HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-02-19, Page 4e • - • eiotet. :tee ; , ri; " tee - e -(t ; 1 ° • 4 ete, • ; 1 • ----,11111111111.1.11111=111MirPir7 _ '• - . e lint* Sour Doctor. tilt mac ar. KENDE& OE the at.aay pilysiciaits of note, Who praettee freen day to day - Of the wise old Leads, And teteheoets that feel - Of the seer:thing eyes, Atteitte nseyes of steel - Who is your doctor, pray ? Who tempera your eying pulse 3 Who tenets your tin-obi:tang braid ? Who mildly endures Your obstinate will, As he owlets yonr drugs, And-- makes out his bill ? Ah, the questiota seems in vain ! YC3 the (-Rest:len is /ea vaiu, "For "men areeof many minds ;" Tee world largo Awl the world is, strange, Gtvon te moods And given to el:lenge, Like the SeA OF tile doubtful winds. But the world turns round and says : ••Who etall m:y doctor be 1" "'Who &hall I call ?" Says the men or wife ; "Who shall I trust With ray peeriorie life, When the deetore can't agree ?" Ah, "there is tea rub," you see - Though dzugs aro good in their way - If yout flow but ask For a friend's ad% ice. I t shall como forth with, And end in a trice, And I shall have had "my say." Drink plenty of Godes good air, And plenty of water pure ; From fiery drinks And from wines abstlain ; Oa Heaven-sent food Live well and plain, For this is the best life cure. Arel this is not all, my friend, That I would prescribe for tem : Keep the body clean And the COTISZ:lenco And of honest toil Have no holy fear - Thus be your own doctor, true ! ODDS AND 311175. ^ •• Sally, what time do your folks dine ?" "Stem as you go away -that's misses' orders." elt hen was England ,to bought cheapest -When Rte.hard the Third of- fered his kingdom for a horse. Cattier Me houseeiveselescribe soda as "that ere strati whieh you' put in biscuite to make 'era g,et up and Grecian bend themselves." There are pato men se excetisitedv selfish that they go through life not only \without over Iteing, loved, but without even wishing tib,e. What is the difference between a prize- fighter and the leader of a forlorn hope ? -Otto attacks the head, and the other heads the attack. A pripil in one of the public schools receetly revisse an old saying found in his grammar as follows . "It is better to give than to receive -a good licking." Ni rtos-s or Nomerry.-A man of birth is commouly one whose remote an- eestet did something; and his immediate Rrede=asors, for matey centuries, noth- ing at ail -Pence. Arivtea GP -ATM. -Two things you shentel never berro : Trouble, and a cepy of the SIGNAL. The former will be sere to come ; the latter can be had for the paltry sum. of five -cents. • weetern paper eleecribing, the effects of a terribie storm, observed,, "thee it a -battered meuntaine, tore up oaks, dise remitted chumtiere, laid whole villeges wasta and overturned a hiog-pen." "Why don't you wheel that barrow of coal seong more lively, Nede?" asked a et -eat -dealer of his hired man ; "it's not a very hard job -there is an inclined peiseell is to relieve vote" "Ay, master," guoth theman, who had more relish for wit than work, "the plane may be in- btat hang me if 1 am." An artst what has painted a portrait of a gentilemaa noted for his frequent lieratier.s, invited the gemetlentan's friends to sea it. One of them, who was rather neatesighted, approaching it too closely, the artist in alarm exclaimed, "Don't touch it ; it isn't dry." "No use leek- ing'at it then," replied the gentleman. "It waret be ray friend." A laey dyspeptic wae bewailing his own tee:fortunes, and speaking with a friend en the latter's tearter appearance. 'What do you do to make youreelf so teateng and healthy 7" inquired the dys- peptic. "Live on fruit alone," answer- ed the friend. "What lotnd of fruit ?' "The frtht of industry ; and I am never treneled with iedigestion." A little girl was Mit to the pasture te drive hotne the caw. While thus en- gaged she treated herself to elimbitag an manseeseory fence, from which she fell, and was see-erely Es -retched ancl braised.. On returning home she was asked if she - creed when the feILL "Why no," she re- plied ; "What would have been the use? There was nobody to hear me." That was a good, though rather se- vere, pun whice etas made by a student in a theolowleal streenery (and he was none of tho brightest of the class eithero when he asked : "Why Is Pref.—the great revivalist of the age'?" and, en all ving it up, said, "learause, at the close of every sermon, there is a great awaken- ing." A sign -painter recently dec.orateel the side of a new boaee in an English town with thew words in staring capitals :- - "elire. Brown, dealer in all sorts of etteliea" The town was in a tumult of wonder as to what mtglat be the nature of tench a busineee until the peiratee, re- covering from a week's illness, finished his work by adling, "and Gentlemen's Weering AppareL" The Rey. Dr. Smart, minister of the S.e.,:e3SiOla Church, Stirling:, thus =est - ed a clerical brother, detected of plagiar- ism :-"I hear you have leecome a Sab- bataria.n." "Ielatte not always been ?" reeponded the person addressed. "Oh, yea. have got beyond rue all," was the reply ; "for I hear you neither think your own thoughts, nor epeak your own words ore that holy day." rall3Well. =CO asked Johneoa if there wees no peasible circumstances under geWniele suicide woued not be justifiable. --le-W. a," wee the reply. "But," said Bos- well, "suppotee a man had been guilty of some fraud that he was certain would be fennel fiat e" "In that ease," said John- son,* let 'him: go to seme country where he Le not known, and not to the deeil wheoe he- is known." A _eehieol girl in one (tithe rural dis- trictseef Pittsfield was overheard trying to convince a school -fellow that she liked Lira better, thast she di& some other arterin a wham heseented jealous. "Of conee I like you, batten than I do Bill," ; ne de 't I 513 WOrciS 101 T Improv. your F_arrat =CI rtiZ13:1113r: F,very agriculturist, however large or small tho domain which he has to till, or of which he has the oversight, ought to resolve every year to make a decided advance in. his fanning and in the value and appearance of his farm. The idea of Merely (Levine a living out Of the Freund without regard to the manner in which it is done, or thee tate in whielt the soil is left after each successive crop, or the real and market value of the ground, is beneath an intelligent being. There is nothing that we do, or with which we have to do, that is not suseep, tible of improvement, and it shoule be the:unbitten of every one, whatever his business, and not least, of every one who is engaged in the ancient and honourable occupation of fanning, to be constantly iniprocing upon the past tho work of the present and the futtem. Good taste, duty to society and self-in- terest, all combine in spurring lein on in the march of prop ess. The farms of this country very gene- rally, unlike those of old countries iv hich have been cultiveted for centuries, neat a groat amount of :weed clearing -net the removal of timber, which on the contrary requires cultivation anti re.