out and put not Ter. a1z
Alylp r hWtft$,Df..Jcbool Ssc$lon No. 8. A11111614. up to
B,7 Mcdicinoq. but in Order tke More e6nipiSf W. ROBEItT.86NI 6 P�Xsoxez& C* ne to ckery, and
two vvmaaa into it; a number of men Tbrl'ind the public, they have imUrso to aftathe? t3itnthel Apa 1373, for the erection Ofla new ofg6oasiorsaiez
a, at -tamp W- to got iut�> it, and about piece of docept on. vir. In sbting that thevilesta $4ocil house. brick or frame, near D ]3+7e Store, opposite !he Market
I Us can be we atore
I uezessa7, as they -qk. to Make UP the Pith and n at the of
adQ--enguee"d4d. Atthatrimonlexitthe it , Plans and *pecfflca#0 House.
ointmant. in another form, ard that thatfAty adopt ThaTrusteesdo Provbiolls,,
8t*%M,9Z fOU 0VQr01Z,1 h0r be= ends and a Xeo- La�el opt the lowest or any
, �&� wat bind tkamsetvts to &cc 0 R ASK PU=,
GiLly Ono boat haA been got. Out, u-2sides- tho above-mentionel '%%6 ltcd COM' tgader ifnat satIfActOTy- ENT�� R9 TOOL$, CHEAP f:OFL CASH
n 11L cr Goderich, April 2nd, 1813.
ly the SPA,
emptiat to sell )ES, lgwrum
panv.4 tb�ra is alno a David Prin a o New T6?k, By Or&rr of the Trustees.
&24- 611 W33 car-Aed down y I% ag BICH"D TRALELYRN. 1k5r6t"y. T H E U -N
who bv evaqnminate tricker
JCV78Zr,�Jnblea UptrI iMitatioaS of My Medicine& XaWaT60f
Steam es aad aU in it. Brall ;us XXWh 2$t% IS"" ism % SCYTHEs,ibiasp, A Large Stock6f
M=O'A ngg;ug, which w as above hirl
iata tk* This unpriancipled. Chemir3l Compodiyltas, dared 4
watim Seeing he, caLOI do urthing ta s3y tbat I owo vary lam sums or mcizaTirk the I' IR GRAINZIRADLES,
United States. %Vb W q IEUTS UW.
tkczze� he went forward and unrave the at is the fact? & iewspaper a WALL 6'P alla, and jening at reau011d. pf
'y� being assisted by Spoakmen _zentob-Incd,rAthoutiny knowlegdecirleannest. AT ROPE,
in returning th
bal ind bT collision nith a party who held & Itmit0l. T1
lorTmasteZ& Bradley, '=attornavof mlt.e, an orderte advartLtsvoy ISS BARNES ankil OR I& Cols. RMBER PAn=G
an(i Gwen, quwl, I I HEMPAM Sell Quin
s in Sonth America for three years. :to the M to hattriends in.Godorich forput Bound to 011
tzok the hlqyarZs and all three swam to 1 LZA'REMR BELTING, �Uaizez,
sho. is now WMTE
t PstrlivagO. bei LFAD, all prices
thermck; a line Was then hauled ashore ey' tent ol $iaD.4aG3 in gaid- He t'suMUL his claim ;a to say that
-'h So amunt prt q_N BOILED A" I�AW GOOD BARGAINE
,pan& to give Lessom on.the Piano -
f ke,eouldliave forte and Cabinet Orgau and
ana a number of tho pmsongers landed o h' Oanst me to
jT BLACK OIL; 49 IF -1
b,7 i�_ A gpext mamy had _gg�t On the in Singing. G urrant 5
mvic by It, hall I net takett stops tocuqudiatw this Itaisin
their Vize 'IM6 to� I Residence opposite Mr. C-Avag0l MAC
rocki buf-as the tide was risin traa"A�-tiozi the Momeut It c, my know ' A New Patterns. foir. 1-873- DJETL Cef,
pc3idon wa.;t no better than on the ves- w9e. Thisla4--me"twul so= be 84'"ald' It Colborne St. 1363 that cau U0119 -11Y be f0ului in
cmnot tesupposed,l am sure, that I *we &tent WAIRBANKS' SCAL Everyffi
ssL Just thea the EAQrmoa on shore 'to any one that I would not Immediately pay. abroeery Store can be forind here�
c=s ont. in be3ts anct rescued those on hatever In the atat4mant tbzt� A: facturer's Prlcos�Large . Platform 2,9 uASES 1100T8 911VE9 Am:a a killalt of
There is no trUtb rr -on q per3mato use my Scales; including Hay Scales, promptly I Just me 190ods
ta-c) =A aad also a 1wao number from i ever authoriz-ad any�pers r, Do not fail to Can and exam,
tame forthe gae of my Pills and Ointmentalatough ordered and a discount for Cash illowel� OTI -'sayt money.
TWI& A; cese
tL- fl-n-Imm Bramey r� mainail at tha noss trands have been rra PENCE begs to announce that _ALXVDWAjRj0. ua prims, if yot, *ish t
etised utlon me by un
811=1 0 asou to -day iu-this way. RS' R Select SchooWor J_ j As.- BRACKFONRIDGEi
when all who pri-ciped men the Will Open &
I would zwk, as a favor, that should It C(Mlet(b Sale meap,�
r file stand, Comex! of
were allva on b sived, em- jes on Monday, 21st it, It 0 A R`RTA G t 3- BAM, GREY-, 1��.*Reznembe
,�� ha,31 bee the kzowledZe of any persort that spurious me&-. lad ARRIAGESPRINGST SATIN PAVERS., - .111, 'PlIMM
Q- "t. tho eazer o�lcar, Mr. F rith, who was cinesareboingmade a -ad sald in my usme, that he d r () . - 1. -1 - teivedat By market Square.
t sandmethename andadiress7ofthe house in Goderich t pr� pri' i AXT SwandPATENT WA00 Northstreetaud.
a sent Gode Jail. IRD, 1873-
ARMS, -for sale cheap
in das riggi p. Brad- I�Zi.Vto is jung the smus. eat I visy, for the by Mr. Carter.
mid tkat I . Parsons-- & Go.
ng shoutingfor he' DININd C
Zov ho trica to gret, a creiv to pToteet-ru oftheLpuilfic lwaltate:pro 1 -OXXAPERS. J. 0. DIDTLOA A; ols
At JOHNSON& KERR'S. : - . I 6,�
ga o9f. ta, ranno Fzi%, but the sea was hi-.-dIeni- oiemmieratehand";nelymyla- - jwy
1 For Sale.. I .� . �r _, eoial;Lttention given �o tho TAILORING DPIP"T NT. - . !
rMnMM;j sa ;j Iw=aatmi.hont divalging '11 O� ite the Market House, THE
,hC37ay tE
Sqh-4uld anv n have reason tobsileve that ke ND H -00P SW1 H
fe, bV P -Aft A
venturn. Alto-_,QIffier about 230 x JLV a 17 -0 A wppmm . 4�,Tl -To r. -ni�rmnR_ fit)
-exe basi�_-cp 7 btiving spurious Imitatibus of
savcd, intlud�n� Capt. Williams the � those Medicines, li� vill obligo me by sending to jjUKfj __ I I � BEDMOOU PAPERS, CM_
-1 the address a' . 'not (-hich be MU do sta:c08t0f six A ;W;fia 5 -oars old - 'ass tment 1 . - . I . I V firy JLUWS 11J10
fourtho-ae-37, Mr. the ctor, cents in of the books of instructions jV a-, -3rd,juarch, 3-813- June W�- 1811.
an, d sevezal sailor,:. -Not wh4ch am amleil to 'lie same, Registered Pedigree. At JOHNSON 4, KERRS.' cc HALL PAPZRS,: #odeviohs _,7
!IF Nolfplaes (= ba supplied at the lowest 2 young Bulls Of the same breed, one
was snve-`; 'rust v7holesa�� ve. prices in qm4tities of riot less than
a s�rigle viom, am or aYdi
wen as a hunjr,�l 6i the 1_,aaworta viz., S_�041.. 2&, .34s. perdozenboacsor 12 and the other 9 monthsold. Sire'Lord PATENT HORSESROES 4 HORSE
i Medicines are not & KE RWS. L
of thema3 ic
mon, werd drowr 'rite of mmtmeat. f,�r wtaevt remittances Durham," ana'Dams have alsa Regis- SHOE NAIIIS, by thekeg or bnx. 6 1 IN E W STYLES,; OF 03
zed intheir uerths. These At JOHNSON urio
saip S,,=. Ca at. two 0 CIZ-=. thLii� M )rmnl :,I in the uited st:kte� terearedigrees.
