HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-02, Page 4- — — ------- Pro ectus W1873 -811th YeRr 'for 0111cur fas U. *Mtn Mats about Vor%. If i� "u- " -A 9.9 9 I've have said there is no lack of profit - Book% aed. ree ollain otoded able work for any man capable of tloing, RD V i 4% a 14- THE i LUNE IFAFLM F -Oft 4ALP.. 7we Wickets, bs!3iD� am,�d a' that N Ant rn, lr* x1evon tout, J it. TNt there aro difforent dogmes of t 1 2 G %T1, rig t will aa a' that Wellavoti,coilipato%%,itite,%ch*I A uIllitstrakd Monthly uA*er- 1JZ1brG LOT No. It ON mi*" b and tho mail. that can accompliah 1 sally admided �o be the 0j),abegsion. i4tho It's ut%'� M"i 'N." er e tkm; other, E Ric I I 0�11 A Rep ff cKAY f0*140 Z I - '4r Periodi�wuntk. resen" �erichflbA the 113167field Roax 4 Tho ebuniellstva 43M by plam 4 a given amount of wort-, at the least coat ILIAVJF, XUDICHIVIPM0 Wlai[tS _L4<>1 -VIE].[ _i; tv Is king e games for e that. - Makes tile most. n1ollov. EJ 'I S". �4 Loals .......... ;� J L tive and 0&&ml lo'n -of Amelcan Taste-. - �bslf, 'miloj from t.he:TOWA-0146a" ( I Ili t--1 N, NJ, I i;o,l for I,,, d. 2 1,U abill Q Acres, -75 I'Awvnns mu T re l6v kl- -Ilw� ST'ZITuDY ECONOMY. - wt' , III Aud Erin's son's at %a&* and fair, RE 3 A L ME a R E 2 L P,t:­ wi'l 1- ot aker ,I� .,!I,- I'lul" :1 2� ok or, Nevro undisi, gcod cultivation, woU W&WQ do not mean by thi,; that thov must live Not fbirfsa el in B0 . . J)vj�r 30,yb1ll,1,,J,Ie, it) i9tores. witit's :sprinr Oro& nii. Wt' roarVI&WAA 17thit, lItIrr"we" 1'rilliel ....... ... C1103111Y. Fartners aro not often extra- O� Petel .kT BUTLER S Upholsterers &09 t1mqg4 ths*lAt % 1k*s*" T HE ALDIN4 while issued with4U—nm t May ftK"'hMelahv na the, air, vt%gant in tlwir stylo of dress and nian- J I bl) tl,o jullabilatita Of A?id crazk their crcons� and a'that EOS leave to rehirn thanki; to ror their Silk Velvets, 24 and 30 inch. of 1.2 1 1"1=4 tier of living it is the vory hest of i Ne I'llm 1,111ra Wee Ilook E 13 (Joileriehawl surrotinding country, Fity, has none of the temporl-' I 1 60 'ears lie has ragulai For e that, and a' thst, econonly to ross warni, and et' 11IT11--lit, I. liboraiii.itt%)-iago(Litringtlio Insit two It ail inkerest charsetkistia Of Ile ill now prepVt And bettf r fair tba!� e t1lat, imfortab Luddell's School for tilt, Voice ..... . 1 50 E been in linalliagg. ,I to rurniii; ry or timely d JAI z IV, .Ind appi5limitely to Cie work. it BeaLitifulAssortment u I'mets' Art of Sini"Ing ............. 3 00 ai ticies in his line. such ail -periodicals. it is an 4169AIlt orffinary Oar roa-ling ga-mo av-0 kesp3 the 11-ime is good ecolloul'y to ttak,� the house its 1 0 3 00 ID Silk Reims and Poilins, miscella4yof nre, lighi, and ov ...... 8 00 - :F T—T I::;., W I 'r 1 -me an 0* frienaship bright for. -,a- th"'t. Itnuiltier's F11110 literature; an a collection of fldtflrssi. :buildk Itlagoodecolloillyi R W1111 lier.%tedt'i Violin Schoul ...... 7.5 r ALL DESCRIPTIONS- the) .1 laus 0 . & to, eat"011. allevi well, and, work Tiard. t JEWELL2-_t',Y OFALL KINDS wiloill"I"t-fdVa 111tito Szhool ....... 73 rarest spect T I f. Wade skill, in 11274 L PLAI'l-4* Violl 11.5 black and white Althongh- isach- ave- - for Or Wbori bitftn-6 Bore^ lklean-4nd-SM0119 Wonumi-i IlAao is not al%%ays work- 11' sellool ............. 0 PILLOWS Twilled Flannels, MutogtTLOCArlett nit. wi, icy bmth, anti a' that, lug to the best a3vartage. A tivin rilay Picters' Pinto ....... 75 caoding,,u=bir46rds a fresh ploasuro layll O'A t�a lo, I i i I,, k c E I VE U, (I Peters' Parlor Companion, For ALSO -'%3 his magic span, worl. very hard. choppitig w.