HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-02, Page 3___ - I _-
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- . =3113", Tqj�.r" Or I -_ .------ � /-' — . - . I
I 0%qV.&=0. wont into cnizinittoo upon the resolu- 1.�.11 - . I .. __ - 11 i . . � I . -_
bpecialtmoticese I . .. .--. 'I I III
— - tions and reported. them without atuend- . . - . . !� I . I I I . . I I -1 9 . - - � ___ ___
nient. . � . .
. I '� . - EXCELSIOR I 134ELLING --OfFf
'-Z", 1) tr. '24th"ma-ch. 7,-rl ' WALL PAPERS, I ,
. P Ti;erst)AY, 21th %larch. T`11E GREAT FEMALE REMEDY : � . I . i�l � I I I
i'" (- At��irii(,v�t,%,,11,,I,,,l inirmInce'i -111 Tho order in C-itincil oviteuding aid to . , . . � ' 1, 'OF
" " mal"'n'i c hO ,ket bet,% rou 'llasters I I up ::�X 1E] True Blue Grocery, SELLIZiGa F1
: . .. �'t rl� I 11 'I I the Port Doveran,l L-tkei Haron Rail- Job Mosew Periodical Pills. I I � � 11 I - .
., , . Mir. 11,Cdon.141 Ill"Ved way Co., wu ratiliod by tho honse, an . .111 ' . i -
� � .T z 1, " I � t � � K 1 for t4a ti, 1 " � - . YATES & SON �
I . � . �: aut,n q' z . : , ! amenthiient again,t the resolrit,on by 11181:�-VALUitgl,Fltl,'DTCINBi&UNFAIT,ING _ - New. Patterns for 1873. ... . I , 9i
I . Till the curt- of ad tit ... io il:ollf�l slid thtnqerou. La� I - . have much pleasure in smuouncilig to their ziur.ez- ?a I
ht �� ;,, " "t "'i"I't-0 -"' 1 Mr. 'Macdonald having hoen rejected, aenscs it, which tit(, (0111%10 0011AIIIIIn011 19 til0b,"ect. SCALES AT MANU. . - I I ' - v wlfk � J .1 ,
� �"' " ` " ",Y ' i the i 36) to 11. anti tit(, res ,lnti in c%rvied. 55 d' AIRBANKS' . aus custom-tTs. and the Publia that they have -
I � ... ,I ,: , *."..:, , . I " t moderales all pXcligs and removah all obstructiour - . re.opeued and replenished the above Grocer.
I � � I , , " - tt ' t1l " , to 12. Tile Attortiov General nifived and a Speedy cure nia- bi relied on. F fachirer's —Lanre . I RED S T-OR,E I ! IMMMSE 0TXA3MG8A=
, i 1, ,X-11 A %. , F. - '. �, � ".. I, R IAR .1. : , Prices Platform — I . 0. a good stock of general and family Grcaerieo
I ; Vmt tlio report of tho Committee of the. Scales, incindingHayScalem, pr,)Mptl.V I
. z-, V�it.-awt�,",.1 it'.. k! I To MARRIPID LADIES - i ;CONSISTING bF 2-0 I or
I . , , , - . � .,Z�1,1 .` ` i:'ig Whole on tho Municipal L %n Fund, be I culiarlysulted. JI Will, III R Ahorit time, bring ordered and a discount far Cash allowetJ . , - . TEAS. RAII:1IVS, TOBACCOES,
'Q111,411 s�ateszllwn a ta t, k, p 1, se'l �j,Azl'l* ,'I I 11'ele I At JOHNS3N
05,1111. I - -19 c)nciirrod Ili. An atnen intent by Mr. a monthly period with regularity. NEW GOLD PAPERS. � �
"29a, ree-Illition to tho 1,-Q�wt V. —.-- ..- - � . & KERR'S. ' I � — i Conns.' CURRAYTS. MYRUPS, A 0
r the , — ;
11 -the tint'sZ11a %Nas b -Inn", dolt,alozl in tivs di(i not receive niore, was lost 53 to FlnSr THRE R moNTHS of Pregna" � it SATIN PAPERS. . � I I
%N h1p, tILwtionali, regretting that older corin- 7 hen Pals Ahatta not u taken oy reinalas durin I � BOOTO & MOM*
I .1,44 they are IRTNGS, CARRTAOR . SPICES. RrCE, B.RUSHES, i �
- "Ire 10 111agen Hiswrrtage. but as any I r CARRIAGE SP I
1 .7,12 rt"Per.,11 F1.4rh-unclit all anioll'itnelit 1.) . Ono by "Mr. Lander, assirting thAt time they AXLES and PATENT WAGGON I . . �. PEEL , ,
Z" I ' are Sate. SUGARS, 'IBROOM
alleil R%�,qj"er . aait tho .ino lie - I . .
T� - , ARMS for male cheap " -DINING ROO
6 1 slzilp�_"sing I in-ttll,leil t]", ninni�ilialities which had paid lip iallICIAns orNervoll4and spinal Afractions Pain in I I ,r M PAPERS. . . w,
.. mt,l boon I'loved thel'o. It ,)Jlght to complain at the siliall tunis, th� Backaud t,imbs, FniiTuc or a] ightexertloh, pal v. At JOHN New Dry Goods � from the BOOT and $BOB Bus!.
117-4 couteudca th . -it oll� -11 6 !tonal the heart, ilysteries, andWhitox — SON & KERR'S. - . I Also Butter Bowl#, Pails and,Tubs.
at 11, y , lould the tllc� are receiving, yvas lost, 49 to 20; an 'a these Pi Is _.. — - ti , ) . ness, will eell n Larp St*ek cou�prk-
-e -
'Stle,oly n'), J'Q r�,� ��z , ECPS , IN"llfiffect a once whin all other means Uvis failed. SITTING ROOM PAPERS. They bAve also on batd a fine stock of I ing some
- Alt AND HO . �
nz.."'l, but thil, amendment by Mr. Rykert, regretting ,tnd although a powertu! r i mods, donot contain iron, OP IRON, SLEIGH . -
19 slit'illd �0 talen to utipprez!,,; it. tie did the inode of distribution, was lost, r-'alomel, antimony, or anything Gitfulto thecautti. B SHOE and CAST STEEL, a full cc . China Sets, Stone Ware, Glass Ware '
119 a rooll S 57 to 11. I . BEDROOM PAPERS. New Ciothincr Crockery, Lamps and Chimneys. ' 6000 Pairs cf Boots & Shoes
. ""' I;o as '&�" -9 ti,� All lie asked waa 9. Other all, nd t were similarly "Foulldirectinns in the pamphlet aroundeach package asitortment, � cc I I 011 I . -
t""t tl'tG 110use sht,"Ild st.%�Y Its 11-111tt". doalt with, Aftor recess, Hen. Mr. which should blicarcrullY Preserved. At JOHNSON& KERRqS. HALL PAYERS. � - . . .
11t.' n-ved an amendluent rOP36119 t1le MeRellar inalle, his promised explana-, I . � - . Flour, Feed and Provisions,! AT COST -FOR CASH.
Of,aago viabs. ,,,,a re,,li,od, "That in tions with regard to the Elgin Associ � &U of which wlU be sold Cheap as -the Cheapest fo ;
; I a;' 1.00 and 12 cash or produce, Now is the time to
tke fawe of Snell cx:denet, (if its liv IIg it tion aff.tirs, completely -*indicating his ,koents ror postage, enclosed to Northrop P SHOE NAILS, by the keg or -box New Groceries, Now is the I time for Bargains, Next Door to I
. '! W't I k an, Newcastle, out , goneral agen is for the 7�' 1 G�et c7rood 33wrgalnw,
Rcerti:it ro"ificall st - Y, this "llo"Ne "'Ill - own cliaracteg. A number of nioasurGis D-L.yinmou, will insure a bottlo containing ove t 5of ills At JOHNSON & KERRIS. ' . /^ . Jordans Drug Store, ,
. . I
akI - I orpo,sITE T.H E - MAIR 1K E T. ' As the subscriber just m"ns what h*
n 1, read tbe I.El n -w, but that it"he rt) %yere-advanced a stage, and a long d is- by return mat I. I .. Granite and Ceilln I
- " Marble, ' 9 New Boots ; � . : says.
fllis kl.lT thre lit-litlig - I)r. ('11 trko cuission cigned tin ''the motion for con- - NORTHRUP & LYMAN COAL OIL BY THE 13A.ttREL OR afid $hoes, I
- . , . �
C, �-,%,�',�'.# that tbo introduction cif this currence in the immigration vote. An Newcastle I I
rg. liv.,genera Gallon, and COAL,OIL LAMPS Papers. I . . - ; ;
b;:', would liave i-Ozi,inniatory rosu!ts. .. � YATES & SON.; P. S. - All accountli; must 1* paid
. attetript on the part of the Opposition to agents for anadis At JOHNSON & KERR'S' . Goderieh..Ilth June Wo2. IZ21. without delay.