% kinds of
g3r;d Giiiij 6,-" Agent -for au
hat -) ur the Walther r1S dark but t Fa -,h Pol. and Be% of mv Genziue- lkle4leines 4 good common Cows in calf by Short
Wjrk 'Bull . -,OAL OIL BY -8 REI; 161'.
thc, British C�avernmpnt Stamp, wit1t the Lord Durham." THE All.
not tLjc%-, ona the s3aryjigh Swamers, Lon- Horn
�ffullowayls -Pills and Ointment, J Gallon, andt COALIOIL LAMPS, hqlezleu�s;
1. ply to Mr. HODGE, paperfie
;:ojn, dovm tu�njght t-7 render what TZ,"
E4anefield Farm, 5th con., 0 A01108, HARROW
ey Can- A:l of those &%Ve;l, THnuas HOIXOTVAY. Vo Goderich.
emc-opt. Bmaley. ara Stu: a-, Prospect,
-3. IS
.whezu- the asht!rM.2M are giving tLem all 1847. March 25th, 1873. 1362, TMBEST STRAWOUT
oof Safe ericb,jo
Op. SALE, size 3 feet by 2 feet 6 be had DECOR - ATIONS.
va7.v the number le -9t zmdi Job Moses' Periodi"I P'%Ss F inches. Pnee 8100. AtJOH.NSON & KERWS.
rt, Ap' W. Bell & Ca's Uelebrateca
137t.cst i3ews con6zms the. 14, e 42ons -and Harmonfums, and,for! H -
tliat overs3ven handre�,,v ant -Tqp; MMICjlMI3UXFAI1"G St. Heleug, 24th March, 1873. 1372c - A. FULL ASSORTtIENT OF L 6CK- out, W- wtw
Pisnos. �jasl,
i T9
pZ.A -A �w, Weber' And ra
(,loan %ith th" � Ship Cr We-Za afCer�ylrd S th pawal wd daraos M6 WOOD's Celebrated" MILL SAW 0
� d:sraacs r. which tile fcm,*!eccnsz=1=!s sat)e"
swep'. 6f The rescued ara lal,
it =.tcmtes ai� excess rmd removes allob—tion1i to FILES and Soxby�s, HAND and' RIP fol the FLORFNCS And HOWE
raw rcPazteLi to ba m for Sale or SAWS ith, best in' the Market. COMPLETE'STOCK OF'
ge�wi� Machides, the former of which
i'd, princirr�llo� so XAnr 0- ra poqwex�!s advan 9 whial Can. be i�u' nd
Men aml. -Ina. am Far At JOIMSON a ]KEP.Prs - indow �ades
wi,%�rt Rent W
em 11=;u ihe Cur. Mics -Zn:1zr- L�7qta ae- HARDWARE.
, � tu; e, bring
Att . - . . I - . in ao other Machine.
�njlx r jr4%LINT'S 0HAWPION CROS$ -CUT 0 0
,S:B�Wd, tyia-p 9�;t 1, c af WC 21 be Eb:d at r�-Iceg ill -It clffy
. 1rVH9 subscriber offers for Sale or to 1' qAWS and SAW HANDLES,at AGAILANDSEEIT olallMndsw� -:� W�
,-av me h__ Qs very ch HS of F're-p-�%nexas de -T art in --great. variety, cszTetit:an. Before, jfrAr4Aiing4Ww1LEyt. rc"
FLP.ST A Rent his farm, being Lot No. 16, Plain and Vigafe<
ramy and ��nndio an i '11-ev very t y List Price, Showrooms, next,door to the WL
33. -last of Goods fuld. xint wfk.
%ion, Goderfch Township, 4j I, i
of the AE_ a3,z sii!e, 4th conces - & KERWS. Office, iGoderich:
lam-ja Isis r-0- lizi l�a y 4c a.. the [2=ez: in art 0,rzes a;.%,erva-_;; Inflos from Goderich, contamingg0acres,
-j uab, At LovvOst Pndes- rebruary 18th, 1873,
4 the r"xka_ er Go cleared and in a good state of (;HOPPING AXSS FROM THE t4. ON &UW
jon c., tae T em�tylexftrdlz OV Lz MS
It is tvx.&6, -i4i d any oi.. ott-d Whit
of thes=vivu I !at
tlle -Ugera Zea:,1112011Z l'u'Lilleceelaenrer %vt�n ar&oiher tnaam have ragdd, cultivation. Thereareba thepremises beat Makers, single and doable
Qpposite 'The Narklet HOUSS
aved tins
V"s -
a good ceasr log house 22 x 30, a good steel
The a, mea anythf- hu;Ualtolk= AtIffo
Ck, ea�omeli frime barn 50 x 32 with sheds for eat
P�m wrth th_� guivivors from the wre -At J.QHX80N &,,KERWZ.
443, an. ample siapply of water , L and a
ements Ve them
-aramadetaha -T 1$7 -P
largeorchard.0 fruit trees Qualuding COMPLETE ASSORTMEh OF karch HURRAH FO
CW_edfarl She ropama that the At wb'ha!'"bec"fany preset"d%' pi
wen and the ears and jmschez) in A
omzov JQB =30"Mer vow, sarx lqicps�t�z. �Xpples, plums; LOOKS," 'BIN'QE'j (D' 0 THE ELECTORS
cfallbearing. Would also "PO"Of GLASS, PUTTY PAINTS aud OILS2 E
bat.,geneml Ageiats for the the horses, stock and implemimts. ys I. OF THE
ne� adrj% witla tho e=ceptioaof that coattiningwMewills &C., Xppl L, to at Lowest Cash Prim. id- a -,on and, MAMA XLDVILL
For terms, y 0
on vrhi2h was Ve lit�13- 'byreturarmN. At JCHX$ON &XERR'S.
&,7ezaj V;UeA .r:th aiving apy3mtw LYMAN BA31UEL MaMATH,
agentsforcaft - , . - . . C+ w
On the es ASS011=ENT OF d
Newcastle,C.,. Vt. ipeners
hadiazdved'at tha,'WWA- Zmd c0mam3n Ida ist� Iris. promis A COMP" At Ill!7 TOWN OF GODE I
f=� the removal of thp 1362
-=d C17,%ED. The Sea WJS 'NTS,, from the beitmakerx,_at Low -
&3,,,! bo&ev WZLIM STANBURYs
bit tha wM had gana Zown eat (lish ce, I Bruce
7. jarzan; Gaidinetf ca Co., 4ytUa;jaq,- and f4eTownshipsof-Huronanc
L �i . . Q, obundes.
sa ttut thQT can appra=R the, locality noxenyrfe; i PiclkardEft(er J. ]EL It JOHNSOlt*)KEUi 1'frR for put
44' 1 . R HANKFVL favours,
ar -JLhe eawi.9der W,�Ls ao, CbmT;e, eovd,fAFC"oW;z. HICK- STORSTOP, IFRIF
pARI AR, ATTEN I N PAID The Municipal Electiolf 1AW7 now
Wah, C+ being J1 desirei; to inform the inhabitants of
CIS C,3UR know :son 5-ifCwtL T'0 !4
Ov= that hut&e_
gent it is contr-44 to Law for' Mgit.landvM an4l zurrounding cointry
Of three hun- to the wants. of 1he'Faml3mg COM, yery sWq1
'er !CILNADXAI% jFAJN I)EST190Y a, Candidate to solioit a Vote. But; we', tliat lie is to be foundat the old stand,
from th& Country
drad wordes and 6hihiren, the majori&y munity, and *r6 YOU kAO'snfaa toeall;Lt ourEs- andwilling fo attand to th
CUsto ra.
At -JOHNSON a XEIRWq. 12, exit an nit
0 reafly
drifffil- - promptly attended LtQ,. I - I � -t+-
!It Gat of the 0 ahoy a 'warm comfort� of Lis
MEDVMNX� 17 is oD, P..d 0.- We haves largeStook (!K 01? GF
Overcoat_ '0
SmWafj wrara seen A FA3M -R� CIP C) .1d i� on in put -of AFULIM0 GERIES
an, 1 wen andfavorablykno", reliffix& WHERE are you going in stick AN LCULAR SAWS
n D. zaa&-, thousands from Pam In. ike- '9 T hurry I
at Makerli Price, List cOlWatitg 40f
carefully or�
Ths b�L", re,-37aral will ba iall�=e an4 Head-, C"91", CdA I am gom over to McINTOSITS deredand - diswuntjoi� ashallowed,
X?e, Bywk 9
at; FrQ&PW-`- IralA'O. qora- TL_roat, Spraias.' Bruues� Gnu �Mop to �geti my . Sewing 31achine �aAtJOHXSOX&IqRWS.
2.-Mbeia. is no TEA,
NOW -amps in 0-, AFt -r irac�Y.Oueanget allkiRds
ro*, XP `RRANTS, - .
tba lie, ul,' Famemgeas of of SeW CD, 'CL
-th eps
copy of ir., but Ong -ffo:rkw, Dymdem millw3linespu lu Cansdlk grey Overcoats with vapD aut TOBACCO,
r1l"Aiih" I r , , T � Cap S, q I
rw - RAIS M.
e.jimilap. At -m- IL, in this it' praild, qft offorga ar", - 'AP 'PIC
Good JL GOODSare HudsonBay
I Iffia
Tj::3 141mit report shows the IC39 01 Of th*, ifnot therefs lao 01!srge. )r -Cash-, tD ALSO
landNewYear ITO past
tabonizAlabathen atlfintstate(L AtJOHNISON As Chriatmas
-Roatimber the -plocq lu rear of. N
C+ sli'fo tee Goods,
i4tori. co "t I— I . Winter U N"
ae soul 1413 weiosavedlof t- Q W11 the
"enaq'M Palm pestmerk"loowbe-
ddren 0 r to pookbt the oash.
