HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-03-12, Page 1I 1111i it I F T, It would be yxonx on In urt tDchx n X.. any 4 gpnco, 1or I beUeve that they all work -hard enoughi-ana honJjt13Fedftphtoco 41 - pe but I -, link- I am r ewr,imuf in; ed VIZ,, -TIM. W gnxter:4-usabor of thw UngagOF1 Jim y Of educittibla and the nt"Ill , tonli- rim i rg'� 1! 'pl, 96 Aubl** Af -dsrefuLAtudy; we'*ould chave � *,Sre4w #UVOw! 0 4 '110015 f One 1p our 4c Cite of L4 ti-CeA Aim- ;074%Wls Cligadi. pijs, Wit4put properly lsoblitili�Z'A 4,U schoolroolp, and no school cim- a' -r to JU ppea ad"at at the oliz except as seen thro-so &.Uw osisible Good to rie "The G thoO atbStPossibloIlTumber." c J J. BELL , U71 tendance, thire a f Joethaps nothing that wa&W tillue and -**era ftm than in. proper cu"ififtuon. va-00 while, Sa. 'VOL. XIV L NO. 8. GODERICH, 0 NO. 1360 fl.'P,041 do not'-wl "Po NTAan WEDNESD AYQ M A RCH. 12, 1872. 57 WROIJE, 44UZA P 1-11, 'Amere matlaw" *M war- 'rgmt 1%jji146l 4�­ lsp'lrljjiQy� fraw�i�lure soft 1,taum a V sa if credit I hAY6 rdiosbu to ios sh -only too anxious to 40 1111 they,c -M is frow, to tJM67 r 40 at t -,o optlQzlor tie; otivivisra, A1011q) to fellb. himselfat the head of his army in the 6gnali7ed t1iorns6lves; except P�esident Our U10012. w� T� ke -by ii64 tj o ctrv, Sarnoiento of ther Argentinc�.qqfifedera­ evinced hy the many quest' 14 Z4 xWo6u fiel,l, when it wages war upon France. ions as a T 'I., -( RATES Or ADVMTISIXG: d I SyxOPSTA OF pertaining to The policy of his Government, domestic tion; who is a man of 6ne talents an 1j. NITLUM, them respecting matters vill, great executive ability. Ri,:Por.T Or J. . . ef 01 to wa­ unds and foreign, is directed, by his own INspEcToit or Sairb LS FOR' THU WEST- s6bool workwhenpagsing romed%o 00 "Vo Ilight osats "r lino f�)r the iftrat inaortion. and GODEpjUH LqDGE No - MO111 TO LOAN Vatrickla:U7. : Uotieral Grant, President of the Unit. EmN DivISION OF HURON�' school. a ve wow ZZN. 44 lepi two Zents io�n nuo for eaei autaliqueat insertion. at�ting through ministers of his own ap- A 3 AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. by In bd States, has been classed by lVir Dis- Elusizienn cavis not etc-oodilng a lines, 14 per AlIt—IMILU Oil ERIN. pointpent and slightly ;RBsisted The following is a synopsis of the fp& requirements) an -i n1h6 no* - - whodl Amu" ft om 6 to 10 Haag $5. G. R. U. I A. F. A. A. obedient Parliament. Holle'lieevs in his meli " among tho "Bovereigns" of the port of J. R, Aliller, Fublic� SCIL001I'lat f I found fair pronunciation, but in very houses have beeh b4t A1�66 iny, lut re- port, viz.: three I Bast wiwli2oib, two - rszkoulod by thospice HE REGU6AR COMkUNIOATtorf VIREE ETOLD Permanent Buildingand Erin Mayourneen e world ; b0t it is not necessary for u3 to spectur for the Western Divisioll -6f ; few caser, was there thatexpression me- Wcnlna�d mounrad bY a scalo of solid Nonpareil. Tie hold on the firat Wednesday of ojcb� ILI I to -day thy gon$ has, divine right to rule. He desires & mouth at 7.30 p. in. Visiting brothrea Savings Society of Toronto. ton, ."Welfare of his people, but they intist, wit tell who or whaf Grant is.-Scutlisli In Hidlett, one in 31bRill6p; Ifinon, elillirlidurfAc tawlas)A, eoting. There . p of A41, cessary to make it inter - ris And two inljowick- , Prepatitions; cordla4 in-wited. For particulars apply to question his.atithority. He is firm in American Journal.- field, West Wa ;'oIl?crrne, 11 hp 'humiltuni =GUU- hQ imsorted until fo�bld. azd ebarpd accordingly- vranosh, C Tvas too in ch of t) )O� In wine cup and wassail to pled' XQ e 0 U. M. ROSS. 90 thy hit; Protestantism. anil holds that the I (,rich- ich tho, a- 0 ("m .� W. DICKSON, See. A. e I)— , &a � T4 T to main o- Ners 'S Stephen anti L'k-,f9n1,, but thesubject isollio in wh ooderich.4th may. isn. SW73.1 T Agent at Goderich. lov'd name, throbs, if; a divine Stank- 7. 1 tanley, . Hay) I L YnARLT : church, like his own, I berne. -V"V. , Y our- apo Tho f,11oviing rabes will be obarned to merchants -ptipils were utost proficient. Secretary and Treasurer, And,tbv daughters, light -I stitntion. fie fitabold man, when oc- IldvaUseltimidebytrastibir plansof and ott�en %rho w1vortisa by the year.- lifl.arted And ` SPELLING.AND LTMOLOGY. schbolhOu'ves,jind-111, lesifistflizedeft S.ROBERTON, casion requires it. aI ORA Be will defy public_ Tile Von ncil inet plirsuaut to adjourn - I 'T1. ' ole number of One Column lycar ................. I Toronto. 1343. pure as the lily, pinioll ; lie will 640 5ver his- Cabinet ;nent, al Mr. Ching's, on Alonday the ic wh These subjects wees well taught in has been Voluntary. .................. 35 That bloom -in thy valleys -to - I ") in tho District is 80, 7iz itv Ashfigia, 24th III -rs preaeut. -b! Pottle. speak o &, I[ thoo membe vexy many schools, butan come, words Duldu R tacroths .... ............ 25 Of and Parlialuent w,he c. ill not tolerate the. 13 ; Colbgrae, 7 ,, Goderichy 10 H avi I - $17aq put -year. I bad five ar Ral? I year ..................... S5 thy f4me, 'of tho rope in his alfairs.", Minutes (if last meating read and ap- U& correctly spelled were the exception, not traflons imil �As, Aililagroe L 1� dispute to interference. nroved. The Collejetor'sstatement found the rule. 'Bettle.' 'Theze were .. ........... MONEY TO LE N D 111-; Staullay,.11; Ste�ohen� 12; .............. Al Sweet land of the shAtirock, and pritm- - He gathers strOng 4-likin around hira Tor borne, 9 -;'%Vest Wawanoshl:%. Thert; At Greatly reduceitRates of Interest administration, diplomacy and war, men satisfactory posed of, ;ina,it W6 1a be� �iyj wevable U-nioA S XXA.R. I year .... ....... .... 