- uowal-bnt in the way ct removing brush and rubbish of various kititle. Tho adornment of farms by the retie,' al of blemishes 4,as been great :y e.1 in the tiresome stregele .r immiti:ate returns. But it is mit at ell 'unworthy of any fernier to have 311 et e 1,, general appearanoc of his laiel build ings and fences. If he has not t wee to admire thete things hiniseif iand any one ‘N he. h.18 1101 should be ashamed of ite he will feel to his aecount„ hell he come to sc:1, t, have looked after theta No one onying overlooks the general aspect of the farm. This striltes the eye at Ana 33 affects the price:, Every anc, too, sheold have regard to the cleites of good neighbourhood, ameshould Lel it his cluty to gratey public t.tste by so. h improveinents and adornments -at titike the eyes eeen el the passers by. L But beneath' the surf tee there is a work to he done constantly, in bringing the soil and every part of the firm ue to a higher degree of fertility from t ear . to year. It cannot all d at once, but it should all be done, ane it may be done by devoting special attention and laboureand eepense, new te this por- tion and to that, and by degrees going through the whole. This menth of January is the very month in which to begin the week of : improvements. The firet part of the process is to have a plan which shall reeeh through the- year and into future years, and just at this seeson ever)- : -farme:- has m we or less leisure which he can profitably devete to a general super- . vision of his Fenn, a s tuey of its qee.1: ; and capabilities, and to a systemat arrengement of the work ,that is to le- ' done when the seas• in for more aeiivs work shall open. Nettling is wanting on farms in general more than syttem- -a settled plan covering the farm and cov ering theseer. Now is the time. to ar- range it, and so hegiu the work unieereal impieivement.--te-ieee r. 1 _ jPOYATCF-S FoR SEE1,.- The foilewing are the idea -s uf an old fanner in entitle on seed potatoes, as given in the Lewis- tonefournal :-We use too ripe seed when we propagate frotn tubers that have lain in the ground till dead ripe. Plants that are propagated by tubers regitire different treatment from those propagatt ed by seeds. Our corns and grains diet we use for seed we like to have team' a little longer than the main crop, and be- come perfectly matured. On the same principle Our corn is selectee foe -1011e ripest, hest deyelopee ears and kernels. Put potetoes in a cuol dark cellar, just as soon se a majority of them will slight- ly crack open in boiling. Tha is most invariably while the tops ore . yet green and growing faste Tee tubers ere then in their most vigorous state. Discon- 1 nect them from the parent stalk at that time and that they retain their vigor. Instead of deteriorating, ' as most all of Ius know the older sorts have, their 1 vitalkey is 4eased, and they yield bet - I ter, with 1 tendency to rot. As long 1 ago as 1815, and subsequently, observa- tions led him to make some experiments to test the theory, and he finds it the proper course to pursue. Is it not often said that the late planted potatoes are better for seed than those planted early? The lateneas of their planting, pre- suraedly, prevents perfect ripening, hence the principle of the above reason- ing would be in force. How CLOS-ER 1.31TROVES THE SOIL. - Professor e °etcher, the eminent agricul- turist, thneexplains how clover improves the fertility of the soil: -All who are practieally acquainted with the subject must have saen that the best crops of wheat are produced by being preceded by crops of clover grown from seed. I have come to the conclusion teat the very best preparation. the very best manure, is a good crop otoloyer. A vett ! amount of mineral manure is brought within reach of the corn crop, which ! otherwise would remit). in a lock up 1 condition of the soil. The clover plants take eitrogen from the atmosphere, and manufacture it into their own suestance, which, on decomposition of the clover rooM and leaves, produces abundance of anamonia. In reality, the growing of ; the clover is equivalent, to a great ex- tent, to manuring with Peruvian guano; I and in this paper of mine I show you that you obtain a larger quantity of manure than in the largest dose of Peru- ? vian guano which a fermer would ever ! think of applyiee. It is only by care- . / fully investigatilig subjects like the one under consideration that positive proofs are given, showing the correctness of i intelligent observers in the field. I COOKING FOOD 2 -OR Seocee-The ad- vantage of cooking food, for stook, es- peed:any snitch cows and young stock, is fast becoming one of the settled clues- : dons in apiculture. We hardly know a dairymau who does not pour boiling ! water over his cut hay and meal or bran, even if he does; not cook it by steaming. ! It is found, to economize feed, to increase the flow of milk, and promote appetite. Cows will eat much more of cut hay and feed steamed or moistened with boiling water, than they will of dry food ; and we hold it is the true poliey of the dairy- man to induce his cows to eat as much as pcssible, as the more they take in by way -of food, the more will be giyen out the form of milk. To stint Coves at all in an ample supply of proper feed to keep up nutrition, and promote milk secretion. oan only be called "a penny wise and pound foolish" policy. It will not pay. When roots are also boiled or steamed, the nutritive !natter they con- tain