. V_ .. jordses Drug in
tanes5owerawom-'a and el f "_ the pablfafar a leb9tle OE tW "ES' PATENT Olug III ordei 4exock-e
a, andwherever. $62 ALAP01. CASH rsl$
ixx two ne3r the fo_ IL T 2 J' 'Dreas Ca -Its, Pauts
p f3 brar alsf IX a shtu Instiluce God�ri* 126fth 2#h, 1873. - I th!
used 1swell U611.119TErf , !I 14,-LOUB 4- FEED,,
Whip km �ge F es Jackets,
,W1mMLtb4drUie4 and we
-he water fo ewspe=wment rebef 0 ests, aU colors and su�
aftgr partis bneedin t M where the �md V adei, Boys
anatis ke, Lb
RERV19. b is C,&&,
lotbinginsixits, B076 -Pea Jacn lcd
gykeesitover au -1 carwna ffeawarcl� -to, -Hat a L i Caus H
d2Qxx'Bsy OV=UA ts ps aving been granted a Shop Doetuiefer
ext but M thit t 301INSON S;
Sils stmck tvil" Ga th10 417a, and fin3l- ha7ff -b-
an are CARD.
thejOeofLiquors, he will keep
speak taw offtsvftudend. nag
- and in the we R �T the Weal; Style, Shirts, Dra
waymd;lshing, over the det'
arpet mul
smashing the %perienes fa, tbw SAU60SAW (D flers, 0 oliga and Tie a, on Land. &fall
7,�aj, ap, I -
teeel It IN "' " i _ . .1, 1 - f
swaspill waspeAlrdme _E
i's oir svery� Owes wbo, a" '6f SW JLUO
The =2 1, - removed to *0 hou" on M�A�in . . - - - _: �-z - ! 0 -o
selecte!fStOA ofBroad 1
strest, Bear tka -DD* Sidn And Fancy TVRJ�4
boats arta m3adug WnO yoccupioa WAN
Wka w" this Last left. --u aim it Q* Istatiou'lAtal, SontlLof ere, ;ZK ALE
05 a makeup to order i
by Mr. -Fmk w
vLt rwuel bT tho Episcopal i I:, U - ft - we
Oscar. I "17-4n - - - ther' "Of VY, RV
L 4-7� Meyer, wi#.dcZr ra of Y,
Thaast�_N'Yn- effiftcicf"Ce�- 20-D- RoW Rotet suit ezactly� "Zit. SP9 BRAX,0
yle, or sell by the yara.
31iuistg timitev- Mr. Andout, who, I kitisrecom. -ON*,& IV Ist
mewunes 1ffot4, wherake winThe 10 be soiaCheav GIN,
Bailiff is at the door, we
-whinvot boat couldor na -pason, woula Swonderwafteft 189 above- Stock will
Ig 0 :5(orcash at
*Jill* rox" his men found by nighkor day asusual. Goderic'k, March 111k 7
torpro-F plats 4� MMMU91014 0" . . . I - the
vdntlxrv� swans off wia IW2
l4fortosell cheap ourselves to prevent
wzlst =a machad tba spot. Capt. wil- werv-wkt- - entitle = -
swrou6sr - . *fu -Cutting done, nZ 330TTLE OIL.
im, comiu any, ON DRAUGHT.
Marcilt 25th. 1873. Ither.
linu wss asked to'WkAt C912" 21cTib- DWIM in -U Pau ofas edw*o a - "
tbp wareava
0djh&djjwtar, Hisreplywa*'% Can, 1a"And "Olr 110MOR9 f: aeofe M -The bighot marke
t price laid
union itwas because we bad W,"!MD.
tfaft togive tr - 1.
The. CAU2EXCL Par= IDee"W W" (D
wt All )(0did" D8416vS ]KETHEM NEWT A; Co. fc;rMutber, 2gisaud, 044or P'WduPe.
avarrill, 'Our Jistanew. I thought we j=M010A re� willba j; Bond's Drug j Store,
door to
W. thfmt it; after t;ylnX It. memberthestaltd, unrly
t 'tug phys-, W-jer and unit* Ijb6ndind
obs &I'Vitt euven Trixots. bu :or tw6good,9X%11rsssMt*1vb0M -
eats rba", 0 will be offered,. Varkst84parejaoiterich.) j
apeei mwit, bave been greater tim tUt onfrTwinty-Avoc Pei rorj�srtkuum
M4,61d in"efl* W -006i,: apply at this
� "�;, - P - the School House, Maitlandville.
have gotaaloir olat CAU10, I office.
Co. ]�ojfisld; tablisUd A bronch 'Io'k his Torbruto- V DewrAbdr 21si, 1872.
Tordazt; Gardiner 1=0 TiEw uNDERsONE
71 Xsrq)� 4th, I
"Inng ��T
Sewbg3t%0lAlI6RV W k'
2f. H. April —T1n -Wzc&
lag 00 su%oc-, of conversatim.�LF%eter; H� Comijo MtM' 10 Secord
The paiwWria,
slatenlenis Of Ca Officars
dj (Utaggof tA@ djZ_L�jxxCkn()W;E.ffiC_k jroiNT5 Gs H. PAR ONS 4: C0,9
medicinadealers. eodto� "e1vtolvis
ere.alikindii, of-, 7
-red by the p*>- wil
2a, 1871..
-auct an& tlLa gouirXI 11 PARTMS U
vulwraforwscoxx iDEST11b T6 Titz OU13
DR, J. 131'LL 81Nt!80N1S criberwill plesse I)SYSP At once- v g Iffach! XARKET SQUAIX!, GODEILIOH.
A!". Win -
-pecliffe"ana lwft WHS- I altere-A sud-put, in flitt
ABRAIT" SMITH- Willborepairedp, HaVe for $46
down to ths scale, cl n1a wrack za 1VGLT151tX9XI[Dr10l1XE9V- (;o",hj1zhoctA87L __o
jooksfiw the praieetT, Aboa,.2W roeturud fmiw sm- , I CROSS
_pzx r,07:'Mify, spirmworrW-0 MINK, YOX, and other traps,
were ferwazded s" of the
Hiving had 16 11eays experience, In 0
be.Tiber lias r -T SAW$, MILL SAWS, ()OD
--a of th, im .�w L - . - . - CL
gle4pimad", the offleeb of -algahine mmiiifae 1 . L - 'A - '
t blimbin
DN -son 71 Btuc`Zw,�4 ine, in the abor Qpffft S
DANIEL GORDI torioi in, -ffie Wor
and 21AM61let to Bort1=1 t-Doniglallf R,= Ie7 4 thi jargest;
X 151jaW3115 Fills are tbs, ia -Re cauguar4ntee -D SkW8, CROP;
axlen, them tke 6a1rjftd& Ta*y fx'l 'W" fc, tb& two. diseases. and -re
.1 3minel 4ohn My ��!" One T X A� 11M.Ri r.1NNG "u,
saved fj� the WX&C ma tc, Q. roof bive siready cured 01 A d�or to Neia E"a
yam 0m, He I= 1"t wve�r IM, mittry, 146"t Artlittr, Media- Wrkshop-* CD
flo h" I— J�smrton, teattfiriFtolliw'"D w3rbythfitaxe�, office, Clinton, when ha,js pop_aj to 410 Al wcrl: Vithr OUSMAX RS
fathw" nioam, aid bratuar rapfix Zoo, neitto SIGNAL tz. _wMeb U
.;jl�',,. Corbin and jazy be fAVOUNd- pRICES. BOrg A=, HAND
-1 1 IND
living fa Now yirk� The, boy y, ir, mdbw Need dandr or ive In
will, race achines 1 AXESA DBROADAXXS. COW
-,)e5cg, rsileved at rt it L\.cw
AIM" T � eft
A &Porf�"hot*, and fdKistrol onkto of any. TY3MC1403UPT4�P a. offi�e, G nich.
hisescapetBrou Iforegat - u? A: -8 OF nVERAL KINDS,
snag j '0 tet go Thals and TIE
hold 0. 'roald Intis sim!"Itz
12 to the rail anfs Mot
SIMI got iva the ri"jug, -whara i�e w3a LOGGING CHAINS
'11. Poog. we Clinton, 10titHgijeh, Souuj DONS WZTH OF ALL SIZES,
/I!h* citizCno art i fiecareli wrrped fi*ft obowntion. of L
joji, S 21
,rtbX,. I GLASS Py")M
akAad NGOX Of Too -a
jjx= gtyt) on LV - - - - . .1 1
kin& to, the suimilors, IlKst
is Aintiv4y, Sir j" sm 513IMS 1W., )MATIESS AND IDESPATCH-
4aothfi jg _1"D OUT "IL8
car'l for. ahe proyincia, or all Idn" Of
WiA s p -er
WrW's"If sad, Twaft Dragauts. e.'H e, A. 4A=50===
C;5y*rj"Uz arraugoto
*if 1,;:r46lit;; Most post-fros 09 apecat
iffirromrs Por Sus ILIA )Et"w &]a]@
F0 %
boral Tho weathff is M* tc�dw WU
I that tjlj� gricaur A
"Vvp IN
CASH. Opposite
12opm we entattalaw ca At lowricell r
port" of the e4rgoowm 14 Oared, Tht TOR TON FOL,
jxmftioi�,btrbow jamormaploor" $. , a
48"aipAw i* %_jjajAW# 4' LowING iXS=vKi1XT
M MA 00i of w4ur. r,;Pv~ or At liff " -PARSONS kC*
dM 49'. H.