20 rose auddai8y, GrA. G inonthq ...... ..... .... BRITISH EXCHANGE NOT19L The firsi� -report-of the Inspector read. ave,17 chools, 2 Roman Catholic, if� �4ei;6'4ot44 tul�nbut,to be the 5f mirror-like lakelets and ilvor.t� like Bismarck, Von AfoltLe and Vnn Separate Schools arid- IL Protesta.1t Sop- The r�ubieut should be takenup when to s mothq� ....... HEnucterstned has any amount ormenerto, inber of i pupih. are read I ....... .... XxaKeTSQU&r%U GODERtm. Tlasn from tvro in Mean yem, at 4i low rate of U� Reim, mou of str44ugivill,* clear li�oad and A petition from 23 ratepayers of S. S. arate Schord.. The whole in -in the Third Reader, 6 vn-mth PP ed rills, texecativepower. Wedollotooll- No. 4, praping that lots 6 and 7 in the The Salaries, Qf teachers linve U a few .01,RIZ,ro]� intersatand favourable tome ofrepavment, Payable grea ch 22 are i Junior class. The mpthod too fre ....... ... CAPT. W. COX, -trtv InstSIT11011111; MtO of Upenset will defy of fairy C%113, a id 3 colas. Schbol hbuiG4 'is 83, of w quent hv ve hawthorn anta sweet eider his Governmbnt tile, bestin tht be allowed t j6in Union brick, I st6ne; 37 fralike, 53 o -m fiy �ook in the A 9 HUROX'30TV14 23 _I;tdopted is to plac . a tq# ta be cmlRned t4s the corditm- LATE OFT world,;� for it is, altogetheztoodespotic, S. No. 9, read. the, trnstlef ji*-thi-`1*wsd mountain ftho.0% 1 T166, titleg &:School houses f:711 ol hands of the, pupil and require hun, t6- %�Zdnw� -'a, QTMW�Qftr linn.valmo, NW -11 f',r Sul -It it WM HoRacm uftrax- to suit our fancy ; but sul;4 as it is. it is AlQved by -Dr. Woods, seconded by�G. I i Ner. Schoul,prepaipatash. Stich a plan ivith7oung o enritlanauca of the Tarar azd support of th" ippralserfor-11UP vannda.lsers And ruins whosi legend pdetic heart efficient according to ther htw of its ex� Anderson, that Alex. $parks be re-ap-' 78, rented .5. The numb --miuvirial aud Travellilig pub-1,tbatwaslao.orded houses, properly enclosed is 5, a very papffis is inarely a waste -of lime. -Ui in4WHatil. -aszaberz -f trma. liousea to tat Or fa* -efore the fire, rospeatfully solicited. mane"I B109ding thrills pointed C91lector fur lite present year- isterloce. , . I�rge increase during the Ina' year. I results show too clearly that proper at- tsu society. 011' Toronto. Francis Jogeph Of Austria, is an atut- Qarried, have every reasona . to believe at almost tention has not been given to this im- ot incapatole mou Moved b�v G.Casile, seconded by T. 4wThe illhave rat" Win In %1I cases to strie-ft Wherever thy, children, this I if not all, will' be enclosed urin the 0 much negrflected,�ubject. 2.-A bratal and morn,, fin& able. intelligent ond n ad'haT-7 to. a dwelling, Portant, but to arch. He.was born to absolute rule Ke�ys, that the petition of the ratepayers - present.year, I may state that in very ftw schools did in the Vfl- -1u1[.B0RNE HUML, 1WURAN01:'CARD Ili bright southern clime% 'or 1V'here- he name to the throne in trying times (f S. S. No. 4 be granted by this Coun- I PJJnf-;uzzr insaso sha,414 rea--h the once by wmn 0" -thb"proper oge of Loreff&, intile'townAipyrof Adjals, The subscrilier is agent for the followingfirst-class his first political aets were not such as to oil, aud that tile Reave be request,d't, J During L879 there ha e b en Ut. 9 1 find the subject ignored in CODERICH. northern winds roar- Car-, no T scho classes.. As - a general rule the subject anq ;IUMCOO, joh*-1y after Ma Vol" �-Srnnlatl­ri of tho WMILL roalk-es ft 'prejudice liberal minded men in his fav- etttend to it in the propor quarter- ol houses, and one r - v and country of ff. an =%mr;assad advertisinq mMitiro. pHOEAvXaf Landau. Eaels, , tie- -In canip, or on prairier, in jungle or wil(l or. -But 10 has grown in a surprising ried. !"fitted in such a'wny -as wil'i se . ex- was much better taught in the Senior twelve-01clock on F�-Jdaynikhtl"t, 1which uARTMEM of Hatf00%L I ' Aloved by G. Castle, seconded by T 1 penditure almost equal to al new one. i; t4au-Juniqx- 4,fsse%­ hasthrown,the whole coUlliftfiliftr ROD Th3 to wiliship of 4" WQI$%R CAP 4LL K111111"18 XARTIN Proprietor. PRoVI%CIAL of Toronto. wood, rvay. He has belhofited by the hart RRITISTfAMPRICA. rof Toronto. Ray.has d ne wellin GZOGZArA'T.. the greatest state of It &P - leis onsgiven him in the school of neces- Keys, that th 9 suni :of $5 be granted f in spirit, t erecting five School houses, he one at! J hn Alift b fri" M. r4sil-ine business done at the O-daYPAIJAY all meet on thy 11 The Geography as h rule. was wretch. pe�rs that Mr. o F, LAILf" fillff, neatuRn Anit 4muntr1l. niliq prin PA sit7. France defeated himi-and. depriv- the useof the Telylperance Hall, Varn ond Accommodation. Ample Stable lowest possible rates shore, it Loretto, ed him of his Italian provinces. P is for all purposes required by the Ou.uncii Zurich being probably tho'best rural edlybad in Junior classes,and own in Of 31oho,ladsome business'4 unty. Of Senior classes the rabst- tabsura defini- 4he ]at - CS Room. HORACE HORTON While back surges inentory of childhood defeated him, and held lie empire at her for the y ear 1873 -Carried. seption School house in the 0. having transacted -which -he loft, k-- Phiq is admitted to be a Firatclas Office lUarket those built duri are brick, tions were -grveri and Apparently with place -for �hoine. - Theo uUfartunate Square, Goderich and frieticUllip, mercy. His people were discontented. Moved by T. Keys, seconded by'G ,,nl the year, I the teacher, vh6l thought ter ha Elnusp kept in Good Style. Oct. �,lith, 1570. 'Long buried, perhaps, in their sorrow- Hit ugarian hated Oroat i German hated Castle,- that the Trustees of S- No,. � B. are frame, IOU. conaent of the ma not proceeded'fir on his way During the iik,�owu:�asssWim, approached August l5th.1ST0 Sclftvonian. HiA-army was week ; his receive 83 for the use of- their School presen:year I'e ,pect, from 'all was right when the followino, defini- when an -vu spent years, made by Tiustees; tl Lat not less tion of the Equator was wilitteiZ "The him fro - government was -sunk in debt. Thote house at the late Uunicipal Election and promises m-blehind-ind. Ue4,1thimli heavy Of the mother who lev'd and th father than 16 new School hopses will be builL Equator is a line pasisinbr through the blow witb am axe. Mr. ATArshall was oLcan on Fanu or Tow,4 property lot per was no prospect (A ul�iprovement 'w-hile t1ye apol)roaching By -Law election- Car- .'y We followitig discoverea -shortly afterwards, and on lie kept in the old way. Fortunately for ried i giTlon to bo�s and Orls 0r. Ell. ',%1oL3ouaaU 3nourance. Tcelit. Apply to 0 . wbopraised theih, The t4alinumber of � Sch4ol lecturer, centre Qf the earth G. CAMPAIGNE, Solicitor, &a., was 55. In many places m4tingas were questions were kzaimin;�jionitma at the blade -"nLL b* at h�me f,�z Consuitatiort up to 11 Or of children, long parted ill anguish him, he was a man who could� legrii. and lioved by Dr.