HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1873-02-19, Page 3r11 t -r a. 4 • c•• , V. y .--x:-...maTurtm OINITA:g0. MoND‘Y, IIM11 •00, • on'. y S .1 all ort tittle ; 5. w.ts3 or‘ it° t1,0 done% : r• ore‘ittli, t1, • vit t'.14 CroYertin:1•• • '•°;.•7. s,slaion to eene„;,,e, oe• 0 lee al DEn ;Ana uf thPv. 1 .••.‘ letuiern .v'ed an address f . 0•, n of a:1 :..trels or lemeed '•y t •i' ernuient -le! wren ilie first a.,, IS: 1 • ...nil, the present t : • tnotriliers ef ;lb) 11 .rae.s. or to) any et 7 »Inch any treznI•tre of li•••••se %%es a 1. ar:ner, is •an•I 1.41217176C.• t.. cut lee:1.er ...1 tee • ef the CI : and ale,. •ve- Lot, 3:01355 f see.% IA-ere:eq.. (elite m r• -S •s 11 t. • : itelter :dewed i•as :Jos ee 1.) 's ,.q NI: Feu-. .urn's res,‘rt-111': .rt7::•ol :In 1 ef real eel W .11:ireae) to alined the • rie•t ertl enable tole ne e I lee) se-par..ted fi-orn conn: lee to re ene o el • 1•• O.- en% '3'3t' reel 1 a see. '11 `1`• -• • r4. f: t ae t.. t• r: 1 1 I -I 1:1 1 r,:••••1,i `,1 1.17 ,•7`... 1 t.` r 7`. • ' • 7: • 7r •VS,, ane • f "e 0.. • • e 0 • 1:. t 7. • • • • `A:4%4, 1 r .4' Att MC% • l• 7.. -:3'`. "i• . • ti ;:SC7, Of • ••• • • -• • • - s f the t.teer by t.. i; 11.0,e . • s531 ti ter-. 3- • .' • • e:rete 1, to. reit : •• . sti.d ‘i •••.D:cts . r f • :1 : 3, 5‘ se: • • 4., N :e • \ • . • • N : ey • • rt., • • .,e s L • :- ,• • . • .,.• e M- ese's ••. eent. . • _ -1.1 I rev :n '.t•Ase••• 3°- ette -Lin; •.f ", c t:. • c. :1 Wee:- , .• :e • the Su "o:1. aael nev- • d. 7," . 7.11%. t give ,, alae ▪ .4313 nt +tn.:I:Pent 7. filet : _ erse uf :,:s IL. e •4 1.t g. me to f r .1.- • s the Il al. A. , e• .f•eme 1 hen that he e en les a ty- . 1 ;rey. eni inquired '3 n what -.3 :lee new a larereee- .:,-.n was es e • tee l'reten and other 1,o:et-lenient wh: le Mr. 313.K -.r replirel • .- I t...e •V3:1wee .• . 3t. -.•t" : .7 , o. -re em . ▪ 7.17.•!tri.7.• ....L.- 1; ••••.: AS • .•• • • t'r neee.e•-y- J .13 Hot. .. e h • ?Iedee • r J• • 1 5 Le te 1 male ..... 0.7 • • „„. . • : .11 .1 eon- , . .7. -•" e_r tft • f .'o(1 Les.. tite • iire . . ▪ b eek 7 5, i•lt• el the f'. - . I ad always b .l..1 nese • ' ... te'ttr.ied t..''j.':,.,.3• 1'31 c-.1,:,•°...tur thv no of this _ province shall be granted Special Notices. IMPORTANT to THE SICK. Itto 1 411 111110 as the sent !mule 11:t r to ilt•t"1 e \ antl stir. • ; Yee tel, aril a fell rep 00 of the 4 I. - .1O 1 ti 44,11111Y Of to Il11 1401. 9:1•14Witi n ' ti ltstr tI1 re .00. toe..th I.:t til • • " s 111111 At. A., . - itavgrot. AND 1113. I1N (•••,,m1,1)„1.5 • 1 .1 1101014:h Iniolvledge of the 00 lit 5100 01•0111ti011m diges. Dr. MeCIJiaLOUGR, tall Ile CELEBRATED EUROPEAN 0,11.011 t.'n 555.5 „1, e, .„, .,,, i et• a earetul to Ileation tot IOM's of the chief cities of Eilig d Dili t413Willtda14384"O'f mill li ‘ii,i, k‘ 0 tile i.01 • el i .04,4,1 co 051 Ali, -E--D- — and American Physiniat iitainnorant of the Hos• 3!ta,50:11115TII: itt71'1,,,, .,,,IIII,,1, •,,,,t i , 1 s:01. t.t1,5.,101,01.:1 0 1.1,:lti'l,:in,; It;J:,s opr‘r,, .d. 1 . :,. 1.1,, 1,7, i.,,a :a liles will ti delicaftu; i r , 41 Mu. Dominion of Canada, will , „ .sii: , 1\1 '":037i:.;„,' 2,•8'1,10tr,e0',:,81',143Lt,111E'irall 'lee' cif):1.,IY p1:::1e, jula'tnalnlye°;:se ir ::: d. e:ih ca h Professionatbi en .'teeti• t• t. • - • opt f„r , i mime it '1 los tor li,:',:.' '• ': ', 141 e 0 t III' , ,1 1 , ,n CI • n 1 11::1:Ntr:::"1:.1 11:2 '::: 1::):::: 11:::::*'''l 10 .;;•,,,,tv,... ts t . • .s. i ,.. 1101111D0P0Alle chandsta. ermia- 11- And may be consulted lit tl 1 t•I le ef t ' i te t 10 , • t. "It(' will now give nu Fl ALBION HOTEL . .0 • • 1 • I 1,l` 1'001 I 1 1' • t„ 1" f.,r I )ett', 'volts* 11 1. 4P9 t't t' • 1.• •• i• I ttN of di • • • • limos , Li then work-. ' " 't t Letts articles, at From mond en; ! tee la e eon " lite ti,t• sene• el: 11 have been eoititented ; _ - By aa who are suffering from — b, • Ili, 1 11,0‘ lit tItis Motion llt. llati ell lio NIC "LINGERING DIS RASES, Sueb as Consumption; Bronchithi,.Aattinta,Catarrit, and all affections of the Chest, Throat, Heart, Ner- vous Debility, Scrofula, Ulcers, Liver Compitiut, of Rheumatism, Sklii'Diseases of all kinds no m tt ei on of how long standing. Dropsy, Chloroli end can. their guar • t not purchasing spurious nweleines cers of the worst stage, without the IUD' of the knif*. which as my genuine "Hollowar's 1 And all Blood Diseases, Salt Rheum. Dyspepsia pin, ami own)," rertaln intividuals, of I Epileptic Fits, orralling Sickness, Apople. tic Fits' 'into tor it t ▪ trading (for the last few or Loss of Sense and Motion, Ninlysis hiettenhart' months 0M, nmicr the. stria of the "New yin}, Chorea,or St. Vitas' Dance, Scurvy,Goitio, or Thiell Chemical i'..mpa ." b very artifice is made use Neck, Abscess, Tumors. of by them