JYAX, A�Zl t -VX$' W'JJ"AM *EF I hy 019 Organs And Holodoonst R. 0. wil.
HAI , VW%ratVW 's ft t W Wm AUOTION SALE
jam j w x"iwuv4 frow tija * rfek "d M W" 0,%W *,Oq "a" VIM ffins, Toronto, Poloubst, Felt= valuablo "erich. Nor. 28 ir"
is Strwlrml, tu
a the wit k b.AV.Mtesqf js�Wkicltft jfh" NOW Y04
pm,j., rk.
ad r1w Sid]? to U01 Tanery =a Dwemug Hc
Loobap 1, as WOW
91WV =
wa 41
wil, give smi *Q
wt bei; few P"kaz4o on 04A in this
1*, " -
will 4%rf, Aelbus. UNION
**Me t4m The swou Ir" 00618, Now York,
OW00 a" C4111C it. of
fm 4*00, to wcwk, Tho smedw:=W*441 JULACHINE OIL
eon 49 so
in. Nee to" in sesotal UK for as ped two
of _DU
Aviftwd *00 woof of ?AW00kr 1GABt=
AA" BASSEORN T I IR, -NLQP I i 11Y Virtize Of a Power of rAle Conts
69 if A a best astid4cu^ as may be "M by t"
*A JUP ed in. a vertain. XmtWe
No* ON go- tho(w 8900449W DUNK"
09 49 Dming weetber, it is "I
YOM WXBXR which wilL be pr6duosd 4: Tt will not 00mew in tu
abi"ToOdd =ds. AVWM& OW M*M tW Boston, T J14on-- the W
-Mere as tbe hearleatumbla" A We.
J MW "W ubow- Md boom -it
NUTZ"I T41rahy, the Ift, day of April
$eta By A"thlbo"Im
ft 1W IS T" V
on OMMMUM and I
AC" furnl* Abunt QW191M I 1 0 . I
0WX4kW,&j 4
*1110 JAW, L Mot=@$* onta%* jLb twrelys O'clock. W*b, in Morghfila I oou*Wkr stock's *41 ult9aw at 01.0 Per plies.
I&M _&i tows, tv "'"NATsd bis Fall ftock HOW in this'%
Poo, is 11L 's and U prepasd " mmol to make all fit Thw North put of lot seven iu
'him, -r, Baywii pt"d, in theTown- for ask onlY by
MAidbojea up ample, durable Aud the khkU of Q1irame*4 in the swai fim
loom *1 logot in# now 21164 41*. Me* pad at, th. 1.,mg mt... RAPP
The A"Woor 0. B. #WWA won t1wo at PROPLEEPFAVORITEi- of Gooda rillage of asymd. thee elive 0-11 at 40 oniia. I *!GL
&I satisfac" it is Iti
Turzovs NVISMON. romis - h I 111 shipof8tanIfy amtshimi throe Acres
q Mac G. IT. PAIMNO 4 Co-, R*dww*
) sea *ill so*
A 120" or leds., *h7m we on tho promises 31"rikaau, Goderich.
AT Qw� _—VA meadd sj"ft toy -take
9"1 3ra*wenty dollars you can have 40i TZRM-.--Ono tentll of the purchase
UAAA� % 11 %a JhwsW an.1 404ro it is ��sbown, I a Frame Tannery and Dwelling Home Aomms,
is a dkq ka a U=dm* W# *Mgt" no hp�v* long wantl5d, Vor Workmanship _)1*069 4W 0DMp1 I I � l,
low awd ft 10 ON ft6w,0160A WANISe &VA room. 16"Wfu"fty 00mandkw- of, tobe paid on the day ofsa% fur'
I= T to PoWder fte Money
a kard all
a" for on& year by Found ce terms will I)* made known at the
so fib*0 zjXzt WM ft;r to fr" of 4, Thi very thfiag to smooth your Th eg balm JX4
loow* we A COLLT# 1WjWr=y som ;K= loked byjaimmees xcorcM
ga bomb" aboi the Wvmb- Take my ovioean0u. For man ala bom their Una is spott. For further partiCUI&TS IVY to
d" tbo PA& 66WK to be tbo dzw jjAh"k I's Apy, 0�uat. I 'afsk with Um ProvbdoL 11�
A* JON -19 AP JOSE r SONS 1:181ribir %oil$
ht low "M 00400AM-aw ufar odarw 2U6 0009M
hms L to ordir at -P Ntifik Amerk'as, rbo"
tW *oqft broad, Solicitor, Masonic Hall, lasuraii,"
be one do Toruuto. Fin- I Avft,
W11111ATO tb"r bomb"
- of Ima light -140%
Its La All I MA
4W � twiw imo IL 1,4 ton you
won side sia h"s fw- $10 drawn;
&boptiM by PeUr Ad
'4 to 64*t� ON ThjT are quite Or to JORSILWON,
fill 3;0,r1t90;%W A 0010-4
VVU as MAL *(iL 4ftw, And N y" VVIlt no"On z0alm
so A. P. MCXAAU�% of
i J&l _.aallkttb�abopof
60N mealeto
bow h 004060b, March Isib, 18,3. 1361td yb. 2m
ins -
I sm
11 N
81 L
A7191rIzz Uwll�a =WtT. 6pjej=:0'UT ADA We
'a SpOr"
—11,Uy tbioloU411 kiowleka lit Us
ue Blue Grocery,
Sn n In N's
Me cto pmpetle3 Qt*ell AdKt�d eofdoa, Mr.
.4 ples"re Ilk Atinotuld
bas pravtzlcd our b-,*it.XMt tolesvlth�ih dellest r
IftrIa3la IN rV V=G Cldt` flav�:vvil 4aVcTage 412ch MW RaVaUbMah? ism, "WiNaL sidthe Pablic tUt they Uve,
.1billa..—Cloaser-oke Gzuetf. M&O timnly "41*ued aid replen!46& the above Grocery with C1 AM(MAU
-stock at genard andfamlly GrWerkslw�
t7ae cm _ajn�VL=l livc:l 103t It -s 4%uc,; Rma S; Co,,
iff -A ()Ir
at Ck-31
W111 fts an Artril flivi"A t,,tL
VAN s4k.—Ilwa win iWit RIVR a
C�Z-nv�. tmt t1us xv as re ,"unt cc the pgoecm adopled byMaisera4adw ZA
C 4
. �z�
tT� -,t it
, V,
and tb,it 011- at
a toj% tro,�, Boon 4
�,o a Rittle CT t_0 m-ath h %41 �F-,o I v1d; a the tuston rtoad.Loud "SHM,
It �11 MT" I RICE,
tha eaz'. b�tug Z% it tho whtzo Suir Liviv it I
.. A- - - - - -t� . - iber wishing tO reVIM
�X- 7wff ww" 3M Im
sic&t�ez - I L 1.
4C A� U X 1 0 '1%
Butter Bowls, 71111s =Crubs.
A W� Uess, will fell lb Law $toCk COMPrIs
a ew Dr G- lds, ';�. ,
THI` sabscl and 61102 Busi-
uveTrmnil lie I
Htju, :Ck Ion FRAUDS ABROADI y 00 z from t 300T
at Cc-. C-31. stzi
The some
Rvaelk, 2:11 tniknq of
CWlhw sets, R are, Gfi=Warp�' 6000 pairg of Boot$ ShOeS
a-zaL. 1,030 souls on prockeryp Lamps and ChimucYs,
H T tW aave 'on alm in at Ne ... w
aR kilt 1*,-inAnLz a to'-,[ wr�A-- Ont T 0M most xsPczUN1Il1v to cautl th 1� tone W
'notitabaft 0 AT
let orthAmoTt=1`mn
ainst putch3sIngalpaxIons viedlelats
t*' .4 as M ge:kUn%a COST FOR
whieh aye bting CASH 0
TMI W, Zeed aud WOvY1.045, AL X
Mr. BzaMrsr, a=iVtd in town this even- pills anA Ointment," Tav certain, iftAividuals, of
tra (forths last few
in%. ne nza' the Atlantic left Live�v little 02 u3 tieing, . style of th,t�tfaw ro* itu.oiwbietllwiOU*oldCbeai)jLgtJe Che"tfo Now is -the time to
Months only)undor
P.0401 ca the 1.1014 of March with UPW =-ds chntnical Company." Iveryartilioianifianas Now lotbe Cme for 331maitt, Nixt DO
nr to 33argainst'
ate -raze jaas3mgara, amd about oz bv tboln C47 tbo purpose, of imposing AVOIL the 'DOUGLAS XCKENZIE :.ret xyr6
fatte; and the more etintualv to diteelvet they
pjCS to return his since" tuaks to
7At* , . - . , I I , " - - . L '. A Shples; P0 T THE MXRX, S. Alt aceollntf
50 cabin p&nenger% they =periazctl MT.' As 'he f'nbficriber j'Mt In"" what 116
ffh-, te WItchmaker & jeW8110r,
bo-:3A,ezvuz we3ther, bnl. an eut won tin sue titevinowius eautibn.-� the N
-ho Slat ult., whea f3bob an musk be f411
naoa,la molliay, t aln -extended him In the TATE15, SON.:
mxr.W has tempted unprukelpled
o Am on. ut"jo for the PAT�nap
ry b ed to the
1prties to coituterfiAt these val�LOI*Xadl- past� and to announce that he U remov
tha sup'4y ef Coal Ue2XIY CXh&U3t-
L without delay.