- Woo(lz, seconded by G. 1 4 f6and th 41tf Godericb. he determined td turn over a new leaf. Andersen;" that th . e Treasurer to requir- CIAS of the�'Aiadlj the TY 0!elackz. a. c -L. amcry day Will rinit patients Oet.30th. 167, announced, but from stor weather in the Junior Third Reading nizbt or day. P17 proved a' 1. Write down -the name of the T6wu- 4w and other causes the attem- , iikull, ftifhe -de a- zay hano, afte: and tears. He called Von Beast from Saxon -y, to ed to furnish this -Council a list of an ) - ship and -County in-whiola you'live. . pth of two ludios. He MONEY TO LEND failure. The above numbei'iefers t( wae�convo - 'GUBo in 012131111110 - his assistance he put liberal -minded Tavernand Shop licenses, for which he IL THE LIVERPOOL&LONDON Dut e'en while the sorrow -cloud lingers 2. Whiell. point of flid cogapwas is op - T jIGf1T PER CENT. SIMVLE INTERESI men at the heaa. of affikirs he gave rectlivel pay up to the last Alonday in evening meetings, During �he winter wilie.ro'he reinam­ ed In a Goderich, Oat. evenin& the hotibe -was geu�rallv Well Posite'thUX"t I h n AND GLOBE for 5orio years. interest repayable either around them, W P I -IV I-lungary her anciant'privileges; he es- Hatch -being the next JQouncil meeting aivisi6n. -Tfie=-1ZL'.. 3:40 -ye - Linany. titties qwwaed. 3. Name three of the natural eailyorbralf arty. A filled, indeed, 7 UT06 MATHERS, Come thoughts of some merry hours, tablished free Parlianientsfor the dif- -alud that the Inspector reepive fall in. f, bof the land, -111' j30MOW]a INSURkNCE COM P A N Y. St. Helens. spentwitha friend, ferent divisions of his,empiro; lie gave struction to closely look after all Tav- excess, thas showing the intorest ta cen ""14 l4fatill at gel 41iRd- in the welfiJe of their 4. Nar�ethreeofthenaturildivWLous'� but kin 131:?- McT�M AN. 1300-tf. by the people 190 1004 alkiltorities are TU g -ecelosia9tical, civil, emd orus that have not then paid their the Available assets, $27,000,000 And smiles through the tear -drop, like penple their children. I took as my stibiect, "the Of the mater. every liZ�rt td tried Mul. I Nadazsz-dence third ezor east of Central &-hool. - political rights. Anstria is now in bet- I icensos if any-. Carried. ations,'! ex- 5. In wbat towp6ip is the, C Moved bv G. Castle, seconded by T Losses paid in tile course uf Thirty -live years ex- MONEY TO LEND. sun and rain blendini, ter condition than she has beep for, cen. new School Bill and 1�gul To wn situmeA 7 %r Ounty ceed 4h,: e Il- plained the �everolduties­o� teaelter.9, 0111"All 4" A Er I t1k �T, JOy 0 sa den d turios, and x ticia, oseph rules over a eyo, u iv e o w no pa entece v In answer to lhe first question I re - 13r. camosciv, F6RTY MILI ONS OF 'DOLLARS! oN IMPROVED FARM PRO- children,.and parents with,respect UP mcani conexe heart send population which cannut accs'e him of certificates for licenses, they hav�ug .M - nd dwelt most pqrtiOularly on ErMCIA, SVRGEON. &c.. Of5ce, Hamilton perty, at 8 per cent simple interest despotic proclivities. eett a complied with the Ia them, a ! ceived it gre. ariety of answers. fully Claims by CTTTCAX�01 esti- PIV to And forth ripples laughter, like mur. ad he b w n by-laws in -6, of e. -he . pupilodid not an- AN INgU*AN UNCLE. EIrc-at. Gee-swich. Ontrio. mated at nearIv $3.00QQOO, are being per annum. Ap moreselfwilled man, he would probably that behalf, viz: For Taverns, J,,bu the necessity, accordind to 1, 2 ach i fifty per cent 6f I, liq&idated as Ill . st as a' t . 3 school a BnANTvoRD,Teb. 26.—An astounding adjusted wrrao= mElaucriox. SAMUEL SLOAN, mur of fountains, parent enditiv his children -r the question flIy,and sometinteR have ruined his government ; bad lie lor.,,an, A. Citing, Mrs. Pollock, John I klocurity. Prompt Pay 01 '.'.t � single schofir in the nient, and Liberality In ad. Colborne Hotel. H i least four month& in the yea -, and also cliss could juqtmeut of its Ica- Or summer breeze playing at eve o'er been a less teachable man, he would Turner, Win. King J Biggart IV. sensati6n was created in Will -town to- es are the prominent features ot -hat township he lived. bointy tell in J� Campbell, IML 13., C. 24- Goderich, 8th Oct., 1872. 1,338 the benefit (if fallowing the )togrynme two wmithy conoriany. the bay, probably have lost his crown. His ul- DoIcCatin, Win. Dixon, Peter McGregf-r, I day. by the discovp at two YOURg 1Gadzs:S at USSM LidVareV. 11=1tc-LI Filits and LIFE POLICIES Issued with very tramontane Catholicism has aiven wav ; F. Aherns, R. Drysdale, J. Williamson. i of studies. prescribed for -the- Putilic 1 sid they lived in - Aft -lea, a very Jai*e girls , aged Sand U YeArs; I eie found ]?ff"aCT&V. SITEIG911V ND ACCOUCHRUR. liberal corditlonO- Ad songs of old Ireland, when she wds I School�. I believe these nie�tings have number said America, but whether in comlity. once an -A residence his political abeLolutiatia has left him ; the F6rShop, R. M.orrison—Carried. 11�orth or South Atnerica they could illot in Grace Ohumb, whfare flhl6y secreted 0767 Fazatses Ster.e."(old pust 02cs, band- IMSELd Office. Camda Bmuch. MON. AIN IMOR LITNEO a nation, Moved by W Anderson, seconded by dor!a nlut�h to remove inan. f th pre- tbemeeTV6s on Sunday last. They ars prejudices of his place have ceased to !ktl Wra and Jas Tortier re- judicesentertained against the present tel I, many saving South. It IM roophalo. noined D ago;An4 Veretnm- Inz) x1tstrw" seasorLb. TP.ZAL Are tiluing with a zest that gives tone to liamper him. He has courage enolwh 0. Ca e tha4 tipils G. b.C. SM11 F1,1tesidentgoteretary, bteamersNallEveryWednexday choot law and Wt the same thlie awaken- of too frequent occlirreace th 4 ilif -of the hilluse on S�turdy by their each lay. to hold his ground against the Po�e, ceive $4.80 being the difference in the all other Soo ing many to a sense of duty are taught s� latowledge Of ILPEL r�;O`VtMffil MONTRZAL and aturday. and he has intelligence enough to see amount charged them at 81 per day I czpec I uncle, a certain McCracken. These 0�&SRISM& A -N -D ATTOP-VUY-AT-LAW, to labo I ur, and 63 cis.. per day for to School matters. couniries bef4re lo��aing the geogmphy -ydta.,girb sloptatit WM*q4 Watte shed, kRz A. M. R0$8, Agent forCoderich To &ND FROM NEW YORK AND GLAS. ill ch joyful note rises like tliattliefuturecannot'bo altogether re Statu Coanty Crown Anomey, There are. reported 75,9und. Schools, of that contitry. in hich thoy.