HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-03-12, Page 2I 17 0 t� * A �7 A f _r t ZZ%t X111 qr a 31SW M"AISMIX15 The C=tiszel Inectic Cuts. Anatler'batch of Cg. Towx COUNCIL. -A special meeting Huron Sent h9ftyw" sunran ONTAMO. tuls, the countk gravel ivids u4d*r Issid, . I —, - wantod-M7141 wason. The supporters of Sir John A. Me- The title of Quoin's Counsel on of the Town,'Vounoil was called yeater- scheme, and the Ole fillell, ,the liftit, of f . I . . S1303" rjUTtkUnXr-;-15T SESStON. will as day to take into consideration the IMONDAY, 3r4 March. Donald at Ottawa appear to be deter- become, an Our t0WR contemporary sad settlement of the I y,sorran�s Wamted-mn- ercn� nunicipal foaon, road of. maid "PAT11it Item Which itW ill The' 11on. Attorney General 0 mined to play the partizan u moch as would call it, "a hollow hotiolir," it J PD go s'proportion of OTTA�741 1�adoesday, 31arch-50. Gro-oved fron VW_r0 Olin fund so far as it effects Goderich. be observed 'hoW Isr the isoond re!!�fng of his Bill to, 15r4vide W80 icanvassers Wan - his office. ever. It will be recollected that at the k. continues to byanufaoL Mossrs. Sinclair, Dickson. Ross, and the people of the 0011116Y Of Htltdu hid forthe "better admijilftration of.ju's-! To -day the ao#cr:q6r-9#-fterAl proceed.- bure them at the which. it 110!gOnfity j(r&VyyI OoAds but hail -to rest t1bo"' t - he oltjoet of the megilqr# being 4 to -the Senate -chamber and Fam for S&P.& or to trat-H. Seegmillor. latoolection the returning officer for present rate. A new list' -has been Adamson were heard, after n to the 1111011flyf& with paying their Shkv* of the of Law -Commons being slyininoned, to "attend? Sonstifag New-Thog. Gobert. West lieterboro took upon hims, was resolred to present a petitio vrrecolvififf n�h* partial fusion of the Courts elf to issued embracing Dix from Ontario and Gdvernment, urging a f tirthor reduction county taxes vrithol suil Equity. After some diactiax1oft the lie desired them to elect a Speaker, fttem Groored rran lq=ows-D. K. return Mr. CInxton, the Government eighteen from Quebec. The Ontario of our debt, and the three gentlemen correspowding VoneatS ill 41.0 motion irAs c4rr1od,. At tho - evening whon.lyti would declUe his reavolle fqr or othirwile. candidate, who received the smallest practitioner& w4o have recolyed the first named wore anthorized to Orocatia 09001 NON sitting the A-ttq�nqk General moAd the callft-them totrethdr, to Toronto to press our cNims fict's Wa7submit 4ul con - number of votes, as duly elected, for fivor. on -they's Ott Pettiritt 1tr to their -own chambw, a Kerr. be- handle to their 4synes ars. second reding-of his Bill for tile Angus Mar- able consideration. The resignation of tendi custody of ynaay�o persons. Carrio4. Air. Sir, John A. MeDonald, moved that th'o E. Arehib%Td. cause his opponei�t, Mr. Bertram, did risen, Ed. Fitzgerald Thos, irgaitins, 'w tenderad I Mr. Mackay as Assessor - as (1.)-.ThAf tile to*a list paid are then inoved the Second rend - Hon. James (3ockbnra be rG,ciecteia Fellowa! Compoarta syrup of Hype- not put ill his declaration of qualifica- and John Hoskin of Toronto, G. IL andacceptedo and the Council then ad- of the loan for rsilwsy purposes and can � inig of the lininigration Aid � Societies Speaker. floir. Mr. L% ngovin nocantled. lion at tho nomination, though he did Van Norman of 1�mntfcrd alld G. E. journed tillL Monday OvelliRg next. not be considered a defioaltdr in respet, B 11 Tlie.socl#ties'will be -formed upon tile mAti and o otlier i%ndid4te be - on so before the return was made, which is Henderson of Belleville. 0ANADIAX XONTIKLY.-�Ths March thereof. similar t4 &I)* Ottawa Valley So- in",'Lpropooed'�it.-wagaeolar43d carne,&#_- (2.)-Thst the town bag all the law requires. lit Mukok4 the number of this magazine is to kind. - tw ad. 1,31 ri,�t lite$ which has now been for some time naniniously. are of the money borr, returning officer did not return anyone The 02ftTtW1iV31t7. Tits following is its table of contents ch vel road purposas am I ounting t in most inloceisful-operation. , In reply THIISSD�4,y, Oth March. $26,- 1. Mlia dow& give oxprmns notice to elected, though Mr. -Cockburn had a although as app are by thetounty to a remiLrk -from Mr. Can: r Gaiteral to-daY opened The Bank of England and the Act of r a teron, Mr. 'ThoL Gore tbo caztvm. are wizaltiria to continue Our, local contemporary finds fault 1844, by the Hon. -Sir Francis Mucks, olork's statements tily the sum of $2 - "L"J"fus" cxpr�syssili the hopii that if the jWthe f"llowin Speach from 0 Ole session their Urge majority over his opponent, Mr. %vith the Ontario Government fot having 0. B., K. --C. &a. My Sister's jan, has been expanded it, -"heins for -an a to , n t ese societted thO dt8tentintianee ol thl, �4eep, a poem front Dante.Rosotti"; The 568 off the 14 -wore sucoeveful. I it *61 4.Jo a giv.--at ex- the throne lat one of Boulton, the ground being t tho pablt&%ez or plmoli3h- appointed Me. Perry, ShoriffoF Oxford Me#1 0 �qftt, an RW@,I, Jrl4h theL n"Oe'llfity for tile ffIn. i!te $a (lie d Up. Ani vab3chbem aze tiall responsib-"ro the poll books was lost, and that stline within 'a fow days of Sheriff Ross' death. do Halzac; Wijunded, a poom fr -,a'- Elav- f o7amig coltUriss to send fhatIt latitil all s"rea, Vendetta, from the Feench of "ou -re fa..It the $63010 lot t th le n Is I;Dr It,;Ad Comps y Q niploy-mint of stitent4 in Great Britain 4 ?"Inambon"It. Northern Gravel Gentlem6a 4)f the Holtse-0f, (11'r4m0uh all other hregularities were committed. Wo leave it t� the Mobd soitso of the I's bfinistfy of gong; Htmia itnd al I foraign'dountritis. Xr Ryltert at, S. IffiCkWrIbsM MeStect or TeCaft to take theparl- Own. an j,p,,ded beyond the 't cc-mts W nompAws ftrm the 011ro to whIch they -Iressing for tho first time the The wholo number of votes in the mu- country if it is not better to fill such tala, a criticism ; Horace Odes, Bk. aelcod.the Bill, which lie tholight-fl, al, alitv for ennuty pitrpnstK. ava CmW. thas wati:d rewnsib!e till thoy havo jawationable and. futile. The bill. was Pailiatnent'itf Canada 1 desire to ox. lost i 1 38 by N. A. AL, Otta%va ; the Trade back, or leav- niportant appointments withoWtneol (4.) -That had tho town not exiona- nicipidity where the book was read aLse0oud. Mind. All y, -o n A. yo g, ey the county w a ' fe'll in re ortivig ss tNe raw nqoirss. an to do as Sir h -01, At P.; Saint Valentine, by R to your and siatancit, as wel would not have changezl the result if all less do] of Canada during 1871 press the atisfaction 1 11 . ia the oMcs, is not such MOL;Cff of 4umm. -2, by James After the Bill to fill od that men ould Recen. I as of and as All evidence -mand the lawrespwting -the Registra. advice as C W=bsalbm mmoe to o"T pla-em without had been, cast for Mr. Boulton, but the Maedilmald, does, keep the office Jaug. E. L. Current Events :-Jourqa1istic; sarily have done a tiou of Copartnorshipi had been -read a my.deop Retisq'iff 1hy dwo tgood foitutle 'Thoro7anoue witlithein Absteaucotapare, sucarzalax ths Pabas:=. and their periadicaia or of whatthe council consideredtheir duty . . i Yon a et of Harrows want, to, the former dirmtjons, tbov r(Aurning officer had no right to copsti- Jing. before a lie%% of hungry applicants, Impar8onality, Imperial Conbacieration, second time, the House went iiito Coin- in being.parmitted - to) -alliocitite myf­ I ., .