-oa with a -I Fillte. Violin, and Piano, 3 oo R BOLSTERS to its friends, f1lb real valueandb"uty Am& stins the atreama� and e that dullaXe,'or pumpin- waler with'a limull rctor%'Varfor Cottillanioll. For 2 MATTRASSES, &0-5 Nubias, White, Searlot and Black, THEALD and to be suld Fillie And Piloui, Of 101 will -be 2nost Opm,, nTo, sitasted ft As Nft* thit, ­suck.4; air,- 1I tlig F or e that. and ce that, !It, lie is not work' 00l G Uhen13;' 1coir 'C)nF_*h, ciat - ad aftstit hir been beand up ailbe, sw '0 Vast st 'inthis W* - of Cauld wisteek sz,%w, and e that. with econ-only. A l'an gQI8 pa - N, or'(311FAP VI' BUTI-iFiCS 0 _11111AC liVill be sent A Ceoured Turauoi e, different Shades,. close of r. While other jublicl- 41%4416JR"' th'a1z;;k, stst414 6�i. I "", but 011 recelpt ot tionerm ol superior chea -.j-W*1ng ons, ArOWA01 tSO 106, %ii! mirth and 9100, - - onght to got it, not for "workin 0 tM%1-lb'5141 A AND ON TUE SHORTEST NOTICE. puess " quartor of" The 0=20T)t rnejit for a' that. —,F-- -_ 'i PICTURE PRAMES kopt On ]land and mado to *f similar el' � _ va, A good 'Frxiie Noti"i ­anj Trim for what he acconi ltshv,3 This is, as Me allarkedl lm,llce. t of & 11192. r, 4 C.. rder. Having on lulnd an assorm --IF -11 11 true of tile farnier aq of his hirotl inan. J, L. PL flMS', 6T.1 Broad ay, -"Is' I;n4 a few 1i t ban And Bash -Ribbons Cord and Watered, rM ALDrNE is a loniquis an& original, WIL - Tbi—a prope#y will -be x1ola Ob6a But U& 70:1 esuldrife, 83utllroll COOL though we do ri�-t fvic-1 its force so fully COFFIN TRIWAING811 eoneepti6n-alo4e, and naprlroadhed- � IF priooi�forLajish. ' Apply t6 wit, cliittot�il' teeth, and a� that, in tile one e:,se iL'I the ther. am prepar Al. to inake cofllii� on the shortest competition -in at reason. absolutely without In muffior, ckiat, and glove an's' loof, not like to pay a Inan for rryi.n�,, 0110 %S 1, L notice, and to conduct funorill On the 1110 0. WL' drap at's aQae f6r e that - %v able torias. D:j?l ReAdenitior the old stand. White 33rubsels, Not Muslin Lace, or character. The possessor of is, do]#- X TRUEBUN, pll of tkater ulten lie tuiL.- plots volume annot i1uplicate -the quan- V �,lit j,)�' as ell i O.odoirl For e that� aud a! that, C.Ivrry two, or for oS rf S 'f EJ Fk FA T tity.of.fine paper and ongrayings in auj;-, Or to 0. SXANNDI�, LIN F, As waz�& a pie, and e that, with ouck It mio wen Ito inight just opposite the Bank of Montreal. IV Green MA1oves. other shape or number of volumes for.f thepromig", 7110 hal-Ay $tot will caat his coat, do", 256LJAU. 1873, 1&% wvll drive tlir4L-,. Itut farmers thou .it CA lul kin Ooderich. Fob. 12.12. teft:times its os�, and then, thirs are the Go And p!ay his Zaaaa for a' that. solve's often ALI thiegs eillialiv- Wastor'll chroms, besidm falExtensiveNgwftemises ART DEPARTMET. of time and la, Ilr. o we 5'3� L L 1COST Canada Yarns and Hose, &a in life, a load ill tilt) C; ' v ad AND Notwit increase in the a ha�l elptv to th'o 6tv to Stock. nd ten I prie listanding th� so we UXUA guax-a iucurLng strifo back a nd Caus hr�if our ox% it A'r Il I E I a;-*- when IMP.,flubsuiber Mrs.for stleate wtih M" of --or flubsc tioh last va, Also—Felt Overshoes & Z ALD NE fumed its present no- T . Lqt 1qQ. 14 In thesall Concusioa of t4e T timeand that ot the and pay don- TH I INE ship of G40erlch; Qn the BsyWeld Road, 8 X41" 1; ble-propp ion8s d n - M.Ups F or e-ilm, ands, that, ble toll into the barga' i Dpfe80ntiiiv6 Char-'; from Goderich, efttsitiX40acres of Itimt. mift*16 - . I --- actor the editio has more than doubled a harm itud 940d -frilftio lisru on Us 1*9 swim rp thr-Qzagh tho port for e that, Taus SCIFNTiric F' Fresh Fruits t 1, . _s" -TM# indt Sono c=ming hand, toskWs coir. durm-'g the year proving that the Ameri. largel-. of the exar,:,so of ei- nasautu half Of L126 films lot =Y. 11" be Barry & Bro SUPPO dobled. APP3Y 10 M ca� public appreciate, and vn Vabluct Makers, IJP.dertakers W001 a smears effort iii the cause of Art. a GEO.