f• s• the purpose of imposing upon the predie; eee 0.... All Digeases of 'tho Ey 3 and wort, e ilevtually to 4eeei,,e, they area,ted Successfully. ru: .33th Feb. have the in their advertisements, to is- sue ['inns Eai Ins:names of Children, from infancy to adult A ran3 ne the :1011tIllrIlt•ti debate on " A•1, A• • r' has tempted imprineipled age* treuted 31'"c"'"4""IlY t • , outdo:Ica thei•te vain:due em, t• 1 to probs.t the pulthe and ourselves 7, os,,ee t . , • • .11 load,Lontfon,y. -014..,r1n ay, February 170 till 1141. Saturday 1st March, 1873, _ 104, .1 'sr 1,, 1.!.,,t 114, C •inittisioner Scott C.." ..1. d T I' I 0!, - for Ine ree.er s tle ..f tho timber larele, 1 PRAIJDS ABROAD lint Ite a ie!ttel it to le. delleitelv settled i whether any t '1•11,11isti.,11 ,r,. no matter 1 T BEG nie.t ....0... 'hely to vanhon. the plidle !low n el: n..'01,17tiot..,a %X l ' 11 the Sllbjedt, 1 tte It: it bh .1 et th Amertean Provinces to be %%Ai te here Ise' - '•'f "`'111"4,-vI"t tit lee of (*U."'• :';1. autaonty ,ront the Ilevese 31r. Se•.tt rtT•i.sd. Ac;er reeves s lino further retain° nett!, v.; %%ere of. t .•t 3Ir. letkert. cox - de .relle tee p Cif the (a...eminent 315 sel"ete eta 313)',0t• .in the 11 e•:11 s'tere tf lloirn, 33-1315 resten- le• 11 ea. 31r. Se et. Ile con t ended - Ca It 17 v..ss • can)reatent for the ae,,eremenr 1, a; the I.tee Huron 0 1 . -1. " T. 5. .• see leeeens'ix Darns axn ?dap- — 5e1111114: 01111111MR ts of all kinds and deseriptions, whether Acute or Chronic, will be treated success- fully. N. 11.—If you are suffering from any , f the above .: ,,-1:, !i0.,,,,::::•:„.i a sew • I rade Mark, o . ,ii Cm ,1 lo of sorpent with HIP diseases, do not demy, but visit the Poctor at Once, so. that you inay have the benefit ot 11,8 4•11re and " lei • • : ti ,,, ! ,a • centre li:very liox a Immijne tieniment anti In' restored to health the sooner. I ,•5 ,.030 03'-- l'i 1 0 5 CID OINTMENT' Will flare '' th.• •1 ..: . i.,ik on it. N.7.no arc genuine Goderieh, Feb.-Pth, 1873, ' 13.5t3b• r, .1, 15 •011. 11 ..•(‘‘." 1 3.'10 Of the' 's 1. 3,0 ive 10,,w,•t• ' INSOLV.ENT AC -T OF 1869. ......e.t. t'ee t•:s., ..: e • Ceitneil. From e se , e• a • ...e ., i: I , AND OINIMdENT. 1,:.-.°, t , 17..9 nt',,r 11 .. ,.. ,ti kid 11 'en oli- ... i, -.„•!' • '.. •idAlstr.le arl• manufacture1,‘ j JOHN GREEN, SAMUEL PETERS .. 0"e .1, 1'. ' .lc 11-'y been for InOntha. We ! AND GEORGE ROBINSON -.les i el, •,I. t1,, r3. .3.- whi, le with the " tee a •••• . ...ia., . re. ! • A3 : '11 rs,A.1-, C,'St SI:el.:W. and - ,..,,, ••..: ea• any dal: eblpurchasers a.t-s or Dy,ileragtiusto s the ld ; Plaintiffs. lle 31 s111 '.: t hi.!It. t' 0 t' 'III '.'N' IVOIllti haVe "stx • .•: r .,!: , 1,15. 2.1A:..10t1 1.,i 11 in ,iO4 III:, :1•1.1Ci..1111 ex- 4. 1,,.,... ,,', . ! *0 ill be reee I Yeti with thanks "5, 13010. • .• I , pa, I, mitt at tent ion to the new ROBERT MIDDLETON, - 1- . ee. 0• e roncerning any sneh goods Defendant. , ,,,,,, 4... In 5•1- \ . ,. A :01: 1 ,.‘eo.orittions; be- , A As eteliaicut infertile- ..,,-, .,,, A :•,• ..0 1,1 10 those counterfeits.l. •• iv,. t .3 ti... f 1 y •.r of all the information you A' Wri't of A ttaehment has issited ia this .- .3 'II in 3%..1, p r in, ilt to justify the n N7 le. 0. ••. ; lie ie aware that your laws do CallSe. 1 c.,•:., I .1111.0" till' precise getting np of JOHN 31ACDONALD, innyt etee';ii'.; : t !..,..i 7,1.351-1,t,,,te...-1,.,een.."1,7intit:taenteoitelite.; • Sheriff's Office, Goderich, i 'flier,. n Is mere information eiree Sheriff CO. Huron.. elle. lie a As letelereeta he e desire to Olntineot in .• .1:.,... f-rto, at d that that they adopt n. tr:ers. :toi.1 t*.t:Lt tutincol "hint to order a Nrw 1 ''.' • 1. ee ,..". in stating that the' &PM ',• 4 • ,• , lo IllAke Ill, 1110 l'ills and . i 1356 1, --1- , 5th Feb., 1873. —7 thts sa*.o. .Mr. 1) • • • 'II said that he palle`;',!'.1;7"; •!.'.1.'' :::1' :lei 1,y the seeatiehl 5.1ac. blind the 9'5'' 01011 1:•,v,•tirw•nt - itt the 3Inskok0 a nee,. • •,e-mentionei "Chemical Com - t Itit id Pringle of New York, of my kledieines. Beware of TA.K E NOTICE 1%0° tl. • ' .1-ern:tient were wee , • Cr t key is attempting to sell 111 — . • I tonneee .••• o; eild b rlois- 011, ,A,' 11.11 the Government w tit f the meetine of the II else. vstch 'e..nly once a year, for er e'est.et to. e..1. Mr. Wd oo 31 s tel th • immeese importance of •les steel,.,•• lS !Ili •ient :ipology fur 10 lenve ••f ti :le etven (11S551534. 34''13.0 taa•lee.er .leay of the conntry. lie a .ae 1.1 , ••1°'I•ree't; 01 1. by • 'le •- 335• 5e•.•03.13es: eler ae substarttia. i •r. • f tae e•1•eted by the San- tiel 1 NI eel .0 ernment. 0.'11 Yet, °,1 1 ..,1- t., in future eed. be the Cr..wn v 1. . 