HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-04-02, Page 1L _7 ------------ -,61 Uido n *bF t4t T -0. r coloted 'ains no:,W. ac=_!" k� k in PtMLIA, 3UTCh well, was struck -jut leight 01L,�10 7,tve" belonging to J. D. Noble .Zjq4,, of ais pace The governmehowillhave itfilorl hard, after settling the Municipal tn* Fund debt and distributing the amqun�. a surplus, -of 4 exclusive the '023,756. Urion railway fund, Of fS, (ESTABLI[$101ED 1M,) 0 The Winghal(ITInw-maysthatthe b.,i- ens of L�a Law.,�l papo, pubished In Canada, . . . . . . . . . 0 ness men of that placo are getting in Df -1!3a and vaMa%ed at Godar!4. Ontario. cre-y earnest -in their desire to bring the To. ronto, Givy 4; �Brtjce Railway to the vil. ---------- Itt t1at 01MC0, 110'atTOW Str'2't, ldjotnillg thL Market Toronto, March 17.—It is rumored 9squaro. by "The dreatG'StPissible Good -to the Gremtes� Possible Mu'vaber. that both t6 civiland a criminal action J.. BELL, will be instituted by �Mr. Dodge against the Globe Printing Company, the claim .9=0a AND l?,UQPUMor_ being p ,jacedxWOD,09D. ARIO, W APRIL MIX NO. 1363. t VOL. XXV1. NO. 11. GODERICH, ONT F NVSMAY.. 187-3. Thoq taira Pree Press reports that a measure will be introduced -during the present session to -create the President fflzio a member.01 the TUMM-41.60-per annurn. n a Ni2nw,$1 if,'Milt of the Senate exwiq issnv,n. anamqrparo P2!d. escapt at the oplzon of tho publi,,iier." . 111011n) to CO. A53VA%X% 80=6w, ."'A�d who," said -another man, ad." "I want to see the- editor,' he shout- F.itlure'3 at gouut7 Z=rd ZZ0,=1U%- Privy Council. dressing the editor, " antliorised yqu to ed. RLATU 8 OF ADVERTISIN -this hideous stuff about my de- A gbastly*paflbr olerspread Brillimer's On Tttesday morning, 3k. G eorge R. H0W TEIR oBjTU4AYr0XT OnSRED AF tr�rlt written for the Signal. FLACTED F&IQ11133., ceased, son ? Do.. you mean to say that face, and he said:, From -the Ontario Teacher. Xregg, chief reporter of the Mail, clied Rig%t centq par 'ina lor to fir -t inqorlion. MONEY TO LOAN Tho 037 of the Dead. it was not -with your authority that your "Tile editor is not in,!' atthe Russel House, Ottawa. He had Wo cents per line for each stihseplent in�orl ion. Whe December County Rjard Ex ' 4nu- - been illonly ten clays, the attack being Bnsmoisu ia,-as ro. ex,eeding 6 lines. ',4 Per GODEFICH LODGE 10. 33 AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. prow Adcler few: comedian inserted with my adver- "Well. whan Vill he bla'in?" nAions bare given rise -to a great deal of w iY Nv.x. riAXNATYNZ. aurium. ft om o to 16 . .ne* s�,. G U. U. I A. F. A. A. N. J., -Alfred Bkimmer,, Edq,. vdiforlsod tipementthe fo owing scandalous bur- "Not for a week—a month—a year— h�rsh priticism from different quarters, inflammatory rheumatism, which filially The Tkumh3r of',!Ewa to to, ro0.ntkcd t,r the qrace UE RFOUL.AR CONUMUNW-ATION VREEHOLD Permancint Building'and attacked his lungs. . proprietor of TheXoMiio Glory, living WqVe 7 Listen to this forever! He will never come in any bdeause of the unexpected failure of IT sayings Society of Toronto. objer*ed tho,disposition: of pernQns:who screamed Brimder. "He has rn�,iy who considered themselvesthor =a"arvil t -V A in heA on tharast W-,.1110�day of each I A: There is a city, down von Vale, Willis ba� a purple monkey alimbivir on a yel. moral" Ingersoll is t9 vote on two by-lawson th at, Advar-ts-.ripoils withetit . -0 p. ni. '. i.it tuZ brethren Where balmy fracrance scenta- the gale, have been breaved of their �ieliitivee to bo msG-tcd nnt..,. aaj charb-,,d a� ll1.;i;11T, Cordially invited. For particulargappIv to Where fi. low stick, gone to South Apierica, with the iAten- oa�,hly prepared'for all the difficultics of 14onday,Uh proximo ­ono to &,so 25,. A. 31. ROSS. - rat the dewy crocus &&iiigli, n to the'r feelijiga in -a And when he sucked the paint all o92 it tion of remaining there during the 01-pitiary juestions. rhe paper princi 090 for the arliction of the Holly system TUArLY AGlZUrn-WqT-Z W. 11CS.SON. See. Agent at Goderich. And first the hoinely redbreast sings, g' III -Casio zoade him deathly sick balance of 11 is life. its h' of - water -works, and the other to raise Goderieb.4th May. ill. Where first the pearly tints of morn form, rbflectedtliatit�mighb be And in his latest hours he clasped that monkey he bm Bed. as departed— pallY 'objentedto was Arithmetic. The $5,000 for enlargement and improve- ,.r,.r �atis w,.". ha, chargNit �er,'-- PQ a good thing to introduce to b T"to fa-,- pe Is If you want to see him qtj Plit-lis %eres;Jd to bepuzzling, unfair, AMA Otte -S �ha Q,1V,,!.t.5GhY the year.- F all twinkling on the flowery thorn, in his hand. you had better follow him to the cquat(,r. m[reastinat-1q, &c. It is not our intention ELCHA$. R, iBERTO.N. paper a department of obitudry. poetry- merit of market grounds. cv�? ell -M7 17 ar p -a And tile wild rose, wit est Anil bid good-bye to earth and -ent auto a bet. He will beg Tor.)ntu. 13-13. bsimpl He considered whether if,'whp� ab indi- lad to see you. I would to' discuss the meritz of those question* Twol ice boats froal Ogdensburg have 8vace, .. ter )and. U) ot C Is. Folds in the bower-tres's close embrace; v1dual inserted a dollars'd worth of death advise you, as a friend, to take the next as,a test of any candidate'skrinwledge of be nd ag000d deal of late, Where 'neath the yew's umbrageous notices, the establishment a ouldcontrib-- Chi mthject. We however publish thorn i 0 a mcn*h- a cru "in- a Rej I T:,fiz boat and start at once." vory fast time. MON-EY TO LEND h Ob ! me ifiore he'll shoot I is sister with his little '11d they have =de so gloom, ate gratuitously. a dollar's. worth of wooden gun "That is unfortunate,,, said the man iti'aisutber part of the Teacher, that they Nir. Wells left Brockville the othor day ... ...... At Greatly- redticeit Rates of Intereat The daisyo meek, and priprose bloom; mortality stanzas, hid paper would laot And no more he'll twist tht T viith tlisgolden locks; "I called for 1( in one, and made the distance between -USST's tail, and t - I triar be calinly cuosidered , and it may 'IT1811 EXCHANGE HOTELI at once become the most -popular vehicle make her yowl for fun. him up a lot with h ''pen that ou a secon p -�-sometwelvo 0. r.),n!'t And where theAhrifty spider weaves, plirpose, of battering 11 erusal they thattown andOgdensburg ITEmidersigued bait a"Y numunt Of Mcn(`Y tib It's web, among the bqrdock leaves; . The pu,sy's tell now stands out straight, the gun this club," many Ini I rea: 11 6. OKE C -4,11- A1.1' C.90rRICH. Tinan front too. W f.fteen years, At R IPW rate Of fot tile convoyan%e of that peguliar form - I rl he fovind not to contain so 'lem— in ten minutes. 