'I 1�cro w -,g no necossity for this orillIV reduce this itein was defeated by a large 0* Sold in Goderich by Parker - Cattleand . __ __ - - I I I
`�,k...Cty ill this co-ailtiv. We Should Illajo ity. F. Jordan I Gaiditiftr Or Co.9 Baybild;Jaw. HE BEST ASSORTMENT of TA . I � - -i . I
, . r I - ,
li�alloa Ila-10-a"t, . . T INSPECIIDN INVITED* . i ., S"UEL PURSE$
I soc!Y untraninielled Henillum, Roxeivi le; J Pickard,Fisetilir i. V. BLE DESSERT, PEN AND ' . i i silp of ffio Noot, 3far"t SqUA".
FRIDAY, 28th March. � i
w . : i �- ass r, e I a ti, 1 t is wlncli ought never to The Attorney General niovod a reso- COMbe, Olintion, S.S, cord,Lucknow; E. Hickil POCKE� ' KNIVES, PLATED NEW BORDERINGS. I � I I
likaforth. end ml: Medicir-Nalem - ,
have crossed -'-_� briin.y wavo- lie hopv(l Ion SPOONS and FORKS in Goiarich, to 19 . I ' I T T NTT 0 NO" 06derich, Hth'&%, al7,t � 19"
- I lution empowering the Lient. -Governor � I
t� .., clewent of wzword would be Nvtth- � behad DECORATIONS. I 1 - - I - _ _ -_ � - - -
t."r, tit Council to cent romiso the land CANADIAN PAIN DESTROY - I I -
, awn froiii t' , �tv � �wo of our fair c,),,,,.tr%,. I - p - � �
�, .. e alms of the Canada Central Railway lbit. AtJOHNSON & KERR'S, di PANELLINGS, . . . -
" �U,.-.,Xac,Ionn'L,3, replit�,l to Mr, Fl-a-;er s I � __1 .t� 1 .
— PQ - - "" . .
, r,,,. v I OnIpany. Tlw motion, with some dis- . � .11 I - !71
a - - t i m c, I z * - �o!e was the C JOINST01 & 118 e__ , - I ! NEW OR00-no-AWYA 91
n taKeli clission, was a -reed to. Orderain Coun- FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOCK. . . . 97 � I � ,
.1:-, 1 tlwalnol,�'Alent Jeclare'l los'. yozls. ' 9 A FAMILY MEDICINE, IT IS - A I � I X_ � �) H_ .
I " r., ..
cil liTere ratiflod granting -aid to the well and favorably known refie * �: ; J .- Zl
'-':,. I n, A WOOD'S Celebr d FSAW L� , t " �""
; Z
M, ving FILES, and Sorby's ate MILL . ; Z �. 0-
- :',:;'. -- Fr.zser niovud 0,3" it "I'll ; ,zz -
- HAND and RIP .:,� ::� , James Brackenridge
1. �, , . CobOUIR. Peterboro'and Alarmora, and andsfrom pain in 1%
3 1 Noted for Cheap Goods. -----, �'.11
� -.1n.ed I- 0!e & " *hnt tile socwtv IS thous the SAWS, the best in the Market, �� �-_ - ,t ly? .. V
" Credit Valley Railways. After a con. SlUe, Back- and Head, Its, Coldlit, . . %I � ,
.t . :.-:,:i"' anI V�: -,'Ous btitiv. Mr. versation, which ended in the Attorney At JOHNSON a; KERRIS. . � I _: - "I -I.-- YJAVING bought out 31T� POL-
I . ruises, _" -
M, , " 11.111 de.�-,C�d t1lat t, - $are 'Cl Window Shades . . -
. _ he lqklk�11011V %%A.� Throat, $praina, - .
Z'ZzO. and wt,i-'d i�,,t accept st!eh an Gon'eraleviisenting to lay over the School I - �w 'i C P� LOOK'S Stock of Gr000ries and
I . - I
!I' . I!, I -7 C�ra,izvs in the Stomach, Cholera - FLINT'$ CHAMPION CROSS.0 I I -1 Goderich,-March 25th, 1873. - I . adde(I verylargely to them, is now M a
lln,�',.-i;nort. The voto w.- L --6%T Consolidation Acts and the Public Aforbmt, Dy8tntery, Botee'l UT - 1362 1
. _s talien, with and High Schools Aniandment Act till SAWS and SAW HANDLES at Plain and ,Figured, in great variety, � � I C I position, in the liame A=C to sell
".�, siait4 rewilt ,,ISL on the first aniend- nox t session, the House took up concur. . Complaints, Bunw, List Price, PARTIAL LIST
fn �-:,.: - -1 h�� -',.:l-d ro.iding was then ear- Scalds, Prost � � . - I . Groceries,
r t " y oz$, 3 1; I rouce in the supplementary estimates. Bites, i, �tJOHNSON & IKERR'S, I I - -_
It. -Iv�,. 22.0 Tht� Bill fok The cinession of establishing of Normal , . - At Lowest Prices � - I . _� of goods for -sale at Parx6n's & Cots new Crockery, and
. I Hardware Store, opposite the Muket
`- Mcoril=tiion of the-WesternSoriety ' &C. - V.HOPANG AXES FROU THE 11, I I
.%,� Q c--�rritA on a , School at Ottawa caused a long debate, . The Calisdian Pain Destroyer hall now heell oz- '111 -If House.
N I e � ,�,P,Oar division. Ye -u which sto--,l over until. 'th ven . III fare the public for a length of time, and wherever - beat Makers, singla and doable - I . NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, - Provbdonz,,
- -- -rs. Camer,%". _M�Cdoua!,J. rer,il- sitting. In the evenina, . . Mo uSed is wait Iliac never failing In a single instance steel . .
I .." C..1-. t R-,1,,4zt?,.,) to givagirntarent relief When timely usedq and we --- CARPENTERS TOOLS,
, Toolov, Merrick, brought in -the report of the Pabli C b a single ditiastitsfaction, where the At JOHNSON & KERR,& TH, E E M P GRIUM, SPADES, -SH'PVELS,
- , , _ 'I'm 11 r k oWn I
I - _,1Z,d.-":,�' 13-.1"tc-1, t�otl:��, (�Ilcslt, ",CL)tt . Z_ directions he we tieen proSerly followed. but Olt the __ At MOORHOUSM111 � 1.
� I -0, FeZz5lainitini. Corbv. Rvkerr, , - Ight - U ------- L_ - A Largo Stock of
�;ru counts Cominittee, the niain feat 0 0 1 . SCYTHES, FORKS,
, :ontr�, all are del with itspperations, and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF - ,A- - RAKES, I
i. - —
a -14N _i' - wi . Itch %%a&, -the statement that the 0 - I A March 18tb, 1873. 1 1
� lz&r. Ile, -Ti, IN Iliattas (Dlirhaml, , peak in the highest terms Of Its vinues and magi LOOKS, HINGES; NAILS � I I NEW SPRING HATS . rr 30 ..,& K
, mittite had'investigated the paymentof cat Offset. . I GRAIN CRADLES,
� , . t we sp.@,tk from experience in the matter, ba R GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS and OILS' � I . I .
. , I Mcbfan7as, Monk, _Nlt�Cal', those WhM at Lowest Cash
H �%.;:�,-n, G-a-lri. Graham, Haney. Mr. John Qarroll's claim, and had colne
I t, ran.e, sted It thoroughIv ; and therefore , � . . AT On hand, and selling at roduad prim.
1�.�r-:,�he. F,wrl�,airn, . Wcod kVi,!toria), to the conclusion that they were proper- ZTering from any if the complainth for which It Lie $111- ILI wal a on hand: I I � MANILLA ROPE,
IN obb, Uarlut,r, M,,wat_31. _N4vs_ lypaid. The se.-ond reading of the Mu. recommended,maydepand upon it being a Sevarain At J01MON & KERR,S. J. 0. DETL(JR & Co's. HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING,
nicipal Loan Fund Ad ustment Bill led. R"'dT- I I Bound to Seei'll Cheap.
e 3F -,1S7 -S. Cf--,�Imi, Pi4rdee, (�.),,,r. "'Zio,to i The astonishing efficacy ofthe Canadian Pain De- LEATHER BELTING, allsizes,
l 0-'a,za" w;1:iAlus iElaniilton). to a discussion oil several- clauses, and fftroyer in curing the diseases for which It Is recom. A COMPLETE ASSO]kTRENT OF I NEW SPRING TWEEDS . WHITE LF A , all prices, __
, Oliver, 4oale attempts at ant AGRICULTURAL IMPLF, .
Frasor. Sgrik, endment, whiah mended and its wanderral effects in Subduing the �
F, Paxton, cook, ellriscie, torturous ling of Rheumatism, and In relieving MENTS, from the beat makeris, at Low- -- 1� AT I I BOILED AND RAW OIL, GOOD BARGAL248 IN
(,:itrile, � N oriolk i, Baxter, Dawson, Gib- were dofeated. The Bill went throu:li Nervous Apections entitle itto high rank in the list eSt Qash Price, I . - BLACK OIL,
I" �ns. GIL�S=, wel's. all its stages, and was finaUy pa.ssied. of Remedies. Orders are coming in from Medicine I I J. C. DETLOR & Co's. i Raisin 'Ar Ourrants.