- iuthat respect, werefort-, theby-law I � D All Others to sn For lightness, istrength andize aThoC*uadiaa,Paoilie Etailwa Charter, mittoo of the Whole on thb amendments with labotirs an you in your tute himself a judge in this or in the often for a year or more, in order to- y lately, passed granting $2,000 for one ;kUt icall. at Strachatz's Macksmith shop, The Ju dires said stMaton xhaw The Session ofthe Ontario Parliame-it- year to the town and the agreement con. to the Municipal Law Consolidatiou tions foiF the w4lfaro,of. this Petdrboro case, but should have return- gain their support in the mean time. ."The Proton" "Speak ow," find t Bill, Hon. Ain (JroUka Moved the I rejoice to think that my is"RIPtiOn 6f: Do sure yon bring theCash. (only $20) They well deserved First prize. ed the candidate who had a majority, tained in it on the part of the county Lo Jm- G30. P. ROWRLL Co., 40 Park " Scott and Riel " cases Prohibitive le in keep. adeption (if clause 74, making holders of oice shoza have taken place, lit a ve-,. leaving the other parties to contest the 44 uni- expend $2,500 during that tin - - ) ma�cb 11th 2 Im. L360 Rqw, and S, X PgmxGim. Ga., 37 407. D: Legislation on Intemperance." naider4tion hop licenses who retail,liquor inelitDr, riod when �he prospects of the Coillitry Paz k raw. an ovai only authorized Ad- election if they, saw fit. In South Ren- veraiiy ofToronto Reform." TheOpen- ing the road in repair, in co hold office in ani municipality. appear so- full of promise, whon peace -bed Mr. Blake has decided to sit for of which the town so far relinquis "rtislng Agents -in New York. ing of - the British * Parliament -The ned. The clatig making it compulsory and amity prevail amongst all neighbor- frow, frauds were perlfstr�ted, n I their right to exact tell';. ay taxes b . afore the 14th of Decem- ing nations, and when at)- many indic The Lmoss returns for subscriptions to WANT= $outh Bruce, conseqviently there will be Queen's Speech and the Treaty of Wash- a 6 )-From the by-law submifts 0 hh, a iia adverfi4pg in 16 J'Ourna of Edga- in East Middlesex there ware irregular- ington; Ruissian Aggression in Inaii; (5 tberpin each year. otherwise invalidating tions fire afforded f tW"Success wy a vacancy in the reprosoutaiion of West the * people for the purchase Of said t �pmfor,1872 WASS264- 93. + The expenses ONE two good CARTameerty to Whom T.ks dzi4 qf�cr eacA Subnrjb__r*& 1mrle ities, though we tin the returning of- The Revolution in Spain. Seleclions: only it the vote of tbo ratepaver, was after some -which Ganada7 hersalf is 0011201URting 0 Durham. E. 13. Wood has been Rolm- northern gravel roadby the 00 �currod Lin its Pliblicition UMQUit to, liberal inducentints will be offered. on, 53 a�Ucm indicates Me finis to which ficers did quite right in returving the -Men of Letters and -Unlettered Wires; will Appear that the county col licil &I- objection pauqd. The qualification of 'her political vnity,L and.deireloping her STIM of I ?508.72-defiait, $2243.79 1 it is plain For partiodarts apply, at this office. Rated Pnd has He will Sailing on the Nile; Science and Nature; voters in cities was reaticea from $500 to risti6nal resourcQ0. Review& ; 't 5 be seent hat the -Tonr'n4l is 66t a pro - M4 is pa4 Thai, 11P membears they did, as they, bad an ap- eye considered She said road one �=A 721.1' rmra t?iat Mr. When Mr. BI course hae to resign his seat in the Currant Literature Buok that wouldhave been made acounty $400. The clause, providing for the In accordance with the decision of Goaericb, latMarch, 1873. 1869a 3 pzid up to Ist Literary Notes. lament, and to earrf into E enterprise, wkatevor Lucal Hong*. road. election of mayors in cities and towns Pail iffact thsL parent majority, ents for bis by the vote of 'tb* people was adopted. legislation of last session, citina % number of preced in double the J. haV4 Causeg' Grad. t he otw_s frora - at date. FIRE ExTrfGvxsuxr.-.We mentioned (6.) -That more th 16- 0 sea it to bs to 6ziir inferest courie of action, moved on Friday last, zuc=e Preachiso Bin. Some further clauses were passed, when a charter to' be granted to a body of' , 1� . - in our last that the Town Council had mount of all ill* moneys the town ever ptly, as otar tercu are tht the West Peterboro, return be the committee rose. and reported pro- �Caniaian capitalists for the collitracti6n4i - tinder diBeasion the propriety of ptkr- received from the Gravel Read Company ADVAL TheOntario Government have d The ctimpally'. iCr, o&%-.rqVis# #2 of the Pacific WM be 0 amended so as to give Mr. Bertram the rOP' chasing a Chemical Fire Extinguisher. has been paid to the Government, thus way. ed. ped the Income Franchise bill for this Wo observe that Professor Pepper, in a showingthatthe town has not attempt-' TUESDAY, 4th March. no-w-Jorined hims. tiven wurancelf thit' seat, k John moved an amendment A number of bills were passed through this�gr 1 wMbdvigoroualt prone,, t 'Wiistfiald am -the 27th ult, -the wife - ses3i6n,but wintake it upapin next sea- lecture at Toronto on Thursday last, re- ad to withhold from the Gov* b aat %yor to refer the case to a committee, which committee. The Income Franchise bill' atitidi aa a fdv6rable state of the Mon of Mr Joh" Hiles, merchaint',of 07. . .. * . n 221ZIL Tr=k RAIIVS7. ferred to the hing of fires by moneys ryfeeived from the comp a Ovary hripe - I It Wayanotib,'An the 27th ifft., the ife in connection is ith a bill to provide was discUrg*d. The bills to conaoli- - market in England affords' simply means to defer action indefinite- forroting by ballot. these machines in the following which (7.) -We submit farthat that it 0 date the public I and high school laws thal sati�factory arrangements inay be- of Mr. John Marwo'od, of a son. jected eandidate to take we extract from the Mail's roporb:- be unjust, inequitable and oppressive to QODMUH )y. and allow a re He was obliged to confess that in the sompol the town to repay the Said slam were read a second time. $ome further mader for the required capital., The pa- )6,CI1hton on the 28thlt.,1 the *ife of and hold a beat to which he has no right NEVA 07 TRZ TEZZ. clauses of the municipal bill and some p -op 4nd c9rxespondonce-reltitin M�n3 leave as follows.- treatment of large fires, �oceiyriyyg. in of $60,ODO ind interest (except in so far sip this�; Mr.j. E,,;34,-pherd, Af a son. IWAIRDANX8' SCAMS -AT MANU. -laid, 1fefore y, Madi .... .... . .... .... 