0; --e, - interegi anti ravourame terni, of repayment. payable Where first the bee his rapture tells I of -melancholy intelligence. to the. public. is laid aside; "Efa will bescrry"iiaid Brimmer, difficiiiiiea as wa%V. first supposed. The law in Now Brunswick is so S rron! L - CAPT. W. ('0X. - PROPRIETOR by,ye-trly instmineno;; rate of expenses will defy Within the honeyed foxglove bells; A ild Afr. Brimmer rightly, dstimated The itionkey doesn't jump around since Ettle sarea.Stioally. iHe will regret ii-ashing. Mut layiug this aside, we come to con- stringent in regard to throwing sawduat conopetIt"n. Where sweet, at noontide mings the wren - Willie died." UOTFL, Chat, as most newspaper readers seem to you. I will write to birn and mentio� i sioler %vhv so many generally fail at otir in&) the river, the fine in eo� being , Oninpol !A LATE OF TH E 11 U RON �ch case C�, As safe within her briery don e a deeper in terUt in such sepulchral, that 2.1,� f �r HORACE HORTON, The utterly atrocious character of this you dropped in." I C4unty B,,ard 'Examinations. The 920, that the mill -owners are giving up �t% to"i t, -)-I!@ A. -tion SMes. "Pa-rilvils. : i; , I - — all mills run by water power. and very ,t, �f ? A 'continuance of the favor and suppnrt of the Apprals r for I fie cannola Iler I -She views with pride, her tender brood, ne.ws tban information of any other balderd"h will appear when I may that Dfir name is AlcFadden ' Privute e said the I ca�ises may be briefly stafed as tbrep, f Comm--caal and rravalling in7virthatwasaccorded Necure from hat% k, or magpie rude; sitting the largest William was twenty yetrs old; ill&'. he mall. "I came. to broak the head of w6tt of thorouq or ar `Zr ',* -s shortly there will be nothing but steam ors Of .Irma, hoaso, to P; milinelis Blivildiiia & Sitviin kiud, the journal cont hnm, obscurity pf ezme8 Sale. 4^a. - I btil -, lie nra. rosFw1fully solicited. 1334 society. of 'roorouto. Whilst, to the brook that murmurs by, sjl� ly would have the greatext.number Jneyer hikid a, Monkey, arid never sucked the man who wrej ' te that obituAry poetry si�it, and werjovs excitement. saw mills all through the Province. Faint echoes yield a quaint reply; pp abon I; my wife. If you don't tell me !Thsse who have taken the slig h of subscribers. au6h a thing, that he pever fooled with test ' The heaviest com crcR ever grown in Lad sweetly pensive, breathes the gale So Ur. Brinimer determined, that he cats, and that be died of the li-er cora- who berpetrateil the following I'llbreal; Tiotice of thi-answers giver) by candi :1 an"' iNSURANCE CARD. JA wou Id, as an experiment at any rate, ell- pwnt.1' Yours for you I Where's the man Avho d4tes at the C6unty Brfard Eiam�irrations theUnited States was Chat of last year, -1 r�ach tlue 0, .6 Iv on %JOLBORNE H01 I O'er yonder city in the rale. The Snbqcr4ber iq ngent for the followifigIrst-clags ga�e an obittiary poet 4or a shpirt. time, Infaiiions"! !—utterly iaf;�ajorim !71 wrote, this? Pay attention: njust 'ha;�e seen lybw many were but wlich the -ai4criltural report states at -,f t?,P sT,7�Nxl, ir-A'k-'s It C00FERICH. 113LUI-Ir"nee ct-nipi,trien Who are the citizens vi hose homes -Mrs. UnFadden has gone front this life: inieupproiiniations. They Inked that the hngs total of 2,J00,030,000 bushels. with the purpose to give him. permanerlt groaned the editur, as he cast his eyes 4; an mtzrpzss,,� adrert.jrme rnriiuv.�. PHOENIX f Lond.,n, Fc%:tsi,Z. Comprise th6so rows tif grass domes ? eni ploy nleik if theplan aeomedtotake ovPrtholines, "And theiviretch Who! She.baa toit all its sorrows and cares: fc; ne4 and epor4pleteness essential to P Notonly is4his the largest crop but it HA RTF(Vi; of liattfnnl. She can WhI ght rheumatism In both other legs is maid to he corn'of better qm*ty and 11011 ICIA L f Tortint.- Who, whilst without, the vital world with the public. Accordingly he sent did this still lives ! It is two rancl, !op le od '4aswer; arising not from their ZZ% %Verv; ALIL Kms 3. ISIARTUT Proprietor. 1 sprubbing the cellar and atAira. go trinsic value than usual. Toronw. In pussions vortex vast, is whiri'd mustard pinsters 00h, Lvrlu vain,, b#e'vitA but front the inability of the (of greater in f4 BIr. Remington CIO, a constructor of And vatl" vrhisper�d Ott to himstlf. 7hTehypplb"Alied her iiry h %whisky �aud rum -' Rev. Dr. Jennings, of this city, Piro &- Alstrine bumness done 1% bist coninierce, science, art, and or he t4ild too to lightep the gloom and to B d#Y hers ltit!lep, c4ndidite t6'giapple witIrthe full merits Is re - .1 PUDZt-191117 S!: -rd Good Ac 'lowest,,P5%i,..:o3 raten tit to XVWT%*,a w4 sit the Geap verses, who ]lad frequently ;outribut or artid, and Jefi' ported to have entered an action against wh,loyonW-.-� comnitAstion. kniple Stable� . The ire i f rival factions feed ! - to the collinins (if The Morning Gl,)ry -heir the affficted family with tile re- Per boily wpirely nurtilb.. ng theqri-estion. - It might be wAdent 111011ACP T1011,11 ON I-N.bilstrapitio, ricA. last, anti crime the Lez&ratid Su2s for libel in publishing e4 to. Room. poems of what wonld have - beat& consid' so mroes of my noble art ; and I certain- "The Slave whi, �eid-tlie litte Afr*.'Xc-. t4at iV oeytaixr4imnunt of infrjrmatior, V a letter'-fi-ofn ?. J. ence-Tefiecting upon This is admitted to tie a First clas OfTict, :UArket Sqnare, Goderich Deface the chronicles of time ered by a' fastidi-tis strident of English ly thouLylit the idea about the monke3 Fadden , tip to the'-sdorn 4 an ilnoympt- 'v�s possessed, but in such a crude un, i Hou.,zi- keptin Good Stvle. !Who, wbilst in jubilation loud, literatureafan appallingand revolution- wo-Ild have tkat effect, somehow. It is thetic world ih tl�tnt s9ocking n�a�nner,` dfgested'shape as 0 be of little �ervice.. hi.i.. Dairinges itre placed at f10,00 AuzustLUL.1679 I - AgamSt-the Leadtr and s5,,00,D egamat i Exultant shJuts the f6ddy crowd, ary character. I itnj�rateftil." ' * said the editor, "is 'named Reddr.igtots TP la6k. of a tho, ough knnwledge of the Business 4131rednll- Z; (D 40 C30 ' In hero homage, round, the car Mr Brim iner sown effected, an arrarge- Just then there was a knocIr at the Ott. Ile boar -is in Blank itreet, foierth s4biect left the mind so hazy and lie. the Sun. In cabs apolv&s are noz �ub- or Tov.*.% prolerty * t 7 per That beara the demigod of war! merit with thebard, bv whichitwao door, and a woniati entt-red crying. do -,r froin t4corher. I would advise oliindp�d that when an attempt was made lished in accoi0ance with the lier. Toc�e-lat-" rutnol'U'l by all this mad'arclaim, i tleman's Vdihhe win prt" the Met. UL-. 