- I
"i F'ola"f1l' C'dv'n' On the re'sumption of concurrenca, � Dealers in all parts of the .countr- for further sup- At JOHNSON & KERR?S. . . . I I MACHINERY OIL. —
, ,-nts.n�,-,�r. C.--�: ;Glengarryl. Cald- plle3, and mch testifying as to the univertial s"- . - . � TURPENTINE, Ereryflaing that = usuilly be found in
- , Ote faction it gi%,&-. I I . 20 ("ASES BOOTS & SHOES I .
V. t".,. - 22. Mcssrs. Hotlgia�, Garke antendirtionts were proposed to the V 13AR'1ICULAR ATTENTION PAID__ ' I � ;
' for the Nurini'd School at Ottawa� wbiehp The Canadian Pain D*Stroyer never falls to give And all, kindis of a Grocery Store can loo fourtcl Itm.
immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers keep t as JL th the wants of tho Farming Com- - Just recaived at ! .
, I I Do not fail to call and mutino go*&
", ",`;'In�: -Ill. N1,Ke'.",ar, Patterson. Sla- � veral divisions, was carried Physicians onier and uqe it; and no family will be munity, and, orders from the coutitty i
, after s4e b
k`�. S -.: 4�r, C:'Irrleias an,,I S y
� - -,h1:,h I -
, -W4 :,', Yeas 39, nays 21. lnuvL-d without it after trying it. ' ' J. 0. DETLOR & Co'x. I 11-1A�1a30W_A__ft_0. and priCes, if YOU wish to says, money.
-d re�'.-e,�UN ��..* ... . . ' is. &,I- I ' I
-;.,- 11:4p.`I�c �` Mr. Lanaer P
I � . ..; 1, . zidnieut evasurin- the expendi- Price. onIv Twenty-five Cents per bott promptly att�nded to, : �
I �sl:- F-itaw, ', (*.,vn,-. B-_�, ), I .. im aille Zt � At JOHNSON & KERR'S. C'- 3 BALES GREYCOTTONS I
, I as de- ' 2" -Sold in Goderich, by Geo. Cattle, � 0 . I
V .. , , ttire of the Guvern-nent, which w, - � For Sale Cheetp,l 3 A.S. BRACK&RIDGM,
_� `r - i. � ,1:cith .
1- % %%:L-o,�d, " i� ,Bmn , f 911 n I . Just Received at I I 0:1ii-Remember the stand, COMer Of
a.. d IV., , , "I I fca:t�d by Y�as 13, nays -34. The Ap- F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co. Bayfield; 0 .
. ,::Q,,,V�.I-� .. .. ,- it. r..,: 0� 1�1, - . � 1-41LL AND CIRCULAR SAWS m - I I . 13Y North Street ana market square.
.� ..t,rt� ::I" _A,�t 1,�,,-V' 0��Ct.,11_.,.e I- I propriativa Bill. %%as thou introduced, Jas. BAnthum, Rogerville: J. Pickard, at MakOr's Price List, caref4113 or. ' J. C. DETLOR & 0o's
, . "'mtnall ; wid passed. � Ron. Mr. 31oriatannousic- fCxeter; H. Combe, Clinton; S. Secor 5' (n C> Goilerich, Jan. ah, im. , 1351
, , � � rr C -t- WL --r �
. - Z :"":uIV, W_z� �6,1 3 I � RTMENT. - - . - - -
F�k l"I.-Tiv", � Ld th t tho House w .,uld be prorogued Lucknow;E. Hickson, Seaforth ; and al dered and discount for cash allowed 11 - 1�cl Special attention given to the TAILORR�G DEPA' I G. 3EL Parsons & Go. - , - - - _ -
r.. i -..i :."... :k:. -.* ,-, rec�ss li.-. Ile- , ., �%, 1�1 At-�J OHNSON & KERR 19. krw P _`-'s I
. R --'I 6r s%1-- d `- 1 1 %-uld ,,�i Tuesday � At 0o C; A i,.�-ulum)w- I medicine dealers. - 00 (D I I , Opposite the Market House, THE
0. _� r:r-z ,0�1 - �% if, usz. in r,�4ere:; ' ' Goderich, Dec. 21), 18'4T. W 50 g ' E_ = ,..t I J. C. DETrQR & CO. :
'_ � 1: e. - �ATVRDAY,,29th March. ='
. . — — HE -WHOLE OF THE ABOVE . ;=J X : Vary Thing Wanted
- E', in -%,, �c-.i:in. M-. ricr- To .�sy -it 3 o'cltwk the Lieiitenantw GOODS are-offored CHEAP, " . i .
� . --� . , . T C-.1 . foderich, 3rd March, 1813. 1 (3-030IMMICI-1 If V1,y
. ..: 7 Q1 �z rv� ., -I 1: n t � - L, _: ".; e L� - �;:": ,,�,e I I; ,% er.i-r Came down and assented to DR. J. BELL SIMPSOWS CHEAP, ' !j = M ; June, 28. 1871.
. for Caill, . :1 __
! � j . ,,�_;Z .,.:. _'s�. t" tl.e !L, -%t� of' IG5 - ,.s pass:ekl during the Session. Specifie and Totaic Pills. z 0 . I �
C . ' . At JOHNSON & KERR'S. - QJ C.+- I I
- � I .
- : � : 11�� L -t I -e y , - - t-: -i� -, a M,tst --f tfiem are private bills. The hE G -RF 4T ENGLIRH RF31EDY FORNFRV- � — cc (D I
, . � . Toll- tll,bility. Sperritalarrhea Noctnrnal Eml,'.
" , , , . a .�. ;% ,,_�i e �r'. ,, .. .1: i " 'w" 111' iterative Organs. Palpiintion of the XfILES' PATENT ALARM C.Q -1
. AD -le bills were reserved. The - J L S. WILLSON, NEW MMDWAU STOU
� � . . . sion ot the 1,e Curiosity Sale, - 4 - -
t , _ ..'� . * .- %� .L,n L4 Vr. i'4�:'-, ine 'House was tlh�n prurogned ty the fol- in CASk et - % M ,
I i.; I Heart, Tre blings, sleeple,isne.q.q, the efrect or " Drawerti, the best in the world- ' . W .
- .-L V-_-.%.-f-�'.;V ; r me l"r-.1"e-0-1 . l"Will'-, - over-indulzen,-e in Rl�oholic stimulants, and tobac- In 43�03DIEJRIICM
" . : - .. - �'T`t:eCll :-7 -a. te. Dr J. BELL -�1311?90NIS Pills are tb-- Price ottly $4 50, n 0 � Agent for all kinds of
I - I - . - - , .
. I I : , - * - ( row:, . I"!.." I:. I -, ,.,-;.- � 'C'. - 111,i �( th- L,,11'.,, all ir� Assembly: ,inly ellectual ones for the above disoases. and arp At JOHNSON & KERR'S. . 0 - , .
'_ . . . . ! '�ic A_- -.: : "', ;�f - -1:1 ;--exilli" yoll frOLLI V01117 le-i:s a- nev,r kn.-,,, to fail. They have already cured __ z 1-3 .Agricultural Implements; .
I.- 4- 1, -�-_ , 1.1, � - - I It - a undreris in thiseo,intry Robert Artbnr, rna�bln -, 0 1 OPPOSITE MARKET HOUSE.
- 4 . - -� � . - - ir . I . . t: ,� IN __ 7 ! '.I- - I , , , � ' ,,;-,,; i: .1 - 5 A ssc ill 61Y 1 ha Ve W ;, .t , Hdini'ton. tostO s to his recovery by theit use. , EMEMBER THE PLACE, , C -P, I I I '
I - - . . - . I r .�, _`v .. .1 ..m',ai�rth,:,Iai_,en�o mid devo- i,%f-. certsin Rod rari,i in a,tion a short tval wil R - I 0 � 0 - W FLOUGRS, HARROWS, GRAIN
% � . . ; �' I . T__.: . . .. _. - qrove th, ir officary. %'o Rufferer'nsed tl�snair -f I � . I 0 CD . �
- - I . . n. . � . ,; ;i ,,.i� hii.,t: ii,ard the- disch,17 9� ,, Ing relitive,i from ne fn"IThtfui effects or sF.-Lr .
T .. . �- I'. -I . .1-7 - _ .. - % � . 'u'..t. s d , the ' SIS The Spevil'Ic Pills are sold by 1) 11-1 %7FIL-170N 44-r., = .
�- I - t . " L* U� ar,hi, its , hirifiL, - -.i3vs&, -uggotant - SIGN Of THE CIRCULAR SAW
� . 1;.- , 1. I S2 ".) and for the pr �ip,itiidt- and cart i;,.,,oal,o%.%ndthe Tonin Pills ats9c.1t box,.. � I
�- - -.;. : ". 0 . I .. .. . - I : :, "I C I tl,pv will be sen' br ruail. Postage pre P 0 q - ID t CHURNS, &c.,'kci., &c.