-JOEMTON, may. -ick her out fee 0: that. ble as to dispensl iv, ­i ord, r, y 1347 publ judicious 11, .11lical wor. - Tarliers, Goderich, '9thDec., 18721 e J thus em. tra III have ex- Or to ARNSTIONO Whom blind red sets the winter sun' r S XX confidelLo t to do. Z4111 Agftt,, msel to the utmomi GoderIck, Three ringixg and IV that, depeiais' erted the Oth, 287Z Have re the store next eqlop and impp ove ess Shop, where will be v live door to W% Acb83on's Harn the work; and the proolaim the bonspiel play is, won b's rnoved across the street to plaps for the ming year, as unfolded stock. et that it BY dinteskffL &ads! that; T, Ail' PR bythe monthly sues, will astonish Iiinil IL GOOD- ASSOTMENT I I - I : found friends L For a? t1A-and a' that. r"'t i.11 - A 4A 3300TH J aid e that, Gei,'-, both A G. rr. lit away wrt; Idelight even th most sanguine "''EYd RAGORATOR) 2f 10tolien. Bedrooln,:oiningrocu- and ear or FAA H. GARDINER. 0Ppznez-s mav, some ither Zay, b� Butthe of THE ALDIXB. 'AT'8A'yF11ELDA I, .%-e fo ... ve bo niture, such ap turn th&- baulks, fore that. T6 publish are authorized to sni- ,,I, repre- -RDINUR'& C 0 H, -GA notince deiig-us- om. - many of the most t a� koep CHAIRS bair,caae:ina wood a6at4d) CUP130%RDS enilnent artists America. Now to the 1= the curlent throng. 8, �UiUftldll 0fA%kWrAt,4ft*iVsC44§%@r6m*f BRDSTEAD ium=6214-14 W.ASH STANDS' A-Wft-Aba, .00 For bad &Dd grea=3, an -a a' that, i t GENEUL DE4LER in ad ALDrNE will _0*10wip of iorninal weak- pwpftumo*�Offt mls" U 4. 0i -YA 31ATTRESSE's pirodrice examp s of the best f fts, Ama spemd the aigat wil' toayst sill F =2 If of "s"MWIrcoittkaWit' Jt4MR6 po%%er, pre Otero, P LOUNrs- oft -1. IN: M loote with a view Ta�iip:a" gib�a at a' that ; ­ a 4h9st artistic anceen, and gr -*i*d W t%@:b04qWft �,rR r eloote physical pros - N1 Ll led, eatest and ',cdua C A t: arms - trt wit. JV.Lr, other GLASSES IF =' E -U -OfA =2 mom For a' that and e that AfHATNOTS. LOOM U kepekal intereiit; avoiding otch an win.e:m�4 stock. intallIg ils by exet,,.ive st:cret GILT FRAMING. betome familia 001L bla This Sill e is C-luip--st-I of 1�r G. B t B are prepared to gell everythinS in -.&TA80_J4.t 4,11A A W6-11 P:Odp the.tnut fec e that, tgraphi =447,91 4 �otland's not lue,., a name, auld S L the line 7:-e 1 or o Ile o ai Call- the incs, si surnothening tnd -contidnint 30, SOW 10*4 or illeal- ttinted' plates, for 1873 widalvoutitpra but lt.S t the khole (Cheap for Cash. Auld Swiland'a sanne. for a' that. rod four - of John 13. DavW veg, tit -,ni, ati�l is the mo�,t p -r- bolisideralbro- wl which JW11.' N B A corLlweto as�ortineutnfqufrlusano Shrondr ropriate to d I re W E. LL, fee! for ti,is obstinate class, 'If W an, a iiame to I I a, ad reason- full a Is a d -sketches app ablo r',Iii L An(2 w1i m- the szore ol We is made, to ao o , L, L � PAINTS1 G th6 fourseaunn! �: Thes lates, appear� irrot W; e,er t�, ,'izcovtred. It has Ime ten-, As mac%:WWA fe? e that Wat,h Tirrorter, inj N th6 issues for January, April, HossE.S.-Wlia us, t ,VII 4 the C!,Illltry, A CALL SOLICITED. 0W., -;.g street E3st, July, and Octot er, would be alone worth WhecL h' death's last- shot is for as incii pert n %v, t �nb, CL'rl, curl I t hav e lie ver st3t.-Ii Go e1Ph,,:&ugAr#k 870 t, Aug 1870 the price of a ar's subscription. plazed. meal for. In ett I],:. S, T:)ROUT, tile I - oVt them t,, perfect ffe 'TTY popular feature ot 9, copiously JLnd time's. & ho% and that a farmerhas pletoy .4 ,;..d suill B-)dy-" OILS PU Farmpor.3918. rurs wherust�r; cc A illustrate'd "GhAstmas" nuu�ber will be For e that,, and e that, in Oti -n Or wheat srrsvI,, -t is r, ­I e, fail to obt. To possess sit," valuable epitime of- T31 t1l" -T`h1P Of Coltl= 0. in the cmisty of continued. Clur boaam friends for e that, feed In t -h V&Tt of Iftr X. Compti iflis* of 1 meatli each rink complete, tip the stra%V' b teedbr e that. -Lit We;gl the art world �t a c,4t so trilling, will IL ANT) COAL OIL ds- boaams ad RlurWbod ulmbil% 1*1) Vripy, mail scr iftheh '. b iptiotis 6f thour roluz4 COAL 0 LAMI bom d tI 0,.,: 1 Creeks, if -'lint qwit�, xobd-W Houji eai,. evei of the country; butax sh,! ::e Saw W -=W A" the usefulvess nd attractions of THE infleofst4so mALDISE can o enhanced, in preptir. miles of the VZ,.: e leave I'l _V11- 1 -ion i 111nerIchl inmase of its ODDS =114D E=& the '31 a. t e On bs Men Varietv of W, al-- puillishers propose to r make "waurano double Aura, by Gaideb -NOT. 20. 