1-�. _%. NJECUOUaL'.11 aurced that Nir. O;t ell-uld take -a poid- Are you the editor?" she mi'quired of Y() to -pat thp necesRary information on 9qR TTIML te deed not the blatant trump of fame; tiQu in the fdli6e for a, short time, ano Brimmer. u to call on him and avenc,,e Mro. piper, -Its mind cculd not, with any de- ter, McFadden's wrongs" with a jaidicious -'acic. IL ea% da,, vi", v:&, 1.4:,"nu 41tf Gothrich. And all unconscious of the blast, op titcon fidence select, what wasesseu. The Atforney-Oanjeral is fairly be- �� o n . 8'r, ()C .2 A! any &C­�. whenever a death notice arrived h, Briinfiter said he was. in termixture of club And Zioa bite THE LIVE91POOL&LONDON lee nift, the pageant hurrynig past ? should immeaiately- entleavor. io uvin,: -1 ' W-1 -%%-ell ' she said in a voice "Alid this," sighed the ;0a outside X74,1 an$ to the p -int. leged with d1ph(ationsoatbe Ummicivaj 7\10N'I�Y TO�LEX]b- �Vhri, -h,].t in sorron a wild aiarm, outsome verses expressive of the simzi' ..-dken by sobs, " wli-wh-tt d'you mean the door. "is the titan wb o told '� we to -It ijAlso evident tliv in their prepa- livati Fund'nQtef, and is doing his ut- M. I'), () er valiquish7d F reudom'3 mangled form, tion. bv-publishing this kind of poetry- about divert Merl adden's - mina froracontern. rat mittir the County Board, caudidaieB inciat to doal in the in Unt 7-; D G 1, 0 11T E T t IGHT Pl:R cI N*T. SIMPLE I' NTERESI f IN'hen her brave batiner 3oil,--d atid riven, site i ost jiberal attl just tonib. I, t N U R A �J C E 0 M P A N y, A fur.serlo Nea.s. lnt,-�st repa-able either nwou t 'Yoll on lerstand, AJr. Ott,"explained -.yJtjhnnv? M-naireisSw-Smith,and platt,in of the horron of the noUtufficiently'piteom and eelf-rsli- manner With -01. 'The' consiaoration of a0t. in answer'u too of ten -onzv par- the (juestion in Ae 11puse, will phorefore eaalyorha!f-yeir�y- 1pj,'ytn i No woreca he breeze of Heaven! Brininter,-that whenthe death ofal, wh-whenI lot iked this na-Luorning for the wasth�,t monstprwho cour.selledineto &Y HATITERS. ArLit 4 be p6ztpoijea fok a low (Uye, lt is ti-ampled midst a nations gore' individtial is announund.-I wan voi p jy c; rrec . ormatioll often falls A a,as notice of Jobtiby's death iu y -your pa- make the sunshineof McFadden's smiler t 11 ' o t' IUf Avallable Assiels. -S-27,000,060 i I Can lead the panicit forth no wo'ce'! it weri� to cheer the sfilicted 44mily per, I saw this awful, wicked, ivicked burst tkrough thetempestof McFaddens a orto �the mark. A polutbir tyvo m9ro thought 11at the bumineis of the session N q1,C1,AN SUROE,3-V. Cofta',SR Z:c. Offid� j Leuss paid in the conr-e f Thirty-five years ex- 1309... . pray'r sources of -your noblt, art. I anotber BUitbraerittiocover the ground oannot be toncluded before the and of lan"aal U! ctnra. Szhool. I Wbilst rending moan and frautio; Swull the dire tutuith qf despair, with th'. re, v -verse tears. If -that sore -headed winster or FORT _S OF DOUARS 'D. volt may d no line coulafail torroliriunce �IILLIO_N %vish youto throw yourself, Four dnctors tackled Johnur Sudth- couldn't smile over"thi ft 0 March, at sodbett. -110-NEY TO L EN t alludion f . ,,y,,an classnay. i 1 1 Till Nature, iu her caves below, say, into the situat ion, and to give them They blistered and they bled him whisky and ram; ff those ramarks about irk complete, but Was ! 'thQ foun- I . . TED a. CANADIAN SWr=G._BrjtiSh trade 1R,*i;. col:qzo T I TC- Ir I RIM esti 1,N DIPRO FARIT PRO- � Reverbratea with excess of woo! %-ene or two about the corpse wbieli Pfau -The ppring.44rives, out surl that : Vi With a ailla and anti billion- -it- the rheumatism in her In—,could not N - -)0k3i000, are 1 1, y sma lifik imential to reptifts for the lost yao allow that the . a neF being pi-rtr- i4t 8 per�@en' simple interesi ; ;%ill vpni to) bit tile I Xpression Of tht. divert his mind froin. the borrorsof the Tr.-_,7-=Av SUSGE I- 01---e- Elam!",on t _r�v ralq ( L j ALL litini6vad, respond no vvid. f;s- 2, Vznved wr­sorT Dirn In that city do And ipertac they fea hini. U-nox. in the valv? uui,.tion of the hearts of -he hving " a p,Or rt PRvn,ent, rnd Liherali*y in ad per atinitm. APP.c t 41 What art. thi y V-113quir er know, They -tirrvol hua. -Ij with calomel, tomb, was it- my. fault? McFaddep -pmpleteness is Wantmg, and'the can. Utal tonnage cifUnited States vessels nc.�erl 0, the rrominent features S -01 ICE .11 S LO A. N "T., lialiten the gl,,(jtti, in A, certitlil.- date logesso many mhrks. Toremedy entering and clealing fram the parts of (Ct -a -:),'j - 1. i I C* I And Ified to -move his liver grovelst He knows no more about -A;thY,Co--.-r,ar.V. colbc;�e '11,4e]. 11 that c't) still arid 1-tv sense, "Ipp"Re." sai-I Mr. Ott. But all tn vain -his little said poetry than a speckled mule known about mind should bstraimsd first to Greif Britaftl giid Ireland wn SJ6, -E,59 Ath very is' the FIR'. an. LIFE POLAZIEb issued i Stand mewortila,ild &ail new -Precise]% ! Lig4ou tile gtilom. Do- Was wafied o'er theriver." the Shorter Catechisim" - STSIC: CH �:M .zber.. C":dCric!i, Sth Oct !E72. 13-48 Oka a comprobeasire and general view ton$. 1646 "Nuio time thereentered4ria S --we arefalse, and sumeare tfue -n ore' tlie departed; but rathor , th 'cleared three times that Aimount or Heed office. CariRda Branch. 7_610N. not -mot i r The poet determined to leave before 91 71 11 f P 0 iela of study xnaith�u in- - -1:4`4 -r-9, --:e li-dld- I Graveii there, oti store or brass -atti, which afte, It 8 false ! false ! that it what it is. ulZrius4i cultivate every Inch of� Canadia bott ram. T , -14 N. I _h. -Note each recot d as yon liasa all, 2d r.- Jtt, is, as it were,but the eii f,, ad they -he " �w i � TREAL i A ''Hi take jovious view of & 'bad one doctor, a Any further criticisms were made upon. his is z striking Ing) ilana ls�rcat, �e_,If­r hnuy only _ roiina by itself. rommentaryon the imporfections. of our and they his performunces. He jumped down U. P C. S -N111 H.Hesuieut8scretary, Each brief legend will repeat- tra,it;i: w a better life. Therefure, I -idn't try to m -move his liver, front his chair and crept softly toward The lack of aelf-reliance is also seen in laws, which repress and destroy, instead SIONTESAL "There the past and future meet the hesitaney with-whiclia proposition of fostering and buildibg up la great ziennaerfiNnsil t-veryWedner.41ay wulita -vipe yoti to toncli the heary Jidn't bleed and b -blister him. It' a the back staircase- Arrivi at the r C oderich I What thepust-it hoots not now stringo ,; 6e afflicted with 9, tende, ivicked falsehood, and Vou are a hard- 149 iilaid. down andidefended. 