is more fully developed, and the same weight ef roots produces larger re- sults, both in the condition of the cow and in her milk secretfole -.Practical eta sae; or n erpe7.7.ng- leenen On purpose, so as to bYe 17areeee- ' clown to the foot of the class where you arettt A f telend., visttieg in a rainizter's family, where,- the parents were very strict in. regard to tb.e children's Sabbath deportment, was etnefidentially informed by one of the little girls th.at "she would Lice to he a minister." • "why r in- nennedthe -visitor, rather puzzled -to un- deestand wEat had given_ilio child in sudden an- admiration fox that Gelling. She was quickly enlightened, by the PromPt ;`"So t could holkw on Sanday nmeederae," said a very polite trayeler toe, testy old landlady, "if I see proper „ *help myself to this milk, is there any ininropriety in it 6'1 don't know vixen you /13841111. but if you MBAR to in- •sirtuatee that thou, is anything nasty in toe milk, r11 give you to understand that you, Imre struck the wrong hause. There shiers first hair in it, fur ss soon se porotht .Anta told me that the eat ma drowned at the milk, t went straight land strained in over." The young man fainted.. Men -Alder says they tell a story About s MAR W110 plt tite saddle hind port forennet upon his Ilene while in 1. state of dizzinest; inperinduced by fire- water. J eat as lto about to mount, a -Gomm friend tense up alld to hold on *minute, beesase 'the- saddle w,att on wrong sad. wanted retzing. The Jtorsesnen. gazed fors 17101,15011t at the in - Under, u it deep thought, and then *WA "You let fleet sukilitslone. How in thunder io you know which way ism qr* And the gentians* front Ger- ionosel on. Novel Excuse for 7igliting. When bad men want to fight the chences are that they will arrange mat- ters so as to eratify their belligerent in - deflations. The creed -of the Quaker is peace. But two wrathful broadbrims contrived to fight upon scriptural authority in this wise: They grasped one another. One threw and sat on the back of the other, and squeeziag his lend. in the mud said, "On thy belly shalt thou crawl, and dust ehalt thou eat all the days of thy life." The other however see' recoverbag his position, began to deal blows against his oppon- ents_ head saying, --"It is written, the seed ef the woman shall bruise the ser- pent's head," - EFEECTS OF INsANITY,-A young man-° named Michell. a residentof the town ship of Huron, made several attempts to destroy hisarelf within the last few days. Yesterday morning he tried tohang him- self,. but was prevented, and in the even- ing en an attempt to commit suicide, cut neff his hand above the wrist, with one i• btow of an axe. Drs. Secord and Rose 1,1pat the lalgortanato Irian under the in- . lineues of chloroform, and amputated i the areo further up. no man is in cone- fortable eircumetances, le well educated, , and well eonneeted. He was at one (', limo a resident of this town, and was Liehly.respeeted. Tito cause of hie in- sa;eitents unknown, An effort wia be ' eseder to plaee him in the asylum.-Ii`e. rein. e -' . K HARDW JOI1NWN KERR, n The frolloWing r rr Books tire recommended .1.11 no befog the HEST of N their class: oe 4 The song Mem, for Sehoole 01 It inkel'll New Method foe Reed Or t 2 50 /8 4 i gam Will be ready Aniztiot 30, I IIl'e,t)s,r.::. F.301t0e:ot toil.; P„oiart,aieo„Sitilthutis,sil., t .. .. 3 2., r, Peters' narrowest' Primer, he I V, \Vol tarn (lunar tIollool , rr.t lral Chitnes fir /Bilging Classee, I 11::_i) 111.' Ne Plus Ultra lee Rook. With ). 1 re .1e fa mite ,:t onein . eetentenlituent, i -4 11 I ItMleit is &Moot for the oleo, 3 5e J1A i•A 1•:•le,c Art of Singing, , 11 n itehtl'sViellnEeli. (Peters edition) 31 to803 D 1 li winner's Flute Eehool, le Won tiers tetit's Violin School, 3 701„.) Wieneeratt d Us Flitte Szliool, fretere' Vlohn Sifficol, 77-:: 0 T $0 73 I J 1 1 Petele• •Flute 04.-.11801 1 Pepe.' Pat tor Coinpanion, For / 3 00 Fliite.-4 intim and Piano, y Peters' Parlor Companion. For t 2 1, Pinta and Piano 0 ,isy %rill be sent, A ' toesl.olptild on receipt of r the inzirheti .orlee. New-Yorl„ N. ;!..; ess, , L. P E MRS, 599 ttreadteay, ,°)". _ 00 G • TIIE GREAT REAItDY rOit CONSUMPTION Which can be cured by a timely resort to thils stand- ard preparation, as has been. proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It i§ acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced 'for the reyef and cure of all Lung coinplaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season- it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of _Coughs, Bronehitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Inflftenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore- ness in the Chest and. Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &e. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Ceugh, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it, loosens and cleanses the' laUgs, and allays irritation, tlius removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BY ° SETH W. FOWLE SONO', Boston, Mass., And sold by Druggiets andDealers generally. . N E W Drug Store. J.OHN BOND, CHEMST & DRUGGIST OF 25 EARS PRACTICE. n 4-'2_4 4 4 'A 1'4;444r.; • NO )R.PURE DRUGIS.Ft ARE YOU SICK "4-1•11 Dy4re peia, 41, Head A. he, I ielitree- eef 711, iv Billioes DI ...eases tt. I Gee- ell Iteteitt : If -.,,;.‘11 at J. Boer,. East Vee-te-i e.erare, aed get Renewne,I Vte.tetable Te•:. B 1, ers ha', „peek:rely cured C.:ea-tends thr eieleeit Canada as weil as 300 12 tiodetich and yieirety. CE111111,ATE4., 'Aurora, Jannary 1564. :- This is t i testify t4it I have derivet a belefieial effeet !mei leerere Teeie Bittere and found ft tO be by fir the beet arti le iu use for Dyeeepsia and Liver Cemplaints, &e -.JOSEPH SHIPLY, Wes:eyan Minister, Goderich, Aug. 27 1871.2 Mr, John Belid, • Dear Sir, I have great pleasure in recom- mending your Tonle Bitters as an excellent thing for giyit acme 3', the sternaeh and strengthening the :yetern gener illy, that e found it a very beneficial thing in my own personal ease, and have knowu othere to use t t ton th like. satisfaction. tte`e te Yours Ire J. B. KAY. M. N.C. Minister ern-ore:May 30th, 1864. I fret perfeetly free to testify to the benefit I have derive -1 front tne use of Mr. Bend's Tonic Bitters. They hive relieved repeated attacks of Dyspepsia, in my case from their Tonic a.nd aperient properties DAVID SAVAGE, New Connexion Minister. And 50 others. Bond begs to iutrieluee hie Pulmonic Syrup for Conghe, Colds, Asthina, Whooping Cough, Hoarse- ness, Bronehitis &c., &e.. the Best Cough Medi - eine ever introduced M Goderich. It has saved thensanda from an early grave Godench. 