11% the t fol Ion ing anpapalleled ffor of �_Natures. t0oring-A potato patch. 1,11., V. tr.11 RX 1 HARDWARE of all kinds in endless variety, aaci at the, Lowes FA ISALSo PREMIUM CHROMoS FnR 1872. /A tablh o! irit,3mt is a dinner table. TF ',aelectric tallegraph. d&v. if REMFMBER THE PLACL A fm� f ez&-Th Every ubser-ber to THE,ALDIN OT 20, Sth tm Goder" TowusId 401 L LAM 70 ficrem cleared good Bundfz7, U arsolit Noah's do V10. griest a?A% %!I,, T (1, 11 wl-o pars ia ai vanee for tile year 1873, of Fall Wheakq miles from the T-ol7u.02(j1dii; _L ditional charge. Ipply to 0 .7RUUff4XGoder1ch, or an the Wom 's TORTr STD -B OF I HE SQ P�TRE. GOD -7 wit) rec�aive,'wilthont 'Ed let It san i a fair of beautAftil oil ehromos, after J. Premises tO DAVID COX A qwl Qoderich, July 23ra, lK2 KiLl the eiiiinei t Eliglisil painter Gqd�neh, Dec. 12th SRI. plan. Too Yate, for theif-mr-An old bachei- 'rho pictures, �etitilled "The Village -Crossina the Mo(iir," are or- !Bvile,` and FOR -SAW. chaff aid (ur fori:wr and; ara clerg7men Ue rail -way port- - quart id corn -mi -a! to a ; 14 x 20 inches -4 -are priyttedTrom 25 dif.; tovir Ii P.-oronage' utL __0_ an�_Bqcansathay do a good deal of: r. li fere plates, Jequiring,25 impressions [anti 'Meld, eon - ht -se thatare �Ciriti_- milk,_n:t i,s 't a Put of cr. it 41 -tifidence i -,r tlip p l. --t ILOT 5, Con. 4, R. D. rn-taeal and a qtiart ;n. d i a t, ii pelfect each pietiftre. The ,As I V -I to r;-.' 111,1 We sartie chi-om,,s dre sold for $30 per, p taWng 200 aeret--excellebt lattil, An ezJ "Saw" ro-sek-lftotto for ama- stirred intu of yvatt-r-, n respuctfullv call iilir attoition to our lnTo-T. and 9=ping. day. Keep the elvati. %variti, ll -I (I -LI: 'rill-, GENUINE GO" "'ERIC 411 FOUNDR a i in the art stor4. As to the determilnRal!] covered with Maple Z -e st;ll Ito-. Would rhis Ortran being a G oc- er' All co -s are betti,-- f. r style No, of. tian of its eniuctora to -keep THE from 0odedet, with a aster fiffing trout Mrs. Paytingtom says that she ixe scal,-j is a de- ALDINE out I of the reach of compet.l. stream yatinm 1(2, 'ho efttril -it had tha� hSho was being carded -L' Re th re s-alle I tave. Double It thropgh t tion in every!,departmeut, the chromos land, them is larhrd' S Ulu 'Iasi sirable instru uient f )r ad at' ed players, about16 seres -of 41*M a;o by an centist. I ly n orrespondingly on- of the ent stalks t(l straw remove thela i BY Pianiqts or parties educating themselves will be found shead of - laud on the front atibe lot. Why wo;0d, a tata on Lmxtsbe objecti the marue-s an] 8prink-le a little -cat -i the C- o and fur the pianoforte: an . a parlor In- Apply to A'Mdical Ti e o tis d an� that can N offered by other periodi- ab.'a at cea?-Demnser it T7ouid be en- '3%lt water over tho,a. The cows will -hen Fromature strument, it nieets every requirenient.- coum-.ing vzo-rataG- as 61. butdiffer- cils. Every 3ubscriber wiil rpceive a THOS WEATNEWaD Decliocin ilan,.�ervouj andPhysical Our No.-30-isthe same ate, ovei - the signature ofthe pub- ertific eat the most of them. Our e III-poe'Liondria, ImpoWncyt, ent style, still more expensive. A Eli splains that love lishers, guraqteeing that the-chrom9a Goderich, Jsn,ftd, 1872. -1 .4 --s r1i.-eild be fed hUeri!"V. Y, is commoa;y spa_�-en of as a 111&me' be - Sperniatorrhree or Stuininal Weakness, No. 32,is pronounced by all %,ibo have deliver6d sh equa Ito a They arq �:r-jr, Unwit ll.o ment in the ca, -M,(107 sentimclat. d all &ther discaaes arising from tl�e seen it to be tile finest lustru fumished'the acreatT or t e oney a t Valuible Property Faugst& ern)rs of yoxitil. or the '%:-ational master AV 'indiscretions or world for the price; this orfran has' two pi,. tit? i r ulit-ir ii,Lmr. pjii; he refunded. ike-dis ibution of �ij 1� . I 1� I 0AM ENGINI: DRX-,P 1: A '- No 30. with two 01, ari. This is iii- complete setts same as fgamg rmmd with