411 think merchant marine, which. our extensive ID ARals-rZ% 'Vqf) ATI� IRN 33 Y- k 7-LA"T. A. 511. ri it d z ­a I it rda y. Tbey perchatice have been as tholl p landing he suddenly' eilco'untered. Mr r, lbaviea' Graul�aar jives, this dell6ition" ocean coasts. with thbir thousaiadgulfB, C�z3 i�erv. A:- 3 An.orrey, bftWi, d endeavour, for instance, to aearted brute f -for -printing it BriE.rimer, who was roloving off in the F1,011 NEW Y(-'P.*K AND- (,?�AQ_ Wbat the -future -none may pay 4r "Hullionsayalao.aud. so-" Now Ex- bays and smaller indentations so favor, C.L'l­__-a'. Lnridwder7y t.lard Vla,!s and from COUIIOMPI0601) %Aam, I shall go crazy if you con- ame direction., The i 'editor had'hardly - r,. . Till the final judgment day of z_ h i rors of the tomb." tinue," exclaimed Brininter. " This is Sime enough to utter a profane ejacula %minor% want an answer to thepurpose, and which -the nature of our chief pro. j�p P Toronto LIa kssuraneo and """z' not my work. It is the work of a ser. t �ss,n, rn And ferwarded to and -Note the presait as we tread "Reiiiii-i rromdespondencyj suppose tion and to lift his h nd ti) strike the 4n answei on 0e merits of the question ducts naturally suggest. Canada has rr,.zn a'! -o. nt i7i Great Britain. Ireland, Tontine Company. k Round That city of the dead I an ' lift r;j.Ar thoughts to-" Pont whoin I warmecl in my bosom, find ktseif. ind mot the "Ithirik" -or the "I vinety - thousand twamen. SEC ranks BGM:ze. K�nzst �a stmet, Gzyllt -i Germany, Nvrx,,. ,,veaeri er Denmar and How still !-uh! how serenely still "Jiists;)! And at the same time 6oni- whoinIwilitlay with myownhandas poet, when ail old ]�:dy in a poke bon- -3.menea, as sec!,. . spiedfr. coinibrtabiy ouid believes" of anybody. It is for them to Ahir4 among the countries of the i7orld -ws:! J_ r. G�r_now. I '0Y DEPARTUR" net and silver spectacles suddenly emer-g- d. ',whether that answer conforms to -tonaa-e-England (%e.tply, ai hv, uy --ther Route or Line. L o ring of arivil, clack of mill I c- he comes in. Madam, the miserable out- ed from 'file stairway, - and pinutid. (ge m HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. THF N i 5ine eievati ng sentiment with sur.lipra in the extent of her 1B. T1. FroM(,taSg4*w. From New York. No strain of pipe or harp they hear . tical you can obtain from, Last shall die editorto the wallwitk-the feriiie ofher he acknowledged authoritiesof the day. being 'Arst ana -Our country second; but $100 -Ow at.. sept. 23d .... 101VA ..... _31on_oct. 16th *roR- S " Strange -strange I" - mused ' Ott. timbrera. Aftirgrinaing herteethat ARRIMZ AND .41TORNET. �01 . JoL CAYTTAL A Rat.,Sept. 30th...C-AT.FF)0NlA...%t., Oct. 218 No clarion -crow (of chanticleer thealvri,tisement4 Throwaglatfiourof his besitancy, like lack of precj�ion, our Northern neighbors are fast gaining Bid-n-Cimnuery, &c.. G�-Jen,t, Oml. . 1= with li beerty ta) Lnerease to half a million t No din of tradc's tumultuous crowd 'pu'-kr. for instance, over the common- "And this man told me to cor�n b1ne ele hi for a momen I. she' fibored Win with arises from a want of thoroughness. upon us so that obviously, unless -;nt.. 4),L 70 .... ANGLI i.. Sat., Oct. 28th t 14th .. C')LU3fDlA...Sat., Nov 4th -mastered the &ffi-: wholesome legislation shall induce a &t., Oet. I No thrill of wax -'a fell clangour lotiol place ietails of the every-dav life of the vating i6ritiment with practical iriforma. her weapon,'and stating herself itpon IThestuden't who has STEMS. ATTOP-TEYS-IT-LAW, KLl Arnonott called in-, 25 per cent.---alZ paid Axidevery Wednesday and Sa-toirday thereafter No jar of wealth's proud chariot -heel deceased. -Peo7pleare.fond of minuts de- cion. ' If the information co'neeining the his prostrate form., she extracted a copv Oulties of any bmach of learning, does change In tlte4curreuteftrade, wo -must A = from Mir 20, NOrth Rirer, at noon. No hissing storm, no thunder peal scriptitm. Sorne facts =efal for this squillu and ipecac is not practictl, I have B ton bl, Q==Y. &C., ecdert� EL UP- RATF-P OF F A �IAG Z PAY &ELF 114 CU"EINCV. ofYheMorning G?oryfrom herbagaua tiot depend for his statement on the dpae Ation rip* ,tftex Canada ps a maritimG To GLI�190W oR DrRny: Nd shriek, no groan, no yell of strife ijed. froin'the man misunderstood. the use of that -word. poit ceHiiiri stainza, in'the pimp(so may be obtait obiku- di=t of the,4uthors whom he consulted. natlon,­Y, Y. Herald. Sea_-_2� 1%VESTUENTS LntFrVD By CR%ZTM TOM011TOAQ1�9' V_JPST'(7A131_N. st;5 and R75. aecording to location I No sound that -shakes the. -halls fourdoctors to That knowle&, has become 'his own, CalAu Ext-urshm Ti(kats (goo,l for 12 rjoutho) I asked,Ott to read it aloud. - of life %tho brings, flie noticet�o thdollice; otherp -And if young Smith*badn�t �@ - __ A -M VFBF-STUE1123, _N '. ary co ouln, -because by their assistance he liss gone &c-. seenrinz be3t ie-ozoindation. e130. j o roice of dissonance or wail, you way readily thrPly fro= yQur im- it was an outrage. He ought to have Ile did so. It Iran in -this fashion: La CHXS. jZAGER, Jr BARfEs-79IN .1 . Extracli from a Lotter of Messrs. ntern.,,hat�.S:33. SterrageM. Disturbs that city. in the vale agin-ation." had tb6m, and they ought to have ex- "Liftle Alea:anderls dead; as they did for hill AvE 'BRoxvN Co,, one of the eldest BOARD OF DIRE Certifpat,­.at 1,(-)%VE,;T RATES can be boinght No selfish want, no wild desire "I'll thri sw off stan�ze Mr. Ott,. cited"liver." Thus itis thought Ott, G. CTORS : 1 .4c) the same sources to said Jam lim in a aoffin; t 31Y, P-rtvide4tl: rb., Ron JI.HN HILLVARD CAMZJWN, bere. bv o. -e wisinuz, to send for their friend nformatiou, he has examined the evi- and most respectable Firms in -the n. SQUI-Mic. m. P C.. Toronto. Praft�; nva We nit prp-pr tation. No scowl of ruthless tyrant's iro "in such a manner that people, will want " that bunian life is macrificed tobareless- Don't have as gooda chance dences in favor of their conclusions and A liply at i I a C.ni i -aoi i's Oirkvi or t Fo Maritime PrQvinces. jjCl F'i­.Pr­­'e,a -. Lh1Kai.Nr..rvAT. riol. No festering wound by malice given their friends to die for the sake of the ness. R g a fun M] ve,� often, having astisfied himself in regard totbeir ARFJSrEP, ATTOIIVK� AT L kT7, SO us his body right around HA4FAx, N. S.. Oct .4th, 187L B tor in Cb-ne,7. te. ;Aar,ch, Our,— Geo D!740;A.V. Esq. Jud�,,e of the C3U11tY Of Toth- MRS WARNOCK. No sioh frow heart,% by treachery riven poetry." IQ the 46meter porTectness, e - W H BRO-IF,14-1_31. D , U- P, Pr-tt- %%,-;t�4t.GvdericJj,0u At this juncture the sheriff entered, . 