2nd;Sept. 1872. NEW BOOKS, W 1.-va,per, &Co &c. WHOLESALE&RETA1L AT BUTLER'S BeautifulAssortment JEWELLERY OFALL KINDS JUST RECEIVED, and to be sold 'CHEAP AT BUT.LEIVS rishing Tackles, UF ALL KINDS. ',X)NSISTINGI OF REELS, BASKETS, BAITS HOOKS -ad LINE51 a f 2. q11CerfOl kin AND St LUNG AT COST AT BUTLER'S. sderiCh, lgth Atig..1870. sw104 WTEY ARE Lazarus Morris & Co's JThk, i$peetacies LIKE PRIGHAM YOUNG ON TIIIAL FOR MURDER lk.Texecu.-Any person eending the answer to above to the Agent, F. Jordan Goderich, within the next thirty days, will receeve an order trerne. M. eh - for almir of their Superior ,new patter% E GLi Godeiieb, F• eb. 5,12 sw983w3 eee: t HAMILTON ST., SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH OROSS 'OUT SAW. 'Having completed their Fall pur- chases of SHELF & -HEAVY HARDWARE, Aro now prepared to fill all orders with which they may be favored. They respect fully invite attention to the 1'0110p/hie:lines of Goods which thoy aro prepar- ed to sell VERY LOW FOR :CASE. NAILS Of all sizes and descriptione, very cheap. G LASS All sizes from 9 r to.40 x 30. BOILED and RAW (1IL, VA RIN1811 & 111t0eVN JAPAN, - COAL ()IL, of good quality cheap, COAL OIL LAMPS, - LANTERNS, REFLECTORS,: BURNERS, CIIIAINEYS WICKS, SLEIGH VIO'E all the leading sizes, - • Cit:ft,STEEL, a fair assort - BAR te, HOOP IRON a good assortment, CAST STEEL AXES from $1 upwards, BEST CAST STEEL FILES, a full assortment, "AUGERS, HOLLOW AUGERS, and AUGER BITS, ANVILS, VICEe, COIL CHAIN. TRACE CHAINS, COW TIES, TIN, SHEET ZINC and CANADA PLATES, CROSS CTJTSAWS and WOODSAWS FRAM- ' ED, SPADES, SHOVELS and MANURE FORKS, long and short handles. : A very choice assortment of TABLE & DESSERT L NIVES in leery, Buck -horn, Cocoa and Bone Handles. A complete assortment of PEN and POCKET KNIVES, RAZ- ORe and SC iseant§, from the best , Englieh Makers, A It BATA and ELECTRO-PLikT- ED TABLE DESSERT (tc,eTEA • SPOONS aad FORKS ELEC- TRO -PLATED lithER COOLERS, Ki"ES and CRUETS, ve suitable for the appro. hing holidaya. ENG 'ASH PLANEe, PLANE IRONS endCHISELS,SPF. & JACKSON'S,. . TAYLOR'S ND, PANEL ad RIP SAWS. A complete assortment of WHI and RED LEAD, dm pADri, s AND COLORS.. e PA INT, VARNISH and WHITE wAsHBRITSHES,•MANILLA, . and RUSSIA HEMP ROPE & PAC K I NG, G RI NDSTONES, ORIN DSTONE FI XTURES, POWDER. SHOT, CAPS, RE VOLVERS, and CART - R I DG ES, DOUBLE and SINGLE BARREL 7 GLTNS and all the articlet usually found in a well eselected stock of Hard- ware. • • A S the whole o le above stock has all been merle -s been Puree -egy low and has ewe - w t cash prices, we have much et ea.? re en requesting a call from the inhabitants of Goderich and farmers and traders of the County of Huron. No trouble to. show goods. On- ly one price. Remember the place, II A MI L TON ST., sign of the MAMMOTH CROSS CUT SAW Near Elijah Martain's Betel. . JOH NSO-N & Godetich, Nov. 20th 1871. t. .51,-rT;"7,5- '" " I -1111111CIE /DB 111.M11 tr. le Inatb• 111'311 ei.e.s suitable for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver. Butthe accompanying cut repre- ' sents ip proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING LEVER WATCH, • In stet -line silver case and gold Hints, full jewelled, warranted for five years - together with a gold-plated Albert chain -which will be sent to any part of Can- ada on receipt of e25, or C. 0. D.', per express. W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TORONTO, ONT. • Sheriff's Sale of Lands. County of Huron, ). TIDY virtue of a Writ of Vendi- To Wit ; J_) tiona Exponas issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the countyorieuron, and to me directed against the Lands and Tene- ments of James Ryan at the suit of James Shaw Sinclair, 7. have seized and taken in Execution Mit the right, title and interest of the -said Defendant in rnd to Lot Number Twenty-two in. the first conees- sten of the Township of Mckillop M. the Connty of Huron, Nvhich Lanthcand Tene cuts I s1tall offer for Sale at My Office, in the COurt Rouse, in the Town of Goderich, on Eaturoay the Fifteenth day of February next, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. JOHN 51ACDONALD, Sheriffof Huron.. Sheriff's office, Goderich, = Ilth January. 1373, S 1352 °. - - _ _ _______ SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. (aunty of Ihiron, Dy virtue of a Writ of Fieri vro Wit : S.L.) FaCia8 issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the eetnity of Huron and to me directed against the Lands and Tone- ithnts of Donald B, McKenzie, and Intibella McKenzie at the suit cif Malcolm earnpbell, 1 have seized and taken in Execution aft the right title and interest of the said Defen- dant in and to Lot Number Two Hundred and Seventy Nine, and Lot Number Three Hundred' and Forty 900 in Homerviues survey Of the Village of Lucknow in the Cerinty of Huron, Which -Lands and Tenements I shall offer for Sale -at inV Office, in the Court House, in the Town of God - crick on eaturdey the Tenth day of etay next, at the hour of twelve of the clock; noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Shelia' of Huron Sheriff's Office, Goderieh,1 fiOth Jam 1873. Sheriff's Sale id Landt. .• . County of Huron, in4Y4hrtneof aWrie To Wit: get' .--fiFieri Packs issued out of Itior gieeesterts Cetaay Court of theCointy ef Huron, and to me directed against the Lands and. Tene- merits of James. Clark, • at the suit of Donald 'Robertson, I have seized and taken in Execation all the right, title and interest of the said Defendankin and to Lot number Fourteen vile loge of Blyth innhe County of Herein which Lands and Tenements 1 Asti. offer for sale , at my Office, in the Court Hewes, in. the Town of Goderieh, on Saturday the Seventeenth day of Mny next, at the hour of Twelve of `the clocke noon, JOBNIrAcDoNALD, - ' - Sheriff of Huron. Sheriff's Office,- Goderish, • 11th Feb, 1878. 