1. eel Direct '1 o': TI.erefete •• Is • eir dut01. t.) re• .330t3.'3.1100 ..f 111..t° 11)11)Iva-taut ree t'i • : e•• r will net •re ti ober iet 51155 It0..7,, .••. Itt0.r :e.1 Chemical Company has dared ; to say (josI 1 os., , cry large MIMS 01 money in the 0 Unjust st it, s, bat is the fact ? A newspaper agent eley,•....1 44,01,,,13 my know legde or consent. and lov e..31'int w :110 a party who held a limited power of at ,r au order to advertise my inedieno•- 7,1 s .151 America for three Nears, Ds the eNtent •L1 1,1 2,.m. Ile then sold his claim t virt • ..:ot .1 r. terrt•ti by the court to a friend ot ton _ t0, 715dg...rent acainst Ille 10 the amount .151 441tiell he said he could have nvole i. .1 t Ike, sters to repudiate this tran.t^ .•ntto-t it came to my know tele., -••• i.,••••ent will soon be set asi.lo. It eann,t • I am sure, that I owe a tent to tny o• • 7' • • I ...old not immediately -pay. The:,nth tt loot -ver in the statement that. "'.r a' r 0 1 ., \1''11coOr perS:Ms 10 use my name • 7 1.0 Ptil4 Joel Ointmeat.although • THAT AN APPLICATION WILL • be made to theLegislature of Ontario at the present Session, and also to the Legislature of the Dominion ef Canada at its next Session, for an act to incor- porate a Company for the construction of a Railroad from some point on the Outario and Quebec Railroad in or near the Township of Maavers throtigh or near to Pon Perry, Newinarket, Orange- ville. Arthur and throttgli to Guderich en Lake Huron. JOHN FOWLER. January 31st, 1873. . 1356-8t ; • pr.tetitlett 1.0-01 me 1,, 1151- • 1, • . •' • t1.. 1 w.; • .- t t• th t, Itottlil it e0•51e 10 -le o • • 78-• • t: t• . .1 1•;•.•13- neeeesery • .r • • .• e • - •._ • r .714. :t0 t•Pill -r • c,. • • • • i 7i i• think he 1i • .:•.. ee ant: et that pie- nt • •, .: e fevr er : 1- : 1 '1• in 51 315' Pr.•pestel Nt• • . 7 1.• r. - eero eirtitini• • •1 t9 N 7 1 • o Ho poi 1,11: • " '1 •.1 • r• '•a,1 Is *lit to mu,..t • •• t teest • • . . .°71°.e bills were el'ebee cen-THOMAS 1101...I.0!AT , -"13.01ti lober polio. 533' (1- • . 1,72. .7.. 0: .3 •:*:1 11 1,r, el,: -1.1 he strongly 1. •,13.. 1 ,s ,s1 seliie of the • ere '.lr Pee ..•.• eeerevedeof t1. lee,: • •:..y. It e elle have tht• ▪ • •I • ee, '• .1i, a !U',3section oc ✓ (h. '•0 01' t5;35'55 en the nerth shore of tee r eet•:03.e.e11, while 'every ereevati et hal I.•.en iken to prevent easte. Mr. Weed itrerie) defended .vern '1115'I', :VI 1 nieved an ainend- eierit. • t:tie 11 eiSe approves of the t....• 7.... ..f ler licenee ..1 the 55 0,3133. In eel) anee uf settlement f the pureeee pr eareine settlement, erel 3j095')01553 .,f the. regala.tions hitherto in feree and aeted npon,, of not granting license fer new timber berths ef the unserveyed territories until sec- tions *,f tarrit• nee where such berths are te ;be alletted. hare been surveyed, so fer prael'aceble and required by the public interests." After some remarks by Mr. Corby in fa.vor of the original reselutions, and,Deruche and Paxton on the ether side, 31r. Carnerop attacked tee ,vernrnent 54,)licy. 31r. Lauder [novel an amnr en-lineto the amend- ment which condemned the recentaales withen: the consent of Parliament. Mr. Fr te. meve.1 the a ljeurnment of thic lehaes whelt was etneed, and the House ▪ ••trn el at 12 o'clo.,k. Fezety, I4th Feta Rea. Mr. 11.,.v tt ineved that this n Flos-a wi:I. on Tues.ley next, resolve itself into a cionmittee to consider the fo.lewing -reselurien :-“Titat the pro - con° rte.:: be t we -01 the Inspeater of 1 Priseris reed Asylums and the Canada Car Company, res!eictiret the labour of prisoners canfined in the Central Prisue, tMe: I .15 receive the cenety ranee- of Eleuee.'' He explained the circurn- st tnces conneetei with the making of the contract and stated that though. auzhority was given te the Government n ; 11 o ift-r r Ot•••,•1 that spurious ine•li- • 7 1.: ! in my name, that he 13.55 1181110 and adareas ot the •aot- tlt •t I 11150% tor he 31.5 tsie proeee.linesit,tains• tme,te 11.1SOluels• my in. to -nano. . •,... t.. believe th It he .. 011g. sp ,rnms intitati,rs 053 , : me by sending to 1,:.r.,rt do at a eost tf 5511 the book. oftitstruetians : • . s t,. ot the lowest : ..•,•`tes of not less than ;., periltizen Mixt, tit • • •• •,• 1. r which remittanees . .e Me:11, in, s are riot t; no, Co.:pane .)lediciiie- Slipup. *,11i the • Lt., 1 _)initnriit, Lon ,r• • s ..f aenenent. llth. That • by Act of Parliement to hire the labour .e so froy the e -tel Lexis fal-e.ly re- 1 of the prisenere he had thought it better Job Moses' Periodical Pills. reeented 3.. eerne, ,,f the elect. re that 1 to submit the final contract to the house — rats INVALUABLE MEDICLNE is UNFAILING hel p:edee free: Mr. Bleke thet if before si'eming it. After some discus- _ ie the cure of all those painful and danzerous- CANAD-i PA.I1N. DESTROY.