1� t ut Into Kianton at"* formerly occupied &a
ed the, 0 E t
Harr 0.
Halifax he in anathirdoffiM aftlooaby h
T( ReViXot 1211muct"Uppets'etleas XAAJR.C;-1D _&SS,0 im- wx rc_,_.V SAM= 7MEY
04W 'n -Sign of ihe Boot, Market Square -
PCs' tit the
-EMIDN �ja
p.,Iajattan.o,, to
waza Z dock till midniCht. - The ::Of anar 7ptlaa Circle 01 _Mt th t XNSP
Aica� was then judgeA to b3 Sam4ro letter a ttis eou" L nin
4. 1H,4F LLSA"ID onnuanewill PUSSELL WAT013L
,0W,7 -s
Stli St
",-ht buioing N. It". W. Q " milc-3. ThO Goder%b, 1. Vq. IS-
tLea viont into hi's Chart -nom, -1 this trade mark on M forthe sale of which he is 8016 a9cat 'n lUoderich. T mE NTT ON*
without It,
-.&CTS to bo e3LT6a if there was Tonnuma AsD3o3zEustNDiRVGXAXD1E13D-- A 1W 4=f WWtbam, Marlon, ZT& sqid8wits'
k3ving 01 We as d and Silver c"62 -
"ler. e, NDW GROGRY1
-on h=11 a large and well salseW stock of 1W V
in tho venells, pusiden. Behan -N]Eur GOODS
j��a-uey Went to bcd at tho same time. low
-1 stvfe or dormewW8 Pirta AVV 01MXZXV QT XAXA'M3M7Z' su ISTOX
Thouex:� thing tho latt��T remoull, -nOno of the old style as Manufactured bv of sU kinds which 110 will sell
iucaths. We REPAIP"G 0j 0. -lame s
Uing C%I�own cut of Id L-. no folt nanow. nor have they been for DONBAS USUAZ-' Brackenridge
therefore caution. all purebasers apinstre- f
the 6ip atrAe alveral tlmds, and rush- 01acITED.
t. coiving from any Jobbers or Dealtra the old j caM ti NOted Gftr ds�
RA:VINO 'bou&t on
-3p,�aja and other eq b
inX cm. d4ek found the C� D. McKBXZrV. of Growries
ffisdeck- Crowded with laf, concer:tiqg say much amda EFULLY SELECTED, rOR. STYLE QUALITY AND VALUE.;
c1m, T 3rM CAR LOCK% Stocl. Slid
casa pare sad I
oTred will t* received with thauo 12oderich 3Wch 2&tk.1973 .230
I .. - - I ely
ask the ftvorofidl thstanrination Ion C Jadded'verylarg . To etuff UP"
21=xotg!�� C120 1Z an b can ve in reg-ard to these Loanterfelmi* I Position, inthe **mG
V M, , It, A.2 Gwdericii - 'Alargh 250, 1 VIA - - ! Alicula, to Ken
c2pbdw limil ather effizim doing tha tws ComplitY Is aware that Your laws do V
PARTIAL -LIST Groeerjes,,
az-.6. BrajjayW�* mit them to COW the M213 itti UP Of ALRb TINDERS will 1)s received by the
h13 beat out and put not Ter. a1z
Alylp r hWtft$,Df..Jcbool Ssc$lon No. 8. A11111614. up to
B,7 Mcdicinoq. but in Order tke More e6nipiSf W. ROBEItT.86NI 6 P�Xsoxez& C* ne to ckery, and
two vvmaaa into it; a number of men Tbrl'ind the public, they have imUrso to aftathe? t3itnthel Apa 1373, for the erection Ofla new ofg6oasiorsaiez
a, at -tamp W- to got iut�> it, and about piece of docept on. vir. In sbting that thevilesta $4ocil house. brick or frame, near D ]3+7e Store, opposite !he Market
I Us can be we atore
I uezessa7, as they -qk. to Make UP the Pith and n at the of
adQ--enguee"d4d. Atthatrimonlexitthe it , Plans and *pecfflca#0 House.
ointmant. in another form, ard that thatfAty adopt ThaTrusteesdo Provbiolls,,
8t*%M,9Z fOU 0VQr01Z,1 h0r be= ends and a Xeo- La�el opt the lowest or any
, �&� wat bind tkamsetvts to &cc 0 R ASK PU=,
GiLly Ono boat haA been got. Out, u-2sides- tho above-mentionel '%%6 ltcd COM' tgader ifnat satIfActOTy- ENT�� R9 TOOL$, CHEAP f:OFL CASH
n 11L cr Goderich, April 2nd, 1813.
ly the SPA,
emptiat to sell )ES, lgwrum
panv.4 tb�ra is alno a David Prin a o New T6?k, By Or&rr of the Trustees.
&24- 611 W33 car-Aed down y I% ag BICH"D TRALELYRN. 1k5r6t"y. T H E U -N
who bv evaqnminate tricker
JCV78Zr,�Jnblea UptrI iMitatioaS of My Medicine& XaWaT60f
Steam es aad aU in it. Brall ;us XXWh 2$t% IS"" ism % SCYTHEs,ibiasp, A Large Stock6f
M=O'A ngg;ug, which w as above hirl
iata tk* This unpriancipled. Chemir3l Compodiyltas, dared 4
watim Seeing he, caLOI do urthing ta s3y tbat I owo vary lam sums or mcizaTirk the I' IR GRAINZIRADLES,
United States. %Vb W q IEUTS UW.
tkczze� he went forward and unrave the at is the fact? & iewspaper a WALL 6'P alla, and jening at reau011d. pf
'y� being assisted by Spoakmen _zentob-Incd,rAthoutiny knowlegdecirleannest. AT ROPE,
in returning th
bal ind bT collision nith a party who held & Itmit0l. T1
lorTmasteZ& Bradley, '=attornavof mlt.e, an orderte advartLtsvoy ISS BARNES ankil OR I& Cols. RMBER PAn=G
an(i Gwen, quwl, I I HEMPAM Sell Quin
s in Sonth America for three years. :to the M to hattriends in.Godorich forput Bound to 011
tzok the hlqyarZs and all three swam to 1 LZA'REMR BELTING, �Uaizez,
sho. is now WMTE
t PstrlivagO. bei LFAD, all prices
thermck; a line Was then hauled ashore ey' tent ol $iaD.4aG3 in gaid- He t'suMUL his claim ;a to say that
-'h So amunt prt q_N BOILED A" I�AW GOOD BARGAINE
,pan& to give Lessom on.the Piano -
f ke,eouldliave forte and Cabinet Orgau and
ana a number of tho pmsongers landed o h' Oanst me to
jT BLACK OIL; 49 IF -1
b,7 i�_ A gpext mamy had _gg�t On the in Singing. G urrant 5
mvic by It, hall I net takett stops tocuqudiatw this Itaisin
their Vize 'IM6 to� I Residence opposite Mr. C-Avag0l MAC
rocki buf-as the tide was risin traa"A�-tiozi the Momeut It c, my know ' A New Patterns. foir. 1-873- DJETL Cef,
pc3idon wa.;t no better than on the ves- w9e. Thisla4--me"twul so= be 84'"ald' It Colborne St. 1363 that cau U0119 -11Y be f0ului in
cmnot tesupposed,l am sure, that I *we &tent WAIRBANKS' SCAL Everyffi
ssL Just thea the EAQrmoa on shore 'to any one that I would not Immediately pay. abroeery Store can be forind here�
c=s ont. in be3ts anct rescued those on hatever In the atat4mant tbzt� A: facturer's Prlcos�Large . Platform 2,9 uASES 1100T8 911VE9 Am:a a killalt of
There is no trUtb rr -on q per3mato use my Scales; including Hay Scales, promptly I Just me 190ods
ta-c) =A aad also a 1wao number from i ever authoriz-ad any�pers r, Do not fail to Can and exam,
tame forthe gae of my Pills and Ointmentalatough ordered and a discount for Cash illowel� OTI -'sayt money.