5 185G ERIC IlleICAY, Cabinet aker Upholsterer, &CI DI &QS leave to return thanks to the inhabltante of Boderiell and surronntling It INT T T.3"" 3E) country, for their liberal patronage during the last two yearn tie has been In business. He is now prepared id furnish all articles in his line. such 11.13 Or ALL BEECItlrrtures, PILLOWS BOLSTERS MATTRASSES, etc., Cheap for Cash,, AND ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. PICTURE II EAMES kept on hand and made to order. Having on hand RR assortment of COFFIN TRIMMINGS 1 am proper to. make coffins on the shorteet notice, and io conduet funerals on the most reason- able terms. III- Remember the old stand, INFEST STREET, opposite the Rank of Montreal. Goderich. Feb. 12.12. ly - IL=1. 4:10NT AL IL, DANIEL GORDON, CAB 1 N ET MAI(Ftle UPHOLSTERER, . fpE W I T 11 AT . Idew io keed-ui - - with the 1 illie3 per- eliasedle fitted up his elm e tee deer, we P '. Oil t 11 f,1 ( 11 era FURNITURE et_v7 WAREHOUSE. where ha will in future catty on the above business Inore extensively. than ever.While thankful for past patronage, he hopes by etriet attenti in to merit a continuance and Increase of suPport. • HE IlAs NOW ON HAND one of the largest stocks ot furniture in the County and is on the shortest notice. prepared to supply customers with evert -oleo in his line,suchas Drawingroem an Parlor Setts Bedroom Setts In Waleut, do no In Chestnut; do do in White wood, Mattresses of every description, Feather Bolsters. Pilimis &e. &P. ON RAND ALARGEAS SORTMENT OF Pictures such as 011 Paintings,Chromos :Lithographs Photograffieof the Queen.Having tnade arrangements with a Toronto Manufacturing House cm supply Picture Frames n any style required at Toronto • priees. a- Has always on hand a complete assert ment of Coffins & Shrouds in theLatest Style. Also,HEA.RSES to hire. '13.4:31A+1,11'0114%/333. 2 Doors West of Post Office. (tj- Lumber and Cordwood taken in Ex change. Dederick. Dee23 tde 1870 ewl ExtensiveNewPremises AND Splendid New Stock. INN asti C. Barry & Broi Cabinet Makers, Uhdertakers & Wood Turners, SST. Have removed across the street to the store next doer to W. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found A GOOD ASSORTMENT el kitchen. Bedroom, Iffiningroom, and l'ar or Fa ni t u re, MICE as TABLES. CHAIRS hair, cane and wood seated) CUPB0A RDS BEDSTEADS, WASII STANDSI MATTRESEE,S LOUNES. SOFAS. WHATNOTS. LOOKING GLASSES GI LT FRAMING. rr O. B B are repared to sell everything in . heir tine. Cheap for Cash. Sf. B A complete assortment °Wallis aud Shrouds always onhand and a Hearse to hire ; ea reason able terms, A CALL .SOLICITED., G.derich.i5Aut 1870 "A Urge South a Small Body?' The above cut represents our $70 Organs. Wein,a thanking our former agents and customers for their liberal patronage and confidence for the past year [and which we still hope to retain,1 we would respectfully call their attention to our style No, 61. This Organ being a 6 oc- tave, Double Reed [C Seale] is a very de- sirable instrument for advanced players, Pianists or Parties educating themselves for:the pianoforte: and as &parlor In- strument, it meets every requirement.- OurNo. 30 is the Same as 61, but differ- ent style, and more expensive. Our No. 32 ie pronounced by all rho have seee it to be the finest Instrument in the world for the price; this organ has two complete setts same as No 30. with two additional half setts, viz, Hautboy and Vox Celeste, making four setts from middle C up and also le octaves of Bass Profundo. We are the first and only partiee who make this line of instru- ments, and tee universal satisfaction they have given, and the immense sale of these Organs, show that they are ap- preciated and encourages us to make them a speciality. Applications for agencies, where we have no Agents, at all times confidential- lyFgoollreIlliteitds.trated Catalogues, Address: A. S. HARGDuYelth?00.,nt. 1333 ly. JulY 1st, 1872. (1.87U 1872) AS USUAL! COmPLETE SUCCESS! Ten First Prizes _ d • I • ' o GOBI, 'RICH FOUND". THE ALDINE, Froiectus for 1.873-SiSth Year. '14/STEAM:Et NtLG1N'E)1:41'1'0' "itrh)KST-'11 /111teraleetl griph, „ An Illustrated Monthly Journal, ,univer• salty admitted to be the Handsomest Periodicalinthe World. Representa- tive and Champion of American Taste, Not for bale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDINE, while issued with all maturity, has none of the tempera - THE undersianed having sold the Huron Foundry pre erty; and omit ieno Illaynl) oe ry or timely interest characteristic of ba., Stock to the " Goacrich Foundry and Manufacturing Copmpany " literature); V.odicals.l. fit le an4legant gotito,nani gireaticierfetsd eg6 to thank the public for their liberal support for the past nineteen andpauree'ollei the rarest specimens of artisticpskill, in' years, and trusts that they will continue to send their orders tO the 1, black and white. Although each sue- -FAL:WRING COMPANY beg to inform the public that they are prepared to contract for Referring to the above Notice, the GODERICH FOUNDRY AND M R. RUN CIMA'N. i compared with rivals of a _similar class, ANu. clese of the year. While other oubliette tions may claim superior cheapnesseets dated after it haw been bound up at the to its friends, the real value and beauty . of THE ALDINE will be most appre- STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, , . I , riw ALDINE is a unique and original conception -alone and unapereached- FLOUR, GRIST 4, SAW MILLS, SAWING MACHINES; 4-c. On nand absolutely without competition in price 1 or character. The possessor of a corn - IRON AND WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boards, -, plate volume cannot duplicate the quan- GANG PLOUGHS, C1TLTIVATORS, tity 41' fine paper and engravings in any STRAW CINTERS, 4-c., co iithromer 08 st:abp : idores.number of volumes for ten times its cost; and then, there are the SUGAR AND ParlASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, 4-r„ ART DEPARTMENT. COOKING, PARLOR 4, BOX STOVES of various kinds. Notwithetanding the increase in the SA_Lir PA.:NS Made to Cordeire price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE assumed its present no- - ea- Le Si GO - ble proportions and represeatative char- ! actor, the edition has more than doubled Iron and Brass 'Castings, and Blacksmith Work. during