- gAb . S.e. F.13111.1" MEDICINE, IT IS 1•• well and faverably kru,wn, relieving theii-an is from pain in the Side, 1: On -1 1155(1, Coltfihs, 1', °I. Bruises, i,e the Stunutch, eholera M.., 1).s, /de ry, Bo tvel : Is. Burns, ,I,/, Frost Bdes, r The Cansdi P tin Destroyer has now been be- fore the psi. r A r,J11, of time, and wherever aged in . 1, ; f irog in a bingle instance to give per..10. 70• ;.. t when timely used, and we have ncver s a di....atiafaction, where the te...N.rly followed, hut on the contrary. all a e tt.,1 with 15•1 operations, and speak in 17,e toil:est tentia of ite virtues and Magi• cal etteet. 0i°8 %re ik fry:: eyper;enee in the matter, having teste4 it an.I therefore those who are •tiertnit, .1 the -complaint. for which it is reeorip, Lie 1,1: ,)°,.pei, I upon it being a Sovereign Remedv. The a.ormi.1,,n,.; etti•anv of the Canadian Pain De- stroyer in *rt.: lr• d.001••••• for whieh 51 15 reemn- mewled .0nd :3, 0, .71 ele-ts in subduing the tortuntu, 1.1,7 ii..atism. and in •relieving Nervo7is A '3 . ci.:.:]•• it to high rank in the list 00.11.• 0%. 01,1••;,, are in from 3Iedicine Dea1or.,••• ••• or the country for further sup - pies, l0 lit; as to the universal satis- farti•mi! ; The I ..t.rnver never fails to give 'tamed; A11 Me,lieiLe Dealers keep it as r ;11-1 13-e it ; and no family will be ••••• it. Cents per bott le. 01.1 Gederech, by Gen. Cattle, F. Jordan; Gardiner. Re Co' Bay field; Jas. Bentlann, Rogerville; J. Pickard. Exeter; H. Cdrebe, Clinton; S. Secord, Incleeow:::. Hickson, Seaforth ; and all medieineelealers. Goderich, Dec. 39, 187I. w 50 g - - - - •-_ THE GREAT FEMA -LE REMEDY ' • — tl.ey -ep•rted *Mr. Diekey th-y W111141 g• ! t:le berieit lit4 valuation, and to seet.e. f the elec:ors thet he heel a like pledge &ern t'ae g ,vernment. and to some af the electors thet if they did not sup - pert Mr. Dickey they would be treated I as satisfied wt,h the original price of their !etude, and by eneh and lik.e misre- presentations endeavored unduly to in- fluence the e.ecturs ; and that such con -1 duct is deserving of the severest repte- liension. 12th. That Lewis was not anthorized by any person to make any i sne1. representations, and• neither the ; Government nor any individual other ; then Leteis himself lain any wise mower- abl e slid that he mevel1 these resolut wile on aecinint of the. fre- ; Tient aelusi.Ins made to the subject by the other si•le of the House. He con- dernmed the conduct of I...rw.e mest re- , prehensible, and he did hot te.,:irler that I Mr. Lauder had matter be- sion, in which the action of the,Govern-! deem:. s to which the female constitution ie stih;ect. men t was critieised, the motion was car- - moderaten an excess and removes all obstructions rte.'. In order to • epedite business, and a speedy cure ma- to •!Idled on. Hen. Mr. 3Iowat moved that during the TO 31.1.RMIED LADIES remainder of the sessien, Government order: on the notice paper shall' be calle I on private days after the other orders have been diseosed of. It was agreed that the eranting of a sum to es- telelieh an IneCriate Asylum, together with the question of a site, plans, &c., should -be taken up on Tuesday. A rumber ef bills were advanced a stage and the House adjoutned at 10,25 o'cloek. • rorst.ta Mgerivo,--onrsnant td alionrnment. i --the Council met at 3erwieles Temperanee HOJ1AP Feh. a. All the inernto,4 present Movei ho ij•ty; .eeonded William Bed_ that the Cs• le ° john Mecary and George Diekson be paid each 10, their service, and their bond. he 4. liyet.ed rorth•vith bv the "lerk. atee 52%; AJ. a :ty•-• he passed relative to • t•=e duties of Tavern I -t and thP rezit Wong of taverns. The !Wens. for the rinsent ve•tr tieing see. the Tavern _ frooect ort at next nieetiny those taveririls hav1/27 the Se•.' a, sominodatioe. Moved in amen ,•iese Jatrr, •0001e,1 by Willi= Bell. "L'77.-7ST_Or...CY117E71537 tl.at the tavern Imense his year be 340, and that CONFOUND • 10! to:lowing parties be authorized to receite 4• t317:hetvJerimbUisjiilinl'?egr8l: preTinTralr:nw irst ahrronesotrianbgi vdis"Paacske ndo,vi sipeldagyeedd bbyy thio on presenting the msnee,nr'seertifle SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPNITES szcon-le,1 "..!i1711 111. t J.irinbes' Fence v cy...ersv.f:o r 1 S73 -‘..:•erri..d. Move dsrephirPitliultetrenr:li : and the rapidly increasing gate is the • . b- !Iowa!! aml Samnel SiniD medieal freultv in every section where it has been other. la t,t- ef 'tr.,t, be allowed to do best guar intee of the estimation in which it is held the'r ...atnte Piltor in ma% in.r tiol-watks on the road by the opposite their plareg, and Viat James Snarling be' The. tlyrap will cure Pulmonary consumption in m.,ve01 by Milian] BA. the first and second stages : will