-proovs6if hmgry and um at Londonderry to land Alaili; and incense, ulated by the pitst. He ia a monarch (if which -parties commute their Statute Ily on. fSaturday. = On:. Office erq. - d :&y brta,�Ied into Grace church on "Alissenb rg booked and forwarded to and ul scholarlyaptitudes and scientific tastes ; labour before the 10Lh day u lay- - f '509 teachers, and 4,788 Saf School sp6n all-iheir,4 1V Nay COW I The heart of the singer in thank - U ar & from an Railway Stations in Greit Britain, Ireland he is a man of excellent disposition- Carried. ARITHMETIO. Sund y'bMweeo fawLshed to. Toronto Life Assurance �and The School popitlatio�, th is all the Germany, Norway, Sweden or Denmark ana nese blends Uoved by G. Castle secondell'by T ' If riatttbematicsare tg be of any use it day that t.61. climboad,-vp to the window 83. SOLICIMPA IT Am no$, as nfely.' sporedi3r. colltrortably and though somewhat sombre and proud as obildien between the ages of 5 and 16, U 0-11sel. Kingezn street, Goderieb. Tontine Company. arpin as by any other Plants or Line. 'INith those round the altar in heaven, any other Hapsburgh. Keys,_ that following same be appro -is 9,156 of these 8,744 were'in attend- is absolutely necessity that, upils be aitil sifriata. tt6iifion'by their ales. �41 I - V cKvilzie -,hsa�& them, and U C, CAMMMM W52 J. adoritig Alexander the Second, Czar of Russia, priated to the conce trained 'to work ci�PrArectlf. Unless JW Itobt, T-GAnnow. TEIR NE%V DEPARTURE& Bsion lines this year, I T ONT. Promblaoigow- From Ne ir York. nee daring some time. 4rof the vear— HEAD OFFICE : tll ign of the absolutist, deppotic, 07: 2 and 3 800, 4 and 5$100, 6 and 4 is the ease, the knav�ledge gained co."sed the 4Onis,,&, be biokelli io, when gat, Sept. 23d .... IOVWA .... .... Mon., OeL 16tb, The power, which the faith of his f _ is a sovere - number of pupils of ther ages 403t 008i irig i, ATWW%797, SOLICITOR. '7 $90,-8 and 9 *90, 10 and 11 $100, 12 iive injury -of tvotwa a1lIiO*tgt*rvoaji, -re found Pat. gellt. slith.. CALEDONU.. Rat, Oct. 2181 military-ty0e, of less rigorousdispostion instead, wherisfit. In, "rrA.L ACTROJUZND or CR&ST1131 ....... .. $100.0m Sat, Oct. er defends making in all the number e ered upo order tri acquire corrpctliess. .113L wtiMil 7th .... ANGLIA ....... Sat.9 Oct. 28th and less intellectual power than his nd 13 $100, and Sable $150, Baytield d" -ca, M-10title their -11ilimaturall, uncles 0 fia;Chairtay. aie., Gaodml-h, Olst. -1357 With libertyto hicreasts to half a million gat., Oct. 14th... -COLUMBIA ... gat.. Nov -4th rsgister during 1872 equ to 9,147. more tifne ;6dd bo..4ipyotedl to teching- honis. - And Crary Wedne-sday and Saturda :thereafter And while humbly bowing bill head in father Nicholas, btit not a whit less the atid Ranges.R,50, Boundary line of My Buys, 4,876 ; girls. 4,271. Irazallo so 150, $100 of which to be AAditioaarid, Subtractipil. With thqsp, ftm Pier 20, North River, at noon. submission, Czar of Russia. Hiscabiliet ministers. 4nd Stailley 5 gOLIC1 A munt eaUed in, 25 pff mt.--aU paid The witole number of chil Iren of all 42229rM. A=1O1L%WM;7Z1W1� RATEK OFFASSAGE PATABL%Lq C"ItENCT 4pent by the Reeve e4st of the Goshen well gmandea, cond mathematical schol- T are his obedient servants. He permits LYA He th B ton in Ck"Car. 4--, GwcftbL To UVIMPOOL, GLA80*w oil Dzitay: auks the. - la'hd Fp.ther who al no Parliament to restrict his autlioritV or and 860 by the Deputy Reeve west Of ages ni,t attending any scho(i -is 402, rif ars ay be mae, �bnt mot without. in 1%m 'Casm, S" and $76. according to location- ways has reach'd, thee 165 are children bet tvi�j A the �tgeB C41lin Exemion Tickets (goo4 for 12 IT ozi counteraothis will. -Hisdecrees must theGoshen, provifled the ElayCouncil- many �ichools this -work js t,16 stl Inur- the) In* f U11ITM) By CHAZISS TO KONMAGES securing best aecomodatlou. tI30. of 7 and 12. From. tbia it " ill' a seen feotly performed. I jbinic that I bim Aer4 'Skeih CsUfft3f.7iw, 0ter ASD inazzirusla, Intermediate. $33. Steerage, m (Through a4 tribulations, and grim per- be obeyed without queatiou. Rig army grant equal ruins for the same sections in tike--,Goden that too large a number—are Qt, taking tbat ftilly 50pbr cent 6f'dur, ithelynchijA Q&=U ft"'& ho CaA.9� aZAGER. Jr lit ' secutions) marches by his order. He issues a —Carried. safely assert ax. Certillextes at LOWI�ST RAUS can be bling advantage of the Lmneans of e cation an o6,seconded. by T. amed the: The J "ISM IV. BOARD OF DUtECTORS: bere bv Oo*e whIling to ieud for their friend here ukase, and the serfs are emancipated. Aloved by Dr, We pupils hdve not thoroughTy'le IVIJ "'We ]lave rh-Asf;ssitolipairableon presertation. Help and'strength to the land w to generously put within the re�c preSWza: rhe�-Jjolr TONS HMt:TA2D CAMZ1102, Apply at the CompanV's Offices or to His ministers impose the taxes which he Keys, that this Councl i�ke in. hand h' 'of All- rules above named. be&L infbri4id lh�t tlii U-*titbing more VV. 3M. 8QT-TrMkt, / St. Patrick preacli'd. The school accommodation' th lit 4, M. P., Q. C.. && St. Torasto. MRS WARNOCK, requires, and the peopla pay them. The make the sideline between lots' 15- and than a lid' *4 IDA WZ M. ATrOILVEY ATTL4W, SOLICI- VUSP�Wdzxt: LiwU3JoTr.&T.Z2q. HIBERN rTily'72T Co=oSrnON' b6herm wore Westgt.Goderi4. Oil Icus. thing which we call political liberalism 16 lea(ling from Goshen to Bromon, municipalities is dequate fo: , .1 C014osition, so, far as a subject to be tiken-to Efellevffle�' the ppa- JU I find -that ah but 12 have �h e neces- all'se 40f "t-lij I 'Op Or F Vjl� thit Drr York. taught in schools is concerned, was &I- Tsnt� 4k Gra, oAN. Esq. Judge orthe Ctranty of Goderiall Oct 2S IVI. is unknown to the Czar, but yet be passable for teams, ani that the sum of %V H. BsoLgr, Us., X D M P Prescott. Belleville, Oth Feb., 1871 sary offices connected with pIdy ground. 01---s. ors- J. 0. Dst-D=a; Cd's EmNrium. Market 4�e; Bank, the same line be- most entirely ignored. . Ver Many hadiied in Sk"d'a y very and. elielmozz, —Straifotd.Heratd. carries outreforni. of the most moment-. 