7.GO a. in. whatever. Sir John's amendment was tilused by the ps muior business was disposed of and the subject -will be buildings of magnitude, science had sit he the same has besit ro -'y- iA Harriston, on the 4th insi., the wife facturer's ristform Express ............. ..... 10.00 $4 4. House adjoilened. During the last year, the surveys for carried on a vote 95 to 79, and it is Forgeries to the amount of about 81.- yet been unable to 31acready, of a daughter. Scates, including Hay Sodas, promptly supply any satiBfac- mytilts made by the company to the Of Mr. Aiei� .... 12 30 p. in. - WZDXZSDAY, 5th March. the improvement' and'o�tenslall of our said that so afraid were the Goverpment 000,000 have been perpetrated on the tory mode of extinction, but he showed town) which principal sum has actually It I rdered and IL AUcourit ft Vaeb ano*ec a-te due as follows,- County Dr. Clarke (Norfolk) enquired wheth- system of Canals, for whw � appropria,7 a on the 10th iust., the Wifi of the result of the vote before it was Bank of England by a ring of American by experiment that the employment of been expanded for general pur. a -soh I At J70MXSDK A; KRAWS. ........ .... ..... 2.00 P. in. or it is the intention of the Government tions were made last session,Uve been Of J2�.SSYMOyyrf Esq -,v Of'- .................... 5.10 taken, that a Cabinet Kinister actually swindlers. carbonteacid gas, however generated, poses, - and notfor improvements in or to bring down a supplementary grant to in active.preparatiOn'; and I m to- i Goderiob atir the 106h iiist., Urn. was sufficient to extinguish flame and about the town. f 1hat country agricultural societies, for the inform yon that the plans ani speei6a, Edward Sharma �o!f axon. crwxted thef car of the Hosme and offered Tesentenceof Posterthecar hook fire if it could only be employed in suf- (8.) -hat independently 0 re- - . .14 efrfaila inembers all thev tranted sf ihey murderer in Now York, has been coin- ficient quantity. The difficulty la in duction of the ilidelptedness Of the town specified purpose of purchasingand in- tions for the enlargement of the Welland it Goderilchi on the 3ra inst., Mill.: y Vol -to -Thos. Pautlaikil, of ia daughter. will confgr a ftvonr by the mode of generation -a, difficulty not we claim that in justice ws are also en- traducing into each county'the best and and the construction of the Baia Would vote ith tile Gorerptnaelat. Th- most approved breeds of farm stock. Canals, have been completed, and 'thO Goderieb, on.the 3rdinst., Mix, hregularity yn the suffoiently overcome by any machims titled toapre-rats distribution ofthb 4361% do -livery of their papem result of the vote is that a present in lr. Gladstone has stated in ths-House ,, The Attorney General sMd it w'as sot the the works can now be put under con- B L BAR AND HOOP MON, SLEIGH invented up to the present time. There couuty appropriation of the" sarpli utts, of adaughim intention of the Goveniment to move tract. The surveys for the St. Law SHOR awl 0,&ST1 STEEL, a fuli jnstice is done which rday not be recti - of Commons that the Geneva award'was wss one great advantage " hich carbonic revenues of the Fraviac�- such re. in this matter this session. Mr. Bath- rence Canals will, I am a4sured, be fin: on the 27th-ult., Mrs. Ge nasortment, we shall ba gWat all times to receive fied for weelts. Had the Tory party Only a litzl@ over half what tb� Ameri- said gas had itver water in this respect. (9.) -That unless we recoRe Evans, of a daugiliter. , .1 items off loc3l newaf reports of meetin2,a, consented to the passing of an act fer cans claimed. It did not spoil furatture, and therefore duotion, the tows will 49 unable to pay une moved for copies of all corres- ishecl kf time to-commetica the works at' Af.T01INSUM& KERW8. allowed otmaivage. Inthadirection of I sum s pondouce with the Dominion eovern- the begining of next year. This will in. accidents, or any incident a interest thetrYingof controverted elections be- President Grant was inaugurated at the Government any such aunns PATENT HOUSE SHOES* HORSE eithw in the locality wh6ra i' ocenra or prevention acieuceloffered great- assist- would evetually AischeigO the debt of ment respecting the disallowitics and sure the completion of these great un. WARRIAZZ9. to the county at large. Such matter tore the judges, there wotild have been Washington on,the 4th of Mar -ch. A nce. By impregnating wood with sul- the town -that our prosportr woul in repag of any Acts of the Legislature of dertakiags at the same period. SH02: by the kegr box, ball took place in the evening. pers It is gratifying to knw -that the ef- Ott Feb. 28, by Rev. W. Hawke tit the� At JOHNS03 3KERW8. may be sent at the rate of one cent per no difienItf of this kind, and justice grand pbste of copper or any kindred salt-& consequence be retarded and our enter- Ontario. Mr. Itykert moved for pa on- - if inrked Primter's Copy andnot would not be delayea or defeated as is It is rumored that the Marquis of process easily effebted by placing it in a connected with the Elgin Association. forts made to encourae emigration -have *fatger, Mr. prices * which aie now struggling for an ex6ence of ifte brido' chamber exhausted of air and then in- existence will be meripunly prejudiced Mr. Bethunto moved for list of patents met witira just measure of success, pnd' 1! George Hazlewooif, of f. Lakele�, 'to, IOAL OIL BY TIM 13AJ&REL OR seale& To ensure publication in any now the case. Lorne and th*' Princess Louis& have sep- issued in certain townships in 4enfrow. that the numbers seeking a home in failtilla, eldest daughter of 'James.. Gallon, and COALIDIL partimilar issue it shoald roach the troditeing a solution of the salt -the and impaired it not entirely destroyed. LAMPS, The' result of this vote shows tho a�rated on account of incompatfl- wood became fire -proof so far as Supply- (10.) -That unless such a reduction of Ar. Rykart moved for information ro- Canada have beeii greatly aUgmalted Thompson, EsT., offlowick. At JOHNSON& KEEWS. office not latw than Monday evening. weakness of the Government. Thaii bility of temper. The report lacks ing flame went, and the Profestof the said debt be made as will 1412,10 much specting what drainage works had been during tli6 last year. I do not doubt In. Seafort�., on Alarch 3; -by Rev. T. carrieA on and what -money expanded. your readiness to make ample provision L I ri"HE BEST ASSORTMENT of TA - ority of 60 in he last parliament confiTmation . and there is little strongly advised that builders of the & butanes, as the town can reasonably ex- I Goldsmith, Mr. Jas' Lee; of Ohiowo, BL Mai k number of bills were advanced a�ritae for the steadily increasin stream of set- DESSERT, -1% N AND Mansard roofs should have the wood, of poet to pay atfd the' Government to re- ' to Alias Sarah Kidd, of Mitcholl. Pit and their boasted majority of 40 in this doubt it will &-Iva untrue. and'the remaining clauses of the muni- tlers, that may hero be annuall -FOCKET IV:E PLI&TED which these, are composed, no -prepared." caiva,,the interestsof thoGovernment _y Pu Feb. :L9, in St. Jaines'Church, Godp- SPO()? d to the ' population, vi in Goierich, to 'has dwindled down to 16, and would' The public debt of Manitoba is already. well as the.town will be very seriously cipal bill passed. expected to ad - rich township, by.Re. 19. Davis, Mr. behad g.au FORIKS Tavitsi)Ay, 6th Alarch. and strength of the Do;ni li�ve been less had all the members been $15,00D. injured. I W. Wis 0 Xhas- C.. McTavish, -of A t _J0`H WSON & KE RRIS. nsideringthefact thittwe After routine, Hon. Mr. Pardee mor- - The compilation of the.firt consus of 4 ef in their places. With zL vigorous and Vie Speaker fis thei� Manitoba Legis- (1 r.) -The, cc st enter- ed the Ireception of the report of the the Dondnion. apprcaches Wmpletion; PAMFUL kC0ME11T.