Government I rispec Iexcesse, of inattire ye tures of Abii; do, free to the so scrib 0' for every man. Thousands additional half sett, viz, .11autboy and i di al, ilill mark OTSNUMBERSSIANDu deeda book HE undersined having sold the Ifuron Foundry pr6perty and era to a five d lar * king four eno c have been tauglif *by this work the true Vox Celeste, ma -an epoch in 0 tory f Art; and, tor�- 46VVT5drls h3w d-1 you brin I.:* fa k t,f sotts from lGodaich. X�n Lot Int Is, 4ifilmW aftWgkjf� hara, into P -_nae T ta bran, and.t of AV up and ass Stock to the� Goderich Foundryadd Nf= CAt _pilndal ay tij licalth wid btippinesa. It is, the middle C also 1� octaves of B ufacturing Company," 3104N006400 blic 'Ouse. considering t eun cedented cheap- P - ':d work ever Profundo- We are flio, 5rat and only begs to thank the public for iheir liberalsUpp'ort for the past nineteen ness of . the . -price, , r THE ALDINE witirt-holuse IrEcheotadbe, son clieape;t and best niediQ C5 .91 stru a 8 tr rts 11 No Is O� milk.. ient bp-d. L -t rties who male this line of It', - ye r and u t d theii tel 'it 11tt c abOs' prafm-3r Kn.,ntain menti-ris in his e7tt it. ft;i%:,- t, iv,_- publislied. and the otil one on this p, at they will eontinue to son orders to the itsef, tlle'ma�vel tills little shortof.a the ell Class id ills "i ul tit inents, and the universal satisfaction New Company* miracle, 'evenito th6fe best acquainted touitpmjsjen� - tMveta.in Cana that amon. er ca, t I they have given, and the immense sale with the acl.eivem�nts of inventive Tema Made OW kowlivert. assum to I terpri�- Signs of her people, he ob- R. RUNCIRAN. Arm of the3e Otgans, show that they are ap- lw=�__"Trejla geniug and bispro-14 mechanical ap. sonred in a con-tain town the- follo-in-Z Addrt-_s ait orders to Goderich, loth June, 1872, preciated and encourages pliances. (r�w WtUtrations -of tess William DAVMN &.10NN9TON B. S., shcomaker, ack6ucher, _�! I - logn - - - them a speciality. GoderIch M Ztay.1fin smut and amshoneer." chromos, see * Noi�euiher issue of TEL Asa keneral rule Applicativils for agenries, where we Referring to the above Notice, the GODERICH' FOUNDRY AXD 31ANU- ALDINDi. Holu=.tro, I-X'T. PP017. F. TIALLOCK. have no agents, at all times confidential- FA(,'TURWG COMPANY beg to inform the public. that they are prepared Tim Inl:RA -7 �DEPARTx1arr Shake3peare wroto about kr­n!n,! -r i on, a M'sm "men., did he refer to F-r Ot a irt e-ve%t f c iv ty ly solicit6d. to contract for How do v �:i , I. tls7iews ?-N . -el .' LI! i�* - - will ontiuite; unaet�'the care -of Mr. 'I vr�4 11'e litl CC, Cia;.­ Strect, -.11ontreal, P. Q. For Illustrated Catalogues, Address. STBAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, kn-,w he dtiln't ? Because vout alums RIC9ARD 1"ENRY-UTODD&RD, a&-�; i Gt:,;r; nd Mmimolw walk', 91j" A. S. IfARDY & CO., FLO Ult) GEM T SA W. MILL 8, SA H7NG MA CqINES, �c, sistedky the F Guelph Ont- I poets of End thein unddr a moan e -, ' , I the dayF, who will fi� - large oto ci;A'w*W 1�33 ly* 40n 14nnd rive to have tha�ground� bagdf i --a boy in his employ, and July 1st, 1872. ..120 day aezwion to use a piece literature of THE ALDINE always in 6o"ed, -abo, firitQjsx, i4bXk ; 5. t ca es, IRONAIVD WOODEN PLOUGH,!, nth stMjboards, 14*uw. A pinmber had ": I I The r",;lt Mar- S Ikeeping-withi.b artWe attractions. eve cmVedencatut, of Elul, azdered hita t, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVAMRS, in�_-he3 Equ SPALE, HAY AS U�,UAL! - C Foi7particulims apply to. 11yeq, sir."said the boy, Tznmt. , twelve iachet; sliaare, but hou long ?" STBAW OU7TERS, 65peranuum,in dvarice, with Oil COMPLETE SUCCESS i Rerbert-" Glc)rv, f the armv.