850 be expended on The number o ry nto, f sites of pr6i�r size is NOXIMLIPEAL OCEAN uskind. Some years ago, there was in tweeen Babylon and Parr lines. Those pupils could write tLothing then 'tlXe denlk. apoplexi.being the real cause of Wit. J. VACDON]Mt, Esq 3111111M.— Toronto Savings tile in- 64 ; properly fenced 55 ; lmd. theum- cow" was given fois subject, u0ne Pf my Baak..'lioranto- thip country a distinguished Russian ex expenditures to be made -under his doitfi. It -,seii6i V�* At"go that McGm 31onalsov. Esq., M. The $over#!=% of tho World. functionary, now deceased, who at one spe-etion of Ale-asrs.. Castle, Woods and ber of -sections that can boast'of full a6- to scholars in the S-eniorhitd if ociti -over two T AW CH-VITCERY AND CONVEYAMNG;�- _gftre_Ty z�nd 7-ycajpure: Azrmm HAnvay, Esq. ine3 commodation for the pupils o I sectiou is es' about OMM581, DWS W&N#3'6, nschd Asiagner. time had intimate relations with the 'Keys, for the Bronson and- Goshen 1i class was write four' sentenc weekai4o that none bf tho,,orties have Goderich. Oat, Applications for Insurance in this It would not be easy to give in a few present Czarj as�woll as with his father. end, and under Messrs. Simposon. and 49. the cow." Very often Iecelve'd such Yet een arrested ani brought to Naps. -average attendance cE the 9,14!1' The received by words the'traits of the leading sovereigns Ili describing: to its the personal �harac- Iteys for the Goshen- and Babylon -end. - is the following: nee, where they would most sourafly first class Company 0 - pupils whose names were entered in the J. J. BELL of the world at this time. 'They tire all ter of Alexander the Second, he spr,ke of Special grant -.-Carried. The cow kicks. beimbreughtilhii�*n unusug register"of Public Schools is hs follows: SOLICITURAc-U. 1342 -Agent at Goderich. STEAK= OOMPANY. very diderent from each other in person- him ,is man of less intellectual scope Nloved by Dr. Woods, seconded by G. Th6 cow jumps. obcad, cz=. was al characteristics. than Nicholas, yet of strong mental fac- 0astle, that this Council do now adjourn Less than 20 daff, 1,011 ; V,pti-een 20 The cow�eats. 03qEY TO LEND. at McCann's Hotel, Ilyfl,ld and 50 days, 1,881 ; betweo�u 50 and A. ' m -T14 lUno3n ana 'VORTICKEIS to and from Li7erpool, London. Queen Victoria possesses a rare com- ult;cs ; of reasonable, moderate temper, to meet The co% gives milk. r derry,or Glasgow by 4her above Steamirbip Coy. ' . � 100 days, 3,450 ; between 100,and 150 C(The cow hichs,, wa-5 a,tavorite an. Prbj 'grolitis kav�i6 We 6A ftithe 11on. pply to bination of good sense with womanly and far less choleric than Nicholas ; on, the- last Monday Ili March, at J -&M PUS sm A THU P. ff. CARTER. -in the arts of tmrarlim-lit aridd- -o'ulwk, P. M. day15,'1V72 ; between, 150 au4, 260 days, 'A"Osimt*a TRAVDbitS INSURaGE f-100. Azent Grand Trunk Railway virtues, - She has 6 finely cultivated versed s au4 ihe 'whole swer ana given by a verir largo number, Godericb.Au .1& 1870. w30 mind ; her mental. faculties are well- ministration ; anx'iou%� to win renown WM. FI�UTKKETT, Tp Glerk. 444 ; b4tweQn Wo (lay probably many rof thera had prvAiial itannamer�W-agua=skzkEm*mntAgent tj GadsrL!i. Fans anci SwiFewions drawn year, to AUscQ - a I taurral h-6 had 1*0D &rPeztz&, -laster-are and Muoue balanced and her. life haA bren govern- for diploin4tic and pol tical action, Well- illustrations of WID truthf thdir tguw B�xWv. injW7 or loss or life. gimantWill; the 9' Cli in dagrace by the work cassumd amd value�L Nsurxs AGAINST ACrIDM8 CAUSING tilling in his ways, andriot imme Tbd whole number of teathets em- it no sabje . ct that xeally Up" w um per week. *am $3 0 ed by the desire" to do good. She is. me ral in ployed 'during t 0 year, longer or ment. There ant of a stipul4ted s th-irouglily familiar with British politics, his life. on the part authoilifies of thooi;eo - Tofivificbk' The requires more ttentiqft is principal sun, insuired. a 6rter erio is 104. h hdle num-, or the Favment of t1 linel, King of . I truth of thowele-zWU 13nobamumtf rmwzon Ak; UA,bliuson 9'0-' s injnt7 cause death with- ified, and takes an in- Italy 's The Council oi Hullett met t LOU- be, ern o e ofi 31st ec 1872 from 1�30a to J10006,if t! as Disraeli has testi Victor Emiai the teacher, -as thereis'mo more import. - k, 4 out, And WdJinJ1*1t&t: nok4own to and. yy&V9 an haitA all tinds nf ga-sboa� M -cm 13112A to three months, atso 9-ts full terest in all the varied affairs of her vast stimewhat of a jolly monarch-. His lesborbugh, on th&22n All the Of ant branch of Public � School educa- i d ult. is �92. lie ligious pers 9 the I zessed bar. at the rca. wide acquaintance leadina, tiait is bmthomia. He is f(?nd of Ile minutes of U empire. Shehas a nsuspect,04 1�oyl JEL Kod-Ungloaad LP L-= 0 tion. LIFE INSURANCE, embers present. teach"as in thits reported a Vteri- NE W with literatuie, has dis6riminating liter- the Zase,lnund of all sorts of wild anti 6,rmer meetiniwororeadand'confirmed. Una TMTWGp and endowments of all forms mt low Cash Rates' 37 Alethodists, 31 ppiscopali authbritiecroebredfq stirp� the tids of ary tastes, and is, an, �lgraeable writer exciting amusements, fond of the thea petition was read from st6s of as, ri ; RomanCatbolici, 4vBaptists, Oa -account-of i4e deaks �eiftg occupation Pau infemnation can be obtaited of the iru 8. H. ONT1,00R. herself, Thblugh �irptisition makes her tre, -fond ofdisplay, and given to ei- school section No. 5, pi�ayinglhe Council ball -repair in many of -the schoo Agent. 2 ; Quaker, L' and Tjorminp�fbr Drugo� tore, a great public figure, her 6bits are do- travagance. Even tbough growing old, . to pass a By -lay' authorizing them to Also -o wig to their u"orich 23.-d May. 1871 Only 19 teachers have evet attended rwded conditi ii, 0 ep 91)3 SURG90.% DENTIST. film' I t W* iwe RZ riovinow; antli,, mestic anA he i pie, When he does nut give up the habits 'bf his bDrrow the sum of $70, for the purpose it Norinal School, 5 hold first-blass Nor. is Alsele.-s to expet good writing. r ways are iiWri, ii the ilz- qat'-­ inegus, to le - many cases.bocauseg the carel licates ; 14 hive secona; too �Tl -belivrbli. with . outti, and would railier enjoy a bear- of purchasing land for the enlargement nmI Sphool. certi compliih Ithij eid, 1; ey "I'shut down!" 05ca and residence, WAst Street. in the Highlands,& allem T&TOW donors beloir Bank of Montreal, the plainest of hel: subjets*, and slao fre- hunt at any time, than take part in air- of class Provincial certifica'ies-',j -13 . with 11028 of. parvoig; pwils R4 mot prop P!ly frawofirary coun- he� -epitaies,of the hilt m- lomatio negoti0ious, or, hplp to pass a y firit.,las, old County Board&`rtifleates.