- On Tuesday af as a town have aided every Km road or and ihis. would, therefore, seem atting: A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LOOK- talentea Opposition, united tinder the lative Assembly, was on Friday night Private Bills committee hvina reference on the 4th inst., by Rev. Zu Harris; ternuon, while ongliged in coupling ear! pri-is whether railway, gravel to the Orango Bill. Air. NlerAck moved tim o to provide for the establishment cff. 'WesIgan tninister,,at the residence of JIM WOOD'S Celtybrate 'M1141, SAW leaderahip cf Mr. Mackenzie, there c- n lailt, treated to a coat -if far, for having otherwise, that has tended to the prn%- the Stapleton siding, John Smitson, at in amendment that the report b3 not a proper system, for the accurate cotlec. the bride's f#her, Mr. Joseph Cob- 8, an Sorbvs HAND and RIP belittle doubt of the speedy overthro%% ruled against a bill to'incorp,,rate the anginemau, =idontally fell from the perity of the county generally and for of the Government. town of Winnipeg. The government uf- tender, and struck his head upon the shich moneys had to be borrowed we niw received, but be referred back to tio'n and scientifieamn-ament of statis- bledick,'4 Biddalph, to Afiss -Cathe. SAWS, the best ita the'Market, 0 - ang,,daughter of -11 N _& rait so heavily that he did'not return to think it would be unfair now the Committee with instractions t I r6 tical information.� I commend this isub- rine, J. Ouest, &t J70HI. SON GODERICH, Mar -ch 12, 1873. fer6100 reward for the conviction of the cousciousness fa� npwnrds of five hours. us in fact to contrionte again. port the reasons which moved the com- ject to your attention. Esq, of London TownsWip, dL Zdva TOVU. perpetrators. A committee of citzens (12.) -We further claim to'have our mittee. not to rep'rlrt tho�-bill to, incorpo- It is important that provision should Va th63 inst., by the.Rev. Mir.' Jon U 1,17LINTs 01WIPIO.N oROSS-CUT followed. 400 people visited th-s Manito- He was removedto Mr. Rance's Hotel, debt a a matter of right reduced I by the rate the.Loyal Orange 'Association (if be made for th6 cons0lidattOn:aUd*fl,- Dah.-sunon, 6. Cliffe, editor dud pub- SAWS and SA -W HANDLES at Ezftra eopE,3s of fNs day's Siqnal coa �e and medical assistance obtined, which, Ontario. Hesaidit watistrative maudment of the laws,now in iforcein' the lislier -of the Kincar-line Bevkw, to Wit have frequently Pointed out the ba parliament on Friday last, to protest to -ether, with good- nursirg, it is hoped amount whic'b we contend should h:vve Eastern List Price, 6�e OfXr-19rice 5 Cents. �hy the bill for the incorporatinn of severl Provinces, jelatiq* Up thei rerre- 0 Anuie J�ane, (laughter *f the lato 17hos. At JOHNSOWL &- KERU8. desirability of encouraging the establish- g&inst a bill exempting Hudson Bay 'will enable him to again disch�trge his been placed tothe creditof the town by tho orange Society of Western Ontarl-0 sentation of the people in Parliament.' � L JbIlnectij Mq�i f Ditpgantion. 1. 1 . _ -�- duties.-New Era. the Government as our share of the IF Cjffopr�JN43 AIX$ FRO1 THE inent of manufactories in our tn�dat. Co- pr9pertyfrom taxation, while that Clergy. Reserve Fund, which has not was passed to -day by a inafority of two, A measure for this pimposti, -and one - fo r fn Woodst4�k, Olt the 26th ult., by the othing serves to build up a town more, , The while the kill f�r the incorporation of thotrial cf controverted elections, wM beat Makers, siagle and doable of other non-residents is taxed. 2Pan1c1P&1LmL r=d. been done eslie, tke Orange Society of Eastern. Ontario be sabinitted to your eontidexalion. steel and possc�ssed -of the shipping facilities -bill wa,4 thrown out on a technicality. For7;he Townof Goderich, of KiubzrAiue,- to Margaret, yonuxest We pzblish in another whiran tlia 1111MORILL PRESSIff ED TO THS GOVZZM- (signed), Hoxcs Holtrom, wayi rajected yesterday. Mr. Ate- Your att-efition will be invited to MT. ubil041dor, f East At.JOHNSON UM'S. hich Goderich has, it offers special in- Mat-ter3 in Spain are still very an- D,%;L14 saidhe hadlairoducad the two measures for theamendment0f the laws M-alations fez the settlement of the MENT ON BEHAF OF TKB TOWN OF GOD- 4 A A"HPLETE 'I AS,50RrXENT OF Trinity Houses, of Uontreat and Quebec, L01 Evoaz obetnm and the dis- dnc*m82t-3 to m4ft Of caPit-%l to I00at# settled. The Carlists appear to be gain- ZRICH. J�, S. SINCLMI� I'll$, ohich were precisely similar. Flo relating to pilots, to salvage, anct, io th., an amendment to the amend- afnODg3t us. All that is wanted is 3 ing atrength and have been recognized as Alegates Appinw, OL -4,188. FUIVY. FAINTS %nd OILS, by Hom. Mr- Mowat, oa Friday last, in to the com'l*it es, with instructions to at Low"i 08414 tribution of tL9 $urplus, as introduced ittle, more ener.-y, public spirit, wad bepigerents by the 'French President. To the Howurable William P. Bowland, nent, that tlito+.report be referred back -as %vell as- for ilia improvement vf the 21ab - - C. B., Lieuteptant-Goernor of the laivx generally 4ffeeting oar merclinat CA)a on hayid� unity of sentiment and zation on the Th�' Vw Oataeio Lo o powers of Estrove refuse to recog- $obedule, showing the amount the- o6nsiier the pretimblo of the bill proven shipping. AtJCH.N-90N& KERHIS. Therevolutious Province of Ontario, in Councit At WestU mi the 27th part of our citizens. A notable in- nize a Federal Repub' as- T03wu of Goderiell paidtowards the liqui- and proceed,with its clauses upon their Experience has shown -that the dtlties speak for thsmsolve3 and fully explain lie. 8embled. ��t!n of the $300,000 borrowdd from merits. A sharp and bitter debate fol- now performed in the ofileesaf the See. son 'of i4a and3fary Oile4 JOBT-MENT OF stance of what manufactori'93 will 'do The ManitobaLocal Legislture was the'Muncipal Loan Fund by the unitei lowed at the close of which Mr. Mae- retari of St Ticttjr�a, British Columbia, A081OULTUAIL IMPLE� taw wassag" so, we shll conflao ortraelyw for a place is seen in the town of The Corporatioa of the Town of God- ate, ul the Secretary 'for on thel; A ompmr` Ass' to yt�f@W re-AlikK Ca thai MIM prorogued on Fri -lay. The Roval As- un as of H n and ruce, and 11th Def,-,, 1872, Mr- Wi'h. Ronertson, --MEXT,h�ioilhi "Aillakao. at-Low- aer ia which 41rich, through the undersigned delegates, C- ti rOn B donald's amendmdht was ci-imied by a the - Provinces may be Ikeadjuattid. with I Godarialk and neighleourimg munici- Oshawa. Possused o! as few advan- -,,,t was given to about thirty bills. appointed to repyftsont their int -rets in investedinthe BalTdo, Brantfordand vote of 38 to 30. stiti-in-lAw of Mr. Jimob, Sevmillsr, of advant-age o the pu wlie service. 