7; It has become entirely in- JA -.ms 1. FzLLaws, Fsq.-DEAR SM - * * , tEL. INty galling probe of inental pain ! D -P. him in -the sepulclirs Off- 2a, ove­ J. C, Detloy Q;s Em APXR. UAI Lq. c.hter merchantsill-L, G.,,J�rj,h (J. t. �-. 1 7'. "Butabore all," continued the editor, his brow clothed with thundar. Re had 0 With his UucleYeriT." ;a . open dent. of their authority. Sqmaxe. U,,�Ieeit!L 1 No grief that battens on the brain The system of role work so prevalent Our sale of ypyr Compound Syrup of Wn. J. mananaer Toronto SaviM93 N peikury's acimrsed form "tul-e . t1bright view of the matter al- a copy of the Morning Glory in his At the end of -every line 'tb e inil ig. i Hypophosphitok has been Tery lvirge, 04 'Make the sunshine of smiles h lid. or ways. 0 a some schools has given rise I to this A NIJ tNr fell riamorse's, canker -worm ! rriblital 8ervitude, so fatal to success at tAnk, Toronto. X. ERE, A YJ C. E a He approached the editor, and nantc nquerorpuncheathefallenBrim- and, notwithstanding its hijb pries, hns Asnu,ij )Joaraco%. Fsq.. M. P. bmrst throligh the tempest of teats; and, pointed to'a death notice. s0d : far exceeded that jof any other niedicine. LAw CSA'qCE?Y AND CONVETANCIING. S�tcry end Twtiv..,rcr: A=MU -B IrAllrzv, EA1- Nor y ile seducers dastard art mer's ribs with her umbrella, and ex. oui� Caulity Boards. When a candidate Qnlze"D.- if we don't -make The Moraing Glory Read that horrible mockery of my claimed We, have had from yell within the past Goderich. Unt. Applications for Insurance in this, Cari there profane the human beart ham around among the mourners (if this woe, and tell me the name of the writer, 9 faiI3 to remll hn authofs views or words fir_�t class Company received by _%'ain fashiun's fluctuating urbim, town, my name is not Brimmer." '0 you willin! D'you hear that, you on any subje4, he is lost. Why ? Be- year six hundred cases vf one doolin each, The wretched rriiser� soro' so that I can chastise him." wretch ? What d'you mean, bi writtiu' 'canse Jib was the bondman of that atithor which have gone into almostovery part J. J. BELL did dream, Re,traS Tight. ltdidhum. The editor read as follows n of the Province, And giyen, so far tus we I lie lecher's lust, the coward's fear, Thomext clay Remington Ott went oil and not un independent thin6r as he Ageot at Goderiph� of mv grandso in that ' PARPJS=., ATrOaNET, SOLICITOP. A C.&C. 1342 We have lost our little flaticalt in a Tery painful way 7 Take that �5 - you serpint!,-O, you -you will' know, uv-rvzRsAL sATrisFAcnoiv, A�p C11=aZk, Qj L V7 The coxcomb's vaunt, the scoffer's sneer, duty, and Brhnmer ran down to the sea inotis ought to be. , Had he labored4o master wiper you, tryin' to break a lone viid- the sub As itisno "quackmedicins,"but Cora- ISHIP COMPANY. 1 The, slanderer's dart, the grin of bate, shor�e for -L breath of fresh air. - All. And we oftn askcd, 'how, can her harsh suff6r- derr - ject. and not the aut7wr he Would poun d, aa we believe upon thesound Y�GNZY TO LZ,qD. STEAR-1 manner, heart with such scandlous lie 'His I S Thu blight of scorn, the go.3sip's pratL, -te' Was have been far more successful.- prilip SURUCE ; ORTICKETS to:!nd from Liverpndl, London- ifirot . igh the day death notices can inn be Wine?' (bet plea of Pharmecutictl Ecievee. we J.ALMICIS FderTy, ur fj,az-j;,w i.y t lie above Steanitship Coy.,' The hapless maniac's phrenzied gaze, . poirritoz in.and, when onewould'reach When her'death was first report - ed her aunt got up n-! -There you willin! I keminere ideas would then have some foundation, F,==C- NY- arp P. to hammer yon' well with this here tim� trust younill not tillotir thip. public to ACv EkTl10C%ESQl-A RE CORIPA ly to H. f:ARTF.R. The mad blaspheuier*� rackless phrase ! Ott be'wouid seize it and study it lip to and snorted breller, you wicked willin, you owdac- and he could draw upon principles which lose sight of a remedy isd well calculated J�,ans and A-mMfieaiions drawn A Grand Trunk Railway The conscience -smitten murderer's stare! ascei -when words ri y to be of pEumummr ch.Au taitt pitrticular3. Then he would Goder. .15. W30 ITIth the grief that sbobadsupport-M, for it ion$ caypenters, 11asix W and Slas3na* HEAD OFFI 1; TORONTO- are available and safe la vALuB. Very me- w.=j: m=aswed a=d V -r --d_ rhe haggard aspect nfdespair! rnsh up stairs, look himseli in his room, wiper you ! 'Take that, and that,- -mislead and beguile. Candidates, to Viatint Buperstition's goblin tratij; made her feel folorn, you xilo, indecent, disgustin' wagab6net spectfully, Avmy, Bitowx & Co. 1363 CAPITAL STOCK ......... $400,000 talks down his rhyming dictionary, run When you Iriow well enough thatour succeed well, should be able to look at jBuchana=, Zawsort Ar 11,obtnso SA;RpLUQpFU.N ......... 206,369,60 W0. 'Can nerer haunt their homes again; his fingers through his hair, and hack She was such a littfe seraph, that her father who a subject from more than one stand - I r-ree from mortal fear and ail, away lialf art hour at a piece of paper is 15heriff. Alech never had no Unele Jerry, and point -their knowledge -should not con- A REALLY GoOD AnTrcrou.-Wewould ganbaml, alltinds I)f-Sasbog. U12m, Glirll- RECEIMFORTFIE5EAR In that city down the vaLe'! Itealy &04isult stem to care -f lie never smile& never bad no"uncM in no sepulchre any - and vrmte.l Lamber, at the V,.id- , 111161 be- considered that be had that sist merely of a few dry formal defini- call the attention of aU inteiested to an Iffav E-NDLNGJU.N�30tK1871- :07,858-26 Let howling storms the forests tear ! in life agiain. how, ynu wile wretch you." er:ah WIL 1, -pnetY7 in a shape which would -make i tion# committed to memory and alwarm. article of undoubted merit, and wbich 10 110.N�-. J. -,%1cMURRTC11 And bellowiDg thunders read the air diat fanvily feel proud of the corpse. Ilhe Las gone, we h I ope, to Bearen. at the eafy sge While she pounded the editor the poel. faulty, If one wor(.4 is -omittdd�; but with we would advise all in wantV to give m, President. NEW Let rone magnetic billows roll., Wbon hi day"irmork was done, Ott went of seven, groped his way down stairs, six steps at care, diligeilce and reflection, fhey trial. We referto "Darcy's ConfUtion ALDAN- 51anagnng Director. �91 to) pole " I , (Funeral starts off tit eleveu,) where sht-11 never a time, and emerged from the-fliont door 4 should Rfix the broad principle Pow ers and Arabian Heave Remedy,' H i An shake the earth from p6le honw witsh it ionvictiowthat Thp. Mm -n. inors have pain." with remarkable suddenness. Risjour-' a upon the FASUGE05 DENTIST Let rude ambition's impious