the year; proving that the Ameri- BOILERS AND SAL I' PANS REPAIRED on ilhort Otiop, can public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The Twenty to thirty Horse -power Tubular Boilers publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have ex - Generally on hand for Sale. , erted themselves to the utmost to de - I Yelop and improve the work; and the ceive prompt attention. y , e- by the monthly itesues, will astonish and plans for the coming yeae, as unfolded rar All ,Orders addressed to the Company or Secretar will r ROBERT RUNCIMAN, HORA.CE HORTON, - , , delight even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. - GEORGE NIEBERGALL, The publishers are authorized to an - General Manager. Goderich, Ont., 10th June. 1872. ;Secretary and Treasurer, ent. In addition, THE ALDINE will re- ARCHIBALD H OPDr eels Ei d, nounce designs from many of the most Manager A griceltural Department. eminent artists of America. 10125 Oaken examples of the best foreign .- masters, selected with a eiew to the - Inghest artistic success, and. greaten j 0 B p RIN TING ... interest; avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs or copies of any kind. ' Neatl", cheaply and expeditiou3ly exe3ated. at the office of the The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873 will reproduce four of John S. Davis' aniraitable claild-sketches appropriate to the four seaaons: These plates, appear- ing iR the issues for January, April, . July, and Octeber, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription. conThtineuspdo.pular feature of a copiously illustrated "Christmas" number will be To possess such a valuable epiteirie of the art world at a cost so trilling, will command the subscriptions of thous ands in every section of the country; but as the usefulness and attractions of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in propor- tion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure," by the following unparalleled offer of New Company. ceeding number affords a fresh pleesnre Goderich, 10th June, 1872, II TT 17t, 0 S N I-1 s CARDS, BILL HEADS, NOTES, _RECEIPTS, PROG.RAMMES, POSTERS, NOTICES' OF APPO1NTMENT,', OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTERS VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, t) JURY LISTS, HEADIN GS DEEDS, Atic e,., Aro., sliLe , Printed in the best style and at the .1Owest Rates. GODERICH WOOLEN FACTORY. der SEA:SON" 1872. SUBSCRIBERS. lil7HILk. RETURNING THANILS FOR PAST PATRONAGE, BEG LEA 1 STATE that during the past winter, thvy have Added largely to their Manufacturing Machines. And all having been entirely refitted, Are now Prepared to Execute Orders . in Tweeds, penonoth, Satiaette, Flannels, wince -ye, Blankets', Horse Covere, Stocking Yarns, &c„ so WITH MATRA DESPATCH, Or MORE DITRABILITY, and Neater in Patterh Than Formerly,. They would also call artieulsi attention to CUSTOM SPINNING, -ROLL CARDING, CLOTH DRESSING So _ For which their machinery ts specially adapted.Parties coming from a distant° with wool to get carded, by reeving the same with Mr D. Fergueon,Merchant.Goderich,ean rely on getting their rolls home with them the saine•day Those wishing to exchange their wool for goods will find it to their interest to give the ubseifbere a eau. I:7- N. B. -Prices Low, P rst-class work guaranteed. JOHNINGLIS & SOIV. CAUTION. BUY ONLY TNE GENUINE FairbareStandard Scales, MANUFACTURED BY E. & 11.. Fairbanks & Co. FAIRBANKS, Standard Scales. &SCE SCALES, COAL SCALES, - HAY SCALER DAIRY SCALES, COUNTER, SCALES, &O., &C. Scales repaired`promptly and:reasonably Feir tale, also? Troernnee's Coffee and Drug Ifillseteemposition Bells, all sizes LetterPresses, &c., &c. ' THE MOST PERFECT ALARM CASH.DRAWFB, : - - EVERY • MERCHANT At Two Exhibitions I enottere . W. BELL & CO. . GUELPH, ONT. Received Every First Prize • FOR ; Crgans, X - elodeons AA the Provincial "Exhibition, Barcilton, end peq neritralExIdintion, quelpb, , s • ? ,Tbiagrandauceeparin addition. to butt yeses Tee . vveelt EVERY ' DRAWER ! LOOK OUT FOR THE BIG WATCH AS YOU GC TO THE PostroFFIvi TNOUGLASEI McliENZIE iettunstais sincere 1../ thanks to -the public for the generous patronage extended him, OiRee he commenced business lest fall, and is deteimined to deserve It more and more. He would call, special attention tattle RITSSELL WATCH 'for tfiiisale of *Melilla Isidore -agent inUoderich. Tio hu on hand a very large stook of this reliable. time- keeper whichhe lain a position to sell cheap; and to guarantee satisfaction to the purchaser. There is nothing more tantalising than a bad watbh there is no entitle forbeing anoyed with stch, when try-311EC riX.T1SSLIDIala is to.lite had cheap. ;ffrA complete assonment Of gold aid -plated Sewelery. Watches and Clocks repaired in work- manlike manner. Call and See.2_ DOUGLASS MCKENZIE, Gedtaxieh, March 28a,1871 Notieeto Deb -tors PREMIUM CHROMOS Foe, 1872. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromes, after J. J. Hill the eminent English painter. The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle," -and "Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 20 inches -are Tinted from 25 dif- ferent plates, requiring 25 impressions and tints to perfect eaeh picture. The same chromes are sold for $30 per pair in the art stores. As to the determine- tioa of its conductors to keep THE covered with Maple and 'Beech, 10 mike ALDINE out of the reach of compete frotri-Goderieh, with a never failing trout tion in every department, the cline:nos etreaut running threegh the centre of the will be fecund cerrespendingly ahead ' land, there is about 25 acres of cleaeed any that can be offered:by other periodi- land on the front el the lot. cals. Every subscriber wiil rsceive a zertificate, over the signature of -the pub- lishere guaranteeing that; the chremes deliverled shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The distribution of pic- tures of this grade, free to the aubscrib- ere to a five dollar periodical, will mark an epoch in the hustorty of Art; and, constdermg the unprecedented cheap- ness off tbe price for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel tells little short of a 'miracle, even to those best acquainted with the acheneeneents of inventive genius and improved raechatileal ap. .pliances. (For illustrations of these chromes, see Noveehber issue of THE ALDINE.) for Sale or to Let. ____en.a. Concession, in theTownship efGed- FA R,M FOR, e containing 80 0.