give great relief seconded by %. Kerr, that WaVer Turnbull he find prol.,,dttIilfryeriingittlit3e Intnt,vii,c11 euro Atthma. atit:,nrized to c'e tr the sid.. road 20 and 21, Con.. 14, arrinehit Coughs have 43*7.3)3010 t rae.c revIv itv un...1. for which triet he is to imv,. the tiothPr !hereof far his labor the Spleen. Dyspepsia,- Wickets, Feeble from .t . riariner's fen°. tO W M. Gar Inees c,,ilertfkamil,,cini,sieNis:rs,.;:ori,,giFflaortieneg. pfri,nn. at.vagutannotadfrgklelnum.seegiennitilaeorrf -raceirpl. Moved by A. Ke -r. secondeA by Win. action of the Heart, Local and General Paralysis, - reel, deo peier spading. nr. Hmith and Wm. AtOronia o Loss of Voice. It will cure Leueorrhoea • canipheii bp appointed a board a health for this Cleorosis, piano& and restores the blood to purity 7 township, that a by-law be Paseed therefor, and $4 he paid to earl' foi their serviees--Carrnal, Moved bv James Days, seconded by Wm. Bell, that the persons appointed parhmasterg on the gravel road north of .4.aporth, and be instructed to call ont all those 'lege to perform statute labor under theirinrisdi, ifIT• immediately, to Clear and leeel the ,o3.1 lass ible for termini. the Cleric notify- ing them forthwith, viz :: Thomas Lapslie, on Con. 1 and ; Hobert Govenlock, on Con. 3 and 4 ; GPO Dorr-nce. Con. 5 and. 6 -Carried. 31ovrd by James Hays, ammo:lad by A. Rerr. that Samuel Smith be paid the euro af ;32854 ag per agreementbetween the Council and Stabh in the suit between Smith and Johnston. bein7 half the expenses incurred in said stilt, provided he delivers the bond relative thereto —Carried. Moved by Wm. Dell, geconded by A. Kerr, that. the Wove beanthorized to proceed forth- with to GorIcrieh to examine the vouchers of school ORR week, one day.and ft may be too late,Consumy- moneys. paid for the County apportionment in 1808, tion with its long train of soaks is wanting to carry to correct an error 're atm thereto still exieting- rn; 60 eft ohere1°.°"°°1° of it6 imanY Illetinz2 who have „156w can you stop It.? Where is the . r.,rought tilt: - fore tue fionee ; but an investigetion I leaving been held. tee thought it was on- ly Lir for a, mealber of the Girverninent at. the time that the House s!-Iell pro- nounce a distinct verdtct. It tee -s no,t a cese ` a verdict of LkOt proven, but one of positive acquittal. Therefore he in- trrptgiced his rezolutions. Hon. Mr. Ca neron thought the rum- lutions gere irreptlae, and thet there • ts fro prece,lent for their intred uction • said the report of the Committee hael not b.rien bran.ght before the H .nee, and t Fiat tue correct. method won1.1 hive been t • om,-. c.3 the evidence tcf) anew e JAIlnit tee. whose report coald be presented. He exce.ption VI the case OD !EY merits. prt Beth,rne ‘Veli s, ()liver, Wcoti (Vtotoria,), Wood (grant), and :_others supported plie resolutions. Messrs. Boultbee and Lauder took the oppos:te vie% ani litr. layliert held that the re- port of the committee of last session iihJuld have bean adopted. l'he first resell:lion' was then put and carried. .The other rerolutiow were moved en czbl.:e.c. when amendments were also mov- ed -first for the .adoptien of the original report, and seconaly to. alter the pare - graph stating thct Lewis had ceased to 6 the pay of tha Government when he went _ Grey. Both amendments vera voted &VD, and the resolutions of Hon. Mr. Mowat adopted without a-• mendraent by a voto of $9 ;to 17. The Nonce alliourned at 2:2;:t A', M. 17.313,NEen47',112th Feb. After rontine proceedings Mr. Sindarrasvedanaddress.forall espenses ineurred by tile appolutment of the Prown Outraio Committee. Curial. mr, scan (Goy) asTi:ed t((hat action they intendto take in.easeff wherothe settlers on sel3o0L lands aro unable to pay for them, or sithercsich liande. have beTu, fauna on inspeetron ba rforlor qualftvana no& worgl: the_price for rilzicta thoy ortqhaally 091a. lien. Mr. Scott. MO was fa:andel under the e5reurnatanee5lo remit oncath, of the =Toy, gr, Scott (G• key) asirc.ei what, levgth (12 tune for 6 tx,°ifina of payment • payrnent, a ..,. v • . vtat ha alltoersi to 40t VICO 02 Crown • tan•te esheh have bat inspe,:ted, an.4 i the prieo tO Ci1ez7b, eitil GATOrliffilOilt .-. 1llat-00., tOirj,,,,, am, Mr. Scott said- i eat tl'iv.wa t7,i-s, PIG rcir.:vlation a present f --, I -IP -nit Cia(rXi, . Ho 1, vita re4oreuea • tt16 ',„.;tufez,i51z) (brI3e1 I upon trg) va:C,30 1.11,4 P• .ykert Irawca;41131•". That fi0Tafter lienises • cfr olr°4-•°-°. ur,T.,12 p 134411 It is pecietarlv suited. Xi will, In a short tune, bring on the monthly period with regularity. hese_Pe'n ,1L.vf tint takenby Females during the FMST THREE MONTHS of Pregnancy,as they are sure to 6riagon .111scarriagt.