TWI& A; cese
tL- fl-n-Imm Bramey r� mainail at tha noss trands have been rra PENCE begs to announce that _ALXVDWAjRj0. ua prims, if yot, *ish t
etised utlon me by un
811=1 0 asou to -day iu-this way. RS' R Select SchooWor J_ j As.- BRACKFONRIDGEi
when all who pri-ciped men the Will Open &
I would zwk, as a favor, that should It C(Mlet(b Sale meap,�
r file stand, Comex! of
were allva on b sived, em- jes on Monday, 21st it, It 0 A R`RTA G t 3- BAM, GREY-, 1��.*Reznembe
,�� ha,31 bee the kzowledZe of any persort that spurious me&-. lad ARRIAGESPRINGST SATIN PAVERS., - .111, 'PlIMM
Q- "t. tho eazer o�lcar, Mr. F rith, who was cinesareboingmade a -ad sald in my usme, that he d r () . - 1. -1 - teivedat By market Square.
t sandmethename andadiress7ofthe house in Goderich t pr� pri' i AXT SwandPATENT WA00 Northstreetaud.
a sent Gode Jail. IRD, 1873-
ARMS, -for sale cheap
in das riggi p. Brad- I�Zi.Vto is jung the smus. eat I visy, for the by Mr. Carter.
mid tkat I . Parsons-- & Go.
ng shoutingfor he' DININd C
Zov ho trica to gret, a creiv to pToteet-ru oftheLpuilfic lwaltate:pro 1 -OXXAPERS. J. 0. DIDTLOA A; ols
At JOHNSON& KERR'S. : - . I 6,�
ga o9f. ta, ranno Fzi%, but the sea was hi-.-dIeni- oiemmieratehand";nelymyla- - jwy
1 For Sale.. I .� . �r _, eoial;Lttention given �o tho TAILORING DPIP"T NT. - . !
rMnMM;j sa ;j Iw=aatmi.hont divalging '11 O� ite the Market House, THE
,hC37ay tE
Sqh-4uld anv n have reason tobsileve that ke ND H -00P SW1 H
fe, bV P -Aft A
venturn. Alto-_,QIffier about 230 x JLV a 17 -0 A wppmm . 4�,Tl -To r. -ni�rmnR_ fit)
-exe basi�_-cp 7 btiving spurious Imitatibus of
savcd, intlud�n� Capt. Williams the � those Medicines, li� vill obligo me by sending to jjUKfj __ I I � BEDMOOU PAPERS, CM_
-1 the address a' . 'not (-hich be MU do sta:c08t0f six A ;W;fia 5 -oars old - 'ass tment 1 . - . I . I V firy JLUWS 11J10
fourtho-ae-37, Mr. the ctor, cents in of the books of instructions jV a-, -3rd,juarch, 3-813- June W�- 1811.
an, d sevezal sailor,:. -Not wh4ch am amleil to 'lie same, Registered Pedigree. At JOHNSON 4, KERRS.' cc HALL PAPZRS,: #odeviohs _,7
!IF Nolfplaes (= ba supplied at the lowest 2 young Bulls Of the same breed, one
was snve-`; 'rust v7holesa�� ve. prices in qm4tities of riot less than
a s�rigle viom, am or aYdi
wen as a hunjr,�l 6i the 1_,aaworta viz., S_�041.. 2&, .34s. perdozenboacsor 12 and the other 9 monthsold. Sire'Lord PATENT HORSESROES 4 HORSE
i Medicines are not & KE RWS. L
of thema3 ic
mon, werd drowr 'rite of mmtmeat. f,�r wtaevt remittances Durham," ana'Dams have alsa Regis- SHOE NAIIIS, by thekeg or bnx. 6 1 IN E W STYLES,; OF 03
zed intheir uerths. These At JOHNSON urio
saip S,,=. Ca at. two 0 CIZ-=. thLii� M )rmnl :,I in the uited st:kte� terearedigrees.
% kinds of
g3r;d Giiiij 6,-" Agent -for au
hat -) ur the Walther r1S dark but t Fa -,h Pol. and Be% of mv Genziue- lkle4leines 4 good common Cows in calf by Short
Wjrk 'Bull . -,OAL OIL BY -8 REI; 161'.
thc, British C�avernmpnt Stamp, wit1t the Lord Durham." THE All.
not tLjc%-, ona the s3aryjigh Swamers, Lon- Horn
�ffullowayls -Pills and Ointment, J Gallon, andt COALIOIL LAMPS, hqlezleu�s;
1. ply to Mr. HODGE, paperfie
;:ojn, dovm tu�njght t-7 render what TZ,"
E4anefield Farm, 5th con., 0 A01108, HARROW
ey Can- A:l of those &%Ve;l, THnuas HOIXOTVAY. Vo Goderich.
emc-opt. Bmaley. ara Stu: a-, Prospect,
-3. IS
.whezu- the asht!rM.2M are giving tLem all 1847. March 25th, 1873. 1362, TMBEST STRAWOUT
oof Safe ericb,jo
Op. SALE, size 3 feet by 2 feet 6 be had DECOR - ATIONS.
va7.v the number le -9t zmdi Job Moses' Periodi"I P'%Ss F inches. Pnee 8100. AtJOH.NSON & KERWS.
rt, Ap' W. Bell & Ca's Uelebrateca
137t.cst i3ews con6zms the. 14, e 42ons -and Harmonfums, and,for! H -
tliat overs3ven handre�,,v ant -Tqp; MMICjlMI3UXFAI1"G St. Heleug, 24th March, 1873. 1372c - A. FULL ASSORTtIENT OF L 6CK- out, W- wtw
Pisnos. �jasl,
i T9
pZ.A -A �w, Weber' And ra
(,loan %ith th" � Ship Cr We-Za afCer�ylrd S th pawal wd daraos M6 WOOD's Celebrated" MILL SAW 0
� d:sraacs r. which tile fcm,*!eccnsz=1=!s sat)e"
swep'. 6f The rescued ara lal,
it =.tcmtes ai� excess rmd removes allob—tion1i to FILES and Soxby�s, HAND and' RIP fol the FLORFNCS And HOWE
raw rcPazteLi to ba m for Sale or SAWS ith, best in' the Market. COMPLETE'STOCK OF'
ge�wi� Machides, the former of which
i'd, princirr�llo� so XAnr 0- ra poqwex�!s advan 9 whial Can. be i�u' nd
Men aml. -Ina. am Far At JOIMSON a ]KEP.Prs - indow �ades
wi,%�rt Rent W
em 11=;u ihe Cur. Mics -Zn:1zr- L�7qta ae- HARDWARE.
, � tu; e, bring
Att . - . . I - . in ao other Machine.
�njlx r jr4%LINT'S 0HAWPION CROS$ -CUT 0 0
,S:B�Wd, tyia-p 9�;t 1, c af WC 21 be Eb:d at r�-Iceg ill -It clffy
. 1rVH9 subscriber offers for Sale or to 1' qAWS and SAW HANDLES,at AGAILANDSEEIT olallMndsw� -:� W�
,-av me h__ Qs very ch HS of F're-p-�%nexas de -T art in --great. variety, cszTetit:an. Before, jfrAr4Aiing4Ww1LEyt. rc"
FLP.ST A Rent his farm, being Lot No. 16, Plain and Vigafe<
ramy and ��nndio an i '11-ev very t y List Price, Showrooms, next,door to the WL
33. -last of Goods fuld. xint wfk.
%ion, Goderfch Township, 4j I, i
of the AE_ a3,z sii!e, 4th conces - & KERWS. Office, iGoderich:
lam-ja Isis r-0- lizi l�a y 4c a.. the [2=ez: in art 0,rzes a;.%,erva-_;; Inflos from Goderich, contamingg0acres,
-j uab, At LovvOst Pndes- rebruary 18th, 1873,
4 the r"xka_ er Go cleared and in a good state of (;HOPPING AXSS FROM THE t4. ON &UW
jon c., tae T em�tylexftrdlz OV Lz MS
It is tvx.&6, -i4i d any oi.. ott-d Whit
of thes=vivu I !at
tlle -Ugera Zea:,1112011Z l'u'Lilleceelaenrer %vt�n ar&oiher tnaam have ragdd, cultivation. Thereareba thepremises beat Makers, single and doable
Qpposite 'The Narklet HOUSS
aved tins
V"s -
a good ceasr log house 22 x 30, a good steel
The a, mea anythf- hu;Ualtolk= AtIffo
Ck, ea�omeli frime barn 50 x 32 with sheds for eat
P�m wrth th_� guivivors from the wre -At J.QHX80N &,,KERWZ.
443, an. ample siapply of water , L and a
ements Ve them
-aramadetaha -T 1$7 -P
largeorchard.0 fruit trees Qualuding COMPLETE ASSORTMEh OF karch HURRAH FO
CW_edfarl She ropama that the At wb'ha!'"bec"fany preset"d%' pi
wen and the ears and jmschez) in A
omzov JQB =30"Mer vow, sarx lqicps�t�z. �Xpples, plums; LOOKS," 'BIN'QE'j (D' 0 THE ELECTORS
cfallbearing. Would also "PO"Of GLASS, PUTTY PAINTS aud OILS2 E
bat.,geneml Ageiats for the the horses, stock and implemimts. ys I. OF THE
ne� adrj% witla tho e=ceptioaof that coattiningwMewills &C., Xppl L, to at Lowest Cash Prim. id- a -,on and, MAMA XLDVILL
For terms, y 0
on vrhi2h was Ve lit�13- 'byreturarmN. At JCHX$ON &XERR'S.