a' -%,sing extensively used, by muny of lin haj'Glorij had finally, r6bbed death of its mind andfitl in by details so thoroughly offi? 9 Life's holiest'altars %rap in flame! wriors, - 'and �hado life.' compamtively "As a consequence of this infamy I nalistic career ended upon that day. tba:t no the largest hot -so dealers in thecountry; r,-sidence, West.St ortising tWhen Brimmees, employers dragged question of reasonable difficulty en inglactions rage-_ Valueless. M. T-bz,.w dao'rii below Bank of Montreal, Lowest OUITelit Utf & Let fierce cont d' 11withdraw all the . county adv C reat* FIRE & � MARINE INSURANUE AT Drug Store mild.tpessibly baffle. these inen have discovored that it QaYECULLOWTARlFFCJFRATE,' UO" - RING And wreck the vw orld frain age to agge'. from your paper. A man, who could. away . Alexander's I grand -parent, an wo o referred to obscutity of provesthe ;condition of the horse by Go dieaiala- 1311-1v inattrance for one or thm yearg on detached In'tho' morning '3fr.. Ott * Proceeded - rried her strugaling and mqTo' i ave als r. calmly to thioffice, for f -he !trifle in this manner with the feelings. of ca - . aralug, expA,ilkion as a,cause pf failure. This purifying -the blood and iamoving bum Dwellings. cherehes and Schools with cout6tis. i purpose Of L : .3 1 13 +_ +.b. k- 4 +h A;+- i� Cities ToWilsandCouritry plazas., The�prates, u tn tht city down the val3 Farm. -ti nibalm ing- -in - sympathetioL verses , t -paren t 19 a SSVa(re aTlU a SU Ull re he . I ;sVer,?j. KXamin must have noticed. In the ugsanuityi5raLLta,.ttproventatneir As. !the sheriff went out ep, te=s afgh7 part=lady favorable, to the Throbsno pulss of mortal bale: Brimmer riagean4 was rom .M.CAMPBELL sof their departedioriss. -AsIre ; t many, cases, the answe- is so ambiguoue, healthy-action%itijeffect is,zoon ap- A � lig community- inemorie. he arose week lat t an surgecm. -elliag Agency Done, lifc*z; congict, toil and dread; came rl�ak to the estallishmic!n he ob- i4aced his head upon the tablo and whence a week lait . as n6t to; riiean anythiiig at all. Not parent in tho'nuimal, which is Ono rea- Vol �� , i First ciasq ni�Ln wanted for m trz CHEMIST'(k, ]DRUGGIST earriest deteriniziatiin ever r -EmalIM- Ly ofca3r__.;1 vn;vcrAf7. Ith- ' New � for� the, towwwris outlyinr his Town- Aj)ply in Fach within his silent bed 0 4erved it crowd of fiv& or si* thousand. groaried. . 1 tbat the candidate was igUorant of the son -why hors6deplera use it as they are =.,I G-w4nata e oamiq Veterhary .1 t- with references to theitudersigned for trans: riature's dreamless rest; "Really." Mr. Ctc ri-flected, "that atiother line of libitunrypoetrytontef froat of it; struggling to Let matter in regardlb�.%Ybich he Ivas writing, thuo,enAbje.t9- riecs nnd at I Wn Ing people in etbetter VARY 4. to the Read, We- OF 25 1 ERS PRACTICE. Wrongs, -nor cares. nor fears molet the door. Clim ust be deranged. I tried in this the cola inns of The Aforiting Glory. ve e.cry nito bing a tree, he over. otsrslili in ut from ld&k ofprdetice and'iMve'rionce the same timegi, - their%cutomen sounde ez z3yde�d U13 D. WATSON. 011 ! how tranquil': how *ublime the crolvd, and could see within -ase to P"t myself ir' this P'sice, and to) Local A-ent. his Was did not assrale proper shape. anillhealthyVor'ses. Retabegth name, O'er them glides the stream of tinie the offi!% tile. cl(�rks selling papers I a., rite as if I was one of the family, ac- Again, intich valuable time is wasted Mi i66 that the'sinaturo U-Brd &Co. liv-9Uperfindtiffexplanations. ' Notbibg ison eaell p J. T. DUNCAN, V S- Where -with passion's banner furl'j.; fitst.�s the :.;ording to instructioris. The verses are 1 ackage. Nort op -&-Lyman, :TANout) ta Pun 1A uGs-x- y coulil'bandle, them-, V, sir -n to the grief of I GU,AZZA-_�Z r Trmwo And at trucc with all the world, the mob pdalled,and jamined,and yel led. wairtiftil. That allti N7 OF ADI)MONAT, satisfied tippareutly -with the first state- Nowcal-Ale,,blit, propriel-craor Canada. ND STABLES, in the womb of mother earth tier aunt, particularly, secitied to me t APPOMME AU(1U.DZA,' OFFICE A� N f ran Lie* elTdrts to 16btai a copiew-t h i Mentrwadoi-anothere;ffrt- is put forth iiiabyalmedicine jdqalerg, Colborne CH Fulp FACO'By Indy. ;py. It expresses violent Cos-TE11i DTSTRf(,TS ffoTiED To Fifth no -Wo ET't rf Ca tbey.wait their second pres--esin tb�cellr ineapwUile.clarigin, ic very hl to elabrikate, more fully and tblii pt�rbapa TIE YOU SICK- -,iiotinn with it felicitous combinatitin if GOD01 I At hy bxplaiiation,the answf-r.-sufficiently a::)- A cougli or cold Dhould e; (. 7 --- � i, �ay like Upon tbje� curbstone ti, Ailifield, Alarch l2tl a az to conappation. Head A,he, lit.ligez. # h, iweetness and force. Thesepeople h:kve' naverbetrified-t-�ithoffenwhenneglec-ted 1313 Iqt&FARED 16 PILL tln of the ijeart,' Di,mies front of bim thqre was ii- line- stre c it)� s(,ul-n appruciation of the bealitif"I It is cvident-that,tbe Bish- f H r P ur,"T - (Vwa trio stiee.t� for fonr eftel, t t.,, tP. Arid w1vit shdiwe Bay ahoitt aervows- it is converted into a serious and gener- orders f6r, "farketbolual';_-, alidget MR Ren.ivnod vexetabie wwapc2h. i �t �T E i T S. TAHL`Ls"-`r8" I is wideai riiiR ess-A com-daint so goileml. and so an- ally fatal pulworinry disease. rhe 3F -U B& -_E� IES' inan engi 8-tir tliel)ioc�so some "' Twiiv Bitt-as �hlch Imi completeircurd th(,,,�ands ed in redding 27w- Mund n,,yin,,, cannot propose a reinedy more pruileg�. Aw Glor '% VV the -poet inused, hurried steps more retnotii- pail as al 4ro of -tbi% promptly �ith' ail e:jrneisttiess th-ift Mr Ot, tra, atid to a Ull;-' ,f that vignur'and, I ifo, which hek FOR !NVENTIONS thron;�hoat Canadanswed aSWOia�Uoderichan CIACNCIL 5TEETTza -T'Ao Council met had never befot-& sedh diplayed I tn. it, re heard npon the stai forhatiscoftenz constitutional weak- ee "Bryaiii Ptilmon;c a Cora - awl give %at, fdOe'r. vartws qoncll­�' OT leya ness. but we might -ire goirie hints that tvis wbich Uvaimtabied its reDutation &PROPERLY P!- dppf u of en frou, platforru, in their [fall, this day (15th-Mareb), T 'Jeut' 9. midille-aged man dashed in ready infused ifitf, tha Clitirch-'in tott; lie patr fia of tb:it thiet be bard A_eto�klo 9 SLY miu­T�viDshif). No. Of COnmsiou and "'"t- . d Ion. Some bhatig�s and apvointm Europe. -h, Y, pursnant to adjournment. Present- q)t1y, and, seiziag Brinimer's seat - a Aurora. Jaiary Ifiet clilded that either litz poetry lill ..tm entl w.,uld possibly. initigate -the trouble. for over twenty ycarii­tbey *To always Seolforprict- eriverr a beneficial hair; buinjied his prostrate bead are antiuvrieed w1iich tilni;t girti dn boneffou Thi is io test;fv that I h.,ive d Cha Giryin, lte-%e Edwin Gatriv, De- oil sy P. thetic. horil'in the popala, eleil :A�id first - 4ve would a4vise every etudi- efficacious and exrt a moal; Irfim b n,l*s T,nit� Bitrers an foOnd it to be ptity Ree c -disaster hat' a to church' work- throughout ti [I tl�o Bronchial and pal. ja operation. teu years. 