%t at any othertime they are safe. in all Cmots Ner•MV,,a,ld Spinal Affections,Pain Jn ihe Back aml Limbs. Faii 705555 055 slighterertion•Palpi- 'anon of Iso heart, ystenes. and Whites. these pins willeffect a care whatt all other means have failed. •and although a powertte r donot contain iron. ealomel, antimony, or anything hurtfulto theeousti- iion. Ful 'direr:11On. in the pamphlet e round each package which Am, Id be carefully preserved. 805 1503.E.Z. :CHNV YORE, SOLZ PROPRIETOR. 1.00 and 121, cent. for postage, enclosed to Northror k Leman. Newcastle. , general agemui for the ,)orninine,will 'metre a bottle containing pee, SOr 116 oe return mao. • . RT RUP & LYMAN Newesetle, vV.,genere agents loeVanaer • ../` siz•Id in G,eterich by Parker • 0attleand V Jordan Gaidincr or Co., Rayl' rid ;Jae. 'erilloim. }Inge: vi ff.; J Pickerd,h reter J. H. reonee, Minton. e.s eord,Lucknow; E. Thek: Tnfl • 1. Medicine I/call-re. and health Sold By _Aoothecaries. Price. 81.60 Six for 87 00. JAMEF I. FELLOWS, CHEMIST 8T. JOHN', B. Goderiel Sept. 4th 1871. STOP THAT COUGH DON'T DELAY, Carried, JuIll% O'SULLIVAN, Clerk. H. DUNLOP Merchant Tailor, WEST ST,REETf, GODERIoll, AS received bie Fell Stock of Goods nod is prepared as itsitatte make all hinds of Garments in the most fa.shioni. able styles and at theloweet rats. • (4-enbg 2-Putiratt4iings of all deeerintione constantly on band • remedy? Allan's Lung Balsam can produce more evidence of real merit than any other article for the purpose. • It is sold every- where by Druggists and general Store- keepers. Read the following extract from a letter received from Mr. S. E.' Burwell, a well kno'w merchant of Ontario. Messrs. ARE& DAVIS & Sox, Dear Strs.-Last autumn I Was suf- fering from a severe. cold which settled on my Lungs, and prochiced a distressing cough for which I gave trial to a numbe ' of Cough Medicines but- without ally benefit, T at Aust. tried one bottle ALLAN`SLUNG BALSAM,WIliell IMO happy •0 ha able $0 afategave almost immediate•' reilef sail nerformed 4 perfect cure in a short time. , • A CALL RESPEUMLI,V some/Tao. ." • roun trulYt S. H BtrwrEEr,.. Will be kept on band during the Winter pop.„ 187A 1349 NEW ORO !ERIN James Brackenridge f AV1NG bought. out Mr. BOL - •11 LOCK'S Stock of Groceries and Ade(' very largely to them, is new in a position, in the same stand, to sell Grocei ies, Provisions, CH -EAP OR CASH! A Large Stock of Crockery, and - On hand, and selling at reduced prices. Bound to Sell Cheap GOOD BARGAINS IN Raisins S.7 Currants. Everything that can unally be found in a Grocery Store can be found here. Do not fail to 'call and examine goods and prices, if you wish to save money. J A.S.- BRACKENRIDGE, I nelternember the stand, corner of 1 North Street and Market Square. Goderich, Jan. 61h, 1873. 1351 DOPINION GARRIAr E NV(.311.1-itz. R. J. WHITELY & Co rt. J. WHITELY, JOHN KNOX are now manufacturing. Phmtens Buggies and • spiing 'Waggons1 rrhich for appearanee and durability cannot tat gar- pra.sed, and are securing the patronage of all who want a first-class article, Cr All Work Warranted. • CARRIAGE TRIMMING nail its branches well and tastefully executed, wit), despatch, under the snpenntendenee of Mr John Knox (formerly of Hanolton)mne of the firm. _ LUMBER WAGON, Orders in this line eacef!illy attended to, Jobbing and Repairing. 8triet attention paid to orders entrusted to us N 13...Inspection of' the work now being turntel ou is earnestly solicited. Goderich lat May 1871. 7 The Hespeler SEVVIIG MACHINE IS THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE A ND gives universal satisfaction, it is L2 the most simple, durable•and the lighiest running machine now made (of the cheaper kind) and wilt sew much heavier material than any ether, it is just. what the fanners have long wanted and is warranted in every ease and kept in repair free of charge for one year by the company. Take my advice and buy no other. I am also agentefor all kinds of Agricultural Implements. J. W. WEATHERALD. West Street, Goderich. 1354. 1 THURBER'S ROYAL ANTI - FRICTION BABBITT METAL. ",..PATITICULARS, THURBER METAL, No.1, Is for Homy} Bearings and Railway Car_Boxespe eer lb o 4. No. 2, is for Packing Rings and Journals running at high velocity 30c per lb. " No. 3, is for Ordinary and General PurposesMyer lb CANADIAN -METAL, is for Cheapness, andbetter - than ordinary Babbitt 20c perlb. PHILADELPHIA METAL, is avert' fine Metal -at the ?dee i5e per lb. Large quantities of the Thurber Metals have been used during the past Ten years. They hate been thoroughly tegted and pitted against all other Me- tals, and finally have become almost exclusively used hi all the lame Lumber Districts, nigh as the Gearelea Bay. and Saginaw Valley Saw Mills, Northern Railway and Lake Slincoe