'A an C"k Price. 0 -G iderLah, At -10ANSON &KERW8. palities willbo a&cted- t-3� 3 35 the majority of country places, The Governinient of Princa Edvrard counection with the unicipil Loan G6deiich Railway. FRrItAx, 7th March. !hill 0 1 n the. iubject %011 be Idd befortif Fund dubt, bog leave to repreaent as fit, &-speech of 2J honra duration Hon Tbu. in this towni on thp kh of Rodasfi=3 will bo male under 'the it was a few years ago a small vil- island has dissolved the Legislature and A. D, 1855 ..... ............. $369() ATTENTION PA depen4ing on the local tradr of will'go to the country on the quetion follows:- 1856 ................. Nir. Mowat introduced the Munieipst Ajdonj otlier. measure bills will be a long and oswafjil illness-4oaply I PAWL16uL&-Pv firs(, Gr fire c�nt rde as follows; 1. -That in or about the year 1853,_ 1709 Lon Fund Resolutions, hilly explain- presented to youolating to the criminal regretted, by -all. who know herAlice to. -he virants -of, thil Farming Coin - the adjoining country, and even then of Confederation. 1857 ...... ........... D*M. UT& Jo -,4 D-aduc- llerammrf the Counties of Huron. and Bruce as- g the- scheme of the Government. law, to weights and meas,ires, -and to the "Ann. oillydaughter of J. T_ wrigilt,. mutlity, aufl rders the country 9 3.859, for tvro years .. .... 3(9.7 In J� % placed at a disadrantage by its prox- Newfoundland is about to send a dele- sumed And becam respon3ible to the on$ P iptly a - 2 1860 ............... 1013 Ifter a few remarks by other members amendment and rlidatiou of the in- Aged 13 Y&M aiii one moath. roul ttendid to Monday At JOHNSON G-aasria�A 53,685 10i'm imity to Whitby, the coui2tv town, gation to Ottawa to negotiate fior admis- Government of the then Province of Ig6l ............... ... 1004 the debuto was adjourned till spection laws. 41; Godericb, on the 5th inst.,efcerebro- Slzaufard 202,= 125,015 777,797 Canada for the re -payment of the sum 906 next. - We 06blish the resolutions else - which is only four miles distant. The sion into the Confederacy. Mr. Bennet, 1862 .. ........... Gentlemen -of fu Home of 001AMOns SpidLai-menidgitim, Lydia, infant child NGns of the atunicipaliftes in this I of beiqg their skare, of a loan of � ",* : : 989 where. I ILL AND VIROULAR SAWS Joseph Hall -Agricultural Works, at its great anti -union man is J ead.. 8500.900, bythe Counties ofHuron, 1863.. ." ............. SaTunDAY, 8th March. I hive given directions that the so- of"Ar- Begiamin Murray, aged MaTcer's ftee Ust, varefulli sectu"n got any ryiduction. under the two 180.. 961 months. first, and other manufacturing estah- Perth and Bruce, borrjwed for railway Soy6rl members pointed out errors counts of thepast and- of the:firstsix: 'ileredand XW6utforvailiall(44 cent rurs. i : .. ............. 828 Several Municipalities have their fishments since started, have had a purposes, the said County of Perth as- .1865.. In the schedules attached to the 31tini- months of the prexent financial year, On Fob. 20.of a paralytic troke, Mr. At JOH'.qSON A KERW8. ZrOCAL NZWO 1866 821 J of McGillivray, aged" suming there -payment of the balance of 912 cipal Loan Fund Resolutions. The 'ahall be laid 'before you without delay Andrew Douglai whota debt causelled, ia consequence of 77 years. wonderful effect, and it is now one of 1867..-. ill be gratified to - learn -that the wiaoLz ov THE ABOVL T the pr*v- i$200,000. .:. . 9" Premier remarked though great 6xe YOU w tT!LOL- Hismsf Ov#u.-The Auditor's Ab- 2. -That ontheL separation of the 1868 ......... 934 had been taken -errors had no doubti finances 'If tRe, Dominion are in a proty. Feb. 18, 'ITISagiiiaw, AM. E or investments having the most thri ing places in On 'higan Jolm TTOODs greofforeacHar, on7", rproved worthlew, but; none m this see- itie@. (rjo�erich might loam a useful 1869 .................. at. stract. for th-i Township of Colborne its Counties of Huronand Bruce, a proper 1870 .................. 858 cre�ptin. He -would have -them revised. porous condition, and that th a to no McKayf formerly of Clinto for cash" Tuckeramith, -h:L Chfbtina. timt ava so favoitred. lesson from Oshawa, and if our people undvoidably held over tilt nextweek. adjastment and allowance was roade by — The bill lo authorize a further expendi- reason to doubt that the revenue ill be In on Marc At JOHNSON a _XERUIS. r $20,697 PATENT AL Besides fixylliz their indebtedness would only take a leaf out of its book, - NzW TFLRGZAPEE Orincz.—Th the County of Huron totheCounty ture for drainage works was read a third sufficient to meet an contealp)4ed daughter of Mr. Dunvan 1welclulloN, of Bruce, J charges uon it. con.,) sged4 are. ARM CASH. for the portion of the amid after which a number of bills were, canzeUeed the following will receive the our town might become as prosperous Montreal Tolegrsph Co. have opened inoneys it had paid, and from which it Certified to be correct, extracted time The estimates for the ens YL Dy:-Awen, the beat in the world - rams sped54 to ba, apropriated to as theirs. But the Oshawa people are an offt at Per Albert. from the minutes of the Council. advanced& staoe. uM9 Year, 11n Usborue,,on the 4th intst., Mi. Ed- ce was contended the said 0:)nnty of Bruce (Signed,) PiTza, ADAmsow, which will be submitted to you, have I ws�rf Hanson, in thw 90th Year of hit% Price only AK 59, Jkt J OHNSON& KERW8. F�Ctbrlg works; not contest, but are determined to go Divisiox CouxT CLium-,�-Mr. John had received no material advantage. beev prepared vrith as much economy 8 McDougall has been appointed DiTig- County Clerk. ric1cle 7ortuhm H=n (excla-leve of pnpa- of his brother, 3—That -the Town of nderich has too, is colupatible xith the eflideney '*f the At the Albion on andprospar., as will be seen from the i * ce, and I venture :to hope. on Conrt Ole* in place paid into -the county treastiry,. for and County Clerk!s Ofr Hote'I, stratfmA on: t�ke'� 1911EMUM THE `PILLOE, I Ntiun alloaan, ca to town 0 U r- n—emberq0th 1872 A XICH UNCLE D199 ly AND public servi 414 hiftf_ '11�w X Y1 im Tr . . . I f lb Till, CC 7�,iyt �_491 ;izd r#%_ -grid SHE: 01 Godernoli a4d town- u8spRR, OM b 35 Lvwn:— Dr. 11vicuougall, who rotiroo. coo 1 9 LIKAVZS AM thatVauvrill. Do or opinion that. the sup- 2 . . . V WAVELe, I on unt of said sum of $300,000, the PAOPERTY TO HIS NIEC11- igh 'School Inspbator of Ont U* vuifif altips , of Howick a=d At a pub!io meeting held in the town hall Fisir —Large quantities of herring and sum of 520,697, as appears by the an- plies which my Gaystument will ask.you U&MKIAT-92V ST., T"pect of to can be gmutel without.' aged 51 ,here last Monday night, it was unani- trout are being caught. The former are named schedule marked "A,'-' made out n ye4rm. , I h 18. 