*" Chromos free Or to 13M. W. Mr, ALL", ate ham&rad wome am -d to be SUGAR AND P07ASH KETTLES, CRATE PARS, ri, He:me- of r;33 11U i In." row-ptly and rea-lenably THE ilBiNE will, hereafter. be Godorich, Nor. IS, UrA. 1349 a are s=iying law in the A �,in 11"e'. : William - me WAGGON BOXES, I.V : Freiarick-­' This is a tsrevnle prolpsd ! Ca -D-4 Ell -3 h Tr-)ernner's Coffee and- T obtainable only by'subscription. There- _C� High. I--' - I - 000KIN-G, PARLOR.,� BOX STOV88 of various kinds, will be rio redaced or club -rate: cash for per3a Hn., on First Prizes -4-Jed Ea ChUl`r3e M01iCitIL' L.9- S Bells, all sizes IL JVO vrould rather hae the -i to r --r Presses, &-c-, &-c- At Two Exhibitions I subscriptions tbust be sent to the' pub- traen, have t,> li�ton Patrick— Noble THE -MOST PERFECT lishersdirect,ior handed -to the local AT, VERY PE-MAMW ii r lisher exce :in es where the certi�fi- owu I Robert-" Fa-uriis irt R �AW 'D agent, withoi yesponsibility to the pub. TH. --oper. im- W. B ELL* 0 0. GUELPH,ONT. MgS 14212,016Mith WOrk- cat e ii given, earing. the it -a A. Camden, rasir after *altzipg )A H Iron and Brass Carst"' Jo3s Re trus-s;a G"Dl. I a, E Ir, % R It TELL afat mile sig t=e3 with a my at a bA W13 asked ii a re Of JA114ESSUTTON 4& CO. his, Was, f(Dild of danzing� 110A: no " re- Received Every First Prize BOILERS AND SAL r rANS - �;,ctrt �notka, 7 11 To plild th a y6rith, 'IF don't Cara for it, FoR Samuel- of E VIXT ZVElly I vetur me _7 to take Twenty to thirty Horse -power TulffflAr Boilers: Any T�orson; "fiingpaotpermanez blat myd A yer.- kt- to awia,314 -arA thm ia chap,= than a r ILLME ly ai� a local astent, willveoeive -full and -:Roo rt" .. ' "' Generall' on bphd for Bali., M EP. H '%T 'vFi A -_ y A prompt inforlation by applying tc All, Ordexe addreissed to the COMp4hy or'.* Sedrptary will re-' JA BUTTON,&40 - 0., hec-effm*& WNW-,=, exclaimed "Tbe J ceive pTomptilfteation. ZPablishers. 8. Maidlen. qnj,:JVeW.y0rk. ROBERT 11UNCI-MAN W--` eman frOm C441veras L Cozintyia-un. daubdoffya; per -son of great General Manager. abBities, a man of taleat, a �Matnral I -X:- PAY Taz- NEw CANADIAN'WEEKLY. ARPRIBALP�-ROD0 gemm 3 ; b_,t tbzeres onct thing which I GEORGE NIEBERGALL., Manager Agricultural Dep#rtment. 19ecretary aud -Treasurer dej�y Um to, -&5, an, d that is to I" bite Me . L. I * � &gold 132 0 C rgans & - Nelodeons Goderich, Ont., 10th J ine, 162., Y. At the Provircial Exhibition, Barxiltall, and 71, V Englend. It Y,),!,. Writ on=1V*I55TM- Petitral ExLibitiou, Guelph, 1p� in Spallmg.-The most Formula; Wbe y A, ri� Vra have alraT asen i3 Iry PAT- &CO. Tilt - s grand auccesisq -in addition to last year2a re- The MT ul MEPESY Paper is rd of a It beats 0 "T '0.,. go:i6sto-i �,n F. top. Be Nedall 3 3treFA of that city. At �t hHrdware Deab�r,_-,. 0 lug :;treet SeLtr_ P_ R I N -T I NG see oh hoavie3t' merzhang on thA 13-5,34-2a, A -to 80 -rat. calv advertised iathe Licalnespai-erc; nislit 12 First PrIz" i B 8_4iou ba --cub. 8�e a bee-- e Prove that nur Instunieuts tit the opinjort of cout- 16 llagts NMKLT fof 02;00per _6fAP*W, G6,= alift CVW. res peteut Judge are Incomparably suponcr to all : to the extent of more than WO sq�rl 0110 of THE GiREAT RiUMDY FOR t unnum. cab. Be -you d-mable ft-a-btift. See a I - hsoia rr, pri -tors. ond Manufaeturers of the Neatly, cheaPly ari ex ad at the oTice of tw t-surateryvalitmur Cole eL_Z31A- I ; - _-, exacu� - _V "Tnn F`Avorue' 12%&w. -We havii Tothllvictorlache An e -d wom abisrv=g a 5a�r 9` with -f ga�&Uity thAt It-- ICoNSUMPTION I F� r1l,wir's P.11t�llt QuAifyi nd t ng Tubes, i: aper whicligives more Gentlem .4" LID oil till to be &htigt #u'"fir ia�: piall,hrr &o?, aud. suppa,3ing it to e;s,, has ever clarcit at U AV -, � , i)� 11 V 8, p g which can be cured by an yet Iliv.;r slilperluritYls e�iwtded by mad -for Its's moileytilait.any.paper Pl%etfolnu th- of --tcJsy sr Bilry Sa-ff CARDS, - it. Ameiica. We proposeto furnikh a rh.. out boldiv itit Mg lifilli ell- iwirt Ili, and to e L h I y h lrzw At, aekt-wledging fsmyww&*u*i" "Gonstathe L.�ii­,iandTtt.e-1 timely resort to this stand. : ti't I s r. Ill tt'e f.. t tit" -t I'll I' ft c pure.,and-the 'tbPjrinAlit�iy to VuTnpi,teUith better, fullet, mette intereiting, more p4s.