, ign of the Cross -Cut Sm, , 0 1
- . . - I -raid. at: I
� � w1,.:1VLaC.l: you h.t"t tit *,,-.'�h tilelllan� gecilrolv wrarped fn'�ni owervatinn. on receipt o- � M � � t - �
` - �.. , , . � - S - --!. Y,ti , li- 0 :
. I ilap�rzArlt lulttel� ";.�:'l havt� C0111, S1.86 for *1,.e Si�eciflc. anJ 56c. for the Tonic PV�y JOHNSON & KERR, � AT SO ' — -
I . � 1 C -11k 0 -
_...., - _�!!I�- �,v bt:iF wt: v�ii. by Goderich, March 11th, 1873. M �Pp " "O L
�- , - . - - .. - 3. B V LL SIMPSON &Co., 11=1 I I Agent for W. Bell& CQ:s Celebratecl
. � .. _Z,�. -I t1l"til - voo , -.1 7 Z.� !0y!-nl1 supplies. Drawer 91 P. 0. Pamilion. E. 01 - 1 memeons and Harmoniums, and for- fIll IM SUBSCRMERS BEG"TORAY THAT T-Wff .
. I.- ' ' , Pr I 0 . .L have jut Cnmrletea OPILIts rmt an rzore,wrw
I . �. . . . I . � , i 0�.., - cvhica v., ht,.-: _%'AM�,14 f -)r the ser- M Aud .
. �� , . .- . I 11 I -%:old %� all whole_,,oe and Retail Druggists. I . . . CD i � Weber's Pianos. .
� : 1;,.; ". � . . . - t . $DJ,4
- . .1 z I . %, '" V: ��.i - f t %e Vie 11., and I feel convinced Faiiii-hie, i sent post-frep on applicavou. � -71 ' Cn . 1 J&14140 . . .
; , I : - � . . .% I . I-vt I t � v, tl.,v 1% �� . I it nd to pro;.;,ite the seve- - 0 OF
I . . I 'L . I . r,tl ,")Jt: -,:TS %%�,!%:l V-11 "Avc I 'U730ZaZzCX%7`17939 SOMETHING NEW! 4- a M !4 for the FLORENCE aud HOWE COMPLETE STOCK
. - :, �4*.l i : .I: I . . I litellded to I S�ewing3fwhides, theformer ofwhich
C 4.n - 'a ,2. *;v:,.; I . I - "01:1 0 .
- -ed -N - e , A -_ - , % .. t% - 9' tire. a I - : 9 0;1, C+ posse ises advantages which- can be found HARDWARE.
;l.lia:,�-gzltx�,Ils-l.ia� ;fa;LI- ::� 0 "
. , � - - IF (_*41!,r.";, 1,41t - "I it Lve had witch satisfaction in giv- UNDERSIGNED HAS ESr-4 P... 0 � ; in no other Alaolline. .
I I , I_-,- .1�t..� 3 - ' SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITER THE 0 1-3 0 0 $=I 1 CALL AND SEE IT. ofallkinds which wul to Ise'd at rnloft tbe, dfify
. - - , , M4 Te - v as*ent to the Uill for - on :z W
. placin,
. t � `2 " a ,.* tl� .-I-er ila-1 'l, .,.,. 11 A.'. t!!,±. :1. sati-ifact,)ry fouting the debts owing by. Thepowei ofarrastingdIsP&" displayed bythis EIP. 1�10 . ion. Befo:#Pzaulug"Whays. P14W
, , tablished a branph ot his Toronto r+ "Inpotitt
i &:-� `� - -,,� --u',� I n t ll,s;e r --;--r-1 - prepamtion is bonorAlv acknowledged by t1lie Sewing Machine Repairing Works, . CD . "s . fShowroonts; next door to the '1Si=al'* GGGr:s EON. text Week.
Th�- lis- , - . I
zb, I , M 3 pradecpsil,,r. - , t 911113�la fal-L
- - t: t'j. i - . c�,ruun itin nicipab ties to the Mnuicipal mieditm-1 f,culty in every section where it ban been I I I
I (L i(in of , Liian Fund, and for, at the same time ntroduced .- and the rapidly Inereasing,sato is the . P1 M � 0 � � � Offi�o, Goderioll. �, .
C I�S:-"-1 W.18 C11T'tU1'4t! 1 - best guarantee of the estimatioa In which it is hold 111N `1C11_,111NrJr<:>1N, .
-, '2 bv )l"ir5, I,%- doing, justice to the rest of the Province, - 0 c )February, 18t1l], 1873. 1357
1 _rt . by the public . M M, 4. V I go HiPASSONS HUO' "
'% Fr -_-ser, Bou'tbee, pa.xtoll, and. ; and I trust that the settlement Of tilts The Syrup will core Pulmonary consumptiou in I . I
.1a,--,1oua1d. The motion was n1timate- f I 0 ig (D "
I I 011f� Slid prolong We in the third. It will cure Asthma. 0 . 0--d . Dppoisite The Market House
ly a-g,?eed tD. Mr. Rvlrert tlie-i defend- I ,ili ,,,d,c, to the increased prosperity where sAinds of . - . 0 1 -
vexed and comphicated tiaestion - khe first aud Recond stages; will give great relier . . .
ed th.- c-inrse betken by the 1'a!e G.,ver-l- I of the various municipalities interest- sronchilift. Laryngitis. Coughs and Colds. It -will Sewing Kahines =a I 0 . P-11 L__J * GcdoilchJtm ItErd 377a SW17.
I antre ftll disewses originating from want of Muscular . . 4 , I 0 , _0 W40r_r114C__P1- - --.--- ___ __ ___
Lske Super,or to "Survev U C Oni the Spleen. Dyspepsia, Rickets, Feebleand Irregular . , 0 1
; n,i�-n! ir eate-im; the cositz i.4 the -rip to � e�L Action and Nervittis Force. sue), as Ealargementof will be repaired, altered and put in first , . V Pq �11� , -
' - ul Izi- i " i he ai. 1 which yen have extended to action of the ileart, Local aurl General Paralysis, class running order. - . I C+ L__J CD 0 HURRAH FOR
t, -,n R.,ads." Concurrence in �.upply ailway enterprise ancl to drainage, and 'I,_(,1,.i1,a or Lom of Voice. it will cure Leucorrhoea- Having had.16 years experience in ).a 0 _
. , , i r � P11. is An-temia. and restores the blood topurity M I Ili -A I T.O. THE ELECTOR,S
'Lo,s %icn. t-l'-t!n up aud M-)st of,� e ii-eins i v-jur renewed efforts to secure an in-. and healf . It some ofthe largest machine matiufac- W
,isetL � I inced, tortes in the world he can guarantee I ;r.- C) . . . 9 0 OF THE � LIA 0
i creased inifnigratioD, will, I am c6uv 1, �Mt IAAITLANDV, .1LLE I
Tuesday, 2.5-h March. I beilefit al -1 sections of the country. Sold By Anothecaries, . *-W M . . C+ �_d 0 f . I
. ' ,,ell satisfaction PrIce. $1.60 ; Six for $T, 50. satisfaction. 0 %a Pill � W .
� A,'�er routine busi=3, the Atto-nev � "it has affurded me In Workshop -'Next door to New Era � CIP, �v 7
G -�!.% e r a � - I tr 3 % __ -
I movefl the House int - �<)� 1 8 Offi W
m,'::ea an the Huaiciltall L,) -,n 0 n-, -) give my assent to the variou� iinpor- JAMES 1. FELLOWS CHEMI T ce, Clinton. P-1 0 . 0 CD m a. L, (07�1` T0iiVN OF GO-DIERIGH I
Fund. tan t measu rest of Ed ticational,19.anicipal , ST. icmt, N. B. MR. L. S. WILLSON, next to SIGN1L ' CA a ; iA��i
H'�_ sail he -was zrazt1v gratiEed at the aud Law Reform which yout have pas- Ox 1-01.) 0 , , I , . WILLIAM STANBURY
doderfel Sept. 4th 1871. office, Godericb, will receive� ma I obines 14h. - andAlAis Townships of Huron and Bruco I
1� Aterinx letters he had received from sed, and 7v hich I do not doubt will prove and take orders. tz. 1.4 %& - i 9 Counties.
id,Ebreat pwts off the country com.rilead- advantapous in promoting, the public IMPROVE NUTRITION. , . 0 0 M = Al ITHANKFUL for past favourn,
- ' � THOMAS GOBERT. - OC 2 - Pag !4
h�g the -_i:heme ho had br�nght duwn. , " -, C+
� ,-).d. The central idea in the treatment of all Chronic Clinton, 10th March, 1873. 1360 % 0 1 TheIOnnicipal Election Law' now being desires to,luform the inhaVitants of
. s re Wastin;;,Diseases, resulting in Nervous Prostration (T-1. �
In 4aalim with S�) intric--tre a r-owstion it t t' "In taking my leave of yoq, I de3i and General Debility. Is to improve th Digestion I 0 a veri Arilagent i -,t is ipontrary to Law for 'HaltlandvMe ,and surratm4nl; country
' � . �
im t the result fc;Ma to. W �Nad 0 0 a ,W 0 too a Catididate to solibit a vote. But we that he is to be found at th6 61d stand,
Vas voss:bie to .-tisfy everY one,l to express my conviction tha and Assimilation of Food, and the of . I �
1,2t he tasught. this schemp gave general,,,� of your labours during the session will HealthyBlood. DR.WFlZLLER1SCQXP0U'9DELrXIR . . 'k yqu oneandall tocal-lat ourEs. ready ana wiffing to attend to the wantig
.11 P11051"TIATES 'AND CALISATA contains the only 90 � as
&at-sfaotlom. He insisted on the nif�rafll show that your deliberations have beell We will give men 0 ma , Isa-I � c*,* 0 �M=*
J� agent known that act directly as excitants of nutri- go- tablishnient andbtLy a 1warm comfort, of his customers. He1menhand
a i.1; J'q:jte41nes3 of the inauaien-pali ties. and , ed by wisdurn and prudence, and tion. by imparting tone to the Stomach, Liver and VANTED, and viromen � able Oviercoat. We have a larigg Stock .