&,7ezaj V;UeA .r:th aiving apy3mtw LYMAN BA31UEL MaMATH,
agentsforcaft - , . - . . C+ w
On the es ASS011=ENT OF d
Newcastle,C.,. Vt. ipeners
hadiazdved'at tha,'WWA- Zmd c0mam3n Ida ist� Iris. promis A COMP" At Ill!7 TOWN OF GODE I
f=� the removal of thp 1362
-=d C17,%ED. The Sea WJS 'NTS,, from the beitmakerx,_at Low -
&3,,,! bo&ev WZLIM STANBURYs
bit tha wM had gana Zown eat (lish ce, I Bruce
7. jarzan; Gaidinetf ca Co., 4ytUa;jaq,- and f4eTownshipsof-Huronanc
L �i . . Q, obundes.
sa ttut thQT can appra=R the, locality noxenyrfe; i PiclkardEft(er J. ]EL It JOHNSOlt*)KEUi 1'frR for put
44' 1 . R HANKFVL favours,
ar -JLhe eawi.9der W,�Ls ao, CbmT;e, eovd,fAFC"oW;z. HICK- STORSTOP, IFRIF
pARI AR, ATTEN I N PAID The Municipal Electiolf 1AW7 now
Wah, C+ being J1 desirei; to inform the inhabitants of
CIS C,3UR know :son 5-ifCwtL T'0 !4
Ov= that hut&e_
gent it is contr-44 to Law for' Mgit.landvM an4l zurrounding cointry
Of three hun- to the wants. of 1he'Faml3mg COM, yery sWq1
'er !CILNADXAI% jFAJN I)EST190Y a, Candidate to solioit a Vote. But; we', tliat lie is to be foundat the old stand,
from th& Country
drad wordes and 6hihiren, the majori&y munity, and *r6 YOU kAO'snfaa toeall;Lt ourEs- andwilling fo attand to th
CUsto ra.
At -JOHNSON a XEIRWq. 12, exit an nit
0 reafly
drifffil- - promptly attended LtQ,. I - I � -t+-
!It Gat of the 0 ahoy a 'warm comfort� of Lis
MEDVMNX� 17 is oD, P..d 0.- We haves largeStook (!K 01? GF
Overcoat_ '0
SmWafj wrara seen A FA3M -R� CIP C) .1d i� on in put -of AFULIM0 GERIES
an, 1 wen andfavorablykno", reliffix& WHERE are you going in stick AN LCULAR SAWS
n D. zaa&-, thousands from Pam In. ike- '9 T hurry I
at Makerli Price, List cOlWatitg 40f
carefully or�
Ths b�L", re,-37aral will ba iall�=e an4 Head-, C"91", CdA I am gom over to McINTOSITS deredand - diswuntjoi� ashallowed,
X?e, Bywk 9
at; FrQ&PW-`- IralA'O. qora- TL_roat, Spraias.' Bruues� Gnu �Mop to �geti my . Sewing 31achine �aAtJOHXSOX&IqRWS.
2.-Mbeia. is no TEA,
NOW -amps in 0-, AFt -r irac�Y.Oueanget allkiRds
ro*, XP `RRANTS, - .
tba lie, ul,' Famemgeas of of SeW CD, 'CL
-th eps
copy of ir., but Ong -ffo:rkw, Dymdem millw3linespu lu Cansdlk grey Overcoats with vapD aut TOBACCO,
r1l"Aiih" I r , , T � Cap S, q I
rw - RAIS M.
e.jimilap. At -m- IL, in this it' praild, qft offorga ar", - 'AP 'PIC
Good JL GOODSare HudsonBay
I Iffia
Tj::3 141mit report shows the IC39 01 Of th*, ifnot therefs lao 01!srge. )r -Cash-, tD ALSO
landNewYear ITO past
tabonizAlabathen atlfintstate(L AtJOHNISON As Chriatmas
-Roatimber the -plocq lu rear of. N
C+ sli'fo tee Goods,
i4tori. co "t I— I . Winter U N"
ae soul 1413 weiosavedlof t- Q W11 the
"enaq'M Palm pestmerk"loowbe-
ddren 0 r to pookbt the oash.
. V_ .. jordses Drug in
tanes5owerawom-'a and el f "_ the pablfafar a leb9tle OE tW "ES' PATENT Olug III ordei 4exock-e
a, andwherever. $62 ALAP01. CASH rsl$
ixx two ne3r the fo_ IL T 2 J' 'Dreas Ca -Its, Pauts
p f3 brar alsf IX a shtu Instiluce God�ri* 126fth 2#h, 1873. - I th!
used 1swell U611.119TErf , !I 14,-LOUB 4- FEED,,
Whip km �ge F es Jackets,
,W1mMLtb4drUie4 and we
-he water fo ewspe=wment rebef 0 ests, aU colors and su�
aftgr partis bneedin t M where the �md V adei, Boys
anatis ke, Lb
RERV19. b is C,&&,
lotbinginsixits, B076 -Pea Jacn lcd
gykeesitover au -1 carwna ffeawarcl� -to, -Hat a L i Caus H
d2Qxx'Bsy OV=UA ts ps aving been granted a Shop Doetuiefer
ext but M thit t 301INSON S;
Sils stmck tvil" Ga th10 417a, and fin3l- ha7ff -b-
an are CARD.
thejOeofLiquors, he will keep
speak taw offtsvftudend. nag
- and in the we R �T the Weal; Style, Shirts, Dra
waymd;lshing, over the det'
arpet mul
smashing the %perienes fa, tbw SAU60SAW (D flers, 0 oliga and Tie a, on Land. &fall
7,�aj, ap, I -
teeel It IN "' " i _ . .1, 1 - f
swaspill waspeAlrdme _E
i's oir svery� Owes wbo, a" '6f SW JLUO
The =2 1, - removed to *0 hou" on M�A�in . . - - - _: �-z - ! 0 -o
selecte!fStOA ofBroad 1
strest, Bear tka -DD* Sidn And Fancy TVRJ�4
boats arta m3adug WnO yoccupioa WAN
Wka w" this Last left. --u aim it Q* Istatiou'lAtal, SontlLof ere, ;ZK ALE
05 a makeup to order i
by Mr. -Fmk w
vLt rwuel bT tho Episcopal i I:, U - ft - we
Oscar. I "17-4n - - - ther' "Of VY, RV
L 4-7� Meyer, wi#.dcZr ra of Y,
Thaast�_N'Yn- effiftcicf"Ce�- 20-D- RoW Rotet suit ezactly� "Zit. SP9 BRAX,0
yle, or sell by the yara.
31iuistg timitev- Mr. Andout, who, I kitisrecom. -ON*,& IV Ist
mewunes 1ffot4, wherake winThe 10 be soiaCheav GIN,
Bailiff is at the door, we
-whinvot boat couldor na -pason, woula Swonderwafteft 189 above- Stock will
Ig 0 :5(orcash at
*Jill* rox" his men found by nighkor day asusual. Goderic'k, March 111k 7
torpro-F plats 4� MMMU91014 0" . . . I - the
vdntlxrv� swans off wia IW2
l4fortosell cheap ourselves to prevent
wzlst =a machad tba spot. Capt. wil- werv-wkt- - entitle = -
swrou6sr - . *fu -Cutting done, nZ 330TTLE OIL.
im, comiu any, ON DRAUGHT.
Marcilt 25th. 1873. Ither.
linu wss asked to'WkAt C912" 21cTib- DWIM in -U Pau ofas edw*o a - "
tbp wareava
0djh&djjwtar, Hisreplywa*'% Can, 1a"And "Olr 110MOR9 f: aeofe M -The bighot marke
t price laid
union itwas because we bad W,"!MD.
tfaft togive tr - 1.
The. CAU2EXCL Par= IDee"W W" (D
wt All )(0did" D8416vS ]KETHEM NEWT A; Co. fc;rMutber, 2gisaud, 044or P'WduPe.
avarrill, 'Our Jistanew. I thought we j=M010A re� willba j; Bond's Drug j Store,
door to
W. thfmt it; after t;ylnX It. memberthestaltd, unrly
t 'tug phys-, W-jer and unit* Ijb6ndind
obs &I'Vitt euven Trixots. bu :or tw6good,9X%11rsssMt*1vb0M -
eats rba", 0 will be offered,. Varkst84parejaoiterich.) j
apeei mwit, bave been greater tim tUt onfrTwinty-Avoc Pei rorj�srtkuum
M4,61d in"efl* W -006i,: apply at this
� "�;, - P - the School House, Maitlandville.
have gotaaloir olat CAU10, I office.
Co. ]�ojfisld; tablisUd A bronch 'Io'k his Torbruto- V DewrAbdr 21si, 1872.
Tordazt; Gardiner 1=0 TiEw uNDERsONE
71 Xsrq)� 4th, I
"Inng ��T
Sewbg3t%0lAlI6RV W k'
2f. H. April —T1n -Wzc&
lag 00 su%oc-, of conversatim.�LF%eter; H� Comijo MtM' 10 Secord
The paiwWria,
slatenlenis Of Ca Officars
dj (Utaggof tA@ djZ_L�jxxCkn()W;E.ffiC_k jroiNT5 Gs H. PAR ONS 4: C0,9
medicinadealers. eodto� "e1vtolvis
ere.alikindii, of-, 7
-red by the p*>- wil
2a, 1871..
-auct an& tlLa gouirXI 11 PARTMS U
vulwraforwscoxx iDEST11b T6 Titz OU13
DR, J. 131'LL 81Nt!80N1S criberwill plesse I)SYSP At once- v g Iffach! XARKET SQUAIX!, GODEILIOH.