2 ve; W..' Kinnallati; Joseph gainst the table three tir four times, with Pettl ilute to be llell prepared jn� -all the sub- infitence bdal by rdr the be4t article in use for , epepsl, and q red A4 ----y I (louncit heart, or that all alipafling, ble iorce. Having -expended contry- MIN Mellwain, and Uhas. Duinin, t 4 e A self-satisfied monary organs. S61d by alldruggists RY fl.MT. Boar SCUFFOS. Lwer 0�ajp:ajnts. ge., c occurred in'some qirrter� f the. globe. ousider, Jed s xanjination. L - , ottavra. Cau2da, JOUP(i $Irll'LY, . Jors. Minutes if Iasi. meeting, read anJ I the violence of his emotion in this njan- The �NKie�e 'has been divided ifit sense of ability to accomplish a given and country dealeri. Tries 25 icts per U.W'CUTTEILS. I I He �QiVf itrowid to the back of he four 'Arondeaconrici -including the fol - of Fate3ts tud CJIURNS AD STI Weal�yan MiniAter, -confirojed. The folli,wing officers %%ere t6 06 editorial ner, e, held the edit, r's bead down ith task gives confidence 4nd conroge.-we bo;" Goderich, Aug. 271672. -dulyappointed :-FENCE VIEWERS- Jas one hand, shaking it occasionally by uniare on"y afraid when --.Te feel -that there -All sold (,u jileral v M3 ;rmj, aid order spv­mPtly acoj iw,.21tti ISM attended to ro?ms., I As,, lie Thneg Archilb ary of Lout!64_11idi are very - grifEve doubts- nkhrdiug the L01MY Borilt 'Usts I. -'And all ly occuried iqwr. fl. Dndol- Mr, John Poind, Pagan, as Rose, John Johnston, L 8tand preions' bm , 16114 vdkced were hvArd W'ithin. ;Mr. Ot, way (if emphasis and- with thn other J. D. ARNST4, Per Sir. da�npfjull, Duncan MuFherFon, Mal- -dlisex� E It-dri agree, -that tho."CanaftnPainZestrov- D E R 10 H AGENCY, W SIVIN-tf T h ve great pleasnre in reconL- h4eimitled to aseeri&ffi the cinse beftife t"'id seized the paper and said : f issue. Indeed theliest preventative we GO (;Oder.cb 9--rch 4th 7 1 You Th. AtAdiaactinry Of Huron -JIurov 017 TUB I-nirnilin.- ywir r-4,13itterA 4sau excellent iliffigroiT a,diii 31rD6nald. rue 111. j1d reprobate 0 knowagaii%t that, feeling f dread so e?l is -the best medicirte for the instant chair. anti You (Iiag ef Grev- and BAce' Tomovil Of Taltil from the gt,)n--t th� st. rnaph and s,rcn&thenlji,- he Radcliff, and John Camerlin. NUND it 118�iiipatliecjeAnddis�.!tisting vampire cot0mon amonj candidates U Iliorough and pernisiWrl TSt and Loan COMP8111Y Of alery li,rielivial W. Jackman, Johnobill. thlo'pfd� d.-or,'he' hiollilted Vhe Arch 0 ] fiteiileverjet.Tucovereff. ru 111fPg in toy n I erimiar eaRe, and have knowit KFEPEits-- J. and �e , ej;ea over the doo'"e" throtigh t1l, 'You h,my-fleadeil oll&h6ull Whatdo � preparation. Lot them know their oa 153 f . so,,, Win Uttiriphray, Alex R -iso. P. G. Oxford, Norfolk arid Waterloo. power and feel abM.for the t"k, and general*ltor-hativethet!#Vyre�3ovilag the A 1) A. f ll PIDIRTE ANT NOTICE transo-,i. There'satJ, Alfred Binimme of Yours 4'(-, .1 . - r j You tijean by pitting such stuffas thii; The Arclideaconry Kent - Whitt:, Alex. Cameron, Charlts Wilson) �vile sheet about my deceased �e4 a TenoratlnR the J. R. KAY. M-onkliel' Gloiij in - bot) a vour then Examirlerwwill be,no nlor6 dreaded ausase'. an: hol,ling the anti John Forehel, Son, . The Path. ittril What & yon ijaealt by printing Essex and Lamblon. ,M. N.C. Minister 'Is. ivlil.16 fliefrinis, which grow it i thau orffinary,mortals.. tctioneifthe*y4him.' For ffis purpcEs 1,wrFrozied.by Royal Charter. XANX ii, The followilig clor it &as no ,-May 30th, 1004. masters were also ppointe . Applica. inted 16 3be 'ladininistratiou A arora moll awful dtig6rel as this, #ou depr;,V'- 1po _"4Aen­ have been Briefly to summarize our hints to can- fer"w :slinger-7you. im- aF i5ii 'I I fiwl ieriectiv free to testify to the benent I uve tioii ons made by IduPherion Kennedy, ed and dissola'is itk- ' (fil* didates we would may:- equal. Truly it s 3e ign a Carriage Ppiqtn d I 11'ad sil-'o,l-otiiti,�btlotit-ulitithe'g emf,�; sepamfe districts,' in -Addition'to thb- varlihin dPOUND 011 friveil frotL tn(- use of 31r. Rond'A Tonic.`iiitters. Lucknow, for rhop licenge, *hloh ;&as � - 2 P 11; occilt, old;quW driver you: B!) It 5ver sub. bys.0 Ddilers. 1BGS CAP ISSIRES TO ACQUAINT TEIEPUBLICTRAI They have reiteve-i repi-atnd attaei-a or by fa, to rape'hible igigatitW gdd limff3b,." - Tw thorouk -mastex 4 �_6 bas t1tted up a shop on$oirth street next to in V, caiie froni t'dorrl mic and aperieli t Ion es granted. Fatition read front John Hiles i -Harthillomew outlit thfi'mrooes.- present -Arandtacon'-4 Enron jep D -Pr'rlirri ini '01a bury vrniqlt roo 1p"t, t d fine of, In a heauttral hole in te ground, Dr. Sandys, ijf Chatham ,Rev. �T_ and facts `yoiii own. Uniteritand,them, I'Theirlmais Uglon;" mav be --,P- -4 to pal dr er DAVID SAVAG13, and others, pra * ling a grant from til�11,;at��j,,-ii�,-,atiitiiddtf.'-f-40t�l.,!;�l.iitd 'Where, the bumble-lim buzi &lid tue wood -pe kerblarsh, At. A.., the wesiskad ? prornp,. Tew "ounexion. Minister. 'bank'where 4th arid tit'," , - , . . CL.- - Rev ill their brearinga. 40[os;6who dibanduaffy of Con- attaaL,ed nuutforthepatrou Council to otit river . ejul K; r �,erq sing, puea, t a U7,an" N--son3ble pricelt ind .10 otheri. afid river. And the-straddle-litive tumbla around- �D. Fatcquhsr,lfWest-zorix; jitiv. Dj.� Do iaoi SuMpjion, tAthough 0 late I cc � _, :� . 2, Ciiltivate Wl-rlsliancv. FUndg; fO7 In"Strhent- goinull nee of the% 5th. con. li'lie crosie�s Alaitl . , .;. d il!. 61.,h Baleh, 16f Baltimore. t tile Iat 7 ye= solicits Bofid begs to invi,lucc loi Plilmonle $ympfor ;.ld Ul The Council granted doublwthetYnount: brbther,,�f the latt; So I ij at in wi a ter hen the show a trupl; ito y.our memory for the autboe4 y*m sinidbly, diminished- their numbvr, Farm swo. C0uShs.C9!do;,AAthuja, W1100ping,cough, hoarse. Rave covinvil'bis last Milo bail, on eL,_- S,-arity of approved nelittlii &c., &-a., tho Sedt Cough. Me,:I- the petitioi -,by� subadrip- These ��*-&Il eifeellant appointru 'a U, ng 0 now that to general 7 -fHu; brother Artem4s can go out With Ja 8 is gra .1 V1 F"rnls of Five fir . I vbar Ae to Pard,your C4tters term could raise it words. Think for youi lie t k L 1c;Towers, and W ever intrduced irrooderich.1t bag sayed tion. 2jrs. Walsh received p grant if. And visit the place with his.eled; as eac. 6neof the"; geiitiemov b MY 62�t li4fiftig itad- 1, 'pe*6ived: an Donot bseofl)i. Wktar!s Balsam ',o! Wild 01he - Chan 7e -;ao orpiry f tim.e or by an d ,thosartils fxom, art u d civailOrIt. Thop rt'mdv dorfe-go6il service -4.1 W. e59 per year to bipai de�ease& fell,. �tlljitcacjj youtGtalk aboatstroddle- ell, slejohs,"Ill farriages. Illeir i ill -do miu to rem )616 iWrtowritetoomltcb.