-fireli, m cleared and ALE. ENG LOT NO. le, ON TEE iND erich, on the Bayfield Dead, two ani a large hewed Leg Houee a Feamte Bern 54x32, etabling and driving shed with a largo nay loft 52x27.„ with ethee eel; Orchard of choice grafted $nuite a enee laf:igioesodfrocmult uhari tiyhaetiToor7vioef::naett:reedn, with a never failine spline Creek run - tiling through the La, a Parge hearing y . buildines and a good-putitp at thetbata era This eroperty will be sold Cheep for Cash or on tuna to suit panel/teem AinS0 Let No. 1170, situated on the Neel side of East St., in the Town of God. taining one quarter of as acen ef land erich, near the Railroad Station, con. Stable and a few fruit treee and geed well. This property will be sold Cbean with a good Frame House and Frame 11. M. TRUEMAN, Godericla. for Cash. Apply to C. S 0 ANNON, on the premises. -.4c)11 sA-1_41E1 Or to Goderich, 25th Jan. 1873. 1354 _. —0 ......... ruins Subscriber offeni for Bale the north half of 1 Lot No. 14 tit the 2nd Concession of the Tows- on the Hayfield Road, 3 inficis desired. Apply 10 ship of Goderiehee from Goderich, containg 40 acres of land. Thereto a house and good frame barn on the bat, also an orchard of excellent fruit trees. Title Indiftputable. The South half of the name Mt may also be _had if GEO. JO liNSTON, On the piemisee, Cite 1i. ARMSTRONG, Lend Agent, Dederieh. Doderich, June 6th, 1872. g2.321. LANDS) for SALE AT BAYFIEL T OTS NO'S. 71 Dell' P IE14D 4..uNCESSION lj Township of Sederiech, comprising 146 acres of the bes quality ck land, within about 2 miles of the Merliet place of the Town Of Hayfield. There fo clearance of 23 acres which couid readily be pre:.sar- ed tor crop. The remainder of the land in cleetly cOvered with the kst of beech and maple timber of splendid growth, an excellent read passes on two sides of tho property. which is situated in en old and weii settled neighbourhood. .A.LSO.-Lot 14, Pentane A Township Stanley, containing 30 acres of well reserved tunber which would produce a lame quantity of firewood to the acre The lot rims to the River Hayfield with a considerable water fall winch con be merle nereffil able for raining monufactnringld pm -poses.. For terms apply to, JAMES D. ALLEN. Guelph. or W. W CONNOR, Esq. Hayfield. Guelph, Aug.15th, 1870 w20 Farm For Sale. TN the Towaship of Colborn m in the County of' 1 Huron. North pert of Block E. Comprlshag- 100 acres ,50 deared and under good fence, and 50 acres good Hard Wood limber. Two sprinse Creeks, Soil first quality, good Log Hence and Frame Barn and small bearing Orchard, within 1.1 mile of Steam Saw and then eme and WithilIt miles off the County Town Doderich. TEEMS ;made - rate. Apply to JOHN EDWARDS _On tee pre:sates. Doderich Nov. 20, 871. 6 re..." FARM FOR, SALE. 1 OT 20, 5th Con. Goderich Township. .3i4acres of le Land 70 acies tdeared goad Building, 10 acres of Fall Whe it, 6j miles from the TOW.' otG vierieh. Apply to G. M. TRUISM AN Goderielt, or on the premises to DAVID COX. Dedenek, Dee. 13th. 1871. 3m. l'OR SALE. —0- - VOT 5, Con. 4, E. D., Aslifield.reZit- " mining 200 acres excellent land THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will contiuue under the care of Mr. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, as- sisted lay the best writers and poets of the day, who strive to have the literature of THE ALDINE alwaYs keeping with its artistic attractions. TERMS. $5 per annum, in advance, with Oil Xhronsos free, TaE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. .There will be no reduced or club rate: cash for eubscriptions mud be sent to the pub- lishers direct, or hended to the local agent, without responsibility to the pub- lishers, except incases where the certifi- cate is given, bearing the faessimile Big - nature of JA.3.918 SUTTON $ CO. AGENTS WANTED. , Any .person, wishing to act permanent- ly as a local agent, will enceiye full and prompt information by applying to. JAMES SUTTON tee GO., Publishers. 8 Malden Lane, New York. 'TE• IE4TEVir CANADIAN WEEKLY. A LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE- BUB ,bk scriber willAplease pay lip at onca. ABB -ARAM SMniebt.--- Godtrieh, 1 rth Get. 3871. watierea GoderichMarble works Eine AT FAIRBANKS' SOLE WAREHOUSE Fairbanks & Co-, 93 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. . . 311 Broadway, New Yolk. 338 Broadway, Albany. N. Y -}AIRBANIKS,IiRoWN &C 04 , 118 Milk St., Boston. • ". -Fornale by Leading Hardware Dealers. nelletter tIlleedint; _ - • ti ; . eet. e787.7.011010.1meefee • en-, ,enn F'1,11'st PrIzets, " Proite thet-onrenstruesieiitalti .tee opinion ot cord- petent iiidfseff-*.re,-Ingoinparably ?superior to esee others. - 5 2 ' "Tent Fevonrrn" Tssun.-"The Scott, Vanstone & Co., Favorite" will be issued ;- EG TO INTIMATE THAT THEY 1..1VE 1 In weekly numbers of 16 The BEST and CHEAPEST Paper IN AMERICA. -- 16 pages WEEKLY for 2.,09 per annum. "Tat ,Favoumn" Prarr.-We have pleonednout a paper which gives mere reading for less money -than any paper binett .mr,caficaull.er, Wmeorperaiporiteeree rtinfrnmisohrae carefully edited paper, et $2.00 per an- num, than any imported paper which costa you $3. While giving the prefer- ence W Canadian productions, we will give, from advance -sheets, the best stories publithed in England and the lJnited Staten. -We will have the latest and most interesting items relative to the -Farm, the. Garden, the Honsehold, &kali& and Literary intelligence, a column of Wit and Humor, &c. Get a eemple number at the Newsdealers, or write for one. It will be sent free. "THE FAVORITE" Seterit.-The elegant 16 -page quarto form we have adopted, while more convenient for reading in sheets, is alsoreatter adapted for binding and zontains fifty per cent naore reading matter than the unweildy 8 -page folios heretofore in vogue. At the year's end, each subecriber will have a volume of 832 Pages, containing the equivalent of at least 30 fifty -cent volumes, at a ceSt of ONLY TINTO DOLLARS. d anufacturers of the .,t:11 8°F3P"P*t41.8" ANETTE t = ' ORG Containinufilenbnees :Patent Qualifying Tithee their acklichtIodged,braLltobithegreattiatimprovemeni withdrew trot epinpetition,, thus acknowledging other milkers from _theifact Abet at Guelph they yet-introdneed.. •ThelreuperiorIty la conceded by corapete.vdtb them, • Pve.reiestrnment eery inrranted for five years. Send for catalogue containieg fifty different styles of inatruments. `W.13ELLic CO. 9tielph, Oct, 15,18/2, . 