-, -P JO H N- -B OND quently visi - Novedyl. Montitit, seco;jdedb, upplied With suitable co V oah Jim- ex,iu,*cbats'wfth their ")ill an All the world that lie 4.indmlg -law Le prepalred d ed in onesphool I'fopnd oply coo copy the ble, an Warwick, that a. By -class ; Z2 with,'�hlrd,cl. . e with second would, net -be anowe4 tQ about the common IaTaiis,uf eVery-day k nims, of his loose woralij, and whether thorizina the trustees of. chool section no, Comity Board curtificates' and 6 book It Inagy'instanaes I found fhat , - -, whi& Its li�d besn ae t. AA CAMPBELL CHEAUST & DRUGHILOST 11111P life6 S]i0i; Poasesiiell ih itrong -family his court. haaesta at Turin, at Florence, No. 5, to borrow the sum Qf seventy iti, interim certiflepls. teachers -Pai(f no AttentiotlL OFFICE TOR -devotion to, en dollars.at eight percent, to "'It'ng, Sutelyt4p Voibg. j6iaruslelAust be hard EAD ONTO- WiNy -at 'Rome, there have. always or the , The highes't satary -,Ived pupils tovrltepr uo affeptions 1; and or interest, f allor 6 to �wrtte a male tl�ldribiiteiikli f6r attack when they tr&- p OF 25 BAR% PRACTICE. the tneiflory of- FprI 'io land for the en- -heY siggam ofewn&I Univeralay, itht". ew, 1 4 &R tedchusband is ieandah connected- with it. He is- 9 ourp,r, of pur CAPITAL STOCK....... 1400,000 chasing earlier is $500, 'the lowest %20. Aver- u t - PlOasOa- duce 3fi-. NeRvIlar #xk(1AJk449X Adoeent yMt arA Gra4mzts of Oritirlo Vaterinso t sA-LulloNOV. VARY%. *4 FlIND& ........ 2Ckf,369.60 keeping with her notherly attach. the same time, a Finpqrstitious man, `ankl. largement of school sito�, said atim (if SN by townships SOA -7 25 cuool� AM= es 0 in: --ving I a consci- and interest tobQ, paid, e %P . D. FS X as Mr, 'Taper is Wid The highest salary puid to law declares that evpry child has I I WM jW& Bayftld eve -Ty SaburJay. ISISSEA.4 REOMPTSFORTHEYEAR inellittokor.1" queen, has never concealed the pangs of C�,�be­ Ile flib Gerinw-Ailt-horities on th 31st Dec., a female Tile 58 26 t 0 P"loulinr position once he has stiffered an accoun b 2NO r9D FlOTPURS -DRUGN'�,. scomp R L If hil 1873, and that said By-Aaw be passed as teacher is ��00. The ave _y town_ ritht to attend chool. T o law de rag 'Britiol lik- � them to 1, T. D"CAN, V 8- -ffnder t e 2 Constitu- quarrel with1he Pope. The growth of ,Rgonasthbs dtruqtessfozni _elare—v tooytht eve 110N. j. )rcMvRRIOEL 00, she occnp as ai $11 t 'this i ships $182.50. ry chiK betwPea t.,e INAmy C4L=Z. President. rf tion. Sh fieverst.retche-a her authority; his power, fro ni, the time lie was King of Council a Repott of school meeting Avbrage salary of teachers the sev- ages of.7 ana 124shall attend 4uring four 'ke-such groundleismAsNooloss, at- OWFORA STABLES, she never isteps; outside of her province ; Sardinia till he became King of Italy, !zing the. tru9tees to Riake ap- oral townships a!3'^ fellon s months of the year. . Tho law Oso author iheirpoliticllol ulated:'to be- -taRklippoln I , B. HALDAN 31anagitig. Director- AREy6U' SICK she n 'e]i intorfere4 with the will of reighing.in Rome, was cale clares -that every section Inust provide I ct Colborris ev pUcation for,sai(I.13y-law.—Carried. gexgste rtmt, F21th Boa" East. Iffa--l. & f4&-.1NE- INSURANUE AT ih Dyspepsia, Constipation,, Head Ache, Indiges- Parliame0t; she,,co-opertttqa with which- wilder an ordinary man ; but to him. it Moved by. adequatechool accommodAtion'for 911 -er in tko d1cit" oahlind. C1113pompl. FIRE tion, Palpitation of the Heark Billions Diseases R., Stepheuson, secolide VRt ever party serures power ; and in con- has sreemedriat4erapla apageant,mid. 4y and General Debility? Ifo call at J. llond's East j2,efollow gaccounts Aslifield ............... 24 '1 $25 _F. Stiver,the;tt- in 4 pillpilsintheosectien, Thowant-otror Lowed Gtlft6t Ratc S' e Chitaftah (hardith; -spellj#g ofthe be paitloviz­ John lolqumpson, 632.8J, 0julborne ............... 3S41 2-15 per-rnom is muchfelt' 7pibposed inebril -saya that .RING arket8quare, andget b1s, Renvwned Vegetable sulting with her Alinisters on questions &festivity; andhe'gl ly turns from tll -In PATENTS PFC1ALLOWrA8"6FRATES.00VI Tonto Alum which ham compteteiycuredtho�jands of policy or of State, her on 13, though t is cares of tate to the revelries, of the field 9,5.'25 Goaerich ....... 3 ks insurance for one or tyroe -yearA on etached ot. gravel and,phsink, 4oh� 9tepf 37-b The. Honorable. tbe'.A#orqey-Gen6ra1` -hout Canada as well as $00 in Oodezich And t jvg� he drunk- Sehools with contents IL t jeciltre the public welfare. or the pa'ace. for.repairiligof jacraverg and bolts for' Hay.... 3291 229 has 'given as his Qpinton Ch FOR INVENTIONS DwOuile, Churchelrand Th rates ind iin0 ........ IN ID Whts'Wey ii alloweil ta.go, CltIc3, lowns and Countyplazesr- est Thiers. the temporary sov- Of the second-class inconarchs lliams, �$9 for use St;Aley 33.5�4 -171. Supterwite1ade at� ritof I l -en orp.1tov particalar yfavordbia to the Farni. CESTMCA 0 ltr i TES. If brid-e, and John'Nj id'the'cioi iuf drunkards i 00 President f sl;�p for, khrge-elec tions.�Oafriud. 207 forcethelaw. lainvillIedu -ta'doit iffii1thinUirwon1d be rilslizW11 SLY & PROPERLY Aurora, January I Eel ereign of France, is the'.1nost skilful Europe, we need iflit say much., Leo- ll ........ ; ....... Pon 'Aloyed by J. ded b�v A Ushorne ..* ............ 357 15CA by or Ag This Is to testify that I have derived a benefinial 'French politician . - -1 First Class man Tr,an f travelling eney now living cf the old pold thi� Second of'Belgium is aL worthy s on xog0t.ezeeca States and ZuroM ted waortio t scboo With the experience of half a scion tif his astute fathef, who, accord- Nlenteith. that erttficates for tavern West Wawanosh 551, 197A iug]Lv ilf -1 1m compelled to wj"914 the -gw &endforprint- for the townships cutlpug this Town- Apply in effimtfrom B�aidls Tonle JBitters and found it obe the- -n� rillgnexlfortra� d Ia. e centu7 public life ;i wi�t4. rimaliable ing to Disraeli, was ono of of the w ntedtoJoli Lasham, of he total.nomber of lif OL till 1� is:,nty writing with re6rences to thenude byfarthe best article in us Jer Dyepepsla an licenses be gra z4ras- i 6 Pub alit -from any -440 they,gould..theule,nq JoAxei&nUkards. ioL-slon to the Ilead C&A- Liver Complaints. & c verstp e AWRY GRISZ JOSEPH SHIPLY, ty of talent with extensive rulori of ma.dern. tiii*s. Louis the LU,16 duty -so td do., where the Uvr is blibully' D. WAT'301q- borough.,and George Bt.