#lao "'llile far wh3,t.1 k[,nw `rc v7ith the privileage of the Milne lclfnt, BILL HEAD81 Ile �,uit (4. puffly. TourplOr of. EnEyib6p carefully edit�d paper, # $2.00, 4"Vd�, - sit 2 ar preparation, as has been Ever� In,trunic-al fiday warraured f,)r rive years. per an- dolAbW1ypr*-_4WVvd%*U "Vefl. as YOU ars' every week, anl his advertig-1 D,,x,,.i,I IVOT�E$_, num, than #y importel pilpor which gcliinz. f5e, way." said the old laclY, " I m.nts the mo2t rea, proved. by the himilreds of 0"fin HNNIM lable part of title W. rELL& Co. cost-syruSU While giving, the prefer. wi3h you wo4d lot down the-baw. attTieratdofonethous:m-11 r"L -BECEIPTS, testimonials received by the Glielph, CO. 15, 1 S�2. luit. ence to Can dian, productiofis, -iye will r. Tleold fogvintercharit3 r suit kept re:er- dAilla-mayea -VI C Fa as havfrig a Very retali-� stood wrhast at his hardihood.anAeve;y- 1 1, proprietors. It is aelmowl P R 0 GRIA31111-ES, give, 'frrom vance sheets, the best- ringto t7 ;a wL aories publi;qhed- in Englanc nd the d tip 'United Stitt two d-7 - ',3 1 IV - 11 - L_ � . , at, �_spcsl t, o., 11S5_,3 ret4liated L2 f body predicted that ho v7ou, 9 edgqd by many prominent Stove S- t- ove q I POSTERS2. We will hre the latest litl1ji, thbg�� sa;_4 the witmeas: i in lew- than thirty dtyr; and he di -I physicians to be the most and most in cresting items relative ti") 0 NO TICES OF, APPOINTMENT os �'up in 1---s thian that iinle- to Ito V.�.­; 'In I Yom eyer sea hasband ki the Farm t Houselt9ld, a�akad ffier wFea onn3sl. "Yes. � height of the mercantile V 311al: reliable preparation ever in- in, t the 0 THS OFQUALIP ICA TION. Scientific ara- Lit6rary inteffig hat did' 5to�e in a ft�w atisutits ompandod, from a troduced f6r the relid and coluoill of Wit and Eltinlor', &c. Get a A fill, CIt 5"aZlt C':�ZW_(Dn3 g" c13he at- saven by nina� roora into the occupancy n(,,,,,. sample iwmb�r at the brewsideal"ll, or aT& Zidiffew. -Proj?" -Midlitigs; C0!F;tpWXU lincl. e of all Lung com I ints, cur dentat to Bema4s; a�t& 4in jXsgapd of zlfU. Zr,�rj ,pa The w1fes- r&31i- I of tile v� hole building in wh:ch it was 70T.,7�Pc �ISTS, writeforoue' It will be sent -free. -tv_�oa d1da r, MI umed, at] n Shimif of i 'le�,is than a year lie was Huron -jt-3t buiinem of any mcr-! ng tho lai ro issid Sherift's Ofidei sanctioned -by the ex�erience p her any sit and is offered to the public, chant in the city. He kept uphia"reckless CIRCULARS, 16 -page qudto form we have a-dup4d, argo vie. sT un �Jje� a*_ _70L venient for rea g Jin 11th Feb. f873. more On C advertiping," aD it was called, and to-dy da If' 13 . 56. of over forty years. When Bide JURY -LISTS-' Phiects, is IIJ b, f tter adapted fdrbinding! HBA D1 1Y G S arid zontains fiftypet cent In' ore reading azia3 Gregory, the, he 11-0 3 store, budr by himself, 269 feet f -paird M A 01 T- resorted to season. it sel- 70 feet "do, and two il V V�991_nAm, b -Wan -mg to Mae �,,00-thflSHERIFVS SALE �7 ANDS. natter than 4he. uplreildy -&page folios e. d and mo�b slieceadul mercantile dom fails to effect. a speedy vogup, At the year's end, wiva fh6Vr0VrC-,+" yrc ad on Lr;els county of Hmon, yvirtue of aWri. of Fieri la"a - L beretafore,in* the New] zad� outekl�of Boston. -out or Her her will have, a; volume d im w NI 3ja 'ame housqinl Wit: I B Faciou ismed" cure in the most gevere He now pays t . hu local journale not Coonty Cott of the County- -ofHaxon each snbscii L1 N -1V B XT freaboi,19- I and to me dire,,ted arinst the Lands and Tene- s bf Coughs, Bronchitis 8 g tVa- tilidy A -t the lowest at least'so fiftyceilt volur Less thanflve tkotmand dollars year foi case lost S le or Cough Printed 'in the b and at er of Fa ... �uta of Doila:d . U( and Itabolla, frankly confOWeS bJ(:ICenZI8 at the oult of3ralcolm. rampbQ14 It' .,Croup,- Whooping ,-nit 31Z3 and yet heJ �_Jfk made (ell hia monfy o?t# of ths zhave seized and fallen in Bleeazion-111 tile 47 the, pro- ts L 1�5 w6re"', iignitiftle and interest of Ah# s6ad Defen- Inflmnza, -Asthma) Colds my an to Lot &nblif Two flundredand "No wonder, the S01% #tiaingii for in citify 1_t6r� ,Cttiilb�Thftl� 60,; 1 Thro;tt;. PAins, jor, Sore - and Forty one, Survey of F�AVORfTX" ToftX 'Tke b1ch AM "Ct T itl - P 6_48rve.4 Dr. Gre 91that Pzrzy WniLgAra.