1 to VO 111cou-'. way Alto (From the St. Joseph Herold; F4 fno33]y doeid*41 to request the council Statement, showing the amount, the are found a genuine heiress,, �yeyliencq to the -people. sign 4f 411i Cross -hit SAW9 ....... ............. 97,367.89 sold at from tap to twenty cents so dozen and certifiedtoby thecounty clorkof Now we h to gabmit a by-law grantinZ a banus and the latter from eight to ton cents a the said County 6f Huron. Town of Goderich paid towmirds the inthe ram of a handsome,youdg-, &3,alsy township ...... ifenorable Goidleinto ofthe-SeWate. W D141480N & KERFL Jose 4�849.73 of three t4ougand dollars towards buy- am- liquidating the $420,000raised by the 'h, Muck nth, 1873. &—That in the year 1855, at the Occidental HotaL in this Godo�ia came may, pound. ebentur", for-thopur- r, hatistmens.— I Tha,indibtedness of the COUStY of ing a site for the erection of a female PRISONAL.—IL mittee of the county council was then sale Of county d There is no 11sell," nor anytbing Of Gentlemen of the -House of Gtfwwns� lege, to be built by the Rev. M_ with C. Cameron, M. P., struck to report on the best scheme po" of r9skiqg gravel roads, of which 0 .PaLtIa ii unaffoctol by any of the rates col urned pos- 211 sort About it.- The young lady's- M;any,of the subjeats,I have.ellulner- i 4 of drailam Demill. The buildings are to be very Mrs �- Cameron, rat sible forthe building of gravel roads 'amount oilly $2,M was expended wibla- name is Miss. Katie McDonald. We -- steifAIF&,61 thei gre.&test import )ySent *ft] anee. and ts placed at' $189X45.67. of large, and from the Sou4 last week, much tho'bet- in the co Ilion of the Town Of God- h 9 kgg*n her for somi time, and, We 019KIE1 MUIR 1 Irt will berseen that the adjastmout e�able of accommodating terof his trip ind sojourn there. He within the Counties of, Hurou and rp, av is_*1A fall colifidimce inipur pitriotism. several lina 3 of lady pupils. Thatreport ofsaid committee *rich, W2,263 of this amount being ung Woman, JM4 bfprevb� The left for Ottawa on Monday. Bruce. And she in ail estimable wi6dom thatI. trust1thst a gracious still duebythe conytti, of which il�e providii d - Ubl'.1schams be3t% very f2arl Ou GtfiEt- cost is to be twenty-five thousand dol- will be found at pages 23, 24 and 25 of -wormy of the good f�jtul that has �be­ 10 , <10stAla fl ay gui your c a in oungtili: in rmb. We do, not blame the Govera- aTs. Two more extensive manufastur- Nzw Dom m.oiq Mo.NTHLr.—T minutes for th A FA _2 'March number of this magazine is to Ig mote thi he the county council 9 year tOwu must continue to pay its proper- fillon her. Sho showed V15,18at evening mant4nr this. Their scheme is a v ing astablishments have selected *itua, lion. whatover w4y way beat pict EM cry 5,5, and to be found herewith a letter that pha�had Toceive d, from her happiness of the people -oMaylada, suit V, 10Z 1858 ............ "lor mother. 'There vAs n6 denying the old thci welfare of the empire a OquiUbls and. fair one in our judgmert, : tions, and pnrchmad, ercands for the hand. It contains some good articles "5.—That in pursuance of said report, A. D. t large., Iii A crectionof E-Mli- well worth- of J a Douvall, .3 _3 --:-.3 .2 the L one A Dy- W W 111.00 Re , ca an 1859 .... o 3290 Indy-B handwriting. , Kable Know 3A 0 1 theCommons,tiftef the Atmal formal Mo.; aefn__Z X+ hers be genuine.: Mrs.'NlaDonald wro af 0i bmed on foudry--starts a $-)it, publis ratified, by which- the of !ethat . Alf tions,Mr.Blake move or ptodu Lon but 4s, ths red=dons no of t, 'OV6 06 County Council Kitten It haler uncle W rec aism-ent of 18A in which year our with a paid-up capital of .0 - TO� SUDDMT pikTii IN �O ONTO— -Mrs. Huron and Bruce borrowed *the anin of im ....... .... 2770 ently die4 - ac 1861� ................. 2080 the pollbooksandreturns of the Muskoka 4 day a company, to be known as the Gibbs, mother of Mrs. aly& willed'ill his West 1,eteiboro, j%nd South Renfrevr Blackstock of this $400,OW on their debentures, for the .............. 2386 in Patrol",- CAna", where'allkindsof AD samernent was nationally high, our re Ontario "n and Savings Co7y,, was town, and of the members,istr North and 1862..... . . - R -:r purpose of carryirigout-A general scheme -a :4.- , � 0 dw' , am is low in pri-portinn flian other Ir . 1 180.! ............... I ... 1732 prprerty, without ;I serve# to Katie- eleclions.and Mr. Seatchercl made wslmi� formed by the leading citizens of onr South Ontari6 M*' the Dominion Xgwa� of county gravel roads, a copy of whidli r-atiole weI4 for She lar motion wit!i referetic X ...... 195r) Sherinimbored. he astitia; IV t-Offm mu�A M=2 &bl'* tQ- PSY- 12 that town. The object is to supply a much lure, died -suddenly in Toronto on Mon- lay�law will be found in the printed im 2277 w" n1waYs *favorite with him. Hewas dIesex, in yedir the sumsylvalust of mir proprty needed want here, capital to be losyi- day of last wN.k. minutes of the said oouncil,' herewith 4b aliar man, and beloved her for All, be igpaired ild _put I t' 1866 ...... apee . .116 . FRIDAY, 7tb J" 1 - - - -1 1 -, tore wag J1,359,40C while in 1872 it was ad on mortgage securitv, for the buiirl- -of the sent, for the year 1856, from page 34 to . ressmblsuaasba� Utire to him. . March. class runuity- order. ­ SALT Wopirs.—The oirners 1867 ..... .. .1569 fancied In the Senate,, Hon. Mr. McPh -Havi n - - . *I - )J -0 af years taxperience in x had 16 OR 747 ai hav,0*10-Taporhataof our indebted- 1, - sumod and is being paid off by the 1869 t. ad about half the real eStatoi in thetown arso attack 2�4 ting up for next seax6!i Operations . .. ............ 1. M of the lar - at. machine mwivftrc 01gy $W.go or $372,8" Lou. W4 in% of houses to accommodate the lax1re 39 � inclusive, but the mid loan was as- 186S ........ *..':..' 1600 The property conaiists of a large hotel eradn iflux 'pf population, 'Consequent different salt works ary � engaged. its fit-- .... defended himself from a eo, Mentrbad -ts bavi, alresily been made for County of Huron exclusively. ea, all toia..Yaiued at nearly made upon his character in the greatly increased numSer of factor- C.)ntraf: 1870 .................... 6M of Petrol tOrLPS -in the WILDild it W lie can gm�U4 whi!v othar places; bay* refused or its. - The, capital at Gaxo.0c;a paper controlled by!Sir Hugh -ock of the company early deliverhe at ChicaXO and other 6.— That by a restitution of the said 1871-.. ._-M $300imo. Allan. 'Ile (the speaker), hidrefusfia 660 �1 orkshop—Weict door to New, Era: " 4 M A ILLbeasuse . , . � IL ........... *.'. *.