Mills. Peter- borough, Lindsay.' Port Hope, Trenton, Belleville, Napalm, ,Broakville, ottawar )(entreat, Thiee Rivers Quebeeeand Montmorenol ace., as well as in all the Principal Foundries and Manufac- tortes, Railway Shops, Steamboats, Propellers, For Sale everywhere in the Dominion at the above Prices, , F. P. G. TAYLOR & 00., •Toronto, For sale by H. GARDINER 85 00., Agents for goderIch. Nov. lfrth, 1872 1344 • OYSTERS AT b. FERGUSON'S, D IREC1. FROM _BALTIMORE, Sold by the Measure. • Alt orders promptly attended to. • Goierieh,,21st Oet.l.S72. nip% Oak, ¥4,r0b4.., . beams. OOR c 4 Godrrich, 28th Jan. 1873. Con Licit of Advertised Letters pEMAINING in the Goderich Post 'Li° Office, llth February, 1873. ncieenee Isabella Miss McCarron Michael MePhie Mrs. O'Rourke Jane Potter D. Pierson L. Mislt Brown Alex Belfry Jacob Brown James Baker John Cohen M. A. i ox David Donovan Catharine Pierson W. , Dempsey Walled': Papa Wm. Edwarns O. H. -. . Rieutrel W. George r:dwards MI s. Margaret Robertson J. (#11;Roberteen John .v‘lary Miss I' kins V. A. , Riyerden Mary Wm ayaeli ytizatteth Miss Reid Mrs. Roche Sarah Miss Sake Gussie Mies Scott S. James ' Spence John Capt. estmons Jeriste Mise States Lucy In Havman _Mr. Stevenson Robt. s& Hunt. eorge Healy it. George efutohil. 13•argreave George )inteinsas John Hedger Ann Mary Miss Hmeetou Thos, Harping li John Jo -nes Mr. Hardy Samuel Struthers Wm, Sutherland Wm. Johnston Mr. Thompson W. D. I ewts Hiram TemetalLS. Klinkliaminer Mathew Wdson John Maitindal. James wnsoa Atm Sarah Washburn Robt. W Major ti W. ilson A. Miss Iiictinirt Andrew .V.ePhse Alexander Hughes James RegisSered McKinnon ringh Byrne D. T. Capt AR°14'D DICKSON, *1859c Postmaster. 1- srucrs EXTRA, MACHINE OIL Hag been in general use for the paat two years and giving the best satisfaction, as may be seen by tes- timoniais from many of tbe leading houses in Ontario. ft will not congeal in the coldest weather, nip tueretore suitable for the lightest andfastegt, as well as the heaviest machines in use. TESTIMONIAL From teeeesepn Hall Machine Works, shows. I consider StoeVe oil cheerer at $1.00 per gallon, than olive oil at 50 cents. Yours respwuney, F. W. GLEN, ?resident. For sale only by G. H. PARSONS It CO., Hardware Merchants, Goderich. SOLE AGENTS, 1312. THE Very. Thing Wanted NEW HARDWARE STORE In GCODERI011 OPPOSITE MARKET HOLI3E. SIGN Of THE CIRCULAR SAW TiMilitiCRIBERS BEG TOSAY THAT THEY have just e.ompletedopening out an Entire NeW and COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDW ARE. of allkinds which will be eold at prices that defy competition. Before pnrchasilig elsewhere. Please givens* can. B. -List of Goods soldenext week, L LPARSONS &CO Opposite The Market -House G °dal% Sttrd 1871s sw87- G. it PARSONS & Co. HARDWARE' MERCHANTS, MARKET SQUARE. GODERICA. Have for Sale MINK, FOX, and other tram CROSS CUT SAWS, MILL SAWS, WOOD , SAWS, AND -BEST OF HAND SAWS, OP - PING AXES, V . GOB MAKERS LND PRICES. BOY'S AXES, HAND AXES AND BROADAXES. COW TIES OF SEVERAL KINDS,' • LOGGING CHAINS OF ALL SIZES, GLASS,PITTTY, 'WROuGHT AND CUT NAILS &e. And &large auortment of all kinds of1 10 -A11. -113W A.IR 10, At low. prices for C ASH. Opposite - MARKET HOUSE, 4 • G H PABSOM k gra fii094411, Xor. 28,184 Tat `g1Tr'ga,4 `gpuapoo V, mi <1 u, til p 1- 0 o o 44 0 = q It 4 a., , ...., . , ti , 5 tt w 2z 0 tz SB tri tl i____I.1 .• 0 al; tz D2 Lli s'ai. W ° g n 6z p 1-5 =., g u/ Q tr.:1 titii 77d 0 Q 0 0. . 0 a to4 c_t. ...• 1-1 O ai-A td g' 4 . •1 ti"2.1 6;' o 01:1 P X C = tz 0 e+ ri ot ij ..71.j.j c z - cp • cz .71 • ti - H t' 0 , cp 0 = 1•4 '.ic, g O c- 0. 1...t • 0 0 1.342° g n ....• e, a) r5)1 er. till 0 al, ,-1 Pra t m n 2: 1 ci m•e)- rD r4 ?:) tli tit'l ,,. 1-3 iP•1 irn P;o. ril r 0 IN' ima aigm-e* :3 CO tailml r-.• ti F-2 tt B P 0 Pa cp c - \ 2.0 st) 5 Great Clearing Sale OF - Boots & Shoes At Cost arid less than Cost FOR 30 DAYS AT THE RED STORE. MENS' WOMENS' dr, CHILDRENS', in every size and quality. Remember this is the greatest Boot & Shoe Sale of the Season as we are de- termined to CLEAR OUT THE LOT AT A. GHEAT REDUCTION. JOHNSTON & BRO., NOTED FOR CHEAP GOODS. Goderich, Jan. 2811), 1873. 1354. W.Az Jo rEPIIir LLAVE.1E1ECEIVED rrnis -in() IN rr Silk Velvets, 24 and 30 inch. ,Silk Repps and Poplins, • Twilled Flannels, 'White and Scarlet, liubias, White, Scarlet and Black, Coloured Turquoise, different shades, Sash Ribbons, Cord and Watered, White Brussels, NetliMuslin Lace, Green Kid Gloves. Goduioh, , BOOTS & SHOES. 4FULL supply of every description of Blank Books, consisting of DAY BOOKS,1 LEDGERS, JOURNALS, CASH BOOKS, _MINUTE BOOKS, MEMO.kANDUM BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, POCKET DIARIES', POCKET BOOKS, MONEY WALLETS, PURSES, drc., NOW 1N STOCK, AND OFFERED AT T. -lowest rttes TO CASH PURCEIASERS, *fr., DIOORHOUSI'S. • Gonigiell, Jan. 13111, 1.873, N(30-.11I(C3E. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF GODERIGH and:the Townships of Huron and Bruce Counties. The Mniticipal Election Law now being' very stringent it is contrary to Law for a Candidate to solicit a vote. But we ask you one and all to call at our ES- tablishment and buy a warm comfort. able Oveecoat. We have a large Stook on hand consisting in part of DRESS OVERCOATS Canada Grey Overcoats with capo and Hudson Bay Overcoats. As Christmas and New Year are past eve wish to see the Winter Clothing ping in order to poolset the cash. Pea Jackets, Dress Coets, Pants and Vests, all colors and shades, Boys Clothing in suits, Boys Pea Jackets a.nd Hudson Bay Overcoats, Hats and Caps of the Latest Style, Shirts, Drawers, Carpet Bags, Mufflers, Collars and Ties, a largo and well selected Stock of !road Cloth, Cassimere, Doe §kin and Fancy Tweeds a hich we 'will make up to order in First Class Style, or sell by the yard. The above Stock will be sold Cheap for Cash as the Bailiff is at the door, we prefer to sell Cheap ourselves to prevent him coming any further. Cutting done free of charge. ABRA.HAM SMITH & Co. Next door to J. Band's Drug Store, Market Square, Goderich. December 21sf, 1872. Canada Yarns and Hose, Also -Felt Overshces Mesh Fruits. 9thDeat, 1347 a a SELLIFG OFF I, SELLING OFF! J SALE IMMENSE CLEARING' BOOTS SHOES. 441133_, _ --0-- P„metre. (14'',114.1 1115 gebseriber hag commeneetlhtudees flj I. the above line, in the akOp OP1155170m.is CLIFFORD'S BARNEY,- where he le prepared to do an work with ;WW1 .b may be favoured. REP A I RaINIG IDONE WITH NEATNESS AND !DESPATCH. OALL SOLIOTTZ.D. WM. SHARM. Goderich, May 20th. 1872. =2400 EXCELSIO R True Blue :Grocery. YATES & SON have much pleasure in announcing to their miner - one customers, and the Pane that they have re -opened arid replenished the above Grocery with a good stock of general and family Greeerica CONSISTING or TEAS, RAISINS, TOBACCOES, COFFEES. CURRANTS, SYRUPS, SPICES, RICE, BRUSHES, SUGARS. PEEL BROOM Also Butter Bowls. Pails and Tubs. They have also on band- a fine stack 01 China Sets, Stone Ware, Glees Ware, Crockery, Lamps and Chimneys. Flour, nod and Provisions, all of which will be sold Cheap as the Cheapest fo cash or produce. Now is the time Sir Bargains, Next Door to Jordans Drug Store, OPPOSITE 'THE MARKET. TATES & SON. Goderich. 11551 June 1172, 1321 Stoves! Stoves! EVE TRoUGES AND CONDUCTING PIPE • CISTERN PIINIIFS1 JaRAD PIPEl3, &O. IP.A.NtYY lEg X MiT WIT irt • • 01' rrHE Subscriber wishing to retire 'L from the BOOT and SHOE Busi- ness, will sell his Large Stock compris- ing some 6000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes AT on, FOR CASH - Now is the time to Get (...ii-ood 13a,r,g,aitus, As the subscriber just means what he says. P. S. - All accounts must be paid without delay. SAMUEL PURSE, Sign of the Boot, Market Square. Goderich, 13th Nev., 1872. 1344 Wanted to Sell °EtY TENDER OR OTHERWISE, ” Stock of a C4-exh.era1tc•re. (about e4000) belonging to William Gordon, St. Helens, Ont., who is re- tiring from business, will rent Premi- ses for term of years. Apply to WILLIAM GORDON, St. Helens, P. 0. February 6th, 1873. 1356tf COAL OIL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0:".• Coal Oil Lamps, &a. Old Iron. Copper, Brass, Wool Pickings and Sheep Skins taken in exchange. J. & J. STORY, giar Sign ofthe Large Coal Oil Barrel Goderiehe Aug 16, 1870 awl ATTENTION. 111 PARTIAL LIST of goods for sale at Parson's & Co's new Hardware Store, opposite the Market HOMED. NAILS, GLASS, PUT`TY, CARPENTERS TOOLS, SPADES, BO)VELS, sc yaws, FORKS, GR.AIN CRADLES, MANILLA ROPE, HEMP AND RUBBER PACKING, LEATHER BELTING, allsizea, WHITE LEAD, all prices. BOILED AND RAW OIL, BLACK OIL, MACHINERY OIL. TURPENTINE, And all kinds of For Sale Cheap, G. if. Parsons & 0o. lOpposite the Market House, Cal-OroMMIC1-1 June, 28. 1871. THE EMPORIUM. J. C. DETLORA Co., Beg to advise that their new stock is now complete A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OF M'a I:PR-M.3/9MS; SPX...END' .L1 La LIN ES OP BUICK SILKS, BLACK BARATHEAS, , BLACK COBOURGS, BLACK & COL. FRENCH MERINOS, PILES OF SCARLET. FLANNELS, FILES OF BLANKETS, PILES OF WINOTES. kIAIJ 13 Or) G -I -IT BEFORE THE RISE. FULL LINES OF BOOTS &SHOES. TRY OUR 69 CENT Mt. J. C. DETLOR & CO. IL GARDINER. H. GARDINER & CO., GENERAL DEALERS IN ra".EVICOIATAirtE OV AJLOLAKIINADS PAINTS, . GLASS OILS, COAL OIL AND t'UTTY. COAL OIL LAMPS. A' Nice Variety ot Plated:Ware. HARDWARE of all kinds in endless variety, and a the %Lowest Betsy, REMEMBER THE PLACE, aorta SIDE OF 1115 GODERIM Goderich, July 23rd,.1872, 1327. 13 • • 55 • •