igovern . Pancrea& the greattripod that prepares nourish- . . W 1'r- J.... - t4 1--iis
t" 1- none liafj. a rig!it t -j 5,-- relieved I m7 couvictions that the measures which ment for building up the organs and tissites of the Businegs that wfll ray =1 &Q - - 0 Olt hand consisting in pat of AFULL STOCK OF GROCERIES
f-',a'a tLuiv insle�;,_tadlaei3. 1� was at the: have received your approval with prove body. The action of thLm remarkable preparation jinnol.0 rn - - � I
. - is extraordinary in strerigtbening and vitalihingthe from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued 0 39 . n - . 433111546ug of
, .
ii=ac uma imeL-ss to calTalate upl.on re- ' beneficial to the count 1) constitution. whether impaired loyage, e7haustiod by in your own neighborhood; it is a rare - 0 C+ 0 1 DRESS OVEROOATS
I c�� v; n�z paynaeri P for some (if th:�rn, as afl of u hich is the comm. ject, of us all . exces.ses, bad habits, or run down by old complaints - -
tt-,� , 'g,the prosperity that have reiiated all c1lancefor thoseout oflemploymentor W - 0 0 Q TEA, SUGAR.,
e:,,p�)-,4n,,t- oft1he past showed the � ordinary methods of- treat- lm -11 CD
.., - __ -.- __.. _ men*.. having leisure time; girls and b(tys fre- (I (D Is TOBACCO,� CURRANTS,
Lnri-t�dtnaty ofobta-Min.- mciniesfrom delicious cordial to take, and perfectly quently do as weR as men. Particularli 114 Canada Grey Overcoats with capo an(I
- V, I . .3pecial Notices. 6 , -, W , �� �
s,,,,-I;Je cf them. H4� c,jnsiderad tlist a-3 - . ___ h.=.glqa under all circumstances, it is eminently free. I I - so RAISINS, SPICES &.., &V.
- ru�e, ra. cipml; 3 proatrate, anunde women and delicate I 1.1 Hudson Bay 0mrcoats. .
r, ani. Hies Could Pay two l31I6..9VAST,-FP?3'8 Coco.-_-Ga&TEY1= AND NEZ,to 1857 . Address J. LATHAM & CO-, Via% 0 - H " , �� : . " �
ccr_�s on the dollar, but not more. One C0MFoaTIz:G,-"By a tholongh knowledge of the 1�11111 1. CD so . . ALISO
a,1vantc ITe cLaimed ! - 1 1360 192 Washington St., 2 , ( As Christmas .and Now Year are pitat
- ,ze that was that aaturai iawi which govera the operations of diges U C+ 'a .
4 - ,lo to- be fin, -at the ton and natribion, and by a aarelua application Of - -6w Boston, Masp. - Pi g1l I we wish to see the Winter Clothing Dry Goolls, Naze,
thiisettlomont v7, sl, t1i the fine propertle3 of Well s lecte coolta, Mr. Epp.'; For Sale. I . . I I 00 14 (n � - going in order to pno'ket the cash.
debentures would have to be redeemed, hw; provided our breal tables with a delicately P a 1-W Crockery, Gissawaire, -
- and tha-b-at no Entuee pariad would the 11avored beverage which may ,live usmany.beavy SHORT HORN BULL, 11 Lord . 0 0 . Pea ,Jackets, Dress doats, Plants - z
. dcctorLs'biIls.-Civz7 ser.-Ict GizzeUe. made &IMPIV A � O=d W 0 and Vests, all colors and sbadem, BoVs - FLOUR 4- FEED. '
aD,2.1, "-t!an - cl�i tZ:ia &poage be required. wiih BoilinV,Vatoror ILM. ,Each packatIA1191'0116d Durham," rising 15 years old.- . %& '
- -
in a;imorer tfj a queation by Mr.31m!etUtll. "J'All- t,PP3 & Cc- H0ma`0P3*hi0 ch"mist"', Registered Pedigree. AUCTION PRIALIE � 0 a CM Clotbing in suits, Boys Pea,Jackets and , .
� Lund�n.i' I . . n r I,
Of WmquFACTUME 07 COCOA IEL 'DUNLOP . SD V.+ Hiving bee ted -a Shop Llosm for
0 i
t4i&-F�cez,x'ergai�],thatthq, asie3-imerjt -we will now givq all 2 young Bulls of the same broad I of a valuable S= �� Huqaoi6 Bay Overcqats, Elats an -i Caps e 4 Vah urs, be wM keep
11: Iq
- , one I - � L_J I quo
IS72 w.o,n14 be--takou - ae tt3, �basis of accouiite of -the process adop*ed by Messrs James 12 and the other 9 montlas old. CD , of -the ,L4iitest Stvle, Shirts, Drawers, - the"I on liand a tau
. " I
I- " zeatioiit GE tau 2 cent rate. Mr. & Co-, manufaztarers of dietetic artic][6 Durham," end Dams have tals; S'"'Lord Tanner.v and Dwelling House � 0 Carpet Bags, Muffiers, Collars and Ties, .
appL ItEhplpirg Works in the Easton Road, London,'= 3 Re&- . 02 �� stock of
VV,%ad ffie,6Drla) zs-lka-)uledged he was .,Hauz,1r,1d Gul*. 2"I. tered Pedigrees. in the Merchant Tailo' PQ a large and weU selected Stocli of Broad
ii!, �� � I r, - Cloth, Ca3silindie, Doe Skin and .
-A ,� ... �__Vl too-1-fibin fu 00YOW04aw'dig ; . 4 good common Cowe in calf by Short hd H I Fancy WRISKE'r, ALE
ObInL111, 'V 4C -r 's-FRIEE.F9 - Ill if " 0 Tweeds which we will make up to order BRANDY, RUX .
602'ofivi �, tew� �3 hw-ficand -� _-%_ U V t 0 Tq ! - Elora Bull i'Lord DurhaTri."' Wn . I `(= in First Class Style, or sell- bythe yard.
-71:� ag,naij , 'a , ! Apply to Mr. HODGE, 13Y Virtue of a Power of Sale contaill- �
aw.elf tut i � 1;-4 -W" r"gint,"' , t FRAUDISAIMOAD GOD'ERICH, #W it ot I., The above Stock will be sold Cheap GIN, WINEB9,
5=0f- 5�ikAi, in favor of the settlement EJanofield Farm, 5th con.. ed in a certain Mortgage from 0 5 . .
t � - I indebtedness. but I — q for�Cash as the Bailiff is at the door, we
of 11 r�3Ti�=Ip_- BI-;;" most respeetfully to caution the public � Tip Goderich. Peter Dessing,which will be produced at HAS r � ceived his Fall Stock of Goods 0. . prefer to sell Cheap ourselves to prevent &c., &Z. - 4. -,
he had strong par-sonal convimions on f March 25th, 1873. 1362,- the Sale, on "d -
. I tte Britizft Dorth American Provinces to be , - 0,,, -_ is prepared as asual to make aN rn 0-4 a
thotmbject, and ho WW iw.�#Alcd to pro- their guard ogarnst purchming spurious medicines ,,,, kinds of Garments hi the most fashion- * &Q him coming any,further. Cuttin,g done . IN ]BOTTLE OR ON DFAUGHT.
,, olloway's . 0 � free of charge. ;. ` .
t(-S't i,-�_-inst - the pa_�zne of, tha regoln- hich are buing gold as my. genamo "ff dualist, ,of Tharsday, the 10th day of A able styles and at the lowest rateli. I W, W7 W -_" 03- The highest market prioe *d
� Pili. and Ointment,- by certain Indivi Fire Proof Safe . . SO
- tv-m_q.. lie thqu--il' .- tilat, 1001 -ilio- to tile little or na means, tradinz (for the last few . A. D. 1873., C�euts Vwrnishin—s � ;0 (D . ABRAHAM SMITH L' Co. for Butter, E,.gp and stherprocjuai��
futare c,f the c6an-try, we had no right mi�aths only) under the StVld of the"New York FqR SALE, size 3 feet by 2 feet 6 at twelve o'clock. noon, in Alorgaz's , I -_ rn U2
t,.,'uf;��,ido the s[2.rp1z2.3. After taki Chemical Gonapany." Tevery artifice is made use niches. Price $100. Hotel in the Village of Bayfibld. of all descriptions constantly on hand. Pit i=q . . * Next door to J. Bond's Drug , Store, Remember the Et A, nea0y. eppmite
" lng of by them for the pnirpose of ImposinguPon the __ - I Market Square, Goderioll. C
ta`mpbtod expendiftnm froin the pabli�; and the more effectually to deceive. they , WILLIAM GORDON. . z . . I
e Ila The North part of Lot seven. in '. 51-41 so V q December 21st, 1872. the School Houtie, 31afflandvilie.