� Mianswei Cherry is largely instrumental in (lodert4li. 2nd 1872. chi ore the id4a.' clear; 'and to the point, is whnt is ing *aaL*,AnY tima oa favorable termo McLoolilin received hiii�ndnd t6demand; bagi I I'll instruct you about, slush this vad. ;01� be gir Orders from countrY Car440 APTA sttezdtil co t� that the Aiihdavoi?s ffi6i is a sineou Ileo 1. foundling from Ut Oct. 1872 �a I st'of fdlfowin rit, enlighten, your insarie old intu -Ovanted. . to witb diqy&t^b by the-, ely- As a',*Compliment til , ! NO 1191111%k. Th#. Colincil'orderO thei , .1; , . " i " "_ intended wer 4. XrActiso compoidtion. Wako a7 VagaL , . � k1j" : �Q April. 1873. ij the sabjqct of singing wo�dpcckers -s of.-activi �efij t, X. TRUE31AIN, 0-0derich46�140,W]i t1tose whose'ddy ployraii As= L .*-&, ­ - ­ I - . Jan rind jljo P,6T,. Mf� follooillig to bie. otructilidlY the 'Cnunty� "WLh%" do You- !knoW about 0. 1 habit of exhausting your h wledge of' r�L as 00'66uld Thc death -angel t !zhoywa paric Dill Marta Zis Woes mi MeU, o"Goderlab :, , I h*7 valliknoy�h; 16, 1810 T asuier's booksi 1 Artearas,-you wret4ed bucearlieryou any.sAbjcgt by writing out allou. know If rics, awl ja r,014 anything C wj� -Ind.' of L16 English Ian- f ay ovuij eya-hiril Socritary qfthi Qhuith ch, 111g, I 'i, W, despicable butcber� `C ents vit, ihoe -Fa%q' baliaie, Yoitr statem' tro it is tated, it is lute 4 'JI 'Cannot 4dq ILVL ANTI- Anil,writt. vey, 18L, 'lot :10. .*iWfh(ise.bf"th9author. : Aiscertvialf Ifarness Shop 1! guagel Go but vith a -sled I'llcarry, -sil d, fi�ft&lflj 41rdw &` in 'Abb --DioceS6 ore. Val.donewith. � t like S Bri.IrIt" L 16fitj,,�tr Dr. AZ ail MTAL—, Ci, -yorr=goipgto -fail ten EojvT"e.%T. 4)no b3t e hag, Mixd 13RON- owl yon-Appl6rable j� t- __W -A. Do UotthiriL W. A. MART11% -ftl - ii __ a ate 'Iddewg to Ifte PUY'd 0 The Cou4cil. i1djoumed'to on-,,* Una . QJU A-Vtlid endbf bvery phrase tke visitor TjmQ enough q. Fifty 13 30110, *IA4k 'Moir CAT; ciamac 'one Or two bottks curo I�Ld Al Im day, or - I �% 0 r, jou Rsu when y to tnegoframsatidrUlOr.YTItOrZZES. t�XtUe!FU T froill. Imarti, io ��a Ww& --alt Ur i son, PARTICIL . AU ou kno ri0�4 64not gRess �at anything. Ali a*. 1wee Us AV.-, -i A;0f,jt6vigjofi, whi _-xgajnsbj'fbjL fabje.4-W, tiia' 1 1* % , hen. Alke -, exeraw ohVir Idt �With' tho '0 " lcv'L,,, -with THUMosammAr, fib 1. is for lffaay� 2 ; .-' �, 1'. - , applications er - 0 � 'D1 . ..... oil. 'He is already . welE G d -waif ende( is mol CirBox be adverti§#4.04 _R -quo 1,_-9r.Brimmer explanotl and Church in Hdr or bazAmm har,%sr. Ono bomc has cm a LIZ= bumble 1-manw, mh, W, A X 'J*$ ansfer of this kind !olikely to bg 13ack. 4if_,eljU years iftArdftig. lan!e Flank, 'Of it, SAMY1.Goderf 11 known to clinrchmen-inCanadr., fr �&Yiolbgized- im. -the 7 At Ireakfeld,410841ccuuty, Pa., r3yEr "I 17cnt XODERT, URR This ia.-simply dialig I hri airty 'ro to takke -tip atiff idurnes, =43iing at ligh %Td [gs,10tabattlo ofyour oil wL re SUj is now prewed his efforts in cnn"gon ivith the D wesiow, , - jol X# pronllslllg,,�k; thli fianie;,timo Ur give at's Chur6h. WffDtX%;.,CV;tTl efs C400nari -Znm bra!x OP - log, Somttand V0. .......... cesan Church A.MAD. 31FAVY 66 -va, a is for, Ordinary an4 W-to-pav�mel 0 ;nin tt. 'it tiors. Another 'wLo tv 1,.*4 Arm" ter P -V= Co., _00j4 WeStUeSS and *10D would not bay It if Z r9uld go L no, 'rely 71 W. its ie�iiW si po; v� Zbott t ot t�e m4n�" mur- Artj w Dian b '41 VA pi*tmethnd inyur'wokk. qY Rufus tolksm, of Sunda. -N. Y,,W.Wes: *,Ono is-ur of ied the Wpowas " TlrUt HAVE ;,ijs OW , - . I.V - ­ . 11- eg;- ht, t id un� file eutkg for iraik -gT jJ pened 0 21pall **-JDf 10= TIf"ITAW'0Z r"W =on baduotppoken. tbove AL -us a bK.*01r M �T&tiu� lonfry-combal" plill.11ABLML r equitnoiliplecoz di)tailml wheretlit j jW WY _ , I' r, " " - :, - - -91 Make sure= -.Of -A xhsP.Vi4FlvJ9 t Y.. writes; Your UlAc'mac OZZ, rzra Joe p4rlb vion, to the th*W pd. 66,'Aectorr om ag, ZsrVTMtjtje%of tits Thurber xef�U bsvi't4 ; . -4 Moectirytells -bortO, b10theiiis:U jvgrth A great hays, to­,yroqdp0xerj fir folk 1hey R* - 164itii-M me J3 it :Xga 6 A -affliction: 1,4 false =6�.iworsq,tbsu uiseless. Ukig,4duTjU066rA Tea= h1* " -i j61ld*ihg10a tbeeer�rttry Sty. "'we JAYS newrMolda ILE VJCJQAS st.' OT 34o�n )- thi an(h COMPCtis fACM01011AS JU13.1 MOV li 'that has &Wgn GGd-leb, kild will. t_ofz#*: inden. Jr,41 IM9 In- 9. "Tiliatih Go4-uu4,teoj? yourow- itig *0'B*6T ()MS IVAT ArE starA 6 o:.4 �tai C - itad b ye, bwlqo almost hOZ [man UNMUSo ji�odo "*the d,: we 0 (Wr Ito iojlisl A wabo losa* Cod t 'j, tiij -died of scarlet 0 tv-70,44(u . , .. 0 84~ V1 , almeod,J9111g; j nivrAs--nic Township of Peel,: rohid the, idiot f NO= Im Libj�ne for be( insaii. W111 ES170 YQU =='�t lWff� lisy tn thr tra a%ry to have, i 11. Can. last week a3l of-, whom, -more i boroijil, L111496P Forr llof*lronl tU Col Abing ever jWd AMMY rd" aea Tep! suppose- that-1could write fostry fever. He drdi' of,eximnle. Is sold by Ime Ui 1, 3ftit!pta, ,ensanT diver - F_ . srrw parts The he. ef�tateij. la, -41 every- ,,,I montmortrei'mills, kr,,- AX of the D100086a sa.!ii IoiJhif -1 -T -n second-vlaa lip quboel ounijus 9411 Nii"fac., k �,%iitbtint rhyrnes,' �e mom ii in natic and when he re#�6 I home 4,1�ctj, -He _�Ught Teeswatir, 31arch --dead. WhilW'wiiaT-f6lFA secondcoffin -1 ik -1"VW - DO. J5010 ty re- named Alci 9'a �W neigh. Arestafortt3 00mildc'4' =Iworl Njjqw, 4jeataLiaxts, I- 0.1gartin: Voutinhi*i:a resiullt if rt�ob to beat ken a; rati tor^uiiway U q.How-�001cl murrourid, Ot P e�e V ]A n nA - abgy' -in he, I P, `61f Rib ��­JWdly'hadiho indigrigh ,An4 ener- wits. o'vert" f . the 40 to enutil divorce Ont lithelip '100C worlim 116- sa$jdJo_j tho�ojde$f rorit'of Bartholomew departed, irift tre jig; ws�ejjopping,, . Wbj�a P3�- Soi4 jn6c40Ctieh*,bY lDc6 Gaa!e, V 49T,*n Cal I on or w1draw friow, Brw a fer04- Thojell e W, _gplililp jig on rcaa*4 I u5aA ilidh a Vim vilth red'baifind Atf�tdkr d QJb -F. p, TAYLOR 00 to know m� h. found he wasi 6h i1xre. iv t FArka"d. xrcter,,.T. R cloffiw, ehnlvr.� t3.tiecoird jtLiij -the *or!&. 11, , j.�4 �Qrrl 14 So hadnt 11-M , WLTOXI in car g so tiffle Yet W*W to,;m�btiru A#, X. 00 yards. kin ;�d "llor at Uir, 1694 0 and is thoref*- A I thoU& tW jj 01a ei '"labi 4"'. GARDISM CO., Agent hi old*