(%.wnl e, I -,a Schools is 38 number,of iolumes JjT4Y ty �Zatfir in 'that Wesleyan.11inW learning in variollsbraii�hes of know- SeconA of Bayaria is;a -sciatimentaTist s we :'tak ' out' set �t - defiance, -di, 111109� I ":? , Local Agent. of Alma, tlfdv, lia-ving coinullied with thS 2,816, 1,61� volume rO, en and, Jk6we ver Pgrew �hf SOIL-Ifarof Patenti; and Goderleb, Aug., 2"- 18"-?� ledge, with greater p6pularity and musician, �vhose`cbiet 6ligh L Township qv- . bi:700 s�parafe applicants. able it may be. I mu Goderich 12tb.,,ept. 1871 than ant t ir, in Pro-* incial'Statlites and The number am p, Ire1j.2fth ISM Mr. John Bond, cotemporary French politician, lie ought lis�,ening to Wamier's myEtical 'opera,,. 11 rade 'is laws relative to tavern license; and 91ko of Sjj�iday � Se Q Libo s 4Wwith -PY to tate -thRt 'VOT Kitt Ziere ^re t1oke,hundi4a *nd 1171neV- Dear Sir, dm�lyj �Izht "u 8TT�pe I bavegieat pleasure in recom- to have exceptional qualfficatious fnr 'The King of DZuark is a fair socimen re trutteeg am -not -milling to'� to,RobertBrovrnIeeojKinburj3, Ps soon pmblilihea: in' Now mendiiigyoarTonfeBitterx-asanexceflen t.hl or we ashefnrr�ishosthe Taern Inspectiirs' MY secon , 4 tour in 187� W. G. WMS-01T vii.gtoneto thestomelch'An siren nn I e governing France. eh4s,wonrenown of FL canstififtiolahl. monarch ; and ithin a reasonable e�er, 1, -3�vrjgty. Pulp WTORY as a cabinet minister, a diplomatist, and In 6 of the Kin- of H now tO a hae'lleen very -lenient ityll t say -the sam 01- cortifie stenage 4krally, fharftu"It beneficial oate. —Carried. duced a system of examination Who- had fewer vices— T�v iilitv. R,-, elf by a. S.tepliqnsop, seconded -ijo liavin�, withheld- grant aqw Che rf U - =n own personal case, and b a own a parliamertarian ; he has , . e- 91� 0", pla great so. loner or Marrhge Licens achieved land large tit. . rity of the 4chools,.1 mean a -tcOW9,903- OP tu e it with like sattsfwtlon. I otyever, no grant will be pfkid,tvithou tivity of intllect are -engendered by fame as an orator and an author, 'He K -i' g of Swedquand Na atiox in alf lilasseF. -r1lJJnraUe#&X9a1'r8tnte Agent -- _Ja rwity haiuot"�et, .by J. Wartibk, that John 1). Staples, be written em -min. HE SU14; 3ScMI1jSRJ* 13REPARED TO PILL Yours Ife, alities; but - hall previousl iLotified. tti�achefm that the a PrO J. S. KAY. is not a man -of broad and cosmopolitan had time to showis ioval qu oid, 50 cents'pur week additional froin lillse from truotes that neerled hn F tillowi� Conalidua Syron of flypapbos- cox3m4groma Ts- B. It. for r TALL 31. N.P.,311nister ideas, but, rather of narrow and Gallic he, -eame'to the throne with z'go9d -repu- the Ist Jan.,, 1873, ..keeping Sarah slate and blaekilloard nitist be,used istore P "vement will. be made witbin'A s9ds' pldt-es' and- its clipachi of'imparting oraers for, MORTerA0191 1 - 30tb, He is not a man who coin ictory tune. Poer'llf, t-tidnranea 16' th,4 -brain aud .7p XT :&I -'P 9% 1964- notions. z 9 - -May nee and abil4. sp�ixi nson 'be eteiisi*ely, olind' findin _4 cert�in tion Jones, and that- R, 81 Aurora, pre te, tor in*tellig�i t�phc iegpectable X hownin ills property 1Dp­&WV A?TD'9XECUTE* I feel perfectly freetatestlfrto-&Q benefit I bavq hends, in any vital way, the organizing hali just got ri4 of tht 09 liatborized.to'yourchase necessary lin-la tmoutit of earelesii�Ew in thig respect I The - InBpeetor str9n V th on. 't"Afties senollI TO LOAN AT 8 p3r sent. -arld g1rd satisf9eti I fro ItFor; derived from tine use of Mr.. Bond'A Tonle ;4tters, of AustRullng peuti�s troxifli inental iosliwip Team givadepth'Of we, forces of the age ; but is constantly lt�ok- Amadens t1le, Second, who tried for two for the.useof said &Tah.Jones'..— or- determined to put all acli,,ols it) atest it) (If Is of T;�, They have relfrved ril�iated atta&P of Dyspepsia, -Put -to rule th e turVident count oes awl apelalts in - Iligh .4 ownship. 14a, of Concess on an ne in my;��"m thelYtonlotindaporlent prnpertles new years a practical way. 1 -had so Zr. Iftli 1970. fc ing'backward, and -trying to . ry; but .-ternigtiftbeldix a Ia ZVRXM L, I d Vt Ii an Pretident ried. -ng ortly t ts of twestim i, on bgruL DAVIDISAVAGE, into old"bottleti. 'He'wuld glorify the nevily-eloctd Repub c Deliefit of Otimpetitive F"Nalldnationi, J wine Ajoved by J: Stiver,, seconded by R. printed,laki he mo.,t importa, GODF-FUGH AGENCY 11100-ItSIPLE iffoLEBOIRI) New Conaerlon. 311histe 6 of the world - or and -Stoph.6tisoti, thdt theClerkbo-instructel-- subjects ;it first France at the expens he Figueras,,who is an eloquent orqt viz :lHipellin -.md E -,Y hich 410 deSirjeS t I Boo beg(,Me tinore Ijift, jUS -:UVtlUEAXW YU t 0 DYX- And 50 others. "other poweriweik at a a radicil reformer, will, we hopel;` be able to auth molil!�&j Grammar. v, . Arifli- :,,euer.'Ll. peptjc,,�_W4ich is ot t4) be.willuderedat OF THZ -ROOT SCUFFLERS. �Zondbelrs tointrodnewhis PnInionle Syrupfor ould keep all orikethe Cont�Treastirer to eat F tr verm more -satisfactorily. metic'und- Composition, tulthese, of 4R. DEWAWS AEPORT. :wlien;w,441ke. irifoo acc-Onlat.the aillount -Losa Colthpany- C!� Coughs Coldw, Astlims' Whooping CQui;b,Hoarse- menfij, of -making ranqq p ong.. . His t6 go eel arrears --of taxes W. A lot 14, con -Be##, - groneMs Aci tough Medl. the Freiith'-Leg- - Abdul!A-zi�, �he Sultan of,Turkek, le ulgigg, is the report 4 d STRAW OUT - TEM. i ,tho Beat - U-" forl$70,asitappears fionatbeades9thent conrlsei Nero added -ReadiTn', kn Wric- ufrei-inj that thzs mub"al termopol ord neiatlie. Tile Pe- [3- All sold er spr,*tlT- :To ever. Introduced. It his iiavid adkoit 5 French G �k u4 leisToppoitunity of judging his, tollof thatyer, t1wAtsaid lotwas assessed inht.' The - questionspreparedl ivere ex w;w,-Inspector for the East'rh DIvi. - Aistressing m y ge oussnu from *u'ii1r1tgrWr6 jsl�ture 'and OY.etment givi De 0� it C A 39 A D A to. :haib .89me- plitsonal chqracter than a y othdiEn[rill- MA n� proylouldroccuple0'Tur. 0- Dag& G de durino theolm bpthon tlivTesidenv xbll and iactaresident beedhigly simple, bu� at the -�rtino tbue I oforon­ 017red'" in w4v worefq�peringfrom - .1 - J. D. ARMSTRONG_ h4iI:bnU' peah nionk�bh. WW ktiow thA pradtleal; And iwere submitted to tht of trl�v thing marvello'las;' Octidtlijs party 6 faction'again hkd: the aud f -fq violate the Xbrin by Go&rich 3(#cbkh T as 31oved by J Waryn school. otalf of Ilui 1360 I-Xegrpaed Aj Boyal 01WIM occity- t�& 4 - 191LURoBZR!S-.R0Y-AL. A N T1- turned cqptinte , ,,, . ` � -It iitructed lsnbfflitttmg� to Vill! rest against g4ting his, 'Af t portrait paid ed, ; for the ar- Monteith, that.tho Clerk be 'it orga thorough written iex sides, -is::now 0, Tesiddrit'of Illy tiftund edhool ropork.