1340. ° ' „ 1\1 citstd -A,LLPARTIT5INDt MED TO TRE. Siguira Oleo for Nye& clone previous to the 2Int.Dece last, aro required to:Pay HD AT ON01110 the.,underiii ed - • AIM AK igtelITO„ Goderieh, Feb. 5", '72. sw983w3tf YORKSHIRE Cpty FEEDER. . :kerFattening au. d-Bringingik. tiCa_n dition ,.- HORSES ., 5 Cows, Calves, Sheep and Pigs THE YORKSHIRE e Is ,,,,,,,A andrecommended byfirst-class Wader!: CATTLE FEEDER Stock fea -with it have always taken first prieelit 14.1011ar box contains.200ifeeds. " HUGH MILLER & CO., , ' Price 260. and $1 rr box. Jdiutretsinat,tinleemprourtmillethainuot6rtieatmitin: tkoe,ha*ntdd bsistsauvtetesrioolat 1g67 Ring -St Naat,TurIonto.' °Vet Sale by Drugeiste everywierie legeni. • • ,• pages at eipply to T Le OS. WEATEERALD Engineer end Surveyor (leder/eh, Jan,2ed, 1872. Valuable Property For sale. T OTS Num/ma-858 AND 581 IN TELE TOWN OF Dederich. On Lot '881 is situated asmall Erich Coaege and a lartreframe dwelling 1-lonsetwo stories blob, and on Lot 853 tleeMie alargetwisiEtC.Teri frame ware•hottse whicheouldbe erl lutes Etat ^hiss Hotel et little vistaed °Loa frame PETE. The Lots will be acid dither together -or eeparsto to snit purchaser& Terms made known on application to Wm. ARTH15.13 on the peeMises, or to Maxus .TOIIESTON Doderieh 16 July, Dal swf,St HOUSE TO LET. Irt 0 be let -a rick Hoene with- in eight minutes walk of the Market Square, with 10 acres of ground,lafge orchard, geed well, cistern, woodshed, also, firet-class stable. and every convenience that may be required. F:or particulars apply to JOHNSTON &, BR,O., Or to MR. W. 1). ALLAN. Goclerich, Nev. 7th, 1872. 1343 .IF,COJEt, To Clos e_ Partnership. MIRE SALT BLOCK known as the "Celts:eyes Salt 1 Works" sittated in the Village of lifialtlaintl- ville, in rear of ;MaitlaudYilleEeteL The above block will be sold a bergain to a CES111 easteeese er exchanged for town Or country pro- perty. --Capacity 40 barrels per any. Apply per- sonally or by /Etter to MR. JAMES C. Le eitCleZelle Dedeciela, 1342. VICTORIA COMPOUND ;SYNUP _ HYPOPHOSPIUTES _ _ Vie-OnleByrup preparad item Dr. CbaraillPa Fonniels, lea certilledto be Chem/esilly pure. For the rThvelinGsastra. cup of PUL.1031qATLY CONAVREPTIONI Also for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss ilAppetiteveeneral &a. CERTIFICATE 4i.9 -TO TCE 2tEe.nTICACY. Laboratory, UniversityGoiloge, Tcrento,Bee. 4, 1872. To theVicteria Chemical Co., Gentlemerm-Phave examined tlei,artieles em- ployed in the 'Victoria Chemical Works, in tleo pre - Taxation Of the Victoria Syrup of iElY110.Pheepleittes. The eeveral Elypophasphie used are chernieaily puee, and the Syrup:is -also ATeieefeza !even any iff3- pueltee. 'Your Syruis of Plyptophesp%ites will un- doubtedly prove.a very reign/ire Medicine. HENRY U. CROFT., Professor cif -Chemistry. U. S. Prine 81 per Bottle. Sad by ell Druggists. V I CT Olt A VOMpOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF BUM &UVA A SPe eifie Remedy loran Bie:=.5 of the Bladder arci Si& !Lys; Dr-e.psie.-...1 Ewalt, ocs; Conapiair.es dental to Females; end an Dicearz s of the Uri's ary &gees in either . Try itonee for any of the above Disomiera, and you will be fully convinced. of its pic-cminent virtue:s. Pate°. ripe? Bettie. Sold by all Draggists:-*-- ✓ ICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT. ".The- ming or au Liniments:, - For Rheumatism, Gout; la vs gire, lioryibago. Et:1;24rue Wa;zdering Palos, .5:i faces in the or .Tointe, .s, Browss, /Vuniknees, , S.zreltor,s, Headaii&s, 'Earache, Terrhache, Buy it ! Try Prove it ] Pslee ee cents per Bottle. Sold by all Dry -Wets. opened a branch of their Kincardine , - 5 cents. ✓ ICTORiA 2. In monthly parts of 64 or 80 pages, -NADU - CU17111G WORIlt in a handsome cover, et 20 cents. ,. CliRBOLIC SALVE e N. B. -Subscribers •at $2 will be! ie - ' 11 -WOLTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." A Sped/a fir .Crts, D000as, PVC-tit:3, BeF72.5, Scalds. Boils. Piles, Pimples, Se, cid Chi'oxie Disea.-. `l'es Of the Ain oftsrry cleseripfixa. in the old stand of Mr. A.M. Johneton, vittoklaaL, Gederich, and will bo ab'e to aupply • TOmbsloneb, • " Mantlepreces, • Window Sills, 0 ft' &c a n the best at), le of workmanship and en reentiabl terms. - Y VAVIN STUTHERgi Agont. °oder:Joh 17th Jul). sw934 served. with the weekly issue- for one year, unlesa they specify that they prise fer the monthly. • -"Tele FAY0RITE" MAXIM the Canadiates-whether by birth or, '-ealladator Price 25 Cts. per eettla eoie byild Ihnigiats. adoption. Let us help each other, if we V I CT 0 R IA aepire to be e Nation. "The Favorite" DABBOLATBD . . . ge tune anathan enterprise -Cie; e fiathanan eta conception, it; exeentionnen 4.4.11wIlwirn written; edited, printed • by Canadiant a.na Ian type QM IT TWA IrCIPPORT. F1f214(3' Fin -7*-; 4", 'a:'safcr 0110aalidlan. Paper, vette d. -;toweeerztettietzfel-eef:17:1•eaTle:ceonreeleloezeiroeaS,:tettr:Ac3fV67,0Erretemeovie. ped eiends,".e.Aieettire, F704 23C:c; and SeeeaLips. " Club terms and sample numbers mail- Inicereneneen nett% sae nesatetts. OUR'S ' ed fres on application. / "Th Fa.v " I Groaet esahorpteduceizmii:ndtetytoidlurzt Dominion Teleigraph Institute, Tononto. 'TOILET EGAPS VICTORIA 1 A tkie gide-sn 0-1-60,e, a partial. scholar- ShIpeforS_t colirseof instructtonin the dealers anAtDonBraslis ItailWay treins. Will be sold at rednetion to anyone dextrous if spending *portion ot the winter in' learning telegraphingn and fitting themselves for ;useful and re- . . isponstble on. • = Goderie , 23rd Nev. 1872n IICELBMIATED FOR THE1T. lerNETORM nem. GEO. E. DES13 ARATS, TY AND EXCELLEYCD e_vma,...N. Publish& of the FAVORITE, eke Ca. naTor,4 cAnBour SOAP. ad' - ust t Publique and .VEtendaid National A wovERINE, 4(41,7E1'4 EosE,Azzu 144 111 Z'a ed Ne" L'OPinion VICTORIA SU-LP:I-JUR SOAP. N • ' Via-nonr Antoine St., Montreal 1350 sold Iftzggists, StifiG . , rmes , and 310 St. WINDSOR. eteatee er. tee