9 � �YJ7 11 L, s al L t h a t zarr-a i n e rl T-, a s .�% 7 23, 7 5 G. - hs,:e the eftoutery, in tueir advertts0mcuts, to i3, St. Helens, 24th March, 1973. 13720 Range "T" Bayfield Road, 1xi the Town- A CALL RESPECIFULLY 801,1CMD. I
. sue tho following aautlon:- - ' - . pq $DJ I
TLe �veraga ezipenditure for ttia next - "The Immense demand for'HOLLOWAY"" PIL ship of Stanley, containing lithree acres % . t4il . March 4th, 2873. 2559
. in -0 . . � I
12 - Ls FarM for Sale to more or less. There are on the promises Goderich, 21st Oct.187i 4 1 . � _ - -_ _ � -
4- tem yeam will ba,92,1, `iOl 659; the average -:.LND oirrTnevy' has tempted nnPrIn or -
415,918, or an annual def -1 pardes to counterfelt, thesp valuable= I a Frame Tannery and Dwelling Honse. ' � � I I PA -D
� . r;,�_eeipt5 SRA leit 11 clne3. . Rent. CD , P4 � jj�� G, H. AURSONIS & 00.0
. �jf *2,15,721,or P dageit at the end of ton -1 in order to protect th3 public and outgelves . I --r- - I Tlcims:-One tenth of the purchase - � I �
I 11 I -11
ye�mwj of *%C1011600, and then there will - �na ha7. issued a new 'Tr -ado manveouslAting mo . nay to be paid on the day of sale, for 71 . is - C+ oil . 1-441Laa� HAnW"E _42RCWT89,
-vptian-cirelo oraserPent with the L l.a a .
:: or an k, - subscriber offers'for Sale or to , . -
i.v, nothing bzt dirc-zt taxati,trii. They�_ letteriMathe intro Everyborof 8 ine THE -, balance terms will be made known at th, , . lie Hespeler CD W
� f,.�fe. he a�,qde=e&E the idea of dividing - lrror &owAv,o Pc'Lc7_S A,vl> olsTmeirre have Rent his firm, being -Lot No. 16, ale. For further particulars apply to � . W � *"Ero'S MARKET SQUARE.- G0DER10,U.
� qui I- tilis tr None are e u1no 4th ooncesiiion, Goderich Township, 4J s . _. . L
I "
I - a 61�2_IM3 WhiCh WO Will Elf) 00011 r ire ando mark on it. miles from Godarich, containing 80'acree, JONAS AP JOkES, . � M lz� . 'BOOTS & Dil ri # I
' , "wivioutit.
, I - Solicitor, Masoni$.Hall, . . 1-1, L
W-Lattie prop�D_qed r4a.5 th,st tho surplus --ToDzALEasA-nDJO.uBEPAInDP.VG.3�#,ND ED' over 60 cleared and in a good state of ffL__V $2, 1 nq . J, I HaVe for Sale
ahz�e_-1!11 bahaid izzilzot and tho interest . 11 IcIxr3. Torontp . 9 I t __0_ .
cultivation. There -are on the promises . �i 0 I ��
'r - , -, - I - . I . I
� a7�01,,-He(i yeay by YM for common ,,v,,ec,iil'yourpattietaaratt,L.tJol1 tbenw - Or to JOHN ESSON, . . . Z "_J MINK, FOX, -ana other trape, iOR098
. iqj-pafi,PL�3". - Z,L-. R.ykae. A30 op- .1 gt%r,16. ot,FJoLL1JWAv1s PILLS A IN . T' a good eedar log house 22 x 30, a good
I red b- Bayfield. I., J9 � OUT SAWS, 31ILL SAWS,#66D
"-, - none of the old style are man f frame barn 50 x 32 with sheds for cat- � . r , �, L -THE saitmerlber has , commenced1busine3
tber�vfilm,E=15- 114diUl 12otthink :: _u Godericb, March 18th, 1873. 1361tr) - � i above Inc. in the shop opposite
; .q ciovi nor have they been for months. We tie, an ample- slippiv of wat . T th SAWS, AND33EST 3L4KES -
��,,�,i;-.�-cycilnajpf;:Zti-5u to divffli> the sur- r, thererore caution all pi2rebasers against re or, anti a . .. , I -A a & I
-ig from any Jobbers or D lara tho old large orchard of fruit trees (including I —.--- . I i I - � I - OF HAND SAWS, CHOP-
. .. . CD . - :a B &KERYS PING AXES, VARL
I - ,�,zjs JatLa cstimat�c3 of the preg=t . :: "Pl7i . - I ZOLIFFORD'�
I fe of go -'do apples, plums, pears and peacheo) in .W jeeto - C"26 - I -
ve,a_' clievo wva an o.macas cf., emvenditure * �P:Information eoncerning any sneh goods I 410t "ebt<mrs I . . : �
. Efo, did not approvo r f 6- beirg OfflOrCd Will be rerqived with thanks full bearing. Would she - dispose of - . . . t . . 0 ! where he to pzopared to do all Torh rlth'.whicb.h OUS MAKFX.S
,�,V,3r rc�-2iptg. I ,On the horses, stock and implements. � _o_ . - . � �1�
,3-3:1 a jar,�o aum baing disprised of by a - we asic the favor of all the 61formation 3 _ � . . I I I P1 - I may bc favoured. t-- LNDPRICES. BOYSAXES,HAND
A_ � -can give in regard to those counterfeits'p . For terms,, kc., apply. to LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE X�rj . . I - a . . . � -
� �& fftru%o - Of the rt -on, and he lid fa"r ap- ,v',,,, thN Company is aware that your laws do A, scriber wHi please pay up atoneti. I . AXE' 8 AND BROADAXES. COW
rcovar,f tt�c zjneqnn1_dwtrib,siii,�-_. After not; vermit th. op SAMUEL MoMATH, . . . . 1 ' ]E� ETA :I 111 NZG
m toe V titeprecise gettin-frupor - . . I TIES OF BEVERAL MNDS9
�:3 t,!J�- A"M32Ltural and Arts Bill r�y Idediclu-sts. bitt In nirder tho more complete,y to On the premises, ABRiIIAM SMITH. - . . I v � . . I J9 . - . - LOGGING CHAINS
. rci2�_.I� 9 ,�, b%rd tEs pawic7 they have recourae to another ' March 21st 18773. 1162 Rod(Ach. 17t1t Oct. 1971 .. - I � . i DONE wim . . .
V�,,,11 I J .
7-113 f� vg�,r� tvou. The B131 to V.Sce of deasption, viz. in st,tung that tbe, deeir __ _____ I — . _. t . C3 .94 1 S 0, Ill U0 i OF ALL SIZE$ 0 '
, - . IU & , � �.
anrelld t�l��5 P.-- b �; 3-'-1 Urma-ef;Lir acisarn as tizey san to malce up the Pills anti - - . GLASS, PUTTY,
c:nEmptia anothcrform. ar a that that thev-adopt � I � � I . I .. 1. ._ - - - - I . .
� 'I _,,ol laws ltit= - 1
7i, ,��! , k, L62!, _ffez- P, herg""hy. . � . I � . . . I . � I I NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. WROUGHT AND OUT NAILS �.ke-.
as reaI a ,,t:- , - . a Yew LObal, �e. V.E- I . I I �
.'� VA L I : �
. I
i� . ��1� ' vla "Gilemicar com. 3T,n'2 SVI'Dt FRI -ND ! DANIEL GORDON 2 ' 1� . And a largo assortment of all ld�adx q ,
dzr=n��vo- .*1-0, - SEWING MAGHTNE .