-Tho Ndi?,r York Villat Lucknowill-AlieC7untycifflurou V� nessluthe Chest side, Vgv4l�rit4l will RUII* elt Tcliculenta I siai offer for saft at mv -No,il thns paradei for public attention In W ,me Liver Complaint, -Bleeffing ee)a c, in the in the Vown of ood- 14 P19" on at-irdaytbe Tonthdiyofffay next,at mil- "a pretty good definitiott of air foul for mch, cents 5 hour tiftivlic. ofthe ciotI4 indon. A the at the LLmgs, &e. -Wistar's -parts of 64 *'r Mouthl, wUega pvofessor ef this city, is accustolned 'iu a bandsome iover,-at 2a cenU6 'Upba r3ja to IJ,, 1,,t, �E f3s,", am es notL dry�,u a' Nvic TAa DUCTIM pu* Bids do P Ughli ND U6r, RIC W L jj*b*,t ed tAp Moms to, work -OR EN FAUT Y� bperib�ra t Cough, and leave the catise TY3 _Uter icre DO& dis- Go iuvsiolog4cal ehemist requesting servedinith! the %r on*- wo Ty, oWtnittee t .1) 0 1* that t -W.W,;r 0 noof hit; aqnior 61L -ss 6� it antors his behiid, -as, is th6 -case with spL year SON*' VY�.AAN �&Np 4 CXV L and gonvince Wra room to 'kindly opela tha windm� ilia .,V- -N e FA 15 Cts. JWJ�Ottlr b.telc of you, sr= and lot out tho remains WHY AR E Most prepaiations.' bu it for i4e mon ly. w4etuAssw owl. the loduai 114ls-shetber - b.* - n9t T?�, conv;=_Jj of tholast think to loi6stna and cleanses th Sold VIU UntWXW adopflon. '166t us helk�asch, other, zif me, aipire to bjj.$&t lung$, ind, aiiayg miltation, I T ff�ihaFOU P;iT whex fibs alpo��M:iln, -of L Committea 013a of I&' Atuaents 07cr for-ots That thVy 114YO � _018 th AL L d -CA -Wff MF 'Ali REYAJ e 3.A gelo Dow, they thus.r 0ing ft ninel. Lazarlialarl's & C of air. em CaUS6 d4l arge would thidl: nadi&i tj aim I Of 470W Idl 49 the 116A 331d 1 -10r -i 'Von. tan ara breathinj - - - �;­ ' the (!*pkint. "DT"E d 1th "VI b CL 0"J*Ply, "but aoba Asiob" 011 -.1 a &0- diW, -prl_Ated'by­PA V A A'_rd.�A W EVOPWe 1. Ilk contrset" _W�e . - o -A "& 0 -4 BOL � r6 1, 'r _' I -,- - - 5 1. - _ 1�gi�� hee W., FOWLL ll&g U114 bopper 131711 tfj X dio ., Y� cloth,' 12 ong �_,;f C901, Cleati 'air woulill, 00 a usuntpj& P'Nj:row gnil WrIjU, it was a I 4 - now bespeedily RIK., GRE AT, E R , Z ATO:K ep "NoRt'DIMA11111T 70fteil into a lend 1l TI �ClubL terft($ MB*tQ OrMer Y14 U.by All . *%8d16& 00040stor 4=6 "T, as 110 WU and ii ti eon V CA %n. eafros to 4 V,J, 0 1 FIDRIGAARYOUXG019 TRIAL ex n4licer4enu to 01A -it J�A *iiii.�*Atlwk.rlstform and saidi I _T�0_ Fi4oritell is .801cl by all t'he eser- 103U Ta'o OTMV� al I S1dxA'0ffioo,a patlil kiiholdV­ `114DING. MOT11 -011INSIN '0 LET -A f* go to B. r wta ccutil d, I the, buzi Tht J� 'A 1VUST011 L G ke d I i n.4 yon Ut *0 *4wt 11111y p2XVIZO W Tho rC,33 _Ana, .01 'A o(AlutV r OoYA thouhtful[ycl, last. chla-aryJa spedian; comingfropi a dist0co �fflth w014,6, gctb,rdo� by' :T 1 E I I 7 '�Cjlu*um i0s, =213 Knn- 'the S.Witil-3[r. D. rely on-Ptting their rolls bow Ilin Dominion Telegraph Institute, Toronto.. 0 WM Rem r peraon son " - - to: aniV one -X Jordare Will be 014 at;i redtiction 'ILLPAR THE 1th&,,yt)n,,9mo,hd`ay -LIOSOTnilling to-o*cliange the woo fOr gooIls will 944 It td�thqtr Interest R DE-SBARATS, che Can rtoAfivotothe Agent, offie' TY AND UQMIWCX OIF VALUX-v Irs � - .. I � ' 1 -1 -tolmyo the, lit -wit days. dcalrous ofsplanding a-portloor Qf ther'. tal 0, for Work ddn� prefiou%l _ubsitiliqrs.lit call. JVi!1 rC, last, 4 gRisher f 1,110 FAVOBIZA the 4%v. ArromjaA V080 Wint, UO SO.A?, ar in learn Godoxi,;h, -hin t4o zoitt thir I I g. telegra�hiug, #T jan lustrated New#, ZIWA".� i*rfui_:; eiiiiid, We'J, whal .and rill required to p "tilea to the 21oWee. Sy B _rrites�T"". r INGL. pash -14 leir sur fitting thcinBelyel,� for a, useful auld lei r t fiTam cz R- aa- tif tl iorior now patte)�j to f1lende"I 0134. No, 1, 3?lac ex. 2A Antoine t &I 4; tip Ion 'Pit 6jr W41 in .0