-I regretU) ( 4lame one copy �Qf- 1B bals' no, 0 tist who plao d to say,that o -whole U"4=TANT- acooidl­ 64 it airisoles I atil-voiipelle fhe ll3m MIJULION Foulms 130 ft to :.pnr,,c Th solns of the S titare that,, althoug 01101,11111 thii city, -This tirt Alinicipal: Kennel for. the use of the 116und-tlae schoolo i)ipeh b�'O%v my ex ander'nay ittrudilition, - are in -j� verv'4, 1AVXWq the n6cessityl, do: Wora, *M7 lime; its Meir pectatious. $ome. schogo did GoLd 'Do$ps *A* sixydiVv it? Sf*4,, k pi blililk-1 Ana 1blpt �iotur4,,h&d'j1Aiiks from welf.. lleajWy and effitieni state, and quite a,- J�eiri onh sail;d afid gives Ue�, idei�liat he oiK, taft 'nu -then alljo at. �therz' did f4ir ork, but -t hii gr at- Ina- nilinberid4s&6ditlibleslte of effikitt�lrici ThicIG . neil urnrd tq ine dr 150',' U1 ',he Londesboroogh, whell 'iffled by jorit icUX*jq linable - and$ f lnvoestmqnt�� Vfiiiijb a lj�rionage,Aightl� v ". 10twee;1, Y irilbued wit4WesteinT yArenot4ointbe worli I hitt should :­�-� thorera other � of A 144 9. aga) A -4 iltunoi AUy w1kere it IS Wed. it is Me sip -Se is. for PA01do f1hr ­4iain*eU#iiI* fi­�46ihOld the Clerk. rvport.quit&ao,farOUrabI7� �. thmeftiWitlilpetri 0. 0 tuce" - 1; -. - . A : . � be s -this? Tea hers bare ONso" purnAlt run :,,Mxk .1 4 Als.,the nsoverelgilsi We. j6QVA1XT TRZPUBL1CT3f4T er. a 6iflinwil�j, -; , 0 0APPYOT44 '0 luouh in laying the a 2dix'I'sto.LT. One bottle Use; cured ftos- Me -Atw Jrhi Empleir China, �-4;c�WnL TUty auts, wortli Itax-soured an 4)zm J.&x-zsB=xi�vTA=;T nshipOlor not been-t-fifir, "uh f i6r. Do, at ffirr r d our ischoo io6,4uite A0 �qjp;K JW kijS*sti1I "list. 00lWipfan Xd; ff. :is-- for Orolliary- 'And av er while kithoArst ?=wm, is, desirdble, Use bold owwooffast or of delt t *XPUT of Usse, red tofill slrm# t go in not, very Te--, STA"M CPE�GM AYAO Or tWO bet CUTeg' I �qnpo!*>, uiarr,� pqrj 0#,qqc aitiasert isayounguian, wh6has file in It has been Iturty opwp4titity, rsymenstileffedaCtIC20fLOAM f tlyVA &rusosstbli prices Thankful f0rthopiti-ml i in A �boolr "bousi thil throne, tit ly OFFavonwev 1 -on -nu -OANADIANKMALr 4, -Ch"pliess And- rted, ad"fibached we qfu TZo liiihw it d Ruffly -3 In 'Un't know tha 'on' fha Wz9ve"! stagy age ottlw I I 70pisolk AwAtinuance.ortb; Is or t; he hasjiny rolharkl6ble _zot quality,- cousidered. h taken -into cansiderati im frausT. 'Ions tAtuell" cured LAxz nelelpenjoylirshIS UrMS. during all lot that�wm-fneetlth. those wh� complain -vt ofurcipty thi 15ast ye4r, there SAMilof -Pleak, PHILADE1, X-05 Uholic` i I per6k'.of la- amum vir fte Ueteit st -n6himilli, ei'U -he 31ikodco,,pr Em. -Esq..-wasledtivingre- he- ilrookfield, '100 Coulaty, I t watit'of -knoOledge tf practical halloej�-of teachers'. iorent V "I west T1 -P cently-Oli y�one, of -o"de"llected an Id Urgs Onlorad�i- three years, o -,Is grt4Ii4tihg from our a Unritludii bkzt� . - NOW100 flW-10 WIDt YQOCOWTO flw ­ "' I accoMffix-tc4h­ roe 7, thl craptissess6d.bytoo- man, ages torud Thuebalt. ji-bo'filikeptica . til is,certaiml, xtraordina, y boya and these fortv.aeven had no pj-�vimiij,� Ufffty "but-, #. -25'hiddkr iidtfobt to- duhiiii- as thil, wayk, - o�­ Is. Need W9X fxrw,��'Aey bay*-btax 147 Wien. WW hK ASTAX& -lot ids 10 Of riiire hi3 liquoris kold, Jt viss fAnded- perience., :1 do not, however, vvishte Ati battle, left� e til -wit' P, iWilideid At, when pup s 'The are, Ttalifij� i�i- can iiAln pittet All Qther So, conv j4'e up. I Aro r4syl *t1d w 1dee, oh th6111C U1 W, tit to Rao JR01oniWl"of arlle"bjDp. sue ", It c tt In 1.9 ) .14diflon �t onot Ile U approve are erian e I in -be� fo ainongl' 0 where thso %.,-sAd.J -air Mills' abU�dfitaiico froa'Vib-, '.ffi1pVnwth-at affsagovernin ars.ago afew. -urt ng Iva dipi�ole 4dels'fi pol. lbottle vf)ow EawiT111 Oxr resisted 4Aw Au&-TAW*'8imeos tO $90 wse.ia isbET "Atthe -as;; T4 4te.. Ica of opol tadmot km bo in vight vlases out of tep�? ' ade, vr Wliff"M 'changesllvire in in 0.1lans *f !, 'South AiDerilia 'in& of t -do s s mere 11110, %D11 1j"d L-A .,- b, �j pour.,ftm. HOPIG Tall zo long '"TOUrZCUKTUX Lftrej Ilea I -tesc ers. Mai W-, rockviUs, tbere' A I -hing pievidls,- Q 1 Tom Op U(%,l tMa"ild tern �o In "One Wesk.-'Ii 11salerstilUover sov re2 Well Ift katice'; lior is there any will tb4 plivil-l. (if Auch. e. I '901) t - Railway - -- P - - thiLt has CmnPlew Utw1efinas thu? UITAG, AAUU ! ;J L tbt Is, second.of BraziL &Ilectu �ooiae 'of liur Ikuhlil %Ilh r Otte 10lig inz their 3f WRO mr &ar evervwherain tap DomfitionAttlie4boiro. the, tats. W, --I etplv�Fd to too to say- amI, 'Ktff�, .6f 11russia. uhrl ive Fa a TLIU h sufferijig AA -Tre, Po G, TAY LO R & Ia Heis,luan fl;rogtess WZ; tvtr'M-ide will - v0 V a c ohin dilTerent, Statclo. 1&9al ezt� is i-strong-bai& .4 ttid arnloW 'ghffy- �ezl�iy trnW that 11hoilifficOlt es jud tnarv'dp�lxrs or en*a". Ia sold by onit e, if The in ebyH, G%RDI.NBR,&, J�jj ctexirmij,,jif I's , 'Ib -' '111 Alt for tstin nk tA - i� willed imili"ry to b;� I sile. 114; l jusfiwa xx*&%ftw� ou. &Ia 0*,0J& sufficion't caose—wo., pub icify thf� T aMatie to Un nit chnirge until divorip, tignt vov. ' ion. tea4ljt�rz, I the best tylle*:n6w to, IlnwI it?) or outare" JtD4LJ40Jti' 1 for iho trde -beo, tr v4ry V,-.. ilig t C7 pl- rewlv UrfWA " Am �q ce free., lNeelow0so, e*f 'rod Tog 0 0 *0 v 090 t3er J -A7 be T011 JIMA to Ana. fue tez4jjn1_1 -if WN014 Vol alit 14ch was coin twiten-tho G11-tRAUT00, sib- li�61)ouzlt soloo-centa It f howLver Vra!tiis- tf. FULTON, -81a�%Nvxx ill ;[to tv At fall oaturallurs free, -but oto *1k. Ily _,4I -VIA" - WvoA,,#"t]9UAr1, !ad AUT'WEN aeurg are y