,: - �� ,�� - �,,;ori t , ,toL - 135 ve3ides tbs above-mentionell
,7:, 1 __ I I A OA= SOLICITED- � I
., . ,�? 01� no- n tho -7&�,, by ceinimminate. tricrip . - d. Iron H ' -
�t� : C.n-� detmt,� 0 yy.ty tnero iiii nigo a pavia Prinee of New York I 0 A 13 1 N I,- TMAX E _R1 . -
n-5 tr,�, ,ry 1); fi'tempting to sell , 1. ' patent. Gtoove a I SO I I
. -v9A Lumz ya;1,lre-_,fA4qi0.IS shoald spnrfous incitdtioaq of wy Medicines. Beware of ' I - IS THE ' - I .rrow U-A1_t3DW,AL1Ft109
�� D"Ta=_-L � . . . . �' ��l . . . . _5
I ,
- ; La ra= ��,,Ll, ,�Jt, Cl��,fle?g;nargrfled that I -IM likewis-,- . UPHOLSrERERt . PEOPLE S'FA-VORITE , � 1. . � I I � iiiil!iiili�iiii . i -IWM.� SHARATTAN. I
"I d has dared . '
43 i,-�; n- - a it should ba lt_-kea Thi5 unpriulpled Chemieal Cor piny has - I I W. . . . � iiiiiiill��.i-.� ,� At low prices for CASH. oppolAe
�:,J, [,-��--,,3S�-_c I �O,Jay that r owe very larg., f;�Ws of money In the I �. I I I " � NDgives tilftiversat-satisiketitin, it is, 11111i,1111 -i
1. . �
- - I kal __ ft-
o A
ure f
C m I
61 --lit % 'I
b s "'
, O'g' 1
"� W'
_, 6 ge -
�. -A-- .-
tleD ,tb.. "
O.. "
�. f red b
. _ 10k__
00- ��n I *q3L-iCX430Z`et023L403V`0 C1 I � .1 i
� z;p a 4� 0 , b lorowa� said that the &tci States, lybat is thef3et? A newspaper � I Goderiell I Oth.1872. � 23184r
L1.1 _U'. TV I � 001, , . I ..MaY72
. ' I
- I . �.� it up e or consent. . . - . � . I e I Taost simple, durable and the � -,' I - � - - 0 - . I
I - I -.0 ': ... %-.-��- , - J -
, ( agent obtalr2ed.w;tPout MY knOwle9d . I I I be. A th I 11 . . 1111111111:1 - . . - , AIARXET HOUSE. -
_;q_,avn, - .a,� -�y'� who held & Ninited � ightealt rnnning - machine. .now ,made - � -.- - —_
, . .n.0,a!12 _1�11�o rfgTattotake ar-1-15veoNasicu with a pir WHERE are you going in such a . 1kMe0N1)0*z1:IM . I — 7- 1
,na deb,%te poiverofa � advertise my � . 1. . - - - - , .. - . .
WL�11 �,:;y �tf'?3va, Afeer so. rmlr.e,an�rdertb hurry I I . (of the cheaper kind) and will sew- much I .. ".. :� �_ - , � I - . � - . . .
. A - i . . I . . , I . � . " I G. H. PARSON -8 & C -o
-0 t113t the -edr 'es' .. - " I ,I- I - I .? I I .
- ; VA t= Acnerlea for three ye3rit, tie At - � , , . A'
, �,eayier ,. mat M than any other, -it is - - ' . I � . .� - � . .. 11 I . I . FAKF, NOTICE r
. ,
&a_,UW,,Jjlirj,�3S;d�;1,; -5, C-OMO t , H6 then sold his claini I am. going over to,` McINTOSHIS � - 9060 ickt Noy, 28.187J �
ba rc�iwned to-murrow. extl�nt QI` $464 00 in gold, qr,1 - � . I I
deb-3tq filio:;�' t; itroferred by the courtloaf6end Gun-ihop to got my Sewing Machine , - — __ just what the-farm6rs have long wanted . I __ I � �i , . . - - I ` \ . . - "' I . -_ .�
,,7"`13`vyer,wLL"g4 N ! I
0,,11:3,5f,!4'of-mr-,-.Var,-IcearBilt tode-Iriblawho-g3vejuagpinestagaitLstmetothttimounI , -, , .i , . TOWS EXTRL I
. rep ed,iYdit can get .all kindf"of S(�w- - I . and, is warraiited,in ever I - , . - I , k 1.\ 11EIAT AN APPLICATION WILL
I I �_, 11 .
aro -It�i -100 ,ma , � o1$U-1=g1'!d-f0rPr0!ltWh have � 11 I � 4 " 1
, , -, � - Ictibessidbe could ,n�;r y casp and kept ' I 4 . I I I . al3d also to. fh,�
grj(,=C� ,of, Cetuin. U , r � I , . rl be maddtothelregislatureof Ontario
� " ,
I 11 -� I I in repair free of chargeTor, one year by .. _ I I , \ ,
- CI, .,-t -,"rut � =36,11e, by it, had I DO takeL, steps to repudiate this - nei put1n. . I & I I I - 4 -1 I � , S
! ! I
, � I _ \ K � � . ent Session
� ol .t.fin-Ani 6UIPA44w" I . . i , , i '. I- I I
� - I OC "W'V� I " t"'braoment Itcame WIDY now . I I - i I 2
r,C-_VUQ1,0 I , ; v9p, transac.-OTL -11 - I the company, TAke my advice and buy . -- i-- -4 �11_ 0. - . L - J- I ,I-
' /, - . . ;�
-, , , ; I I ,
; ' 138winst machines of any �A ,.. I . I - , , , //! -
I , � I . I , I - . 1 4 --snext Session, for an -act to i neor-
41l,o 4V j, tio any one that I would not immediate Pay. - . , , I , "I - L . I . " ; � I
Q s, that I owe a cent � . I no'o�thir. ' i , �! , - - ;. I , I , I I I I offhe DOnfinion of C,an& MACHINE OIL
- �,
U&S I 1;4A T'7�--vme. The �Tluso the [gar 7bisjudgement Will —a be set aside, It ,G Running Order t I * �, 4 ,,�.- J --i-;
I e . . � M 06d � . . * V14 . I i., ' I _/� 11 - 1- , I ' i:e at, da
11 estion orconautTexicefu collo'v bei Supposed, I A SW 6 , -e � �. I - ' I.. - ,,, I 11 ,
e t-gayc Or) I there, if not theri6 is no 61 Arge. I , I .
6--fthei- . . � � � I I - - . ! I I I I 1 porate
ment that, � I . 1, I I � I I— , ,� . " . 1/. on
- 9 � . . other make supplied to: orde - r at regular ' i 44 ;t'l ,A, !., i , / 1 ! I !
vammlfta of slipi, 'y - There 1. no truth wbateverint the Still � I - , .. � I rateb- lamalso agentforall kifids of ,/ —1 4,'� . I I .. : I a Company for the constrileti Ras beezin gereral use foT thop"t twoyears siad
t'--or"r 10 on orS nx to use my ,"'ReineMber the placo in reartof . - ' .' - . . - I _= . I . - 1 -ta. lWdrdad from some point qu the -Mb DeSt ZZ131114CU011. &S Tailly be assin. bytea�
Ley, - 15 ere eqMnirrea r re7eranthorEved any,perx ersi - - � , �� I �1� L 4 - , of 91V=F
I , I � . rf�-, , , , I , � .,I. . ? � . 1 * : . �
� , I- 1, z _V1_1 , I
- &er Q, ilt= W ; name In= the "It of TNT Fills slid !I . - .., I I Agricultural-- Implements, Offl' , - . . ; timvni&Tsfro,amemycitteisadinghouminouwio.
- ce and - U - 9 - - I ^ I I
I -
=14 a .n am - - 1115mentilithOugh F. Jordan's Drug dtore, - � GENFatAL AGEN PORTHE-4-vi.., show - ,/�.�' - I " , ... I . " , 11 r, I I I I I - .1 . -W hz or near ItwM Lot eMgsal in. the coktat wastim, Will
�Az_n:;. � Won me bT tin- I T , I �;, , Y 1 , /J . I ; 11 I .. OntariaanUQuebeq Railro *
: irI. - , gross frzu4s bays been pract'"d rooms at A. P. McLeants Clothju� I t , " , i , , ; I t I I , , ! i - .
; pe - � ; t . — I , I . I therewre sultablu for the iandfullost�SiswsZ
4� 1 . +1 11 I I /I., . - , - I . .. : , I I I � .. 4 the, Township of Manveris through or
GoderioA, 3%rch 24th, 1873. , 1362- LOWINGINSTRUMENTS. , - .�.� Store, Ean Street, G( :1 - � , . I 'I it, 1, 4 I � as the heariestrilachilliss ��
- P.*Y. 261h 3TAr�h. mcipled nien in this wayr Should it come to - iderich. . - 1-1 I , 1, , 1 - near to Port Perry, N-ewmarket, Orange. i I
WJWXU . I -_ .. . . � -1 .J "'i � . I -A I i I I / 2112:
� — I I I
. � I
� . eW introdu4l the ' -t *':';d "s"'. as 's fs*r' that - I � . 4 1 , .-,, . . .
� '1112a Atj��y Con � tho k.;owledga ofspir person That spurious medl. Orgatis and 3felQaons, R. S.. Wil, - - J, W. WEATHERALD - - .. : "It. * -, " 1. �
; - I I
I - I- r " t, !, i . '. .. � J t, I 4 .\\ I i 'Arthur and, through to G derich
I rexp��jin,g the sittlement of the � cluesetre being made and Sold fit ray name, that he � - I � , , I I V I I ; I I
I � , -1 .M. 11 I
r - 1 -a Ofthe . . CARD liams, Tdonto; Peloubet, Pelton & 0a. , 1354. '41 .. I I I ville,
� I I I 0
- I . 0 � . - . . ;z I 0 1 44 q I 'i
, I I
D � - � . . . . I . . . 1 4 , I I , , I I " I , I 1. ' . TESTYMOlql AL
OIL On Y&oian 6t � b,sple,sedi to "Itairlaillojesitto aildsliddrof 4 11 I . I - I Ill li'l
,� � . . , I , .1 ! .114 I - 11' . I a 1 on Ldli:6 Huron. - FZ0Mth0J,0l14PhR9;1J1acL VPM, 41.10litia,
� � - *' I — , � . - . ,.. - - I 11, , 't I - - It I 1, . I I I I - I ins
-.1 - ! .1 ! 1. . - I
I - xwqipa I'lolan 'Et U I van= who Is fitmuir the panne.tbit ruar, for the . . I Ifew Yor)e. I 1� . I . , f I , -1 , I \
I I I . - . . . . . I I 11, � - , ] .4. I., ; I ., I - JOHN FOWLER, I condpir I!toejesou'
� M � grotso.'en of 1b . I'll , -11 I - - ebaspor at #L90 "r pU*C
- uWAL th h", - . a . I f I I , 11 I I - i I 1. A* 1, 11 V-11 . I
- W, C _w__ ordors i tjtninlic wtiti:06,proc"dinirsapinst IDIR. CAMPBELL, of Wortht' . '. .