*:: " L, uWLocted to 4a, so, and tboy receive & is $250,000, nearly ail of which his ports. Some of the works wid very county catificil, pused on the 27Th day 1872 young -man who boardsat tlie Oc- Inpr relastian . simpr bacause of their already beou taken a p, and, there is shortly commince, OfJuno, A. D.. 1857, and as appears at Aces over this good, for- to act, in -6oueert, with SirHug manufauturing. cideittal also raft 1wou. ompanying printed Total, $26850 time,' fdr he has boon paying. his att babmty to psy- the larger amount. succeed that ths, balance %ill shortly en d his schemefoi xrucZ, 10 ce, 0 no, doubt, as the enterprise in sure to ho considere !;cnS By. at ' year, the particalar Ciril-fi6d to be correct, long t6 Xatie, the vrafter-girl,'and lie is ing the. Pacific Ruilway-'to be in the in- KA.'L. S. WILTAON, next to At(wAt Iss, _Mr. joseph]Kidd, page 24 of the acc as extric : f1i dericb, viill veceive'Machipes )v SALT TzRg*o ted T z W* would hx7a been in a better position be an of Carionbra4k, is shoat to test the ""nut" for -til - e, Go bselibed. Real estate has never roads to be gravelled are "cifiad, dif- believe lievan, win Miss terest of American ri%Fils, hence th at- R - lion whatter ot.r. salt -territory ox- from the. minutes of the council. bold,enough -to e ind Iake orders. t*.(by ha& we not paid upwarda' been hold at such high figures " are quez itild, theheiress. tack. - ? tends an far 6ast as Carroiibrook. He faring somewhat from the -original ra- PzTzg Amt"soN, McDo. I THOMASIGOBERT. - V .00 A w deutraitled. Nurderous transfac- port,- omitting among others those high- in the Commons, Mr. Blake.after 1360 tK of $0,0W -to government on me- no County Clerk. Miss McDonald- will take immediate go- Clintop, :10th March, 18p. i ti kms are dzfly taking ola.:o, and such is about to sink a well tit thatplaco. Mr. measures to secure ways on which the northern Gravel road her fortune, She IN -vei the.factsof the cage and addhe- - —wilat of ow indebtednew. As lop is the- activity -of ther demand, that ill. Peter MeEnren, of seaforth, ban the was condruct&d. County C]6rk'S OM09, Will leajo in a fev� days fur the home of ing a number of ..precedents, moved thr tract -Goderich, December 30th, 1872. SA �utbi Pad of tb# 112-118MO h t0` stanceti halt occurred where so and COT' that thq-,Vturn in -the West FedirlaT6 F8=.F0r,8a1ekr to, Let.. hat deceatiad rolalve. place ther debt of sach municiptlity at even- four transfers of the same p CON 6 � itise, to iiinendqd by substituting e- 7.�Thav before the said county graTel - I A ­- ' . I I . __"__711 �'. :4 rep. C35174- —Mr. Oir ixte"ds to have road scheme had'beenfinally determin- th-i -1 ce an -a 0 company Was listne of Al r. flerti-Atit for that of Mt. '111E aiibseriber Arsj*Sale oito 10. sach a 6pre, that it wM be able fe pay erty hire been made during the time Juvenile Concert$ in the Town 'Hall, ed on, a rtda t to k Money received by*the M Let " Fmm/, L9t - No. 3; Ist, con - occupied in gaffing thi -miginal. Sale- Swith's gill, Olt, To '.a sltiliy ui=t rolost. Cluxton; the former having a majority. t hursday. 3"Wh istIll formed, under Zle name Of the Nprthom 'Town of Goderich, Unic"p caloii, gtfdiric:�Vfthship ',coutaidng�-* -1�b Issi i1,9TiUf,Wsnty,yft=, withouss higher 'lagaliseL Ona man hasduposed of sildintbe Temp'sif-acit Hall Of the from of t1ta'y6te s polled. Sir-Julivi -A. kc� the 0 1 Nyyyicbcyy� Gravel Road Company, forthe 3on- Northern Gravel Roaol Compan . j, on _Y FIRr 50'aciwi' k . 0 ratw of uxatilon, thin two eenu on ifth. The BuiLVlw0s'D STROYRD B S. D aked, And, in w big vdr forty building -lots by private ter. on Thursday; March I struction ofabout,twenty-siz mflesof abcqu#, of money borrowed by said onald moved in atRehilaterit that thli tiolti on,.. Ten acres is under of School ts*�bslng ler- sole Within afitw days. The, malleablo 'children of both places will annim*4 road, on the highways which had befil - company from-ibe town, out oftholj6an pApers be referred toAhe Stauding',Com_-._ o ivati Mount Forest, March 5. - a tjou; whe4jaua a conoiacroliae attionatof co cm is on-' irou works and a straw -hat, factory ara, and4loo, the Goderich '31se Olub. orig- inally designated as those . which from tho Gejornment MutAcipal Loan, mitteeap, Privileges . nd Elee ll-ploh.Oifia -him been done. L -J, we consider that otw The b iihUng Oc6upied byJ. M: CrA*-. - U. 'kelizi in amendmetti- ac le moved to,the Will'be to now in fuR operation, and a consign. LAM HMW HARSO uded in'the.goneral'graval - Ftiiia, twShe said Town of Goderich. Ores ng to. let onAharas far�.the first' 'a 'farther sonsiderWou and re- gwf T im.,A dePuts, should I)e inal and- VROS. Wile year, M"t of oner hundred girk for the lat- tion, cengigling of Messrs. -A:dam Bro, - rbad scheme. 9rd, &,a tinsmitk antpidynent; "That thin 319tise dooms Wn. I ./tenant the privilege of zenting, tilactiox. When the fad is represimtod' ats. It �ally consumed by fire this. itpr, ag I ter is Wly expocted to arrive from otel, worotol ;per to foll-wthe precedeliti fordfi.h� Hamilton; John6iflist M, F., No S.—That in order. t� complete tb8 A�'D. i8119'.Tocashpai4the (igaession-given on theJ tatassovernment th" tba, mproly; bl o'clock. The buildings, - F -1 - .1 ail by the old Parliament of Oinadafuua msmmentl Scotlind, Bruce; Robert Baird, Wirden,otBrucep said r0K the said Northern Glimal T6V6 Treasurer 46re O�Wyiea by Me. lbiawfora, abd were, Nith these precedents to Oy 0 F. 1K.Ardon, Ki WrMuRayt Roati, Cdinpany borrowed fio&, therTown - An in. conformity I of 18Z4 wim X* high tlist *We thaa hay i nestdiste; N " . �f_ to.. L rived 4i of ON mi ("I idebts a aersof. I (T-) '" uniol2of el* Lo fiPola bu Co., uxrK� of the M . lik, 1 lot tim 311 CTIFTY A a IRSUred'iA.3,118 otern r MO, . forthwith redress the flagrant vielmioli UW fikes of 10W The' 01,.that premises. .00 Beaver and Idulual - 11 a of law co eturnitig the A Loh 'UM 5. T 0 6"t gif squdizat, eon,: Z= M of Zdam" Took Win. Gmy, Inverhuroo, visited 01- of GAarith, On Mortgage'aw'said raid 195S -da 2AI 'Iota! Ins' t R E, mmitted', bVr aoaer* mmm offu conxiv COMM4, wt do tot! Tile'' -taws Imakweek to urge upon tho Goram- the sum of sixty, -thoussaddollars, -IM _d' 6th Merely, 1L '134110 Ontark government intend to, i of 'the; harborii do do 600X0 six -thousand dollairs, ifistivauce, on build- feajd-aa -this 806cestful - can jui�ale,, an went the improppment 000) which wit believe to have bee - --,d&. to 2,761.00 Cr*�fqrd'i itiick, $1,2004 ealtir, t�at jo An 2! 31061483 ght to, X WKIT 106410 how thar '06A grant & 4911ow up the "ta'blishmailt, of on 1Akw Huion.. nor& of honytiftly %spend9d in the coj*trtx#!on*t1 hu Bertram- shonia- If EirfUr reduction, As 1114# Godoriab snid"To 8600- bti�n rat _ urniid, ilivitig the f i d ore. WAXTBD 31OW,*bd&t*.siyylyyiiibysuinere' ofuy#f#" T:em R=DnVovs.,Th!s is fhe title I It ass -do 1,52349, 3 - "414, . .1. 