A!". Win -
-pecliffe"ana lwft WHS- I altere-A sud-put, in flitt
ABRAIT" SMITH- Willborepairedp, HaVe for $46
down to ths scale, cl n1a wrack za 1VGLT151tX9XI[Dr10l1XE9V- (;o",hj1zhoctA87L __o
jooksfiw the praieetT, Aboa,.2W roeturud fmiw sm- , I CROSS
_pzx r,07:'Mify, spirmworrW-0 MINK, YOX, and other traps,
were ferwazded s" of the
Hiving had 16 11eays experience, In 0
be.Tiber lias r -T SAW$, MILL SAWS, ()OD
--a of th, im .�w L - . - . - CL
gle4pimad", the offleeb of -algahine mmiiifae 1 . L - 'A - '
t blimbin
DN -son 71 Btuc`Zw,�4 ine, in the abor Qpffft S
DANIEL GORDI torioi in, -ffie Wor
and 21AM61let to Bort1=1 t-Doniglallf R,= Ie7 4 thi jargest;
X 151jaW3115 Fills are tbs, ia -Re cauguar4ntee -D SkW8, CROP;
axlen, them tke 6a1rjftd& Ta*y fx'l 'W" fc, tb& two. diseases. and -re
.1 3minel 4ohn My ��!" One T X A� 11M.Ri r.1NNG "u,
saved fj� the WX&C ma tc, Q. roof bive siready cured 01 A d�or to Neia E"a
yam 0m, He I= 1"t wve�r IM, mittry, 146"t Artlittr, Media- Wrkshop-* CD
flo h" I— J�smrton, teattfiriFtolliw'"D w3rbythfitaxe�, office, Clinton, when ha,js pop_aj to 410 Al wcrl: Vithr OUSMAX RS
fathw" nioam, aid bratuar rapfix Zoo, neitto SIGNAL tz. _wMeb U
.;jl�',,. Corbin and jazy be fAVOUNd- pRICES. BOrg A=, HAND
-1 1 IND
living fa Now yirk� The, boy y, ir, mdbw Need dandr or ive In
will, race achines 1 AXESA DBROADAXXS. COW
-,)e5cg, rsileved at rt it L\.cw
AIM" T � eft
A &Porf�"hot*, and fdKistrol onkto of any. TY3MC1403UPT4�P a. offi�e, G nich.
hisescapetBrou Iforegat - u? A: -8 OF nVERAL KINDS,
snag j '0 tet go Thals and TIE
hold 0. 'roald Intis sim!"Itz
12 to the rail anfs Mot
SIMI got iva the ri"jug, -whara i�e w3a LOGGING CHAINS
'11. Poog. we Clinton, 10titHgijeh, Souuj DONS WZTH OF ALL SIZES,
/I!h* citizCno art i fiecareli wrrped fi*ft obowntion. of L
joji, S 21
,rtbX,. I GLASS Py")M
akAad NGOX Of Too -a
jjx= gtyt) on LV - - - - . .1 1
kin& to, the suimilors, IlKst
is Aintiv4y, Sir j" sm 513IMS 1W., )MATIESS AND IDESPATCH-
4aothfi jg _1"D OUT "IL8
car'l for. ahe proyincia, or all Idn" Of
WiA s p -er
WrW's"If sad, Twaft Dragauts. e.'H e, A. 4A=50===
C;5y*rj"Uz arraugoto
*if 1,;:r46lit;; Most post-fros 09 apecat
iffirromrs Por Sus ILIA )Et"w &]a]@
F0 %
boral Tho weathff is M* tc�dw WU
I that tjlj� gricaur A
"Vvp IN
CASH. Opposite
12opm we entattalaw ca At lowricell r
port" of the e4rgoowm 14 Oared, Tht TOR TON FOL,
jxmftioi�,btrbow jamormaploor" $. , a
48"aipAw i* %_jjajAW# 4' LowING iXS=vKi1XT
M MA 00i of w4ur. r,;Pv~ or At liff " -PARSONS kC*
dM 49'. H.
JYAX, A�Zl t -VX$' W'JJ"AM *EF I hy 019 Organs And Holodoonst R. 0. wil.
HAI , VW%ratVW 's ft t W Wm AUOTION SALE
jam j w x"iwuv4 frow tija * rfek "d M W" 0,%W *,Oq "a" VIM ffins, Toronto, Poloubst, Felt= valuablo "erich. Nor. 28 ir"
is Strwlrml, tu
a the wit k b.AV.Mtesqf js�Wkicltft jfh" NOW Y04
pm,j., rk.
ad r1w Sid]? to U01 Tanery =a Dwemug Hc
Loobap 1, as WOW
91WV =
wa 41
wil, give smi *Q
wt bei; few P"kaz4o on 04A in this
1*, " -
will 4%rf, Aelbus. UNION
**Me t4m The swou Ir" 00618, Now York,
OW00 a" C4111C it. of
fm 4*00, to wcwk, Tho smedw:=W*441 JULACHINE OIL
eon 49 so
in. Nee to" in sesotal UK for as ped two
of _DU
Aviftwd *00 woof of ?AW00kr 1GABt=
AA" BASSEORN T I IR, -NLQP I i 11Y Virtize Of a Power of rAle Conts
69 if A a best astid4cu^ as may be "M by t"
*A JUP ed in. a vertain. XmtWe
No* ON go- tho(w 8900449W DUNK"
09 49 Dming weetber, it is "I
YOM WXBXR which wilL be pr6duosd 4: Tt will not 00mew in tu
abi"ToOdd =ds. AVWM& OW M*M tW Boston, T J14on-- the W
-Mere as tbe hearleatumbla" A We.
J MW "W ubow- Md boom -it
NUTZ"I T41rahy, the Ift, day of April
$eta By A"thlbo"Im
ft 1W IS T" V
on OMMMUM and I
AC" furnl* Abunt QW191M I 1 0 . I
0WX4kW,&j 4
*1110 JAW, L Mot=@$* onta%* jLb twrelys O'clock. W*b, in Morghfila I oou*Wkr stock's *41 ult9aw at 01.0 Per plies.
I&M _&i tows, tv "'"NATsd bis Fall ftock HOW in this'%
Poo, is 11L 's and U prepasd " mmol to make all fit Thw North put of lot seven iu
'him, -r, Baywii pt"d, in theTown- for ask onlY by
MAidbojea up ample, durable Aud the khkU of Q1irame*4 in the swai fim
loom *1 logot in# now 21164 41*. Me* pad at, th. 1.,mg mt... RAPP
The A"Woor 0. B. #WWA won t1wo at PROPLEEPFAVORITEi- of Gooda rillage of asymd. thee elive 0-11 at 40 oniia. I *!GL
&I satisfac" it is Iti
Turzovs NVISMON. romis - h I 111 shipof8tanIfy amtshimi throe Acres
q Mac G. IT. PAIMNO 4 Co-, R*dww*
) sea *ill so*
A 120" or leds., *h7m we on tho promises 31"rikaau, Goderich.
AT Qw� _—VA meadd sj"ft toy -take
9"1 3ra*wenty dollars you can have 40i TZRM-.--Ono tentll of the purchase
UAAA� % 11 %a JhwsW an.1 404ro it is ��sbown, I a Frame Tannery and Dwelling Home Aomms,
is a dkq ka a U=dm* W# *Mgt" no hp�v* long wantl5d, Vor Workmanship _)1*069 4W 0DMp1 I I � l,
low awd ft 10 ON ft6w,0160A WANISe &VA room. 16"Wfu"fty 00mandkw- of, tobe paid on the day ofsa% fur'
I= T to PoWder fte Money
a kard all
a" for on& year by Found ce terms will I)* made known at the
so fib*0 zjXzt WM ft;r to fr" of 4, Thi very thfiag to smooth your Th eg balm JX4
loow* we A COLLT# 1WjWr=y som ;K= loked byjaimmees xcorcM
ga bomb" aboi the Wvmb- Take my ovioean0u. For man ala bom their Una is spott. For further partiCUI&TS IVY to
d" tbo PA& 66WK to be tbo dzw jjAh"k I's Apy, 0�uat. I 'afsk with Um ProvbdoL 11�
A* JON -19 AP JOSE r SONS 1:181ribir %oil$
ht low "M 00400AM-aw ufar odarw 2U6 0009M
hms L to ordir at -P Ntifik Amerk'as, rbo"
tW *oqft broad, Solicitor, Masonic Hall, lasuraii,"
be one do Toruuto. Fin- I Avft,
W11111ATO tb"r bomb"
- of Ima light -140%
Its La All I MA
4W � twiw imo IL 1,4 ton you
won side sia h"s fw- $10 drawn;
&boptiM by PeUr Ad
'4 to 64*t� ON ThjT are quite Or to JORSILWON,
fill 3;0,r1t90;%W A 0010-4
VVU as MAL *(iL 4ftw, And N y" VVIlt no"On z0alm
so A. P. MCXAAU�% of
i J&l _.aallkttb�abopof
60N mealeto
bow h 004060b, March Isib, 18,3. 1361td yb. 2m
ins -