� -, . '
*1�1 A000 _" itoisiestinerittAtudsomeIrmy-in- J1 . r4rhl F6r Sale or.��to Let.t L: - I. 0 i ' , - January 31st, 1673. 1356.8t than CUTC 0:1 At 69 mts.
- I , - � 1", I i 1; I I
,I . I I I 4 _4Q tho blJollring ,, filit, sad I so" - I 1. I I 9 .., 1,11.111411 I - �1 . - .
aibaupa sivft if" - . — , . , , �L I I I . . � . 'Laot
im �, I-7 , 1graintat witliso4t; dittrill - I L I � I � . �, . I I i I al I 1 11,11 i I .
. 1� -- elliulwu,. � . - UNI New York , - L � . , I i U i �
F.WATS worilli W, , - , 1�'i Iskmid Anyrrilion bay* reason tobellore that he Street, neir the Station, lately ", '111 i w I I I I .
"' I I "' " oft
� 91 07 Tj;�Ztl
removed to the holue on Main � . - C�10 , I '' : J. 19 I I 11 i I I F�*W 42L ,
: . �� ill, 11 , I 11
.1 :rx4LW I It i
.. ristWeil. . -SfogbfsAzmt, Olf 00.1$1 , , j., I � Ill, I f, I I I
V I I i i - 001:1110'y Million, 1 Meyer, one door . 0" . 'Ll' I 1. a .1 1_1 111 11 11,1111 I 11 i I , I . ,. NoTif-'r'. , or scio only 'a -
- North Exte , . lis;besn dece,vot by buyint s""'ous limitations" bY Mr. Frank I P11HE n6b"bar offerlit forlgal orto - L i I I . H I I H1 I 1 i I -111 IF
I - f V, = 41 �14 it , , �; 1 L, 1. I - ; I -
[��J 6'roy Oa I these 3(wolues, be will a ]IS# me by' sending to GABt" - '� it L -., Let,. his Farm, Lot No. 3, list Cori-: - . . 11 , 11 j. I � L I I 114 11i It I i I
- . - . � . - �
, - L��Z-'&,n Huxon an4 Brwe, Prince Ed. I the addm$xt fooL(which hoexia dostarostor Siz Ross, Hotel, and exiactly OPPOsite, -,, BARMORE_ , , , it I . .� . . - � - .
� Mcollilillutles � I , , ,:- G. H. PAR-$O_NS A CO., 11ardwars
I � I I � . � -They take the prize thefrl DERSONS havirg b-asir. erg with the Pzov:,nc!a1;
"V, -`-_.,-.--,r, Mr. ,me oftbo books offristmetions Hotel, W1 I - "L . CC if Co"lot,.:"eridhT,OLVMship; cout in- - .
2 a Ry�Vrtrv_3IjM0dJh0 �,�ebtfja P 0 . I . aming. . . . 1. e ler Meroliants, Goderich. I
. 1� 900 acresi 125 cleared and in a high FOK - Ji. British. American, PhoMix nud Eartford
, I _: � It- it � � twenty dollars You ian have " I -
, , S:r lionnit by night or dsjr as usual, . , bQ D'UNE[AX �. - ithown, ' . . Wes, for wbieb I am Agcnt, - �
viaf xe? , whero ho �
,_ -, I I e ficin r"pectirg theliwileharstAx totheaAroi, Ili the lowest __ W . 89L]C AQ4XM,
,� _��7DA*# on thilli In') EBER
I ,l, ellli�,WAS folf,jillrefl, 1� My Medicims can be supplied , ut Is#$ than , 3urcli 25th. 1873, 1 i362 - - . -to "' Of cultivation-' Tell acres in under. A set.of harrows of this sort, For workmanship none can iiot duritig roy
LZI - 14110tewe not prices 5a A"Antiflas of . , . otipete; ! -will havio their buEdness atttil(?ed ,to It'
. :51='Ci AXworth _viz.,s4AL.-2k_34fi. pordozenboxesor I _. I CoToXICRING : - I - " ., Boston,' , ," .'. sliest and a considerable amount of The vei ooth your ground; They grind hard clay to powder � fi � absence, by Pet -r Adwnsor�. �cq., ic-anty C,e:,I,;s - -_ .T� I
I I rr, I 11 � 44 6i 1 , , 1 -7 thing to am . tie,
�_U?" �- L -Y x *6"ditb. Jf* lie'J" that 00 I Pills prro,z of bintment,'Pir Which rillmittvices -' - .. � I 31ILVER . . , . �,-,"` ,)kul;V�g hRs been done, Will be' " For maii add . .,Office. , .
7 . ;,;;—g *&i.first initiated she Un. - - horse theirusadq sport Though baked by ammorl,iii slc��i�fnj
I I fjq�wr mastbaff�tirtxdvsnet. `711116403(fdUllitsillit"100t . I . VOSEIS . , � "'. - , �� ..-niv, g b . . I -, I Horu%01 norrr,ON. To Builders,
. — - , to let- on'sharelsfor the�firsi7year . , . �
�_ 4� - i. -L,10ft yaj ,asiblo for, 1 soi4ix,theupit,oAgiates. W"THDo' - � , . I , , : . � 1. .
� . -t4 was resipc �,�, - I . .., � heat, � , Goderli,14 25tA Feb. 2g,iq - 1358 -low . — �
. yach pot and Box of my 47imulnet Modleln" 1, - f " . � � . � I � - I
01 '�%�,, pis,t tof the o vite, w'hich it W ! I . — . . Can fornish almosb all Canadian an(I ' , . 40nant the privilege of r6nting I . .
. f8a Wr 1 bear, tlis British Government blislop, With the . � I I . . - . - I . I � I.E.-NDERS will Le remivoa for ow
i W,liev, -3(r,'.w Sexton IfINE or two , I jeja iliot jell you that thou�4 broad, - ,
�. It, stalt 3lutolent, Un- good, awlyaw", to wbolh ,American Makees Instrumerits. on terft ftt -rards. Poss'ession given -on the _'� . - - 1i erection of a Frame School If~
, . . MINTS 0 ILo ,a $_-0 Ve.
� ,
h 03U111031 Dr- I , 1 , weirds *11rolloway'lit F11. . I 'to suit pursb r 00 I inq I L, +,- Apply -to � I � . � .- � - i re ]Dlay
! ,4f . 13forlillirs. Gibbou sn,1(,;i1A01,sn4 HQRS. � 49*,-, " liberal'indummnts, will be ofrorad, as 1411 .-pril. I I They aro quit6 light and easy drawn; - ,
o I . I I . I I I I - GU"AN�TBED, skolmensilu for School Seection Yo. 2, .,A shfield, up I-
I . R - � �, ,_ - ' And if youv,int to be supplied . , ,I part, ulara Lee, Address to the 8th of April next.
I - a" Rjowed-s isdirsoostil the - I I (Oped) TITOX, I to ,11(lit"WAT. i? -Dr patkuUm jt,pply at this office, lea thin Jdanufacturees P'r'108. � ,� H� SEEGUILLB �- .� � i : I ,ta, 10
I - W004 . Me. ROIL � j";r &f*r,r jrfr,V4, W. . - - - � . . ' I I I on the pre;Lr4is � � , Callat the xhop of David Strablian. - , - � . I - 15 L=�ARY and ART A,UNCY. � , Y.
, j of the whill 0 � Goderkh, Feb. 21, 1673, , - . , - I
wal HOMJJIIIII� I, I " - - 1, I ifi, , : Godwick Ut lurch, WS, iswe . w � 1. . - 1. ,� � o . � -� ich! 6"Arch V3, ISW,. 'Goderich, ffar�h 11th,,1873, - � 7 __ I I wool) . i X. DAUM $"I
Aed. The Hou � 14WJO*, 9010bel . I W . , G'� d . A im I " Now burtb,,W-.T.J - 3111TCh 15ib, 1,r, 3.
� R. C. Cameros Opp, � , 41 . I - I - I � 1361fA '
I � I - I I '. ". I � . - I 1, 1. I � I . I I .11 . � I - - I .1 . �i .
- - � I . - . 0 � �
� A . � I - . - I . - I . ... . .1 .1. .1 �.� 1. i -1. . I �. � . , - . . I :�, . � I I � 4;� 1 . . I . I � . -
� I . I . . - �. � � ': .. .. . 1. � - - I : .. , 11, .- � - . - - � . I . - . - I .1 0 I . I I . �� - -
. . � - . I I . I I . I . I I � � I I - , . .
- il