0 Awl"c' 4% Pff h"d ,clwgsd for license tosoll li of a very fine cbroxyti, promtiq . hk 4fie d, - do 2 &32. ood. -steady mom, fAw take ontim, S&SA" Q= 40T 9 -4'We bog have to refor quar, w, 1861 98 Evznylad*84ri vote jukeu,- _r..31940 D. ief4irm'ef the tho*stxtoments AoniWnvdl y.the-py 0 8*94 Of' a firmc �' Ta � a 4ilitidge, 0ropir, eaid&aft 2aftera" -"r do oXI549 �ia_ejl.w��hyive either nodU -,h w1mou Of POP""", vWd* that Of Stutf*xd, order teproyide for flit MaititsmancC, As herewith "tit, Signed b I �'t a -emendyner i*is- , , .y. -Tb�sl it 01,8101i:ft n, 6t to.thoir subscribm, a- poj -IM6: do i )a "'age$ andsteadkemplo Kir's I Of do, d its effects -.W-t5'2- itA�4o'hn -A. eDo al dow do 46 Do al syne a Willinin OU29" . 186 -er 'On. Cwuw, rowftm, 35ratiffo* Ana ihobiff Im not yet boon introduced wd, wh1eU#reh&,r*jusjrfteived.- It'a r& di, Ift Ifewis witnesse ment at fire increase will be, "SAMIATwell got UP, thit few$ biing no at arm other towim mory 4"Pty is 4*%, 74t; awn" itaw whs, that we have 18*11,01d, styytemmfi�t and as. who' ivased. r ;A11 each, and, ant, ca rr* �fie LEON,_ DANIEL W1 ow --to jitdp� sib'UnAll 1311 -of- facts I J To it do 2,916.$4 th Conditipiv. tke may W 'hm Godid* is ryi­ but I&A bout thit jh*y 1869 Isr- i0orineathaHouso Well W46 0111t s4ted fki4eii6b iP�AA�rxar;'-Pgsti once Mil"' f o - 5 eon.5. TO F eMMicelL, it I rnmts a. mostint of personally 1kn9v toviewa. csncorreb-'. 1870 Cie - AV 2,8411.08 -4 in em lend to tfii6 rate Sit Pow oft-and,A iii goi*b the PW AdOWL Sh"M raw fm na" =4 that the XMtr"A a#' year for tell' anew shom boldnd the sh ch statements; d,6 Ao ty' _t�6 sli,6 mass 10 superior i -a ife inawy 7 W-45 buildii�gs Mentreal... The exyyntion hing 16fih* kind hero�. - .1 1 t im M1 *oUX oover-the -cost 4 doq N't 10.—Ilhat in tho yisi1ariille- co�yyy in ofuuma wor;3V"901it In uxe-, or coughe W#,"nP*U#a to TAW 11bout- flow's, F lop.. shandenic! tbefdra, of conitrud. I *t' velairideret)-ttv manyto bitiDUllopon Ing s0010 Of the gioul rattas lowd '' tb ,cold, Ani - al vp to tuf time, and matto, thoss who got it Total, $2 a yor thereafter woutc! Jitupport tilt lawwrAnow.—The proviai;, That the above is U true -statenicoi,4t 4 -4es. i a ey' 'Z 1181 do=- ibii6_4 6il he# Ailmitically, Ow torm Aiavy sumA alroody), it wM itationt. mitt" oppointed to*sr& the Y(kwn of (Andompli, bitt'in twg or, which *&ct t1 ii�d ofli6i able, lisease" G-ok; Mon be' mutit a jample, cur -C a Off; Ivai to, take !tA# the m6neys irweived -by. tho­!r4o�ffp of, �on&46pt balitoe thertt t threit, yeary; 'afterw": mad an ap- q64 liftonary opfet; and thank iou for flur verS liberO patron- 40011111 Ulter ruivow A&A on lowjy� SO& X- forming- an Imitigrati6m, Sodeti for -4 conviAO4 i�fo a rital. 010 he last f, Iva T#. afxxari�h, ont"t -i ac�ou 'i-It4bichoant, * , .-Hre of &onto Ifluot Ing In haie 3*6 4 � At. lie uJura, a orse one,060184mith *fi given me for t porup orm lom m to do wkst wo, 0 �*Wj VTO =I$ - but in no come were I'mr,"Mus, extrA -.1ijlother&k or well-norn6ed theAerse, ton years. 1,:am determined ­ - . I irl housom;k1d, One who U thors 04 . - . . 1riimadist6-`rA G ' D , -be "ittroya.' ' W_- * -,, It lb rat ode] was itrood t1kat titi Beer" *a lot the T 11" b6oki, wor X It they -im"60rintoftiled tobamr4e.such. froin . "" em, milw"T*7 SAU& rs d to igerit -a continuati011, be; ]xon, Toy= avetn= Im 10"a inui. R��mtlnw lity� is just - the #419 6 Own 47ruinionto"Wafers"- -'standsherworl; a Wag05tO4eQm& diltrablot suct subo*atW� rtinds as -thar is ce4j&4 which '411 -who nd faxert a ipeto P uptifiadt xnd it publi o4i sallod4or a Won it enow, lit arsolls.. Applytti I*Tsd t* the Inba4 Rdwenue Depart- other regular coul'itygravolrom4s;. SiA,wiii0h.-thoy shpul h OqUW, Hday, 21# hire Aeolis- most ben�fio 000 an Mis. MkthON. SiV bmd',� U flo Town S�U,. i —ftst :*t the hot . moiti YtMtirtr' -a si of rit;4. the xisma, ina, we - t t of c ocun T , A t est r,8 t&d,,0quy%try dealeri,, 'awt Los, Of rZesi"a or Z* *0 go, council, f0i the i _q bf the ' ?f $k - ... t �. I -?. -1 - -- gold by The Us The or Of lh� marefif " 10,1NM to y of, dem % _ San J vigable, to "eriqk, 10th March, 18173. 1W U40 p Wea of which thei God"b: OD -AND UNEAPGOODS Huron a bjr.:1%vr -a mlisr,�A�, Hurd xn4 04. -ilk 011,'� 4110- PAO age - op., datys- . t - - .30 1 a%'. 1"ir �. a8t1,j,- 0it 7 rrAoe A xw4i*s tit asket it oonpuUM as 4 pres"t, jim, no fttsrio, member ize* ptiper, marked 4"S" IS D, - ift, Itoithrop A�� 'Lim Wd; alwalsfind on hod sifull and 4 'copy.. well iosorUd AO&,of 004"y C402" to rvdu 94"M pow to 110 in4b" to fmis. hill 001111tit, 1"Y 44DQXA�'W WAM.-Mag in Offtlillid to Jw Such by the N1911ty [Wo aititt As roiWining statements As.. HAPrx"1141- -True UpPlaeu, In our� WANTED. we *m *F ofsofioso Woo; A0640d & 060"I"46to sew"11i to sair Actwing of is a C41)'. tho tialk of anew piset of NUM ofam Clirji4.: t a sanox*d wingnaml mar1koa 7 outrie but enovolent Danbury a i t i_01 4 a �A ion to Me of the follo 4 thorn* 111marl"Wilisrto 4wr re"Pro Opinion$ cOn3 and womell I by Xn. X V Do town, 11--i-Thist. h -�r Ld on. iliat IMI-na,14IN ODES *W 3pbd*LWwh*m %a Wo* WISM im* wki* is *bout ping to pieces, PC 10 y�oo of tkis b 14ttiRW �i4t gettin thousand - W__.1 pay Dot I UU Our g your 11111111 mosiata sm W" saw 40myd"r_: Usti Uaring 130 t gamile,411in from'$4 to 48 per 4avi can be td Boots & fto 3y-ISV 443foDely",vife: oftf Hair all -by the x4i'01100111142 Pivmier of pw4by. thatown towsids .1 ut PUTSIA dail 8611114 114" am -be IbiyucUo;f -ilia in 04, loxt,t 1104 N ivind, vin hR py thtiukhtfi; �- Beat little it is JiTare 1116111111, 66136minion, It i "coadingly. sweat flke dobtr created for thed gt _P kri'vol 11126113001111 tit f I A u4tothe shippe4 them 1:6 i1duracis of, Patent Of- rocllj� tWy hiiished. and a �battio, of: in your own iiei;bbaaood,- 4ARDWARE 0 vAlia Mr, schome. qUa r 0. *13 r txa* by-law, Vsniloi;F a -bonus Oyer in mploymento mat With La ricti i*rte S4 00,n tr the, oup;. Ili leisure ume girls wll;rgliuu no IV 0"sainn I "YNNlyknow. a4i;U Pain bets ''Oha'atiefor thwout of'* Y. AT -Oval as expressed in a note � _13"r -mist tho &M g thyyt it 111 equal toA A thiAsentU-46' -todit—the boodre4dy for instaut,-iyie: Xothj4� And -boy's liv� in the 10110 17 ' & , . . f I -- oos= _ It wili,no,d6u4b afoot "T'lika, ocrtiftd n ulars - 11 SHOVELS; F43URS U ke 0SY11101A h0bour, with a ready Salo, A -the mountsx6opired �y the to*,& fM to �ou well an me . PArtic, of $0,0W to the L. X & A, NOW4 to MM DdY 43 Xtbt*tnsat.'� of ther, a, *0 jmthw ares; of 0n%tio, anci ab�pnt ()*myyt1,Jt 4rofteef -suivivors.' batter - for 2 dold gi- c0ldi,, Aprioini, burn a, NA Ur. PWM* T6 be, tad gate -the -Z tl*Ub@W amMo4f myto 1494unt 90 -,Rule and ae on and m. tho two-Aftho wors *thau'all, the land -16 .44woll'i"."anot 4 kinft of^ h PX104, Address J. 1ATITAXI& 401D P. 8.-20 MAY.- _W44*tao. viiic4am -Sold bw Nm sip" iff Q04" 7,04 was "ma" *n Astanur by S, X%_ :b"kntom, Wit kayo.. to thauk. tho 31ortherp Orravil KWA com rVo *Ts, U#k �43rftwdm -am- tgfilps `ftedi. IT011hin 13315. Split 411191411w* for* U.—Ibat the ofthtcou .1 the. waves", at joist I', thet 25 cents lior b 01:0. -so] of ill, 41yof NA -Vow liftaxw1* e-exablAoi.: .1 storms deslora.. 1360-4w, 33040111j I -W.' 10. 20th 1672. Of i4vallity.,� A 4� y 4